;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU ;;; Copyright © 2017, 2018 Ludovic Courtès ;;; Copyright © 2020 Maxim Cournoyer ;;; ;;; This file is part of GNU Guix. ;;; ;;; GNU Guix is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ;;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at ;;; your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; GNU Guix is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;;; ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;;; along with GNU Guix. If not, see . ;;; Commentary: ;;; ;;; This scripts updates the definition of the 'guix' package in Guix for the ;;; current commit. It requires Git to be installed. ;;; ;;; Code: (use-modules (guix) (guix ui) (guix git-download) (guix upstream) (guix utils) (guix base32) (guix build utils) (guix scripts hash) (gnu packages package-management) (ice-9 match) (ice-9 popen) (ice-9 regex) (ice-9 textual-ports) (srfi srfi-1) (srfi srfi-2) (srfi srfi-26)) (define %top-srcdir (string-append (current-source-directory) "/..")) (define (package-definition-location) "Return the source properties of the definition of the 'guix' package." (call-with-input-file (location-file (package-location guix)) (lambda (port) (let loop () (match (read port) ((? eof-object?) (error "definition of 'guix' package could not be found" (port-filename port))) (('define-public 'guix value) (source-properties value)) (_ (loop))))))) (define* (update-definition commit hash #:key version old-hash) "Return a one-argument procedure that takes a string, the definition of the 'guix' package, and returns a string, the update definition for VERSION, COMMIT." (define (linear-offset str line column) ;; Return the offset in characters to reach LINE and COLUMN (both ;; zero-indexed) in STR. (call-with-input-string str (lambda (port) (let loop ((offset 0)) (cond ((and (= (port-column port) column) (= (port-line port) line)) offset) ((eof-object? (read-char port)) (error "line and column not reached!" str)) (else (loop (+ 1 offset)))))))) (define (update-hash str) ;; Replace OLD-HASH with HASH in STR. (string-replace-substring str (bytevector->nix-base32-string old-hash) (bytevector->nix-base32-string hash))) (lambda (str) (match (call-with-input-string str read) (('let (('version old-version) ('commit old-commit) ('revision old-revision)) defn) (let* ((location (source-properties defn)) (line (assq-ref location 'line)) (column 0) (offset (linear-offset str line column))) (string-append (format #f "(let ((version \"~a\") (commit \"~a\") (revision ~a))\n" (or version old-version) commit (if (and version (not (string=? version old-version))) 0 (+ 1 old-revision))) (string-drop (update-hash str) offset)))) (exp (error "'guix' package definition is not as expected" exp))))) (define (git-add-worktree directory commit) "Create a new git worktree at DIRECTORY, detached on commit COMMIT." (invoke "git" "worktree" "add" "--detach" directory commit)) (define (call-with-temporary-git-worktree commit proc) "Execute PROC in the context of a temporary git worktree created from COMMIT. PROC receives the temporary directory file name as an argument." (call-with-temporary-directory (lambda (tmp-directory) (dynamic-wind (lambda () #t) (lambda () (git-add-worktree tmp-directory commit) (proc tmp-directory)) (lambda () (invoke "git" "worktree" "remove" "--force" tmp-directory)))))) (define %savannah-guix-git-repo-push-url-regexp "git.(savannah|sv).gnu.org:?/srv/git/guix.git \\(push\\)") (define-syntax-rule (with-input-pipe-to-string prog arg ...) (let* ((input-pipe (open-pipe* OPEN_READ prog arg ...)) (output (get-string-all input-pipe)) (exit-val (status:exit-val (close-pipe input-pipe)))) (unless (zero? exit-val) (error (format #f "Command ~s exited with non-zero exit status: ~s" (string-join (list prog arg ...)) exit-val))) (string-trim-both output))) (define (find-origin-remote) "Find the name of the git remote with the Savannah Guix git repo URL." (and-let* ((remotes (string-split (with-input-pipe-to-string "git" "remote" "-v") #\newline)) (origin-entry (find (cut string-match %savannah-guix-git-repo-push-url-regexp <>) remotes))) (first (string-split origin-entry #\tab)))) (define (commit-already-pushed? remote commit) "True if COMMIT is found in the REMOTE repository." (not (string-null? (with-input-pipe-to-string "git" "branch" "-r" "--contains" commit (string-append remote "/master"))))) (define (keep-source-in-store store source) "Add SOURCE to the store under the name that the 'guix' package expects." ;; Add SOURCE to the store, but this time under the real name used in the ;; 'origin'. This allows us to build the package without having to make a ;; real checkout; thus, it also works when working on a private branch. (reload-module (resolve-module '(gnu packages package-management))) (let* ((source (add-to-store store (origin-file-name (package-source guix)) #t "sha256" source #:select? (git-predicate source))) (root (store-path-package-name source))) ;; Add an indirect GC root for SOURCE in the current directory. (false-if-exception (delete-file root)) (symlink source root) (add-indirect-root store (string-append (getcwd) "/" root)) (info (G_ "source code kept in ~a (GC root: ~a)~%") source root))) (define (main . args) (match args ((commit version) (with-directory-excursion %top-srcdir (or (getenv "GUIX_ALLOW_ME_TO_USE_PRIVATE_COMMIT") (let ((remote (find-origin-remote))) (unless remote (leave (G_ "Failed to find the origin git remote.~%"))) (commit-already-pushed? remote commit)) (leave (G_ "Commit ~a is not pushed upstream. Aborting.~%") commit)) (call-with-temporary-git-worktree commit (lambda (tmp-directory) (let* ((hash (nix-base32-string->bytevector (string-trim-both (with-output-to-string (lambda () (guix-hash "-rx" tmp-directory)))))) (location (package-definition-location)) (old-hash (content-hash-value (origin-hash (package-source guix))))) (edit-expression location (update-definition commit hash #:old-hash old-hash #:version version)) ;; When GUIX_ALLOW_ME_TO_USE_PRIVATE_COMMIT is set, the sources are ;; added to the store. This is used as part of 'make release'. (when (getenv "GUIX_ALLOW_ME_TO_USE_PRIVATE_COMMIT") (with-store store (keep-source-in-store store tmp-directory)))))))) ((commit) ;; Automatically deduce the version and revision numbers. (main commit #f)))) (apply main (cdr (command-line)))