;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
;;; Copyright © 2013, 2014, 2015 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
;;; GNU Guix is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
;;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
;;; your option) any later version.
;;; GNU Guix is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
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(define-module (gnu build linux-boot)
  #:use-module (rnrs io ports)
  #:use-module (system repl error-handling)
  #:autoload   (system repl repl) (start-repl)
  #:autoload   (system base compile) (compile-file)
  #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
  #:use-module (srfi srfi-26)
  #:use-module (ice-9 match)
  #:use-module (ice-9 ftw)
  #:use-module (guix build utils)
  #:use-module (gnu build linux-modules)
  #:use-module (gnu build file-systems)
  #:export (mount-essential-file-systems


;;; Commentary:
;;; Utility procedures useful in a Linux initial RAM disk (initrd).  Note that
;;; many of these use procedures not yet available in vanilla Guile (`mount',
;;; `load-linux-module', etc.); these are provided by a Guile patch used in
;;; the GNU distribution.
;;; Code:

(define* (mount-essential-file-systems #:key (root "/"))
  "Mount /proc and /sys under ROOT."
  (define (scope dir)
    (string-append root
                   (if (string-suffix? "/" root)

  (unless (file-exists? (scope "proc"))
    (mkdir (scope "proc")))
  (mount "none" (scope "proc") "proc")

  (unless (file-exists? (scope "sys"))
    (mkdir (scope "sys")))
  (mount "none" (scope "sys") "sysfs"))

(define (move-essential-file-systems root)
  "Move currently mounted essential file systems to ROOT."
  (for-each (lambda (dir)
              (let ((target (string-append root dir)))
                (unless (file-exists? target)
                  (mkdir target))
                (mount dir target "" MS_MOVE)))
            '("/proc" "/sys")))

(define (linux-command-line)
  "Return the Linux kernel command line as a list of strings."
   (call-with-input-file "/proc/cmdline"

(define (find-long-option option arguments)
  "Find OPTION among ARGUMENTS, where OPTION is something like \"--load\".
Return the value associated with OPTION, or #f on failure."
  (let ((opt (string-append option "=")))
    (and=> (find (cut string-prefix? opt <>)
           (lambda (arg)
             (substring arg (+ 1 (string-index arg #\=)))))))

(define* (make-disk-device-nodes base major #:optional (minor 0))
  "Make the block device nodes around BASE (something like \"/root/dev/sda\")
with the given MAJOR number, starting with MINOR."
  (mknod base 'block-special #o644 (device-number major minor))
  (let loop ((i 1))
    (when (< i 16)
      (mknod (string-append base (number->string i))
             'block-special #o644 (device-number major (+ minor i)))
      (loop (+ i 1)))))

(define* (make-essential-device-nodes #:key (root "/"))
  "Make essential device nodes under ROOT/dev."
  ;; The hand-made udev!

  (define (scope dir)
    (string-append root
                   (if (string-suffix? "/" root)

  (unless (file-exists? (scope "dev"))
    (mkdir (scope "dev")))

  ;; Make the device nodes for SCSI disks.
  (make-disk-device-nodes (scope "dev/sda") 8)
  (make-disk-device-nodes (scope "dev/sdb") 8 16)
  (make-disk-device-nodes (scope "dev/sdc") 8 32)
  (make-disk-device-nodes (scope "dev/sdd") 8 48)

  ;; SCSI CD-ROM devices (aka. "/dev/sr0" etc.).
  (mknod (scope "dev/scd0") 'block-special #o644 (device-number 11 0))
  (mknod (scope "dev/scd1") 'block-special #o644 (device-number 11 1))

  ;; The virtio (para-virtualized) block devices, as supported by QEMU/KVM.
  (make-disk-device-nodes (scope "dev/vda") 252)

  ;; Memory (used by Xorg's VESA driver.)
  (mknod (scope "dev/mem") 'char-special #o640 (device-number 1 1))
  (mknod (scope "dev/kmem") 'char-special #o640 (device-number 1 2))

  ;; Inputs (used by Xorg.)
  (unless (file-exists? (scope "dev/input"))
    (mkdir (scope "dev/input")))
  (mknod (scope "dev/input/mice") 'char-special #o640 (device-number 13 63))
  (mknod (scope "dev/input/mouse0") 'char-special #o640 (device-number 13 32))
  (mknod (scope "dev/input/event0") 'char-special #o640 (device-number 13 64))

  ;; System console.  This node is magically created by the kernel on the
  ;; initrd's root, so don't try to create it in that case.
  (unless (string=? root "/")
    (mknod (scope "dev/console") 'char-special #o600
           (device-number 5 1)))

  ;; TTYs.
  (mknod (scope "dev/tty") 'char-special #o600
         (device-number 5 0))
  (chmod (scope "dev/tty") #o666)
  (let loop ((n 0))
    (and (< n 50)
         (let ((name (format #f "dev/tty~a" n)))
           (mknod (scope name) 'char-special #o600
                  (device-number 4 n))
           (loop (+ 1 n)))))

  ;; Serial line.
  (mknod (scope "dev/ttyS0") 'char-special #o660
         (device-number 4 64))

  ;; Pseudo ttys.
  (mknod (scope "dev/ptmx") 'char-special #o666
         (device-number 5 2))
  (chmod (scope "dev/ptmx") #o666)

  ;; Create /dev/pts; it will be mounted later, at boot time.
  (unless (file-exists? (scope "dev/pts"))
    (mkdir (scope "dev/pts")))

  ;; Rendez-vous point for syslogd.
  (mknod (scope "dev/log") 'socket #o666 0)
  (mknod (scope "dev/kmsg") 'char-special #o600 (device-number 1 11))

  ;; Other useful nodes, notably relied on by guix-daemon.
  (for-each (match-lambda
             ((file major minor)
              (mknod (scope file) 'char-special #o666
                     (device-number major minor))
              (chmod (scope file) #o666)))
            '(("dev/null" 1 3)
              ("dev/zero" 1 5)
              ("dev/full" 1 7)
              ("dev/random" 1 8)
              ("dev/urandom" 1 9)))

  (symlink "/proc/self/fd" (scope "dev/fd"))
  (symlink "/proc/self/fd/0" (scope "dev/stdin"))
  (symlink "/proc/self/fd/1" (scope "dev/stdout"))
  (symlink "/proc/self/fd/2" (scope "dev/stderr"))

  ;; Loopback devices.
  (let loop ((i 0))
    (when (< i 8)
      (mknod (scope (string-append "dev/loop" (number->string i)))
             'block-special #o660
             (device-number 7 i))
      (loop (+ 1 i))))

  ;; File systems in user space (FUSE).
  (mknod (scope "dev/fuse") 'char-special #o666 (device-number 10 229)))

(define %host-qemu-ipv4-address
  (inet-pton AF_INET ""))

(define* (configure-qemu-networking #:optional (interface "eth0"))
  "Setup the INTERFACE network interface and /etc/resolv.conf according to
QEMU's default networking settings (see net/slirp.c in QEMU for default
networking values.)  Return #t if INTERFACE is up, #f otherwise."
  (display "configuring QEMU networking...\n")
  (let* ((sock    (socket AF_INET SOCK_STREAM 0))
         (address (make-socket-address AF_INET %host-qemu-ipv4-address 0))
         (flags   (network-interface-flags sock interface)))
    (set-network-interface-address sock interface address)
    (set-network-interface-flags sock interface (logior flags IFF_UP))

    ;; Hello!  We used to create /etc/resolv.conf here, with "nameserver
    ;;\n".  However, with Linux-libre 3.16, we're getting ENOSPC.
    ;; And since it's actually unnecessary, it's gone.

    (logand (network-interface-flags sock interface) IFF_UP)))

(define (device-number major minor)
  "Return the device number for the device with MAJOR and MINOR, for use as
the last argument of `mknod'."
  (+ (* major 256) minor))

(define (pidof program)
  "Return the PID of the first presumed instance of PROGRAM."
  (let ((program (basename program)))
    (find (lambda (pid)
            (let ((exe (format #f "/proc/~a/exe" pid)))
              (and=> (false-if-exception (readlink exe))
                     (compose (cut string=? program <>) basename))))
          (filter-map string->number (scandir "/proc")))))

(define* (mount-root-file-system root type
                                 #:key volatile-root? (unionfs "unionfs"))
  "Mount the root file system of type TYPE at device ROOT.  If VOLATILE-ROOT?
is true, mount ROOT read-only and make it a union with a writable tmpfs using
  (define (mark-as-not-killable pid)
    ;; Tell the 'user-processes' dmd service that PID must be kept alive when
    ;; shutting down.
    (mkdir-p "/root/etc/dmd")
    (let ((port (open-file "/root/etc/dmd/do-not-kill" "a")))
      (chmod port #o600)
      (write pid port)
      (newline port)
      (close-port port)))

  (if volatile-root?
        (mkdir-p "/real-root")
        (mount root "/real-root" type MS_RDONLY)
        (mkdir-p "/rw-root")
        (mount "none" "/rw-root" "tmpfs")

        ;; We want read-write /dev nodes.
        (make-essential-device-nodes #:root "/rw-root")

        ;; Make /root a union of the tmpfs and the actual root.  Use
        ;; 'max_files' to set a high RLIMIT_NOFILE for the unionfs process
        ;; itself.  Failing to do that, we quickly run out of file
        ;; descriptors; see <http://bugs.gnu.org/17827>.
        (unless (zero? (system* unionfs "-o"
          (error "unionfs failed"))

        ;; Make sure unionfs remains alive till the end.  Because
        ;; 'fuse_daemonize' doesn't tell the PID of the forked daemon, we
        ;; have to resort to 'pidof' here.
        (mark-as-not-killable (pidof unionfs)))
        (check-file-system root type)
        (mount root "/root" type)))

  ;; Make sure /root/etc/mtab is a symlink to /proc/self/mounts.
    (delete-file "/root/etc/mtab"))
  (symlink "/proc/self/mounts" "/root/etc/mtab"))

(define (switch-root root)
  "Switch to ROOT as the root file system, in a way similar to what
util-linux' switch_root(8) does."
  (move-essential-file-systems root)
  (chdir root)

  ;; Since we're about to 'rm -rf /', try to make sure we're on an initrd.
  ;; TODO: Use 'statfs' to check the fs type, like klibc does.
  (when (or (not (file-exists? "/init")) (directory-exists? "/home"))
    (format (current-error-port)
            "The root file system is probably not an initrd; \
bailing out.~%root contents: ~s~%" (scandir "/"))
    (force-output (current-error-port))
    (exit 1))

  ;; Delete files from the old root, without crossing mount points (assuming
  ;; there are no mount points in sub-directories.)  That means we're leaving
  ;; the empty ROOT directory behind us, but that's OK.
  (let ((root-device (stat:dev (stat "/"))))
    (for-each (lambda (file)
                (unless (member file '("." ".."))
                  (let* ((file   (string-append "/" file))
                         (device (stat:dev (lstat file))))
                    (when (= device root-device)
                      (delete-file-recursively file)))))
              (scandir "/")))

  ;; Make ROOT the new root.
  (mount root "/" "" MS_MOVE)
  (chroot ".")
  (chdir "/")

  (when (file-exists? "/dev/console")
    ;; Close the standard file descriptors since they refer to the old
    ;; /dev/console, and reopen them.
    (let ((console (open-file "/dev/console" "r+b0")))
      (for-each close-fdes '(0 1 2))

      (dup2 (fileno console) 0)
      (dup2 (fileno console) 1)
      (dup2 (fileno console) 2)

      (close-port console))))

(define* (boot-system #:key
                      (linux-modules '())
                      (mounts '()))
  "This procedure is meant to be called from an initrd.  Boot a system by
first loading LINUX-MODULES (a list of module names) from
LINUX-MODULE-DIRECTORY, then setting up QEMU guest networking if
QEMU-GUEST-NETWORKING? is true, calling PRE-MOUNT, mounting the file systems
specified in MOUNTS, and finally booting into the new root if any.  The initrd
supports kernel command-line options '--load', '--root', and '--repl'.

Mount the root file system, specified by the '--root' command-line argument,
if any.

MOUNTS must be a list suitable for 'mount-file-system'.

When VOLATILE-ROOT? is true, the root file system is writable but any changes
to it are lost."
  (define root-mount-point?
     ((device _ "/" _ ...) #t)
     (_ #f)))

  (define root-fs-type
    (or (any (match-lambda
              ((device _ "/" type _ ...) type)
              (_ #f))

  (define (lookup-module name)
    (string-append linux-module-directory "/"
                   (ensure-dot-ko name)))

  (display "Welcome, this is GNU's early boot Guile.\n")
  (display "Use '--repl' for an initrd REPL.\n\n")

   (lambda ()
     (let* ((args    (linux-command-line))
            (to-load (find-long-option "--load" args))
            (root    (find-long-option "--root" args)))

       (when (member "--repl" args)

       (display "loading kernel modules...\n")
       (current-module-debugging-port (current-output-port))
       (for-each (cut load-linux-module* <>
                      #:lookup-module lookup-module)
                 (map lookup-module linux-modules))

       (when qemu-guest-networking?
         (unless (configure-qemu-networking)
           (display "network interface is DOWN\n")))

       ;; Make /dev nodes.

       ;; Prepare the real root file system under /root.
       (unless (file-exists? "/root")
         (mkdir "/root"))

       (when (procedure? pre-mount)
         ;; Do whatever actions are needed before mounting the root file
         ;; system--e.g., installing device mappings.  Error out when the
         ;; return value is false.
         (unless (pre-mount)
           (error "pre-mount actions failed")))

       (if root
           (mount-root-file-system (canonicalize-device-spec root)
                                   #:volatile-root? volatile-root?)
           (mount "none" "/root" "tmpfs"))

       (unless (file-exists? "/root/dev")
         (mkdir "/root/dev")
         (make-essential-device-nodes #:root "/root"))

       ;; Mount the specified file systems.
       (for-each mount-file-system
                 (remove root-mount-point? mounts))

       (if to-load
             (switch-root "/root")
             (format #t "loading '~a'...\n" to-load)

             (primitive-load to-load)

             (format (current-error-port)
                     "boot program '~a' terminated, rebooting~%"
             (sleep 2)
             (display "no boot file passed via '--load'\n")
             (display "entering a warm and cozy REPL\n")

;;; linux-initrd.scm ends here