(define-module (guix-qa-frontpage view issue) #:use-module (srfi srfi-1) #:use-module (ice-9 match) #:use-module (web uri) #:use-module (guix-data-service web sxml) #:use-module (guix-qa-frontpage issue) #:use-module (guix-qa-frontpage manage-builds) #:use-module (guix-qa-frontpage guix-data-service) #:use-module (guix-qa-frontpage issue) #:use-module (guix-qa-frontpage derivation-changes) #:use-module (guix-qa-frontpage view util) #:use-module (guix-qa-frontpage view shared) #:export (issue-view issue-package-changes-view issue-package-cross-changes-view issue-prepare-review-view)) (define (issue-view issue-number series branch mumi-tags base-and-target-refs create-branch-for-issue-log comparison-link derivation-changes cross-derivation-changes builds-missing? change-details comparison-details systems-with-low-substitute-availability) (define tagged-as-moreinfo? (member "moreinfo" mumi-tags)) (define debbugs-usertags (assq-ref series 'usertags)) (define derivation-changes-counts (assq-ref derivation-changes 'counts)) (define cross-derivation-changes-counts (and cross-derivation-changes (filter (match-lambda (((system . target) . derivations) #t) (_ #f)) (assq-ref cross-derivation-changes 'counts)))) (define links-div `(div (@ (class "large-screen-float-right")) (h3 "Links") (ul (li (a (@ (href ,(simple-format #f "https://issues.guix.gnu.org/~A" issue-number))) "View issue on issues.guix.gnu.org") ,@(let ((merged-with (assq-ref (assq-ref series 'mumi) 'merged-with))) (if (null? merged-with) '() `((br) "Merged with:" (ul ,@(map (lambda (number) `(li (a (@ (href ,(simple-format #f "https://issues.guix.gnu.org/~A" number))) ,number))) merged-with)))))) ,@(if base-and-target-refs `((li (a (@ (href ,(let ((branch-name (simple-format #f "issue-~A" issue-number)) (base-tag (simple-format #f "base-for-issue-~A" issue-number))) (simple-format #f "~A/log/?h=~A&qt=range&q=~A..~A" "https://git.guix-patches.cbaines.net/guix-patches" branch-name base-tag branch-name)))) "View Git branch"))) '()) (li (a (@ (href ,(assoc-ref series "web_url"))) "View series on Patchwork")) ,@(if comparison-link `((li (a (@ (href ,comparison-link)) "View Guix Data Service comparison"))) '()) (li (a (@ (href ,(string-append "mailto:control@debbugs.gnu.org?" "subject=" (uri-encode (simple-format #f "tag ~A moreinfo" issue-number)) "&body=" (uri-encode (string-append (simple-format #f "tags ~A ~A moreinfo" issue-number (if tagged-as-moreinfo? "-" "+")) "\nquit\n"))))) ,(if tagged-as-moreinfo? "Remove moreinfo tag" "Mark as moreinfo")))))) (define lint-warnings-div `(div (h3 "Lint warnings") (table (thead (tr (th "Change") (th "Linter") (th "Message"))) (tbody ,@(if (and comparison-details (not (assq-ref comparison-details 'exception))) (if (eq? (vector-length (assoc-ref comparison-details "lint_warnings")) 0) `((tr (td (@ (colspan 3)) "No lint warning changes" (br) (small "(for lint checkers that don't require the network)")))) (append-map (lambda (package-warnings) (filter-map (lambda (warning) (let ((checker (assoc-ref warning "checker"))) (if (string=? (assoc-ref checker "name") "derivation") #f `(tr (td (@ (style ,(string-join `("border-left-width: 0.35em;" "border-left-style: solid;" ,(string-append "border-left-color: " (if (string=? (assoc-ref warning "change") "new") "red" "green")))))) ,(assoc-ref warning "change")) (td (span (@ (class "monospace") (style "display: block;")) ,(assoc-ref checker "name")) (p (@ (style "font-size: small;")) ,(assoc-ref checker "description"))) (td ,(assoc-ref warning "message")))))) (vector->list (assoc-ref package-warnings "warnings")))) (vector->list (assoc-ref comparison-details "lint_warnings")))) `((tr (td (@ (colspan 3) (class "bad")) "Comparison unavailable" ,@(or (and=> (assq-ref comparison-details 'exception) (lambda (exception) (and=> (assq-ref comparison-details 'invalid_query_parameters) (lambda (invalid-params) (let ((target-commit (assoc-ref invalid-params "target_commit"))) (cond (target-commit (let ((error (assq-ref target-commit 'error)) (value (assq-ref target-commit 'value))) `((p ,(cond ((eq? error 'yet-to-process-revision) "Yet to process ") ((eq? error 'failed-to-process-revision) "Failed to process ") (else "Unknown issue with ")) (a (@ (href ,(string-append "https://data.qa.guix.gnu.org/revision/" value))) "revision"))))) (else #f))))))) '()))))))))) (define package-changes-div `(div (h3 "Package changes") ,@(if (or (not builds-missing?) (eq? #f systems-with-low-substitute-availability) (null? systems-with-low-substitute-availability) (not comparison-details) (assq-ref comparison-details 'exception) (and (null? derivation-changes-counts) (null? cross-derivation-changes-counts))) '() ;; TODO: Only show (and apply) this if it relates to these ;; changes. So just look at the systems relevant to the changes. `((p (@ (style ,(string-join '("text-align: center;" "font-weight: bold;" "padding: 1rem;" "max-width: 46rem;" "border-width: 0.35em;" "border-style: dashed;" "border-color: red")))) "Builds for this patch series not yet submitted as " (a (@ (href "/branch/master")) "master branch substitute availability") " is low for: " ,@(append-map (lambda (system) `((span (@ (style "font-family: monospace; white-space: nowrap;")) ,system " "))) systems-with-low-substitute-availability)))) ,(package-changes-summary-table (let ((revisions (assoc-ref change-details "revisions"))) `((base . ,(assoc-ref (assoc-ref revisions "base") "commit")) (target . ,(assoc-ref (assoc-ref revisions "target") "commit")))) derivation-changes-counts (string-append "/issue/" issue-number) %systems-to-consider-in-issue-status) (h4 "Cross builds from " (code "x86_64-linux")) ,(package-cross-changes-summary-table (let ((revisions (assoc-ref change-details "revisions"))) `((base . ,(assoc-ref (assoc-ref revisions "base") "commit")) (target . ,(assoc-ref (assoc-ref revisions "target") "commit")))) cross-derivation-changes-counts (string-append "/issue/" issue-number)))) (define prepare-review-section `(section (form (@ (action ,(simple-format #f "/issue/~A/prepare-review" issue-number))) (header (@ (style "padding: 0; margin: 0;")) (h3 "Mark patches as reviewed") (p "This feature is for people other than those involved in submitting the patches to record a review, which will highlight that these patches should be ready to merge.") (p "Here's a list of common things to check, tick them off as you review the patches:")) ,@(map (match-lambda ((id label) `(div (input (@ (type "checkbox") (id ,id) (name ,id))) (label (@ (for ,id)) ,label)))) '(("lint-warnings" "Are these changes not adding to the lint warnings?") ("package-builds" "Do these changes not cause packages to fail to build?") ("commit-messages" "Are the commit messages written well?"))) "New packages" (div (@ (style "margin-left: 0.4em;")) ,@(map (match-lambda ((id label) `(div (input (@ (type "checkbox") (id ,id) (name ,id))) (label (@ (for ,id)) ,label)))) '(("license" "Is the license information complete?") ("package-tests" "Are package tests being run (if available)?") ("synopsis-and-description" "Are the synopsis and description well written?")))) (div (label (@ (for "notes")) "Notes to include in the review") (textarea (@ (id "notes") (name "notes") (rows 5) (style "width: 96%")))) (button (@ (type "submit")) "Prepare review")))) (layout #:title (simple-format #f "Issue ~A" issue-number) #:head '((style " td.good { padding: 0.05rem 0.65rem; font-weight: bold; border: 0.3rem dashed green; } td.bad { padding: 0.05rem 0.65rem; font-weight: bold; border: 0.3rem dashed red; } td.pending { padding: 0.05rem 0.65rem; font-weight: bold; border: 0.2rem dashed blue; } div.bad { padding: 0.05rem 0.65rem; border: 0.3rem dashed red; } .tag { display: inline-block; padding: 0.25em 0.4em; margin-left: 0.25em; font-size: 75%; font-weight: 700; line-height: 1; text-align: center; white-space: nowrap; vertical-align: baseline; border-radius: 0.25rem; background-color: var(--color-accent); } ")) #:body `((main ,links-div (h2 ,(assoc-ref series "name") ,@(map (lambda (tag) `(span (@ (class "tag")) ,tag)) (or mumi-tags '())) ,@(map (lambda (tag) `(span (@ (class "tag")) "(guix) " ,tag)) (or debbugs-usertags '()))) (h3 (@ (style ,(if (string=? branch "master") "" "padding-left: 0.2em; border-left-width: 0.3em; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: orange"))) "For branch: " (code ,branch)) (ul ,@(map (lambda (patch) `(li ,(assoc-ref patch "name"))) (vector->list (assoc-ref series "patches")))) ,@(if base-and-target-refs `(,lint-warnings-div ,package-changes-div) (if create-branch-for-issue-log `((div (@ (class "bad") (style "width: fit-content;")) (h3 "Unable to apply " ,(if (= 0 (vector-length (assoc-ref series "patches"))) "patch" "patches")) (pre ,create-branch-for-issue-log))) '())) ,prepare-review-section (div (h3 "Badges (work in progress)") (img (@ (src ,(simple-format #f "/issue/~A/status-badge-medium.svg" issue-number))))))))) (define (issue-package-changes-view issue-number derivation-changes query-parameters) (package-changes-view (simple-format #f "Issue ~A" issue-number) derivation-changes query-parameters)) (define (issue-package-cross-changes-view issue-number system cross-derivation-changes query-parameters) (package-cross-changes-view (simple-format #f "Issue ~A" issue-number) system cross-derivation-changes query-parameters)) (define (issue-prepare-review-view issue-number query-parameters) (define (escape str) (call-with-output-string (lambda (port) (sxml->html str port)))) (define checkboxes ;; Form field name -> text in the email `(("lint-warnings" . "Lint warnings") ("package-builds" . "Package builds") ("commit-messages" . "Commit messages") ("license" . "New package licenses") ("package-tests" . "New package tests") ("synopsis-and-description" . "New package synopsis and descriptions"))) (define email-text (string-append "user guix usertag " issue-number " + reviewed-looks-good thanks Guix QA review form submission:" (or (and=> (assoc-ref query-parameters "notes") (lambda (notes) (string-append "\n" (escape notes)))) "") (let ((things-checked (filter-map (lambda (param) (if (and (member (car param) (map car checkboxes)) (string=? (cdr param) "on")) (assoc-ref checkboxes (car param)) #f)) query-parameters))) (if (null? things-checked) "\n\nNo checks recorded." (string-append "\n\nItems marked as checked: " (string-join things-checked ", ")))))) (layout #:title (simple-format #f "Prepare review - Issue ~A" issue-number) #:body `((main (p "Like patches, reviews are submitted by email.") (a (@ (href ,(string-append "mailto:control@debbugs.gnu.org" (simple-format #f ",~A@debbugs.gnu.org" issue-number) "?" "subject=" (uri-encode (simple-format #f "QA review for ~A" issue-number)) "&body=" (uri-encode email-text)))) (b "Open mail client to send review email")) (p "If the above link doesn't work for you, the contents of the suggested email is given below, and can be sent " (strong "to control@debbugs.gnu.org and 66195@debbugs.gnu.org")) (pre ,email-text)))))