( function ( $ ) { op2geojson = function() { var instance = {}, geojson; instance.fetch = function(url, callback) { $.getJSON(url, { format: "json" }, function(data) { // List all of the returned nodes var nodes = []; $.each(data.elements, function(i, item) { if (item.type === 'node') { nodes[item.id] = item; } }); // Add nodes and ways to the layer var features = []; $.each(data.elements, function(i, item) { if( item.type === 'node' && item.tags != null ) { features.push( instance.point(item) ); } else if (item.type === 'way') { features.push( instance.lineString(item, nodes) ); } }); geojson = instance.featureCollection(features); callback(geojson); } ); }; instance.point = function(node) { var point = { "type" : "Feature", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [node.lon,node.lat] }, "properties" : {} }; _.extend(point.properties, node.tags); return point; } instance.lineString = function(way, nodeArray) { // Get the node coordinates from nodeArray var coordinates = []; for (id in way.nodes) { var node = nodeArray[way.nodes[id]]; coordinates.push([node.lon,node.lat]); } // Create the LineString var lineString = { "type" : "Feature", "geometry" : { "type" : "LineString", "coordinates" : coordinates }, "properties" : {} }; // Add the tags _.extend(lineString.properties, way.tags); return lineString; } instance.featureCollection = function(features) { collection = { "type" : "FeatureCollection", "features" : features }; return collection; } instance.geojson = function() { url = "http://overpass-api.de/api/interpreter?data=[out:json];node[amenity=hospital](52.34,13.3,52.52,13.6);out;"; instance.fetch(url, function(data) { return data; }); } return instance; }; })( jQuery );