diff options
1 files changed, 198 insertions, 188 deletions
diff --git a/guix-qa-frontpage/view/issue.scm b/guix-qa-frontpage/view/issue.scm
index 68ed8f1..fc5915d 100644
--- a/guix-qa-frontpage/view/issue.scm
+++ b/guix-qa-frontpage/view/issue.scm
@@ -24,6 +24,200 @@
(define derivation-changes-counts
(assq-ref derivation-changes 'counts))
+ (define links-div
+ `(div
+ (@ (class "large-screen-float-right"))
+ (h3 "Links")
+ (ul
+ (li
+ (a (@ (href ,(simple-format #f "https://issues.guix.gnu.org/~A"
+ issue-number)))
+ "View issue on issues.guix.gnu.org"))
+ (li
+ (a (@ (href
+ ,(let ((branch-name
+ (simple-format #f "issue-~A" issue-number))
+ (base-tag
+ (simple-format #f "base-for-issue-~A" issue-number)))
+ (simple-format
+ #f
+ "~A/log/?h=~A&qt=range&q=~A..~A"
+ "https://git.guix-patches.cbaines.net/guix-patches"
+ branch-name base-tag branch-name))))
+ "View Git branch"))
+ (li
+ (a (@ (href ,(assoc-ref series "web_url")))
+ "View series on Patchwork"))
+ ,@(if comparison-link
+ `((li
+ (a (@ (href ,comparison-link))
+ "View Guix Data Service comparison")))
+ '())
+ (li
+ (a (@ (href
+ ,(string-append
+ "mailto:control@debbugs.gnu.org?"
+ "subject="
+ (uri-encode
+ (simple-format #f "tag ~A moreinfo" issue-number))
+ "&body="
+ (uri-encode
+ (string-append
+ (simple-format #f "tags ~A ~A moreinfo"
+ issue-number
+ (if tagged-as-moreinfo?
+ "-"
+ "+"))
+ "\nquit\n")))))
+ ,(if tagged-as-moreinfo?
+ "Remove moreinfo tag"
+ "Mark as moreinfo"))))))
+ (define lint-warnings-div
+ `(div
+ (h3 "Lint warnings")
+ (table
+ (thead
+ (tr
+ (th "Change")
+ (th "Linter")
+ (th "Message")))
+ (tbody
+ ,@(if (and comparison-details
+ (not (assq-ref comparison-details 'exception)))
+ (if (eq? (vector-length (assoc-ref comparison-details "lint_warnings"))
+ 0)
+ `((tr
+ (td (@ (colspan 3))
+ "No lint warning changes"
+ (br)
+ (small "(for lint checkers that don't require the network)"))))
+ (append-map
+ (lambda (package-warnings)
+ (filter-map
+ (lambda (warning)
+ (let ((checker (assoc-ref warning "checker")))
+ (if (string=? (assoc-ref checker "name")
+ "derivation")
+ #f
+ `(tr
+ (td (@ (style ,(string-join
+ `("border-left-width: 0.35em;"
+ "border-left-style: solid;"
+ ,(string-append
+ "border-left-color: "
+ (if (string=? (assoc-ref warning "change")
+ "new")
+ "red"
+ "green"))))))
+ ,(assoc-ref warning "change"))
+ (td
+ (span (@ (class "monospace")
+ (style "display: block;"))
+ ,(assoc-ref checker "name"))
+ (p (@ (style "font-size: small;"))
+ ,(assoc-ref checker "description")))
+ (td ,(assoc-ref warning "message"))))))
+ (vector->list
+ (assoc-ref package-warnings "warnings"))))
+ (vector->list
+ (assoc-ref comparison-details "lint_warnings"))))
+ `((tr
+ (td (@ (colspan 3)
+ (class "bad"))
+ "Comparison unavailable"
+ ,@(or (and=>
+ (assq-ref comparison-details 'exception)
+ (lambda (exception)
+ (and=>
+ (assq-ref comparison-details 'invalid_query_parameters)
+ (lambda (invalid-params)
+ (let ((target-commit
+ (assoc-ref invalid-params "target_commit")))
+ (cond
+ (target-commit
+ (let ((error (assq-ref target-commit 'error))
+ (value (assq-ref target-commit 'value)))
+ `((p
+ ,(cond
+ ((eq? error 'yet-to-process-revision)
+ "Yet to process ")
+ ((eq? error 'failed-to-process-revision)
+ "Failed to process ")
+ (else
+ "Unknown issue with "))
+ (a (@ (href ,(string-append
+ "https://data.qa.guix.gnu.org/revision/"
+ value)))
+ "revision")))))
+ (else
+ #f)))))))
+ '())))))))))
+ (define package-changes-div
+ `(div
+ (h3 "Package changes")
+ ,@(if (or (not builds-missing?)
+ (eq? #f systems-with-low-substitute-availability)
+ (null? systems-with-low-substitute-availability)
+ (not comparison-details)
+ (assq-ref comparison-details 'exception)
+ (null? derivation-changes-counts))
+ '()
+ ;; TODO: Only show (and apply) this if it relates to these
+ ;; changes. So just look at the systems relevant to the changes.
+ `((p (@ (style ,(string-join
+ '("text-align: center;"
+ "font-weight: bold;"
+ "padding: 1rem;"
+ "max-width: 46rem;"
+ "border-width: 0.35em;"
+ "border-style: dashed;"
+ "border-color: red"))))
+ "Builds for this patch series not yet submitted as "
+ (a (@ (href "/branch/master"))
+ "master branch substitute availability")
+ " is low for: "
+ ,@(append-map
+ (lambda (system)
+ `((span (@ (style "font-family: monospace; white-space: nowrap;"))
+ ,system
+ " ")))
+ systems-with-low-substitute-availability))))
+ ,(package-changes-summary-table
+ (let ((revisions (assoc-ref change-details "revisions")))
+ `((base . ,(assoc-ref (assoc-ref revisions "base")
+ "commit"))
+ (target . ,(assoc-ref (assoc-ref revisions "target")
+ "commit"))))
+ derivation-changes-counts
+ (string-append "/issue/" issue-number))))
+ (define review-checklist-div
+ `(div
+ (h3 "Review checklist")
+ (p "This is just to help anyone reviewing the changes.")
+ ,@(map
+ (match-lambda
+ ((id label)
+ `(div
+ (input (@ (type "checkbox")
+ (id ,id)))
+ (label (@ (for ,id)) ,label))))
+ '(("lint-warnings" "Lint warnings")
+ ("license" "License")
+ ("package-builds" "Package builds")
+ ("package-tests" "Package tests")
+ ("synopsis-and-description" "Synopsis and description")
+ ("commit-messages" "Commit messages")))
+ (div
+ (label (@ (for "notes")) "Notes")
+ (textarea (@ (id "notes"))))))
#:title (simple-format #f "Issue ~A" issue-number)
@@ -58,53 +252,7 @@ td.bad {
- (div
- (@ (class "large-screen-float-right"))
- (h3 "Links")
- (ul
- (li
- (a (@ (href ,(simple-format #f "https://issues.guix.gnu.org/~A"
- issue-number)))
- "View issue on issues.guix.gnu.org"))
- (li
- (a (@ (href
- ,(let ((branch-name
- (simple-format #f "issue-~A" issue-number))
- (base-tag
- (simple-format #f "base-for-issue-~A" issue-number)))
- (simple-format
- #f
- "~A/log/?h=~A&qt=range&q=~A..~A"
- "https://git.guix-patches.cbaines.net/guix-patches"
- branch-name base-tag branch-name))))
- "View Git branch"))
- (li
- (a (@ (href ,(assoc-ref series "web_url")))
- "View series on Patchwork"))
- ,@(if comparison-link
- `((li
- (a (@ (href ,comparison-link))
- "View Guix Data Service comparison")))
- '())
- (li
- (a (@ (href
- ,(string-append
- "mailto:control@debbugs.gnu.org?"
- "subject="
- (uri-encode
- (simple-format #f "tag ~A moreinfo" issue-number))
- "&body="
- (uri-encode
- (string-append
- (simple-format #f "tags ~A ~A moreinfo"
- issue-number
- (if tagged-as-moreinfo?
- "-"
- "+"))
- "\nquit\n")))))
- ,(if tagged-as-moreinfo?
- "Remove moreinfo tag"
- "Mark as moreinfo")))))
+ ,links-div
(h2 ,(assoc-ref series "name")
@@ -119,147 +267,9 @@ td.bad {
`(li ,(assoc-ref patch "name")))
(assoc-ref series "patches")))
- (div
- (h3 "Lint warnings")
- (table
- (thead
- (tr
- (th "Change")
- (th "Linter")
- (th "Message")))
- (tbody
- ,@(if (and comparison-details
- (not (assq-ref comparison-details 'exception)))
- (if (eq? (vector-length (assoc-ref comparison-details "lint_warnings"))
- 0)
- `((tr
- (td (@ (colspan 3))
- "No lint warning changes"
- (br)
- (small "(for lint checkers that don't require the network)"))))
- (append-map
- (lambda (package-warnings)
- (filter-map
- (lambda (warning)
- (let ((checker (assoc-ref warning "checker")))
- (if (string=? (assoc-ref checker "name")
- "derivation")
- #f
- `(tr
- (td (@ (style ,(string-join
- `("border-left-width: 0.35em;"
- "border-left-style: solid;"
- ,(string-append
- "border-left-color: "
- (if (string=? (assoc-ref warning "change")
- "new")
- "red"
- "green"))))))
- ,(assoc-ref warning "change"))
- (td
- (span (@ (class "monospace")
- (style "display: block;"))
- ,(assoc-ref checker "name"))
- (p (@ (style "font-size: small;"))
- ,(assoc-ref checker "description")))
- (td ,(assoc-ref warning "message"))))))
- (vector->list
- (assoc-ref package-warnings "warnings"))))
- (vector->list
- (assoc-ref comparison-details "lint_warnings"))))
- `((tr
- (td (@ (colspan 3)
- (class "bad"))
- "Comparison unavailable"
- ,@(or (and=>
- (assq-ref comparison-details 'exception)
- (lambda (exception)
- (and=>
- (assq-ref comparison-details 'invalid_query_parameters)
- (lambda (invalid-params)
- (let ((target-commit
- (assoc-ref invalid-params "target_commit")))
- (cond
- (target-commit
- (let ((error (assq-ref target-commit 'error))
- (value (assq-ref target-commit 'value)))
- `((p
- ,(cond
- ((eq? error 'yet-to-process-revision)
- "Yet to process ")
- ((eq? error 'failed-to-process-revision)
- "Failed to process ")
- (else
- "Unknown issue with "))
- (a (@ (href ,(string-append
- "https://data.qa.guix.gnu.org/revision/"
- value)))
- "revision")))))
- (else
- #f)))))))
- '()))))))))
- (div
- (h3 "Package changes")
- ,@(if (or (not builds-missing?)
- (eq? #f systems-with-low-substitute-availability)
- (null? systems-with-low-substitute-availability)
- (not comparison-details)
- (assq-ref comparison-details 'exception)
- (null? derivation-changes-counts))
- '()
- ;; TODO: Only show (and apply) this if it relates to these
- ;; changes. So just look at the systems relevant to the changes.
- `((p (@ (style ,(string-join
- '("text-align: center;"
- "font-weight: bold;"
- "padding: 1rem;"
- "max-width: 46rem;"
- "border-width: 0.35em;"
- "border-style: dashed;"
- "border-color: red"))))
- "Builds for this patch series not yet submitted as "
- (a (@ (href "/branch/master"))
- "master branch substitute availability")
- " is low for: "
- ,@(append-map
- (lambda (system)
- `((span (@ (style "font-family: monospace; white-space: nowrap;"))
- ,system
- " ")))
- systems-with-low-substitute-availability))))
- ,(package-changes-summary-table
- (let ((revisions (assoc-ref change-details "revisions")))
- `((base . ,(assoc-ref (assoc-ref revisions "base")
- "commit"))
- (target . ,(assoc-ref (assoc-ref revisions "target")
- "commit"))))
- derivation-changes-counts
- (string-append "/issue/" issue-number)))
- (div
- (h3 "Review checklist")
- (p "This is just to help anyone reviewing the changes.")
- ,@(map
- (match-lambda
- ((id label)
- `(div
- (input (@ (type "checkbox")
- (id ,id)))
- (label (@ (for ,id)) ,label))))
- '(("lint-warnings" "Lint warnings")
- ("license" "License")
- ("package-builds" "Package builds")
- ("package-tests" "Package tests")
- ("synopsis-and-description" "Synopsis and description")
- ("commit-messages" "Commit messages")))
- (div
- (label (@ (for "notes")) "Notes")
- (textarea (@ (id "notes")))))
+ ,lint-warnings-div
+ ,package-changes-div
+ ,review-checklist-div
(h3 "Badges (work in progress)")