;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU ;;; Copyright © 2016 Ludovic Courtès ;;; ;;; This file is part of GNU Guix. ;;; ;;; GNU Guix is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ;;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at ;;; your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; GNU Guix is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;;; ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;;; along with GNU Guix. If not, see . (define-module (gnu build marionette) #:use-module (srfi srfi-9) #:use-module (srfi srfi-26) #:use-module (rnrs io ports) #:use-module (ice-9 match) #:use-module (ice-9 popen) #:export (marionette? make-marionette marionette-eval marionette-control marionette-screen-text %qwerty-us-keystrokes marionette-type)) ;;; Commentary: ;;; ;;; Instrumentation tools for QEMU virtual machines (VMs). A "marionette" is ;;; essentially a VM (a QEMU instance) with its monitor connected to a ;;; Unix-domain socket, and with a REPL inside the guest listening on a ;;; virtual console, which is itself connected to the host via a Unix-domain ;;; socket--these are the marionette's strings, connecting it to the almighty ;;; puppeteer. ;;; ;;; Code: (define-record-type (marionette command pid monitor repl) marionette? (command marionette-command) ;list of strings (pid marionette-pid) ;integer (monitor marionette-monitor) ;port (repl %marionette-repl)) ;promise of a port (define-syntax-rule (marionette-repl marionette) (force (%marionette-repl marionette))) (define* (wait-for-monitor-prompt port #:key (quiet? #t)) "Read from PORT until we have seen all of QEMU's monitor prompt. When QUIET? is false, the monitor's output is written to the current output port." (define full-prompt (string->list "(qemu) ")) (let loop ((prompt full-prompt) (matches '()) (prefix '())) (match prompt (() ;; It's useful to set QUIET? so we don't display the echo of our own ;; commands. (unless quiet? (for-each (lambda (line) (format #t "qemu monitor: ~a~%" line)) (string-tokenize (list->string (reverse prefix)) (char-set-complement (char-set #\newline)))))) ((chr rest ...) (let ((read (read-char port))) (cond ((eqv? read chr) (loop rest (cons read matches) prefix)) ((eof-object? read) (error "EOF while waiting for QEMU monitor prompt" (list->string (reverse prefix)))) (else (loop full-prompt '() (cons read (append matches prefix)))))))))) (define* (make-marionette command #:key (socket-directory "/tmp") (timeout 20)) "Return a QEMU marionette--i.e., a virtual machine with open connections to the QEMU monitor and to the guest's backdoor REPL." (define (file->sockaddr file) (make-socket-address AF_UNIX (string-append socket-directory "/" file))) (define extra-options (list "-nographic" "-monitor" (string-append "unix:" socket-directory "/monitor") "-chardev" (string-append "socket,id=repl,path=" socket-directory "/repl") "-device" "virtio-serial" "-device" "virtconsole,chardev=repl")) (define (accept* port) (match (select (list port) '() (list port) timeout) (((port) () ()) (accept port)) (_ (error "timeout in 'accept'" port)))) (let ((monitor (socket AF_UNIX SOCK_STREAM 0)) (repl (socket AF_UNIX SOCK_STREAM 0))) (bind monitor (file->sockaddr "monitor")) (listen monitor 1) (bind repl (file->sockaddr "repl")) (listen repl 1) (match (primitive-fork) (0 (catch #t (lambda () (close monitor) (close repl) (match command ((program . args) (apply execl program program (append args extra-options))))) (lambda (key . args) (print-exception (current-error-port) (stack-ref (make-stack #t) 1) key args) (primitive-exit 1)))) (pid (format #t "QEMU runs as PID ~a~%" pid) (match (accept* monitor) ((monitor-conn . _) (display "connected to QEMU's monitor\n") (close-port monitor) (wait-for-monitor-prompt monitor-conn) (display "read QEMU monitor prompt\n") (marionette (append command extra-options) pid monitor-conn ;; The following 'accept' call connects immediately, but ;; we don't know whether the guest has connected until ;; we actually receive the 'ready' message. (match (accept* repl) ((repl-conn . addr) (display "connected to guest REPL\n") (close-port repl) ;; Delay reception of the 'ready' message so that the ;; caller can already send monitor commands. (delay (match (read repl-conn) ('ready (display "marionette is ready\n") repl-conn)))))))))))) (define (marionette-eval exp marionette) "Evaluate EXP in MARIONETTE's backdoor REPL. Return the result." (match marionette (($ command pid monitor (= force repl)) (write exp repl) (newline repl) (read repl)))) (define (marionette-control command marionette) "Run COMMAND in the QEMU monitor of MARIONETTE. COMMAND is a string such as \"sendkey ctrl-alt-f1\" or \"screendump foo.ppm\" (info \"(qemu-doc) pcsys_monitor\")." (match marionette (($ _ _ monitor) (display command monitor) (newline monitor) (wait-for-monitor-prompt monitor)))) (define* (marionette-screen-text marionette #:key (ocrad "ocrad")) "Take a screenshot of MARIONETTE, perform optical character recognition (OCR), and return the text read from the screen as a string. Do this by invoking OCRAD (file name for GNU Ocrad's command)" (define (random-file-name) (string-append "/tmp/marionette-screenshot-" (number->string (random (expt 2 32)) 16) ".ppm")) (let ((image (random-file-name))) (dynamic-wind (const #t) (lambda () (marionette-control (string-append "screendump " image) marionette) ;; Tell Ocrad to invert the image colors (make it black on white) and ;; to scale the image up, which significantly improves the quality of ;; the result. In spite of this, be aware that OCR confuses "y" and ;; "V" and sometimes erroneously introduces white space. (let* ((pipe (open-pipe* OPEN_READ ocrad "-i" "-s" "10" image)) (text (get-string-all pipe))) (unless (zero? (close-pipe pipe)) (error "'ocrad' failed" ocrad)) text)) (lambda () (false-if-exception (delete-file image)))))) (define %qwerty-us-keystrokes ;; Maps "special" characters to their keystrokes. '((#\newline . "ret") (#\space . "spc") (#\- . "minus") (#\+ . "shift-equal") (#\* . "shift-8") (#\= . "equal") (#\? . "shift-slash") (#\[ . "bracket_left") (#\] . "bracket_right") (#\( . "shift-9") (#\) . "shift-0") (#\/ . "slash") (#\< . "less") (#\> . "shift-less") (#\. . "dot") (#\, . "comma") (#\; . "semicolon") (#\bs . "backspace") (#\tab . "tab"))) (define* (string->keystroke-commands str #:optional (keystrokes %qwerty-us-keystrokes)) "Return a list of QEMU monitor commands to send the keystrokes corresponding to STR. KEYSTROKES is an alist specifying a mapping from characters to keystrokes." (string-fold-right (lambda (chr result) (cons (string-append "sendkey " (or (assoc-ref keystrokes chr) (string chr))) result)) '() str)) (define* (marionette-type str marionette #:key (keystrokes %qwerty-us-keystrokes)) "Type STR on MARIONETTE's keyboard, using the KEYSTROKES alist to map characters to actual keystrokes." (for-each (cut marionette-control <> marionette) (string->keystroke-commands str keystrokes))) ;;; marionette.scm ends here