;;; guix-info.el --- Info buffers for displaying entries ;; Copyright © 2014 Alex Kost <alezost@gmail.com> ;; This file is part of GNU Guix. ;; GNU Guix is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; GNU Guix is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ;;; Commentary: ;; This file provides a help-like buffer for displaying information ;; about Guix packages and generations. ;;; Code: (require 'guix-history) (require 'guix-base) (require 'guix-utils) (defgroup guix-info nil "General settings for info buffers." :prefix "guix-info-" :group 'guix) (defface guix-info-param-title '((t :inherit font-lock-type-face)) "Face used for titles of parameters." :group 'guix-info) (defface guix-info-file-path '((t :inherit link)) "Face used for file paths." :group 'guix-info) (defface guix-info-url '((t :inherit link)) "Face used for URLs." :group 'guix-info) (defface guix-info-time '((t :inherit font-lock-constant-face)) "Face used for timestamps." :group 'guix-info) (defface guix-info-action-button '((((type x w32 ns) (class color)) :box (:line-width 2 :style released-button) :background "lightgrey" :foreground "black") (t :inherit button)) "Face used for action buttons." :group 'guix-info) (defface guix-info-action-button-mouse '((((type x w32 ns) (class color)) :box (:line-width 2 :style released-button) :background "grey90" :foreground "black") (t :inherit highlight)) "Mouse face used for action buttons." :group 'guix-info) (defcustom guix-info-ignore-empty-vals nil "If non-nil, do not display parameters with nil values." :type 'boolean :group 'guix-info) (defvar guix-info-param-title-format "%-18s: " "String used to format a title of a parameter. It should be a '%s'-sequence. After inserting a title formatted with this string, a value of the parameter is inserted. This string is used by `guix-info-insert-title-default'.") (defvar guix-info-multiline-prefix (make-string 20 ?\s) "String used to format multi-line parameter values. If a value occupies more than one line, this string is inserted in the beginning of each line after the first one. This string is used by `guix-info-insert-val-default'.") (defvar guix-info-indent 2 "Number of spaces used to indent various parts of inserted text.") (defvar guix-info-fill-column 60 "Column used for filling (word wrapping) parameters with long lines. If a value is not multi-line and it occupies more than this number of characters, it will be split into several lines.") (defvar guix-info-delimiter "\n\f\n" "String used to separate entries.") (defvar guix-info-insert-methods '((package (name guix-package-info-name) (version guix-package-info-version) (license guix-package-info-license) (synopsis guix-package-info-synopsis) (description guix-package-info-insert-description guix-info-insert-title-simple) (outputs guix-package-info-insert-outputs guix-info-insert-title-simple) (home-url guix-info-insert-url) (inputs guix-package-info-insert-inputs) (native-inputs guix-package-info-insert-native-inputs) (propagated-inputs guix-package-info-insert-propagated-inputs) (location guix-package-info-insert-location)) (installed (path guix-package-info-insert-output-path guix-info-insert-title-simple) (dependencies guix-package-info-insert-output-dependencies guix-info-insert-title-simple)) (output (name guix-package-info-name) (version guix-output-info-insert-version) (output guix-output-info-insert-output) (path guix-package-info-insert-output-path guix-info-insert-title-simple) (dependencies guix-package-info-insert-output-dependencies guix-info-insert-title-simple) (license guix-package-info-license) (synopsis guix-package-info-synopsis) (description guix-package-info-insert-description guix-info-insert-title-simple) (home-url guix-info-insert-url) (inputs guix-package-info-insert-inputs) (native-inputs guix-package-info-insert-native-inputs) (propagated-inputs guix-package-info-insert-propagated-inputs) (location guix-package-info-insert-location)) (generation (number guix-generation-info-insert-number) (current guix-generation-info-insert-current) (path guix-info-insert-file-path) (time guix-info-insert-time))) "Methods for inserting parameter values. Each element of the list should have a form: (ENTRY-TYPE . ((PARAM INSERT-VALUE [INSERT-TITLE]) ...)) INSERT-VALUE may be either nil, a face name or a function. If it is nil or a face, `guix-info-insert-val-default' function is called with parameter value and INSERT-VALUE as arguments. If it is a function, this function is called with parameter value and entry info (alist of parameters and their values) as arguments. INSERT-TITLE may be either nil, a face name or a function. If it is nil or a face, `guix-info-insert-title-default' function is called with parameter title and INSERT-TITLE as arguments. If it is a function, this function is called with parameter title as argument.") (defvar guix-info-displayed-params '((package name version synopsis outputs location home-url license inputs native-inputs propagated-inputs description) (output name version output synopsis path dependencies location home-url license inputs native-inputs propagated-inputs description) (installed path dependencies) (generation number prev-number current time path)) "List of displayed entry parameters. Each element of the list should have a form: (ENTRY-TYPE . (PARAM ...)) The order of displayed parameters is the same as in this list.") (defun guix-info-get-insert-methods (entry-type param) "Return list of insert methods for parameter PARAM of ENTRY-TYPE. See `guix-info-insert-methods' for details." (guix-get-key-val guix-info-insert-methods entry-type param)) (defun guix-info-get-displayed-params (entry-type) "Return parameters of ENTRY-TYPE that should be displayed." (guix-get-key-val guix-info-displayed-params entry-type)) (defun guix-info-get-indent (&optional level) "Return `guix-info-indent' \"multiplied\" by LEVEL spaces. LEVEL is 1 by default." (make-string (* guix-info-indent (or level 1)) ?\s)) (defun guix-info-insert-indent (&optional level) "Insert `guix-info-indent' spaces LEVEL times (1 by default)." (insert (guix-info-get-indent level))) (defun guix-info-insert-entries (entries entry-type) "Display ENTRIES of ENTRY-TYPE in the current info buffer. ENTRIES should have a form of `guix-entries'." (guix-mapinsert (lambda (entry) (guix-info-insert-entry entry entry-type)) entries guix-info-delimiter)) (defun guix-info-insert-entry-default (entry entry-type &optional indent-level) "Insert ENTRY of ENTRY-TYPE into the current info buffer. If INDENT-LEVEL is non-nil, indent displayed information by this number of `guix-info-indent' spaces." (let ((region-beg (point))) (mapc (lambda (param) (guix-info-insert-param param entry entry-type)) (guix-info-get-displayed-params entry-type)) (when indent-level (indent-rigidly region-beg (point) (* indent-level guix-info-indent))))) (defun guix-info-insert-entry (entry entry-type &optional indent-level) "Insert ENTRY of ENTRY-TYPE into the current info buffer. Use `guix-info-insert-ENTRY-TYPE-function' or `guix-info-insert-entry-default' if it is nil." (let* ((var (intern (concat "guix-info-insert-" (symbol-name entry-type) "-function"))) (fun (symbol-value var))) (if (functionp fun) (funcall fun entry) (guix-info-insert-entry-default entry entry-type indent-level)))) (defun guix-info-insert-param (param entry entry-type) "Insert title and value of a PARAM at point. ENTRY is alist with parameters and their values. ENTRY-TYPE is a type of ENTRY." (let ((val (guix-get-key-val entry param))) (unless (and guix-info-ignore-empty-vals (null val)) (let* ((title (guix-get-param-title entry-type param)) (insert-methods (guix-info-get-insert-methods entry-type param)) (val-method (car insert-methods)) (title-method (cadr insert-methods))) (guix-info-method-funcall title title-method #'guix-info-insert-title-default) (guix-info-method-funcall val val-method #'guix-info-insert-val-default entry) (insert "\n"))))) (defun guix-info-method-funcall (val method default-fun &rest args) "Call METHOD or DEFAULT-FUN. If METHOD is a function and VAL is non-nil, call this function by applying it to VAL and ARGS. If METHOD is a face, propertize inserted VAL with this face." (cond ((or (null method) (facep method)) (funcall default-fun val method)) ((functionp method) (apply method val args)) (t (error "Unknown method '%S'" method)))) (defun guix-info-insert-title-default (title &optional face format) "Insert TITLE formatted with `guix-info-param-title-format' at point." (guix-format-insert title (or face 'guix-info-param-title) (or format guix-info-param-title-format))) (defun guix-info-insert-title-simple (title &optional face) "Insert TITLE at point." (guix-info-insert-title-default title face "%s:")) (defun guix-info-insert-val-default (val &optional face) "Format and insert parameter value VAL at point. This function is intended to be called after `guix-info-insert-title-default'. If VAL is a one-line string longer than `guix-info-fill-column', split it into several short lines. See also `guix-info-multiline-prefix'. If FACE is non-nil, propertize inserted line(s) with this FACE." (guix-split-insert val face guix-info-fill-column (concat "\n" guix-info-multiline-prefix))) (defun guix-info-insert-val-simple (val &optional face-or-fun) "Format and insert parameter value VAL at point. This function is intended to be called after `guix-info-insert-title-simple'. If VAL is a one-line string longer than `guix-info-fill-column', split it into several short lines and indent each line with `guix-info-indent' spaces. If FACE-OR-FUN is a face, propertize inserted line(s) with this FACE. If FACE-OR-FUN is a function, call it with VAL as argument. If VAL is a list, call the function on each element of this list." (if (null val) (progn (guix-info-insert-indent) (guix-format-insert nil)) (let ((prefix (concat "\n" (guix-info-get-indent)))) (insert prefix) (if (functionp face-or-fun) (guix-mapinsert face-or-fun (if (listp val) val (list val)) prefix) (guix-split-insert val face-or-fun guix-info-fill-column prefix))))) (defun guix-info-insert-time (seconds &optional _) "Insert formatted time string using SECONDS at point." (guix-info-insert-val-default (guix-get-time-string seconds) 'guix-info-time)) ;;; Buttons (define-button-type 'guix 'follow-link t) (define-button-type 'guix-action :supertype 'guix 'face 'guix-info-action-button 'mouse-face 'guix-info-action-button-mouse) (define-button-type 'guix-file :supertype 'guix 'face 'guix-info-file-path 'help-echo "Find file" 'action (lambda (btn) (find-file (button-label btn)))) (define-button-type 'guix-url :supertype 'guix 'face 'guix-info-url 'help-echo "Browse URL" 'action (lambda (btn) (browse-url (button-label btn)))) (define-button-type 'guix-package-location :supertype 'guix 'face 'guix-package-info-location 'help-echo "Find location of this package" 'action (lambda (btn) (guix-find-location (button-label btn)))) (define-button-type 'guix-package-name :supertype 'guix 'face 'guix-package-info-name-button 'help-echo "Describe this package" 'action (lambda (btn) (guix-get-show-entries guix-profile 'info guix-package-info-type 'name (button-label btn)))) (defun guix-info-insert-action-button (label action &optional message &rest properties) "Make action button with LABEL and insert it at point. ACTION is a function called when the button is pressed. It should accept button as the argument. MESSAGE is a button message. See `insert-text-button' for the meaning of PROPERTIES." (apply #'guix-insert-button label 'guix-action 'action action 'help-echo message properties)) (defun guix-info-insert-file-path (path &optional _) "Make button from file PATH and insert it at point." (guix-insert-button path 'guix-file)) (defun guix-info-insert-url (url &optional _) "Make button from URL and insert it at point." (guix-insert-button url 'guix-url)) (defvar guix-info-mode-map (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (set-keymap-parent map (make-composed-keymap button-buffer-map special-mode-map)) map) "Parent keymap for info buffers.") (define-derived-mode guix-info-mode special-mode "Guix-Info" "Parent mode for displaying information in info buffers.") ;;; Displaying packages (guix-define-buffer-type info package :required (id installed non-unique)) (defface guix-package-info-heading '((((type tty pc) (class color)) :weight bold) (t :height 1.6 :weight bold :inherit variable-pitch)) "Face for package name and version headings." :group 'guix-package-info) (defface guix-package-info-name '((t :inherit font-lock-keyword-face)) "Face used for a name of a package." :group 'guix-package-info) (defface guix-package-info-name-button '((t :inherit button)) "Face used for a full name that can be used to describe a package." :group 'guix-package-info) (defface guix-package-info-version '((t :inherit font-lock-builtin-face)) "Face used for a version of a package." :group 'guix-package-info) (defface guix-package-info-synopsis '((((type tty pc) (class color)) :weight bold) (t :height 1.1 :weight bold :inherit variable-pitch)) "Face used for a synopsis of a package." :group 'guix-package-info) (defface guix-package-info-description '((t)) "Face used for a description of a package." :group 'guix-package-info) (defface guix-package-info-license '((t :inherit font-lock-string-face)) "Face used for a license of a package." :group 'guix-package-info) (defface guix-package-info-location '((t :inherit link)) "Face used for a location of a package." :group 'guix-package-info) (defface guix-package-info-installed-outputs '((default :weight bold) (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background light)) :foreground "ForestGreen") (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark)) :foreground "PaleGreen") (((class color) (min-colors 8)) :foreground "green") (t :underline t)) "Face used for installed outputs of a package." :group 'guix-package-info) (defface guix-package-info-uninstalled-outputs '((t :weight bold)) "Face used for uninstalled outputs of a package." :group 'guix-package-info) (defface guix-package-info-obsolete '((t :inherit error)) "Face used if a package is obsolete." :group 'guix-package-info) (defvar guix-info-insert-package-function #'guix-package-info-insert-with-heading "Function used to insert a package information. It is called with a single argument - alist of package parameters. If nil, insert package in a default way.") (defvar guix-package-info-heading-params '(synopsis description) "List of parameters displayed in a heading along with name and version.") (defun guix-package-info-insert-heading (entry) "Insert the heading for package ENTRY. Show package name, version, and `guix-package-info-heading-params'." (guix-format-insert (concat (guix-get-key-val entry 'name) " " (guix-get-key-val entry 'version)) 'guix-package-info-heading) (insert "\n\n") (mapc (lambda (param) (let ((val (guix-get-key-val entry param)) (face (guix-get-symbol (symbol-name param) 'info 'package))) (when val (guix-format-insert val (and (facep face) face)) (insert "\n\n")))) guix-package-info-heading-params)) (defun guix-package-info-insert-with-heading (entry) "Insert package ENTRY with its heading at point." (guix-package-info-insert-heading entry) (mapc (lambda (param) (unless (or (memq param '(name version)) (memq param guix-package-info-heading-params)) (guix-info-insert-param param entry 'package))) (guix-info-get-displayed-params 'package))) (defun guix-package-info-insert-description (desc &optional _) "Insert description DESC at point." (guix-info-insert-val-simple desc 'guix-package-info-description)) (defun guix-package-info-insert-location (location &optional _) "Make button from file LOCATION and insert it at point." (guix-insert-button location 'guix-package-location)) (defmacro guix-package-info-define-insert-inputs (&optional type) "Define a face and a function for inserting package inputs. TYPE is a type of inputs. Function name is `guix-package-info-insert-TYPE-inputs'. Face name is `guix-package-info-TYPE-inputs'." (let* ((type-str (symbol-name type)) (type-name (and type (concat type-str "-"))) (type-desc (and type (concat type-str " "))) (face (intern (concat "guix-package-info-" type-name "inputs"))) (btn (intern (concat "guix-package-" type-name "input"))) (fun (intern (concat "guix-package-info-insert-" type-name "inputs")))) `(progn (defface ,face '((t :inherit guix-package-info-name-button)) ,(concat "Face used for " type-desc "inputs of a package.") :group 'guix-package-info) (define-button-type ',btn :supertype 'guix-package-name 'face ',face) (defun ,fun (inputs &optional _) ,(concat "Make buttons from " type-desc "INPUTS and insert them at point.") (guix-package-info-insert-full-names inputs ',btn))))) (guix-package-info-define-insert-inputs) (guix-package-info-define-insert-inputs native) (guix-package-info-define-insert-inputs propagated) (defun guix-package-info-insert-full-names (names button-type) "Make BUTTON-TYPE buttons from package NAMES and insert them at point. NAMES is a list of strings." (if names (guix-info-insert-val-default (with-temp-buffer (guix-mapinsert (lambda (name) (guix-insert-button name button-type)) names guix-list-separator) (buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max)))) (guix-format-insert nil))) ;;; Inserting outputs and installed parameters (defvar guix-package-info-output-format "%-10s" "String used to format output names of the packages. It should be a '%s'-sequence. After inserting an output name formatted with this string, an action button is inserted.") (defvar guix-package-info-obsolete-string "(This package is obsolete)" "String used if a package is obsolete.") (defvar guix-info-insert-installed-function nil "Function used to insert an installed information. It is called with a single argument - alist of installed parameters (`output', `path', `dependencies'). If nil, insert installed info in a default way.") (defun guix-package-info-insert-outputs (outputs entry) "Insert OUTPUTS from package ENTRY at point." (and (guix-get-key-val entry 'obsolete) (guix-package-info-insert-obsolete-text)) (and (guix-get-key-val entry 'non-unique) (guix-get-key-val entry 'installed) (guix-package-info-insert-non-unique-text (guix-get-full-name entry))) (insert "\n") (mapc (lambda (output) (guix-package-info-insert-output output entry)) outputs)) (defun guix-package-info-insert-obsolete-text () "Insert a message about obsolete package at point." (guix-info-insert-indent) (guix-format-insert guix-package-info-obsolete-string 'guix-package-info-obsolete)) (defun guix-package-info-insert-non-unique-text (full-name) "Insert a message about non-unique package with FULL-NAME at point." (insert "\n") (guix-info-insert-indent) (insert "Installed outputs are displayed for a non-unique ") (guix-insert-button full-name 'guix-package-name) (insert " package.")) (defun guix-package-info-insert-output (output entry) "Insert OUTPUT at point. Make some fancy text with buttons and additional stuff if the current OUTPUT is installed (if there is such output in `installed' parameter of a package ENTRY)." (let* ((installed (guix-get-key-val entry 'installed)) (obsolete (guix-get-key-val entry 'obsolete)) (installed-entry (cl-find-if (lambda (entry) (string= (guix-get-key-val entry 'output) output)) installed)) (action-type (if installed-entry 'delete 'install))) (guix-info-insert-indent) (guix-format-insert output (if installed-entry 'guix-package-info-installed-outputs 'guix-package-info-uninstalled-outputs) guix-package-info-output-format) (guix-package-info-insert-action-button action-type entry output) (when obsolete (guix-info-insert-indent) (guix-package-info-insert-action-button 'upgrade entry output)) (insert "\n") (when installed-entry (guix-info-insert-entry installed-entry 'installed 2)))) (defun guix-package-info-insert-action-button (type entry output) "Insert button to process an action on a package OUTPUT at point. TYPE is one of the following symbols: `install', `delete', `upgrade'. ENTRY is an alist with package info." (let ((type-str (capitalize (symbol-name type))) (full-name (guix-get-full-name entry output))) (guix-info-insert-action-button type-str (lambda (btn) (guix-process-package-actions guix-profile `((,(button-get btn 'action-type) (,(button-get btn 'id) ,(button-get btn 'output)))) (current-buffer))) (concat type-str " '" full-name "'") 'action-type type 'id (or (guix-get-key-val entry 'package-id) (guix-get-key-val entry 'id)) 'output output))) (defun guix-package-info-insert-output-path (path &optional _) "Insert PATH of the installed output." (guix-info-insert-val-simple path #'guix-info-insert-file-path)) (defalias 'guix-package-info-insert-output-dependencies 'guix-package-info-insert-output-path) ;;; Displaying outputs (guix-define-buffer-type info output :buffer-name "*Guix Package Info*" :required (id package-id installed non-unique)) (defvar guix-info-insert-output-function nil "Function used to insert an output information. It is called with a single argument - alist of output parameters. If nil, insert output in a default way.") (defun guix-output-info-insert-version (version entry) "Insert output VERSION and obsolete text if needed at point." (guix-info-insert-val-default version 'guix-package-info-version) (and (guix-get-key-val entry 'obsolete) (guix-package-info-insert-obsolete-text))) (defun guix-output-info-insert-output (output entry) "Insert OUTPUT and action buttons at point." (let* ((installed (guix-get-key-val entry 'installed)) (obsolete (guix-get-key-val entry 'obsolete)) (action-type (if installed 'delete 'install))) (guix-info-insert-val-default output (if installed 'guix-package-info-installed-outputs 'guix-package-info-uninstalled-outputs)) (guix-info-insert-indent) (guix-package-info-insert-action-button action-type entry output) (when obsolete (guix-info-insert-indent) (guix-package-info-insert-action-button 'upgrade entry output)))) ;;; Displaying generations (guix-define-buffer-type info generation) (defface guix-generation-info-number '((t :inherit font-lock-keyword-face)) "Face used for a number of a generation." :group 'guix-generation-info) (defface guix-generation-info-current '((t :inherit guix-package-info-installed-outputs)) "Face used if a generation is the current one." :group 'guix-generation-info) (defface guix-generation-info-not-current '((t nil)) "Face used if a generation is not the current one." :group 'guix-generation-info) (defvar guix-info-insert-generation-function nil "Function used to insert a generation information. It is called with a single argument - alist of generation parameters. If nil, insert generation in a default way.") (defun guix-generation-info-insert-number (number &optional _) "Insert generation NUMBER and action buttons." (guix-info-insert-val-default number 'guix-generation-info-number) (guix-info-insert-indent) (guix-info-insert-action-button "Packages" (lambda (btn) (guix-get-show-entries guix-profile 'list guix-package-list-type 'generation (button-get btn 'number))) "Show installed packages for this generation" 'number number) (guix-info-insert-indent) (guix-info-insert-action-button "Delete" (lambda (btn) (guix-delete-generations guix-profile (list (button-get btn 'number)) (current-buffer))) "Delete this generation" 'number number)) (defun guix-generation-info-insert-current (val entry) "Insert boolean value VAL showing whether this generation is current." (if val (guix-info-insert-val-default "Yes" 'guix-generation-info-current) (guix-info-insert-val-default "No" 'guix-generation-info-not-current) (guix-info-insert-indent) (guix-info-insert-action-button "Switch" (lambda (btn) (guix-switch-to-generation guix-profile (button-get btn 'number) (current-buffer))) "Switch to this generation (make it the current one)" 'number (guix-get-key-val entry 'number)))) (provide 'guix-info) ;;; guix-info.el ends here