;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU ;;; Copyright © 2015 Andy Wingo ;;; Copyright © 2017 Mathieu Othacehe ;;; Copyright © 2017, 2018 Clément Lassieur ;;; Copyright © 2021 Xinglu Chen ;;; Copyright © 2021 Maxim Cournoyer ;;; ;;; This file is part of GNU Guix. ;;; ;;; GNU Guix is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ;;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at ;;; your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; GNU Guix is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;;; ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;;; along with GNU Guix. If not, see . (define-module (gnu services configuration) #:use-module (guix packages) #:use-module (guix records) #:use-module (guix gexp) #:use-module ((guix utils) #:select (source-properties->location)) #:autoload (texinfo) (texi-fragment->stexi) #:autoload (texinfo serialize) (stexi->texi) #:use-module (ice-9 match) #:use-module ((srfi srfi-1) #:select (append-map)) #:use-module (srfi srfi-34) #:use-module (srfi srfi-35) #:export (configuration-field configuration-field-name configuration-field-type configuration-missing-field configuration-field-error configuration-field-serializer configuration-field-getter configuration-field-default-value-thunk configuration-field-documentation configuration-error? define-configuration no-serialization serialize-configuration define-maybe define-maybe/no-serialization validate-configuration generate-documentation configuration->documentation empty-serializer serialize-package)) ;;; Commentary: ;;; ;;; Syntax for creating Scheme bindings to complex configuration files. ;;; ;;; Code: (define-condition-type &configuration-error &error configuration-error?) (define (configuration-error message) (raise (condition (&message (message message)) (&configuration-error)))) (define (configuration-field-error field val) (configuration-error (format #f "Invalid value for field ~a: ~s" field val))) (define (configuration-missing-field kind field) (configuration-error (format #f "~a configuration missing required field ~a" kind field))) (define (configuration-no-default-value kind field) (configuration-error (format #f "The field `~a' of the `~a' configuration record \ does not have a default value" field kind))) (define-record-type* configuration-field make-configuration-field configuration-field? (name configuration-field-name) (type configuration-field-type) (getter configuration-field-getter) (predicate configuration-field-predicate) (serializer configuration-field-serializer) (default-value-thunk configuration-field-default-value-thunk) (documentation configuration-field-documentation)) (define (serialize-configuration config fields) #~(string-append #$@(map (lambda (field) ((configuration-field-serializer field) (configuration-field-name field) ((configuration-field-getter field) config))) fields))) (define (validate-configuration config fields) (for-each (lambda (field) (let ((val ((configuration-field-getter field) config))) (unless ((configuration-field-predicate field) val) (configuration-field-error (configuration-field-name field) val)))) fields)) (define-syntax-rule (id ctx parts ...) "Assemble PARTS into a raw (unhygienic) identifier." (datum->syntax ctx (symbol-append (syntax->datum parts) ...))) (define (define-maybe-helper serialize? syn) (syntax-case syn () ((_ stem) (with-syntax ((stem? (id #'stem #'stem #'?)) (maybe-stem? (id #'stem #'maybe- #'stem #'?)) (serialize-stem (id #'stem #'serialize- #'stem)) (serialize-maybe-stem (id #'stem #'serialize-maybe- #'stem))) #`(begin (define (maybe-stem? val) (or (eq? val 'disabled) (stem? val))) #,@(if serialize? (list #'(define (serialize-maybe-stem field-name val) (if (stem? val) (serialize-stem field-name val) ""))) '())))))) (define-syntax define-maybe (lambda (x) (syntax-case x (no-serialization) ((_ stem (no-serialization)) (define-maybe-helper #f #'(_ stem))) ((_ stem) (define-maybe-helper #t #'(_ stem)))))) (define-syntax-rule (define-maybe/no-serialization stem) (define-maybe stem (no-serialization))) (define (define-configuration-helper serialize? syn) (syntax-case syn () ((_ stem (field (field-type def ...) doc custom-serializer ...) ...) (with-syntax (((field-getter ...) (map (lambda (field) (id #'stem #'stem #'- field)) #'(field ...))) ((field-predicate ...) (map (lambda (type) (id #'stem type #'?)) #'(field-type ...))) ((field-default ...) (map (match-lambda ((field-type default-value) default-value) ((field-type) ;; Quote `undefined' to prevent a possibly ;; unbound warning. (syntax 'undefined))) #'((field-type def ...) ...))) ((field-serializer ...) (map (lambda (type custom-serializer) (and serialize? (match custom-serializer ((serializer) serializer) (() (id #'stem #'serialize- type))))) #'(field-type ...) #'((custom-serializer ...) ...)))) #`(begin (define-record-type* #,(id #'stem #'< #'stem #'>) #,(id #'stem #'% #'stem) #,(id #'stem #'make- #'stem) #,(id #'stem #'stem #'?) (%location #,(id #'stem #'stem #'-location) (default (and=> (current-source-location) source-properties->location)) (innate)) #,@(map (lambda (name getter def) (if (eq? (syntax->datum def) (quote 'undefined)) #`(#,name #,getter) #`(#,name #,getter (default #,def)))) #'(field ...) #'(field-getter ...) #'(field-default ...))) (define #,(id #'stem #'stem #'-fields) (list (configuration-field (name 'field) (type 'field-type) (getter field-getter) (predicate field-predicate) (serializer field-serializer) (default-value-thunk (lambda () (display '#,(id #'stem #'% #'stem)) (if (eq? (syntax->datum field-default) 'undefined) (configuration-no-default-value '#,(id #'stem #'% #'stem) 'field) field-default))) (documentation doc)) ...)) (define-syntax-rule (stem arg (... ...)) (let ((conf (#,(id #'stem #'% #'stem) arg (... ...)))) (validate-configuration conf #,(id #'stem #'stem #'-fields)) conf))))))) (define no-serialization ;syntactic keyword for 'define-configuration' '(no serialization)) (define-syntax define-configuration (lambda (s) (syntax-case s (no-serialization) ((_ stem (field (field-type def ...) doc custom-serializer ...) ... (no-serialization)) (define-configuration-helper #f #'(_ stem (field (field-type def ...) doc custom-serializer ...) ...))) ((_ stem (field (field-type def ...) doc custom-serializer ...) ...) (define-configuration-helper #t #'(_ stem (field (field-type def ...) doc custom-serializer ...) ...)))))) (define (empty-serializer field-name val) "") (define serialize-package empty-serializer) ;; A little helper to make it easier to document all those fields. (define (generate-documentation documentation documentation-name) (define (str x) (object->string x)) (define (generate configuration-name) (match (assq-ref documentation configuration-name) ((fields . sub-documentation) `((para "Available " (code ,(str configuration-name)) " fields are:") ,@(map (lambda (f) (let ((field-name (configuration-field-name f)) (field-type (configuration-field-type f)) (field-docs (cdr (texi-fragment->stexi (configuration-field-documentation f)))) (default (catch #t (configuration-field-default-value-thunk f) (lambda _ '%invalid)))) (define (show-default? val) (or (string? val) (number? val) (boolean? val) (and (symbol? val) (not (eq? val '%invalid))) (and (list? val) (and-map show-default? val)))) `(deftypevr (% (category (code ,(str configuration-name)) " parameter") (data-type ,(str field-type)) (name ,(str field-name))) ,@field-docs ,@(if (show-default? default) `((para "Defaults to " (samp ,(str default)) ".")) '()) ,@(append-map generate (or (assq-ref sub-documentation field-name) '()))))) fields))))) (stexi->texi `(*fragment* . ,(generate documentation-name)))) (define (configuration->documentation configuration-symbol) "Take CONFIGURATION-SYMBOL, the symbol corresponding to the name used when defining a configuration record with DEFINE-CONFIGURATION, and output the Texinfo documentation of its fields." ;; This is helper for a simple, straight-forward application of ;; GENERATE-DOCUMENTATION. (let ((fields-getter (module-ref (current-module) (symbol-append configuration-symbol '-fields)))) (display (generate-documentation `((,configuration-symbol ,fields-getter)) configuration-symbol))))