BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterFix missing unquoteChristopher Baines7 weeks
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2024-10-06Fix missing unquoteHEADmasterChristopher Baines
2024-09-11Update domain for the patches repositoryChristopher Baines
2024-08-31Try to fix exception handling for branch buildsChristopher Baines
2024-08-15Refresh issues less often and reduce the parallelismChristopher Baines
2024-07-12Instrument the time to submit buildsChristopher Baines
2024-07-08Retry fetching branch changes from the data serviceChristopher Baines
2024-07-08Fix the branch package changes pageChristopher Baines
2024-06-27Don't submit powerpc64le-linux builds for nowChristopher Baines
2024-06-25Skip updating derived priorities for branch buildsChristopher Baines
2024-06-25Handle issues with the branch derivation changes dataChristopher Baines