path: root/doc
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7 files changed, 28742 insertions, 2291 deletions
diff --git a/doc/contributing.de.texi b/doc/contributing.de.texi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9997092a9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/contributing.de.texi
@@ -0,0 +1,534 @@
+@node Mitwirken
+@chapter Mitwirken
+Dieses Projekt basiert auf Kooperation, daher benötigen wir Ihre Hilfe, um
+es wachsen zu lassen! Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns auf
+@email{guix-devel@@gnu.org} und @code{#guix} im Freenode-IRC-Netzwerk. Wir
+freuen uns auf Ihre Ideen, Fehlerberichte, Patches und alles, was hilfreich
+für das Projekt sein könnte. Besonders willkommen ist Hilfe bei der
+Erstellung von Paketen (@pxref{Paketrichtlinien}).
+@cindex Verhaltensregeln, für Mitwirkende
+@cindex Verhaltenskodex für Mitwirkende
+Wir möchten eine angenehme, freundliche und von Belästigungen freie Umgebung
+bereitstellen, so dass jeder Beiträge nach seinen Fähigkeiten leisten
+kann. Zu diesem Zweck verwendet unser Projekt einen »Verhaltenskodex für
+Mitwirkende«, der von @url{http://contributor-covenant.org/} übernommen
+wurde. Eine übersetzte Fassung finden Sie auf
+sowie eine mitgelieferte, englische Fassung in der Datei
+@file{CODE-OF-CONDUCT} im Quellbaum.
+Von Mitwirkenden wird nicht erwartet, dass sie in Patches oder in der
+Online-Kommunikation ihre echten Namen preisgeben. Sie können einen
+beliebigen Namen oder ein Pseudonym ihrer Wahl verwenden.
+* Erstellung aus dem Git:: Das Neueste und Beste.
+* Guix vor der Installation ausführen:: Hacker-Tricks.
+* Perfekt eingerichtet:: Die richtigen Werkzeuge.
+* Code-Stil:: Wie Mitwirkende hygienisch arbeiten.
+* Einreichen von Patches:: Teilen Sie Ihre Arbeit.
+@end menu
+@node Erstellung aus dem Git
+@section Erstellung aus dem Git
+Wenn Sie an Guix selbst hacken wollen, ist es empfehlenswert, dass Sie die
+neueste Version aus dem Git-Softwarebestand verwenden:
+git clone https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/guix.git
+@end example
+Wenn Sie Guix aus einem Checkout erstellen, sind außer den bereits in den
+Installationsanweisungen genannten Paketen weitere nötig
+@item @url{http://gnu.org/software/autoconf/, GNU Autoconf};
+@item @url{http://gnu.org/software/automake/, GNU Automake};
+@item @url{http://gnu.org/software/gettext/, GNU Gettext};
+@item @url{http://gnu.org/software/texinfo/, GNU Texinfo};
+@item @url{http://www.graphviz.org/, Graphviz};
+@item @url{http://www.gnu.org/software/help2man/, GNU Help2man (optional)}.
+@end itemize
+Der einfachste Weg, eine Entwicklungsumgebung für Guix einzurichten, ist
+natürlich, Guix zu benutzen! Der folgende Befehl startet eine neue Shell, in
+der alle Abhängigkeiten und Umgebungsvariablen bereits eingerichtet sind, um
+an Guix zu arbeiten:
+guix environment guix
+@end example
+In @xref{Aufruf von guix environment} finden Sie weitere Informationen zu
+diesem Befehl. Zusätzliche Abhängigkeiten können mit @option{--ad-hoc}
+hinzugefügt werden:
+guix environment guix --ad-hoc help2man git strace
+@end example
+Führen Sie @command{./bootstrap} aus, um die Infrastruktur des
+Erstellungssystems mit Autoconf und Automake zu erstellen. Möglicherweise
+erhalten Sie eine Fehlermeldung wie diese:
+configure.ac:46: error: possibly undefined macro: PKG_CHECK_MODULES
+@end example
+Das bedeutet wahrscheinlich, dass Autoconf @file{pkg.m4} nicht finden
+konnte, welches von pkg-config bereitgestellt wird. Stellen Sie sicher, dass
+@file{pkg.m4} verfügbar ist. Gleiches gilt für den von Guile
+bereitgestellten Makrosatz @file{guile.m4}. Wenn Sie beispielsweise Automake
+in @file{/usr/local} installiert haben, würde in @file{/usr/share} nicht
+nach @file{.m4}-Dateien geschaut. In einem solchen Fall müssen Sie folgenden
+Befehl aufrufen:
+export ACLOCAL_PATH=/usr/share/aclocal
+@end example
+In @xref{Macro Search Path,,, automake, The GNU Automake Manual} finden Sie
+weitere Informationen.
+Dann führen Sie wie gewohnt @command{./configure} aus. Achten Sie darauf,
+@code{--localstatedir=@var{Verzeichnis}} zu übergeben, wobei
+@var{Verzeichnis} der von Ihrer aktuellen Installation verwendete
+@code{localstatedir}-Wert ist (weitere Informationen auf @pxref{Der Store}).
+Zum Schluss müssen Sie @code{make check} aufrufen, um die Tests auszuführen
+(@pxref{Die Testsuite laufen lassen}). Falls etwas fehlschlägt, werfen Sie einen
+Blick auf die Installationsanweisungen (@pxref{Installation}) oder senden
+Sie eine E-Mail an die @email{guix-devel@@gnu.org, Mailingliste}.
+@node Guix vor der Installation ausführen
+@section Guix vor der Installation ausführen
+Um eine gesunde Arbeitsumgebung zu erhalten, ist es hilfreich, die im
+lokalen Quellbaum vorgenommenen Änderungen zunächst zu testen, ohne sie
+tatsächlich zu installieren. So können Sie zwischen Ihrem
+Endnutzer-»Straßenanzug« und Ihrem »Faschingskostüm« unterscheiden.
+To that end, all the command-line tools can be used even if you have not run
+@code{make install}. To do that, you first need to have an environment with
+all the dependencies available (@pxref{Erstellung aus dem Git}), and then simply
+prefix each command with @command{./pre-inst-env} (the @file{pre-inst-env}
+script lives in the top build tree of Guix; it is generated by
+@command{./configure}), as in@footnote{The @option{-E} flag to
+@command{sudo} guarantees that @code{GUILE_LOAD_PATH} is correctly set such
+that @command{guix-daemon} and the tools it uses can find the Guile modules
+they need.}:
+$ sudo -E ./pre-inst-env guix-daemon --build-users-group=guixbuild
+$ ./pre-inst-env guix build hello
+@end example
+Entsprechend, um eine Guile-Sitzung zu öffnen, die die Guix-Module benutzt:
+$ ./pre-inst-env guile -c '(use-modules (guix utils)) (pk (%current-system))'
+;;; ("x86_64-linux")
+@end example
+@cindex REPL
+@cindex Lese-Auswerten-Schreiben-Schleife
+@dots{} und auf einer REPL (@pxref{Using Guile Interactively,,, guile, Guile
+Reference Manual}):
+$ ./pre-inst-env guile
+scheme@@(guile-user)> ,use(guix)
+scheme@@(guile-user)> ,use(gnu)
+scheme@@(guile-user)> (define snakes
+ (fold-packages
+ (lambda (package lst)
+ (if (string-prefix? "python"
+ (package-name package))
+ (cons package lst)
+ lst))
+ '()))
+scheme@@(guile-user)> (length snakes)
+$1 = 361
+@end example
+Das @command{pre-inst-env}-Skript richtet alle Umgebungsvariablen ein, die
+nötig sind, um dies zu ermöglichen, einschließlich @env{PATH} und
+Note that @command{./pre-inst-env guix pull} does @emph{not} upgrade the
+local source tree; it simply updates the @file{~/.config/guix/current}
+symlink (@pxref{Aufruf von guix pull}). Run @command{git pull} instead if you
+want to upgrade your local source tree.
+@node Perfekt eingerichtet
+@section Perfekt eingerichtet
+Um perfekt für das Hacken an Guix eingerichtet zu sein, brauchen Sie an sich
+dasselbe wie um perfekt für das Hacken mit Guile (@pxref{Using Guile in
+Emacs,,, guile, Guile Reference Manual}). Zunächst brauchen Sie mehr als
+ein Textverarbeitungsprogramm, Sie brauchen
+@url{http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs, Emacs}, ermächtigt vom wunderbaren
+@url{http://nongnu.org/geiser/, Geiser}.
+Geiser ermöglicht interaktive und inkrementelle Entwicklung aus Emacs
+heraus: Code kann in Puffern kompiliert und ausgewertet werden. Zugang zu
+Online-Dokumentation (Docstrings) steht ebenso zur Verfügung wie
+kontextabhängige Vervollständigung, @kbd{M-.} um zu einer Objektdefinition
+zu springen, eine REPL, um Ihren Code auszuprobieren, und mehr
+(@pxref{Einführung,,, geiser, Geiser User Manual}). Zur bequemen
+Guix-Entwicklung sollten Sie Guiles Ladepfad so ergänzen, dass die
+Quelldateien in Ihrem Checkout gefunden werden.
+;; @r{Angenommen das Guix-Checkout ist in ~/src/guix.}
+(with-eval-after-load 'geiser-guile
+ (add-to-list 'geiser-guile-load-path "~/src/guix"))
+@end lisp
+Um den Code tatsächlich zu bearbeiten, bietet Emacs schon einen netten
+Scheme-Modus. Aber Sie dürfen auch
+@url{http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/ParEdit, Paredit} nicht verpassen. Es
+bietet Hilfsmittel, um direkt mit dem Syntaxbaum zu arbeiten, und kann so
+zum Beispiel einen S-Ausdruck hochheben oder ihn umhüllen, ihn verschlucken
+oder den nachfolgenden S-Ausdruck verwerfen, etc.
+@cindex Code-Schnipsel
+@cindex Vorlagen
+@cindex Tipparbeit sparen
+Wir bieten auch Vorlagen für häufige Git-Commit-Nachrichten und
+Paketdefinitionen im Verzeichnis @file{etc/snippets}. Diese Vorlagen können
+mit @url{http://joaotavora.github.io/yasnippet/, YASnippet} zusammen benutzt
+werden, um kurze Auslöse-Zeichenketten zu interaktiven Textschnipseln
+umzuschreiben. Vielleicht möchten Sie das Schnipselverzeichnis zu Ihrer
+@var{yas-snippet-dirs}-Variablen in Emacs hinzufügen.
+;; @r{Angenommen das Guix-Checkout ist in ~/src/guix.}
+(with-eval-after-load 'yasnippet
+ (add-to-list 'yas-snippet-dirs "~/src/guix/etc/snippets"))
+@end lisp
+The commit message snippets depend on @url{https://magit.vc/, Magit} to
+display staged files. When editing a commit message type @code{add}
+followed by @kbd{TAB} to insert a commit message template for adding a
+package; type @code{update} followed by @kbd{TAB} to insert a template for
+updating a package; type @code{https} followed by @kbd{TAB} to insert a
+template for changing the home page URI of a package to HTTPS.
+Das Hauptschnipsel für @code{scheme-mode} wird ausgelöst, indem Sie
+@code{package...} gefolgt von @kbd{TAB} eintippen. Dieses Snippet fügt auch
+die Auslöse-Zeichenkette @code{origin...} ein, die danach weiter
+umgeschrieben werden kann. Das @code{origin}-Schnipsel kann wiederum andere
+Auslöse-Zeichenketten einfügen, die alle auf @code{...} enden, was selbst
+wieder weiter umgeschrieben werden kann.
+@node Code-Stil
+@section Code-Stil
+Im Allgemeinen folgt unser Code den GNU Coding Standards (@pxref{Top,,,
+standards, GNU Coding Standards}). Da diese aber nicht viel über Scheme zu
+sagen haben, folgen hier einige zusätzliche Regeln.
+* Programmierparadigmen:: Wie Sie Ihre Elemente zusammenstellen.
+* Module:: Wo Sie Ihren Code unterbringen.
+* Datentypen und Mustervergleich:: Implementierung von Datenstrukturen.
+* Formatierung von Code:: Schreibkonventionen.
+@end menu
+@node Programmierparadigmen
+@subsection Programmierparadigmen
+Scheme-Code wird in Guix auf rein funktionale Weise geschrieben. Eine
+Ausnahme ist Code, der mit Ein- und Ausgabe zu tun hat, und Prozeduren, die
+grundlegende Konzepte implementieren, wie zum Beispiel die Prozedur
+@node Module
+@subsection Module
+Guile-Module, die beim Erstellen nutzbar sein sollen, müssen im Namensraum
+@code{(guix build @dots{})} leben. Sie dürfen auf keine anderen Guix- oder
+GNU-Module Bezug nehmen. Jedoch ist es in Ordnung, wenn ein »wirtsseitiges«
+Modul ein erstellungsseitiges Modul benutzt.
+Module, die mit dem weiteren GNU-System zu tun haben, sollten im Namensraum
+@code{(gnu @dots{})} und nicht in @code{(guix @dots{})} stehen.
+@node Datentypen und Mustervergleich
+@subsection Datentypen und Mustervergleich
+Im klassischen Lisp gibt es die Tendenz, Listen zur Darstellung von allem zu
+benutzen, und diese dann »händisch« zu durchlaufen mit @code{car},
+@code{cdr}, @code{cadr} und so weiter. Dieser Stil ist aus verschiedenen
+Gründen problematisch, insbesondere wegen der Tatsache, dass er schwer zu
+lesen, schnell fehlerbehaftet und ein Hindernis beim Melden von Typfehlern
+Guix-Code sollte angemessene Datentypen definieren (zum Beispiel mit
+@code{define-record-type*}) statt Listen zu missbrauchen. Außerdem sollte er
+das @code{(ice-9 match)}-Modul von Guile zum Mustervergleich benutzen,
+besonders mit Listen.
+@node Formatierung von Code
+@subsection Formatierung von Code
+@cindex Formatierung von Code
+@cindex Code-Stil
+Beim Schreiben von Scheme-Code halten wir uns an die üblichen
+Gepflogenheiten unter Scheme-Programmierern. Im Allgemeinen bedeutet das,
+dass wir uns an @url{http://mumble.net/~campbell/scheme/style.txt,
+Riastradh's Lisp Style Rules} halten. Es hat sich ergeben, dass dieses
+Dokument auch die Konventionen beschreibt, die im Code von Guile
+hauptsächlich verwendet werden. Es ist gut durchdacht und schön geschrieben,
+also lesen Sie es bitte.
+Ein paar in Guix eingeführte Sonderformen, wie zum Beispiel das
+@code{substitute*}-Makro, haben abweichende Regeln für die Einrückung. Diese
+sind in der Datei @file{.dir-locals.el} definiert, die Emacs automatisch
+benutzt. Beachten Sie auch, dass Emacs-Guix einen Modus namens
+@code{guix-devel-mode} bereitstellt, der Guix-Code richtig einrückt und
+hervorhebt (@pxref{Development,,, emacs-guix, The Emacs-Guix Reference
+@cindex Einrückung, Code-
+@cindex Formatierung, Code-
+Falls Sie nicht Emacs verwenden, sollten Sie sicherstellen, dass Ihr Editor
+diese Regeln kennt. Um eine Paketdefinition automatisch einzurücken, können
+Sie auch Folgendes ausführen:
+./etc/indent-code.el gnu/packages/@var{Datei}.scm @var{Paket}
+@end example
+Dadurch wird die Definition von @var{Paket} in
+@file{gnu/packages/@var{Datei}.scm} automatisch eingerückt, indem Emacs im
+Batch-Modus läuft. Um die Einrückung in einer gesamten Datei vorzunehmen,
+lassen Sie das zweite Argument weg:
+./etc/indent-code.el gnu/services/@var{Datei}.scm
+@end example
+@cindex Vim, zum Editieren von Scheme-Code
+Wenn Sie Code mit Vim bearbeiten, empfehlen wir, dass Sie @code{:set
+autoindent} ausführen, damit Ihr Code automatisch eingerückt wird, während
+Sie ihn schreiben. Außerdem könnte Ihnen
+@code{paredit.vim}} dabei helfen, mit all diesen Klammern fertigzuwerden.
+Wir fordern von allen Prozeduren auf oberster Ebene, dass sie über einen
+Docstring verfügen. Diese Voraussetzung kann jedoch bei einfachen, privaten
+Prozeduren im Namensraum @code{(guix build @dots{})} aufgeweicht werden.
+Prozeduren sollten nicht mehr als vier positionsbestimmte Parameter
+haben. Benutzen Sie Schlüsselwort-Parameter für Prozeduren, die mehr als
+vier Parameter entgegennehmen.
+@node Einreichen von Patches
+@section Einreichen von Patches
+Die Entwicklung wird mit Hilfe des verteilten Versionskontrollsystems Git
+durchgeführt. Daher ist eine ständige Verbindung zum Repository nicht
+unbedingt erforderlich. Wir begrüßen Beiträge in Form von Patches, die
+mittels @code{git format-patch} erstellt und an die Mailingliste
+@email{guix-patches@@gnu.org} geschickt werden.
+Diese Mailing-Liste setzt auf einer Debbugs-Instanz auf, die zugänglich ist
+unter @uref{https://bugs.gnu.org/guix-patches}, wodurch wir den Überblick
+über Eingereichtes behalten können. Jede an diese Mailing-Liste gesendete
+Nachricht bekommt eine neue Folgenummer zugewiesen, so dass man eine
+Folge-Email zur Einreichung an @code{@var{NNN}@@debbugs.gnu.org} senden
+kann, wobei @var{NNN} für die Folgenummer steht (@pxref{Senden einer Patch-Reihe}).
+Bitte schreiben Sie Commit-Logs im ChangeLog-Format (@pxref{Change Logs,,,
+standards, GNU Coding Standards}); dazu finden Sie Beispiele unter den
+bisherigen Commits.
+Bevor Sie einen Patch einreichen, der eine Paketdefinition hinzufügt oder
+verändert, gehen Sie bitte diese Prüfliste durch:
+Wenn die Autoren der verpackten Software eine kryptographische Signatur für
+den Tarball der Veröffentlichung anbieten, so machen Sie sich bitte die
+Mühe, die Echtheit des Archivs zu überprüfen. Für eine abgetrennte
+GPG-Signaturdatei würden Sie das mit dem Befehl @code{gpg --verify} tun.
+Nehmen Sie sich die Zeit, eine passende Zusammenfassung und Beschreibung für
+das Paket zu verfassen. Unter @xref{Zusammenfassungen und Beschreibungen} finden Sie
+dazu einige Richtlinien.
+Verwenden Sie @code{guix lint @var{Paket}}, wobei @var{Paket} das neue oder
+geänderte Paket bezeichnet, und beheben Sie alle gemeldeten Fehler
+(@pxref{Aufruf von guix lint}).
+Stellen Sie sicher, dass das Paket auf Ihrer Plattform erstellt werden kann,
+indem Sie @code{guix build @var{Paket}} ausführen.
+@cindex gebündelt
+Achten Sie darauf, dass im Paket keine Software gebündelt mitgeliefert wird,
+die bereits in separaten Paketen zur Verfügung steht.
+Manchmal enthalten Pakete Kopien des Quellcodes ihrer Abhängigkeiten, um
+Nutzern die Installation zu erleichtern. Als eine Distribution wollen wir
+jedoch sicherstellen, dass solche Pakete die schon in der Distribution
+verfügbare Fassung benutzen, sofern es eine gibt. Dadurch wird sowohl der
+Ressourcenverbrauch optimiert (die Abhängigkeit wird so nur einmal erstellt
+und gespeichert) als auch der Distribution die Möglichkeit gegeben,
+ergänzende Änderungen durchzuführen, um beispielsweise
+Sicherheitsaktualisierungen für ein bestimmtes Paket an nur einem Ort
+einzuspielen, die aber das gesamte System betreffen — gebündelt
+mitgelieferte Kopien würden dies verhindern.
+Schauen Sie sich das von @command{guix size} ausgegebene Profil an
+(@pxref{Aufruf von guix size}). Dadurch können Sie Referenzen auf andere
+Pakete finden, die ungewollt vorhanden sind. Dies kann auch dabei helfen, zu
+entscheiden, ob das Paket aufgespalten werden sollte (@pxref{Pakete mit mehreren Ausgaben.}) und welche optionalen Abhängigkeiten verwendet werden
+Achten Sie bei wichtigen Änderungen darauf, dass abhängige Pakete (falls
+vorhanden) nicht von der Änderung beeinträchtigt werden; @code{guix refresh
+--list-dependent @var{Paket}} hilft Ihnen dabei (@pxref{Aufruf von guix refresh}).
+@c ===========================================================================
+@c This file was generated with po4a. Translate the source file.
+@c ===========================================================================
+@c See <https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/guix-devel/2016-10/msg00933.html>.
+@cindex Branching-Strategie
+@cindex Neuerstellungs-Zeitplan
+Je nachdem, wieviele abhängige Pakete es gibt, und entsprechend wieviele
+Neuerstellungen dadurch nötig würden, finden Commits auf anderen Branches
+statt, nach ungefähr diesen Regeln:
+@table @asis
+@item 300 abhängige Pakete oder weniger
+@code{master}-Branch (störfreie Änderungen).
+@item zwischen 300 und 1200 abhängige Pakete
+@code{staging}-Branch (störfreie Änderungen). Dieser Branch wird circa alle
+3 Wochen in @code{master} gemerget. Themenbezogene Änderungen (z.B. eine
+Aktualisierung der GNOME-Plattform) können stattdessen auch auf einem
+eigenen Branch umgesetzt werden (wie @code{gnome-updates}).
+@item mehr als 1200 abhängige Pakete
+@code{core-updates}-Branch (kann auch größere und womöglich andere Software
+beeinträchtigende Änderungen umfassen). Dieser Branch wird planmäßig in
+@code{master} alle 2,5 Monate oder so gemerget.
+@end table
+All these branches are @uref{https://hydra.gnu.org/project/gnu, tracked by
+our build farm} and merged into @code{master} once everything has been
+successfully built. This allows us to fix issues before they hit users, and
+to reduce the window during which pre-built binaries are not available.
+@c TODO: It would be good with badges on the website that tracks these
+@c branches. Or maybe even a status page.
+Generally, branches other than @code{master} are considered @emph{frozen} if
+there has been a recent evaluation, or there is a corresponding @code{-next}
+branch. Please ask on the mailing list or IRC if unsure where to place a
+@cindex Determinismus, von Erstellungsprozessen
+@cindex Reproduzierbare Erstellungen, Überprüfung
+Überprüfen Sie, ob der Erstellungsprozess deterministisch ist. Dazu prüfen
+Sie typischerweise, ob eine unabhängige Erstellung des Pakets genau dasselbe
+Ergebnis wie Ihre Erstellung hat, Bit für Bit.
+Dies können Sie leicht tun, indem Sie dasselbe Paket mehrere Male
+hintereinander auf Ihrer Maschine erstellen (@pxref{Aufruf von guix build}):
+guix build --rounds=2 mein-paket
+@end example
+Dies reicht aus, um eine ganze Klasse häufiger Ursachen von
+Nichtdeterminismus zu finden, wie zum Beispiel Zeitstempel oder
+zufallsgenerierte Ausgaben im Ergebnis der Erstellung.
+Eine weitere Möglichkeit ist, @command{guix challenge} (@pxref{Aufruf von guix challenge}) zu benutzen. Sie können es ausführen, sobald ein Paket commitet
+und von @code{hydra.gnu.org} erstellt wurde, um zu sehen, ob dort dasselbe
+Ergebnis wie bei Ihnen geliefert wurde. Noch besser: Finden Sie eine andere
+Maschine, die das Paket erstellen kann, und führen Sie @command{guix
+publish} aus. Da sich die entfernte Erstellungsmaschine wahrscheinlich von
+Ihrer unterscheidet, können Sie auf diese Weise Probleme durch
+Nichtdeterminismus erkennen, die mit der Hardware zu tun haben — zum
+Beispiel die Nutzung anderer Befehlssatzerweiterungen — oder mit dem
+Betriebssystem-Kernel — zum Beispiel, indem @code{uname} oder
+@file{/proc}-Dateien verwendet werden.
+Beim Schreiben von Dokumentation achten Sie bitte auf eine
+geschlechtsneutrale Wortwahl, wenn Sie sich auf Personen beziehen, wie
+@uref{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singular_they, »they«@comma{}
+»their«@comma{} »them« im Singular}, und so weiter.
+Stelllen Sie sicher, dass Ihr Patch nur einen Satz zusammengehöriger
+Änderungen umfasst. Das Zusammenfassen nicht zusammengehöriger Änderungen
+erschwert und bremst das Durchsehen Ihres Patches.
+Beispiele für nicht zusammengehörige Änderungen sind das Hinzufügen mehrerer
+Pakete auf einmal, oder das Aktualisieren eines Pakets auf eine neue Version
+zusammen mit Fehlerbehebungen für das Paket.
+Bitte befolgen Sie unsere Richtlinien für die Code-Formatierung, womöglich
+wollen Sie dies automatisch tun lassen durch das Skript
+@command{etc/indent-code.el} (@pxref{Formatierung von Code}).
+When possible, use mirrors in the source URL (@pxref{Aufruf von guix download}). Use reliable URLs, not generated ones. For instance, GitHub
+archives are not necessarily identical from one generation to the next, so
+in this case it's often better to clone the repository. Don't use the
+@command{name} field in the URL: it is not very useful and if the name
+changes, the URL will probably be wrong.
+@end enumerate
+Bitte benutzen Sie @samp{[PATCH] @dots{}} als Betreff, wenn Sie einen Patch
+an die Mailing-Liste schicken. Sie können dazu Ihr E-Mail-Programm oder den
+Befehl @command{git send-email} benutzen (@pxref{Senden einer Patch-Reihe}). Wir bevorzugen es, Patches als reine Textnachrichten zu erhalten,
+entweder eingebettet (inline) oder als MIME-Anhänge. Sie sind dazu
+angehalten, zu überprüfen, ob Ihr Mail-Programm solche Dinge wie
+Zeilenumbrüche oder die Einrückung verändert, wodurch die Patches womöglich
+nicht mehr funktionieren.
+Wenn dadurch ein Fehler behoben wurde, schließen Sie bitte den Thread, indem
+Sie eine E-Mail an @email{@var{NNN}-done@@debbugs.gnu.org} senden.
+@unnumberedsubsec Senden einer Patch-Reihe
+@anchor{Senden einer Patch-Reihe}
+@cindex Patch-Reihe
+@cindex @code{git send-email}
+@cindex @code{git-send-email}
+@c Debbugs bug: https://debbugs.gnu.org/db/15/15361.html
+Wenn Sie eine Patch-Reihe senden (z.B. mit @code{git send-email}), schicken
+Sie bitte als Erstes eine Nachricht an @email{guix-patches@@gnu.org} und
+dann nachfolgende Patches an @email{@var{NNN}@@debbugs.gnu.org}, um
+sicherzustellen, dass sie zusammen bearbeitet werden. Siehe
+@uref{https://debbugs.gnu.org/Advanced.html, die Debbugs-Dokumentation} für
+weitere Informationen.
diff --git a/doc/contributing.fr.texi b/doc/contributing.fr.texi
index 1bba7f7d5e..502de9f7f0 100644
--- a/doc/contributing.fr.texi
+++ b/doc/contributing.fr.texi
@@ -110,14 +110,15 @@ changement localement sans les installer pour de vrai. Pour pouvoir
distinguer votre rôle « d'utilisateur final » de celui parfois haut en
couleur de « développeur ».
-To that end, all the command-line tools can be used even if you have not run
-@code{make install}. To do that, you first need to have an environment with
-all the dependencies available (@pxref{Construire depuis Git}), and then simply
-prefix each command with @command{./pre-inst-env} (the @file{pre-inst-env}
-script lives in the top build tree of Guix), as in@footnote{The @option{-E}
-flag to @command{sudo} guarantees that @code{GUILE_LOAD_PATH} is correctly
-set such that @command{guix-daemon} and the tools it uses can find the Guile
-modules they need.}:
+Pour cela, tous les outils en ligne de commande sont utilisables même sans
+avoir lancé @code{make install}. Pour cela, vous devez d'abord avoir un
+environnement avec toutes les dépendances disponibles (@pxref{Construire depuis Git}), puis préfixer chaque commande par @command{./pre-inst-env} (le script
+@file{pre-inst-env} se trouve dans le répertoire de plus haut niveau de
+l'arborescence des sources de Guix ; il est généré par
+@command{./configure}) comme cela@footnote{L'option @option{-E} de
+@command{sudo} garantie que @code{GUILE_LOAD_PATH} est bien paramétré pour
+@command{guix-daemon} et pour que les outils qu'il utilise puissent trouver
+les modules Guile dont ils ont besoin.} :
$ sudo -E ./pre-inst-env guix-daemon --build-users-group=guixbuild
@@ -213,12 +214,13 @@ variables @var{yas-snippet-dirs} d'Emacs.
(add-to-list 'yas-snippet-dirs "~/src/guix/etc/snippets"))
@end lisp
-The commit message snippets depend on @url{https://magit.vc/, Magit} to
-display staged files. When editing a commit message type @code{add}
-followed by @kbd{TAB} to insert a commit message template for adding a
-package; type @code{update} followed by @kbd{TAB} to insert a template for
-updating a package; type @code{https} followed by @kbd{TAB} to insert a
-template for changing the home page URI of a package to HTTPS.
+Les extraits de messages de commit dépendent de @url{https://magit.vc/,
+Magit} pour afficher les fichiers sélectionnés. Lors de la modification
+d'un message de commit, tapez @code{add} suivi de @kbd{TAB} pour insérer un
+modèle de message de commit pour ajouter un paquet ; tapez @code{update}
+suivi de @kbd{TAB} pour insérer un modèle pour la mise à jour d'un paquet ;
+tapez @code{https} suivi de @kbd{TAB} pour insérer un modèle pour le
+changement à HTTPS de l'URI de la page d'accueil.
L'extrait principal pour @code{scheme-mode} est lancé en tapant
@code{package…} suivi par @kbd{TAB}. Cet extrait insère aussi la chaîne de
@@ -487,6 +489,13 @@ Suivez nos règles de formatage de code, éventuellement en lançant le script
@command{et/indent-code.el} pour le faire automatiquement (@pxref{Formatage
du code}).
+Si possible, utilisez des miroirs dans l'URL des sources (@pxref{Invoquer guix download}). Utilisez des URL stable, pas des URL générées. Par
+exemple, les archives GitHub ne sont pas nécessairement identiques d'une
+génération à la suivante, donc il vaut mieux dans ce cas cloner le dépôt.
+N'utilisez pas le champ @command{name} dans l'URL : ce n'est pas très utile
+et si le nom change, l'URL sera probablement erronée.
@end enumerate
Lorsque vous envoyez un correctif à la liste de diffusion, utilisez
diff --git a/doc/contributing.texi b/doc/contributing.texi
index 91a87ef2dd..c55eb63382 100644
--- a/doc/contributing.texi
+++ b/doc/contributing.texi
@@ -112,7 +112,8 @@ run @code{make install}. To do that, you first need to have an environment
with all the dependencies available (@pxref{Building from Git}), and then
simply prefix each command with
@command{./pre-inst-env} (the @file{pre-inst-env} script lives in the
-top build tree of Guix), as in@footnote{The @option{-E} flag to
+top build tree of Guix; it is generated by @command{./configure}),
+as in@footnote{The @option{-E} flag to
@command{sudo} guarantees that @code{GUILE_LOAD_PATH} is correctly set
such that @command{guix-daemon} and the tools it uses can find the Guile
modules they need.}:
@@ -442,7 +443,7 @@ as timestamps or randomly-generated output in the build result.
Another option is to use @command{guix challenge} (@pxref{Invoking guix
challenge}). You may run it once the package has been committed and
-built by @code{hydra.gnu.org} to check whether it obtains the same
+built by @code{@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER}} to check whether it obtains the same
result as you did. Better yet: Find another machine that can build it
and run @command{guix publish}. Since the remote build machine is
likely different from yours, this can catch non-determinism issues
diff --git a/doc/guix.de.texi b/doc/guix.de.texi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ef04eed346
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/guix.de.texi
@@ -0,0 +1,24155 @@
+\input texinfo
+@c ===========================================================================
+@c This file was generated with po4a. Translate the source file.
+@c ===========================================================================
+@c -*-texinfo-*-
+@c %**start of header
+@setfilename guix.de.info
+@documentencoding UTF-8
+@documentlanguage de
+@frenchspacing on
+@settitle Referenzhandbuch zu GNU Guix
+@c %**end of header
+@include version-de.texi
+@c Identifier of the OpenPGP key used to sign tarballs and such.
+@set KEY-SERVER pool.sks-keyservers.net
+Copyright @copyright{} 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 Ludovic
+Courtès@* Copyright @copyright{} 2013, 2014, 2016 Andreas Enge@* Copyright
+@copyright{} 2013 Nikita Karetnikov@* Copyright @copyright{} 2014, 2015,
+2016 Alex Kost@* Copyright @copyright{} 2015, 2016 Mathieu Lirzin@*
+Copyright @copyright{} 2014 Pierre-Antoine Rault@* Copyright @copyright{}
+2015 Taylan Ulrich Bayırlı/Kammer@* Copyright @copyright{} 2015, 2016, 2017
+Leo Famulari@* Copyright @copyright{} 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 Ricardo
+Wurmus@* Copyright @copyright{} 2016 Ben Woodcroft@* Copyright @copyright{}
+2016, 2017, 2018 Chris Marusich@* Copyright @copyright{} 2016, 2017, 2018
+Efraim Flashner@* Copyright @copyright{} 2016 John Darrington@* Copyright
+@copyright{} 2016, 2017 Nils Gillmann@* Copyright @copyright{} 2016, 2017,
+2018 Jan Nieuwenhuizen@* Copyright @copyright{} 2016 Julien Lepiller@*
+Copyright @copyright{} 2016 Alex ter Weele@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017,
+2018 Clément Lassieur@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017, 2018 Mathieu Othacehe@*
+Copyright @copyright{} 2017 Federico Beffa@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017,
+2018 Carlo Zancanaro@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017 Thomas Danckaert@*
+Copyright @copyright{} 2017 humanitiesNerd@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017
+Christopher Allan Webber@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017, 2018 Marius Bakke@*
+Copyright @copyright{} 2017 Hartmut Goebel@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017
+Maxim Cournoyer@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017, 2018 Tobias Geerinckx-Rice@*
+Copyright @copyright{} 2017 George Clemmer@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017
+Andy Wingo@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017, 2018 Arun Isaac@* Copyright
+@copyright{} 2017 nee@* Copyright @copyright{} 2018 Rutger Helling@*
+Copyright @copyright{} 2018 Oleg Pykhalov@* Copyright @copyright{} 2018 Mike
+Gerwitz@* Copyright @copyright{} 2018 Pierre-Antoine Rouby@* Copyright
+@copyright{} 2018 Gábor Boskovits@* Copyright @copyright{} 2018 Florian
+Pelz@* Copyright @copyright{} 2018 Laura Lazzati@* Copyright @copyright{}
+2018 Alex Vong@*
+Es ist Ihnen gestattet, dieses Dokument zu vervielfältigen, weiterzugeben
+und/oder zu verändern, unter den Bedingungen der GNU Free Documentation
+License, entweder gemäß Version 1.3 der Lizenz oder (nach Ihrer Option)
+einer späteren Version, die von der Free Software Foundation veröffentlicht
+wurde, ohne unveränderliche Abschnitte, ohne vorderen Umschlagtext und ohne
+hinteren Umschlagtext. Eine Kopie der Lizenz finden Sie im Abschnitt mit dem
+Titel »GNU Free Documentation License«.
+@end copying
+@dircategory Systemadministration
+* Guix: (guix.de). Installierte Software und Systemkonfigurationen
+ verwalten.
+* guix package: (guix.de)guix package aufrufen. Pakete installieren,
+ entfernen und
+ aktualisieren.
+* guix gc: (guix.de)guix gc aufrufen. Unbenutzten Plattenspeicher wieder
+ freigeben.
+* guix pull: (guix.de)guix pull aufrufen. Die Liste verfügbarer Pakete
+ aktualisieren.
+* guix system: (guix.de)guix system aufrufen. Die
+ Betriebssystemkonfiguration
+ verwalten.
+@end direntry
+@dircategory Softwareentwicklung
+* guix environment: (guix.de)guix environment aufrufen. Umgebungen für
+ Entwickler
+ erstellen
+* guix build: (guix.de)guix build aufrufen. Erstellen von Paketen.
+* guix pack: (guix.de)guix pack aufrufen. Bündel aus Binärdateien
+ erstellen.
+@end direntry
+@title Referenzhandbuch zu GNU Guix
+@subtitle Den funktionalen Paketmanager GNU Guix benutzen
+@author Die GNU-Guix-Entwickler
+@vskip 0pt plus 1filll
+Edition @value{EDITION} @* @value{UPDATED} @*
+@end titlepage
+@c *********************************************************************
+@node Top
+@top GNU Guix
+Dieses Dokument beschreibt GNU Guix, Version @value{VERSION}, ein
+funktionales Paketverwaltungswerkzeug, das für das GNU-System geschrieben
+@c TRANSLATORS: You can replace the following paragraph with information on
+@c how to join your own translation team and how to report issues with the
+@c translation.
+This manual is also available in French (@pxref{Top,,, guix.fr, Manuel de
+référence de GNU Guix}) and German (@pxref{Top,,, guix.de, Referenzhandbuch
+zu GNU Guix}). If you would like to translate it in your native language,
+consider joining the
+@uref{https://translationproject.org/domain/guix-manual.html, Translation
+* Einführung:: Was ist Guix überhaupt?
+* Installation:: Guix installieren.
+* Paketverwaltung:: Pakete installieren, aktualisieren usw.
+* Programmierschnittstelle:: Guix in Scheme verwenden.
+* Zubehör:: Befehle zur Paketverwaltung.
+* GNU-Distribution:: Software für Ihr freundliches GNU-System.
+* Mitwirken:: Ihre Hilfe ist nötig!
+* Danksagungen:: Danke!
+* GNU-Lizenz für freie Dokumentation:: Die Lizenz dieses Handbuchs.
+* Konzeptverzeichnis:: Konzepte.
+* Programmierverzeichnis:: Datentypen, Funktionen und Variable.
+ --- Detaillierte Liste der Knoten ---
+* Aus Binärdatei installieren:: Guix installieren, ohne Zeit zu verlieren!
+* Voraussetzungen:: Zum Erstellen und Benutzen von Guix nötige
+ Software.
+* Die Testsuite laufen lassen:: Guix testen.
+* Den Daemon einrichten:: Wie man die Umgebung des Erstellungs-Daemons
+ einrichtet.
+* Aufruf des guix-daemon:: Den Erstellungs-Daemon laufen lassen.
+* Anwendungen einrichten:: Anwendungsspezifische Einstellungen.
+Den Daemon einrichten
+* Einrichten der Erstellungsumgebung:: Die isolierte Umgebung zum Erstellen
+ vorbereiten.
+* Auslagern des Daemons einrichten:: Erstellungen auf entfernte Maschinen
+ auslagern.
+* SELinux-Unterstützung:: Wie man eine SELinux-Richtlinie für den Daemon
+ einrichtet.
+* Funktionalitäten:: Wie Guix Ihr Leben schöner machen wird.
+* Aufruf von guix package:: Pakete installieren, entfernen usw.
+* Substitute:: Vorerstelle Binärdateien herunterladen.
+* Pakete mit mehreren Ausgaben.:: Ein Quellpaket, mehrere Ausgaben.
+* Aufruf von guix gc:: Den Müllsammler laufen lassen.
+* Aufruf von guix pull:: Das neueste Guix samt Distribution laden.
+* Channels:: Customizing the package collection.
+* Inferiors:: Interacting with another revision of Guix.
+* Invoking guix describe:: Display information about your Guix revision.
+* Aufruf von guix pack:: Software-Bündel erstellen.
+* Aufruf von guix archive:: Import und Export von Store-Dateien.
+* Offizieller Substitut-Server:: Eine besondere Quelle von Substituten.
+* Substitut-Server autorisieren:: Wie man Substitute an- und abschaltet.
+* Substitutauthentifizierung:: Wie Guix Substitute verifiziert.
+* Proxy-Einstellungen:: Wie Sie Substitute über einen Proxy beziehen.
+* Fehler bei der Substitution:: Was passiert, wenn die Substitution
+ fehlschlägt.
+* Vom Vertrauen gegenüber Binärdateien:: Wie können Sie diesem binären
+ Blob trauen?
+* Pakete definieren:: Wie Sie neue Pakete definieren.
+* Erstellungssysteme:: Angeben, wie Pakete erstellt werden.
+* Der Store:: Den Paket-Store verändern.
+* Ableitungen:: Systemnahe Schnittstelle für Paketableitungen.
+* Die Store-Monade:: Rein funktionale Schnittstelle zum Store.
+* G-Ausdrücke:: Erstellungsausdrücke verarbeiten.
+* Invoking guix repl:: Fiddling with Guix interactively.
+Pakete definieren
+* „package“-Referenz:: Der Datentyp für Pakete.
+* „origin“-Referenz:: Datentyp für Paketursprünge.
+* Aufruf von guix build:: Pakete aus der Befehlszeile heraus erstellen.
+* Aufruf von guix edit:: Paketdefinitionen bearbeiten.
+* Aufruf von guix download:: Herunterladen einer Datei und Ausgabe ihres
+ Hashes.
+* Aufruf von guix hash:: Den kryptographischen Hash einer Datei
+ berechnen.
+* Aufruf von guix import:: Paketdefinitionen importieren.
+* Aufruf von guix refresh:: Paketdefinitionen aktualisieren.
+* Aufruf von guix lint:: Fehler in Paketdefinitionen finden.
+* Aufruf von guix size:: Plattenverbrauch profilieren.
+* Aufruf von guix graph:: Den Paketgraphen visualisieren.
+* Aufruf von guix environment:: Entwicklungsumgebungen einrichten.
+* Aufruf von guix publish:: Substitute teilen.
+* Aufruf von guix challenge:: Die Substitut-Server anfechten.
+* Aufruf von guix copy:: Mit einem entfernten Store Dateien austauschen.
+* Aufruf von guix container:: Prozesse isolieren.
+* Aufruf von guix weather:: Die Verfügbarkeit von Substituten
+ einschätzen.
+* Invoking guix processes:: Listing client processes.
+Aufruf von @command{guix build}
+* Gemeinsame Erstellungsoptionen:: Erstellungsoptionen für die meisten
+ Befehle.
+* Paketumwandlungsoptionen:: Varianten von Paketen erzeugen.
+* Zusätzliche Erstellungsoptionen:: Optionen spezifisch für »guix
+ build«.
+* Fehlschläge beim Erstellen untersuchen:: Praxiserfahrung bei der
+ Paketerstellung.
+* Systeminstallation:: Das ganze Betriebssystem installieren.
+* Systemkonfiguration:: Das Betriebssystem konfigurieren.
+* Dokumentation:: Wie man Nutzerhandbücher von Software liest.
+* Dateien zur Fehlersuche installieren:: Womit man seinen Debugger
+ füttert.
+* Sicherheitsaktualisierungen:: Sicherheits-Patches schnell einspielen.
+* Paketmodule:: Pakete aus Sicht des Programmierers.
+* Paketrichtlinien:: Die Distribution wachsen lassen.
+* Bootstrapping:: GNU/Linux von Grund auf selbst erstellen.
+* Portierung:: Guix auf andere Plattformen und Kernels
+ bringen.
+* Einschränkungen:: Was Sie erwarten dürfen.
+* Hardware-Überlegungen:: Unterstützte Hardware.
+* Installation von USB-Stick oder DVD:: Das Installationsmedium
+ vorbereiten.
+* Vor der Installation:: Netzwerkanbindung, Partitionierung etc.
+* Fortfahren mit der Installation:: Die Hauptsache.
+* GuixSD in einer VM installieren:: Ein GuixSD-Spielplatz.
+* Ein Abbild zur Installation erstellen:: Wie ein solches entsteht.
+* Das Konfigurationssystem nutzen:: Ihr GNU-System anpassen.
+* „operating-system“-Referenz:: Details der
+ Betriebssystem-Deklarationen.
+* Dateisysteme:: Die Dateisystemeinbindungen konfigurieren.
+* Abgebildete Geräte:: Näheres zu blockorientierten Speichermedien.
+* Benutzerkonten:: Benutzerkonten festlegen.
+* Locales:: Sprache und kulturelle Konventionen.
+* Dienste:: Systemdienste festlegen.
+* Setuid-Programme:: Mit Administratorrechten startende Programme.
+* X.509-Zertifikate:: HTTPS-Server authentifizieren.
+* Name Service Switch:: Den Name Service Switch von libc konfigurieren.
+* Initiale RAM-Disk:: Linux-libre hochfahren.
+* Bootloader-Konfiguration:: Den Bootloader konfigurieren.
+* Aufruf von guix system:: Instanzierung einer Systemkonfiguration.
+* GuixSD in einer VM starten:: Wie man GuixSD in einer virtuellen Maschine
+ startet.
+* Dienste definieren:: Neue Dienstdefinitionen hinzufügen.
+* Basisdienste:: Essenzielle Systemdienste.
+* Geplante Auftragsausführung:: Der mcron-Dienst.
+* Log-Rotation:: Der rottlog-Dienst.
+* Netzwerkdienste:: Netzwerkeinrichtung, SSH-Daemon etc.
+* X Window:: Graphische Anzeige.
+* Druckdienste:: Unterstützung für lokale und entfernte
+ Drucker.
+* Desktop-Dienste:: D-Bus- und Desktop-Dienste.
+* Sound Services:: ALSA and Pulseaudio services.
+* Datenbankdienste:: SQL-Datenbanken, Schlüssel-Wert-Speicher etc.
+* Mail-Dienste:: IMAP, POP3, SMTP und so weiter.
+* Kurznachrichtendienste:: Dienste für Kurznachrichten.
+* Telefondienste:: Telefoniedienste.
+* Überwachungsdienste:: Dienste zur Systemüberwachung.
+* Kerberos-Dienste:: Kerberos-Dienste.
+* Web-Dienste:: Web-Server.
+* Zertifikatsdienste:: TLS-Zertifikate via Let’s Encrypt.
+* DNS-Dienste:: DNS-Daemons.
+* VPN-Dienste:: VPN-Daemons.
+* Network File System:: Dienste mit Bezug zum Netzwerkdateisystem.
+* Kontinuierliche Integration:: Der Cuirass-Dienst.
+* Power Management Services:: Extending battery life.
+* Audio-Dienste:: Der MPD.
+* Virtualisierungsdienste:: Dienste für virtuelle Maschinen.
+* Versionskontrolldienste:: Entfernten Zugang zu Git-Repositorys bieten.
+* Spieldienste:: Spielserver.
+* Verschiedene Dienste:: Andere Dienste.
+Dienste definieren
+* Dienstkompositionen:: Wie Dienste zusammengestellt werden.
+* Diensttypen und Dienste:: Typen und Dienste.
+* Service-Referenz:: Referenz zur Programmierschnittstelle.
+* Shepherd-Dienste:: Eine spezielle Art von Dienst.
+* Software-Freiheit:: Was in die Distribution aufgenommen werden
+ darf.
+* Paketbenennung:: Was macht einen Namen aus?
+* Versionsnummern:: Wenn der Name noch nicht genug ist.
+* Zusammenfassungen und Beschreibungen:: Den Nutzern helfen, das richtige
+ Paket zu finden.
+* Python-Module:: Ein Touch britischer Comedy.
+* Perl-Module:: Kleine Perlen.
+* Java-Pakete:: Kaffeepause.
+* Schriftarten:: Schriften verschriftlicht.
+* Erstellung aus dem Git:: Das Neueste und Beste.
+* Guix vor der Installation ausführen:: Hacker-Tricks.
+* Perfekt eingerichtet:: Die richtigen Werkzeuge.
+* Code-Stil:: Wie Mitwirkende hygienisch arbeiten.
+* Einreichen von Patches:: Teilen Sie Ihre Arbeit.
+* Programmierparadigmen:: Wie Sie Ihre Elemente zusammenstellen.
+* Module:: Wo Sie Ihren Code unterbringen.
+* Datentypen und Mustervergleich:: Implementierung von Datenstrukturen.
+* Formatierung von Code:: Schreibkonventionen.
+@end detailmenu
+@end menu
+@c *********************************************************************
+@node Einführung
+@chapter Einführung
+@cindex Zweck
+GNU Guix@footnote{»Guix« wird wie »geeks« ausgesprochen, also als »ɡiːks« in
+der Notation des Internationalen Phonetischen Alphabets (IPA).} ist ein
+Werkzeug zur Paketverwaltung für das GNU-System. Guix macht es
+unprivilegierten Nutzern leicht, Pakete zu installieren, zu aktualisieren
+oder zu entfernen, zu einem vorherigen Satz von Paketen zurückzuwechseln,
+Pakete aus ihrem Quellcode heraus zu erstellen und hilft allgemein bei der
+Schöpfung und Wartung von Software-Umgebungen.
+@cindex Benutzeroberflächen
+Guix bietet eine befehlszeilenbasierte Paketverwaltungsschnittstelle
+(@pxref{Aufruf von guix package}), einen Satz Befehlszeilenwerkzeuge
+(@pxref{Zubehör}) sowie Schnittstellen zur Programmierung in Scheme
+@cindex Erstellungs-Daemon
+Der @dfn{Erstellungs-Daemon} ist für das Erstellen von Paketen im Auftrag
+von Nutzern verantwortlich (@pxref{Den Daemon einrichten}) und für das
+Herunterladen vorerstellter Binärdateien aus autorisierten Quellen
+@cindex Erweiterbarkeit der Distribution
+@cindex Anpassung, von Paketen
+Guix enthält Paketdefinitionen für viele Pakete, von GNU und nicht von GNU,
+die alle @uref{https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html, die Freiheit des
+Computernutzers respektieren}. Es ist @emph{erweiterbar}: Nutzer können ihre
+eigenen Paketdefinitionen schreiben (@pxref{Pakete definieren}) und sie als
+unabhängige Paketmodule verfügbar machen (@pxref{Paketmodule}). Es ist
+auch @emph{anpassbar}: Nutzer können spezialisierte Paketdefinitionen aus
+bestehenden @emph{ableiten}, auch von der Befehlszeile (@pxref{Paketumwandlungsoptionen}).
+@cindex Guix System Distribution
+@cindex GuixSD
+Sie können GNU@tie{}Guix auf ein bestehendes GNU/Linux-System aufsetzen, wo
+es die bereits verfügbaren Werkzeuge ergänzt, ohne zu stören
+(@pxref{Installation}), oder Sie können es eigenständig als Teil der
+@dfn{Guix System Distribution}, kurz GuixSD (@pxref{GNU-Distribution}),
+verwenden. Mit GNU@tie{}GuixSD @emph{deklarieren} Sie alle Aspekte der
+Betriebssystemkonfiguration und Guix kümmert sich darum, die Konfiguration
+auf transaktionsbasierte, reproduzierbare und zustandslose Weise zu
+instanzieren (@pxref{Systemkonfiguration}).
+@cindex funktionale Paketverwaltung
+@cindex isolation
+Intern implementiert Guix die Disziplin der @dfn{funktionalen
+Paketverwaltung}, zu der Nix schon die Pionierarbeit geleistet hat
+(@pxref{Danksagungen}). In Guix wird der Prozess, ein Paket zu erstellen
+und zu installieren, als eine @emph{Funktion} im mathematischen Sinn
+aufgefasst. Diese Funktion hat Eingaben, wie zum Beispiel
+Erstellungs-Skripts, einen Compiler und Bibliotheken, und liefert ein
+installiertes Paket. Als eine reine Funktion hängt sein Ergebnis allein von
+seinen Eingaben ab — zum Beispiel kann er nicht auf Software oder Skripts
+Bezug nehmen, die nicht ausdrücklich als Eingaben übergeben wurden. Eine
+Erstellungsfunktion führt immer zum selben Ergebnis, wenn ihr die gleiche
+Menge an Eingaben übergeben wurde. Sie kann die Umgebung des laufenden
+Systems auf keine Weise beeinflussen, zum Beispiel kann sie keine Dateien
+außerhalb ihrer Erstellungs- und Installationsverzeichnisse verändern. Um
+dies zu erreichen, laufen Erstellungsprozesse in isolieren Umgebungen
+(sogenannte @dfn{Container}), wo nur ausdrückliche Eingaben sichtbar sind.
+@cindex Store
+Das Ergebnis von Paketerstellungsfunktionen wird im Dateisystem
+@dfn{zwischengespeichert} in einem besonderen Verzeichnis, was als @dfn{der
+Store} bezeichnet wird (@pxref{Der Store}). Jedes Paket wird in sein eigenes
+Verzeichnis im Store installiert — standardmäßig ist er unter
+@file{/gnu/store} zu finden. Der Verzeichnisname enthält einen Hash aller
+Eingaben, anhand derer das Paket erzeugt wurde, somit hat das Ändern einer
+Eingabe einen völlig anderen Verzeichnisnamen zur Folge.
+Dieses Vorgehen ist die Grundlage für die Guix auszeichnenden
+Funktionalitäten: Unterstützung transaktionsbasierter Paketaktualisierungen
+und -rückstufungen, Installation von Paketen als einfacher Nutzer sowie
+Garbage Collection für Pakete (@pxref{Funktionalitäten}).
+@c *********************************************************************
+@node Installation
+@chapter Installation
+@cindex Guix installieren
+@cindex official website
+GNU Guix kann von seiner Webseite unter
+@url{http://www.gnu.org/software/guix/} heruntergeladen werden. Dieser
+Abschnitt beschreibt die Software-Voraussetzungen von Guix und wie man es
+installiert, so dass man es benutzen kann.
+Beachten Sie, dass es in diesem Abschnitt um die Installation des
+Paketverwaltungswerkzeugs geht, welche auf einem laufenden GNU/Linux-System
+vollzogen werden kann. Falls Sie stattdessen das vollständige
+GNU-Betriebssystem installieren möchten, werfen Sie einen Blick in den
+Abschnitt @pxref{Systeminstallation}.
+@cindex Fremddistribution
+@cindex directories related to foreign distro
+Wenn es auf ein bestehendes GNU/Linux-System installiert wird — im Folgenden
+als @dfn{Fremddistribution} bezeichnet —, ergänzt GNU@tie{}Guix die
+verfügbaren Werkzeuge, ohne dass sie sich gegenseitig stören. Guix’ Daten
+befinden sich ausschließlich in zwei Verzeichnissen, üblicherweise
+@file{/gnu/store} und @file{/var/guix}; andere Dateien auf Ihrem System wie
+@file{/etc} bleiben unberührt.
+Sobald es installiert ist, kann Guix durch Ausführen von @command{guix pull}
+aktualisiert werden (@pxref{Aufruf von guix pull}).
+* Aus Binärdatei installieren:: Guix installieren, ohne Zeit zu verlieren!
+* Voraussetzungen:: Zum Erstellen und Benutzen von Guix nötige
+ Software.
+* Die Testsuite laufen lassen:: Guix testen.
+* Den Daemon einrichten:: Wie man die Umgebung des Erstellungs-Daemons
+ einrichtet.
+* Aufruf des guix-daemon:: Den Erstellungs-Daemon laufen lassen.
+* Anwendungen einrichten:: Anwendungsspezifische Einstellungen.
+@end menu
+@node Aus Binärdatei installieren
+@section Aus Binärdatei installieren
+@cindex Guix aus Binärdateien installieren
+@cindex installer script
+Dieser Abschnitt beschreibt, wie sich Guix auf einem beliebigen System aus
+einem alle Komponenten umfassenden Tarball installieren lässt, der
+Binärdateien für Guix und all seine Abhängigkeiten liefert. Dies geht in der
+Regel schneller, als Guix aus seinen Quelldateien zu installieren, was in
+den nächsten Abschnitten beschrieben wird. Vorausgesetzt wird hier
+lediglich, dass GNU@tie{}tar und Xz verfügbar sind.
+Wir bieten ein
+Installations-Skript für die Shell}, welches Guix automatisch herunterlädt,
+installiert und eine erste Konfiguration von Guix mit sich bringt. Es sollte
+als der Administratornutzer (als »root«) ausgeführt werden.
+Die Installation läuft so ab:
+@cindex Guix-Binärdatei herunterladen
+Download the binary tarball from
+where @var{system} is @code{x86_64-linux} for an @code{x86_64} machine
+already running the kernel Linux, and so on.
+@c The following is somewhat duplicated in ``System Installation''.
+Achten Sie darauf, auch die zugehörige @file{.sig}-Datei herunterzuladen und
+verifizieren Sie damit die Authentizität des Tarballs, ungefähr so:
+$ wget https://alpha.gnu.org/gnu/guix/guix-binary-@value{VERSION}.@var{system}.tar.xz.sig
+$ gpg --verify guix-binary-@value{VERSION}.@var{system}.tar.xz.sig
+@end example
+Falls dieser Befehl fehlschlägt, weil Sie nicht über den nötigen
+öffentlichen Schlüssel verfügen, können Sie ihn mit diesem Befehl
+$ gpg --keyserver @value{KEY-SERVER} \
+ --recv-keys @value{OPENPGP-SIGNING-KEY-ID}
+@end example
+@c end authentication part
+und den Befehl @code{gpg --verify} erneut ausführen.
+Nun müssen Sie zum Administratornutzer @code{root} wechseln. Abhängig von
+Ihrer Distribution müssen Sie dazu etwa @code{su -} oder @code{sudo -i}
+ausführen. Danach führen Sie als @code{root}-Nutzer aus:
+# cd /tmp
+# tar --warning=no-timestamp -xf \
+ guix-binary-@value{VERSION}.@var{system}.tar.xz
+# mv var/guix /var/ && mv gnu /
+@end example
+Dadurch wird @file{/gnu/store} (@pxref{Der Store}) und @file{/var/guix}
+erzeugt. Letzteres enthält ein fertiges Guix-Profil für den
+Administratornutzer @code{root} (wie im nächsten Schritt beschrieben).
+Entpacken Sie den Tarball @emph{nicht} auf einem schon funktionierenden
+Guix-System, denn es würde seine eigenen essenziellen Dateien überschreiben.
+Die Befehlszeilenoption @code{--warning=no-timestamp} stellt sicher, dass
+GNU@tie{}tar nicht vor »unplausibel alten Zeitstempeln« warnt (solche
+Warnungen traten bei GNU@tie{}tar 1.26 und älter auf, neue Versionen machen
+keine Probleme). Sie treten auf, weil alle Dateien im Archiv als
+Änderungszeitpunkt null eingetragen bekommen haben (das bezeichnet den
+1. Januar 1970). Das ist Absicht, damit der Inhalt des Archivs nicht davon
+abhängt, wann es erstellt wurde, und es somit reproduzierbar wird.
+Make the profile available under @file{~root/.config/guix/current}, which is
+where @command{guix pull} will install updates (@pxref{Aufruf von guix pull}):
+# mkdir -p ~root/.config/guix
+# ln -sf /var/guix/profiles/per-user/root/current-guix \
+ ~root/.config/guix/current
+@end example
+»Sourcen« Sie @file{etc/profile}, um @code{PATH} und andere relevante
+Umgebungsvariable zu ergänzen:
+# GUIX_PROFILE="`echo ~root`/.config/guix/current" ; \
+ source $GUIX_PROFILE/etc/profile
+@end example
+Erzeugen Sie Nutzergruppe und Nutzerkonten für die Erstellungs-Benutzer wie
+folgt (@pxref{Einrichten der Erstellungsumgebung}).
+Führen Sie den Daemon aus, und lassen Sie ihn automatisch bei jedem
+Hochfahren starten.
+Wenn Ihre Wirts-Distribution systemd als »init«-System verwendet, können Sie
+das mit folgenden Befehlen veranlassen:
+@c Versions of systemd that supported symlinked service files are not
+@c yet widely deployed, so we should suggest that users copy the service
+@c files into place.
+@c See this thread for more information:
+@c http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/guix-devel/2017-01/msg01199.html
+# cp ~root/.config/guix/current/lib/systemd/system/guix-daemon.service \
+ /etc/systemd/system/
+# systemctl start guix-daemon && systemctl enable guix-daemon
+@end example
+Wenn Ihre Wirts-Distribution als »init«-System Upstart verwendet:
+# initctl reload-configuration
+# cp ~root/.config/guix/current/lib/upstart/system/guix-daemon.conf \
+ /etc/init/
+# start guix-daemon
+@end example
+Andernfalls können Sie den Daemon immer noch manuell starten, mit:
+# ~root/.config/guix/current/bin/guix-daemon \
+ --build-users-group=guixbuild
+@end example
+Stellen Sie den @command{guix}-Befehl auch anderen Nutzern Ihrer Maschine
+zur Verfügung, zum Beispiel so:
+# mkdir -p /usr/local/bin
+# cd /usr/local/bin
+# ln -s /var/guix/profiles/per-user/root/current-guix/bin/guix
+@end example
+Es ist auch eine gute Idee, die Info-Version dieses Handbuchs ebenso
+verfügbar zu machen:
+# mkdir -p /usr/local/share/info
+# cd /usr/local/share/info
+# for i in /var/guix/profiles/per-user/root/current-guix/share/info/* ;
+ do ln -s $i ; done
+@end example
+Auf diese Art wird, unter der Annahme, dass bei Ihnen
+@file{/usr/local/share/info} im Suchpfad eingetragen ist, das Ausführen von
+@command{info guix} dieses Handbuch öffnen (@pxref{Other Info Directories,,,
+texinfo, GNU Texinfo} hat weitere Details, wie Sie den Info-Suchpfad ändern
+@cindex Substitute, deren Autorisierung
+Um Substitute von @code{hydra.gnu.org} oder einem Spiegelserver davon zu
+benutzen (@pxref{Substitute}), müssen sie erst autorisiert werden:
+# guix archive --authorize < \
+ ~root/.config/guix/current/share/guix/hydra.gnu.org.pub
+@end example
+Alle Nutzer müssen womöglich ein paar zusätzliche Schritte ausführen, damit
+ihre Guix-Umgebung genutzt werden kann, siehe @pxref{Anwendungen einrichten}.
+@end enumerate
+Voilà, die Installation ist fertig!
+Sie können nachprüfen, dass Guix funktioniert, indem Sie ein Beispielpaket
+in das root-Profil installieren:
+# guix package -i hello
+@end example
+The @code{guix} package must remain available in @code{root}'s profile, or
+it would become subject to garbage collection---in which case you would find
+yourself badly handicapped by the lack of the @command{guix} command. In
+other words, do not remove @code{guix} by running @code{guix package -r
+Der Tarball zur Installation aus einer Binärdatei kann einfach durch
+Ausführung des folgenden Befehls im Guix-Quellbaum (re-)produziert und
+verifiziert werden:
+make guix-binary.@var{system}.tar.xz
+@end example
+...@: which, in turn, runs:
+guix pack -s @var{system} --localstatedir \
+ --profile-name=current-guix guix
+@end example
+Siehe @xref{Aufruf von guix pack} für weitere Informationen zu diesem
+praktischen Werkzeug.
+@node Voraussetzungen
+@section Voraussetzungen
+Dieser Abschnitt listet Voraussetzungen auf, um Guix aus seinem Quellcode zu
+erstellen. Der Erstellungsprozess für Guix ist derselbe wie für andere
+GNU-Software und wird hier nicht beschrieben. Bitte lesen Sie die Dateien
+@file{README} und @file{INSTALL} im Guix-Quellbaum, um weitere Details zu
+GNU Guix hat folgende Pakete als Abhängigkeiten:
+@item @url{http://gnu.org/software/guile/, GNU Guile}, Version 2.0.13 oder
+neuer, einschließlich 2.2.x,
+@item @url{https://notabug.org/cwebber/guile-gcrypt, Guile-Gcrypt}, version
+0.1.0 or later;
+@uref{http://gnutls.org/, GnuTLS}, im Speziellen dessen Bindungen für Guile
+(@pxref{Guile Preparations, how to install the GnuTLS bindings for Guile,,
+gnutls-guile, GnuTLS-Guile}),
+@uref{https://notabug.org/guile-sqlite3/guile-sqlite3, Guile-SQLite3},
+version 0.1.0 or later;
+@c FIXME: Specify a version number once a release has been made.
+@uref{https://gitlab.com/guile-git/guile-git, Guile-Git}, vom August 2017
+oder neuer,
+@item @url{http://zlib.net, zlib},
+@item @url{http://www.gnu.org/software/make/, GNU Make}.
+@end itemize
+Folgende Abhängigkeiten sind optional:
+Wenn Sie @url{http://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/guile-json/, Guile-JSON}
+installieren, können Sie den Befehl @command{guix import pypi} benutzen
+(@pxref{Aufruf von guix import}). Das spielt hauptsächlich für Entwickler und
+nicht für Gelegenheitsnutzer eine Rolle.
+@c Note: We need at least 0.10.2 for 'channel-send-eof'.
+Unterstützung für das Auslagern von Erstellungen (@pxref{Auslagern des Daemons einrichten}) und @command{guix copy} (@pxref{Aufruf von guix copy}) hängt von
+@uref{https://github.com/artyom-poptsov/guile-ssh, Guile-SSH}, Version
+0.10.2 oder neuer, ab.
+Wenn @url{http://www.bzip.org, libbz2} verfügbar ist, kann
+@command{guix-daemon} damit Erstellungsprotokolle komprimieren.
+@end itemize
+Sofern nicht @code{--disable-daemon} beim Aufruf von @command{configure}
+übergeben wurde, benötigen Sie auch folgende Pakete:
+@item @url{http://gnupg.org/, GNU libgcrypt},
+@item @url{http://sqlite.org, SQLite 3},
+@item @url{http://gcc.gnu.org, GCC's g++} mit Unterstützung für den
+@end itemize
+@cindex Zustandsverzeichnis
+Sollten Sie Guix auf einem System konfigurieren, auf dem Guix bereits
+installiert ist, dann stellen Sie sicher, dasselbe Zustandsverzeichnis wie
+für die bestehende Installation zu verwenden. Benutzen Sie dazu die
+Befehlszeilenoption @code{--localstatedir} des @command{configure}-Skripts
+(@pxref{Directory Variables, @code{localstatedir},, standards, GNU Coding
+Standards}). Das @command{configure}-Skript schützt vor ungewollter
+Fehlkonfiguration der @var{localstatedir}, damit sie nicht versehentlich
+Ihren Store verfälschen (@pxref{Der Store}).
+@cindex Nix, Kompatibilität
+Wenn eine funktionierende Installation of @url{http://nixos.org/nix/, the
+Nix package manager} verfügbar ist, können Sie Guix stattdessen mit
+@code{--disable-daemon} konfigurieren. In diesem Fall ersetzt Nix die drei
+oben genannten Abhängigkeiten.
+Guix ist mit Nix kompatibel, daher ist es möglich, denselben Store für beide
+zu verwenden. Dazu müssen Sie an @command{configure} nicht nur denselben
+Wert für @code{--with-store-dir} übergeben, sondern auch denselben Wert für
+@code{--localstatedir}. Letzterer ist deswegen essenziell, weil er unter
+Anderem angibt, wo die Datenbank liegt, in der sich die Metainformationen
+über den Store befinden. Für Nix sind die Werte standardmäßig
+@code{--with-store-dir=/nix/store} und
+@code{--localstatedir=/nix/var}. Beachten Sie, dass @code{--disable-daemon}
+nicht erforderlich ist, wenn Sie die Absicht haben, den Store mit Nix zu
+@node Die Testsuite laufen lassen
+@section Die Testsuite laufen lassen
+@cindex Testkatalog
+Nachdem @command{configure} und @code{make} erfolgreich durchgelaufen sind,
+ist es ratsam, den Testkatalog auszuführen. Er kann dabei helfen, Probleme
+mit der Einrichtung oder Systemumgebung zu finden, oder auch Probleme in
+Guix selbst — und Testfehler zu melden ist eine wirklich gute Art und Weise,
+bei der Verbesserung von Guix mitzuhelfen. Um den Testkatalog auszuführen,
+geben Sie Folgendes ein:
+make check
+@end example
+Testfälle können parallel ausgeführt werden. Sie können die
+Befehlszeiltenoption @code{-j} von GNU@tie{}make benutzen, damit es
+schneller geht. Der erste Durchlauf kann auf neuen Maschinen ein paar
+Minuten dauern, nachfolgende Ausführungen werden schneller sein, weil der
+für die Tests erstellte Store schon einige Dinge zwischengespeichert haben
+Es ist auch möglich, eine Teilmenge der Tests laufen zu lassen, indem Sie
+die @code{TESTS}-Variable des Makefiles ähnlich wie in diesem Beispiel
+make check TESTS="tests/store.scm tests/cpio.scm"
+@end example
+Standardmäßig werden Testergebnisse pro Datei angezeigt. Um die Details
+jedes einzelnen Testfalls zu sehen, können Sie wie in diesem Beispiel die
+@code{SCM_LOG_DRIVER_FLAGS}-Variable des Makefiles definieren:
+make check TESTS="tests/base64.scm" SCM_LOG_DRIVER_FLAGS="--brief=no"
+@end example
+Kommt es zum Fehlschlag, senden Sie bitte eine E-Mail an
+@email{bug-guix@@gnu.org} und fügen Sie die Datei @file{test-suite.log} als
+Anhang bei. Bitte geben Sie dabei in Ihrer Nachricht die benutzte Version
+von Guix an sowie die Versionsnummern der Abhängigkeiten
+Guix wird auch mit einem Testkatalog für das ganze System ausgeliefert, der
+vollständige Instanzen des GuixSD-Betriebssystems testet. Er kann nur auf
+Systemen benutzt werden, auf denen Guix bereits installiert ist, mit
+folgendem Befehl:
+make check-system
+@end example
+Oder, auch hier, indem Sie @code{TESTS} definieren, um eine Teilmenge der
+auszuführenden Tests anzugeben:
+make check-system TESTS="basic mcron"
+@end example
+Diese Systemtests sind in den @code{(gnu tests @dots{})}-Modulen
+definiert. Sie funktionieren, indem Sie das getestete Betriebssystem mitsamt
+schlichter Instrumentierung in einer virtuellen Maschine (VM) ausführen. Die
+Tests können aufwendige Berechnungen durchführen oder sie günstig umgehen,
+je nachdem, ob für ihre Abhängigkeiten Substitute zur Verfügung stehen
+(@pxref{Substitute}). Manche von ihnen nehmen viel Speicherplatz in
+Anspruch, um die VM-Abbilder zu speichern.
+Auch hier gilt: Falls Testfehler auftreten, senden Sie bitte alle Details an
+@node Den Daemon einrichten
+@section Den Daemon einrichten
+@cindex Daemon
+Operationen wie das Erstellen eines Pakets oder Laufenlassen des
+Müllsammlers werden alle durch einen spezialisierten Prozess durchgeführt,
+den @dfn{Erstellungs-Daemon}, im Auftrag seiner Kunden (den Clients). Nur
+der Daemon darf auf den Store und seine zugehörige Datenbank
+zugreifen. Daher wird jede den Store verändernde Operation durch den Daemon
+durchgeführt. Zum Beispiel kommunizieren Befehlszeilenwerkzeuge wie
+@command{guix package} und @command{guix build} mit dem Daemon (mittels
+entfernter Prozeduraufrufe), um ihm Anweisungen zu geben, was er tun soll.
+Folgende Abschnitte beschreiben, wie Sie die Umgebung des
+Erstellungs-Daemons ausstatten sollten. Siehe auch @ref{Substitute} für
+Informationen darüber, wie Sie es dem Daemon ermöglichen, vorerstellte
+Binärdateien herunterzuladen.
+* Einrichten der Erstellungsumgebung:: Die isolierte Umgebung zum Erstellen
+ vorbereiten.
+* Auslagern des Daemons einrichten:: Erstellungen auf entfernte Maschinen
+ auslagern.
+* SELinux-Unterstützung:: Wie man eine SELinux-Richtlinie für den Daemon
+ einrichtet.
+@end menu
+@node Einrichten der Erstellungsumgebung
+@subsection Einrichten der Erstellungsumgebung
+@cindex Erstellungsumgebung
+In einem normalen Mehrbenutzersystem werden Guix und sein Daemon — das
+Programm @command{guix-daemon} — vom Systemadministrator installiert;
+@file{/gnu/store} gehört @code{root} und @command{guix-daemon} läuft als
+@code{root}. Nicht mit erweiterten Rechten ausgestattete Nutzer können
+Guix-Werkzeuge benutzen, um Pakete zu erstellen oder anderweitig auf den
+Store zuzugreifen, und der Daemon wird dies für sie erledigen und dabei
+sicherstellen, dass der Store in einem konsistenten Zustand verbleibt und
+sich die Nutzer erstellte Pakete teilen.
+@cindex Erstellungsbenutzer
+Wenn @command{guix-daemon} als Administratornutzer @code{root} läuft, wollen
+Sie aber vielleicht dennoch nicht, dass Paketerstellungsprozesse auch als
+@code{root} ablaufen, aus offensichtlichen Sicherheitsgründen. Um dies zu
+vermeiden, sollte ein besonderer Pool aus @dfn{Erstellungsbenutzern}
+geschaffen werden, damit vom Daemon gestartete Erstellungsprozesse ihn
+benutzen. Diese Erstellungsbenutzer müssen weder eine Shell noch einen
+Persönlichen Ordner zugewiesen bekommen, sie werden lediglich benutzt, wenn
+der Daemon @code{root}-Rechte in Erstellungsprozessen ablegt. Mehrere solche
+Benutzer zu haben, ermöglicht es dem Daemon, verschiedene
+Erstellungsprozessen unter verschiedenen Benutzeridentifikatoren (UIDs) zu
+starten, was garantiert, dass sie einander nicht stören — eine essenzielle
+Funktionalität, da Erstellungen als reine Funktionen angesehen werden
+Auf einem GNU/Linux-System kann ein Pool von Erstellungsbenutzern wie folgt
+erzeugt werden (mit Bash-Syntax und den Befehlen von @code{shadow}):
+@c See http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-guix/2013-01/msg00239.html
+@c for why `-G' is needed.
+# groupadd --system guixbuild
+# for i in `seq -w 1 10`;
+ do
+ useradd -g guixbuild -G guixbuild \
+ -d /var/empty -s `which nologin` \
+ -c "Guix-Erstellungsbenutzer $i" --system \
+ guixbuilder$i;
+ done
+@end example
+Die Anzahl der Erstellungsbenutzer entscheidet, wieviele Erstellungsaufträge
+parallel ausgeführt werden können, wie es mit der Befehlszeilenoption
+@option{--max-jobs} vorgegeben werden kann (@pxref{Aufruf des guix-daemon,
+@option{--max-jobs}}). Um @command{guix system vm} und ähnliche Befehle
+nutzen zu können, müssen Sie die Erstellungsbenutzer unter Umständen zur
+@code{kvm}-Benutzergruppe hinzufügen, damit sie Zugriff auf @file{/dev/kvm}
+haben, mit @code{-G guixbuild,kvm} statt @code{-G guixbuild}
+(@pxref{Aufruf von guix system}).
+Das Programm @code{guix-daemon} kann mit dem folgenden Befehl als
+@code{root} gestartet werden@footnote{Wenn Ihre Maschine systemd als
+»init«-System verwendet, genügt es, die Datei
+@file{@var{prefix}/lib/systemd/system/guix-daemon.service} in
+@file{/etc/systemd/system} zu platzieren, damit @command{guix-daemon}
+automatisch gestartet wird. Ebenso können Sie, wenn Ihre Maschine Upstart
+als »init«-System benutzt, die Datei
+@file{@var{prefix}/lib/upstart/system/guix-daemon.conf} in @file{/etc/init}
+# guix-daemon --build-users-group=guixbuild
+@end example
+@cindex chroot
+Auf diese Weise startet der Daemon Erstellungsprozesse in einem chroot als
+einer der @code{guixbuilder}-Benutzer. Auf GNU/Linux enthält die
+chroot-Umgebung standardmäßig nichts außer:
+@c Keep this list in sync with libstore/build.cc! -----------------------
+einem minimalen @code{/dev}-Verzeichnis, was größtenteils vom @code{/dev}
+des Wirtssystems unabhängig erstellt wurde@footnote{»Größtenteils«, denn
+obwohl die Menge an Dateien, die im @code{/dev} des chroots vorkommen, fest
+ist, können die meisten dieser Dateien nur dann erstellt werden, wenn das
+Wirtssystem sie auch hat.},
+dem @code{/proc}-Verzeichnis, es zeigt nur die Prozesse des Containers, weil
+ein separater Namensraum für Prozess-IDs (PIDs) benutzt wird,
+@file{/etc/passwd} mit einem Eintrag für den aktuellen Benutzer und einem
+Eintrag für den Benutzer @file{nobody},
+@file{/etc/group} mit einem Eintrag für die Gruppe des Benutzers,
+@file{/etc/hosts} mit einem Eintrag, der @code{localhost} auf
+@code{} abbildet,
+einem @file{/tmp}-Verzeichnis mit Schreibrechten.
+@end itemize
+Sie können beeinflussen, in welchem Verzeichnis der Daemon Erstellungsbäume
+unterbringt, indem sie den Wert der Umgebungsvariablen @code{TMPDIR}
+ändern. Allerdings heißt innerhalb des chroots der Erstellungsbaum immer
+@file{/tmp/guix-build-@var{name}.drv-0}, wobei @var{name} der Ableitungsname
+ist — z.B. @code{coreutils-8.24}. Dadurch hat der Wert von @code{TMPDIR}
+keinen Einfluss auf die Erstellungsumgebung, wodurch Unterschiede vermieden
+werden, falls Erstellungsprozesse den Namen ihres Erstellungsbaumes
+@vindex http_proxy
+Der Daemon befolgt außerdem den Wert der Umgebungsvariablen
+@code{http_proxy} für von ihm durchgeführte HTTP-Downloads, sei es für
+Ableitungen mit fester Ausgabe (@pxref{Ableitungen}) oder für Substitute
+Wenn Sie Guix als ein Benutzer ohne erweiterte Rechte installieren, ist es
+dennoch möglich, @command{guix-daemon} auszuführen, sofern Sie
+@code{--disable-chroot} übergeben. Allerdings können Erstellungsprozesse
+dann nicht voneinander und vom Rest des Systems isoliert werden. Daher
+können sich Erstellungsprozesse gegenseitig stören und auf Programme,
+Bibliotheken und andere Dateien zugreifen, die dem restlichen System zur
+Verfügung stehen — was es deutlich schwerer macht, sie als @emph{reine}
+Funktionen aufzufassen.
+@node Auslagern des Daemons einrichten
+@subsection Nutzung der Auslagerungsfunktionalität
+@cindex auslagern
+@cindex Build-Hook
+Wenn erwünscht kann der Erstellungs-Daemon Ableitungserstellungen
+@dfn{auslagern} auf andere Maschinen, auf denen Guix läuft, mit Hilfe des
+@code{offload}-»@dfn{Build-Hooks}«@footnote{Diese Funktionalität ist nur
+verfügbar, wenn @uref{https://github.com/artyom-poptsov/guile-ssh,
+Guile-SSH} vorhanden ist.}. Wenn diese Funktionalität aktiviert ist, wird
+eine nutzerspezifizierte Liste von Erstellungsmaschinen aus
+@file{/etc/guix/machines.scm} gelesen. Wann immer eine Erstellung angefragt
+wird, zum Beispiel durch @code{guix build}, versucht der Daemon, sie an eine
+der Erstellungsmaschinen auszulagern, die die Einschränkungen der Ableitung
+erfüllen, insbesondere ihren Systemtyp — z.B. @file{x86_64-linux}. Fehlende
+Voraussetzungen für die Erstellung werden über SSH auf die Zielmaschine
+kopiert, welche dann mit der Erstellung weitermacht. Hat sie Erfolg damit,
+so werden die Ausgabe oder Ausgaben der Erstellung zurück auf die
+ursprüngliche Maschine kopiert.
+Die Datei @file{/etc/guix/machines.scm} sieht normalerweise so aus:
+(list (build-machine
+ (name "eightysix.example.org")
+ (system "x86_64-linux")
+ (host-key "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3Nza@dots{}")
+ (user "bob")
+ (speed 2.)) ;unglaublich schnell!
+ (build-machine
+ (name "meeps.example.org")
+ (system "mips64el-linux")
+ (host-key "ssh-rsa AAAAB3Nza@dots{}")
+ (user "alice")
+ (private-key
+ (string-append (getenv "HOME")
+ "/.ssh/identität-für-guix"))))
+@end example
+Im obigen Beispiel geben wir eine Liste mit zwei Erstellungsmaschinen vor,
+eine für die @code{x86_64}-Architektur und eine für die
+Tatsächlich ist diese Datei — wenig überraschend! — eine Scheme-Datei, die
+ausgewertet wird, wenn der @code{offload}-Hook gestartet wird. Der Wert, den
+sie zurückliefert, muss eine Liste von @code{build-machine}-Objekten
+sein. Obwohl dieses Beispiel eine feste Liste von Erstellungsmaschinen
+zeigt, könnte man auch auf die Idee kommen, etwa mit DNS-SD eine Liste
+möglicher im lokalen Netzwerk entdeckter Erstellungsmaschinen zu liefern
+(@pxref{Einführung, Guile-Avahi,, guile-avahi, Using Avahi in Guile Scheme
+Programs}). Der Datentyp @code{build-machine} wird im Folgenden weiter
+@deftp {Datentyp} build-machine
+Dieser Datentyp repräsentiert Erstellungsmaschinen, an die der Daemon
+Erstellungen auslagern darf. Die wichtigen Felder sind:
+@table @code
+@item name
+Der Hostname der entfernten Maschine.
+@item system
+Der Systemtyp der entfernten Maschine — z.B. @code{"x86_64-linux"}.
+@item user
+Das Benutzerkonto, mit dem eine Verbindung zur entfernten Maschine über SSH
+aufgebaut werden soll. Beachten Sie, dass das SSH-Schlüsselpaar @emph{nicht}
+durch eine Passphrase geschützt sein darf, damit nicht-interaktive
+Anmeldungen möglich sind.
+@item host-key
+Dies muss der @dfn{öffentliche SSH-Host-Schlüssel} der Maschine im
+OpenSSH-Format sein. Er wird benutzt, um die Identität der Maschine zu
+prüfen, wenn wir uns mit ihr verbinden. Er ist eine lange Zeichenkette, die
+ungefähr so aussieht:
+ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC@dots{}mde+UhL hint@@example.org
+@end example
+Wenn auf der Maschine der OpenSSH-Daemon, @command{sshd}, läuft, ist der
+Host-Schlüssel in einer Datei wie @file{/etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key.pub}
+zu finden.
+Wenn auf der Maschine der SSH-Daemon von GNU@tie{}lsh, nämlich
+@command{lshd}, läuft, befindet sich der Host-Schlüssel in
+@file{/etc/lsh/host-key.pub} oder einer ähnlichen Datei. Er kann ins
+OpenSSH-Format umgewandelt werden durch @command{lsh-export-key}
+(@pxref{Converting keys,,, lsh, LSH Manual}):
+$ lsh-export-key --openssh < /etc/lsh/host-key.pub
+ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAAEOp8FoQAAAQEAs1eB46LV@dots{}
+@end example
+@end table
+Eine Reihe optionaler Felder kann festgelegt werden:
+@table @asis
+@item @code{port} (Vorgabe: @code{22})
+Portnummer des SSH-Servers auf der Maschine.
+@item @code{private-key} (Vorgabe: @file{~root/.ssh/id_rsa})
+The SSH private key file to use when connecting to the machine, in OpenSSH
+format. This key must not be protected with a passphrase.
+Beachten Sie, dass als Vorgabewert der private Schlüssel @emph{des
+root-Benutzers} genommen wird. Vergewissern Sie sich, dass er existiert,
+wenn Sie die Standardeinstellung verwenden.
+@item @code{compression} (Vorgabe: @code{"zlib@@openssh.com,zlib"})
+@itemx @code{compression-level} (Vorgabe: @code{3})
+Die Kompressionsmethoden auf SSH-Ebene und das angefragte
+Beachten Sie, dass Auslagerungen SSH-Kompression benötigen, um beim
+Übertragen von Dateien an Erstellungsmaschinen und zurück weniger Bandbreite
+zu benutzen.
+@item @code{daemon-socket} (Vorgabe: @code{"/var/guix/daemon-socket/socket"})
+Dateiname des Unix-Sockets, auf dem @command{guix-daemon} auf der Maschine
+@item @code{parallel-builds} (Vorgabe: @code{1})
+Die Anzahl der Erstellungen, die auf der Maschine parallel ausgeführt werden
+@item @code{speed} (Vorgabe: @code{1.0})
+Ein »relativer Geschwindigkeitsfaktor«. Der Auslagerungsplaner gibt
+tendenziell Maschinen mit höherem Geschwindigkeitsfaktor den Vorrang.
+@item @code{features} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})
+Eine Liste von Zeichenketten, die besondere von der Maschine unterstützte
+Funktionalitäten bezeichnen. Ein Beispiel ist @code{"kvm"} für Maschinen,
+die über die KVM-Linux-Module zusammen mit entsprechender
+Hardware-Unterstützung verfügen. Ableitungen können Funktionalitäten dem
+Namen nach anfragen und werden dann auf passenden Erstellungsmaschinen
+@end table
+@end deftp
+Der Befehl @code{guile} muss sich im Suchpfad der Erstellungsmaschinen
+befinden. Zusätzlich müssen die Guix-Module im @code{$GUILE_LOAD_PATH} auf
+den Erstellungsmaschinen zu finden sein — um dies nachzuprüfen, können Sie
+Folgendes ausführen:
+ssh build-machine guile -c "'(use-modules (guix config))'"
+@end example
+Es gibt noch eine weitere Sache zu tun, sobald @file{machines.scm}
+eingerichtet ist. Wie zuvor erklärt, werden beim Auslagern Dateien zwischen
+den Stores der Maschinen hin- und hergeschickt. Damit das funktioniert,
+müssen Sie als Erstes ein Schlüsselpaar auf jeder Maschine erzeugen, damit
+der Daemon signierte Archive mit den Dateien aus dem Store versenden kann
+(@pxref{Aufruf von guix archive}):
+# guix archive --generate-key
+@end example
+Jede Erstellungsmaschine muss den Schlüssel der Hauptmaschine autorisieren,
+damit diese Store-Objekte von der Hauptmaschine empfangen kann:
+# guix archive --authorize < öffentlicher-schlüssel-hauptmaschine.txt
+@end example
+Andersherum muss auch die Hauptmaschine den jeweiligen Schlüssel jeder
+Erstellungsmaschine autorisieren.
+Der ganze Umstand mit den Schlüsseln soll ausdrücken, dass sich Haupt- und
+Erstellungsmaschinen paarweise gegenseitig vertrauen. Konkret kann der
+Erstellungs-Daemon auf der Hauptmaschine die Echtheit von den
+Erstellungsmaschinen empfangener Dateien gewährleisten (und umgekehrt), und
+auch dass sie nicht sabotiert wurden und mit einem autorisierten Schlüssel
+signiert wurden.
+@cindex Auslagerung testen
+Um zu testen, ob Ihr System funktioniert, führen Sie diesen Befehl auf der
+Hauptmaschine aus:
+# guix offload test
+@end example
+Dadurch wird versucht, zu jeder Erstellungsmaschine eine Verbindung
+herzustellen, die in @file{/etc/guix/machines.scm} angegeben wurde,
+sichergestellt, dass auf jeder Guile und die Guix-Module nutzbar sind, und
+jeweils versucht, etwas auf die Erstellungsmaschine zu exportieren und von
+dort zu imporieren. Dabei auftretende Fehler werden gemeldet.
+Wenn Sie stattdessen eine andere Maschinendatei verwenden möchten, geben Sie
+diese einfach auf der Befehlszeile an:
+# guix offload test maschinen-qualif.scm
+@end example
+Letztendlich können Sie hiermit nur die Teilmenge der Maschinen testen,
+deren Name zu einem regulären Ausdruck passt:
+# guix offload test maschinen.scm '\.gnu\.org$'
+@end example
+@cindex Auslagerungs-Lagebericht
+Um die momentane Auslastung aller Erstellungs-Hosts anzuzeigen, führen Sie
+diesen Befehl auf dem Hauptknoten aus:
+# guix offload status
+@end example
+@node SELinux-Unterstützung
+@subsection SELinux-Unterstützung
+@cindex SELinux, Policy für den Daemon
+@cindex Mandatory Access Control, SELinux
+@cindex Sicherheit, des guix-daemon
+Guix enthält eine SELinux-Richtliniendatei (»Policy«) unter
+@file{etc/guix-daemon.cil}, die auf einem System installiert werden
+kann, auf dem SELinux aktiviert ist, damit Guix-Dateien gekennzeichnet
+sind, und um das erwartete Verhalten des Daemons anzugeben. Da GuixSD
+keine Grundrichtlinie (»Base Policy«) für SELinux bietet, kann diese
+Richtlinie für den Daemon auf GuixSD nicht benutzt werden.
+@subsubsection Installieren der SELinux-Policy
+@cindex SELinux, Policy installieren
+Um die Richtlinie (Policy) zu installieren, führen Sie folgenden Befehl mit
+Administratorrechten aus:
+semodule -i etc/guix-daemon.cil
+@end example
+Kennzeichnen Sie dann das Dateisystem neu mit @code{restorecon} oder einem
+anderen, von Ihrem System angebotenen Mechanismus.
+Sobald die Richtlinie installiert ist, das Dateisystem neu gekennzeichnet
+wurde und der Daemon neugestartet wurde, sollte er im Kontext
+@code{guix_daemon_t} laufen. Sie können dies mit dem folgenden Befehl
+ps -Zax | grep guix-daemon
+@end example
+Beobachten Sie die Protokolldateien von SELinux, wenn Sie einen Befehl wie
+@code{guix build hello} ausführen, um sich zu überzeugen, dass SELinux alle
+notwendigen Operationen gestattet.
+@subsubsection Einschränkungen
+@cindex SELinux, Einschränkungen
+Diese Richtlinie ist nicht perfekt. Im Folgenden finden Sie eine Liste von
+Einschränkungen oder merkwürdigen Verhaltensweisen, die bedacht werden
+sollten, wenn man die mitgelieferte SELinux-Richtlinie für den Guix-Daemon
+@code{guix_daemon_socket_t} wird nicht wirklich benutzt. Keine der
+Socket-Operationen benutzt Kontexte, die irgendetwas mit
+@code{guix_daemon_socket_t} zu tun haben. Es schadet nicht, diese ungenutzte
+Kennzeichnung zu haben, aber es wäre besser, für die Kennzeichnung auch
+Socket-Regeln festzulegen.
+@code{guix gc} kann nicht auf beliebige Verknüpfungen zu Profilen
+zugreifen. Die Kennzeichnung des Ziels einer symbolischen Verknüpfung ist
+notwendigerweise unabhängig von der Dateikennzeichnung der
+Verknüpfung. Obwohl alle Profile unter $localstatedir gekennzeichnet sind,
+erben die Verknüpfungen auf diese Profile die Kennzeichnung desjenigen
+Verzeichnisses, in dem sie sich befinden. Für Verknüpfungen im Persönlichen
+Ordner des Benutzers ist das @code{user_home_t}, aber Verknüpfungen aus dem
+Persönlichen Ordner des Administratornutzers, oder @file{/tmp}, oder das
+Arbeitsverzeichnis des HTTP-Servers, etc., funktioniert das
+nicht. @code{guix gc} würde es nicht gestattet, diese Verknüpfungen
+auszulesen oder zu verfolgen.
+Die vom Daemon gebotene Funktionalität, auf TCP-Verbindungen zu lauschen,
+könnte nicht mehr funktionieren. Dies könnte zusätzliche Regeln brauchen,
+weil SELinux Netzwerk-Sockets anders behandelt als Dateien.
+Derzeit wird allen Dateien mit einem Namen, der zum regulären Ausdruck
+@code{/gnu/store/.+-(guix-.+|profile)/bin/guix-daemon} passt, die
+Kennzeichnung @code{guix_daemon_exec_t} zugewiesen, wodurch @emph{jede
+beliebige} Datei mit diesem Namen in irgendeinem Profil gestattet wäre, in
+der Domäne @code{guix_daemon_t} ausgeführt zu werden. Das ist nicht
+ideal. Ein Angreifer könnte ein Paket erstellen, dass solch eine ausführbare
+Datei enthält, und den Nutzer überzeugen, es zu installieren und
+auszuführen. Dadurch käme es in die Domäne @code{guix_daemon_t}. Ab diesem
+Punkt könnte SELinux nicht mehr verhindern, dass es auf Dateien zugreift,
+auf die Prozesse in dieser Domäne zugreifen dürfen.
+Wir könnten zum Zeitpunkt der Installation eine wesentlich restriktivere
+Richtlinie generieren, für die nur @emph{genau derselbe} Dateiname des
+gerade installierten @code{guix-daemon}-Programms als
+@code{guix_daemon_exec_t} gekennzeichnet würde, statt einen vieles
+umfassenden regulären Ausdruck zu benutzen. Aber dann müsste der
+Administratornutzer zum Zeitpunkt der Installation jedes Mal die Richtlinie
+installieren oder aktualisieren müssen, sobald das Guix-Paket aktualisiert
+wird, dass das tatsächlich in Benutzung befindliche
+@code{guix-daemon}-Programm enthält.
+@end enumerate
+@node Aufruf des guix-daemon
+@section Aufruf von @command{guix-daemon}
+Das Programm @command{guix-daemon} implementiert alle Funktionalitäten, um
+auf den Store zuzugreifen. Dazu gehört das Starten von Erstellungsprozessen,
+das Ausführen des Müllsammlers, das Abfragen, ob ein Erstellungsergebnis
+verfügbar ist, etc. Normalerweise wird er so als Administratornutzer
+(@code{root}) gestartet:
+# guix-daemon --build-users-group=guixbuild
+@end example
+Details, wie Sie ihn einrichten, finden Sie im Abschnitt @pxref{Den Daemon einrichten}.
+@cindex chroot
+@cindex Container, Erstellungsumgebung
+@cindex Erstellungsumgebung
+@cindex Reproduzierbare Erstellungen
+Standardmäßig führt @command{guix-daemon} Erstellungsprozesse mit
+unterschiedlichen UIDs aus, die aus der Erstellungsgruppe stammen, deren
+Name mit @code{--build-users-group} übergeben wurde. Außerdem läuft jeder
+Erstellungsprozess in einer chroot-Umgebung, die nur die Teilmenge des
+Stores enthält, von der der Erstellungsprozess abhängt, entsprechend seiner
+Ableitung (@pxref{Programmierschnittstelle, derivation}), und ein paar
+bestimmte Systemverzeichnisse, darunter standardmäßig auch @file{/dev} und
+@file{/dev/pts}. Zudem ist die Erstellungsumgebung auf GNU/Linux ein
+@dfn{Container}: Nicht nur hat er seinen eigenen Dateisystembaum, er hat
+auch einen separaten Namensraum zum Einhängen von Dateisystemen, seinen
+eigenen Namensraum für PIDs, für Netzwerke, etc. Dies hilft dabei,
+reproduzierbare Erstellungen zu garantieren (@pxref{Funktionalitäten}).
+When the daemon performs a build on behalf of the user, it creates a build
+directory under @file{/tmp} or under the directory specified by its
+@code{TMPDIR} environment variable. This directory is shared with the
+container for the duration of the build, though within the container, the
+build tree is always called @file{/tmp/guix-build-@var{name}.drv-0}.
+Nach Abschluss der Erstellung wird das Erstellungsverzeichnis automatisch
+entfernt, außer wenn die Erstellung fehlgeschlagen ist und der Client
+@option{--keep-failed} angegeben hat (@pxref{Aufruf von guix build,
+The daemon listens for connections and spawns one sub-process for each
+session started by a client (one of the @command{guix} sub-commands.) The
+@command{guix processes} command allows you to get an overview of the
+activity on your system by viewing each of the active sessions and clients.
+@xref{Invoking guix processes}, for more information.
+Die folgenden Befehlszeilenoptionen werden unterstützt:
+@table @code
+@item --build-users-group=@var{Gruppe}
+Verwende die Benutzerkonten aus der @var{Gruppe}, um Erstellungsprozesse
+auszuführen (@pxref{Den Daemon einrichten, build users}).
+@item --no-substitutes
+@cindex Substitute
+Benutze keine Substitute für Erstellungsergebnisse. Das heißt, dass alle
+Objekte lokal erstellt werden müssen, und kein Herunterladen von vorab
+erstellten Binärdateien erlaubt ist (@pxref{Substitute}).
+Wenn der Daemon mit @code{--no-substitutes} ausgeführt wird, können Clients
+trotzdem Substitute explizit aktivieren über den entfernten Prozeduraufruf
+@code{set-build-options} (@pxref{Der Store}).
+@item --substitute-urls=@var{URLs}
+Benutze @var{URLs} als standardmäßige, leerzeichengetrennte Liste der
+Quell-URLs für Substitute. Wenn diese Befehlszeilenoption nicht angegeben
+wird, wird @indicateurl{https://mirror.hydra.gnu.org https://hydra.gnu.org}
+verwendet (@code{mirror.hydra.gnu.org} ist ein Spiegelserver für
+Das hat zur Folge, dass Substitute von den @var{URLs} heruntergeladen werden
+können, solange sie mit einer Signatur versehen sind, der vertraut wird
+@cindex Build-Hook
+@item --no-build-hook
+Den »@dfn{Build-Hook}« nicht benutzen.
+»Build-Hook« ist der Name eines Hilfsprogramms, das der Daemon starten kann
+und an das er Erstellungsanfragen übermittelt. Durch diesen Mechanismus
+können Erstellungen an andere Maschinen ausgelagert werden (@pxref{Auslagern des Daemons einrichten}).
+@item --cache-failures
+Fehler bei der Erstellung zwischenspeichern. Normalerweise werden nur
+erfolgreiche Erstellungen gespeichert.
+Wenn diese Befehlszeilenoption benutzt wird, kann @command{guix gc
+--list-failures} benutzt werden, um die Menge an Store-Objekten abzufragen,
+die als Fehlschläge markiert sind; @command{guix gc --clear-failures}
+entfernt Store-Objekte aus der Menge zwischengespeicherter
+Fehlschläge. @xref{Aufruf von guix gc}.
+@item --cores=@var{n}
+@itemx -c @var{n}
+@var{n} CPU-Kerne zum Erstellen jeder Ableitung benutzen; @code{0} heißt, so
+viele wie verfügbar sind.
+Der Vorgabewert ist @code{0}, jeder Client kann jedoch eine abweichende
+Anzahl vorgeben, zum Beispiel mit der Befehlszeilenoption @code{--cores} von
+@command{guix build} (@pxref{Aufruf von guix build}).
+Dadurch wird die Umgebungsvariable @code{NIX_BUILD_CORES} im
+Erstellungsprozess definiert, welcher sie benutzen kann, um intern parallele
+Ausführungen zuzulassen — zum Beispiel durch Nutzung von @code{make
+@item --max-jobs=@var{n}
+@itemx -M @var{n}
+Höchstenss @var{n} Erstellungsaufträge parallel bearbeiten. Der Vorgabewert
+liegt bei @code{1}. Wird er auf @code{0} gesetzt, werden keine Erstellungen
+lokal durchgeführt, stattdessen lagert der Daemon sie nur aus (@pxref{Auslagern des Daemons einrichten}) oder sie schlagen einfach fehl.
+@item --max-silent-time=@var{Sekunden}
+Wenn der Erstellungs- oder Substitutionsprozess länger als
+@var{Sekunden}-lang keine Ausgabe erzeugt, wird er abgebrochen und ein
+Fehler beim Erstellen gemeldet.
+Der Vorgabewert ist @code{0}, was bedeutet, dass es keine Zeitbeschränkung
+Clients können einen anderen Wert als den hier angegebenen verwenden lassen
+(@pxref{Gemeinsame Erstellungsoptionen, @code{--max-silent-time}}).
+@item --timeout=@var{Sekunden}
+Entsprechend wird hier der Erstellungs- oder Substitutionsprozess
+abgebrochen und als Fehlschlag gemeldet, wenn er mehr als
+@var{Sekunden}-lang dauert.
+Der Vorgabewert ist @code{0}, was bedeutet, dass es keine Zeitbeschränkung
+Clients können einen anderen Wert verwenden lassen (@pxref{Gemeinsame Erstellungsoptionen, @code{--timeout}}).
+@item --rounds=@var{N}
+Jede Ableitung @var{n}-mal hintereinander erstellen und einen Fehler melden,
+wenn nacheinander ausgewertete Erstellungsergebnisse nicht Bit für Bit
+identisch sind. Beachten Sie, dass Clients wie @command{guix build} einen
+anderen Wert verwenden lassen können (@pxref{Aufruf von guix build}).
+Wenn dies zusammen mit @option{--keep-failed} benutzt wird, bleiben die sich
+unterscheidenden Ausgaben im Store unter dem Namen
+@file{/gnu/store/@dots{}-check}. Dadurch können Unterschiede zwischen den
+beiden Ergebnissen leicht erkannt werden.
+@item --debug
+Informationen zur Fehlersuche ausgeben.
+Dies ist nützlich, um Probleme beim Starten des Daemons nachzuvollziehen;
+Clients könn aber auch ein abweichenden Wert verwenden lassen, zum Beispiel
+mit der Befehlszeilenoption @code{--verbosity} von @command{guix build}
+(@pxref{Aufruf von guix build}).
+@item --chroot-directory=@var{Verzeichnis}
+Füge das @var{Verzeichnis} zum chroot von Erstellungen hinzu.
+Dadurch kann sich das Ergebnis von Erstellungsprozessen ändern — zum
+Beispiel, wenn diese optionale Abhängigkeiten aus dem @var{Verzeichnis}
+verwenden, wenn sie verfügbar sind, und nicht, wenn es fehlt. Deshalb ist es
+nicht empfohlen, dass Sie diese Befehlszeilenoption verwenden, besser
+sollten Sie dafür sorgen, dass jede Ableitung alle von ihr benötigten
+Eingabgen deklariert.
+@item --disable-chroot
+Erstellungen ohne chroot durchführen.
+Diese Befehlszeilenoption zu benutzen, wird nicht empfohlen, denn auch
+dadurch bekämen Erstellungsprozesse Zugriff auf nicht deklarierte
+Abhängigkeiten. Sie ist allerdings unvermeidlich, wenn @command{guix-daemon}
+auf einem Benutzerkonto ohne ausreichende Berechtigungen ausgeführt wird.
+@item --log-compression=@var{Typ}
+Erstellungsprotokolle werden entsprechend dem @var{Typ} komprimiert, der
+entweder @code{gzip}, @code{bzip2} oder @code{none} (für keine Kompression)
+sein muss.
+Sofern nicht @code{--lose-logs} angegeben wurde, werden alle
+Erstellungsprotokolle in der @var{localstatedir} gespeichert. Um Platz zu
+sparen, komprimiert sie der Daemon standardmäßig automatisch mit bzip2.
+@item --disable-deduplication
+@cindex Deduplizieren
+Automatische Dateien-»Deduplizierung« im Store ausschalten.
+Standardmäßig werden zum Store hinzugefügte Objekte automatisch
+»dedupliziert«: Wenn eine neue Datei mit einer anderen im Store
+übereinstimmt, wird die neue Datei stattdessen als harte Verknüpfung auf die
+andere Datei angelegt. Dies reduziert den Speicherverbrauch auf der Platte
+merklich, jedoch steigt andererseits die Auslastung bei der Ein-/Ausgabe im
+Erstellungsprozess geringfügig. Durch diese Option wird keine solche
+Optimierung durchgeführt.
+@item --gc-keep-outputs[=yes|no]
+Gibt an, ob der Müllsammler (Garbage Collector, GC) die Ausgaben lebendiger
+Ableitungen behalten muss (»yes«) oder nicht (»no«).
+@cindex GC-Wurzeln
+@cindex Müllsammlerwurzeln
+When set to ``yes'', the GC will keep the outputs of any live derivation
+available in the store---the @code{.drv} files. The default is ``no'',
+meaning that derivation outputs are kept only if they are reachable from a
+GC root. @xref{Aufruf von guix gc}, for more on GC roots.
+@item --gc-keep-derivations[=yes|no]
+Gibt an, ob der Müllsammler (GC) Ableitungen behalten muss (»yes«), wenn sie
+lebendige Ausgaben haben, oder nicht (»no«).
+Für »yes«, den Vorgabewert, behält der Müllsammler Ableitungen —
+z.B. @code{.drv}-Dateien —, solange zumindest eine ihrer Ausgaben lebendig
+ist. Dadurch können Nutzer den Ursprung der Dateien in ihrem Store
+nachvollziehen. Setzt man den Wert auf »no«, wird ein bisschen weniger
+Speicher auf der Platte verbraucht.
+In this way, setting @code{--gc-keep-derivations} to ``yes'' causes liveness
+to flow from outputs to derivations, and setting @code{--gc-keep-outputs} to
+``yes'' causes liveness to flow from derivations to outputs. When both are
+set to ``yes'', the effect is to keep all the build prerequisites (the
+sources, compiler, libraries, and other build-time tools) of live objects in
+the store, regardless of whether these prerequisites are reachable from a GC
+root. This is convenient for developers since it saves rebuilds or
+@item --impersonate-linux-2.6
+Auf Linux-basierten Systemen wird hiermit vorgetäuscht, dass es sich um
+Linux 2.6 handeln würde, indem der Kernel für einen
+@code{uname}-Systemaufruf als Version der Veröffentlichung mit 2.6
+Dies kann hilfreich sein, um Programme zu erstellen, die (normalerweise zu
+Unrecht) von der Kernel-Versionsnummer abhängen.
+@item --lose-logs
+Keine Protokolle der Erstellungen vorhalten. Normalerweise würden solche in
+@code{@var{localstatedir}/guix/log} gespeichert.
+@item --system=@var{System}
+Verwende @var{System} als aktuellen Systemtyp. Standardmäßig ist dies das
+Paar aus Befehlssatz und Kernel, welches beim Aufruf von @code{configure}
+erkannt wurde, wie zum Beispiel @code{x86_64-linux}.
+@item --listen=@var{Endpunkt}
+Lausche am @var{Endpunkt} auf Verbindungen. Dabei wird der @var{Endpunkt}
+als Dateiname eines Unix-Sockets verstanden, wenn er mit einem @code{/}
+(Schrägstrich) beginnt. Andernfalls wird der @var{Endpunkt} als Hostname
+oder als Hostname-Port-Paar verstanden, auf dem gelauscht wird. Hier sind
+ein paar Beispiele:
+@table @code
+@item --listen=/gnu/var/daemon
+Lausche auf Verbindungen am Unix-Socket @file{/gnu/var/daemon}, falls nötig
+wird er dazu erstellt.
+@item --listen=localhost
+@cindex Daemon, Fernzugriff
+@cindex Fernzugriff auf den Daemon
+@cindex Daemon, Einrichten auf Clustern
+@cindex Cluster, Einrichtung des Daemons
+Lausche auf TCP-Verbindungen an der Netzwerkschnittstelle, die
+@code{localhost} entspricht, auf Port 44146.
+@item --listen=
+Lausche auf TCP-Verbindungen an der Netzwerkschnittstelle, die
+@code{} entspricht, auf Port 1234.
+@end table
+Diese Befehlszeilenoption kann mehrmals wiederholt werden. In diesem Fall
+akzeptiert @command{guix-daemon} Verbindungen auf allen angegebenen
+Endpunkten. Benutzer können bei Client-Befehlen angeben, mit welchem
+Endpunkt sie sich verbinden möchten, indem sie die Umgebungsvariable
+@code{GUIX_DAEMON_SOCKET} festlegen (@pxref{Der Store,
+@quotation Anmerkung
+Das Daemon-Protokoll ist @emph{weder authentifiziert noch
+verschlüsselt}. Die Benutzung von @code{--listen=@var{Host}} eignet sich für
+lokale Netzwerke, wie z.B. in Rechen-Clustern, wo sich nur solche Knoten mit
+dem Daemon verbinden, denen man vertraut. In Situationen, wo ein Fernzugriff
+auf den Daemon durchgeführt wird, empfehlen wir, über Unix-Sockets in
+Verbindung mit SSH zuzugreifen.
+@end quotation
+Wird @code{--listen} nicht angegeben, lauscht @command{guix-daemon} auf
+Verbindungen auf dem Unix-Socket, der sich unter
+@file{@var{localstatedir}/guix/daemon-socket/socket} befindet.
+@end table
+@node Anwendungen einrichten
+@section Anwendungen einrichten
+@cindex Fremddistribution
+Läuft Guix aufgesetzt auf einer GNU/Linux-Distribution außer GuixSD — einer
+sogenannten @dfn{Fremddistribution} —, so sind ein paar zusätzliche Schritte
+bei der Einrichtung nötig. Hier finden Sie manche davon.
+@subsection Locales
+@cindex Locales, nicht auf GuixSD
+@vindex LOCPATH
+Über Guix installierte Pakete benutzen nicht die Daten zu Regions- und
+Spracheinstellungen (Locales) des Wirtssystems. Stattdessen müssen Sie erst
+eines der Locale-Pakete installieren, die für Guix verfügbar sind, und dann
+den Wert Ihrer Umgebungsvariablen @code{GUIX_LOCPATH} passend festlegen:
+$ guix package -i glibc-locales
+$ export GUIX_LOCPATH=$HOME/.guix-profile/lib/locale
+@end example
+Beachten Sie, dass das Paket @code{glibc-locales} Daten für alle von
+GNU@tie{}libc unterstützten Locales enthält und deswegen um die 110@tie{}MiB
+wiegt. Alternativ gibt es auch @code{glibc-utf8-locales}, was kleiner, aber
+auf ein paar UTF-8-Locales beschränkt ist.
+Die Variable @code{GUIX_LOCPATH} spielt eine ähnliche Rolle wie
+@code{LOCPATH} (@pxref{Locale Names, @code{LOCPATH},, libc, The GNU C
+Library Reference Manual}). Es gibt jedoch zwei wichtige Unterschiede:
+@code{GUIX_LOCPATH} wird nur von der libc in Guix beachtet und nicht der von
+Fremddistributionen bereitgestellten libc. Mit @code{GUIX_LOCPATH} können
+Sie daher sicherstellen, dass die Programme der Fremddistribution keine
+inkompatiblen Locale-Daten von Guix laden.
+libc hängt an jeden @code{GUIX_LOCPATH}-Eintrag @code{/X.Y} an, wobei
+@code{X.Y} die Version von libc ist — z.B. @code{2.22}. Sollte Ihr
+Guix-Profil eine Mischung aus Programmen enthalten, die an verschiedene
+libc-Versionen gebunden sind, wird jede nur die Locale-Daten im richtigen
+Format zu laden versuchen.
+@end enumerate
+Das ist wichtig, weil das Locale-Datenformat verschiedener libc-Versionen
+inkompatibel sein könnte.
+@subsection Name Service Switch
+@cindex Name Service Switch, glibc
+@cindex NSS (Name Service Switch), glibc
+@cindex nscd (Name Service Caching Daemon)
+@cindex Name Service Caching Daemon (nscd)
+Wenn Sie Guix auf einer Fremddistribution verwenden, @emph{empfehlen wir
+stärkstens}, dass Sie den @dfn{Name Service Cache Daemon} der
+GNU-C-Bibliothek, @command{nscd}, laufen lassen, welcher auf dem Socket
+@file{/var/run/nscd/socket} lauschen sollte. Wenn Sie das nicht tun, könnten
+mit Guix installierte Anwendungen Probleme beim Auflösen von Hostnamen oder
+Benutzerkonten haben, oder sogar abstürzen. Die nächsten Absätze erklären
+@cindex @file{nsswitch.conf}
+Die GNU-C-Bibliothek implementiert einen @dfn{Name Service Switch} (NSS),
+welcher einen erweiterbaren Mechanismus zur allgemeinen »Namensauflösung«
+darstellt: Hostnamensauflösung, Benutzerkonten und weiteres (@pxref{Name Service Switch,,, libc, The GNU C Library Reference Manual}).
+@cindex Network Information Service (NIS)
+@cindex NIS (Network Information Service)
+Für die Erweiterbarkeit unterstützt der NSS @dfn{Plugins}, welche neue
+Implementierungen zur Namensauflösung bieten: Zum Beispiel ermöglicht das
+Plugin @code{nss-mdns} die Namensauflösung für @code{.local}-Hostnamen, das
+Plugin @code{nis} gestattet die Auflösung von Benutzerkonten über den
+Network Information Service (NIS) und so weiter. Diese zusätzlichen
+»Auflösungsdienste« werden systemweit konfiguriert in
+@file{/etc/nsswitch.conf} und alle auf dem System laufenden Programme halten
+sich an diese Einstellungen (@pxref{NSS Configuration File,,, libc, The GNU
+C Reference Manual}).
+Wenn sie eine Namensauflösung durchführen — zum Beispiel, indem sie die
+@code{getaddrinfo}-Funktion in C aufrufen — versuchen die Anwendungen als
+Erstes, sich mit dem nscd zu verbinden; ist dies erfolgreich, führt nscd für
+sie die weiteren Namensauflösungen durch. Falls nscd nicht läuft, führen sie
+selbst die Namensauflösungen durch, indem sie die Namensauflösungsdienste in
+ihren eigenen Adressraum laden und ausführen. Diese Namensauflösungsdienste
+— die @file{libnss_*.so}-Dateien — werden mit @code{dlopen} geladen, aber
+sie kommen von der C-Bibliothek des Wirtssystems und nicht von der
+C-Bibliothek, mit der die Anwendung gebunden wurde (also der C-Bibliothek
+von Guix).
+Und hier kommt es zum Problem: Wenn die Anwendung mit der C-Bibliothek von
+Guix (etwa glibc 2.24) gebunden wurde und die NSS-Plugins von einer anderen
+C-Bibliothek (etwa @code{libnss_mdns.so} für glibc 2.22) zu laden versucht,
+wird sie vermutlich abstürzen oder die Namensauflösungen werden unerwartet
+Durch das Ausführen von @command{nscd} auf dem System wird, neben anderen
+Vorteilen, dieses Problem der binären Inkompatibilität vermieden, weil diese
+@code{libnss_*.so}-Dateien vom @command{nscd}-Prozess geladen werden, nicht
+in den Anwendungen selbst.
+@subsection X11-Schriftarten
+@cindex Schriftarten
+Die Mehrheit der graphischen Anwendungen benutzen Fontconfig zum Finden und
+Laden von Schriftarten und für die Darstellung im X11-Client. Im Paket
+@code{fontconfig} in Guix werden Schriftarten standardmäßig in
+@file{$HOME/.guix-profile} gesucht. Um es graphischen Anwendungen, die mit
+Guix installiert wurden, zu ermöglichen, Schriftarten anzuzeigen, müssen Sie
+die Schriftarten auch mit Guix installieren. Essenzielle Pakete für
+Schriftarten sind unter Anderem @code{gs-fonts}, @code{font-dejavu} und
+Um auf Chinesisch, Japanisch oder Koreanisch verfassten Text in graphischen
+Anwendungen anzeigen zu können, möchten Sie vielleicht
+@code{font-adobe-source-han-sans} oder @code{font-wqy-zenhei}
+installieren. Ersteres hat mehrere Ausgaben, für jede Sprachfamilie eine
+(@pxref{Pakete mit mehreren Ausgaben.}). Zum Beispiel installiert folgender
+Befehl Schriftarten für chinesische Sprachen:
+guix package -i font-adobe-source-han-sans:cn
+@end example
+@cindex @code{xterm}
+Ältere Programme wie @command{xterm} benutzen kein Fontconfig, sondern
+X-Server-seitige Schriftartendarstellung. Solche Programme setzen voraus,
+dass der volle Name einer Schriftart mit XLFD (X Logical Font Description)
+angegeben wird, z.B. so:
+-*-dejavu sans-medium-r-normal-*-*-100-*-*-*-*-*-1
+@end example
+Um solche vollen Namen für die in Ihrem Guix-Profil installierten
+TrueType-Schriftarten zu verwenden, müssen Sie den Pfad für Schriftarten
+(Font Path) des X-Servers anpassen:
+@c Note: 'xset' does not accept symlinks so the trick below arranges to
+@c get at the real directory. See <https://bugs.gnu.org/30655>.
+xset +fp $(dirname $(readlink -f ~/.guix-profile/share/fonts/truetype/fonts.dir))
+@end example
+@cindex @code{xlsfonts}
+Danach können Sie den Befehl @code{xlsfonts} ausführen (aus dem Paket
+@code{xlsfonts}), um sicherzustellen, dass dort Ihre TrueType-Schriftarten
+aufgeführt sind.
+@cindex @code{fc-cache}
+@cindex Font-Cache
+Nach der Installation der Schriftarten müssen Sie unter Umständen den
+Schriftarten-Zwischenspeicher (Font-Cache) erneuern, um diese in Anwendungen
+benutzen zu können. Gleiches gilt, wenn mit Guix installierte Anwendungen
+anscheinend keine Schriftarten finden können. Um das Erneuern des
+Font-Caches zu erzwingen, führen Sie @code{fc-cache -f} aus. Der Befehl
+@code{fc-cache} wird vom Paket @code{fontconfig} angeboten.
+@subsection X.509-Zertifikate
+@cindex @code{nss-certs}
+Das Paket @code{nss-certs} bietet X.509-Zertifikate, womit Programme die
+Identität von Web-Servern authentifizieren können, auf die über HTTPS
+zugegriffen wird.
+Wenn Sie Guix auf einer Fremddistribution verwenden, können Sie dieses Paket
+installieren und die relevanten Umgebungsvariablen festlegen, damit Pakete
+wissen, wo sie Zertifikate finden. In @xref{X.509-Zertifikate} stehen
+genaue Informationen.
+@subsection Emacs-Pakete
+@cindex @code{emacs}
+Wenn Sie mit Guix Pakete für Emacs installieren, werden deren elisp-Dateien
+entweder in @file{$HOME/.guix-profile/share/emacs/site-lisp/} oder in
+Unterverzeichnissen von
+gespeichert. Letzteres Verzeichnis gibt es, weil es Tausende von
+Emacs-Paketen gibt und sie alle im selben Verzeichnis zu speichern
+vielleicht nicht verlässlich funktioniert (wegen Namenskonflikten). Daher
+halten wir es für richtig, für jedes Paket ein anderes Verzeichnis zu
+benutzen. Das Emacs-Paketsystem organisiert die Dateistruktur ähnlich
+(@pxref{Package Files,,, emacs, The GNU Emacs Manual}).
+Standardmäßig »weiß« Emacs (wenn er mit Guix installiert wurde), wo diese
+Pakete liegen, Sie müssen also nichts selbst konfigurieren. Wenn Sie aber
+aus irgendeinem Grund mit Guix installierte Pakete nicht automatisch laden
+lassen möchten, können Sie Emacs mit der Befehlszeilenoption
+@code{--no-site-file} starten (@pxref{Init File,,, emacs, The GNU Emacs
+@subsection GCC-Toolchain
+@cindex GCC
+@cindex ld-wrapper
+Guix bietet individuelle Compiler-Pakete wie etwa @code{gcc}, aber wenn Sie
+einen vollständigen Satz an Werkzeugen zum Kompilieren und Binden von
+Quellcode brauchen, werden Sie eigentlich das Paket @code{gcc-toolchain}
+haben wollen. Das Paket bietet eine vollständige GCC-Toolchain für die
+Entwicklung mit C/C++, einschließlich GCC selbst, der GNU-C-Bibliothek
+(Header-Dateien und Binärdateien samt Symbolen zur Fehlersuche/Debugging in
+der @code{debug}-Ausgabe), Binutils und einen Wrapper für den Binder/Linker.
+@cindex Versuch, unreine Bibliothek zu benutzen, Fehlermeldung
+Der Zweck des Wrappers ist, die an den Binder übergebenen
+Befehlszeilenoptionen mit @code{-L} und @code{-l} zu überprüfen und jeweils
+passende Argumente mit @code{-rpath} anzufügen, womit dann der echte Binder
+aufgerufen wird. Standardmäßig weigert sich der Binder-Wrapper, mit
+Bibliotheken außerhalb des Stores zu binden, um »Reinheit« zu
+gewährleisten. Das kann aber stören, wenn man die Toolchain benutzt, um mit
+lokalen Bibliotheken zu binden. Um Referenzen auf Bibliotheken außerhalb des
+Stores zu erlauben, müssen Sie die Umgebungsvariable
+@c TODO What else?
+@c *********************************************************************
+@node Paketverwaltung
+@chapter Paketverwaltung
+@cindex Pakete
+Der Zweck von GNU Guix ist, Benutzern die leichte Installation,
+Aktualisierung und Entfernung von Software-Paketen zu ermöglichen, ohne dass
+sie ihre Erstellungsprozeduren oder Abhängigkeiten kennen müssen. Guix kann
+natürlich noch mehr als diese offensichtlichen Funktionalitäten.
+Dieses Kapitel beschreibt die Hauptfunktionalitäten von Guix, sowie die von
+Guix angebotenen Paketverwaltungswerkzeuge. Zusätzlich von den im Folgenden
+beschriebenen Befehlszeilen-Benutzerschnittstellen (@pxref{Aufruf von guix package, @code{guix package}}) können Sie auch mit der
+Emacs-Guix-Schnittstelle (@pxref{Top,,, emacs-guix, The Emacs-Guix Reference
+Manual}) arbeiten, nachdem Sie das Paket @code{emacs-guix} installiert haben
+(führen Sie zum Einstieg in Emacs-Guix den Emacs-Befehl @kbd{M-x guix-help}
+guix package -i emacs-guix
+@end example
+* Funktionalitäten:: Wie Guix Ihr Leben schöner machen wird.
+* Aufruf von guix package:: Pakete installieren, entfernen usw.
+* Substitute:: Vorerstelle Binärdateien herunterladen.
+* Pakete mit mehreren Ausgaben.:: Ein Quellpaket, mehrere Ausgaben.
+* Aufruf von guix gc:: Den Müllsammler laufen lassen.
+* Aufruf von guix pull:: Das neueste Guix samt Distribution laden.
+* Channels:: Customizing the package collection.
+* Inferiors:: Interacting with another revision of Guix.
+* Invoking guix describe:: Display information about your Guix revision.
+* Aufruf von guix pack:: Software-Bündel erstellen.
+* Aufruf von guix archive:: Import und Export von Store-Dateien.
+@end menu
+@node Funktionalitäten
+@section Funktionalitäten
+Wenn Sie Guix benutzen, landet jedes Paket schließlich im @dfn{Paket-Store}
+in seinem eigenen Verzeichnis — der Name ist ähnlich wie
+@file{/gnu/store/xxx-package-1.2}, wobei @code{xxx} eine Zeichenkette in
+Base32-Darstellung ist.
+Statt diese Verzeichnisse direkt anzugeben, haben Nutzer ihr eigenes
+@dfn{Profil}, welches auf diejenigen Pakete zeigt, die sie tatsächlich
+benutzen wollen. Diese Profile sind im Persönlichen Ordner des jeweiligen
+Nutzers gespeichert als @code{$HOME/.guix-profile}.
+Zum Beispiel installiert @code{alice} GCC 4.7.2. Dadurch zeigt dann
+@file{/home/alice/.guix-profile/bin/gcc} auf
+@file{/gnu/store/@dots{}-gcc-4.7.2/bin/gcc}. Auf demselben Rechner hat
+@code{bob} bereits GCC 4.8.0 installiert. Das Profil von @code{bob} zeigt
+dann einfach weiterhin auf @file{/gnu/store/@dots{}-gcc-4.8.0/bin/gcc} —
+d.h. beide Versionen von GCC koexistieren auf demselben System, ohne sich zu
+Der Befehl @command{guix package} ist das zentrale Werkzeug, um Pakete zu
+verwalten (@pxref{Aufruf von guix package}). Es arbeitet auf dem eigenen
+Profil jedes Nutzers und kann @emph{mit normalen Benutzerrechten} ausgeführt
+@cindex Transaktionen
+Der Befehl stellt die offensichtlichen Installations-, Entfernungs- und
+Aktualisierungsoperationen zur Verfügung. Jeder Aufruf ist tatsächlich eine
+eigene @emph{Transaktion}: Entweder die angegebene Operation wird
+erfolgreich durchgeführt, oder gar nichts passiert. Wenn also der Prozess
+von @command{guix package} während der Transaktion beendet wird, oder es zum
+Stromausfall während der Transaktion kommt, dann bleibt der alte, nutzbare
+Zustands des Nutzerprofils erhalten.
+Zudem kann jede Pakettransaktion @emph{zurückgesetzt} werden
+(Rollback). Wird also zum Beispiel durch eine Aktualisierung eine neue
+Version eines Pakets installiert, die einen schwerwiegenden Fehler zur Folge
+hat, können Nutzer ihr Profil einfach auf die vorherige Profilinstanz
+zurücksetzen, von der sie wissen, dass sie gut lief. Ebenso unterliegt auf
+GuixSD auch die globale Systemkonfiguration transaktionellen
+Aktualisierungen und Rücksetzungen (@pxref{Das Konfigurationssystem nutzen}).
+Alle Pakete im Paket-Store können vom @emph{Müllsammler} (Garbage Collector)
+gelöscht werden. Guix ist in der Lage, festzustellen, welche Pakete noch
+durch Benutzerprofile referenziert werden, und entfernt nur diese, die
+nachweislich nicht mehr referenziert werden (@pxref{Aufruf von guix gc}). Benutzer können auch ausdrücklich alte Generationen ihres Profils
+löschen, damit die zugehörigen Pakete vom Müllsammler gelöscht werden
+@cindex Reproduzierbarkeit
+@cindex Reproduzierbare Erstellungen
+Guix takes a @dfn{purely functional} approach to package management, as
+described in the introduction (@pxref{Einführung}). Each
+@file{/gnu/store} package directory name contains a hash of all the inputs
+that were used to build that package---compiler, libraries, build scripts,
+etc. This direct correspondence allows users to make sure a given package
+installation matches the current state of their distribution. It also helps
+maximize @dfn{build reproducibility}: thanks to the isolated build
+environments that are used, a given build is likely to yield bit-identical
+files when performed on different machines (@pxref{Aufruf des guix-daemon,
+@cindex Substitute
+Auf dieser Grundlage kann Guix @dfn{transparent Binär- oder Quelldateien
+ausliefern}. Wenn eine vorerstellte Binärdatei für ein
+@file{/gnu/store}-Objekt von einer externen Quelle verfügbar ist — ein
+@dfn{Substitut} —, lädt Guix sie einfach herunter und entpackt sie,
+andernfalls erstellt Guix das Paket lokal aus seinem Quellcode
+(@pxref{Substitute}). Weil Erstellungsergebnisse normalerweise Bit für Bit
+reproduzierbar sind, müssen die Nutzer den Servern, die Substitute anbieten,
+nicht blind vertrauen; sie können eine lokale Erstellung erzwingen und
+Substitute @emph{anfechten} (@pxref{Aufruf von guix challenge}).
+Kontrolle über die Erstellungsumgebung ist eine auch für Entwickler
+nützliche Funktionalität. Der Befehl @command{guix environment} ermöglicht
+es Entwicklern eines Pakets, schnell die richtige Entwicklungsumgebung für
+ihr Paket einzurichten, ohne manuell die Abhängigkeiten des Pakets in ihr
+Profil installieren zu müssen (@pxref{Aufruf von guix environment}).
+@cindex replication, of software environments
+@cindex provenance tracking, of software artifacts
+All of Guix and its package definitions is version-controlled, and
+@command{guix pull} allows you to ``travel in time'' on the history of Guix
+itself (@pxref{Aufruf von guix pull}). This makes it possible to replicate a
+Guix instance on a different machine or at a later point in time, which in
+turn allows you to @emph{replicate complete software environments}, while
+retaining precise @dfn{provenance tracking} of the software.
+@node Aufruf von guix package
+@section Invoking @command{guix package}
+@cindex Installieren von Paketen
+@cindex Entfernen von Paketen
+@cindex Paketinstallation
+@cindex Paketentfernung
+Der Befehl @command{guix package} ist ein Werkzeug, womit Nutzer Pakete
+installieren, aktualisieren, entfernen und auf vorherige Konfigurationen
+zurücksetzen können. Dabei wird nur das eigene Profil des Nutzers verwendet,
+und es funktioniert mit normalen Benutzerrechten, ohne Administratorrechte
+(@pxref{Funktionalitäten}). Die Syntax ist:
+guix package @var{Optionen}
+@end example
+@cindex Transaktionen
+In erster Linie geben die @var{Optionen} an, welche Operationen in der
+Transaktion durchgeführt werden sollen. Nach Abschluss wird ein neues Profil
+erzeugt, aber vorherige @dfn{Generationen} des Profils bleiben verfügbar,
+falls der Benutzer auf sie zurückwechseln will.
+Um zum Beispiel @code{lua} zu entfernen und @code{guile} und
+@code{guile-cairo} in einer einzigen Transaktion zu installieren:
+guix package -r lua -i guile guile-cairo
+@end example
+@command{guix package} unterstützt auch ein @dfn{deklaratives Vorgehen},
+wobei der Nutzer die genaue Menge an Paketen, die verfügbar sein sollen,
+festlegt und über die Befehlszeilenoption @option{--manifest} übergibt
+(@pxref{profile-manifest, @option{--manifest}}).
+@cindex Profil
+Für jeden Benutzer wird automatisch eine symbolische Verknüpfung zu seinem
+Standardprofil angelegt als @file{$HOME/.guix-profile}. Diese symbolische
+Verknüpfung zeigt immer auf die aktuelle Generation des Standardprofils des
+Benutzers. Somit können Nutzer @file{$HOME/.guix-profile/bin} z.B. zu ihrer
+Umgebungsvariablen @code{PATH} hinzufügen.
+@cindex Suchpfade
+Wenn Sie nicht die Guix System Distribution benutzen, sollten Sie in
+Betracht ziehen, folgende Zeilen zu Ihrem @file{~/.bash_profile}
+hinzuzufügen (@pxref{Bash Startup Files,,, bash, The GNU Bash Reference
+Manual}), damit in neu erzeugten Shells alle Umgebungsvariablen richtig
+definiert werden:
+GUIX_PROFILE="$HOME/.guix-profile" ; \
+source "$HOME/.guix-profile/etc/profile"
+@end example
+Ist Ihr System für mehrere Nutzer eingerichtet, werden Nutzerprofile an
+einem Ort gespeichert, der als @dfn{Müllsammlerwurzel} registriert ist, auf
+die @file{$HOME/.guix-profile} zeigt (@pxref{Aufruf von guix gc}). Dieses
+Verzeichnis ist normalerweise
+@code{@var{localstatedir}/guix/profiles/per-user/@var{Benutzer}}, wobei
+@var{localstatedir} der an @code{configure} als @code{--localstatedir}
+übergebene Wert ist und @var{Benutzer} für den jeweiligen Benutzernamen
+steht. Das @file{per-user}-Verzeichnis wird erstellt, wenn
+@command{guix-daemon} gestartet wird, und das Unterverzeichnis
+@var{Benutzer} wird durch @command{guix package} erstellt.
+Als @var{Optionen} kann vorkommen:
+@table @code
+@item --install=@var{Paket} @dots{}
+@itemx -i @var{Paket} @dots{}
+Die angegebenen @var{Paket}e installieren.
+Jedes @var{Paket} kann entweder einfach durch seinen Paketnamen aufgeführt
+werden, wie @code{guile}, oder als Paketname gefolgt von einem At-Zeichen @@
+und einer Versionsnummer, wie @code{guile@@1.8.8} oder auch nur
+@code{guile@@1.8} (in letzterem Fall wird die neueste Version mit Präfix
+@code{1.8} ausgewählt.)
+Wird keine Versionsnummer angegeben, wird die neueste verfügbare Version
+ausgewählt. Zudem kann im @var{Paket} ein Doppelpunkt auftauchen, gefolgt
+vom Namen einer der Ausgaben des Pakets, wie @code{gcc:doc} oder
+@code{binutils@@2.22:lib} (@pxref{Pakete mit mehreren Ausgaben.}). Pakete
+mit zugehörigem Namen (und optional der Version) werden unter den Modulen
+der GNU-Distribution gesucht (@pxref{Paketmodule}).
+@cindex propagierte Eingaben
+Manchmal haben Pakete @dfn{propagierte Eingaben}: Als solche werden
+Abhängigkeiten bezeichnet, die automatisch zusammen mit dem angeforderten
+Paket installiert werden (im Abschnitt @pxref{package-propagated-inputs,
+@code{propagated-inputs} in @code{package} objects} sind weitere
+Informationen über propagierte Eingaben in Paketdefinitionen zu finden).
+Ein Beispiel ist die GNU-MPC-Bibliothek: Ihre C-Headerdateien verweisen auf
+die der GNU-MPFR-Bibliothek, welche wiederum auf die der GMP-Bibliothek
+verweisen. Wenn also MPC installiert wird, werden auch die MPFR- und
+GMP-Bibliotheken in das Profil installiert; entfernt man MPC, werden auch
+MPFR und GMP entfernt — außer sie wurden noch auf andere Art ausdrücklich
+vom Nutzer installiert.
+Abgesehen davon setzen Pakete manchmal die Definition von Umgebungsvariablen
+für ihre Suchpfade voraus (siehe die Erklärung von @code{--search-paths}
+weiter unten). Alle fehlenden oder womöglich falschen Definitionen von
+Umgebungsvariablen werden hierbei gemeldet.
+@item --install-from-expression=@var{Ausdruck}
+@itemx -e @var{Ausdruck}
+Das Paket installieren, zu dem der @var{Ausdruck} ausgewertet wird.
+Beim @var{Ausdruck} muss es sich um einen Scheme-Ausdruck handeln, der zu
+einem @code{<package>}-Objekt ausgewertet wird. Diese Option ist besonders
+nützlich, um zwischen gleichnamigen Varianten eines Pakets zu unterscheiden,
+durch Ausdrücke wie @code{(@@ (gnu packages base) guile-final)}.
+Beachten Sie, dass mit dieser Option die erste Ausgabe des angegebenen
+Pakets installiert wird, was unzureichend sein kann, wenn eine bestimmte
+Ausgabe eines Pakets mit mehreren Ausgaben gewünscht ist.
+@item --install-from-file=@var{Datei}
+@itemx -f @var{Datei}
+Das Paket installieren, zu dem der Code in der @var{Datei} ausgewertet wird.
+Zum Beispiel könnte die @var{Datei} eine Definition wie diese enthalten
+(@pxref{Pakete definieren}):
+@verbatiminclude package-hello.scm
+@end example
+Entwickler könnten es für nützlich erachten, eine solche
+@file{guix.scm}-Datei im Quellbaum ihres Projekts abzulegen, mit der
+Zwischenstände der Entwicklung getestet und reproduzierbare
+Erstellungsumgebungen aufgebaut werden können (@pxref{Aufruf von guix environment}).
+@item --remove=@var{Paket} @dots{}
+@itemx -r @var{Paket} @dots{}
+Die angegebenen @var{Paket}e entfernen.
+Wie auch bei @code{--install} kann jedes @var{Paket} neben dem Paketnamen
+auch eine Versionsnummer und/oder eine Ausgabe benennen. Zum Beispiel würde
+@code{-r glibc:debug} die @code{debug}-Ausgabe von @code{glibc} aus dem
+Profil entfernen.
+@item --upgrade[=@var{Regexp} @dots{}]
+@itemx -u [@var{Regexp} @dots{}]
+@cindex Pakete aktualisieren
+Alle installierten Pakete aktualisieren. Wenn einer oder mehr reguläre
+Ausdrücke (Regexps) angegeben wurden, werden nur diejenigen installierten
+Pakete aktualisiert, deren Name zu einer der @var{Regexp}s passt. Siehe auch
+weiter unten die Befehlszeilenoption @code{--do-not-upgrade}.
+Beachten Sie, dass das Paket so auf die neueste Version unter den Paketen
+gebracht wird, die in der aktuell installierten Distribution vorliegen. Um
+jedoch Ihre Distribution zu aktualisieren, sollten Sie regelmäßig
+@command{guix pull} ausführen (@pxref{Aufruf von guix pull}).
+@item --do-not-upgrade[=@var{Regexp} @dots{}]
+In Verbindung mit der Befehlszeilenoption @code{--upgrade}, führe
+@emph{keine} Aktualisierung von Paketen durch, deren Name zum regulären
+Ausdruck @var{Regexp} passt. Um zum Beispiel alle Pakete im aktuellen Profil
+zu aktualisieren mit Ausnahme derer, die »emacs« im Namen haben:
+$ guix package --upgrade . --do-not-upgrade emacs
+@end example
+@item @anchor{profile-manifest}--manifest=@var{Datei}
+@itemx -m @var{Datei}
+@cindex Profildeklaration
+@cindex Profilmanifest
+Erstellt eine neue Generation des Profils aus dem vom Scheme-Code in
+@var{Datei} gelieferten Manifest-Objekt.
+Dadurch könnrn Sie den Inhalt des Profils @emph{deklarieren}, statt ihn
+durch eine Folge von Befehlen wie @code{--install} u.Ä. zu generieren. Der
+Vorteil ist, dass die @var{Datei} unter Versionskontrolle gestellt werden
+kann, auf andere Maschinen zum Reproduzieren desselben Profils kopiert
+werden kann und Ähnliches.
+@c FIXME: Add reference to (guix profile) documentation when available.
+Der Code in der @var{Datei} muss ein @dfn{Manifest}-Objekt liefern, was
+ungefähr einer Liste von Paketen entspricht:
+@findex packages->manifest
+(use-package-modules guile emacs)
+ (list emacs
+ guile-2.0
+ ;; Eine bestimmte Paketausgabe nutzen.
+ (list guile-2.0 "debug")))
+@end example
+@findex specifications->manifest
+In diesem Beispiel müssen wir wissen, welche Module die Variablen
+@code{emacs} und @code{guile-2.0} definieren, um die richtige Angabe mit
+@code{use-package-modules} machen zu können, was umständlich sein kann. Wir
+können auch normale Paketnamen angeben und sie durch
+@code{specifications->manifest} zu den entsprechenden Paketobjekten
+auflösen, zum Beispiel so:
+ '("emacs" "guile@@2.2" "guile@@2.2:debug"))
+@end example
+@item --roll-back
+@cindex rücksetzen
+@cindex Zurücksetzen von Transaktionen
+@cindex Transaktionen, zurücksetzen
+Wechselt zur vorherigen @dfn{Generation} des Profils zurück — d.h. macht die
+letzte Transaktion rückgängig.
+In Verbindung mit Befehlszeilenoptionen wie @code{--install} wird zuerst
+zurückgesetzt, bevor andere Aktionen durchgeführt werden.
+Ein Rücksetzen der ersten Generation, die installierte Pakete enthält,
+wechselt das Profil zur @dfn{nullten Generation}, die keinerlei Dateien
+enthält, abgesehen von Metadaten über sich selbst.
+Nach dem Zurücksetzen überschreibt das Installieren, Entfernen oder
+Aktualisieren von Paketen vormals zukünftige Generationen, d.h. der Verlauf
+der Generationen eines Profils ist immer linear.
+@item --switch-generation=@var{Muster}
+@itemx -S @var{Muster}
+@cindex Generationen
+Wechselt zu der bestimmten Generation, die durch das @var{Muster} bezeichnet
+Als @var{Muster} kann entweder die Nummer einer Generation oder eine Nummer
+mit vorangestelltem »+« oder »-« dienen. Letzteres springt die angegebene
+Anzahl an Generationen vor oder zurück. Zum Beispiel kehrt
+@code{--switch-generation=+1} nach einem Zurücksetzen wieder zur neueren
+Generation zurück.
+Der Unterschied zwischen @code{--roll-back} und
+@code{--switch-generation=-1} ist, dass @code{--switch-generation} keine
+nullte Generation erzeugen wird; existiert die angegebene Generation nicht,
+bleibt schlicht die aktuelle Generation erhalten.
+@item --search-paths[=@var{Art}]
+@cindex Suchpfade
+Führe die Definitionen von Umgebungsvariablen auf, in Bash-Syntax, die nötig
+sein könnten, um alle installierten Pakete nutzen zu können. Diese
+Umgebungsvariablen werden benutzt, um die @dfn{Suchpfade} für Dateien
+festzulegen, die von einigen installierten Paketen benutzt werden.
+Zum Beispiel braucht GCC die Umgebungsvariablen @code{CPATH} und
+@code{LIBRARY_PATH}, um zu wissen, wo sich im Benutzerprofil Header und
+Bibliotheken befinden (@pxref{Environment Variables,,, gcc, Using the GNU
+Compiler Collection (GCC)}). Wenn GCC und, sagen wir, die C-Bibliothek im
+Profil installiert sind, schlägt @code{--search-paths} also vor, diese
+Variablen jeweils auf @code{@var{profile}/include} und
+@code{@var{profile}/lib} verweisen zu lassen.
+Die typische Nutzung ist, in der Shell diese Variablen zu definieren:
+$ eval `guix package --search-paths`
+@end example
+Als @var{Art} kann entweder @code{exact}, @code{prefix} oder @code{suffix}
+gewählt werden, wodurch die gelieferten Definitionen der Umgebungsvariablen
+entweder exakt die Einstellungen für Guix meldet, oder sie als Präfix oder
+Suffix an den aktuellen Wert dieser Variablen anhängt. Gibt man keine
+@var{Art} an, wird der Vorgabewert @code{exact} verwendet.
+Diese Befehlszeilenoption kann auch benutzt werden, um die
+@emph{kombinierten} Suchpfade mehrerer Profile zu berechnen. Betrachten Sie
+dieses Beispiel:
+$ guix package -p foo -i guile
+$ guix package -p bar -i guile-json
+$ guix package -p foo -p bar --search-paths
+@end example
+Der letzte Befehl oben meldet auch die Definition der Umgebungsvariablen
+@code{GUILE_LOAD_PATH}, obwohl für sich genommen weder @file{foo} noch
+@file{bar} zu dieser Empfehlung führen würden.
+@item --profile=@var{Profil}
+@itemx -p @var{Profil}
+Auf @var{Profil} anstelle des Standardprofils des Benutzers arbeiten.
+@cindex Kollisionen, in einem Profil
+@cindex Paketkollisionen in Profilen
+@cindex Profilkollisionen
+@item --allow-collisions
+Kollidierende Pakete im neuen Profil zulassen. Benutzung auf eigene Gefahr!
+Standardmäßig wird @command{guix package} @dfn{Kollisionen} als Fehler
+auffassen und melden. Zu Kollisionen kommt es, wenn zwei oder mehr
+verschiedene Versionen oder Varianten desselben Pakets im Profil landen.
+@item --verbose
+Erzeugt ausführliche Textausgaben. Insbesondere wird auch das
+Erstellungsprotokoll der Umgebung auf dem Standard-Fehler-Port (stderr)
+@item --bootstrap
+Erstellt das Profil mit dem Bootstrap-Guile. Diese Option ist nur für
+Entwickler der Distribution nützlich.
+@end table
+Zusätzlich zu diesen Aktionen unterstützt @command{guix package} folgende
+Befehlszeilenoptionen, um den momentanen Zustand eines Profils oder die
+Verfügbarkeit von Paketen nachzulesen:
+@table @option
+@item --search=@var{Regexp}
+@itemx -s @var{Regexp}
+@cindex Suche nach Paketen
+Führt alle verfügbaren Pakete auf, deren Name, Zusammenfassung oder
+Beschreibung zum regulären Ausdruck @var{Regexp} passt, sortiert nach ihrer
+Relevanz. Alle Metadaten passender Pakete werden im @code{recutils}-Format
+geliefert (@pxref{Top, GNU recutils databases,, recutils, GNU recutils
+So können bestimmte Felder mit dem Befehl @command{recsel} extrahiert
+werden, zum Beispiel:
+$ guix package -s malloc | recsel -p name,version,relevance
+name: jemalloc
+version: 4.5.0
+relevance: 6
+name: glibc
+version: 2.25
+relevance: 1
+name: libgc
+version: 7.6.0
+relevance: 1
+@end example
+Ebenso kann der Name aller zu den Bedingungen der GNU@tie{}LGPL, Version 3,
+verfügbaren Pakete ermittelt werden:
+$ guix package -s "" | recsel -p name -e 'license ~ "LGPL 3"'
+name: elfutils
+name: gmp
+@end example
+Es ist auch möglich, Suchergebnisse näher einzuschränken, indem Sie
+@code{-s} mehrmals übergeben. Zum Beispiel liefert folgender Befehl eines
+Liste von Brettspielen:
+$ guix package -s '\<board\>' -s game | recsel -p name
+name: gnubg
+@end example
+Würden wir @code{-s game} weglassen, bekämen wir auch Software-Pakete
+aufgelistet, die mit »printed circuit boards« (elektronischen Leiterplatten)
+zu tun haben; ohne die spitzen Klammern um @code{board} bekämen wir auch
+Pakete, die mit »keyboards« (Tastaturen, oder musikalischen Keyboard) zu tun
+Es ist Zeit für ein komplexeres Beispiel. Folgender Befehl sucht
+kryptographische Bibliotheken, filtert Haskell-, Perl-, Python- und
+Ruby-Bibliotheken heraus und gibt Namen und Zusammenfassung passender Pakete
+$ guix package -s crypto -s library | \
+ recsel -e '! (name ~ "^(ghc|perl|python|ruby)")' -p name,synopsis
+@end example
+@xref{Selection Expressions,,, recutils, GNU recutils manual} enthält
+weitere Informationen über @dfn{Auswahlausdrücke} mit @code{recsel -e}.
+@item --show=@var{Paket}
+Zeigt Details über das @var{Paket} aus der Liste verfügbarer Pakete, im
+@code{recutils}-Format (@pxref{Top, GNU recutils databases,, recutils, GNU
+recutils manual}).
+$ guix package --show=python | recsel -p name,version
+name: python
+version: 2.7.6
+name: python
+version: 3.3.5
+@end example
+Sie können auch den vollständigen Namen eines Pakets angeben, um Details nur
+über diese Version angezeigt zu bekommen:
+$ guix package --show=python@@3.4 | recsel -p name,version
+name: python
+version: 3.4.3
+@end example
+@item --list-installed[=@var{Regexp}]
+@itemx -I [@var{Regexp}]
+Listet die derzeit installierten Pakete im angegebenen Profil auf, die
+zuletzt installierten Pakete zuletzt. Wenn ein regulärer Ausdruck
+@var{Regexp} angegeben wird, werden nur installierte Pakete aufgeführt,
+deren Name zu @var{Regexp} passt.
+Zu jedem installierten Paket werden folgende Informationen angezeigt, durch
+Tabulatorzeichen getrennt: der Paketname, die Version als Zeichenkette,
+welche Teile des Pakets installiert sind (zum Beispiel @code{out}, wenn die
+Standard-Paketausgabe installiert ist, @code{include}, wenn seine Header
+installiert sind, usw.) und an welchem Pfad das Paket im Store zu finden
+@item --list-available[=@var{Regexp}]
+@itemx -A [@var{Regexp}]
+Listet Pakete auf, die in der aktuell installierten Distribution dieses
+Systems verfügbar sind (@pxref{GNU-Distribution}). Wenn ein regulärer
+Ausdruck @var{Regexp} angegeben wird, werden nur Pakete aufgeführt, deren
+Name zum regulären Ausdruck @var{Regexp} passt.
+Zu jedem Paket werden folgende Informationen getrennt durch Tabulatorzeichen
+ausgegeben: der Name, die Version als Zeichenkette, die Teile des Programms
+(@pxref{Pakete mit mehreren Ausgaben.}) und die Stelle im Quellcode, an der
+das Paket definiert ist.
+@item --list-generations[=@var{Muster}]
+@itemx -l [@var{Muster}]
+@cindex Generationen
+Liefert eine Liste der Generationen zusammen mit dem Datum, an dem sie
+erzeugt wurden; zu jeder Generation werden zudem die installierten Pakete
+angezeigt, zuletzt installierte Pakete zuletzt. Beachten Sie, dass die
+nullte Generation niemals angezeigt wird.
+Zu jedem installierten Paket werden folgende Informationen durch
+Tabulatorzeichen getrennt angezeigt: der Name des Pakets, die Version als
+Zeichenkette, welcher Teil des Pakets installiert ist (@pxref{Pakete mit mehreren Ausgaben.}) und an welcher Stelle sich das Paket im Store befindet.
+Wenn ein @var{Muster} angegeben wird, liefert der Befehl nur dazu passende
+Generationen. Gültige Muster sind zum Beispiel:
+@item @emph{Ganze Zahlen und kommagetrennte ganze Zahlen}. Beide Muster bezeichnen
+Generationsnummern. Zum Beispiel liefert @code{--list-generations=1} die
+erste Generation.
+Durch @code{--list-generations=1,8,2} werden drei Generationen in der
+angegebenen Reihenfolge angezeigt. Weder Leerzeichen noch ein Komma am
+Schluss der Liste ist erlaubt.
+@item @emph{Bereiche}. @code{--list-generations=2..9} gibt die
+angegebenen Generationen und alles dazwischen aus. Beachten Sie, dass der
+Bereichsanfang eine kleinere Zahl als das Bereichsende sein muss.
+Sie können auch kein Bereichsende angeben, zum Beispiel liefert
+@code{--list-generations=2..} alle Generationen ab der zweiten.
+@item @emph{Zeitdauern}. Sie können auch die letzten @emph{N}@tie{}Tage, Wochen
+or months by passing an integer along with the first letter of the
+duration. For example, @code{--list-generations=20d} lists generations that
+are up to 20 days old.
+@end itemize
+@item --delete-generations[=@var{Muster}]
+@itemx -d [@var{Muster}]
+Wird kein @var{Muster} angegeben, werden alle Generationen außer der
+aktuellen entfernt.
+Dieser Befehl akzeptiert dieselben Muster wie
+@option{--list-generations}. Wenn ein @var{Muster} angegeben wird, werden
+die passenden Generationen gelöscht. Wenn das @var{Muster} für eine
+Zeitdauer steht, werden diejenigen Generationen gelöscht, die @emph{älter}
+als die angegebene Dauer sind. Zum Beispiel löscht
+@code{--delete-generations=1m} die Generationen, die mehr als einen Monat
+alt sind.
+Falls die aktuelle Generation zum Muster passt, wird sie @emph{nicht}
+gelöscht. Auch die nullte Generation wird niemals gelöscht.
+Beachten Sie, dass Sie auf gelöschte Generationen nicht zurückwechseln
+können. Dieser Befehl sollte also nur mit Vorsicht benutzt werden.
+@end table
+Zu guter Letzt können Sie, da @command{guix package} Erstellungsprozesse zu
+starten vermag, auch alle gemeinsamen Erstellungsoptionen (@pxref{Gemeinsame Erstellungsoptionen}) verwenden. Auch Paketumwandlungsoptionen wie
+@option{--with-source} sind möglich (@pxref{Paketumwandlungsoptionen}). Beachten Sie jedoch, dass die verwendeten
+Paketumwandlungsoptionen verloren gehen, nachdem Sie die Pakete aktualisiert
+haben. Damit Paketumwandlungen über Aktualisierungen hinweg erhalten
+bleiben, sollten Sie Ihre eigene Paketvariante in einem Guile-Modul
+definieren und zur Umgebungsvariablen @code{GUIX_PACKAGE_PATH} hinzufügen
+(@pxref{Pakete definieren}).
+@node Substitute
+@section Substitute
+@cindex Substitute
+@cindex vorerstellte Binärdateien
+Guix kann transparent Binär- oder Quelldateien ausliefern. Das heißt, Dinge
+können sowohl lokal erstellt, als auch als vorerstellte Objekte von einem
+Server heruntergeladen werden, oder beides gemischt. Wir bezeichnen diese
+vorerstellten Objekte als @dfn{Substitute} — sie substituieren lokale
+Erstellungsergebnisse. In vielen Fällen geht das Herunterladen eines
+Substituts wesentlich schneller, als Dinge lokal zu erstellen.
+Substitute können alles sein, was das Ergebnis einer Ableitungserstellung
+ist (@pxref{Ableitungen}). Natürlich sind sie üblicherweise vorerstellte
+Paket-Binärdateien, aber wenn zum Beispiel ein Quell-Tarball das Ergebnis
+einer Ableitungserstellung ist, kann auch er als Substitut verfügbar sein.
+* Offizieller Substitut-Server:: Eine besondere Quelle von Substituten.
+* Substitut-Server autorisieren:: Wie man Substitute an- und abschaltet.
+* Substitutauthentifizierung:: Wie Guix Substitute verifiziert.
+* Proxy-Einstellungen:: Wie Sie Substitute über einen Proxy beziehen.
+* Fehler bei der Substitution:: Was passiert, wenn die Substitution
+ fehlschlägt.
+* Vom Vertrauen gegenüber Binärdateien:: Wie können Sie diesem binären
+ Blob trauen?
+@end menu
+@node Offizieller Substitut-Server
+@subsection Offizieller Substitut-Server
+@cindex Hydra
+@cindex Build-Farm
+Der Server @code{mirror.hydra.gnu.org} ist die Façade für eine offizielle
+»Build-Farm«, ein Erstellungswerk, das kontinuierlich Guix-Pakete für einige
+Prozessorarchitekturen erstellt und sie als Substitute zur Verfügung
+stellt. Dies ist die standardmäßige Quelle von Substituten; durch Übergeben
+der Befehlszeilenoption @option{--substitute-urls} an entweder den
+@command{guix-daemon} (@pxref{daemon-substitute-urls,, @code{guix-daemon
+--substitute-urls}}) oder Client-Werkzeuge wie @command{guix package}
+(@pxref{client-substitute-urls,, client @option{--substitute-urls} option})
+kann eine abweichende Einstellung benutzt werden.
+Substitut-URLs können entweder HTTP oder HTTPS sein. HTTPS wird empfohlen,
+weil die Kommunikation verschlüsselt ist; umgekehrt kann bei HTTP die
+Kommunikation belauscht werden, wodurch der Angreifer zum Beispiel erfahren
+könnte, ob Ihr System über noch nicht behobene Sicherheitsschwachstellen
+Substitute von der offiziellen Build-Farm sind standardmäßig erlaubt, wenn
+Sie die Guix-System-Distribution verwenden (@pxref{GNU-Distribution}). Auf
+Fremddistributionen sind sie allerdings standardmäßig ausgeschaltet, solange
+Sie sie nicht ausdrücklich in einem der empfohlenen Installationsschritte
+erlaubt haben (@pxref{Installation}). Die folgenden Absätze beschreiben, wie
+Sie Substitute für die offizielle Build-Farm an- oder ausschalten; dieselbe
+Prozedur kann auch benutzt werden, um Substitute für einen beliebigen
+anderen Substitutsserver zu erlauben.
+@node Substitut-Server autorisieren
+@subsection Substitut-Server autorisieren
+@cindex Sicherheit
+@cindex Substitute, deren Autorisierung
+@cindex Access Control List (ACL), für Substitute
+@cindex ACL (Access Control List), für Substitute
+Um es Guix zu gestatten, Substitute von @code{hydra.gnu.org} oder einem
+Spiegelserver davon herunterzuladen, müssen Sie den zugehörigen öffentlichen
+Schlüssel zur Access Control List (ACL, Zugriffssteuerungsliste) für
+Archivimporte hinzufügen, mit Hilfe des Befehls @command{guix archive}
+(@pxref{Aufruf von guix archive}). Dies impliziert, dass Sie darauf vertrauen,
+dass @code{hydra.gnu.org} nicht kompromittiert wurde und echte Substitute
+Der öffentliche Schlüssel für @code{hydra.gnu.org} wird zusammen mit Guix
+installiert, in das Verzeichnis
+@code{@var{prefix}/share/guix/hydra.gnu.org.pub}, wobei @var{prefix} das
+Installationspräfix von Guix ist. Wenn Sie Guix aus seinem Quellcode heraus
+installieren, stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie die GPG-Signatur von
+@file{guix-@value{VERSION}.tar.gz} prüfen, worin sich dieser öffentliche
+Schlüssel befindet. Dann können Sie so etwas wie hier ausführen:
+# guix archive --authorize < @var{prefix}/share/guix/hydra.gnu.org.pub
+@end example
+@quotation Anmerkung
+Genauso enthält die Datei @file{berlin.guixsd.org.pub} den öffentlichen
+Schlüssel für die neue Build-Farm des Guix-Projekts, die unter
+@indicateurl{https://berlin.guixsd.org} erreichbar ist.
+Derzeit, als dieser Text geschrieben wurde, wird @code{berlin.guixsd.org}
+ausgebaut, um besser skalieren zu können, aber Sie könnten es
+ausprobieren. Dahinter stecken 20 x86_64-/i686-Erstellungsknoten, die
+Substitute früher anbieten könnten als @code{mirror.hydra.gnu.org}.
+@end quotation
+Sobald es eingerichtet wurde, sollte sich die Ausgabe eines Befehls wie
+@code{guix build} von so etwas:
+$ guix build emacs --dry-run
+Folgende Ableitungen würden erstellt:
+ /gnu/store/yr7bnx8xwcayd6j95r2clmkdl1qh688w-emacs-24.3.drv
+ /gnu/store/x8qsh1hlhgjx6cwsjyvybnfv2i37z23w-dbus-1.6.4.tar.gz.drv
+ /gnu/store/1ixwp12fl950d15h2cj11c73733jay0z-alsa-lib-
+ /gnu/store/nlma1pw0p603fpfiqy7kn4zm105r5dmw-util-linux-2.21.drv
+@end example
+in so etwas verwandeln:
+$ guix build emacs --dry-run
+112.3 MB würden heruntergeladen:
+ /gnu/store/pk3n22lbq6ydamyymqkkz7i69wiwjiwi-emacs-24.3
+ /gnu/store/2ygn4ncnhrpr61rssa6z0d9x22si0va3-libjpeg-8d
+ /gnu/store/71yz6lgx4dazma9dwn2mcjxaah9w77jq-cairo-1.12.16
+ /gnu/store/7zdhgp0n1518lvfn8mb96sxqfmvqrl7v-libxrender-0.9.7
+@end example
+Das zeigt an, dass Substitute von @code{hydra.gnu.org} nutzbar sind und für
+zukünftige Erstellungen heruntergeladen werden, wann immer es möglich ist.
+@cindex Substitute, wie man sie ausschaltet
+Der Substitutsmechanismus kann global ausgeschaltet werden, indem Sie dem
+@code{guix-daemon} beim Starten die Befehlszeilenoption
+@code{--no-substitutes} übergeben (@pxref{Aufruf des guix-daemon}). Er kann
+auch temporär ausgeschaltet werden, indem Sie @code{--no-substitutes} an
+@command{guix package}, @command{guix build} und andere
+Befehlszeilenwerkzeuge übergeben.
+@node Substitutauthentifizierung
+@subsection Substitutauthentifizierung
+@cindex digitale Signaturen
+Guix erkennt, wenn ein verfälschtes Substitut benutzt würde, und meldet
+einen Fehler. Ebenso werden Substitute ignoriert, die nich signiert sind,
+oder nicht mit einem in der ACL aufgelisteten Schlüssel signiert sind.
+Es gibt nur eine Ausnahme: Wenn ein unautorisierter Server Substitute
+anbietet, die @emph{Bit für Bit identisch} mit denen von einem autorisierten
+Server sind, können sie auch vom unautorisierten Server heruntergeladen
+werden. Zum Beispiel, angenommen wir haben zwei Substitutserver mit dieser
+Befehlszeilenoption ausgewählt:
+--substitute-urls="https://a.example.org https://b.example.org"
+@end example
+@cindex Reproduzierbare Erstellungen
+Wenn in der ACL nur der Schlüssel für @code{b.example.org} aufgeführt wurde,
+aber @code{a.example.org} @emph{exakt dieselben} Substitute anbietet, wird
+Guix auch Substitute von @code{a.example.org} herunterladen, weil es in der
+Liste zuerst kommt und als Spiegelserver für @code{b.example.org} aufgefasst
+werden kann. In der Praxis haben unabhängige Maschinen bei der Erstellung
+normalerweise dieselben Binärdateien als Ergebnis, dank bit-reproduzierbarer
+Erstellungen (siehe unten).
+Wenn Sie HTTPS benutzen, wird das X.509-Zertifikat des Servers @emph{nicht}
+validiert (mit anderen Worten, die Identität des Servers wird nicht
+authentifiziert), entgegen dem, was HTTPS-Clients wie Web-Browser
+normalerweise tun. Da Guix Substitutinformationen selbst überprüft, wie oben
+erklärt, wäre es unnötig (wohingegen mit X.509-Zertifikaten geprüft wird, ob
+ein Domain-Name zu öffentlichen Schlüsseln passt).
+@node Proxy-Einstellungen
+@subsection Proxy-Einstellungen
+@vindex http_proxy
+Substitute werden über HTTP oder HTTPS heruntergeladen. Die
+Umgebungsvariable @code{http_proxy} kann in der Umgebung von
+@command{guix-daemon} definiert werden und wirkt sich dann auf das
+Herunterladen von Substituten aus. Beachten Sie, dass der Wert von
+@code{http_proxy} in der Umgebung, in der @command{guix build},
+@command{guix package} und andere Client-Befehle ausgeführt werden,
+@emph{keine Rolle spielt}.
+@node Fehler bei der Substitution
+@subsection Fehler bei der Substitution
+Selbst wenn ein Substitut für eine Ableitung verfügbar ist, schlägt die
+versuchte Substitution manchmal fehl. Das kann aus vielen Gründen geschehen:
+die Substitutsserver könnten offline sein, das Substitut könnte kürzlich
+gelöscht worden sein, die Netzwerkverbindunge könnte unterbrochen worden
+sein, usw.
+Wenn Substitute aktiviert sind und ein Substitut für eine Ableitung zwar
+verfügbar ist, aber die versuchte Substitution fehlschlägt, kann Guix
+versuchen, die Ableitung lokal zu erstellen, je nachdem, ob
+@code{--fallback} übergeben wurde (@pxref{fallback-option,, common build
+option @code{--fallback}}). Genauer gesagt, wird keine lokale Erstellung
+durchgeführt, solange kein @code{--fallback} angegeben wurde, und die
+Ableitung wird als Fehlschlag angesehen. Wenn @code{--fallback} übergeben
+wurde, wird Guix versuchen, die Ableitung lokal zu erstellen, und ob die
+Ableitung erfolgreich ist oder nicht, hängt davon ab, ob die lokale
+Erstellung erfolgreich ist oder nicht. Beachten Sie, dass, falls Substitute
+ausgeschaltet oder erst gar kein Substitut verfügbar ist, @emph{immer} eine
+lokale Erstellung durchgeführt wird, egal ob @code{--fallback} übergeben
+wurde oder nicht.
+Um eine Vorstellung zu bekommen, wieviele Substitute gerade verfügbar sind,
+können Sie den Befehl @command{guix weather} benutzen (@pxref{Aufruf von guix weather}). Dieser Befehl zeigt Statistiken darüber an, wie es um die von
+einem Server verfügbaren Substitute steht.
+@node Vom Vertrauen gegenüber Binärdateien
+@subsection Vom Vertrauen gegenüber Binärdateien
+@cindex Vertrauen, gegenüber vorerstellten Binärdateien
+Derzeit hängt die Kontrolle jedes Individuums über seine Rechner von
+Institutionen, Unternehmen und solchen Gruppierungen ab, die über genug
+Macht und Entschlusskraft verfügen, die Rechnerinfrastruktur zu sabotieren
+und ihre Schwachstellen auszunutzen. Auch wenn es bequem ist, Substitute von
+@code{hydra.gnu.org} zu benutzen, ermuntern wir Nutzer, auch selbst
+Erstellungen durchzuführen oder gar ihre eigene Build-Farm zu betreiben,
+damit @code{hydra.gnu.org} ein weniger interessantes Ziel wird. Eine Art,
+uns zu helfen, ist, die von Ihnen erstellte Software mit dem Befehl
+@command{guix publish} zu veröffentlichen, damit andere eine größere Auswahl
+haben, von welchem Server sie Substitute beziehen möchten (@pxref{Aufruf von guix publish}).
+Guix hat die richtigen Grundlagen, um die Reproduzierbarkeit von
+Erstellungen zu maximieren (@pxref{Funktionalitäten}). In den meisten Fällen sollten
+unabhängige Erstellungen eines bestimmten Pakets zu bitweise identischen
+Ergebnissen führen. Wir können also mit Hilfe einer vielschichtigen Menge an
+unabhängigen Paketerstellungen die Integrität unseres Systems besser
+gewährleisten. Der Befehl @command{guix challenge} hat das Ziel, Nutzern zu
+ermöglichen, Substitutserver zu beurteilen, und Entwickler dabei zu
+unterstützen, nichtdeterministische Paketerstellungen zu finden
+(@pxref{Aufruf von guix challenge}). Ebenso ermöglicht es die
+Befehlszeilenoption @option{--check} von @command{guix build}, dass Nutzer
+bereits installierte Substitute auf Echtheit zu prüfen, indem sie lokal
+nachgebaut werden (@pxref{build-check, @command{guix build --check}}).
+In Zukunft wollen wir, dass Guix Binärdateien an und von Nutzern
+peer-to-peer veröffentlichen kann. Wenn Sie mit uns dieses Projekt
+diskuttieren möchten, kommen Sie auf unsere Mailing-Liste
+@node Pakete mit mehreren Ausgaben.
+@section Pakete mit mehreren Ausgaben.
+@cindex mehrere Ausgaben, bei Paketen
+@cindex Paketausgaben
+@cindex Ausgaben
+Oft haben in Guix definierte Pakete eine einzige @dfn{Ausgabe} — d.h. aus
+dem Quellpaket entsteht genau ein Verzeichnis im Store. Wenn Sie
+@command{guix package -i glibc} ausführen, wird die Standard-Paketausgabe
+des GNU-libc-Pakets installiert; die Standardausgabe wird @code{out}
+genannt, aber ihr Name kann weggelassen werden, wie sie an obigem Befehl
+sehen. In diesem speziellen Fall enthält die Standard-Paketausgabe von
+@code{glibc} alle C-Headerdateien, gemeinsamen Bibliotheken (»Shared
+Libraries«), statische Bibliotheken (»Static Libraries«), Dokumentation für
+Info sowie andere zusätzliche Dateien.
+Manchmal ist es besser, die verschiedenen Arten von Dateien, die aus einem
+einzelnen Quellpaket hervorgehen, in getrennte Ausgaben zu unterteilen. Zum
+Beispiel installiert die GLib-C-Bibliothek (die von GTK+ und damit
+zusammenhängenden Paketen benutzt wird) mehr als 20 MiB an HTML-Seiten mit
+Referenzdokumentation. Um den Nutzern, die das nicht brauchen, Platz zu
+sparen, wird die Dokumentation in einer separaten Ausgabe abgelegt, genannt
+@code{doc}. Um also die Hauptausgabe von GLib zu installieren, zu der alles
+außer der Dokumentation gehört, ist der Befehl:
+guix package -i glib
+@end example
+@cindex Dokumentation
+Der Befehl, um die Dokumentation zu installieren, ist:
+guix package -i glib:doc
+@end example
+Manche Pakete installieren Programme mit unterschiedlich großem
+»Abhängigkeiten-Fußabdruck«. Zum Beispiel installiert das Paket WordNet
+sowohl Befehlszeilenwerkzeuge als auch grafische Benutzerschnittstellen
+(GUIs). Erstere hängen nur von der C-Bibliothek ab, während Letztere auch
+von Tcl/Tk und den zu Grunde liegenden X-Bibliotheken abhängen. Jedenfalls
+belassen wir deshalb die Befehlszeilenwerkzeuge in der
+Standard-Paketausgabe, während sich die GUIs in einer separaten Ausgabe
+befinden. So können Benutzer, die die GUIs nicht brauchen, Platz sparen. Der
+Befehl @command{guix size} kann dabei helfen, solche Situationen zu erkennen
+(@pxref{Aufruf von guix size}). @command{guix graph} kann auch helfen
+(@pxref{Aufruf von guix graph}).
+In der GNU-Distribution gibt es viele solche Pakete mit mehreren
+Ausgaben. Andere Konventionen für Ausgabenamen sind zum Beispiel @code{lib}
+für Bibliotheken und eventuell auch ihre Header-Dateien,, @code{bin} für
+eigenständige Programme und @code{debug} für Informationen zur
+Fehlerbehandlung (@pxref{Dateien zur Fehlersuche installieren}). Die Ausgaben eines
+Pakets stehen in der dritten Spalte der Anzeige von @command{guix package
+--list-available} (@pxref{Aufruf von guix package}).
+@node Aufruf von guix gc
+@section @command{guix gc} aufrufen
+@cindex Müllsammler
+@cindex Plattenspeicher
+Pakete, die zwar installiert sind, aber nicht benutzt werden, können vom
+@dfn{Müllsammler} entfernt werden. Mit dem Befehl @command{guix gc} können
+Benutzer den Müllsammler ausdrücklich aufrufen, um Speicher im Verzeichnis
+@file{/gnu/store} freizugeben. Dies ist der @emph{einzige} Weg, Dateien aus
+@file{/gnu/store} zu entfernen — das manuelle Entfernen von Dateien kann den
+Store irreparabel beschädigen!
+@cindex GC-Wurzeln
+@cindex Müllsammlerwurzeln
+Der Müllsammler kennt eine Reihe von @dfn{Wurzeln}: Jede Datei in
+@file{/gnu/store}, die von einer Wurzel aus erreichbar ist, gilt als
+@dfn{lebendig} und kann nicht entfernt werden; jede andere Datei gilt als
+@dfn{tot} und ist ein Kandidat, gelöscht zu werden. Die Menge der
+Müllsammlerwurzeln (kurz auch »GC-Wurzeln«, von englisch »Garbage
+Collector«) umfasst Standard-Benutzerprofile; standardmäßig werden diese
+Müllsammlerwurzeln durch symbolische Verknüpfungen in
+@file{/var/guix/gcroots} dargestellt. Neue Müllsammlerwurzeln können zum
+Beispiel mit @command{guix build --root} festgelegt werden (@pxref{Aufruf von guix build}).
+Bevor Sie mit @code{guix gc --collect-garbage} Speicher freimachen, wollen
+Sie vielleicht alte Generationen von Benutzerprofilen löschen, damit alte
+Paketerstellungen von diesen Generationen entfernt werden können. Führen Sie
+dazu @code{guix package --delete-generations} aus (@pxref{Aufruf von guix package}).
+Unsere Empfehlung ist, dass Sie den Müllsammler regelmäßig laufen lassen und
+wenn Sie wenig freien Speicherplatz zur Verfügung haben. Um zum Beispiel
+sicherzustellen, dass Sie mindestens 5@tie{}GB auf Ihrer Platte zur
+Verfügung haben, benutzen Sie einfach:
+guix gc -F 5G
+@end example
+Es ist völlig sicher, dafür eine nicht interaktive, regelmäßige
+Auftragsausführung vorzugeben (@pxref{Geplante Auftragsausführung}, für eine
+Erklärung, wie man das in GuixSD tun kann). @command{guix gc} ohne
+Befehlszeilenargumente auszuführen, lässt so viel Müll wie möglich sammeln,
+aber das ist oft nicht, was man will, denn so muss man unter Umständen
+Software erneut erstellen oder erneut herunterladen, weil der Müllsammler
+sie als »tot« ansieht, sie aber zur Erstellung anderer Software wieder
+gebraucht wird — das trifft zum Beispiel auf die Compiler-Toolchain zu.
+Der Befehl @command{guix gc} hat drei Arbeitsmodi: Er kann benutzt werden,
+um als Müllsammler tote Dateien zu entfernen (das Standardverhalten), um
+ganz bestimmte, angegebene Datein zu löschen (mit der Befehlszeilenoption
+@code{--delete}), um Müllsammlerinformationen auszugeben oder
+fortgeschrittenere Anfragen zu verarbeiten. Die
+Müllsammler-Befehlszeilenoptionen sind wie folgt:
+@table @code
+@item --collect-garbage[=@var{Minimum}]
+@itemx -C [@var{Minimum}]
+Lässt Müll sammeln — z.B. nicht erreichbare Dateien in @file{/gnu/store} und
+seinen Unterverzeichnissen. Wird keine andere Befehlszeilenoption angegeben,
+wird standardmäßig diese durchgeführt.
+Wenn ein @var{Minimum} angegeben wurde, hört der Müllsammler auf, sobald
+@var{Minimum} Bytes gesammelt wurden. Das @var{Minimum} kann die Anzahl der
+Bytes bezeichnen oder mit einer Einheit als Suffix versehen sein, wie etwa
+@code{MiB} für Mebibytes und @code{GB} für Gigabytes (@pxref{Block size,
+size specifications,, coreutils, GNU Coreutils}).
+Wird kein @var{Minimum} angegeben, sammelt der Müllsammler allen Müll.
+@item --free-space=@var{Menge}
+@itemx -F @var{Menge}
+Sammelt Müll, bis die angegebene @var{Menge} an freiem Speicher in
+@file{/gnu/store} zur Verfügung steht, falls möglich; die @var{Menge} ist
+eine Speichergröße wie @code{500MiB}, wie oben beschrieben.
+Wenn die angegebene @var{Menge} oder mehr bereits in @file{/gnu/store} frei
+verfügbar ist, passiert nichts.
+@item --delete
+@itemx -d
+Versucht, alle als Argumente angegebenen Dateien oder Verzeichnisse im Store
+zu löschen. Dies schlägt fehl, wenn manche der Dateien oder Verzeichnisse
+nicht im Store oder noch immer lebendig sind.
+@item --list-failures
+Store-Objekte auflisten, die zwischengespeicherten Erstellungsfehlern
+Hierbei wird nichts ausgegeben, sofern der Daemon nicht mit
+@option{--cache-failures} gestartet wurde (@pxref{Aufruf des guix-daemon,
+@item --clear-failures
+Die angegebenen Store-Objekte aus dem Zwischenspeicher für fehlgeschlagene
+Erstellungen entfernen.
+Auch diese Option macht nur Sinn, wenn der Daemon mit
+@option{--cache-failures} gestartet wurde. Andernfalls passiert nichts.
+@item --list-dead
+Zeigt die Liste toter Dateien und Verzeichnisse an, die sich noch im Store
+befinden — das heißt, Dateien, die von keiner Wurzel mehr erreichbar sind.
+@item --list-live
+Zeige die Liste lebendiger Store-Dateien und -Verzeichnisse.
+@end table
+Außerdem können Referenzen unter bestehenden Store-Dateien gefunden werden:
+@table @code
+@item --references
+@itemx --referrers
+@cindex Paketabhängigkeiten
+Listet die referenzierten bzw. sie referenzierenden Objekte der angegebenen
+Store-Dateien auf.
+@item --requisites
+@itemx -R
+@cindex Abschluss
+Listet alle Voraussetzungen der als Argumente übergebenen Store-Dateien
+auf. Voraussetzungen sind die Store-Dateien selbst, ihre Referenzen sowie
+die Referenzen davon, rekursiv. Mit anderen Worten, die zurückgelieferte
+Liste ist der @dfn{transitive Abschluss} dieser Store-Dateien.
+Der Abschnitt @xref{Aufruf von guix size} erklärt ein Werkzeug, um den
+Speicherbedarf des Abschlusses eines Elements zu ermitteln. Siehe
+@xref{Aufruf von guix graph} für ein Werkzeug, um den Referenzgraphen zu
+@item --derivers
+@cindex Ableitung
+Liefert die Ableitung(en), die zu den angegebenen Store-Objekten führen
+Zum Beispiel liefert dieser Befehl:
+guix gc --derivers `guix package -I ^emacs$ | cut -f4`
+@end example
+die @file{.drv}-Datei(en), die zum in Ihrem Profil installierten
+@code{emacs}-Paket führen.
+Beachten Sie, dass es auch sein kann, dass keine passenden
+@file{.drv}-Dateien existieren, zum Beispiel wenn diese Dateien bereits dem
+Müllsammler zum Opfer gefallen sind. Es kann auch passieren, dass es mehr
+als eine passende @file{.drv} gibt, bei Ableitungen mit fester Ausgabe.
+@end table
+Zuletzt können Sie mit folgenden Befehlszeilenoptionen die Integrität des
+Stores prüfen und den Plattenspeicherverbrauch im Zaum halten.
+@table @option
+@item --verify[=@var{Optionen}]
+@cindex Integrität, des Stores
+@cindex Integritätsprüfung
+Die Integrität des Stores verifizieren
+Standardmäßig wird sichergestellt, dass alle Store-Objekte, die in der
+Datenbank des Daemons als gültig markiert wurden, auch tatsächlich in
+@file{/gnu/store} existieren.
+Wenn angegeben, müssen die @var{Optionen} eine kommagetrennte Liste aus
+mindestens einem der Worte @code{contents} und @code{repair} sein.
+Wenn Sie @option{--verify=contents} übergeben, berechnet der Daemon den Hash
+des Inhalts jedes Store-Objekts und vergleicht ihn mit dem Hash in der
+Datenbank. Sind die Hashes ungleich, wird eine Datenbeschädigung
+gemeldet. Weil dabei @emph{alle Dateien im Store} durchlaufen werden, kann
+der Befehl viel Zeit brauchen, besonders auf Systemen mit langsamer Platte.
+@cindex Store, reparieren
+@cindex Datenbeschädigung, Behebung
+Mit @option{--verify=repair} oder @option{--verify=contents,repair} versucht
+der Daemon, beschädigte Store-Objekte zu reparieren, indem er Substitute für
+selbige herunterlädt (@pxref{Substitute}). Weil die Reparatur nicht atomar
+und daher womöglich riskant ist, kann nur der Systemadministrator den Befehl
+benutzen. Eine weniger aufwendige Alternative, wenn Sie wissen, welches
+Objekt beschädigt ist, ist, @command{guix build --repair} zu benutzen
+(@pxref{Aufruf von guix build}).
+@item --optimize
+@cindex Deduplizieren
+Den Store durch Nutzung harter Verknüpfungen für identische Dateien
+optimieren — mit anderen Worten wird der Store @dfn{dedupliziert}.
+Der Daemon führt Deduplizierung automatisch nach jeder erfolgreichen
+Erstellung und jedem Importieren eines Archivs durch, sofern er nicht mit
+@code{--disable-deduplication} (@pxref{Aufruf des guix-daemon,
+@code{--disable-deduplication}}) gestartet wurde. Diese Befehlszeilenoption
+brauchen Sie also in erster Linie dann, wenn der Daemon zuvor mit
+@code{--disable-deduplication} gestartet worden ist.
+@end table
+@node Aufruf von guix pull
+@section @command{guix pull} aufrufen
+@cindex Aktualisieren von Guix
+@cindex Updaten von Guix
+@cindex @command{guix pull}
+@cindex pull
+Packages are installed or upgraded to the latest version available in the
+distribution currently available on your local machine. To update that
+distribution, along with the Guix tools, you must run @command{guix pull}:
+the command downloads the latest Guix source code and package descriptions,
+and deploys it. Source code is downloaded from a @uref{https://git-scm.com,
+Git} repository, by default the official GNU@tie{}Guix repository, though
+this can be customized.
+Danach wird @command{guix package} Pakete und ihre Versionen entsprechend
+der gerade heruntergeladenen Kopie von Guix benutzen. Nicht nur das, auch
+alle Guix-Befehle und Scheme-Module werden aus der neuesten Version von Guix
+kommen. Neue @command{guix}-Unterbefehle, die durch die Aktualisierung
+hinzugekommen sind, werden also auch verfügbar.
+Any user can update their Guix copy using @command{guix pull}, and the
+effect is limited to the user who run @command{guix pull}. For instance,
+when user @code{root} runs @command{guix pull}, this has no effect on the
+version of Guix that user @code{alice} sees, and vice versa.
+The result of running @command{guix pull} is a @dfn{profile} available under
+@file{~/.config/guix/current} containing the latest Guix. Thus, make sure
+to add it to the beginning of your search path so that you use the latest
+version, and similarly for the Info manual (@pxref{Dokumentation}):
+export PATH="$HOME/.config/guix/current/bin:$PATH"
+export INFOPATH="$HOME/.config/guix/current/share/info:$INFOPATH"
+@end example
+The @code{--list-generations} or @code{-l} option lists past generations
+produced by @command{guix pull}, along with details about their provenance:
+$ guix pull -l
+Generation 1 Jun 10 2018 00:18:18
+ guix 65956ad
+ repository URL: https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/guix.git
+ branch: origin/master
+ commit: 65956ad3526ba09e1f7a40722c96c6ef7c0936fe
+Generation 2 Jun 11 2018 11:02:49
+ guix e0cc7f6
+ repository URL: https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/guix.git
+ branch: origin/master
+ commit: e0cc7f669bec22c37481dd03a7941c7d11a64f1d
+ 2 new packages: keepalived, libnfnetlink
+ 6 packages upgraded: emacs-nix-mode@@2.0.4,
+ guile2.0-guix@@0.14.0-12.77a1aac, guix@@0.14.0-12.77a1aac,
+ heimdal@@7.5.0, milkytracker@@1.02.00, nix@@2.0.4
+Generation 3 Jun 13 2018 23:31:07 (current)
+ guix 844cc1c
+ repository URL: https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/guix.git
+ branch: origin/master
+ commit: 844cc1c8f394f03b404c5bb3aee086922373490c
+ 28 new packages: emacs-helm-ls-git, emacs-helm-mu, @dots{}
+ 69 packages upgraded: borg@@1.1.6, cheese@@3.28.0, @dots{}
+@end example
+@ref{Invoking guix describe, @command{guix describe}}, for other ways to
+describe the current status of Guix.
+This @code{~/.config/guix/current} profile works like any other profile
+created by @command{guix package} (@pxref{Aufruf von guix package}). That is,
+you can list generations, roll back to the previous generation---i.e., the
+previous Guix---and so on:
+$ guix package -p ~/.config/guix/current --roll-back
+switched from generation 3 to 2
+$ guix package -p ~/.config/guix/current --delete-generations=1
+deleting /var/guix/profiles/per-user/charlie/current-guix-1-link
+@end example
+Der Befehl @command{guix pull} wird in der Regel ohne Befehlszeilenargumente
+aufgerufen, aber er versteht auch folgende Befehlszeilenoptionen:
+@table @code
+@item --url=@var{URL}
+@itemx --commit=@var{Commit}
+@itemx --branch=@var{Branch}
+Download code from the specified @var{url}, at the given @var{commit} (a
+valid Git commit ID represented as a hexadecimal string), or @var{branch}.
+@cindex @file{channels.scm}, configuration file
+@cindex configuration file for channels
+These options are provided for convenience, but you can also specify your
+configuration in the @file{~/.config/guix/channels.scm} file or using the
+@option{--channels} option (see below).
+@item --channels=@var{file}
+@itemx -C @var{file}
+Read the list of channels from @var{file} instead of
+@file{~/.config/guix/channels.scm}. @var{file} must contain Scheme code
+that evaluates to a list of channel objects. @xref{Channels}, for more
+@item --list-generations[=@var{Muster}]
+@itemx -l [@var{Muster}]
+List all the generations of @file{~/.config/guix/current} or, if
+@var{pattern} is provided, the subset of generations that match
+@var{pattern}. The syntax of @var{pattern} is the same as with @code{guix
+package --list-generations} (@pxref{Aufruf von guix package}).
+@ref{Invoking guix describe}, for a way to display information about the
+current generation only.
+@item --profile=@var{Profil}
+@itemx -p @var{Profil}
+Use @var{profile} instead of @file{~/.config/guix/current}.
+@item --dry-run
+@itemx -n
+Show which channel commit(s) would be used and what would be built or
+substituted but do not actually do it.
+@item --verbose
+Ausführliche Informationen ausgeben und Erstellungsprotokolle auf der
+Standardfehlerausgabe ausgeben.
+@item --bootstrap
+Use the bootstrap Guile to build the latest Guix. This option is only
+useful to Guix developers.
+@end table
+The @dfn{channel} mechanism allows you to instruct @command{guix pull} which
+repository and branch to pull from, as well as @emph{additional}
+repositories containing package modules that should be deployed.
+@xref{Channels}, for more information.
+In addition, @command{guix pull} supports all the common build options
+(@pxref{Gemeinsame Erstellungsoptionen}).
+@node Channels
+@section Channels
+@cindex channels
+@cindex @file{channels.scm}, configuration file
+@cindex configuration file for channels
+@cindex @command{guix pull}, configuration file
+@cindex configuration of @command{guix pull}
+Guix and its package collection are updated by running @command{guix pull}
+(@pxref{Aufruf von guix pull}). By default @command{guix pull} downloads and
+deploys Guix itself from the official GNU@tie{}Guix repository. This can be
+customized by defining @dfn{channels} in the
+@file{~/.config/guix/channels.scm} file. A channel specifies a URL and
+branch of a Git repository to be deployed, and @command{guix pull} can be
+instructed to pull from one or more channels. In other words, channels can
+be used to @emph{customize} and to @emph{extend} Guix, as we will see below.
+@subsection Using a Custom Guix Channel
+The channel called @code{guix} specifies where Guix itself---its
+command-line tools as well as its package collection---should be
+downloaded. For instance, suppose you want to update from your own copy of
+the Guix repository at @code{example.org}, and specifically the
+@code{super-hacks} branch, you can write in
+@code{~/.config/guix/channels.scm} this specification:
+;; Tell 'guix pull' to use my own repo.
+(list (channel
+ (name 'guix)
+ (url "https://example.org/my-guix.git")
+ (branch "super-hacks")))
+@end lisp
+From there on, @command{guix pull} will fetch code from the
+@code{super-hacks} branch of the repository at @code{example.org}.
+@subsection Specifying Additional Channels
+@cindex extending the package collection (channels)
+@cindex personal packages (channels)
+@cindex channels, for personal packages
+You can also specify @emph{additional channels} to pull from. Let's say you
+have a bunch of custom package variants or personal packages that you think
+would make little sense to contribute to the Guix project, but would like to
+have these packages transparently available to you at the command line. You
+would first write modules containing those package definitions
+(@pxref{Paketmodule}), maintain them in a Git repository, and then you
+and anyone else can use it as an additional channel to get packages from.
+Neat, no?
+@c What follows stems from discussions at
+@c <https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi/bugreport.cgi?bug=22629#134> as well as
+@c earlier discussions on guix-devel@gnu.org.
+@quotation Warning
+Before you, dear user, shout---``woow this is @emph{soooo coool}!''---and
+publish your personal channel to the world, we would like to share a few
+words of caution:
+Before publishing a channel, please consider contributing your package
+definitions to Guix proper (@pxref{Mitwirken}). Guix as a project is
+open to free software of all sorts, and packages in Guix proper are readily
+available to all Guix users and benefit from the project's quality assurance
+When you maintain package definitions outside Guix, we, Guix developers,
+consider that @emph{the compatibility burden is on you}. Remember that
+package modules and package definitions are just Scheme code that uses
+various programming interfaces (APIs). We want to remain free to change
+these APIs to keep improving Guix, possibly in ways that break your
+channel. We never change APIs gratuitously, but we will @emph{not} commit
+to freezing APIs either.
+Corollary: if you're using an external channel and that channel breaks,
+please @emph{report the issue to the channel authors}, not to the Guix
+@end itemize
+You've been warned! Having said this, we believe external channels are a
+practical way to exert your freedom to augment Guix' package collection and
+to share your improvements, which are basic tenets of
+@uref{https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html, free software}. Please
+email us at @email{guix-devel@@gnu.org} if you'd like to discuss this.
+@end quotation
+Once you have a Git repository containing your own package modules, you can
+write @code{~/.config/guix/channels.scm} to instruct @command{guix pull} to
+pull from your personal channel @emph{in addition} to the default Guix
+@vindex %default-channels
+;; Add my personal packages to those Guix provides.
+(cons (channel
+ (name 'my-personal-packages)
+ (url "https://example.org/personal-packages.git"))
+ %default-channels)
+@end lisp
+Note that the snippet above is (as always!)@: Scheme code; we use
+@code{cons} to add a channel the list of channels that the variable
+@code{%default-channels} is bound to (@pxref{Pairs, @code{cons} and lists,,
+guile, GNU Guile Reference Manual}). With this file in place, @command{guix
+pull} builds not only Guix but also the package modules from your own
+repository. The result in @file{~/.config/guix/current} is the union of
+Guix with your own package modules:
+$ guix pull --list-generations
+Generation 19 Aug 27 2018 16:20:48
+ guix d894ab8
+ repository URL: https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/guix.git
+ branch: master
+ commit: d894ab8e9bfabcefa6c49d9ba2e834dd5a73a300
+ my-personal-packages dd3df5e
+ repository URL: https://example.org/personal-packages.git
+ branch: master
+ commit: dd3df5e2c8818760a8fc0bd699e55d3b69fef2bb
+ 11 new packages: my-gimp, my-emacs-with-cool-features, @dots{}
+ 4 packages upgraded: emacs-racket-mode@@0.0.2-2.1b78827, @dots{}
+@end example
+The output of @command{guix pull} above shows that Generation@tie{}19
+includes both Guix and packages from the @code{my-personal-packages}
+channel. Among the new and upgraded packages that are listed, some like
+@code{my-gimp} and @code{my-emacs-with-cool-features} might come from
+@code{my-personal-packages}, while others come from the Guix default
+@subsection Replicating Guix
+@cindex pinning, channels
+@cindex replicating Guix
+@cindex reproducibility, of Guix
+The @command{guix pull --list-generations} output above shows precisely
+which commits were used to build this instance of Guix. We can thus
+replicate it, say, on another machine, by providing a channel specification
+in @file{~/.config/guix/channels.scm} that is ``pinned'' to these commits:
+;; Deploy specific commits of my channels of interest.
+(list (channel
+ (name 'guix)
+ (url "https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/guix.git")
+ (commit "d894ab8e9bfabcefa6c49d9ba2e834dd5a73a300"))
+ (channel
+ (name 'my-personal-packages)
+ (url "https://example.org/personal-packages.git")
+ (branch "dd3df5e2c8818760a8fc0bd699e55d3b69fef2bb")))
+@end lisp
+The @command{guix describe --format=channels} command can even generate this
+list of channels directly (@pxref{Invoking guix describe}).
+At this point the two machines run the @emph{exact same Guix}, with access
+to the @emph{exact same packages}. The output of @command{guix build gimp}
+on one machine will be exactly the same, bit for bit, as the output of the
+same command on the other machine. It also means both machines have access
+to all the source code of Guix and, transitively, to all the source code of
+every package it defines.
+This gives you super powers, allowing you to track the provenance of binary
+artifacts with very fine grain, and to reproduce software environments at
+will---some sort of ``meta reproducibility'' capabilities, if you will.
+@xref{Inferiors}, for another way to take advantage of these super powers.
+@node Inferiors
+@section Inferiors
+@c TODO: Remove this once we're more confident about API stability.
+@quotation Anmerkung
+The functionality described here is a ``technology preview'' as of version
+@value{VERSION}. As such, the interface is subject to change.
+@end quotation
+@cindex inferiors
+@cindex composition of Guix revisions
+Sometimes you might need to mix packages from the revision of Guix you're
+currently running with packages available in a different revision of Guix.
+Guix @dfn{inferiors} allow you to achieve that by composing different Guix
+revisions in arbitrary ways.
+@cindex inferior packages
+Technically, an ``inferior'' is essentially a separate Guix process
+connected to your main Guix process through a REPL (@pxref{Invoking guix
+repl}). The @code{(guix inferior)} module allows you to create inferiors
+and to communicate with them. It also provides a high-level interface to
+browse and manipulate the packages that an inferior provides---@dfn{inferior
+When combined with channels (@pxref{Channels}), inferiors provide a simple
+way to interact with a separate revision of Guix. For example, let's assume
+you want to install in your profile the current @code{guile} package, along
+with the @code{guile-json} as it existed in an older revision of
+Guix---perhaps because the newer @code{guile-json} has an incompatible API
+and you want to run your code against the old API@. To do that, you could
+write a manifest for use by @code{guix package --manifest} (@pxref{Aufruf von guix package}); in that manifest, you would create an inferior for that old
+Guix revision you care about, and you would look up the @code{guile-json}
+package in the inferior:
+(use-modules (guix inferior) (guix channels)
+ (srfi srfi-1)) ;for 'first'
+(define channels
+ ;; This is the old revision from which we want to
+ ;; extract guile-json.
+ (list (channel
+ (name 'guix)
+ (url "https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/guix.git")
+ (commit
+ "65956ad3526ba09e1f7a40722c96c6ef7c0936fe"))))
+(define inferior
+ ;; An inferior representing the above revision.
+ (inferior-for-channels channels))
+;; Now create a manifest with the current "guile" package
+;; and the old "guile-json" package.
+ (list (first (lookup-inferior-packages inferior "guile-json"))
+ (specification->package "guile")))
+@end lisp
+On its first run, @command{guix package --manifest} might have to build the
+channel you specified before it can create the inferior; subsequent runs
+will be much faster because the Guix revision will be cached.
+The @code{(guix inferior)} module provides the following procedures to open
+an inferior:
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} inferior-for-channels @var{channels} @
+ [#:cache-directory] [#:ttl] Return an inferior for @var{channels}, a list of
+channels. Use the cache at @var{cache-directory}, where entries can be
+reclaimed after @var{ttl} seconds. This procedure opens a new connection to
+the build daemon.
+As a side effect, this procedure may build or substitute binaries for
+@var{channels}, which can take time.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} open-inferior @var{directory} @
+ [#:command "bin/guix"] Open the inferior Guix in @var{directory}, running
+@code{@var{directory}/@var{command} repl} or equivalent. Return @code{#f}
+if the inferior could not be launched.
+@end deffn
+@cindex inferior packages
+The procedures listed below allow you to obtain and manipulate inferior
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} inferior-packages @var{inferior}
+Return the list of packages known to @var{inferior}.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} lookup-inferior-packages @var{inferior} @var{name} @
+ [@var{version}] Return the sorted list of inferior packages matching
+@var{name} in @var{inferior}, with highest version numbers first. If
+@var{version} is true, return only packages with a version number prefixed
+by @var{version}.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} inferior-package? @var{obj}
+Return true if @var{obj} is an inferior package.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} inferior-package-name @var{package}
+@deffnx {Scheme Procedure} inferior-package-version @var{package}
+@deffnx {Scheme Procedure} inferior-package-synopsis @var{package}
+@deffnx {Scheme Procedure} inferior-package-description @var{package}
+@deffnx {Scheme Procedure} inferior-package-home-page @var{package}
+@deffnx {Scheme Procedure} inferior-package-location @var{package}
+@deffnx {Scheme Procedure} inferior-package-inputs @var{package}
+@deffnx {Scheme Procedure} inferior-package-native-inputs @var{package}
+@deffnx {Scheme Procedure} inferior-package-propagated-inputs @var{package}
+@deffnx {Scheme Procedure} inferior-package-transitive-propagated-inputs @var{package}
+@deffnx {Scheme Procedure} inferior-package-native-search-paths @var{package}
+@deffnx {Scheme Procedure} inferior-package-transitive-native-search-paths @var{package}
+@deffnx {Scheme Procedure} inferior-package-search-paths @var{package}
+These procedures are the counterpart of package record accessors
+(@pxref{„package“-Referenz}). Most of them work by querying the inferior
+@var{package} comes from, so the inferior must still be live when you call
+these procedures.
+@end deffn
+Inferior packages can be used transparently like any other package or
+file-like object in G-expressions (@pxref{G-Ausdrücke}). They are also
+transparently handled by the @code{packages->manifest} procedure, which is
+commonly use in manifests (@pxref{Aufruf von guix package, the
+@option{--manifest} option of @command{guix package}}). Thus you can insert
+an inferior package pretty much anywhere you would insert a regular package:
+in manifests, in the @code{packages} field of your @code{operating-system}
+declaration, and so on.
+@node Invoking guix describe
+@section Invoking @command{guix describe}
+@cindex Reproduzierbarkeit
+@cindex replicating Guix
+Often you may want to answer questions like: ``Which revision of Guix am I
+using?'' or ``Which channels am I using?'' This is useful information in
+many situations: if you want to @emph{replicate} an environment on a
+different machine or user account, if you want to report a bug or to
+determine what change in the channels you are using caused it, or if you
+want to record your system state for reproducibility purposes. The
+@command{guix describe} command answers these questions.
+When run from a @command{guix pull}ed @command{guix}, @command{guix
+describe} displays the channel(s) that it was built from, including their
+repository URL and commit IDs (@pxref{Channels}):
+$ guix describe
+Generation 10 Sep 03 2018 17:32:44 (current)
+ guix e0fa68c
+ repository URL: https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/guix.git
+ branch: master
+ commit: e0fa68c7718fffd33d81af415279d6ddb518f727
+@end example
+If you're familiar with the Git version control system, this is similar in
+spirit to @command{git describe}; the output is also similar to that of
+@command{guix pull --list-generations}, but limited to the current
+generation (@pxref{Aufruf von guix pull, the @option{--list-generations}
+option}). Because the Git commit ID shown above unambiguously refers to a
+snapshot of Guix, this information is all it takes to describe the revision
+of Guix you're using, and also to replicate it.
+To make it easier to replicate Guix, @command{guix describe} can also be
+asked to return a list of channels instead of the human-readable description
+$ guix describe -f channels
+(list (channel
+ (name 'guix)
+ (url "https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/guix.git")
+ (commit
+ "e0fa68c7718fffd33d81af415279d6ddb518f727")))
+@end example
+You can save this to a file and feed it to @command{guix pull -C} on some
+other machine or at a later point in time, which will instantiate @emph{this
+exact Guix revision} (@pxref{Aufruf von guix pull, the @option{-C} option}).
+From there on, since you're able to deploy the same revision of Guix, you
+can just as well @emph{replicate a complete software environment}. We
+humbly think that this is @emph{awesome}, and we hope you'll like it too!
+The details of the options supported by @command{guix describe} are as
+@table @code
+@item --format=@var{format}
+@itemx -f @var{format}
+Produce output in the specified @var{format}, one of:
+@table @code
+@item human
+produce human-readable output;
+@item channels
+produce a list of channel specifications that can be passed to @command{guix
+pull -C} or installed as @file{~/.config/guix/channels.scm} (@pxref{Aufruf von guix pull});
+@item json
+@cindex JSON
+produce a list of channel specifications in JSON format;
+@item recutils
+produce a list of channel specifications in Recutils format.
+@end table
+@item --profile=@var{Profil}
+@itemx -p @var{Profil}
+Display information about @var{profile}.
+@end table
+@node Aufruf von guix pack
+@section Invoking @command{guix pack}
+Occasionally you want to pass software to people who are not (yet!) lucky
+enough to be using Guix. You'd tell them to run @command{guix package -i
+@var{something}}, but that's not possible in this case. This is where
+@command{guix pack} comes in.
+@quotation Anmerkung
+If you are looking for ways to exchange binaries among machines that already
+run Guix, @pxref{Aufruf von guix copy}, @ref{Aufruf von guix publish}, and
+@ref{Aufruf von guix archive}.
+@end quotation
+@cindex pack
+@cindex bundle
+@cindex application bundle
+@cindex software bundle
+The @command{guix pack} command creates a shrink-wrapped @dfn{pack} or
+@dfn{software bundle}: it creates a tarball or some other archive containing
+the binaries of the software you're interested in, and all its
+dependencies. The resulting archive can be used on any machine that does
+not have Guix, and people can run the exact same binaries as those you have
+with Guix. The pack itself is created in a bit-reproducible fashion, so
+anyone can verify that it really contains the build results that you pretend
+to be shipping.
+For example, to create a bundle containing Guile, Emacs, Geiser, and all
+their dependencies, you can run:
+$ guix pack guile emacs geiser
+@end example
+The result here is a tarball containing a @file{/gnu/store} directory with
+all the relevant packages. The resulting tarball contains a @dfn{profile}
+with the three packages of interest; the profile is the same as would be
+created by @command{guix package -i}. It is this mechanism that is used to
+create Guix's own standalone binary tarball (@pxref{Aus Binärdatei installieren}).
+Users of this pack would have to run
+@file{/gnu/store/@dots{}-profile/bin/guile} to run Guile, which you may find
+inconvenient. To work around it, you can create, say, a @file{/opt/gnu/bin}
+symlink to the profile:
+guix pack -S /opt/gnu/bin=bin guile emacs geiser
+@end example
+That way, users can happily type @file{/opt/gnu/bin/guile} and enjoy.
+@cindex relocatable binaries, with @command{guix pack}
+What if the recipient of your pack does not have root privileges on their
+machine, and thus cannot unpack it in the root file system? In that case,
+you will want to use the @code{--relocatable} option (see below). This
+option produces @dfn{relocatable binaries}, meaning they they can be placed
+anywhere in the file system hierarchy: in the example above, users can
+unpack your tarball in their home directory and directly run
+@cindex Docker, build an image with guix pack
+Alternatively, you can produce a pack in the Docker image format using the
+following command:
+guix pack -f docker guile emacs geiser
+@end example
+The result is a tarball that can be passed to the @command{docker load}
+command. See the
+@uref{https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/load/, Docker
+documentation} for more information.
+@cindex Singularity, build an image with guix pack
+@cindex SquashFS, build an image with guix pack
+Yet another option is to produce a SquashFS image with the following
+guix pack -f squashfs guile emacs geiser
+@end example
+The result is a SquashFS file system image that can either be mounted or
+directly be used as a file system container image with the
+@uref{http://singularity.lbl.gov, Singularity container execution
+environment}, using commands like @command{singularity shell} or
+@command{singularity exec}.
+Several command-line options allow you to customize your pack:
+@table @code
+@item --format=@var{format}
+@itemx -f @var{format}
+Produce a pack in the given @var{format}.
+The available formats are:
+@table @code
+@item tarball
+This is the default format. It produces a tarball containing all the
+specified binaries and symlinks.
+@item docker
+This produces a tarball that follows the
+Docker Image Specification}.
+@item squashfs
+This produces a SquashFS image containing all the specified binaries and
+symlinks, as well as empty mount points for virtual file systems like
+@end table
+@item --relocatable
+@itemx -R
+Produce @dfn{relocatable binaries}---i.e., binaries that can be placed
+anywhere in the file system hierarchy and run from there. For example, if
+you create a pack containing Bash with:
+guix pack -R -S /mybin=bin bash
+@end example
+...@: you can copy that pack to a machine that lacks Guix, and from your
+home directory as a normal user, run:
+tar xf pack.tar.gz
+@end example
+In that shell, if you type @code{ls /gnu/store}, you'll notice that
+@file{/gnu/store} shows up and contains all the dependencies of @code{bash},
+even though the machine actually lacks @file{/gnu/store} altogether! That is
+probably the simplest way to deploy Guix-built software on a non-Guix
+There's a gotcha though: this technique relies on the @dfn{user namespace}
+feature of the kernel Linux, which allows unprivileged users to mount or
+change root. Old versions of Linux did not support it, and some GNU/Linux
+distributions turn it off; on these systems, programs from the pack
+@emph{will fail to run}, unless they are unpacked in the root file system.
+@item --expression=@var{expr}
+@itemx -e @var{expr}
+Consider the package @var{expr} evaluates to.
+This has the same purpose as the same-named option in @command{guix build}
+(@pxref{Zusätzliche Erstellungsoptionen, @code{--expression} in @command{guix
+@item --manifest=@var{Datei}
+@itemx -m @var{Datei}
+Use the packages contained in the manifest object returned by the Scheme
+code in @var{file}.
+This has a similar purpose as the same-named option in @command{guix
+package} (@pxref{profile-manifest, @option{--manifest}}) and uses the same
+manifest files. It allows you to define a collection of packages once and
+use it both for creating profiles and for creating archives for use on
+machines that do not have Guix installed. Note that you can specify
+@emph{either} a manifest file @emph{or} a list of packages, but not both.
+@item --system=@var{System}
+@itemx -s @var{system}
+Attempt to build for @var{system}---e.g., @code{i686-linux}---instead of the
+system type of the build host.
+@item --target=@var{triplet}
+@cindex cross-compilation
+Cross-build for @var{triplet}, which must be a valid GNU triplet, such as
+@code{"mips64el-linux-gnu"} (@pxref{Specifying target triplets, GNU
+configuration triplets,, autoconf, Autoconf}).
+@item --compression=@var{tool}
+@itemx -C @var{tool}
+Compress the resulting tarball using @var{tool}---one of @code{gzip},
+@code{bzip2}, @code{xz}, @code{lzip}, or @code{none} for no compression.
+@item --symlink=@var{spec}
+@itemx -S @var{spec}
+Add the symlinks specified by @var{spec} to the pack. This option can
+appear several times.
+@var{spec} has the form @code{@var{source}=@var{target}}, where @var{source}
+is the symlink that will be created and @var{target} is the symlink target.
+For instance, @code{-S /opt/gnu/bin=bin} creates a @file{/opt/gnu/bin}
+symlink pointing to the @file{bin} sub-directory of the profile.
+@item --localstatedir
+@itemx --profile-name=@var{name}
+Include the ``local state directory'', @file{/var/guix}, in the resulting
+pack, and notably the @file{/var/guix/profiles/per-user/root/@var{name}}
+profile---by default @var{name} is @code{guix-profile}, which corresponds to
+@file{/var/guix} contains the store database (@pxref{Der Store}) as well as
+garbage-collector roots (@pxref{Aufruf von guix gc}). Providing it in the
+pack means that the store is ``complete'' and manageable by Guix; not
+providing it pack means that the store is ``dead'': items cannot be added to
+it or removed from it after extraction of the pack.
+One use case for this is the Guix self-contained binary tarball
+(@pxref{Aus Binärdatei installieren}).
+@item --bootstrap
+Use the bootstrap binaries to build the pack. This option is only useful to
+Guix developers.
+@end table
+In addition, @command{guix pack} supports all the common build options
+(@pxref{Gemeinsame Erstellungsoptionen}) and all the package transformation options
+@node Aufruf von guix archive
+@section Invoking @command{guix archive}
+@cindex @command{guix archive}
+@cindex archive
+The @command{guix archive} command allows users to @dfn{export} files from
+the store into a single archive, and to later @dfn{import} them on a machine
+that runs Guix. In particular, it allows store files to be transferred from
+one machine to the store on another machine.
+@quotation Anmerkung
+If you're looking for a way to produce archives in a format suitable for
+tools other than Guix, @pxref{Aufruf von guix pack}.
+@end quotation
+@cindex exporting store items
+To export store files as an archive to standard output, run:
+guix archive --export @var{options} @var{specifications}...
+@end example
+@var{specifications} may be either store file names or package
+specifications, as for @command{guix package} (@pxref{Aufruf von guix package}). For instance, the following command creates an archive
+containing the @code{gui} output of the @code{git} package and the main
+output of @code{emacs}:
+guix archive --export git:gui /gnu/store/...-emacs-24.3 > great.nar
+@end example
+If the specified packages are not built yet, @command{guix archive}
+automatically builds them. The build process may be controlled with the
+common build options (@pxref{Gemeinsame Erstellungsoptionen}).
+To transfer the @code{emacs} package to a machine connected over SSH, one
+would run:
+guix archive --export -r emacs | ssh the-machine guix archive --import
+@end example
+Similarly, a complete user profile may be transferred from one machine to
+another like this:
+guix archive --export -r $(readlink -f ~/.guix-profile) | \
+ ssh the-machine guix-archive --import
+@end example
+However, note that, in both examples, all of @code{emacs} and the profile as
+well as all of their dependencies are transferred (due to @code{-r}),
+regardless of what is already available in the store on the target machine.
+The @code{--missing} option can help figure out which items are missing from
+the target store. The @command{guix copy} command simplifies and optimizes
+this whole process, so this is probably what you should use in this case
+(@pxref{Aufruf von guix copy}).
+@cindex nar, archive format
+@cindex normalized archive (nar)
+Archives are stored in the ``normalized archive'' or ``nar'' format, which
+is comparable in spirit to `tar', but with differences that make it more
+appropriate for our purposes. First, rather than recording all Unix
+metadata for each file, the nar format only mentions the file type (regular,
+directory, or symbolic link); Unix permissions and owner/group are
+dismissed. Second, the order in which directory entries are stored always
+follows the order of file names according to the C locale collation order.
+This makes archive production fully deterministic.
+@c FIXME: Add xref to daemon doc about signatures.
+When exporting, the daemon digitally signs the contents of the archive, and
+that digital signature is appended. When importing, the daemon verifies the
+signature and rejects the import in case of an invalid signature or if the
+signing key is not authorized.
+The main options are:
+@table @code
+@item --export
+Export the specified store files or packages (see below.) Write the
+resulting archive to the standard output.
+Dependencies are @emph{not} included in the output, unless
+@code{--recursive} is passed.
+@item -r
+@itemx --recursive
+When combined with @code{--export}, this instructs @command{guix archive} to
+include dependencies of the given items in the archive. Thus, the resulting
+archive is self-contained: it contains the closure of the exported store
+@item --import
+Read an archive from the standard input, and import the files listed therein
+into the store. Abort if the archive has an invalid digital signature, or
+if it is signed by a public key not among the authorized keys (see
+@code{--authorize} below.)
+@item --missing
+Read a list of store file names from the standard input, one per line, and
+write on the standard output the subset of these files missing from the
+@item --generate-key[=@var{parameters}]
+@cindex signing, archives
+Generate a new key pair for the daemon. This is a prerequisite before
+archives can be exported with @code{--export}. Note that this operation
+usually takes time, because it needs to gather enough entropy to generate
+the key pair.
+The generated key pair is typically stored under @file{/etc/guix}, in
+@file{signing-key.pub} (public key) and @file{signing-key.sec} (private key,
+which must be kept secret.) When @var{parameters} is omitted, an ECDSA key
+using the Ed25519 curve is generated, or, for Libgcrypt versions before
+1.6.0, it is a 4096-bit RSA key. Alternatively, @var{parameters} can
+specify @code{genkey} parameters suitable for Libgcrypt (@pxref{General
+public-key related Functions, @code{gcry_pk_genkey},, gcrypt, The Libgcrypt
+Reference Manual}).
+@item --authorize
+@cindex authorizing, archives
+Authorize imports signed by the public key passed on standard input. The
+public key must be in ``s-expression advanced format''---i.e., the same
+format as the @file{signing-key.pub} file.
+The list of authorized keys is kept in the human-editable file
+@file{/etc/guix/acl}. The file contains
+@url{http://people.csail.mit.edu/rivest/Sexp.txt, ``advanced-format
+s-expressions''} and is structured as an access-control list in the
+@url{http://theworld.com/~cme/spki.txt, Simple Public-Key Infrastructure
+@item --extract=@var{directory}
+@itemx -x @var{directory}
+Read a single-item archive as served by substitute servers
+(@pxref{Substitute}) and extract it to @var{directory}. This is a
+low-level operation needed in only very narrow use cases; see below.
+For example, the following command extracts the substitute for Emacs served
+by @code{hydra.gnu.org} to @file{/tmp/emacs}:
+$ wget -O - \
+ https://hydra.gnu.org/nar/@dots{}-emacs-24.5 \
+ | bunzip2 | guix archive -x /tmp/emacs
+@end example
+Single-item archives are different from multiple-item archives produced by
+@command{guix archive --export}; they contain a single store item, and they
+do @emph{not} embed a signature. Thus this operation does @emph{no}
+signature verification and its output should be considered unsafe.
+The primary purpose of this operation is to facilitate inspection of archive
+contents coming from possibly untrusted substitute servers.
+@end table
+@c *********************************************************************
+@node Programmierschnittstelle
+@chapter Programmierschnittstelle
+GNU Guix provides several Scheme programming interfaces (APIs) to define,
+build, and query packages. The first interface allows users to write
+high-level package definitions. These definitions refer to familiar
+packaging concepts, such as the name and version of a package, its build
+system, and its dependencies. These definitions can then be turned into
+concrete build actions.
+Build actions are performed by the Guix daemon, on behalf of users. In a
+standard setup, the daemon has write access to the store---the
+@file{/gnu/store} directory---whereas users do not. The recommended setup
+also has the daemon perform builds in chroots, under a specific build users,
+to minimize interference with the rest of the system.
+@cindex Ableitung
+Lower-level APIs are available to interact with the daemon and the store.
+To instruct the daemon to perform a build action, users actually provide it
+with a @dfn{derivation}. A derivation is a low-level representation of the
+build actions to be taken, and the environment in which they should
+occur---derivations are to package definitions what assembly is to C
+programs. The term ``derivation'' comes from the fact that build results
+@emph{derive} from them.
+This chapter describes all these APIs in turn, starting from high-level
+package definitions.
+* Pakete definieren:: Wie Sie neue Pakete definieren.
+* Erstellungssysteme:: Angeben, wie Pakete erstellt werden.
+* Der Store:: Den Paket-Store verändern.
+* Ableitungen:: Systemnahe Schnittstelle für Paketableitungen.
+* Die Store-Monade:: Rein funktionale Schnittstelle zum Store.
+* G-Ausdrücke:: Erstellungsausdrücke verarbeiten.
+* Invoking guix repl:: Fiddling with Guix interactively.
+@end menu
+@node Pakete definieren
+@section Pakete definieren
+The high-level interface to package definitions is implemented in the
+@code{(guix packages)} and @code{(guix build-system)} modules. As an
+example, the package definition, or @dfn{recipe}, for the GNU Hello package
+looks like this:
+(define-module (gnu packages hello)
+ #:use-module (guix packages)
+ #:use-module (guix download)
+ #:use-module (guix build-system gnu)
+ #:use-module (guix licenses)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages gawk))
+(define-public hello
+ (package
+ (name "hello")
+ (version "2.10")
+ (source (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (string-append "mirror://gnu/hello/hello-" version
+ ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "0ssi1wpaf7plaswqqjwigppsg5fyh99vdlb9kzl7c9lng89ndq1i"))))
+ (build-system gnu-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:configure-flags '("--enable-silent-rules")))
+ (inputs `(("gawk" ,gawk)))
+ (synopsis "Hello, GNU world: An example GNU package")
+ (description "Guess what GNU Hello prints!")
+ (home-page "http://www.gnu.org/software/hello/")
+ (license gpl3+)))
+@end example
+Without being a Scheme expert, the reader may have guessed the meaning of
+the various fields here. This expression binds the variable @code{hello} to
+a @code{<package>} object, which is essentially a record (@pxref{SRFI-9,
+Scheme records,, guile, GNU Guile Reference Manual}). This package object
+can be inspected using procedures found in the @code{(guix packages)}
+module; for instance, @code{(package-name hello)}
+With luck, you may be able to import part or all of the definition of the
+package you are interested in from another repository, using the @code{guix
+import} command (@pxref{Aufruf von guix import}).
+In the example above, @var{hello} is defined in a module of its own,
+@code{(gnu packages hello)}. Technically, this is not strictly necessary,
+but it is convenient to do so: all the packages defined in modules under
+@code{(gnu packages @dots{})} are automatically known to the command-line
+tools (@pxref{Paketmodule}).
+There are a few points worth noting in the above package definition:
+The @code{source} field of the package is an @code{<origin>} object
+(@pxref{„origin“-Referenz}, for the complete reference). Here, the
+@code{url-fetch} method from @code{(guix download)} is used, meaning that
+the source is a file to be downloaded over FTP or HTTP.
+The @code{mirror://gnu} prefix instructs @code{url-fetch} to use one of the
+GNU mirrors defined in @code{(guix download)}.
+The @code{sha256} field specifies the expected SHA256 hash of the file being
+downloaded. It is mandatory, and allows Guix to check the integrity of the
+file. The @code{(base32 @dots{})} form introduces the base32 representation
+of the hash. You can obtain this information with @code{guix download}
+(@pxref{Aufruf von guix download}) and @code{guix hash} (@pxref{Aufruf von guix hash}).
+@cindex patches
+When needed, the @code{origin} form can also have a @code{patches} field
+listing patches to be applied, and a @code{snippet} field giving a Scheme
+expression to modify the source code.
+@cindex GNU-Erstellungssystem
+The @code{build-system} field specifies the procedure to build the package
+(@pxref{Erstellungssysteme}). Here, @var{gnu-build-system} represents the
+familiar GNU Build System, where packages may be configured, built, and
+installed with the usual @code{./configure && make && make check && make
+install} command sequence.
+The @code{arguments} field specifies options for the build system
+(@pxref{Erstellungssysteme}). Here it is interpreted by @var{gnu-build-system}
+as a request run @file{configure} with the @code{--enable-silent-rules}
+@cindex quote
+@cindex quoting
+@findex '
+@findex quote
+What about these quote (@code{'}) characters? They are Scheme syntax to
+introduce a literal list; @code{'} is synonymous with @code{quote}.
+@xref{Expression Syntax, quoting,, guile, GNU Guile Reference Manual}, for
+details. Here the value of the @code{arguments} field is a list of
+arguments passed to the build system down the road, as with @code{apply}
+(@pxref{Fly Evaluation, @code{apply},, guile, GNU Guile Reference Manual}).
+The hash-colon (@code{#:}) sequence defines a Scheme @dfn{keyword}
+(@pxref{Keywords,,, guile, GNU Guile Reference Manual}), and
+@code{#:configure-flags} is a keyword used to pass a keyword argument to the
+build system (@pxref{Coding With Keywords,,, guile, GNU Guile Reference
+The @code{inputs} field specifies inputs to the build process---i.e.,
+build-time or run-time dependencies of the package. Here, we define an
+input called @code{"gawk"} whose value is that of the @var{gawk} variable;
+@var{gawk} is itself bound to a @code{<package>} object.
+@cindex backquote (quasiquote)
+@findex `
+@findex quasiquote
+@cindex comma (unquote)
+@findex ,
+@findex unquote
+@findex ,@@
+@findex unquote-splicing
+Again, @code{`} (a backquote, synonymous with @code{quasiquote}) allows us
+to introduce a literal list in the @code{inputs} field, while @code{,} (a
+comma, synonymous with @code{unquote}) allows us to insert a value in that
+list (@pxref{Expression Syntax, unquote,, guile, GNU Guile Reference
+Note that GCC, Coreutils, Bash, and other essential tools do not need to be
+specified as inputs here. Instead, @var{gnu-build-system} takes care of
+ensuring that they are present (@pxref{Erstellungssysteme}).
+However, any other dependencies need to be specified in the @code{inputs}
+field. Any dependency not specified here will simply be unavailable to the
+build process, possibly leading to a build failure.
+@end itemize
+@xref{„package“-Referenz}, for a full description of possible fields.
+Once a package definition is in place, the package may actually be built
+using the @code{guix build} command-line tool (@pxref{Aufruf von guix build}),
+troubleshooting any build failures you encounter (@pxref{Fehlschläge beim Erstellen untersuchen}). You can easily jump back to the package definition using the
+@command{guix edit} command (@pxref{Aufruf von guix edit}). @xref{Paketrichtlinien}, for more information on how to test package definitions, and
+@ref{Aufruf von guix lint}, for information on how to check a definition for
+style conformance.
+Lastly, @pxref{Channels}, for information on how to extend the distribution
+by adding your own package definitions in a ``channel''.
+Finally, updating the package definition to a new upstream version can be
+partly automated by the @command{guix refresh} command (@pxref{Aufruf von guix refresh}).
+Behind the scenes, a derivation corresponding to the @code{<package>} object
+is first computed by the @code{package-derivation} procedure. That
+derivation is stored in a @code{.drv} file under @file{/gnu/store}. The
+build actions it prescribes may then be realized by using the
+@code{build-derivations} procedure (@pxref{Der Store}).
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} package-derivation @var{store} @var{package} [@var{system}]
+Return the @code{<derivation>} object of @var{package} for @var{system}
+@var{package} must be a valid @code{<package>} object, and @var{system} must
+be a string denoting the target system type---e.g., @code{"x86_64-linux"}
+for an x86_64 Linux-based GNU system. @var{store} must be a connection to
+the daemon, which operates on the store (@pxref{Der Store}).
+@end deffn
+@cindex cross-compilation
+Similarly, it is possible to compute a derivation that cross-builds a
+package for some other system:
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} package-cross-derivation @var{store} @
+ @var{package} @var{target} [@var{system}] Return the @code{<derivation>}
+object of @var{package} cross-built from @var{system} to @var{target}.
+@var{target} must be a valid GNU triplet denoting the target hardware and
+operating system, such as @code{"mips64el-linux-gnu"} (@pxref{Configuration
+Names, GNU configuration triplets,, configure, GNU Configure and Build
+@end deffn
+@cindex package transformations
+@cindex input rewriting
+@cindex dependency tree rewriting
+Packages can be manipulated in arbitrary ways. An example of a useful
+transformation is @dfn{input rewriting}, whereby the dependency tree of a
+package is rewritten by replacing specific inputs by others:
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} package-input-rewriting @var{replacements} @
+ [@var{rewrite-name}] Return a procedure that, when passed a package,
+replaces its direct and indirect dependencies (but not its implicit inputs)
+according to @var{replacements}. @var{replacements} is a list of package
+pairs; the first element of each pair is the package to replace, and the
+second one is the replacement.
+Optionally, @var{rewrite-name} is a one-argument procedure that takes the
+name of a package and returns its new name after rewrite.
+@end deffn
+Consider this example:
+(define libressl-instead-of-openssl
+ ;; This is a procedure to replace OPENSSL by LIBRESSL,
+ ;; recursively.
+ (package-input-rewriting `((,openssl . ,libressl))))
+(define git-with-libressl
+ (libressl-instead-of-openssl git))
+@end example
+Here we first define a rewriting procedure that replaces @var{openssl} with
+@var{libressl}. Then we use it to define a @dfn{variant} of the @var{git}
+package that uses @var{libressl} instead of @var{openssl}. This is exactly
+what the @option{--with-input} command-line option does (@pxref{Paketumwandlungsoptionen, @option{--with-input}}).
+A more generic procedure to rewrite a package dependency graph is
+@code{package-mapping}: it supports arbitrary changes to nodes in the graph.
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} package-mapping @var{proc} [@var{cut?}]
+Return a procedure that, given a package, applies @var{proc} to all the
+packages depended on and returns the resulting package. The procedure stops
+recursion when @var{cut?} returns true for a given package.
+@end deffn
+* „package“-Referenz:: Der Datentyp für Pakete.
+* „origin“-Referenz:: Datentyp für Paketursprünge.
+@end menu
+@node „package“-Referenz
+@subsection @code{package} Reference
+This section summarizes all the options available in @code{package}
+declarations (@pxref{Pakete definieren}).
+@deftp {Data Type} package
+This is the data type representing a package recipe.
+@table @asis
+@item @code{name}
+The name of the package, as a string.
+@item @code{version}
+The version of the package, as a string.
+@item @code{source}
+An object telling how the source code for the package should be acquired.
+Most of the time, this is an @code{origin} object, which denotes a file
+fetched from the Internet (@pxref{„origin“-Referenz}). It can also be any
+other ``file-like'' object such as a @code{local-file}, which denotes a file
+from the local file system (@pxref{G-Ausdrücke, @code{local-file}}).
+@item @code{build-system}
+The build system that should be used to build the package (@pxref{Erstellungssysteme}).
+@item @code{arguments} (default: @code{'()})
+The arguments that should be passed to the build system. This is a list,
+typically containing sequential keyword-value pairs.
+@item @code{inputs} (default: @code{'()})
+@itemx @code{native-inputs} (default: @code{'()})
+@itemx @code{propagated-inputs} (default: @code{'()})
+@cindex inputs, of packages
+These fields list dependencies of the package. Each one is a list of
+tuples, where each tuple has a label for the input (a string) as its first
+element, a package, origin, or derivation as its second element, and
+optionally the name of the output thereof that should be used, which
+defaults to @code{"out"} (@pxref{Pakete mit mehreren Ausgaben.}, for more
+on package outputs). For example, the list below specifies three inputs:
+`(("libffi" ,libffi)
+ ("libunistring" ,libunistring)
+ ("glib:bin" ,glib "bin")) ;the "bin" output of Glib
+@end example
+@cindex cross compilation, package dependencies
+The distinction between @code{native-inputs} and @code{inputs} is necessary
+when considering cross-compilation. When cross-compiling, dependencies
+listed in @code{inputs} are built for the @emph{target} architecture;
+conversely, dependencies listed in @code{native-inputs} are built for the
+architecture of the @emph{build} machine.
+@code{native-inputs} is typically used to list tools needed at build time,
+but not at run time, such as Autoconf, Automake, pkg-config, Gettext, or
+Bison. @command{guix lint} can report likely mistakes in this area
+(@pxref{Aufruf von guix lint}).
+Lastly, @code{propagated-inputs} is similar to @code{inputs}, but the
+specified packages will be automatically installed alongside the package
+they belong to (@pxref{package-cmd-propagated-inputs, @command{guix
+package}}, for information on how @command{guix package} deals with
+propagated inputs.)
+For example this is necessary when a C/C++ library needs headers of another
+library to compile, or when a pkg-config file refers to another one @i{via}
+its @code{Requires} field.
+Another example where @code{propagated-inputs} is useful is for languages
+that lack a facility to record the run-time search path akin to the
+@code{RUNPATH} of ELF files; this includes Guile, Python, Perl, and more.
+To ensure that libraries written in those languages can find library code
+they depend on at run time, run-time dependencies must be listed in
+@code{propagated-inputs} rather than @code{inputs}.
+@item @code{self-native-input?} (default: @code{#f})
+This is a Boolean field telling whether the package should use itself as a
+native input when cross-compiling.
+@item @code{outputs} (default: @code{'("out")})
+The list of output names of the package. @xref{Pakete mit mehreren Ausgaben.}, for typical uses of additional outputs.
+@item @code{native-search-paths} (default: @code{'()})
+@itemx @code{search-paths} (default: @code{'()})
+A list of @code{search-path-specification} objects describing search-path
+environment variables honored by the package.
+@item @code{replacement} (default: @code{#f})
+This must be either @code{#f} or a package object that will be used as a
+@dfn{replacement} for this package. @xref{Sicherheitsaktualisierungen, grafts}, for
+@item @code{synopsis}
+Eine einzeilige Beschreibung des Pakets.
+@item @code{description}
+Eine ausführlichere Beschreibung des Pakets.
+@item @code{license}
+@cindex license, of packages
+The license of the package; a value from @code{(guix licenses)}, or a list
+of such values.
+@item @code{home-page}
+The URL to the home-page of the package, as a string.
+@item @code{supported-systems} (default: @var{%supported-systems})
+The list of systems supported by the package, as strings of the form
+@code{architecture-kernel}, for example @code{"x86_64-linux"}.
+@item @code{maintainers} (default: @code{'()})
+The list of maintainers of the package, as @code{maintainer} objects.
+@item @code{location} (default: source location of the @code{package} form)
+The source location of the package. It is useful to override this when
+inheriting from another package, in which case this field is not
+automatically corrected.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@node „origin“-Referenz
+@subsection @code{origin} Reference
+This section summarizes all the options available in @code{origin}
+declarations (@pxref{Pakete definieren}).
+@deftp {Data Type} origin
+This is the data type representing a source code origin.
+@table @asis
+@item @code{uri}
+An object containing the URI of the source. The object type depends on the
+@code{method} (see below). For example, when using the @var{url-fetch}
+method of @code{(guix download)}, the valid @code{uri} values are: a URL
+represented as a string, or a list thereof.
+@item @code{method}
+A procedure that handles the URI.
+Examples include:
+@table @asis
+@item @var{url-fetch} from @code{(guix download)}
+download a file from the HTTP, HTTPS, or FTP URL specified in the @code{uri}
+@vindex git-fetch
+@item @var{git-fetch} from @code{(guix git-download)}
+clone the Git version control repository, and check out the revision
+specified in the @code{uri} field as a @code{git-reference} object; a
+@code{git-reference} looks like this:
+ (url "git://git.debian.org/git/pkg-shadow/shadow")
+ (commit "v4.1.5.1"))
+@end example
+@end table
+@item @code{sha256}
+A bytevector containing the SHA-256 hash of the source. Typically the
+@code{base32} form is used here to generate the bytevector from a base-32
+You can obtain this information using @code{guix download} (@pxref{Aufruf von guix download}) or @code{guix hash} (@pxref{Aufruf von guix hash}).
+@item @code{file-name} (default: @code{#f})
+The file name under which the source code should be saved. When this is
+@code{#f}, a sensible default value will be used in most cases. In case the
+source is fetched from a URL, the file name from the URL will be used. For
+version control checkouts, it is recommended to provide the file name
+explicitly because the default is not very descriptive.
+@item @code{patches} (default: @code{'()})
+A list of file names, origins, or file-like objects (@pxref{G-Ausdrücke,
+file-like objects}) pointing to patches to be applied to the source.
+This list of patches must be unconditional. In particular, it cannot depend
+on the value of @code{%current-system} or @code{%current-target-system}.
+@item @code{snippet} (default: @code{#f})
+A G-expression (@pxref{G-Ausdrücke}) or S-expression that will be run in
+the source directory. This is a convenient way to modify the source,
+sometimes more convenient than a patch.
+@item @code{patch-flags} (default: @code{'("-p1")})
+A list of command-line flags that should be passed to the @code{patch}
+@item @code{patch-inputs} (default: @code{#f})
+Input packages or derivations to the patching process. When this is
+@code{#f}, the usual set of inputs necessary for patching are provided, such
+as GNU@tie{}Patch.
+@item @code{modules} (default: @code{'()})
+A list of Guile modules that should be loaded during the patching process
+and while running the code in the @code{snippet} field.
+@item @code{patch-guile} (default: @code{#f})
+The Guile package that should be used in the patching process. When this is
+@code{#f}, a sensible default is used.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@node Erstellungssysteme
+@section Erstellungssysteme
+@cindex build system
+Each package definition specifies a @dfn{build system} and arguments for
+that build system (@pxref{Pakete definieren}). This @code{build-system}
+field represents the build procedure of the package, as well as implicit
+dependencies of that build procedure.
+Build systems are @code{<build-system>} objects. The interface to create
+and manipulate them is provided by the @code{(guix build-system)} module,
+and actual build systems are exported by specific modules.
+@cindex bag (low-level package representation)
+Under the hood, build systems first compile package objects to @dfn{bags}.
+A @dfn{bag} is like a package, but with less ornamentation---in other words,
+a bag is a lower-level representation of a package, which includes all the
+inputs of that package, including some that were implicitly added by the
+build system. This intermediate representation is then compiled to a
+derivation (@pxref{Ableitungen}).
+Build systems accept an optional list of @dfn{arguments}. In package
+definitions, these are passed @i{via} the @code{arguments} field
+(@pxref{Pakete definieren}). They are typically keyword arguments
+(@pxref{Optional Arguments, keyword arguments in Guile,, guile, GNU Guile
+Reference Manual}). The value of these arguments is usually evaluated in
+the @dfn{build stratum}---i.e., by a Guile process launched by the daemon
+The main build system is @var{gnu-build-system}, which implements the
+standard build procedure for GNU and many other packages. It is provided by
+the @code{(guix build-system gnu)} module.
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} gnu-build-system
+@var{gnu-build-system} represents the GNU Build System, and variants thereof
+(@pxref{Configuration, configuration and makefile conventions,, standards,
+GNU Coding Standards}).
+@cindex build phases
+In a nutshell, packages using it are configured, built, and installed with
+the usual @code{./configure && make && make check && make install} command
+sequence. In practice, a few additional steps are often needed. All these
+steps are split up in separate @dfn{phases}, notably@footnote{Please see the
+@code{(guix build gnu-build-system)} modules for more details about the
+build phases.}:
+@table @code
+@item unpack
+Unpack the source tarball, and change the current directory to the extracted
+source tree. If the source is actually a directory, copy it to the build
+tree, and enter that directory.
+@item patch-source-shebangs
+Patch shebangs encountered in source files so they refer to the right store
+file names. For instance, this changes @code{#!/bin/sh} to
+@item configure
+Run the @file{configure} script with a number of default options, such as
+@code{--prefix=/gnu/store/@dots{}}, as well as the options specified by the
+@code{#:configure-flags} argument.
+@item build
+Run @code{make} with the list of flags specified with @code{#:make-flags}.
+If the @code{#:parallel-build?} argument is true (the default), build with
+@code{make -j}.
+@item check
+Run @code{make check}, or some other target specified with
+@code{#:test-target}, unless @code{#:tests? #f} is passed. If the
+@code{#:parallel-tests?} argument is true (the default), run @code{make
+check -j}.
+@item install
+Run @code{make install} with the flags listed in @code{#:make-flags}.
+@item patch-shebangs
+Patch shebangs on the installed executable files.
+@item strip
+Strip debugging symbols from ELF files (unless @code{#:strip-binaries?} is
+false), copying them to the @code{debug} output when available
+(@pxref{Dateien zur Fehlersuche installieren}).
+@end table
+@vindex %standard-phases
+The build-side module @code{(guix build gnu-build-system)} defines
+@var{%standard-phases} as the default list of build phases.
+@var{%standard-phases} is a list of symbol/procedure pairs, where the
+procedure implements the actual phase.
+The list of phases used for a particular package can be changed with the
+@code{#:phases} parameter. For instance, passing:
+#:phases (modify-phases %standard-phases (delete 'configure))
+@end example
+means that all the phases described above will be used, except the
+@code{configure} phase.
+In addition, this build system ensures that the ``standard'' environment for
+GNU packages is available. This includes tools such as GCC, libc,
+Coreutils, Bash, Make, Diffutils, grep, and sed (see the @code{(guix
+build-system gnu)} module for a complete list). We call these the
+@dfn{implicit inputs} of a package, because package definitions do not have
+to mention them.
+@end defvr
+Other @code{<build-system>} objects are defined to support other conventions
+and tools used by free software packages. They inherit most of
+@var{gnu-build-system}, and differ mainly in the set of inputs implicitly
+added to the build process, and in the list of phases executed. Some of
+these build systems are listed below.
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} ant-build-system
+This variable is exported by @code{(guix build-system ant)}. It implements
+the build procedure for Java packages that can be built with
+@url{http://ant.apache.org/, Ant build tool}.
+It adds both @code{ant} and the @dfn{Java Development Kit} (JDK) as provided
+by the @code{icedtea} package to the set of inputs. Different packages can
+be specified with the @code{#:ant} and @code{#:jdk} parameters,
+When the original package does not provide a suitable Ant build file, the
+parameter @code{#:jar-name} can be used to generate a minimal Ant build file
+@file{build.xml} with tasks to build the specified jar archive. In this
+case the parameter @code{#:source-dir} can be used to specify the source
+sub-directory, defaulting to ``src''.
+The @code{#:main-class} parameter can be used with the minimal ant buildfile
+to specify the main class of the resulting jar. This makes the jar file
+executable. The @code{#:test-include} parameter can be used to specify the
+list of junit tests to run. It defaults to @code{(list "**/*Test.java")}.
+The @code{#:test-exclude} can be used to disable some tests. It defaults to
+@code{(list "**/Abstract*.java")}, because abstract classes cannot be run as
+The parameter @code{#:build-target} can be used to specify the Ant task that
+should be run during the @code{build} phase. By default the ``jar'' task
+will be run.
+@end defvr
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} android-ndk-build-system
+@cindex Android distribution
+@cindex Android NDK build system
+This variable is exported by @code{(guix build-system android-ndk)}. It
+implements a build procedure for Android NDK (native development kit)
+packages using a Guix-specific build process.
+The build system assumes that packages install their public interface
+(header) files to the subdirectory "include" of the "out" output and their
+libraries to the subdirectory "lib" of the "out" output.
+It's also assumed that the union of all the dependencies of a package has no
+conflicting files.
+For the time being, cross-compilation is not supported - so right now the
+libraries and header files are assumed to be host tools.
+@end defvr
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} asdf-build-system/source
+@defvrx {Scheme Variable} asdf-build-system/sbcl
+@defvrx {Scheme Variable} asdf-build-system/ecl
+These variables, exported by @code{(guix build-system asdf)}, implement
+build procedures for Common Lisp packages using
+@url{https://common-lisp.net/project/asdf/, ``ASDF''}. ASDF is a system
+definition facility for Common Lisp programs and libraries.
+The @code{asdf-build-system/source} system installs the packages in source
+form, and can be loaded using any common lisp implementation, via ASDF. The
+others, such as @code{asdf-build-system/sbcl}, install binary systems in the
+format which a particular implementation understands. These build systems
+can also be used to produce executable programs, or lisp images which
+contain a set of packages pre-loaded.
+The build system uses naming conventions. For binary packages, the package
+name should be prefixed with the lisp implementation, such as @code{sbcl-}
+for @code{asdf-build-system/sbcl}.
+Additionally, the corresponding source package should be labeled using the
+same convention as python packages (see @ref{Python-Module}), using the
+@code{cl-} prefix.
+For binary packages, each system should be defined as a Guix package. If
+one package @code{origin} contains several systems, package variants can be
+created in order to build all the systems. Source packages, which use
+@code{asdf-build-system/source}, may contain several systems.
+In order to create executable programs and images, the build-side procedures
+@code{build-program} and @code{build-image} can be used. They should be
+called in a build phase after the @code{create-symlinks} phase, so that the
+system which was just built can be used within the resulting image.
+@code{build-program} requires a list of Common Lisp expressions to be passed
+as the @code{#:entry-program} argument.
+If the system is not defined within its own @code{.asd} file of the same
+name, then the @code{#:asd-file} parameter should be used to specify which
+file the system is defined in. Furthermore, if the package defines a system
+for its tests in a separate file, it will be loaded before the tests are run
+if it is specified by the @code{#:test-asd-file} parameter. If it is not
+set, the files @code{<system>-tests.asd}, @code{<system>-test.asd},
+@code{tests.asd}, and @code{test.asd} will be tried if they exist.
+If for some reason the package must be named in a different way than the
+naming conventions suggest, the @code{#:asd-system-name} parameter can be
+used to specify the name of the system.
+@end defvr
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} cargo-build-system
+@cindex Rust programming language
+@cindex Cargo (Rust build system)
+This variable is exported by @code{(guix build-system cargo)}. It supports
+builds of packages using Cargo, the build tool of the
+@uref{https://www.rust-lang.org, Rust programming language}.
+In its @code{configure} phase, this build system replaces dependencies
+specified in the @file{Carto.toml} file with inputs to the Guix package.
+The @code{install} phase installs the binaries, and it also installs the
+source code and @file{Cargo.toml} file.
+@end defvr
+@cindex Clojure (programming language)
+@cindex simple Clojure build system
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} clojure-build-system
+This variable is exported by @code{(guix build-system clojure)}. It
+implements a simple build procedure for @uref{https://clojure.org/, Clojure}
+packages using plain old @code{compile} in Clojure. Cross-compilation is
+not supported yet.
+It adds @code{clojure}, @code{icedtea} and @code{zip} to the set of inputs.
+Different packages can be specified with the @code{#:clojure}, @code{#:jdk}
+and @code{#:zip} parameters, respectively.
+A list of source directories, test directories and jar names can be
+specified with the @code{#:source-dirs}, @code{#:test-dirs} and
+@code{#:jar-names} parameters, respectively. Compile directory and main
+class can be specified with the @code{#:compile-dir} and @code{#:main-class}
+parameters, respectively. Other parameters are documented below.
+This build system is an extension of @var{ant-build-system}, but with the
+following phases changed:
+@table @code
+@item build
+This phase calls @code{compile} in Clojure to compile source files and runs
+@command{jar} to create jars from both source files and compiled files
+according to the include list and exclude list specified in
+@code{#:aot-include} and @code{#:aot-exclude}, respectively. The exclude
+list has priority over the include list. These lists consist of symbols
+representing Clojure libraries or the special keyword @code{#:all}
+representing all Clojure libraries found under the source directories. The
+parameter @code{#:omit-source?} decides if source should be included into
+the jars.
+@item check
+This phase runs tests according to the include list and exclude list
+specified in @code{#:test-include} and @code{#:test-exclude}, respectively.
+Their meanings are analogous to that of @code{#:aot-include} and
+@code{#:aot-exclude}, except that the special keyword @code{#:all} now
+stands for all Clojure libraries found under the test directories. The
+parameter @code{#:tests?} decides if tests should be run.
+@item install
+This phase installs all jars built previously.
+@end table
+Apart from the above, this build system also contains an additional phase:
+@table @code
+@item install-doc
+This phase installs all top-level files with base name matching
+@var{%doc-regex}. A different regex can be specified with the
+@code{#:doc-regex} parameter. All files (recursively) inside the
+documentation directories specified in @code{#:doc-dirs} are installed as
+@end table
+@end defvr
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} cmake-build-system
+This variable is exported by @code{(guix build-system cmake)}. It
+implements the build procedure for packages using the
+@url{http://www.cmake.org, CMake build tool}.
+It automatically adds the @code{cmake} package to the set of inputs. Which
+package is used can be specified with the @code{#:cmake} parameter.
+The @code{#:configure-flags} parameter is taken as a list of flags passed to
+the @command{cmake} command. The @code{#:build-type} parameter specifies in
+abstract terms the flags passed to the compiler; it defaults to
+@code{"RelWithDebInfo"} (short for ``release mode with debugging
+information''), which roughly means that code is compiled with @code{-O2
+-g}, as is the case for Autoconf-based packages by default.
+@end defvr
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} go-build-system
+This variable is exported by @code{(guix build-system go)}. It implements a
+build procedure for Go packages using the standard
+@url{https://golang.org/cmd/go/#hdr-Compile_packages_and_dependencies, Go
+build mechanisms}.
+The user is expected to provide a value for the key @code{#:import-path}
+and, in some cases, @code{#:unpack-path}. The
+@url{https://golang.org/doc/code.html#ImportPaths, import path} corresponds
+to the file system path expected by the package's build scripts and any
+referring packages, and provides a unique way to refer to a Go package. It
+is typically based on a combination of the package source code's remote URI
+and file system hierarchy structure. In some cases, you will need to unpack
+the package's source code to a different directory structure than the one
+indicated by the import path, and @code{#:unpack-path} should be used in
+such cases.
+Packages that provide Go libraries should be installed along with their
+source code. The key @code{#:install-source?}, which defaults to @code{#t},
+controls whether or not the source code is installed. It can be set to
+@code{#f} for packages that only provide executable files.
+@end defvr
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} glib-or-gtk-build-system
+This variable is exported by @code{(guix build-system glib-or-gtk)}. It is
+intended for use with packages making use of GLib or GTK+.
+This build system adds the following two phases to the ones defined by
+@table @code
+@item glib-or-gtk-wrap
+The phase @code{glib-or-gtk-wrap} ensures that programs in @file{bin/} are
+able to find GLib ``schemas'' and
+@uref{https://developer.gnome.org/gtk3/stable/gtk-running.html, GTK+
+modules}. This is achieved by wrapping the programs in launch scripts that
+appropriately set the @code{XDG_DATA_DIRS} and @code{GTK_PATH} environment
+It is possible to exclude specific package outputs from that wrapping
+process by listing their names in the
+@code{#:glib-or-gtk-wrap-excluded-outputs} parameter. This is useful when
+an output is known not to contain any GLib or GTK+ binaries, and where
+wrapping would gratuitously add a dependency of that output on GLib and
+@item glib-or-gtk-compile-schemas
+The phase @code{glib-or-gtk-compile-schemas} makes sure that all
+GSettings schemas} of GLib are compiled. Compilation is performed by the
+@command{glib-compile-schemas} program. It is provided by the package
+@code{glib:bin} which is automatically imported by the build system. The
+@code{glib} package providing @command{glib-compile-schemas} can be
+specified with the @code{#:glib} parameter.
+@end table
+Both phases are executed after the @code{install} phase.
+@end defvr
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} guile-build-system
+This build system is for Guile packages that consist exclusively of Scheme
+code and that are so lean that they don't even have a makefile, let alone a
+@file{configure} script. It compiles Scheme code using @command{guild
+compile} (@pxref{Compilation,,, guile, GNU Guile Reference Manual}) and
+installs the @file{.scm} and @file{.go} files in the right place. It also
+installs documentation.
+This build system supports cross-compilation by using the @code{--target}
+option of @command{guild compile}.
+Packages built with @code{guile-build-system} must provide a Guile package
+in their @code{native-inputs} field.
+@end defvr
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} minify-build-system
+This variable is exported by @code{(guix build-system minify)}. It
+implements a minification procedure for simple JavaScript packages.
+It adds @code{uglify-js} to the set of inputs and uses it to compress all
+JavaScript files in the @file{src} directory. A different minifier package
+can be specified with the @code{#:uglify-js} parameter, but it is expected
+that the package writes the minified code to the standard output.
+When the input JavaScript files are not all located in the @file{src}
+directory, the parameter @code{#:javascript-files} can be used to specify a
+list of file names to feed to the minifier.
+@end defvr
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} ocaml-build-system
+This variable is exported by @code{(guix build-system ocaml)}. It
+implements a build procedure for @uref{https://ocaml.org, OCaml} packages,
+which consists of choosing the correct set of commands to run for each
+package. OCaml packages can expect many different commands to be run. This
+build system will try some of them.
+When the package has a @file{setup.ml} file present at the top-level, it
+will run @code{ocaml setup.ml -configure}, @code{ocaml setup.ml -build} and
+@code{ocaml setup.ml -install}. The build system will assume that this file
+was generated by @uref{http://oasis.forge.ocamlcore.org/, OASIS} and will
+take care of setting the prefix and enabling tests if they are not
+disabled. You can pass configure and build flags with the
+@code{#:configure-flags} and @code{#:build-flags}. The @code{#:test-flags}
+key can be passed to change the set of flags used to enable tests. The
+@code{#:use-make?} key can be used to bypass this system in the build and
+install phases.
+When the package has a @file{configure} file, it is assumed that it is a
+hand-made configure script that requires a different argument format than in
+the @code{gnu-build-system}. You can add more flags with the
+@code{#:configure-flags} key.
+When the package has a @file{Makefile} file (or @code{#:use-make?} is
+@code{#t}), it will be used and more flags can be passed to the build and
+install phases with the @code{#:make-flags} key.
+Finally, some packages do not have these files and use a somewhat standard
+location for its build system. In that case, the build system will run
+@code{ocaml pkg/pkg.ml} or @code{ocaml pkg/build.ml} and take care of
+providing the path to the required findlib module. Additional flags can be
+passed via the @code{#:build-flags} key. Install is taken care of by
+@command{opam-installer}. In this case, the @code{opam} package must be
+added to the @code{native-inputs} field of the package definition.
+Note that most OCaml packages assume they will be installed in the same
+directory as OCaml, which is not what we want in guix. In particular, they
+will install @file{.so} files in their module's directory, which is usually
+fine because it is in the OCaml compiler directory. In guix though, these
+libraries cannot be found and we use @code{CAML_LD_LIBRARY_PATH}. This
+variable points to @file{lib/ocaml/site-lib/stubslibs} and this is where
+@file{.so} libraries should be installed.
+@end defvr
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} python-build-system
+This variable is exported by @code{(guix build-system python)}. It
+implements the more or less standard build procedure used by Python
+packages, which consists in running @code{python setup.py build} and then
+@code{python setup.py install --prefix=/gnu/store/@dots{}}.
+For packages that install stand-alone Python programs under @code{bin/}, it
+takes care of wrapping these programs so that their @code{PYTHONPATH}
+environment variable points to all the Python libraries they depend on.
+Which Python package is used to perform the build can be specified with the
+@code{#:python} parameter. This is a useful way to force a package to be
+built for a specific version of the Python interpreter, which might be
+necessary if the package is only compatible with a single interpreter
+By default guix calls @code{setup.py} under control of @code{setuptools},
+much like @command{pip} does. Some packages are not compatible with
+setuptools (and pip), thus you can disable this by setting the
+@code{#:use-setuptools} parameter to @code{#f}.
+@end defvr
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} perl-build-system
+This variable is exported by @code{(guix build-system perl)}. It implements
+the standard build procedure for Perl packages, which either consists in
+running @code{perl Build.PL --prefix=/gnu/store/@dots{}}, followed by
+@code{Build} and @code{Build install}; or in running @code{perl Makefile.PL
+PREFIX=/gnu/store/@dots{}}, followed by @code{make} and @code{make install},
+depending on which of @code{Build.PL} or @code{Makefile.PL} is present in
+the package distribution. Preference is given to the former if both
+@code{Build.PL} and @code{Makefile.PL} exist in the package distribution.
+This preference can be reversed by specifying @code{#t} for the
+@code{#:make-maker?} parameter.
+The initial @code{perl Makefile.PL} or @code{perl Build.PL} invocation
+passes flags specified by the @code{#:make-maker-flags} or
+@code{#:module-build-flags} parameter, respectively.
+Which Perl package is used can be specified with @code{#:perl}.
+@end defvr
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} r-build-system
+This variable is exported by @code{(guix build-system r)}. It implements
+the build procedure used by @uref{http://r-project.org, R} packages, which
+essentially is little more than running @code{R CMD INSTALL
+--library=/gnu/store/@dots{}} in an environment where @code{R_LIBS_SITE}
+contains the paths to all R package inputs. Tests are run after
+installation using the R function @code{tools::testInstalledPackage}.
+@end defvr
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} texlive-build-system
+This variable is exported by @code{(guix build-system texlive)}. It is used
+to build TeX packages in batch mode with a specified engine. The build
+system sets the @code{TEXINPUTS} variable to find all TeX source files in
+the inputs.
+By default it runs @code{luatex} on all files ending on @code{ins}. A
+different engine and format can be specified with the @code{#:tex-format}
+argument. Different build targets can be specified with the
+@code{#:build-targets} argument, which expects a list of file names. The
+build system adds only @code{texlive-bin} and @code{texlive-latex-base}
+(both from @code{(gnu packages tex}) to the inputs. Both can be overridden
+with the arguments @code{#:texlive-bin} and @code{#:texlive-latex-base},
+The @code{#:tex-directory} parameter tells the build system where to install
+the built files under the texmf tree.
+@end defvr
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} ruby-build-system
+This variable is exported by @code{(guix build-system ruby)}. It implements
+the RubyGems build procedure used by Ruby packages, which involves running
+@code{gem build} followed by @code{gem install}.
+The @code{source} field of a package that uses this build system typically
+references a gem archive, since this is the format that Ruby developers use
+when releasing their software. The build system unpacks the gem archive,
+potentially patches the source, runs the test suite, repackages the gem, and
+installs it. Additionally, directories and tarballs may be referenced to
+allow building unreleased gems from Git or a traditional source release
+Which Ruby package is used can be specified with the @code{#:ruby}
+parameter. A list of additional flags to be passed to the @command{gem}
+command can be specified with the @code{#:gem-flags} parameter.
+@end defvr
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} waf-build-system
+This variable is exported by @code{(guix build-system waf)}. It implements
+a build procedure around the @code{waf} script. The common
+phases---@code{configure}, @code{build}, and @code{install}---are
+implemented by passing their names as arguments to the @code{waf} script.
+The @code{waf} script is executed by the Python interpreter. Which Python
+package is used to run the script can be specified with the @code{#:python}
+@end defvr
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} scons-build-system
+This variable is exported by @code{(guix build-system scons)}. It
+implements the build procedure used by the SCons software construction
+tool. This build system runs @code{scons} to build the package, @code{scons
+test} to run tests, and then @code{scons install} to install the package.
+Additional flags to be passed to @code{scons} can be specified with the
+@code{#:scons-flags} parameter. The version of Python used to run SCons can
+be specified by selecting the appropriate SCons package with the
+@code{#:scons} parameter.
+@end defvr
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} haskell-build-system
+This variable is exported by @code{(guix build-system haskell)}. It
+implements the Cabal build procedure used by Haskell packages, which
+involves running @code{runhaskell Setup.hs configure
+--prefix=/gnu/store/@dots{}} and @code{runhaskell Setup.hs build}. Instead
+of installing the package by running @code{runhaskell Setup.hs install}, to
+avoid trying to register libraries in the read-only compiler store
+directory, the build system uses @code{runhaskell Setup.hs copy}, followed
+by @code{runhaskell Setup.hs register}. In addition, the build system
+generates the package documentation by running @code{runhaskell Setup.hs
+haddock}, unless @code{#:haddock? #f} is passed. Optional Haddock
+parameters can be passed with the help of the @code{#:haddock-flags}
+parameter. If the file @code{Setup.hs} is not found, the build system looks
+for @code{Setup.lhs} instead.
+Which Haskell compiler is used can be specified with the @code{#:haskell}
+parameter which defaults to @code{ghc}.
+@end defvr
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} dub-build-system
+This variable is exported by @code{(guix build-system dub)}. It implements
+the Dub build procedure used by D packages, which involves running @code{dub
+build} and @code{dub run}. Installation is done by copying the files
+Which D compiler is used can be specified with the @code{#:ldc} parameter
+which defaults to @code{ldc}.
+@end defvr
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} emacs-build-system
+This variable is exported by @code{(guix build-system emacs)}. It
+implements an installation procedure similar to the packaging system of
+Emacs itself (@pxref{Packages,,, emacs, The GNU Emacs Manual}).
+It first creates the @code{@var{package}-autoloads.el} file, then it byte
+compiles all Emacs Lisp files. Differently from the Emacs packaging system,
+the Info documentation files are moved to the standard documentation
+directory and the @file{dir} file is deleted. Each package is installed in
+its own directory under @file{share/emacs/site-lisp/guix.d}.
+@end defvr
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} font-build-system
+This variable is exported by @code{(guix build-system font)}. It implements
+an installation procedure for font packages where upstream provides
+pre-compiled TrueType, OpenType, etc.@: font files that merely need to be
+copied into place. It copies font files to standard locations in the output
+@end defvr
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} meson-build-system
+This variable is exported by @code{(guix build-system meson)}. It
+implements the build procedure for packages that use
+@url{http://mesonbuild.com, Meson} as their build system.
+It adds both Meson and @uref{https://ninja-build.org/, Ninja} to the set of
+inputs, and they can be changed with the parameters @code{#:meson} and
+@code{#:ninja} if needed. The default Meson is @code{meson-for-build},
+which is special because it doesn't clear the @code{RUNPATH} of binaries and
+libraries when they are installed.
+This build system is an extension of @var{gnu-build-system}, but with the
+following phases changed to some specific for Meson:
+@table @code
+@item configure
+The phase runs @code{meson} with the flags specified in
+@code{#:configure-flags}. The flag @code{--build-type} is always set to
+@code{plain} unless something else is specified in @code{#:build-type}.
+@item build
+The phase runs @code{ninja} to build the package in parallel by default, but
+this can be changed with @code{#:parallel-build?}.
+@item check
+The phase runs @code{ninja} with the target specified in
+@code{#:test-target}, which is @code{"test"} by default.
+@item install
+The phase runs @code{ninja install} and can not be changed.
+@end table
+Apart from that, the build system also adds the following phases:
+@table @code
+@item fix-runpath
+This phase ensures that all binaries can find the libraries they need. It
+searches for required libraries in subdirectories of the package being
+built, and adds those to @code{RUNPATH} where needed. It also removes
+references to libraries left over from the build phase by
+@code{meson-for-build}, such as test dependencies, that aren't actually
+required for the program to run.
+@item glib-or-gtk-wrap
+This phase is the phase provided by @code{glib-or-gtk-build-system}, and it
+is not enabled by default. It can be enabled with @code{#:glib-or-gtk?}.
+@item glib-or-gtk-compile-schemas
+This phase is the phase provided by @code{glib-or-gtk-build-system}, and it
+is not enabled by default. It can be enabled with @code{#:glib-or-gtk?}.
+@end table
+@end defvr
+Lastly, for packages that do not need anything as sophisticated, a
+``trivial'' build system is provided. It is trivial in the sense that it
+provides basically no support: it does not pull any implicit inputs, and
+does not have a notion of build phases.
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} trivial-build-system
+This variable is exported by @code{(guix build-system trivial)}.
+This build system requires a @code{#:builder} argument. This argument must
+be a Scheme expression that builds the package output(s)---as with
+@code{build-expression->derivation} (@pxref{Ableitungen,
+@end defvr
+@node Der Store
+@section Der Store
+@cindex Store
+@cindex store items
+@cindex store paths
+Conceptually, the @dfn{store} is the place where derivations that have been
+built successfully are stored---by default, @file{/gnu/store}.
+Sub-directories in the store are referred to as @dfn{store items} or
+sometimes @dfn{store paths}. The store has an associated database that
+contains information such as the store paths referred to by each store path,
+and the list of @emph{valid} store items---results of successful builds.
+This database resides in @file{@var{localstatedir}/guix/db}, where
+@var{localstatedir} is the state directory specified @i{via}
+@option{--localstatedir} at configure time, usually @file{/var}.
+The store is @emph{always} accessed by the daemon on behalf of its clients
+(@pxref{Aufruf des guix-daemon}). To manipulate the store, clients connect to
+the daemon over a Unix-domain socket, send requests to it, and read the
+result---these are remote procedure calls, or RPCs.
+@quotation Anmerkung
+Users must @emph{never} modify files under @file{/gnu/store} directly. This
+would lead to inconsistencies and break the immutability assumptions of
+Guix's functional model (@pxref{Einführung}).
+@xref{Aufruf von guix gc, @command{guix gc --verify}}, for information on how
+to check the integrity of the store and attempt recovery from accidental
+@end quotation
+The @code{(guix store)} module provides procedures to connect to the daemon,
+and to perform RPCs. These are described below. By default,
+@code{open-connection}, and thus all the @command{guix} commands, connect to
+the local daemon or to the URI specified by the @code{GUIX_DAEMON_SOCKET}
+environment variable.
+@defvr {Environment Variable} GUIX_DAEMON_SOCKET
+When set, the value of this variable should be a file name or a URI
+designating the daemon endpoint. When it is a file name, it denotes a
+Unix-domain socket to connect to. In addition to file names, the supported
+URI schemes are:
+@table @code
+@item file
+@itemx unix
+These are for Unix-domain sockets.
+@code{file:///var/guix/daemon-socket/socket} is equivalent to
+@item guix
+@cindex Daemon, Fernzugriff
+@cindex Fernzugriff auf den Daemon
+@cindex Daemon, Einrichten auf Clustern
+@cindex Cluster, Einrichtung des Daemons
+These URIs denote connections over TCP/IP, without encryption nor
+authentication of the remote host. The URI must specify the host name and
+optionally a port number (by default port 44146 is used):
+@end example
+This setup is suitable on local networks, such as clusters, where only
+trusted nodes may connect to the build daemon at
+The @code{--listen} option of @command{guix-daemon} can be used to instruct
+it to listen for TCP connections (@pxref{Aufruf des guix-daemon,
+@item ssh
+@cindex SSH access to build daemons
+These URIs allow you to connect to a remote daemon over SSH@footnote{This
+feature requires Guile-SSH (@pxref{Voraussetzungen}).}. A typical URL might
+look like this:
+@end example
+As for @command{guix copy}, the usual OpenSSH client configuration files are
+honored (@pxref{Aufruf von guix copy}).
+@end table
+Additional URI schemes may be supported in the future.
+@c XXX: Remove this note when the protocol incurs fewer round trips
+@c and when (guix derivations) no longer relies on file system access.
+@quotation Anmerkung
+The ability to connect to remote build daemons is considered experimental as
+of @value{VERSION}. Please get in touch with us to share any problems or
+suggestions you may have (@pxref{Mitwirken}).
+@end quotation
+@end defvr
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} open-connection [@var{uri}] [#:reserve-space? #t]
+Connect to the daemon over the Unix-domain socket at @var{uri} (a string).
+When @var{reserve-space?} is true, instruct it to reserve a little bit of
+extra space on the file system so that the garbage collector can still
+operate should the disk become full. Return a server object.
+@var{file} defaults to @var{%default-socket-path}, which is the normal
+location given the options that were passed to @command{configure}.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} close-connection @var{server}
+Close the connection to @var{server}.
+@end deffn
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} current-build-output-port
+This variable is bound to a SRFI-39 parameter, which refers to the port
+where build and error logs sent by the daemon should be written.
+@end defvr
+Procedures that make RPCs all take a server object as their first argument.
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} valid-path? @var{server} @var{path}
+@cindex invalid store items
+Return @code{#t} when @var{path} designates a valid store item and @code{#f}
+otherwise (an invalid item may exist on disk but still be invalid, for
+instance because it is the result of an aborted or failed build.)
+A @code{&nix-protocol-error} condition is raised if @var{path} is not
+prefixed by the store directory (@file{/gnu/store}).
+@end deffn
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} add-text-to-store @var{server} @var{name} @var{text} [@var{references}]
+Add @var{text} under file @var{name} in the store, and return its store
+path. @var{references} is the list of store paths referred to by the
+resulting store path.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} build-derivations @var{server} @var{derivations}
+Build @var{derivations} (a list of @code{<derivation>} objects or derivation
+paths), and return when the worker is done building them. Return @code{#t}
+on success.
+@end deffn
+Note that the @code{(guix monads)} module provides a monad as well as
+monadic versions of the above procedures, with the goal of making it more
+convenient to work with code that accesses the store (@pxref{Die Store-Monade}).
+@i{This section is currently incomplete.}
+@node Ableitungen
+@section Ableitungen
+@cindex derivations
+Low-level build actions and the environment in which they are performed are
+represented by @dfn{derivations}. A derivation contains the following
+pieces of information:
+The outputs of the derivation---derivations produce at least one file or
+directory in the store, but may produce more.
+The inputs of the derivations, which may be other derivations or plain files
+in the store (patches, build scripts, etc.)
+The system type targeted by the derivation---e.g., @code{x86_64-linux}.
+The file name of a build script in the store, along with the arguments to be
+A list of environment variables to be defined.
+@end itemize
+@cindex derivation path
+Derivations allow clients of the daemon to communicate build actions to the
+store. They exist in two forms: as an in-memory representation, both on the
+client- and daemon-side, and as files in the store whose name end in
+@code{.drv}---these files are referred to as @dfn{derivation paths}.
+Derivations paths can be passed to the @code{build-derivations} procedure to
+perform the build actions they prescribe (@pxref{Der Store}).
+@cindex fixed-output derivations
+Operations such as file downloads and version-control checkouts for which
+the expected content hash is known in advance are modeled as
+@dfn{fixed-output derivations}. Unlike regular derivations, the outputs of
+a fixed-output derivation are independent of its inputs---e.g., a source
+code download produces the same result regardless of the download method and
+tools being used.
+The @code{(guix derivations)} module provides a representation of
+derivations as Scheme objects, along with procedures to create and otherwise
+manipulate derivations. The lowest-level primitive to create a derivation
+is the @code{derivation} procedure:
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} derivation @var{store} @var{name} @var{builder} @
+ @var{args} [#:outputs '("out")] [#:hash #f] [#:hash-algo #f] @ [#:recursive?
+#f] [#:inputs '()] [#:env-vars '()] @ [#:system (%current-system)]
+[#:references-graphs #f] @ [#:allowed-references #f]
+[#:disallowed-references #f] @ [#:leaked-env-vars #f] [#:local-build? #f] @
+[#:substitutable? #t] [#:properties '()] Build a derivation with the given
+arguments, and return the resulting @code{<derivation>} object.
+When @var{hash} and @var{hash-algo} are given, a @dfn{fixed-output
+derivation} is created---i.e., one whose result is known in advance, such as
+a file download. If, in addition, @var{recursive?} is true, then that fixed
+output may be an executable file or a directory and @var{hash} must be the
+hash of an archive containing this output.
+When @var{references-graphs} is true, it must be a list of file name/store
+path pairs. In that case, the reference graph of each store path is
+exported in the build environment in the corresponding file, in a simple
+text format.
+When @var{allowed-references} is true, it must be a list of store items or
+outputs that the derivation's output may refer to. Likewise,
+@var{disallowed-references}, if true, must be a list of things the outputs
+may @emph{not} refer to.
+When @var{leaked-env-vars} is true, it must be a list of strings denoting
+environment variables that are allowed to ``leak'' from the daemon's
+environment to the build environment. This is only applicable to
+fixed-output derivations---i.e., when @var{hash} is true. The main use is
+to allow variables such as @code{http_proxy} to be passed to derivations
+that download files.
+When @var{local-build?} is true, declare that the derivation is not a good
+candidate for offloading and should rather be built locally (@pxref{Auslagern des Daemons einrichten}). This is the case for small derivations where the costs of
+data transfers would outweigh the benefits.
+When @var{substitutable?} is false, declare that substitutes of the
+derivation's output should not be used (@pxref{Substitute}). This is
+useful, for instance, when building packages that capture details of the
+host CPU instruction set.
+@var{properties} must be an association list describing ``properties'' of
+the derivation. It is kept as-is, uninterpreted, in the derivation.
+@end deffn
+Here's an example with a shell script as its builder, assuming @var{store}
+is an open connection to the daemon, and @var{bash} points to a Bash
+executable in the store:
+(use-modules (guix utils)
+ (guix store)
+ (guix derivations))
+(let ((builder ; add the Bash script to the store
+ (add-text-to-store store "my-builder.sh"
+ "echo hello world > $out\n" '())))
+ (derivation store "foo"
+ bash `("-e" ,builder)
+ #:inputs `((,bash) (,builder))
+ #:env-vars '(("HOME" . "/homeless"))))
+@result{} #<derivation /gnu/store/@dots{}-foo.drv => /gnu/store/@dots{}-foo>
+@end lisp
+As can be guessed, this primitive is cumbersome to use directly. A better
+approach is to write build scripts in Scheme, of course! The best course of
+action for that is to write the build code as a ``G-expression'', and to
+pass it to @code{gexp->derivation}. For more information,
+Once upon a time, @code{gexp->derivation} did not exist and constructing
+derivations with build code written in Scheme was achieved with
+@code{build-expression->derivation}, documented below. This procedure is
+now deprecated in favor of the much nicer @code{gexp->derivation}.
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} build-expression->derivation @var{store} @
+ @var{name} @var{exp} @ [#:system (%current-system)] [#:inputs '()] @
+[#:outputs '("out")] [#:hash #f] [#:hash-algo #f] @ [#:recursive? #f]
+[#:env-vars '()] [#:modules '()] @ [#:references-graphs #f]
+[#:allowed-references #f] @ [#:disallowed-references #f] @ [#:local-build?
+#f] [#:substitutable? #t] [#:guile-for-build #f] Return a derivation that
+executes Scheme expression @var{exp} as a builder for derivation
+@var{name}. @var{inputs} must be a list of @code{(name drv-path sub-drv)}
+tuples; when @var{sub-drv} is omitted, @code{"out"} is assumed.
+@var{modules} is a list of names of Guile modules from the current search
+path to be copied in the store, compiled, and made available in the load
+path during the execution of @var{exp}---e.g., @code{((guix build utils)
+(guix build gnu-build-system))}.
+@var{exp} is evaluated in an environment where @code{%outputs} is bound to a
+list of output/path pairs, and where @code{%build-inputs} is bound to a list
+of string/output-path pairs made from @var{inputs}. Optionally,
+@var{env-vars} is a list of string pairs specifying the name and value of
+environment variables visible to the builder. The builder terminates by
+passing the result of @var{exp} to @code{exit}; thus, when @var{exp} returns
+@code{#f}, the build is considered to have failed.
+@var{exp} is built using @var{guile-for-build} (a derivation). When
+@var{guile-for-build} is omitted or is @code{#f}, the value of the
+@code{%guile-for-build} fluid is used instead.
+See the @code{derivation} procedure for the meaning of
+@var{references-graphs}, @var{allowed-references},
+@var{disallowed-references}, @var{local-build?}, and @var{substitutable?}.
+@end deffn
+Here's an example of a single-output derivation that creates a directory
+containing one file:
+(let ((builder '(let ((out (assoc-ref %outputs "out")))
+ (mkdir out) ; create /gnu/store/@dots{}-goo
+ (call-with-output-file (string-append out "/test")
+ (lambda (p)
+ (display '(hello guix) p))))))
+ (build-expression->derivation store "goo" builder))
+@result{} #<derivation /gnu/store/@dots{}-goo.drv => @dots{}>
+@end lisp
+@node Die Store-Monade
+@section Die Store-Monade
+@cindex monad
+The procedures that operate on the store described in the previous sections
+all take an open connection to the build daemon as their first argument.
+Although the underlying model is functional, they either have side effects
+or depend on the current state of the store.
+The former is inconvenient: the connection to the build daemon has to be
+carried around in all those functions, making it impossible to compose
+functions that do not take that parameter with functions that do. The
+latter can be problematic: since store operations have side effects and/or
+depend on external state, they have to be properly sequenced.
+@cindex monadic values
+@cindex monadic functions
+This is where the @code{(guix monads)} module comes in. This module
+provides a framework for working with @dfn{monads}, and a particularly
+useful monad for our uses, the @dfn{store monad}. Monads are a construct
+that allows two things: associating ``context'' with values (in our case,
+the context is the store), and building sequences of computations (here
+computations include accesses to the store). Values in a monad---values
+that carry this additional context---are called @dfn{monadic values};
+procedures that return such values are called @dfn{monadic procedures}.
+Consider this ``normal'' procedure:
+(define (sh-symlink store)
+ ;; Return a derivation that symlinks the 'bash' executable.
+ (let* ((drv (package-derivation store bash))
+ (out (derivation->output-path drv))
+ (sh (string-append out "/bin/bash")))
+ (build-expression->derivation store "sh"
+ `(symlink ,sh %output))))
+@end example
+Using @code{(guix monads)} and @code{(guix gexp)}, it may be rewritten as a
+monadic function:
+(define (sh-symlink)
+ ;; Same, but return a monadic value.
+ (mlet %store-monad ((drv (package->derivation bash)))
+ (gexp->derivation "sh"
+ #~(symlink (string-append #$drv "/bin/bash")
+ #$output))))
+@end example
+There are several things to note in the second version: the @code{store}
+parameter is now implicit and is ``threaded'' in the calls to the
+@code{package->derivation} and @code{gexp->derivation} monadic procedures,
+and the monadic value returned by @code{package->derivation} is @dfn{bound}
+using @code{mlet} instead of plain @code{let}.
+As it turns out, the call to @code{package->derivation} can even be omitted
+since it will take place implicitly, as we will see later
+(define (sh-symlink)
+ (gexp->derivation "sh"
+ #~(symlink (string-append #$bash "/bin/bash")
+ #$output)))
+@end example
+@c See
+@c <https://syntaxexclamation.wordpress.com/2014/06/26/escaping-continuations/>
+@c for the funny quote.
+Calling the monadic @code{sh-symlink} has no effect. As someone once said,
+``you exit a monad like you exit a building on fire: by running''. So, to
+exit the monad and get the desired effect, one must use
+(run-with-store (open-connection) (sh-symlink))
+@result{} /gnu/store/...-sh-symlink
+@end example
+Note that the @code{(guix monad-repl)} module extends the Guile REPL with
+new ``meta-commands'' to make it easier to deal with monadic procedures:
+@code{run-in-store}, and @code{enter-store-monad}. The former is used to
+``run'' a single monadic value through the store:
+scheme@@(guile-user)> ,run-in-store (package->derivation hello)
+$1 = #<derivation /gnu/store/@dots{}-hello-2.9.drv => @dots{}>
+@end example
+The latter enters a recursive REPL, where all the return values are
+automatically run through the store:
+scheme@@(guile-user)> ,enter-store-monad
+store-monad@@(guile-user) [1]> (package->derivation hello)
+$2 = #<derivation /gnu/store/@dots{}-hello-2.9.drv => @dots{}>
+store-monad@@(guile-user) [1]> (text-file "foo" "Hello!")
+$3 = "/gnu/store/@dots{}-foo"
+store-monad@@(guile-user) [1]> ,q
+@end example
+Note that non-monadic values cannot be returned in the @code{store-monad}
+The main syntactic forms to deal with monads in general are provided by the
+@code{(guix monads)} module and are described below.
+@deffn {Scheme Syntax} with-monad @var{monad} @var{body} ...
+Evaluate any @code{>>=} or @code{return} forms in @var{body} as being in
+@end deffn
+@deffn {Scheme Syntax} return @var{val}
+Return a monadic value that encapsulates @var{val}.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {Scheme Syntax} >>= @var{mval} @var{mproc} ...
+@dfn{Bind} monadic value @var{mval}, passing its ``contents'' to monadic
+procedures @var{mproc}@dots{}@footnote{This operation is commonly referred
+to as ``bind'', but that name denotes an unrelated procedure in Guile. Thus
+we use this somewhat cryptic symbol inherited from the Haskell language.}.
+There can be one @var{mproc} or several of them, as in this example:
+ (with-monad %state-monad
+ (>>= (return 1)
+ (lambda (x) (return (+ 1 x)))
+ (lambda (x) (return (* 2 x)))))
+ 'some-state)
+@result{} 4
+@result{} some-state
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn {Scheme Syntax} mlet @var{monad} ((@var{var} @var{mval}) ...) @
+ @var{body} ...
+@deffnx {Scheme Syntax} mlet* @var{monad} ((@var{var} @var{mval}) ...) @
+ @var{body} ... Bind the variables @var{var} to the monadic values
+@var{mval} in @var{body}, which is a sequence of expressions. As with the
+bind operator, this can be thought of as ``unpacking'' the raw, non-monadic
+value ``contained'' in @var{mval} and making @var{var} refer to that raw,
+non-monadic value within the scope of the @var{body}. The form (@var{var}
+-> @var{val}) binds @var{var} to the ``normal'' value @var{val}, as per
+@code{let}. The binding operations occur in sequence from left to right.
+The last expression of @var{body} must be a monadic expression, and its
+result will become the result of the @code{mlet} or @code{mlet*} when run in
+the @var{monad}.
+@code{mlet*} is to @code{mlet} what @code{let*} is to @code{let}
+(@pxref{Local Bindings,,, guile, GNU Guile Reference Manual}).
+@end deffn
+@deffn {Scheme System} mbegin @var{monad} @var{mexp} ...
+Bind @var{mexp} and the following monadic expressions in sequence, returning
+the result of the last expression. Every expression in the sequence must be
+a monadic expression.
+This is akin to @code{mlet}, except that the return values of the monadic
+expressions are ignored. In that sense, it is analogous to @code{begin},
+but applied to monadic expressions.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {Scheme System} mwhen @var{condition} @var{mexp0} @var{mexp*} ...
+When @var{condition} is true, evaluate the sequence of monadic expressions
+@var{mexp0}..@var{mexp*} as in an @code{mbegin}. When @var{condition} is
+false, return @code{*unspecified*} in the current monad. Every expression
+in the sequence must be a monadic expression.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {Scheme System} munless @var{condition} @var{mexp0} @var{mexp*} ...
+When @var{condition} is false, evaluate the sequence of monadic expressions
+@var{mexp0}..@var{mexp*} as in an @code{mbegin}. When @var{condition} is
+true, return @code{*unspecified*} in the current monad. Every expression in
+the sequence must be a monadic expression.
+@end deffn
+@cindex state monad
+The @code{(guix monads)} module provides the @dfn{state monad}, which allows
+an additional value---the state---to be @emph{threaded} through monadic
+procedure calls.
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} %state-monad
+The state monad. Procedures in the state monad can access and change the
+state that is threaded.
+Consider the example below. The @code{square} procedure returns a value in
+the state monad. It returns the square of its argument, but also increments
+the current state value:
+(define (square x)
+ (mlet %state-monad ((count (current-state)))
+ (mbegin %state-monad
+ (set-current-state (+ 1 count))
+ (return (* x x)))))
+(run-with-state (sequence %state-monad (map square (iota 3))) 0)
+@result{} (0 1 4)
+@result{} 3
+@end example
+When ``run'' through @var{%state-monad}, we obtain that additional state
+value, which is the number of @code{square} calls.
+@end defvr
+@deffn {Monadic Procedure} current-state
+Return the current state as a monadic value.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {Monadic Procedure} set-current-state @var{value}
+Set the current state to @var{value} and return the previous state as a
+monadic value.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {Monadic Procedure} state-push @var{value}
+Push @var{value} to the current state, which is assumed to be a list, and
+return the previous state as a monadic value.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {Monadic Procedure} state-pop
+Pop a value from the current state and return it as a monadic value. The
+state is assumed to be a list.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} run-with-state @var{mval} [@var{state}]
+Run monadic value @var{mval} starting with @var{state} as the initial
+state. Return two values: the resulting value, and the resulting state.
+@end deffn
+The main interface to the store monad, provided by the @code{(guix store)}
+module, is as follows.
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} %store-monad
+The store monad---an alias for @var{%state-monad}.
+Values in the store monad encapsulate accesses to the store. When its
+effect is needed, a value of the store monad must be ``evaluated'' by
+passing it to the @code{run-with-store} procedure (see below.)
+@end defvr
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} run-with-store @var{store} @var{mval} [#:guile-for-build] [#:system (%current-system)]
+Run @var{mval}, a monadic value in the store monad, in @var{store}, an open
+store connection.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {Monadic Procedure} text-file @var{name} @var{text} [@var{references}]
+Return as a monadic value the absolute file name in the store of the file
+containing @var{text}, a string. @var{references} is a list of store items
+that the resulting text file refers to; it defaults to the empty list.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {Monadic Procedure} binary-file @var{name} @var{data} [@var{references}]
+Return as a monadic value the absolute file name in the store of the file
+containing @var{data}, a bytevector. @var{references} is a list of store
+items that the resulting binary file refers to; it defaults to the empty
+@end deffn
+@deffn {Monadic Procedure} interned-file @var{file} [@var{name}] @
+ [#:recursive? #t] [#:select? (const #t)] Return the name of @var{file} once
+interned in the store. Use @var{name} as its store name, or the basename of
+@var{file} if @var{name} is omitted.
+When @var{recursive?} is true, the contents of @var{file} are added
+recursively; if @var{file} designates a flat file and @var{recursive?} is
+true, its contents are added, and its permission bits are kept.
+When @var{recursive?} is true, call @code{(@var{select?} @var{file}
+@var{stat})} for each directory entry, where @var{file} is the entry's
+absolute file name and @var{stat} is the result of @code{lstat}; exclude
+entries for which @var{select?} does not return true.
+The example below adds a file to the store, under two different names:
+(run-with-store (open-connection)
+ (mlet %store-monad ((a (interned-file "README"))
+ (b (interned-file "README" "LEGU-MIN")))
+ (return (list a b))))
+@result{} ("/gnu/store/rwm@dots{}-README" "/gnu/store/44i@dots{}-LEGU-MIN")
+@end example
+@end deffn
+The @code{(guix packages)} module exports the following package-related
+monadic procedures:
+@deffn {Monadic Procedure} package-file @var{package} [@var{file}] @
+ [#:system (%current-system)] [#:target #f] @ [#:output "out"] Return as a
+monadic value in the absolute file name of @var{file} within the
+@var{output} directory of @var{package}. When @var{file} is omitted, return
+the name of the @var{output} directory of @var{package}. When @var{target}
+is true, use it as a cross-compilation target triplet.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {Monadic Procedure} package->derivation @var{package} [@var{system}]
+@deffnx {Monadic Procedure} package->cross-derivation @var{package} @
+ @var{target} [@var{system}] Monadic version of @code{package-derivation} and
+@code{package-cross-derivation} (@pxref{Pakete definieren}).
+@end deffn
+@node G-Ausdrücke
+@section G-Ausdrücke
+@cindex G-expression
+@cindex build code quoting
+So we have ``derivations'', which represent a sequence of build actions to
+be performed to produce an item in the store (@pxref{Ableitungen}). These
+build actions are performed when asking the daemon to actually build the
+derivations; they are run by the daemon in a container (@pxref{Aufruf des guix-daemon}).
+@cindex strata of code
+It should come as no surprise that we like to write these build actions in
+Scheme. When we do that, we end up with two @dfn{strata} of Scheme
+code@footnote{The term @dfn{stratum} in this context was coined by Manuel
+Serrano et al.@: in the context of their work on Hop. Oleg Kiselyov, who
+has written insightful
+@url{http://okmij.org/ftp/meta-programming/#meta-scheme, essays and code on
+this topic}, refers to this kind of code generation as @dfn{staging}.}: the
+``host code''---code that defines packages, talks to the daemon, etc.---and
+the ``build code''---code that actually performs build actions, such as
+making directories, invoking @command{make}, etc.
+To describe a derivation and its build actions, one typically needs to embed
+build code inside host code. It boils down to manipulating build code as
+data, and the homoiconicity of Scheme---code has a direct representation as
+data---comes in handy for that. But we need more than the normal
+@code{quasiquote} mechanism in Scheme to construct build expressions.
+The @code{(guix gexp)} module implements @dfn{G-expressions}, a form of
+S-expressions adapted to build expressions. G-expressions, or @dfn{gexps},
+consist essentially of three syntactic forms: @code{gexp}, @code{ungexp},
+and @code{ungexp-splicing} (or simply: @code{#~}, @code{#$}, and
+@code{#$@@}), which are comparable to @code{quasiquote}, @code{unquote}, and
+@code{unquote-splicing}, respectively (@pxref{Expression Syntax,
+@code{quasiquote},, guile, GNU Guile Reference Manual}). However, there are
+major differences:
+Gexps are meant to be written to a file and run or manipulated by other
+When a high-level object such as a package or derivation is unquoted inside
+a gexp, the result is as if its output file name had been introduced.
+Gexps carry information about the packages or derivations they refer to, and
+these dependencies are automatically added as inputs to the build processes
+that use them.
+@end itemize
+@cindex lowering, of high-level objects in gexps
+This mechanism is not limited to package and derivation objects:
+@dfn{compilers} able to ``lower'' other high-level objects to derivations or
+files in the store can be defined, such that these objects can also be
+inserted into gexps. For example, a useful type of high-level objects that
+can be inserted in a gexp is ``file-like objects'', which make it easy to
+add files to the store and to refer to them in derivations and such (see
+@code{local-file} and @code{plain-file} below.)
+To illustrate the idea, here is an example of a gexp:
+(define build-exp
+ #~(begin
+ (mkdir #$output)
+ (chdir #$output)
+ (symlink (string-append #$coreutils "/bin/ls")
+ "list-files")))
+@end example
+This gexp can be passed to @code{gexp->derivation}; we obtain a derivation
+that builds a directory containing exactly one symlink to
+(gexp->derivation "the-thing" build-exp)
+@end example
+As one would expect, the @code{"/gnu/store/@dots{}-coreutils-8.22"} string
+is substituted to the reference to the @var{coreutils} package in the actual
+build code, and @var{coreutils} is automatically made an input to the
+derivation. Likewise, @code{#$output} (equivalent to @code{(ungexp
+output)}) is replaced by a string containing the directory name of the
+output of the derivation.
+@cindex cross compilation
+In a cross-compilation context, it is useful to distinguish between
+references to the @emph{native} build of a package---that can run on the
+host---versus references to cross builds of a package. To that end, the
+@code{#+} plays the same role as @code{#$}, but is a reference to a native
+package build:
+(gexp->derivation "vi"
+ #~(begin
+ (mkdir #$output)
+ (system* (string-append #+coreutils "/bin/ln")
+ "-s"
+ (string-append #$emacs "/bin/emacs")
+ (string-append #$output "/bin/vi")))
+ #:target "mips64el-linux-gnu")
+@end example
+In the example above, the native build of @var{coreutils} is used, so that
+@command{ln} can actually run on the host; but then the cross-compiled build
+of @var{emacs} is referenced.
+@cindex imported modules, for gexps
+@findex with-imported-modules
+Another gexp feature is @dfn{imported modules}: sometimes you want to be
+able to use certain Guile modules from the ``host environment'' in the gexp,
+so those modules should be imported in the ``build environment''. The
+@code{with-imported-modules} form allows you to express that:
+(let ((build (with-imported-modules '((guix build utils))
+ #~(begin
+ (use-modules (guix build utils))
+ (mkdir-p (string-append #$output "/bin"))))))
+ (gexp->derivation "empty-dir"
+ #~(begin
+ #$build
+ (display "success!\n")
+ #t)))
+@end example
+In this example, the @code{(guix build utils)} module is automatically
+pulled into the isolated build environment of our gexp, such that
+@code{(use-modules (guix build utils))} works as expected.
+@cindex module closure
+@findex source-module-closure
+Usually you want the @emph{closure} of the module to be imported---i.e., the
+module itself and all the modules it depends on---rather than just the
+module; failing to do that, attempts to use the module will fail because of
+missing dependent modules. The @code{source-module-closure} procedure
+computes the closure of a module by looking at its source file headers,
+which comes in handy in this case:
+(use-modules (guix modules)) ;for 'source-module-closure'
+(with-imported-modules (source-module-closure
+ '((guix build utils)
+ (gnu build vm)))
+ (gexp->derivation "something-with-vms"
+ #~(begin
+ (use-modules (guix build utils)
+ (gnu build vm))
+ @dots{})))
+@end example
+@cindex extensions, for gexps
+@findex with-extensions
+In the same vein, sometimes you want to import not just pure-Scheme modules,
+but also ``extensions'' such as Guile bindings to C libraries or other
+``full-blown'' packages. Say you need the @code{guile-json} package
+available on the build side, here's how you would do it:
+(use-modules (gnu packages guile)) ;for 'guile-json'
+(with-extensions (list guile-json)
+ (gexp->derivation "something-with-json"
+ #~(begin
+ (use-modules (json))
+ @dots{})))
+@end example
+The syntactic form to construct gexps is summarized below.
+@deffn {Scheme Syntax} #~@var{exp}
+@deffnx {Scheme Syntax} (gexp @var{exp})
+Return a G-expression containing @var{exp}. @var{exp} may contain one or
+more of the following forms:
+@table @code
+@item #$@var{obj}
+@itemx (ungexp @var{obj})
+Introduce a reference to @var{obj}. @var{obj} may have one of the supported
+types, for example a package or a derivation, in which case the
+@code{ungexp} form is replaced by its output file name---e.g.,
+If @var{obj} is a list, it is traversed and references to supported objects
+are substituted similarly.
+If @var{obj} is another gexp, its contents are inserted and its dependencies
+are added to those of the containing gexp.
+If @var{obj} is another kind of object, it is inserted as is.
+@item #$@var{obj}:@var{output}
+@itemx (ungexp @var{obj} @var{output})
+This is like the form above, but referring explicitly to the @var{output} of
+@var{obj}---this is useful when @var{obj} produces multiple outputs
+(@pxref{Pakete mit mehreren Ausgaben.}).
+@item #+@var{obj}
+@itemx #+@var{obj}:output
+@itemx (ungexp-native @var{obj})
+@itemx (ungexp-native @var{obj} @var{output})
+Same as @code{ungexp}, but produces a reference to the @emph{native} build
+of @var{obj} when used in a cross compilation context.
+@item #$output[:@var{output}]
+@itemx (ungexp output [@var{output}])
+Insert a reference to derivation output @var{output}, or to the main output
+when @var{output} is omitted.
+This only makes sense for gexps passed to @code{gexp->derivation}.
+@item #$@@@var{lst}
+@itemx (ungexp-splicing @var{lst})
+Like the above, but splices the contents of @var{lst} inside the containing
+@item #+@@@var{lst}
+@itemx (ungexp-native-splicing @var{lst})
+Like the above, but refers to native builds of the objects listed in
+@end table
+G-expressions created by @code{gexp} or @code{#~} are run-time objects of
+the @code{gexp?} type (see below.)
+@end deffn
+@deffn {Scheme Syntax} with-imported-modules @var{modules} @var{body}@dots{}
+Mark the gexps defined in @var{body}@dots{} as requiring @var{modules} in
+their execution environment.
+Each item in @var{modules} can be the name of a module, such as @code{(guix
+build utils)}, or it can be a module name, followed by an arrow, followed by
+a file-like object:
+`((guix build utils)
+ (guix gcrypt)
+ ((guix config) => ,(scheme-file "config.scm"
+ #~(define-module @dots{}))))
+@end example
+In the example above, the first two modules are taken from the search path,
+and the last one is created from the given file-like object.
+This form has @emph{lexical} scope: it has an effect on the gexps directly
+defined in @var{body}@dots{}, but not on those defined, say, in procedures
+called from @var{body}@dots{}.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {Scheme Syntax} with-extensions @var{extensions} @var{body}@dots{}
+Mark the gexps defined in @var{body}@dots{} as requiring @var{extensions} in
+their build and execution environment. @var{extensions} is typically a list
+of package objects such as those defined in the @code{(gnu packages guile)}
+Concretely, the packages listed in @var{extensions} are added to the load
+path while compiling imported modules in @var{body}@dots{}; they are also
+added to the load path of the gexp returned by @var{body}@dots{}.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} gexp? @var{obj}
+Return @code{#t} if @var{obj} is a G-expression.
+@end deffn
+G-expressions are meant to be written to disk, either as code building some
+derivation, or as plain files in the store. The monadic procedures below
+allow you to do that (@pxref{Die Store-Monade}, for more information about
+@deffn {Monadic Procedure} gexp->derivation @var{name} @var{exp} @
+ [#:system (%current-system)] [#:target #f] [#:graft? #t] @ [#:hash #f]
+[#:hash-algo #f] @ [#:recursive? #f] [#:env-vars '()] [#:modules '()] @
+[#:module-path @var{%load-path}] @ [#:effective-version "2.2"] @
+[#:references-graphs #f] [#:allowed-references #f] @
+[#:disallowed-references #f] @ [#:leaked-env-vars #f] @ [#:script-name
+(string-append @var{name} "-builder")] @ [#:deprecation-warnings #f] @
+[#:local-build? #f] [#:substitutable? #t] @ [#:properties '()]
+[#:guile-for-build #f] Return a derivation @var{name} that runs @var{exp} (a
+gexp) with @var{guile-for-build} (a derivation) on @var{system}; @var{exp}
+is stored in a file called @var{script-name}. When @var{target} is true, it
+is used as the cross-compilation target triplet for packages referred to by
+@var{modules} is deprecated in favor of @code{with-imported-modules}. Its
+meaning is to make @var{modules} available in the evaluation context of
+@var{exp}; @var{modules} is a list of names of Guile modules searched in
+@var{module-path} to be copied in the store, compiled, and made available in
+the load path during the execution of @var{exp}---e.g., @code{((guix build
+utils) (guix build gnu-build-system))}.
+@var{effective-version} determines the string to use when adding extensions
+of @var{exp} (see @code{with-extensions}) to the search path---e.g.,
+@var{graft?} determines whether packages referred to by @var{exp} should be
+grafted when applicable.
+When @var{references-graphs} is true, it must be a list of tuples of one of
+the following forms:
+(@var{file-name} @var{package})
+(@var{file-name} @var{package} @var{output})
+(@var{file-name} @var{derivation})
+(@var{file-name} @var{derivation} @var{output})
+(@var{file-name} @var{store-item})
+@end example
+The right-hand-side of each element of @var{references-graphs} is
+automatically made an input of the build process of @var{exp}. In the build
+environment, each @var{file-name} contains the reference graph of the
+corresponding item, in a simple text format.
+@var{allowed-references} must be either @code{#f} or a list of output names
+and packages. In the latter case, the list denotes store items that the
+result is allowed to refer to. Any reference to another store item will
+lead to a build error. Similarly for @var{disallowed-references}, which can
+list items that must not be referenced by the outputs.
+@var{deprecation-warnings} determines whether to show deprecation warnings
+while compiling modules. It can be @code{#f}, @code{#t}, or
+The other arguments are as for @code{derivation} (@pxref{Ableitungen}).
+@end deffn
+@cindex file-like objects
+The @code{local-file}, @code{plain-file}, @code{computed-file},
+@code{program-file}, and @code{scheme-file} procedures below return
+@dfn{file-like objects}. That is, when unquoted in a G-expression, these
+objects lead to a file in the store. Consider this G-expression:
+#~(system* #$(file-append glibc "/sbin/nscd") "-f"
+ #$(local-file "/tmp/my-nscd.conf"))
+@end example
+The effect here is to ``intern'' @file{/tmp/my-nscd.conf} by copying it to
+the store. Once expanded, for instance @i{via} @code{gexp->derivation}, the
+G-expression refers to that copy under @file{/gnu/store}; thus, modifying or
+removing the file in @file{/tmp} does not have any effect on what the
+G-expression does. @code{plain-file} can be used similarly; it differs in
+that the file content is directly passed as a string.
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} local-file @var{file} [@var{name}] @
+ [#:recursive? #f] [#:select? (const #t)] Return an object representing local
+file @var{file} to add to the store; this object can be used in a gexp. If
+@var{file} is a relative file name, it is looked up relative to the source
+file where this form appears. @var{file} will be added to the store under
+@var{name}--by default the base name of @var{file}.
+When @var{recursive?} is true, the contents of @var{file} are added
+recursively; if @var{file} designates a flat file and @var{recursive?} is
+true, its contents are added, and its permission bits are kept.
+When @var{recursive?} is true, call @code{(@var{select?} @var{file}
+@var{stat})} for each directory entry, where @var{file} is the entry's
+absolute file name and @var{stat} is the result of @code{lstat}; exclude
+entries for which @var{select?} does not return true.
+This is the declarative counterpart of the @code{interned-file} monadic
+procedure (@pxref{Die Store-Monade, @code{interned-file}}).
+@end deffn
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} plain-file @var{name} @var{content}
+Return an object representing a text file called @var{name} with the given
+@var{content} (a string or a bytevector) to be added to the store.
+This is the declarative counterpart of @code{text-file}.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} computed-file @var{name} @var{gexp} @
+ [#:options '(#:local-build? #t)] Return an object representing the store
+item @var{name}, a file or directory computed by @var{gexp}. @var{options}
+is a list of additional arguments to pass to @code{gexp->derivation}.
+This is the declarative counterpart of @code{gexp->derivation}.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {Monadic Procedure} gexp->script @var{name} @var{exp} @
+ [#:guile (default-guile)] [#:module-path %load-path] Return an executable
+script @var{name} that runs @var{exp} using @var{guile}, with @var{exp}'s
+imported modules in its search path. Look up @var{exp}'s modules in
+The example below builds a script that simply invokes the @command{ls}
+(use-modules (guix gexp) (gnu packages base))
+(gexp->script "list-files"
+ #~(execl #$(file-append coreutils "/bin/ls")
+ "ls"))
+@end example
+When ``running'' it through the store (@pxref{Die Store-Monade,
+@code{run-with-store}}), we obtain a derivation that produces an executable
+file @file{/gnu/store/@dots{}-list-files} along these lines:
+#!/gnu/store/@dots{}-guile-2.0.11/bin/guile -ds
+(execl "/gnu/store/@dots{}-coreutils-8.22"/bin/ls" "ls")
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} program-file @var{name} @var{exp} @
+ [#:guile #f] [#:module-path %load-path] Return an object representing the
+executable store item @var{name} that runs @var{gexp}. @var{guile} is the
+Guile package used to execute that script. Imported modules of @var{gexp}
+are looked up in @var{module-path}.
+This is the declarative counterpart of @code{gexp->script}.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {Monadic Procedure} gexp->file @var{name} @var{exp} @
+ [#:set-load-path? #t] [#:module-path %load-path] @ [#:splice? #f] @ [#:guile
+(default-guile)] Return a derivation that builds a file @var{name}
+containing @var{exp}. When @var{splice?} is true, @var{exp} is considered
+to be a list of expressions that will be spliced in the resulting file.
+When @var{set-load-path?} is true, emit code in the resulting file to set
+@code{%load-path} and @code{%load-compiled-path} to honor @var{exp}'s
+imported modules. Look up @var{exp}'s modules in @var{module-path}.
+The resulting file holds references to all the dependencies of @var{exp} or
+a subset thereof.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} scheme-file @var{name} @var{exp} [#:splice? #f]
+Return an object representing the Scheme file @var{name} that contains
+This is the declarative counterpart of @code{gexp->file}.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {Monadic Procedure} text-file* @var{name} @var{text} @dots{}
+Return as a monadic value a derivation that builds a text file containing
+all of @var{text}. @var{text} may list, in addition to strings, objects of
+any type that can be used in a gexp: packages, derivations, local file
+objects, etc. The resulting store file holds references to all these.
+This variant should be preferred over @code{text-file} anytime the file to
+create will reference items from the store. This is typically the case when
+building a configuration file that embeds store file names, like this:
+(define (profile.sh)
+ ;; Return the name of a shell script in the store that
+ ;; initializes the 'PATH' environment variable.
+ (text-file* "profile.sh"
+ "export PATH=" coreutils "/bin:"
+ grep "/bin:" sed "/bin\n"))
+@end example
+In this example, the resulting @file{/gnu/store/@dots{}-profile.sh} file
+will reference @var{coreutils}, @var{grep}, and @var{sed}, thereby
+preventing them from being garbage-collected during its lifetime.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} mixed-text-file @var{name} @var{text} @dots{}
+Return an object representing store file @var{name} containing @var{text}.
+@var{text} is a sequence of strings and file-like objects, as in:
+(mixed-text-file "profile"
+ "export PATH=" coreutils "/bin:" grep "/bin")
+@end example
+This is the declarative counterpart of @code{text-file*}.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} file-union @var{name} @var{files}
+Return a @code{<computed-file>} that builds a directory containing all of
+@var{files}. Each item in @var{files} must be a two-element list where the
+first element is the file name to use in the new directory, and the second
+element is a gexp denoting the target file. Here's an example:
+(file-union "etc"
+ `(("hosts" ,(plain-file "hosts"
+ " localhost"))
+ ("bashrc" ,(plain-file "bashrc"
+ "alias ls='ls --color=auto'"))))
+@end example
+This yields an @code{etc} directory containing these two files.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} directory-union @var{name} @var{things}
+Return a directory that is the union of @var{things}, where @var{things} is
+a list of file-like objects denoting directories. For example:
+(directory-union "guile+emacs" (list guile emacs))
+@end example
+yields a directory that is the union of the @code{guile} and @code{emacs}
+@end deffn
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} file-append @var{obj} @var{suffix} @dots{}
+Return a file-like object that expands to the concatenation of @var{obj} and
+@var{suffix}, where @var{obj} is a lowerable object and each @var{suffix} is
+a string.
+As an example, consider this gexp:
+(gexp->script "run-uname"
+ #~(system* #$(file-append coreutils
+ "/bin/uname")))
+@end example
+The same effect could be achieved with:
+(gexp->script "run-uname"
+ #~(system* (string-append #$coreutils
+ "/bin/uname")))
+@end example
+There is one difference though: in the @code{file-append} case, the
+resulting script contains the absolute file name as a string, whereas in the
+second case, the resulting script contains a @code{(string-append @dots{})}
+expression to construct the file name @emph{at run time}.
+@end deffn
+Of course, in addition to gexps embedded in ``host'' code, there are also
+modules containing build tools. To make it clear that they are meant to be
+used in the build stratum, these modules are kept in the @code{(guix build
+@dots{})} name space.
+@cindex lowering, of high-level objects in gexps
+Internally, high-level objects are @dfn{lowered}, using their compiler, to
+either derivations or store items. For instance, lowering a package yields
+a derivation, and lowering a @code{plain-file} yields a store item. This is
+achieved using the @code{lower-object} monadic procedure.
+@deffn {Monadic Procedure} lower-object @var{obj} [@var{system}] @
+ [#:target #f] Return as a value in @var{%store-monad} the derivation or
+store item corresponding to @var{obj} for @var{system}, cross-compiling for
+@var{target} if @var{target} is true. @var{obj} must be an object that has
+an associated gexp compiler, such as a @code{<package>}.
+@end deffn
+@node Invoking guix repl
+@section Invoking @command{guix repl}
+@cindex REPL, read-eval-print loop
+The @command{guix repl} command spawns a Guile @dfn{read-eval-print loop}
+(REPL) for interactive programming (@pxref{Using Guile Interactively,,,
+guile, GNU Guile Reference Manual}). Compared to just launching the
+@command{guile} command, @command{guix repl} guarantees that all the Guix
+modules and all its dependencies are available in the search path. You can
+use it this way:
+$ guix repl
+scheme@@(guile-user)> ,use (gnu packages base)
+scheme@@(guile-user)> coreutils
+$1 = #<package coreutils@@8.29 gnu/packages/base.scm:327 3e28300>
+@end example
+@cindex inferiors
+In addition, @command{guix repl} implements a simple machine-readable REPL
+protocol for use by @code{(guix inferior)}, a facility to interact with
+@dfn{inferiors}, separate processes running a potentially different revision
+of Guix.
+The available options are as follows:
+@table @code
+@item --type=@var{type}
+@itemx -t @var{type}
+Start a REPL of the given @var{TYPE}, which can be one of the following:
+@table @code
+@item guile
+This is default, and it spawns a standard full-featured Guile REPL.
+@item machine
+Spawn a REPL that uses the machine-readable protocol. This is the protocol
+that the @code{(guix inferior)} module speaks.
+@end table
+@item --listen=@var{Endpunkt}
+By default, @command{guix repl} reads from standard input and writes to
+standard output. When this option is passed, it will instead listen for
+connections on @var{endpoint}. Here are examples of valid options:
+@table @code
+@item --listen=tcp:37146
+Accept connections on localhost on port 37146.
+@item --listen=unix:/tmp/socket
+Accept connections on the Unix-domain socket @file{/tmp/socket}.
+@end table
+@end table
+@c *********************************************************************
+@node Zubehör
+@chapter Zubehör
+This section describes Guix command-line utilities. Some of them are
+primarily targeted at developers and users who write new package
+definitions, while others are more generally useful. They complement the
+Scheme programming interface of Guix in a convenient way.
+* Aufruf von guix build:: Pakete aus der Befehlszeile heraus erstellen.
+* Aufruf von guix edit:: Paketdefinitionen bearbeiten.
+* Aufruf von guix download:: Herunterladen einer Datei und Ausgabe ihres
+ Hashes.
+* Aufruf von guix hash:: Den kryptographischen Hash einer Datei
+ berechnen.
+* Aufruf von guix import:: Paketdefinitionen importieren.
+* Aufruf von guix refresh:: Paketdefinitionen aktualisieren.
+* Aufruf von guix lint:: Fehler in Paketdefinitionen finden.
+* Aufruf von guix size:: Plattenverbrauch profilieren.
+* Aufruf von guix graph:: Den Paketgraphen visualisieren.
+* Aufruf von guix environment:: Entwicklungsumgebungen einrichten.
+* Aufruf von guix publish:: Substitute teilen.
+* Aufruf von guix challenge:: Die Substitut-Server anfechten.
+* Aufruf von guix copy:: Mit einem entfernten Store Dateien austauschen.
+* Aufruf von guix container:: Prozesse isolieren.
+* Aufruf von guix weather:: Die Verfügbarkeit von Substituten
+ einschätzen.
+* Invoking guix processes:: Listing client processes.
+@end menu
+@node Aufruf von guix build
+@section Aufruf von @command{guix build}
+@cindex package building
+@cindex @command{guix build}
+The @command{guix build} command builds packages or derivations and their
+dependencies, and prints the resulting store paths. Note that it does not
+modify the user's profile---this is the job of the @command{guix package}
+command (@pxref{Aufruf von guix package}). Thus, it is mainly useful for
+distribution developers.
+The general syntax is:
+guix build @var{options} @var{package-or-derivation}@dots{}
+@end example
+As an example, the following command builds the latest versions of Emacs and
+of Guile, displays their build logs, and finally displays the resulting
+guix build emacs guile
+@end example
+Similarly, the following command builds all the available packages:
+guix build --quiet --keep-going \
+ `guix package -A | cut -f1,2 --output-delimiter=@@`
+@end example
+@var{package-or-derivation} may be either the name of a package found in the
+software distribution such as @code{coreutils} or @code{coreutils@@8.20}, or
+a derivation such as @file{/gnu/store/@dots{}-coreutils-8.19.drv}. In the
+former case, a package with the corresponding name (and optionally version)
+is searched for among the GNU distribution modules (@pxref{Paketmodule}).
+Alternatively, the @code{--expression} option may be used to specify a
+Scheme expression that evaluates to a package; this is useful when
+disambiguating among several same-named packages or package variants is
+There may be zero or more @var{options}. The available options are
+described in the subsections below.
+* Gemeinsame Erstellungsoptionen:: Erstellungsoptionen für die meisten
+ Befehle.
+* Paketumwandlungsoptionen:: Varianten von Paketen erzeugen.
+* Zusätzliche Erstellungsoptionen:: Optionen spezifisch für »guix
+ build«.
+* Fehlschläge beim Erstellen untersuchen:: Praxiserfahrung bei der
+ Paketerstellung.
+@end menu
+@node Gemeinsame Erstellungsoptionen
+@subsection Gemeinsame Erstellungsoptionen
+A number of options that control the build process are common to
+@command{guix build} and other commands that can spawn builds, such as
+@command{guix package} or @command{guix archive}. These are the following:
+@table @code
+@item --load-path=@var{directory}
+@itemx -L @var{directory}
+Add @var{directory} to the front of the package module search path
+This allows users to define their own packages and make them visible to the
+command-line tools.
+@item --keep-failed
+@itemx -K
+Keep the build tree of failed builds. Thus, if a build fails, its build
+tree is kept under @file{/tmp}, in a directory whose name is shown at the
+end of the build log. This is useful when debugging build issues.
+@xref{Fehlschläge beim Erstellen untersuchen}, for tips and tricks on how to debug build
+This option has no effect when connecting to a remote daemon with a
+@code{guix://} URI (@pxref{Der Store, the @code{GUIX_DAEMON_SOCKET}
+@item --keep-going
+@itemx -k
+Keep going when some of the derivations fail to build; return only once all
+the builds have either completed or failed.
+The default behavior is to stop as soon as one of the specified derivations
+has failed.
+@item --dry-run
+@itemx -n
+Do not build the derivations.
+@item --fallback
+When substituting a pre-built binary fails, fall back to building packages
+locally (@pxref{Fehler bei der Substitution}).
+@item --substitute-urls=@var{URLs}
+Consider @var{urls} the whitespace-separated list of substitute source URLs,
+overriding the default list of URLs of @command{guix-daemon}
+(@pxref{daemon-substitute-urls,, @command{guix-daemon} URLs}).
+This means that substitutes may be downloaded from @var{urls}, provided they
+are signed by a key authorized by the system administrator
+When @var{urls} is the empty string, substitutes are effectively disabled.
+@item --no-substitutes
+Benutze keine Substitute für Erstellungsergebnisse. Das heißt, dass alle
+Objekte lokal erstellt werden müssen, und kein Herunterladen von vorab
+erstellten Binärdateien erlaubt ist (@pxref{Substitute}).
+@item --no-grafts
+Do not ``graft'' packages. In practice, this means that package updates
+available as grafts are not applied. @xref{Sicherheitsaktualisierungen}, for more
+information on grafts.
+@item --rounds=@var{n}
+Build each derivation @var{n} times in a row, and raise an error if
+consecutive build results are not bit-for-bit identical.
+This is a useful way to detect non-deterministic builds processes.
+Non-deterministic build processes are a problem because they make it
+practically impossible for users to @emph{verify} whether third-party
+binaries are genuine. @xref{Aufruf von guix challenge}, for more.
+Note that, currently, the differing build results are not kept around, so
+you will have to manually investigate in case of an error---e.g., by
+stashing one of the build results with @code{guix archive --export}
+(@pxref{Aufruf von guix archive}), then rebuilding, and finally comparing the
+two results.
+@item --no-build-hook
+Nicht versuchen, Erstellungen über den »Build-Hook« des Daemons auszulagern
+(@pxref{Auslagern des Daemons einrichten}). Somit wird lokal erstellt, statt
+Erstellungen auf entfernte Maschinen auszulagern.
+@item --max-silent-time=@var{Sekunden}
+Wenn der Erstellungs- oder Substitutionsprozess länger als
+@var{Sekunden}-lang keine Ausgabe erzeugt, wird er abgebrochen und ein
+Fehler beim Erstellen gemeldet.
+By default, the daemon's setting is honored (@pxref{Aufruf des guix-daemon,
+@item --timeout=@var{Sekunden}
+Entsprechend wird hier der Erstellungs- oder Substitutionsprozess
+abgebrochen und als Fehlschlag gemeldet, wenn er mehr als
+@var{Sekunden}-lang dauert.
+By default, the daemon's setting is honored (@pxref{Aufruf des guix-daemon,
+@item --verbosity=@var{level}
+Use the given verbosity level. @var{level} must be an integer between 0 and
+5; higher means more verbose output. Setting a level of 4 or more may be
+helpful when debugging setup issues with the build daemon.
+@item --cores=@var{n}
+@itemx -c @var{n}
+Allow the use of up to @var{n} CPU cores for the build. The special value
+@code{0} means to use as many CPU cores as available.
+@item --max-jobs=@var{n}
+@itemx -M @var{n}
+Allow at most @var{n} build jobs in parallel. @xref{Aufruf des guix-daemon,
+@code{--max-jobs}}, for details about this option and the equivalent
+@command{guix-daemon} option.
+@end table
+Behind the scenes, @command{guix build} is essentially an interface to the
+@code{package-derivation} procedure of the @code{(guix packages)} module,
+and to the @code{build-derivations} procedure of the @code{(guix
+derivations)} module.
+In addition to options explicitly passed on the command line, @command{guix
+build} and other @command{guix} commands that support building honor the
+@code{GUIX_BUILD_OPTIONS} environment variable.
+@defvr {Environment Variable} GUIX_BUILD_OPTIONS
+Users can define this variable to a list of command line options that will
+automatically be used by @command{guix build} and other @command{guix}
+commands that can perform builds, as in the example below:
+$ export GUIX_BUILD_OPTIONS="--no-substitutes -c 2 -L /foo/bar"
+@end example
+These options are parsed independently, and the result is appended to the
+parsed command-line options.
+@end defvr
+@node Paketumwandlungsoptionen
+@subsection Paketumwandlungsoptionen
+@cindex package variants
+Another set of command-line options supported by @command{guix build} and
+also @command{guix package} are @dfn{package transformation options}. These
+are options that make it possible to define @dfn{package variants}---for
+instance, packages built from different source code. This is a convenient
+way to create customized packages on the fly without having to type in the
+definitions of package variants (@pxref{Pakete definieren}).
+@table @code
+@item --with-source=@var{source}
+@itemx --with-source=@var{package}=@var{source}
+@itemx --with-source=@var{package}@@@var{version}=@var{source}
+Use @var{source} as the source of @var{package}, and @var{version} as its
+version number. @var{source} must be a file name or a URL, as for
+@command{guix download} (@pxref{Aufruf von guix download}).
+When @var{package} is omitted, it is taken to be the package name specified
+on the command line that matches the base of @var{source}---e.g., if
+@var{source} is @code{/src/guile-2.0.10.tar.gz}, the corresponding package
+is @code{guile}.
+Likewise, when @var{version} is omitted, the version string is inferred from
+@var{source}; in the previous example, it is @code{2.0.10}.
+This option allows users to try out versions of packages other than the one
+provided by the distribution. The example below downloads
+@file{ed-1.7.tar.gz} from a GNU mirror and uses that as the source for the
+@code{ed} package:
+guix build ed --with-source=mirror://gnu/ed/ed-1.7.tar.gz
+@end example
+As a developer, @code{--with-source} makes it easy to test release
+guix build guile --with-source=../guile-
+@end example
+@dots{} or to build from a checkout in a pristine environment:
+$ git clone git://git.sv.gnu.org/guix.git
+$ guix build guix --with-source=guix@@1.0=./guix
+@end example
+@item --with-input=@var{package}=@var{replacement}
+Replace dependency on @var{package} by a dependency on @var{replacement}.
+@var{package} must be a package name, and @var{replacement} must be a
+package specification such as @code{guile} or @code{guile@@1.8}.
+For instance, the following command builds Guix, but replaces its dependency
+on the current stable version of Guile with a dependency on the legacy
+version of Guile, @code{guile@@2.0}:
+guix build --with-input=guile=guile@@2.0 guix
+@end example
+This is a recursive, deep replacement. So in this example, both @code{guix}
+and its dependency @code{guile-json} (which also depends on @code{guile})
+get rebuilt against @code{guile@@2.0}.
+This is implemented using the @code{package-input-rewriting} Scheme
+procedure (@pxref{Pakete definieren, @code{package-input-rewriting}}).
+@item --with-graft=@var{package}=@var{replacement}
+This is similar to @code{--with-input} but with an important difference:
+instead of rebuilding the whole dependency chain, @var{replacement} is built
+and then @dfn{grafted} onto the binaries that were initially referring to
+@var{package}. @xref{Sicherheitsaktualisierungen}, for more information on grafts.
+For example, the command below grafts version 3.5.4 of GnuTLS onto Wget and
+all its dependencies, replacing references to the version of GnuTLS they
+currently refer to:
+guix build --with-graft=gnutls=gnutls@@3.5.4 wget
+@end example
+This has the advantage of being much faster than rebuilding everything. But
+there is a caveat: it works if and only if @var{package} and
+@var{replacement} are strictly compatible---for example, if they provide a
+library, the application binary interface (ABI) of those libraries must be
+compatible. If @var{replacement} is somehow incompatible with
+@var{package}, then the resulting package may be unusable. Use with care!
+@item --with-branch=@var{package}=@var{branch}
+@cindex Git, using the latest commit
+@cindex latest commit, building
+Build @var{package} from the latest commit of @var{branch}. The
+@code{source} field of @var{package} must be an origin with the
+@code{git-fetch} method (@pxref{„origin“-Referenz}) or a @code{git-checkout}
+object; the repository URL is taken from that @code{source}.
+For instance, the following command builds @code{guile-sqlite3} from the
+latest commit of its @code{master} branch, and then builds @code{guix}
+(which depends on it) and @code{cuirass} (which depends on @code{guix})
+against this specific @code{guile-sqlite3} build:
+guix build --with-branch=guile-sqlite3=master cuirass
+@end example
+@cindex continuous integration
+Obviously, since it uses the latest commit of the given branch, the result
+of such a command varies over time. Nevertheless it is a convenient way to
+rebuild entire software stacks against the latest commit of one or more
+packages. This is particularly useful in the context of continuous
+integration (CI).
+Checkouts are kept in a cache under @file{~/.cache/guix/checkouts} to speed
+up consecutive accesses to the same repository. You may want to clean it up
+once in a while to save disk space.
+@item --with-commit=@var{package}=@var{commit}
+This is similar to @code{--with-branch}, except that it builds from
+@var{commit} rather than the tip of a branch. @var{commit} must be a valid
+Git commit SHA1 identifier.
+@end table
+@node Zusätzliche Erstellungsoptionen
+@subsection Zusätzliche Erstellungsoptionen
+The command-line options presented below are specific to @command{guix
+@table @code
+@item --quiet
+@itemx -q
+Build quietly, without displaying the build log. Upon completion, the build
+log is kept in @file{/var} (or similar) and can always be retrieved using
+the @option{--log-file} option.
+@item --file=@var{file}
+@itemx -f @var{Datei}
+Build the package, derivation, or other file-like object that the code
+within @var{file} evaluates to (@pxref{G-Ausdrücke, file-like objects}).
+As an example, @var{file} might contain a package definition like this
+(@pxref{Pakete definieren}):
+@verbatiminclude package-hello.scm
+@end example
+@item --expression=@var{expr}
+@itemx -e @var{expr}
+Build the package or derivation @var{expr} evaluates to.
+For example, @var{expr} may be @code{(@@ (gnu packages guile) guile-1.8)},
+which unambiguously designates this specific variant of version 1.8 of
+Alternatively, @var{expr} may be a G-expression, in which case it is used as
+a build program passed to @code{gexp->derivation} (@pxref{G-Ausdrücke}).
+Lastly, @var{expr} may refer to a zero-argument monadic procedure
+(@pxref{Die Store-Monade}). The procedure must return a derivation as a
+monadic value, which is then passed through @code{run-with-store}.
+@item --source
+@itemx -S
+Build the source derivations of the packages, rather than the packages
+For instance, @code{guix build -S gcc} returns something like
+@file{/gnu/store/@dots{}-gcc-4.7.2.tar.bz2}, which is the GCC source
+The returned source tarball is the result of applying any patches and code
+snippets specified in the package @code{origin} (@pxref{Pakete definieren}).
+@item --sources
+Fetch and return the source of @var{package-or-derivation} and all their
+dependencies, recursively. This is a handy way to obtain a local copy of
+all the source code needed to build @var{packages}, allowing you to
+eventually build them even without network access. It is an extension of
+the @code{--source} option and can accept one of the following optional
+argument values:
+@table @code
+@item package
+This value causes the @code{--sources} option to behave in the same way as
+the @code{--source} option.
+@item all
+Build the source derivations of all packages, including any source that
+might be listed as @code{inputs}. This is the default value.
+$ guix build --sources tzdata
+The following derivations will be built:
+ /gnu/store/@dots{}-tzdata2015b.tar.gz.drv
+ /gnu/store/@dots{}-tzcode2015b.tar.gz.drv
+@end example
+@item transitive
+Build the source derivations of all packages, as well of all transitive
+inputs to the packages. This can be used e.g.@: to prefetch package source
+for later offline building.
+$ guix build --sources=transitive tzdata
+The following derivations will be built:
+ /gnu/store/@dots{}-tzcode2015b.tar.gz.drv
+ /gnu/store/@dots{}-findutils-4.4.2.tar.xz.drv
+ /gnu/store/@dots{}-grep-2.21.tar.xz.drv
+ /gnu/store/@dots{}-coreutils-8.23.tar.xz.drv
+ /gnu/store/@dots{}-make-4.1.tar.xz.drv
+ /gnu/store/@dots{}-bash-4.3.tar.xz.drv
+@end example
+@end table
+@item --system=@var{System}
+@itemx -s @var{system}
+Attempt to build for @var{system}---e.g., @code{i686-linux}---instead of the
+system type of the build host.
+@quotation Anmerkung
+The @code{--system} flag is for @emph{native} compilation and must not be
+confused with cross-compilation. See @code{--target} below for information
+on cross-compilation.
+@end quotation
+An example use of this is on Linux-based systems, which can emulate
+different personalities. For instance, passing @code{--system=i686-linux}
+on an @code{x86_64-linux} system or @code{--system=armhf-linux} on an
+@code{aarch64-linux} system allows you to build packages in a complete
+32-bit environment.
+@quotation Anmerkung
+Building for an @code{armhf-linux} system is unconditionally enabled on
+@code{aarch64-linux} machines, although certain aarch64 chipsets do not
+allow for this functionality, notably the ThunderX.
+@end quotation
+Similarly, when transparent emulation with QEMU and @code{binfmt_misc} is
+enabled (@pxref{Virtualisierungsdienste, @code{qemu-binfmt-service-type}}),
+you can build for any system for which a QEMU @code{binfmt_misc} handler is
+Builds for a system other than that of the machine you are using can also be
+offloaded to a remote machine of the right architecture. @xref{Auslagern des Daemons einrichten}, for more information on offloading.
+@item --target=@var{triplet}
+@cindex cross-compilation
+Cross-build for @var{triplet}, which must be a valid GNU triplet, such as
+@code{"mips64el-linux-gnu"} (@pxref{Specifying target triplets, GNU
+configuration triplets,, autoconf, Autoconf}).
+@item --check
+@cindex determinism, checking
+@cindex reproducibility, checking
+Rebuild @var{package-or-derivation}, which are already available in the
+store, and raise an error if the build results are not bit-for-bit
+This mechanism allows you to check whether previously installed substitutes
+are genuine (@pxref{Substitute}), or whether the build result of a package
+is deterministic. @xref{Aufruf von guix challenge}, for more background
+information and tools.
+Wenn dies zusammen mit @option{--keep-failed} benutzt wird, bleiben die sich
+unterscheidenden Ausgaben im Store unter dem Namen
+@file{/gnu/store/@dots{}-check}. Dadurch können Unterschiede zwischen den
+beiden Ergebnissen leicht erkannt werden.
+@item --repair
+@cindex repairing store items
+@cindex Datenbeschädigung, Behebung
+Attempt to repair the specified store items, if they are corrupt, by
+re-downloading or rebuilding them.
+This operation is not atomic and thus restricted to @code{root}.
+@item --derivations
+@itemx -d
+Return the derivation paths, not the output paths, of the given packages.
+@item --root=@var{file}
+@itemx -r @var{file}
+@cindex GC roots, adding
+@cindex garbage collector roots, adding
+Make @var{file} a symlink to the result, and register it as a garbage
+collector root.
+Consequently, the results of this @command{guix build} invocation are
+protected from garbage collection until @var{file} is removed. When that
+option is omitted, build results are eligible for garbage collection as soon
+as the build completes. @xref{Aufruf von guix gc}, for more on GC roots.
+@item --log-file
+@cindex build logs, access
+Return the build log file names or URLs for the given
+@var{package-or-derivation}, or raise an error if build logs are missing.
+This works regardless of how packages or derivations are specified. For
+instance, the following invocations are equivalent:
+guix build --log-file `guix build -d guile`
+guix build --log-file `guix build guile`
+guix build --log-file guile
+guix build --log-file -e '(@@ (gnu packages guile) guile-2.0)'
+@end example
+If a log is unavailable locally, and unless @code{--no-substitutes} is
+passed, the command looks for a corresponding log on one of the substitute
+servers (as specified with @code{--substitute-urls}.)
+So for instance, imagine you want to see the build log of GDB on MIPS, but
+you are actually on an @code{x86_64} machine:
+$ guix build --log-file gdb -s mips64el-linux
+@end example
+You can freely access a huge library of build logs!
+@end table
+@node Fehlschläge beim Erstellen untersuchen
+@subsection Fehlschläge beim Erstellen untersuchen
+@cindex build failures, debugging
+When defining a new package (@pxref{Pakete definieren}), you will probably
+find yourself spending some time debugging and tweaking the build until it
+succeeds. To do that, you need to operate the build commands yourself in an
+environment as close as possible to the one the build daemon uses.
+To that end, the first thing to do is to use the @option{--keep-failed} or
+@option{-K} option of @command{guix build}, which will keep the failed build
+tree in @file{/tmp} or whatever directory you specified as @code{TMPDIR}
+(@pxref{Aufruf von guix build, @code{--keep-failed}}).
+From there on, you can @command{cd} to the failed build tree and source the
+@file{environment-variables} file, which contains all the environment
+variable definitions that were in place when the build failed. So let's say
+you're debugging a build failure in package @code{foo}; a typical session
+would look like this:
+$ guix build foo -K
+@dots{} @i{build fails}
+$ cd /tmp/guix-build-foo.drv-0
+$ source ./environment-variables
+$ cd foo-1.2
+@end example
+Now, you can invoke commands as if you were the daemon (almost) and
+troubleshoot your build process.
+Sometimes it happens that, for example, a package's tests pass when you run
+them manually but they fail when the daemon runs them. This can happen
+because the daemon runs builds in containers where, unlike in our
+environment above, network access is missing, @file{/bin/sh} does not exist,
+etc. (@pxref{Einrichten der Erstellungsumgebung}).
+In such cases, you may need to run inspect the build process from within a
+container similar to the one the build daemon creates:
+$ guix build -K foo
+$ cd /tmp/guix-build-foo.drv-0
+$ guix environment --no-grafts -C foo --ad-hoc strace gdb
+[env]# source ./environment-variables
+[env]# cd foo-1.2
+@end example
+Here, @command{guix environment -C} creates a container and spawns a new
+shell in it (@pxref{Aufruf von guix environment}). The @command{--ad-hoc
+strace gdb} part adds the @command{strace} and @command{gdb} commands to the
+container, which would may find handy while debugging. The
+@option{--no-grafts} option makes sure we get the exact same environment,
+with ungrafted packages (@pxref{Sicherheitsaktualisierungen}, for more info on grafts).
+To get closer to a container like that used by the build daemon, we can
+remove @file{/bin/sh}:
+[env]# rm /bin/sh
+@end example
+(Don't worry, this is harmless: this is all happening in the throw-away
+container created by @command{guix environment}.)
+The @command{strace} command is probably not in the search path, but we can
+[env]# $GUIX_ENVIRONMENT/bin/strace -f -o log make check
+@end example
+In this way, not only you will have reproduced the environment variables the
+daemon uses, you will also be running the build process in a container
+similar to the one the daemon uses.
+@node Aufruf von guix edit
+@section Invoking @command{guix edit}
+@cindex @command{guix edit}
+@cindex package definition, editing
+So many packages, so many source files! The @command{guix edit} command
+facilitates the life of users and packagers by pointing their editor at the
+source file containing the definition of the specified packages. For
+guix edit gcc@@4.9 vim
+@end example
+launches the program specified in the @code{VISUAL} or in the @code{EDITOR}
+environment variable to view the recipe of GCC@tie{}4.9.3 and that of Vim.
+If you are using a Guix Git checkout (@pxref{Erstellung aus dem Git}), or have
+created your own packages on @code{GUIX_PACKAGE_PATH} (@pxref{Paketmodule}), you will be able to edit the package recipes. In other cases,
+you will be able to examine the read-only recipes for packages currently in
+the store.
+@node Aufruf von guix download
+@section Invoking @command{guix download}
+@cindex @command{guix download}
+@cindex downloading package sources
+When writing a package definition, developers typically need to download a
+source tarball, compute its SHA256 hash, and write that hash in the package
+definition (@pxref{Pakete definieren}). The @command{guix download} tool
+helps with this task: it downloads a file from the given URI, adds it to the
+store, and prints both its file name in the store and its SHA256 hash.
+The fact that the downloaded file is added to the store saves bandwidth:
+when the developer eventually tries to build the newly defined package with
+@command{guix build}, the source tarball will not have to be downloaded
+again because it is already in the store. It is also a convenient way to
+temporarily stash files, which may be deleted eventually (@pxref{Aufruf von guix gc}).
+The @command{guix download} command supports the same URIs as used in
+package definitions. In particular, it supports @code{mirror://} URIs.
+@code{https} URIs (HTTP over TLS) are supported @emph{provided} the Guile
+bindings for GnuTLS are available in the user's environment; when they are
+not available, an error is raised. @xref{Guile Preparations, how to install
+the GnuTLS bindings for Guile,, gnutls-guile, GnuTLS-Guile}, for more
+@command{guix download} verifies HTTPS server certificates by loading the
+certificates of X.509 authorities from the directory pointed to by the
+@code{SSL_CERT_DIR} environment variable (@pxref{X.509-Zertifikate}),
+unless @option{--no-check-certificate} is used.
+The following options are available:
+@table @code
+@item --format=@var{fmt}
+@itemx -f @var{fmt}
+Write the hash in the format specified by @var{fmt}. For more information
+on the valid values for @var{fmt}, @pxref{Aufruf von guix hash}.
+@item --no-check-certificate
+Do not validate the X.509 certificates of HTTPS servers.
+When using this option, you have @emph{absolutely no guarantee} that you are
+communicating with the authentic server responsible for the given URL, which
+makes you vulnerable to ``man-in-the-middle'' attacks.
+@item --output=@var{file}
+@itemx -o @var{file}
+Save the downloaded file to @var{file} instead of adding it to the store.
+@end table
+@node Aufruf von guix hash
+@section Invoking @command{guix hash}
+@cindex @command{guix hash}
+The @command{guix hash} command computes the SHA256 hash of a file. It is
+primarily a convenience tool for anyone contributing to the distribution: it
+computes the cryptographic hash of a file, which can be used in the
+definition of a package (@pxref{Pakete definieren}).
+The general syntax is:
+guix hash @var{option} @var{file}
+@end example
+When @var{file} is @code{-} (a hyphen), @command{guix hash} computes the
+hash of data read from standard input. @command{guix hash} has the
+following options:
+@table @code
+@item --format=@var{fmt}
+@itemx -f @var{fmt}
+Write the hash in the format specified by @var{fmt}.
+Supported formats: @code{nix-base32}, @code{base32}, @code{base16}
+(@code{hex} and @code{hexadecimal} can be used as well).
+If the @option{--format} option is not specified, @command{guix hash} will
+output the hash in @code{nix-base32}. This representation is used in the
+definitions of packages.
+@item --recursive
+@itemx -r
+Compute the hash on @var{file} recursively.
+@c FIXME: Replace xref above with xref to an ``Archive'' section when
+@c it exists.
+In this case, the hash is computed on an archive containing @var{file},
+including its children if it is a directory. Some of the metadata of
+@var{file} is part of the archive; for instance, when @var{file} is a
+regular file, the hash is different depending on whether @var{file} is
+executable or not. Metadata such as time stamps has no impact on the hash
+(@pxref{Aufruf von guix archive}).
+@item --exclude-vcs
+@itemx -x
+When combined with @option{--recursive}, exclude version control system
+directories (@file{.bzr}, @file{.git}, @file{.hg}, etc.)
+@vindex git-fetch
+As an example, here is how you would compute the hash of a Git checkout,
+which is useful when using the @code{git-fetch} method (@pxref{„origin“-Referenz}):
+$ git clone http://example.org/foo.git
+$ cd foo
+$ guix hash -rx .
+@end example
+@end table
+@node Aufruf von guix import
+@section Invoking @command{guix import}
+@cindex importing packages
+@cindex package import
+@cindex package conversion
+@cindex Invoking @command{guix import}
+The @command{guix import} command is useful for people who would like to add
+a package to the distribution with as little work as possible---a legitimate
+demand. The command knows of a few repositories from which it can
+``import'' package metadata. The result is a package definition, or a
+template thereof, in the format we know (@pxref{Pakete definieren}).
+The general syntax is:
+guix import @var{importer} @var{options}@dots{}
+@end example
+@var{importer} specifies the source from which to import package metadata,
+and @var{options} specifies a package identifier and other options specific
+to @var{importer}. Currently, the available ``importers'' are:
+@table @code
+@item gnu
+Import metadata for the given GNU package. This provides a template for the
+latest version of that GNU package, including the hash of its source
+tarball, and its canonical synopsis and description.
+Additional information such as the package dependencies and its license
+needs to be figured out manually.
+For example, the following command returns a package definition for
+guix import gnu hello
+@end example
+Specific command-line options are:
+@table @code
+@item --key-download=@var{policy}
+As for @code{guix refresh}, specify the policy to handle missing OpenPGP
+keys when verifying the package signature. @xref{Aufruf von guix refresh,
+@end table
+@item pypi
+@cindex pypi
+Import metadata from the @uref{https://pypi.python.org/, Python Package
+Index}@footnote{This functionality requires Guile-JSON to be installed.
+@xref{Voraussetzungen}.}. Information is taken from the JSON-formatted
+description available at @code{pypi.python.org} and usually includes all the
+relevant information, including package dependencies. For maximum
+efficiency, it is recommended to install the @command{unzip} utility, so
+that the importer can unzip Python wheels and gather data from them.
+The command below imports metadata for the @code{itsdangerous} Python
+guix import pypi itsdangerous
+@end example
+@table @code
+@item --recursive
+@itemx -r
+Traverse the dependency graph of the given upstream package recursively and
+generate package expressions for all those packages that are not yet in
+@end table
+@item gem
+@cindex gem
+Import metadata from @uref{https://rubygems.org/, RubyGems}@footnote{This
+functionality requires Guile-JSON to be installed. @xref{Voraussetzungen}.}.
+Information is taken from the JSON-formatted description available at
+@code{rubygems.org} and includes most relevant information, including
+runtime dependencies. There are some caveats, however. The metadata
+doesn't distinguish between synopses and descriptions, so the same string is
+used for both fields. Additionally, the details of non-Ruby dependencies
+required to build native extensions is unavailable and left as an exercise
+to the packager.
+The command below imports metadata for the @code{rails} Ruby package:
+guix import gem rails
+@end example
+@table @code
+@item --recursive
+@itemx -r
+Traverse the dependency graph of the given upstream package recursively and
+generate package expressions for all those packages that are not yet in
+@end table
+@item cpan
+@cindex CPAN
+Import metadata from @uref{https://www.metacpan.org/,
+MetaCPAN}@footnote{This functionality requires Guile-JSON to be installed.
+@xref{Voraussetzungen}.}. Information is taken from the JSON-formatted
+metadata provided through @uref{https://fastapi.metacpan.org/, MetaCPAN's
+API} and includes most relevant information, such as module dependencies.
+License information should be checked closely. If Perl is available in the
+store, then the @code{corelist} utility will be used to filter core modules
+out of the list of dependencies.
+The command command below imports metadata for the @code{Acme::Boolean} Perl
+guix import cpan Acme::Boolean
+@end example
+@item cran
+@cindex CRAN
+@cindex Bioconductor
+Import metadata from @uref{https://cran.r-project.org/, CRAN}, the central
+repository for the @uref{http://r-project.org, GNU@tie{}R statistical and
+graphical environment}.
+Information is extracted from the @code{DESCRIPTION} file of the package.
+The command command below imports metadata for the @code{Cairo} R package:
+guix import cran Cairo
+@end example
+When @code{--recursive} is added, the importer will traverse the dependency
+graph of the given upstream package recursively and generate package
+expressions for all those packages that are not yet in Guix.
+When @code{--archive=bioconductor} is added, metadata is imported from
+@uref{https://www.bioconductor.org/, Bioconductor}, a repository of R
+packages for for the analysis and comprehension of high-throughput genomic
+data in bioinformatics.
+Information is extracted from the @code{DESCRIPTION} file of a package
+published on the web interface of the Bioconductor SVN repository.
+The command below imports metadata for the @code{GenomicRanges} R package:
+guix import cran --archive=bioconductor GenomicRanges
+@end example
+@item texlive
+@cindex TeX Live
+@cindex CTAN
+Import metadata from @uref{http://www.ctan.org/, CTAN}, the comprehensive
+TeX archive network for TeX packages that are part of the
+@uref{https://www.tug.org/texlive/, TeX Live distribution}.
+Information about the package is obtained through the XML API provided by
+CTAN, while the source code is downloaded from the SVN repository of the Tex
+Live project. This is done because the CTAN does not keep versioned
+The command command below imports metadata for the @code{fontspec} TeX
+guix import texlive fontspec
+@end example
+When @code{--archive=DIRECTORY} is added, the source code is downloaded not
+from the @file{latex} sub-directory of the @file{texmf-dist/source} tree in
+the TeX Live SVN repository, but from the specified sibling directory under
+the same root.
+The command below imports metadata for the @code{ifxetex} package from CTAN
+while fetching the sources from the directory @file{texmf/source/generic}:
+guix import texlive --archive=generic ifxetex
+@end example
+@item json
+@cindex JSON, import
+Import package metadata from a local JSON file@footnote{This functionality
+requires Guile-JSON to be installed. @xref{Voraussetzungen}.}. Consider the
+following example package definition in JSON format:
+ "name": "hello",
+ "version": "2.10",
+ "source": "mirror://gnu/hello/hello-2.10.tar.gz",
+ "build-system": "gnu",
+ "home-page": "https://www.gnu.org/software/hello/",
+ "synopsis": "Hello, GNU world: An example GNU package",
+ "description": "GNU Hello prints a greeting.",
+ "license": "GPL-3.0+",
+ "native-inputs": ["gcc@@6"]
+@end example
+The field names are the same as for the @code{<package>} record
+(@xref{Pakete definieren}). References to other packages are provided as
+JSON lists of quoted package specification strings such as @code{guile} or
+The importer also supports a more explicit source definition using the
+common fields for @code{<origin>} records:
+ @dots{}
+ "source": @{
+ "method": "url-fetch",
+ "uri": "mirror://gnu/hello/hello-2.10.tar.gz",
+ "sha256": @{
+ "base32": "0ssi1wpaf7plaswqqjwigppsg5fyh99vdlb9kzl7c9lng89ndq1i"
+ @}
+ @}
+ @dots{}
+@end example
+The command below reads metadata from the JSON file @code{hello.json} and
+outputs a package expression:
+guix import json hello.json
+@end example
+@item nix
+Import metadata from a local copy of the source of the
+@uref{http://nixos.org/nixpkgs/, Nixpkgs distribution}@footnote{This relies
+on the @command{nix-instantiate} command of @uref{http://nixos.org/nix/,
+Nix}.}. Package definitions in Nixpkgs are typically written in a mixture
+of Nix-language and Bash code. This command only imports the high-level
+package structure that is written in the Nix language. It normally includes
+all the basic fields of a package definition.
+When importing a GNU package, the synopsis and descriptions are replaced by
+their canonical upstream variant.
+Usually, you will first need to do:
+export NIX_REMOTE=daemon
+@end example
+so that @command{nix-instantiate} does not try to open the Nix database.
+As an example, the command below imports the package definition of
+LibreOffice (more precisely, it imports the definition of the package bound
+to the @code{libreoffice} top-level attribute):
+guix import nix ~/path/to/nixpkgs libreoffice
+@end example
+@item hackage
+@cindex hackage
+Import metadata from the Haskell community's central package archive
+@uref{https://hackage.haskell.org/, Hackage}. Information is taken from
+Cabal files and includes all the relevant information, including package
+Specific command-line options are:
+@table @code
+@item --stdin
+@itemx -s
+Read a Cabal file from standard input.
+@item --no-test-dependencies
+@itemx -t
+Do not include dependencies required only by the test suites.
+@item --cabal-environment=@var{alist}
+@itemx -e @var{alist}
+@var{alist} is a Scheme alist defining the environment in which the Cabal
+conditionals are evaluated. The accepted keys are: @code{os}, @code{arch},
+@code{impl} and a string representing the name of a flag. The value
+associated with a flag has to be either the symbol @code{true} or
+@code{false}. The value associated with other keys has to conform to the
+Cabal file format definition. The default value associated with the keys
+@code{os}, @code{arch} and @code{impl} is @samp{linux}, @samp{x86_64} and
+@samp{ghc}, respectively.
+@item --recursive
+@itemx -r
+Traverse the dependency graph of the given upstream package recursively and
+generate package expressions for all those packages that are not yet in
+@end table
+The command below imports metadata for the latest version of the @code{HTTP}
+Haskell package without including test dependencies and specifying the value
+of the flag @samp{network-uri} as @code{false}:
+guix import hackage -t -e "'((\"network-uri\" . false))" HTTP
+@end example
+A specific package version may optionally be specified by following the
+package name by an at-sign and a version number as in the following example:
+guix import hackage mtl@@
+@end example
+@item stackage
+@cindex stackage
+The @code{stackage} importer is a wrapper around the @code{hackage} one. It
+takes a package name, looks up the package version included in a long-term
+support (LTS) @uref{https://www.stackage.org, Stackage} release and uses the
+@code{hackage} importer to retrieve its metadata. Note that it is up to you
+to select an LTS release compatible with the GHC compiler used by Guix.
+Specific command-line options are:
+@table @code
+@item --no-test-dependencies
+@itemx -t
+Do not include dependencies required only by the test suites.
+@item --lts-version=@var{version}
+@itemx -l @var{version}
+@var{version} is the desired LTS release version. If omitted the latest
+release is used.
+@item --recursive
+@itemx -r
+Traverse the dependency graph of the given upstream package recursively and
+generate package expressions for all those packages that are not yet in
+@end table
+The command below imports metadata for the @code{HTTP} Haskell package
+included in the LTS Stackage release version 7.18:
+guix import stackage --lts-version=7.18 HTTP
+@end example
+@item elpa
+@cindex elpa
+Import metadata from an Emacs Lisp Package Archive (ELPA) package repository
+(@pxref{Packages,,, emacs, The GNU Emacs Manual}).
+Specific command-line options are:
+@table @code
+@item --archive=@var{repo}
+@itemx -a @var{repo}
+@var{repo} identifies the archive repository from which to retrieve the
+information. Currently the supported repositories and their identifiers
+@itemize -
+@uref{http://elpa.gnu.org/packages, GNU}, selected by the @code{gnu}
+identifier. This is the default.
+Packages from @code{elpa.gnu.org} are signed with one of the keys contained
+in the GnuPG keyring at @file{share/emacs/25.1/etc/package-keyring.gpg} (or
+similar) in the @code{emacs} package (@pxref{Package Installation, ELPA
+package signatures,, emacs, The GNU Emacs Manual}).
+@uref{http://stable.melpa.org/packages, MELPA-Stable}, selected by the
+@code{melpa-stable} identifier.
+@uref{http://melpa.org/packages, MELPA}, selected by the @code{melpa}
+@end itemize
+@item --recursive
+@itemx -r
+Traverse the dependency graph of the given upstream package recursively and
+generate package expressions for all those packages that are not yet in
+@end table
+@item crate
+@cindex crate
+Import metadata from the crates.io Rust package repository
+@uref{https://crates.io, crates.io}.
+@item opam
+@cindex OPAM
+@cindex OCaml
+Import metadata from the @uref{https://opam.ocaml.org/, OPAM} package
+repository used by the OCaml community.
+@end table
+The structure of the @command{guix import} code is modular. It would be
+useful to have more importers for other package formats, and your help is
+welcome here (@pxref{Mitwirken}).
+@node Aufruf von guix refresh
+@section Invoking @command{guix refresh}
+@cindex @command{guix refresh}
+The primary audience of the @command{guix refresh} command is developers of
+the GNU software distribution. By default, it reports any packages provided
+by the distribution that are outdated compared to the latest upstream
+version, like this:
+$ guix refresh
+gnu/packages/gettext.scm:29:13: gettext would be upgraded from to
+gnu/packages/glib.scm:77:12: glib would be upgraded from 2.34.3 to 2.37.0
+@end example
+Alternately, one can specify packages to consider, in which case a warning
+is emitted for packages that lack an updater:
+$ guix refresh coreutils guile guile-ssh
+gnu/packages/ssh.scm:205:2: warning: no updater for guile-ssh
+gnu/packages/guile.scm:136:12: guile would be upgraded from 2.0.12 to 2.0.13
+@end example
+@command{guix refresh} browses the upstream repository of each package and
+determines the highest version number of the releases therein. The command
+knows how to update specific types of packages: GNU packages, ELPA packages,
+etc.---see the documentation for @option{--type} below. There are many
+packages, though, for which it lacks a method to determine whether a new
+upstream release is available. However, the mechanism is extensible, so
+feel free to get in touch with us to add a new method!
+Sometimes the upstream name differs from the package name used in Guix, and
+@command{guix refresh} needs a little help. Most updaters honor the
+@code{upstream-name} property in package definitions, which can be used to
+that effect:
+(define-public network-manager
+ (package
+ (name "network-manager")
+ ;; @dots{}
+ (properties '((upstream-name . "NetworkManager")))))
+@end example
+When passed @code{--update}, it modifies distribution source files to update
+the version numbers and source tarball hashes of those package recipes
+(@pxref{Pakete definieren}). This is achieved by downloading each package's
+latest source tarball and its associated OpenPGP signature, authenticating
+the downloaded tarball against its signature using @command{gpg}, and
+finally computing its hash. When the public key used to sign the tarball is
+missing from the user's keyring, an attempt is made to automatically
+retrieve it from a public key server; when this is successful, the key is
+added to the user's keyring; otherwise, @command{guix refresh} reports an
+The following options are supported:
+@table @code
+@item --expression=@var{expr}
+@itemx -e @var{expr}
+Consider the package @var{expr} evaluates to.
+This is useful to precisely refer to a package, as in this example:
+guix refresh -l -e '(@@@@ (gnu packages commencement) glibc-final)'
+@end example
+This command lists the dependents of the ``final'' libc (essentially all the
+@item --update
+@itemx -u
+Update distribution source files (package recipes) in place. This is
+usually run from a checkout of the Guix source tree (@pxref{Guix vor der Installation ausführen}):
+$ ./pre-inst-env guix refresh -s non-core -u
+@end example
+@xref{Pakete definieren}, for more information on package definitions.
+@item --select=[@var{subset}]
+@itemx -s @var{subset}
+Select all the packages in @var{subset}, one of @code{core} or
+The @code{core} subset refers to all the packages at the core of the
+distribution---i.e., packages that are used to build ``everything else''.
+This includes GCC, libc, Binutils, Bash, etc. Usually, changing one of
+these packages in the distribution entails a rebuild of all the others.
+Thus, such updates are an inconvenience to users in terms of build time or
+bandwidth used to achieve the upgrade.
+The @code{non-core} subset refers to the remaining packages. It is
+typically useful in cases where an update of the core packages would be
+@item --manifest=@var{Datei}
+@itemx -m @var{Datei}
+Select all the packages from the manifest in @var{file}. This is useful to
+check if any packages of the user manifest can be updated.
+@item --type=@var{updater}
+@itemx -t @var{updater}
+Select only packages handled by @var{updater} (may be a comma-separated list
+of updaters). Currently, @var{updater} may be one of:
+@table @code
+@item gnu
+the updater for GNU packages;
+@item gnome
+the updater for GNOME packages;
+@item kde
+the updater for KDE packages;
+@item xorg
+the updater for X.org packages;
+@item kernel.org
+the updater for packages hosted on kernel.org;
+@item elpa
+the updater for @uref{http://elpa.gnu.org/, ELPA} packages;
+@item cran
+the updater for @uref{https://cran.r-project.org/, CRAN} packages;
+@item bioconductor
+the updater for @uref{https://www.bioconductor.org/, Bioconductor} R
+@item cpan
+the updater for @uref{http://www.cpan.org/, CPAN} packages;
+@item pypi
+the updater for @uref{https://pypi.python.org, PyPI} packages.
+@item gem
+the updater for @uref{https://rubygems.org, RubyGems} packages.
+@item github
+the updater for @uref{https://github.com, GitHub} packages.
+@item hackage
+the updater for @uref{https://hackage.haskell.org, Hackage} packages.
+@item stackage
+the updater for @uref{https://www.stackage.org, Stackage} packages.
+@item crate
+the updater for @uref{https://crates.io, Crates} packages.
+@end table
+For instance, the following command only checks for updates of Emacs
+packages hosted at @code{elpa.gnu.org} and for updates of CRAN packages:
+$ guix refresh --type=elpa,cran
+gnu/packages/statistics.scm:819:13: r-testthat would be upgraded from 0.10.0 to 0.11.0
+gnu/packages/emacs.scm:856:13: emacs-auctex would be upgraded from 11.88.6 to 11.88.9
+@end example
+@end table
+In addition, @command{guix refresh} can be passed one or more package names,
+as in this example:
+$ ./pre-inst-env guix refresh -u emacs idutils gcc@@4.8
+@end example
+The command above specifically updates the @code{emacs} and @code{idutils}
+packages. The @code{--select} option would have no effect in this case.
+When considering whether to upgrade a package, it is sometimes convenient to
+know which packages would be affected by the upgrade and should be checked
+for compatibility. For this the following option may be used when passing
+@command{guix refresh} one or more package names:
+@table @code
+@item --list-updaters
+@itemx -L
+List available updaters and exit (see @option{--type} above.)
+For each updater, display the fraction of packages it covers; at the end,
+display the fraction of packages covered by all these updaters.
+@item --list-dependent
+@itemx -l
+List top-level dependent packages that would need to be rebuilt as a result
+of upgrading one or more packages.
+@xref{Aufruf von guix graph, the @code{reverse-package} type of @command{guix
+graph}}, for information on how to visualize the list of dependents of a
+@end table
+Be aware that the @code{--list-dependent} option only @emph{approximates}
+the rebuilds that would be required as a result of an upgrade. More
+rebuilds might be required under some circumstances.
+$ guix refresh --list-dependent flex
+Building the following 120 packages would ensure 213 dependent packages are rebuilt:
+hop@@2.4.0 geiser@@0.4 notmuch@@0.18 mu@@ cflow@@1.4 idutils@@4.6 @dots{}
+@end example
+The command above lists a set of packages that could be built to check for
+compatibility with an upgraded @code{flex} package.
+The following options can be used to customize GnuPG operation:
+@table @code
+@item --gpg=@var{command}
+Use @var{command} as the GnuPG 2.x command. @var{command} is searched for
+in @code{$PATH}.
+@item --keyring=@var{file}
+Use @var{file} as the keyring for upstream keys. @var{file} must be in the
+@dfn{keybox format}. Keybox files usually have a name ending in @file{.kbx}
+and the GNU@tie{}Privacy Guard (GPG) can manipulate these files
+(@pxref{kbxutil, @command{kbxutil},, gnupg, Using the GNU Privacy Guard},
+for information on a tool to manipulate keybox files).
+When this option is omitted, @command{guix refresh} uses
+@file{~/.config/guix/upstream/trustedkeys.kbx} as the keyring for upstream
+signing keys. OpenPGP signatures are checked against keys from this
+keyring; missing keys are downloaded to this keyring as well (see
+@option{--key-download} below.)
+You can export keys from your default GPG keyring into a keybox file using
+commands like this one:
+gpg --export rms@@gnu.org | kbxutil --import-openpgp >> mykeyring.kbx
+@end example
+Likewise, you can fetch keys to a specific keybox file like this:
+gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring mykeyring.kbx \
+ --recv-keys @value{OPENPGP-SIGNING-KEY-ID}
+@end example
+@ref{GPG Configuration Options, @option{--keyring},, gnupg, Using the GNU
+Privacy Guard}, for more information on GPG's @option{--keyring} option.
+@item --key-download=@var{policy}
+Handle missing OpenPGP keys according to @var{policy}, which may be one of:
+@table @code
+@item always
+Always download missing OpenPGP keys from the key server, and add them to
+the user's GnuPG keyring.
+@item never
+Never try to download missing OpenPGP keys. Instead just bail out.
+@item interactive
+When a package signed with an unknown OpenPGP key is encountered, ask the
+user whether to download it or not. This is the default behavior.
+@end table
+@item --key-server=@var{host}
+Use @var{host} as the OpenPGP key server when importing a public key.
+@end table
+The @code{github} updater uses the @uref{https://developer.github.com/v3/,
+GitHub API} to query for new releases. When used repeatedly e.g.@: when
+refreshing all packages, GitHub will eventually refuse to answer any further
+API requests. By default 60 API requests per hour are allowed, and a full
+refresh on all GitHub packages in Guix requires more than this.
+Authentication with GitHub through the use of an API token alleviates these
+limits. To use an API token, set the environment variable
+@code{GUIX_GITHUB_TOKEN} to a token procured from
+@uref{https://github.com/settings/tokens} or otherwise.
+@node Aufruf von guix lint
+@section Invoking @command{guix lint}
+@cindex @command{guix lint}
+@cindex package, checking for errors
+The @command{guix lint} command is meant to help package developers avoid
+common errors and use a consistent style. It runs a number of checks on a
+given set of packages in order to find common mistakes in their
+definitions. Available @dfn{checkers} include (see @code{--list-checkers}
+for a complete list):
+@table @code
+@item synopsis
+@itemx description
+Validate certain typographical and stylistic rules about package
+descriptions and synopses.
+@item inputs-should-be-native
+Identify inputs that should most likely be native inputs.
+@item source
+@itemx home-page
+@itemx mirror-url
+@itemx source-file-name
+Probe @code{home-page} and @code{source} URLs and report those that are
+invalid. Suggest a @code{mirror://} URL when applicable. Check that the
+source file name is meaningful, e.g.@: is not just a version number or
+``git-checkout'', without a declared @code{file-name} (@pxref{„origin“-Referenz}).
+@item cve
+@cindex security vulnerabilities
+@cindex CVE, Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures
+Report known vulnerabilities found in the Common Vulnerabilities and
+Exposures (CVE) databases of the current and past year
+@uref{https://nvd.nist.gov/download.cfm#CVE_FEED, published by the US NIST}.
+To view information about a particular vulnerability, visit pages such as:
+@end itemize
+where @code{CVE-YYYY-ABCD} is the CVE identifier---e.g.,
+Package developers can specify in package recipes the
+@uref{https://nvd.nist.gov/cpe.cfm,Common Platform Enumeration (CPE)} name
+and version of the package when they differ from the name or version that
+Guix uses, as in this example:
+ (name "grub")
+ ;; @dots{}
+ ;; CPE calls this package "grub2".
+ (properties '((cpe-name . "grub2")
+ (cpe-version . "2.3")))
+@end example
+@c See <http://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2017/03/15/3>.
+Some entries in the CVE database do not specify which version of a package
+they apply to, and would thus ``stick around'' forever. Package developers
+who found CVE alerts and verified they can be ignored can declare them as in
+this example:
+ (name "t1lib")
+ ;; @dots{}
+ ;; These CVEs no longer apply and can be safely ignored.
+ (properties `((lint-hidden-cve . ("CVE-2011-0433"
+ "CVE-2011-1553"
+ "CVE-2011-1554"
+ "CVE-2011-5244")))))
+@end example
+@item formatting
+Warn about obvious source code formatting issues: trailing white space, use
+of tabulations, etc.
+@end table
+The general syntax is:
+guix lint @var{options} @var{package}@dots{}
+@end example
+If no package is given on the command line, then all packages are checked.
+The @var{options} may be zero or more of the following:
+@table @code
+@item --list-checkers
+@itemx -l
+List and describe all the available checkers that will be run on packages
+and exit.
+@item --checkers
+@itemx -c
+Only enable the checkers specified in a comma-separated list using the names
+returned by @code{--list-checkers}.
+@end table
+@node Aufruf von guix size
+@section Invoking @command{guix size}
+@cindex size
+@cindex package size
+@cindex Abschluss
+@cindex @command{guix size}
+The @command{guix size} command helps package developers profile the disk
+usage of packages. It is easy to overlook the impact of an additional
+dependency added to a package, or the impact of using a single output for a
+package that could easily be split (@pxref{Pakete mit mehreren Ausgaben.}). Such are the typical issues that @command{guix size} can
+The command can be passed one or more package specifications such as
+@code{gcc@@4.8} or @code{guile:debug}, or a file name in the store.
+Consider this example:
+$ guix size coreutils
+store item total self
+/gnu/store/@dots{}-gcc-5.5.0-lib 60.4 30.1 38.1%
+/gnu/store/@dots{}-glibc-2.27 30.3 28.8 36.6%
+/gnu/store/@dots{}-coreutils-8.28 78.9 15.0 19.0%
+/gnu/store/@dots{}-gmp-6.1.2 63.1 2.7 3.4%
+/gnu/store/@dots{}-bash-static-4.4.12 1.5 1.5 1.9%
+/gnu/store/@dots{}-acl-2.2.52 61.1 0.4 0.5%
+/gnu/store/@dots{}-attr-2.4.47 60.6 0.2 0.3%
+/gnu/store/@dots{}-libcap-2.25 60.5 0.2 0.2%
+total: 78.9 MiB
+@end example
+@cindex Abschluss
+The store items listed here constitute the @dfn{transitive closure} of
+Coreutils---i.e., Coreutils and all its dependencies, recursively---as would
+be returned by:
+$ guix gc -R /gnu/store/@dots{}-coreutils-8.23
+@end example
+Here the output shows three columns next to store items. The first column,
+labeled ``total'', shows the size in mebibytes (MiB) of the closure of the
+store item---that is, its own size plus the size of all its dependencies.
+The next column, labeled ``self'', shows the size of the item itself. The
+last column shows the ratio of the size of the item itself to the space
+occupied by all the items listed here.
+In this example, we see that the closure of Coreutils weighs in at
+79@tie{}MiB, most of which is taken by libc and GCC's run-time support
+libraries. (That libc and GCC's libraries represent a large fraction of the
+closure is not a problem @i{per se} because they are always available on the
+system anyway.)
+When the package(s) passed to @command{guix size} are available in the
+store@footnote{More precisely, @command{guix size} looks for the
+@emph{ungrafted} variant of the given package(s), as returned by @code{guix
+build @var{package} --no-grafts}. @xref{Sicherheitsaktualisierungen}, for information
+on grafts.}, @command{guix size} queries the daemon to determine its
+dependencies, and measures its size in the store, similar to @command{du -ms
+--apparent-size} (@pxref{du invocation,,, coreutils, GNU Coreutils}).
+When the given packages are @emph{not} in the store, @command{guix size}
+reports information based on the available substitutes
+(@pxref{Substitute}). This makes it possible it to profile disk usage of
+store items that are not even on disk, only available remotely.
+You can also specify several package names:
+$ guix size coreutils grep sed bash
+store item total self
+/gnu/store/@dots{}-coreutils-8.24 77.8 13.8 13.4%
+/gnu/store/@dots{}-grep-2.22 73.1 0.8 0.8%
+/gnu/store/@dots{}-bash-4.3.42 72.3 4.7 4.6%
+/gnu/store/@dots{}-readline-6.3 67.6 1.2 1.2%
+total: 102.3 MiB
+@end example
+In this example we see that the combination of the four packages takes
+102.3@tie{}MiB in total, which is much less than the sum of each closure
+since they have a lot of dependencies in common.
+The available options are:
+@table @option
+@item --substitute-urls=@var{URLs}
+Use substitute information from @var{urls}. @xref{client-substitute-urls,
+the same option for @code{guix build}}.
+@item --sort=@var{key}
+Sort lines according to @var{key}, one of the following options:
+@table @code
+@item self
+the size of each item (the default);
+@item Abschluss
+the total size of the item's closure.
+@end table
+@item --map-file=@var{file}
+Write a graphical map of disk usage in PNG format to @var{file}.
+For the example above, the map looks like this:
+@image{images/coreutils-size-map,5in,, map of Coreutils disk usage produced
+by @command{guix size}}
+This option requires that
+@uref{http://wingolog.org/software/guile-charting/, Guile-Charting} be
+installed and visible in Guile's module search path. When that is not the
+case, @command{guix size} fails as it tries to load it.
+@item --system=@var{System}
+@itemx -s @var{system}
+Consider packages for @var{system}---e.g., @code{x86_64-linux}.
+@end table
+@node Aufruf von guix graph
+@section Invoking @command{guix graph}
+@cindex DAG
+@cindex @command{guix graph}
+@cindex Paketabhängigkeiten
+Packages and their dependencies form a @dfn{graph}, specifically a directed
+acyclic graph (DAG). It can quickly become difficult to have a mental model
+of the package DAG, so the @command{guix graph} command provides a visual
+representation of the DAG. By default, @command{guix graph} emits a DAG
+representation in the input format of @uref{http://www.graphviz.org/,
+Graphviz}, so its output can be passed directly to the @command{dot} command
+of Graphviz. It can also emit an HTML page with embedded JavaScript code to
+display a ``chord diagram'' in a Web browser, using the
+@uref{https://d3js.org/, d3.js} library, or emit Cypher queries to construct
+a graph in a graph database supporting the @uref{http://www.opencypher.org/,
+openCypher} query language. The general syntax is:
+guix graph @var{options} @var{package}@dots{}
+@end example
+For example, the following command generates a PDF file representing the
+package DAG for the GNU@tie{}Core Utilities, showing its build-time
+guix graph coreutils | dot -Tpdf > dag.pdf
+@end example
+The output looks like this:
+@image{images/coreutils-graph,2in,,Dependency graph of the GNU Coreutils}
+Nice little graph, no?
+But there is more than one graph! The one above is concise: it is the graph
+of package objects, omitting implicit inputs such as GCC, libc, grep, etc.
+It is often useful to have such a concise graph, but sometimes one may want
+to see more details. @command{guix graph} supports several types of graphs,
+allowing you to choose the level of detail:
+@table @code
+@item package
+This is the default type used in the example above. It shows the DAG of
+package objects, excluding implicit dependencies. It is concise, but
+filters out many details.
+@item reverse-package
+This shows the @emph{reverse} DAG of packages. For example:
+guix graph --type=reverse-package ocaml
+@end example
+...@: yields the graph of packages that depend on OCaml.
+Note that for core packages this can yield huge graphs. If all you want is
+to know the number of packages that depend on a given package, use
+@command{guix refresh --list-dependent} (@pxref{Aufruf von guix refresh,
+@item bag-emerged
+This is the package DAG, @emph{including} implicit inputs.
+For instance, the following command:
+guix graph --type=bag-emerged coreutils | dot -Tpdf > dag.pdf
+@end example
+...@: yields this bigger graph:
+@image{images/coreutils-bag-graph,,5in,Detailed dependency graph of the GNU
+At the bottom of the graph, we see all the implicit inputs of
+@var{gnu-build-system} (@pxref{Erstellungssysteme, @code{gnu-build-system}}).
+Now, note that the dependencies of these implicit inputs---that is, the
+@dfn{bootstrap dependencies} (@pxref{Bootstrapping})---are not shown here,
+for conciseness.
+@item bag
+Similar to @code{bag-emerged}, but this time including all the bootstrap
+@item bag-with-origins
+Similar to @code{bag}, but also showing origins and their dependencies.
+@item Ableitung
+This is the most detailed representation: It shows the DAG of derivations
+(@pxref{Ableitungen}) and plain store items. Compared to the above
+representation, many additional nodes are visible, including build scripts,
+patches, Guile modules, etc.
+For this type of graph, it is also possible to pass a @file{.drv} file name
+instead of a package name, as in:
+guix graph -t derivation `guix system build -d my-config.scm`
+@end example
+@item module
+This is the graph of @dfn{package modules} (@pxref{Paketmodule}). For
+example, the following command shows the graph for the package module that
+defines the @code{guile} package:
+guix graph -t module guile | dot -Tpdf > module-graph.pdf
+@end example
+@end table
+All the types above correspond to @emph{build-time dependencies}. The
+following graph type represents the @emph{run-time dependencies}:
+@table @code
+@item references
+This is the graph of @dfn{references} of a package output, as returned by
+@command{guix gc --references} (@pxref{Aufruf von guix gc}).
+If the given package output is not available in the store, @command{guix
+graph} attempts to obtain dependency information from substitutes.
+Here you can also pass a store file name instead of a package name. For
+example, the command below produces the reference graph of your profile
+(which can be big!):
+guix graph -t references `readlink -f ~/.guix-profile`
+@end example
+@item referrers
+This is the graph of the @dfn{referrers} of a store item, as returned by
+@command{guix gc --referrers} (@pxref{Aufruf von guix gc}).
+This relies exclusively on local information from your store. For instance,
+let us suppose that the current Inkscape is available in 10 profiles on your
+machine; @command{guix graph -t referrers inkscape} will show a graph rooted
+at Inkscape and with those 10 profiles linked to it.
+It can help determine what is preventing a store item from being garbage
+@end table
+The available options are the following:
+@table @option
+@item --type=@var{type}
+@itemx -t @var{type}
+Produce a graph output of @var{type}, where @var{type} must be one of the
+values listed above.
+@item --list-types
+List the supported graph types.
+@item --backend=@var{backend}
+@itemx -b @var{backend}
+Produce a graph using the selected @var{backend}.
+@item --list-backends
+List the supported graph backends.
+Currently, the available backends are Graphviz and d3.js.
+@item --expression=@var{expr}
+@itemx -e @var{expr}
+Consider the package @var{expr} evaluates to.
+This is useful to precisely refer to a package, as in this example:
+guix graph -e '(@@@@ (gnu packages commencement) gnu-make-final)'
+@end example
+@item --system=@var{System}
+@itemx -s @var{system}
+Display the graph for @var{system}---e.g., @code{i686-linux}.
+The package dependency graph is largely architecture-independent, but there
+are some architecture-dependent bits that this option allows you to
+@end table
+@node Aufruf von guix environment
+@section Invoking @command{guix environment}
+@cindex reproducible build environments
+@cindex development environments
+@cindex @command{guix environment}
+@cindex environment, package build environment
+The purpose of @command{guix environment} is to assist hackers in creating
+reproducible development environments without polluting their package
+profile. The @command{guix environment} tool takes one or more packages,
+builds all of their inputs, and creates a shell environment to use them.
+The general syntax is:
+guix environment @var{options} @var{package}@dots{}
+@end example
+The following example spawns a new shell set up for the development of
+guix environment guile
+@end example
+If the needed dependencies are not built yet, @command{guix environment}
+automatically builds them. The environment of the new shell is an augmented
+version of the environment that @command{guix environment} was run in. It
+contains the necessary search paths for building the given package added to
+the existing environment variables. To create a ``pure'' environment, in
+which the original environment variables have been unset, use the
+@code{--pure} option@footnote{Users sometimes wrongfully augment environment
+variables such as @code{PATH} in their @file{~/.bashrc} file. As a
+consequence, when @code{guix environment} launches it, Bash may read
+@file{~/.bashrc}, thereby introducing ``impurities'' in these environment
+variables. It is an error to define such environment variables in
+@file{.bashrc}; instead, they should be defined in @file{.bash_profile},
+which is sourced only by log-in shells. @xref{Bash Startup Files,,, bash,
+The GNU Bash Reference Manual}, for details on Bash start-up files.}.
+@command{guix environment} defines the @code{GUIX_ENVIRONMENT} variable in
+the shell it spawns; its value is the file name of the profile of this
+environment. This allows users to, say, define a specific prompt for
+development environments in their @file{.bashrc} (@pxref{Bash Startup
+Files,,, bash, The GNU Bash Reference Manual}):
+if [ -n "$GUIX_ENVIRONMENT" ]
+ export PS1="\u@@\h \w [dev]\$ "
+@end example
+...@: or to browse the profile:
+@end example
+Additionally, more than one package may be specified, in which case the
+union of the inputs for the given packages are used. For example, the
+command below spawns a shell where all of the dependencies of both Guile and
+Emacs are available:
+guix environment guile emacs
+@end example
+Sometimes an interactive shell session is not desired. An arbitrary command
+may be invoked by placing the @code{--} token to separate the command from
+the rest of the arguments:
+guix environment guile -- make -j4
+@end example
+In other situations, it is more convenient to specify the list of packages
+needed in the environment. For example, the following command runs
+@command{python} from an environment containing Python@tie{}2.7 and NumPy:
+guix environment --ad-hoc python2-numpy python-2.7 -- python
+@end example
+Furthermore, one might want the dependencies of a package and also some
+additional packages that are not build-time or runtime dependencies, but are
+useful when developing nonetheless. Because of this, the @code{--ad-hoc}
+flag is positional. Packages appearing before @code{--ad-hoc} are
+interpreted as packages whose dependencies will be added to the
+environment. Packages appearing after are interpreted as packages that will
+be added to the environment directly. For example, the following command
+creates a Guix development environment that additionally includes Git and
+guix environment guix --ad-hoc git strace
+@end example
+Sometimes it is desirable to isolate the environment as much as possible,
+for maximal purity and reproducibility. In particular, when using Guix on a
+host distro that is not GuixSD, it is desirable to prevent access to
+@file{/usr/bin} and other system-wide resources from the development
+environment. For example, the following command spawns a Guile REPL in a
+``container'' where only the store and the current working directory are
+guix environment --ad-hoc --container guile -- guile
+@end example
+@quotation Anmerkung
+The @code{--container} option requires Linux-libre 3.19 or newer.
+@end quotation
+The available options are summarized below.
+@table @code
+@item --root=@var{file}
+@itemx -r @var{file}
+@cindex persistent environment
+@cindex garbage collector root, for environments
+Make @var{file} a symlink to the profile for this environment, and register
+it as a garbage collector root.
+This is useful if you want to protect your environment from garbage
+collection, to make it ``persistent''.
+When this option is omitted, the environment is protected from garbage
+collection only for the duration of the @command{guix environment} session.
+This means that next time you recreate the same environment, you could have
+to rebuild or re-download packages. @xref{Aufruf von guix gc}, for more on GC
+@item --expression=@var{expr}
+@itemx -e @var{expr}
+Create an environment for the package or list of packages that @var{expr}
+evaluates to.
+For example, running:
+guix environment -e '(@@ (gnu packages maths) petsc-openmpi)'
+@end example
+starts a shell with the environment for this specific variant of the PETSc
+guix environment --ad-hoc -e '(@@ (gnu) %base-packages)'
+@end example
+starts a shell with all the GuixSD base packages available.
+The above commands only use the default output of the given packages. To
+select other outputs, two element tuples can be specified:
+guix environment --ad-hoc -e '(list (@@ (gnu packages bash) bash) "include")'
+@end example
+@item --load=@var{file}
+@itemx -l @var{file}
+Create an environment for the package or list of packages that the code
+within @var{file} evaluates to.
+Zum Beispiel könnte die @var{Datei} eine Definition wie diese enthalten
+(@pxref{Pakete definieren}):
+@verbatiminclude environment-gdb.scm
+@end example
+@item --manifest=@var{Datei}
+@itemx -m @var{Datei}
+Create an environment for the packages contained in the manifest object
+returned by the Scheme code in @var{file}.
+This is similar to the same-named option in @command{guix package}
+(@pxref{profile-manifest, @option{--manifest}}) and uses the same manifest
+@item --ad-hoc
+Include all specified packages in the resulting environment, as if an @i{ad
+hoc} package were defined with them as inputs. This option is useful for
+quickly creating an environment without having to write a package expression
+to contain the desired inputs.
+For instance, the command:
+guix environment --ad-hoc guile guile-sdl -- guile
+@end example
+runs @command{guile} in an environment where Guile and Guile-SDL are
+Note that this example implicitly asks for the default output of
+@code{guile} and @code{guile-sdl}, but it is possible to ask for a specific
+output---e.g., @code{glib:bin} asks for the @code{bin} output of @code{glib}
+(@pxref{Pakete mit mehreren Ausgaben.}).
+This option may be composed with the default behavior of @command{guix
+environment}. Packages appearing before @code{--ad-hoc} are interpreted as
+packages whose dependencies will be added to the environment, the default
+behavior. Packages appearing after are interpreted as packages that will be
+added to the environment directly.
+@item --pure
+Unset existing environment variables when building the new environment.
+This has the effect of creating an environment in which search paths only
+contain package inputs.
+@item --search-paths
+Display the environment variable definitions that make up the environment.
+@item --system=@var{System}
+@itemx -s @var{system}
+Attempt to build for @var{system}---e.g., @code{i686-linux}.
+@item --container
+@itemx -C
+@cindex container
+Run @var{command} within an isolated container. The current working
+directory outside the container is mapped inside the container.
+Additionally, unless overridden with @code{--user}, a dummy home directory
+is created that matches the current user's home directory, and
+@file{/etc/passwd} is configured accordingly. The spawned process runs as
+the current user outside the container, but has root privileges in the
+context of the container.
+@item --network
+@itemx -N
+For containers, share the network namespace with the host system.
+Containers created without this flag only have access to the loopback
+@item --link-profile
+@itemx -P
+For containers, link the environment profile to @file{~/.guix-profile}
+within the container. This is equivalent to running the command @command{ln
+-s $GUIX_ENVIRONMENT ~/.guix-profile} within the container. Linking will
+fail and abort the environment if the directory already exists, which will
+certainly be the case if @command{guix environment} was invoked in the
+user's home directory.
+Certain packages are configured to look in @code{~/.guix-profile} for
+configuration files and data;@footnote{For example, the @code{fontconfig}
+package inspects @file{~/.guix-profile/share/fonts} for additional fonts.}
+@code{--link-profile} allows these programs to behave as expected within the
+@item --user=@var{user}
+@itemx -u @var{user}
+For containers, use the username @var{user} in place of the current user.
+The generated @file{/etc/passwd} entry within the container will contain the
+name @var{user}; the home directory will be @file{/home/USER}; and no user
+GECOS data will be copied. @var{user} need not exist on the system.
+Additionally, any shared or exposed path (see @code{--share} and
+@code{--expose} respectively) whose target is within the current user's home
+directory will be remapped relative to @file{/home/USER}; this includes the
+automatic mapping of the current working directory.
+# will expose paths as /home/foo/wd, /home/foo/test, and /home/foo/target
+cd $HOME/wd
+guix environment --container --user=foo \
+ --expose=$HOME/test \
+ --expose=/tmp/target=$HOME/target
+@end example
+While this will limit the leaking of user identity through home paths and
+each of the user fields, this is only one useful component of a broader
+privacy/anonymity solution---not one in and of itself.
+@item --expose=@var{source}[=@var{target}]
+For containers, expose the file system @var{source} from the host system as
+the read-only file system @var{target} within the container. If
+@var{target} is not specified, @var{source} is used as the target mount
+point in the container.
+The example below spawns a Guile REPL in a container in which the user's
+home directory is accessible read-only via the @file{/exchange} directory:
+guix environment --container --expose=$HOME=/exchange --ad-hoc guile -- guile
+@end example
+@item --share=@var{source}[=@var{target}]
+For containers, share the file system @var{source} from the host system as
+the writable file system @var{target} within the container. If @var{target}
+is not specified, @var{source} is used as the target mount point in the
+The example below spawns a Guile REPL in a container in which the user's
+home directory is accessible for both reading and writing via the
+@file{/exchange} directory:
+guix environment --container --share=$HOME=/exchange --ad-hoc guile -- guile
+@end example
+@end table
+@command{guix environment} also supports all of the common build options
+that @command{guix build} supports (@pxref{Gemeinsame Erstellungsoptionen}).
+@node Aufruf von guix publish
+@section Invoking @command{guix publish}
+@cindex @command{guix publish}
+The purpose of @command{guix publish} is to enable users to easily share
+their store with others, who can then use it as a substitute server
+When @command{guix publish} runs, it spawns an HTTP server which allows
+anyone with network access to obtain substitutes from it. This means that
+any machine running Guix can also act as if it were a build farm, since the
+HTTP interface is compatible with Hydra, the software behind the
+@code{hydra.gnu.org} build farm.
+For security, each substitute is signed, allowing recipients to check their
+authenticity and integrity (@pxref{Substitute}). Because @command{guix
+publish} uses the signing key of the system, which is only readable by the
+system administrator, it must be started as root; the @code{--user} option
+makes it drop root privileges early on.
+The signing key pair must be generated before @command{guix publish} is
+launched, using @command{guix archive --generate-key} (@pxref{Aufruf von guix archive}).
+The general syntax is:
+guix publish @var{options}@dots{}
+@end example
+Running @command{guix publish} without any additional arguments will spawn
+an HTTP server on port 8080:
+guix publish
+@end example
+Once a publishing server has been authorized (@pxref{Aufruf von guix archive}), the daemon may download substitutes from it:
+guix-daemon --substitute-urls=http://example.org:8080
+@end example
+By default, @command{guix publish} compresses archives on the fly as it
+serves them. This ``on-the-fly'' mode is convenient in that it requires no
+setup and is immediately available. However, when serving lots of clients,
+we recommend using the @option{--cache} option, which enables caching of the
+archives before they are sent to clients---see below for details. The
+@command{guix weather} command provides a handy way to check what a server
+provides (@pxref{Aufruf von guix weather}).
+As a bonus, @command{guix publish} also serves as a content-addressed mirror
+for source files referenced in @code{origin} records (@pxref{„origin“-Referenz}). For instance, assuming @command{guix publish} is running on
+@code{example.org}, the following URL returns the raw
+@file{hello-2.10.tar.gz} file with the given SHA256 hash (represented in
+@code{nix-base32} format, @pxref{Aufruf von guix hash}):
+@end example
+Obviously, these URLs only work for files that are in the store; in other
+cases, they return 404 (``Not Found'').
+@cindex build logs, publication
+Build logs are available from @code{/log} URLs like:
+@end example
+When @command{guix-daemon} is configured to save compressed build logs, as
+is the case by default (@pxref{Aufruf des guix-daemon}), @code{/log} URLs
+return the compressed log as-is, with an appropriate @code{Content-Type}
+and/or @code{Content-Encoding} header. We recommend running
+@command{guix-daemon} with @code{--log-compression=gzip} since Web browsers
+can automatically decompress it, which is not the case with bzip2
+The following options are available:
+@table @code
+@item --port=@var{port}
+@itemx -p @var{port}
+Listen for HTTP requests on @var{port}.
+@item --listen=@var{host}
+Listen on the network interface for @var{host}. The default is to accept
+connections from any interface.
+@item --user=@var{user}
+@itemx -u @var{user}
+Change privileges to @var{user} as soon as possible---i.e., once the server
+socket is open and the signing key has been read.
+@item --compression[=@var{level}]
+@itemx -C [@var{level}]
+Compress data using the given @var{level}. When @var{level} is zero,
+disable compression. The range 1 to 9 corresponds to different gzip
+compression levels: 1 is the fastest, and 9 is the best (CPU-intensive).
+The default is 3.
+Unless @option{--cache} is used, compression occurs on the fly and the
+compressed streams are not cached. Thus, to reduce load on the machine that
+runs @command{guix publish}, it may be a good idea to choose a low
+compression level, to run @command{guix publish} behind a caching proxy, or
+to use @option{--cache}. Using @option{--cache} has the advantage that it
+allows @command{guix publish} to add @code{Content-Length} HTTP header to
+its responses.
+@item --cache=@var{directory}
+@itemx -c @var{directory}
+Cache archives and meta-data (@code{.narinfo} URLs) to @var{directory} and
+only serve archives that are in cache.
+When this option is omitted, archives and meta-data are created on-the-fly.
+This can reduce the available bandwidth, especially when compression is
+enabled, since this may become CPU-bound. Another drawback of the default
+mode is that the length of archives is not known in advance, so
+@command{guix publish} does not add a @code{Content-Length} HTTP header to
+its responses, which in turn prevents clients from knowing the amount of
+data being downloaded.
+Conversely, when @option{--cache} is used, the first request for a store
+item (@i{via} a @code{.narinfo} URL) returns 404 and triggers a background
+process to @dfn{bake} the archive---computing its @code{.narinfo} and
+compressing the archive, if needed. Once the archive is cached in
+@var{directory}, subsequent requests succeed and are served directly from
+the cache, which guarantees that clients get the best possible bandwidth.
+The ``baking'' process is performed by worker threads. By default, one
+thread per CPU core is created, but this can be customized. See
+@option{--workers} below.
+When @option{--ttl} is used, cached entries are automatically deleted when
+they have expired.
+@item --workers=@var{N}
+When @option{--cache} is used, request the allocation of @var{N} worker
+threads to ``bake'' archives.
+@item --ttl=@var{ttl}
+Produce @code{Cache-Control} HTTP headers that advertise a time-to-live
+(TTL) of @var{ttl}. @var{ttl} must denote a duration: @code{5d} means 5
+days, @code{1m} means 1 month, and so on.
+This allows the user's Guix to keep substitute information in cache for
+@var{ttl}. However, note that @code{guix publish} does not itself guarantee
+that the store items it provides will indeed remain available for as long as
+Additionally, when @option{--cache} is used, cached entries that have not
+been accessed for @var{ttl} and that no longer have a corresponding item in
+the store, may be deleted.
+@item --nar-path=@var{path}
+Use @var{path} as the prefix for the URLs of ``nar'' files (@pxref{Aufruf von guix archive, normalized archives}).
+By default, nars are served at a URL such as
+@code{/nar/gzip/@dots{}-coreutils-8.25}. This option allows you to change
+the @code{/nar} part to @var{path}.
+@item --public-key=@var{file}
+@itemx --private-key=@var{file}
+Use the specific @var{file}s as the public/private key pair used to sign the
+store items being published.
+The files must correspond to the same key pair (the private key is used for
+signing and the public key is merely advertised in the signature metadata).
+They must contain keys in the canonical s-expression format as produced by
+@command{guix archive --generate-key} (@pxref{Aufruf von guix archive}). By
+default, @file{/etc/guix/signing-key.pub} and
+@file{/etc/guix/signing-key.sec} are used.
+@item --repl[=@var{port}]
+@itemx -r [@var{port}]
+Spawn a Guile REPL server (@pxref{REPL Servers,,, guile, GNU Guile Reference
+Manual}) on @var{port} (37146 by default). This is used primarily for
+debugging a running @command{guix publish} server.
+@end table
+Enabling @command{guix publish} on a GuixSD system is a one-liner: just
+instantiate a @code{guix-publish-service-type} service in the
+@code{services} field of the @code{operating-system} declaration
+(@pxref{guix-publish-service-type, @code{guix-publish-service-type}}).
+If you are instead running Guix on a ``foreign distro'', follow these
+If your host distro uses the systemd init system:
+# ln -s ~root/.guix-profile/lib/systemd/system/guix-publish.service \
+ /etc/systemd/system/
+# systemctl start guix-publish && systemctl enable guix-publish
+@end example
+Wenn Ihre Wirts-Distribution als »init«-System Upstart verwendet:
+# ln -s ~root/.guix-profile/lib/upstart/system/guix-publish.conf /etc/init/
+# start guix-publish
+@end example
+Otherwise, proceed similarly with your distro's init system.
+@end itemize
+@node Aufruf von guix challenge
+@section Invoking @command{guix challenge}
+@cindex Reproduzierbare Erstellungen
+@cindex verifiable builds
+@cindex @command{guix challenge}
+@cindex challenge
+Do the binaries provided by this server really correspond to the source code
+it claims to build? Is a package build process deterministic? These are the
+questions the @command{guix challenge} command attempts to answer.
+The former is obviously an important question: Before using a substitute
+server (@pxref{Substitute}), one had better @emph{verify} that it provides
+the right binaries, and thus @emph{challenge} it. The latter is what
+enables the former: If package builds are deterministic, then independent
+builds of the package should yield the exact same result, bit for bit; if a
+server provides a binary different from the one obtained locally, it may be
+either corrupt or malicious.
+We know that the hash that shows up in @file{/gnu/store} file names is the
+hash of all the inputs of the process that built the file or
+directory---compilers, libraries, build scripts,
+etc. (@pxref{Einführung}). Assuming deterministic build processes, one
+store file name should map to exactly one build output. @command{guix
+challenge} checks whether there is, indeed, a single mapping by comparing
+the build outputs of several independent builds of any given store item.
+The command output looks like this:
+$ guix challenge --substitute-urls="https://hydra.gnu.org https://guix.example.org"
+updating list of substitutes from 'https://hydra.gnu.org'... 100.0%
+updating list of substitutes from 'https://guix.example.org'... 100.0%
+/gnu/store/@dots{}-openssl-1.0.2d contents differ:
+ local hash: 0725l22r5jnzazaacncwsvp9kgf42266ayyp814v7djxs7nk963q
+ https://hydra.gnu.org/nar/@dots{}-openssl-1.0.2d: 0725l22r5jnzazaacncwsvp9kgf42266ayyp814v7djxs7nk963q
+ https://guix.example.org/nar/@dots{}-openssl-1.0.2d: 1zy4fmaaqcnjrzzajkdn3f5gmjk754b43qkq47llbyak9z0qjyim
+/gnu/store/@dots{}-git-2.5.0 contents differ:
+ local hash: 00p3bmryhjxrhpn2gxs2fy0a15lnip05l97205pgbk5ra395hyha
+ https://hydra.gnu.org/nar/@dots{}-git-2.5.0: 069nb85bv4d4a6slrwjdy8v1cn4cwspm3kdbmyb81d6zckj3nq9f
+ https://guix.example.org/nar/@dots{}-git-2.5.0: 0mdqa9w1p6cmli6976v4wi0sw9r4p5prkj7lzfd1877wk11c9c73
+/gnu/store/@dots{}-pius-2.1.1 contents differ:
+ local hash: 0k4v3m9z1zp8xzzizb7d8kjj72f9172xv078sq4wl73vnq9ig3ax
+ https://hydra.gnu.org/nar/@dots{}-pius-2.1.1: 0k4v3m9z1zp8xzzizb7d8kjj72f9172xv078sq4wl73vnq9ig3ax
+ https://guix.example.org/nar/@dots{}-pius-2.1.1: 1cy25x1a4fzq5rk0pmvc8xhwyffnqz95h2bpvqsz2mpvlbccy0gs
+6,406 store items were analyzed:
+ - 4,749 (74.1%) were identical
+ - 525 (8.2%) differed
+ - 1,132 (17.7%) were inconclusive
+@end smallexample
+In this example, @command{guix challenge} first scans the store to determine
+the set of locally-built derivations---as opposed to store items that were
+downloaded from a substitute server---and then queries all the substitute
+servers. It then reports those store items for which the servers obtained a
+result different from the local build.
+@cindex non-determinism, in package builds
+As an example, @code{guix.example.org} always gets a different answer.
+Conversely, @code{hydra.gnu.org} agrees with local builds, except in the
+case of Git. This might indicate that the build process of Git is
+non-deterministic, meaning that its output varies as a function of various
+things that Guix does not fully control, in spite of building packages in
+isolated environments (@pxref{Funktionalitäten}). Most common sources of
+non-determinism include the addition of timestamps in build results, the
+inclusion of random numbers, and directory listings sorted by inode number.
+See @uref{https://reproducible-builds.org/docs/}, for more information.
+To find out what is wrong with this Git binary, we can do something along
+these lines (@pxref{Aufruf von guix archive}):
+$ wget -q -O - https://hydra.gnu.org/nar/@dots{}-git-2.5.0 \
+ | guix archive -x /tmp/git
+$ diff -ur --no-dereference /gnu/store/@dots{}-git.2.5.0 /tmp/git
+@end example
+This command shows the difference between the files resulting from the local
+build, and the files resulting from the build on @code{hydra.gnu.org}
+(@pxref{Overview, Comparing and Merging Files,, diffutils, Comparing and
+Merging Files}). The @command{diff} command works great for text files.
+When binary files differ, a better option is @uref{https://diffoscope.org/,
+Diffoscope}, a tool that helps visualize differences for all kinds of files.
+Once you have done that work, you can tell whether the differences are due
+to a non-deterministic build process or to a malicious server. We try hard
+to remove sources of non-determinism in packages to make it easier to verify
+substitutes, but of course, this is a process that involves not just Guix,
+but a large part of the free software community. In the meantime,
+@command{guix challenge} is one tool to help address the problem.
+If you are writing packages for Guix, you are encouraged to check whether
+@code{hydra.gnu.org} and other substitute servers obtain the same build
+result as you did with:
+$ guix challenge @var{package}
+@end example
+where @var{package} is a package specification such as @code{guile@@2.0} or
+The general syntax is:
+guix challenge @var{options} [@var{packages}@dots{}]
+@end example
+When a difference is found between the hash of a locally-built item and that
+of a server-provided substitute, or among substitutes provided by different
+servers, the command displays it as in the example above and its exit code
+is 2 (other non-zero exit codes denote other kinds of errors.)
+The one option that matters is:
+@table @code
+@item --substitute-urls=@var{URLs}
+Consider @var{urls} the whitespace-separated list of substitute source URLs
+to compare to.
+@item --verbose
+@itemx -v
+Show details about matches (identical contents) in addition to information
+about mismatches.
+@end table
+@node Aufruf von guix copy
+@section Invoking @command{guix copy}
+@cindex copy, of store items, over SSH
+@cindex SSH, copy of store items
+@cindex sharing store items across machines
+@cindex transferring store items across machines
+The @command{guix copy} command copies items from the store of one machine
+to that of another machine over a secure shell (SSH)
+connection@footnote{This command is available only when Guile-SSH was
+found. @xref{Voraussetzungen}, for details.}. For example, the following
+command copies the @code{coreutils} package, the user's profile, and all
+their dependencies over to @var{host}, logged in as @var{user}:
+guix copy --to=@var{user}@@@var{host} \
+ coreutils `readlink -f ~/.guix-profile`
+@end example
+If some of the items to be copied are already present on @var{host}, they
+are not actually sent.
+The command below retrieves @code{libreoffice} and @code{gimp} from
+@var{host}, assuming they are available there:
+guix copy --from=@var{host} libreoffice gimp
+@end example
+The SSH connection is established using the Guile-SSH client, which is
+compatible with OpenSSH: it honors @file{~/.ssh/known_hosts} and
+@file{~/.ssh/config}, and uses the SSH agent for authentication.
+The key used to sign items that are sent must be accepted by the remote
+machine. Likewise, the key used by the remote machine to sign items you are
+retrieving must be in @file{/etc/guix/acl} so it is accepted by your own
+daemon. @xref{Aufruf von guix archive}, for more information about store item
+The general syntax is:
+guix copy [--to=@var{spec}|--from=@var{spec}] @var{items}@dots{}
+@end example
+You must always specify one of the following options:
+@table @code
+@item --to=@var{spec}
+@itemx --from=@var{spec}
+Specify the host to send to or receive from. @var{spec} must be an SSH spec
+such as @code{example.org}, @code{charlie@@example.org}, or
+@end table
+The @var{items} can be either package names, such as @code{gimp}, or store
+items, such as @file{/gnu/store/@dots{}-idutils-4.6}.
+When specifying the name of a package to send, it is first built if needed,
+unless @option{--dry-run} was specified. Common build options are supported
+(@pxref{Gemeinsame Erstellungsoptionen}).
+@node Aufruf von guix container
+@section Invoking @command{guix container}
+@cindex container
+@cindex @command{guix container}
+@quotation Anmerkung
+As of version @value{VERSION}, this tool is experimental. The interface is
+subject to radical change in the future.
+@end quotation
+The purpose of @command{guix container} is to manipulate processes running
+within an isolated environment, commonly known as a ``container'', typically
+created by the @command{guix environment} (@pxref{Aufruf von guix environment}) and @command{guix system container} (@pxref{Aufruf von guix system}) commands.
+The general syntax is:
+guix container @var{action} @var{options}@dots{}
+@end example
+@var{action} specifies the operation to perform with a container, and
+@var{options} specifies the context-specific arguments for the action.
+The following actions are available:
+@table @code
+@item exec
+Execute a command within the context of a running container.
+The syntax is:
+guix container exec @var{pid} @var{program} @var{arguments}@dots{}
+@end example
+@var{pid} specifies the process ID of the running container. @var{program}
+specifies an executable file name within the root file system of the
+container. @var{arguments} are the additional options that will be passed
+to @var{program}.
+The following command launches an interactive login shell inside a GuixSD
+container, started by @command{guix system container}, and whose process ID
+is 9001:
+guix container exec 9001 /run/current-system/profile/bin/bash --login
+@end example
+Note that the @var{pid} cannot be the parent process of a container. It
+must be PID 1 of the container or one of its child processes.
+@end table
+@node Aufruf von guix weather
+@section Invoking @command{guix weather}
+Occasionally you're grumpy because substitutes are lacking and you end up
+building packages by yourself (@pxref{Substitute}). The @command{guix
+weather} command reports on substitute availability on the specified servers
+so you can have an idea of whether you'll be grumpy today. It can sometimes
+be useful info as a user, but it is primarily useful to people running
+@command{guix publish} (@pxref{Aufruf von guix publish}).
+@cindex statistics, for substitutes
+@cindex availability of substitutes
+@cindex substitute availability
+@cindex weather, substitute availability
+Here's a sample run:
+$ guix weather --substitute-urls=https://guix.example.org
+computing 5,872 package derivations for x86_64-linux...
+looking for 6,128 store items on https://guix.example.org..
+updating list of substitutes from 'https://guix.example.org'... 100.0%
+ 43.4% substitutes available (2,658 out of 6,128)
+ 7,032.5 MiB of nars (compressed)
+ 19,824.2 MiB on disk (uncompressed)
+ 0.030 seconds per request (182.9 seconds in total)
+ 33.5 requests per second
+ 9.8% (342 out of 3,470) of the missing items are queued
+ 867 queued builds
+ x86_64-linux: 518 (59.7%)
+ i686-linux: 221 (25.5%)
+ aarch64-linux: 128 (14.8%)
+ build rate: 23.41 builds per hour
+ x86_64-linux: 11.16 builds per hour
+ i686-linux: 6.03 builds per hour
+ aarch64-linux: 6.41 builds per hour
+@end example
+@cindex continuous integration, statistics
+As you can see, it reports the fraction of all the packages for which
+substitutes are available on the server---regardless of whether substitutes
+are enabled, and regardless of whether this server's signing key is
+authorized. It also reports the size of the compressed archives (``nars'')
+provided by the server, the size the corresponding store items occupy in the
+store (assuming deduplication is turned off), and the server's throughput.
+The second part gives continuous integration (CI) statistics, if the server
+supports it.
+To achieve that, @command{guix weather} queries over HTTP(S) meta-data
+(@dfn{narinfos}) for all the relevant store items. Like @command{guix
+challenge}, it ignores signatures on those substitutes, which is innocuous
+since the command only gathers statistics and cannot install those
+Among other things, it is possible to query specific system types and
+specific package sets. The available options are listed below.
+@table @code
+@item --substitute-urls=@var{URLs}
+@var{urls} is the space-separated list of substitute server URLs to query.
+When this option is omitted, the default set of substitute servers is
+@item --system=@var{System}
+@itemx -s @var{system}
+Query substitutes for @var{system}---e.g., @code{aarch64-linux}. This
+option can be repeated, in which case @command{guix weather} will query
+substitutes for several system types.
+@item --manifest=@var{Datei}
+Instead of querying substitutes for all the packages, only ask for those
+specified in @var{file}. @var{file} must contain a @dfn{manifest}, as with
+the @code{-m} option of @command{guix package} (@pxref{Aufruf von guix package}).
+@end table
+@node Invoking guix processes
+@section Invoking @command{guix processes}
+The @command{guix processes} command can be useful to developers and system
+administrators, especially on multi-user machines and on build farms: it
+lists the current sessions (connections to the daemon), as well as
+information about the processes involved@footnote{Remote sessions, when
+@command{guix-daemon} is started with @option{--listen} specifying a TCP
+endpoint, are @emph{not} listed.}. Here's an example of the information it
+$ sudo guix processes
+SessionPID: 19002
+ClientPID: 19090
+ClientCommand: guix environment --ad-hoc python
+SessionPID: 19402
+ClientPID: 19367
+ClientCommand: guix publish -u guix-publish -p 3000 -C 9 @dots{}
+SessionPID: 19444
+ClientPID: 19419
+ClientCommand: cuirass --cache-directory /var/cache/cuirass @dots{}
+LockHeld: /gnu/store/@dots{}-perl-ipc-cmd-0.96.lock
+LockHeld: /gnu/store/@dots{}-python-six-bootstrap-1.11.0.lock
+LockHeld: /gnu/store/@dots{}-libjpeg-turbo-2.0.0.lock
+ChildProcess: 20495: guix offload x86_64-linux 7200 1 28800
+ChildProcess: 27733: guix offload x86_64-linux 7200 1 28800
+ChildProcess: 27793: guix offload x86_64-linux 7200 1 28800
+@end example
+In this example we see that @command{guix-daemon} has three clients:
+@command{guix environment}, @command{guix publish}, and the Cuirass
+continuous integration tool; their process identifier (PID) is given by the
+@code{ClientPID} field. The @code{SessionPID} field gives the PID of the
+@command{guix-daemon} sub-process of this particular session.
+The @code{LockHeld} fields show which store items are currently locked by
+this session, which corresponds to store items being built or substituted
+(the @code{LockHeld} field is not displayed when @command{guix processes} is
+not running as root.) Last, by looking at the @code{ChildProcess} field, we
+understand that these three builds are being offloaded (@pxref{Auslagern des Daemons einrichten}).
+The output is in Recutils format so we can use the handy @command{recsel}
+command to select sessions of interest (@pxref{Selection Expressions,,,
+recutils, GNU recutils manual}). As an example, the command shows the
+command line and PID of the client that triggered the build of a Perl
+$ sudo guix processes | \
+ recsel -p ClientPID,ClientCommand -e 'LockHeld ~ "perl"'
+ClientPID: 19419
+ClientCommand: cuirass --cache-directory /var/cache/cuirass @dots{}
+@end example
+@c *********************************************************************
+@node GNU-Distribution
+@chapter GNU-Distribution
+@cindex Guix System Distribution
+@cindex GuixSD
+Guix comes with a distribution of the GNU system consisting entirely of free
+software@footnote{The term ``free'' here refers to the
+@url{http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html,freedom provided to users of
+that software}.}. The distribution can be installed on its own
+(@pxref{Systeminstallation}), but it is also possible to install Guix as a
+package manager on top of an installed GNU/Linux system
+(@pxref{Installation}). To distinguish between the two, we refer to the
+standalone distribution as the Guix System Distribution, or GuixSD.
+The distribution provides core GNU packages such as GNU libc, GCC, and
+Binutils, as well as many GNU and non-GNU applications. The complete list
+of available packages can be browsed
+@url{http://www.gnu.org/software/guix/packages,on-line} or by running
+@command{guix package} (@pxref{Aufruf von guix package}):
+guix package --list-available
+@end example
+Our goal is to provide a practical 100% free software distribution of
+Linux-based and other variants of GNU, with a focus on the promotion and
+tight integration of GNU components, and an emphasis on programs and tools
+that help users exert that freedom.
+Packages are currently available on the following platforms:
+@table @code
+@item x86_64-linux
+Intel/AMD @code{x86_64} architecture, Linux-Libre kernel;
+@item i686-linux
+Intel 32-bit architecture (IA32), Linux-Libre kernel;
+@item armhf-linux
+ARMv7-A architecture with hard float, Thumb-2 and NEON, using the EABI
+hard-float application binary interface (ABI), and Linux-Libre kernel.
+@item aarch64-linux
+little-endian 64-bit ARMv8-A processors, Linux-Libre kernel. This is
+currently in an experimental stage, with limited support.
+@xref{Mitwirken}, for how to help!
+@item mips64el-linux
+little-endian 64-bit MIPS processors, specifically the Loongson series, n32
+ABI, and Linux-Libre kernel.
+@end table
+GuixSD itself is currently only available on @code{i686} and @code{x86_64}.
+For information on porting to other architectures or kernels,
+* Systeminstallation:: Das ganze Betriebssystem installieren.
+* Systemkonfiguration:: Das Betriebssystem konfigurieren.
+* Dokumentation:: Wie man Nutzerhandbücher von Software liest.
+* Dateien zur Fehlersuche installieren:: Womit man seinen Debugger
+ füttert.
+* Sicherheitsaktualisierungen:: Sicherheits-Patches schnell einspielen.
+* Paketmodule:: Pakete aus Sicht des Programmierers.
+* Paketrichtlinien:: Die Distribution wachsen lassen.
+* Bootstrapping:: GNU/Linux von Grund auf selbst erstellen.
+* Portierung:: Guix auf andere Plattformen und Kernels
+ bringen.
+@end menu
+Building this distribution is a cooperative effort, and you are invited to
+join! @xref{Mitwirken}, for information about how you can help.
+@node Systeminstallation
+@section Systeminstallation
+@cindex installing GuixSD
+@cindex Guix System Distribution
+This section explains how to install the Guix System Distribution (GuixSD)
+on a machine. The Guix package manager can also be installed on top of a
+running GNU/Linux system, @pxref{Installation}.
+@quotation Anmerkung
+@c This paragraph is for people reading this from tty2 of the
+@c installation image.
+You are reading this documentation with an Info reader. For details on how
+to use it, hit the @key{RET} key (``return'' or ``enter'') on the link that
+follows: @pxref{Top, Info reader,, info-stnd, Stand-alone GNU Info}. Hit
+@kbd{l} afterwards to come back here.
+Alternately, run @command{info info} in another tty to keep the manual
+@end quotation
+@end ifinfo
+* Einschränkungen:: Was Sie erwarten dürfen.
+* Hardware-Überlegungen:: Unterstützte Hardware.
+* Installation von USB-Stick oder DVD:: Das Installationsmedium
+ vorbereiten.
+* Vor der Installation:: Netzwerkanbindung, Partitionierung etc.
+* Fortfahren mit der Installation:: Die Hauptsache.
+* GuixSD in einer VM installieren:: Ein GuixSD-Spielplatz.
+* Ein Abbild zur Installation erstellen:: Wie ein solches entsteht.
+@end menu
+@node Einschränkungen
+@subsection Einschränkungen
+As of version @value{VERSION}, the Guix System Distribution (GuixSD) is not
+production-ready. It may contain bugs and lack important features. Thus,
+if you are looking for a stable production system that respects your freedom
+as a computer user, a good solution at this point is to consider
+@url{http://www.gnu.org/distros/free-distros.html, one of the more
+established GNU/Linux distributions}. We hope you can soon switch to the
+GuixSD without fear, of course. In the meantime, you can also keep using
+your distribution and try out the package manager on top of it
+Before you proceed with the installation, be aware of the following
+noteworthy limitations applicable to version @value{VERSION}:
+The installation process does not include a graphical user interface and
+requires familiarity with GNU/Linux (see the following subsections to get a
+feel of what that means.)
+Support for the Logical Volume Manager (LVM) is missing.
+More and more system services are provided (@pxref{Dienste}), but some may
+be missing.
+More than 7,500 packages are available, but you might occasionally find that
+a useful package is missing.
+GNOME, Xfce, LXDE, and Enlightenment are available (@pxref{Desktop-Dienste}), as well as a number of X11 window managers. However, some
+graphical applications may be missing, as well as KDE.
+@end itemize
+You have been warned! But more than a disclaimer, this is an invitation to
+report issues (and success stories!), and to join us in improving it.
+@xref{Mitwirken}, for more info.
+@node Hardware-Überlegungen
+@subsection Hardware-Überlegungen
+@cindex hardware support on GuixSD
+GNU@tie{}GuixSD focuses on respecting the user's computing freedom. It
+builds around the kernel Linux-libre, which means that only hardware for
+which free software drivers and firmware exist is supported. Nowadays, a
+wide range of off-the-shelf hardware is supported on GNU/Linux-libre---from
+keyboards to graphics cards to scanners and Ethernet controllers.
+Unfortunately, there are still areas where hardware vendors deny users
+control over their own computing, and such hardware is not supported on
+@cindex WiFi, hardware support
+One of the main areas where free drivers or firmware are lacking is WiFi
+devices. WiFi devices known to work include those using Atheros chips
+(AR9271 and AR7010), which corresponds to the @code{ath9k} Linux-libre
+driver, and those using Broadcom/AirForce chips (BCM43xx with Wireless-Core
+Revision 5), which corresponds to the @code{b43-open} Linux-libre driver.
+Free firmware exists for both and is available out-of-the-box on GuixSD, as
+part of @var{%base-firmware} (@pxref{„operating-system“-Referenz,
+@cindex RYF, Respects Your Freedom
+The @uref{https://www.fsf.org/, Free Software Foundation} runs
+@uref{https://www.fsf.org/ryf, @dfn{Respects Your Freedom}} (RYF), a
+certification program for hardware products that respect your freedom and
+your privacy and ensure that you have control over your device. We
+encourage you to check the list of RYF-certified devices.
+Another useful resource is the @uref{https://www.h-node.org/, H-Node} web
+site. It contains a catalog of hardware devices with information about
+their support in GNU/Linux.
+@node Installation von USB-Stick oder DVD
+@subsection Installation von USB-Stick oder DVD
+An ISO-9660 installation image that can be written to a USB stick or burnt
+to a DVD can be downloaded from
+where @var{system} is one of:
+@table @code
+@item x86_64-linux
+for a GNU/Linux system on Intel/AMD-compatible 64-bit CPUs;
+@item i686-linux
+for a 32-bit GNU/Linux system on Intel-compatible CPUs.
+@end table
+@c start duplication of authentication part from ``Binary Installation''
+Make sure to download the associated @file{.sig} file and to verify the
+authenticity of the image against it, along these lines:
+$ wget https://alpha.gnu.org/gnu/guix/guixsd-install-@value{VERSION}.@var{system}.iso.xz.sig
+$ gpg --verify guixsd-install-@value{VERSION}.@var{system}.iso.xz.sig
+@end example
+Falls dieser Befehl fehlschlägt, weil Sie nicht über den nötigen
+öffentlichen Schlüssel verfügen, können Sie ihn mit diesem Befehl
+$ gpg --keyserver @value{KEY-SERVER} \
+ --recv-keys @value{OPENPGP-SIGNING-KEY-ID}
+@end example
+@c end duplication
+und den Befehl @code{gpg --verify} erneut ausführen.
+This image contains the tools necessary for an installation. It is meant to
+be copied @emph{as is} to a large-enough USB stick or DVD.
+@unnumberedsubsubsec Copying to a USB Stick
+To copy the image to a USB stick, follow these steps:
+Decompress the image using the @command{xz} command:
+xz -d guixsd-install-@value{VERSION}.@var{system}.iso.xz
+@end example
+Insert a USB stick of 1@tie{}GiB or more into your machine, and determine
+its device name. Assuming that the USB stick is known as @file{/dev/sdX},
+copy the image with:
+dd if=guixsd-install-@value{VERSION}.x86_64-linux.iso of=/dev/sdX
+@end example
+Access to @file{/dev/sdX} usually requires root privileges.
+@end enumerate
+@unnumberedsubsubsec Burning on a DVD
+To copy the image to a DVD, follow these steps:
+Decompress the image using the @command{xz} command:
+xz -d guixsd-install-@value{VERSION}.@var{system}.iso.xz
+@end example
+Insert a blank DVD into your machine, and determine its device name.
+Assuming that the DVD drive is known as @file{/dev/srX}, copy the image
+growisofs -dvd-compat -Z /dev/srX=guixsd-install-@value{VERSION}.x86_64.iso
+@end example
+Access to @file{/dev/srX} usually requires root privileges.
+@end enumerate
+@unnumberedsubsubsec Booting
+Once this is done, you should be able to reboot the system and boot from the
+USB stick or DVD. The latter usually requires you to get in the BIOS or
+UEFI boot menu, where you can choose to boot from the USB stick.
+@xref{GuixSD in einer VM installieren}, if, instead, you would like to install
+GuixSD in a virtual machine (VM).
+@node Vor der Installation
+@subsection Vor der Installation
+Once you have successfully booted your computer using the installation
+medium, you should end up with a root prompt. Several console TTYs are
+configured and can be used to run commands as root. TTY2 shows this
+documentation, browsable using the Info reader commands (@pxref{Top,,,
+info-stnd, Stand-alone GNU Info}). The installation system runs the GPM
+mouse daemon, which allows you to select text with the left mouse button and
+to paste it with the middle button.
+@quotation Anmerkung
+Installation requires access to the Internet so that any missing
+dependencies of your system configuration can be downloaded. See the
+``Networking'' section below.
+@end quotation
+The installation system includes many common tools needed for this task.
+But it is also a full-blown GuixSD system, which means that you can install
+additional packages, should you need it, using @command{guix package}
+(@pxref{Aufruf von guix package}).
+@subsubsection Keyboard Layout
+@cindex keyboard layout
+The installation image uses the US qwerty keyboard layout. If you want to
+change it, you can use the @command{loadkeys} command. For example, the
+following command selects the Dvorak keyboard layout:
+loadkeys dvorak
+@end example
+See the files under @file{/run/current-system/profile/share/keymaps} for a
+list of available keyboard layouts. Run @command{man loadkeys} for more
+@subsubsection Networking
+Run the following command to see what your network interfaces are called:
+ifconfig -a
+@end example
+@dots{} or, using the GNU/Linux-specific @command{ip} command:
+ip a
+@end example
+@c http://cgit.freedesktop.org/systemd/systemd/tree/src/udev/udev-builtin-net_id.c#n20
+Wired interfaces have a name starting with @samp{e}; for example, the
+interface corresponding to the first on-board Ethernet controller is called
+@samp{eno1}. Wireless interfaces have a name starting with @samp{w}, like
+@table @asis
+@item Wired connection
+To configure a wired network run the following command, substituting
+@var{interface} with the name of the wired interface you want to use.
+ifconfig @var{interface} up
+@end example
+@item Wireless connection
+@cindex wireless
+@cindex WiFi
+To configure wireless networking, you can create a configuration file for
+the @command{wpa_supplicant} configuration tool (its location is not
+important) using one of the available text editors such as @command{nano}:
+nano wpa_supplicant.conf
+@end example
+As an example, the following stanza can go to this file and will work for
+many wireless networks, provided you give the actual SSID and passphrase for
+the network you are connecting to:
+ ssid="@var{my-ssid}"
+ key_mgmt=WPA-PSK
+ psk="the network's secret passphrase"
+@end example
+Start the wireless service and run it in the background with the following
+command (substitute @var{interface} with the name of the network interface
+you want to use):
+wpa_supplicant -c wpa_supplicant.conf -i @var{interface} -B
+@end example
+Run @command{man wpa_supplicant} for more information.
+@end table
+@cindex DHCP
+At this point, you need to acquire an IP address. On a network where IP
+addresses are automatically assigned @i{via} DHCP, you can run:
+dhclient -v @var{interface}
+@end example
+Try to ping a server to see if networking is up and running:
+ping -c 3 gnu.org
+@end example
+Setting up network access is almost always a requirement because the image
+does not contain all the software and tools that may be needed.
+@cindex installing over SSH
+If you want to, you can continue the installation remotely by starting an
+SSH server:
+herd start ssh-daemon
+@end example
+Make sure to either set a password with @command{passwd}, or configure
+OpenSSH public key authentication before logging in.
+@subsubsection Disk Partitioning
+Unless this has already been done, the next step is to partition, and then
+format the target partition(s).
+The installation image includes several partitioning tools, including Parted
+(@pxref{Overview,,, parted, GNU Parted User Manual}), @command{fdisk}, and
+@command{cfdisk}. Run it and set up your disk with the partition layout you
+@end example
+If your disk uses the GUID Partition Table (GPT) format and you plan to
+install BIOS-based GRUB (which is the default), make sure a BIOS Boot
+Partition is available (@pxref{BIOS installation,,, grub, GNU GRUB manual}).
+@cindex EFI, installation
+@cindex UEFI, installation
+@cindex ESP, EFI system partition
+If you instead wish to use EFI-based GRUB, a FAT32 @dfn{EFI System
+Partition} (ESP) is required. This partition should be mounted at
+@file{/boot/efi} and must have the @code{esp} flag set. E.g., for
+parted /dev/sda set 1 esp on
+@end example
+@quotation Anmerkung
+@vindex grub-bootloader
+@vindex grub-efi-bootloader
+Unsure whether to use EFI- or BIOS-based GRUB? If the directory
+@file{/sys/firmware/efi} exists in the installation image, then you should
+probably perform an EFI installation, using @code{grub-efi-bootloader}.
+Otherwise you should use the BIOS-based GRUB, known as
+@code{grub-bootloader}. @xref{Bootloader-Konfiguration}, for more info on
+@end quotation
+Once you are done partitioning the target hard disk drive, you have to
+create a file system on the relevant partition(s)@footnote{Currently GuixSD
+only supports ext4 and btrfs file systems. In particular, code that reads
+file system UUIDs and labels only works for these file system types.}. For
+the ESP, if you have one and assuming it is @file{/dev/sda1}, run:
+mkfs.fat -F32 /dev/sda1
+@end example
+Preferably, assign file systems a label so that you can easily and reliably
+refer to them in @code{file-system} declarations (@pxref{Dateisysteme}).
+This is typically done using the @code{-L} option of @command{mkfs.ext4} and
+related commands. So, assuming the target root partition lives at
+@file{/dev/sda2}, a file system with the label @code{my-root} can be created
+mkfs.ext4 -L my-root /dev/sda2
+@end example
+@cindex encrypted disk
+If you are instead planning to encrypt the root partition, you can use the
+Cryptsetup/LUKS utilities to do that (see @inlinefmtifelse{html,
+@uref{https://linux.die.net/man/8/cryptsetup, @code{man cryptsetup}},
+@code{man cryptsetup}} for more information.) Assuming you want to store
+the root partition on @file{/dev/sda2}, the command sequence would be along
+these lines:
+cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/sda2
+cryptsetup open --type luks /dev/sda2 my-partition
+mkfs.ext4 -L my-root /dev/mapper/my-partition
+@end example
+Once that is done, mount the target file system under @file{/mnt} with a
+command like (again, assuming @code{my-root} is the label of the root file
+mount LABEL=my-root /mnt
+@end example
+Also mount any other file systems you would like to use on the target system
+relative to this path. If you have @file{/boot} on a separate partition for
+example, mount it at @file{/mnt/boot} now so it is found by @code{guix
+system init} afterwards.
+Finally, if you plan to use one or more swap partitions (@pxref{Memory
+Concepts, swap space,, libc, The GNU C Library Reference Manual}), make sure
+to initialize them with @command{mkswap}. Assuming you have one swap
+partition on @file{/dev/sda3}, you would run:
+mkswap /dev/sda3
+swapon /dev/sda3
+@end example
+Alternatively, you may use a swap file. For example, assuming that in the
+new system you want to use the file @file{/swapfile} as a swap file, you
+would run@footnote{This example will work for many types of file systems
+(e.g., ext4). However, for copy-on-write file systems (e.g., btrfs), the
+required steps may be different. For details, see the manual pages for
+@command{mkswap} and @command{swapon}.}:
+# This is 10 GiB of swap space. Adjust "count" to change the size.
+dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/swapfile bs=1MiB count=10240
+# For security, make the file readable and writable only by root.
+chmod 600 /mnt/swapfile
+mkswap /mnt/swapfile
+swapon /mnt/swapfile
+@end example
+Note that if you have encrypted the root partition and created a swap file
+in its file system as described above, then the encryption also protects the
+swap file, just like any other file in that file system.
+@node Fortfahren mit der Installation
+@subsection Fortfahren mit der Installation
+With the target partitions ready and the target root mounted on @file{/mnt},
+we're ready to go. First, run:
+herd start cow-store /mnt
+@end example
+This makes @file{/gnu/store} copy-on-write, such that packages added to it
+during the installation phase are written to the target disk on @file{/mnt}
+rather than kept in memory. This is necessary because the first phase of
+the @command{guix system init} command (see below) entails downloads or
+builds to @file{/gnu/store} which, initially, is an in-memory file system.
+Next, you have to edit a file and provide the declaration of the operating
+system to be installed. To that end, the installation system comes with
+three text editors. We recommend GNU nano (@pxref{Top,,, nano, GNU nano
+Manual}), which supports syntax highlighting and parentheses matching; other
+editors include GNU Zile (an Emacs clone), and nvi (a clone of the original
+BSD @command{vi} editor). We strongly recommend storing that file on the
+target root file system, say, as @file{/mnt/etc/config.scm}. Failing to do
+that, you will have lost your configuration file once you have rebooted into
+the newly-installed system.
+@xref{Das Konfigurationssystem nutzen}, for an overview of the configuration
+file. The example configurations discussed in that section are available
+under @file{/etc/configuration} in the installation image. Thus, to get
+started with a system configuration providing a graphical display server (a
+``desktop'' system), you can run something along these lines:
+# mkdir /mnt/etc
+# cp /etc/configuration/desktop.scm /mnt/etc/config.scm
+# nano /mnt/etc/config.scm
+@end example
+You should pay attention to what your configuration file contains, and in
+Make sure the @code{bootloader-configuration} form refers to the target you
+want to install GRUB on. It should mention @code{grub-bootloader} if you
+are installing GRUB in the legacy way, or @code{grub-efi-bootloader} for
+newer UEFI systems. For legacy systems, the @code{target} field names a
+device, like @code{/dev/sda}; for UEFI systems it names a path to a mounted
+EFI partition, like @code{/boot/efi}, and do make sure the path is actually
+Be sure that your file system labels match the value of their respective
+@code{device} fields in your @code{file-system} configuration, assuming your
+@code{file-system} configuration uses the @code{file-system-label} procedure
+in its @code{device} field.
+If there are encrypted or RAID partitions, make sure to add a
+@code{mapped-devices} field to describe them (@pxref{Abgebildete Geräte}).
+@end itemize
+Once you are done preparing the configuration file, the new system must be
+initialized (remember that the target root file system is mounted under
+guix system init /mnt/etc/config.scm /mnt
+@end example
+This copies all the necessary files and installs GRUB on @file{/dev/sdX},
+unless you pass the @option{--no-bootloader} option. For more information,
+@pxref{Aufruf von guix system}. This command may trigger downloads or builds
+of missing packages, which can take some time.
+Once that command has completed---and hopefully succeeded!---you can run
+@command{reboot} and boot into the new system. The @code{root} password in
+the new system is initially empty; other users' passwords need to be
+initialized by running the @command{passwd} command as @code{root}, unless
+your configuration specifies otherwise (@pxref{user-account-password, user
+account passwords}).
+@cindex upgrading GuixSD
+From then on, you can update GuixSD whenever you want by running
+@command{guix pull} as @code{root} (@pxref{Aufruf von guix pull}), and then
+running @command{guix system reconfigure} to build a new system generation
+with the latest packages and services (@pxref{Aufruf von guix system}). We
+recommend doing that regularly so that your system includes the latest
+security updates (@pxref{Sicherheitsaktualisierungen}).
+Join us on @code{#guix} on the Freenode IRC network or on
+@file{guix-devel@@gnu.org} to share your experience---good or not so good.
+@node GuixSD in einer VM installieren
+@subsection Installing GuixSD in a Virtual Machine
+@cindex virtual machine, GuixSD installation
+@cindex virtual private server (VPS)
+@cindex VPS (virtual private server)
+If you'd like to install GuixSD in a virtual machine (VM) or on a virtual
+private server (VPS) rather than on your beloved machine, this section is
+for you.
+To boot a @uref{http://qemu.org/,QEMU} VM for installing GuixSD in a disk
+image, follow these steps:
+First, retrieve and decompress the GuixSD installation image as described
+previously (@pxref{Installation von USB-Stick oder DVD}).
+Create a disk image that will hold the installed system. To make a
+qcow2-formatted disk image, use the @command{qemu-img} command:
+qemu-img create -f qcow2 guixsd.img 50G
+@end example
+The resulting file will be much smaller than 50 GB (typically less than 1
+MB), but it will grow as the virtualized storage device is filled up.
+Boot the USB installation image in an VM:
+qemu-system-x86_64 -m 1024 -smp 1 \
+ -net user -net nic,model=virtio -boot menu=on \
+ -drive file=guixsd-install-@value{VERSION}.@var{system}.iso \
+ -drive file=guixsd.img
+@end example
+The ordering of the drives matters.
+In the VM console, quickly press the @kbd{F12} key to enter the boot menu.
+Then press the @kbd{2} key and the @kbd{RET} key to validate your selection.
+You're now root in the VM, proceed with the installation process.
+@xref{Vor der Installation}, and follow the instructions.
+@end enumerate
+Once installation is complete, you can boot the system that's on your
+@file{guixsd.img} image. @xref{GuixSD in einer VM starten}, for how to do that.
+@node Ein Abbild zur Installation erstellen
+@subsection Ein Abbild zur Installation erstellen
+@cindex installation image
+The installation image described above was built using the @command{guix
+system} command, specifically:
+guix system disk-image gnu/system/install.scm
+@end example
+Have a look at @file{gnu/system/install.scm} in the source tree, and see
+also @ref{Aufruf von guix system} for more information about the installation
+@subsection Building the Installation Image for ARM Boards
+Many ARM boards require a specific variant of the
+@uref{http://www.denx.de/wiki/U-Boot/, U-Boot} bootloader.
+If you build a disk image and the bootloader is not available otherwise (on
+another boot drive etc), it's advisable to build an image that includes the
+bootloader, specifically:
+guix system disk-image --system=armhf-linux -e '((@@ (gnu system install) os-with-u-boot) (@@ (gnu system install) installation-os) "A20-OLinuXino-Lime2")'
+@end example
+@code{A20-OLinuXino-Lime2} is the name of the board. If you specify an
+invalid board, a list of possible boards will be printed.
+@node Systemkonfiguration
+@section Systemkonfiguration
+@cindex system configuration
+The Guix System Distribution supports a consistent whole-system
+configuration mechanism. By that we mean that all aspects of the global
+system configuration---such as the available system services, timezone and
+locale settings, user accounts---are declared in a single place. Such a
+@dfn{system configuration} can be @dfn{instantiated}---i.e., effected.
+@c Yes, we're talking of Puppet, Chef, & co. here. ↑
+One of the advantages of putting all the system configuration under the
+control of Guix is that it supports transactional system upgrades, and makes
+it possible to roll back to a previous system instantiation, should
+something go wrong with the new one (@pxref{Funktionalitäten}). Another advantage
+is that it makes it easy to replicate the exact same configuration across
+different machines, or at different points in time, without having to resort
+to additional administration tools layered on top of the own tools of the
+This section describes this mechanism. First we focus on the system
+administrator's viewpoint---explaining how the system is configured and
+instantiated. Then we show how this mechanism can be extended, for instance
+to support new system services.
+* Das Konfigurationssystem nutzen:: Ihr GNU-System anpassen.
+* „operating-system“-Referenz:: Details der
+ Betriebssystem-Deklarationen.
+* Dateisysteme:: Die Dateisystemeinbindungen konfigurieren.
+* Abgebildete Geräte:: Näheres zu blockorientierten Speichermedien.
+* Benutzerkonten:: Benutzerkonten festlegen.
+* Locales:: Sprache und kulturelle Konventionen.
+* Dienste:: Systemdienste festlegen.
+* Setuid-Programme:: Mit Administratorrechten startende Programme.
+* X.509-Zertifikate:: HTTPS-Server authentifizieren.
+* Name Service Switch:: Den Name Service Switch von libc konfigurieren.
+* Initiale RAM-Disk:: Linux-libre hochfahren.
+* Bootloader-Konfiguration:: Den Bootloader konfigurieren.
+* Aufruf von guix system:: Instanzierung einer Systemkonfiguration.
+* GuixSD in einer VM starten:: Wie man GuixSD in einer virtuellen Maschine
+ startet.
+* Dienste definieren:: Neue Dienstdefinitionen hinzufügen.
+@end menu
+@node Das Konfigurationssystem nutzen
+@subsection Das Konfigurationssystem nutzen
+The operating system is configured by providing an @code{operating-system}
+declaration in a file that can then be passed to the @command{guix system}
+command (@pxref{Aufruf von guix system}). A simple setup, with the default
+system services, the default Linux-Libre kernel, initial RAM disk, and boot
+loader looks like this:
+@findex operating-system
+@include os-config-bare-bones.texi
+@end lisp
+This example should be self-describing. Some of the fields defined above,
+such as @code{host-name} and @code{bootloader}, are mandatory. Others, such
+as @code{packages} and @code{services}, can be omitted, in which case they
+get a default value.
+Below we discuss the effect of some of the most important fields
+(@pxref{„operating-system“-Referenz}, for details about all the available
+fields), and how to @dfn{instantiate} the operating system using
+@command{guix system}.
+@unnumberedsubsubsec Bootloader
+@cindex legacy boot, on Intel machines
+@cindex BIOS boot, on Intel machines
+@cindex UEFI boot
+@cindex EFI boot
+The @code{bootloader} field describes the method that will be used to boot
+your system. Machines based on Intel processors can boot in ``legacy'' BIOS
+mode, as in the example above. However, more recent machines rely instead
+on the @dfn{Unified Extensible Firmware Interface} (UEFI) to boot. In that
+case, the @code{bootloader} field should contain something along these
+ (bootloader grub-efi-bootloader)
+ (target "/boot/efi"))
+@end example
+@xref{Bootloader-Konfiguration}, for more information on the available
+configuration options.
+@unnumberedsubsubsec Globally-Visible Packages
+@vindex %base-packages
+The @code{packages} field lists packages that will be globally visible on
+the system, for all user accounts---i.e., in every user's @code{PATH}
+environment variable---in addition to the per-user profiles (@pxref{Aufruf von guix package}). The @var{%base-packages} variable provides all the tools
+one would expect for basic user and administrator tasks---including the GNU
+Core Utilities, the GNU Networking Utilities, the GNU Zile lightweight text
+editor, @command{find}, @command{grep}, etc. The example above adds
+GNU@tie{}Screen to those, taken from the @code{(gnu packages screen)} module
+(@pxref{Paketmodule}). The @code{(list package output)} syntax can be
+used to add a specific output of a package:
+(use-modules (gnu packages))
+(use-modules (gnu packages dns))
+ ;; ...
+ (packages (cons (list bind "utils")
+ %base-packages)))
+@end lisp
+@findex specification->package
+Referring to packages by variable name, like @code{bind} above, has the
+advantage of being unambiguous; it also allows typos and such to be
+diagnosed right away as ``unbound variables''. The downside is that one
+needs to know which module defines which package, and to augment the
+@code{use-package-modules} line accordingly. To avoid that, one can use the
+@code{specification->package} procedure of the @code{(gnu packages)} module,
+which returns the best package for a given name or name and version:
+(use-modules (gnu packages))
+ ;; ...
+ (packages (append (map specification->package
+ '("tcpdump" "htop" "gnupg@@2.0"))
+ %base-packages)))
+@end lisp
+@unnumberedsubsubsec System Services
+@cindex services
+@vindex %base-services
+The @code{services} field lists @dfn{system services} to be made available
+when the system starts (@pxref{Dienste}). The @code{operating-system}
+declaration above specifies that, in addition to the basic services, we want
+the @command{lshd} secure shell daemon listening on port 2222
+(@pxref{Netzwerkdienste, @code{lsh-service}}). Under the hood,
+@code{lsh-service} arranges so that @code{lshd} is started with the right
+command-line options, possibly with supporting configuration files generated
+as needed (@pxref{Dienste definieren}).
+@cindex customization, of services
+@findex modify-services
+Occasionally, instead of using the base services as is, you will want to
+customize them. To do this, use @code{modify-services} (@pxref{Service-Referenz, @code{modify-services}}) to modify the list.
+For example, suppose you want to modify @code{guix-daemon} and Mingetty (the
+console log-in) in the @var{%base-services} list (@pxref{Basisdienste,
+@code{%base-services}}). To do that, you can write the following in your
+operating system declaration:
+(define %my-services
+ ;; My very own list of services.
+ (modify-services %base-services
+ (guix-service-type config =>
+ (guix-configuration
+ (inherit config)
+ (use-substitutes? #f)
+ (extra-options '("--gc-keep-derivations"))))
+ (mingetty-service-type config =>
+ (mingetty-configuration
+ (inherit config)))))
+ ;; @dots{}
+ (services %my-services))
+@end lisp
+This changes the configuration---i.e., the service parameters---of the
+@code{guix-service-type} instance, and that of all the
+@code{mingetty-service-type} instances in the @var{%base-services} list.
+Observe how this is accomplished: first, we arrange for the original
+configuration to be bound to the identifier @code{config} in the @var{body},
+and then we write the @var{body} so that it evaluates to the desired
+configuration. In particular, notice how we use @code{inherit} to create a
+new configuration which has the same values as the old configuration, but
+with a few modifications.
+@cindex encrypted disk
+The configuration for a typical ``desktop'' usage, with an encrypted root
+partition, the X11 display server, GNOME and Xfce (users can choose which of
+these desktop environments to use at the log-in screen by pressing
+@kbd{F1}), network management, power management, and more, would look like
+@include os-config-desktop.texi
+@end lisp
+A graphical system with a choice of lightweight window managers instead of
+full-blown desktop environments would look like this:
+@include os-config-lightweight-desktop.texi
+@end lisp
+This example refers to the @file{/boot/efi} file system by its UUID,
+@code{1234-ABCD}. Replace this UUID with the right UUID on your system, as
+returned by the @command{blkid} command.
+@xref{Desktop-Dienste}, for the exact list of services provided by
+@var{%desktop-services}. @xref{X.509-Zertifikate}, for background
+information about the @code{nss-certs} package that is used here.
+Again, @var{%desktop-services} is just a list of service objects. If you
+want to remove services from there, you can do so using the procedures for
+list filtering (@pxref{SRFI-1 Filtering and Partitioning,,, guile, GNU Guile
+Reference Manual}). For instance, the following expression returns a list
+that contains all the services in @var{%desktop-services} minus the Avahi
+(remove (lambda (service)
+ (eq? (service-kind service) avahi-service-type))
+ %desktop-services)
+@end example
+@unnumberedsubsubsec Instantiating the System
+Assuming the @code{operating-system} declaration is stored in the
+@file{my-system-config.scm} file, the @command{guix system reconfigure
+my-system-config.scm} command instantiates that configuration, and makes it
+the default GRUB boot entry (@pxref{Aufruf von guix system}).
+The normal way to change the system configuration is by updating this file
+and re-running @command{guix system reconfigure}. One should never have to
+touch files in @file{/etc} or to run commands that modify the system state
+such as @command{useradd} or @command{grub-install}. In fact, you must
+avoid that since that would not only void your warranty but also prevent you
+from rolling back to previous versions of your system, should you ever need
+@cindex roll-back, of the operating system
+Speaking of roll-back, each time you run @command{guix system reconfigure},
+a new @dfn{generation} of the system is created---without modifying or
+deleting previous generations. Old system generations get an entry in the
+bootloader boot menu, allowing you to boot them in case something went wrong
+with the latest generation. Reassuring, no? The @command{guix system
+list-generations} command lists the system generations available on disk.
+It is also possible to roll back the system via the commands @command{guix
+system roll-back} and @command{guix system switch-generation}.
+Although the @command{guix system reconfigure} command will not modify
+previous generations, you must take care when the current generation is not
+the latest (e.g., after invoking @command{guix system roll-back}), since the
+operation might overwrite a later generation (@pxref{Aufruf von guix system}).
+@unnumberedsubsubsec The Programming Interface
+At the Scheme level, the bulk of an @code{operating-system} declaration is
+instantiated with the following monadic procedure (@pxref{Die Store-Monade}):
+@deffn {Monadic Procedure} operating-system-derivation os
+Return a derivation that builds @var{os}, an @code{operating-system} object
+The output of the derivation is a single directory that refers to all the
+packages, configuration files, and other supporting files needed to
+instantiate @var{os}.
+@end deffn
+This procedure is provided by the @code{(gnu system)} module. Along with
+@code{(gnu services)} (@pxref{Dienste}), this module contains the guts of
+GuixSD. Make sure to visit it!
+@node „operating-system“-Referenz
+@subsection @code{operating-system} Reference
+This section summarizes all the options available in @code{operating-system}
+declarations (@pxref{Das Konfigurationssystem nutzen}).
+@deftp {Data Type} operating-system
+This is the data type representing an operating system configuration. By
+that, we mean all the global system configuration, not per-user
+configuration (@pxref{Das Konfigurationssystem nutzen}).
+@table @asis
+@item @code{kernel} (default: @var{linux-libre})
+The package object of the operating system kernel to use@footnote{Currently
+only the Linux-libre kernel is supported. In the future, it will be
+possible to use the GNU@tie{}Hurd.}.
+@item @code{kernel-arguments} (default: @code{'()})
+List of strings or gexps representing additional arguments to pass on the
+command-line of the kernel---e.g., @code{("console=ttyS0")}.
+@item @code{bootloader}
+The system bootloader configuration object. @xref{Bootloader-Konfiguration}.
+@item @code{initrd-modules} (default: @code{%base-initrd-modules})
+@cindex initrd
+@cindex initial RAM disk
+The list of Linux kernel modules that need to be available in the initial
+RAM disk. @xref{Initiale RAM-Disk}.
+@item @code{initrd} (default: @code{base-initrd})
+A procedure that returns an initial RAM disk for the Linux kernel. This
+field is provided to support low-level customization and should rarely be
+needed for casual use. @xref{Initiale RAM-Disk}.
+@item @code{firmware} (default: @var{%base-firmware})
+@cindex firmware
+List of firmware packages loadable by the operating system kernel.
+The default includes firmware needed for Atheros- and Broadcom-based WiFi
+devices (Linux-libre modules @code{ath9k} and @code{b43-open},
+respectively). @xref{Hardware-Überlegungen}, for more info on supported
+@item @code{host-name}
+The host name.
+@item @code{hosts-file}
+@cindex hosts file
+A file-like object (@pxref{G-Ausdrücke, file-like objects}) for use as
+@file{/etc/hosts} (@pxref{Host Names,,, libc, The GNU C Library Reference
+Manual}). The default is a file with entries for @code{localhost} and
+@item @code{mapped-devices} (default: @code{'()})
+A list of mapped devices. @xref{Abgebildete Geräte}.
+@item @code{file-systems}
+A list of file systems. @xref{Dateisysteme}.
+@item @code{swap-devices} (default: @code{'()})
+@cindex swap devices
+A list of strings identifying devices or files to be used for ``swap space''
+(@pxref{Memory Concepts,,, libc, The GNU C Library Reference Manual}). For
+example, @code{'("/dev/sda3")} or @code{'("/swapfile")}. It is possible to
+specify a swap file in a file system on a mapped device, provided that the
+necessary device mapping and file system are also specified. @xref{Abgebildete Geräte} and @ref{Dateisysteme}.
+@item @code{users} (default: @code{%base-user-accounts})
+@itemx @code{groups} (default: @var{%base-groups})
+List of user accounts and groups. @xref{Benutzerkonten}.
+If the @code{users} list lacks a user account with UID@tie{}0, a ``root''
+account with UID@tie{}0 is automatically added.
+@item @code{skeletons} (default: @code{(default-skeletons)})
+A list target file name/file-like object tuples (@pxref{G-Ausdrücke,
+file-like objects}). These are the skeleton files that will be added to the
+home directory of newly-created user accounts.
+For instance, a valid value may look like this:
+`((".bashrc" ,(plain-file "bashrc" "echo Hello\n"))
+ (".guile" ,(plain-file "guile"
+ "(use-modules (ice-9 readline))
+ (activate-readline)")))
+@end example
+@item @code{issue} (default: @var{%default-issue})
+A string denoting the contents of the @file{/etc/issue} file, which is
+displayed when users log in on a text console.
+@item @code{packages} (default: @var{%base-packages})
+The set of packages installed in the global profile, which is accessible at
+The default set includes core utilities and it is good practice to install
+non-core utilities in user profiles (@pxref{Aufruf von guix package}).
+@item @code{timezone}
+A timezone identifying string---e.g., @code{"Europe/Paris"}.
+You can run the @command{tzselect} command to find out which timezone string
+corresponds to your region. Choosing an invalid timezone name causes
+@command{guix system} to fail.
+@item @code{locale} (default: @code{"en_US.utf8"})
+The name of the default locale (@pxref{Locale Names,,, libc, The GNU C
+Library Reference Manual}). @xref{Locales}, for more information.
+@item @code{locale-definitions} (default: @var{%default-locale-definitions})
+The list of locale definitions to be compiled and that may be used at run
+time. @xref{Locales}.
+@item @code{locale-libcs} (default: @code{(list @var{glibc})})
+The list of GNU@tie{}libc packages whose locale data and tools are used to
+build the locale definitions. @xref{Locales}, for compatibility
+considerations that justify this option.
+@item @code{name-service-switch} (default: @var{%default-nss})
+Configuration of the libc name service switch (NSS)---a
+@code{<name-service-switch>} object. @xref{Name Service Switch}, for
+@item @code{services} (default: @var{%base-services})
+A list of service objects denoting system services. @xref{Dienste}.
+@item @code{pam-services} (default: @code{(base-pam-services)})
+@cindex PAM
+@cindex pluggable authentication modules
+@c FIXME: Add xref to PAM services section.
+Linux @dfn{pluggable authentication module} (PAM) services.
+@item @code{setuid-programs} (default: @var{%setuid-programs})
+List of string-valued G-expressions denoting setuid programs. @xref{Setuid-Programme}.
+@item @code{sudoers-file} (default: @var{%sudoers-specification})
+@cindex sudoers file
+The contents of the @file{/etc/sudoers} file as a file-like object
+(@pxref{G-Ausdrücke, @code{local-file} and @code{plain-file}}).
+This file specifies which users can use the @command{sudo} command, what
+they are allowed to do, and what privileges they may gain. The default is
+that only @code{root} and members of the @code{wheel} group may use
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@node Dateisysteme
+@subsection Dateisysteme
+The list of file systems to be mounted is specified in the
+@code{file-systems} field of the operating system declaration (@pxref{Das Konfigurationssystem nutzen}). Each file system is declared using the
+@code{file-system} form, like this:
+ (mount-point "/home")
+ (device "/dev/sda3")
+ (type "ext4"))
+@end example
+As usual, some of the fields are mandatory---those shown in the example
+above---while others can be omitted. These are described below.
+@deftp {Data Type} file-system
+Objects of this type represent file systems to be mounted. They contain the
+following members:
+@table @asis
+@item @code{type}
+This is a string specifying the type of the file system---e.g.,
+@item @code{mount-point}
+This designates the place where the file system is to be mounted.
+@item @code{device}
+This names the ``source'' of the file system. It can be one of three
+things: a file system label, a file system UUID, or the name of a
+@file{/dev} node. Labels and UUIDs offer a way to refer to file systems
+without having to hard-code their actual device name@footnote{Note that,
+while it is tempting to use @file{/dev/disk/by-uuid} and similar device
+names to achieve the same result, this is not recommended: These special
+device nodes are created by the udev daemon and may be unavailable at the
+time the device is mounted.}.
+@findex file-system-label
+File system labels are created using the @code{file-system-label} procedure,
+UUIDs are created using @code{uuid}, and @file{/dev} node are plain
+strings. Here's an example of a file system referred to by its label, as
+shown by the @command{e2label} command:
+ (mount-point "/home")
+ (type "ext4")
+ (device (file-system-label "my-home")))
+@end example
+@findex uuid
+UUIDs are converted from their string representation (as shown by the
+@command{tune2fs -l} command) using the @code{uuid} form@footnote{The
+@code{uuid} form expects 16-byte UUIDs as defined in
+@uref{https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4122, RFC@tie{}4122}. This is the form
+of UUID used by the ext2 family of file systems and others, but it is
+different from ``UUIDs'' found in FAT file systems, for instance.}, like
+ (mount-point "/home")
+ (type "ext4")
+ (device (uuid "4dab5feb-d176-45de-b287-9b0a6e4c01cb")))
+@end example
+When the source of a file system is a mapped device (@pxref{Abgebildete Geräte}), its @code{device} field @emph{must} refer to the mapped device
+name---e.g., @file{"/dev/mapper/root-partition"}. This is required so that
+the system knows that mounting the file system depends on having the
+corresponding device mapping established.
+@item @code{flags} (default: @code{'()})
+This is a list of symbols denoting mount flags. Recognized flags include
+@code{read-only}, @code{bind-mount}, @code{no-dev} (disallow access to
+special files), @code{no-suid} (ignore setuid and setgid bits), and
+@code{no-exec} (disallow program execution.)
+@item @code{options} (default: @code{#f})
+This is either @code{#f}, or a string denoting mount options.
+@item @code{mount?} (default: @code{#t})
+This value indicates whether to automatically mount the file system when the
+system is brought up. When set to @code{#f}, the file system gets an entry
+in @file{/etc/fstab} (read by the @command{mount} command) but is not
+automatically mounted.
+@item @code{needed-for-boot?} (default: @code{#f})
+This Boolean value indicates whether the file system is needed when
+booting. If that is true, then the file system is mounted when the initial
+RAM disk (initrd) is loaded. This is always the case, for instance, for the
+root file system.
+@item @code{check?} (default: @code{#t})
+This Boolean indicates whether the file system needs to be checked for
+errors before being mounted.
+@item @code{create-mount-point?} (default: @code{#f})
+When true, the mount point is created if it does not exist yet.
+@item @code{dependencies} (default: @code{'()})
+This is a list of @code{<file-system>} or @code{<mapped-device>} objects
+representing file systems that must be mounted or mapped devices that must
+be opened before (and unmounted or closed after) this one.
+As an example, consider a hierarchy of mounts: @file{/sys/fs/cgroup} is a
+dependency of @file{/sys/fs/cgroup/cpu} and @file{/sys/fs/cgroup/memory}.
+Another example is a file system that depends on a mapped device, for
+example for an encrypted partition (@pxref{Abgebildete Geräte}).
+@end table
+@end deftp
+The @code{(gnu system file-systems)} exports the following useful variables.
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} %base-file-systems
+These are essential file systems that are required on normal systems, such
+as @var{%pseudo-terminal-file-system} and @var{%immutable-store} (see
+below.) Operating system declarations should always contain at least these.
+@end defvr
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} %pseudo-terminal-file-system
+This is the file system to be mounted as @file{/dev/pts}. It supports
+@dfn{pseudo-terminals} created @i{via} @code{openpty} and similar functions
+(@pxref{Pseudo-Terminals,,, libc, The GNU C Library Reference Manual}).
+Pseudo-terminals are used by terminal emulators such as @command{xterm}.
+@end defvr
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} %shared-memory-file-system
+This file system is mounted as @file{/dev/shm} and is used to support memory
+sharing across processes (@pxref{Memory-mapped I/O, @code{shm_open},, libc,
+The GNU C Library Reference Manual}).
+@end defvr
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} %immutable-store
+This file system performs a read-only ``bind mount'' of @file{/gnu/store},
+making it read-only for all the users including @code{root}. This prevents
+against accidental modification by software running as @code{root} or by
+system administrators.
+The daemon itself is still able to write to the store: it remounts it
+read-write in its own ``name space.''
+@end defvr
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} %binary-format-file-system
+The @code{binfmt_misc} file system, which allows handling of arbitrary
+executable file types to be delegated to user space. This requires the
+@code{binfmt.ko} kernel module to be loaded.
+@end defvr
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} %fuse-control-file-system
+The @code{fusectl} file system, which allows unprivileged users to mount and
+unmount user-space FUSE file systems. This requires the @code{fuse.ko}
+kernel module to be loaded.
+@end defvr
+@node Abgebildete Geräte
+@subsection Abgebildete Geräte
+@cindex device mapping
+@cindex mapped devices
+The Linux kernel has a notion of @dfn{device mapping}: a block device, such
+as a hard disk partition, can be @dfn{mapped} into another device, usually
+in @code{/dev/mapper/}, with additional processing over the data that flows
+through it@footnote{Note that the GNU@tie{}Hurd makes no difference between
+the concept of a ``mapped device'' and that of a file system: both boil down
+to @emph{translating} input/output operations made on a file to operations
+on its backing store. Thus, the Hurd implements mapped devices, like file
+systems, using the generic @dfn{translator} mechanism (@pxref{Translators,,,
+hurd, The GNU Hurd Reference Manual}).}. A typical example is encryption
+device mapping: all writes to the mapped device are encrypted, and all reads
+are deciphered, transparently. Guix extends this notion by considering any
+device or set of devices that are @dfn{transformed} in some way to create a
+new device; for instance, RAID devices are obtained by @dfn{assembling}
+several other devices, such as hard disks or partitions, into a new one that
+behaves as one partition. Other examples, not yet implemented, are LVM
+logical volumes.
+Mapped devices are declared using the @code{mapped-device} form, defined as
+follows; for examples, see below.
+@deftp {Data Type} mapped-device
+Objects of this type represent device mappings that will be made when the
+system boots up.
+@table @code
+@item source
+This is either a string specifying the name of the block device to be
+mapped, such as @code{"/dev/sda3"}, or a list of such strings when several
+devices need to be assembled for creating a new one.
+@item target
+This string specifies the name of the resulting mapped device. For kernel
+mappers such as encrypted devices of type @code{luks-device-mapping},
+specifying @code{"my-partition"} leads to the creation of the
+@code{"/dev/mapper/my-partition"} device. For RAID devices of type
+@code{raid-device-mapping}, the full device name such as @code{"/dev/md0"}
+needs to be given.
+@item type
+This must be a @code{mapped-device-kind} object, which specifies how
+@var{source} is mapped to @var{target}.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} luks-device-mapping
+This defines LUKS block device encryption using the @command{cryptsetup}
+command from the package with the same name. It relies on the
+@code{dm-crypt} Linux kernel module.
+@end defvr
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} raid-device-mapping
+This defines a RAID device, which is assembled using the @code{mdadm}
+command from the package with the same name. It requires a Linux kernel
+module for the appropriate RAID level to be loaded, such as @code{raid456}
+for RAID-4, RAID-5 or RAID-6, or @code{raid10} for RAID-10.
+@end defvr
+@cindex disk encryption
+@cindex LUKS
+The following example specifies a mapping from @file{/dev/sda3} to
+@file{/dev/mapper/home} using LUKS---the
+@url{https://gitlab.com/cryptsetup/cryptsetup,Linux Unified Key Setup}, a
+standard mechanism for disk encryption. The @file{/dev/mapper/home} device
+can then be used as the @code{device} of a @code{file-system} declaration
+ (source "/dev/sda3")
+ (target "home")
+ (type luks-device-mapping))
+@end example
+Alternatively, to become independent of device numbering, one may obtain the
+LUKS UUID (@dfn{unique identifier}) of the source device by a command like:
+cryptsetup luksUUID /dev/sda3
+@end example
+and use it as follows:
+ (source (uuid "cb67fc72-0d54-4c88-9d4b-b225f30b0f44"))
+ (target "home")
+ (type luks-device-mapping))
+@end example
+@cindex swap encryption
+It is also desirable to encrypt swap space, since swap space may contain
+sensitive data. One way to accomplish that is to use a swap file in a file
+system on a device mapped via LUKS encryption. In this way, the swap file
+is encrypted because the entire device is encrypted. @xref{Vor der Installation,,Disk Partitioning}, for an example.
+A RAID device formed of the partitions @file{/dev/sda1} and @file{/dev/sdb1}
+may be declared as follows:
+ (source (list "/dev/sda1" "/dev/sdb1"))
+ (target "/dev/md0")
+ (type raid-device-mapping))
+@end example
+The @file{/dev/md0} device can then be used as the @code{device} of a
+@code{file-system} declaration (@pxref{Dateisysteme}). Note that the RAID
+level need not be given; it is chosen during the initial creation and
+formatting of the RAID device and is determined automatically later.
+@node Benutzerkonten
+@subsection Benutzerkonten
+@cindex users
+@cindex accounts
+@cindex user accounts
+User accounts and groups are entirely managed through the
+@code{operating-system} declaration. They are specified with the
+@code{user-account} and @code{user-group} forms:
+ (name "alice")
+ (group "users")
+ (supplementary-groups '("wheel" ;allow use of sudo, etc.
+ "audio" ;sound card
+ "video" ;video devices such as webcams
+ "cdrom")) ;the good ol' CD-ROM
+ (comment "Bob's sister")
+ (home-directory "/home/alice"))
+@end example
+When booting or upon completion of @command{guix system reconfigure}, the
+system ensures that only the user accounts and groups specified in the
+@code{operating-system} declaration exist, and with the specified
+properties. Thus, account or group creations or modifications made by
+directly invoking commands such as @command{useradd} are lost upon
+reconfiguration or reboot. This ensures that the system remains exactly as
+@deftp {Data Type} user-account
+Objects of this type represent user accounts. The following members may be
+@table @asis
+@item @code{name}
+The name of the user account.
+@item @code{group}
+@cindex groups
+This is the name (a string) or identifier (a number) of the user group this
+account belongs to.
+@item @code{supplementary-groups} (default: @code{'()})
+Optionally, this can be defined as a list of group names that this account
+belongs to.
+@item @code{uid} (default: @code{#f})
+This is the user ID for this account (a number), or @code{#f}. In the
+latter case, a number is automatically chosen by the system when the account
+is created.
+@item @code{comment} (default: @code{""})
+A comment about the account, such as the account owner's full name.
+@item @code{home-directory}
+This is the name of the home directory for the account.
+@item @code{create-home-directory?} (default: @code{#t})
+Indicates whether the home directory of this account should be created if it
+does not exist yet.
+@item @code{shell} (default: Bash)
+This is a G-expression denoting the file name of a program to be used as the
+shell (@pxref{G-Ausdrücke}).
+@item @code{system?} (default: @code{#f})
+This Boolean value indicates whether the account is a ``system'' account.
+System accounts are sometimes treated specially; for instance, graphical
+login managers do not list them.
+@item @code{password} (default: @code{#f})
+You would normally leave this field to @code{#f}, initialize user passwords
+as @code{root} with the @command{passwd} command, and then let users change
+it with @command{passwd}. Passwords set with @command{passwd} are of course
+preserved across reboot and reconfiguration.
+If you @emph{do} want to have a preset password for an account, then this
+field must contain the encrypted password, as a string. @xref{crypt,,,
+libc, The GNU C Library Reference Manual}, for more information on password
+encryption, and @ref{Encryption,,, guile, GNU Guile Reference Manual}, for
+information on Guile's @code{crypt} procedure.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@cindex groups
+User group declarations are even simpler:
+(user-group (name "students"))
+@end example
+@deftp {Data Type} user-group
+This type is for, well, user groups. There are just a few fields:
+@table @asis
+@item @code{name}
+The name of the group.
+@item @code{id} (default: @code{#f})
+The group identifier (a number). If @code{#f}, a new number is
+automatically allocated when the group is created.
+@item @code{system?} (default: @code{#f})
+This Boolean value indicates whether the group is a ``system'' group.
+System groups have low numerical IDs.
+@item @code{password} (default: @code{#f})
+What, user groups can have a password? Well, apparently yes. Unless
+@code{#f}, this field specifies the password of the group.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+For convenience, a variable lists all the basic user groups one may expect:
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} %base-groups
+This is the list of basic user groups that users and/or packages expect to
+be present on the system. This includes groups such as ``root'', ``wheel'',
+and ``users'', as well as groups used to control access to specific devices
+such as ``audio'', ``disk'', and ``cdrom''.
+@end defvr
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} %base-user-accounts
+This is the list of basic system accounts that programs may expect to find
+on a GNU/Linux system, such as the ``nobody'' account.
+Note that the ``root'' account is not included here. It is a special-case
+and is automatically added whether or not it is specified.
+@end defvr
+@node Locales
+@subsection Locales
+@cindex locale
+A @dfn{locale} defines cultural conventions for a particular language and
+region of the world (@pxref{Locales,,, libc, The GNU C Library Reference
+Manual}). Each locale has a name that typically has the form
+@code{fr_LU.utf8} designates the locale for the French language, with
+cultural conventions from Luxembourg, and using the UTF-8 encoding.
+@cindex locale definition
+Usually, you will want to specify the default locale for the machine using
+the @code{locale} field of the @code{operating-system} declaration
+(@pxref{„operating-system“-Referenz, @code{locale}}).
+The selected locale is automatically added to the @dfn{locale definitions}
+known to the system if needed, with its codeset inferred from its
+name---e.g., @code{bo_CN.utf8} will be assumed to use the @code{UTF-8}
+codeset. Additional locale definitions can be specified in the
+@code{locale-definitions} slot of @code{operating-system}---this is useful,
+for instance, if the codeset could not be inferred from the locale name.
+The default set of locale definitions includes some widely used locales, but
+not all the available locales, in order to save space.
+For instance, to add the North Frisian locale for Germany, the value of that
+field may be:
+(cons (locale-definition
+ (name "fy_DE.utf8") (source "fy_DE"))
+ %default-locale-definitions)
+@end example
+Likewise, to save space, one might want @code{locale-definitions} to list
+only the locales that are actually used, as in:
+(list (locale-definition
+ (name "ja_JP.eucjp") (source "ja_JP")
+ (charset "EUC-JP")))
+@end example
+@vindex LOCPATH
+The compiled locale definitions are available at
+@file{/run/current-system/locale/X.Y}, where @code{X.Y} is the libc version,
+which is the default location where the GNU@tie{}libc provided by Guix looks
+for locale data. This can be overridden using the @code{LOCPATH}
+environment variable (@pxref{locales-and-locpath, @code{LOCPATH} and locale
+The @code{locale-definition} form is provided by the @code{(gnu system
+locale)} module. Details are given below.
+@deftp {Data Type} locale-definition
+This is the data type of a locale definition.
+@table @asis
+@item @code{name}
+The name of the locale. @xref{Locale Names,,, libc, The GNU C Library
+Reference Manual}, for more information on locale names.
+@item @code{source}
+The name of the source for that locale. This is typically the
+@code{@var{language}_@var{territory}} part of the locale name.
+@item @code{charset} (default: @code{"UTF-8"})
+The ``character set'' or ``code set'' for that locale,
+@uref{http://www.iana.org/assignments/character-sets, as defined by IANA}.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} %default-locale-definitions
+A list of commonly used UTF-8 locales, used as the default value of the
+@code{locale-definitions} field of @code{operating-system} declarations.
+@cindex locale name
+@cindex normalized codeset in locale names
+These locale definitions use the @dfn{normalized codeset} for the part that
+follows the dot in the name (@pxref{Using gettextized software, normalized
+codeset,, libc, The GNU C Library Reference Manual}). So for instance it
+has @code{uk_UA.utf8} but @emph{not}, say, @code{uk_UA.UTF-8}.
+@end defvr
+@subsubsection Locale Data Compatibility Considerations
+@cindex incompatibility, of locale data
+@code{operating-system} declarations provide a @code{locale-libcs} field to
+specify the GNU@tie{}libc packages that are used to compile locale
+declarations (@pxref{„operating-system“-Referenz}). ``Why would I care?'',
+you may ask. Well, it turns out that the binary format of locale data is
+occasionally incompatible from one libc version to another.
+@c See <https://sourceware.org/ml/libc-alpha/2015-09/msg00575.html>
+@c and <https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/guix-devel/2015-08/msg00737.html>.
+For instance, a program linked against libc version 2.21 is unable to read
+locale data produced with libc 2.22; worse, that program @emph{aborts}
+instead of simply ignoring the incompatible locale data@footnote{Versions
+2.23 and later of GNU@tie{}libc will simply skip the incompatible locale
+data, which is already an improvement.}. Similarly, a program linked
+against libc 2.22 can read most, but not all, of the locale data from libc
+2.21 (specifically, @code{LC_COLLATE} data is incompatible); thus calls to
+@code{setlocale} may fail, but programs will not abort.
+The ``problem'' in GuixSD is that users have a lot of freedom: They can
+choose whether and when to upgrade software in their profiles, and might be
+using a libc version different from the one the system administrator used to
+build the system-wide locale data.
+Fortunately, unprivileged users can also install their own locale data and
+define @var{GUIX_LOCPATH} accordingly (@pxref{locales-and-locpath,
+@code{GUIX_LOCPATH} and locale packages}).
+Still, it is best if the system-wide locale data at
+@file{/run/current-system/locale} is built for all the libc versions
+actually in use on the system, so that all the programs can access it---this
+is especially crucial on a multi-user system. To do that, the administrator
+can specify several libc packages in the @code{locale-libcs} field of
+(use-package-modules base)
+ ;; @dots{}
+ (locale-libcs (list glibc-2.21 (canonical-package glibc))))
+@end example
+This example would lead to a system containing locale definitions for both
+libc 2.21 and the current version of libc in
+@node Dienste
+@subsection Dienste
+@cindex system services
+An important part of preparing an @code{operating-system} declaration is
+listing @dfn{system services} and their configuration (@pxref{Das Konfigurationssystem nutzen}). System services are typically daemons launched when
+the system boots, or other actions needed at that time---e.g., configuring
+network access.
+GuixSD has a broad definition of ``service'' (@pxref{Dienstkompositionen}),
+but many services are managed by the GNU@tie{}Shepherd (@pxref{Shepherd-Dienste}). On a running system, the @command{herd} command allows you to
+list the available services, show their status, start and stop them, or do
+other specific operations (@pxref{Jump Start,,, shepherd, The GNU Shepherd
+Manual}). For example:
+# herd status
+@end example
+The above command, run as @code{root}, lists the currently defined
+services. The @command{herd doc} command shows a synopsis of the given
+service and its associated actions:
+# herd doc nscd
+Run libc's name service cache daemon (nscd).
+# herd doc nscd action invalidate
+invalidate: Invalidate the given cache--e.g., 'hosts' for host name lookups.
+@end example
+The @command{start}, @command{stop}, and @command{restart} sub-commands have
+the effect you would expect. For instance, the commands below stop the nscd
+service and restart the Xorg display server:
+# herd stop nscd
+Service nscd has been stopped.
+# herd restart xorg-server
+Service xorg-server has been stopped.
+Service xorg-server has been started.
+@end example
+The following sections document the available services, starting with the
+core services, that may be used in an @code{operating-system} declaration.
+* Basisdienste:: Essenzielle Systemdienste.
+* Geplante Auftragsausführung:: Der mcron-Dienst.
+* Log-Rotation:: Der rottlog-Dienst.
+* Netzwerkdienste:: Netzwerkeinrichtung, SSH-Daemon etc.
+* X Window:: Graphische Anzeige.
+* Druckdienste:: Unterstützung für lokale und entfernte
+ Drucker.
+* Desktop-Dienste:: D-Bus- und Desktop-Dienste.
+* Sound Services:: ALSA and Pulseaudio services.
+* Datenbankdienste:: SQL-Datenbanken, Schlüssel-Wert-Speicher etc.
+* Mail-Dienste:: IMAP, POP3, SMTP und so weiter.
+* Kurznachrichtendienste:: Dienste für Kurznachrichten.
+* Telefondienste:: Telefoniedienste.
+* Überwachungsdienste:: Dienste zur Systemüberwachung.
+* Kerberos-Dienste:: Kerberos-Dienste.
+* Web-Dienste:: Web-Server.
+* Zertifikatsdienste:: TLS-Zertifikate via Let’s Encrypt.
+* DNS-Dienste:: DNS-Daemons.
+* VPN-Dienste:: VPN-Daemons.
+* Network File System:: Dienste mit Bezug zum Netzwerkdateisystem.
+* Kontinuierliche Integration:: Der Cuirass-Dienst.
+* Power Management Services:: Extending battery life.
+* Audio-Dienste:: Der MPD.
+* Virtualisierungsdienste:: Dienste für virtuelle Maschinen.
+* Versionskontrolldienste:: Entfernten Zugang zu Git-Repositorys bieten.
+* Spieldienste:: Spielserver.
+* Verschiedene Dienste:: Andere Dienste.
+@end menu
+@node Basisdienste
+@subsubsection Basisdienste
+The @code{(gnu services base)} module provides definitions for the basic
+services that one expects from the system. The services exported by this
+module are listed below.
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} %base-services
+This variable contains a list of basic services (@pxref{Diensttypen und Dienste}, for more information on service objects) one would expect from
+the system: a login service (mingetty) on each tty, syslogd, the libc name
+service cache daemon (nscd), the udev device manager, and more.
+This is the default value of the @code{services} field of
+@code{operating-system} declarations. Usually, when customizing a system,
+you will want to append services to @var{%base-services}, like this:
+(cons* (avahi-service) (lsh-service) %base-services)
+@end example
+@end defvr
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} special-files-service-type
+This is the service that sets up ``special files'' such as @file{/bin/sh};
+an instance of it is part of @code{%base-services}.
+The value associated with @code{special-files-service-type} services must be
+a list of tuples where the first element is the ``special file'' and the
+second element is its target. By default it is:
+@cindex @file{/bin/sh}
+@cindex @file{sh}, in @file{/bin}
+`(("/bin/sh" ,(file-append @var{bash} "/bin/sh")))
+@end example
+@cindex @file{/usr/bin/env}
+@cindex @file{env}, in @file{/usr/bin}
+If you want to add, say, @code{/usr/bin/env} to your system, you can change
+it to:
+`(("/bin/sh" ,(file-append @var{bash} "/bin/sh"))
+ ("/usr/bin/env" ,(file-append @var{coreutils} "/bin/env")))
+@end example
+Since this is part of @code{%base-services}, you can use
+@code{modify-services} to customize the set of special files (@pxref{Service-Referenz, @code{modify-services}}). But the simple way to add a special
+file is @i{via} the @code{extra-special-file} procedure (see below.)
+@end defvr
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} extra-special-file @var{file} @var{target}
+Use @var{target} as the ``special file'' @var{file}.
+For example, adding the following lines to the @code{services} field of your
+operating system declaration leads to a @file{/usr/bin/env} symlink:
+(extra-special-file "/usr/bin/env"
+ (file-append coreutils "/bin/env"))
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} host-name-service @var{name}
+Return a service that sets the host name to @var{name}.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} login-service @var{config}
+Return a service to run login according to @var{config}, a
+@code{<login-configuration>} object, which specifies the message of the day,
+among other things.
+@end deffn
+@deftp {Data Type} login-configuration
+This is the data type representing the configuration of login.
+@table @asis
+@item @code{motd}
+@cindex message of the day
+A file-like object containing the ``message of the day''.
+@item @code{allow-empty-passwords?} (default: @code{#t})
+Allow empty passwords by default so that first-time users can log in when
+the 'root' account has just been created.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} mingetty-service @var{config}
+Return a service to run mingetty according to @var{config}, a
+@code{<mingetty-configuration>} object, which specifies the tty to run,
+among other things.
+@end deffn
+@deftp {Data Type} mingetty-configuration
+This is the data type representing the configuration of Mingetty, which
+provides the default implementation of virtual console log-in.
+@table @asis
+@item @code{tty}
+The name of the console this Mingetty runs on---e.g., @code{"tty1"}.
+@item @code{auto-login} (default: @code{#f})
+When true, this field must be a string denoting the user name under which
+the system automatically logs in. When it is @code{#f}, a user name and
+password must be entered to log in.
+@item @code{login-program} (default: @code{#f})
+This must be either @code{#f}, in which case the default log-in program is
+used (@command{login} from the Shadow tool suite), or a gexp denoting the
+name of the log-in program.
+@item @code{login-pause?} (default: @code{#f})
+When set to @code{#t} in conjunction with @var{auto-login}, the user will
+have to press a key before the log-in shell is launched.
+@item @code{mingetty} (default: @var{mingetty})
+The Mingetty package to use.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} agetty-service @var{config}
+Return a service to run agetty according to @var{config}, an
+@code{<agetty-configuration>} object, which specifies the tty to run, among
+other things.
+@end deffn
+@deftp {Data Type} agetty-configuration
+This is the data type representing the configuration of agetty, which
+implements virtual and serial console log-in. See the @code{agetty(8)} man
+page for more information.
+@table @asis
+@item @code{tty}
+The name of the console this agetty runs on, as a string---e.g.,
+@code{"ttyS0"}. This argument is optional, it will default to a reasonable
+default serial port used by the kernel Linux.
+For this, if there is a value for an option @code{agetty.tty} in the kernel
+command line, agetty will extract the device name of the serial port from it
+and use that.
+If not and if there is a value for an option @code{console} with a tty in
+the Linux command line, agetty will extract the device name of the serial
+port from it and use that.
+In both cases, agetty will leave the other serial device settings (baud rate
+etc.)@: alone---in the hope that Linux pinned them to the correct values.
+@item @code{baud-rate} (default: @code{#f})
+A string containing a comma-separated list of one or more baud rates, in
+descending order.
+@item @code{term} (default: @code{#f})
+A string containing the value used for the @code{TERM} environment variable.
+@item @code{eight-bits?} (default: @code{#f})
+When @code{#t}, the tty is assumed to be 8-bit clean, and parity detection
+is disabled.
+@item @code{auto-login} (default: @code{#f})
+When passed a login name, as a string, the specified user will be logged in
+automatically without prompting for their login name or password.
+@item @code{no-reset?} (default: @code{#f})
+When @code{#t}, don't reset terminal cflags (control modes).
+@item @code{host} (default: @code{#f})
+This accepts a string containing the "login_host", which will be written
+into the @file{/var/run/utmpx} file.
+@item @code{remote?} (default: @code{#f})
+When set to @code{#t} in conjunction with @var{host}, this will add an
+@code{-r} fakehost option to the command line of the login program specified
+in @var{login-program}.
+@item @code{flow-control?} (default: @code{#f})
+When set to @code{#t}, enable hardware (RTS/CTS) flow control.
+@item @code{no-issue?} (default: @code{#f})
+When set to @code{#t}, the contents of the @file{/etc/issue} file will not
+be displayed before presenting the login prompt.
+@item @code{init-string} (default: @code{#f})
+This accepts a string that will be sent to the tty or modem before sending
+anything else. It can be used to initialize a modem.
+@item @code{no-clear?} (default: @code{#f})
+When set to @code{#t}, agetty will not clear the screen before showing the
+login prompt.
+@item @code{login-program} (default: (file-append shadow "/bin/login"))
+This must be either a gexp denoting the name of a log-in program, or unset,
+in which case the default value is the @command{login} from the Shadow tool
+@item @code{local-line} (default: @code{#f})
+Control the CLOCAL line flag. This accepts one of three symbols as
+arguments, @code{'auto}, @code{'always}, or @code{'never}. If @code{#f}, the
+default value chosen by agetty is @code{'auto}.
+@item @code{extract-baud?} (default: @code{#f})
+When set to @code{#t}, instruct agetty to try to extract the baud rate from
+the status messages produced by certain types of modems.
+@item @code{skip-login?} (default: @code{#f})
+When set to @code{#t}, do not prompt the user for a login name. This can be
+used with @var{login-program} field to use non-standard login systems.
+@item @code{no-newline?} (default: @code{#f})
+When set to @code{#t}, do not print a newline before printing the
+@file{/etc/issue} file.
+@c Is this dangerous only when used with login-program, or always?
+@item @code{login-options} (default: @code{#f})
+This option accepts a string containing options that are passed to the login
+program. When used with the @var{login-program}, be aware that a malicious
+user could try to enter a login name containing embedded options that could
+be parsed by the login program.
+@item @code{login-pause} (default: @code{#f})
+When set to @code{#t}, wait for any key before showing the login prompt.
+This can be used in conjunction with @var{auto-login} to save memory by
+lazily spawning shells.
+@item @code{chroot} (default: @code{#f})
+Change root to the specified directory. This option accepts a directory
+path as a string.
+@item @code{hangup?} (default: @code{#f})
+Use the Linux system call @code{vhangup} to do a virtual hangup of the
+specified terminal.
+@item @code{keep-baud?} (default: @code{#f})
+When set to @code{#t}, try to keep the existing baud rate. The baud rates
+from @var{baud-rate} are used when agetty receives a @key{BREAK} character.
+@item @code{timeout} (default: @code{#f})
+When set to an integer value, terminate if no user name could be read within
+@var{timeout} seconds.
+@item @code{detect-case?} (default: @code{#f})
+When set to @code{#t}, turn on support for detecting an uppercase-only
+terminal. This setting will detect a login name containing only uppercase
+letters as indicating an uppercase-only terminal and turn on some
+upper-to-lower case conversions. Note that this will not support Unicode
+@item @code{wait-cr?} (default: @code{#f})
+When set to @code{#t}, wait for the user or modem to send a carriage-return
+or linefeed character before displaying @file{/etc/issue} or login prompt.
+This is typically used with the @var{init-string} option.
+@item @code{no-hints?} (default: @code{#f})
+When set to @code{#t}, do not print hints about Num, Caps, and Scroll locks.
+@item @code{no-hostname?} (default: @code{#f})
+By default, the hostname is printed. When this option is set to @code{#t},
+no hostname will be shown at all.
+@item @code{long-hostname?} (default: @code{#f})
+By default, the hostname is only printed until the first dot. When this
+option is set to @code{#t}, the fully qualified hostname by
+@code{gethostname} or @code{getaddrinfo} is shown.
+@item @code{erase-characters} (default: @code{#f})
+This option accepts a string of additional characters that should be
+interpreted as backspace when the user types their login name.
+@item @code{kill-characters} (default: @code{#f})
+This option accepts a string that should be interpreted to mean "ignore all
+previous characters" (also called a "kill" character) when the types their
+login name.
+@item @code{chdir} (default: @code{#f})
+This option accepts, as a string, a directory path that will be changed to
+before login.
+@item @code{delay} (default: @code{#f})
+This options accepts, as an integer, the number of seconds to sleep before
+opening the tty and displaying the login prompt.
+@item @code{nice} (default: @code{#f})
+This option accepts, as an integer, the nice value with which to run the
+@command{login} program.
+@item @code{extra-options} (default: @code{'()})
+This option provides an "escape hatch" for the user to provide arbitrary
+command-line arguments to @command{agetty} as a list of strings.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} kmscon-service-type @var{config}
+Return a service to run
+@uref{https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/kmscon,kmscon} according to
+@var{config}, a @code{<kmscon-configuration>} object, which specifies the
+tty to run, among other things.
+@end deffn
+@deftp {Data Type} kmscon-configuration
+This is the data type representing the configuration of Kmscon, which
+implements virtual console log-in.
+@table @asis
+@item @code{virtual-terminal}
+The name of the console this Kmscon runs on---e.g., @code{"tty1"}.
+@item @code{login-program} (default: @code{#~(string-append #$shadow "/bin/login")})
+A gexp denoting the name of the log-in program. The default log-in program
+is @command{login} from the Shadow tool suite.
+@item @code{login-arguments} (default: @code{'("-p")})
+A list of arguments to pass to @command{login}.
+@item @code{auto-login} (default: @code{#f})
+When passed a login name, as a string, the specified user will be logged in
+automatically without prompting for their login name or password.
+@item @code{hardware-acceleration?} (default: #f)
+Whether to use hardware acceleration.
+@item @code{kmscon} (default: @var{kmscon})
+The Kmscon package to use.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@cindex name service cache daemon
+@cindex nscd
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} nscd-service [@var{config}] [#:glibc glibc] @
+ [#:name-services '()] Return a service that runs the libc name service cache
+daemon (nscd) with the given @var{config}---an @code{<nscd-configuration>}
+object. @xref{Name Service Switch}, for an example.
+For convenience, the Shepherd service for nscd provides the following
+@table @code
+@item invalidate
+@cindex cache invalidation, nscd
+@cindex nscd, cache invalidation
+This invalidate the given cache. For instance, running:
+herd invalidate nscd hosts
+@end example
+invalidates the host name lookup cache of nscd.
+@item statistics
+Running @command{herd statistics nscd} displays information about nscd usage
+and caches.
+@end table
+@end deffn
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} %nscd-default-configuration
+This is the default @code{<nscd-configuration>} value (see below) used by
+@code{nscd-service}. It uses the caches defined by
+@var{%nscd-default-caches}; see below.
+@end defvr
+@deftp {Data Type} nscd-configuration
+This is the data type representing the name service cache daemon (nscd)
+@table @asis
+@item @code{name-services} (default: @code{'()})
+List of packages denoting @dfn{name services} that must be visible to the
+nscd---e.g., @code{(list @var{nss-mdns})}.
+@item @code{glibc} (default: @var{glibc})
+Package object denoting the GNU C Library providing the @command{nscd}
+@item @code{log-file} (default: @code{"/var/log/nscd.log"})
+Name of the nscd log file. This is where debugging output goes when
+@code{debug-level} is strictly positive.
+@item @code{debug-level} (default: @code{0})
+Integer denoting the debugging levels. Higher numbers mean that more
+debugging output is logged.
+@item @code{caches} (default: @var{%nscd-default-caches})
+List of @code{<nscd-cache>} objects denoting things to be cached; see below.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@deftp {Data Type} nscd-cache
+Data type representing a cache database of nscd and its parameters.
+@table @asis
+@item @code{database}
+This is a symbol representing the name of the database to be cached. Valid
+values are @code{passwd}, @code{group}, @code{hosts}, and @code{services},
+which designate the corresponding NSS database (@pxref{NSS Basics,,, libc,
+The GNU C Library Reference Manual}).
+@item @code{positive-time-to-live}
+@itemx @code{negative-time-to-live} (default: @code{20})
+A number representing the number of seconds during which a positive or
+negative lookup result remains in cache.
+@item @code{check-files?} (default: @code{#t})
+Whether to check for updates of the files corresponding to @var{database}.
+For instance, when @var{database} is @code{hosts}, setting this flag
+instructs nscd to check for updates in @file{/etc/hosts} and to take them
+into account.
+@item @code{persistent?} (default: @code{#t})
+Whether the cache should be stored persistently on disk.
+@item @code{shared?} (default: @code{#t})
+Whether the cache should be shared among users.
+@item @code{max-database-size} (default: 32@tie{}MiB)
+Maximum size in bytes of the database cache.
+@c XXX: 'suggested-size' and 'auto-propagate?' seem to be expert
+@c settings, so leave them out.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} %nscd-default-caches
+List of @code{<nscd-cache>} objects used by default by
+@code{nscd-configuration} (see above).
+It enables persistent and aggressive caching of service and host name
+lookups. The latter provides better host name lookup performance,
+resilience in the face of unreliable name servers, and also better
+privacy---often the result of host name lookups is in local cache, so
+external name servers do not even need to be queried.
+@end defvr
+@cindex syslog
+@cindex logging
+@deftp {Data Type} syslog-configuration
+This data type represents the configuration of the syslog daemon.
+@table @asis
+@item @code{syslogd} (default: @code{#~(string-append #$inetutils "/libexec/syslogd")})
+The syslog daemon to use.
+@item @code{config-file} (default: @code{%default-syslog.conf})
+The syslog configuration file to use.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@cindex syslog
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} syslog-service @var{config}
+Return a service that runs a syslog daemon according to @var{config}.
+@xref{syslogd invocation,,, inetutils, GNU Inetutils}, for more information
+on the configuration file syntax.
+@end deffn
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} guix-service-type
+This is the type of the service that runs the build daemon,
+@command{guix-daemon} (@pxref{Aufruf des guix-daemon}). Its value must be a
+@code{guix-configuration} record as described below.
+@end defvr
+@deftp {Data Type} guix-configuration
+This data type represents the configuration of the Guix build daemon.
+@xref{Aufruf des guix-daemon}, for more information.
+@table @asis
+@item @code{guix} (default: @var{guix})
+The Guix package to use.
+@item @code{build-group} (default: @code{"guixbuild"})
+Name of the group for build user accounts.
+@item @code{build-accounts} (default: @code{10})
+Number of build user accounts to create.
+@item @code{authorize-key?} (default: @code{#t})
+@cindex Substitute, deren Autorisierung
+Whether to authorize the substitute keys listed in
+@code{authorized-keys}---by default that of @code{hydra.gnu.org}
+@vindex %default-authorized-guix-keys
+@item @code{authorized-keys} (default: @var{%default-authorized-guix-keys})
+The list of authorized key files for archive imports, as a list of
+string-valued gexps (@pxref{Aufruf von guix archive}). By default, it
+contains that of @code{hydra.gnu.org} (@pxref{Substitute}).
+@item @code{use-substitutes?} (default: @code{#t})
+Whether to use substitutes.
+@item @code{substitute-urls} (default: @var{%default-substitute-urls})
+The list of URLs where to look for substitutes by default.
+@item @code{max-silent-time} (default: @code{0})
+@itemx @code{timeout} (default: @code{0})
+The number of seconds of silence and the number of seconds of activity,
+respectively, after which a build process times out. A value of zero
+disables the timeout.
+@item @code{log-compression} (default: @code{'bzip2})
+The type of compression used for build logs---one of @code{gzip},
+@code{bzip2}, or @code{none}.
+@item @code{extra-options} (default: @code{'()})
+List of extra command-line options for @command{guix-daemon}.
+@item @code{log-file} (default: @code{"/var/log/guix-daemon.log"})
+File where @command{guix-daemon}'s standard output and standard error are
+@item @code{http-proxy} (default: @code{#f})
+The HTTP proxy used for downloading fixed-output derivations and
+@item @code{tmpdir} (default: @code{#f})
+A directory path where the @command{guix-daemon} will perform builds.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} udev-service [#:udev @var{eudev} #:rules @code{'()}]
+Run @var{udev}, which populates the @file{/dev} directory dynamically. udev
+rules can be provided as a list of files through the @var{rules} variable.
+The procedures @var{udev-rule} and @var{file->udev-rule} from @code{(gnu
+services base)} simplify the creation of such rule files.
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} udev-rule [@var{file-name} @var{contents}]
+Return a udev-rule file named @var{file-name} containing the rules defined
+by the @var{contents} literal.
+In the following example, a rule for a USB device is defined to be stored in
+the file @file{90-usb-thing.rules}. The rule runs a script upon detecting a
+USB device with a given product identifier.
+(define %example-udev-rule
+ (udev-rule
+ "90-usb-thing.rules"
+ (string-append "ACTION==\"add\", SUBSYSTEM==\"usb\", "
+ "ATTR@{product@}==\"Example\", "
+ "RUN+=\"/path/to/script\"")))
+@end example
+@end deffn
+Here we show how the default @var{udev-service} can be extended with it.
+ ;; @dots{}
+ (services
+ (modify-services %desktop-services
+ (udev-service-type config =>
+ (udev-configuration (inherit config)
+ (rules (append (udev-configuration-rules config)
+ (list %example-udev-rule))))))))
+@end example
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} file->udev-rule [@var{file-name} @var{file}]
+Return a udev file named @var{file-name} containing the rules defined within
+@var{file}, a file-like object.
+The following example showcases how we can use an existing rule file.
+(use-modules (guix download) ;for url-fetch
+ (guix packages) ;for origin
+ ;; @dots{})
+(define %android-udev-rules
+ (file->udev-rule
+ "51-android-udev.rules"
+ (let ((version "20170910"))
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (string-append "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/M0Rf30/"
+ "android-udev-rules/" version "/51-android.rules"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0lmmagpyb6xsq6zcr2w1cyx9qmjqmajkvrdbhjx32gqf1d9is003"))))))
+@end example
+@end deffn
+Additionally, Guix package definitions can be included in @var{rules} in
+order to extend the udev rules with the definitions found under their
+@file{lib/udev/rules.d} sub-directory. In lieu of the previous
+@var{file->udev-rule} example, we could have used the
+@var{android-udev-rules} package which exists in Guix in the @code{(gnu
+packages android)} module.
+The following example shows how to use the @var{android-udev-rules} package
+so that the Android tool @command{adb} can detect devices without root
+privileges. It also details how to create the @code{adbusers} group, which
+is required for the proper functioning of the rules defined within the
+@var{android-udev-rules} package. To create such a group, we must define it
+both as part of the @var{supplementary-groups} of our @var{user-account}
+declaration, as well as in the @var{groups} field of the
+@var{operating-system} record.
+(use-modules (gnu packages android) ;for android-udev-rules
+ (gnu system shadow) ;for user-group
+ ;; @dots{})
+ ;; @dots{}
+ (users (cons (user-acount
+ ;; @dots{}
+ (supplementary-groups
+ '("adbusers" ;for adb
+ "wheel" "netdev" "audio" "video"))
+ ;; @dots{})))
+ (groups (cons (user-group (system? #t) (name "adbusers"))
+ %base-groups))
+ ;; @dots{}
+ (services
+ (modify-services %desktop-services
+ (udev-service-type config =>
+ (udev-configuration (inherit config)
+ (rules (cons* android-udev-rules
+ (udev-configuration-rules config))))))))
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} urandom-seed-service-type
+Save some entropy in @var{%random-seed-file} to seed @file{/dev/urandom}
+when rebooting. It also tries to seed @file{/dev/urandom} from
+@file{/dev/hwrng} while booting, if @file{/dev/hwrng} exists and is
+@end defvr
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} %random-seed-file
+This is the name of the file where some random bytes are saved by
+@var{urandom-seed-service} to seed @file{/dev/urandom} when rebooting. It
+defaults to @file{/var/lib/random-seed}.
+@end defvr
+@cindex keymap
+@cindex keyboard
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} console-keymap-service @var{files} ...
+@cindex keyboard layout
+Return a service to load console keymaps from @var{files} using
+@command{loadkeys} command. Most likely, you want to load some default
+keymap, which can be done like this:
+(console-keymap-service "dvorak")
+@end example
+Or, for example, for a Swedish keyboard, you may need to combine the
+following keymaps:
+(console-keymap-service "se-lat6" "se-fi-lat6")
+@end example
+Also you can specify a full file name (or file names) of your keymap(s).
+See @code{man loadkeys} for details.
+@end deffn
+@cindex mouse
+@cindex gpm
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} gpm-service-type
+This is the type of the service that runs GPM, the @dfn{general-purpose
+mouse daemon}, which provides mouse support to the Linux console. GPM
+allows users to use the mouse in the console, notably to select, copy, and
+paste text.
+The value for services of this type must be a @code{gpm-configuration} (see
+below). This service is not part of @var{%base-services}.
+@end defvr
+@deftp {Data Type} gpm-configuration
+Data type representing the configuration of GPM.
+@table @asis
+@item @code{options} (default: @code{%default-gpm-options})
+Command-line options passed to @command{gpm}. The default set of options
+instruct @command{gpm} to listen to mouse events on @file{/dev/input/mice}.
+@xref{Command Line,,, gpm, gpm manual}, for more information.
+@item @code{gpm} (default: @code{gpm})
+The GPM package to use.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@deffn {Scheme Variable} guix-publish-service-type
+This is the service type for @command{guix publish} (@pxref{Aufruf von guix publish}). Its value must be a @code{guix-configuration} object, as
+described below.
+This assumes that @file{/etc/guix} already contains a signing key pair as
+created by @command{guix archive --generate-key} (@pxref{Aufruf von guix archive}). If that is not the case, the service will fail to start.
+@end deffn
+@deftp {Data Type} guix-publish-configuration
+Data type representing the configuration of the @code{guix publish} service.
+@table @asis
+@item @code{guix} (default: @code{guix})
+The Guix package to use.
+@item @code{port} (default: @code{80})
+The TCP port to listen for connections.
+@item @code{host} (default: @code{"localhost"})
+The host (and thus, network interface) to listen to. Use @code{""}
+to listen on all the network interfaces.
+@item @code{compression-level} (Vorgabe: @code{3})
+The gzip compression level at which substitutes are compressed. Use
+@code{0} to disable compression altogether, and @code{9} to get the best
+compression ratio at the expense of increased CPU usage.
+@item @code{nar-path} (default: @code{"nar"})
+The URL path at which ``nars'' can be fetched. @xref{Aufruf von guix publish,
+@code{--nar-path}}, for details.
+@item @code{cache} (default: @code{#f})
+When it is @code{#f}, disable caching and instead generate archives on
+demand. Otherwise, this should be the name of a directory---e.g.,
+@code{"/var/cache/guix/publish"}---where @command{guix publish} caches
+archives and meta-data ready to be sent. @xref{Aufruf von guix publish,
+@option{--cache}}, for more information on the tradeoffs involved.
+@item @code{workers} (default: @code{#f})
+When it is an integer, this is the number of worker threads used for
+caching; when @code{#f}, the number of processors is used. @xref{Aufruf von guix publish, @option{--workers}}, for more information.
+@item @code{ttl} (default: @code{#f})
+When it is an integer, this denotes the @dfn{time-to-live} in seconds of the
+published archives. @xref{Aufruf von guix publish, @option{--ttl}}, for more
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} rngd-service [#:rng-tools @var{rng-tools}] @
+ [#:device "/dev/hwrng"] Return a service that runs the @command{rngd}
+program from @var{rng-tools} to add @var{device} to the kernel's entropy
+pool. The service will fail if @var{device} does not exist.
+@end deffn
+@cindex session limits
+@cindex ulimit
+@cindex priority
+@cindex realtime
+@cindex jackd
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} pam-limits-service [#:limits @code{'()}]
+Return a service that installs a configuration file for the
+@code{pam_limits} module}. The procedure optionally takes a list of
+@code{pam-limits-entry} values, which can be used to specify @code{ulimit}
+limits and nice priority limits to user sessions.
+The following limits definition sets two hard and soft limits for all login
+sessions of users in the @code{realtime} group:
+ (list
+ (pam-limits-entry "@@realtime" 'both 'rtprio 99)
+ (pam-limits-entry "@@realtime" 'both 'memlock 'unlimited)))
+@end example
+The first entry increases the maximum realtime priority for non-privileged
+processes; the second entry lifts any restriction of the maximum address
+space that can be locked in memory. These settings are commonly used for
+real-time audio systems.
+@end deffn
+@node Geplante Auftragsausführung
+@subsubsection Geplante Auftragsausführung
+@cindex cron
+@cindex mcron
+@cindex scheduling jobs
+The @code{(gnu services mcron)} module provides an interface to
+GNU@tie{}mcron, a daemon to run jobs at scheduled times (@pxref{Top,,,
+mcron, GNU@tie{}mcron}). GNU@tie{}mcron is similar to the traditional Unix
+@command{cron} daemon; the main difference is that it is implemented in
+Guile Scheme, which provides a lot of flexibility when specifying the
+scheduling of jobs and their actions.
+The example below defines an operating system that runs the
+@command{updatedb} (@pxref{Invoking updatedb,,, find, Finding Files}) and
+the @command{guix gc} commands (@pxref{Aufruf von guix gc}) daily, as well as
+the @command{mkid} command on behalf of an unprivileged user (@pxref{mkid
+invocation,,, idutils, ID Database Utilities}). It uses gexps to introduce
+job definitions that are passed to mcron (@pxref{G-Ausdrücke}).
+(use-modules (guix) (gnu) (gnu services mcron))
+(use-package-modules base idutils)
+(define updatedb-job
+ ;; Run 'updatedb' at 3AM every day. Here we write the
+ ;; job's action as a Scheme procedure.
+ #~(job '(next-hour '(3))
+ (lambda ()
+ (execl (string-append #$findutils "/bin/updatedb")
+ "updatedb"
+ "--prunepaths=/tmp /var/tmp /gnu/store"))))
+(define garbage-collector-job
+ ;; Collect garbage 5 minutes after midnight every day.
+ ;; The job's action is a shell command.
+ #~(job "5 0 * * *" ;Vixie cron syntax
+ "guix gc -F 1G"))
+(define idutils-job
+ ;; Update the index database as user "charlie" at 12:15PM
+ ;; and 19:15PM. This runs from the user's home directory.
+ #~(job '(next-minute-from (next-hour '(12 19)) '(15))
+ (string-append #$idutils "/bin/mkid src")
+ #:user "charlie"))
+ ;; @dots{}
+ (services (cons (mcron-service (list garbage-collector-job
+ updatedb-job
+ idutils-job))
+ %base-services)))
+@end lisp
+@xref{Guile Syntax, mcron job specifications,, mcron, GNU@tie{}mcron}, for
+more information on mcron job specifications. Below is the reference of the
+mcron service.
+On a running system, you can use the @code{schedule} action of the service
+to visualize the mcron jobs that will be executed next:
+# herd schedule mcron
+@end example
+The example above lists the next five tasks that will be executed, but you
+can also specify the number of tasks to display:
+# herd schedule mcron 10
+@end example
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} mcron-service @var{jobs} [#:mcron @var{mcron}]
+Return an mcron service running @var{mcron} that schedules @var{jobs}, a
+list of gexps denoting mcron job specifications.
+This is a shorthand for:
+(service mcron-service-type
+ (mcron-configuration (mcron mcron) (jobs jobs)))
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} mcron-service-type
+This is the type of the @code{mcron} service, whose value is an
+@code{mcron-configuration} object.
+This service type can be the target of a service extension that provides it
+additional job specifications (@pxref{Dienstkompositionen}). In other
+words, it is possible to define services that provide additional mcron jobs
+to run.
+@end defvr
+@deftp {Data Type} mcron-configuration
+Data type representing the configuration of mcron.
+@table @asis
+@item @code{mcron} (default: @var{mcron})
+The mcron package to use.
+@item @code{jobs}
+This is a list of gexps (@pxref{G-Ausdrücke}), where each gexp corresponds
+to an mcron job specification (@pxref{Syntax, mcron job specifications,,
+mcron, GNU@tie{}mcron}).
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@node Log-Rotation
+@subsubsection Log-Rotation
+@cindex rottlog
+@cindex log rotation
+@cindex logging
+Log files such as those found in @file{/var/log} tend to grow endlessly, so
+it's a good idea to @dfn{rotate} them once in a while---i.e., archive their
+contents in separate files, possibly compressed. The @code{(gnu services
+admin)} module provides an interface to GNU@tie{}Rot[t]log, a log rotation
+tool (@pxref{Top,,, rottlog, GNU Rot[t]log Manual}).
+The example below defines an operating system that provides log rotation
+with the default settings, for commonly encountered log files.
+(use-modules (guix) (gnu))
+(use-service-modules admin mcron)
+(use-package-modules base idutils)
+ ;; @dots{}
+ (services (cons (service rottlog-service-type)
+ %base-services)))
+@end lisp
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} rottlog-service-type
+This is the type of the Rottlog service, whose value is a
+@code{rottlog-configuration} object.
+Other services can extend this one with new @code{log-rotation} objects (see
+below), thereby augmenting the set of files to be rotated.
+This service type can define mcron jobs (@pxref{Geplante Auftragsausführung}) to
+run the rottlog service.
+@end defvr
+@deftp {Data Type} rottlog-configuration
+Data type representing the configuration of rottlog.
+@table @asis
+@item @code{rottlog} (default: @code{rottlog})
+The Rottlog package to use.
+@item @code{rc-file} (default: @code{(file-append rottlog "/etc/rc")})
+The Rottlog configuration file to use (@pxref{Mandatory RC Variables,,,
+rottlog, GNU Rot[t]log Manual}).
+@item @code{rotations} (default: @code{%default-rotations})
+A list of @code{log-rotation} objects as defined below.
+@item @code{jobs}
+This is a list of gexps where each gexp corresponds to an mcron job
+specification (@pxref{Geplante Auftragsausführung}).
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@deftp {Data Type} log-rotation
+Data type representing the rotation of a group of log files.
+Taking an example from the Rottlog manual (@pxref{Period Related File
+Examples,,, rottlog, GNU Rot[t]log Manual}), a log rotation might be defined
+like this:
+ (frequency 'daily)
+ (files '("/var/log/apache/*"))
+ (options '("storedir apache-archives"
+ "rotate 6"
+ "notifempty"
+ "nocompress")))
+@end example
+The list of fields is as follows:
+@table @asis
+@item @code{frequency} (default: @code{'weekly})
+The log rotation frequency, a symbol.
+@item @code{files}
+The list of files or file glob patterns to rotate.
+@item @code{options} (default: @code{'()})
+The list of rottlog options for this rotation (@pxref{Configuration
+parameters,,, rottlog, GNU Rot[t]lg Manual}).
+@item @code{post-rotate} (default: @code{#f})
+Either @code{#f} or a gexp to execute once the rotation has completed.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} %default-rotations
+Specifies weekly rotation of @var{%rotated-files} and a couple of other
+@end defvr
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} %rotated-files
+The list of syslog-controlled files to be rotated. By default it is:
+@code{'("/var/log/messages" "/var/log/secure")}.
+@end defvr
+@node Netzwerkdienste
+@subsubsection Netzwerkdienste
+The @code{(gnu services networking)} module provides services to configure
+the network interface.
+@cindex DHCP, networking service
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} dhcp-client-service-type
+This is the type of services that run @var{dhcp}, a Dynamic Host
+Configuration Protocol (DHCP) client, on all the non-loopback network
+interfaces. Its value is the DHCP client package to use, @code{isc-dhcp} by
+@end defvr
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} dhcpd-service-type
+This type defines a service that runs a DHCP daemon. To create a service of
+this type, you must supply a @code{<dhcpd-configuration>}. For example:
+(service dhcpd-service-type
+ (dhcpd-configuration
+ (config-file (local-file "my-dhcpd.conf"))
+ (interfaces '("enp0s25"))))
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deftp {Data Type} dhcpd-configuration
+@table @asis
+@item @code{package} (default: @code{isc-dhcp})
+The package that provides the DHCP daemon. This package is expected to
+provide the daemon at @file{sbin/dhcpd} relative to its output directory.
+The default package is the @uref{http://www.isc.org/products/DHCP, ISC's
+DHCP server}.
+@item @code{config-file} (default: @code{#f})
+The configuration file to use. This is required. It will be passed to
+@code{dhcpd} via its @code{-cf} option. This may be any ``file-like''
+object (@pxref{G-Ausdrücke, file-like objects}). See @code{man
+dhcpd.conf} for details on the configuration file syntax.
+@item @code{version} (default: @code{"4"})
+The DHCP version to use. The ISC DHCP server supports the values ``4'',
+``6'', and ``4o6''. These correspond to the @code{dhcpd} program options
+@code{-4}, @code{-6}, and @code{-4o6}. See @code{man dhcpd} for details.
+@item @code{run-directory} (default: @code{"/run/dhcpd"})
+The run directory to use. At service activation time, this directory will
+be created if it does not exist.
+@item @code{pid-file} (default: @code{"/run/dhcpd/dhcpd.pid"})
+The PID file to use. This corresponds to the @code{-pf} option of
+@code{dhcpd}. See @code{man dhcpd} for details.
+@item @code{interfaces} (default: @code{'()})
+The names of the network interfaces on which dhcpd should listen for
+broadcasts. If this list is not empty, then its elements (which must be
+strings) will be appended to the @code{dhcpd} invocation when starting the
+daemon. It may not be necessary to explicitly specify any interfaces here;
+see @code{man dhcpd} for details.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} static-networking-service-type
+@c TODO Document <static-networking> data structures.
+This is the type for statically-configured network interfaces.
+@end defvr
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} static-networking-service @var{interface} @var{ip} @
+ [#:netmask #f] [#:gateway #f] [#:name-servers @code{'()}] @ [#:requirement
+@code{'(udev)}] Return a service that starts @var{interface} with address
+@var{ip}. If @var{netmask} is true, use it as the network mask. If
+@var{gateway} is true, it must be a string specifying the default network
+gateway. @var{requirement} can be used to declare a dependency on another
+service before configuring the interface.
+This procedure can be called several times, one for each network interface
+of interest. Behind the scenes what it does is extend
+@code{static-networking-service-type} with additional network interfaces to
+For example:
+(static-networking-service "eno1" ""
+ #:gateway ""
+ #:name-servers '(""))
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@cindex wicd
+@cindex wireless
+@cindex WiFi
+@cindex network management
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} wicd-service [#:wicd @var{wicd}]
+Return a service that runs @url{https://launchpad.net/wicd,Wicd}, a network
+management daemon that aims to simplify wired and wireless networking.
+This service adds the @var{wicd} package to the global profile, providing
+several commands to interact with the daemon and configure networking:
+@command{wicd-client}, a graphical user interface, and the
+@command{wicd-cli} and @command{wicd-curses} user interfaces.
+@end deffn
+@cindex ModemManager
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} modem-manager-service-type
+This is the service type for the
+@uref{https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/ModemManager, ModemManager}
+service. The value for this service type is a
+@code{modem-manager-configuration} record.
+This service is part of @code{%desktop-services} (@pxref{Desktop-Dienste}).
+@end defvr
+@deftp {Data Type} modem-manager-configuration
+Data type representing the configuration of ModemManager.
+@table @asis
+@item @code{modem-manager} (default: @code{modem-manager})
+The ModemManager package to use.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@cindex NetworkManager
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} network-manager-service-type
+This is the service type for the
+@uref{https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/NetworkManager, NetworkManager}
+service. The value for this service type is a
+@code{network-manager-configuration} record.
+This service is part of @code{%desktop-services} (@pxref{Desktop-Dienste}).
+@end defvr
+@deftp {Data Type} network-manager-configuration
+Data type representing the configuration of NetworkManager.
+@table @asis
+@item @code{network-manager} (default: @code{network-manager})
+The NetworkManager package to use.
+@item @code{dns} (default: @code{"default"})
+Processing mode for DNS, which affects how NetworkManager uses the
+@code{resolv.conf} configuration file.
+@table @samp
+@item default
+NetworkManager will update @code{resolv.conf} to reflect the nameservers
+provided by currently active connections.
+@item dnsmasq
+NetworkManager will run @code{dnsmasq} as a local caching nameserver, using
+a "split DNS" configuration if you are connected to a VPN, and then update
+@code{resolv.conf} to point to the local nameserver.
+@item none
+NetworkManager will not modify @code{resolv.conf}.
+@end table
+@item @code{vpn-plugins} (default: @code{'()})
+This is the list of available plugins for virtual private networks (VPNs).
+An example of this is the @code{network-manager-openvpn} package, which
+allows NetworkManager to manage VPNs @i{via} OpenVPN.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@cindex Connman
+@deffn {Scheme Variable} connman-service-type
+This is the service type to run @url{https://01.org/connman,Connman}, a
+network connection manager.
+Its value must be an @code{connman-configuration} record as in this example:
+(service connman-service-type
+ (connman-configuration
+ (disable-vpn? #t)))
+@end example
+See below for details about @code{connman-configuration}.
+@end deffn
+@deftp {Data Type} connman-configuration
+Data Type representing the configuration of connman.
+@table @asis
+@item @code{connman} (default: @var{connman})
+The connman package to use.
+@item @code{disable-vpn?} (default: @code{#f})
+When true, disable connman's vpn plugin.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@cindex WPA Supplicant
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} wpa-supplicant-service-type
+This is the service type to run @url{https://w1.fi/wpa_supplicant/,WPA
+supplicant}, an authentication daemon required to authenticate against
+encrypted WiFi or ethernet networks.
+@end defvr
+@deftp {Data Type} wpa-supplicant-configuration
+Data type representing the configuration of WPA Supplicant.
+It takes the following parameters:
+@table @asis
+@item @code{wpa-supplicant} (default: @code{wpa-supplicant})
+The WPA Supplicant package to use.
+@item @code{dbus?} (default: @code{#t})
+Whether to listen for requests on D-Bus.
+@item @code{pid-file} (default: @code{"/var/run/wpa_supplicant.pid"})
+Where to store the PID file.
+@item @code{interface} (default: @code{#f})
+If this is set, it must specify the name of a network interface that WPA
+supplicant will control.
+@item @code{config-file} (default: @code{#f})
+Optional configuration file to use.
+@item @code{extra-options} (default: @code{'()})
+List of additional command-line arguments to pass to the daemon.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@cindex iptables
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} iptables-service-type
+This is the service type to set up an iptables configuration. iptables is a
+packet filtering framework supported by the Linux kernel. This service
+supports configuring iptables for both IPv4 and IPv6. A simple example
+configuration rejecting all incoming connections except those to the ssh
+port 22 is shown below.
+(service iptables-service-type
+ (iptables-configuration
+ (ipv4-rules (plain-file "iptables.rules" "*filter
+-A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
+-A INPUT -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable
+ (ipv6-rules (plain-file "ip6tables.rules" "*filter
+-A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
+-A INPUT -j REJECT --reject-with icmp6-port-unreachable
+@end lisp
+@end defvr
+@deftp {Data Type} iptables-configuration
+The data type representing the configuration of iptables.
+@table @asis
+@item @code{iptables} (default: @code{iptables})
+The iptables package that provides @code{iptables-restore} and
+@item @code{ipv4-rules} (default: @code{%iptables-accept-all-rules})
+The iptables rules to use. It will be passed to @code{iptables-restore}.
+This may be any ``file-like'' object (@pxref{G-Ausdrücke, file-like
+@item @code{ipv6-rules} (default: @code{%iptables-accept-all-rules})
+The ip6tables rules to use. It will be passed to @code{ip6tables-restore}.
+This may be any ``file-like'' object (@pxref{G-Ausdrücke, file-like
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@cindex NTP (Network Time Protocol), service
+@cindex real time clock
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} ntp-service-type
+This is the type of the service running the @uref{http://www.ntp.org,
+Network Time Protocol (NTP)} daemon, @command{ntpd}. The daemon will keep
+the system clock synchronized with that of the specified NTP servers.
+The value of this service is an @code{ntpd-configuration} object, as
+described below.
+@end defvr
+@deftp {Data Type} ntp-configuration
+This is the data type for the NTP service configuration.
+@table @asis
+@item @code{servers} (default: @code{%ntp-servers})
+This is the list of servers (host names) with which @command{ntpd} will be
+@item @code{allow-large-adjustment?} (default: @code{#f})
+This determines whether @command{ntpd} is allowed to make an initial
+adjustment of more than 1,000 seconds.
+@item @code{ntp} (default: @code{ntp})
+The NTP package to use.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} %ntp-servers
+List of host names used as the default NTP servers. These are servers of
+the @uref{https://www.ntppool.org/en/, NTP Pool Project}.
+@end defvr
+@cindex OpenNTPD
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} openntpd-service-type
+Run the @command{ntpd}, the Network Time Protocol (NTP) daemon, as
+implemented by @uref{http://www.openntpd.org, OpenNTPD}. The daemon will
+keep the system clock synchronized with that of the given servers.
+ openntpd-service-type
+ (openntpd-configuration
+ (listen-on '("" "::1"))
+ (sensor '("udcf0 correction 70000"))
+ (constraint-from '("www.gnu.org"))
+ (constraints-from '("https://www.google.com/"))
+ (allow-large-adjustment? #t)))
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deftp {Data Type} openntpd-configuration
+@table @asis
+@item @code{openntpd} (default: @code{(file-append openntpd "/sbin/ntpd")})
+The openntpd executable to use.
+@item @code{listen-on} (default: @code{'("" "::1")})
+A list of local IP addresses or hostnames the ntpd daemon should listen on.
+@item @code{query-from} (default: @code{'()})
+A list of local IP address the ntpd daemon should use for outgoing queries.
+@item @code{sensor} (default: @code{'()})
+Specify a list of timedelta sensor devices ntpd should use. @code{ntpd}
+will listen to each sensor that acutally exists and ignore non-existant
+ones. See @uref{https://man.openbsd.org/ntpd.conf, upstream documentation}
+for more information.
+@item @code{server} (default: @var{%ntp-servers})
+Specify a list of IP addresses or hostnames of NTP servers to synchronize
+@item @code{servers} (default: @code{'()})
+Specify a list of IP addresses or hostnames of NTP pools to synchronize to.
+@item @code{constraint-from} (default: @code{'()})
+@code{ntpd} can be configured to query the ‘Date’ from trusted HTTPS servers
+via TLS. This time information is not used for precision but acts as an
+authenticated constraint, thereby reducing the impact of unauthenticated NTP
+man-in-the-middle attacks. Specify a list of URLs, IP addresses or
+hostnames of HTTPS servers to provide a constraint.
+@item @code{constraints-from} (default: @code{'()})
+As with constraint from, specify a list of URLs, IP addresses or hostnames
+of HTTPS servers to provide a constraint. Should the hostname resolve to
+multiple IP addresses, @code{ntpd} will calculate a median constraint from
+all of them.
+@item @code{allow-large-adjustment?} (default: @code{#f})
+Determines if @code{ntpd} is allowed to make an initial adjustment of more
+than 180 seconds.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@cindex inetd
+@deffn {Scheme variable} inetd-service-type
+This service runs the @command{inetd} (@pxref{inetd invocation,,, inetutils,
+GNU Inetutils}) daemon. @command{inetd} listens for connections on internet
+sockets, and lazily starts the specified server program when a connection is
+made on one of these sockets.
+The value of this service is an @code{inetd-configuration} object. The
+following example configures the @command{inetd} daemon to provide the
+built-in @command{echo} service, as well as an smtp service which forwards
+smtp traffic over ssh to a server @code{smtp-server} behind a gateway
+ inetd-service-type
+ (inetd-configuration
+ (entries (list
+ (inetd-entry
+ (name "echo")
+ (socket-type 'stream)
+ (protocol "tcp")
+ (wait? #f)
+ (user "root"))
+ (inetd-entry
+ (node "")
+ (name "smtp")
+ (socket-type 'stream)
+ (protocol "tcp")
+ (wait? #f)
+ (user "root")
+ (program (file-append openssh "/bin/ssh"))
+ (arguments
+ '("ssh" "-qT" "-i" "/path/to/ssh_key"
+ "-W" "smtp-server:25" "user@@hostname")))))
+@end example
+See below for more details about @code{inetd-configuration}.
+@end deffn
+@deftp {Data Type} inetd-configuration
+Data type representing the configuration of @command{inetd}.
+@table @asis
+@item @code{program} (default: @code{(file-append inetutils "/libexec/inetd")})
+The @command{inetd} executable to use.
+@item @code{entries} (default: @code{'()})
+A list of @command{inetd} service entries. Each entry should be created by
+the @code{inetd-entry} constructor.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@deftp {Data Type} inetd-entry
+Data type representing an entry in the @command{inetd} configuration. Each
+entry corresponds to a socket where @command{inetd} will listen for
+@table @asis
+@item @code{node} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})
+Optional string, a comma-separated list of local addresses @command{inetd}
+should use when listening for this service. @xref{Configuration file,,,
+inetutils, GNU Inetutils} for a complete description of all options.
+@item @code{name}
+A string, the name must correspond to an entry in @code{/etc/services}.
+@item @code{socket-type}
+One of @code{'stream}, @code{'dgram}, @code{'raw}, @code{'rdm} or
+@item @code{protocol}
+A string, must correspond to an entry in @code{/etc/protocols}.
+@item @code{wait?} (Vorgabe: @code{#t})
+Whether @command{inetd} should wait for the server to exit before listening
+to new service requests.
+@item @code{user}
+A string containing the user (and, optionally, group) name of the user as
+whom the server should run. The group name can be specified in a suffix,
+separated by a colon or period, i.e.@: @code{"user"}, @code{"user:group"} or
+@item @code{program} (default: @code{"internal"})
+The server program which will serve the requests, or @code{"internal"} if
+@command{inetd} should use a built-in service.
+@item @code{arguments} (default: @code{'()})
+A list strings or file-like objects, which are the server program's
+arguments, starting with the zeroth argument, i.e.@: the name of the program
+itself. For @command{inetd}'s internal services, this entry must be
+@code{'()} or @code{'("internal")}.
+@end table
+@xref{Configuration file,,, inetutils, GNU Inetutils} for a more detailed
+discussion of each configuration field.
+@end deftp
+@cindex Tor
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} tor-service-type
+This is the type for a service that runs the @uref{https://torproject.org,
+Tor} anonymous networking daemon. The service is configured using a
+@code{<tor-configuration>} record. By default, the Tor daemon runs as the
+@code{tor} unprivileged user, which is a member of the @code{tor} group.
+@end defvr
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} tor-service [@var{config-file}] [#:tor @var{tor}]
+This procedure is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
+Return a service of the @code{tor-service-type} type. @var{config-file} and
+@var{tor} have the same meaning as in @code{<tor-configuration>}.
+@end deffn
+@deftp {Data Type} tor-configuration
+@table @asis
+@item @code{tor} (default: @code{tor})
+The package that provides the Tor daemon. This package is expected to
+provide the daemon at @file{bin/tor} relative to its output directory. The
+default package is the @uref{https://www.torproject.org, Tor Project's}
+@item @code{config-file} (default: @code{(plain-file "empty" "")})
+The configuration file to use. It will be appended to a default
+configuration file, and the final configuration file will be passed to
+@code{tor} via its @code{-f} option. This may be any ``file-like'' object
+(@pxref{G-Ausdrücke, file-like objects}). See @code{man tor} for details
+on the configuration file syntax.
+@item @code{hidden-services} (default: @code{'()})
+The list of @code{<hidden-service>} records to use. For any hidden service
+you include in this list, appropriate configuration to enable the hidden
+service will be automatically added to the default configuration file. You
+may conveniently create @code{<hidden-service>} records using the
+@code{tor-hidden-service} procedure described below.
+@item @code{socks-socket-type} (default: @code{'tcp})
+The default socket type that Tor should use for its SOCKS socket. This must
+be either @code{'tcp} or @code{'unix}. If it is @code{'tcp}, then by
+default Tor will listen on TCP port 9050 on the loopback interface (i.e.,
+localhost). If it is @code{'unix}, then Tor will listen on the UNIX domain
+socket @file{/var/run/tor/socks-sock}, which will be made writable by
+members of the @code{tor} group.
+If you want to customize the SOCKS socket in more detail, leave
+@code{socks-socket-type} at its default value of @code{'tcp} and use
+@code{config-file} to override the default by providing your own
+@code{SocksPort} option.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@cindex hidden service
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} tor-hidden-service @var{name} @var{mapping}
+Define a new Tor @dfn{hidden service} called @var{name} and implementing
+@var{mapping}. @var{mapping} is a list of port/host tuples, such as:
+ '((22 "")
+ (80 ""))
+@end example
+In this example, port 22 of the hidden service is mapped to local port 22,
+and port 80 is mapped to local port 8080.
+This creates a @file{/var/lib/tor/hidden-services/@var{name}} directory,
+where the @file{hostname} file contains the @code{.onion} host name for the
+hidden service.
+See @uref{https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-hidden-service.html.en, the
+Tor project's documentation} for more information.
+@end deffn
+The @code{(gnu services rsync)} module provides the following services:
+You might want an rsync daemon if you have files that you want available so
+anyone (or just yourself) can download existing files or upload new files.
+@deffn {Scheme Variable} rsync-service-type
+This is the type for the @uref{https://rsync.samba.org, rsync} rsync daemon,
+@command{rsync-configuration} record as in this example:
+(service rsync-service-type)
+@end example
+See below for details about @code{rsync-configuration}.
+@end deffn
+@deftp {Data Type} rsync-configuration
+Data type representing the configuration for @code{rsync-service}.
+@table @asis
+@item @code{package} (default: @var{rsync})
+@code{rsync} package to use.
+@item @code{port-number} (default: @code{873})
+TCP port on which @command{rsync} listens for incoming connections. If port
+is less than @code{1024} @command{rsync} needs to be started as the
+@code{root} user and group.
+@item @code{pid-file} (default: @code{"/var/run/rsyncd/rsyncd.pid"})
+Name of the file where @command{rsync} writes its PID.
+@item @code{lock-file} (default: @code{"/var/run/rsyncd/rsyncd.lock"})
+Name of the file where @command{rsync} writes its lock file.
+@item @code{log-file} (default: @code{"/var/log/rsyncd.log"})
+Name of the file where @command{rsync} writes its log file.
+@item @code{use-chroot?} (default: @var{#t})
+Whether to use chroot for @command{rsync} shared directory.
+@item @code{share-path} (default: @file{/srv/rsync})
+Location of the @command{rsync} shared directory.
+@item @code{share-comment} (default: @code{"Rsync share"})
+Comment of the @command{rsync} shared directory.
+@item @code{read-only?} (default: @var{#f})
+Read-write permissions to shared directory.
+@item @code{timeout} (default: @code{300})
+I/O timeout in seconds.
+@item @code{user} (default: @var{"root"})
+Owner of the @code{rsync} process.
+@item @code{group} (default: @var{"root"})
+Group of the @code{rsync} process.
+@item @code{uid} (default: @var{"rsyncd"})
+User name or user ID that file transfers to and from that module should take
+place as when the daemon was run as @code{root}.
+@item @code{gid} (default: @var{"rsyncd"})
+Group name or group ID that will be used when accessing the module.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+Furthermore, @code{(gnu services ssh)} provides the following services.
+@cindex SSH
+@cindex SSH server
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} lsh-service [#:host-key "/etc/lsh/host-key"] @
+ [#:daemonic? #t] [#:interfaces '()] [#:port-number 22] @
+[#:allow-empty-passwords? #f] [#:root-login? #f] @ [#:syslog-output? #t]
+[#:x11-forwarding? #t] @ [#:tcp/ip-forwarding? #t]
+[#:password-authentication? #t] @ [#:public-key-authentication? #t]
+[#:initialize? #t] Run the @command{lshd} program from @var{lsh} to listen
+on port @var{port-number}. @var{host-key} must designate a file containing
+the host key, and readable only by root.
+When @var{daemonic?} is true, @command{lshd} will detach from the
+controlling terminal and log its output to syslogd, unless one sets
+@var{syslog-output?} to false. Obviously, it also makes lsh-service depend
+on existence of syslogd service. When @var{pid-file?} is true,
+@command{lshd} writes its PID to the file called @var{pid-file}.
+When @var{initialize?} is true, automatically create the seed and host key
+upon service activation if they do not exist yet. This may take long and
+require interaction.
+When @var{initialize?} is false, it is up to the user to initialize the
+randomness generator (@pxref{lsh-make-seed,,, lsh, LSH Manual}), and to
+create a key pair with the private key stored in file @var{host-key}
+(@pxref{lshd basics,,, lsh, LSH Manual}).
+When @var{interfaces} is empty, lshd listens for connections on all the
+network interfaces; otherwise, @var{interfaces} must be a list of host names
+or addresses.
+@var{allow-empty-passwords?} specifies whether to accept log-ins with empty
+passwords, and @var{root-login?} specifies whether to accept log-ins as
+The other options should be self-descriptive.
+@end deffn
+@cindex SSH
+@cindex SSH server
+@deffn {Scheme Variable} openssh-service-type
+This is the type for the @uref{http://www.openssh.org, OpenSSH} secure shell
+daemon, @command{sshd}. Its value must be an @code{openssh-configuration}
+record as in this example:
+(service openssh-service-type
+ (openssh-configuration
+ (x11-forwarding? #t)
+ (permit-root-login 'without-password)
+ (authorized-keys
+ `(("alice" ,(local-file "alice.pub"))
+ ("bob" ,(local-file "bob.pub"))))))
+@end example
+See below for details about @code{openssh-configuration}.
+This service can be extended with extra authorized keys, as in this example:
+(service-extension openssh-service-type
+ (const `(("charlie"
+ ,(local-file "charlie.pub")))))
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deftp {Data Type} openssh-configuration
+This is the configuration record for OpenSSH's @command{sshd}.
+@table @asis
+@item @code{pid-file} (default: @code{"/var/run/sshd.pid"})
+Name of the file where @command{sshd} writes its PID.
+@item @code{port-number} (default: @code{22})
+TCP port on which @command{sshd} listens for incoming connections.
+@item @code{permit-root-login} (default: @code{#f})
+This field determines whether and when to allow logins as root. If
+@code{#f}, root logins are disallowed; if @code{#t}, they are allowed. If
+it's the symbol @code{'without-password}, then root logins are permitted but
+not with password-based authentication.
+@item @code{allow-empty-passwords?} (default: @code{#f})
+When true, users with empty passwords may log in. When false, they may not.
+@item @code{password-authentication?} (default: @code{#t})
+When true, users may log in with their password. When false, they have
+other authentication methods.
+@item @code{public-key-authentication?} (default: @code{#t})
+When true, users may log in using public key authentication. When false,
+users have to use other authentication method.
+Authorized public keys are stored in @file{~/.ssh/authorized_keys}. This is
+used only by protocol version 2.
+@item @code{x11-forwarding?} (default: @code{#f})
+When true, forwarding of X11 graphical client connections is enabled---in
+other words, @command{ssh} options @option{-X} and @option{-Y} will work.
+@item @code{allow-agent-forwarding?} (default: @code{#t})
+Whether to allow agent forwarding.
+@item @code{allow-tcp-forwarding?} (default: @code{#t})
+Whether to allow TCP forwarding.
+@item @code{gateway-ports?} (default: @code{#f})
+Whether to allow gateway ports.
+@item @code{challenge-response-authentication?} (default: @code{#f})
+Specifies whether challenge response authentication is allowed (e.g.@: via
+@item @code{use-pam?} (default: @code{#t})
+Enables the Pluggable Authentication Module interface. If set to @code{#t},
+this will enable PAM authentication using
+@code{challenge-response-authentication?} and
+@code{password-authentication?}, in addition to PAM account and session
+module processing for all authentication types.
+Because PAM challenge response authentication usually serves an equivalent
+role to password authentication, you should disable either
+@code{challenge-response-authentication?} or
+@item @code{print-last-log?} (default: @code{#t})
+Specifies whether @command{sshd} should print the date and time of the last
+user login when a user logs in interactively.
+@item @code{subsystems} (default: @code{'(("sftp" "internal-sftp"))})
+Configures external subsystems (e.g.@: file transfer daemon).
+This is a list of two-element lists, each of which containing the subsystem
+name and a command (with optional arguments) to execute upon subsystem
+The command @command{internal-sftp} implements an in-process SFTP server.
+Alternately, one can specify the @command{sftp-server} command:
+(service openssh-service-type
+ (openssh-configuration
+ (subsystems
+ `(("sftp" ,(file-append openssh "/libexec/sftp-server"))))))
+@end example
+@item @code{accepted-environment} (default: @code{'()})
+List of strings describing which environment variables may be exported.
+Each string gets on its own line. See the @code{AcceptEnv} option in
+@code{man sshd_config}.
+This example allows ssh-clients to export the @code{COLORTERM} variable. It
+is set by terminal emulators, which support colors. You can use it in your
+shell's ressource file to enable colors for the prompt and commands if this
+variable is set.
+(service openssh-service-type
+ (openssh-configuration
+ (accepted-environment '("COLORTERM"))))
+@end example
+@item @code{authorized-keys} (default: @code{'()})
+@cindex authorized keys, SSH
+@cindex SSH authorized keys
+This is the list of authorized keys. Each element of the list is a user
+name followed by one or more file-like objects that represent SSH public
+keys. For example:
+ (authorized-keys
+ `(("rekado" ,(local-file "rekado.pub"))
+ ("chris" ,(local-file "chris.pub"))
+ ("root" ,(local-file "rekado.pub") ,(local-file "chris.pub")))))
+@end example
+registers the specified public keys for user accounts @code{rekado},
+@code{chris}, and @code{root}.
+Additional authorized keys can be specified @i{via}
+Note that this does @emph{not} interfere with the use of
+@item @code{log-level} (default: @code{'info})
+This is a symbol specifying the logging level: @code{quiet}, @code{fatal},
+@code{error}, @code{info}, @code{verbose}, @code{debug}, etc. See the man
+page for @file{sshd_config} for the full list of level names.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} dropbear-service [@var{config}]
+Run the @uref{https://matt.ucc.asn.au/dropbear/dropbear.html,Dropbear SSH
+daemon} with the given @var{config}, a @code{<dropbear-configuration>}
+For example, to specify a Dropbear service listening on port 1234, add this
+call to the operating system's @code{services} field:
+(dropbear-service (dropbear-configuration
+ (port-number 1234)))
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deftp {Data Type} dropbear-configuration
+This data type represents the configuration of a Dropbear SSH daemon.
+@table @asis
+@item @code{dropbear} (default: @var{dropbear})
+The Dropbear package to use.
+@item @code{port-number} (default: 22)
+The TCP port where the daemon waits for incoming connections.
+@item @code{syslog-output?} (default: @code{#t})
+Whether to enable syslog output.
+@item @code{pid-file} (default: @code{"/var/run/dropbear.pid"})
+File name of the daemon's PID file.
+@item @code{root-login?} (default: @code{#f})
+Whether to allow @code{root} logins.
+@item @code{allow-empty-passwords?} (default: @code{#f})
+Whether to allow empty passwords.
+@item @code{password-authentication?} (default: @code{#t})
+Whether to enable password-based authentication.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} %facebook-host-aliases
+This variable contains a string for use in @file{/etc/hosts} (@pxref{Host
+Names,,, libc, The GNU C Library Reference Manual}). Each line contains a
+entry that maps a known server name of the Facebook on-line service---e.g.,
+@code{www.facebook.com}---to the local host---@code{} or its IPv6
+equivalent, @code{::1}.
+This variable is typically used in the @code{hosts-file} field of an
+@code{operating-system} declaration (@pxref{„operating-system“-Referenz,
+(use-modules (gnu) (guix))
+ (host-name "mymachine")
+ ;; ...
+ (hosts-file
+ ;; Create a /etc/hosts file with aliases for "localhost"
+ ;; and "mymachine", as well as for Facebook servers.
+ (plain-file "hosts"
+ (string-append (local-host-aliases host-name)
+ %facebook-host-aliases))))
+@end example
+This mechanism can prevent programs running locally, such as Web browsers,
+from accessing Facebook.
+@end defvr
+The @code{(gnu services avahi)} provides the following definition.
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} avahi-service [#:avahi @var{avahi}] @
+ [#:host-name #f] [#:publish? #t] [#:ipv4? #t] @ [#:ipv6? #t] [#:wide-area?
+#f] @ [#:domains-to-browse '()] [#:debug? #f] Return a service that runs
+@command{avahi-daemon}, a system-wide mDNS/DNS-SD responder that allows for
+service discovery and "zero-configuration" host name lookups (see
+@uref{http://avahi.org/}), and extends the name service cache daemon (nscd)
+so that it can resolve @code{.local} host names using
+@uref{http://0pointer.de/lennart/projects/nss-mdns/, nss-mdns}.
+Additionally, add the @var{avahi} package to the system profile so that
+commands such as @command{avahi-browse} are directly usable.
+If @var{host-name} is different from @code{#f}, use that as the host name to
+publish for this machine; otherwise, use the machine's actual host name.
+When @var{publish?} is true, publishing of host names and services is
+allowed; in particular, avahi-daemon will publish the machine's host name
+and IP address via mDNS on the local network.
+When @var{wide-area?} is true, DNS-SD over unicast DNS is enabled.
+Boolean values @var{ipv4?} and @var{ipv6?} determine whether to use
+IPv4/IPv6 sockets.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {Scheme Variable} openvswitch-service-type
+This is the type of the @uref{http://www.openvswitch.org, Open vSwitch}
+service, whose value should be an @code{openvswitch-configuration} object.
+@end deffn
+@deftp {Data Type} openvswitch-configuration
+Data type representing the configuration of Open vSwitch, a multilayer
+virtual switch which is designed to enable massive network automation
+through programmatic extension.
+@table @asis
+@item @code{package} (default: @var{openvswitch})
+Package object of the Open vSwitch.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@node X Window
+@subsubsection X Window
+@cindex X11
+@cindex X Window System
+@cindex login manager
+Support for the X Window graphical display system---specifically Xorg---is
+provided by the @code{(gnu services xorg)} module. Note that there is no
+@code{xorg-service} procedure. Instead, the X server is started by the
+@dfn{login manager}, by default SLiM.
+@cindex window manager
+To use X11, you must install at least one @dfn{window manager}---for example
+the @code{windowmaker} or @code{openbox} packages---preferably by adding it
+to the @code{packages} field of your operating system definition
+(@pxref{„operating-system“-Referenz, system-wide packages}).
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} slim-service-type
+This is the type for the SLiM graphical login manager for X11.
+@cindex session types (X11)
+@cindex X11 session types
+SLiM looks for @dfn{session types} described by the @file{.desktop} files in
+@file{/run/current-system/profile/share/xsessions} and allows users to
+choose a session from the log-in screen using @kbd{F1}. Packages such as
+@code{xfce}, @code{sawfish}, and @code{ratpoison} provide @file{.desktop}
+files; adding them to the system-wide set of packages automatically makes
+them available at the log-in screen.
+In addition, @file{~/.xsession} files are honored. When available,
+@file{~/.xsession} must be an executable that starts a window manager and/or
+other X clients.
+@end defvr
+@deftp {Data Type} slim-configuration
+Data type representing the configuration of @code{slim-service-type}.
+@table @asis
+@item @code{allow-empty-passwords?} (default: @code{#t})
+Whether to allow logins with empty passwords.
+@item @code{auto-login?} (default: @code{#f})
+@itemx @code{default-user} (default: @code{""})
+When @code{auto-login?} is false, SLiM presents a log-in screen.
+When @code{auto-login?} is true, SLiM logs in directly as
+@item @code{theme} (default: @code{%default-slim-theme})
+@itemx @code{theme-name} (default: @code{%default-slim-theme-name})
+The graphical theme to use and its name.
+@item @code{auto-login-session} (default: @code{#f})
+If true, this must be the name of the executable to start as the default
+session---e.g., @code{(file-append windowmaker "/bin/windowmaker")}.
+If false, a session described by one of the available @file{.desktop} files
+in @code{/run/current-system/profile} and @code{~/.guix-profile} will be
+@quotation Anmerkung
+You must install at least one window manager in the system profile or in
+your user profile. Failing to do that, if @code{auto-login-session} is
+false, you will be unable to log in.
+@end quotation
+@item @code{startx} (default: @code{(xorg-start-command)})
+The command used to start the X11 graphical server.
+@item @code{xauth} (default: @code{xauth})
+The XAuth package to use.
+@item @code{shepherd} (default: @code{shepherd})
+The Shepherd package used when invoking @command{halt} and @command{reboot}.
+@item @code{sessreg} (default: @code{sessreg})
+The sessreg package used in order to register the session.
+@item @code{slim} (default: @code{slim})
+The SLiM package to use.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} %default-theme
+@defvrx {Scheme Variable} %default-theme-name
+The default SLiM theme and its name.
+@end defvr
+@deftp {Data Type} sddm-configuration
+This is the data type representing the sddm service configuration.
+@table @asis
+@item @code{display-server} (default: "x11")
+Select display server to use for the greeter. Valid values are "x11" or
+@item @code{numlock} (default: "on")
+Valid values are "on", "off" or "none".
+@item @code{halt-command} (default @code{#~(string-apppend #$shepherd "/sbin/halt")})
+Command to run when halting.
+@item @code{reboot-command} (default @code{#~(string-append #$shepherd "/sbin/reboot")})
+Command to run when rebooting.
+@item @code{theme} (default "maldives")
+Theme to use. Default themes provided by SDDM are "elarun" or "maldives".
+@item @code{themes-directory} (default "/run/current-system/profile/share/sddm/themes")
+Directory to look for themes.
+@item @code{faces-directory} (default "/run/current-system/profile/share/sddm/faces")
+Directory to look for faces.
+@item @code{default-path} (default "/run/current-system/profile/bin")
+Default PATH to use.
+@item @code{minimum-uid} (default 1000)
+Minimum UID to display in SDDM.
+@item @code{maximum-uid} (default 2000)
+Maximum UID to display in SDDM
+@item @code{remember-last-user?} (default #t)
+Remember last user.
+@item @code{remember-last-session?} (default #t)
+Remember last session.
+@item @code{hide-users} (default "")
+Usernames to hide from SDDM greeter.
+@item @code{hide-shells} (default @code{#~(string-append #$shadow "/sbin/nologin")})
+Users with shells listed will be hidden from the SDDM greeter.
+@item @code{session-command} (default @code{#~(string-append #$sddm "/share/sddm/scripts/wayland-session")})
+Script to run before starting a wayland session.
+@item @code{sessions-directory} (default "/run/current-system/profile/share/wayland-sessions")
+Directory to look for desktop files starting wayland sessions.
+@item @code{xorg-server-path} (default @code{xorg-start-command})
+Path to xorg-server.
+@item @code{xauth-path} (default @code{#~(string-append #$xauth "/bin/xauth")})
+Path to xauth.
+@item @code{xephyr-path} (default @code{#~(string-append #$xorg-server "/bin/Xephyr")})
+Path to Xephyr.
+@item @code{xdisplay-start} (default @code{#~(string-append #$sddm "/share/sddm/scripts/Xsetup")})
+Script to run after starting xorg-server.
+@item @code{xdisplay-stop} (default @code{#~(string-append #$sddm "/share/sddm/scripts/Xstop")})
+Script to run before stopping xorg-server.
+@item @code{xsession-command} (default: @code{xinitrc})
+Script to run before starting a X session.
+@item @code{xsessions-directory} (default: "/run/current-system/profile/share/xsessions")
+Directory to look for desktop files starting X sessions.
+@item @code{minimum-vt} (default: 7)
+Minimum VT to use.
+@item @code{xserver-arguments} (default "-nolisten tcp")
+Arguments to pass to xorg-server.
+@item @code{auto-login-user} (default "")
+User to use for auto-login.
+@item @code{auto-login-session} (default "")
+Desktop file to use for auto-login.
+@item @code{relogin?} (default #f)
+Relogin after logout.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@cindex login manager
+@cindex X11 login
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} sddm-service config
+Return a service that spawns the SDDM graphical login manager for config of
+type @code{<sddm-configuration>}.
+ (sddm-service (sddm-configuration
+ (auto-login-user "Alice")
+ (auto-login-session "xfce.desktop")))
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} xorg-start-command [#:guile] @
+ [#:modules %default-xorg-modules] @ [#:fonts %default-xorg-fonts] @
+[#:configuration-file (xorg-configuration-file @dots{})] @ [#:xorg-server
+@var{xorg-server}] Return a @code{startx} script in which @var{modules}, a
+list of X module packages, and @var{fonts}, a list of X font directories,
+are available. See @code{xorg-wrapper} for more details on the arguments.
+The result should be used in place of @code{startx}.
+Usually the X server is started by a login manager.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} xorg-configuration-file @
+ [#:modules %default-xorg-modules] @ [#:fonts %default-xorg-fonts] @
+[#:drivers '()] [#:resolutions '()] [#:extra-config '()] Return a
+configuration file for the Xorg server containing search paths for all the
+common drivers.
+@var{modules} must be a list of @dfn{module packages} loaded by the Xorg
+server---e.g., @code{xf86-video-vesa}, @code{xf86-input-keyboard}, and so
+on. @var{fonts} must be a list of font directories to add to the server's
+@dfn{font path}.
+@var{drivers} must be either the empty list, in which case Xorg chooses a
+graphics driver automatically, or a list of driver names that will be tried
+in this order---e.g., @code{("modesetting" "vesa")}.
+Likewise, when @var{resolutions} is the empty list, Xorg chooses an
+appropriate screen resolution; otherwise, it must be a list of
+resolutions---e.g., @code{((1024 768) (640 480))}.
+Last, @var{extra-config} is a list of strings or objects appended to the
+configuration file. It is used to pass extra text to be added verbatim to
+the configuration file.
+@cindex keymap
+@cindex keyboard layout
+This procedure is especially useful to configure a different keyboard layout
+than the default US keymap. For instance, to use the ``bépo'' keymap by
+default on the display manager:
+(define bepo-evdev
+ "Section \"InputClass\"
+ Identifier \"evdev keyboard catchall\"
+ Driver \"evdev\"
+ MatchIsKeyboard \"on\"
+ Option \"xkb_layout\" \"fr\"
+ Option \"xkb_variant\" \"bepo\"
+ ...
+ (services
+ (modify-services %desktop-services
+ (slim-service-type config =>
+ (slim-configuration
+ (inherit config)
+ (startx (xorg-start-command
+ #:configuration-file
+ (xorg-configuration-file
+ #:extra-config
+ (list bepo-evdev)))))))))
+@end example
+The @code{MatchIsKeyboard} line specifies that we only apply the
+configuration to keyboards. Without this line, other devices such as
+touchpad may not work correctly because they will be attached to the wrong
+driver. In this example, the user typically used @code{setxkbmap fr bepo}
+to set their favorite keymap once logged in. The first argument corresponds
+to the layout, while the second argument corresponds to the variant. The
+@code{xkb_variant} line can be omitted to select the default variant.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} screen-locker-service @var{package} [@var{program}]
+Add @var{package}, a package for a screen locker or screen saver whose
+command is @var{program}, to the set of setuid programs and add a PAM entry
+for it. For example:
+(screen-locker-service xlockmore "xlock")
+@end lisp
+makes the good ol' XlockMore usable.
+@end deffn
+@node Druckdienste
+@subsubsection Druckdienste
+@cindex printer support with CUPS
+The @code{(gnu services cups)} module provides a Guix service definition for
+the CUPS printing service. To add printer support to a GuixSD system, add a
+@code{cups-service} to the operating system definition:
+@deffn {Scheme Variable} cups-service-type
+The service type for the CUPS print server. Its value should be a valid
+CUPS configuration (see below). To use the default settings, simply write:
+(service cups-service-type)
+@end example
+@end deffn
+The CUPS configuration controls the basic things about your CUPS
+installation: what interfaces it listens on, what to do if a print job
+fails, how much logging to do, and so on. To actually add a printer, you
+have to visit the @url{http://localhost:631} URL, or use a tool such as
+GNOME's printer configuration services. By default, configuring a CUPS
+service will generate a self-signed certificate if needed, for secure
+connections to the print server.
+Suppose you want to enable the Web interface of CUPS and also add support
+for Epson printers @i{via} the @code{escpr} package and for HP printers
+@i{via} the @code{hplip-minimal} package. You can do that directly, like
+this (you need to use the @code{(gnu packages cups)} module):
+(service cups-service-type
+ (cups-configuration
+ (web-interface? #t)
+ (extensions
+ (list cups-filters escpr hplip-minimal))))
+@end example
+Note: If you wish to use the Qt5 based GUI which comes with the hplip
+package then it is suggested that you install the @code{hplip} package,
+either in your OS configuration file or as your user.
+The available configuration parameters follow. Each parameter definition is
+preceded by its type; for example, @samp{string-list foo} indicates that the
+@code{foo} parameter should be specified as a list of strings. There is
+also a way to specify the configuration as a string, if you have an old
+@code{cupsd.conf} file that you want to port over from some other system;
+see the end for more details.
+@c The following documentation was initially generated by
+@c (generate-documentation) in (gnu services cups). Manually maintained
+@c documentation is better, so we shouldn't hesitate to edit below as
+@c needed. However if the change you want to make to this documentation
+@c can be done in an automated way, it's probably easier to change
+@c (generate-documentation) than to make it below and have to deal with
+@c the churn as CUPS updates.
+Available @code{cups-configuration} fields are:
+@deftypevr {@code{cups-configuration} parameter} package cups
+The CUPS package.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cups-configuration} parameter} package-list extensions
+Drivers and other extensions to the CUPS package.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cups-configuration} parameter} files-configuration files-configuration
+Configuration of where to write logs, what directories to use for print
+spools, and related privileged configuration parameters.
+Available @code{files-configuration} fields are:
+@deftypevr {@code{files-configuration} parameter} log-location access-log
+Defines the access log filename. Specifying a blank filename disables
+access log generation. The value @code{stderr} causes log entries to be
+sent to the standard error file when the scheduler is running in the
+foreground, or to the system log daemon when run in the background. The
+value @code{syslog} causes log entries to be sent to the system log daemon.
+The server name may be included in filenames using the string @code{%s}, as
+in @code{/var/log/cups/%s-access_log}.
+Defaults to @samp{"/var/log/cups/access_log"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{files-configuration} parameter} file-name cache-dir
+Where CUPS should cache data.
+Defaults to @samp{"/var/cache/cups"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{files-configuration} parameter} string config-file-perm
+Specifies the permissions for all configuration files that the scheduler
+Note that the permissions for the printers.conf file are currently masked to
+only allow access from the scheduler user (typically root). This is done
+because printer device URIs sometimes contain sensitive authentication
+information that should not be generally known on the system. There is no
+way to disable this security feature.
+Defaults to @samp{"0640"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{files-configuration} parameter} log-location error-log
+Defines the error log filename. Specifying a blank filename disables access
+log generation. The value @code{stderr} causes log entries to be sent to
+the standard error file when the scheduler is running in the foreground, or
+to the system log daemon when run in the background. The value
+@code{syslog} causes log entries to be sent to the system log daemon. The
+server name may be included in filenames using the string @code{%s}, as in
+Defaults to @samp{"/var/log/cups/error_log"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{files-configuration} parameter} string fatal-errors
+Specifies which errors are fatal, causing the scheduler to exit. The kind
+strings are:
+@table @code
+@item none
+No errors are fatal.
+@item all
+All of the errors below are fatal.
+@item browse
+Browsing initialization errors are fatal, for example failed connections to
+the DNS-SD daemon.
+@item config
+Configuration file syntax errors are fatal.
+@item listen
+Listen or Port errors are fatal, except for IPv6 failures on the loopback or
+@code{any} addresses.
+@item log
+Log file creation or write errors are fatal.
+@item permissions
+Bad startup file permissions are fatal, for example shared TLS certificate
+and key files with world-read permissions.
+@end table
+Defaults to @samp{"all -browse"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{files-configuration} parameter} boolean file-device?
+Specifies whether the file pseudo-device can be used for new printer
+queues. The URI @uref{file:///dev/null} is always allowed.
+Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{files-configuration} parameter} string group
+Specifies the group name or ID that will be used when executing external
+Defaults to @samp{"lp"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{files-configuration} parameter} string log-file-perm
+Specifies the permissions for all log files that the scheduler writes.
+Defaults to @samp{"0644"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{files-configuration} parameter} log-location page-log
+Defines the page log filename. Specifying a blank filename disables access
+log generation. The value @code{stderr} causes log entries to be sent to
+the standard error file when the scheduler is running in the foreground, or
+to the system log daemon when run in the background. The value
+@code{syslog} causes log entries to be sent to the system log daemon. The
+server name may be included in filenames using the string @code{%s}, as in
+Defaults to @samp{"/var/log/cups/page_log"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{files-configuration} parameter} string remote-root
+Specifies the username that is associated with unauthenticated accesses by
+clients claiming to be the root user. The default is @code{remroot}.
+Defaults to @samp{"remroot"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{files-configuration} parameter} file-name request-root
+Specifies the directory that contains print jobs and other HTTP request
+Defaults to @samp{"/var/spool/cups"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{files-configuration} parameter} sandboxing sandboxing
+Specifies the level of security sandboxing that is applied to print filters,
+backends, and other child processes of the scheduler; either @code{relaxed}
+or @code{strict}. This directive is currently only used/supported on macOS.
+Defaults to @samp{strict}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{files-configuration} parameter} file-name server-keychain
+Specifies the location of TLS certificates and private keys. CUPS will look
+for public and private keys in this directory: a @code{.crt} files for
+PEM-encoded certificates and corresponding @code{.key} files for PEM-encoded
+private keys.
+Defaults to @samp{"/etc/cups/ssl"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{files-configuration} parameter} file-name server-root
+Specifies the directory containing the server configuration files.
+Defaults to @samp{"/etc/cups"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{files-configuration} parameter} boolean sync-on-close?
+Specifies whether the scheduler calls fsync(2) after writing configuration
+or state files.
+Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{files-configuration} parameter} space-separated-string-list system-group
+Specifies the group(s) to use for @code{@@SYSTEM} group authentication.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{files-configuration} parameter} file-name temp-dir
+Specifies the directory where temporary files are stored.
+Defaults to @samp{"/var/spool/cups/tmp"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{files-configuration} parameter} string user
+Specifies the user name or ID that is used when running external programs.
+Defaults to @samp{"lp"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cups-configuration} parameter} access-log-level access-log-level
+Specifies the logging level for the AccessLog file. The @code{config} level
+logs when printers and classes are added, deleted, or modified and when
+configuration files are accessed or updated. The @code{actions} level logs
+when print jobs are submitted, held, released, modified, or canceled, and
+any of the conditions for @code{config}. The @code{all} level logs all
+Defaults to @samp{actions}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cups-configuration} parameter} boolean auto-purge-jobs?
+Specifies whether to purge job history data automatically when it is no
+longer required for quotas.
+Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cups-configuration} parameter} browse-local-protocols browse-local-protocols
+Specifies which protocols to use for local printer sharing.
+Defaults to @samp{dnssd}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cups-configuration} parameter} boolean browse-web-if?
+Specifies whether the CUPS web interface is advertised.
+Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cups-configuration} parameter} boolean browsing?
+Specifies whether shared printers are advertised.
+Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cups-configuration} parameter} string classification
+Specifies the security classification of the server. Any valid banner name
+can be used, including "classified", "confidential", "secret", "topsecret",
+and "unclassified", or the banner can be omitted to disable secure printing
+Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cups-configuration} parameter} boolean classify-override?
+Specifies whether users may override the classification (cover page) of
+individual print jobs using the @code{job-sheets} option.
+Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cups-configuration} parameter} default-auth-type default-auth-type
+Specifies the default type of authentication to use.
+Defaults to @samp{Basic}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cups-configuration} parameter} default-encryption default-encryption
+Specifies whether encryption will be used for authenticated requests.
+Defaults to @samp{Required}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cups-configuration} parameter} string default-language
+Specifies the default language to use for text and web content.
+Defaults to @samp{"en"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cups-configuration} parameter} string default-paper-size
+Specifies the default paper size for new print queues. @samp{"Auto"} uses a
+locale-specific default, while @samp{"None"} specifies there is no default
+paper size. Specific size names are typically @samp{"Letter"} or
+Defaults to @samp{"Auto"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cups-configuration} parameter} string default-policy
+Specifies the default access policy to use.
+Defaults to @samp{"default"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cups-configuration} parameter} boolean default-shared?
+Specifies whether local printers are shared by default.
+Defaults to @samp{#t}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cups-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer dirty-clean-interval
+Specifies the delay for updating of configuration and state files, in
+seconds. A value of 0 causes the update to happen as soon as possible,
+typically within a few milliseconds.
+Defaults to @samp{30}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cups-configuration} parameter} error-policy error-policy
+Specifies what to do when an error occurs. Possible values are
+@code{abort-job}, which will discard the failed print job; @code{retry-job},
+which will retry the job at a later time; @code{retry-this-job}, which
+retries the failed job immediately; and @code{stop-printer}, which stops the
+Defaults to @samp{stop-printer}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cups-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer filter-limit
+Specifies the maximum cost of filters that are run concurrently, which can
+be used to minimize disk, memory, and CPU resource problems. A limit of 0
+disables filter limiting. An average print to a non-PostScript printer
+needs a filter limit of about 200. A PostScript printer needs about half
+that (100). Setting the limit below these thresholds will effectively limit
+the scheduler to printing a single job at any time.
+Defaults to @samp{0}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cups-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer filter-nice
+Specifies the scheduling priority of filters that are run to print a job.
+The nice value ranges from 0, the highest priority, to 19, the lowest
+Defaults to @samp{0}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cups-configuration} parameter} host-name-lookups host-name-lookups
+Specifies whether to do reverse lookups on connecting clients. The
+@code{double} setting causes @code{cupsd} to verify that the hostname
+resolved from the address matches one of the addresses returned for that
+hostname. Double lookups also prevent clients with unregistered addresses
+from connecting to your server. Only set this option to @code{#t} or
+@code{double} if absolutely required.
+Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cups-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer job-kill-delay
+Specifies the number of seconds to wait before killing the filters and
+backend associated with a canceled or held job.
+Defaults to @samp{30}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cups-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer job-retry-interval
+Specifies the interval between retries of jobs in seconds. This is
+typically used for fax queues but can also be used with normal print queues
+whose error policy is @code{retry-job} or @code{retry-current-job}.
+Defaults to @samp{30}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cups-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer job-retry-limit
+Specifies the number of retries that are done for jobs. This is typically
+used for fax queues but can also be used with normal print queues whose
+error policy is @code{retry-job} or @code{retry-current-job}.
+Defaults to @samp{5}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cups-configuration} parameter} boolean keep-alive?
+Specifies whether to support HTTP keep-alive connections.
+Defaults to @samp{#t}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cups-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer keep-alive-timeout
+Specifies how long an idle client connection remains open, in seconds.
+Defaults to @samp{30}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cups-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer limit-request-body
+Specifies the maximum size of print files, IPP requests, and HTML form
+data. A limit of 0 disables the limit check.
+Defaults to @samp{0}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cups-configuration} parameter} multiline-string-list listen
+Listens on the specified interfaces for connections. Valid values are of
+the form @var{address}:@var{port}, where @var{address} is either an IPv6
+address enclosed in brackets, an IPv4 address, or @code{*} to indicate all
+addresses. Values can also be file names of local UNIX domain sockets. The
+Listen directive is similar to the Port directive but allows you to restrict
+access to specific interfaces or networks.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cups-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer listen-back-log
+Specifies the number of pending connections that will be allowed. This
+normally only affects very busy servers that have reached the MaxClients
+limit, but can also be triggered by large numbers of simultaneous
+connections. When the limit is reached, the operating system will refuse
+additional connections until the scheduler can accept the pending ones.
+Defaults to @samp{128}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cups-configuration} parameter} location-access-control-list location-access-controls
+Specifies a set of additional access controls.
+Available @code{location-access-controls} fields are:
+@deftypevr {@code{location-access-controls} parameter} file-name path
+Specifies the URI path to which the access control applies.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{location-access-controls} parameter} access-control-list access-controls
+Access controls for all access to this path, in the same format as the
+@code{access-controls} of @code{operation-access-control}.
+Defaults to @samp{()}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{location-access-controls} parameter} method-access-control-list method-access-controls
+Access controls for method-specific access to this path.
+Defaults to @samp{()}.
+Available @code{method-access-controls} fields are:
+@deftypevr {@code{method-access-controls} parameter} boolean reverse?
+If @code{#t}, apply access controls to all methods except the listed
+methods. Otherwise apply to only the listed methods.
+Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{method-access-controls} parameter} method-list methods
+Methods to which this access control applies.
+Defaults to @samp{()}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{method-access-controls} parameter} access-control-list access-controls
+Access control directives, as a list of strings. Each string should be one
+directive, such as "Order allow,deny".
+Defaults to @samp{()}.
+@end deftypevr
+@end deftypevr
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cups-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer log-debug-history
+Specifies the number of debugging messages that are retained for logging if
+an error occurs in a print job. Debug messages are logged regardless of the
+LogLevel setting.
+Defaults to @samp{100}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cups-configuration} parameter} log-level log-level
+Specifies the level of logging for the ErrorLog file. The value @code{none}
+stops all logging while @code{debug2} logs everything.
+Defaults to @samp{info}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cups-configuration} parameter} log-time-format log-time-format
+Specifies the format of the date and time in the log files. The value
+@code{standard} logs whole seconds while @code{usecs} logs microseconds.
+Defaults to @samp{standard}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cups-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer max-clients
+Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous clients that are allowed by the
+Defaults to @samp{100}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cups-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer max-clients-per-host
+Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous clients that are allowed from a
+single address.
+Defaults to @samp{100}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cups-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer max-copies
+Specifies the maximum number of copies that a user can print of each job.
+Defaults to @samp{9999}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cups-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer max-hold-time
+Specifies the maximum time a job may remain in the @code{indefinite} hold
+state before it is canceled. A value of 0 disables cancellation of held
+Defaults to @samp{0}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cups-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer max-jobs
+Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous jobs that are allowed. Set to
+0 to allow an unlimited number of jobs.
+Defaults to @samp{500}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cups-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer max-jobs-per-printer
+Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous jobs that are allowed per
+printer. A value of 0 allows up to MaxJobs jobs per printer.
+Defaults to @samp{0}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cups-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer max-jobs-per-user
+Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous jobs that are allowed per
+user. A value of 0 allows up to MaxJobs jobs per user.
+Defaults to @samp{0}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cups-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer max-job-time
+Specifies the maximum time a job may take to print before it is canceled, in
+seconds. Set to 0 to disable cancellation of "stuck" jobs.
+Defaults to @samp{10800}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cups-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer max-log-size
+Specifies the maximum size of the log files before they are rotated, in
+bytes. The value 0 disables log rotation.
+Defaults to @samp{1048576}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cups-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer multiple-operation-timeout
+Specifies the maximum amount of time to allow between files in a multiple
+file print job, in seconds.
+Defaults to @samp{300}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cups-configuration} parameter} string page-log-format
+Specifies the format of PageLog lines. Sequences beginning with percent
+(@samp{%}) characters are replaced with the corresponding information, while
+all other characters are copied literally. The following percent sequences
+are recognized:
+@table @samp
+@item %%
+insert a single percent character
+@item %@{name@}
+insert the value of the specified IPP attribute
+@item %C
+insert the number of copies for the current page
+@item %P
+insert the current page number
+@item %T
+insert the current date and time in common log format
+@item %j
+insert the job ID
+@item %p
+insert the printer name
+@item %u
+insert the username
+@end table
+A value of the empty string disables page logging. The string @code{%p %u
+%j %T %P %C %@{job-billing@} %@{job-originating-host-name@} %@{job-name@}
+%@{media@} %@{sides@}} creates a page log with the standard items.
+Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cups-configuration} parameter} environment-variables environment-variables
+Passes the specified environment variable(s) to child processes; a list of
+Defaults to @samp{()}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cups-configuration} parameter} policy-configuration-list policies
+Specifies named access control policies.
+Available @code{policy-configuration} fields are:
+@deftypevr {@code{policy-configuration} parameter} string name
+Name of the policy.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{policy-configuration} parameter} string job-private-access
+Specifies an access list for a job's private values. @code{@@ACL} maps to
+the printer's requesting-user-name-allowed or requesting-user-name-denied
+values. @code{@@OWNER} maps to the job's owner. @code{@@SYSTEM} maps to
+the groups listed for the @code{system-group} field of the
+@code{files-config} configuration, which is reified into the
+@code{cups-files.conf(5)} file. Other possible elements of the access list
+include specific user names, and @code{@@@var{group}} to indicate members of
+a specific group. The access list may also be simply @code{all} or
+Defaults to @samp{"@@OWNER @@SYSTEM"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{policy-configuration} parameter} string job-private-values
+Specifies the list of job values to make private, or @code{all},
+@code{default}, or @code{none}.
+Defaults to @samp{"job-name job-originating-host-name
+job-originating-user-name phone"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{policy-configuration} parameter} string subscription-private-access
+Specifies an access list for a subscription's private values. @code{@@ACL}
+maps to the printer's requesting-user-name-allowed or
+requesting-user-name-denied values. @code{@@OWNER} maps to the job's
+owner. @code{@@SYSTEM} maps to the groups listed for the
+@code{system-group} field of the @code{files-config} configuration, which is
+reified into the @code{cups-files.conf(5)} file. Other possible elements of
+the access list include specific user names, and @code{@@@var{group}} to
+indicate members of a specific group. The access list may also be simply
+@code{all} or @code{default}.
+Defaults to @samp{"@@OWNER @@SYSTEM"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{policy-configuration} parameter} string subscription-private-values
+Specifies the list of job values to make private, or @code{all},
+@code{default}, or @code{none}.
+Defaults to @samp{"notify-events notify-pull-method notify-recipient-uri
+notify-subscriber-user-name notify-user-data"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{policy-configuration} parameter} operation-access-control-list access-controls
+Access control by IPP operation.
+Defaults to @samp{()}.
+@end deftypevr
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cups-configuration} parameter} boolean-or-non-negative-integer preserve-job-files
+Specifies whether job files (documents) are preserved after a job is
+printed. If a numeric value is specified, job files are preserved for the
+indicated number of seconds after printing. Otherwise a boolean value
+applies indefinitely.
+Defaults to @samp{86400}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cups-configuration} parameter} boolean-or-non-negative-integer preserve-job-history
+Specifies whether the job history is preserved after a job is printed. If a
+numeric value is specified, the job history is preserved for the indicated
+number of seconds after printing. If @code{#t}, the job history is
+preserved until the MaxJobs limit is reached.
+Defaults to @samp{#t}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cups-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer reload-timeout
+Specifies the amount of time to wait for job completion before restarting
+the scheduler.
+Defaults to @samp{30}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cups-configuration} parameter} string rip-cache
+Specifies the maximum amount of memory to use when converting documents into
+bitmaps for a printer.
+Defaults to @samp{"128m"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cups-configuration} parameter} string server-admin
+Specifies the email address of the server administrator.
+Defaults to @samp{"root@@localhost.localdomain"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cups-configuration} parameter} host-name-list-or-* server-alias
+The ServerAlias directive is used for HTTP Host header validation when
+clients connect to the scheduler from external interfaces. Using the
+special name @code{*} can expose your system to known browser-based DNS
+rebinding attacks, even when accessing sites through a firewall. If the
+auto-discovery of alternate names does not work, we recommend listing each
+alternate name with a ServerAlias directive instead of using @code{*}.
+Defaults to @samp{*}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cups-configuration} parameter} string server-name
+Specifies the fully-qualified host name of the server.
+Defaults to @samp{"localhost"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cups-configuration} parameter} server-tokens server-tokens
+Specifies what information is included in the Server header of HTTP
+responses. @code{None} disables the Server header. @code{ProductOnly}
+reports @code{CUPS}. @code{Major} reports @code{CUPS 2}. @code{Minor}
+reports @code{CUPS 2.0}. @code{Minimal} reports @code{CUPS 2.0.0}.
+@code{OS} reports @code{CUPS 2.0.0 (@var{uname})} where @var{uname} is the
+output of the @code{uname} command. @code{Full} reports @code{CUPS 2.0.0
+(@var{uname}) IPP/2.0}.
+Defaults to @samp{Minimal}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cups-configuration} parameter} string set-env
+Set the specified environment variable to be passed to child processes.
+Defaults to @samp{"variable value"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cups-configuration} parameter} multiline-string-list ssl-listen
+Listens on the specified interfaces for encrypted connections. Valid values
+are of the form @var{address}:@var{port}, where @var{address} is either an
+IPv6 address enclosed in brackets, an IPv4 address, or @code{*} to indicate
+all addresses.
+Defaults to @samp{()}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cups-configuration} parameter} ssl-options ssl-options
+Sets encryption options. By default, CUPS only supports encryption using
+TLS v1.0 or higher using known secure cipher suites. The @code{AllowRC4}
+option enables the 128-bit RC4 cipher suites, which are required for some
+older clients that do not implement newer ones. The @code{AllowSSL3} option
+enables SSL v3.0, which is required for some older clients that do not
+support TLS v1.0.
+Defaults to @samp{()}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cups-configuration} parameter} boolean strict-conformance?
+Specifies whether the scheduler requires clients to strictly adhere to the
+IPP specifications.
+Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cups-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer timeout
+Specifies the HTTP request timeout, in seconds.
+Defaults to @samp{300}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cups-configuration} parameter} boolean web-interface?
+Specifies whether the web interface is enabled.
+Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+At this point you're probably thinking ``oh dear, Guix manual, I like you
+but you can stop already with the configuration options''. Indeed.
+However, one more point: it could be that you have an existing
+@code{cupsd.conf} that you want to use. In that case, you can pass an
+@code{opaque-cups-configuration} as the configuration of a
+Available @code{opaque-cups-configuration} fields are:
+@deftypevr {@code{opaque-cups-configuration} parameter} package cups
+The CUPS package.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{opaque-cups-configuration} parameter} string cupsd.conf
+The contents of the @code{cupsd.conf}, as a string.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{opaque-cups-configuration} parameter} string cups-files.conf
+The contents of the @code{cups-files.conf} file, as a string.
+@end deftypevr
+For example, if your @code{cupsd.conf} and @code{cups-files.conf} are in
+strings of the same name, you could instantiate a CUPS service like this:
+(service cups-service-type
+ (opaque-cups-configuration
+ (cupsd.conf cupsd.conf)
+ (cups-files.conf cups-files.conf)))
+@end example
+@node Desktop-Dienste
+@subsubsection Desktop-Dienste
+The @code{(gnu services desktop)} module provides services that are usually
+useful in the context of a ``desktop'' setup---that is, on a machine running
+a graphical display server, possibly with graphical user interfaces, etc.
+It also defines services that provide specific desktop environments like
+To simplify things, the module defines a variable containing the set of
+services that users typically expect on a machine with a graphical
+environment and networking:
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} %desktop-services
+This is a list of services that builds upon @var{%base-services} and adds or
+adjusts services for a typical ``desktop'' setup.
+In particular, it adds a graphical login manager (@pxref{X Window,
+@code{slim-service}}), screen lockers, a network management tool
+(@pxref{Netzwerkdienste, @code{network-manager-service-type}}), energy
+and color management services, the @code{elogind} login and seat manager,
+the Polkit privilege service, the GeoClue location service, the
+AccountsService daemon that allows authorized users change system passwords,
+an NTP client (@pxref{Netzwerkdienste}), the Avahi daemon, and has the
+name service switch service configured to be able to use @code{nss-mdns}
+(@pxref{Name Service Switch, mDNS}).
+@end defvr
+The @var{%desktop-services} variable can be used as the @code{services}
+field of an @code{operating-system} declaration (@pxref{„operating-system“-Referenz, @code{services}}).
+Additionally, the @code{gnome-desktop-service}, @code{xfce-desktop-service},
+@code{mate-desktop-service} and @code{enlightenment-desktop-service-type}
+procedures can add GNOME, XFCE, MATE and/or Enlightenment to a system. To
+``add GNOME'' means that system-level services like the backlight adjustment
+helpers and the power management utilities are added to the system,
+extending @code{polkit} and @code{dbus} appropriately, allowing GNOME to
+operate with elevated privileges on a limited number of special-purpose
+system interfaces. Additionally, adding a service made by
+@code{gnome-desktop-service} adds the GNOME metapackage to the system
+profile. Likewise, adding the XFCE service not only adds the @code{xfce}
+metapackage to the system profile, but it also gives the Thunar file manager
+the ability to open a ``root-mode'' file management window, if the user
+authenticates using the administrator's password via the standard polkit
+graphical interface. To ``add MATE'' means that @code{polkit} and
+@code{dbus} are extended appropriately, allowing MATE to operate with
+elevated privileges on a limited number of special-purpose system
+interfaces. Additionally, adding a service made by
+@code{mate-desktop-service} adds the MATE metapackage to the system
+profile. ``Adding ENLIGHTENMENT'' means that @code{dbus} is extended
+appropriately, and several of Enlightenment's binaries are set as setuid,
+allowing Enlightenment's screen locker and other functionality to work as
+The desktop environments in Guix use the Xorg display server by default. If
+you'd like to use the newer display server protocol called Wayland, you need
+to use the @code{sddm-service} instead of the @code{slim-service} for the
+graphical login manager. You should then select the ``GNOME (Wayland)''
+session in SDDM. Alternatively you can also try starting GNOME on Wayland
+manually from a TTY with the command ``XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland exec
+dbus-run-session gnome-session``. Currently only GNOME has support for
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} gnome-desktop-service
+Return a service that adds the @code{gnome} package to the system profile,
+and extends polkit with the actions from @code{gnome-settings-daemon}.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} xfce-desktop-service
+Return a service that adds the @code{xfce} package to the system profile,
+and extends polkit with the ability for @code{thunar} to manipulate the file
+system as root from within a user session, after the user has authenticated
+with the administrator's password.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} mate-desktop-service
+Return a service that adds the @code{mate} package to the system profile,
+and extends polkit with the actions from @code{mate-settings-daemon}.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} enlightenment-desktop-service-type
+Return a service that adds the @code{enlightenment} package to the system
+profile, and extends dbus with actions from @code{efl}.
+@end deffn
+@deftp {Data Type} enlightenment-desktop-service-configuration
+@table @asis
+@item @code{enlightenment} (default @code{enlightenment})
+The enlightenment package to use.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+Because the GNOME, XFCE and MATE desktop services pull in so many packages,
+the default @code{%desktop-services} variable doesn't include any of them by
+default. To add GNOME, XFCE or MATE, just @code{cons} them onto
+@code{%desktop-services} in the @code{services} field of your
+(use-modules (gnu))
+(use-service-modules desktop)
+ ...
+ ;; cons* adds items to the list given as its last argument.
+ (services (cons* (gnome-desktop-service)
+ (xfce-desktop-service)
+ %desktop-services))
+ ...)
+@end example
+These desktop environments will then be available as options in the
+graphical login window.
+The actual service definitions included in @code{%desktop-services} and
+provided by @code{(gnu services dbus)} and @code{(gnu services desktop)} are
+described below.
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} dbus-service [#:dbus @var{dbus}] [#:services '()]
+Return a service that runs the ``system bus'', using @var{dbus}, with
+support for @var{services}.
+@uref{http://dbus.freedesktop.org/, D-Bus} is an inter-process communication
+facility. Its system bus is used to allow system services to communicate
+and to be notified of system-wide events.
+@var{services} must be a list of packages that provide an
+@file{etc/dbus-1/system.d} directory containing additional D-Bus
+configuration and policy files. For example, to allow avahi-daemon to use
+the system bus, @var{services} must be equal to @code{(list avahi)}.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} elogind-service [#:config @var{config}]
+Return a service that runs the @code{elogind} login and seat management
+daemon. @uref{https://github.com/elogind/elogind, Elogind} exposes a D-Bus
+interface that can be used to know which users are logged in, know what kind
+of sessions they have open, suspend the system, inhibit system suspend,
+reboot the system, and other tasks.
+Elogind handles most system-level power events for a computer, for example
+suspending the system when a lid is closed, or shutting it down when the
+power button is pressed.
+The @var{config} keyword argument specifies the configuration for elogind,
+and should be the result of an @code{(elogind-configuration (@var{parameter}
+@var{value})...)} invocation. Available parameters and their default values
+@table @code
+@item kill-user-processes?
+@item kill-only-users
+@item kill-exclude-users
+@item inhibit-delay-max-seconds
+@item handle-power-key
+@item handle-suspend-key
+@item handle-hibernate-key
+@item handle-lid-switch
+@item handle-lid-switch-docked
+@item power-key-ignore-inhibited?
+@item suspend-key-ignore-inhibited?
+@item hibernate-key-ignore-inhibited?
+@item lid-switch-ignore-inhibited?
+@item holdoff-timeout-seconds
+@item idle-action
+@item idle-action-seconds
+@code{(* 30 60)}
+@item runtime-directory-size-percent
+@item runtime-directory-size
+@item remove-ipc?
+@item suspend-state
+@code{("mem" "standby" "freeze")}
+@item suspend-mode
+@item hibernate-state
+@item hibernate-mode
+@code{("platform" "shutdown")}
+@item hybrid-sleep-state
+@item hybrid-sleep-mode
+@code{("suspend" "platform" "shutdown")}
+@end table
+@end deffn
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} accountsservice-service @
+ [#:accountsservice @var{accountsservice}] Return a service that runs
+AccountsService, a system service that can list available accounts, change
+their passwords, and so on. AccountsService integrates with PolicyKit to
+enable unprivileged users to acquire the capability to modify their system
+@uref{https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/AccountsService/, the
+accountsservice web site} for more information.
+The @var{accountsservice} keyword argument is the @code{accountsservice}
+package to expose as a service.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} polkit-service @
+ [#:polkit @var{polkit}] Return a service that runs the
+@uref{http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/polkit/, Polkit privilege
+management service}, which allows system administrators to grant access to
+privileged operations in a structured way. By querying the Polkit service,
+a privileged system component can know when it should grant additional
+capabilities to ordinary users. For example, an ordinary user can be
+granted the capability to suspend the system if the user is logged in
+@end deffn
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} upower-service [#:upower @var{upower}] @
+ [#:watts-up-pro? #f] @ [#:poll-batteries? #t] @ [#:ignore-lid? #f] @
+[#:use-percentage-for-policy? #f] @ [#:percentage-low 10] @
+[#:percentage-critical 3] @ [#:percentage-action 2] @ [#:time-low 1200] @
+[#:time-critical 300] @ [#:time-action 120] @ [#:critical-power-action
+'hybrid-sleep] Return a service that runs
+@uref{http://upower.freedesktop.org/, @command{upowerd}}, a system-wide
+monitor for power consumption and battery levels, with the given
+configuration settings. It implements the @code{org.freedesktop.UPower}
+D-Bus interface, and is notably used by GNOME.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} udisks-service [#:udisks @var{udisks}]
+Return a service for @uref{http://udisks.freedesktop.org/docs/latest/,
+UDisks}, a @dfn{disk management} daemon that provides user interfaces with
+notifications and ways to mount/unmount disks. Programs that talk to UDisks
+include the @command{udisksctl} command, part of UDisks, and GNOME Disks.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} colord-service [#:colord @var{colord}]
+Return a service that runs @command{colord}, a system service with a D-Bus
+interface to manage the color profiles of input and output devices such as
+screens and scanners. It is notably used by the GNOME Color Manager
+graphical tool. See @uref{http://www.freedesktop.org/software/colord/, the
+colord web site} for more information.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} geoclue-application name [#:allowed? #t] [#:system? #f] [#:users '()]
+Return a configuration allowing an application to access GeoClue location
+data. @var{name} is the Desktop ID of the application, without the
+@code{.desktop} part. If @var{allowed?} is true, the application will have
+access to location information by default. The boolean @var{system?} value
+indicates whether an application is a system component or not. Finally
+@var{users} is a list of UIDs of all users for which this application is
+allowed location info access. An empty users list means that all users are
+@end deffn
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} %standard-geoclue-applications
+The standard list of well-known GeoClue application configurations, granting
+authority to the GNOME date-and-time utility to ask for the current location
+in order to set the time zone, and allowing the IceCat and Epiphany web
+browsers to request location information. IceCat and Epiphany both query
+the user before allowing a web page to know the user's location.
+@end defvr
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} geoclue-service [#:colord @var{colord}] @
+ [#:whitelist '()] @ [#:wifi-geolocation-url
+"https://location.services.mozilla.com/v1/geolocate?key=geoclue"] @
+[#:submit-data? #f] [#:wifi-submission-url
+"https://location.services.mozilla.com/v1/submit?key=geoclue"] @
+[#:submission-nick "geoclue"] @ [#:applications
+%standard-geoclue-applications] Return a service that runs the GeoClue
+location service. This service provides a D-Bus interface to allow
+applications to request access to a user's physical location, and optionally
+to add information to online location databases. See
+@uref{https://wiki.freedesktop.org/www/Software/GeoClue/, the GeoClue web
+site} for more information.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} bluetooth-service [#:bluez @var{bluez}] @
+ [@w{#:auto-enable? #f}] Return a service that runs the @command{bluetoothd}
+daemon, which manages all the Bluetooth devices and provides a number of
+D-Bus interfaces. When AUTO-ENABLE? is true, the bluetooth controller is
+powered automatically at boot, which can be useful when using a bluetooth
+keyboard or mouse.
+Users need to be in the @code{lp} group to access the D-Bus service.
+@end deffn
+@node Sound Services
+@subsubsection Sound Services
+@cindex sound support
+@cindex ALSA
+@cindex PulseAudio, sound support
+The @code{(gnu services sound)} module provides a service to configure the
+Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) system, which makes PulseAudio the
+preferred ALSA output driver.
+@deffn {Scheme Variable} alsa-service-type
+This is the type for the @uref{https://alsa-project.org/, Advanced Linux
+Sound Architecture} (ALSA) system, which generates the
+@file{/etc/asound.conf} configuration file. The value for this type is a
+@command{alsa-configuration} record as in this example:
+(service alsa-service-type)
+@end example
+See below for details about @code{alsa-configuration}.
+@end deffn
+@deftp {Data Type} alsa-configuration
+Data type representing the configuration for @code{alsa-service}.
+@table @asis
+@item @code{alsa-plugins} (default: @var{alsa-plugins})
+@code{alsa-plugins} package to use.
+@item @code{pulseaudio?} (default: @var{#t})
+Whether ALSA applications should transparently be made to use the
+@uref{http://www.pulseaudio.org/, PulseAudio} sound server.
+Using PulseAudio allows you to run several sound-producing applications at
+the same time and to individual control them @i{via} @command{pavucontrol},
+among other things.
+@item @code{extra-options} (default: @var{""})
+String to append to the @file{/etc/asound.conf} file.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+Individual users who want to override the system configuration of ALSA can
+do it with the @file{~/.asoundrc} file:
+# In guix, we have to specify the absolute path for plugins.
+pcm_type.jack @{
+ lib "/home/alice/.guix-profile/lib/alsa-lib/libasound_module_pcm_jack.so"
+# Routing ALSA to jack:
+# <http://jackaudio.org/faq/routing_alsa.html>.
+pcm.rawjack @{
+ type jack
+ playback_ports @{
+ 0 system:playback_1
+ 1 system:playback_2
+ @}
+ capture_ports @{
+ 0 system:capture_1
+ 1 system:capture_2
+ @}
+pcm.!default @{
+ type plug
+ slave @{
+ pcm "rawjack"
+ @}
+@end example
+See @uref{https://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Asoundrc} for the
+@node Datenbankdienste
+@subsubsection Datenbankdienste
+@cindex database
+@cindex SQL
+The @code{(gnu services databases)} module provides the following services.
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} postgresql-service [#:postgresql postgresql] @
+ [#:config-file] [#:data-directory ``/var/lib/postgresql/data''] @ [#:port
+5432] [#:locale ``en_US.utf8''] Return a service that runs @var{postgresql},
+the PostgreSQL database server.
+The PostgreSQL daemon loads its runtime configuration from
+@var{config-file}, creates a database cluster with @var{locale} as the
+default locale, stored in @var{data-directory}. It then listens on
+@end deffn
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} mysql-service [#:config (mysql-configuration)]
+Return a service that runs @command{mysqld}, the MySQL or MariaDB database
+The optional @var{config} argument specifies the configuration for
+@command{mysqld}, which should be a @code{<mysql-configuration>} object.
+@end deffn
+@deftp {Data Type} mysql-configuration
+Data type representing the configuration of @var{mysql-service}.
+@table @asis
+@item @code{mysql} (default: @var{mariadb})
+Package object of the MySQL database server, can be either @var{mariadb} or
+For MySQL, a temporary root password will be displayed at activation time.
+For MariaDB, the root password is empty.
+@item @code{port} (default: @code{3306})
+TCP port on which the database server listens for incoming connections.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} memcached-service-type
+This is the service type for the @uref{https://memcached.org/, Memcached}
+service, which provides a distributed in memory cache. The value for the
+service type is a @code{memcached-configuration} object.
+@end defvr
+(service memcached-service-type)
+@end example
+@deftp {Data Type} memcached-configuration
+Data type representing the configuration of memcached.
+@table @asis
+@item @code{memcached} (default: @code{memcached})
+The Memcached package to use.
+@item @code{interfaces} (default: @code{'("")})
+Network interfaces on which to listen.
+@item @code{tcp-port} (default: @code{11211})
+Port on which to accept connections on,
+@item @code{udp-port} (default: @code{11211})
+Port on which to accept UDP connections on, a value of 0 will disable
+listening on a UDP socket.
+@item @code{additional-options} (default: @code{'()})
+Additional command line options to pass to @code{memcached}.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} mongodb-service-type
+This is the service type for @uref{https://www.mongodb.com/, MongoDB}. The
+value for the service type is a @code{mongodb-configuration} object.
+@end defvr
+(service mongodb-service-type)
+@end example
+@deftp {Data Type} mongodb-configuration
+Data type representing the configuration of mongodb.
+@table @asis
+@item @code{mongodb} (default: @code{mongodb})
+The MongoDB package to use.
+@item @code{config-file} (default: @code{%default-mongodb-configuration-file})
+The configuration file for MongoDB.
+@item @code{data-directory} (default: @code{"/var/lib/mongodb"})
+This value is used to create the directory, so that it exists and is owned
+by the mongodb user. It should match the data-directory which MongoDB is
+configured to use through the configuration file.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} redis-service-type
+This is the service type for the @uref{https://redis.io/, Redis} key/value
+store, whose value is a @code{redis-configuration} object.
+@end defvr
+@deftp {Data Type} redis-configuration
+Data type representing the configuration of redis.
+@table @asis
+@item @code{redis} (default: @code{redis})
+The Redis package to use.
+@item @code{bind} (default: @code{""})
+Network interface on which to listen.
+@item @code{port} (default: @code{6379})
+Port on which to accept connections on, a value of 0 will disable listening
+on a TCP socket.
+@item @code{working-directory} (default: @code{"/var/lib/redis"})
+Directory in which to store the database and related files.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@node Mail-Dienste
+@subsubsection Mail-Dienste
+@cindex mail
+@cindex email
+The @code{(gnu services mail)} module provides Guix service definitions for
+email services: IMAP, POP3, and LMTP servers, as well as mail transport
+agents (MTAs). Lots of acronyms! These services are detailed in the
+subsections below.
+@subsubheading Dovecot Service
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} dovecot-service [#:config (dovecot-configuration)]
+Return a service that runs the Dovecot IMAP/POP3/LMTP mail server.
+@end deffn
+By default, Dovecot does not need much configuration; the default
+configuration object created by @code{(dovecot-configuration)} will suffice
+if your mail is delivered to @code{~/Maildir}. A self-signed certificate
+will be generated for TLS-protected connections, though Dovecot will also
+listen on cleartext ports by default. There are a number of options,
+though, which mail administrators might need to change, and as is the case
+with other services, Guix allows the system administrator to specify these
+parameters via a uniform Scheme interface.
+For example, to specify that mail is located at @code{maildir~/.mail}, one
+would instantiate the Dovecot service like this:
+(dovecot-service #:config
+ (dovecot-configuration
+ (mail-location "maildir:~/.mail")))
+@end example
+The available configuration parameters follow. Each parameter definition is
+preceded by its type; for example, @samp{string-list foo} indicates that the
+@code{foo} parameter should be specified as a list of strings. There is
+also a way to specify the configuration as a string, if you have an old
+@code{dovecot.conf} file that you want to port over from some other system;
+see the end for more details.
+@c The following documentation was initially generated by
+@c (generate-documentation) in (gnu services mail). Manually maintained
+@c documentation is better, so we shouldn't hesitate to edit below as
+@c needed. However if the change you want to make to this documentation
+@c can be done in an automated way, it's probably easier to change
+@c (generate-documentation) than to make it below and have to deal with
+@c the churn as dovecot updates.
+Available @code{dovecot-configuration} fields are:
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} package dovecot
+The dovecot package.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} comma-separated-string-list listen
+A list of IPs or hosts where to listen for connections. @samp{*} listens on
+all IPv4 interfaces, @samp{::} listens on all IPv6 interfaces. If you want
+to specify non-default ports or anything more complex, customize the address
+and port fields of the @samp{inet-listener} of the specific services you are
+interested in.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} protocol-configuration-list protocols
+List of protocols we want to serve. Available protocols include
+@samp{imap}, @samp{pop3}, and @samp{lmtp}.
+Available @code{protocol-configuration} fields are:
+@deftypevr {@code{protocol-configuration} parameter} string name
+The name of the protocol.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{protocol-configuration} parameter} string auth-socket-path
+UNIX socket path to the master authentication server to find users. This is
+used by imap (for shared users) and lda. It defaults to
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{protocol-configuration} parameter} space-separated-string-list mail-plugins
+Space separated list of plugins to load.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{protocol-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer mail-max-userip-connections
+Maximum number of IMAP connections allowed for a user from each IP address.
+NOTE: The username is compared case-sensitively. Defaults to @samp{10}.
+@end deftypevr
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} service-configuration-list services
+List of services to enable. Available services include @samp{imap},
+@samp{imap-login}, @samp{pop3}, @samp{pop3-login}, @samp{auth}, and
+Available @code{service-configuration} fields are:
+@deftypevr {@code{service-configuration} parameter} string kind
+The service kind. Valid values include @code{director}, @code{imap-login},
+@code{pop3-login}, @code{lmtp}, @code{imap}, @code{pop3}, @code{auth},
+@code{auth-worker}, @code{dict}, @code{tcpwrap}, @code{quota-warning}, or
+anything else.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{service-configuration} parameter} listener-configuration-list listeners
+Listeners for the service. A listener is either a
+@code{unix-listener-configuration}, a @code{fifo-listener-configuration}, or
+an @code{inet-listener-configuration}. Defaults to @samp{()}.
+Available @code{unix-listener-configuration} fields are:
+@deftypevr {@code{unix-listener-configuration} parameter} string path
+Path to the file, relative to @code{base-dir} field. This is also used as
+the section name.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{unix-listener-configuration} parameter} string mode
+The access mode for the socket. Defaults to @samp{"0600"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{unix-listener-configuration} parameter} string user
+The user to own the socket. Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{unix-listener-configuration} parameter} string group
+The group to own the socket. Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+Available @code{fifo-listener-configuration} fields are:
+@deftypevr {@code{fifo-listener-configuration} parameter} string path
+Path to the file, relative to @code{base-dir} field. This is also used as
+the section name.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{fifo-listener-configuration} parameter} string mode
+The access mode for the socket. Defaults to @samp{"0600"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{fifo-listener-configuration} parameter} string user
+The user to own the socket. Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{fifo-listener-configuration} parameter} string group
+The group to own the socket. Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+Available @code{inet-listener-configuration} fields are:
+@deftypevr {@code{inet-listener-configuration} parameter} string protocol
+The protocol to listen for.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{inet-listener-configuration} parameter} string address
+The address on which to listen, or empty for all addresses. Defaults to
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{inet-listener-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer port
+The port on which to listen.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{inet-listener-configuration} parameter} boolean ssl?
+Whether to use SSL for this service; @samp{yes}, @samp{no}, or
+@samp{required}. Defaults to @samp{#t}.
+@end deftypevr
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{service-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer client-limit
+Maximum number of simultaneous client connections per process. Once this
+number of connections is received, the next incoming connection will prompt
+Dovecot to spawn another process. If set to 0, @code{default-client-limit}
+is used instead.
+Defaults to @samp{0}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{service-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer service-count
+Number of connections to handle before starting a new process. Typically
+the only useful values are 0 (unlimited) or 1. 1 is more secure, but 0 is
+faster. <doc/wiki/LoginProcess.txt>. Defaults to @samp{1}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{service-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer process-limit
+Maximum number of processes that can exist for this service. If set to 0,
+@code{default-process-limit} is used instead.
+Defaults to @samp{0}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{service-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer process-min-avail
+Number of processes to always keep waiting for more connections. Defaults
+to @samp{0}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{service-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer vsz-limit
+If you set @samp{service-count 0}, you probably need to grow this. Defaults
+to @samp{256000000}.
+@end deftypevr
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} dict-configuration dict
+Dict configuration, as created by the @code{dict-configuration} constructor.
+Available @code{dict-configuration} fields are:
+@deftypevr {@code{dict-configuration} parameter} free-form-fields entries
+A list of key-value pairs that this dict should hold. Defaults to
+@end deftypevr
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} passdb-configuration-list passdbs
+A list of passdb configurations, each one created by the
+@code{passdb-configuration} constructor.
+Available @code{passdb-configuration} fields are:
+@deftypevr {@code{passdb-configuration} parameter} string driver
+The driver that the passdb should use. Valid values include @samp{pam},
+@samp{passwd}, @samp{shadow}, @samp{bsdauth}, and @samp{static}. Defaults
+to @samp{"pam"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{passdb-configuration} parameter} space-separated-string-list args
+Space separated list of arguments to the passdb driver. Defaults to
+@end deftypevr
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} userdb-configuration-list userdbs
+List of userdb configurations, each one created by the
+@code{userdb-configuration} constructor.
+Available @code{userdb-configuration} fields are:
+@deftypevr {@code{userdb-configuration} parameter} string driver
+The driver that the userdb should use. Valid values include @samp{passwd}
+and @samp{static}. Defaults to @samp{"passwd"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{userdb-configuration} parameter} space-separated-string-list args
+Space separated list of arguments to the userdb driver. Defaults to
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{userdb-configuration} parameter} free-form-args override-fields
+Override fields from passwd. Defaults to @samp{()}.
+@end deftypevr
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} plugin-configuration plugin-configuration
+Plug-in configuration, created by the @code{plugin-configuration}
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} list-of-namespace-configuration namespaces
+List of namespaces. Each item in the list is created by the
+@code{namespace-configuration} constructor.
+Available @code{namespace-configuration} fields are:
+@deftypevr {@code{namespace-configuration} parameter} string name
+Name for this namespace.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{namespace-configuration} parameter} string type
+Namespace type: @samp{private}, @samp{shared} or @samp{public}. Defaults to
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{namespace-configuration} parameter} string separator
+Hierarchy separator to use. You should use the same separator for all
+namespaces or some clients get confused. @samp{/} is usually a good one.
+The default however depends on the underlying mail storage format. Defaults
+to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{namespace-configuration} parameter} string prefix
+Prefix required to access this namespace. This needs to be different for
+all namespaces. For example @samp{Public/}. Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{namespace-configuration} parameter} string location
+Physical location of the mailbox. This is in the same format as
+mail_location, which is also the default for it. Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{namespace-configuration} parameter} boolean inbox?
+There can be only one INBOX, and this setting defines which namespace has
+it. Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{namespace-configuration} parameter} boolean hidden?
+If namespace is hidden, it's not advertised to clients via NAMESPACE
+extension. You'll most likely also want to set @samp{list? #f}. This is
+mostly useful when converting from another server with different namespaces
+which you want to deprecate but still keep working. For example you can
+create hidden namespaces with prefixes @samp{~/mail/}, @samp{~%u/mail/} and
+@samp{mail/}. Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{namespace-configuration} parameter} boolean list?
+Show the mailboxes under this namespace with the LIST command. This makes
+the namespace visible for clients that do not support the NAMESPACE
+extension. The special @code{children} value lists child mailboxes, but
+hides the namespace prefix. Defaults to @samp{#t}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{namespace-configuration} parameter} boolean subscriptions?
+Namespace handles its own subscriptions. If set to @code{#f}, the parent
+namespace handles them. The empty prefix should always have this as
+@code{#t}). Defaults to @samp{#t}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{namespace-configuration} parameter} mailbox-configuration-list mailboxes
+List of predefined mailboxes in this namespace. Defaults to @samp{()}.
+Available @code{mailbox-configuration} fields are:
+@deftypevr {@code{mailbox-configuration} parameter} string name
+Name for this mailbox.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{mailbox-configuration} parameter} string auto
+@samp{create} will automatically create this mailbox. @samp{subscribe} will
+both create and subscribe to the mailbox. Defaults to @samp{"no"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{mailbox-configuration} parameter} space-separated-string-list special-use
+List of IMAP @code{SPECIAL-USE} attributes as specified by RFC 6154. Valid
+values are @code{\All}, @code{\Archive}, @code{\Drafts}, @code{\Flagged},
+@code{\Junk}, @code{\Sent}, and @code{\Trash}. Defaults to @samp{()}.
+@end deftypevr
+@end deftypevr
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} file-name base-dir
+Base directory where to store runtime data. Defaults to
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string login-greeting
+Greeting message for clients. Defaults to @samp{"Dovecot ready."}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} space-separated-string-list login-trusted-networks
+List of trusted network ranges. Connections from these IPs are allowed to
+override their IP addresses and ports (for logging and for authentication
+checks). @samp{disable-plaintext-auth} is also ignored for these networks.
+Typically you would specify your IMAP proxy servers here. Defaults to
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} space-separated-string-list login-access-sockets
+List of login access check sockets (e.g.@: tcpwrap). Defaults to @samp{()}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} boolean verbose-proctitle?
+Show more verbose process titles (in ps). Currently shows user name and IP
+address. Useful for seeing who is actually using the IMAP processes (e.g.@:
+shared mailboxes or if the same uid is used for multiple accounts).
+Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} boolean shutdown-clients?
+Should all processes be killed when Dovecot master process shuts down.
+Setting this to @code{#f} means that Dovecot can be upgraded without forcing
+existing client connections to close (although that could also be a problem
+if the upgrade is e.g.@: due to a security fix). Defaults to @samp{#t}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer doveadm-worker-count
+If non-zero, run mail commands via this many connections to doveadm server,
+instead of running them directly in the same process. Defaults to @samp{0}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string doveadm-socket-path
+UNIX socket or host:port used for connecting to doveadm server. Defaults to
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} space-separated-string-list import-environment
+List of environment variables that are preserved on Dovecot startup and
+passed down to all of its child processes. You can also give key=value
+pairs to always set specific settings.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} boolean disable-plaintext-auth?
+Disable LOGIN command and all other plaintext authentications unless SSL/TLS
+is used (LOGINDISABLED capability). Note that if the remote IP matches the
+local IP (i.e.@: you're connecting from the same computer), the connection
+is considered secure and plaintext authentication is allowed. See also
+ssl=required setting. Defaults to @samp{#t}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer auth-cache-size
+Authentication cache size (e.g.@: @samp{#e10e6}). 0 means it's disabled.
+Note that bsdauth, PAM and vpopmail require @samp{cache-key} to be set for
+caching to be used. Defaults to @samp{0}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string auth-cache-ttl
+Time to live for cached data. After TTL expires the cached record is no
+longer used, *except* if the main database lookup returns internal failure.
+We also try to handle password changes automatically: If user's previous
+authentication was successful, but this one wasn't, the cache isn't used.
+For now this works only with plaintext authentication. Defaults to @samp{"1
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string auth-cache-negative-ttl
+TTL for negative hits (user not found, password mismatch). 0 disables
+caching them completely. Defaults to @samp{"1 hour"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} space-separated-string-list auth-realms
+List of realms for SASL authentication mechanisms that need them. You can
+leave it empty if you don't want to support multiple realms. Many clients
+simply use the first one listed here, so keep the default realm first.
+Defaults to @samp{()}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string auth-default-realm
+Default realm/domain to use if none was specified. This is used for both
+SASL realms and appending @@domain to username in plaintext logins.
+Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string auth-username-chars
+List of allowed characters in username. If the user-given username contains
+a character not listed in here, the login automatically fails. This is just
+an extra check to make sure user can't exploit any potential quote escaping
+vulnerabilities with SQL/LDAP databases. If you want to allow all
+characters, set this value to empty. Defaults to
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string auth-username-translation
+Username character translations before it's looked up from databases. The
+value contains series of from -> to characters. For example @samp{#@@/@@}
+means that @samp{#} and @samp{/} characters are translated to @samp{@@}.
+Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string auth-username-format
+Username formatting before it's looked up from databases. You can use the
+standard variables here, e.g.@: %Lu would lowercase the username, %n would
+drop away the domain if it was given, or @samp{%n-AT-%d} would change the
+@samp{@@} into @samp{-AT-}. This translation is done after
+@samp{auth-username-translation} changes. Defaults to @samp{"%Lu"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string auth-master-user-separator
+If you want to allow master users to log in by specifying the master
+username within the normal username string (i.e.@: not using SASL
+mechanism's support for it), you can specify the separator character here.
+The format is then <username><separator><master username>. UW-IMAP uses
+@samp{*} as the separator, so that could be a good choice. Defaults to
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string auth-anonymous-username
+Username to use for users logging in with ANONYMOUS SASL mechanism.
+Defaults to @samp{"anonymous"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer auth-worker-max-count
+Maximum number of dovecot-auth worker processes. They're used to execute
+blocking passdb and userdb queries (e.g.@: MySQL and PAM). They're
+automatically created and destroyed as needed. Defaults to @samp{30}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string auth-gssapi-hostname
+Host name to use in GSSAPI principal names. The default is to use the name
+returned by gethostname(). Use @samp{$ALL} (with quotes) to allow all
+keytab entries. Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string auth-krb5-keytab
+Kerberos keytab to use for the GSSAPI mechanism. Will use the system
+default (usually @file{/etc/krb5.keytab}) if not specified. You may need to
+change the auth service to run as root to be able to read this file.
+Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} boolean auth-use-winbind?
+Do NTLM and GSS-SPNEGO authentication using Samba's winbind daemon and
+@samp{ntlm-auth} helper. <doc/wiki/Authentication/Mechanisms/Winbind.txt>.
+Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} file-name auth-winbind-helper-path
+Path for Samba's @samp{ntlm-auth} helper binary. Defaults to
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string auth-failure-delay
+Time to delay before replying to failed authentications. Defaults to
+@samp{"2 secs"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} boolean auth-ssl-require-client-cert?
+Require a valid SSL client certificate or the authentication fails.
+Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} boolean auth-ssl-username-from-cert?
+Take the username from client's SSL certificate, using
+@code{X509_NAME_get_text_by_NID()} which returns the subject's DN's
+CommonName. Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} space-separated-string-list auth-mechanisms
+List of wanted authentication mechanisms. Supported mechanisms are:
+@samp{plain}, @samp{login}, @samp{digest-md5}, @samp{cram-md5}, @samp{ntlm},
+@samp{rpa}, @samp{apop}, @samp{anonymous}, @samp{gssapi}, @samp{otp},
+@samp{skey}, and @samp{gss-spnego}. NOTE: See also
+@samp{disable-plaintext-auth} setting.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} space-separated-string-list director-servers
+List of IPs or hostnames to all director servers, including ourself. Ports
+can be specified as ip:port. The default port is the same as what director
+service's @samp{inet-listener} is using. Defaults to @samp{()}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} space-separated-string-list director-mail-servers
+List of IPs or hostnames to all backend mail servers. Ranges are allowed
+too, like Defaults to @samp{()}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string director-user-expire
+How long to redirect users to a specific server after it no longer has any
+connections. Defaults to @samp{"15 min"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string director-username-hash
+How the username is translated before being hashed. Useful values include
+%Ln if user can log in with or without @@domain, %Ld if mailboxes are shared
+within domain. Defaults to @samp{"%Lu"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string log-path
+Log file to use for error messages. @samp{syslog} logs to syslog,
+@samp{/dev/stderr} logs to stderr. Defaults to @samp{"syslog"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string info-log-path
+Log file to use for informational messages. Defaults to @samp{log-path}.
+Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string debug-log-path
+Log file to use for debug messages. Defaults to @samp{info-log-path}.
+Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string syslog-facility
+Syslog facility to use if you're logging to syslog. Usually if you don't
+want to use @samp{mail}, you'll use local0..local7. Also other standard
+facilities are supported. Defaults to @samp{"mail"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} boolean auth-verbose?
+Log unsuccessful authentication attempts and the reasons why they failed.
+Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} boolean auth-verbose-passwords?
+In case of password mismatches, log the attempted password. Valid values
+are no, plain and sha1. sha1 can be useful for detecting brute force
+password attempts vs. user simply trying the same password over and over
+again. You can also truncate the value to n chars by appending ":n" (e.g.@:
+sha1:6). Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} boolean auth-debug?
+Even more verbose logging for debugging purposes. Shows for example SQL
+queries. Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} boolean auth-debug-passwords?
+In case of password mismatches, log the passwords and used scheme so the
+problem can be debugged. Enabling this also enables @samp{auth-debug}.
+Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} boolean mail-debug?
+Enable mail process debugging. This can help you figure out why Dovecot
+isn't finding your mails. Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} boolean verbose-ssl?
+Show protocol level SSL errors. Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string log-timestamp
+Prefix for each line written to log file. % codes are in strftime(3)
+format. Defaults to @samp{"\"%b %d %H:%M:%S \""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} space-separated-string-list login-log-format-elements
+List of elements we want to log. The elements which have a non-empty
+variable value are joined together to form a comma-separated string.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string login-log-format
+Login log format. %s contains @samp{login-log-format-elements} string, %$
+contains the data we want to log. Defaults to @samp{"%$: %s"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string mail-log-prefix
+Log prefix for mail processes. See doc/wiki/Variables.txt for list of
+possible variables you can use. Defaults to
+@samp{"\"%s(%u)<%@{pid@}><%@{session@}>: \""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string deliver-log-format
+Format to use for logging mail deliveries. You can use variables:
+@table @code
+@item %$
+Delivery status message (e.g.@: @samp{saved to INBOX})
+@item %m
+@item %s
+@item %f
+From address
+@item %p
+Physical size
+@item %w
+Virtual size.
+@end table
+Defaults to @samp{"msgid=%m: %$"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string mail-location
+Location for users' mailboxes. The default is empty, which means that
+Dovecot tries to find the mailboxes automatically. This won't work if the
+user doesn't yet have any mail, so you should explicitly tell Dovecot the
+full location.
+If you're using mbox, giving a path to the INBOX file (e.g.@: /var/mail/%u)
+isn't enough. You'll also need to tell Dovecot where the other mailboxes
+are kept. This is called the "root mail directory", and it must be the
+first path given in the @samp{mail-location} setting.
+There are a few special variables you can use, eg.:
+@table @samp
+@item %u
+@item %n
+user part in user@@domain, same as %u if there's no domain
+@item %d
+domain part in user@@domain, empty if there's no domain
+@item %h
+home director
+@end table
+See doc/wiki/Variables.txt for full list. Some examples:
+@table @samp
+@item maildir:~/Maildir
+@item mbox:~/mail:INBOX=/var/mail/%u
+@item mbox:/var/mail/%d/%1n/%n:INDEX=/var/indexes/%d/%1n/%
+@end table
+Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string mail-uid
+System user and group used to access mails. If you use multiple, userdb can
+override these by returning uid or gid fields. You can use either numbers
+or names. <doc/wiki/UserIds.txt>. Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string mail-gid
+Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string mail-privileged-group
+Group to enable temporarily for privileged operations. Currently this is
+used only with INBOX when either its initial creation or dotlocking fails.
+Typically this is set to "mail" to give access to /var/mail. Defaults to
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string mail-access-groups
+Grant access to these supplementary groups for mail processes. Typically
+these are used to set up access to shared mailboxes. Note that it may be
+dangerous to set these if users can create symlinks (e.g.@: if "mail" group
+is set here, ln -s /var/mail ~/mail/var could allow a user to delete others'
+mailboxes, or ln -s /secret/shared/box ~/mail/mybox would allow reading
+it). Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} boolean mail-full-filesystem-access?
+Allow full file system access to clients. There's no access checks other
+than what the operating system does for the active UID/GID. It works with
+both maildir and mboxes, allowing you to prefix mailboxes names with e.g.@:
+/path/ or ~user/. Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} boolean mmap-disable?
+Don't use mmap() at all. This is required if you store indexes to shared
+file systems (NFS or clustered file system). Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} boolean dotlock-use-excl?
+Rely on @samp{O_EXCL} to work when creating dotlock files. NFS supports
+@samp{O_EXCL} since version 3, so this should be safe to use nowadays by
+default. Defaults to @samp{#t}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string mail-fsync
+When to use fsync() or fdatasync() calls:
+@table @code
+@item optimized
+Whenever necessary to avoid losing important data
+@item always
+Useful with e.g.@: NFS when write()s are delayed
+@item never
+Never use it (best performance, but crashes can lose data).
+@end table
+Defaults to @samp{"optimized"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} boolean mail-nfs-storage?
+Mail storage exists in NFS. Set this to yes to make Dovecot flush NFS
+caches whenever needed. If you're using only a single mail server this
+isn't needed. Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} boolean mail-nfs-index?
+Mail index files also exist in NFS. Setting this to yes requires
+@samp{mmap-disable? #t} and @samp{fsync-disable? #f}. Defaults to
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string lock-method
+Locking method for index files. Alternatives are fcntl, flock and dotlock.
+Dotlocking uses some tricks which may create more disk I/O than other
+locking methods. NFS users: flock doesn't work, remember to change
+@samp{mmap-disable}. Defaults to @samp{"fcntl"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} file-name mail-temp-dir
+Directory in which LDA/LMTP temporarily stores incoming mails >128 kB.
+Defaults to @samp{"/tmp"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer first-valid-uid
+Valid UID range for users. This is mostly to make sure that users can't log
+in as daemons or other system users. Note that denying root logins is
+hardcoded to dovecot binary and can't be done even if @samp{first-valid-uid}
+is set to 0. Defaults to @samp{500}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer last-valid-uid
+Defaults to @samp{0}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer first-valid-gid
+Valid GID range for users. Users having non-valid GID as primary group ID
+aren't allowed to log in. If user belongs to supplementary groups with
+non-valid GIDs, those groups are not set. Defaults to @samp{1}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer last-valid-gid
+Defaults to @samp{0}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer mail-max-keyword-length
+Maximum allowed length for mail keyword name. It's only forced when trying
+to create new keywords. Defaults to @samp{50}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} colon-separated-file-name-list valid-chroot-dirs
+List of directories under which chrooting is allowed for mail processes
+(i.e.@: /var/mail will allow chrooting to /var/mail/foo/bar too). This
+setting doesn't affect @samp{login-chroot} @samp{mail-chroot} or auth chroot
+settings. If this setting is empty, "/./" in home dirs are ignored.
+WARNING: Never add directories here which local users can modify, that may
+lead to root exploit. Usually this should be done only if you don't allow
+shell access for users. <doc/wiki/Chrooting.txt>. Defaults to @samp{()}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string mail-chroot
+Default chroot directory for mail processes. This can be overridden for
+specific users in user database by giving /./ in user's home directory
+(e.g.@: /home/./user chroots into /home). Note that usually there is no
+real need to do chrooting, Dovecot doesn't allow users to access files
+outside their mail directory anyway. If your home directories are prefixed
+with the chroot directory, append "/."@: to @samp{mail-chroot}.
+<doc/wiki/Chrooting.txt>. Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} file-name auth-socket-path
+UNIX socket path to master authentication server to find users. This is
+used by imap (for shared users) and lda. Defaults to
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} file-name mail-plugin-dir
+Directory where to look up mail plugins. Defaults to
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} space-separated-string-list mail-plugins
+List of plugins to load for all services. Plugins specific to IMAP, LDA,
+etc.@: are added to this list in their own .conf files. Defaults to
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer mail-cache-min-mail-count
+The minimum number of mails in a mailbox before updates are done to cache
+file. This allows optimizing Dovecot's behavior to do less disk writes at
+the cost of more disk reads. Defaults to @samp{0}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string mailbox-idle-check-interval
+When IDLE command is running, mailbox is checked once in a while to see if
+there are any new mails or other changes. This setting defines the minimum
+time to wait between those checks. Dovecot can also use dnotify, inotify
+and kqueue to find out immediately when changes occur. Defaults to
+@samp{"30 secs"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} boolean mail-save-crlf?
+Save mails with CR+LF instead of plain LF. This makes sending those mails
+take less CPU, especially with sendfile() syscall with Linux and FreeBSD.
+But it also creates a bit more disk I/O which may just make it slower. Also
+note that if other software reads the mboxes/maildirs, they may handle the
+extra CRs wrong and cause problems. Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} boolean maildir-stat-dirs?
+By default LIST command returns all entries in maildir beginning with a
+dot. Enabling this option makes Dovecot return only entries which are
+directories. This is done by stat()ing each entry, so it causes more disk
+I/O. (For systems setting struct @samp{dirent->d_type} this check is free
+and it's done always regardless of this setting). Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} boolean maildir-copy-with-hardlinks?
+When copying a message, do it with hard links whenever possible. This makes
+the performance much better, and it's unlikely to have any side effects.
+Defaults to @samp{#t}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} boolean maildir-very-dirty-syncs?
+Assume Dovecot is the only MUA accessing Maildir: Scan cur/ directory only
+when its mtime changes unexpectedly or when we can't find the mail
+otherwise. Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} space-separated-string-list mbox-read-locks
+Which locking methods to use for locking mbox. There are four available:
+@table @code
+@item dotlock
+Create <mailbox>.lock file. This is the oldest and most NFS-safe solution.
+If you want to use /var/mail/ like directory, the users will need write
+access to that directory.
+@item dotlock-try
+Same as dotlock, but if it fails because of permissions or because there
+isn't enough disk space, just skip it.
+@item fcntl
+Use this if possible. Works with NFS too if lockd is used.
+@item flock
+May not exist in all systems. Doesn't work with NFS.
+@item lockf
+May not exist in all systems. Doesn't work with NFS.
+@end table
+You can use multiple locking methods; if you do the order they're declared
+in is important to avoid deadlocks if other MTAs/MUAs are using multiple
+locking methods as well. Some operating systems don't allow using some of
+them simultaneously.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} space-separated-string-list mbox-write-locks
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string mbox-lock-timeout
+Maximum time to wait for lock (all of them) before aborting. Defaults to
+@samp{"5 mins"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string mbox-dotlock-change-timeout
+If dotlock exists but the mailbox isn't modified in any way, override the
+lock file after this much time. Defaults to @samp{"2 mins"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} boolean mbox-dirty-syncs?
+When mbox changes unexpectedly we have to fully read it to find out what
+changed. If the mbox is large this can take a long time. Since the change
+is usually just a newly appended mail, it'd be faster to simply read the new
+mails. If this setting is enabled, Dovecot does this but still safely
+fallbacks to re-reading the whole mbox file whenever something in mbox isn't
+how it's expected to be. The only real downside to this setting is that if
+some other MUA changes message flags, Dovecot doesn't notice it
+immediately. Note that a full sync is done with SELECT, EXAMINE, EXPUNGE
+and CHECK commands. Defaults to @samp{#t}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} boolean mbox-very-dirty-syncs?
+Like @samp{mbox-dirty-syncs}, but don't do full syncs even with SELECT,
+EXAMINE, EXPUNGE or CHECK commands. If this is set, @samp{mbox-dirty-syncs}
+is ignored. Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} boolean mbox-lazy-writes?
+Delay writing mbox headers until doing a full write sync (EXPUNGE and CHECK
+commands and when closing the mailbox). This is especially useful for POP3
+where clients often delete all mails. The downside is that our changes
+aren't immediately visible to other MUAs. Defaults to @samp{#t}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer mbox-min-index-size
+If mbox size is smaller than this (e.g.@: 100k), don't write index files.
+If an index file already exists it's still read, just not updated. Defaults
+to @samp{0}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer mdbox-rotate-size
+Maximum dbox file size until it's rotated. Defaults to @samp{10000000}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string mdbox-rotate-interval
+Maximum dbox file age until it's rotated. Typically in days. Day begins
+from midnight, so 1d = today, 2d = yesterday, etc. 0 = check disabled.
+Defaults to @samp{"1d"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} boolean mdbox-preallocate-space?
+When creating new mdbox files, immediately preallocate their size to
+@samp{mdbox-rotate-size}. This setting currently works only in Linux with
+some file systems (ext4, xfs). Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string mail-attachment-dir
+sdbox and mdbox support saving mail attachments to external files, which
+also allows single instance storage for them. Other backends don't support
+this for now.
+WARNING: This feature hasn't been tested much yet. Use at your own risk.
+Directory root where to store mail attachments. Disabled, if empty.
+Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer mail-attachment-min-size
+Attachments smaller than this aren't saved externally. It's also possible
+to write a plugin to disable saving specific attachments externally.
+Defaults to @samp{128000}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string mail-attachment-fs
+File system backend to use for saving attachments:
+@table @code
+@item posix
+No SiS done by Dovecot (but this might help FS's own deduplication)
+@item sis posix
+SiS with immediate byte-by-byte comparison during saving
+@item sis-queue posix
+SiS with delayed comparison and deduplication.
+@end table
+Defaults to @samp{"sis posix"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string mail-attachment-hash
+Hash format to use in attachment filenames. You can add any text and
+variables: @code{%@{md4@}}, @code{%@{md5@}}, @code{%@{sha1@}},
+@code{%@{sha256@}}, @code{%@{sha512@}}, @code{%@{size@}}. Variables can be
+truncated, e.g.@: @code{%@{sha256:80@}} returns only first 80 bits.
+Defaults to @samp{"%@{sha1@}"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer default-process-limit
+Defaults to @samp{100}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer default-client-limit
+Defaults to @samp{1000}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer default-vsz-limit
+Default VSZ (virtual memory size) limit for service processes. This is
+mainly intended to catch and kill processes that leak memory before they eat
+up everything. Defaults to @samp{256000000}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string default-login-user
+Login user is internally used by login processes. This is the most
+untrusted user in Dovecot system. It shouldn't have access to anything at
+all. Defaults to @samp{"dovenull"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string default-internal-user
+Internal user is used by unprivileged processes. It should be separate from
+login user, so that login processes can't disturb other processes. Defaults
+to @samp{"dovecot"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string ssl?
+SSL/TLS support: yes, no, required. <doc/wiki/SSL.txt>. Defaults to
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string ssl-cert
+PEM encoded X.509 SSL/TLS certificate (public key). Defaults to
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string ssl-key
+PEM encoded SSL/TLS private key. The key is opened before dropping root
+privileges, so keep the key file unreadable by anyone but root. Defaults to
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string ssl-key-password
+If key file is password protected, give the password here. Alternatively
+give it when starting dovecot with -p parameter. Since this file is often
+world-readable, you may want to place this setting instead to a different.
+Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string ssl-ca
+PEM encoded trusted certificate authority. Set this only if you intend to
+use @samp{ssl-verify-client-cert? #t}. The file should contain the CA
+certificate(s) followed by the matching CRL(s). (e.g.@: @samp{ssl-ca
+</etc/ssl/certs/ca.pem}). Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} boolean ssl-require-crl?
+Require that CRL check succeeds for client certificates. Defaults to
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} boolean ssl-verify-client-cert?
+Request client to send a certificate. If you also want to require it, set
+@samp{auth-ssl-require-client-cert? #t} in auth section. Defaults to
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string ssl-cert-username-field
+Which field from certificate to use for username. commonName and
+x500UniqueIdentifier are the usual choices. You'll also need to set
+@samp{auth-ssl-username-from-cert? #t}. Defaults to @samp{"commonName"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string ssl-min-protocol
+Minimum SSL protocol version to accept. Defaults to @samp{"TLSv1"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string ssl-cipher-list
+SSL ciphers to use. Defaults to
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string ssl-crypto-device
+SSL crypto device to use, for valid values run "openssl engine". Defaults
+to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string postmaster-address
+Address to use when sending rejection mails. %d expands to recipient
+domain. Defaults to @samp{"postmaster@@%d"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string hostname
+Hostname to use in various parts of sent mails (e.g.@: in Message-Id) and
+in LMTP replies. Default is the system's real hostname@@domain. Defaults
+to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} boolean quota-full-tempfail?
+If user is over quota, return with temporary failure instead of bouncing the
+mail. Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} file-name sendmail-path
+Binary to use for sending mails. Defaults to @samp{"/usr/sbin/sendmail"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string submission-host
+If non-empty, send mails via this SMTP host[:port] instead of sendmail.
+Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string rejection-subject
+Subject: header to use for rejection mails. You can use the same variables
+as for @samp{rejection-reason} below. Defaults to @samp{"Rejected: %s"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string rejection-reason
+Human readable error message for rejection mails. You can use variables:
+@table @code
+@item %n
+@item %r
+@item %s
+original subject
+@item %t
+@end table
+Defaults to @samp{"Your message to <%t> was automatically rejected:%n%r"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string recipient-delimiter
+Delimiter character between local-part and detail in email address.
+Defaults to @samp{"+"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string lda-original-recipient-header
+Header where the original recipient address (SMTP's RCPT TO: address) is
+taken from if not available elsewhere. With dovecot-lda -a parameter
+overrides this. A commonly used header for this is X-Original-To. Defaults
+to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} boolean lda-mailbox-autocreate?
+Should saving a mail to a nonexistent mailbox automatically create it?.
+Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} boolean lda-mailbox-autosubscribe?
+Should automatically created mailboxes be also automatically subscribed?.
+Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer imap-max-line-length
+Maximum IMAP command line length. Some clients generate very long command
+lines with huge mailboxes, so you may need to raise this if you get "Too
+long argument" or "IMAP command line too large" errors often. Defaults to
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string imap-logout-format
+IMAP logout format string:
+@table @code
+@item %i
+total number of bytes read from client
+@item %o
+total number of bytes sent to client.
+@end table
+See @file{doc/wiki/Variables.txt} for a list of all the variables you can
+use. Defaults to @samp{"in=%i out=%o deleted=%@{deleted@}
+expunged=%@{expunged@} trashed=%@{trashed@} hdr_count=%@{fetch_hdr_count@}
+hdr_bytes=%@{fetch_hdr_bytes@} body_count=%@{fetch_body_count@}
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string imap-capability
+Override the IMAP CAPABILITY response. If the value begins with '+', add
+the given capabilities on top of the defaults (e.g.@: +XFOO XBAR). Defaults
+to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string imap-idle-notify-interval
+How long to wait between "OK Still here" notifications when client is
+IDLEing. Defaults to @samp{"2 mins"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string imap-id-send
+ID field names and values to send to clients. Using * as the value makes
+Dovecot use the default value. The following fields have default values
+currently: name, version, os, os-version, support-url, support-email.
+Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string imap-id-log
+ID fields sent by client to log. * means everything. Defaults to
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} space-separated-string-list imap-client-workarounds
+Workarounds for various client bugs:
+@table @code
+@item delay-newmail
+Send EXISTS/RECENT new mail notifications only when replying to NOOP and
+CHECK commands. Some clients ignore them otherwise, for example OSX Mail
+(<v2.1). Outlook Express breaks more badly though, without this it may show
+user "Message no longer in server" errors. Note that OE6 still breaks even
+with this workaround if synchronization is set to "Headers Only".
+@item tb-extra-mailbox-sep
+Thunderbird gets somehow confused with LAYOUT=fs (mbox and dbox) and adds
+extra @samp{/} suffixes to mailbox names. This option causes Dovecot to
+ignore the extra @samp{/} instead of treating it as invalid mailbox name.
+@item tb-lsub-flags
+Show \Noselect flags for LSUB replies with LAYOUT=fs (e.g.@: mbox). This
+makes Thunderbird realize they aren't selectable and show them greyed out,
+instead of only later giving "not selectable" popup error.
+@end table
+Defaults to @samp{()}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string imap-urlauth-host
+Host allowed in URLAUTH URLs sent by client. "*" allows all. Defaults to
+@end deftypevr
+Whew! Lots of configuration options. The nice thing about it though is that
+GuixSD has a complete interface to Dovecot's configuration language. This
+allows not only a nice way to declare configurations, but also offers
+reflective capabilities as well: users can write code to inspect and
+transform configurations from within Scheme.
+However, it could be that you just want to get a @code{dovecot.conf} up and
+running. In that case, you can pass an @code{opaque-dovecot-configuration}
+as the @code{#:config} parameter to @code{dovecot-service}. As its name
+indicates, an opaque configuration does not have easy reflective
+Available @code{opaque-dovecot-configuration} fields are:
+@deftypevr {@code{opaque-dovecot-configuration} parameter} package dovecot
+The dovecot package.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{opaque-dovecot-configuration} parameter} string string
+The contents of the @code{dovecot.conf}, as a string.
+@end deftypevr
+For example, if your @code{dovecot.conf} is just the empty string, you could
+instantiate a dovecot service like this:
+(dovecot-service #:config
+ (opaque-dovecot-configuration
+ (string "")))
+@end example
+@subsubheading OpenSMTPD Service
+@deffn {Scheme Variable} opensmtpd-service-type
+This is the type of the @uref{https://www.opensmtpd.org, OpenSMTPD} service,
+whose value should be an @code{opensmtpd-configuration} object as in this
+(service opensmtpd-service-type
+ (opensmtpd-configuration
+ (config-file (local-file "./my-smtpd.conf"))))
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deftp {Data Type} opensmtpd-configuration
+Data type representing the configuration of opensmtpd.
+@table @asis
+@item @code{package} (default: @var{opensmtpd})
+Package object of the OpenSMTPD SMTP server.
+@item @code{config-file} (default: @var{%default-opensmtpd-file})
+File-like object of the OpenSMTPD configuration file to use. By default it
+listens on the loopback network interface, and allows for mail from users
+and daemons on the local machine, as well as permitting email to remote
+servers. Run @command{man smtpd.conf} for more information.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@subsubheading Exim Service
+@cindex mail transfer agent (MTA)
+@cindex MTA (mail transfer agent)
+@cindex SMTP
+@deffn {Scheme Variable} exim-service-type
+This is the type of the @uref{https://exim.org, Exim} mail transfer agent
+(MTA), whose value should be an @code{exim-configuration} object as in this
+(service exim-service-type
+ (exim-configuration
+ (config-file (local-file "./my-exim.conf"))))
+@end example
+@end deffn
+In order to use an @code{exim-service-type} service you must also have a
+@code{mail-aliases-service-type} service present in your
+@code{operating-system} (even if it has no aliases).
+@deftp {Data Type} exim-configuration
+Data type representing the configuration of exim.
+@table @asis
+@item @code{package} (default: @var{exim})
+Package object of the Exim server.
+@item @code{config-file} (default: @code{#f})
+File-like object of the Exim configuration file to use. If its value is
+@code{#f} then use the default configuration file from the package provided
+in @code{package}. The resulting configuration file is loaded after setting
+the @code{exim_user} and @code{exim_group} configuration variables.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@subsubheading Mail Aliases Service
+@cindex email aliases
+@cindex aliases, for email addresses
+@deffn {Scheme Variable} mail-aliases-service-type
+This is the type of the service which provides @code{/etc/aliases},
+specifying how to deliver mail to users on this system.
+(service mail-aliases-service-type
+ '(("postmaster" "bob")
+ ("bob" "bob@@example.com" "bob@@example2.com")))
+@end example
+@end deffn
+The configuration for a @code{mail-aliases-service-type} service is an
+association list denoting how to deliver mail that comes to this
+system. Each entry is of the form @code{(alias addresses ...)}, with
+@code{alias} specifying the local alias and @code{addresses} specifying
+where to deliver this user's mail.
+The aliases aren't required to exist as users on the local system. In the
+above example, there doesn't need to be a @code{postmaster} entry in the
+@code{operating-system}'s @code{user-accounts} in order to deliver the
+@code{postmaster} mail to @code{bob} (which subsequently would deliver mail
+to @code{bob@@example.com} and @code{bob@@example2.com}).
+@node Kurznachrichtendienste
+@subsubsection Kurznachrichtendienste
+@cindex messaging
+@cindex jabber
+@cindex XMPP
+The @code{(gnu services messaging)} module provides Guix service definitions
+for messaging services: currently only Prosody is supported.
+@subsubheading Prosody Service
+@deffn {Scheme Variable} prosody-service-type
+This is the type for the @uref{https://prosody.im, Prosody XMPP
+communication server}. Its value must be a @code{prosody-configuration}
+record as in this example:
+(service prosody-service-type
+ (prosody-configuration
+ (modules-enabled (cons "groups" "mam" %default-modules-enabled))
+ (int-components
+ (list
+ (int-component-configuration
+ (hostname "conference.example.net")
+ (plugin "muc")
+ (mod-muc (mod-muc-configuration)))))
+ (virtualhosts
+ (list
+ (virtualhost-configuration
+ (domain "example.net"))))))
+@end example
+See below for details about @code{prosody-configuration}.
+@end deffn
+By default, Prosody does not need much configuration. Only one
+@code{virtualhosts} field is needed: it specifies the domain you wish
+Prosody to serve.
+You can perform various sanity checks on the generated configuration with
+the @code{prosodyctl check} command.
+Prosodyctl will also help you to import certificates from the
+@code{letsencrypt} directory so that the @code{prosody} user can access
+them. See @url{https://prosody.im/doc/letsencrypt}.
+prosodyctl --root cert import /etc/letsencrypt/live
+@end example
+The available configuration parameters follow. Each parameter definition is
+preceded by its type; for example, @samp{string-list foo} indicates that the
+@code{foo} parameter should be specified as a list of strings. Types
+starting with @code{maybe-} denote parameters that won't show up in
+@code{prosody.cfg.lua} when their value is @code{'disabled}.
+There is also a way to specify the configuration as a string, if you have an
+old @code{prosody.cfg.lua} file that you want to port over from some other
+system; see the end for more details.
+The @code{file-object} type designates either a file-like object
+(@pxref{G-Ausdrücke, file-like objects}) or a file name.
+@c The following documentation was initially generated by
+@c (generate-documentation) in (gnu services messaging). Manually maintained
+@c documentation is better, so we shouldn't hesitate to edit below as
+@c needed. However if the change you want to make to this documentation
+@c can be done in an automated way, it's probably easier to change
+@c (generate-documentation) than to make it below and have to deal with
+@c the churn as Prosody updates.
+Available @code{prosody-configuration} fields are:
+@deftypevr {@code{prosody-configuration} parameter} package prosody
+The Prosody package.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{prosody-configuration} parameter} file-name data-path
+Location of the Prosody data storage directory. See
+@url{https://prosody.im/doc/configure}. Defaults to
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{prosody-configuration} parameter} file-object-list plugin-paths
+Additional plugin directories. They are searched in all the specified paths
+in order. See @url{https://prosody.im/doc/plugins_directory}. Defaults to
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{prosody-configuration} parameter} file-name certificates
+Every virtual host and component needs a certificate so that clients and
+servers can securely verify its identity. Prosody will automatically load
+certificates/keys from the directory specified here. Defaults to
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{prosody-configuration} parameter} string-list admins
+This is a list of accounts that are admins for the server. Note that you
+must create the accounts separately. See
+@url{https://prosody.im/doc/admins} and
+@url{https://prosody.im/doc/creating_accounts}. Example: @code{(admins
+'("user1@@example.com" "user2@@example.net"))} Defaults to @samp{()}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{prosody-configuration} parameter} boolean use-libevent?
+Enable use of libevent for better performance under high load. See
+@url{https://prosody.im/doc/libevent}. Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{prosody-configuration} parameter} module-list modules-enabled
+This is the list of modules Prosody will load on startup. It looks for
+@code{mod_modulename.lua} in the plugins folder, so make sure that exists
+too. Documentation on modules can be found at:
+@url{https://prosody.im/doc/modules}. Defaults to @samp{("roster"
+"saslauth" "tls" "dialback" "disco" "carbons" "private" "blocklist" "vcard"
+"version" "uptime" "time" "ping" "pep" "register" "admin_adhoc")}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{prosody-configuration} parameter} string-list modules-disabled
+@samp{"offline"}, @samp{"c2s"} and @samp{"s2s"} are auto-loaded, but should
+you want to disable them then add them to this list. Defaults to @samp{()}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{prosody-configuration} parameter} file-object groups-file
+Path to a text file where the shared groups are defined. If this path is
+empty then @samp{mod_groups} does nothing. See
+@url{https://prosody.im/doc/modules/mod_groups}. Defaults to
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{prosody-configuration} parameter} boolean allow-registration?
+Disable account creation by default, for security. See
+@url{https://prosody.im/doc/creating_accounts}. Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{prosody-configuration} parameter} maybe-ssl-configuration ssl
+These are the SSL/TLS-related settings. Most of them are disabled so to use
+Prosody's defaults. If you do not completely understand these options, do
+not add them to your config, it is easy to lower the security of your server
+using them. See @url{https://prosody.im/doc/advanced_ssl_config}.
+Available @code{ssl-configuration} fields are:
+@deftypevr {@code{ssl-configuration} parameter} maybe-string protocol
+This determines what handshake to use.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{ssl-configuration} parameter} maybe-file-name key
+Path to your private key file.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{ssl-configuration} parameter} maybe-file-name certificate
+Path to your certificate file.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{ssl-configuration} parameter} file-object capath
+Path to directory containing root certificates that you wish Prosody to
+trust when verifying the certificates of remote servers. Defaults to
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{ssl-configuration} parameter} maybe-file-object cafile
+Path to a file containing root certificates that you wish Prosody to trust.
+Similar to @code{capath} but with all certificates concatenated together.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{ssl-configuration} parameter} maybe-string-list verify
+A list of verification options (these mostly map to OpenSSL's
+@code{set_verify()} flags).
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{ssl-configuration} parameter} maybe-string-list options
+A list of general options relating to SSL/TLS. These map to OpenSSL's
+@code{set_options()}. For a full list of options available in LuaSec, see
+the LuaSec source.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{ssl-configuration} parameter} maybe-non-negative-integer depth
+How long a chain of certificate authorities to check when looking for a
+trusted root certificate.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{ssl-configuration} parameter} maybe-string ciphers
+An OpenSSL cipher string. This selects what ciphers Prosody will offer to
+clients, and in what order.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{ssl-configuration} parameter} maybe-file-name dhparam
+A path to a file containing parameters for Diffie-Hellman key exchange. You
+can create such a file with: @code{openssl dhparam -out
+/etc/prosody/certs/dh-2048.pem 2048}
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{ssl-configuration} parameter} maybe-string curve
+Curve for Elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman. Prosody's default is
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{ssl-configuration} parameter} maybe-string-list verifyext
+A list of "extra" verification options.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{ssl-configuration} parameter} maybe-string password
+Password for encrypted private keys.
+@end deftypevr
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{prosody-configuration} parameter} boolean c2s-require-encryption?
+Whether to force all client-to-server connections to be encrypted or not.
+See @url{https://prosody.im/doc/modules/mod_tls}. Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{prosody-configuration} parameter} string-list disable-sasl-mechanisms
+Set of mechanisms that will never be offered. See
+@url{https://prosody.im/doc/modules/mod_saslauth}. Defaults to
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{prosody-configuration} parameter} boolean s2s-require-encryption?
+Whether to force all server-to-server connections to be encrypted or not.
+See @url{https://prosody.im/doc/modules/mod_tls}. Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{prosody-configuration} parameter} boolean s2s-secure-auth?
+Whether to require encryption and certificate authentication. This provides
+ideal security, but requires servers you communicate with to support
+encryption AND present valid, trusted certificates. See
+@url{https://prosody.im/doc/s2s#security}. Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{prosody-configuration} parameter} string-list s2s-insecure-domains
+Many servers don't support encryption or have invalid or self-signed
+certificates. You can list domains here that will not be required to
+authenticate using certificates. They will be authenticated using DNS. See
+@url{https://prosody.im/doc/s2s#security}. Defaults to @samp{()}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{prosody-configuration} parameter} string-list s2s-secure-domains
+Even if you leave @code{s2s-secure-auth?} disabled, you can still require
+valid certificates for some domains by specifying a list here. See
+@url{https://prosody.im/doc/s2s#security}. Defaults to @samp{()}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{prosody-configuration} parameter} string authentication
+Select the authentication backend to use. The default provider stores
+passwords in plaintext and uses Prosody's configured data storage to store
+the authentication data. If you do not trust your server please see
+@url{https://prosody.im/doc/modules/mod_auth_internal_hashed} for
+information about using the hashed backend. See also
+@url{https://prosody.im/doc/authentication} Defaults to
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{prosody-configuration} parameter} maybe-string log
+Set logging options. Advanced logging configuration is not yet supported by
+the GuixSD Prosody Service. See @url{https://prosody.im/doc/logging}.
+Defaults to @samp{"*syslog"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{prosody-configuration} parameter} file-name pidfile
+File to write pid in. See @url{https://prosody.im/doc/modules/mod_posix}.
+Defaults to @samp{"/var/run/prosody/prosody.pid"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{prosody-configuration} parameter} maybe-non-negative-integer http-max-content-size
+Maximum allowed size of the HTTP body (in bytes).
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{prosody-configuration} parameter} maybe-string http-external-url
+Some modules expose their own URL in various ways. This URL is built from
+the protocol, host and port used. If Prosody sits behind a proxy, the
+public URL will be @code{http-external-url} instead. See
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{prosody-configuration} parameter} virtualhost-configuration-list virtualhosts
+A host in Prosody is a domain on which user accounts can be created. For
+example if you want your users to have addresses like
+@samp{"john.smith@@example.com"} then you need to add a host
+@samp{"example.com"}. All options in this list will apply only to this
+Note: the name "virtual" host is used in configuration to avoid confusion
+with the actual physical host that Prosody is installed on. A single
+Prosody instance can serve many domains, each one defined as a VirtualHost
+entry in Prosody's configuration. Conversely a server that hosts a single
+domain would have just one VirtualHost entry.
+See @url{https://prosody.im/doc/configure#virtual_host_settings}.
+Available @code{virtualhost-configuration} fields are:
+all these @code{prosody-configuration} fields: @code{admins},
+@code{use-libevent?}, @code{modules-enabled}, @code{modules-disabled},
+@code{groups-file}, @code{allow-registration?}, @code{ssl},
+@code{c2s-require-encryption?}, @code{disable-sasl-mechanisms},
+@code{s2s-require-encryption?}, @code{s2s-secure-auth?},
+@code{s2s-insecure-domains}, @code{s2s-secure-domains},
+@code{authentication}, @code{log}, @code{http-max-content-size},
+@code{http-external-url}, @code{raw-content}, plus:
+@deftypevr {@code{virtualhost-configuration} parameter} string domain
+Domain you wish Prosody to serve.
+@end deftypevr
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{prosody-configuration} parameter} int-component-configuration-list int-components
+Components are extra services on a server which are available to clients,
+usually on a subdomain of the main server (such as
+@samp{"mycomponent.example.com"}). Example components might be chatroom
+servers, user directories, or gateways to other protocols.
+Internal components are implemented with Prosody-specific plugins. To add
+an internal component, you simply fill the hostname field, and the plugin
+you wish to use for the component.
+See @url{https://prosody.im/doc/components}. Defaults to @samp{()}.
+Available @code{int-component-configuration} fields are:
+all these @code{prosody-configuration} fields: @code{admins},
+@code{use-libevent?}, @code{modules-enabled}, @code{modules-disabled},
+@code{groups-file}, @code{allow-registration?}, @code{ssl},
+@code{c2s-require-encryption?}, @code{disable-sasl-mechanisms},
+@code{s2s-require-encryption?}, @code{s2s-secure-auth?},
+@code{s2s-insecure-domains}, @code{s2s-secure-domains},
+@code{authentication}, @code{log}, @code{http-max-content-size},
+@code{http-external-url}, @code{raw-content}, plus:
+@deftypevr {@code{int-component-configuration} parameter} string hostname
+Hostname of the component.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{int-component-configuration} parameter} string plugin
+Plugin you wish to use for the component.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{int-component-configuration} parameter} maybe-mod-muc-configuration mod-muc
+Multi-user chat (MUC) is Prosody's module for allowing you to create hosted
+chatrooms/conferences for XMPP users.
+General information on setting up and using multi-user chatrooms can be
+found in the "Chatrooms" documentation
+(@url{https://prosody.im/doc/chatrooms}), which you should read if you are
+new to XMPP chatrooms.
+See also @url{https://prosody.im/doc/modules/mod_muc}.
+Available @code{mod-muc-configuration} fields are:
+@deftypevr {@code{mod-muc-configuration} parameter} string name
+The name to return in service discovery responses. Defaults to
+@samp{"Prosody Chatrooms"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{mod-muc-configuration} parameter} string-or-boolean restrict-room-creation
+If @samp{#t}, this will only allow admins to create new chatrooms.
+Otherwise anyone can create a room. The value @samp{"local"} restricts room
+creation to users on the service's parent domain. E.g.@:
+@samp{user@@example.com} can create rooms on @samp{rooms.example.com}. The
+value @samp{"admin"} restricts to service administrators only. Defaults to
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{mod-muc-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer max-history-messages
+Maximum number of history messages that will be sent to the member that has
+just joined the room. Defaults to @samp{20}.
+@end deftypevr
+@end deftypevr
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{prosody-configuration} parameter} ext-component-configuration-list ext-components
+External components use XEP-0114, which most standalone components support.
+To add an external component, you simply fill the hostname field. See
+@url{https://prosody.im/doc/components}. Defaults to @samp{()}.
+Available @code{ext-component-configuration} fields are:
+all these @code{prosody-configuration} fields: @code{admins},
+@code{use-libevent?}, @code{modules-enabled}, @code{modules-disabled},
+@code{groups-file}, @code{allow-registration?}, @code{ssl},
+@code{c2s-require-encryption?}, @code{disable-sasl-mechanisms},
+@code{s2s-require-encryption?}, @code{s2s-secure-auth?},
+@code{s2s-insecure-domains}, @code{s2s-secure-domains},
+@code{authentication}, @code{log}, @code{http-max-content-size},
+@code{http-external-url}, @code{raw-content}, plus:
+@deftypevr {@code{ext-component-configuration} parameter} string component-secret
+Password which the component will use to log in.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{ext-component-configuration} parameter} string hostname
+Hostname of the component.
+@end deftypevr
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{prosody-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer-list component-ports
+Port(s) Prosody listens on for component connections. Defaults to
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{prosody-configuration} parameter} string component-interface
+Interface Prosody listens on for component connections. Defaults to
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{prosody-configuration} parameter} maybe-raw-content raw-content
+Raw content that will be added to the configuration file.
+@end deftypevr
+It could be that you just want to get a @code{prosody.cfg.lua} up and
+running. In that case, you can pass an @code{opaque-prosody-configuration}
+record as the value of @code{prosody-service-type}. As its name indicates,
+an opaque configuration does not have easy reflective capabilities.
+Available @code{opaque-prosody-configuration} fields are:
+@deftypevr {@code{opaque-prosody-configuration} parameter} package prosody
+The prosody package.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{opaque-prosody-configuration} parameter} string prosody.cfg.lua
+The contents of the @code{prosody.cfg.lua} to use.
+@end deftypevr
+For example, if your @code{prosody.cfg.lua} is just the empty string, you
+could instantiate a prosody service like this:
+(service prosody-service-type
+ (opaque-prosody-configuration
+ (prosody.cfg.lua "")))
+@end example
+@c end of Prosody auto-generated documentation
+@subsubheading BitlBee Service
+@cindex IRC (Internet Relay Chat)
+@cindex IRC gateway
+@url{http://bitlbee.org,BitlBee} is a gateway that provides an IRC interface
+to a variety of messaging protocols such as XMPP.
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} bitlbee-service-type
+This is the service type for the @url{http://bitlbee.org,BitlBee} IRC
+gateway daemon. Its value is a @code{bitlbee-configuration} (see below).
+To have BitlBee listen on port 6667 on localhost, add this line to your
+(service bitlbee-service-type)
+@end example
+@end defvr
+@deftp {Data Type} bitlbee-configuration
+This is the configuration for BitlBee, with the following fields:
+@table @asis
+@item @code{interface} (default: @code{""})
+@itemx @code{port} (default: @code{6667})
+Listen on the network interface corresponding to the IP address specified in
+@var{interface}, on @var{port}.
+When @var{interface} is @code{}, only local clients can connect;
+when it is @code{}, connections can come from any networking
+@item @code{package} (default: @code{bitlbee})
+The BitlBee package to use.
+@item @code{plugins} (default: @code{'()})
+List of plugin packages to use---e.g., @code{bitlbee-discord}.
+@item @code{extra-settings} (default: @code{""})
+Configuration snippet added as-is to the BitlBee configuration file.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@node Telefondienste
+@subsubsection Telefondienste
+@cindex Murmur (VoIP server)
+@cindex VoIP server
+This section describes how to set up and run a Murmur server. Murmur is the
+server of the @uref{https://mumble.info, Mumble} voice-over-IP (VoIP) suite.
+@deftp {Data Type} murmur-configuration
+The service type for the Murmur server. An example configuration can look
+like this:
+(service murmur-service-type
+ (murmur-configuration
+ (welcome-text
+ "Welcome to this Mumble server running on GuixSD!")
+ (cert-required? #t) ;disallow text password logins
+ (ssl-cert "/etc/letsencrypt/live/mumble.example.com/fullchain.pem")
+ (ssl-key "/etc/letsencrypt/live/mumble.example.com/privkey.pem")))
+@end example
+After reconfiguring your system, you can manually set the murmur
+@code{SuperUser} password with the command that is printed during the
+activation phase.
+It is recommended to register a normal Mumble user account and grant it
+admin or moderator rights. You can use the @code{mumble} client to login as
+new normal user, register yourself, and log out. For the next step login
+with the name @code{SuperUser} use the @code{SuperUser} password that you
+set previously, and grant your newly registered mumble user administrator or
+moderator rights and create some channels.
+Available @code{murmur-configuration} fields are:
+@table @asis
+@item @code{package} (default: @code{mumble})
+Package that contains @code{bin/murmurd}.
+@item @code{user} (default: @code{"murmur"})
+User who will run the Murmur server.
+@item @code{group} (default: @code{"murmur"})
+Group of the user who will run the murmur server.
+@item @code{port} (default: @code{64738})
+Port on which the server will listen.
+@item @code{welcome-text} (default: @code{""})
+Welcome text sent to clients when they connect.
+@item @code{server-password} (default: @code{""})
+Password the clients have to enter in order to connect.
+@item @code{max-users} (default: @code{100})
+Maximum of users that can be connected to the server at once.
+@item @code{max-user-bandwidth} (default: @code{#f})
+Maximum voice traffic a user can send per second.
+@item @code{database-file} (default: @code{"/var/lib/murmur/db.sqlite"})
+File name of the sqlite database. The service's user will become the owner
+of the directory.
+@item @code{log-file} (default: @code{"/var/log/murmur/murmur.log"})
+File name of the log file. The service's user will become the owner of the
+@item @code{autoban-attempts} (default: @code{10})
+Maximum number of logins a user can make in @code{autoban-timeframe} without
+getting auto banned for @code{autoban-time}.
+@item @code{autoban-timeframe} (default: @code{120})
+Timeframe for autoban in seconds.
+@item @code{autoban-time} (default: @code{300})
+Amount of time in seconds for which a client gets banned when violating the
+autoban limits.
+@item @code{opus-threshold} (default: @code{100})
+Percentage of clients that need to support opus before switching over to
+opus audio codec.
+@item @code{channel-nesting-limit} (default: @code{10})
+How deep channels can be nested at maximum.
+@item @code{channelname-regex} (default: @code{#f})
+A string in form of a Qt regular expression that channel names must conform
+@item @code{username-regex} (default: @code{#f})
+A string in form of a Qt regular expression that user names must conform to.
+@item @code{text-message-length} (default: @code{5000})
+Maximum size in bytes that a user can send in one text chat message.
+@item @code{image-message-length} (default: @code{(* 128 1024)})
+Maximum size in bytes that a user can send in one image message.
+@item @code{cert-required?} (default: @code{#f})
+If it is set to @code{#t} clients that use weak password authentification
+will not be accepted. Users must have completed the certificate wizard to
+@item @code{remember-channel?} (default: @code{#f})
+Should murmur remember the last channel each user was in when they
+disconnected and put them into the remembered channel when they rejoin.
+@item @code{allow-html?} (default: @code{#f})
+Should html be allowed in text messages, user comments, and channel
+@item @code{allow-ping?} (default: @code{#f})
+Setting to true exposes the current user count, the maximum user count, and
+the server's maximum bandwidth per client to unauthenticated users. In the
+Mumble client, this information is shown in the Connect dialog.
+Disabling this setting will prevent public listing of the server.
+@item @code{bonjour?} (default: @code{#f})
+Should the server advertise itself in the local network through the bonjour
+@item @code{send-version?} (default: @code{#f})
+Should the murmur server version be exposed in ping requests.
+@item @code{log-days} (default: @code{31})
+Murmur also stores logs in the database, which are accessible via RPC. The
+default is 31 days of months, but you can set this setting to 0 to keep logs
+forever, or -1 to disable logging to the database.
+@item @code{obfuscate-ips?} (default: @code{#t})
+Should logged ips be obfuscated to protect the privacy of users.
+@item @code{ssl-cert} (default: @code{#f})
+File name of the SSL/TLS certificate used for encrypted connections.
+(ssl-cert "/etc/letsencrypt/live/example.com/fullchain.pem")
+@end example
+@item @code{ssl-key} (default: @code{#f})
+Filepath to the ssl private key used for encrypted connections.
+(ssl-key "/etc/letsencrypt/live/example.com/privkey.pem")
+@end example
+@item @code{ssl-dh-params} (default: @code{#f})
+File name of a PEM-encoded file with Diffie-Hellman parameters for the
+SSL/TLS encryption. Alternatively you set it to @code{"@@ffdhe2048"},
+@code{"@@ffdhe3072"}, @code{"@@ffdhe4096"}, @code{"@@ffdhe6144"} or
+@code{"@@ffdhe8192"} to use bundled parameters from RFC 7919.
+@item @code{ssl-ciphers} (default: @code{#f})
+The @code{ssl-ciphers} option chooses the cipher suites to make available
+for use in SSL/TLS.
+This option is specified using
+OpenSSL cipher list notation}.
+It is recommended that you try your cipher string using 'openssl ciphers
+<string>' before setting it here, to get a feel for which cipher suites you
+will get. After setting this option, it is recommend that you inspect your
+Murmur log to ensure that Murmur is using the cipher suites that you
+expected it to.
+Note: Changing this option may impact the backwards compatibility of your
+Murmur server, and can remove the ability for older Mumble clients to be
+able to connect to it.
+@item @code{public-registration} (default: @code{#f})
+Must be a @code{<murmur-public-registration-configuration>} record or
+You can optionally register your server in the public server list that the
+@code{mumble} client shows on startup. You cannot register your server if
+you have set a @code{server-password}, or set @code{allow-ping} to
+It might take a few hours until it shows up in the public list.
+@item @code{file} (default: @code{#f})
+Optional alternative override for this configuration.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@deftp {Data Type} murmur-public-registration-configuration
+Configuration for public registration of a murmur service.
+@table @asis
+@item @code{name}
+This is a display name for your server. Not to be confused with the
+@item @code{password}
+A password to identify your registration. Subsequent updates will need the
+same password. Don't lose your password.
+@item @code{url}
+This should be a @code{http://} or @code{https://} link to your web site.
+@item @code{hostname} (default: @code{#f})
+By default your server will be listed by its IP address. If it is set your
+server will be linked by this host name instead.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@node Überwachungsdienste
+@subsubsection Überwachungsdienste
+@subsubheading Tailon Service
+@uref{https://tailon.readthedocs.io/, Tailon} is a web application for
+viewing and searching log files.
+The following example will configure the service with default values. By
+default, Tailon can be accessed on port 8080 (@code{http://localhost:8080}).
+(service tailon-service-type)
+@end example
+The following example customises more of the Tailon configuration, adding
+@command{sed} to the list of allowed commands.
+(service tailon-service-type
+ (tailon-configuration
+ (config-file
+ (tailon-configuration-file
+ (allowed-commands '("tail" "grep" "awk" "sed"))))))
+@end example
+@deftp {Data Type} tailon-configuration
+Data type representing the configuration of Tailon. This type has the
+following parameters:
+@table @asis
+@item @code{config-file} (default: @code{(tailon-configuration-file)})
+The configuration file to use for Tailon. This can be set to a
+@dfn{tailon-configuration-file} record value, or any gexp
+For example, to instead use a local file, the @code{local-file} function can
+be used:
+(service tailon-service-type
+ (tailon-configuration
+ (config-file (local-file "./my-tailon.conf"))))
+@end example
+@item @code{package} (default: @code{tailon})
+The tailon package to use.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@deftp {Data Type} tailon-configuration-file
+Data type representing the configuration options for Tailon. This type has
+the following parameters:
+@table @asis
+@item @code{files} (default: @code{(list "/var/log")})
+List of files to display. The list can include strings for a single file or
+directory, or a list, where the first item is the name of a subsection, and
+the remaining items are the files or directories in that subsection.
+@item @code{bind} (default: @code{"localhost:8080"})
+Address and port to which Tailon should bind on.
+@item @code{relative-root} (default: @code{#f})
+URL path to use for Tailon, set to @code{#f} to not use a path.
+@item @code{allow-transfers?} (default: @code{#t})
+Allow downloading the log files in the web interface.
+@item @code{follow-names?} (default: @code{#t})
+Allow tailing of not-yet existent files.
+@item @code{tail-lines} (default: @code{200})
+Number of lines to read initially from each file.
+@item @code{allowed-commands} (default: @code{(list "tail" "grep" "awk")})
+Commands to allow running. By default, @code{sed} is disabled.
+@item @code{debug?} (default: @code{#f})
+Set @code{debug?} to @code{#t} to show debug messages.
+@item @code{wrap-lines} (default: @code{#t})
+Initial line wrapping state in the web interface. Set to @code{#t} to
+initially wrap lines (the default), or to @code{#f} to initially not wrap
+@item @code{http-auth} (default: @code{#f})
+HTTP authentication type to use. Set to @code{#f} to disable authentication
+(the default). Supported values are @code{"digest"} or @code{"basic"}.
+@item @code{users} (default: @code{#f})
+If HTTP authentication is enabled (see @code{http-auth}), access will be
+restricted to the credentials provided here. To configure users, use a list
+of pairs, where the first element of the pair is the username, and the 2nd
+element of the pair is the password.
+ (http-auth "basic")
+ (users '(("user1" . "password1")
+ ("user2" . "password2"))))
+@end example
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@subsubheading Darkstat Service
+@cindex darkstat
+Darkstat is a packet sniffer that captures network traffic, calculates
+statistics about usage, and serves reports over HTTP.
+@defvar {Scheme Variable} darkstat-service-type
+This is the service type for the @uref{https://unix4lyfe.org/darkstat/,
+darkstat} service, its value must be a @code{darkstat-configuration} record
+as in this example:
+(service darkstat-service-type
+ (darkstat-configuration
+ (interface "eno1")))
+@end example
+@end defvar
+@deftp {Data Type} darkstat-configuration
+Data type representing the configuration of @command{darkstat}.
+@table @asis
+@item @code{package} (default: @code{darkstat})
+The darkstat package to use.
+@item @code{interface}
+Capture traffic on the specified network interface.
+@item @code{port} (default: @code{"667"})
+Bind the web interface to the specified port.
+@item @code{bind-address} (default: @code{""})
+Bind the web interface to the specified address.
+@item @code{base} (default: @code{"/"})
+Specify the path of the base URL. This can be useful if @command{darkstat}
+is accessed via a reverse proxy.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@subsubheading Prometheus Node Exporter Service
+@cindex prometheus-node-exporter
+The Prometheus ``node exporter'' makes hardware and operating system
+statistics provided by the Linux kernel available for the Prometheus
+monitoring system. This service should be deployed on all physical nodes
+and virtual machines, where monitoring these statistics is desirable.
+@defvar {Scheme variable} prometheus-node-exporter-service-type
+This is the service type for the
+prometheus-node-exporter} service, its value must be a
+@code{prometheus-node-exporter-configuration} record as in this example:
+(service prometheus-node-exporter-service-type
+ (prometheus-node-exporter-configuration
+ (web-listen-address ":9100")))
+@end example
+@end defvar
+@deftp {Data Type} prometheus-node-exporter-configuration
+Data type representing the configuration of @command{node_exporter}.
+@table @asis
+@item @code{package} (default: @code{go-github-com-prometheus-node-exporter})
+The prometheus-node-exporter package to use.
+@item @code{web-listen-address} (default: @code{":9100"})
+Bind the web interface to the specified address.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@node Kerberos-Dienste
+@subsubsection Kerberos-Dienste
+@cindex Kerberos
+The @code{(gnu services kerberos)} module provides services relating to the
+authentication protocol @dfn{Kerberos}.
+@subsubheading Krb5 Service
+Programs using a Kerberos client library normally expect a configuration
+file in @file{/etc/krb5.conf}. This service generates such a file from a
+definition provided in the operating system declaration. It does not cause
+any daemon to be started.
+No ``keytab'' files are provided by this service---you must explicitly
+create them. This service is known to work with the MIT client library,
+@code{mit-krb5}. Other implementations have not been tested.
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} krb5-service-type
+A service type for Kerberos 5 clients.
+@end defvr
+Here is an example of its use:
+(service krb5-service-type
+ (krb5-configuration
+ (default-realm "EXAMPLE.COM")
+ (allow-weak-crypto? #t)
+ (realms (list
+ (krb5-realm
+ (name "EXAMPLE.COM")
+ (admin-server "groucho.example.com")
+ (kdc "karl.example.com"))
+ (krb5-realm
+ (name "ARGRX.EDU")
+ (admin-server "kerb-admin.argrx.edu")
+ (kdc "keys.argrx.edu"))))))
+@end lisp
+This example provides a Kerberos@tie{}5 client configuration which:
+@item Recognizes two realms, @i{viz:} ``EXAMPLE.COM'' and ``ARGRX.EDU'', both
+of which have distinct administration servers and key distribution centers;
+@item Will default to the realm ``EXAMPLE.COM'' if the realm is not explicitly
+specified by clients;
+@item Accepts services which only support encryption types known to be weak.
+@end itemize
+The @code{krb5-realm} and @code{krb5-configuration} types have many fields.
+Only the most commonly used ones are described here. For a full list, and
+more detailed explanation of each, see the MIT
+@deftp {Data Type} krb5-realm
+@cindex realm, kerberos
+@table @asis
+@item @code{name}
+This field is a string identifying the name of the realm. A common
+convention is to use the fully qualified DNS name of your organization,
+converted to upper case.
+@item @code{admin-server}
+This field is a string identifying the host where the administration server
+is running.
+@item @code{kdc}
+This field is a string identifying the key distribution center for the
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@deftp {Data Type} krb5-configuration
+@table @asis
+@item @code{allow-weak-crypto?} (default: @code{#f})
+If this flag is @code{#t} then services which only offer encryption
+algorithms known to be weak will be accepted.
+@item @code{default-realm} (default: @code{#f})
+This field should be a string identifying the default Kerberos realm for the
+client. You should set this field to the name of your Kerberos realm. If
+this value is @code{#f} then a realm must be specified with every Kerberos
+principal when invoking programs such as @command{kinit}.
+@item @code{realms}
+This should be a non-empty list of @code{krb5-realm} objects, which clients
+may access. Normally, one of them will have a @code{name} field matching
+the @code{default-realm} field.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@subsubheading PAM krb5 Service
+@cindex pam-krb5
+The @code{pam-krb5} service allows for login authentication and password
+management via Kerberos. You will need this service if you want PAM enabled
+applications to authenticate users using Kerberos.
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} pam-krb5-service-type
+A service type for the Kerberos 5 PAM module.
+@end defvr
+@deftp {Data Type} pam-krb5-configuration
+Data type representing the configuration of the Kerberos 5 PAM module This
+type has the following parameters:
+@table @asis
+@item @code{pam-krb5} (default: @code{pam-krb5})
+The pam-krb5 package to use.
+@item @code{minimum-uid} (default: @code{1000})
+The smallest user ID for which Kerberos authentications should be
+attempted. Local accounts with lower values will silently fail to
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@node Web-Dienste
+@subsubsection Web-Dienste
+@cindex web
+@cindex www
+@cindex HTTP
+The @code{(gnu services web)} module provides the Apache HTTP Server, the
+nginx web server, and also a fastcgi wrapper daemon.
+@subsubheading Apache HTTP Server
+@deffn {Scheme Variable} httpd-service-type
+Service type for the @uref{https://httpd.apache.org/,Apache HTTP} server
+(@dfn{httpd}). The value for this service type is a
+@code{httpd-configuration} record.
+A simple example configuration is given below.
+(service httpd-service-type
+ (httpd-configuration
+ (config
+ (httpd-config-file
+ (server-name "www.example.com")
+ (document-root "/srv/http/www.example.com")))))
+@end example
+Other services can also extend the @code{httpd-service-type} to add to the
+(simple-service 'my-extra-server httpd-service-type
+ (list
+ (httpd-virtualhost
+ "*:80"
+ (list (string-append
+ "ServerName "www.example.com
+ DocumentRoot \"/srv/http/www.example.com\"")))))
+@end example
+@end deffn
+The details for the @code{httpd-configuration}, @code{httpd-module},
+@code{httpd-config-file} and @code{httpd-virtualhost} record types are given
+@deffn {Data Type} httpd-configuration
+This data type represents the configuration for the httpd service.
+@table @asis
+@item @code{package} (default: @code{httpd})
+The httpd package to use.
+@item @code{pid-file} (default: @code{"/var/run/httpd"})
+The pid file used by the shepherd-service.
+@item @code{config} (default: @code{(httpd-config-file)})
+The configuration file to use with the httpd service. The default value is a
+@code{httpd-config-file} record, but this can also be a different
+G-expression that generates a file, for example a @code{plain-file}. A file
+outside of the store can also be specified through a string.
+@end table
+@end deffn
+@deffn {Data Type} httpd-module
+This data type represents a module for the httpd service.
+@table @asis
+@item @code{name}
+The name of the module.
+@item @code{file}
+The file for the module. This can be relative to the httpd package being
+used, the absolute location of a file, or a G-expression for a file within
+the store, for example @code{(file-append mod-wsgi "/modules/mod_wsgi.so")}.
+@end table
+@end deffn
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} %default-httpd-modules
+A default list of @code{httpd-module} objects.
+@end defvr
+@deffn {Data Type} httpd-config-file
+This data type represents a configuration file for the httpd service.
+@table @asis
+@item @code{modules} (default: @code{%default-httpd-modules})
+The modules to load. Additional modules can be added here, or loaded by
+additional configuration.
+For example, in order to handle requests for PHP files, you can use Apache’s
+@code{mod_proxy_fcgi} module along with @code{php-fpm-service-type}:
+(service httpd-service-type
+ (httpd-configuration
+ (config
+ (httpd-config-file
+ (modules (cons*
+ (httpd-module
+ (name "proxy_module")
+ (file "modules/mod_proxy.so"))
+ (httpd-module
+ (name "proxy_fcgi_module")
+ (file "modules/mod_proxy_fcgi.so"))
+ %default-httpd-modules))
+ (extra-config (list "\
+<FilesMatch \\.php$>
+ SetHandler \"proxy:unix:/var/run/php-fpm.sock|fcgi://localhost/\"
+(service php-fpm-service-type
+ (php-fpm-configuration
+ (socket "/var/run/php-fpm.sock")
+ (socket-group "httpd")))
+@end example
+@item @code{server-root} (default: @code{httpd})
+The @code{ServerRoot} in the configuration file, defaults to the httpd
+package. Directives including @code{Include} and @code{LoadModule} are taken
+as relative to the server root.
+@item @code{server-name} (default: @code{#f})
+The @code{ServerName} in the configuration file, used to specify the request
+scheme, hostname and port that the server uses to identify itself.
+This doesn't need to be set in the server config, and can be specifyed in
+virtual hosts. The default is @code{#f} to not specify a @code{ServerName}.
+@item @code{document-root} (default: @code{"/srv/http"})
+The @code{DocumentRoot} from which files will be served.
+@item @code{listen} (default: @code{'("80")})
+The list of values for the @code{Listen} directives in the config file. The
+value should be a list of strings, when each string can specify the port
+number to listen on, and optionally the IP address and protocol to use.
+@item @code{pid-file} (default: @code{"/var/run/httpd"})
+The @code{PidFile} to use. This should match the @code{pid-file} set in the
+@code{httpd-configuration} so that the Shepherd service is configured
+@item @code{error-log} (default: @code{"/var/log/httpd/error_log"})
+The @code{ErrorLog} to which the server will log errors.
+@item @code{user} (default: @code{"httpd"})
+The @code{User} which the server will answer requests as.
+@item @code{group} (default: @code{"httpd"})
+The @code{Group} which the server will answer requests as.
+@item @code{extra-config} (default: @code{(list "TypesConfig etc/httpd/mime.types")})
+A flat list of strings and G-expressions which will be added to the end of
+the configuration file.
+Any values which the service is extended with will be appended to this list.
+@end table
+@end deffn
+@deffn {Data Type} httpd-virtualhost
+This data type represents a virtualhost configuration block for the httpd
+These should be added to the extra-config for the httpd-service.
+(simple-service 'my-extra-server httpd-service-type
+ (list
+ (httpd-virtualhost
+ "*:80"
+ (list (string-append
+ "ServerName "www.example.com
+ DocumentRoot \"/srv/http/www.example.com\"")))))
+@end example
+@table @asis
+@item @code{addresses-and-ports}
+The addresses and ports for the @code{VirtualHost} directive.
+@item @code{contents}
+The contents of the @code{VirtualHost} directive, this should be a list of
+strings and G-expressions.
+@end table
+@end deffn
+@subsubheading NGINX
+@deffn {Scheme Variable} nginx-service-type
+Service type for the @uref{https://nginx.org/,NGinx} web server. The value
+for this service type is a @code{<nginx-configuration>} record.
+A simple example configuration is given below.
+(service nginx-service-type
+ (nginx-configuration
+ (server-blocks
+ (list (nginx-server-configuration
+ (server-name '("www.example.com"))
+ (root "/srv/http/www.example.com"))))))
+@end example
+In addition to adding server blocks to the service configuration directly,
+this service can be extended by other services to add server blocks, as in
+this example:
+(simple-service 'my-extra-server nginx-service-type
+ (list (nginx-server-configuration
+ (root "/srv/http/extra-website")
+ (try-files (list "$uri" "$uri/index.html")))))
+@end example
+@end deffn
+At startup, @command{nginx} has not yet read its configuration file, so it
+uses a default file to log error messages. If it fails to load its
+configuration file, that is where error messages are logged. After the
+configuration file is loaded, the default error log file changes as per
+configuration. In our case, startup error messages can be found in
+@file{/var/run/nginx/logs/error.log}, and after configuration in
+@file{/var/log/nginx/error.log}. The second location can be changed with
+the @var{log-directory} configuration option.
+@deffn {Data Type} nginx-configuration
+This data type represents the configuration for NGinx. Some configuration
+can be done through this and the other provided record types, or
+alternatively, a config file can be provided.
+@table @asis
+@item @code{nginx} (default: @code{nginx})
+The nginx package to use.
+@item @code{log-directory} (default: @code{"/var/log/nginx"})
+The directory to which NGinx will write log files.
+@item @code{run-directory} (default: @code{"/var/run/nginx"})
+The directory in which NGinx will create a pid file, and write temporary
+@item @code{server-blocks} (default: @code{'()})
+A list of @dfn{server blocks} to create in the generated configuration file,
+the elements should be of type @code{<nginx-server-configuration>}.
+The following example would setup NGinx to serve @code{www.example.com} from
+the @code{/srv/http/www.example.com} directory, without using HTTPS.
+(service nginx-service-type
+ (nginx-configuration
+ (server-blocks
+ (list (nginx-server-configuration
+ (server-name '("www.example.com"))
+ (root "/srv/http/www.example.com"))))))
+@end example
+@item @code{upstream-blocks} (default: @code{'()})
+A list of @dfn{upstream blocks} to create in the generated configuration
+file, the elements should be of type @code{<nginx-upstream-configuration>}.
+Configuring upstreams through the @code{upstream-blocks} can be useful when
+combined with @code{locations} in the @code{<nginx-server-configuration>}
+records. The following example creates a server configuration with one
+location configuration, that will proxy requests to a upstream
+configuration, which will handle requests with two servers.
+ nginx-service-type
+ (nginx-configuration
+ (server-blocks
+ (list (nginx-server-configuration
+ (server-name '("www.example.com"))
+ (root "/srv/http/www.example.com")
+ (locations
+ (list
+ (nginx-location-configuration
+ (uri "/path1")
+ (body '("proxy_pass http://server-proxy;"))))))))
+ (upstream-blocks
+ (list (nginx-upstream-configuration
+ (name "server-proxy")
+ (servers (list "server1.example.com"
+ "server2.example.com")))))))
+@end example
+@item @code{file} (default: @code{#f})
+If a configuration @var{file} is provided, this will be used, rather than
+generating a configuration file from the provided @code{log-directory},
+@code{run-directory}, @code{server-blocks} and @code{upstream-blocks}. For
+proper operation, these arguments should match what is in @var{file} to
+ensure that the directories are created when the service is activated.
+This can be useful if you have an existing configuration file, or it's not
+possible to do what is required through the other parts of the
+nginx-configuration record.
+@item @code{server-names-hash-bucket-size} (default: @code{#f})
+Bucket size for the server names hash tables, defaults to @code{#f} to use
+the size of the processors cache line.
+@item @code{server-names-hash-bucket-max-size} (default: @code{#f})
+Maximum bucket size for the server names hash tables.
+@item @code{extra-content} (default: @code{""})
+Extra content for the @code{http} block. Should be string or a string
+valued G-expression.
+@end table
+@end deffn
+@deftp {Data Type} nginx-server-configuration
+Data type representing the configuration of an nginx server block. This
+type has the following parameters:
+@table @asis
+@item @code{listen} (default: @code{'("80" "443 ssl")})
+Each @code{listen} directive sets the address and port for IP, or the path
+for a UNIX-domain socket on which the server will accept requests. Both
+address and port, or only address or only port can be specified. An address
+may also be a hostname, for example:
+'("" "" "8000" "*:8000" "localhost:8000")
+@end example
+@item @code{server-name} (default: @code{(list 'default)})
+A list of server names this server represents. @code{'default} represents
+the default server for connections matching no other server.
+@item @code{root} (default: @code{"/srv/http"})
+Root of the website nginx will serve.
+@item @code{locations} (default: @code{'()})
+A list of @dfn{nginx-location-configuration} or
+@dfn{nginx-named-location-configuration} records to use within this server
+@item @code{index} (default: @code{(list "index.html")})
+Index files to look for when clients ask for a directory. If it cannot be
+found, Nginx will send the list of files in the directory.
+@item @code{try-files} (default: @code{'()})
+A list of files whose existence is checked in the specified order.
+@code{nginx} will use the first file it finds to process the request.
+@item @code{ssl-certificate} (default: @code{#f})
+Where to find the certificate for secure connections. Set it to @code{#f}
+if you don't have a certificate or you don't want to use HTTPS.
+@item @code{ssl-certificate-key} (default: @code{#f})
+Where to find the private key for secure connections. Set it to @code{#f}
+if you don't have a key or you don't want to use HTTPS.
+@item @code{server-tokens?} (default: @code{#f})
+Whether the server should add its configuration to response.
+@item @code{raw-content} (default: @code{'()})
+A list of raw lines added to the server block.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@deftp {Data Type} nginx-upstream-configuration
+Data type representing the configuration of an nginx @code{upstream} block.
+This type has the following parameters:
+@table @asis
+@item @code{name}
+Name for this group of servers.
+@item @code{servers}
+Specify the addresses of the servers in the group. The address can be
+specified as a IP address (e.g.@: @samp{}), domain name (e.g.@:
+@samp{backend1.example.com}) or a path to a UNIX socket using the prefix
+@samp{unix:}. For addresses using an IP address or domain name, the default
+port is 80, and a different port can be specified explicitly.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@deftp {Data Type} nginx-location-configuration
+Data type representing the configuration of an nginx @code{location} block.
+This type has the following parameters:
+@table @asis
+@item @code{uri}
+URI which this location block matches.
+@anchor{nginx-location-configuration body}
+@item @code{body}
+Body of the location block, specified as a list of strings. This can contain
+many configuration directives. For example, to pass requests to a upstream
+server group defined using an @code{nginx-upstream-configuration} block, the
+following directive would be specified in the body @samp{(list "proxy_pass
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@deftp {Data Type} nginx-named-location-configuration
+Data type representing the configuration of an nginx named location block.
+Named location blocks are used for request redirection, and not used for
+regular request processing. This type has the following parameters:
+@table @asis
+@item @code{name}
+Name to identify this location block.
+@item @code{body}
+@xref{nginx-location-configuration body}, as the body for named location
+blocks can be used in a similar way to the
+@code{nginx-location-configuration body}. One restriction is that the body
+of a named location block cannot contain location blocks.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@subsubheading Varnish Cache
+@cindex Varnish
+Varnish is a fast cache server that sits in between web applications and end
+users. It proxies requests from clients and caches the accessed URLs such
+that multiple requests for the same resource only creates one request to the
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} varnish-service-type
+Service type for the Varnish daemon.
+@end defvr
+@deftp {Data Type} varnish-configuration
+Data type representing the @code{varnish} service configuration. This type
+has the following parameters:
+@table @asis
+@item @code{package} (default: @code{varnish})
+The Varnish package to use.
+@item @code{name} (default: @code{"default"})
+A name for this Varnish instance. Varnish will create a directory in
+@file{/var/varnish/} with this name and keep temporary files there. If the
+name starts with a forward slash, it is interpreted as an absolute directory
+Pass the @code{-n} argument to other Varnish programs to connect to the
+named instance, e.g.@: @command{varnishncsa -n default}.
+@item @code{backend} (default: @code{"localhost:8080"})
+The backend to use. This option has no effect if @code{vcl} is set.
+@item @code{vcl} (default: #f)
+The @dfn{VCL} (Varnish Configuration Language) program to run. If this is
+@code{#f}, Varnish will proxy @code{backend} using the default
+configuration. Otherwise this must be a file-like object with valid VCL
+@c Varnish does not support HTTPS, so keep this URL to avoid confusion.
+For example, to mirror @url{http://www.gnu.org,www.gnu.org} with VCL you can
+do something along these lines:
+(define %gnu-mirror
+ (plain-file
+ "gnu.vcl"
+ "vcl 4.1;
+backend gnu @{ .host = "www.gnu.org"; @}"))
+ ...
+ (services (cons (service varnish-service-type
+ (varnish-configuration
+ (listen '(":80"))
+ (vcl %gnu-mirror)))
+ %base-services)))
+@end example
+The configuration of an already running Varnish instance can be inspected
+and changed using the @command{varnishadm} program.
+Consult the @url{https://varnish-cache.org/docs/,Varnish User Guide} and
+@url{https://book.varnish-software.com/4.0/,Varnish Book} for comprehensive
+documentation on Varnish and its configuration language.
+@item @code{listen} (default: @code{'("localhost:80")})
+List of addresses Varnish will listen on.
+@item @code{storage} (default: @code{'("malloc,128m")})
+List of storage backends that will be available in VCL.
+@item @code{parameters} (default: @code{'()})
+List of run-time parameters in the form @code{'(("parameter" . "value"))}.
+@item @code{extra-options} (default: @code{'()})
+Additional arguments to pass to the @command{varnishd} process.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@subsubheading FastCGI
+@cindex fastcgi
+@cindex fcgiwrap
+FastCGI is an interface between the front-end and the back-end of a web
+service. It is a somewhat legacy facility; new web services should
+generally just talk HTTP between the front-end and the back-end. However
+there are a number of back-end services such as PHP or the optimized HTTP
+Git repository access that use FastCGI, so we have support for it in Guix.
+To use FastCGI, you configure the front-end web server (e.g., nginx) to
+dispatch some subset of its requests to the fastcgi backend, which listens
+on a local TCP or UNIX socket. There is an intermediary @code{fcgiwrap}
+program that sits between the actual backend process and the web server.
+The front-end indicates which backend program to run, passing that
+information to the @code{fcgiwrap} process.
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} fcgiwrap-service-type
+A service type for the @code{fcgiwrap} FastCGI proxy.
+@end defvr
+@deftp {Data Type} fcgiwrap-configuration
+Data type representing the configuration of the @code{fcgiwrap} serice.
+This type has the following parameters:
+@table @asis
+@item @code{package} (default: @code{fcgiwrap})
+The fcgiwrap package to use.
+@item @code{socket} (default: @code{tcp:})
+The socket on which the @code{fcgiwrap} process should listen, as a string.
+Valid @var{socket} values include @code{unix:@var{/path/to/unix/socket}},
+@code{tcp:@var{dot.ted.qu.ad}:@var{port}} and
+@item @code{user} (default: @code{fcgiwrap})
+@itemx @code{group} (default: @code{fcgiwrap})
+The user and group names, as strings, under which to run the @code{fcgiwrap}
+process. The @code{fastcgi} service will ensure that if the user asks for
+the specific user or group names @code{fcgiwrap} that the corresponding user
+and/or group is present on the system.
+It is possible to configure a FastCGI-backed web service to pass HTTP
+authentication information from the front-end to the back-end, and to allow
+@code{fcgiwrap} to run the back-end process as a corresponding local user.
+To enable this capability on the back-end., run @code{fcgiwrap} as the
+@code{root} user and group. Note that this capability also has to be
+configured on the front-end as well.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@cindex php-fpm
+PHP-FPM (FastCGI Process Manager) is an alternative PHP FastCGI
+implementation with some additional features useful for sites of any size.
+These features include:
+@itemize @bullet
+@item Adaptive process spawning
+@item Basic statistics (similar to Apache's mod_status)
+@item Advanced process management with graceful stop/start
+@item Ability to start workers with different uid/gid/chroot/environment
+and different php.ini (replaces safe_mode)
+@item Stdout & stderr logging
+@item Emergency restart in case of accidental opcode cache destruction
+@item Accelerated upload support
+@item Support for a "slowlog"
+@item Enhancements to FastCGI, such as fastcgi_finish_request() -
+a special function to finish request & flush all data while continuing to do
+something time-consuming (video converting, stats processing, etc.)
+@end itemize
+...@: and much more.
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} php-fpm-service-type
+A Service type for @code{php-fpm}.
+@end defvr
+@deftp {Data Type} php-fpm-configuration
+Data Type for php-fpm service configuration.
+@table @asis
+@item @code{php} (default: @code{php})
+The php package to use.
+@item @code{socket} (default: @code{(string-append "/var/run/php" (version-major (package-version php)) "-fpm.sock")})
+The address on which to accept FastCGI requests. Valid syntaxes are:
+@table @asis
+@item @code{"ip.add.re.ss:port"}
+Listen on a TCP socket to a specific address on a specific port.
+@item @code{"port"}
+Listen on a TCP socket to all addresses on a specific port.
+@item @code{"/path/to/unix/socket"}
+Listen on a unix socket.
+@end table
+@item @code{user} (default: @code{php-fpm})
+User who will own the php worker processes.
+@item @code{group} (default: @code{php-fpm})
+Group of the worker processes.
+@item @code{socket-user} (default: @code{php-fpm})
+User who can speak to the php-fpm socket.
+@item @code{socket-group} (default: @code{php-fpm})
+Group that can speak to the php-fpm socket.
+@item @code{pid-file} (default: @code{(string-append "/var/run/php" (version-major (package-version php)) "-fpm.pid")})
+The process id of the php-fpm process is written to this file once the
+service has started.
+@item @code{log-file} (default: @code{(string-append "/var/log/php" (version-major (package-version php)) "-fpm.log")})
+Log for the php-fpm master process.
+@item @code{process-manager} (default: @code{(php-fpm-dynamic-process-manager-configuration)})
+Detailed settings for the php-fpm process manager. Must be either:
+@table @asis
+@item @code{<php-fpm-dynamic-process-manager-configuration>}
+@item @code{<php-fpm-static-process-manager-configuration>}
+@item @code{<php-fpm-on-demand-process-manager-configuration>}
+@end table
+@item @code{display-errors} (default @code{#f})
+Determines whether php errors and warning should be sent to clients and
+displayed in their browsers. This is useful for local php development, but
+a security risk for public sites, as error messages can reveal passwords and
+personal data.
+@item @code{workers-logfile} (default @code{(string-append "/var/log/php" (version-major (package-version php)) "-fpm.www.log")})
+This file will log the @code{stderr} outputs of php worker processes. Can
+be set to @code{#f} to disable logging.
+@item @code{file} (default @code{#f})
+An optional override of the whole configuration. You can use the
+@code{mixed-text-file} function or an absolute filepath for it.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@deftp {Data type} php-fpm-dynamic-process-manager-configuration
+Data Type for the @code{dynamic} php-fpm process manager. With the
+@code{dynamic} process manager, spare worker processes are kept around based
+on it's configured limits.
+@table @asis
+@item @code{max-children} (default: @code{5})
+Maximum of worker processes.
+@item @code{start-servers} (default: @code{2})
+How many worker processes should be started on start-up.
+@item @code{min-spare-servers} (default: @code{1})
+How many spare worker processes should be kept around at minimum.
+@item @code{max-spare-servers} (default: @code{3})
+How many spare worker processes should be kept around at maximum.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@deftp {Data type} php-fpm-static-process-manager-configuration
+Data Type for the @code{static} php-fpm process manager. With the
+@code{static} process manager, an unchanging number of worker processes are
+@table @asis
+@item @code{max-children} (default: @code{5})
+Maximum of worker processes.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@deftp {Data type} php-fpm-on-demand-process-manager-configuration
+Data Type for the @code{on-demand} php-fpm process manager. With the
+@code{on-demand} process manager, worker processes are only created as
+requests arrive.
+@table @asis
+@item @code{max-children} (default: @code{5})
+Maximum of worker processes.
+@item @code{process-idle-timeout} (default: @code{10})
+The time in seconds after which a process with no requests is killed.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} nginx-php-fpm-location @
+ [#:nginx-package nginx] @ [socket (string-append "/var/run/php" @
+(version-major (package-version php)) @ "-fpm.sock")] A helper function to
+quickly add php to an @code{nginx-server-configuration}.
+@end deffn
+A simple services setup for nginx with php can look like this:
+(services (cons* (service dhcp-client-service-type)
+ (service php-fpm-service-type)
+ (service nginx-service-type
+ (nginx-server-configuration
+ (server-name '("example.com"))
+ (root "/srv/http/")
+ (locations
+ (list (nginx-php-location)))
+ (https-port #f)
+ (ssl-certificate #f)
+ (ssl-certificate-key #f)))
+ %base-services))
+@end example
+@cindex cat-avatar-generator
+The cat avatar generator is a simple service to demonstrate the use of
+php-fpm in @code{Nginx}. It is used to generate cat avatar from a seed, for
+instance the hash of a user's email address.
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} cat-avatar-generator-serice @
+ [#:cache-dir "/var/cache/cat-avatar-generator"] @ [#:package
+cat-avatar-generator] @ [#:configuration (nginx-server-configuration)]
+Returns an nginx-server-configuration that inherits @code{configuration}.
+It extends the nginx configuration to add a server block that serves
+@code{package}, a version of cat-avatar-generator. During execution,
+cat-avatar-generator will be able to use @code{cache-dir} as its cache
+@end deffn
+A simple setup for cat-avatar-generator can look like this:
+(services (cons* (cat-avatar-generator-service
+ #:configuration
+ (nginx-server-configuration
+ (server-name '("example.com"))))
+ ...
+ %base-services))
+@end example
+@subsubheading Hpcguix-web
+@cindex hpcguix-web
+The @uref{hpcguix-web, https://github.com/UMCUGenetics/hpcguix-web/} program
+is a customizable web interface to browse Guix packages, initially designed
+for users of high-performance computing (HPC) clusters.
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} hpcguix-web-service-type
+The service type for @code{hpcguix-web}.
+@end defvr
+@deftp {Data Type} hpcguix-web-configuration
+Data type for the hpcguix-web service configuration.
+@table @asis
+@item @code{specs}
+A gexp (@pxref{G-Ausdrücke}) specifying the hpcguix-web service
+configuration. The main items available in this spec are:
+@table @asis
+@item @code{title-prefix} (default: @code{"hpcguix | "})
+The page title prefix.
+@item @code{guix-command} (default: @code{"guix"})
+The @command{guix} command.
+@item @code{package-filter-proc} (default: @code{(const #t)})
+A procedure specifying how to filter packages that are displayed.
+@item @code{package-page-extension-proc} (default: @code{(const '())})
+Extension package for @code{hpcguix-web}.
+@item @code{menu} (default: @code{'()})
+Additional entry in page @code{menu}.
+@item @code{channels} (default: @code{%default-channels})
+List of channels from which the package list is built (@pxref{Channels}).
+@item @code{package-list-expiration} (default: @code{(* 12 3600)})
+The expiration time, in seconds, after which the package list is rebuilt
+from the latest instances of the given channels.
+@end table
+See the hpcguix-web repository for a
+complete example}.
+@item @code{package} (default: @code{hpcguix-web})
+The hpcguix-web package to use.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+A typical hpcguix-web service declaration looks like this:
+(service hpcguix-web-service-type
+ (hpcguix-web-configuration
+ (specs
+ #~(define site-config
+ (hpcweb-configuration
+ (title-prefix "Guix-HPC - ")
+ (menu '(("/about" "ABOUT"))))))))
+@end example
+@quotation Anmerkung
+The hpcguix-web service periodically updates the package list it publishes
+by pulling channels from Git. To that end, it needs to access X.509
+certificates so that it can authenticate Git servers when communicating over
+HTTPS, and it assumes that @file{/etc/ssl/certs} contains those
+Thus, make sure to add @code{nss-certs} or another certificate package to
+the @code{packages} field of your configuration. @ref{X.509-Zertifikate},
+for more information on X.509 certificates.
+@end quotation
+@node Zertifikatsdienste
+@subsubsection Zertifikatsdienste
+@cindex Web
+@cindex HTTP, HTTPS
+@cindex Let's Encrypt
+@cindex TLS certificates
+The @code{(gnu services certbot)} module provides a service to automatically
+obtain a valid TLS certificate from the Let's Encrypt certificate
+authority. These certificates can then be used to serve content securely
+over HTTPS or other TLS-based protocols, with the knowledge that the client
+will be able to verify the server's authenticity.
+@url{https://letsencrypt.org/, Let's Encrypt} provides the @code{certbot}
+tool to automate the certification process. This tool first securely
+generates a key on the server. It then makes a request to the Let's Encrypt
+certificate authority (CA) to sign the key. The CA checks that the request
+originates from the host in question by using a challenge-response protocol,
+requiring the server to provide its response over HTTP. If that protocol
+completes successfully, the CA signs the key, resulting in a certificate.
+That certificate is valid for a limited period of time, and therefore to
+continue to provide TLS services, the server needs to periodically ask the
+CA to renew its signature.
+The certbot service automates this process: the initial key generation, the
+initial certification request to the Let's Encrypt service, the web server
+challenge/response integration, writing the certificate to disk, the
+automated periodic renewals, and the deployment tasks associated with the
+renewal (e.g.@: reloading services, copying keys with different
+Certbot is run twice a day, at a random minute within the hour. It won't do
+anything until your certificates are due for renewal or revoked, but running
+it regularly would give your service a chance of staying online in case a
+Let's Encrypt-initiated revocation happened for some reason.
+By using this service, you agree to the ACME Subscriber Agreement, which can
+be found there: @url{https://acme-v01.api.letsencrypt.org/directory}.
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} certbot-service-type
+A service type for the @code{certbot} Let's Encrypt client. Its value must
+be a @code{certbot-configuration} record as in this example:
+(define %nginx-deploy-hook
+ (program-file
+ "nginx-deploy-hook"
+ #~(let ((pid (call-with-input-file "/var/run/nginx/pid" read)))
+ (kill pid SIGHUP))))
+(service certbot-service-type
+ (certbot-configuration
+ (email "foo@@example.net")
+ (certificates
+ (list
+ (certificate-configuration
+ (domains '("example.net" "www.example.net"))
+ (deploy-hook %nginx-deploy-hook))
+ (certificate-configuration
+ (domains '("bar.example.net")))))))
+@end example
+See below for details about @code{certbot-configuration}.
+@end defvr
+@deftp {Data Type} certbot-configuration
+Data type representing the configuration of the @code{certbot} service.
+This type has the following parameters:
+@table @asis
+@item @code{package} (default: @code{certbot})
+The certbot package to use.
+@item @code{webroot} (default: @code{/var/www})
+The directory from which to serve the Let's Encrypt challenge/response
+@item @code{certificates} (default: @code{()})
+A list of @code{certificates-configuration}s for which to generate
+certificates and request signatures. Each certificate has a @code{name} and
+several @code{domains}.
+@item @code{email}
+Mandatory email used for registration, recovery contact, and important
+account notifications.
+@item @code{rsa-key-size} (default: @code{2048})
+Size of the RSA key.
+@item @code{default-location} (default: @i{see below})
+The default @code{nginx-location-configuration}. Because @code{certbot}
+needs to be able to serve challenges and responses, it needs to be able to
+run a web server. It does so by extending the @code{nginx} web service with
+an @code{nginx-server-configuration} listening on the @var{domains} on port
+80, and which has a @code{nginx-location-configuration} for the
+@code{/.well-known/} URI path subspace used by Let's Encrypt. @xref{Web-Dienste}, for more on these nginx configuration data types.
+Requests to other URL paths will be matched by the @code{default-location},
+which if present is added to all @code{nginx-server-configuration}s.
+By default, the @code{default-location} will issue a redirect from
+@code{http://@var{domain}/...} to @code{https://@var{domain}/...}, leaving
+you to define what to serve on your site via @code{https}.
+Pass @code{#f} to not issue a default location.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@deftp {Data Type} certificate-configuration
+Data type representing the configuration of a certificate. This type has
+the following parameters:
+@table @asis
+@item @code{name} (default: @i{see below})
+This name is used by Certbot for housekeeping and in file paths; it doesn't
+affect the content of the certificate itself. To see certificate names, run
+@code{certbot certificates}.
+Its default is the first provided domain.
+@item @code{domains} (default: @code{()})
+The first domain provided will be the subject CN of the certificate, and all
+domains will be Subject Alternative Names on the certificate.
+@item @code{deploy-hook} (default: @code{#f})
+Command to be run in a shell once for each successfully issued certificate.
+For this command, the shell variable @code{$RENEWED_LINEAGE} will point to
+the config live subdirectory (for example,
+@samp{"/etc/letsencrypt/live/example.com"}) containing the new certificates
+and keys; the shell variable @code{$RENEWED_DOMAINS} will contain a
+space-delimited list of renewed certificate domains (for example,
+@samp{"example.com www.example.com"}.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+For each @code{certificate-configuration}, the certificate is saved to
+@code{/etc/letsencrypt/live/@var{name}/fullchain.pem} and the key is saved
+to @code{/etc/letsencrypt/live/@var{name}/privkey.pem}.
+@node DNS-Dienste
+@subsubsection DNS-Dienste
+@cindex DNS (domain name system)
+@cindex domain name system (DNS)
+The @code{(gnu services dns)} module provides services related to the
+@dfn{domain name system} (DNS). It provides a server service for hosting an
+@emph{authoritative} DNS server for multiple zones, slave or master. This
+service uses @uref{https://www.knot-dns.cz/, Knot DNS}. And also a caching
+and forwarding DNS server for the LAN, which uses
+@uref{http://www.thekelleys.org.uk/dnsmasq/doc.html, dnsmasq}.
+@subsubheading Knot Service
+An example configuration of an authoritative server for two zones, one
+master and one slave, is:
+(define-zone-entries example.org.zone
+;; Name TTL Class Type Data
+ ("@@" "" "IN" "A" "")
+ ("@@" "" "IN" "NS" "ns")
+ ("ns" "" "IN" "A" ""))
+(define master-zone
+ (knot-zone-configuration
+ (domain "example.org")
+ (zone (zone-file
+ (origin "example.org")
+ (entries example.org.zone)))))
+(define slave-zone
+ (knot-zone-configuration
+ (domain "plop.org")
+ (dnssec-policy "default")
+ (master (list "plop-master"))))
+(define plop-master
+ (knot-remote-configuration
+ (id "plop-master")
+ (address (list ""))))
+ ;; ...
+ (services (cons* (service knot-service-type
+ (knot-configuration
+ (remotes (list plop-master))
+ (zones (list master-zone slave-zone))))
+ ;; ...
+ %base-services)))
+@end lisp
+@deffn {Scheme Variable} knot-service-type
+This is the type for the Knot DNS server.
+Knot DNS is an authoritative DNS server, meaning that it can serve multiple
+zones, that is to say domain names you would buy from a registrar. This
+server is not a resolver, meaning that it can only resolve names for which
+it is authoritative. This server can be configured to serve zones as a
+master server or a slave server as a per-zone basis. Slave zones will get
+their data from masters, and will serve it as an authoritative server. From
+the point of view of a resolver, there is no difference between master and
+The following data types are used to configure the Knot DNS server:
+@end deffn
+@deftp {Data Type} knot-key-configuration
+Data type representing a key. This type has the following parameters:
+@table @asis
+@item @code{id} (default: @code{""})
+An identifier for other configuration fields to refer to this key. IDs must
+be unique and must not be empty.
+@item @code{algorithm} (default: @code{#f})
+The algorithm to use. Choose between @code{#f}, @code{'hmac-md5},
+@code{'hmac-sha1}, @code{'hmac-sha224}, @code{'hmac-sha256},
+@code{'hmac-sha384} and @code{'hmac-sha512}.
+@item @code{secret} (default: @code{""})
+The secret key itself.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@deftp {Data Type} knot-acl-configuration
+Data type representing an Access Control List (ACL) configuration. This
+type has the following parameters:
+@table @asis
+@item @code{id} (default: @code{""})
+An identifier for ether configuration fields to refer to this key. IDs must
+be unique and must not be empty.
+@item @code{address} (default: @code{'()})
+An ordered list of IP addresses, network subnets, or network ranges
+represented with strings. The query must match one of them. Empty value
+means that address match is not required.
+@item @code{key} (default: @code{'()})
+An ordered list of references to keys represented with strings. The string
+must match a key ID defined in a @code{knot-key-configuration}. No key
+means that a key is not require to match that ACL.
+@item @code{action} (default: @code{'()})
+An ordered list of actions that are permitted or forbidden by this ACL.
+Possible values are lists of zero or more elements from @code{'transfer},
+@code{'notify} and @code{'update}.
+@item @code{deny?} (default: @code{#f})
+When true, the ACL defines restrictions. Listed actions are forbidden.
+When false, listed actions are allowed.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@deftp {Data Type} zone-entry
+Data type represnting a record entry in a zone file. This type has the
+following parameters:
+@table @asis
+@item @code{name} (default: @code{"@@"})
+The name of the record. @code{"@@"} refers to the origin of the zone.
+Names are relative to the origin of the zone. For example, in the
+@code{example.org} zone, @code{"ns.example.org"} actually refers to
+@code{ns.example.org.example.org}. Names ending with a dot are absolute,
+which means that @code{"ns.example.org."} refers to @code{ns.example.org}.
+@item @code{ttl} (default: @code{""})
+The Time-To-Live (TTL) of this record. If not set, the default TTL is used.
+@item @code{class} (default: @code{"IN"})
+The class of the record. Knot currently supports only @code{"IN"} and
+partially @code{"CH"}.
+@item @code{type} (default: @code{"A"})
+The type of the record. Common types include A (IPv4 address), AAAA (IPv6
+address), NS (Name Server) and MX (Mail eXchange). Many other types are
+@item @code{data} (default: @code{""})
+The data contained in the record. For instance an IP address associated
+with an A record, or a domain name associated with an NS record. Remember
+that domain names are relative to the origin unless they end with a dot.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@deftp {Data Type} zone-file
+Data type representing the content of a zone file. This type has the
+following parameters:
+@table @asis
+@item @code{entries} (default: @code{'()})
+The list of entries. The SOA record is taken care of, so you don't need to
+put it in the list of entries. This list should probably contain an entry
+for your primary authoritative DNS server. Other than using a list of
+entries directly, you can use @code{define-zone-entries} to define a object
+containing the list of entries more easily, that you can later pass to the
+@code{entries} field of the @code{zone-file}.
+@item @code{origin} (default: @code{""})
+The name of your zone. This parameter cannot be empty.
+@item @code{ns} (default: @code{"ns"})
+The domain of your primary authoritative DNS server. The name is relative
+to the origin, unless it ends with a dot. It is mandatory that this primary
+DNS server corresponds to an NS record in the zone and that it is associated
+to an IP address in the list of entries.
+@item @code{mail} (default: @code{"hostmaster"})
+An email address people can contact you at, as the owner of the zone. This
+is translated as @code{<mail>@@<origin>}.
+@item @code{serial} (default: @code{1})
+The serial number of the zone. As this is used to keep track of changes by
+both slaves and resolvers, it is mandatory that it @emph{never} decreases.
+Always increment it when you make a change in your zone.
+@item @code{refresh} (default: @code{(* 2 24 3600)})
+The frequency at which slaves will do a zone transfer. This value is a
+number of seconds. It can be computed by multiplications or with
+@item @code{retry} (default: @code{(* 15 60)})
+The period after which a slave will retry to contact its master when it
+fails to do so a first time.
+@item @code{expiry} (default: @code{(* 14 24 3600)})
+Default TTL of records. Existing records are considered correct for at most
+this amount of time. After this period, resolvers will invalidate their
+cache and check again that it still exists.
+@item @code{nx} (default: @code{3600})
+Default TTL of inexistant records. This delay is usually short because you
+want your new domains to reach everyone quickly.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@deftp {Data Type} knot-remote-configuration
+Data type representing a remote configuration. This type has the following
+@table @asis
+@item @code{id} (default: @code{""})
+An identifier for other configuration fields to refer to this remote. IDs
+must be unique and must not be empty.
+@item @code{address} (default: @code{'()})
+An ordered list of destination IP addresses. Addresses are tried in
+sequence. An optional port can be given with the @@ separator. For
+instance: @code{(list "" "")}. Default port is 53.
+@item @code{via} (default: @code{'()})
+An ordered list of source IP addresses. An empty list will have Knot choose
+an appropriate source IP. An optional port can be given with the @@
+separator. The default is to choose at random.
+@item @code{key} (default: @code{#f})
+A reference to a key, that is a string containing the identifier of a key
+defined in a @code{knot-key-configuration} field.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@deftp {Data Type} knot-keystore-configuration
+Data type representing a keystore to hold dnssec keys. This type has the
+following parameters:
+@table @asis
+@item @code{id} (default: @code{""})
+The id of the keystore. It must not be empty.
+@item @code{backend} (default: @code{'pem})
+The backend to store the keys in. Can be @code{'pem} or @code{'pkcs11}.
+@item @code{config} (default: @code{"/var/lib/knot/keys/keys"})
+The configuration string of the backend. An example for the PKCS#11 is:
+/gnu/store/.../lib/pkcs11/libsofthsm2.so"}. For the pem backend, the string
+reprensents a path in the file system.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@deftp {Data Type} knot-policy-configuration
+Data type representing a dnssec policy. Knot DNS is able to automatically
+sign your zones. It can either generate and manage your keys automatically
+or use keys that you generate.
+Dnssec is usually implemented using two keys: a Key Signing Key (KSK) that
+is used to sign the second, and a Zone Signing Key (ZSK) that is used to
+sign the zone. In order to be trusted, the KSK needs to be present in the
+parent zone (usually a top-level domain). If your registrar supports
+dnssec, you will have to send them your KSK's hash so they can add a DS
+record in their zone. This is not automated and need to be done each time
+you change your KSK.
+The policy also defines the lifetime of keys. Usually, ZSK can be changed
+easily and use weaker cryptographic functions (they use lower parameters) in
+order to sign records quickly, so they are changed often. The KSK however
+requires manual interaction with the registrar, so they are changed less
+often and use stronger parameters because they sign only one record.
+This type has the following parameters:
+@table @asis
+@item @code{id} (default: @code{""})
+The id of the policy. It must not be empty.
+@item @code{keystore} (default: @code{"default"})
+A reference to a keystore, that is a string containing the identifier of a
+keystore defined in a @code{knot-keystore-configuration} field. The
+@code{"default"} identifier means the default keystore (a kasp database that
+was setup by this service).
+@item @code{manual?} (default: @code{#f})
+Whether the key management is manual or automatic.
+@item @code{single-type-signing?} (default: @code{#f})
+When @code{#t}, use the Single-Type Signing Scheme.
+@item @code{algorithm} (default: @code{"ecdsap256sha256"})
+An algorithm of signing keys and issued signatures.
+@item @code{ksk-size} (default: @code{256})
+The length of the KSK. Note that this value is correct for the default
+algorithm, but would be unsecure for other algorithms.
+@item @code{zsk-size} (default: @code{256})
+The length of the ZSK. Note that this value is correct for the default
+algorithm, but would be unsecure for other algorithms.
+@item @code{dnskey-ttl} (default: @code{'default})
+The TTL value for DNSKEY records added into zone apex. The special
+@code{'default} value means same as the zone SOA TTL.
+@item @code{zsk-lifetime} (default: @code{(* 30 24 3600)})
+The period between ZSK publication and the next rollover initiation.
+@item @code{propagation-delay} (default: @code{(* 24 3600)})
+An extra delay added for each key rollover step. This value should be high
+enough to cover propagation of data from the master server to all slaves.
+@item @code{rrsig-lifetime} (default: @code{(* 14 24 3600)})
+A validity period of newly issued signatures.
+@item @code{rrsig-refresh} (default: @code{(* 7 24 3600)})
+A period how long before a signature expiration the signature will be
+@item @code{nsec3?} (default: @code{#f})
+When @code{#t}, NSEC3 will be used instead of NSEC.
+@item @code{nsec3-iterations} (default: @code{5})
+The number of additional times the hashing is performed.
+@item @code{nsec3-salt-length} (default: @code{8})
+The length of a salt field in octets, which is appended to the original
+owner name before hashing.
+@item @code{nsec3-salt-lifetime} (default: @code{(* 30 24 3600)})
+The validity period of newly issued salt field.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@deftp {Data Type} knot-zone-configuration
+Data type representing a zone served by Knot. This type has the following
+@table @asis
+@item @code{domain} (default: @code{""})
+The domain served by this configuration. It must not be empty.
+@item @code{file} (default: @code{""})
+The file where this zone is saved. This parameter is ignored by master
+zones. Empty means default location that depends on the domain name.
+@item @code{zone} (default: @code{(zone-file)})
+The content of the zone file. This parameter is ignored by slave zones. It
+must contain a zone-file record.
+@item @code{master} (default: @code{'()})
+A list of master remotes. When empty, this zone is a master. When set,
+this zone is a slave. This is a list of remotes identifiers.
+@item @code{ddns-master} (default: @code{#f})
+The main master. When empty, it defaults to the first master in the list of
+@item @code{notify} (default: @code{'()})
+A list of slave remote identifiers.
+@item @code{acl} (default: @code{'()})
+A list of acl identifiers.
+@item @code{semantic-checks?} (default: @code{#f})
+When set, this adds more semantic checks to the zone.
+@item @code{disable-any?} (default: @code{#f})
+When set, this forbids queries of the ANY type.
+@item @code{zonefile-sync} (default: @code{0})
+The delay between a modification in memory and on disk. 0 means immediate
+@item @code{serial-policy} (default: @code{'increment})
+A policy between @code{'increment} and @code{'unixtime}.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@deftp {Data Type} knot-configuration
+Data type representing the Knot configuration. This type has the following
+@table @asis
+@item @code{knot} (default: @code{knot})
+The Knot package.
+@item @code{run-directory} (default: @code{"/var/run/knot"})
+The run directory. This directory will be used for pid file and sockets.
+@item @code{listen-v4} (default: @code{""})
+An ip address on which to listen.
+@item @code{listen-v6} (default: @code{"::"})
+An ip address on which to listen.
+@item @code{listen-port} (default: @code{53})
+A port on which to listen.
+@item @code{keys} (default: @code{'()})
+The list of knot-key-configuration used by this configuration.
+@item @code{acls} (default: @code{'()})
+The list of knot-acl-configuration used by this configuration.
+@item @code{remotes} (default: @code{'()})
+The list of knot-remote-configuration used by this configuration.
+@item @code{zones} (default: @code{'()})
+The list of knot-zone-configuration used by this configuration.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@subsubheading Dnsmasq Service
+@deffn {Scheme Variable} dnsmasq-service-type
+This is the type of the dnsmasq service, whose value should be an
+@code{dnsmasq-configuration} object as in this example:
+(service dnsmasq-service-type
+ (dnsmasq-configuration
+ (no-resolv? #t)
+ (servers '(""))))
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deftp {Data Type} dnsmasq-configuration
+Data type representing the configuration of dnsmasq.
+@table @asis
+@item @code{package} (default: @var{dnsmasq})
+Package object of the dnsmasq server.
+@item @code{no-hosts?} (default: @code{#f})
+When true, don't read the hostnames in /etc/hosts.
+@item @code{port} (default: @code{53})
+The port to listen on. Setting this to zero completely disables DNS
+responses, leaving only DHCP and/or TFTP functions.
+@item @code{local-service?} (default: @code{#t})
+Accept DNS queries only from hosts whose address is on a local subnet, ie a
+subnet for which an interface exists on the server.
+@item @code{listen-addresses} (default: @code{'()})
+Listen on the given IP addresses.
+@item @code{resolv-file} (default: @code{"/etc/resolv.conf"})
+The file to read the IP address of the upstream nameservers from.
+@item @code{no-resolv?} (default: @code{#f})
+When true, don't read @var{resolv-file}.
+@item @code{servers} (default: @code{'()})
+Specify IP address of upstream servers directly.
+@item @code{cache-size} (default: @code{150})
+Set the size of dnsmasq's cache. Setting the cache size to zero disables
+@item @code{negative-cache?} (default: @code{#t})
+When false, disable negative caching.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@subsubheading ddclient Service
+@cindex ddclient
+The ddclient service described below runs the ddclient daemon, which takes
+care of automatically updating DNS entries for service providers such as
+@uref{https://dyn.com/dns/, Dyn}.
+The following example show instantiates the service with its default
+(service ddclient-service-type)
+@end example
+Note that ddclient needs to access credentials that are stored in a
+@dfn{secret file}, by default @file{/etc/ddclient/secrets} (see
+@code{secret-file} below.) You are expected to create this file manually,
+in an ``out-of-band'' fashion (you @emph{could} make this file part of the
+service configuration, for instance by using @code{plain-file}, but it will
+be world-readable @i{via} @file{/gnu/store}.) See the examples in the
+@file{share/ddclient} directory of the @code{ddclient} package.
+@c %start of fragment
+Available @code{ddclient-configuration} fields are:
+@deftypevr {@code{ddclient-configuration} parameter} package ddclient
+The ddclient package.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{ddclient-configuration} parameter} integer daemon
+The period after which ddclient will retry to check IP and domain name.
+Defaults to @samp{300}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{ddclient-configuration} parameter} boolean syslog
+Use syslog for the output.
+Defaults to @samp{#t}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{ddclient-configuration} parameter} string mail
+Mail to user.
+Defaults to @samp{"root"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{ddclient-configuration} parameter} string mail-failure
+Mail failed update to user.
+Defaults to @samp{"root"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{ddclient-configuration} parameter} string pid
+The ddclient PID file.
+Defaults to @samp{"/var/run/ddclient/ddclient.pid"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{ddclient-configuration} parameter} boolean ssl
+Enable SSL support.
+Defaults to @samp{#t}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{ddclient-configuration} parameter} string user
+Specifies the user name or ID that is used when running ddclient program.
+Defaults to @samp{"ddclient"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{ddclient-configuration} parameter} string group
+Group of the user who will run the ddclient program.
+Defaults to @samp{"ddclient"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{ddclient-configuration} parameter} string secret-file
+Secret file which will be appended to @file{ddclient.conf} file. This file
+contains credentials for use by ddclient. You are expected to create it
+Defaults to @samp{"/etc/ddclient/secrets.conf"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{ddclient-configuration} parameter} list extra-options
+Extra options will be appended to @file{ddclient.conf} file.
+Defaults to @samp{()}.
+@end deftypevr
+@c %end of fragment
+@node VPN-Dienste
+@subsubsection VPN-Dienste
+@cindex VPN (virtual private network)
+@cindex virtual private network (VPN)
+The @code{(gnu services vpn)} module provides services related to
+@dfn{virtual private networks} (VPNs). It provides a @emph{client} service
+for your machine to connect to a VPN, and a @emph{servire} service for your
+machine to host a VPN. Both services use @uref{https://openvpn.net/,
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} openvpn-client-service @
+ [#:config (openvpn-client-configuration)]
+Return a service that runs @command{openvpn}, a VPN daemon, as a client.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} openvpn-server-service @
+ [#:config (openvpn-server-configuration)]
+Return a service that runs @command{openvpn}, a VPN daemon, as a server.
+Both can be run simultaneously.
+@end deffn
+@c %automatically generated documentation
+Available @code{openvpn-client-configuration} fields are:
+@deftypevr {@code{openvpn-client-configuration} parameter} package openvpn
+The OpenVPN package.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{openvpn-client-configuration} parameter} string pid-file
+The OpenVPN pid file.
+Defaults to @samp{"/var/run/openvpn/openvpn.pid"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{openvpn-client-configuration} parameter} proto proto
+The protocol (UDP or TCP) used to open a channel between clients and
+Defaults to @samp{udp}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{openvpn-client-configuration} parameter} dev dev
+The device type used to represent the VPN connection.
+Defaults to @samp{tun}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{openvpn-client-configuration} parameter} string ca
+The certificate authority to check connections against.
+Defaults to @samp{"/etc/openvpn/ca.crt"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{openvpn-client-configuration} parameter} string cert
+The certificate of the machine the daemon is running on. It should be
+signed by the authority given in @code{ca}.
+Defaults to @samp{"/etc/openvpn/client.crt"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{openvpn-client-configuration} parameter} string key
+The key of the machine the daemon is running on. It must be the key whose
+certificate is @code{cert}.
+Defaults to @samp{"/etc/openvpn/client.key"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{openvpn-client-configuration} parameter} boolean comp-lzo?
+Whether to use the lzo compression algorithm.
+Defaults to @samp{#t}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{openvpn-client-configuration} parameter} boolean persist-key?
+Don't re-read key files across SIGUSR1 or --ping-restart.
+Defaults to @samp{#t}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{openvpn-client-configuration} parameter} boolean persist-tun?
+Don't close and reopen TUN/TAP device or run up/down scripts across SIGUSR1
+or --ping-restart restarts.
+Defaults to @samp{#t}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{openvpn-client-configuration} parameter} number verbosity
+Verbosity level.
+Defaults to @samp{3}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{openvpn-client-configuration} parameter} tls-auth-client tls-auth
+Add an additional layer of HMAC authentication on top of the TLS control
+channel to protect against DoS attacks.
+Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{openvpn-client-configuration} parameter} key-usage verify-key-usage?
+Whether to check the server certificate has server usage extension.
+Defaults to @samp{#t}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{openvpn-client-configuration} parameter} bind bind?
+Bind to a specific local port number.
+Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{openvpn-client-configuration} parameter} resolv-retry resolv-retry?
+Retry resolving server address.
+Defaults to @samp{#t}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{openvpn-client-configuration} parameter} openvpn-remote-list remote
+A list of remote servers to connect to.
+Defaults to @samp{()}.
+Available @code{openvpn-remote-configuration} fields are:
+@deftypevr {@code{openvpn-remote-configuration} parameter} string name
+Server name.
+Defaults to @samp{"my-server"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{openvpn-remote-configuration} parameter} number port
+Port number the server listens to.
+Defaults to @samp{1194}.
+@end deftypevr
+@end deftypevr
+@c %end of automatic openvpn-client documentation
+@c %automatically generated documentation
+Available @code{openvpn-server-configuration} fields are:
+@deftypevr {@code{openvpn-server-configuration} parameter} package openvpn
+The OpenVPN package.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{openvpn-server-configuration} parameter} string pid-file
+The OpenVPN pid file.
+Defaults to @samp{"/var/run/openvpn/openvpn.pid"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{openvpn-server-configuration} parameter} proto proto
+The protocol (UDP or TCP) used to open a channel between clients and
+Defaults to @samp{udp}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{openvpn-server-configuration} parameter} dev dev
+The device type used to represent the VPN connection.
+Defaults to @samp{tun}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{openvpn-server-configuration} parameter} string ca
+The certificate authority to check connections against.
+Defaults to @samp{"/etc/openvpn/ca.crt"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{openvpn-server-configuration} parameter} string cert
+The certificate of the machine the daemon is running on. It should be
+signed by the authority given in @code{ca}.
+Defaults to @samp{"/etc/openvpn/client.crt"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{openvpn-server-configuration} parameter} string key
+The key of the machine the daemon is running on. It must be the key whose
+certificate is @code{cert}.
+Defaults to @samp{"/etc/openvpn/client.key"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{openvpn-server-configuration} parameter} boolean comp-lzo?
+Whether to use the lzo compression algorithm.
+Defaults to @samp{#t}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{openvpn-server-configuration} parameter} boolean persist-key?
+Don't re-read key files across SIGUSR1 or --ping-restart.
+Defaults to @samp{#t}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{openvpn-server-configuration} parameter} boolean persist-tun?
+Don't close and reopen TUN/TAP device or run up/down scripts across SIGUSR1
+or --ping-restart restarts.
+Defaults to @samp{#t}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{openvpn-server-configuration} parameter} number verbosity
+Verbosity level.
+Defaults to @samp{3}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{openvpn-server-configuration} parameter} tls-auth-server tls-auth
+Add an additional layer of HMAC authentication on top of the TLS control
+channel to protect against DoS attacks.
+Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{openvpn-server-configuration} parameter} number port
+Specifies the port number on which the server listens.
+Defaults to @samp{1194}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{openvpn-server-configuration} parameter} ip-mask server
+An ip and mask specifying the subnet inside the virtual network.
+Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{openvpn-server-configuration} parameter} cidr6 server-ipv6
+A CIDR notation specifying the IPv6 subnet inside the virtual network.
+Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{openvpn-server-configuration} parameter} string dh
+The Diffie-Hellman parameters file.
+Defaults to @samp{"/etc/openvpn/dh2048.pem"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{openvpn-server-configuration} parameter} string ifconfig-pool-persist
+The file that records client IPs.
+Defaults to @samp{"/etc/openvpn/ipp.txt"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{openvpn-server-configuration} parameter} gateway redirect-gateway?
+When true, the server will act as a gateway for its clients.
+Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{openvpn-server-configuration} parameter} boolean client-to-client?
+When true, clients are allowed to talk to each other inside the VPN.
+Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{openvpn-server-configuration} parameter} keepalive keepalive
+Causes ping-like messages to be sent back and forth over the link so that
+each side knows when the other side has gone down. @code{keepalive}
+requires a pair. The first element is the period of the ping sending, and
+the second element is the timeout before considering the other side down.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{openvpn-server-configuration} parameter} number max-clients
+The maximum number of clients.
+Defaults to @samp{100}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{openvpn-server-configuration} parameter} string status
+The status file. This file shows a small report on current connection. It
+is truncated and rewritten every minute.
+Defaults to @samp{"/var/run/openvpn/status"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{openvpn-server-configuration} parameter} openvpn-ccd-list client-config-dir
+The list of configuration for some clients.
+Defaults to @samp{()}.
+Available @code{openvpn-ccd-configuration} fields are:
+@deftypevr {@code{openvpn-ccd-configuration} parameter} string name
+Client name.
+Defaults to @samp{"client"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{openvpn-ccd-configuration} parameter} ip-mask iroute
+Client own network
+Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{openvpn-ccd-configuration} parameter} ip-mask ifconfig-push
+Client VPN IP.
+Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@end deftypevr
+@c %end of automatic openvpn-server documentation
+@node Network File System
+@subsubsection Network File System
+@cindex NFS
+The @code{(gnu services nfs)} module provides the following services, which
+are most commonly used in relation to mounting or exporting directory trees
+as @dfn{network file systems} (NFS).
+@subsubheading RPC Bind Service
+@cindex rpcbind
+The RPC Bind service provides a facility to map program numbers into
+universal addresses. Many NFS related services use this facility. Hence it
+is automatically started when a dependent service starts.
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} rpcbind-service-type
+A service type for the RPC portmapper daemon.
+@end defvr
+@deftp {Data Type} rpcbind-configuration
+Data type representing the configuration of the RPC Bind Service. This type
+has the following parameters:
+@table @asis
+@item @code{rpcbind} (default: @code{rpcbind})
+The rpcbind package to use.
+@item @code{warm-start?} (default: @code{#t})
+If this parameter is @code{#t}, then the daemon will read a state file on
+startup thus reloading state information saved by a previous instance.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@subsubheading Pipefs Pseudo File System
+@cindex pipefs
+@cindex rpc_pipefs
+The pipefs file system is used to transfer NFS related data between the
+kernel and user space programs.
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} pipefs-service-type
+A service type for the pipefs pseudo file system.
+@end defvr
+@deftp {Data Type} pipefs-configuration
+Data type representing the configuration of the pipefs pseudo file system
+service. This type has the following parameters:
+@table @asis
+@item @code{mount-point} (default: @code{"/var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs"})
+The directory to which the file system is to be attached.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@subsubheading GSS Daemon Service
+@cindex GSSD
+@cindex GSS
+@cindex global security system
+The @dfn{global security system} (GSS) daemon provides strong security for
+RPC based protocols. Before exchanging RPC requests an RPC client must
+establish a security context. Typically this is done using the Kerberos
+command @command{kinit} or automatically at login time using PAM services
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} gss-service-type
+A service type for the Global Security System (GSS) daemon.
+@end defvr
+@deftp {Data Type} gss-configuration
+Data type representing the configuration of the GSS daemon service. This
+type has the following parameters:
+@table @asis
+@item @code{nfs-utils} (default: @code{nfs-utils})
+The package in which the @command{rpc.gssd} command is to be found.
+@item @code{pipefs-directory} (default: @code{"/var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs"})
+The directory where the pipefs file system is mounted.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@subsubheading IDMAP Daemon Service
+@cindex idmapd
+@cindex name mapper
+The idmap daemon service provides mapping between user IDs and user names.
+Typically it is required in order to access file systems mounted via NFSv4.
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} idmap-service-type
+A service type for the Identity Mapper (IDMAP) daemon.
+@end defvr
+@deftp {Data Type} idmap-configuration
+Data type representing the configuration of the IDMAP daemon service. This
+type has the following parameters:
+@table @asis
+@item @code{nfs-utils} (default: @code{nfs-utils})
+The package in which the @command{rpc.idmapd} command is to be found.
+@item @code{pipefs-directory} (default: @code{"/var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs"})
+The directory where the pipefs file system is mounted.
+@item @code{domain} (default: @code{#f})
+The local NFSv4 domain name. This must be a string or @code{#f}. If it is
+@code{#f} then the daemon will use the host's fully qualified domain name.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@node Kontinuierliche Integration
+@subsubsection Kontinuierliche Integration
+@cindex continuous integration
+@uref{https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/guix/guix-cuirass.git, Cuirass} is a
+continuous integration tool for Guix. It can be used both for development
+and for providing substitutes to others (@pxref{Substitute}).
+The @code{(gnu services cuirass)} module provides the following service.
+@defvr {Scheme Procedure} cuirass-service-type
+The type of the Cuirass service. Its value must be a
+@code{cuirass-configuration} object, as described below.
+@end defvr
+To add build jobs, you have to set the @code{specifications} field of the
+configuration. Here is an example of a service that polls the Guix
+repository and builds the packages from a manifest. Some of the packages
+are defined in the @code{"custom-packages"} input, which is the equivalent
+(define %cuirass-specs
+ #~(list
+ '((#:name . "my-manifest")
+ (#:load-path-inputs . ("guix"))
+ (#:package-path-inputs . ("custom-packages"))
+ (#:proc-input . "guix")
+ (#:proc-file . "build-aux/cuirass/gnu-system.scm")
+ (#:proc . cuirass-jobs)
+ (#:proc-args . ((subset . "manifests")
+ (systems . ("x86_64-linux"))
+ (manifests . (("config" . "guix/manifest.scm")))))
+ (#:inputs . (((#:name . "guix")
+ (#:url . "git://git.savannah.gnu.org/guix.git")
+ (#:load-path . ".")
+ (#:branch . "master")
+ (#:no-compile? . #t))
+ ((#:name . "config")
+ (#:url . "git://git.example.org/config.git")
+ (#:load-path . ".")
+ (#:branch . "master")
+ (#:no-compile? . #t))
+ ((#:name . "custom-packages")
+ (#:url . "git://git.example.org/custom-packages.git")
+ (#:load-path . ".")
+ (#:branch . "master")
+ (#:no-compile? . #t)))))))
+(service cuirass-service-type
+ (cuirass-configuration
+ (specifications %cuirass-specs)))
+@end example
+While information related to build jobs is located directly in the
+specifications, global settings for the @command{cuirass} process are
+accessible in other @code{cuirass-configuration} fields.
+@deftp {Data Type} cuirass-configuration
+Data type representing the configuration of Cuirass.
+@table @asis
+@item @code{log-file} (default: @code{"/var/log/cuirass.log"})
+Location of the log file.
+@item @code{cache-directory} (default: @code{"/var/cache/cuirass"})
+Location of the repository cache.
+@item @code{user} (default: @code{"cuirass"})
+Owner of the @code{cuirass} process.
+@item @code{group} (default: @code{"cuirass"})
+Owner's group of the @code{cuirass} process.
+@item @code{interval} (default: @code{60})
+Number of seconds between the poll of the repositories followed by the
+Cuirass jobs.
+@item @code{database} (default: @code{"/var/lib/cuirass/cuirass.db"})
+Location of sqlite database which contains the build results and previously
+added specifications.
+@item @code{ttl} (default: @code{(* 30 24 3600)})
+Specifies the time-to-live (TTL) in seconds of garbage collector roots that
+are registered for build results. This means that build results are
+protected from garbage collection for at least @var{ttl} seconds.
+@item @code{port} (default: @code{8081})
+Port number used by the HTTP server.
+@item --listen=@var{host}
+Listen on the network interface for @var{host}. The default is to accept
+connections from localhost.
+@item @code{specifications} (default: @code{#~'()})
+A gexp (@pxref{G-Ausdrücke}) that evaluates to a list of specifications,
+where a specification is an association list (@pxref{Associations Lists,,,
+guile, GNU Guile Reference Manual}) whose keys are keywords
+(@code{#:keyword-example}) as shown in the example above.
+@item @code{use-substitutes?} (default: @code{#f})
+This allows using substitutes to avoid building every dependencies of a job
+from source.
+@item @code{one-shot?} (default: @code{#f})
+Only evaluate specifications and build derivations once.
+@item @code{fallback?} (default: @code{#f})
+When substituting a pre-built binary fails, fall back to building packages
+@item @code{cuirass} (default: @code{cuirass})
+The Cuirass package to use.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@node Power Management Services
+@subsubsection Power Management Services
+@cindex tlp
+@cindex power management with TLP
+@subsubheading TLP daemon
+The @code{(gnu services pm)} module provides a Guix service definition for
+the Linux power management tool TLP.
+TLP enables various powersaving modes in userspace and kernel. Contrary to
+@code{upower-service}, it is not a passive, monitoring tool, as it will
+apply custom settings each time a new power source is detected. More
+information can be found at @uref{http://linrunner.de/en/tlp/tlp.html, TLP
+home page}.
+@deffn {Scheme Variable} tlp-service-type
+The service type for the TLP tool. Its value should be a valid TLP
+configuration (see below). To use the default settings, simply write:
+(service tlp-service-type)
+@end example
+@end deffn
+By default TLP does not need much configuration but most TLP parameters can
+be tweaked using @code{tlp-configuration}.
+Each parameter definition is preceded by its type; for example,
+@samp{boolean foo} indicates that the @code{foo} parameter should be
+specified as a boolean. Types starting with @code{maybe-} denote parameters
+that won't show up in TLP config file when their value is @code{'disabled}.
+@c The following documentation was initially generated by
+@c (generate-tlp-documentation) in (gnu services pm). Manually maintained
+@c documentation is better, so we shouldn't hesitate to edit below as
+@c needed. However if the change you want to make to this documentation
+@c can be done in an automated way, it's probably easier to change
+@c (generate-documentation) than to make it below and have to deal with
+@c the churn as TLP updates.
+Available @code{tlp-configuration} fields are:
+@deftypevr {@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} package tlp
+The TLP package.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} boolean tlp-enable?
+Set to true if you wish to enable TLP.
+Defaults to @samp{#t}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} string tlp-default-mode
+Default mode when no power supply can be detected. Alternatives are AC and
+Defaults to @samp{"AC"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer disk-idle-secs-on-ac
+Number of seconds Linux kernel has to wait after the disk goes idle, before
+syncing on AC.
+Defaults to @samp{0}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer disk-idle-secs-on-bat
+Same as @code{disk-idle-ac} but on BAT mode.
+Defaults to @samp{2}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer max-lost-work-secs-on-ac
+Dirty pages flushing periodicity, expressed in seconds.
+Defaults to @samp{15}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer max-lost-work-secs-on-bat
+Same as @code{max-lost-work-secs-on-ac} but on BAT mode.
+Defaults to @samp{60}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} maybe-space-separated-string-list cpu-scaling-governor-on-ac
+CPU frequency scaling governor on AC mode. With intel_pstate driver,
+alternatives are powersave and performance. With acpi-cpufreq driver,
+alternatives are ondemand, powersave, performance and conservative.
+Defaults to @samp{disabled}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} maybe-space-separated-string-list cpu-scaling-governor-on-bat
+Same as @code{cpu-scaling-governor-on-ac} but on BAT mode.
+Defaults to @samp{disabled}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} maybe-non-negative-integer cpu-scaling-min-freq-on-ac
+Set the min available frequency for the scaling governor on AC.
+Defaults to @samp{disabled}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} maybe-non-negative-integer cpu-scaling-max-freq-on-ac
+Set the max available frequency for the scaling governor on AC.
+Defaults to @samp{disabled}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} maybe-non-negative-integer cpu-scaling-min-freq-on-bat
+Set the min available frequency for the scaling governor on BAT.
+Defaults to @samp{disabled}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} maybe-non-negative-integer cpu-scaling-max-freq-on-bat
+Set the max available frequency for the scaling governor on BAT.
+Defaults to @samp{disabled}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} maybe-non-negative-integer cpu-min-perf-on-ac
+Limit the min P-state to control the power dissipation of the CPU, in AC
+mode. Values are stated as a percentage of the available performance.
+Defaults to @samp{disabled}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} maybe-non-negative-integer cpu-max-perf-on-ac
+Limit the max P-state to control the power dissipation of the CPU, in AC
+mode. Values are stated as a percentage of the available performance.
+Defaults to @samp{disabled}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} maybe-non-negative-integer cpu-min-perf-on-bat
+Same as @code{cpu-min-perf-on-ac} on BAT mode.
+Defaults to @samp{disabled}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} maybe-non-negative-integer cpu-max-perf-on-bat
+Same as @code{cpu-max-perf-on-ac} on BAT mode.
+Defaults to @samp{disabled}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} maybe-boolean cpu-boost-on-ac?
+Enable CPU turbo boost feature on AC mode.
+Defaults to @samp{disabled}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} maybe-boolean cpu-boost-on-bat?
+Same as @code{cpu-boost-on-ac?} on BAT mode.
+Defaults to @samp{disabled}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} boolean sched-powersave-on-ac?
+Allow Linux kernel to minimize the number of CPU cores/hyper-threads used
+under light load conditions.
+Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} boolean sched-powersave-on-bat?
+Same as @code{sched-powersave-on-ac?} but on BAT mode.
+Defaults to @samp{#t}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} boolean nmi-watchdog?
+Enable Linux kernel NMI watchdog.
+Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} maybe-string phc-controls
+For Linux kernels with PHC patch applied, change CPU voltages. An example
+value would be @samp{"F:V F:V F:V F:V"}.
+Defaults to @samp{disabled}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} string energy-perf-policy-on-ac
+Set CPU performance versus energy saving policy on AC. Alternatives are
+performance, normal, powersave.
+Defaults to @samp{"performance"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} string energy-perf-policy-on-bat
+Same as @code{energy-perf-policy-ac} but on BAT mode.
+Defaults to @samp{"powersave"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} space-separated-string-list disks-devices
+Hard disk devices.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} space-separated-string-list disk-apm-level-on-ac
+Hard disk advanced power management level.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} space-separated-string-list disk-apm-level-on-bat
+Same as @code{disk-apm-bat} but on BAT mode.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} maybe-space-separated-string-list disk-spindown-timeout-on-ac
+Hard disk spin down timeout. One value has to be specified for each
+declared hard disk.
+Defaults to @samp{disabled}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} maybe-space-separated-string-list disk-spindown-timeout-on-bat
+Same as @code{disk-spindown-timeout-on-ac} but on BAT mode.
+Defaults to @samp{disabled}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} maybe-space-separated-string-list disk-iosched
+Select IO scheduler for disk devices. One value has to be specified for
+each declared hard disk. Example alternatives are cfq, deadline and noop.
+Defaults to @samp{disabled}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} string sata-linkpwr-on-ac
+SATA aggressive link power management (ALPM) level. Alternatives are
+min_power, medium_power, max_performance.
+Defaults to @samp{"max_performance"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} string sata-linkpwr-on-bat
+Same as @code{sata-linkpwr-ac} but on BAT mode.
+Defaults to @samp{"min_power"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} maybe-string sata-linkpwr-blacklist
+Exclude specified SATA host devices for link power management.
+Defaults to @samp{disabled}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} maybe-on-off-boolean ahci-runtime-pm-on-ac?
+Enable Runtime Power Management for AHCI controller and disks on AC mode.
+Defaults to @samp{disabled}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} maybe-on-off-boolean ahci-runtime-pm-on-bat?
+Same as @code{ahci-runtime-pm-on-ac} on BAT mode.
+Defaults to @samp{disabled}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer ahci-runtime-pm-timeout
+Seconds of inactivity before disk is suspended.
+Defaults to @samp{15}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} string pcie-aspm-on-ac
+PCI Express Active State Power Management level. Alternatives are default,
+performance, powersave.
+Defaults to @samp{"performance"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} string pcie-aspm-on-bat
+Same as @code{pcie-aspm-ac} but on BAT mode.
+Defaults to @samp{"powersave"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} string radeon-power-profile-on-ac
+Radeon graphics clock speed level. Alternatives are low, mid, high, auto,
+Defaults to @samp{"high"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} string radeon-power-profile-on-bat
+Same as @code{radeon-power-ac} but on BAT mode.
+Defaults to @samp{"low"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} string radeon-dpm-state-on-ac
+Radeon dynamic power management method (DPM). Alternatives are battery,
+Defaults to @samp{"performance"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} string radeon-dpm-state-on-bat
+Same as @code{radeon-dpm-state-ac} but on BAT mode.
+Defaults to @samp{"battery"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} string radeon-dpm-perf-level-on-ac
+Radeon DPM performance level. Alternatives are auto, low, high.
+Defaults to @samp{"auto"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} string radeon-dpm-perf-level-on-bat
+Same as @code{radeon-dpm-perf-ac} but on BAT mode.
+Defaults to @samp{"auto"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} on-off-boolean wifi-pwr-on-ac?
+Wifi power saving mode.
+Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} on-off-boolean wifi-pwr-on-bat?
+Same as @code{wifi-power-ac?} but on BAT mode.
+Defaults to @samp{#t}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} y-n-boolean wol-disable?
+Disable wake on LAN.
+Defaults to @samp{#t}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer sound-power-save-on-ac
+Timeout duration in seconds before activating audio power saving on Intel
+HDA and AC97 devices. A value of 0 disables power saving.
+Defaults to @samp{0}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer sound-power-save-on-bat
+Same as @code{sound-powersave-ac} but on BAT mode.
+Defaults to @samp{1}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} y-n-boolean sound-power-save-controller?
+Disable controller in powersaving mode on Intel HDA devices.
+Defaults to @samp{#t}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} boolean bay-poweroff-on-bat?
+Enable optical drive in UltraBay/MediaBay on BAT mode. Drive can be powered
+on again by releasing (and reinserting) the eject lever or by pressing the
+disc eject button on newer models.
+Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} string bay-device
+Name of the optical drive device to power off.
+Defaults to @samp{"sr0"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} string runtime-pm-on-ac
+Runtime Power Management for PCI(e) bus devices. Alternatives are on and
+Defaults to @samp{"on"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} string runtime-pm-on-bat
+Same as @code{runtime-pm-ac} but on BAT mode.
+Defaults to @samp{"auto"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} boolean runtime-pm-all?
+Runtime Power Management for all PCI(e) bus devices, except blacklisted
+Defaults to @samp{#t}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} maybe-space-separated-string-list runtime-pm-blacklist
+Exclude specified PCI(e) device addresses from Runtime Power Management.
+Defaults to @samp{disabled}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} space-separated-string-list runtime-pm-driver-blacklist
+Exclude PCI(e) devices assigned to the specified drivers from Runtime Power
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} boolean usb-autosuspend?
+Enable USB autosuspend feature.
+Defaults to @samp{#t}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} maybe-string usb-blacklist
+Exclude specified devices from USB autosuspend.
+Defaults to @samp{disabled}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} boolean usb-blacklist-wwan?
+Exclude WWAN devices from USB autosuspend.
+Defaults to @samp{#t}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} maybe-string usb-whitelist
+Include specified devices into USB autosuspend, even if they are already
+excluded by the driver or via @code{usb-blacklist-wwan?}.
+Defaults to @samp{disabled}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} maybe-boolean usb-autosuspend-disable-on-shutdown?
+Enable USB autosuspend before shutdown.
+Defaults to @samp{disabled}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} boolean restore-device-state-on-startup?
+Restore radio device state (bluetooth, wifi, wwan) from previous shutdown on
+system startup.
+Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@cindex thermald
+@cindex CPU frequency scaling with thermald
+@subsubheading Thermald daemon
+The @code{(gnu services pm)} module provides an interface to thermald, a CPU
+frequency scaling service which helps prevent overheating.
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} thermald-service-type
+This is the service type for @uref{https://01.org/linux-thermal-daemon/,
+thermald}, the Linux Thermal Daemon, which is responsible for controlling
+the thermal state of processors and preventing overheating.
+@end defvr
+@deftp {Data Type} thermald-configuration
+Data type representing the configuration of @code{thermald-service-type}.
+@table @asis
+@item @code{ignore-cpuid-check?} (default: @code{#f})
+Ignore cpuid check for supported CPU models.
+@item @code{thermald} (default: @var{thermald})
+Package object of thermald.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@node Audio-Dienste
+@subsubsection Audio-Dienste
+The @code{(gnu services audio)} module provides a service to start MPD (the
+Music Player Daemon).
+@cindex mpd
+@subsubheading Music Player Daemon
+The Music Player Daemon (MPD) is a service that can play music while being
+controlled from the local machine or over the network by a variety of
+The following example shows how one might run @code{mpd} as user
+@code{"bob"} on port @code{6666}. It uses pulseaudio for output.
+(service mpd-service-type
+ (mpd-configuration
+ (user "bob")
+ (port "6666")))
+@end example
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} mpd-service-type
+The service type for @command{mpd}
+@end defvr
+@deftp {Data Type} mpd-configuration
+Data type representing the configuration of @command{mpd}.
+@table @asis
+@item @code{user} (default: @code{"mpd"})
+The user to run mpd as.
+@item @code{music-dir} (default: @code{"~/Music"})
+The directory to scan for music files.
+@item @code{playlist-dir} (default: @code{"~/.mpd/playlists"})
+The directory to store playlists.
+@item @code{port} (default: @code{"6600"})
+The port to run mpd on.
+@item @code{address} (default: @code{"any"})
+The address that mpd will bind to. To use a Unix domain socket, an absolute
+path can be specified here.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@node Virtualisierungsdienste
+@subsubsection Virtualization services
+The @code{(gnu services virtualization)} module provides services for the
+libvirt and virtlog daemons, as well as other virtualization-related
+@subsubheading Libvirt daemon
+@code{libvirtd} is the server side daemon component of the libvirt
+virtualization management system. This daemon runs on host servers and
+performs required management tasks for virtualized guests.
+@deffn {Scheme Variable} libvirt-service-type
+This is the type of the @uref{https://libvirt.org, libvirt daemon}. Its
+value must be a @code{libvirt-configuration}.
+(service libvirt-service-type
+ (libvirt-configuration
+ (unix-sock-group "libvirt")
+ (tls-port "16555")))
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@c Auto-generated with (generate-libvirt-documentation)
+Available @code{libvirt-configuration} fields are:
+@deftypevr {@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} package libvirt
+Libvirt package.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} boolean listen-tls?
+Flag listening for secure TLS connections on the public TCP/IP port. must
+set @code{listen} for this to have any effect.
+It is necessary to setup a CA and issue server certificates before using
+this capability.
+Defaults to @samp{#t}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} boolean listen-tcp?
+Listen for unencrypted TCP connections on the public TCP/IP port. must set
+@code{listen} for this to have any effect.
+Using the TCP socket requires SASL authentication by default. Only SASL
+mechanisms which support data encryption are allowed. This is DIGEST_MD5
+and GSSAPI (Kerberos5)
+Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} string tls-port
+Port for accepting secure TLS connections This can be a port number, or
+service name
+Defaults to @samp{"16514"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} string tcp-port
+Port for accepting insecure TCP connections This can be a port number, or
+service name
+Defaults to @samp{"16509"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} string listen-addr
+IP address or hostname used for client connections.
+Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} boolean mdns-adv?
+Flag toggling mDNS advertisement of the libvirt service.
+Alternatively can disable for all services on a host by stopping the Avahi
+Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} string mdns-name
+Default mDNS advertisement name. This must be unique on the immediate
+broadcast network.
+Defaults to @samp{"Virtualization Host <hostname>"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} string unix-sock-group
+UNIX domain socket group ownership. This can be used to allow a 'trusted'
+set of users access to management capabilities without becoming root.
+Defaults to @samp{"root"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} string unix-sock-ro-perms
+UNIX socket permissions for the R/O socket. This is used for monitoring VM
+status only.
+Defaults to @samp{"0777"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} string unix-sock-rw-perms
+UNIX socket permissions for the R/W socket. Default allows only root. If
+PolicyKit is enabled on the socket, the default will change to allow
+everyone (eg, 0777)
+Defaults to @samp{"0770"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} string unix-sock-admin-perms
+UNIX socket permissions for the admin socket. Default allows only owner
+(root), do not change it unless you are sure to whom you are exposing the
+access to.
+Defaults to @samp{"0777"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} string unix-sock-dir
+The directory in which sockets will be found/created.
+Defaults to @samp{"/var/run/libvirt"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} string auth-unix-ro
+Authentication scheme for UNIX read-only sockets. By default socket
+permissions allow anyone to connect
+Defaults to @samp{"polkit"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} string auth-unix-rw
+Authentication scheme for UNIX read-write sockets. By default socket
+permissions only allow root. If PolicyKit support was compiled into
+libvirt, the default will be to use 'polkit' auth.
+Defaults to @samp{"polkit"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} string auth-tcp
+Authentication scheme for TCP sockets. If you don't enable SASL, then all
+TCP traffic is cleartext. Don't do this outside of a dev/test scenario.
+Defaults to @samp{"sasl"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} string auth-tls
+Authentication scheme for TLS sockets. TLS sockets already have encryption
+provided by the TLS layer, and limited authentication is done by
+It is possible to make use of any SASL authentication mechanism as well, by
+using 'sasl' for this option
+Defaults to @samp{"none"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} optional-list access-drivers
+API access control scheme.
+By default an authenticated user is allowed access to all APIs. Access
+drivers can place restrictions on this.
+Defaults to @samp{()}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} string key-file
+Server key file path. If set to an empty string, then no private key is
+Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} string cert-file
+Server key file path. If set to an empty string, then no certificate is
+Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} string ca-file
+Server key file path. If set to an empty string, then no CA certificate is
+Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} string crl-file
+Certificate revocation list path. If set to an empty string, then no CRL is
+Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} boolean tls-no-sanity-cert
+Disable verification of our own server certificates.
+When libvirtd starts it performs some sanity checks against its own
+Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} boolean tls-no-verify-cert
+Disable verification of client certificates.
+Client certificate verification is the primary authentication mechanism.
+Any client which does not present a certificate signed by the CA will be
+Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} optional-list tls-allowed-dn-list
+Whitelist of allowed x509 Distinguished Name.
+Defaults to @samp{()}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} optional-list sasl-allowed-usernames
+Whitelist of allowed SASL usernames. The format for username depends on the
+SASL authentication mechanism.
+Defaults to @samp{()}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} string tls-priority
+Override the compile time default TLS priority string. The default is
+usually "NORMAL" unless overridden at build time. Only set this is it is
+desired for libvirt to deviate from the global default settings.
+Defaults to @samp{"NORMAL"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} integer max-clients
+Maximum number of concurrent client connections to allow over all sockets
+Defaults to @samp{5000}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} integer max-queued-clients
+Maximum length of queue of connections waiting to be accepted by the
+daemon. Note, that some protocols supporting retransmission may obey this
+so that a later reattempt at connection succeeds.
+Defaults to @samp{1000}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} integer max-anonymous-clients
+Maximum length of queue of accepted but not yet authenticated clients. Set
+this to zero to turn this feature off
+Defaults to @samp{20}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} integer min-workers
+Number of workers to start up initially.
+Defaults to @samp{5}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} integer max-workers
+Maximum number of worker threads.
+If the number of active clients exceeds @code{min-workers}, then more
+threads are spawned, up to max_workers limit. Typically you'd want
+max_workers to equal maximum number of clients allowed.
+Defaults to @samp{20}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} integer prio-workers
+Number of priority workers. If all workers from above pool are stuck, some
+calls marked as high priority (notably domainDestroy) can be executed in
+this pool.
+Defaults to @samp{5}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} integer max-requests
+Total global limit on concurrent RPC calls.
+Defaults to @samp{20}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} integer max-client-requests
+Limit on concurrent requests from a single client connection. To avoid one
+client monopolizing the server this should be a small fraction of the global
+max_requests and max_workers parameter.
+Defaults to @samp{5}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} integer admin-min-workers
+Same as @code{min-workers} but for the admin interface.
+Defaults to @samp{1}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} integer admin-max-workers
+Same as @code{max-workers} but for the admin interface.
+Defaults to @samp{5}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} integer admin-max-clients
+Same as @code{max-clients} but for the admin interface.
+Defaults to @samp{5}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} integer admin-max-queued-clients
+Same as @code{max-queued-clients} but for the admin interface.
+Defaults to @samp{5}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} integer admin-max-client-requests
+Same as @code{max-client-requests} but for the admin interface.
+Defaults to @samp{5}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} integer log-level
+Logging level. 4 errors, 3 warnings, 2 information, 1 debug.
+Defaults to @samp{3}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} string log-filters
+Logging filters.
+A filter allows to select a different logging level for a given category of
+logs The format for a filter is one of:
+@itemize @bullet
+@end itemize
+where @code{name} is a string which is matched against the category given in
+the @code{VIR_LOG_INIT()} at the top of each libvirt source file, e.g.,
+"remote", "qemu", or "util.json" (the name in the filter can be a substring
+of the full category name, in order to match multiple similar categories),
+the optional "+" prefix tells libvirt to log stack trace for each message
+matching name, and @code{x} is the minimal level where matching messages
+should be logged:
+@itemize @bullet
+2: INFO
+@end itemize
+Multiple filters can be defined in a single filters statement, they just
+need to be separated by spaces.
+Defaults to @samp{"3:remote 4:event"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} string log-outputs
+Logging outputs.
+An output is one of the places to save logging information The format for an
+output can be:
+@table @code
+@item x:stderr
+output goes to stderr
+@item x:syslog:name
+use syslog for the output and use the given name as the ident
+@item x:file:file_path
+output to a file, with the given filepath
+@item x:journald
+output to journald logging system
+@end table
+In all case the x prefix is the minimal level, acting as a filter
+@itemize @bullet
+2: INFO
+@end itemize
+Multiple outputs can be defined, they just need to be separated by spaces.
+Defaults to @samp{"3:stderr"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} integer audit-level
+Allows usage of the auditing subsystem to be altered
+@itemize @bullet
+0: disable all auditing
+1: enable auditing, only if enabled on host
+2: enable auditing, and exit if disabled on host.
+@end itemize
+Defaults to @samp{1}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} boolean audit-logging
+Send audit messages via libvirt logging infrastructure.
+Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} optional-string host-uuid
+Host UUID. UUID must not have all digits be the same.
+Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} string host-uuid-source
+Source to read host UUID.
+@itemize @bullet
+@code{smbios}: fetch the UUID from @code{dmidecode -s system-uuid}
+@code{machine-id}: fetch the UUID from @code{/etc/machine-id}
+@end itemize
+If @code{dmidecode} does not provide a valid UUID a temporary UUID will be
+Defaults to @samp{"smbios"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} integer keepalive-interval
+A keepalive message is sent to a client after @code{keepalive_interval}
+seconds of inactivity to check if the client is still responding. If set to
+-1, libvirtd will never send keepalive requests; however clients can still
+send them and the daemon will send responses.
+Defaults to @samp{5}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} integer keepalive-count
+Maximum number of keepalive messages that are allowed to be sent to the
+client without getting any response before the connection is considered
+In other words, the connection is automatically closed approximately after
+@code{keepalive_interval * (keepalive_count + 1)} seconds since the last
+message received from the client. When @code{keepalive-count} is set to 0,
+connections will be automatically closed after @code{keepalive-interval}
+seconds of inactivity without sending any keepalive messages.
+Defaults to @samp{5}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} integer admin-keepalive-interval
+Same as above but for admin interface.
+Defaults to @samp{5}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} integer admin-keepalive-count
+Same as above but for admin interface.
+Defaults to @samp{5}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} integer ovs-timeout
+Timeout for Open vSwitch calls.
+The @code{ovs-vsctl} utility is used for the configuration and its timeout
+option is set by default to 5 seconds to avoid potential infinite waits
+blocking libvirt.
+Defaults to @samp{5}.
+@end deftypevr
+@c %end of autogenerated docs
+@subsubheading Virtlog daemon
+The virtlogd service is a server side daemon component of libvirt that is
+used to manage logs from virtual machine consoles.
+This daemon is not used directly by libvirt client applications, rather it
+is called on their behalf by @code{libvirtd}. By maintaining the logs in a
+standalone daemon, the main @code{libvirtd} daemon can be restarted without
+risk of losing logs. The @code{virtlogd} daemon has the ability to re-exec()
+itself upon receiving @code{SIGUSR1}, to allow live upgrades without
+@deffn {Scheme Variable} virtlog-service-type
+This is the type of the virtlog daemon. Its value must be a
+(service virtlog-service-type
+ (virtlog-configuration
+ (max-clients 1000)))
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deftypevr {@code{virtlog-configuration} parameter} integer log-level
+Logging level. 4 errors, 3 warnings, 2 information, 1 debug.
+Defaults to @samp{3}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{virtlog-configuration} parameter} string log-filters
+Logging filters.
+A filter allows to select a different logging level for a given category of
+logs The format for a filter is one of:
+@itemize @bullet
+@end itemize
+where @code{name} is a string which is matched against the category given in
+the @code{VIR_LOG_INIT()} at the top of each libvirt source file, e.g.,
+"remote", "qemu", or "util.json" (the name in the filter can be a substring
+of the full category name, in order to match multiple similar categories),
+the optional "+" prefix tells libvirt to log stack trace for each message
+matching name, and @code{x} is the minimal level where matching messages
+should be logged:
+@itemize @bullet
+2: INFO
+@end itemize
+Multiple filters can be defined in a single filters statement, they just
+need to be separated by spaces.
+Defaults to @samp{"3:remote 4:event"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{virtlog-configuration} parameter} string log-outputs
+Logging outputs.
+An output is one of the places to save logging information The format for an
+output can be:
+@table @code
+@item x:stderr
+output goes to stderr
+@item x:syslog:name
+use syslog for the output and use the given name as the ident
+@item x:file:file_path
+output to a file, with the given filepath
+@item x:journald
+output to journald logging system
+@end table
+In all case the x prefix is the minimal level, acting as a filter
+@itemize @bullet
+2: INFO
+@end itemize
+Multiple outputs can be defined, they just need to be separated by spaces.
+Defaults to @samp{"3:stderr"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{virtlog-configuration} parameter} integer max-clients
+Maximum number of concurrent client connections to allow over all sockets
+Defaults to @samp{1024}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{virtlog-configuration} parameter} integer max-size
+Maximum file size before rolling over.
+Defaults to @samp{2MB}
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{virtlog-configuration} parameter} integer max-backups
+Maximum number of backup files to keep.
+Defaults to @samp{3}
+@end deftypevr
+@subsubheading Transparent Emulation with QEMU
+@cindex emulation
+@cindex @code{binfmt_misc}
+@code{qemu-binfmt-service-type} provides support for transparent emulation
+of program binaries built for different architectures---e.g., it allows you
+to transparently execute an ARMv7 program on an x86_64 machine. It achieves
+this by combining the @uref{https://www.qemu.org, QEMU} emulator and the
+@code{binfmt_misc} feature of the kernel Linux.
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} qemu-binfmt-service-type
+This is the type of the QEMU/binfmt service for transparent emulation. Its
+value must be a @code{qemu-binfmt-configuration} object, which specifies the
+QEMU package to use as well as the architecture we want to emulated:
+(service qemu-binfmt-service-type
+ (qemu-binfmt-configuration
+ (platforms (lookup-qemu-platforms "arm" "aarch64" "ppc"))))
+@end example
+In this example, we enable transparent emulation for the ARM and aarch64
+platforms. Running @code{herd stop qemu-binfmt} turns it off, and running
+@code{herd start qemu-binfmt} turns it back on (@pxref{Invoking herd, the
+@command{herd} command,, shepherd, The GNU Shepherd Manual}).
+@end defvr
+@deftp {Data Type} qemu-binfmt-configuration
+This is the configuration for the @code{qemu-binfmt} service.
+@table @asis
+@item @code{platforms} (default: @code{'()})
+The list of emulated QEMU platforms. Each item must be a @dfn{platform
+object} as returned by @code{lookup-qemu-platforms} (see below).
+@item @code{guix-support?} (default: @code{#f})
+When it is true, QEMU and all its dependencies are added to the build
+environment of @command{guix-daemon} (@pxref{Aufruf des guix-daemon,
+@code{--chroot-directory} option}). This allows the @code{binfmt_misc}
+handlers to be used within the build environment, which in turn means that
+you can transparently build programs for another architecture.
+For example, let's suppose you're on an x86_64 machine and you have this
+(service qemu-binfmt-service-type
+ (qemu-binfmt-configuration
+ (platforms (lookup-qemu-platforms "arm"))
+ (guix-support? #t)))
+@end example
+You can run:
+guix build -s armhf-linux inkscape
+@end example
+and it will build Inkscape for ARMv7 @emph{as if it were a native build},
+transparently using QEMU to emulate the ARMv7 CPU. Pretty handy if you'd
+like to test a package build for an architecture you don't have access to!
+@item @code{qemu} (default: @code{qemu})
+The QEMU package to use.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} lookup-qemu-platforms @var{platforms}@dots{}
+Return the list of QEMU platform objects corresponding to
+@var{platforms}@dots{}. @var{platforms} must be a list of strings
+corresponding to platform names, such as @code{"arm"}, @code{"sparc"},
+@code{"mips64el"}, and so on.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} qemu-platform? @var{obj}
+Return true if @var{obj} is a platform object.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} qemu-platform-name @var{platform}
+Return the name of @var{platform}---a string such as @code{"arm"}.
+@end deffn
+@node Versionskontrolldienste
+@subsubsection Versionskontrolldienste
+The @code{(gnu services version-control)} module provides a service to allow
+remote access to local Git repositories. There are three options: the
+@code{git-daemon-service}, which provides access to repositories via the
+@code{git://} unsecured TCP-based protocol, extending the @code{nginx} web
+server to proxy some requests to @code{git-http-backend}, or providing a web
+interface with @code{cgit-service-type}.
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} git-daemon-service [#:config (git-daemon-configuration)]
+Return a service that runs @command{git daemon}, a simple TCP server to
+expose repositories over the Git protocol for anonymous access.
+The optional @var{config} argument should be a
+@code{<git-daemon-configuration>} object, by default it allows read-only
+access to exported@footnote{By creating the magic file
+"git-daemon-export-ok" in the repository directory.} repositories under
+@end deffn
+@deftp {Data Type} git-daemon-configuration
+Data type representing the configuration for @code{git-daemon-service}.
+@table @asis
+@item @code{package} (default: @var{git})
+Package object of the Git distributed version control system.
+@item @code{export-all?} (default: @var{#f})
+Whether to allow access for all Git repositories, even if they do not have
+the @file{git-daemon-export-ok} file.
+@item @code{base-path} (default: @file{/srv/git})
+Whether to remap all the path requests as relative to the given path. If
+you run git daemon with @var{(base-path "/srv/git")} on example.com, then if
+you later try to pull @code{git://example.com/hello.git}, git daemon will
+interpret the path as @code{/srv/git/hello.git}.
+@item @code{user-path} (default: @var{#f})
+Whether to allow @code{~user} notation to be used in requests. When
+specified with empty string, requests to @code{git://host/~alice/foo} is
+taken as a request to access @code{foo} repository in the home directory of
+user @code{alice}. If @var{(user-path "path")} is specified, the same
+request is taken as a request to access @code{path/foo} repository in the
+home directory of user @code{alice}.
+@item @code{listen} (default: @var{'()})
+Whether to listen on specific IP addresses or hostnames, defaults to all.
+@item @code{port} (default: @var{#f})
+Whether to listen on an alternative port, which defaults to 9418.
+@item @code{whitelist} (default: @var{'()})
+If not empty, only allow access to this list of directories.
+@item @code{extra-options} (default: @var{'()})
+Extra options will be passed to @code{git daemon}, please run @command{man
+git-daemon} for more information.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+The @code{git://} protocol lacks authentication. When you pull from a
+repository fetched via @code{git://}, you don't know that the data you
+receive was modified is really coming from the specified host, and you have
+your connection is subject to eavesdropping. It's better to use an
+authenticated and encrypted transport, such as @code{https}. Although Git
+allows you to serve repositories using unsophisticated file-based web
+servers, there is a faster protocol implemented by the
+@code{git-http-backend} program. This program is the back-end of a proper
+Git web service. It is designed to sit behind a FastCGI proxy. @xref{Web-Dienste}, for more on running the necessary @code{fcgiwrap} daemon.
+Guix has a separate configuration data type for serving Git repositories
+over HTTP.
+@deftp {Data Type} git-http-configuration
+Data type representing the configuration for @code{git-http-service}.
+@table @asis
+@item @code{package} (default: @var{git})
+Package object of the Git distributed version control system.
+@item @code{git-root} (default: @file{/srv/git})
+Directory containing the Git repositories to expose to the world.
+@item @code{export-all?} (default: @var{#f})
+Whether to expose access for all Git repositories in @var{git-root}, even if
+they do not have the @file{git-daemon-export-ok} file.
+@item @code{uri-path} (default: @file{/git/})
+Path prefix for Git access. With the default @code{/git/} prefix, this will
+map @code{http://@var{server}/git/@var{repo}.git} to
+@code{/srv/git/@var{repo}.git}. Requests whose URI paths do not begin with
+this prefix are not passed on to this Git instance.
+@item @code{fcgiwrap-socket} (default: @code{})
+The socket on which the @code{fcgiwrap} daemon is listening. @xref{Web-Dienste}.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+There is no @code{git-http-service-type}, currently; instead you can create
+an @code{nginx-location-configuration} from a @code{git-http-configuration}
+and then add that location to a web server.
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} git-http-nginx-location-configuration @
+ [config=(git-http-configuration)] Compute an
+@code{nginx-location-configuration} that corresponds to the given Git http
+configuration. An example nginx service definition to serve the default
+@file{/srv/git} over HTTPS might be:
+(service nginx-service-type
+ (nginx-configuration
+ (server-blocks
+ (list
+ (nginx-server-configuration
+ (listen '("443 ssl"))
+ (server-name "git.my-host.org")
+ (ssl-certificate
+ "/etc/letsencrypt/live/git.my-host.org/fullchain.pem")
+ (ssl-certificate-key
+ "/etc/letsencrypt/live/git.my-host.org/privkey.pem")
+ (locations
+ (list
+ (git-http-nginx-location-configuration
+ (git-http-configuration (uri-path "/"))))))))))
+@end example
+This example assumes that you are using Let's Encrypt to get your TLS
+certificate. @xref{Zertifikatsdienste}. The default @code{certbot}
+service will redirect all HTTP traffic on @code{git.my-host.org} to HTTPS.
+You will also need to add an @code{fcgiwrap} proxy to your system services.
+@end deffn
+@subsubheading Cgit Service
+@cindex Cgit service
+@cindex Git, web interface
+@uref{https://git.zx2c4.com/cgit/, Cgit} is a web frontend for Git
+repositories written in C.
+The following example will configure the service with default values. By
+default, Cgit can be accessed on port 80 (@code{http://localhost:80}).
+(service cgit-service-type)
+@end example
+The @code{file-object} type designates either a file-like object
+(@pxref{G-Ausdrücke, file-like objects}) or a string.
+@c %start of fragment
+Available @code{cgit-configuration} fields are:
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} package package
+The CGIT package.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} nginx-server-configuration-list nginx
+NGINX configuration.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} file-object about-filter
+Specifies a command which will be invoked to format the content of about
+pages (both top-level and for each repository).
+Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} string agefile
+Specifies a path, relative to each repository path, which can be used to
+specify the date and time of the youngest commit in the repository.
+Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} file-object auth-filter
+Specifies a command that will be invoked for authenticating repository
+Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} string branch-sort
+Flag which, when set to @samp{age}, enables date ordering in the branch ref
+list, and when set @samp{name} enables ordering by branch name.
+Defaults to @samp{"name"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} string cache-root
+Path used to store the cgit cache entries.
+Defaults to @samp{"/var/cache/cgit"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} integer cache-static-ttl
+Number which specifies the time-to-live, in minutes, for the cached version
+of repository pages accessed with a fixed SHA1.
+Defaults to @samp{-1}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} integer cache-dynamic-ttl
+Number which specifies the time-to-live, in minutes, for the cached version
+of repository pages accessed without a fixed SHA1.
+Defaults to @samp{5}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} integer cache-repo-ttl
+Number which specifies the time-to-live, in minutes, for the cached version
+of the repository summary page.
+Defaults to @samp{5}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} integer cache-root-ttl
+Number which specifies the time-to-live, in minutes, for the cached version
+of the repository index page.
+Defaults to @samp{5}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} integer cache-scanrc-ttl
+Number which specifies the time-to-live, in minutes, for the result of
+scanning a path for Git repositories.
+Defaults to @samp{15}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} integer cache-about-ttl
+Number which specifies the time-to-live, in minutes, for the cached version
+of the repository about page.
+Defaults to @samp{15}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} integer cache-snapshot-ttl
+Number which specifies the time-to-live, in minutes, for the cached version
+of snapshots.
+Defaults to @samp{5}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} integer cache-size
+The maximum number of entries in the cgit cache. When set to @samp{0},
+caching is disabled.
+Defaults to @samp{0}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} boolean case-sensitive-sort?
+Sort items in the repo list case sensitively.
+Defaults to @samp{#t}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} list clone-prefix
+List of common prefixes which, when combined with a repository URL,
+generates valid clone URLs for the repository.
+Defaults to @samp{()}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} list clone-url
+List of @code{clone-url} templates.
+Defaults to @samp{()}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} file-object commit-filter
+Command which will be invoked to format commit messages.
+Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} string commit-sort
+Flag which, when set to @samp{date}, enables strict date ordering in the
+commit log, and when set to @samp{topo} enables strict topological ordering.
+Defaults to @samp{"git log"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} file-object css
+URL which specifies the css document to include in all cgit pages.
+Defaults to @samp{"/share/cgit/cgit.css"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} file-object email-filter
+Specifies a command which will be invoked to format names and email address
+of committers, authors, and taggers, as represented in various places
+throughout the cgit interface.
+Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} boolean embedded?
+Flag which, when set to @samp{#t}, will make cgit generate a HTML fragment
+suitable for embedding in other HTML pages.
+Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} boolean enable-commit-graph?
+Flag which, when set to @samp{#t}, will make cgit print an ASCII-art commit
+history graph to the left of the commit messages in the repository log page.
+Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} boolean enable-filter-overrides?
+Flag which, when set to @samp{#t}, allows all filter settings to be
+overridden in repository-specific cgitrc files.
+Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} boolean enable-follow-links?
+Flag which, when set to @samp{#t}, allows users to follow a file in the log
+Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} boolean enable-http-clone?
+If set to @samp{#t}, cgit will act as an dumb HTTP endpoint for Git clones.
+Defaults to @samp{#t}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} boolean enable-index-links?
+Flag which, when set to @samp{#t}, will make cgit generate extra links
+"summary", "commit", "tree" for each repo in the repository index.
+Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} boolean enable-index-owner?
+Flag which, when set to @samp{#t}, will make cgit display the owner of each
+repo in the repository index.
+Defaults to @samp{#t}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} boolean enable-log-filecount?
+Flag which, when set to @samp{#t}, will make cgit print the number of
+modified files for each commit on the repository log page.
+Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} boolean enable-log-linecount?
+Flag which, when set to @samp{#t}, will make cgit print the number of added
+and removed lines for each commit on the repository log page.
+Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} boolean enable-remote-branches?
+Flag which, when set to @code{#t}, will make cgit display remote branches in
+the summary and refs views.
+Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} boolean enable-subject-links?
+Flag which, when set to @code{1}, will make cgit use the subject of the
+parent commit as link text when generating links to parent commits in commit
+Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} boolean enable-html-serving?
+Flag which, when set to @samp{#t}, will make cgit use the subject of the
+parent commit as link text when generating links to parent commits in commit
+Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} boolean enable-tree-linenumbers?
+Flag which, when set to @samp{#t}, will make cgit generate linenumber links
+for plaintext blobs printed in the tree view.
+Defaults to @samp{#t}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} boolean enable-git-config?
+Flag which, when set to @samp{#f}, will allow cgit to use Git config to set
+any repo specific settings.
+Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} file-object favicon
+URL used as link to a shortcut icon for cgit.
+Defaults to @samp{"/favicon.ico"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} string footer
+The content of the file specified with this option will be included verbatim
+at the bottom of all pages (i.e.@: it replaces the standard "generated
+by..."@: message).
+Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} string head-include
+The content of the file specified with this option will be included verbatim
+in the HTML HEAD section on all pages.
+Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} string header
+The content of the file specified with this option will be included verbatim
+at the top of all pages.
+Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} file-object include
+Name of a configfile to include before the rest of the current config- file
+is parsed.
+Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} string index-header
+The content of the file specified with this option will be included verbatim
+above the repository index.
+Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} string index-info
+The content of the file specified with this option will be included verbatim
+below the heading on the repository index page.
+Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} boolean local-time?
+Flag which, if set to @samp{#t}, makes cgit print commit and tag times in
+the servers timezone.
+Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} file-object logo
+URL which specifies the source of an image which will be used as a logo on
+all cgit pages.
+Defaults to @samp{"/share/cgit/cgit.png"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} string logo-link
+URL loaded when clicking on the cgit logo image.
+Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} file-object owner-filter
+Command which will be invoked to format the Owner column of the main page.
+Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} integer max-atom-items
+Number of items to display in atom feeds view.
+Defaults to @samp{10}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} integer max-commit-count
+Number of entries to list per page in "log" view.
+Defaults to @samp{50}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} integer max-message-length
+Number of commit message characters to display in "log" view.
+Defaults to @samp{80}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} integer max-repo-count
+Specifies the number of entries to list per page on the repository index
+Defaults to @samp{50}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} integer max-repodesc-length
+Specifies the maximum number of repo description characters to display on
+the repository index page.
+Defaults to @samp{80}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} integer max-blob-size
+Specifies the maximum size of a blob to display HTML for in KBytes.
+Defaults to @samp{0}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} string max-stats
+Maximum statistics period. Valid values are @samp{week},@samp{month},
+@samp{quarter} and @samp{year}.
+Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} mimetype-alist mimetype
+Mimetype for the specified filename extension.
+Defaults to @samp{((gif "image/gif") (html "text/html") (jpg "image/jpeg")
+(jpeg "image/jpeg") (pdf "application/pdf") (png "image/png") (svg
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} file-object mimetype-file
+Specifies the file to use for automatic mimetype lookup.
+Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} string module-link
+Text which will be used as the formatstring for a hyperlink when a submodule
+is printed in a directory listing.
+Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} boolean nocache?
+If set to the value @samp{#t} caching will be disabled.
+Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} boolean noplainemail?
+If set to @samp{#t} showing full author email addresses will be disabled.
+Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} boolean noheader?
+Flag which, when set to @samp{#t}, will make cgit omit the standard header
+on all pages.
+Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} project-list project-list
+A list of subdirectories inside of @code{repository-directory}, relative to
+it, that should loaded as Git repositories. An empty list means that all
+subdirectories will be loaded.
+Defaults to @samp{()}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} file-object readme
+Text which will be used as default value for @code{cgit-repo-readme}.
+Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} boolean remove-suffix?
+If set to @code{#t} and @code{repository-directory} is enabled, if any
+repositories are found with a suffix of @code{.git}, this suffix will be
+removed for the URL and name.
+Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} integer renamelimit
+Maximum number of files to consider when detecting renames.
+Defaults to @samp{-1}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} string repository-sort
+The way in which repositories in each section are sorted.
+Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} robots-list robots
+Text used as content for the @code{robots} meta-tag.
+Defaults to @samp{("noindex" "nofollow")}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} string root-desc
+Text printed below the heading on the repository index page.
+Defaults to @samp{"a fast webinterface for the git dscm"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} string root-readme
+The content of the file specified with this option will be included verbatim
+below thef "about" link on the repository index page.
+Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} string root-title
+Text printed as heading on the repository index page.
+Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} boolean scan-hidden-path
+If set to @samp{#t} and repository-directory is enabled,
+repository-directory will recurse into directories whose name starts with a
+period. Otherwise, repository-directory will stay away from such
+directories, considered as "hidden". Note that this does not apply to the
+".git" directory in non-bare repos.
+Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} list snapshots
+Text which specifies the default set of snapshot formats that cgit generates
+links for.
+Defaults to @samp{()}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} repository-directory repository-directory
+Name of the directory to scan for repositories (represents
+Defaults to @samp{"/srv/git"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} string section
+The name of the current repository section - all repositories defined after
+this option will inherit the current section name.
+Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} string section-sort
+Flag which, when set to @samp{1}, will sort the sections on the repository
+listing by name.
+Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} integer section-from-path
+A number which, if defined prior to repository-directory, specifies how many
+path elements from each repo path to use as a default section name.
+Defaults to @samp{0}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} boolean side-by-side-diffs?
+If set to @samp{#t} shows side-by-side diffs instead of unidiffs per
+Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} file-object source-filter
+Specifies a command which will be invoked to format plaintext blobs in the
+tree view.
+Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} integer summary-branches
+Specifies the number of branches to display in the repository "summary"
+Defaults to @samp{10}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} integer summary-log
+Specifies the number of log entries to display in the repository "summary"
+Defaults to @samp{10}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} integer summary-tags
+Specifies the number of tags to display in the repository "summary" view.
+Defaults to @samp{10}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} string strict-export
+Filename which, if specified, needs to be present within the repository for
+cgit to allow access to that repository.
+Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} string virtual-root
+URL which, if specified, will be used as root for all cgit links.
+Defaults to @samp{"/"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} repository-cgit-configuration-list repositories
+A list of @dfn{cgit-repo} records to use with config.
+Defaults to @samp{()}.
+Available @code{repository-cgit-configuration} fields are:
+@deftypevr {@code{repository-cgit-configuration} parameter} repo-list snapshots
+A mask of snapshot formats for this repo that cgit generates links for,
+restricted by the global @code{snapshots} setting.
+Defaults to @samp{()}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{repository-cgit-configuration} parameter} repo-file-object source-filter
+Override the default @code{source-filter}.
+Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{repository-cgit-configuration} parameter} repo-string url
+The relative URL used to access the repository.
+Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{repository-cgit-configuration} parameter} repo-file-object about-filter
+Override the default @code{about-filter}.
+Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{repository-cgit-configuration} parameter} repo-string branch-sort
+Flag which, when set to @samp{age}, enables date ordering in the branch ref
+list, and when set to @samp{name} enables ordering by branch name.
+Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{repository-cgit-configuration} parameter} repo-list clone-url
+A list of URLs which can be used to clone repo.
+Defaults to @samp{()}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{repository-cgit-configuration} parameter} repo-file-object commit-filter
+Override the default @code{commit-filter}.
+Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{repository-cgit-configuration} parameter} repo-string commit-sort
+Flag which, when set to @samp{date}, enables strict date ordering in the
+commit log, and when set to @samp{topo} enables strict topological ordering.
+Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{repository-cgit-configuration} parameter} repo-string defbranch
+The name of the default branch for this repository. If no such branch
+exists in the repository, the first branch name (when sorted) is used as
+default instead. By default branch pointed to by HEAD, or "master" if there
+is no suitable HEAD.
+Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{repository-cgit-configuration} parameter} repo-string desc
+The value to show as repository description.
+Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{repository-cgit-configuration} parameter} repo-string homepage
+The value to show as repository homepage.
+Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{repository-cgit-configuration} parameter} repo-file-object email-filter
+Override the default @code{email-filter}.
+Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{repository-cgit-configuration} parameter} maybe-repo-boolean enable-commit-graph?
+A flag which can be used to disable the global setting
+Defaults to @samp{disabled}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{repository-cgit-configuration} parameter} maybe-repo-boolean enable-log-filecount?
+A flag which can be used to disable the global setting
+Defaults to @samp{disabled}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{repository-cgit-configuration} parameter} maybe-repo-boolean enable-log-linecount?
+A flag which can be used to disable the global setting
+Defaults to @samp{disabled}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{repository-cgit-configuration} parameter} maybe-repo-boolean enable-remote-branches?
+Flag which, when set to @code{#t}, will make cgit display remote branches in
+the summary and refs views.
+Defaults to @samp{disabled}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{repository-cgit-configuration} parameter} maybe-repo-boolean enable-subject-links?
+A flag which can be used to override the global setting
+Defaults to @samp{disabled}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{repository-cgit-configuration} parameter} maybe-repo-boolean enable-html-serving?
+A flag which can be used to override the global setting
+Defaults to @samp{disabled}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{repository-cgit-configuration} parameter} repo-boolean hide?
+Flag which, when set to @code{#t}, hides the repository from the repository
+Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{repository-cgit-configuration} parameter} repo-boolean ignore?
+Flag which, when set to @samp{#t}, ignores the repository.
+Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{repository-cgit-configuration} parameter} repo-file-object logo
+URL which specifies the source of an image which will be used as a logo on
+this repo’s pages.
+Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{repository-cgit-configuration} parameter} repo-string logo-link
+URL loaded when clicking on the cgit logo image.
+Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{repository-cgit-configuration} parameter} repo-file-object owner-filter
+Override the default @code{owner-filter}.
+Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{repository-cgit-configuration} parameter} repo-string module-link
+Text which will be used as the formatstring for a hyperlink when a submodule
+is printed in a directory listing. The arguments for the formatstring are
+the path and SHA1 of the submodule commit.
+Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{repository-cgit-configuration} parameter} module-link-path module-link-path
+Text which will be used as the formatstring for a hyperlink when a submodule
+with the specified subdirectory path is printed in a directory listing.
+Defaults to @samp{()}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{repository-cgit-configuration} parameter} repo-string max-stats
+Override the default maximum statistics period.
+Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{repository-cgit-configuration} parameter} repo-string name
+The value to show as repository name.
+Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{repository-cgit-configuration} parameter} repo-string owner
+A value used to identify the owner of the repository.
+Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{repository-cgit-configuration} parameter} repo-string path
+An absolute path to the repository directory.
+Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{repository-cgit-configuration} parameter} repo-string readme
+A path (relative to repo) which specifies a file to include verbatim as the
+"About" page for this repo.
+Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{repository-cgit-configuration} parameter} repo-string section
+The name of the current repository section - all repositories defined after
+this option will inherit the current section name.
+Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{repository-cgit-configuration} parameter} repo-list extra-options
+Extra options will be appended to cgitrc file.
+Defaults to @samp{()}.
+@end deftypevr
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} list extra-options
+Extra options will be appended to cgitrc file.
+Defaults to @samp{()}.
+@end deftypevr
+@c %end of fragment
+However, it could be that you just want to get a @code{cgitrc} up and
+running. In that case, you can pass an @code{opaque-cgit-configuration} as
+a record to @code{cgit-service-type}. As its name indicates, an opaque
+configuration does not have easy reflective capabilities.
+Available @code{opaque-cgit-configuration} fields are:
+@deftypevr {@code{opaque-cgit-configuration} parameter} package cgit
+The cgit package.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{opaque-cgit-configuration} parameter} string string
+The contents of the @code{cgitrc}, as a string.
+@end deftypevr
+For example, if your @code{cgitrc} is just the empty string, you could
+instantiate a cgit service like this:
+(service cgit-service-type
+ (opaque-cgit-configuration
+ (cgitrc "")))
+@end example
+@subsubheading Gitolite Service
+@cindex Gitolite service
+@cindex Git, hosting
+@uref{http://gitolite.com/gitolite/, Gitolite} is a tool for hosting Git
+repositories on a central server.
+Gitolite can handle multiple repositories and users, and supports flexible
+configuration of the permissions for the users on the repositories.
+The following example will configure Gitolite using the default @code{git}
+user, and the provided SSH public key.
+(service gitolite-service-type
+ (gitolite-configuration
+ (admin-pubkey (plain-file
+ "yourname.pub"
+ "ssh-rsa AAAA... guix@@example.com"))))
+@end example
+Gitolite is configured through a special admin repository which you can
+clone, for example, if you setup Gitolite on @code{example.com}, you would
+run the following command to clone the admin repository.
+git clone git@@example.com:gitolite-admin
+@end example
+When the Gitolite service is activated, the provided @code{admin-pubkey}
+will be inserted in to the @file{keydir} directory in the gitolite-admin
+repository. If this results in a change in the repository, it will be
+committed using the message ``gitolite setup by GNU Guix''.
+@deftp {Data Type} gitolite-configuration
+Data type representing the configuration for @code{gitolite-service-type}.
+@table @asis
+@item @code{package} (default: @var{gitolite})
+Gitolite package to use.
+@item @code{user} (default: @var{git})
+User to use for Gitolite. This will be user that you use when accessing
+Gitolite over SSH.
+@item @code{group} (default: @var{git})
+Group to use for Gitolite.
+@item @code{home-directory} (default: @var{"/var/lib/gitolite"})
+Directory in which to store the Gitolite configuration and repositories.
+@item @code{rc-file} (default: @var{(gitolite-rc-file)})
+A ``file-like'' object (@pxref{G-Ausdrücke, file-like objects}),
+representing the configuration for Gitolite.
+@item @code{admin-pubkey} (default: @var{#f})
+A ``file-like'' object (@pxref{G-Ausdrücke, file-like objects}) used to
+setup Gitolite. This will be inserted in to the @file{keydir} directory
+within the gitolite-admin repository.
+To specify the SSH key as a string, use the @code{plain-file} function.
+(plain-file "yourname.pub" "ssh-rsa AAAA... guix@@example.com")
+@end example
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@deftp {Data Type} gitolite-rc-file
+Data type representing the Gitolite RC file.
+@table @asis
+@item @code{umask} (default: @code{#o0077})
+This controls the permissions Gitolite sets on the repositories and their
+A value like @code{#o0027} will give read access to the group used by
+Gitolite (by default: @code{git}). This is necessary when using Gitolite
+with software like cgit or gitweb.
+@item @code{git-config-keys} (default: @code{""})
+Gitolite allows you to set git config values using the "config"
+keyword. This setting allows control over the config keys to accept.
+@item @code{roles} (default: @code{'(("READERS" . 1) ("WRITERS" . ))})
+Set the role names allowed to be used by users running the perms command.
+@item @code{enable} (default: @code{'("help" "desc" "info" "perms" "writable" "ssh-authkeys" "git-config" "daemon" "gitweb")})
+This setting controls the commands and features to enable within Gitolite.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@node Spieldienste
+@subsubsection Spieldienste
+@subsubheading The Battle for Wesnoth Service
+@cindex wesnothd
+@uref{https://wesnoth.org, The Battle for Wesnoth} is a fantasy, turn based
+tactical strategy game, with several single player campaigns, and
+multiplayer games (both networked and local).
+@defvar {Scheme Variable} wesnothd-service-type
+Service type for the wesnothd service. Its value must be a
+@code{wesnothd-configuration} object. To run wesnothd in the default
+configuration, instantiate it as:
+(service wesnothd-service-type)
+@end example
+@end defvar
+@deftp {Data Type} wesnothd-configuration
+Data type representing the configuration of @command{wesnothd}.
+@table @asis
+@item @code{package} (default: @code{wesnoth-server})
+The wesnoth server package to use.
+@item @code{port} (default: @code{15000})
+The port to bind the server to.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@node Verschiedene Dienste
+@subsubsection Verschiedene Dienste
+@cindex fingerprint
+@subsubheading Fingerprint Service
+The @code{(gnu services fingerprint)} module provides a DBus service to read
+and identify fingerprints via a fingerprint sensor.
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} fprintd-service-type
+The service type for @command{fprintd}, which provides the fingerprint
+reading capability.
+(service fprintd-service-type)
+@end example
+@end defvr
+@cindex sysctl
+@subsubheading System Control Service
+The @code{(gnu services sysctl)} provides a service to configure kernel
+parameters at boot.
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} sysctl-service-type
+The service type for @command{sysctl}, which modifies kernel parameters
+under @file{/proc/sys/}. To enable IPv4 forwarding, it can be instantiated
+(service sysctl-service-type
+ (sysctl-configuration
+ (settings '(("net.ipv4.ip_forward" . "1")))))
+@end example
+@end defvr
+@deftp {Data Type} sysctl-configuration
+The data type representing the configuration of @command{sysctl}.
+@table @asis
+@item @code{sysctl} (default: @code{(file-append procps "/sbin/sysctl"})
+The @command{sysctl} executable to use.
+@item @code{settings} (default: @code{'()})
+An association list specifies kernel parameters and their values.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@cindex pcscd
+@subsubheading PC/SC Smart Card Daemon Service
+The @code{(gnu services security-token)} module provides the following
+service to run @command{pcscd}, the PC/SC Smart Card Daemon.
+@command{pcscd} is the daemon program for pcsc-lite and the MuscleCard
+framework. It is a resource manager that coordinates communications with
+smart card readers, smart cards and cryptographic tokens that are connected
+to the system.
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} pcscd-service-type
+Service type for the @command{pcscd} service. Its value must be a
+@code{pcscd-configuration} object. To run pcscd in the default
+configuration, instantiate it as:
+(service pcscd-service-type)
+@end example
+@end defvr
+@deftp {Data Type} pcscd-configuration
+The data type representing the configuration of @command{pcscd}.
+@table @asis
+@item @code{pcsc-lite} (default: @code{pcsc-lite})
+The pcsc-lite package that provides pcscd.
+@item @code{usb-drivers} (default: @code{(list ccid)})
+List of packages that provide USB drivers to pcscd. Drivers are expected to
+be under @file{pcsc/drivers} in the store directory of the package.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@cindex lirc
+@subsubheading Lirc Service
+The @code{(gnu services lirc)} module provides the following service.
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} lirc-service [#:lirc lirc] @
+ [#:device #f] [#:driver #f] [#:config-file #f] @ [#:extra-options '()]
+Return a service that runs @url{http://www.lirc.org,LIRC}, a daemon that
+decodes infrared signals from remote controls.
+Optionally, @var{device}, @var{driver} and @var{config-file} (configuration
+file name) may be specified. See @command{lircd} manual for details.
+Finally, @var{extra-options} is a list of additional command-line options
+passed to @command{lircd}.
+@end deffn
+@cindex spice
+@subsubheading Spice Service
+The @code{(gnu services spice)} module provides the following service.
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} spice-vdagent-service [#:spice-vdagent]
+Returns a service that runs @url{http://www.spice-space.org,VDAGENT}, a
+daemon that enables sharing the clipboard with a vm and setting the guest
+display resolution when the graphical console window resizes.
+@end deffn
+@subsubsection Dictionary Services
+@cindex dictionary
+The @code{(gnu services dict)} module provides the following service:
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} dicod-service [#:config (dicod-configuration)]
+Return a service that runs the @command{dicod} daemon, an implementation of
+DICT server (@pxref{Dicod,,, dico, GNU Dico Manual}).
+The optional @var{config} argument specifies the configuration for
+@command{dicod}, which should be a @code{<dicod-configuration>} object, by
+default it serves the GNU Collaborative International Dictonary of English.
+You can add @command{open localhost} to your @file{~/.dico} file to make
+@code{localhost} the default server for @command{dico} client
+(@pxref{Initialization File,,, dico, GNU Dico Manual}).
+@end deffn
+@deftp {Data Type} dicod-configuration
+Data type representing the configuration of dicod.
+@table @asis
+@item @code{dico} (default: @var{dico})
+Package object of the GNU Dico dictionary server.
+@item @code{interfaces} (default: @var{'("localhost")})
+This is the list of IP addresses and ports and possibly socket file names to
+listen to (@pxref{Server Settings, @code{listen} directive,, dico, GNU Dico
+@item @code{handlers} (default: @var{'()})
+List of @code{<dicod-handler>} objects denoting handlers (module instances).
+@item @code{databases} (default: @var{(list %dicod-database:gcide)})
+List of @code{<dicod-database>} objects denoting dictionaries to be served.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@deftp {Data Type} dicod-handler
+Data type representing a dictionary handler (module instance).
+@table @asis
+@item @code{name}
+Name of the handler (module instance).
+@item @code{module} (default: @var{#f})
+Name of the dicod module of the handler (instance). If it is @code{#f}, the
+module has the same name as the handler. (@pxref{Module,,, dico, GNU Dico
+@item @code{options}
+List of strings or gexps representing the arguments for the module handler
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@deftp {Data Type} dicod-database
+Data type representing a dictionary database.
+@table @asis
+@item @code{name}
+Name of the database, will be used in DICT commands.
+@item @code{handler}
+Name of the dicod handler (module instance) used by this database
+(@pxref{Handlers,,, dico, GNU Dico Manual}).
+@item @code{complex?} (default: @var{#f})
+Whether the database configuration complex. The complex configuration will
+need a corresponding @code{<dicod-handler>} object, otherwise not.
+@item @code{options}
+List of strings or gexps representing the arguments for the database
+(@pxref{Databases,,, dico, GNU Dico Manual}).
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} %dicod-database:gcide
+A @code{<dicod-database>} object serving the GNU Collaborative International
+Dictionary of English using the @code{gcide} package.
+@end defvr
+The following is an example @code{dicod-service} configuration.
+(dicod-service #:config
+ (dicod-configuration
+ (handlers (list (dicod-handler
+ (name "wordnet")
+ (module "dictorg")
+ (options
+ (list #~(string-append "dbdir=" #$wordnet))))))
+ (databases (list (dicod-database
+ (name "wordnet")
+ (complex? #t)
+ (handler "wordnet")
+ (options '("database=wn")))
+ %dicod-database:gcide))))
+@end example
+@node Setuid-Programme
+@subsection Setuid-Programme
+@cindex setuid programs
+Some programs need to run with ``root'' privileges, even when they are
+launched by unprivileged users. A notorious example is the @command{passwd}
+program, which users can run to change their password, and which needs to
+access the @file{/etc/passwd} and @file{/etc/shadow} files---something
+normally restricted to root, for obvious security reasons. To address that,
+these executables are @dfn{setuid-root}, meaning that they always run with
+root privileges (@pxref{How Change Persona,,, libc, The GNU C Library
+Reference Manual}, for more info about the setuid mechanism.)
+The store itself @emph{cannot} contain setuid programs: that would be a
+security issue since any user on the system can write derivations that
+populate the store (@pxref{Der Store}). Thus, a different mechanism is
+used: instead of changing the setuid bit directly on files that are in the
+store, we let the system administrator @emph{declare} which programs should
+be setuid root.
+The @code{setuid-programs} field of an @code{operating-system} declaration
+contains a list of G-expressions denoting the names of programs to be
+setuid-root (@pxref{Das Konfigurationssystem nutzen}). For instance, the
+@command{passwd} program, which is part of the Shadow package, can be
+designated by this G-expression (@pxref{G-Ausdrücke}):
+#~(string-append #$shadow "/bin/passwd")
+@end example
+A default set of setuid programs is defined by the @code{%setuid-programs}
+variable of the @code{(gnu system)} module.
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} %setuid-programs
+A list of G-expressions denoting common programs that are setuid-root.
+The list includes commands such as @command{passwd}, @command{ping},
+@command{su}, and @command{sudo}.
+@end defvr
+Under the hood, the actual setuid programs are created in the
+@file{/run/setuid-programs} directory at system activation time. The files
+in this directory refer to the ``real'' binaries, which are in the store.
+@node X.509-Zertifikate
+@subsection X.509-Zertifikate
+@cindex HTTPS, certificates
+@cindex X.509 certificates
+@cindex TLS
+Web servers available over HTTPS (that is, HTTP over the transport-layer
+security mechanism, TLS) send client programs an @dfn{X.509 certificate}
+that the client can then use to @emph{authenticate} the server. To do that,
+clients verify that the server's certificate is signed by a so-called
+@dfn{certificate authority} (CA). But to verify the CA's signature, clients
+must have first acquired the CA's certificate.
+Web browsers such as GNU@tie{}IceCat include their own set of CA
+certificates, such that they are able to verify CA signatures
+However, most other programs that can talk HTTPS---@command{wget},
+@command{git}, @command{w3m}, etc.---need to be told where CA certificates
+can be found.
+@cindex @code{nss-certs}
+In GuixSD, this is done by adding a package that provides certificates to
+the @code{packages} field of the @code{operating-system} declaration
+(@pxref{„operating-system“-Referenz}). GuixSD includes one such package,
+@code{nss-certs}, which is a set of CA certificates provided as part of
+Mozilla's Network Security Services.
+Note that it is @emph{not} part of @var{%base-packages}, so you need to
+explicitly add it. The @file{/etc/ssl/certs} directory, which is where most
+applications and libraries look for certificates by default, points to the
+certificates installed globally.
+Unprivileged users, including users of Guix on a foreign distro, can also
+install their own certificate package in their profile. A number of
+environment variables need to be defined so that applications and libraries
+know where to find them. Namely, the OpenSSL library honors the
+@code{SSL_CERT_DIR} and @code{SSL_CERT_FILE} variables. Some applications
+add their own environment variables; for instance, the Git version control
+system honors the certificate bundle pointed to by the @code{GIT_SSL_CAINFO}
+environment variable. Thus, you would typically run something like:
+$ guix package -i nss-certs
+$ export SSL_CERT_DIR="$HOME/.guix-profile/etc/ssl/certs"
+$ export SSL_CERT_FILE="$HOME/.guix-profile/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt"
+@end example
+As another example, R requires the @code{CURL_CA_BUNDLE} environment
+variable to point to a certificate bundle, so you would have to run
+something like this:
+$ guix package -i nss-certs
+$ export CURL_CA_BUNDLE="$HOME/.guix-profile/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt"
+@end example
+For other applications you may want to look up the required environment
+variable in the relevant documentation.
+@node Name Service Switch
+@subsection Name Service Switch
+@cindex name service switch
+@cindex NSS
+The @code{(gnu system nss)} module provides bindings to the configuration
+file of the libc @dfn{name service switch} or @dfn{NSS} (@pxref{NSS
+Configuration File,,, libc, The GNU C Library Reference Manual}). In a
+nutshell, the NSS is a mechanism that allows libc to be extended with new
+``name'' lookup methods for system databases, which includes host names,
+service names, user accounts, and more (@pxref{Name Service Switch, System
+Databases and Name Service Switch,, libc, The GNU C Library Reference
+The NSS configuration specifies, for each system database, which lookup
+method is to be used, and how the various methods are chained together---for
+instance, under which circumstances NSS should try the next method in the
+list. The NSS configuration is given in the @code{name-service-switch}
+field of @code{operating-system} declarations (@pxref{„operating-system“-Referenz, @code{name-service-switch}}).
+@cindex nss-mdns
+@cindex .local, host name lookup
+As an example, the declaration below configures the NSS to use the
+@uref{http://0pointer.de/lennart/projects/nss-mdns/, @code{nss-mdns}
+back-end}, which supports host name lookups over multicast DNS (mDNS) for
+host names ending in @code{.local}:
+ (hosts (list %files ;first, check /etc/hosts
+ ;; If the above did not succeed, try
+ ;; with 'mdns_minimal'.
+ (name-service
+ (name "mdns_minimal")
+ ;; 'mdns_minimal' is authoritative for
+ ;; '.local'. When it returns "not found",
+ ;; no need to try the next methods.
+ (reaction (lookup-specification
+ (not-found => return))))
+ ;; Then fall back to DNS.
+ (name-service
+ (name "dns"))
+ ;; Finally, try with the "full" 'mdns'.
+ (name-service
+ (name "mdns")))))
+@end example
+Do not worry: the @code{%mdns-host-lookup-nss} variable (see below)
+contains this configuration, so you will not have to type it if all you want
+is to have @code{.local} host lookup working.
+Note that, in this case, in addition to setting the
+@code{name-service-switch} of the @code{operating-system} declaration, you
+also need to use @code{avahi-service} (@pxref{Netzwerkdienste,
+@code{avahi-service}}), or @var{%desktop-services}, which includes it
+(@pxref{Desktop-Dienste}). Doing this makes @code{nss-mdns} accessible to
+the name service cache daemon (@pxref{Basisdienste, @code{nscd-service}}).
+For convenience, the following variables provide typical NSS configurations.
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} %default-nss
+This is the default name service switch configuration, a
+@code{name-service-switch} object.
+@end defvr
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} %mdns-host-lookup-nss
+This is the name service switch configuration with support for host name
+lookup over multicast DNS (mDNS) for host names ending in @code{.local}.
+@end defvr
+The reference for name service switch configuration is given below. It is a
+direct mapping of the configuration file format of the C library , so please
+refer to the C library manual for more information (@pxref{NSS Configuration
+File,,, libc, The GNU C Library Reference Manual}). Compared to the
+configuration file format of libc NSS, it has the advantage not only of
+adding this warm parenthetic feel that we like, but also static checks: you
+will know about syntax errors and typos as soon as you run @command{guix
+@deftp {Data Type} name-service-switch
+This is the data type representation the configuration of libc's name
+service switch (NSS). Each field below represents one of the supported
+system databases.
+@table @code
+@item aliases
+@itemx ethers
+@itemx group
+@itemx gshadow
+@itemx hosts
+@itemx initgroups
+@itemx netgroup
+@itemx networks
+@itemx password
+@itemx public-key
+@itemx rpc
+@itemx services
+@itemx shadow
+The system databases handled by the NSS. Each of these fields must be a
+list of @code{<name-service>} objects (see below).
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@deftp {Data Type} name-service
+This is the data type representing an actual name service and the associated
+lookup action.
+@table @code
+@item name
+A string denoting the name service (@pxref{Services in the NSS
+configuration,,, libc, The GNU C Library Reference Manual}).
+Note that name services listed here must be visible to nscd. This is
+achieved by passing the @code{#:name-services} argument to
+@code{nscd-service} the list of packages providing the needed name services
+(@pxref{Basisdienste, @code{nscd-service}}).
+@item reaction
+An action specified using the @code{lookup-specification} macro
+(@pxref{Actions in the NSS configuration,,, libc, The GNU C Library
+Reference Manual}). For example:
+(lookup-specification (unavailable => continue)
+ (success => return))
+@end example
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@node Initiale RAM-Disk
+@subsection Initiale RAM-Disk
+@cindex initrd
+@cindex initial RAM disk
+For bootstrapping purposes, the Linux-Libre kernel is passed an @dfn{initial
+RAM disk}, or @dfn{initrd}. An initrd contains a temporary root file system
+as well as an initialization script. The latter is responsible for mounting
+the real root file system, and for loading any kernel modules that may be
+needed to achieve that.
+The @code{initrd-modules} field of an @code{operating-system} declaration
+allows you to specify Linux-libre kernel modules that must be available in
+the initrd. In particular, this is where you would list modules needed to
+actually drive the hard disk where your root partition is---although the
+default value of @code{initrd-modules} should cover most use cases. For
+example, assuming you need the @code{megaraid_sas} module in addition to the
+default modules to be able to access your root file system, you would write:
+ ;; @dots{}
+ (initrd-modules (cons "megaraid_sas" %base-initrd-modules)))
+@end example
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} %base-initrd-modules
+This is the list of kernel modules included in the initrd by default.
+@end defvr
+Furthermore, if you need lower-level customization, the @code{initrd} field
+of an @code{operating-system} declaration allows you to specify which initrd
+you would like to use. The @code{(gnu system linux-initrd)} module provides
+three ways to build an initrd: the high-level @code{base-initrd} procedure
+and the low-level @code{raw-initrd} and @code{expression->initrd}
+The @code{base-initrd} procedure is intended to cover most common uses. For
+example, if you want to add a bunch of kernel modules to be loaded at boot
+time, you can define the @code{initrd} field of the operating system
+declaration like this:
+(initrd (lambda (file-systems . rest)
+ ;; Create a standard initrd but set up networking
+ ;; with the parameters QEMU expects by default.
+ (apply base-initrd file-systems
+ #:qemu-networking? #t
+ rest)))
+@end example
+The @code{base-initrd} procedure also handles common use cases that involves
+using the system as a QEMU guest, or as a ``live'' system with volatile root
+file system.
+The @code{base-initrd} procedure is built from @code{raw-initrd} procedure.
+Unlike @code{base-initrd}, @code{raw-initrd} doesn't do anything high-level,
+such as trying to guess which kernel modules and packages should be included
+to the initrd. An example use of @code{raw-initrd} is when a user has a
+custom Linux kernel configuration and default kernel modules included by
+@code{base-initrd} are not available.
+The initial RAM disk produced by @code{base-initrd} or @code{raw-initrd}
+honors several options passed on the Linux kernel command line (that is,
+arguments passed @i{via} the @code{linux} command of GRUB, or the
+@code{-append} option of QEMU), notably:
+@table @code
+@item --load=@var{boot}
+Tell the initial RAM disk to load @var{boot}, a file containing a Scheme
+program, once it has mounted the root file system.
+GuixSD uses this option to yield control to a boot program that runs the
+service activation programs and then spawns the GNU@tie{}Shepherd, the
+initialization system.
+@item --root=@var{root}
+Mount @var{root} as the root file system. @var{root} can be a device name
+like @code{/dev/sda1}, a file system label, or a file system UUID.
+@item --system=@var{System}
+Have @file{/run/booted-system} and @file{/run/current-system} point to
+@item modprobe.blacklist=@var{modules}@dots{}
+@cindex module, black-listing
+@cindex black list, of kernel modules
+Instruct the initial RAM disk as well as the @command{modprobe} command
+(from the kmod package) to refuse to load @var{modules}. @var{modules} must
+be a comma-separated list of module names---e.g., @code{usbkbd,9pnet}.
+@item --repl
+Start a read-eval-print loop (REPL) from the initial RAM disk before it
+tries to load kernel modules and to mount the root file system. Our
+marketing team calls it @dfn{boot-to-Guile}. The Schemer in you will love
+it. @xref{Using Guile Interactively,,, guile, GNU Guile Reference Manual},
+for more information on Guile's REPL.
+@end table
+Now that you know all the features that initial RAM disks produced by
+@code{base-initrd} and @code{raw-initrd} provide, here is how to use it and
+customize it further.
+@cindex initrd
+@cindex initial RAM disk
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} raw-initrd @var{file-systems} @
+ [#:linux-modules '()] [#:mapped-devices '()] @ [#:helper-packages '()]
+[#:qemu-networking? #f] [#:volatile-root? #f] Return a derivation that
+builds a raw initrd. @var{file-systems} is a list of file systems to be
+mounted by the initrd, possibly in addition to the root file system
+specified on the kernel command line via @code{--root}. @var{linux-modules}
+is a list of kernel modules to be loaded at boot time. @var{mapped-devices}
+is a list of device mappings to realize before @var{file-systems} are
+mounted (@pxref{Abgebildete Geräte}). @var{helper-packages} is a list of
+packages to be copied in the initrd. It may include @code{e2fsck/static} or
+other packages needed by the initrd to check the root file system.
+When @var{qemu-networking?} is true, set up networking with the standard
+QEMU parameters. When @var{virtio?} is true, load additional modules so
+that the initrd can be used as a QEMU guest with para-virtualized I/O
+When @var{volatile-root?} is true, the root file system is writable but any
+changes to it are lost.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} base-initrd @var{file-systems} @
+ [#:mapped-devices '()] [#:qemu-networking? #f] [#:volatile-root? #f]@
+[#:linux-modules '()] Return as a file-like object a generic initrd, with
+kernel modules taken from @var{linux}. @var{file-systems} is a list of
+file-systems to be mounted by the initrd, possibly in addition to the root
+file system specified on the kernel command line via @code{--root}.
+@var{mapped-devices} is a list of device mappings to realize before
+@var{file-systems} are mounted.
+@var{qemu-networking?} and @var{volatile-root?} behaves as in
+The initrd is automatically populated with all the kernel modules necessary
+for @var{file-systems} and for the given options. Additional kernel modules
+can be listed in @var{linux-modules}. They will be added to the initrd, and
+loaded at boot time in the order in which they appear.
+@end deffn
+Needless to say, the initrds we produce and use embed a statically-linked
+Guile, and the initialization program is a Guile program. That gives a lot
+of flexibility. The @code{expression->initrd} procedure builds such an
+initrd, given the program to run in that initrd.
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} expression->initrd @var{exp} @
+ [#:guile %guile-static-stripped] [#:name "guile-initrd"] Return as a
+file-like object a Linux initrd (a gzipped cpio archive) containing
+@var{guile} and that evaluates @var{exp}, a G-expression, upon booting. All
+the derivations referenced by @var{exp} are automatically copied to the
+@end deffn
+@node Bootloader-Konfiguration
+@subsection Bootloader-Konfiguration
+@cindex bootloader
+@cindex boot loader
+The operating system supports multiple bootloaders. The bootloader is
+configured using @code{bootloader-configuration} declaration. All the
+fields of this structure are bootloader agnostic except for one field,
+@code{bootloader} that indicates the bootloader to be configured and
+Some of the bootloaders do not honor every field of
+@code{bootloader-configuration}. For instance, the extlinux bootloader does
+not support themes and thus ignores the @code{theme} field.
+@deftp {Data Type} bootloader-configuration
+The type of a bootloader configuration declaration.
+@table @asis
+@item @code{bootloader}
+@cindex EFI, bootloader
+@cindex UEFI, bootloader
+@cindex BIOS, bootloader
+The bootloader to use, as a @code{bootloader} object. For now
+@code{grub-bootloader}, @code{grub-efi-bootloader},
+@code{extlinux-bootloader} and @code{u-boot-bootloader} are supported.
+@vindex grub-efi-bootloader
+@code{grub-efi-bootloader} allows to boot on modern systems using the
+@dfn{Unified Extensible Firmware Interface} (UEFI). This is what you should
+use if the installation image contains a @file{/sys/firmware/efi} directory
+when you boot it on your system.
+@vindex grub-bootloader
+@code{grub-bootloader} allows you to boot in particular Intel-based machines
+in ``legacy'' BIOS mode.
+@cindex ARM, bootloaders
+@cindex AArch64, bootloaders
+Available bootloaders are described in @code{(gnu bootloader @dots{})}
+modules. In particular, @code{(gnu bootloader u-boot)} contains definitions
+of bootloaders for a wide range of ARM and AArch64 systems, using the
+@uref{http://www.denx.de/wiki/U-Boot/, U-Boot bootloader}.
+@item @code{target}
+This is a string denoting the target onto which to install the bootloader.
+The interpretation depends on the bootloader in question. For
+@code{grub-bootloader}, for example, it should be a device name understood
+by the bootloader @command{installer} command, such as @code{/dev/sda} or
+@code{(hd0)} (@pxref{Invoking grub-install,,, grub, GNU GRUB Manual}). For
+@code{grub-efi-bootloader}, it should be the mount point of the EFI file
+system, usually @file{/boot/efi}.
+@item @code{menu-entries} (default: @code{()})
+A possibly empty list of @code{menu-entry} objects (see below), denoting
+entries to appear in the bootloader menu, in addition to the current system
+entry and the entry pointing to previous system generations.
+@item @code{default-entry} (default: @code{0})
+The index of the default boot menu entry. Index 0 is for the entry of the
+current system.
+@item @code{timeout} (default: @code{5})
+The number of seconds to wait for keyboard input before booting. Set to 0
+to boot immediately, and to -1 to wait indefinitely.
+@item @code{theme} (default: @var{#f})
+The bootloader theme object describing the theme to use. If no theme is
+provided, some bootloaders might use a default theme, that's true for GRUB.
+@item @code{terminal-outputs} (default: @code{'gfxterm})
+The output terminals used for the bootloader boot menu, as a list of
+symbols. GRUB accepts the values: @code{console}, @code{serial},
+@code{serial_@{0-3@}}, @code{gfxterm}, @code{vga_text}, @code{mda_text},
+@code{morse}, and @code{pkmodem}. This field corresponds to the GRUB
+variable @code{GRUB_TERMINAL_OUTPUT} (@pxref{Simple configuration,,,
+grub,GNU GRUB manual}).
+@item @code{terminal-inputs} (default: @code{'()})
+The input terminals used for the bootloader boot menu, as a list of
+symbols. For GRUB, the default is the native platform terminal as
+determined at run-time. GRUB accepts the values: @code{console},
+@code{serial}, @code{serial_@{0-3@}}, @code{at_keyboard}, and
+@code{usb_keyboard}. This field corresponds to the GRUB variable
+@code{GRUB_TERMINAL_INPUT} (@pxref{Simple configuration,,, grub,GNU GRUB
+@item @code{serial-unit} (default: @code{#f})
+The serial unit used by the bootloader, as an integer from 0 to 3. For
+GRUB, it is chosen at run-time; currently GRUB chooses 0, which corresponds
+to COM1 (@pxref{Serial terminal,,, grub,GNU GRUB manual}).
+@item @code{serial-speed} (default: @code{#f})
+The speed of the serial interface, as an integer. For GRUB, the default
+value is chosen at run-time; currently GRUB chooses 9600@tie{}bps
+(@pxref{Serial terminal,,, grub,GNU GRUB manual}).
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@cindex dual boot
+@cindex boot menu
+Should you want to list additional boot menu entries @i{via} the
+@code{menu-entries} field above, you will need to create them with the
+@code{menu-entry} form. For example, imagine you want to be able to boot
+another distro (hard to imagine!), you can define a menu entry along these
+ (label "The Other Distro")
+ (linux "/boot/old/vmlinux-2.6.32")
+ (linux-arguments '("root=/dev/sda2"))
+ (initrd "/boot/old/initrd"))
+@end example
+Details below.
+@deftp {Data Type} menu-entry
+The type of an entry in the bootloader menu.
+@table @asis
+@item @code{label}
+The label to show in the menu---e.g., @code{"GNU"}.
+@item @code{linux}
+The Linux kernel image to boot, for example:
+(file-append linux-libre "/bzImage")
+@end example
+For GRUB, it is also possible to specify a device explicitly in the file
+path using GRUB's device naming convention (@pxref{Naming convention,,,
+grub, GNU GRUB manual}), for example:
+@end example
+If the device is specified explicitly as above, then the @code{device} field
+is ignored entirely.
+@item @code{linux-arguments} (default: @code{()})
+The list of extra Linux kernel command-line arguments---e.g.,
+@item @code{initrd}
+A G-Expression or string denoting the file name of the initial RAM disk to
+use (@pxref{G-Ausdrücke}).
+@item @code{device} (default: @code{#f})
+The device where the kernel and initrd are to be found---i.e., for GRUB,
+@dfn{root} for this menu entry (@pxref{root,,, grub, GNU GRUB manual}).
+This may be a file system label (a string), a file system UUID (a
+bytevector, @pxref{Dateisysteme}), or @code{#f}, in which case the
+bootloader will search the device containing the file specified by the
+@code{linux} field (@pxref{search,,, grub, GNU GRUB manual}). It must
+@emph{not} be an OS device name such as @file{/dev/sda1}.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@c FIXME: Write documentation once it's stable.
+Fow now only GRUB has theme support. GRUB themes are created using the
+@code{grub-theme} form, which is not documented yet.
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} %default-theme
+This is the default GRUB theme used by the operating system if no
+@code{theme} field is specified in @code{bootloader-configuration} record.
+It comes with a fancy background image displaying the GNU and Guix logos.
+@end defvr
+@node Aufruf von guix system
+@subsection Invoking @code{guix system}
+Once you have written an operating system declaration as seen in the
+previous section, it can be @dfn{instantiated} using the @command{guix
+system} command. The synopsis is:
+guix system @var{options}@dots{} @var{action} @var{file}
+@end example
+@var{file} must be the name of a file containing an @code{operating-system}
+declaration. @var{action} specifies how the operating system is
+instantiated. Currently the following values are supported:
+@table @code
+@item search
+Display available service type definitions that match the given regular
+expressions, sorted by relevance:
+$ guix system search console font
+name: console-fonts
+location: gnu/services/base.scm:729:2
+extends: shepherd-root
+description: Install the given fonts on the specified ttys (fonts are
++ per virtual console on GNU/Linux). The value of this service is a list
++ of tty/font pairs like:
++ '(("tty1" . "LatGrkCyr-8x16"))
+relevance: 20
+name: mingetty
+location: gnu/services/base.scm:1048:2
+extends: shepherd-root
+description: Provide console login using the `mingetty' program.
+relevance: 2
+name: login
+location: gnu/services/base.scm:775:2
+extends: pam
+description: Provide a console log-in service as specified by its
++ configuration value, a `login-configuration' object.
+relevance: 2
+@end example
+As for @command{guix package --search}, the result is written in
+@code{recutils} format, which makes it easy to filter the output
+(@pxref{Top, GNU recutils databases,, recutils, GNU recutils manual}).
+@item reconfigure
+Build the operating system described in @var{file}, activate it, and switch
+to it@footnote{This action (and the related actions @code{switch-generation}
+and @code{roll-back}) are usable only on systems already running GuixSD.}.
+This effects all the configuration specified in @var{file}: user accounts,
+system services, global package list, setuid programs, etc. The command
+starts system services specified in @var{file} that are not currently
+running; if a service is currently running this command will arrange for it
+to be upgraded the next time it is stopped (e.g.@: by @code{herd stop X} or
+@code{herd restart X}).
+This command creates a new generation whose number is one greater than the
+current generation (as reported by @command{guix system list-generations}).
+If that generation already exists, it will be overwritten. This behavior
+mirrors that of @command{guix package} (@pxref{Aufruf von guix package}).
+It also adds a bootloader menu entry for the new OS configuration, ---unless
+@option{--no-bootloader} is passed. For GRUB, it moves entries for older
+configurations to a submenu, allowing you to choose an older system
+generation at boot time should you need it.
+@quotation Anmerkung
+@c The paragraph below refers to the problem discussed at
+@c <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/guix-devel/2014-08/msg00057.html>.
+It is highly recommended to run @command{guix pull} once before you run
+@command{guix system reconfigure} for the first time (@pxref{Aufruf von guix pull}). Failing to do that you would see an older version of Guix once
+@command{reconfigure} has completed.
+@end quotation
+@item switch-generation
+@cindex Generationen
+Switch to an existing system generation. This action atomically switches
+the system profile to the specified system generation. It also rearranges
+the system's existing bootloader menu entries. It makes the menu entry for
+the specified system generation the default, and it moves the entries for
+the other generatiors to a submenu, if supported by the bootloader being
+used. The next time the system boots, it will use the specified system
+The bootloader itself is not being reinstalled when using this command.
+Thus, the installed bootloader is used with an updated configuration file.
+The target generation can be specified explicitly by its generation number.
+For example, the following invocation would switch to system generation 7:
+guix system switch-generation 7
+@end example
+The target generation can also be specified relative to the current
+generation with the form @code{+N} or @code{-N}, where @code{+3} means ``3
+generations ahead of the current generation,'' and @code{-1} means ``1
+generation prior to the current generation.'' When specifying a negative
+value such as @code{-1}, you must precede it with @code{--} to prevent it
+from being parsed as an option. For example:
+guix system switch-generation -- -1
+@end example
+Currently, the effect of invoking this action is @emph{only} to switch the
+system profile to an existing generation and rearrange the bootloader menu
+entries. To actually start using the target system generation, you must
+reboot after running this action. In the future, it will be updated to do
+the same things as @command{reconfigure}, like activating and deactivating
+This action will fail if the specified generation does not exist.
+@item roll-back
+@cindex rücksetzen
+Switch to the preceding system generation. The next time the system boots,
+it will use the preceding system generation. This is the inverse of
+@command{reconfigure}, and it is exactly the same as invoking
+@command{switch-generation} with an argument of @code{-1}.
+Currently, as with @command{switch-generation}, you must reboot after
+running this action to actually start using the preceding system generation.
+@item build
+Build the derivation of the operating system, which includes all the
+configuration files and programs needed to boot and run the system. This
+action does not actually install anything.
+@item init
+Populate the given directory with all the files necessary to run the
+operating system specified in @var{file}. This is useful for first-time
+installations of GuixSD. For instance:
+guix system init my-os-config.scm /mnt
+@end example
+copies to @file{/mnt} all the store items required by the configuration
+specified in @file{my-os-config.scm}. This includes configuration files,
+packages, and so on. It also creates other essential files needed for the
+system to operate correctly---e.g., the @file{/etc}, @file{/var}, and
+@file{/run} directories, and the @file{/bin/sh} file.
+This command also installs bootloader on the target specified in
+@file{my-os-config}, unless the @option{--no-bootloader} option was passed.
+@item vm
+@cindex virtual machine
+@cindex VM
+@anchor{guix system vm}
+Build a virtual machine that contains the operating system declared in
+@var{file}, and return a script to run that virtual machine (VM). Arguments
+given to the script are passed to QEMU as in the example below, which
+enables networking and requests 1@tie{}GiB of RAM for the emulated machine:
+$ /gnu/store/@dots{}-run-vm.sh -m 1024 -net user
+@end example
+The VM shares its store with the host system.
+Additional file systems can be shared between the host and the VM using the
+@code{--share} and @code{--expose} command-line options: the former
+specifies a directory to be shared with write access, while the latter
+provides read-only access to the shared directory.
+The example below creates a VM in which the user's home directory is
+accessible read-only, and where the @file{/exchange} directory is a
+read-write mapping of @file{$HOME/tmp} on the host:
+guix system vm my-config.scm \
+ --expose=$HOME --share=$HOME/tmp=/exchange
+@end example
+On GNU/Linux, the default is to boot directly to the kernel; this has the
+advantage of requiring only a very tiny root disk image since the store of
+the host can then be mounted.
+The @code{--full-boot} option forces a complete boot sequence, starting with
+the bootloader. This requires more disk space since a root image containing
+at least the kernel, initrd, and bootloader data files must be created. The
+@code{--image-size} option can be used to specify the size of the image.
+@cindex System images, creation in various formats
+@cindex Creating system images in various formats
+@item vm-image
+@itemx disk-image
+@itemx docker-image
+Return a virtual machine, disk image, or Docker image of the operating
+system declared in @var{file} that stands alone. By default, @command{guix
+system} estimates the size of the image needed to store the system, but you
+can use the @option{--image-size} option to specify a value. Docker images
+are built to contain exactly what they need, so the @option{--image-size}
+option is ignored in the case of @code{docker-image}.
+You can specify the root file system type by using the
+@option{--file-system-type} option. It defaults to @code{ext4}.
+When using @code{vm-image}, the returned image is in qcow2 format, which the
+QEMU emulator can efficiently use. @xref{GuixSD in einer VM starten}, for more
+information on how to run the image in a virtual machine.
+When using @code{disk-image}, a raw disk image is produced; it can be copied
+as is to a USB stick, for instance. Assuming @code{/dev/sdc} is the device
+corresponding to a USB stick, one can copy the image to it using the
+following command:
+# dd if=$(guix system disk-image my-os.scm) of=/dev/sdc
+@end example
+When using @code{docker-image}, a Docker image is produced. Guix builds the
+image from scratch, not from a pre-existing Docker base image. As a result,
+it contains @emph{exactly} what you define in the operating system
+configuration file. You can then load the image and launch a Docker
+container using commands like the following:
+image_id="$(docker load < guixsd-docker-image.tar.gz)"
+docker run -e GUIX_NEW_SYSTEM=/var/guix/profiles/system \\
+ --entrypoint /var/guix/profiles/system/profile/bin/guile \\
+ $image_id /var/guix/profiles/system/boot
+@end example
+This command starts a new Docker container from the specified image. It
+will boot the GuixSD system in the usual manner, which means it will start
+any services you have defined in the operating system configuration.
+Depending on what you run in the Docker container, it may be necessary to
+give the container additional permissions. For example, if you intend to
+build software using Guix inside of the Docker container, you may need to
+pass the @option{--privileged} option to @code{docker run}.
+@item container
+Return a script to run the operating system declared in @var{file} within a
+container. Containers are a set of lightweight isolation mechanisms
+provided by the kernel Linux-libre. Containers are substantially less
+resource-demanding than full virtual machines since the kernel, shared
+objects, and other resources can be shared with the host system; this also
+means they provide thinner isolation.
+Currently, the script must be run as root in order to support more than a
+single user and group. The container shares its store with the host system.
+As with the @code{vm} action (@pxref{guix system vm}), additional file
+systems to be shared between the host and container can be specified using
+the @option{--share} and @option{--expose} options:
+guix system container my-config.scm \
+ --expose=$HOME --share=$HOME/tmp=/exchange
+@end example
+@quotation Anmerkung
+This option requires Linux-libre 3.19 or newer.
+@end quotation
+@end table
+@var{options} can contain any of the common build options (@pxref{Gemeinsame Erstellungsoptionen}). In addition, @var{options} can contain one of the
+@table @option
+@item --expression=@var{expr}
+@itemx -e @var{expr}
+Consider the operating-system @var{expr} evaluates to. This is an
+alternative to specifying a file which evaluates to an operating system.
+This is used to generate the GuixSD installer @pxref{Ein Abbild zur Installation erstellen}).
+@item --system=@var{System}
+@itemx -s @var{system}
+Attempt to build for @var{system} instead of the host system type. This
+works as per @command{guix build} (@pxref{Aufruf von guix build}).
+@item --derivation
+@itemx -d
+Return the derivation file name of the given operating system without
+building anything.
+@item --file-system-type=@var{type}
+@itemx -t @var{type}
+For the @code{disk-image} action, create a file system of the given
+@var{type} on the image.
+When this option is omitted, @command{guix system} uses @code{ext4}.
+@cindex ISO-9660 format
+@cindex CD image format
+@cindex DVD image format
+@code{--file-system-type=iso9660} produces an ISO-9660 image, suitable for
+burning on CDs and DVDs.
+@item --image-size=@var{size}
+For the @code{vm-image} and @code{disk-image} actions, create an image of
+the given @var{size}. @var{size} may be a number of bytes, or it may
+include a unit as a suffix (@pxref{Block size, size specifications,,
+coreutils, GNU Coreutils}).
+When this option is omitted, @command{guix system} computes an estimate of
+the image size as a function of the size of the system declared in
+@item --root=@var{file}
+@itemx -r @var{file}
+Make @var{file} a symlink to the result, and register it as a garbage
+collector root.
+@item --skip-checks
+Skip pre-installation safety checks.
+By default, @command{guix system init} and @command{guix system reconfigure}
+perform safety checks: they make sure the file systems that appear in the
+@code{operating-system} declaration actually exist (@pxref{Dateisysteme}),
+and that any Linux kernel modules that may be needed at boot time are listed
+in @code{initrd-modules} (@pxref{Initiale RAM-Disk}). Passing this option
+skips these tests altogether.
+@item --on-error=@var{strategy}
+Apply @var{strategy} when an error occurs when reading @var{file}.
+@var{strategy} may be one of the following:
+@table @code
+@item nothing-special
+Report the error concisely and exit. This is the default strategy.
+@item backtrace
+Likewise, but also display a backtrace.
+@item debug
+Report the error and enter Guile's debugger. From there, you can run
+commands such as @code{,bt} to get a backtrace, @code{,locals} to display
+local variable values, and more generally inspect the state of the program.
+@xref{Debug Commands,,, guile, GNU Guile Reference Manual}, for a list of
+available debugging commands.
+@end table
+@end table
+@quotation Anmerkung
+All the actions above, except @code{build} and @code{init}, can use KVM
+support in the Linux-libre kernel. Specifically, if the machine has
+hardware virtualization support, the corresponding KVM kernel module should
+be loaded, and the @file{/dev/kvm} device node must exist and be readable
+and writable by the user and by the build users of the daemon (@pxref{Einrichten der Erstellungsumgebung}).
+@end quotation
+Once you have built, configured, re-configured, and re-re-configured your
+GuixSD installation, you may find it useful to list the operating system
+generations available on disk---and that you can choose from the bootloader
+boot menu:
+@table @code
+@item list-generations
+List a summary of each generation of the operating system available on disk,
+in a human-readable way. This is similar to the @option{--list-generations}
+option of @command{guix package} (@pxref{Aufruf von guix package}).
+Optionally, one can specify a pattern, with the same syntax that is used in
+@command{guix package --list-generations}, to restrict the list of
+generations displayed. For instance, the following command displays
+generations that are up to 10 days old:
+$ guix system list-generations 10d
+@end example
+@end table
+The @command{guix system} command has even more to offer! The following
+sub-commands allow you to visualize how your system services relate to each
+@table @code
+@item extension-graph
+Emit in Dot/Graphviz format to standard output the @dfn{service extension
+graph} of the operating system defined in @var{file} (@pxref{Dienstkompositionen}, for more information on service extensions.)
+The command:
+$ guix system extension-graph @var{file} | dot -Tpdf > services.pdf
+@end example
+produces a PDF file showing the extension relations among services.
+@item shepherd-graph
+Emit in Dot/Graphviz format to standard output the @dfn{dependency graph} of
+shepherd services of the operating system defined in @var{file}.
+@xref{Shepherd-Dienste}, for more information and for an example graph.
+@end table
+@node GuixSD in einer VM starten
+@subsection Running GuixSD in a Virtual Machine
+@cindex virtual machine
+To run GuixSD in a virtual machine (VM), one can either use the pre-built
+GuixSD VM image distributed at
+, or build their own virtual machine image using @command{guix system
+vm-image} (@pxref{Aufruf von guix system}). The returned image is in qcow2
+format, which the @uref{http://qemu.org/, QEMU emulator} can efficiently
+@cindex QEMU
+If you built your own image, you must copy it out of the store (@pxref{Der Store}) and give yourself permission to write to the copy before you can use
+it. When invoking QEMU, you must choose a system emulator that is suitable
+for your hardware platform. Here is a minimal QEMU invocation that will
+boot the result of @command{guix system vm-image} on x86_64 hardware:
+$ qemu-system-x86_64 \
+ -net user -net nic,model=virtio \
+ -enable-kvm -m 256 /tmp/qemu-image
+@end example
+Here is what each of these options means:
+@table @code
+@item qemu-system-x86_64
+This specifies the hardware platform to emulate. This should match the
+@item -net user
+Enable the unprivileged user-mode network stack. The guest OS can access
+the host but not vice versa. This is the simplest way to get the guest OS
+@item -net nic,model=virtio
+You must create a network interface of a given model. If you do not create
+a NIC, the boot will fail. Assuming your hardware platform is x86_64, you
+can get a list of available NIC models by running
+@command{qemu-system-x86_64 -net nic,model=help}.
+@item -enable-kvm
+If your system has hardware virtualization extensions, enabling the virtual
+machine support (KVM) of the Linux kernel will make things run faster.
+@item -m 256
+RAM available to the guest OS, in mebibytes. Defaults to 128@tie{}MiB,
+which may be insufficient for some operations.
+@item /tmp/qemu-image
+The file name of the qcow2 image.
+@end table
+The default @command{run-vm.sh} script that is returned by an invocation of
+@command{guix system vm} does not add a @command{-net user} flag by
+default. To get network access from within the vm add the
+@code{(dhcp-client-service)} to your system definition and start the VM
+using @command{`guix system vm config.scm` -net user}. An important caveat
+of using @command{-net user} for networking is that @command{ping} will not
+work, because it uses the ICMP protocol. You'll have to use a different
+command to check for network connectivity, for example @command{guix
+@subsubsection Connecting Through SSH
+@cindex SSH
+@cindex SSH server
+To enable SSH inside a VM you need to add a SSH server like
+@code{(dropbear-service)} or @code{(lsh-service)} to your VM. The
+@code{(lsh-service}) doesn't currently boot unsupervised. It requires you
+to type some characters to initialize the randomness generator. In addition
+you need to forward the SSH port, 22 by default, to the host. You can do
+this with
+`guix system vm config.scm` -net user,hostfwd=tcp::10022-:22
+@end example
+To connect to the VM you can run
+ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -p 10022
+@end example
+The @command{-p} tells @command{ssh} the port you want to connect to.
+@command{-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null} prevents @command{ssh} from
+complaining every time you modify your @command{config.scm} file and the
+@command{-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no} prevents you from having to allow a
+connection to an unknown host every time you connect.
+@subsubsection Using @command{virt-viewer} with Spice
+As an alternative to the default @command{qemu} graphical client you can use
+the @command{remote-viewer} from the @command{virt-viewer} package. To
+connect pass the @command{-spice port=5930,disable-ticketing} flag to
+@command{qemu}. See previous section for further information on how to do
+Spice also allows you to do some nice stuff like share your clipboard with
+your VM. To enable that you'll also have to pass the following flags to
+-device virtio-serial-pci,id=virtio-serial0,max_ports=16,bus=pci.0,addr=0x5
+-chardev spicevmc,name=vdagent,id=vdagent
+-device virtserialport,nr=1,bus=virtio-serial0.0,chardev=vdagent,
+@end example
+You'll also need to add the @pxref{Verschiedene Dienste, Spice service}.
+@node Dienste definieren
+@subsection Dienste definieren
+The previous sections show the available services and how one can combine
+them in an @code{operating-system} declaration. But how do we define them
+in the first place? And what is a service anyway?
+* Dienstkompositionen:: Wie Dienste zusammengestellt werden.
+* Diensttypen und Dienste:: Typen und Dienste.
+* Service-Referenz:: Referenz zur Programmierschnittstelle.
+* Shepherd-Dienste:: Eine spezielle Art von Dienst.
+@end menu
+@node Dienstkompositionen
+@subsubsection Dienstkompositionen
+@cindex services
+@cindex daemons
+Here we define a @dfn{service} as, broadly, something that extends the
+functionality of the operating system. Often a service is a process---a
+@dfn{daemon}---started when the system boots: a secure shell server, a Web
+server, the Guix build daemon, etc. Sometimes a service is a daemon whose
+execution can be triggered by another daemon---e.g., an FTP server started
+by @command{inetd} or a D-Bus service activated by @command{dbus-daemon}.
+Occasionally, a service does not map to a daemon. For instance, the
+``account'' service collects user accounts and makes sure they exist when
+the system runs; the ``udev'' service collects device management rules and
+makes them available to the eudev daemon; the @file{/etc} service populates
+the @file{/etc} directory of the system.
+@cindex service extensions
+GuixSD services are connected by @dfn{extensions}. For instance, the secure
+shell service @emph{extends} the Shepherd---the GuixSD initialization
+system, running as PID@tie{}1---by giving it the command lines to start and
+stop the secure shell daemon (@pxref{Netzwerkdienste,
+@code{lsh-service}}); the UPower service extends the D-Bus service by
+passing it its @file{.service} specification, and extends the udev service
+by passing it device management rules (@pxref{Desktop-Dienste,
+@code{upower-service}}); the Guix daemon service extends the Shepherd by
+passing it the command lines to start and stop the daemon, and extends the
+account service by passing it a list of required build user accounts
+All in all, services and their ``extends'' relations form a directed acyclic
+graph (DAG). If we represent services as boxes and extensions as arrows, a
+typical system might provide something like this:
+@image{images/service-graph,,5in,Typical service extension graph.}
+@cindex system service
+At the bottom, we see the @dfn{system service}, which produces the directory
+containing everything to run and boot the system, as returned by the
+@command{guix system build} command. @xref{Service-Referenz}, to learn
+about the other service types shown here. @xref{system-extension-graph, the
+@command{guix system extension-graph} command}, for information on how to
+generate this representation for a particular operating system definition.
+@cindex service types
+Technically, developers can define @dfn{service types} to express these
+relations. There can be any number of services of a given type on the
+system---for instance, a system running two instances of the GNU secure
+shell server (lsh) has two instances of @var{lsh-service-type}, with
+different parameters.
+The following section describes the programming interface for service types
+and services.
+@node Diensttypen und Dienste
+@subsubsection Diensttypen und Dienste
+A @dfn{service type} is a node in the DAG described above. Let us start
+with a simple example, the service type for the Guix build daemon
+(@pxref{Aufruf des guix-daemon}):
+(define guix-service-type
+ (service-type
+ (name 'guix)
+ (extensions
+ (list (service-extension shepherd-root-service-type guix-shepherd-service)
+ (service-extension account-service-type guix-accounts)
+ (service-extension activation-service-type guix-activation)))
+ (default-value (guix-configuration))))
+@end example
+It defines three things:
+A name, whose sole purpose is to make inspection and debugging easier.
+A list of @dfn{service extensions}, where each extension designates the
+target service type and a procedure that, given the parameters of the
+service, returns a list of objects to extend the service of that type.
+Every service type has at least one service extension. The only exception
+is the @dfn{boot service type}, which is the ultimate service.
+Optionally, a default value for instances of this type.
+@end enumerate
+In this example, @var{guix-service-type} extends three services:
+@table @var
+@item shepherd-root-service-type
+The @var{guix-shepherd-service} procedure defines how the Shepherd service
+is extended. Namely, it returns a @code{<shepherd-service>} object that
+defines how @command{guix-daemon} is started and stopped (@pxref{Shepherd-Dienste}).
+@item account-service-type
+This extension for this service is computed by @var{guix-accounts}, which
+returns a list of @code{user-group} and @code{user-account} objects
+representing the build user accounts (@pxref{Aufruf des guix-daemon}).
+@item activation-service-type
+Here @var{guix-activation} is a procedure that returns a gexp, which is a
+code snippet to run at ``activation time''---e.g., when the service is
+@end table
+A service of this type is instantiated like this:
+(service guix-service-type
+ (guix-configuration
+ (build-accounts 5)
+ (use-substitutes? #f)))
+@end example
+The second argument to the @code{service} form is a value representing the
+parameters of this specific service instance.
+@xref{guix-configuration-type, @code{guix-configuration}}, for information
+about the @code{guix-configuration} data type. When the value is omitted,
+the default value specified by @code{guix-service-type} is used:
+(service guix-service-type)
+@end example
+@var{guix-service-type} is quite simple because it extends other services
+but is not extensible itself.
+@c @subsubsubsection Extensible Service Types
+The service type for an @emph{extensible} service looks like this:
+(define udev-service-type
+ (service-type (name 'udev)
+ (extensions
+ (list (service-extension shepherd-root-service-type
+ udev-shepherd-service)))
+ (compose concatenate) ;concatenate the list of rules
+ (extend (lambda (config rules)
+ (match config
+ (($ <udev-configuration> udev initial-rules)
+ (udev-configuration
+ (udev udev) ;the udev package to use
+ (rules (append initial-rules rules)))))))))
+@end example
+This is the service type for the
+@uref{https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Project:Eudev, eudev device management
+daemon}. Compared to the previous example, in addition to an extension of
+@var{shepherd-root-service-type}, we see two new fields:
+@table @code
+@item compose
+This is the procedure to @dfn{compose} the list of extensions to services of
+this type.
+Services can extend the udev service by passing it lists of rules; we
+compose those extensions simply by concatenating them.
+@item extend
+This procedure defines how the value of the service is @dfn{extended} with
+the composition of the extensions.
+Udev extensions are composed into a list of rules, but the udev service
+value is itself a @code{<udev-configuration>} record. So here, we extend
+that record by appending the list of rules it contains to the list of
+contributed rules.
+@item description
+This is a string giving an overview of the service type. The string can
+contain Texinfo markup (@pxref{Overview,,, texinfo, GNU Texinfo}). The
+@command{guix system search} command searches these strings and displays
+them (@pxref{Aufruf von guix system}).
+@end table
+There can be only one instance of an extensible service type such as
+@var{udev-service-type}. If there were more, the @code{service-extension}
+specifications would be ambiguous.
+Still here? The next section provides a reference of the programming
+interface for services.
+@node Service-Referenz
+@subsubsection Service-Referenz
+We have seen an overview of service types (@pxref{Diensttypen und Dienste}). This section provides a reference on how to manipulate services
+and service types. This interface is provided by the @code{(gnu services)}
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} service @var{type} [@var{value}]
+Return a new service of @var{type}, a @code{<service-type>} object (see
+below.) @var{value} can be any object; it represents the parameters of this
+particular service instance.
+When @var{value} is omitted, the default value specified by @var{type} is
+used; if @var{type} does not specify a default value, an error is raised.
+For instance, this:
+(service openssh-service-type)
+@end example
+is equivalent to this:
+(service openssh-service-type
+ (openssh-configuration))
+@end example
+In both cases the result is an instance of @code{openssh-service-type} with
+the default configuration.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} service? @var{obj}
+Return true if @var{obj} is a service.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} service-kind @var{service}
+Return the type of @var{service}---i.e., a @code{<service-type>} object.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} service-value @var{service}
+Return the value associated with @var{service}. It represents its
+@end deffn
+Here is an example of how a service is created and manipulated:
+(define s
+ (service nginx-service-type
+ (nginx-configuration
+ (nginx nginx)
+ (log-directory log-directory)
+ (run-directory run-directory)
+ (file config-file))))
+(service? s)
+@result{} #t
+(eq? (service-kind s) nginx-service-type)
+@result{} #t
+@end example
+The @code{modify-services} form provides a handy way to change the
+parameters of some of the services of a list such as @var{%base-services}
+(@pxref{Basisdienste, @code{%base-services}}). It evaluates to a list of
+services. Of course, you could always use standard list combinators such as
+@code{map} and @code{fold} to do that (@pxref{SRFI-1, List Library,, guile,
+GNU Guile Reference Manual}); @code{modify-services} simply provides a more
+concise form for this common pattern.
+@deffn {Scheme Syntax} modify-services @var{services} @
+ (@var{type} @var{variable} => @var{body}) @dots{}
+Modify the services listed in @var{services} according to the given
+clauses. Each clause has the form:
+(@var{type} @var{variable} => @var{body})
+@end example
+where @var{type} is a service type---e.g., @code{guix-service-type}---and
+@var{variable} is an identifier that is bound within the @var{body} to the
+service parameters---e.g., a @code{guix-configuration} instance---of the
+original service of that @var{type}.
+The @var{body} should evaluate to the new service parameters, which will be
+used to configure the new service. This new service will replace the
+original in the resulting list. Because a service's service parameters are
+created using @code{define-record-type*}, you can write a succinct
+@var{body} that evaluates to the new service parameters by using the
+@code{inherit} feature that @code{define-record-type*} provides.
+@xref{Das Konfigurationssystem nutzen}, for example usage.
+@end deffn
+Next comes the programming interface for service types. This is something
+you want to know when writing new service definitions, but not necessarily
+when simply looking for ways to customize your @code{operating-system}
+@deftp {Data Type} service-type
+@cindex service type
+This is the representation of a @dfn{service type} (@pxref{Diensttypen und Dienste}).
+@table @asis
+@item @code{name}
+This is a symbol, used only to simplify inspection and debugging.
+@item @code{extensions}
+A non-empty list of @code{<service-extension>} objects (see below).
+@item @code{compose} (default: @code{#f})
+If this is @code{#f}, then the service type denotes services that cannot be
+extended---i.e., services that do not receive ``values'' from other
+Otherwise, it must be a one-argument procedure. The procedure is called by
+@code{fold-services} and is passed a list of values collected from
+extensions. It may return any single value.
+@item @code{extend} (default: @code{#f})
+If this is @code{#f}, services of this type cannot be extended.
+Otherwise, it must be a two-argument procedure: @code{fold-services} calls
+it, passing it the initial value of the service as the first argument and
+the result of applying @code{compose} to the extension values as the second
+argument. It must return a value that is a valid parameter value for the
+service instance.
+@end table
+@xref{Diensttypen und Dienste}, for examples.
+@end deftp
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} service-extension @var{target-type} @
+ @var{compute} Return a new extension for services of type
+@var{target-type}. @var{compute} must be a one-argument procedure:
+@code{fold-services} calls it, passing it the value associated with the
+service that provides the extension; it must return a valid value for the
+target service.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} service-extension? @var{obj}
+Return true if @var{obj} is a service extension.
+@end deffn
+Occasionally, you might want to simply extend an existing service. This
+involves creating a new service type and specifying the extension of
+interest, which can be verbose; the @code{simple-service} procedure provides
+a shorthand for this.
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} simple-service @var{name} @var{target} @var{value}
+Return a service that extends @var{target} with @var{value}. This works by
+creating a singleton service type @var{name}, of which the returned service
+is an instance.
+For example, this extends mcron (@pxref{Geplante Auftragsausführung}) with an
+additional job:
+(simple-service 'my-mcron-job mcron-service-type
+ #~(job '(next-hour (3)) "guix gc -F 2G"))
+@end example
+@end deffn
+At the core of the service abstraction lies the @code{fold-services}
+procedure, which is responsible for ``compiling'' a list of services down to
+a single directory that contains everything needed to boot and run the
+system---the directory shown by the @command{guix system build} command
+(@pxref{Aufruf von guix system}). In essence, it propagates service
+extensions down the service graph, updating each node parameters on the way,
+until it reaches the root node.
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} fold-services @var{services} @
+ [#:target-type @var{system-service-type}] Fold @var{services} by propagating
+their extensions down to the root of type @var{target-type}; return the root
+service adjusted accordingly.
+@end deffn
+Lastly, the @code{(gnu services)} module also defines several essential
+service types, some of which are listed below.
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} system-service-type
+This is the root of the service graph. It produces the system directory as
+returned by the @command{guix system build} command.
+@end defvr
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} boot-service-type
+The type of the ``boot service'', which produces the @dfn{boot script}. The
+boot script is what the initial RAM disk runs when booting.
+@end defvr
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} etc-service-type
+The type of the @file{/etc} service. This service is used to create files
+under @file{/etc} and can be extended by passing it name/file tuples such
+(list `("issue" ,(plain-file "issue" "Welcome!\n")))
+@end example
+In this example, the effect would be to add an @file{/etc/issue} file
+pointing to the given file.
+@end defvr
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} setuid-program-service-type
+Type for the ``setuid-program service''. This service collects lists of
+executable file names, passed as gexps, and adds them to the set of
+setuid-root programs on the system (@pxref{Setuid-Programme}).
+@end defvr
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} profile-service-type
+Type of the service that populates the @dfn{system profile}---i.e., the
+programs under @file{/run/current-system/profile}. Other services can
+extend it by passing it lists of packages to add to the system profile.
+@end defvr
+@node Shepherd-Dienste
+@subsubsection Shepherd-Dienste
+@cindex shepherd services
+@cindex PID 1
+@cindex init system
+The @code{(gnu services shepherd)} module provides a way to define services
+managed by the GNU@tie{}Shepherd, which is the GuixSD initialization
+system---the first process that is started when the system boots, also known
+as PID@tie{}1 (@pxref{Einführung,,, shepherd, The GNU Shepherd Manual}).
+Services in the Shepherd can depend on each other. For instance, the SSH
+daemon may need to be started after the syslog daemon has been started,
+which in turn can only happen once all the file systems have been mounted.
+The simple operating system defined earlier (@pxref{Das Konfigurationssystem nutzen}) results in a service graph like this:
+@image{images/shepherd-graph,,5in,Typical shepherd service graph.}
+You can actually generate such a graph for any operating system definition
+using the @command{guix system shepherd-graph} command
+(@pxref{system-shepherd-graph, @command{guix system shepherd-graph}}).
+The @var{%shepherd-root-service} is a service object representing
+PID@tie{}1, of type @var{shepherd-root-service-type}; it can be extended by
+passing it lists of @code{<shepherd-service>} objects.
+@deftp {Data Type} shepherd-service
+The data type representing a service managed by the Shepherd.
+@table @asis
+@item @code{provision}
+This is a list of symbols denoting what the service provides.
+These are the names that may be passed to @command{herd start},
+@command{herd status}, and similar commands (@pxref{Invoking herd,,,
+shepherd, The GNU Shepherd Manual}). @xref{Slots of services, the
+@code{provides} slot,, shepherd, The GNU Shepherd Manual}, for details.
+@item @code{requirements} (default: @code{'()})
+List of symbols denoting the Shepherd services this one depends on.
+@item @code{respawn?} (default: @code{#t})
+Whether to restart the service when it stops, for instance when the
+underlying process dies.
+@item @code{start}
+@itemx @code{stop} (default: @code{#~(const #f)})
+The @code{start} and @code{stop} fields refer to the Shepherd's facilities
+to start and stop processes (@pxref{Service De- and Constructors,,,
+shepherd, The GNU Shepherd Manual}). They are given as G-expressions that
+get expanded in the Shepherd configuration file (@pxref{G-Ausdrücke}).
+@item @code{actions} (default: @code{'()})
+@cindex actions, of Shepherd services
+This is a list of @code{shepherd-action} objects (see below) defining
+@dfn{actions} supported by the service, in addition to the standard
+@code{start} and @code{stop} actions. Actions listed here become available
+as @command{herd} sub-commands:
+herd @var{action} @var{service} [@var{arguments}@dots{}]
+@end example
+@item @code{Dokumentation}
+A documentation string, as shown when running:
+herd doc @var{service-name}
+@end example
+where @var{service-name} is one of the symbols in @var{provision}
+(@pxref{Invoking herd,,, shepherd, The GNU Shepherd Manual}).
+@item @code{modules} (default: @var{%default-modules})
+This is the list of modules that must be in scope when @code{start} and
+@code{stop} are evaluated.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@deftp {Data Type} shepherd-action
+This is the data type that defines additional actions implemented by a
+Shepherd service (see above).
+@table @code
+@item name
+Symbol naming the action.
+@item Dokumentation
+This is a documentation string for the action. It can be viewed by running:
+herd doc @var{service} action @var{action}
+@end example
+@item procedure
+This should be a gexp that evaluates to a procedure of at least one
+argument, which is the ``running value'' of the service (@pxref{Slots of
+services,,, shepherd, The GNU Shepherd Manual}).
+@end table
+The following example defines an action called @code{say-hello} that kindly
+greets the user:
+ (name 'say-hello)
+ (documentation "Say hi!")
+ (procedure #~(lambda (running . args)
+ (format #t "Hello, friend! arguments: ~s\n"
+ args)
+ #t)))
+@end example
+Assuming this action is added to the @code{example} service, then you can
+# herd say-hello example
+Hello, friend! arguments: ()
+# herd say-hello example a b c
+Hello, friend! arguments: ("a" "b" "c")
+@end example
+This, as you can see, is a fairly sophisticated way to say hello.
+@xref{Service Convenience,,, shepherd, The GNU Shepherd Manual}, for more
+info on actions.
+@end deftp
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} shepherd-root-service-type
+The service type for the Shepherd ``root service''---i.e., PID@tie{}1.
+This is the service type that extensions target when they want to create
+shepherd services (@pxref{Diensttypen und Dienste}, for an example).
+Each extension must pass a list of @code{<shepherd-service>}.
+@end defvr
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} %shepherd-root-service
+This service represents PID@tie{}1.
+@end defvr
+@node Dokumentation
+@section Dokumentation
+@cindex documentation, searching for
+@cindex searching for documentation
+@cindex Info, documentation format
+@cindex man pages
+@cindex manual pages
+In most cases packages installed with Guix come with documentation. There
+are two main documentation formats: ``Info'', a browseable hypertext format
+used for GNU software, and ``manual pages'' (or ``man pages''), the linear
+documentation format traditionally found on Unix. Info manuals are accessed
+with the @command{info} command or with Emacs, and man pages are accessed
+using @command{man}.
+You can look for documentation of software installed on your system by
+keyword. For example, the following command searches for information about
+``TLS'' in Info manuals:
+$ info -k TLS
+"(emacs)Network Security" -- STARTTLS
+"(emacs)Network Security" -- TLS
+"(gnutls)Core TLS API" -- gnutls_certificate_set_verify_flags
+"(gnutls)Core TLS API" -- gnutls_certificate_set_verify_function
+@end example
+The command below searches for the same keyword in man pages:
+$ man -k TLS
+SSL (7) - OpenSSL SSL/TLS library
+certtool (1) - GnuTLS certificate tool
+@dots {}
+@end example
+These searches are purely local to your computer so you have the guarantee
+that documentation you find corresponds to what you have actually installed,
+you can access it off-line, and your privacy is respected.
+Once you have these results, you can view the relevant documentation by
+running, say:
+$ info "(gnutls)Core TLS API"
+@end example
+$ man certtool
+@end example
+Info manuals contain sections and indices as well as hyperlinks like those
+found in Web pages. The @command{info} reader (@pxref{Top, Info reader,,
+info-stnd, Stand-alone GNU Info}) and its Emacs counterpart (@pxref{Misc
+Help,,, emacs, The GNU Emacs Manual}) provide intuitive key bindings to
+navigate manuals. @xref{Getting Started,,, info, Info: An Introduction},
+for an introduction to Info navigation.
+@node Dateien zur Fehlersuche installieren
+@section Dateien zur Fehlersuche installieren
+@cindex debugging files
+Program binaries, as produced by the GCC compilers for instance, are
+typically written in the ELF format, with a section containing
+@dfn{debugging information}. Debugging information is what allows the
+debugger, GDB, to map binary code to source code; it is required to debug a
+compiled program in good conditions.
+The problem with debugging information is that is takes up a fair amount of
+disk space. For example, debugging information for the GNU C Library weighs
+in at more than 60 MiB. Thus, as a user, keeping all the debugging info of
+all the installed programs is usually not an option. Yet, space savings
+should not come at the cost of an impediment to debugging---especially in
+the GNU system, which should make it easier for users to exert their
+computing freedom (@pxref{GNU-Distribution}).
+Thankfully, the GNU Binary Utilities (Binutils) and GDB provide a mechanism
+that allows users to get the best of both worlds: debugging information can
+be stripped from the binaries and stored in separate files. GDB is then
+able to load debugging information from those files, when they are available
+(@pxref{Separate Debug Files,,, gdb, Debugging with GDB}).
+The GNU distribution takes advantage of this by storing debugging
+information in the @code{lib/debug} sub-directory of a separate package
+output unimaginatively called @code{debug} (@pxref{Pakete mit mehreren Ausgaben.}). Users can choose to install the @code{debug} output of a package
+when they need it. For instance, the following command installs the
+debugging information for the GNU C Library and for GNU Guile:
+guix package -i glibc:debug guile:debug
+@end example
+GDB must then be told to look for debug files in the user's profile, by
+setting the @code{debug-file-directory} variable (consider setting it from
+the @file{~/.gdbinit} file, @pxref{Startup,,, gdb, Debugging with GDB}):
+(gdb) set debug-file-directory ~/.guix-profile/lib/debug
+@end example
+From there on, GDB will pick up debugging information from the @code{.debug}
+files under @file{~/.guix-profile/lib/debug}.
+In addition, you will most likely want GDB to be able to show the source
+code being debugged. To do that, you will have to unpack the source code of
+the package of interest (obtained with @code{guix build --source},
+@pxref{Aufruf von guix build}), and to point GDB to that source directory
+using the @code{directory} command (@pxref{Source Path, @code{directory},,
+gdb, Debugging with GDB}).
+@c XXX: keep me up-to-date
+The @code{debug} output mechanism in Guix is implemented by the
+@code{gnu-build-system} (@pxref{Erstellungssysteme}). Currently, it is
+opt-in---debugging information is available only for the packages with
+definitions explicitly declaring a @code{debug} output. This may be changed
+to opt-out in the future if our build farm servers can handle the load. To
+check whether a package has a @code{debug} output, use @command{guix package
+--list-available} (@pxref{Aufruf von guix package}).
+@node Sicherheitsaktualisierungen
+@section Sicherheitsaktualisierungen
+@cindex security updates
+@cindex security vulnerabilities
+Occasionally, important security vulnerabilities are discovered in software
+packages and must be patched. Guix developers try hard to keep track of
+known vulnerabilities and to apply fixes as soon as possible in the
+@code{master} branch of Guix (we do not yet provide a ``stable'' branch
+containing only security updates.) The @command{guix lint} tool helps
+developers find out about vulnerable versions of software packages in the
+$ guix lint -c cve
+gnu/packages/base.scm:652:2: glibc@@2.21: probably vulnerable to CVE-2015-1781, CVE-2015-7547
+gnu/packages/gcc.scm:334:2: gcc@@4.9.3: probably vulnerable to CVE-2015-5276
+gnu/packages/image.scm:312:2: openjpeg@@2.1.0: probably vulnerable to CVE-2016-1923, CVE-2016-1924
+@end smallexample
+@xref{Aufruf von guix lint}, for more information.
+@quotation Anmerkung
+As of version @value{VERSION}, the feature described below is considered
+@end quotation
+Guix follows a functional package management discipline
+(@pxref{Einführung}), which implies that, when a package is changed,
+@emph{every package that depends on it} must be rebuilt. This can
+significantly slow down the deployment of fixes in core packages such as
+libc or Bash, since basically the whole distribution would need to be
+rebuilt. Using pre-built binaries helps (@pxref{Substitute}), but
+deployment may still take more time than desired.
+@cindex grafts
+To address this, Guix implements @dfn{grafts}, a mechanism that allows for
+fast deployment of critical updates without the costs associated with a
+whole-distribution rebuild. The idea is to rebuild only the package that
+needs to be patched, and then to ``graft'' it onto packages explicitly
+installed by the user and that were previously referring to the original
+package. The cost of grafting is typically very low, and order of
+magnitudes lower than a full rebuild of the dependency chain.
+@cindex replacements of packages, for grafts
+For instance, suppose a security update needs to be applied to Bash. Guix
+developers will provide a package definition for the ``fixed'' Bash, say
+@var{bash-fixed}, in the usual way (@pxref{Pakete definieren}). Then, the
+original package definition is augmented with a @code{replacement} field
+pointing to the package containing the bug fix:
+(define bash
+ (package
+ (name "bash")
+ ;; @dots{}
+ (replacement bash-fixed)))
+@end example
+From there on, any package depending directly or indirectly on Bash---as
+reported by @command{guix gc --requisites} (@pxref{Aufruf von guix gc})---that
+is installed is automatically ``rewritten'' to refer to @var{bash-fixed}
+instead of @var{bash}. This grafting process takes time proportional to the
+size of the package, usually less than a minute for an ``average'' package
+on a recent machine. Grafting is recursive: when an indirect dependency
+requires grafting, then grafting ``propagates'' up to the package that the
+user is installing.
+Currently, the length of the name and version of the graft and that of the
+package it replaces (@var{bash-fixed} and @var{bash} in the example above)
+must be equal. This restriction mostly comes from the fact that grafting
+works by patching files, including binary files, directly. Other
+restrictions may apply: for instance, when adding a graft to a package
+providing a shared library, the original shared library and its replacement
+must have the same @code{SONAME} and be binary-compatible.
+The @option{--no-grafts} command-line option allows you to forcefully avoid
+grafting (@pxref{Gemeinsame Erstellungsoptionen, @option{--no-grafts}}). Thus, the
+guix build bash --no-grafts
+@end example
+returns the store file name of the original Bash, whereas:
+guix build bash
+@end example
+returns the store file name of the ``fixed'', replacement Bash. This allows
+you to distinguish between the two variants of Bash.
+To verify which Bash your whole profile refers to, you can run
+(@pxref{Aufruf von guix gc}):
+guix gc -R `readlink -f ~/.guix-profile` | grep bash
+@end example
+@dots{} and compare the store file names that you get with those above.
+Likewise for a complete GuixSD system generation:
+guix gc -R `guix system build my-config.scm` | grep bash
+@end example
+Lastly, to check which Bash running processes are using, you can use the
+@command{lsof} command:
+lsof | grep /gnu/store/.*bash
+@end example
+@node Paketmodule
+@section Paketmodule
+From a programming viewpoint, the package definitions of the GNU
+distribution are provided by Guile modules in the @code{(gnu packages
+@dots{})} name space@footnote{Note that packages under the @code{(gnu
+packages @dots{})} module name space are not necessarily ``GNU packages''.
+This module naming scheme follows the usual Guile module naming convention:
+@code{gnu} means that these modules are distributed as part of the GNU
+system, and @code{packages} identifies modules that define packages.}
+(@pxref{Module, Guile modules,, guile, GNU Guile Reference Manual}). For
+instance, the @code{(gnu packages emacs)} module exports a variable named
+@code{emacs}, which is bound to a @code{<package>} object (@pxref{Pakete definieren}).
+The @code{(gnu packages @dots{})} module name space is automatically scanned
+for packages by the command-line tools. For instance, when running
+@code{guix package -i emacs}, all the @code{(gnu packages @dots{})} modules
+are scanned until one that exports a package object whose name is
+@code{emacs} is found. This package search facility is implemented in the
+@code{(gnu packages)} module.
+@cindex Anpassung, von Paketen
+@cindex package module search path
+Users can store package definitions in modules with different names---e.g.,
+@code{(my-packages emacs)}@footnote{Note that the file name and module name
+must match. For instance, the @code{(my-packages emacs)} module must be
+stored in a @file{my-packages/emacs.scm} file relative to the load path
+specified with @option{--load-path} or @code{GUIX_PACKAGE_PATH}.
+@xref{Modules and the File System,,, guile, GNU Guile Reference Manual}, for
+details.}. There are two ways to make these package definitions visible to
+the user interfaces:
+By adding the directory containing your package modules to the search path
+with the @code{-L} flag of @command{guix package} and other commands
+(@pxref{Gemeinsame Erstellungsoptionen}), or by setting the @code{GUIX_PACKAGE_PATH}
+environment variable described below.
+By defining a @dfn{channel} and configuring @command{guix pull} so that it
+pulls from it. A channel is essentially a Git repository containing package
+modules. @xref{Channels}, for more information on how to define and use
+@end enumerate
+@code{GUIX_PACKAGE_PATH} works similarly to other search path variables:
+@defvr {Environment Variable} GUIX_PACKAGE_PATH
+This is a colon-separated list of directories to search for additional
+package modules. Directories listed in this variable take precedence over
+the own modules of the distribution.
+@end defvr
+The distribution is fully @dfn{bootstrapped} and @dfn{self-contained}: each
+package is built based solely on other packages in the distribution. The
+root of this dependency graph is a small set of @dfn{bootstrap binaries},
+provided by the @code{(gnu packages bootstrap)} module. For more
+information on bootstrapping, @pxref{Bootstrapping}.
+@node Paketrichtlinien
+@section Paketrichtlinien
+@cindex packages, creating
+The GNU distribution is nascent and may well lack some of your favorite
+packages. This section describes how you can help make the distribution
+grow. @xref{Mitwirken}, for additional information on how you can help.
+Free software packages are usually distributed in the form of @dfn{source
+code tarballs}---typically @file{tar.gz} files that contain all the source
+files. Adding a package to the distribution means essentially two things:
+adding a @dfn{recipe} that describes how to build the package, including a
+list of other packages required to build it, and adding @dfn{package
+metadata} along with that recipe, such as a description and licensing
+In Guix all this information is embodied in @dfn{package definitions}.
+Package definitions provide a high-level view of the package. They are
+written using the syntax of the Scheme programming language; in fact, for
+each package we define a variable bound to the package definition, and
+export that variable from a module (@pxref{Paketmodule}). However,
+in-depth Scheme knowledge is @emph{not} a prerequisite for creating
+packages. For more information on package definitions, @pxref{Pakete definieren}.
+Once a package definition is in place, stored in a file in the Guix source
+tree, it can be tested using the @command{guix build} command
+(@pxref{Aufruf von guix build}). For example, assuming the new package is
+called @code{gnew}, you may run this command from the Guix build tree
+(@pxref{Guix vor der Installation ausführen}):
+./pre-inst-env guix build gnew --keep-failed
+@end example
+Using @code{--keep-failed} makes it easier to debug build failures since it
+provides access to the failed build tree. Another useful command-line
+option when debugging is @code{--log-file}, to access the build log.
+If the package is unknown to the @command{guix} command, it may be that the
+source file contains a syntax error, or lacks a @code{define-public} clause
+to export the package variable. To figure it out, you may load the module
+from Guile to get more information about the actual error:
+./pre-inst-env guile -c '(use-modules (gnu packages gnew))'
+@end example
+Once your package builds correctly, please send us a patch
+(@pxref{Mitwirken}). Well, if you need help, we will be happy to help
+you too. Once the patch is committed in the Guix repository, the new
+package automatically gets built on the supported platforms by
+@url{http://hydra.gnu.org/jobset/gnu/master, our continuous integration
+@cindex substituter
+Users can obtain the new package definition simply by running @command{guix
+pull} (@pxref{Aufruf von guix pull}). When @code{hydra.gnu.org} is done
+building the package, installing the package automatically downloads
+binaries from there (@pxref{Substitute}). The only place where human
+intervention is needed is to review and apply the patch.
+* Software-Freiheit:: Was in die Distribution aufgenommen werden
+ darf.
+* Paketbenennung:: Was macht einen Namen aus?
+* Versionsnummern:: Wenn der Name noch nicht genug ist.
+* Zusammenfassungen und Beschreibungen:: Den Nutzern helfen, das richtige
+ Paket zu finden.
+* Python-Module:: Ein Touch britischer Comedy.
+* Perl-Module:: Kleine Perlen.
+* Java-Pakete:: Kaffeepause.
+* Schriftarten:: Schriften verschriftlicht.
+@end menu
+@node Software-Freiheit
+@subsection Software-Freiheit
+@c Adapted from http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/philosophy.html.
+@cindex free software
+The GNU operating system has been developed so that users can have freedom
+in their computing. GNU is @dfn{free software}, meaning that users have the
+@url{http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html,four essential freedoms}: to
+run the program, to study and change the program in source code form, to
+redistribute exact copies, and to distribute modified versions. Packages
+found in the GNU distribution provide only software that conveys these four
+In addition, the GNU distribution follow the
+software distribution guidelines}. Among other things, these guidelines
+reject non-free firmware, recommendations of non-free software, and discuss
+ways to deal with trademarks and patents.
+Some otherwise free upstream package sources contain a small and optional
+subset that violates the above guidelines, for instance because this subset
+is itself non-free code. When that happens, the offending items are removed
+with appropriate patches or code snippets in the @code{origin} form of the
+package (@pxref{Pakete definieren}). This way, @code{guix build --source}
+returns the ``freed'' source rather than the unmodified upstream source.
+@node Paketbenennung
+@subsection Paketbenennung
+@cindex package name
+A package has actually two names associated with it: First, there is the
+name of the @emph{Scheme variable}, the one following @code{define-public}.
+By this name, the package can be made known in the Scheme code, for instance
+as input to another package. Second, there is the string in the @code{name}
+field of a package definition. This name is used by package management
+commands such as @command{guix package} and @command{guix build}.
+Both are usually the same and correspond to the lowercase conversion of the
+project name chosen upstream, with underscores replaced with hyphens. For
+instance, GNUnet is available as @code{gnunet}, and SDL_net as
+We do not add @code{lib} prefixes for library packages, unless these are
+already part of the official project name. But @pxref{Python-Module} and
+@ref{Perl-Module} for special rules concerning modules for the Python and
+Perl languages.
+Font package names are handled differently, @pxref{Schriftarten}.
+@node Versionsnummern
+@subsection Versionsnummern
+@cindex package version
+We usually package only the latest version of a given free software
+project. But sometimes, for instance for incompatible library versions, two
+(or more) versions of the same package are needed. These require different
+Scheme variable names. We use the name as defined in @ref{Paketbenennung}
+for the most recent version; previous versions use the same name, suffixed
+by @code{-} and the smallest prefix of the version number that may
+distinguish the two versions.
+The name inside the package definition is the same for all versions of a
+package and does not contain any version number.
+For instance, the versions 2.24.20 and 3.9.12 of GTK+ may be packaged as
+(define-public gtk+
+ (package
+ (name "gtk+")
+ (version "3.9.12")
+ ...))
+(define-public gtk+-2
+ (package
+ (name "gtk+")
+ (version "2.24.20")
+ ...))
+@end example
+If we also wanted GTK+ 3.8.2, this would be packaged as
+(define-public gtk+-3.8
+ (package
+ (name "gtk+")
+ (version "3.8.2")
+ ...))
+@end example
+@c See <https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/guix-devel/2016-01/msg00425.html>,
+@c for a discussion of what follows.
+@cindex version number, for VCS snapshots
+Occasionally, we package snapshots of upstream's version control system
+(VCS) instead of formal releases. This should remain exceptional, because
+it is up to upstream developers to clarify what the stable release is. Yet,
+it is sometimes necessary. So, what should we put in the @code{version}
+Clearly, we need to make the commit identifier of the VCS snapshot visible
+in the version string, but we also need to make sure that the version string
+is monotonically increasing so that @command{guix package --upgrade} can
+determine which version is newer. Since commit identifiers, notably with
+Git, are not monotonically increasing, we add a revision number that we
+increase each time we upgrade to a newer snapshot. The resulting version
+string looks like this:
+ ^ ^ ^
+ | | `-- upstream commit ID
+ | |
+ | `--- Guix package revision
+ |
+latest upstream version
+@end example
+It is a good idea to strip commit identifiers in the @code{version} field
+to, say, 7 digits. It avoids an aesthetic annoyance (assuming aesthetics
+have a role to play here) as well as problems related to OS limits such as
+the maximum shebang length (127 bytes for the Linux kernel.) It is best to
+use the full commit identifiers in @code{origin}s, though, to avoid
+ambiguities. A typical package definition may look like this:
+(define my-package
+ (let ((commit "c3f29bc928d5900971f65965feaae59e1272a3f7")
+ (revision "1")) ;Guix package revision
+ (package
+ (version (git-version "0.9" revision commit))
+ (source (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "git://example.org/my-package.git")
+ (commit commit)))
+ (sha256 (base32 "1mbikn@dots{}"))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))))
+ ;; @dots{}
+ )))
+@end example
+@node Zusammenfassungen und Beschreibungen
+@subsection Zusammenfassungen und Beschreibungen
+@cindex package description
+@cindex package synopsis
+As we have seen before, each package in GNU@tie{}Guix includes a synopsis
+and a description (@pxref{Pakete definieren}). Synopses and descriptions
+are important: They are what @command{guix package --search} searches, and a
+crucial piece of information to help users determine whether a given package
+suits their needs. Consequently, packagers should pay attention to what
+goes into them.
+Synopses must start with a capital letter and must not end with a period.
+They must not start with ``a'' or ``the'', which usually does not bring
+anything; for instance, prefer ``File-frobbing tool'' over ``A tool that
+frobs files''. The synopsis should say what the package is---e.g., ``Core
+GNU utilities (file, text, shell)''---or what it is used for---e.g., the
+synopsis for GNU@tie{}grep is ``Print lines matching a pattern''.
+Keep in mind that the synopsis must be meaningful for a very wide audience.
+For example, ``Manipulate alignments in the SAM format'' might make sense
+for a seasoned bioinformatics researcher, but might be fairly unhelpful or
+even misleading to a non-specialized audience. It is a good idea to come up
+with a synopsis that gives an idea of the application domain of the
+package. In this example, this might give something like ``Manipulate
+nucleotide sequence alignments'', which hopefully gives the user a better
+idea of whether this is what they are looking for.
+Descriptions should take between five and ten lines. Use full sentences,
+and avoid using acronyms without first introducing them. Please avoid
+marketing phrases such as ``world-leading'', ``industrial-strength'', and
+``next-generation'', and avoid superlatives like ``the most
+advanced''---they are not helpful to users looking for a package and may
+even sound suspicious. Instead, try to be factual, mentioning use cases and
+@cindex Texinfo markup, in package descriptions
+Descriptions can include Texinfo markup, which is useful to introduce
+ornaments such as @code{@@code} or @code{@@dfn}, bullet lists, or hyperlinks
+(@pxref{Overview,,, texinfo, GNU Texinfo}). However you should be careful
+when using some characters for example @samp{@@} and curly braces which are
+the basic special characters in Texinfo (@pxref{Special Characters,,,
+texinfo, GNU Texinfo}). User interfaces such as @command{guix package
+--show} take care of rendering it appropriately.
+Synopses and descriptions are translated by volunteers
+@uref{http://translationproject.org/domain/guix-packages.html, at the
+Translation Project} so that as many users as possible can read them in
+their native language. User interfaces search them and display them in the
+language specified by the current locale.
+To allow @command{xgettext} to extract them as translatable strings,
+synopses and descriptions @emph{must be literal strings}. This means that
+you cannot use @code{string-append} or @code{format} to construct these
+ ;; @dots{}
+ (synopsis "This is translatable")
+ (description (string-append "This is " "*not*" " translatable.")))
+@end lisp
+Translation is a lot of work so, as a packager, please pay even more
+attention to your synopses and descriptions as every change may entail
+additional work for translators. In order to help them, it is possible to
+make recommendations or instructions visible to them by inserting special
+comments like this (@pxref{xgettext Invocation,,, gettext, GNU Gettext}):
+;; TRANSLATORS: "X11 resize-and-rotate" should not be translated.
+(description "ARandR is designed to provide a simple visual front end
+for the X11 resize-and-rotate (RandR) extension. @dots{}")
+@end example
+@node Python-Module
+@subsection Python-Module
+@cindex python
+We currently package Python 2 and Python 3, under the Scheme variable names
+@code{python-2} and @code{python} as explained in @ref{Versionsnummern}. To
+avoid confusion and naming clashes with other programming languages, it
+seems desirable that the name of a package for a Python module contains the
+word @code{python}.
+Some modules are compatible with only one version of Python, others with
+both. If the package Foo compiles only with Python 3, we name it
+@code{python-foo}; if it compiles only with Python 2, we name it
+@code{python2-foo}. If it is compatible with both versions, we create two
+packages with the corresponding names.
+If a project already contains the word @code{python}, we drop this; for
+instance, the module python-dateutil is packaged under the names
+@code{python-dateutil} and @code{python2-dateutil}. If the project name
+starts with @code{py} (e.g.@: @code{pytz}), we keep it and prefix it as
+described above.
+@subsubsection Specifying Dependencies
+@cindex inputs, for Python packages
+Dependency information for Python packages is usually available in the
+package source tree, with varying degrees of accuracy: in the
+@file{setup.py} file, in @file{requirements.txt}, or in @file{tox.ini}.
+Your mission, when writing a recipe for a Python package, is to map these
+dependencies to the appropriate type of ``input'' (@pxref{„package“-Referenz,
+inputs}). Although the @code{pypi} importer normally does a good job
+(@pxref{Aufruf von guix import}), you may want to check the following check
+list to determine which dependency goes where.
+We currently package Python 2 with @code{setuptools} and @code{pip}
+installed like Python 3.4 has per default. Thus you don't need to specify
+either of these as an input. @command{guix lint} will warn you if you do.
+Python dependencies required at run time go into @code{propagated-inputs}.
+They are typically defined with the @code{install_requires} keyword in
+@file{setup.py}, or in the @file{requirements.txt} file.
+Python packages required only at build time---e.g., those listed with the
+@code{setup_requires} keyword in @file{setup.py}---or only for
+testing---e.g., those in @code{tests_require}---go into
+@code{native-inputs}. The rationale is that (1) they do not need to be
+propagated because they are not needed at run time, and (2) in a
+cross-compilation context, it's the ``native'' input that we'd want.
+Examples are the @code{pytest}, @code{mock}, and @code{nose} test
+frameworks. Of course if any of these packages is also required at
+run-time, it needs to go to @code{propagated-inputs}.
+Anything that does not fall in the previous categories goes to
+@code{inputs}, for example programs or C libraries required for building
+Python packages containing C extensions.
+If a Python package has optional dependencies (@code{extras_require}), it is
+up to you to decide whether to add them or not, based on their
+usefulness/overhead ratio (@pxref{Einreichen von Patches, @command{guix size}}).
+@end itemize
+@node Perl-Module
+@subsection Perl-Module
+@cindex perl
+Perl programs standing for themselves are named as any other package, using
+the lowercase upstream name. For Perl packages containing a single class,
+we use the lowercase class name, replace all occurrences of @code{::} by
+dashes and prepend the prefix @code{perl-}. So the class @code{XML::Parser}
+becomes @code{perl-xml-parser}. Modules containing several classes keep
+their lowercase upstream name and are also prepended by @code{perl-}. Such
+modules tend to have the word @code{perl} somewhere in their name, which
+gets dropped in favor of the prefix. For instance, @code{libwww-perl}
+becomes @code{perl-libwww}.
+@node Java-Pakete
+@subsection Java-Pakete
+@cindex java
+Java programs standing for themselves are named as any other package, using
+the lowercase upstream name.
+To avoid confusion and naming clashes with other programming languages, it
+is desirable that the name of a package for a Java package is prefixed with
+@code{java-}. If a project already contains the word @code{java}, we drop
+this; for instance, the package @code{ngsjava} is packaged under the name
+For Java packages containing a single class or a small class hierarchy, we
+use the lowercase class name, replace all occurrences of @code{.} by dashes
+and prepend the prefix @code{java-}. So the class @code{apache.commons.cli}
+becomes package @code{java-apache-commons-cli}.
+@node Schriftarten
+@subsection Schriftarten
+@cindex Schriftarten
+For fonts that are in general not installed by a user for typesetting
+purposes, or that are distributed as part of a larger software package, we
+rely on the general packaging rules for software; for instance, this applies
+to the fonts delivered as part of the X.Org system or fonts that are part of
+TeX Live.
+To make it easier for a user to search for fonts, names for other packages
+containing only fonts are constructed as follows, independently of the
+upstream package name.
+The name of a package containing only one font family starts with
+@code{font-}; it is followed by the foundry name and a dash @code{-} if the
+foundry is known, and the font family name, in which spaces are replaced by
+dashes (and as usual, all upper case letters are transformed to lower
+case). For example, the Gentium font family by SIL is packaged under the
+name @code{font-sil-gentium}.
+For a package containing several font families, the name of the collection
+is used in the place of the font family name. For instance, the Liberation
+fonts consist of three families, Liberation Sans, Liberation Serif and
+Liberation Mono. These could be packaged separately under the names
+@code{font-liberation-sans} and so on; but as they are distributed together
+under a common name, we prefer to package them together as
+In the case where several formats of the same font family or font collection
+are packaged separately, a short form of the format, prepended by a dash, is
+added to the package name. We use @code{-ttf} for TrueType fonts,
+@code{-otf} for OpenType fonts and @code{-type1} for PostScript Type 1
+@node Bootstrapping
+@section Bootstrapping
+@c Adapted from the ELS 2013 paper.
+@cindex bootstrapping
+Bootstrapping in our context refers to how the distribution gets built
+``from nothing''. Remember that the build environment of a derivation
+contains nothing but its declared inputs (@pxref{Einführung}). So there's
+an obvious chicken-and-egg problem: how does the first package get built?
+How does the first compiler get compiled? Note that this is a question of
+interest only to the curious hacker, not to the regular user, so you can
+shamelessly skip this section if you consider yourself a ``regular user''.
+@cindex bootstrap binaries
+The GNU system is primarily made of C code, with libc at its core. The GNU
+build system itself assumes the availability of a Bourne shell and
+command-line tools provided by GNU Coreutils, Awk, Findutils, `sed', and
+`grep'. Furthermore, build programs---programs that run @code{./configure},
+@code{make}, etc.---are written in Guile Scheme (@pxref{Ableitungen}).
+Consequently, to be able to build anything at all, from scratch, Guix relies
+on pre-built binaries of Guile, GCC, Binutils, libc, and the other packages
+mentioned above---the @dfn{bootstrap binaries}.
+These bootstrap binaries are ``taken for granted'', though we can also
+re-create them if needed (more on that later).
+@unnumberedsubsec Preparing to Use the Bootstrap Binaries
+@c As of Emacs 24.3, Info-mode displays the image, but since it's a
+@c large image, it's hard to scroll. Oh well.
+@image{images/bootstrap-graph,6in,,Dependency graph of the early bootstrap
+The figure above shows the very beginning of the dependency graph of the
+distribution, corresponding to the package definitions of the @code{(gnu
+packages bootstrap)} module. A similar figure can be generated with
+@command{guix graph} (@pxref{Aufruf von guix graph}), along the lines of:
+guix graph -t derivation \
+ -e '(@@@@ (gnu packages bootstrap) %bootstrap-gcc)' \
+ | dot -Tps > t.ps
+@end example
+At this level of detail, things are slightly complex. First, Guile itself
+consists of an ELF executable, along with many source and compiled Scheme
+files that are dynamically loaded when it runs. This gets stored in the
+@file{guile-2.0.7.tar.xz} tarball shown in this graph. This tarball is part
+of Guix's ``source'' distribution, and gets inserted into the store with
+@code{add-to-store} (@pxref{Der Store}).
+But how do we write a derivation that unpacks this tarball and adds it to
+the store? To solve this problem, the @code{guile-bootstrap-2.0.drv}
+derivation---the first one that gets built---uses @code{bash} as its
+builder, which runs @code{build-bootstrap-guile.sh}, which in turn calls
+@code{tar} to unpack the tarball. Thus, @file{bash}, @file{tar}, @file{xz},
+and @file{mkdir} are statically-linked binaries, also part of the Guix
+source distribution, whose sole purpose is to allow the Guile tarball to be
+Once @code{guile-bootstrap-2.0.drv} is built, we have a functioning Guile
+that can be used to run subsequent build programs. Its first task is to
+download tarballs containing the other pre-built binaries---this is what the
+@code{.tar.xz.drv} derivations do. Guix modules such as
+@code{ftp-client.scm} are used for this purpose. The
+@code{module-import.drv} derivations import those modules in a directory in
+the store, using the original layout. The @code{module-import-compiled.drv}
+derivations compile those modules, and write them in an output directory
+with the right layout. This corresponds to the @code{#:modules} argument of
+@code{build-expression->derivation} (@pxref{Ableitungen}).
+Finally, the various tarballs are unpacked by the derivations
+@code{gcc-bootstrap-0.drv}, @code{glibc-bootstrap-0.drv}, etc., at which
+point we have a working C tool chain.
+@unnumberedsubsec Building the Build Tools
+Bootstrapping is complete when we have a full tool chain that does not
+depend on the pre-built bootstrap tools discussed above. This no-dependency
+requirement is verified by checking whether the files of the final tool
+chain contain references to the @file{/gnu/store} directories of the
+bootstrap inputs. The process that leads to this ``final'' tool chain is
+described by the package definitions found in the @code{(gnu packages
+commencement)} module.
+The @command{guix graph} command allows us to ``zoom out'' compared to the
+graph above, by looking at the level of package objects instead of
+individual derivations---remember that a package may translate to several
+derivations, typically one derivation to download its source, one to build
+the Guile modules it needs, and one to actually build the package from
+source. The command:
+guix graph -t bag \
+ -e '(@@@@ (gnu packages commencement)
+ glibc-final-with-bootstrap-bash)' | dot -Tps > t.ps
+@end example
+produces the dependency graph leading to the ``final'' C
+library@footnote{You may notice the @code{glibc-intermediate} label,
+suggesting that it is not @emph{quite} final, but as a good approximation,
+we will consider it final.}, depicted below.
+@image{images/bootstrap-packages,6in,,Dependency graph of the early
+@c See <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/gnu-system-discuss/2012-10/msg00000.html>.
+The first tool that gets built with the bootstrap binaries is
+GNU@tie{}Make---noted @code{make-boot0} above---which is a prerequisite for
+all the following packages. From there Findutils and Diffutils get built.
+Then come the first-stage Binutils and GCC, built as pseudo cross
+tools---i.e., with @code{--target} equal to @code{--host}. They are used to
+build libc. Thanks to this cross-build trick, this libc is guaranteed not
+to hold any reference to the initial tool chain.
+From there the final Binutils and GCC (not shown above) are built. GCC uses
+@code{ld} from the final Binutils, and links programs against the just-built
+libc. This tool chain is used to build the other packages used by Guix and
+by the GNU Build System: Guile, Bash, Coreutils, etc.
+And voilà! At this point we have the complete set of build tools that the
+GNU Build System expects. These are in the @code{%final-inputs} variable of
+the @code{(gnu packages commencement)} module, and are implicitly used by
+any package that uses @code{gnu-build-system} (@pxref{Erstellungssysteme,
+@unnumberedsubsec Building the Bootstrap Binaries
+@cindex bootstrap binaries
+Because the final tool chain does not depend on the bootstrap binaries,
+those rarely need to be updated. Nevertheless, it is useful to have an
+automated way to produce them, should an update occur, and this is what the
+@code{(gnu packages make-bootstrap)} module provides.
+The following command builds the tarballs containing the bootstrap binaries
+(Guile, Binutils, GCC, libc, and a tarball containing a mixture of Coreutils
+and other basic command-line tools):
+guix build bootstrap-tarballs
+@end example
+The generated tarballs are those that should be referred to in the
+@code{(gnu packages bootstrap)} module mentioned at the beginning of this
+Still here? Then perhaps by now you've started to wonder: when do we reach a
+fixed point? That is an interesting question! The answer is unknown, but if
+you would like to investigate further (and have significant computational
+and storage resources to do so), then let us know.
+@unnumberedsubsec Reducing the Set of Bootstrap Binaries
+Our bootstrap binaries currently include GCC, Guile, etc. That's a lot of
+binary code! Why is that a problem? It's a problem because these big chunks
+of binary code are practically non-auditable, which makes it hard to
+establish what source code produced them. Every unauditable binary also
+leaves us vulnerable to compiler backdoors as described by Ken Thompson in
+the 1984 paper @emph{Reflections on Trusting Trust}.
+This is mitigated by the fact that our bootstrap binaries were generated
+from an earlier Guix revision. Nevertheless it lacks the level of
+transparency that we get in the rest of the package dependency graph, where
+Guix always gives us a source-to-binary mapping. Thus, our goal is to
+reduce the set of bootstrap binaries to the bare minimum.
+The @uref{http://bootstrappable.org, Bootstrappable.org web site} lists
+on-going projects to do that. One of these is about replacing the bootstrap
+GCC with a sequence of assemblers, interpreters, and compilers of increasing
+complexity, which could be built from source starting from a simple and
+auditable assembler. Your help is welcome!
+@node Portierung
+@section Porting to a New Platform
+As discussed above, the GNU distribution is self-contained, and
+self-containment is achieved by relying on pre-built ``bootstrap binaries''
+(@pxref{Bootstrapping}). These binaries are specific to an operating system
+kernel, CPU architecture, and application binary interface (ABI). Thus, to
+port the distribution to a platform that is not yet supported, one must
+build those bootstrap binaries, and update the @code{(gnu packages
+bootstrap)} module to use them on that platform.
+Fortunately, Guix can @emph{cross compile} those bootstrap binaries. When
+everything goes well, and assuming the GNU tool chain supports the target
+platform, this can be as simple as running a command like this one:
+guix build --target=armv5tel-linux-gnueabi bootstrap-tarballs
+@end example
+For this to work, the @code{glibc-dynamic-linker} procedure in @code{(gnu
+packages bootstrap)} must be augmented to return the right file name for
+libc's dynamic linker on that platform; likewise,
+@code{system->linux-architecture} in @code{(gnu packages linux)} must be
+taught about the new platform.
+Once these are built, the @code{(gnu packages bootstrap)} module needs to be
+updated to refer to these binaries on the target platform. That is, the
+hashes and URLs of the bootstrap tarballs for the new platform must be added
+alongside those of the currently supported platforms. The bootstrap Guile
+tarball is treated specially: it is expected to be available locally, and
+@file{gnu/local.mk} has rules to download it for the supported
+architectures; a rule for the new platform must be added as well.
+In practice, there may be some complications. First, it may be that the
+extended GNU triplet that specifies an ABI (like the @code{eabi} suffix
+above) is not recognized by all the GNU tools. Typically, glibc recognizes
+some of these, whereas GCC uses an extra @code{--with-abi} configure flag
+(see @code{gcc.scm} for examples of how to handle this). Second, some of
+the required packages could fail to build for that platform. Lastly, the
+generated binaries could be broken for some reason.
+@c *********************************************************************
+@include contributing.de.texi
+@c *********************************************************************
+@node Danksagungen
+@chapter Danksagungen
+Guix is based on the @uref{http://nixos.org/nix/, Nix package manager},
+which was designed and implemented by Eelco Dolstra, with contributions from
+other people (see the @file{nix/AUTHORS} file in Guix.) Nix pioneered
+functional package management, and promoted unprecedented features, such as
+transactional package upgrades and rollbacks, per-user profiles, and
+referentially transparent build processes. Without this work, Guix would
+not exist.
+The Nix-based software distributions, Nixpkgs and NixOS, have also been an
+inspiration for Guix.
+GNU@tie{}Guix itself is a collective work with contributions from a number
+of people. See the @file{AUTHORS} file in Guix for more information on
+these fine people. The @file{THANKS} file lists people who have helped by
+reporting bugs, taking care of the infrastructure, providing artwork and
+themes, making suggestions, and more---thank you!
+@c *********************************************************************
+@node GNU-Lizenz für freie Dokumentation
+@appendix GNU-Lizenz für freie Dokumentation
+@cindex license, GNU Free Documentation License
+@include fdl-1.3.texi
+@c *********************************************************************
+@node Konzeptverzeichnis
+@unnumbered Konzeptverzeichnis
+@printindex cp
+@node Programmierverzeichnis
+@unnumbered Programmierverzeichnis
+@syncodeindex tp fn
+@syncodeindex vr fn
+@printindex fn
+@c Local Variables:
+@c ispell-local-dictionary: "american";
+@c End:
diff --git a/doc/guix.fr.texi b/doc/guix.fr.texi
index b70806eccb..c8a01f18c6 100644
--- a/doc/guix.fr.texi
+++ b/doc/guix.fr.texi
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
@c Identifier of the OpenPGP key used to sign tarballs and such.
+@set KEY-SERVER pool.sks-keyservers.net
Copyright @copyright{} 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 Ludovic
@@ -33,19 +34,21 @@ Efraim Flashner@* Copyright @copyright{} 2016 John Darrington@* Copyright
@copyright{} 2016, 2017 Nils Gillmann@* Copyright @copyright{} 2016, 2017,
2018 Jan Nieuwenhuizen@* Copyright @copyright{} 2016 Julien Lepiller@*
Copyright @copyright{} 2016 Alex ter Weele@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017,
-2018 Clément Lassieur@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017 Mathieu Othacehe@*
-Copyright @copyright{} 2017 Federico Beffa@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017
-Carlo Zancanaro@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017 Thomas Danckaert@* Copyright
-@copyright{} 2017 humanitiesNerd@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017 Christopher
-Allan Webber@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017, 2018 Marius Bakke@* Copyright
-@copyright{} 2017 Hartmut Goebel@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017 Maxim
-Cournoyer@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017, 2018 Tobias Geerinckx-Rice@*
+2018 Clément Lassieur@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017, 2018 Mathieu Othacehe@*
+Copyright @copyright{} 2017 Federico Beffa@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017,
+2018 Carlo Zancanaro@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017 Thomas Danckaert@*
+Copyright @copyright{} 2017 humanitiesNerd@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017
+Christopher Allan Webber@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017, 2018 Marius Bakke@*
+Copyright @copyright{} 2017 Hartmut Goebel@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017
+Maxim Cournoyer@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017, 2018 Tobias Geerinckx-Rice@*
Copyright @copyright{} 2017 George Clemmer@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017
Andy Wingo@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017, 2018 Arun Isaac@* Copyright
@copyright{} 2017 nee@* Copyright @copyright{} 2018 Rutger Helling@*
Copyright @copyright{} 2018 Oleg Pykhalov@* Copyright @copyright{} 2018 Mike
Gerwitz@* Copyright @copyright{} 2018 Pierre-Antoine Rouby@* Copyright
-@copyright{} 2018 Gábor Boskovits@*
+@copyright{} 2018 Gábor Boskovits@* Copyright @copyright{} 2018 Florian
+Pelz@* Copyright @copyright{} 2018 Laura Lazzati@* Copyright @copyright{}
+2018 Alex Vong@*
Vous avez la permission de copier, distribuer ou modifier ce document sous
les termes de la Licence GNU Free Documentation, version 1.3 ou toute
@@ -104,11 +107,14 @@ gestion de paquets fonctionnel écrit pour le système GNU@.
@c TRANSLATORS: You can replace the following paragraph with information on
@c how to join your own translation team and how to report issues with the
@c translation.
-This manual is also available in French (@pxref{Top,,, guix.fr, Manuel de
-référence de GNU Guix}). If you would like to translate it in your native
-language, consider joining the
-@uref{https://translationproject.org/domain/guix-manual.html, Translation
+Ce manuel est aussi disponible en anglais (@pxref{Top,,, guix, GNU Guix
+Reference Manual}) et en allemand (@pxref{Top,,, guix.de, Referenzhandbuch
+zu GNU Guix}). Si vous souhaitez nous aider à traduire ce manuel en
+français, vous pouvez nous rejoindre sur le
+@uref{https://translationproject.org/domain/guix-manual.html, projet de
+traduction} et sur la liste de diffusion
* Introduction:: Qu'est-ce que Guix ?
@@ -165,6 +171,10 @@ Gestion de paquets
* Invoquer guix gc:: Lancer le ramasse-miettes.
* Invoquer guix pull:: Récupérer la dernière version de Guix et de
la distribution.
+* Canaux:: Personnaliser la collection des paquets.
+* Inférieurs:: Interagir avec une autre révision de Guix.
+* Invoquer guix describe:: Affiche des informations sur la révision Guix
+ actuelle.
* Invoquer guix pack:: Créer des lots de logiciels.
* Invoquer guix archive:: Exporter et importer des fichiers du dépôt.
@@ -194,7 +204,7 @@ Interface de programmation
* La monad du dépôt:: Interface purement fonctionnelle avec le
* G-Expressions:: Manipuler les expressions de construction.
-* Invoking guix repl:: Fiddling with Guix interactively.
+* Invoquer guix repl:: S'amuser avec Guix de manière interactive.
Définition des paquets
@@ -225,6 +235,7 @@ Utilitaires
* Invoquer guix copy:: Copier vers et depuis un dépôt distant.
* Invoquer guix container:: Isolation de processus.
* Invoquer guix weather:: Mesurer la disponibilité des substituts.
+* Invoquer guix processes:: Lister les processus clients.
Invoquer @command{guix build}
@@ -318,7 +329,8 @@ Services
* Services VPN:: Démons VPN
* Système de fichiers en réseau:: Services liés à NFS@.
* Intégration continue:: Le service Cuirass.
-* Power Management Services:: Extending battery life.
+* Services de gestion de l'énergie:: Augmenter la durée de vie de la
+ batterie.
* Services audio:: MPD@.
* Services de virtualisation:: Services de virtualisation.
* Services de contrôle de version:: Fournit des accès distants à des
@@ -419,6 +431,7 @@ transactionnelle, reproductible et sans état (@pxref{Configuration
@cindex gestion de paquet fonctionnelle
+@cindex isolation
Sous le capot, Guix implémente la discipline de @dfn{gestion de paquet
fonctionnel} inventé par Nix (@pxref{Remerciements}). Dans Guix le
processus de construction et d'installation des paquets est vu comme une
@@ -455,6 +468,7 @@ de miettes pour les paquets (@pxref{Fonctionnalités}).
@chapter Installation
@cindex installer Guix
+@cindex site officiel
GNU Guix est disponible au téléchargement depuis son site web sur
@url{http://www.gnu.org/software/guix/}. Cette section décrit les
pré-requis logiciels de Guix ainsi que la manière de l'installer et de se
@@ -466,7 +480,9 @@ vous souhaitez plutôt installer le système d'exploitation GNU complet,
@pxref{Installation du système}.
@cindex distro extérieure
-Lorsqu'il est installé sur an système GNU/Linux existant — ci-après nommé
+@cindex répertoires liés aux distro extérieures
+Lorsqu'il est installé sur un système GNU/Linux existant — ci-après nommé
@dfn{distro extérieure} — GNU@tie{}Guix complète les outils disponibles sans
interférence. Ses données se trouvent exclusivement dans deux répertoires,
typiquement @file{/gnu/store} et @file{/var/guix} ; les autres fichiers de
@@ -491,6 +507,7 @@ Une fois installé, Guix peut être mis à jour en lançant @command{guix pull}
@section Installation binaire
@cindex installer Guix depuis les binaires
+@cindex script d'installation
Cette section décrit comment intaller Guix sur un système quelconque depuis
un archive autonome qui fournit les binaires pour Guix et toutes ses
dépendances. C'est souvent plus rapide que d'installer depuis les sources,
@@ -508,25 +525,26 @@ L'installation se comme ceci :
@cindex téléchargement du Guix binaire
-Download the binary tarball from
-where @var{system} is @code{x86_64-linux} for an @code{x86_64} machine
-already running the kernel Linux, and so on.
+Téléchargez l'archive binaire depuis
+où @var{système} est @code{x86_64-linux} pour une machine @code{x86_64} sur
+laquelle tourne déjà le noyau Linux, etc.
@c The following is somewhat duplicated in ``System Installation''.
Assurez-vous de télécharger le fichier @file{.sig} associé et de vérifier
l'authenticité de l'archive avec, comme ceci :
-$ wget https://alpha.gnu.org/gnu/guix/guix-binary-@value{VERSION}.@var{system}.tar.xz.sig
-$ gpg --verify guix-binary-@value{VERSION}.@var{system}.tar.xz.sig
+$ wget https://alpha.gnu.org/gnu/guix/guix-binary-@value{VERSION}.@var{système}.tar.xz.sig
+$ gpg --verify guix-binary-@value{VERSION}.@var{système}.tar.xz.sig
@end example
Si cette commande échoue parce que vous n'avez pas la clef publique requise,
lancez cette commande pour l'importer :
-$ gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-keys @value{OPENPGP-SIGNING-KEY-ID}
+$ gpg --keyserver @value{KEY-SERVER} \
+ --recv-keys @value{OPENPGP-SIGNING-KEY-ID}
@end example
@@ -562,18 +580,21 @@ contenu de l'archive ne dépende pas de la date de création, ce qui la rend
-Rendez le profil de @code{root} disponible sous @file{~root/.guix-profile} :
+Rendez le profil disponible sous @file{~root/.config/guix/current}, qui est
+l'emplacement où @command{guix pull} installera les mises à jour
+(@pxref{Invoquer guix pull}) :
-# ln -sf /var/guix/profiles/per-user/root/guix-profile \
- ~root/.guix-profile
+# mkdir -p ~root/.config/guix
+# ln -sf /var/guix/profiles/per-user/root/current-guix \
+ ~root/.config/guix/current
@end example
Sourcez @file{etc/profile} pour augmenter @code{PATH} et les autres
variables d'environnement nécessaires :
-# GUIX_PROFILE="`echo ~root`/.guix-profile" ; \
+# GUIX_PROFILE="`echo ~root`/.config/guix/current" ; \
source $GUIX_PROFILE/etc/profile
@end example
@@ -595,8 +616,8 @@ peut se faire avec ces commandes :
@c http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/guix-devel/2017-01/msg01199.html
-# cp ~root/.guix-profile/lib/systemd/system/guix-daemon.service \
- /etc/systemd/system/
+# cp ~root/.config/guix/current/lib/systemd/system/guix-daemon.service \
+ /etc/systemd/system/
# systemctl start guix-daemon && systemctl enable guix-daemon
@end example
@@ -604,14 +625,16 @@ Si votre distribution hôte utilise le système d'initialisation Upstart :
# initctl reload-configuration
-# cp ~root/.guix-profile/lib/upstart/system/guix-daemon.conf /etc/init/
+# cp ~root/.config/guix/current/lib/upstart/system/guix-daemon.conf \
+ /etc/init/
# start guix-daemon
@end example
Sinon, vous pouvez toujours démarrer le démon manuellement avec :
-# ~root/.guix-profile/bin/guix-daemon --build-users-group=guixbuild
+# ~root/.config/guix/current/bin/guix-daemon \
+ --build-users-group=guixbuild
@end example
@@ -621,7 +644,7 @@ sur la machine, par exemple avec :
# mkdir -p /usr/local/bin
# cd /usr/local/bin
-# ln -s /var/guix/profiles/per-user/root/guix-profile/bin/guix
+# ln -s /var/guix/profiles/per-user/root/current-guix/bin/guix
@end example
C'est aussi une bonne idée de rendre la version Info de ce manuel disponible
@@ -630,7 +653,7 @@ ici :
# mkdir -p /usr/local/share/info
# cd /usr/local/share/info
-# for i in /var/guix/profiles/per-user/root/guix-profile/share/info/* ;
+# for i in /var/guix/profiles/per-user/root/current-guix/share/info/* ;
do ln -s $i ; done
@end example
@@ -645,7 +668,8 @@ Pour utiliser les substituts de @code{hydra.gnu.org} ou l'un de ses mirroirs
(@pxref{Substituts}), autorisez-les :
-# guix archive --authorize < ~root/.guix-profile/share/guix/hydra.gnu.org.pub
+# guix archive --authorize < \
+ ~root/.config/guix/current/share/guix/hydra.gnu.org.pub
@end example
@@ -678,10 +702,11 @@ make guix-binary.@var{system}.tar.xz
@end example
-… ce qui à son tour lance :
+...@: which, in turn, runs:
-guix pack -s @var{system} --localstatedir guix
+guix pack -s @var{system} --localstatedir \
+ --profile-name=current-guix guix
@end example
@xref{Invoquer guix pack}, pour plus d'info sur cet outil pratique.
@@ -699,15 +724,16 @@ GNU Guix dépend des paquets suivants :
@item @url{http://gnu.org/software/guile/, GNU Guile}, version 2.0.13 ou
-ultérieure, dont 2.2.x,
-@item @url{http://gnupg.org/, GNU libgcrypt},
+supérieure, dont 2.2.x,
+@item @url{https://notabug.org/cwebber/guile-gcrypt, Guile-Gcrypt}, version
+0.1.0 ou supérieure,
@uref{http://gnutls.org/, GnuTLS}, en particulier ses liaisons Guile
(@pxref{Guile Preparations, how to install the GnuTLS bindings for Guile,,
gnutls-guile, GnuTLS-Guile}),
-@uref{https://notabug.org/civodul/guile-sqlite3, Guile-SQLite3}, version
-0.1.0 or later;
+@uref{https://notabug.org/guile-sqlite3/guile-sqlite3, Guile-SQLite3},
+version 0.1.0 ou supérieure,
@c FIXME: Specify a version number once a release has been made.
@uref{https://gitlab.com/guile-git/guile-git, Guile-Git}, d'août 2017 ou
@@ -742,6 +768,7 @@ construction.
paquets suivants sont aussi requis :
+@item @url{http://gnupg.org/, GNU libgcrypt},
@item @url{http://sqlite.org, SQLite 3},
@item @url{http://gcc.gnu.org, GCC's g++}, avec le support pour le
standard C++11.
@@ -1092,8 +1119,9 @@ Il y a un certain nombre de champs facultatifs que vous pouvez remplir :
Numéro de port du serveur SSH sur la machine.
@item @code{private-key} (par défaut : @file{~root/.ssh/id_rsa})
-The SSH private key file to use when connecting to the machine, in OpenSSH
-format. This key must not be protected with a passphrase.
+Le fichier de clef privée SSH à utiliser lors de la connexion à la machine,
+au format OpenSSH@. Cette clef ne doit pas être protégée par phrase de
Remarquez que la valeur par défaut est la clef privée @emph{du compte
root}. Assurez-vous qu'elle existe si vous utilisez la valeur par défaut.
@@ -1327,18 +1355,21 @@ obtenir des constructions reproductibles (@pxref{Fonctionnalités}).
Lorsque le démon effectue une construction pour le compte de l'utilisateur,
il crée un répertoire sous @file{/tmp} ou sous le répertoire spécifié par sa
variable d'environnement @code{TMPDIR}. Ce répertoire est partagé avec le
-conteneur pendant la durée de la construction. Soyez conscient qu'utiliser
-un répertoire différent de @file{/tmp} peut affecter les résultats de la
-construction — par exemple avec un nom de répertoire plus long, un processus
-de construction qui utiliserait des socket Unix-domain pourrait atteindre la
-limite de longueur de nom de fichier pour @code{sun_path}, qu'il n'aurait
-sinon pas atteinte.
+conteneur pendant la durée de la construction, bien que dans le conteneur,
+l'arborescence de construction est toujours appelée
Le répertoire de construction est automatiquement supprimé à la fin, à moins
que la construction n'ait échoué et que le client ait spécifié
@option{--keep-failed} (@pxref{Invoquer guix build,
+Le démon écoute les connexions et démarre un sous-processus pour chaque
+session démarrée par un client (l'une des sous-commandes de
+@command{guix}). La commande @command{guix processes} vous permet d'obtenir
+un aperçu de l'activité sur votre système en affichant chaque session et
+client actif. @xref{Invoquer guix processes} pour plus d'informations.
Les options en ligne de commande suivantes sont disponibles :
@table @code
@@ -1480,10 +1511,12 @@ utilisées.
@cindex racines du GC
@cindex racines du ramasse-miettes
-When set to ``yes'', the GC will keep the outputs of any live derivation
-available in the store---the @code{.drv} files. The default is ``no'',
-meaning that derivation outputs are kept only if they are reachable from a
-GC root. @xref{Invoquer guix gc}, for more on GC roots.
+Lorsqu'elle est à « yes », le GC gardera les sorties de toutes les
+dérivations — les fichiers @code{.drv} — accessibles dans le dépôt. La
+valeur par défaut est « no », ce qui signifie que les sorties des
+dérivations ne sont gardées que si elles sont accessibles à partir d'une
+racine du GC. @xref{Invoquer guix gc} pour plus d'informations sur les
+racines du GC.
@item --gc-keep-derivations[=yes|no]
Dire si le ramasse-miettes (GC) doit garder les dérivations correspondant à
@@ -1495,14 +1528,15 @@ leurs sorties est utilisée. Cela permet aux utilisateurs de garder une
trace de l'origine des éléments du dépôt. Le mettre à « no » préserve un
peu d'espace disque.
-In this way, setting @code{--gc-keep-derivations} to ``yes'' causes liveness
-to flow from outputs to derivations, and setting @code{--gc-keep-outputs} to
-``yes'' causes liveness to flow from derivations to outputs. When both are
-set to ``yes'', the effect is to keep all the build prerequisites (the
-sources, compiler, libraries, and other build-time tools) of live objects in
-the store, regardless of whether these prerequisites are reachable from a GC
-root. This is convenient for developers since it saves rebuilds or
+De cette manière, avec @code{--gc-keep-derivations} à « yes »,
+l'accessibilité des sorties s'étend des sorties aux dérivations et avec
+@code{--gc-keep-outputs} à « yes », elle s'étend des dérivations aux
+sorties. Quand les deux options sont à « yes », le GC gardera tous les
+prérequis de construction (les sources, le compilateur, les bibliothèques,
+et les autres outils de construction) des objets accessibles dans le dépôt,
+indépendamment du fait qu'ils soient ou non accessibles depuis une racine du
+GC. Cela est pratique pour les développeurs car ça leur fait gagner du
+temps de reconstruction et de téléchargement.
@item --impersonate-linux-2.6
Sur les système basés sur Linux, se faire passer pour Linux 2.6. Cela
@@ -1813,6 +1847,10 @@ guix package -i emacs-guix
* Invoquer guix gc:: Lancer le ramasse-miettes.
* Invoquer guix pull:: Récupérer la dernière version de Guix et de
la distribution.
+* Canaux:: Personnaliser la collection des paquets.
+* Inférieurs:: Interagir avec une autre révision de Guix.
+* Invoquer guix describe:: Affiche des informations sur la révision Guix
+ actuelle.
* Invoquer guix pack:: Créer des lots de logiciels.
* Invoquer guix archive:: Exporter et importer des fichiers du dépôt.
@end menu
@@ -1867,18 +1905,18 @@ les paquets auxquels elles faisaient référence puissent être glanés.
@cindex reproductibilité
@cindex constructions reproductibles
-Finalement, Guix prend une approche @dfn{purement fonctionnelle} de la
-gestion de paquets, telle que décrite dans l'introduction
-(@pxref{Introduction}). Chaque nom de répertoire de paquet dans
-@file{/gnu/store} contient un hash de toutes les entrées qui ont été
-utilisées pendant la construction de ce paquet — le compilateur, les
-bibliothèques, les scripts de construction, etc. Cette correspondance
-directe permet aux utilisateurs de s'assurer que l'installation d'un paquet
-donné correspond à l'état actuel de leur distribution. Elle aide aussi à
-maximiser la @dfn{reproductibilité} : grâce aux environnements de
-construction utilisés, une construction donnée à de forte chances de donner
-des fichiers identiques bit-à-bit lorsqu'elle est effectuée sur des machines
-différents (@pxref{Invoquer guix-daemon, container}).
+Guix prend une approche @dfn{purement fonctionnelle} de la gestion de
+paquets, telle que décrite dans l'introduction (@pxref{Introduction}).
+Chaque nom de répertoire de paquet dans @file{/gnu/store} contient un hash
+de toutes les entrées qui ont été utilisées pendant la construction de ce
+paquet — le compilateur, les bibliothèques, les scripts de construction,
+etc. Cette correspondance directe permet aux utilisateurs de s'assurer que
+l'installation d'un paquet donné correspond à l'état actuel de leur
+distribution. Elle aide aussi à maximiser la @dfn{reproductibilité} : grâce
+aux environnements de construction utilisés, une construction donnée à de
+forte chances de donner des fichiers identiques bit-à-bit lorsqu'elle est
+effectuée sur des machines différents (@pxref{Invoquer guix-daemon,
@cindex substituts
Ce fondement permet à Guix de supporter le @dfn{déploiement transparent de
@@ -1897,6 +1935,16 @@ aux développeurs d'un paquet de mettre en place rapidement le bon
environnement de développement pour leur paquet, sans avoir à installer
manuellement les dépendances du paquet dans leur profil (@pxref{Invoquer guix environment}).
+@cindex réplication, des environnements logiciels
+@cindex suivi de la provenance, des artefacts logiciels
+La totalité de Guix et des définitions de paquets sont placés sous contrôle
+de version, et @command{guix pull} vous permet de « voyager dans le temps »
+de l'historique de Guix lui-même (@pxref{Invoquer guix pull}). Cela est
+rend possible la réplication d'une instance Guix sur une machine différente
+ou plus tard, ce qui vous permet de @emph{répliquer des environnements
+logiciels complets}, tout en garantissant un @dfn{suivi de provenance}
+précis des logiciels.
@node Invoquer guix package
@section Invoquer @command{guix package}
@@ -2882,7 +2930,8 @@ dans la distribution actuellement disponible sur votre machine locale. Pour
mettre à jour cette distribution, en même temps que les outils Guix, vous
devez lancer @command{guix pull} ; la commande télécharge le dernier code
source de Guix et des descriptions de paquets et le déploie. Le code source
-est téléchargé depuis un dépôt @uref{https://git-scm.com, Git}.
+est téléchargé depuis un dépôt @uref{https://git-scm.com, Git}, par défaut
+le dépôt officiel de GNU@tie{}Guix, bien que cela puisse être personnalisé.
À la fin, @command{guix package} utilisera les paquets et les versions des
paquets de la copie de Guix tout juste récupérée. Non seulement ça, mais
@@ -2919,25 +2968,28 @@ Génération 1 10 juin 2018 00:18:18
branche : origin/master
commit : 65956ad3526ba09e1f7a40722c96c6ef7c0936fe
-Generation 2 Jun 11 2018 11:02:49
+Génération 2 11 juin 2018 11:02:49
guix e0cc7f6
- repository URL: https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/guix.git
- branch: origin/master
- commit: e0cc7f669bec22c37481dd03a7941c7d11a64f1d
- 2 new packages: keepalived, libnfnetlink
- 6 packages upgraded: emacs-nix-mode@@2.0.4,
+ URL du dépôt : https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/guix.git
+ branche : origin/master
+ commit : e0cc7f669bec22c37481dd03a7941c7d11a64f1d
+ 2 nouveaux paquets : keepalived, libnfnetlink
+ 6 paquets mis à jour : emacs-nix-mode@@2.0.4,
guile2.0-guix@@0.14.0-12.77a1aac, guix@@0.14.0-12.77a1aac,
heimdal@@7.5.0, milkytracker@@1.02.00, nix@@2.0.4
-Generation 3 Jun 13 2018 23:31:07 (current)
+Génération 3 13 juin 2018 23:31:07 (actuelle)
guix 844cc1c
- repository URL: https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/guix.git
- branch: origin/master
- commit: 844cc1c8f394f03b404c5bb3aee086922373490c
- 28 new packages: emacs-helm-ls-git, emacs-helm-mu, @dots{}
- 69 packages upgraded: borg@@1.1.6, cheese@@3.28.0, @dots{}
+ URL du dépôt : https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/guix.git
+ branche : origin/master
+ commit : 844cc1c8f394f03b404c5bb3aee086922373490c
+ 28 nouveaux paquets : emacs-helm-ls-git, emacs-helm-mu, @dots{}
+ 69 paquets mis à jour : borg@@1.1.6, cheese@@3.28.0, @dots{}
@end example
+@ref{Invoquer guix describe, @command{guix describe}} pour d'autres manières
+de décrire le statut actuel de Guix.
Ce profil @code{~/.config/guix/current} fonctionne comme les autres profils
créés par @command{guix package} (@pxref{Invoquer guix package}).
C'est-à-dire que vous pouvez lister les générations, revenir en arrière à
@@ -2947,32 +2999,33 @@ une génération précédente — c.-à-d.@: la version de Guix précédente —
$ guix package -p ~/.config/guix/current --roll-back
passé de la génération 3 à 2
$ guix package -p ~/.config/guix/current --delete-generations=1
-suppression de /home/charlie/.config/guix/current-1-link
+suppression de /var/guix/profiles/per-user/charlie/current-guix-1-link
@end example
La commande @command{guix pull} est typiquement invoquée sans arguments mais
il supporte les options suivantes :
@table @code
-@item --verbose
-Produire une sortie verbeuse, en écrivant les journaux de construction sur
-la sortie d'erreur standard.
@item --url=@var{url}
-Télécharger Guix depuis le dépôt Git à @var{url}.
-@vindex GUIX_PULL_URL
-Par défaut, la source est récupérée depuis le dépôt Git canonique sur
-@code{gnu.org}, pour la branche stable de Guix. Pour utiliser une autre
-source, paramétrez la variable d'environnement @code{GUIX_PULL_URL}.
-@item --commit=@var{commit}
-Déployer de @var{commit}, un ID de commit Git valide représenté par une
-chaîne hexadécimale.
-@item --branch=@var{branche}
-Déployer le haut de la @var{branche}, le nom d'une branche Git disponible
-sur le répertoire à @var{url}.
+@itemx --commit=@var{commit}
+@itemx --branch=@var{branche}
+Télécharger le code depuis l'@var{url} spécifié, au @var{commit} donné (un
+commit Git valide représenté par une chaîne hexadécimale) ou à la branche
+@cindex @file{channels.scm}, fichier de configuration
+@cindex fichier de configuration pour les canaux
+Ces options sont fournies pour votre confort, mais vous pouvez aussi
+spécifier votre configuration dans le fichier
+@file{~/.config/guix/channels.scm} ou en utilisant l'option
+@option{--channels} (voir plus bas).
+@item --channels=@var{file}
+@itemx -C @var{file}
+Lit la liste des canaux dans @var{file} plutôt que dans
+@file{~/.config/guix/channels.scm}. @var{file} doit contenir un code Scheme
+qui s'évalue en une liste d'objets de canaux. @xref{Canaux} pour plus
@item --list-generations[=@var{motif}]
@itemx -l [@var{motif}]
@@ -2981,14 +3034,434 @@ Liste toutes les générations de @file{~/.config/guix/current} ou, si
à @var{motif}. La syntaxe de @var{motif} est la même qu'avec @code{guix
package --list-generations} (@pxref{Invoquer guix package}).
+@ref{Invoquer guix describe}, pour une manière d'afficher des informations
+sur la génération actuelle uniquement.
+@item --profile=@var{profil}
+@itemx -p @var{profil}
+Utiliser le @var{profil} à la place de @file{~/.config/guix/current}.
+@item --dry-run
+@itemx -n
+Montrer quels commits des canaux seraient utilisés et ce qui serait
+construit ou substitué mais ne pas le faire vraiment.
+@item --verbose
+Produire une sortie verbeuse, en écrivant les journaux de construction sur
+la sortie d'erreur standard.
@item --bootstrap
Utiliser le programme d'amorçage Guile pour construire la dernière version
de Guix. Cette option n'est utile que pour les développeurs de Guix.
@end table
+Le mécanisme de @dfn{canaux} vous permet de dire à @command{guix pull} quels
+répertoires et branches récupérer, ainsi que les dépôts
+@emph{supplémentaires} contenant des modules de paquets qui devraient être
+déployés. @xref{Canaux} pour plus d'information.
En plus, @command{guix pull} supporte toutes les options de construction
communes (@pxref{Options de construction communes}).
+@node Canaux
+@section Canaux
+@cindex canaux
+@cindex @file{channels.scm}, fichier de configuration
+@cindex fichier de configuration pour les canaux
+@cindex @command{guix pull}, fichier de configuration
+@cindex configuration de @command{guix pull}
+Guix et sa collection de paquets sont mis à jour en lançant @command{guix
+pull} (@pxref{Invoquer guix pull}). Par défaut @command{guix pull}
+télécharge et déploie Guix lui-même depuis le dépôt officiel de
+GNU@tie{}Guix. Cela peut être personnalisé en définissant des @dfn{canaux}
+dans le fichier @file{~/.config/guix/channels.scm}. Un canal spécifie l'URL
+et la branche d'un répertoire Git à déployer et on peut demander à
+@command{guix pull} de récupérer un ou plusieurs canaux. En d'autres
+termes, les canaux peuvent être utilisés pour personnaliser et pour
+@emph{étendre} Guix, comme on le verra plus bas.
+@subsection Utiliser un canal Guix personnalisé
+Le canal nommé @code{guix} spécifie où Guix lui-même — ses outils en ligne
+de commande ainsi que sa collection de paquets — sera téléchargé. Par
+exemple, supposons que vous voulez effectuer les mises à jour depuis votre
+propre copie du dépôt Guix sur @code{example.org}, et plus particulièrement
+depuis la branche @code{super-hacks}. Vous pouvez écrire cette
+spécification dans @code{~/.config/guix/channels.scm} :
+;; Dit à « guix pull » d'utiliser mon propre dépôt.
+(list (channel
+ (name 'guix)
+ (url "https://example.org/my-guix.git")
+ (branch "super-hacks")))
+@end lisp
+Maintenant, @command{guix pull} récupérera le code depuis la branche
+@code{super-hacks} du dépôt sur @code{example.org}.
+@subsection Spécifier des canaux supplémentaires
+@cindex étendre la collection de paquets (canaux)
+@cindex paquets personnels (canaux)
+@cindex canaux, pour des paquets personnels
+Vous pouvez aussi spécifier des @emph{canaux supplémentaires} à récupérer.
+Disons que vous avez un ensemble de paquets personnels ou de variantes
+personnalisées qu'il ne vaudrait pas le coup de contribuer au projet Guix,
+mais que vous voudriez pouvoir utiliser de manière transparente sur la ligne
+de commande. Vous écririez d'abord des modules contenant ces définitions de
+paquets (@pxref{Modules de paquets}), en les maintenant dans un dépôt Git, puis
+vous ou n'importe qui d'autre pourrait l'utiliser comme un canal
+supplémentaire où trouver ces paquets. Sympa, non ?
+@c What follows stems from discussions at
+@c <https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi/bugreport.cgi?bug=22629#134> as well as
+@c earlier discussions on guix-devel@gnu.org.
+@quotation Attention
+Avant que vous, cher utilisateur, ne vous exclamiez « Oh mais c'est
+@emph{super génial} ! » et que vous ne publiez vos canaux personnels
+publiquement, nous voudrions vous donner quelques avertissements :
+Avant de publier un canal, envisagez de contribuer vos définitions de
+paquets dans Guix (@pxref{Contribuer}). Guix en tant que projet est
+ouvert à tous les logiciels libres de toutes sortes, et les paquets dans
+Guix sont déjà disponibles à tous les utilisateurs de Guix et bénéficient
+des processus d'assurance qualité du projet.
+Lorsque vous maintenez des définitions de paquets en dehors de Guix, nous,
+les développeurs de Guix, considérons que @emph{la charge de la
+compatibilité vous incombe}. Rappelez-vous que les modules de paquets et
+les définitions de paquets ne sont que du code Scheme qui utilise diverses
+interfaces de programmation (API). Nous souhaitons rester libres de changer
+ces API pour continuer à améliorer Guix, éventuellement d'une manière qui
+casse votre canal. Nous ne changeons jamais l'API gratuitement, mais nous
+ne nous engageons @emph{pas} à geler les API non plus.
+Corollaire : si vous utilisez un canal externe et que le canal est cassé,
+merci de @emph{rapporter le problème à l'auteur du canal}, pas au projet
+@end itemize
+Vous avez été prévenus ! Maintenant, nous pensons que des canaux externes
+sont une manière pratique d'exercer votre liberté pour augmenter la
+collection de paquets de Guix et de partager vos améliorations, qui sont les
+principes de bases du @uref{https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html,
+logiciel libe}. Contactez-nous par courriel sur @email{guix-devel@@gnu.org}
+si vous souhaitez discuter à ce propos.
+@end quotation
+Une fois que vous avez un dépôt Git contenant vos propres modules de
+paquets, vous pouvez écrire @code{~/.config/guix/channels.scm} pour dire à
+@command{guix pull} de récupérer votre canal personnel @emph{en plus} des
+canaux Guix par défaut :
+@vindex %default-channels
+;; Ajouter mes paquets personnels à ceux fournis par Guix.
+(cons (channel
+ (name 'my-personal-packages)
+ (url "https://example.org/personal-packages.git"))
+ %default-channels)
+@end lisp
+Note that the snippet above is (as always!)@: Scheme code; we use
+@code{cons} to add a channel the list of channels that the variable
+@code{%default-channels} is bound to (@pxref{Pairs, @code{cons} and lists,,
+guile, GNU Guile Reference Manual}). With this file in place, @command{guix
+pull} builds not only Guix but also the package modules from your own
+repository. The result in @file{~/.config/guix/current} is the union of
+Guix with your own package modules:
+$ guix pull --list-generations
+Génération 19 Aug 27 2018 16:20:48
+ guix d894ab8
+ URL du dépôt : https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/guix.git
+ branche : master
+ commit : d894ab8e9bfabcefa6c49d9ba2e834dd5a73a300
+ my-personal-packages dd3df5e
+ URL du dépôt : https://example.org/personal-packages.git
+ branche : master
+ commit : dd3df5e2c8818760a8fc0bd699e55d3b69fef2bb
+ 11 nouveaux paquets : my-gimp, my-emacs-with-cool-features, @dots{}
+ 4 paquets mis à jour : emacs-racket-mode@@0.0.2-2.1b78827, @dots{}
+@end example
+La sortie de @command{guix pull} ci-dessus montre que la génération@tie{}19
+contient aussi bien Guix que les paquets du canal
+@code{my-personal-packages}. Parmi les nouveaux paquets et les paquets mis
+à jour qui sont listés, certains comme @code{my-gimp} et
+@code{my-emacs-with-cool-features} peuvent provenir de
+@code{my-personal-packages}, tandis que d'autres viennent du canal par
+défaut de Guix.
+@subsection Répliquer Guix
+@cindex épinglage, canaux
+@cindex répliquer Guix
+@cindex reproductibilité, de Guix
+La sortie de @command{guix pull --list-generations} ci-dessus montre
+précisément quels commits ont été utilisés pour construire cette instance de
+Guix. Nous pouvons donc la répliquer, disons sur une autre machine, en
+fournissant une spécification de canal dans
+@file{~/.config/guix/channels.scm} qui est « épinglé » à ces commits :
+;; Déployer des commits précis de mes canaux préférés.
+(list (channel
+ (name 'guix)
+ (url "https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/guix.git")
+ (commit "d894ab8e9bfabcefa6c49d9ba2e834dd5a73a300"))
+ (channel
+ (name 'my-personal-packages)
+ (url "https://example.org/personal-packages.git")
+ (branch "dd3df5e2c8818760a8fc0bd699e55d3b69fef2bb")))
+@end lisp
+La commande @command{guix describe --format=channels} peut même générer
+cette liste de canaux directement (@pxref{Invoquer guix describe}).
+À ce moment les deux machines font tourner @emph{exactement le même Guix},
+avec l'accès @emph{exactement aux même paquets}. La sortie de @command{guix
+build gimp} sur une machine sera exactement la même, au bit près, que la
+sortie de la même commande sur l'autre machine. Cela signifie aussi que les
+deux machines ont accès à tous les codes sources de Guix, et transitivement,
+à tous les codes sources de tous les paquets qu'il définit.
+Cela vous donne des super-pouvoirs, ce qui vous permet de suivre la
+provenance des artefacts binaires avec un grain très fin et de reproduire
+les environnements logiciels à volonté — une sorte de capacité de «
+méta-reproductibilité », si vous voulez. @xref{Inférieurs}, pour une autre
+manière d'utiliser ces super-pouvoirs.
+@node Inférieurs
+@section Inférieurs
+@c TODO: Remove this once we're more confident about API stability.
+@quotation Remarque
+La fonctionnalité décrite ici est un « démonstrateur technique » à la
+version @value{VERSION}. Ainsi, l'interface est sujette à changements.
+@end quotation
+@cindex inférieurs
+@cindex composition de révisions de Guix
+Parfois vous pourriez avoir à mélanger des paquets de votre révision de Guix
+avec des paquets disponibles dans une révision différente de Guix. Les
+@dfn{inférieurs} de Guix vous permettent d'accomplir cette tâche en
+composant différentes versions de Guix de manière arbitraire.
+@cindex paquets inférieurs
+Techniquement, un « inférieur » est surtout un processus Guix séparé
+connecté à votre processus Guix principal à travers un REPL (@pxref{Invoquer guix repl}). Le module @code{(guix inferior)} vous permet de créer des
+inférieurs et de communiquer avec eux. Il fournit aussi une interface de
+haut-niveau pour naviguer dans les paquets d'un inférieur — @dfn{des paquets
+inférieurs} — et les manipuler.
+Lorsqu'on les combine avec des canaux (@pxref{Canaux}), les inférieurs
+fournissent une manière simple d'interagir avec un révision de Guix
+séparée. Par exemple, disons que vous souhaitiez installer dans votre
+profil le paquet guile actuel, avec le @code{guile-json} d'une ancienne
+révision de Guix — peut-être parce que la nouvelle version de
+@code{guile-json} a une API incompatible et que vous voulez lancer du code
+avec l'ancienne API. Pour cela, vous pourriez écrire un manifeste à
+utiliser avec @code{guix package --manifest} (@pxref{Invoquer guix package})
+; dans ce manifeste, vous créeriez un inférieur pour l'ancienne révision de
+Guix qui vous intéresse et vous chercheriez le paquet @code{guile-json} dans
+l'inférieur :
+(use-modules (guix inferior) (guix channels)
+ (srfi srfi-1)) ;pour « first »
+(define channels
+ ;; L'ancienne révision depuis laquelle on veut
+ ;; extraire guile-json.
+ (list (channel
+ (name 'guix)
+ (url "https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/guix.git")
+ (commit
+ "65956ad3526ba09e1f7a40722c96c6ef7c0936fe"))))
+(define inferior
+ ;; Un inférieur représentant la révision ci-dessus.
+ (inferior-for-channels channels))
+;; Maintenant on crée un manifeste avec le paquet « guile » actuel
+;; et l'ancien paquet « guile-json ».
+ (list (first (lookup-inferior-packages inferior "guile-json"))
+ (specification->package "guile")))
+@end lisp
+Durant la première exécution, @command{guix package --manifest} pourrait
+avoir besoin de construire le canal que vous avez spécifié avant de créer
+l'inférieur ; les exécutions suivantes seront bien plus rapides parce que la
+révision de Guix sera déjà en cache.
+Le module @code{(guix inferior)} fournit les procédures suivantes pour
+ouvrir un inférieur :
+@deffn {Procédure Scheme} inferior-for-channels @var{channels} @
+ [#:cache-directory] [#:ttl]
+Renvoie un inférieur pour @var{channels}, une liste de canaux. Elle utilise
+le cache dans @var{cache-directory}, où les entrées peuvent être glanées
+après @var{ttl} secondes. Cette procédure ouvre une nouvelle connexion au
+démon de construction.
+Elle a pour effet de bord de construire ou de substituer des binaires pour
+@var{channels}, ce qui peut prendre du temps.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {Procédure Scheme} open-inferior @var{directory} @
+ [#:command "bin/guix"]
+Ouvre le Guix inférieur dans @var{directory} et lance
+@code{@var{directory}/@var{command} repl} ou équivalent. Renvoie @code{#f}
+si l'inférieur n'a pas pu être lancé.
+@end deffn
+@cindex paquets inférieurs
+Les procédures listées plus bas vous permettent d'obtenir et de manipuler
+des paquets inférieurs.
+@deffn {Procédure Scheme} inferior-packages @var{inferior}
+Renvoie la liste des paquets connus de l'inférieur @var{inferior}.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {Procédure Scheme} lookup-inferior-packages @var{inferior} @var{name} @
+ [@var{version}]
+Renvoie la liste triée des paquets inférieurs qui correspondent à @var{name}
+dans @var{inferior}, avec le plus haut numéro de version en premier. Si
+@var{version} est vrai, renvoie seulement les paquets avec un numéro de
+version préfixé par @var{version}.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {Procédure Scheme} inferior-package? @var{obj}
+Renvoie vrai si @var{obj} est un paquet inférieur.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {Procédure Scheme} inferior-package-name @var{package}
+@deffnx {Procédure Scheme} inferior-package-version @var{package}
+@deffnx {Procédure Scheme} inferior-package-synopsis @var{package}
+@deffnx {Procédure Scheme} inferior-package-description @var{package}
+@deffnx {Procédure Scheme} inferior-package-home-page @var{package}
+@deffnx {Procédure Scheme} inferior-package-location @var{package}
+@deffnx {Procédure Scheme} inferior-package-inputs @var{package}
+@deffnx {Procédure Scheme} inferior-package-native-inputs @var{package}
+@deffnx {Procédure Scheme} inferior-package-propagated-inputs @var{package}
+@deffnx {Procédure Scheme} inferior-package-transitive-propagated-inputs @var{package}
+@deffnx {Procédure Scheme} inferior-package-native-search-paths @var{package}
+@deffnx {Procédure Scheme} inferior-package-transitive-native-search-paths @var{package}
+@deffnx {Procédure Scheme} inferior-package-search-paths @var{package}
+Ces procédures sont la contrepartie des accesseurs des enregistrements de
+paquets (@pxref{Référence de paquet}). La plupart fonctionne en effectuant
+des requêtes à l'inférieur dont provient @var{package}, donc l'inférieur
+doit toujours être disponible lorsque vous appelez ces procédures.
+@end deffn
+Les paquets inférieurs peuvent être utilisés de manière transparente comme
+tout autre paquet ou objet simili-fichier dans des G-expressions
+(@pxref{G-Expressions}). Ils sont aussi gérés de manière transparente par
+la procédure @code{packages->manifest}, qui est typiquement utilisée dans
+des manifestes (@pxref{Invoquer guix package, l'option @option{--manifest}
+de @command{guix package}}). Ainsi, vous pouvez insérer un paquet inférieur
+à peu près n'importe où vous utiliseriez un paquet normal : dans des
+manifestes, dans le champ @code{packages} de votre déclaration
+@code{operating-system}, etc.
+@node Invoquer guix describe
+@section Invoquer @command{guix describe}
+@cindex reproductibilité
+@cindex répliquer Guix
+Souvent vous voudrez répondre à des questions comme « quelle révision de
+Guix j'utilise ? » ou « quels canaux est-ce que j'utilise ? ». C'est une
+information utile dans de nombreuses situations : si vous voulez
+@emph{répliquer} un environnement sur une machine différente ou un compte
+utilisateur, si vous voulez rapporter un bogue ou pour déterminer quel
+changement dans les canaux que vous utilisez l'a causé ou si vous voulez
+enregistrer l'état de votre système pour le reproduire. La commande
+@command{guix describe} répond à ces questions.
+Lorsqu'elle est lancée depuis un @command{guix} mis à jour avec
+@command{guix pull}, @command{guix describe} affiche les canaux qui ont été
+construits, avec l'URL de leur dépôt et l'ID de leur commit
+(@pxref{Canaux}) :
+$ guix describe
+Generation 10 03 sep. 2018 17:32:44 (actuelle)
+ guix e0fa68c
+ URL du dépôt : https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/guix.git
+ branche : master
+ commit : e0fa68c7718fffd33d81af415279d6ddb518f727
+@end example
+Si vous connaissez bien le système de contrôle de version Git, cela
+ressemble en essence à @command{git describe} ; la sortie est aussi
+similaire à celle de @command{guix pull --list-generations}, mais limitée à
+la génération actuelle (@pxref{Invoquer guix pull, l'option
+@option{--list-generations}}). Comme l'ID de commit de Git ci-dessus se
+réfère sans aucune ambiguïté à un instantané de Guix, cette information est
+tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour décrire la révision de Guix que vous
+utilisez et pour la répliquer.
+Pour rendre plus facile la réplication de Guix, @command{guix describe} peut
+aussi renvoyer une liste de canaux plutôt que la description lisible par un
+humain au-dessus :
+$ guix describe -f channels
+(list (channel
+ (name 'guix)
+ (url "https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/guix.git")
+ (commit
+ "e0fa68c7718fffd33d81af415279d6ddb518f727")))
+@end example
+Vous pouvez sauvegarder ceci dans un fichier et le donner à @command{guix
+pull -C} sur une autre machine ou plus tard, ce qui instantiera
+@emph{exactement la même révision de Guix} (@pxref{Invoquer guix pull,
+l'option @option{-C}}). À partir de là, comme vous pouvez déployer la même
+révision de Guix, vous pouvez aussi bien @emph{répliquer un environnement
+logiciel complet}. Nous pensons humblement que c'est @emph{génial}, et nous
+espérons que vous aimerez ça aussi !
+Voici les détails des options supportées par @command{guix describe} :
+@table @code
+@item --format=@var{format}
+@itemx -f @var{format}
+Produire la sortie dans le @var{format} donné, parmi :
+@table @code
+@item human
+produire une sortie lisible par un humain,
+@item canaux
+produire une liste de spécifications de canaux qui peut être passée à
+@command{guix pull -C} ou installée dans @file{~/.config/guix/channels.scm}
+(@pxref{Invoquer guix pull}),
+@item json
+@cindex JSON
+produire une liste de spécifications de canaux dans le format JSON,
+@item recutils
+produire une liste de spécifications de canaux dans le format Recutils.
+@end table
+@item --profile=@var{profil}
+@itemx -p @var{profil}
+Afficher les informations sur le @var{profil}.
+@end table
@node Invoquer guix pack
@section Invoquer @command{guix pack}
@@ -3123,8 +3596,8 @@ guix pack -R -S /mybin=bin bash
@end example
-… vous pouvez copier ce pack sur une machine qui n'a pas Guix et depuis
-votre répertoire personnel en tant qu'utilisateur non-privilégié, lancer :
+...@: you can copy that pack to a machine that lacks Guix, and from your
+home directory as a normal user, run:
tar xf pack.tar.gz
@@ -3195,8 +3668,11 @@ Par exemple, @code{-S /opt/gnu/bin=bin} crée un lien symbolique
@file{/opt/gnu/bin} qui pointe vers le sous-répertoire @file{bin} du profil.
@item --localstatedir
-Inclure le « répertoire d'état local », @file{/var/guix} dans le paquet
+@itemx --profile-name=@var{nom}
+Inclus le « répertoire d'état local », @file{/var/guix}, dans le lot qui en
+résulte, et notamment le profil
+@file{/var/guix/profiles/per-user/root/@var{nom}} — par défaut @var{nom} est
+@code{guix-profile}, ce qui correspond à @file{~root/.guix-profile}.
@file{/var/guix} contient la base de données du dépôt (@pxref{Le dépôt})
ainsi que les racines du ramasse-miettes (@pxref{Invoquer guix gc}). Le
@@ -3425,7 +3901,7 @@ paquets à haut-niveau.
* La monad du dépôt:: Interface purement fonctionnelle avec le
* G-Expressions:: Manipuler les expressions de construction.
-* Invoking guix repl:: Fiddling with Guix interactively.
+* Invoquer guix repl:: S'amuser avec Guix de manière interactive.
@end menu
@node Définition des paquets
@@ -3582,9 +4058,9 @@ d'inforamtions sur la manière de tester des définitions de paquets et
@ref{Invoquer guix lint}, pour des informations sur la manière de vérifier
que la définition réspecte les conventions de style.
-Enfin, @pxref{Modules de paquets} pour des informations sur la manière
-d'étendre la distribution en ajoutant vos propres définitions de paquets
-dans @code{GUIX_PACKAGE_PATH}.
+Enfin, @pxref{Canaux} pour des informations sur la manière d'étendre la
+distribution en ajoutant vos propres définitions de paquets dans un « canal
Finalement, la mise à jour de la définition du paquet à une nouvelle version
amont peut en partie s'automatiser avec la commande @command{guix refresh}
@@ -4139,10 +4615,73 @@ Guix. La phase @code{install} installe les binaires et installe aussi le
code source et le fichier @file{Cargo.toml}.
@end defvr
+@cindex Clojure (langage de programmation)
+@cindex système de construction Clojure simple
+@defvr {Variable Scheme} clojure-build-system
+Cette variable est exportée par @code{(guix build-system clojure)}. Elle
+implémente une procédure de construction des paquets simple qui utilise le
+bon vieux @code{compile} de Clojure. La compilation croisée n'est pas
+encore supportée.
+Elle ajoute @code{clojure}, @code{icedtea} et @code{zip} à l'ensemble des
+entrées. Des paquets différents peuvent être spécifiés avec les paramètres
+@code{#:clojure}, @code{#:jdk} et @code{#:zip}.
+Une liste de répertoires sources, de répertoires de tests et de noms de jar
+peuvent être spécifiés avec les paramètres @code{#:source-dirs},
+@code{#:test-dirs} et @code{#:jar-names}. Le répertoire de construction est
+la classe principale peuvent être spécifiés avec les paramètres
+@code{#:compile-dir} et @code{#:main-class}. Les autres paramètres sont
+documentés plus bas.
+Ce système de construction est une extension de @var{ant-build-system}, mais
+avec les phases suivantes modifiées :
+@table @code
+@item build
+Cette phase appelle @code{compile} en Clojure pour compiler les fichiers
+sources et lance @command{jar} pour créer les fichiers jar à partir des
+fichiers sources et des fichiers compilés en suivant la liste d'inclusion et
+d'exclusion spécifiées dans @code{#:aot-include} et @code{#:aot-exclude}.
+La liste d'exclusion a la priorité sur la liste d'inclusion. Ces listes
+consistent en des symboles représentant des bibliothèque Clojure ou le mot
+clef spécial @code{#:all}, représentant toutes les bibliothèques Clojure
+trouvées dans les répertoires des sources. Le paramètre
+@code{#:omit-source?} décide si les sources devraient être incluses dans les
+fichiers jar.
+@item check
+Cette phase lance les tests en suivant les liste d'inclusion et d'exclusion
+spécifiées dans @code{#:test-include} et @code{#:test-exclude}. Leur
+signification est analogue à celle de @code{#:aot-include} et
+@code{#:aot-exclude}, sauf que le mot-clef spécial @code{#:all} signifie
+maintenant toutes les bibliothèques Clojure trouvées dans les répertoires de
+tests. Le paramètre @code{#:tests?} décide si les tests devraient être
+@item install
+Cette phase installe tous les fichiers jar précédemment construits.
+@end table
+En dehors de cela, le système de construction contient aussi la phase
+suivante :
+@table @code
+@item install-doc
+Cette phase installe tous les fichiers dans le répertoire de plus haut
+niveau dont le nom correspond à @var{%doc-regex}. On peut spécifier une
+regex différente avec le paramètre @code{#:doc-regex}. Tous les fichiers
+(récursivement) dans les répertoires de documentations spécifiés dans
+@code{#:doc-dirs} sont aussi installés.
+@end table
+@end defvr
@defvr {Variable Scheme} cmake-build-system
Cette variable est exportée par @code{(guix build-system cmake)}. Elle
implémente la procédure de construction des paquets qui utilisent
-l'@url{http://www.cmake.org, outils de construction CMake}.
+l'@url{http://www.cmake.org, outil de construction CMake}.
Elle ajoute automatiquement le paquet @code{cmake} à l'ensemble des
entrées. Le paquet utilisé peut être spécifié par le paramètre
@@ -4218,19 +4757,19 @@ construction. Le paquet @code{glib} qui fournit
Ces deux phases sont exécutées après la phase @code{install}.
@end defvr
-@defvr {Scheme Variable} guile-build-system
-This build system is for Guile packages that consist exclusively of Scheme
-code and that are so lean that they don't even have a makefile, let alone a
-@file{configure} script. It compiles Scheme code using @command{guild
-compile} (@pxref{Compilation,,, guile, GNU Guile Reference Manual}) and
-installs the @file{.scm} and @file{.go} files in the right place. It also
-installs documentation.
+@defvr {Variable Scheme} guile-build-system
+Ce système de construction sert aux paquets Guile qui consistent
+exclusivement en code Scheme et qui sont si simple qu'ils n'ont même pas un
+makefile, sans parler d'un script @file{configure}. Il compile le code
+Scheme en utilisant @command{guild compile} (@pxref{Compilation,,, guile,
+GNU Guile Reference Manual}) et installe les fichiers @file{.scm} et
+@file{.go} aux bons emplacements. Il installe aussi la documentation.
-This build system supports cross-compilation by using the @code{--target}
-option of @command{guild compile}.
+Ce système de construction supporte la compilation croisée en utilisant
+l'option @code{--target} de @command{guild compile}.
-Packages built with @code{guile-build-system} must provide a Guile package
-in their @code{native-inputs} field.
+Les paquets construits avec @code{guile-build-system} doivent fournir un
+paquet Guile dans leur champ @code{native-inputs}.
@end defvr
@defvr {Variable Scheme} minify-build-system
@@ -4458,11 +4997,11 @@ paquet est installé dans son propre répertoire dans
@end defvr
@defvr {Variable Scheme} font-build-system
-Cette variable est exportée par @code{(guix build-system font)}. Elle
-implémente une procédure d'installation pour les paquets de polices où des
-fichiers de polices TrueType, OpenType, etc sont fournis en amont et n'ont
-qu'à être copiés à leur emplacement final. Elle copie les fichiers de
-polices à l'emplacement standard dans le répertoire de sortie.
+This variable is exported by @code{(guix build-system font)}. It implements
+an installation procedure for font packages where upstream provides
+pre-compiled TrueType, OpenType, etc.@: font files that merely need to be
+copied into place. It copies font files to standard locations in the output
@end defvr
@defvr {Variable Scheme} meson-build-system
@@ -4745,13 +5284,12 @@ dérivation est la procédure @code{derivation} :
@deffn {Procédure Scheme} derivation @var{store} @var{name} @var{builder} @
@var{args} [#:outputs '("out")] [#:hash #f] [#:hash-algo #f] @
-[#:recursive? #f] [#:inputs '()] [#:env-vars '()] @ [#:system
-(%current-system)] [#:references-graphs #f] @
+[#:recursive? #f] [#:inputs '()] [#:env-vars '()] @
+[#:system (%current-system)] [#:references-graphs #f] @
[#:allowed-references #f] [#:disallowed-references #f] @
[#:leaked-env-vars #f] [#:local-build? #f] @
-[#:substitutable? #t]
-Construit une dérivation avec les arguments donnés et renvie l'objet
+[#:substitutable? #t] [#:properties '()]
+Construit une dérivation avec les arguments donnés et renvoie l'objet
@code{<derivation>} obtenu.
Lorsque @var{hash} et @var{hash-algo} sont donnés, une @dfn{dérivation à
@@ -4789,6 +5327,10 @@ Lorsque que @var{substitutable?} est faux, déclare que les substituts de la
sortie de la dérivation ne devraient pas être utilisés
(@pxref{Substituts}). Cela est utile par exemple pour construire des paquets
qui utilisent des détails du jeu d'instruction du CPU hôte.
+@var{properties} doit être une liste d'association décrivant les «
+propriétés » de la dérivation. Elle est gardée telle-quelle, sans être
+interprétée, dans la dérivation.
@end deffn
@@ -5097,21 +5639,21 @@ Lorsqu'on la lance à travers @var{%state-monad}, on obtient cet valeur
d'état supplémentaire, qui est le nombre d'appels à @code{square}.
@end defvr
-@deffn {Procédure Monadic} current-state
+@deffn {Procédure monadique} current-state
Renvoie l'état actuel dans une valeur monadique.
@end deffn
-@deffn {Procédure Monadic} set-current-state @var{value}
+@deffn {Procédure monadique} set-current-state @var{value}
Initialise l'état actuel à @var{value} et renvoie l'état précédent dans une
valeur monadique.
@end deffn
-@deffn {Procédure Monadic} state-push @var{value}
+@deffn {Procédure monadique} state-push @var{value}
Pousse @var{value} sur l'état actuel, qui est supposé être une liste, et
renvoie l'état précédent dans une valeur monadique.
@end deffn
-@deffn {Procédure Monadic} state-pop
+@deffn {Procédure monadique} state-pop
Récupère (pop) une valeur dans l'état actuel et la renvoie comme une valeur
monadique. L'état est supposé être une liste.
@end deffn
@@ -5138,21 +5680,21 @@ Lance @var{mval}, une valeur monadique dans la monad du dépôt, dans
@var{store}, une connexion ouvert au dépôt.
@end deffn
-@deffn {Procédure Monadique} text-file @var{name} @var{text} [@var{references}]
+@deffn {Procédure monadique} text-file @var{name} @var{text} [@var{references}]
Renvoie une valeur monadique correspondant au nom de fichier dans le dépôt
du fichier contenant @var{text}, une chaîne de caractères. @var{references}
est une liste d'éléments du dépôt auxquels le fichier texte en résultat se
réfère ; c'est la liste vide par défaut.
@end deffn
-@deffn {Monadic Procedure} binary-file @var{name} @var{data} [@var{references}]
-Return as a monadic value the absolute file name in the store of the file
-containing @var{data}, a bytevector. @var{references} is a list of store
-items that the resulting binary file refers to; it defaults to the empty
+@deffn {Procédure monadique} binary-file @var{name} @var{data} [@var{references}]
+Renvoie une valeur monadique correspondant au nom de fichier absolu dans le
+dépôt du fichier contenant @var{data}, un vecteur d'octets.
+@var{references} est une liste d'éléments du dépôt auxquels le fichier
+binaire en résultat se réfère ; c'est la liste vide par défaut.
@end deffn
-@deffn {Procédure Monadique} interned-file @var{file} [@var{name}] @
+@deffn {Procédure monadique} interned-file @var{file} [@var{name}] @
[#:recursive? #t] [#:select? (const #t)]
Renvoie le nom de @var{file} une fois ajouté au dépôt. Utilise @var{name}
comme nom dans le dépôt ou le nom de fichier de @var{file} si @var{name} est
@@ -5184,7 +5726,7 @@ L'exemple ci-dessous ajoute un fichier au dépôt, sous deux noms différents :
Le module @code{(guix packages)} exporte les procédures monadiques liées aux
paquets suivantes :
-@deffn {Procédure Monadique} package-file @var{package} [@var{file}] @
+@deffn {Procédure monadique} package-file @var{package} [@var{file}] @
[#:system (%current-system)] [#:target #f] @
[#:output "out"]
Renvoie une valeur monadique qui contient le nom de fichier absolu de
@@ -5194,8 +5736,8 @@ Renvoie une valeur monadique qui contient le nom de fichier absolu de
cible pour la compilation croisée.
@end deffn
-@deffn {Procédure Monadique} package->derivation @var{package} [@var{system}]
-@deffnx {Procédure Monadique} package->cross-derivation @var{package} @
+@deffn {Procédure monadique} package->derivation @var{package} [@var{system}]
+@deffnx {Procédure monadique} package->cross-derivation @var{package} @
@var{target} [@var{system}]
Version monadique de @code{package-derivation} et
@code{package-cross-derivation} (@pxref{Définition des paquets}).
@@ -5489,18 +6031,18 @@ que code pour construire une dérivation, soit en tant que fichier normal
dans le dépôt. Les procédure monadiques suivantes vous permettent de faire
cela (@pxref{La monad du dépôt}, pour plus d'information sur les monads).
-@deffn {Procédure Monadique} gexp->derivation @var{name} @var{exp} @
+@deffn {Procédure monadique} gexp->derivation @var{name} @var{exp} @
[#:system (%current-system)] [#:target #f] [#:graft? #t] @
[#:hash #f] [#:hash-algo #f] @
[#:recursive? #f] [#:env-vars '()] [#:modules '()] @
[#:module-path @var{%load-path}] @
[#:effective-version "2.2"] @
[#:references-graphs #f] [#:allowed-references #f] @
-[#:disallowed-references #f] @
-[#:leaked-env-vars #f] @
+[#:disallowed-references #f] @ [#:leaked-env-vars #f] @
[#:script-name (string-append @var{name} "-builder")] @
[#:deprecation-warnings #f] @
-[#:local-build? #f] [#:substitutable? #t] [#:guile-for-build #f]
+[#:local-build? #f] [#:substitutable? #t] @
+[#:properties '()] [#:guile-for-build #f]
Renvoie une dérivation @var{name} qui lance @var{exp} (une gexp) avec
@var{guile-for-build} (une dérivation) sur @var{system} ; @var{exp} est
stocké dans un fichier appelé @var{script-name}. Lorsque @var{target} est
@@ -5596,8 +6138,9 @@ C'est la version déclarative de la procédure monadique @code{interned-file}
@end deffn
@deffn {Procédure Scheme} plain-file @var{name} @var{content}
-Return an object representing a text file called @var{name} with the given
-@var{content} (a string or a bytevector) to be added to the store.
+Renvoie un objet représentant un fichier texte nommé @var{name} avec pour
+contenu @var{content} (une chaîne de caractères ou un vecteur d'octets) à
+ajouter un dépôt.
C'est la version déclarative de @code{text-file}.
@end deffn
@@ -5783,7 +6326,7 @@ exemple, abaisser un paquet crée une dérivation, et abaisser un
@code{plain-file} crée un élément du dépôt. Cela est effectué par la
procédure monadique @code{lower-object}.
-@deffn {Procédure Monadique} lower-object @var{obj} [@var{system}] @
+@deffn {Procédure monadique} lower-object @var{obj} [@var{system}] @
[#:target #f]
Renvoie la dérivation ou l'élément du dépôt comme une valeur de
@var{%store-monad} qui correspond à @var{obj} pour @var{system}, en
@@ -5792,16 +6335,16 @@ compilant de manière croisée pour @var{target} si @var{target} est vrai.
@end deffn
-@node Invoking guix repl
-@section Invoking @command{guix repl}
+@node Invoquer guix repl
+@section Invoquer @command{guix repl}
@cindex REPL, read-eval-print loop
-The @command{guix repl} command spawns a Guile @dfn{read-eval-print loop}
-(REPL) for interactive programming (@pxref{Using Guile Interactively,,,
-guile, GNU Guile Reference Manual}). Compared to just launching the
-@command{guile} command, @command{guix repl} guarantees that all the Guix
-modules and all its dependencies are available in the search path. You can
-use it this way:
+La commande @command{guix repl} démarre un @dfn{boucle
+lecture-évaluation-affichage} Guile pour la programmation interactive
+(@pxref{Using Guile Interactively,,, guile, GNU Guile Reference Manual}).
+Comparé au lancement de la commande @command{guile}, @command{guix repl}
+garanti que tous les modules Guix et toutes ses dépendances sont disponibles
+dans le chemin de recherche. Vous pouvez l'utiliser de cette manière :
$ guix repl
@@ -5810,38 +6353,39 @@ scheme@@(guile-user)> coreutils
$1 = #<package coreutils@@8.29 gnu/packages/base.scm:327 3e28300>
@end example
-@cindex inferiors
-In addition, @command{guix repl} implements a simple machine-readable REPL
-protocol for use by @code{(guix inferior)}, a facility to interact with
-@dfn{inferiors}, separate processes running a potentially different revision
-of Guix.
+@cindex inférieurs
+En plus, @command{guix repl} implémente un protocole REPL simple lisible par
+une machine à utiliser avec @code{(guix inferior)}, un dispositif pour
+interagir avec des @dfn{inférieurs}, des processus séparés qui font tourner
+une version potentiellement différente de Guix.
-The available options are as follows:
+Les options disponibles sont les suivante :
@table @code
@item --type=@var{type}
@itemx -t @var{type}
-Start a REPL of the given @var{TYPE}, which can be one of the following:
+Démarrer un REPL du @var{type} donné, qui peut être l'un de ces types :
@table @code
@item guile
-This is default, and it spawns a standard full-featured Guile REPL.
+C'est la valeur par défaut. Elle démarre un REPL Guile standard
@item machine
-Spawn a REPL that uses the machine-readable protocol. This is the protocol
-that the @code{(guix inferior)} module speaks.
+Démarre un REPL qui utilise le protocole lisible par machine. C'est le
+protocole que parle le module @code{(guix inferior)}.
@end table
@item --listen=@var{extrémité}
-By default, @command{guix repl} reads from standard input and writes to
-standard output. When this option is passed, it will instead listen for
-connections on @var{endpoint}. Here are examples of valid options:
+Par défaut, @command{guix repl} lit depuis l'entrée standard et écrit sur la
+sortie standard. Lorsque cette option est passée, il écoutera plutôt les
+connexions sur @var{endpoint}. Voici un exemple d'options valides :
@table @code
@item --listen=tcp:37146
-Accept connections on localhost on port 37146.
+Accepte les connexions sur localhost, sur le port 31.
@item --listen=unix:/tmp/socket
-Accept connections on the Unix-domain socket @file{/tmp/socket}.
+Accepte les connexions sur le socket Unix-domain @file{/tmp/socket}.
@end table
@end table
@@ -5874,6 +6418,7 @@ Guix d'une manière pratique.
* Invoquer guix copy:: Copier vers et depuis un dépôt distant.
* Invoquer guix container:: Isolation de processus.
* Invoquer guix weather:: Mesurer la disponibilité des substituts.
+* Invoquer guix processes:: Lister les processus clients.
@end menu
@node Invoquer guix build
@@ -5958,6 +6503,10 @@ de construction. Cela est utile pour déboguer des échecs de construction.
@xref{Débogage des échecs de construction}, pour des astuces sur la manière de déboguer
des problèmes de construction.
+Cette option n'a pas d'effet lors de la connexion à un démon distant avec
+l'URI @code{guix://} (@pxref{Le dépôt, la variable
@item --keep-going
@itemx -k
Continue lorsque certaines dérivations échouent ; ne s'arrête que lorsque
@@ -6173,6 +6722,38 @@ doivent être compatibles. Si @var{remplaçant} est incompatible avec
@var{paquet}, alors le paquet qui en résulte peut devenir inutilisable. À
utilisez avec précaution !
+@item --with-branch=@var{package}=@var{branch}
+@cindex Git, using the latest commit
+@cindex latest commit, building
+Build @var{package} from the latest commit of @var{branch}. The
+@code{source} field of @var{package} must be an origin with the
+@code{git-fetch} method (@pxref{Référence d'origine}) or a @code{git-checkout}
+object; the repository URL is taken from that @code{source}.
+For instance, the following command builds @code{guile-sqlite3} from the
+latest commit of its @code{master} branch, and then builds @code{guix}
+(which depends on it) and @code{cuirass} (which depends on @code{guix})
+against this specific @code{guile-sqlite3} build:
+guix build --with-branch=guile-sqlite3=master cuirass
+@end example
+@cindex intégration continue
+Obviously, since it uses the latest commit of the given branch, the result
+of such a command varies over time. Nevertheless it is a convenient way to
+rebuild entire software stacks against the latest commit of one or more
+packages. This is particularly useful in the context of continuous
+integration (CI).
+Checkouts are kept in a cache under @file{~/.cache/guix/checkouts} to speed
+up consecutive accesses to the same repository. You may want to clean it up
+once in a while to save disk space.
+@item --with-commit=@var{package}=@var{commit}
+This is similar to @code{--with-branch}, except that it builds from
+@var{commit} rather than the tip of a branch. @var{commit} must be a valid
+Git commit SHA1 identifier.
@end table
@node Options de construction supplémentaires
@@ -6191,9 +6772,8 @@ on peut toujours l'y trouver avec l'option @option{--log-file}.
@item --file=@var{fichier}
@itemx -f @var{fichier}
-Construit le paquet ou la dérivation en lequel le code dans @var{file}
+Construit le paquet, la dérivation ou l'objet simili-fichier en lequel le
+code dans @var{file} s'évalue (@pxref{G-Expressions, file-like objects}).
Par exemple, @var{file} peut contenir une définition de paquet comme ceci
(@pxref{Définition des paquets}) :
@@ -6257,10 +6837,9 @@ The following derivations will be built:
@end example
@item transitive
-Construit les dérivations des sources de tous les paquets, ainsi que toutes
-celles les entrées transitives des paquets. On peut utiliser cette option
-pour précharger les sources des paquets pour les construire plus tard hors
-ligne par exemple.
+Build the source derivations of all packages, as well of all transitive
+inputs to the packages. This can be used e.g.@: to prefetch package source
+for later offline building.
$ guix build --sources=transitive tzdata
@@ -6495,9 +7074,9 @@ ou @code{EDITOR} pour visionner la recette de GCC@tie{}4.9.3 et cele de Vim.
Si vous utilisez une copie du dépôt Git de Guix (@pxref{Construire depuis Git}),
ou que vous avez créé vos propres paquets dans @code{GUIX_PACKAGE_PATH}
-(@pxref{Définition des paquets}), vous pourrez modifier les recettes des
-paquets. Sinon, vous pourrez examiner les recettes en lecture-seule des
-paquets actuellement dans le dépôt.
+(@pxref{Modules de paquets}), vous pourrez modifier les recettes des paquets.
+Sinon, vous pourrez examiner les recettes en lecture-seule des paquets
+actuellement dans le dépôt.
@node Invoquer guix download
@@ -6682,6 +7261,13 @@ La commande ci-dessous importe les métadonnées du paquet Python
guix import pypi itsdangerous
@end example
+@table @code
+@item --recursive
+@itemx -r
+Traverse le graphe des dépendances du paquet amont donné et génère les
+expressions de paquets de tous ceux qui ne sont pas déjà dans Guix.
+@end table
@item gem
@cindex gem
Importe des métadonnées de @uref{https://rubygems.org/,
@@ -6939,9 +7525,13 @@ Les options spécifiques sont :
@itemx -t
N'inclut pas les dépendances requises uniquement par les suites de tests.
@item --lts-version=@var{version}
-@itemx -r @var{version}
+@itemx -l @var{version}
@var{version} est la version LTS désirée. Si elle est omise, la dernière
version est utilisée.
+@item --recursive
+@itemx -r
+Traverse le graphe des dépendances du paquet amont donné et génère les
+expressions de paquets de tous ceux qui ne sont pas déjà dans Guix.
@end table
La commande ci-dessous importe les métadonnées du paquet Haskell @code{HTTP}
@@ -6997,8 +7587,8 @@ Importe les métadonnées du répertoire des paquets Rust
@item opam
@cindex OPAM
@cindex OCaml
-Import metadata from the @uref{https://opam.ocaml.org/, OPAM} package
-repository used by the OCaml community.
+Importe les métadonnées du répertoire de paquets
+@uref{https://opam.ocaml.org/, OPAM} utilisé par la communauté OCaml
@end table
La structure du code de @command{guix import} est modulaire. Il serait
@@ -7240,6 +7830,39 @@ opérations avec GnuPG :
Utilise @var{commande} comme la commande de GnuPG 2.x. @var{commande} est
recherchée dans @code{PATH}.
+@item --keyring=@var{fichier}
+Utilise @var{fichier} comme porte-clefs pour les clefs amont. @var{fichier}
+doit être dans le @dfn{format keybox}. Les fichiers Keybox ont d'habitude
+un nom qui fini par @file{.kbx} et GNU@tie{}Privacy Guard (GPG) peut
+manipuler ces fichiers (@pxref{kbxutil, @command{kbxutil},, gnupg, Using the
+Privacy Guard}, pour plus d'informations sur un outil pour manipuler des
+fichiers keybox).
+Lorsque cette option est omise, @command{guix refresh} utilise
+@file{~/.config/guix/upstream/trustedkeys.kbx} comme porte-clefs pour les
+clefs de signature amont. Les signatures OpenPGP sont vérifiées avec ces
+clefs ; les clefs manquantes sont aussi téléchargées dans ce porte-clefs
+(voir @option{--key-download} plus bas).
+Vous pouvez exporter les clefs de votre porte-clefs GPG par défaut dans un
+fichier keybox avec une commande telle que :
+gpg --export rms@@gnu.org | kbxutil --import-openpgp >> mykeyring.kbx
+@end example
+De même, vous pouvez récupérer des clefs dans un fichier keybox spécifique
+comme ceci :
+gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring mykeyring.kbx \
+ --recv-keys @value{OPENPGP-SIGNING-KEY-ID}
+@end example
+@ref{GPG Configuration Options, @option{--keyring},, gnupg, Using the GNU
+Privacy Guard} pour plus d'informations sur l'option @option{--keyring} de
@item --key-download=@var{politique}
Gère les clefs OpenPGP manquantes d'après la @var{politique}, qui peut être
l'une des suivantes :
@@ -7265,17 +7888,15 @@ clef publique.
@end table
-Le gestionnaire de mises à jour @code{github} utilise
-@uref{https://developer.github.com/v3/, l'API de GitHub} pour faire des
-requêtes sur les nouvelles versions. Lorsqu'elle est utilisé de manière
-répétée, p.@: ex.@: lorsque vous vérifiez tous les paquets, GitHub finira
-par refuser de répondre à d'autres requêtes de l'API. Par défaut 60
-requêtes à l'heure sont autorisées, et une vérification complète de tous les
-paquets GitHub dans Guix requiert bien plus que cela. L'authentification
-avec GitHub à travers l'utilisation d'un jeton d'API lève ces limites. Pour
-utiliser un jeton de l'API, initialisez la variable d'environnement
-@code{GUIX_GITHUB_TOKEN} avec un jeton que vous vous serez procuré sur
-@uref{https://github.com/settings/tokens} ou autrement.
+The @code{github} updater uses the @uref{https://developer.github.com/v3/,
+GitHub API} to query for new releases. When used repeatedly e.g.@: when
+refreshing all packages, GitHub will eventually refuse to answer any further
+API requests. By default 60 API requests per hour are allowed, and a full
+refresh on all GitHub packages in Guix requires more than this.
+Authentication with GitHub through the use of an API token alleviates these
+limits. To use an API token, set the environment variable
+@code{GUIX_GITHUB_TOKEN} to a token procured from
+@uref{https://github.com/settings/tokens} or otherwise.
@node Invoquer guix lint
@@ -7304,11 +7925,10 @@ natives.
@itemx home-page
@itemx mirror-url
@itemx source-file-name
-Sonde les URL @code{home-page} et @code{source} et rapporte celles qui sont
-invalides. Suggère une URL en @code{mirror://} lorsque c'est possible.
-Vérifie que le nom du fichier source a un sens, p.@: ex.@: qu'il ne s'agisse
-pas juste d'un numéro de version ou « git-checkou », sans avoir déclaré un
-@code{file-name} (@pxref{Référence d'origine}).
+Probe @code{home-page} and @code{source} URLs and report those that are
+invalid. Suggest a @code{mirror://} URL when applicable. Check that the
+source file name is meaningful, e.g.@: is not just a version number or
+``git-checkout'', without a declared @code{file-name} (@pxref{Référence d'origine}).
@item cve
@cindex vulnérabilités
@@ -7574,7 +8194,7 @@ Cela montre le DAG @emph{inversé} des paquets. Par exemple :
guix graph --type=reverse-package ocaml
@end example
-… montre le graphe des paquets qui dépendent de OCaml.
+...@: yields the graph of packages that depend on OCaml.
Remarquez que pour les paquets du cœur de la distribution, cela crée des
graphes énormes. Si vous voulez seulement voir le nombre de paquets qui
@@ -7591,7 +8211,7 @@ Par exemple, la commande suivante :
guix graph --type=bag-emerged coreutils | dot -Tpdf > dag.pdf
@end example
-… montre ce graphe plus gros :
+...@: yields this bigger graph:
@image{images/coreutils-bag-graph,,5in,Graphe des dépendances détaillé de
GNU Coreutils}
@@ -7698,6 +8318,14 @@ C'est utile pour précisément se référer à un paquet, comme dans cet exemple
guix graph -e '(@@@@ (gnu packages commencement) gnu-make-final)'
@end example
+@item --system=@var{système}
+@itemx -s @var{système}
+Affiche le graphe pour @var{système} — p.@: ex.@: @code{i686-linux}.
+Le graphe de dépendance des paquets est la plupart du temps indépendant de
+l'architecture, mais il y a quelques parties qui dépendent de l'architecture
+que cette option vous permet de visualiser.
@end table
@@ -7759,7 +8387,7 @@ fi
@end example
-… ou de naviguer dans le profil :
+...@: or to browse the profile:
@@ -8584,6 +9212,63 @@ contenir un @dfn{manifeste} comme avec l'option @code{-m} de @command{guix
package} (@pxref{Invoquer guix package}).
@end table
+@node Invoquer guix processes
+@section Invoquer @command{guix processes}
+La commande @command{guix processes} peut être utile pour les développeurs
+et les administrateurs systèmes, surtout sur des machines multi-utilisateurs
+et sur les fermes de construction : elle liste les sessions actuelles (les
+connexions au démon), ainsi que des informations sur les processus en
+question@footnote{Les sessions distantes, lorsque @command{guix-daemon} est
+démarré avec @option{--listen} en spécifiant un point d'entrée TCP, ne sont
+@emph{pas} listées.}. Voici un exemple des informations qu'elle renvoie :
+$ sudo guix processes
+SessionPID: 19002
+ClientPID: 19090
+ClientCommand: guix environment --ad-hoc python
+SessionPID: 19402
+ClientPID: 19367
+ClientCommand: guix publish -u guix-publish -p 3000 -C 9 @dots{}
+SessionPID: 19444
+ClientPID: 19419
+ClientCommand: cuirass --cache-directory /var/cache/cuirass @dots{}
+LockHeld: /gnu/store/@dots{}-perl-ipc-cmd-0.96.lock
+LockHeld: /gnu/store/@dots{}-python-six-bootstrap-1.11.0.lock
+LockHeld: /gnu/store/@dots{}-libjpeg-turbo-2.0.0.lock
+ChildProcess: 20495: guix offload x86_64-linux 7200 1 28800
+ChildProcess: 27733: guix offload x86_64-linux 7200 1 28800
+ChildProcess: 27793: guix offload x86_64-linux 7200 1 28800
+@end example
+Dans cet exemple, on voit que @command{guix-daemon} a trois clients directs
+: @command{guix environment}, @command{guix publish} et l'outil
+d'intégration continue Cuirass ; leur identifiant de processus (PID) est
+donné par le champ @code{ClientPID}. Le champ @code{SessionPID} fournit le
+PID du sous-processus @command{guix-daemon} de cette session particulière.
+Les champs @code{LockHeld} montrent quels éléments du dépôt sont
+actuellement verrouillés par cette session, ce qui correspond aux éléments
+du dépôt qui sont en train d'être construits ou d'être substitués (le champ
+@code{LockHeld} n'est pas montré si @command{guix processes} n'est pas lancé
+en root). Enfin, en regardant le champ @code{ChildProcess}, on comprend que
+ces trois constructions sont déchargées (@pxref{Réglages du délestage du démon}).
+La sortie est dans le format Recutils pour qu'on puisse utiliser la commande
+@command{recsel} pour sélectionner les sessions qui nous intéressent
+(@pxref{Selection Expressions,,, recutils, GNU recutils manual}). Par
+exemple, la commande montre la ligne de commande et le PID du client qui
+effectue la construction d'un paquet Perl :
+$ sudo guix processes | \
+ recsel -p ClientPID,ClientCommand -e 'LockHeld ~ "perl"'
+ClientPID: 19419
+ClientCommand: cuirass --cache-directory /var/cache/cuirass @dots{}
+@end example
@c *********************************************************************
@node Distribution GNU
@@ -8731,8 +9416,8 @@ De plus en plus de services systèmes sont fournis (@pxref{Services}) mais
certains manquent toujours cruellement.
-More than 7,500 packages are available, but you might occasionally find that
-a useful package is missing.
+Plus de 7@tie{}500 paquets sont disponibles, mais vous pourrez parfois
+trouver qu'un paquet utile est absent.
GNOME, Xfce, LXDE et Enlightenment sont disponibles (@pxref{Services de bureaux}), ainsi qu'un certain nombre de gestionnaires de fenêtres X11.
@@ -8785,10 +9470,10 @@ leur support dans GNU/Linux.
@node Installation depuis une clef USB ou un DVD
@subsection Installation depuis une clef USB ou un DVD
-An ISO-9660 installation image that can be written to a USB stick or burnt
-to a DVD can be downloaded from
-where @var{system} is one of:
+Une image d'installation ISO-9660 téléchargeable depuis
+peut être écrite sur une clef USB ou gravée sur un DVD, où @var{système} est
+l'une de ces valeurs :
@table @code
@item x86_64-linux
@@ -8811,7 +9496,8 @@ Si cette commande échoue parce que vous n'avez pas la clef publique requise,
lancez cette commande pour l'importer :
-$ gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-keys @value{OPENPGP-SIGNING-KEY-ID}
+$ gpg --keyserver @value{KEY-SERVER} \
+ --recv-keys @value{OPENPGP-SIGNING-KEY-ID}
@end example
@@ -8924,7 +9610,8 @@ loadkey} pour plus d'informations.
@subsubsection Réseau
-Run the following command to see what your network interfaces are called:
+Lancez la commande suivante pour voir comment vos interfaces réseau sont
+appelées :
ifconfig -a
@@ -9051,42 +9738,44 @@ parted /dev/sda set 1 esp on
@quotation Remarque
@vindex grub-bootloader
@vindex grub-efi-bootloader
-Unsure whether to use EFI- or BIOS-based GRUB? If the directory
-@file{/sys/firmware/efi} exists in the installation image, then you should
-probably perform an EFI installation, using @code{grub-efi-bootloader}.
-Otherwise you should use the BIOS-based GRUB, known as
-@code{grub-bootloader}. @xref{Configuration du chargeur d'amorçage}, for more info on
+Vous n'êtes pas sûr de savoir si vous devez utiliser un GRUB EFI ou BIOS ?
+Si le répertoire @file{/sys/firmware/efi} existe sur l'image d'installation,
+vous devriez probablement effectuer une installation EFI, avec
+@code{grub-efi-bootloader}. Sinon, vous devriez utiliser le GRUB en BIOS,
+@code{grub-bootloader}. @xref{Configuration du chargeur d'amorçage} pour plus
+d'information sur le chargeur d'amorçage.
@end quotation
-Once you are done partitioning the target hard disk drive, you have to
-create a file system on the relevant partition(s)@footnote{Currently GuixSD
-only supports ext4 and btrfs file systems. In particular, code that reads
-file system UUIDs and labels only works for these file system types.}. For
-the ESP, if you have one and assuming it is @file{/dev/sda1}, run:
+Une fois que vous avez fini le partitionnement du disque dur cible, vous
+devez créer un système de fichier sur les partitions@footnote{Actuellement
+GuixSD ne supporte que les systèmes de fichiers ext4 et btrfs. En
+particulier, le code qui lit les UUID des systèmes de fichiers et les
+étiquettes ne fonctionne que pour ces types de systèmes de fichiers.}. Pour
+l'ESP, si vous en avez une et en supposant que ce soit @file{/dev/sda1},
+lancez :
mkfs.fat -F32 /dev/sda1
@end example
-Preferably, assign file systems a label so that you can easily and reliably
-refer to them in @code{file-system} declarations (@pxref{Systèmes de fichiers}).
-This is typically done using the @code{-L} option of @command{mkfs.ext4} and
-related commands. So, assuming the target root partition lives at
-@file{/dev/sda2}, a file system with the label @code{my-root} can be created
+Préférez assigner une étiquette au système de fichier pour que vous puissiez
+vous y référer de manière fiable dans la déclaration @code{file-system}
+(@pxref{Systèmes de fichiers}). On le fait habituellement avec l'option @code{-L}
+de @command{mkfs.ext4} et des commandes liées. Donc, en supposant que la
+partition racine soit sur @file{/dev/sda2}, on peut créer un système de
+fichier avec pour étiquette @code{my-root} avec :
mkfs.ext4 -L my-root /dev/sda2
@end example
@cindex chiffrement du disque
-If you are instead planning to encrypt the root partition, you can use the
-Cryptsetup/LUKS utilities to do that (see @inlinefmtifelse{html,
+Si vous voulez plutôt chiffrer la partition racine, vous pouvez utiliser les
+utilitaires Cryptsetup et LUKS pour cela (voir @inlinefmtifelse{html,
@uref{https://linux.die.net/man/8/cryptsetup, @code{man cryptsetup}},
-@code{man cryptsetup}} for more information.) Assuming you want to store
-the root partition on @file{/dev/sda2}, the command sequence would be along
-these lines:
+@code{man cryptsetup}} pour plus d'informations). En supposant que vous
+voulez stocker la partition racine sur @file{/dev/sda2}, la séquence de
+commandes suivante vous mènerait à ce résultat :
cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/sda2
@@ -9107,10 +9796,11 @@ système cible relativement à ce chemin. Si vous avez un @file{/boot} sur
une partition séparé par exemple, montez-le sur @file{/mnt/boot} maintenant
pour qu'il puisse être trouvé par @code{guix system init} ensuite.
-Finally, if you plan to use one or more swap partitions (@pxref{Memory
-Concepts, swap space,, libc, The GNU C Library Reference Manual}), make sure
-to initialize them with @command{mkswap}. Assuming you have one swap
-partition on @file{/dev/sda3}, you would run:
+Enfin, si vous souhaitez utiliser une ou plusieurs partitions de swap
+(@pxref{Memory Concepts, swap space,, libc, The GNU C Library Reference
+Manual}), assurez-vous de les initialiser avec @command{mkswap}. En
+supposant que vous avez une partition de swap sur @file{/dev/sda3}, vous
+pouvez lancer :
mkswap /dev/sda3
@@ -9196,10 +9886,10 @@ partition EFI montée, comme @code{/boot/efi}, et assurez-vous que ce chemin
est bien monté.
-Be sure that your file system labels match the value of their respective
-@code{device} fields in your @code{file-system} configuration, assuming your
-@code{file-system} configuration uses the @code{file-system-label} procedure
-in its @code{device} field.
+Assurez-vous que les étiquettes de vos systèmes de fichiers correspondent
+aux valeurs de leur champs @code{device} dans votre configuration
+@code{file-system}, en supposant que la configuration @code{file-system}
+utilise la procédure @code{file-system-label} dans son champ @code{device}.
Si vous avez des partitions RAID ou chiffrées, assurez-vous d'ajouter un
@@ -9407,16 +10097,16 @@ d'exploitation avec @command{guix system}.
@unnumberedsubsubsec Bootloader
-@cindex legacy boot, on Intel machines
-@cindex BIOS boot, on Intel machines
-@cindex UEFI boot
-@cindex EFI boot
-The @code{bootloader} field describes the method that will be used to boot
-your system. Machines based on Intel processors can boot in ``legacy'' BIOS
-mode, as in the example above. However, more recent machines rely instead
-on the @dfn{Unified Extensible Firmware Interface} (UEFI) to boot. In that
-case, the @code{bootloader} field should contain something along these
+@cindex ancien système de démarrage, sur les machines Intel
+@cindex démarrage BIOS, sur les machines Intel
+@cindex démarrage UEFI
+@cindex démarrage EFI
+Le champ @code{bootloader} décrit la méthode qui sera utilisée pour démarrer
+votre système. Les machines basées sur les processeurs Intel peuvent
+démarrer dans l'ancien mode BIOS, comme dans l'exemple au-dessus.
+Cependant, les machines plus récentes s'appuient sur l'UEFI (@dfn{Unified
+Extensible Firmware Interface}) pour démarrer. Dans ce cas, le champ
+@code{bootloader} devrait contenir quelque chose comme cela :
@@ -9424,23 +10114,23 @@ lines:
(target "/boot/efi"))
@end example
-@xref{Configuration du chargeur d'amorçage}, for more information on the available
-configuration options.
+@xref{Configuration du chargeur d'amorçage}, pour plus d'informations sur les options de
+configuration disponibles.
@unnumberedsubsubsec Paquets visibles sur tout le système
@vindex %base-packages
Le champ @code{packages} liste les paquets qui seront visibles sur tout le
système, pour tous les comptes utilisateurs — c.-à-d.@: dans la variable
-d'environnement @code{PATH} de tous les utilisateurs — en plus des paquets
-par profil (@pxref{Invoquer guix package}). La variable
+d'environnement @code{PATH} de tous les utilisateurs — en plus des profils
+utilisateurs (@pxref{Invoquer guix package}). La variable
@var{%base-packages} fournit tous les outils qu'on pourrait attendre pour
les taches de base de l'administrateur et de l'utilisateur — dont les GNU
Core Utilities, les GNU Networking Utilities, l'éditeur de texte léger GNU
-Zile, @command{find}, @command{grep}, etc. L'exemple au-dessus ajout
-GNU@tie{}Screen et OpenSSH à ces paquets, récupérés depuis les modules
-@code{(gnu packages screen)} et @code{(gnu packages ssh)} (@pxref{Modules de paquets}). La syntaxe @code{(list paquet sortie)} peut être utilisée pour
-ajouter une sortie spécifique d'un paquet :
+Zile, @command{find}, @command{grep}, etc. L'exemple au-dessus ajoute
+GNU@tie{}Screen à ces paquets, récupéré depuis le module @code{(gnu packages
+screen)} (@pxref{Modules de paquets}). Vous pouvez utiliser la syntaxe
+@code{(list paquet sortie)} pour ajouter une sortie spécifique d'un paquet :
(use-modules (gnu packages))
@@ -9535,8 +10225,8 @@ l'énergie, et bien plus, ressemblerait à ceci :
@include os-config-desktop.texi
@end lisp
-A graphical system with a choice of lightweight window managers instead of
-full-blown desktop environments would look like this:
+Un système graphique avec un choix de gestionnaires de fenêtres légers
+plutôt que des environnement de bureaux complets ressemblerait à cela :
@include os-config-lightweight-desktop.texi
@@ -9590,17 +10280,18 @@ système disponibles sur le disque. Il est possible de revenir à une
ancienne génération via les commandes @command{guix system roll-back} et
@command{guix system switch-generation}.
-Although the @command{guix system reconfigure} command will not modify
-previous generations, you must take care when the current generation is not
-the latest (e.g., after invoking @command{guix system roll-back}), since the
-operation might overwrite a later generation (@pxref{Invoquer guix system}).
+Bien que la commande @command{guix system reconfigure} ne modifiera pas les
+générations précédentes, vous devez faire attention lorsque votre génération
+actuelle n'est pas la dernière (p.@: ex.@: après avoir invoqué @command{guix
+system roll-back}), puisque l'opération pourrait remplacer une génération
+suivante (@pxref{Invoquer guix system}).
@unnumberedsubsubsec L'interface de programmation
Au niveau Scheme, la grosse déclaration @code{operating-system} est
instanciée avec la procédure monadique suivante (@pxref{La monad du dépôt}) :
-@deffn {Procédure Monadique} operating-system-derivation os
+@deffn {Procédure monadique} operating-system-derivation os
Renvoie une dérivation qui construit @var{os}, un objet
@code{operating-system} (@pxref{Dérivations}).
@@ -9645,9 +10336,9 @@ La liste des modules du noyau linux requis dans l'image disque de RAM
initiale. @xref{Disque de RAM initial}.
@item @code{initrd} (par défaut : @code{base-initrd})
-Une procédure monadique qui renvoie un disque de RAM initial pour le noyau
-Linux. Ce champ est fournit pour pouvoir personnaliser son système à
-bas-niveau et n'est que rarement utile dans le cas général. @xref{Disque de RAM initial}.
+Une procédure qui renvoie un disque de RAM initial pour le noyau Linux. Ce
+champ est fournit pour pouvoir personnaliser son système à bas-niveau et
+n'est que rarement utile dans le cas général. @xref{Disque de RAM initial}.
@item @code{firmware} (par défaut : @var{%base-firmware})
@cindex firmware
@@ -10375,11 +11066,14 @@ exemple :
La commande ci-dessus, lancée en @code{root}, liste les services
actuellement définis. La commande @command{herd doc} montre un synopsis du
-service donné :
+service donné et ses actions associées :
# herd doc nscd
Run libc's name service cache daemon (nscd).
+# herd doc nscd action invalidate
+invalidate: Invalidate the given cache--e.g., 'hosts' for host name lookups.
@end example
Les sous-commandes @command{start}, @command{stop} et @command{restart} ont
@@ -10420,7 +11114,8 @@ par les services de base qui peuvent être utilisés avec une déclaration
* Services VPN:: Démons VPN
* Système de fichiers en réseau:: Services liés à NFS@.
* Intégration continue:: Le service Cuirass.
-* Power Management Services:: Extending battery life.
+* Services de gestion de l'énergie:: Augmenter la durée de vie de la
+ batterie.
* Services audio:: MPD@.
* Services de virtualisation:: Services de virtualisation.
* Services de contrôle de version:: Fournit des accès distants à des
@@ -10587,9 +11282,8 @@ Sinon et s'il y a une valeur pour une option @code{console} avec un tty sur
la ligne de commande du noyau Linux, agetty extraira le nom du périphérique
du port série et l'utilisera.
-Dans les deux cas, agetty laissera les autres paramètres du périphérique
-série (baud, etc) sans y toucher — dans l'espoir que Linux leur a assigné
-les bonnes valeurs.
+In both cases, agetty will leave the other serial device settings (baud rate
+etc.)@: alone---in the hope that Linux pinned them to the correct values.
@item @code{baud-rate} (par défaut : @code{#f})
Une chaîne qui contient une liste d'un ou plusieurs taux de baud séparés par
@@ -10770,6 +11464,11 @@ connexion par défaut est @command{login} de la suite d'outils Shadow.
@item @code{login-arguments} (par défaut : @code{'("-p")})
Une liste d'arguments à passer à @command{login}.
+@item @code{auto-login} (par défaut : @code{#f})
+Lorsqu'un nom de connexion est passé comme une chaîne de caractères,
+l'utilisateur spécifié sera automatiquement connecté sans demande du nom
+d'utilisateur ni du mot de passe.
@item @code{hardware-acceleration?} (par défaut : #f)
S'il faut utiliser l'accélération matérielle.
@@ -10786,6 +11485,28 @@ Le paquet Kmscon à utiliser.
Renvoie un service qui lance le démon de cache de services de noms de la
libc (nscd) avec la @var{config} donnée — un objet
@code{<nscd-configuration>}. @xref{Name Service Switch}, pour un exemple.
+Parce que c'est pratique, le service du Shepherd pour nscd fournit les
+actions suivantes :
+@table @code
+@item invalidate
+@cindex invalidation du cache, nscd
+@cindex nscd, invalidation du cache
+Cela invalide le cache dnné. Par exemple, en laçant :
+herd invalidate nscd hosts
+@end example
+on invalide le cache de noms d'hôtes de nscd.
+@item statistiques
+Lancer @command{herd statistics nscd} affiche des informations sur
+l'utilisation de nscd et des caches.
+@end table
@end deffn
@defvr {Variable Scheme} %nscd-default-configuration
@@ -10901,6 +11622,12 @@ Renvoie un service qui lance un démon syslog en suivant @var{config}.
d'informations sur la syntaxe du fichier de configuration.
@end deffn
+@defvr {Variable Scheme} guix-service-type
+C'est le type de service qui lance le démon de construction,
+@command{guix-daemon} (@pxref{Invoquer guix-daemon}). Sa valeur doit être
+un enregistrement @code{guix-configuration} décrit plus bas.
+@end defvr
@deftp {Type de données} guix-configuration
Ce type de données représente la configuration du démon de construction de
@@ -10961,11 +11688,6 @@ Un répertoire où @command{guix-daemon} effectuera ses constructions.
@end table
@end deftp
-@deffn {Procédure Scheme} guix-service @var{config}
-Renvoie un service qui fait tourner le démon de construction de Guix en
-suivant @var{config}.
-@end deffn
@deffn {Procédure Scheme} udev-service [#:udev @var{eudev} #:rules @code{'()}]
Lance @var{udev}, qui rempli le répertoire @file{/dev} dynamiquement. Les
règles udev peuvent être fournies comme une liste de fichier via la variable
@@ -11288,16 +12010,16 @@ gexps pour introduire des définitions de tâches qui sont passées à mcron
plus d'informations sur les spécifications des tâche de mcron. Ci-dessous
est la référence du service mcron.
-On a running system, you can use the @code{schedule} action of the service
-to visualize the mcron jobs that will be executed next:
+Sur un système lancé, vous pouvez utiliser l'action @code{schedule} du
+service pour visualiser les travaux mcron qui seront exécutés ensuite :
# herd schedule mcron
@end example
-The example above lists the next five tasks that will be executed, but you
-can also specify the number of tasks to display:
+Cet exemple ci-dessus montre les cinq tâches qui seront exécutés, mais vous
+pouvez spécifier le nombre de tâches à afficher :
# herd schedule mcron 10
@@ -11451,11 +12173,12 @@ Le module @code{(gnu services networking)} fournit des services pour
configurer les interfaces réseaux.
@cindex DHCP, service réseau
-@deffn {Procédure Scheme} dhcp-client-service [#:dhcp @var{isc-dhcp}]
-Renvoie un service qui lance @var{dhcp}, un client DHCP (Dynamic Host
-Configuration Protocol) sur toutes les interfaces réseaux en dehors de la
-boucle locale.
-@end deffn
+@defvr {Variable Scheme} dhcp-client-service-type
+C'est le type de services qui lance @var{dhcp}, un client DHC (protocole de
+configuration d'hôte dynamique) sur toutes les interfaces réseau
+non-loopback. Sa valeur est le paquet du client DHCP à utiliser,
+@code{isc-dhcp} par défaut.
+@end defvr
@deffn {Procédure Scheme} dhcpd-service-type
Ce type définie un service qui lance un démon DHCP. Pour créer un service
@@ -11508,17 +12231,27 @@ C'est le type des interfaces réseaux configurés statiquement.
@end defvr
@deffn {Procédure Scheme} static-networking-service @var{interface} @var{ip} @
- [#:netmask #f] [#:gateway #f] [#:name-servers @code{'()}] @ [#:requirement
-@code{'(udev)}] Return a service that starts @var{interface} with address
-@var{ip}. If @var{netmask} is true, use it as the network mask. If
-@var{gateway} is true, it must be a string specifying the default network
-gateway. @var{requirement} can be used to declare a dependency on another
-service before configuring the interface.
+ [#:netmask #f] [#:gateway #f] [#:name-servers @code{'()}] @
+[#:requirement @code{'(udev)}]
+Renvoie un service qui démarre @var{interface} avec l'adresse @var{ip}. Si
+@var{netmask} est vrai, il sera utilisé comme masque de sous-réseau. Si
+@var{gateway} est vrai, ce doit être une chaîne de caractères qui spécifie
+la passerelle par défaut du réseau. @var{requirement} peut être utilisé
+pour déclarer une dépendance sur un autre service avant de configurer
On peut appeler cette procédure plusieurs fois, une fois par interface
réseau qui nous intéresse. Dans les coulisses, elle étend
@code{static-networking-service-type} avec les interfaces réseaux
supplémentaires à gérer.
+Par exemple :
+(static-networking-service "eno1" ""
+ #:gateway ""
+ #:name-servers '(""))
+@end example
@end deffn
@cindex wicd
@@ -11627,41 +12360,123 @@ Type de données représentant la configuration de connman.
Le paquet connman à utiliser.
@item @code{disable-vpn?} (par défaut : @code{#f})
-Lorsque la valeur est vraie, active le greffon vpn de connman.
+Lorsque la valeur est vraie, désactive le greffon vpn de connman.
@end table
@end deftp
@cindex WPA Supplicant
@defvr {Variable Scheme} wpa-supplicant-service-type
-C'est le type du service qui lance @url{https://w1.fi/wpa_supplicant/,WPA
+C'est le type du service qui lance@url{https://w1.fi/wpa_supplicant/,WPA
supplicant}, un démon d'authentification requis pour s'authentifier sur des
-WiFi chiffrés ou des réseaux ethernet. l est configuré pour écouter des
-requêtes sur D-Bus.
+WiFi chiffrés ou des réseaux ethernet.
+@end defvr
-La valeur de ce service est le paquet @code{wpa-supplicant} à utiliser.
-Ainsi, il peut être instancié de cette manière :
+@deftp {Type de données} wpa-supplicant-configuration
+Type données qui représente la configuration de WPA Supplicant.
-(use-modules (gnu services networking))
+Il prend les paramètres suivants :
+@table @asis
+@item @code{wpa-supplicant} (par défaut : @code{wpa-supplicant})
+Le paquet WPA Supplicant à utiliser.
+@item @code{dbus?} (par défaut : @code{#t})
+Indique s'il faut écouter les requêtes sur D-Bus.
+@item @code{pid-file} (par défaut : @code{"/var/run/wpa_supplicant.pid"})
+Où stocker votre fichier de PID.
+@item @code{interface} (par défaut : @code{#f})
+Si une valeur est indiquée, elle doit spécifier le nom d'une interface
+réseau que WPA supplicant contrôlera.
+@item @code{config-file} (par défaut : @code{#f})
+Fichier de configuration facultatif à utiliser.
+@item @code{extra-options} (par défaut : @code{'()})
+Liste d'arguments de la ligne de commande supplémentaires à passer au démon.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@cindex iptables
+@defvr {Variable Scheme} iptables-service-type
+This is the service type to set up an iptables configuration. iptables is a
+packet filtering framework supported by the Linux kernel. This service
+supports configuring iptables for both IPv4 and IPv6. A simple example
+configuration rejecting all incoming connections except those to the ssh
+port 22 is shown below.
-(service wpa-supplicant-service-type)
+(service iptables-service-type
+ (iptables-configuration
+ (ipv4-rules (plain-file "iptables.rules" "*filter
+-A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
+-A INPUT -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable
+ (ipv6-rules (plain-file "ip6tables.rules" "*filter
+-A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
+-A INPUT -j REJECT --reject-with icmp6-port-unreachable
@end lisp
@end defvr
-@cindex NTP
+@deftp {Type de données} iptables-configuration
+Type de données représentant la configuration d'iptables.
+@table @asis
+@item @code{iptables} (par défaut : @code{iptables})
+Le paquet iptables qui fournit @code{iptables-restore} et
+@item @code{ipv4-rules} (par défaut : @code{%iptables-accept-all-rules})
+Les règles iptables à utiliser. Elles seront passées à
+@code{iptables-restore}. Cela peut être un objet « simili-fichier »
+(@pxref{G-Expressions, file-like objects}).
+@item @code{ipv6-rules} (par défaut : @code{%iptables-accept-all-rules})
+Les règles iptables à utiliser. Elles seront passées à
+@code{ip6tables-restore}. Cela peut être un objet « simili-fichier »
+(@pxref{G-Expressions, file-like objects}).
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@cindex NTP (Network Time Protocol), service
@cindex horloge
-@deffn {Procédure Scheme} ntp-service [#:ntp @var{ntp}] @
- [#:servers @var{%ntp-servers}] @
-[#:allow-large-adjustment? #f]
-Renvoie un service qui lance le démon de @var{ntp}, le
-@uref{http://www.ntp.org, paquet Network Time Protocol}. Le démon gardera
-l'horloge système synchronisée avec celle des serveurs @var{servers}.
-@var{allow-large-adjustment?} détermine si @command{ntpd} a le droit de
-faire des ajustements initiaux de plus de 1 000 secondes.
-@end deffn
+@defvr {Variable Scheme} ntp-service-type
+This is the type of the service running the @uref{http://www.ntp.org,
+Network Time Protocol (NTP)} daemon, @command{ntpd}. The daemon will keep
+the system clock synchronized with that of the specified NTP servers.
+La valeur de ce service est un objet @code{ntpd-configuration}, décrit
+@end defvr
+@deftp {Type de données} ntp-configuration
+C'est le type de données représentant la configuration du service NTP.
+@table @asis
+@item @code{servers} (par défaut : @code{%ntp-servers})
+C'est la liste des serveurs (noms d'hôtes) avec lesquels @command{ntpd} sera
+@item @code{allow-large-adjustment?} (par défaut : @code{#f})
+Détermine si @code{ntpd} peut faire un ajustement initial de plus de
+1@tie{}000 secondes.
+@item @code{ntp} (par défaut : @code{ntp})
+Le paquet NTP à utiliser.
+@end table
+@end deftp
@defvr {Variable Scheme} %ntp-servers
-Liste des noms d'hôtes utilisés comme serveurs NTP par défaut.
+Liste de noms d'hôtes à utiliser comme serveurs NTP par défaut. Ce sont les
+serveurs du @uref{https://www.ntppool.org/fr/, projet NTP Pool}
@end defvr
@cindex OpenNTPD
@@ -11799,19 +12614,18 @@ Une chaîne de caractères qui doit correspondre à une entrée dans
Indique si @command{inetd} devrait attendre que le serveur ait quitté avant
d'écouter de nouvelles demandes de service.
@item @code{user}
-Une chaîne de caractères contenant le nom d'utilisateur (et éventuellement
-de groupe) de l'utilisateur en tant que lequel le serveur devrait tourner.
-Le nom du groupe peut être spécifié comme un suffixe, séparé par un
-deux-points ou un point, c.-à-d.@: @code{"utilisateur"},
-@code{"utilisateur:groupe"} ou @code{"utilisateur.groupe"}.
+A string containing the user (and, optionally, group) name of the user as
+whom the server should run. The group name can be specified in a suffix,
+separated by a colon or period, i.e.@: @code{"user"}, @code{"user:group"} or
@item @code{program} (par défaut : @code{"internal"})
Le programme du serveur qui servira les requêtes, ou @code{"internal"} si
@command{inetd} devrait utiliser un service inclus.
@item @code{arguments} (par défaut : @code{'()})
-Une liste de chaînes de caractères ou d'objets simili-fichiers qui sont les
-arguments du programme du serveur, en commençant par le zéroième argument,
-c.-à-d.@: le nom du programme lui-même. Pour les services internes à
-@command{inetd}, cette entrée doit être @code{'()} ou @code{'("internal")}.
+A list strings or file-like objects, which are the server program's
+arguments, starting with the zeroth argument, i.e.@: the name of the program
+itself. For @command{inetd}'s internal services, this entry must be
+@code{'()} or @code{'("internal")}.
@end table
@xref{Configuration file,,, inetutils, GNU Inetutils} pour trouver une
@@ -11819,17 +12633,60 @@ discussion plus détaillée de chaque champ de configuration.
@end deftp
@cindex Tor
+@defvr {Variable Scheme} tor-service-type
+C'est le type pour un service qui lance le démon de navigation anonyme
+@uref{https://torproject.org, Tor}. Le service est configuré avec un
+enregistrement @code{<tor-configuration>}. Par défaut, le démon Tor est
+lancé en tant qu'utilisateur non privilégié @code{tor}, membre du groupe
+@end defvr
@deffn {Procédure Scheme} tor-service [@var{config-file}] [#:tor @var{tor}]
-Renvoie un service qui lance le démon de réseau anonyme
-@uref{https://torproject.org, Tor}.
-Le démon est lancé avec l'identité de l'utilisateur non privilégié
-@code{tor}. Il lit @var{config-file}, un objet simili-fichier, avec une
-ligne @code{User tor} supplémentaire et des lignes pour les services cachés
-ajoutées par des @code{tor-hidden-service}. Lncez @command{man tor} pour
-obtenir des informations sur le fichier de configuration.
+Cette procédure est obsolète et sera supprimée dans les futures versions.
+Renvoie un service de type @code{tor-service-type}. @var{config-file} et
+@var{tor} ont la même signification que dans @code{<tor-configuration>}.
@end deffn
+@deftp {Type de données} tor-configuration
+@table @asis
+@item @code{tor} (par défaut : @code{tor})
+Le paquet qui fournit le démon Tor. Ce paquet doit fournir le démon
+@file{bin/tor} relativement à son répertoire de sortie. Le paquet par
+défaut est le l'implémentation du @uref{https://www.torproject.org, projet
+@item @code{config-file} (par défaut : @code{(plain-file "empty" "")})
+Le fichier de configuration à utiliser. Il sera ajouté au fichier de
+configuration par défaut, et le fichier de configuration final sera passé à
+@code{tor} via son option @code{-f}. Cela peut être n'importe quel objet «
+simili-fichier » (@pxref{G-Expressions, file-like objects}). Voir @code{man
+tor} pour plus de détails sur la syntaxe du fichier de configuration.
+@item @code{hidden-services} (par défaut : @code{'()})
+La liste des enregistrements @code{<hidden-service>} à utiliser. Pour
+n'importe quel service cache que vous ajoutez à cette liste, la
+configuration appropriée pour activer le service caché sera automatiquement
+ajouté au fichier de configuration par défaut. Vous pouvez aussi créer des
+enregistrements @code{<hidden-service>} avec la procédure
+@code{tor-hidden-service} décrite plus bas.
+@item @code{socks-socket-type} (par défaut : @code{'tcp})
+Le type de socket par défaut que Tor devrait utiliser pour les socket
+SOCKS. Cela doit être soit @code{'tcp} soit @code{'unix}. S'il s'agit de
+@code{'tcp}, alors Tor écoutera pas défaut sur le port TCP 9050 sur
+l'interface de boucle locale (c.-à-d.@: localhost). S'il s'agit de
+@code{'unix}, Tor écoutera sur le socket UNIX domain
+@file{/var/run/tor/socks-sock}, qui sera inscriptible pour les membres du
+groupe @code{tor}.
+Si vous voulez personnaliser le socket SOCKS plus avant, laissez
+@code{socks-socket-type} à sa valeur par défaut de @code{'tcp} et utilisez
+@code{config-file} pour remplacer les valeurs par défaut avec votre propre
+option @code{SocksPort}.
+@end table
+@end deftp
@cindex service caché
@deffn {Procédure Scheme} tor-hidden-service @var{name} @var{mapping}
Définie un @dfn{service caché} pour Tor nommé @var{name} qui implémente
@@ -12032,17 +12889,18 @@ Lorsque la valeur est vraie, le transfert de connexion du client graphique
X11 est activé — en d'autre termes, les options @option{-X} et @option{-Y}
de @command{ssh} fonctionneront.
-@item @code{allow-agent-forwarding?} (default: @code{#t})
-Whether to allow agent forwarding.
+@item @code{allow-agent-forwarding?} (par défaut : @code{#t})
+Indique s'il faut autoriser la redirection d'agent.
-@item @code{allow-tcp-forwarding?} (default: @code{#t})
-Whether to allow TCP forwarding.
+@item @code{allow-tcp-forwarding?} (par défaut : @code{#t})
+Indique s'il faut autoriser la redirection TCP.
-@item @code{gateway-ports?} (default: @code{#f})
-Whether to allow gateway ports.
+@item @code{gateway-ports?} (par défaut : @code{#f})
+Indique s'il faut autoriser les ports de passerelle.
@item @code{challenge-response-authentication?} (par défaut : @code{#f})
-Spécifie si l'authentification par défi est autorisée (p.@: ex.@: via PAM).
+Specifies whether challenge response authentication is allowed (e.g.@: via
@item @code{use-pam?} (par défaut : @code{#t})
Active l'interface avec le module d'authentification greffable, PAM. Si la
@@ -12062,8 +12920,7 @@ connexion des utilisateurs lorsqu'un utilisateur se connecte de manière
@item @code{subsystems} (par défaut : @code{'(("sftp" "internal-sftp"))})
-Configure les sous-systèmes externes (p.@: ex.@: le démon de transfert de
+Configures external subsystems (e.g.@: file transfer daemon).
C'est une liste de paires, composées chacune du nom du sous-système et d'une
commande (avec éventuellement des arguments) à exécuter à la demande du
@@ -12121,6 +12978,13 @@ Des clefs autorisées supplémentaires peuvent être spécifiées via
Remarquez que cela n'interfère @emph{pas} avec l'utilisation de
+@item @code{log-level} (par défaut : @code{'info})
+C'est le symbole qui spécifie le niveau de journalisation : @code{quiet},
+@code{fatal}, @code{error}, @code{info}, @code{verbose}, @code{debug}, etc.
+Voir la page de manuel de @file{sshd_config} pour trouver la liste complète
+des noms de niveaux.
@end table
@end deftp
@@ -12563,10 +13427,11 @@ GNOME. Par défaut, la configuration du service CUPS générera un certificat
auto-signé si besoin, pour les connexions sécurisée avec le serveur
-Suppose you want to enable the Web interface of CUPS and also add support
-for Epson printers @i{via} the @code{escpr} package and for HP printers
-@i{via} the @code{hplip-minimal} package. You can do that directly, like
-this (you need to use the @code{(gnu packages cups)} module):
+Supposons que vous souhaitiez activer l'interface Web de CUPS et ajouter le
+support pour les imprimantes Epson via le paquet @code{escpr} et our les
+imprimantes HP via le paquet @code{hplip-minimal}. Vous pouvez le faire
+directement, comme ceci (vous devez utiliser le module @code{(gnu packages
+cups)}) :
(service cups-service-type
@@ -12576,9 +13441,9 @@ this (you need to use the @code{(gnu packages cups)} module):
(list cups-filters escpr hplip-minimal))))
@end example
-Note: If you wish to use the Qt5 based GUI which comes with the hplip
-package then it is suggested that you install the @code{hplip} package,
-either in your OS configuration file or as your user.
+Remarque : si vous souhaitez utiliser la GUI basée sur Qt5 qui provient du
+paquet hplip, nous vous suggérons d'installer le paquet @code{hplip}, soit
+dans votre configuration d'OS, soit en tant qu'utilisateur.
Les paramètres de configuration disponibles sont les suivants. Chaque
définition des paramètres est précédé par son type ; par exemple,
@@ -13731,15 +14596,15 @@ service D-Bus.
@cindex ALSA
@cindex PulseAudio, support du son
-The @code{(gnu services sound)} module provides a service to configure the
-Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) system, which making PulseAudio the
-prefered ALSA output driver.
+Le module @code{(gnu services sound)} fournit un service pour configurer le
+système ALSA (architecture son linux avancée), qui fait de PulseAudio le
+pilote de sortie préféré d'ALSA.
@deffn {Variable Scheme} alsa-service-type
-This is the type for the @uref{https://alsa-project.org/, Advanced Linux
-Sound Architecture} (ALSA) system, which generates the
-@file{/etc/asound.conf} configuration file. The value for this type is a
-@command{alsa-configuration} record as in this example:
+C'est le type pour le système @uref{https://alsa-project.org/, Advanced
+Linux Sound Architecture} (ALSA), qui génère le fichier de configuration
+@file{/etc/asound.conf}. La valer de ce type est un enregistrement
+@command{alsa-configuration} comme dans cet exemple :
(service alsa-service-type)
@@ -13752,8 +14617,8 @@ Voir plus bas pour des détails sur @code{alsa-configuration}.
Type de données représentant la configuration pour @code{alsa-service}.
@table @asis
-@item @code{alsa-plugins} (default: @var{alsa-plugins})
-@code{alsa-plugins} package to use.
+@item @code{alsa-plugins} (par défaut : @var{alsa-plugins})
+Le paquet @code{alsa-plugins} à utiliser.
@item @code{pulseaudio?} (par défaut : @var{#t})
Indique si les applications ALSA devraient utiliser le serveur de son
@@ -13765,21 +14630,21 @@ produisent du son en même temps et de les contrôler individuellement via
@command{pavucontrol} entre autres choses.
@item @code{extra-options} (par défaut : @var{""})
-String to append to the @file{/etc/asound.conf} file.
+Chaîne à ajouter au fichier @file{/etc/asound.conf}.
@end table
@end deftp
-Individual users who want to override the system configuration of ALSA can
-do it with the @file{~/.asoundrc} file:
+Les utilisateurs individuels qui veulent modifier la configuration système
+d'ALSA peuvent le faire avec le fichier @file{~/.asoundrc} :
-# In guix, we have to specify the absolute path for plugins.
+# Dans guix, il faut spécifier le chemin absolu des greffons.
pcm_type.jack @{
lib "/home/alice/.guix-profile/lib/alsa-lib/libasound_module_pcm_jack.so"
-# Routing ALSA to jack:
+# Faire passer ALSA par Jack :
# <http://jackaudio.org/faq/routing_alsa.html>.
pcm.rawjack @{
type jack
@@ -13802,8 +14667,8 @@ pcm.!default @{
@end example
-See @uref{https://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Asoundrc} for the
+Voir @uref{https://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Asoundrc} pour les
@node Services de bases de données
@@ -14110,11 +14975,30 @@ S'il faut utiliser SSL pour ce service ; @samp{yes}, @samp{no} ou
@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{service-configuration}} non-negative-integer client-limit
+Connexions de clients simultanées maximum par processus. Une fois ce nombre
+de connections atteint, la connexion suivante fera en sorte que Dovecot
+démarre un autre processus. Si la valeur est 0, @code{default-client-limit}
+est utilisé à la place.
+La valeur par défaut est @samp{0}.
+@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{service-configuration}} non-negative-integer service-count
Nombre de connexions à gérer avant de démarrer un nouveau processus.
Typiquement les valeurs utiles sont 0 (sans limite) ou 1. 1 est plus sûr,
mais 0 est plus rapide. <doc/wiki/LoginProcess.txt>. La valeur par défaut
est @samp{1}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{service-configuration}} non-negative-integer process-limit
+Nombre de processus maximum qui peut exister pour ce service. Si la valeur
+est 0, @code{default-process-limit} est utilisé à la place.
+La valeur par défaut est @samp{0}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{service-configuration}} non-negative-integer process-min-avail
@@ -14300,24 +15184,21 @@ défaut est @samp{()}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} space-separated-string-list login-access-sockets
-Liste des sockets de vérification d'accès de connexion (p.@: ex.@:
-tcpwrap). La valeur par défaut est @samp{()}.
+List of login access check sockets (e.g.@: tcpwrap). Defaults to @samp{()}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} boolean verbose-proctitle?
-Montre des titres de processus plus verbeux (dans ps). Actuellement, montre
-le nom d'utilisateur et l'adresse IP. Utile pour voir qui utilise les
-processus IMAP (p.@: ex.@: des boîtes aux lettres partagées ou si le même
-uid est utilisé pour plusieurs comptes). La valeur par défaut est
+Show more verbose process titles (in ps). Currently shows user name and IP
+address. Useful for seeing who is actually using the IMAP processes (e.g.@:
+shared mailboxes or if the same uid is used for multiple accounts).
+Defaults to @samp{#f}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} boolean shutdown-clients?
-Indique si les processus devraient toujours être tués lorsque le processus
-maître de Dovecot est éteint. La valeur @code{#f} signifie que Dovecot peut
-être mis à jour sans forcer les connexions clientes existantes à se fermer
-(bien que cela puisse être un problème si la mise à jour est un correctif de
-sécurité par exemple). La valeur par défaut est @samp{#t}.
+Should all processes be killed when Dovecot master process shuts down.
+Setting this to @code{#f} means that Dovecot can be upgraded without forcing
+existing client connections to close (although that could also be a problem
+if the upgrade is e.g.@: due to a security fix). Defaults to @samp{#t}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} non-negative-integer doveadm-worker-count
@@ -14338,19 +15219,17 @@ paires clef=valeur pour toujours spécifier ce paramètre.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} boolean disable-plaintext-auth?
-Désactive la commande LOGIN et toutes les autres authentifications en texte
-clair à moins que SSL/TLS ne soit utilisé (capacité LOGINDISABLED).
-Remarquez que si l'IP distante correspond à l'IP locale (c.-à-d.@: que vous
-vous connectez depuis le même ordinateur), la connexion est considérée comme
-sécurisée et l'authentification en texte clair est permise. Voir aussi le
-paramètre ssl=required. La valeur par défaut est @samp{#t}.
+Disable LOGIN command and all other plaintext authentications unless SSL/TLS
+is used (LOGINDISABLED capability). Note that if the remote IP matches the
+local IP (i.e.@: you're connecting from the same computer), the connection
+is considered secure and plaintext authentication is allowed. See also
+ssl=required setting. Defaults to @samp{#t}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} non-negative-integer auth-cache-size
-Taille du cache d'authentification (p.@: ex.@: @samp{#e10e6}). 0 signifie
-qu'il est désactivé. Remarquez que bsdauth, PAM et vpopmail ont besoin que
-@samp{cache-key} soit indiqué pour que le cache soit utilisé. La valeur par
-défaut est @samp{0}.
+Authentication cache size (e.g.@: @samp{#e10e6}). 0 means it's disabled.
+Note that bsdauth, PAM and vpopmail require @samp{cache-key} to be set for
+caching to be used. Defaults to @samp{0}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} string auth-cache-ttl
@@ -14402,22 +15281,20 @@ exemple @samp{#@@/@@} signifie que @samp{#} et @samp{/} sont traduits en
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} string auth-username-format
-Format des noms d'utilisateur avant qu'ils ne soient cherchés en base. Vous
-pouvez utiliser les variables standard ici, p.@: ex.@: %Lu est le nom
-d'utilisateur en minuscule, %n enlève le domaine s'il est donné ou
-@samp{%n-AT-%d} changerait le @samp{@@} en @samp{-AT-}. Cette traduction
-est faite après les changements de @samp{auth-username-translation}. La
-valeur par défaut est @samp{"%Lu"}.
+Username formatting before it's looked up from databases. You can use the
+standard variables here, e.g.@: %Lu would lowercase the username, %n would
+drop away the domain if it was given, or @samp{%n-AT-%d} would change the
+@samp{@@} into @samp{-AT-}. This translation is done after
+@samp{auth-username-translation} changes. Defaults to @samp{"%Lu"}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} string auth-master-user-separator
-Si vous voulez permettre aux utilisateurs maîtres de se connecter en
-spécifiant le nom d'utilisateur maître dans la chaîne de nom d'utilisateur
-normal (c.-à-d.@: sans utiliser le support du mécanisme SASL pour cela),
-vous pouvez spécifier le caractère de séparation ici. Le format est ensuite
-<nom d'utilisateur><séparateur><nom d'utilisateur maître>. UW-IMAP utilise
-@samp{*} comme séparateur, donc ça pourrait être un bon choix. La valeur
-par défaut est @samp{""}.
+If you want to allow master users to log in by specifying the master
+username within the normal username string (i.e.@: not using SASL
+mechanism's support for it), you can specify the separator character here.
+The format is then <username><separator><master username>. UW-IMAP uses
+@samp{*} as the separator, so that could be a good choice. Defaults to
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} string auth-anonymous-username
@@ -14426,10 +15303,9 @@ mécanisme SASL ANONYMOUS. La valeur par défaut est @samp{"anonymous"}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} non-negative-integer auth-worker-max-count
-Nombre maximum de processus de travail dovecot-auth. Ils sont utilisés pour
-exécuter des requêtes passdb et userdb bloquantes (p.@: ex.@: MySQL et
-PAM). Ils sont créés automatiquement et détruits au besoin. La valeur par
-défaut est @samp{30}.
+Maximum number of dovecot-auth worker processes. They're used to execute
+blocking passdb and userdb queries (e.g.@: MySQL and PAM). They're
+automatically created and destroyed as needed. Defaults to @samp{30}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} string auth-gssapi-hostname
@@ -14533,103 +15409,114 @@ par défaut est @samp{"mail"}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} boolean auth-verbose?
-Log unsuccessful authentication attempts and the reasons why they failed.
-Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+Indique s'il faut enregistrer les tentatives de connexion échouées et la
+raison de leur échec. La valeur par défaut est @samp{#f}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} boolean auth-verbose-passwords?
In case of password mismatches, log the attempted password. Valid values
are no, plain and sha1. sha1 can be useful for detecting brute force
password attempts vs. user simply trying the same password over and over
-again. You can also truncate the value to n chars by appending ":n"
-(e.g. sha1:6). Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+again. You can also truncate the value to n chars by appending ":n" (e.g.@:
+sha1:6). Defaults to @samp{#f}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} boolean auth-debug?
-Even more verbose logging for debugging purposes. Shows for example SQL
-queries. Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+Journaux encore plus verbeux pour le débogage. Cela montre par exemple les
+requêtes SQL effectuées. La valeur par défaut est @samp{#f}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} boolean auth-debug-passwords?
-In case of password mismatches, log the passwords and used scheme so the
-problem can be debugged. Enabling this also enables @samp{auth-debug}.
-Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+Dans le cas où le mot de passe était incorrect, indique s'il faut
+enregistrer les mots de passe et les schémas utilisés pour que le problème
+puisse être débogué. Activer cette option active aussi @samp{auth-debug}.
+La valeur par défaut est @samp{#f}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} boolean mail-debug?
-Enable mail process debugging. This can help you figure out why Dovecot
-isn't finding your mails. Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+Indique s'il faut activer le débogage du traitement des courriels. Cela
+peut vous aider à comprendre pourquoi Dovecot ne trouve pas vos courriels.
+La valeur par défaut est @samp{#f}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} boolean verbose-ssl?
-Show protocol level SSL errors. Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+Indique s'il faut montrer les erreurs au niveau SSL. La valeur par défaut
+est @samp{#f}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} string log-timestamp
-Prefix for each line written to log file. % codes are in strftime(3)
-format. Defaults to @samp{"\"%b %d %H:%M:%S \""}.
+Préfixe à utiliser devant chaque ligne écrite dans le fichier journal. Les
+codes % sont au format strftime(3). La valeur par défaut est @samp{"\"%b %d
+%H:%M:%S \""}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} space-separated-string-list login-log-format-elements
-List of elements we want to log. The elements which have a non-empty
-variable value are joined together to form a comma-separated string.
+Liste des éléments qu'il faut enregistrer. Les éléments qui ont une
+variable non vide sont agrégés pour former une chaîne de mots séparés par
+des virgules.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} string login-log-format
-Login log format. %s contains @samp{login-log-format-elements} string, %$
-contains the data we want to log. Defaults to @samp{"%$: %s"}.
+Format du journal de connexion. %s contient la chaîne
+@samp{login-log-format-elements}, %$ contient la donnée à enregistrer. La
+valeur par défaut est @samp{"%$: %s"}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} string mail-log-prefix
-Log prefix for mail processes. See doc/wiki/Variables.txt for list of
-possible variables you can use. Defaults to
+Préfixe à utiliser devant chaque ligne du fichier de journal pour les
+processus traitant les courriels. Voir doc/wiki/Variables.txt pour trouver
+la liste des variables que vous pouvez utiliser. La valeur par défaut est
@samp{"\"%s(%u)<%@{pid@}><%@{session@}>: \""}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} string deliver-log-format
-Format to use for logging mail deliveries. You can use variables:
+Format à utiliser pour enregistrer les livraisons de courriels. Vous pouvez
+utiliser ces variables :
@table @code
@item %$
-Delivery status message (e.g. @samp{saved to INBOX})
+Delivery status message (e.g.@: @samp{saved to INBOX})
@item %m
@item %s
@item %f
-From address
+Adresse « de »
@item %p
-Physical size
+Taille physique
@item %w
-Virtual size.
+Taille virtuelle.
@end table
La valeur par défaut est @samp{"msgid=%m: %$"}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} string mail-location
-Location for users' mailboxes. The default is empty, which means that
-Dovecot tries to find the mailboxes automatically. This won't work if the
-user doesn't yet have any mail, so you should explicitly tell Dovecot the
-full location.
+Emplacement des boîtes à lettre des utilisateurs. La valeur par défaut est
+vide, ce qui signifie que Dovecot essaiera de trouver les boîte aux lettres
+automatiquement. Cela ne fonctionnera pas si l'utilisateur n'a aucun
+courriel, donc il vaut mieux indiquer explicitement le bon emplacement à
-If you're using mbox, giving a path to the INBOX file (e.g. /var/mail/%u)
+If you're using mbox, giving a path to the INBOX file (e.g.@: /var/mail/%u)
isn't enough. You'll also need to tell Dovecot where the other mailboxes
are kept. This is called the "root mail directory", and it must be the
first path given in the @samp{mail-location} setting.
-There are a few special variables you can use, eg.:
+Il y a quelques variables spéciales que vous pouvez utiliser :
@table @samp
@item %u
+nom d'utilisateur
@item %n
-user part in user@@domain, same as %u if there's no domain
+la partie « utilisateur » dans « utilisateur@@domaine », comme %u s'il n'y a
+pas de domaine.
@item %d
-domain part in user@@domain, empty if there's no domain
+la partie « domaine » dans « utilisateur@@domaine », vide s'il n'y a pas de
@item %h
-home director
+répertoire personnel
@end table
-See doc/wiki/Variables.txt for full list. Some examples:
+Voir doc/wiki/Variables.txt pour la liste complète. Quelques exemple :
@table @samp
@item maildir:~/Maildir
@item mbox:~/mail:INBOX=/var/mail/%u
@@ -14639,9 +15526,10 @@ La valeur par défaut est @samp{""}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} string mail-uid
-System user and group used to access mails. If you use multiple, userdb can
-override these by returning uid or gid fields. You can use either numbers
-or names. <doc/wiki/UserIds.txt>. Defaults to @samp{""}.
+Utilisateur et groupe système utilisé pour accéder aux courriels. Si vous
+utilisez multiple, userdb peut remplacer ces valeurs en renvoyant les champs
+uid et gid. Vous pouvez utiliser soit des nombres, soit des noms.
+<doc/wiki/UserIds.txt>. La valeur par défaut est @samp{""}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} string mail-gid
@@ -14650,17 +15538,17 @@ La valeur par défaut est @samp{""}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} string mail-privileged-group
-Group to enable temporarily for privileged operations. Currently this is
-used only with INBOX when either its initial creation or dotlocking fails.
-Typically this is set to "mail" to give access to /var/mail. Defaults to
+Groupe à activer temporairement pour les opérations privilégiées.
+Actuellement cela est utilisé uniquement avec INBOX lors de sa création
+initiale et quand le verrouillage échoie. Typiquement, vous pouvez utiliser
+« mail » pour donner accès à /var/mail. La valeur par défaut est @samp{""}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} string mail-access-groups
Grant access to these supplementary groups for mail processes. Typically
these are used to set up access to shared mailboxes. Note that it may be
-dangerous to set these if users can create symlinks (e.g. if "mail" group is
-set here, ln -s /var/mail ~/mail/var could allow a user to delete others'
+dangerous to set these if users can create symlinks (e.g.@: if "mail" group
+is set here, ln -s /var/mail ~/mail/var could allow a user to delete others'
mailboxes, or ln -s /secret/shared/box ~/mail/mybox would allow reading
it). Defaults to @samp{""}.
@end deftypevr
@@ -14668,63 +15556,70 @@ it). Defaults to @samp{""}.
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} boolean mail-full-filesystem-access?
Allow full file system access to clients. There's no access checks other
than what the operating system does for the active UID/GID. It works with
-both maildir and mboxes, allowing you to prefix mailboxes names with
-e.g. /path/ or ~user/. Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+both maildir and mboxes, allowing you to prefix mailboxes names with e.g.@:
+/path/ or ~user/. Defaults to @samp{#f}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} boolean mmap-disable?
-Don't use mmap() at all. This is required if you store indexes to shared
-file systems (NFS or clustered file system). Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+Ne pas du tout utiliser mmap(). Cela est requis si vous stockez les index
+dans des systèmes de fichiers partagés (NFS ou clusterfs). La valeur par
+défaut est @samp{#f}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} boolean dotlock-use-excl?
-Rely on @samp{O_EXCL} to work when creating dotlock files. NFS supports
-@samp{O_EXCL} since version 3, so this should be safe to use nowadays by
-default. Defaults to @samp{#t}.
+S'appuyer sur @samp{O_EXCL} lors de la création de fichiers de
+verrouillage. NFS supporte @samp{O_EXCL} depuis la version 3, donc cette
+option est sûre de nos jours. La valeur par défaut est @samp{#t}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} string mail-fsync
-When to use fsync() or fdatasync() calls:
+Quand utiliser les appels à fsync() ou fdatasync() :
@table @code
@item optimized
-Whenever necessary to avoid losing important data
+Lorsque cela est nécessaire pour éviter de perdre des données importantes
@item always
-Useful with e.g. NFS when write()s are delayed
+Useful with e.g.@: NFS when write()s are delayed
@item never
-Never use it (best performance, but crashes can lose data).
+Ne l'utilisez pas (ça a de meilleures performances, mais les crashs font
+perdre toutes les données).
@end table
La valeur par défaut est @samp{"optimized"}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} boolean mail-nfs-storage?
-Mail storage exists in NFS. Set this to yes to make Dovecot flush NFS
-caches whenever needed. If you're using only a single mail server this
-isn't needed. Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+Le stockage des courriels se fait sur NFS. Utilisez cette option pour que
+Dovecot vide les caches NFS lorsque c'est nécessaire. Si vous utilisez
+seulement un simple serveur de courriel, ce n'est pas nécessaire. La valeur
+par défaut est @samp{#f}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} boolean mail-nfs-index?
-Mail index files also exist in NFS. Setting this to yes requires
-@samp{mmap-disable? #t} and @samp{fsync-disable? #f}. Defaults to
+Les fichiers d'index de courriels sont sur un système de fichiers NFS. Pour
+utiliser cette option, vous aurez besoin de @samp{mmap-disable? #t} et
+@samp{fsync-disable? #f}. La valeur par défaut est @samp{#f}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} string lock-method
-Locking method for index files. Alternatives are fcntl, flock and dotlock.
-Dotlocking uses some tricks which may create more disk I/O than other
-locking methods. NFS users: flock doesn't work, remember to change
-@samp{mmap-disable}. Defaults to @samp{"fcntl"}.
+Méthode de verrouillage des fichiers d'index. Les alternatives sont fcntl,
+flock et dotlock. Le verrouillage-point (dotlocking) utilise des astuces
+qui peuvent créer plus d'utilisation du disque que les autres méthodes de
+verrouillage. Pour les utilisateurs de NFS, flock ne marche pas, et
+rappelez-vous de modifier @samp{mmap-disable}. La valeur par défaut est
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} file-name mail-temp-dir
-Directory in which LDA/LMTP temporarily stores incoming mails >128 kB.
-Defaults to @samp{"/tmp"}.
+Le répertoire dans lequel LDA/LMTP stockent temporairement les courriels de
+plus de 128 Ko. La valeur par défaut est @samp{"/tmp"}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} non-negative-integer first-valid-uid
-Valid UID range for users. This is mostly to make sure that users can't log
-in as daemons or other system users. Note that denying root logins is
-hardcoded to dovecot binary and can't be done even if @samp{first-valid-uid}
-is set to 0. Defaults to @samp{500}.
+L'intervalle d'UID valides pour les utilisateurs. Cette option est surtout
+utile pour s'assurer que les utilisateurs ne peuvent pas s'authentifier en
+tant que démon ou qu'un autre utilisateur système. Remarquez que la
+connexion en root est interdite en dur dans le binaire de dovecot et qu'on
+ne peut pas l'autoriser même si @samp{first-valid-uid} vaut 0. La valeur
+par défaut est @samp{500}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} non-negative-integer last-valid-uid
@@ -14733,9 +15628,10 @@ La valeur par défaut est @samp{0}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} non-negative-integer first-valid-gid
-Valid GID range for users. Users having non-valid GID as primary group ID
-aren't allowed to log in. If user belongs to supplementary groups with
-non-valid GIDs, those groups are not set. Defaults to @samp{1}.
+Li'ntervalle de GID valides pour les utilisateurs. Les utilisateurs qui ont
+un GID non-valide comme numéro de groupe primaire ne peuvent pas se
+connecter. Si l'utilisateur appartient à un groupe avec un GID non valide,
+ce groupe n'est pas utilisable. La valeur par défaut est @samp{1}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} non-negative-integer last-valid-gid
@@ -14744,13 +15640,14 @@ La valeur par défaut est @samp{0}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} non-negative-integer mail-max-keyword-length
-Maximum allowed length for mail keyword name. It's only forced when trying
-to create new keywords. Defaults to @samp{50}.
+Longueur maximale autorisée pour les mots-clefs. Elle n'est utilisée que
+lors de la création de nouveaux mots-clefs. La valeur par défaut est
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} colon-separated-file-name-list valid-chroot-dirs
List of directories under which chrooting is allowed for mail processes
-(i.e. /var/mail will allow chrooting to /var/mail/foo/bar too). This
+(i.e.@: /var/mail will allow chrooting to /var/mail/foo/bar too). This
setting doesn't affect @samp{login-chroot} @samp{mail-chroot} or auth chroot
settings. If this setting is empty, "/./" in home dirs are ignored.
WARNING: Never add directories here which local users can modify, that may
@@ -14761,95 +15658,104 @@ shell access for users. <doc/wiki/Chrooting.txt>. Defaults to @samp{()}.
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} string mail-chroot
Default chroot directory for mail processes. This can be overridden for
specific users in user database by giving /./ in user's home directory
-(e.g. /home/./user chroots into /home). Note that usually there is no real
-need to do chrooting, Dovecot doesn't allow users to access files outside
-their mail directory anyway. If your home directories are prefixed with the
-chroot directory, append "/." to @samp{mail-chroot}.
+(e.g.@: /home/./user chroots into /home). Note that usually there is no
+real need to do chrooting, Dovecot doesn't allow users to access files
+outside their mail directory anyway. If your home directories are prefixed
+with the chroot directory, append "/."@: to @samp{mail-chroot}.
<doc/wiki/Chrooting.txt>. Defaults to @samp{""}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} file-name auth-socket-path
-UNIX socket path to master authentication server to find users. This is
-used by imap (for shared users) and lda. Defaults to
+Chemin de socket UNIX vers le serveur d'authentification maître pour trouver
+les utilisateurs. C'est utilisé par imap (pour les utilisateurs partagés)
+et lda. La valeur par défaut est @samp{"/var/run/dovecot/auth-userdb"}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} file-name mail-plugin-dir
-Directory where to look up mail plugins. Defaults to
+Répertoire où trouver les greffons. La valeur par défaut est
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} space-separated-string-list mail-plugins
List of plugins to load for all services. Plugins specific to IMAP, LDA,
-etc. are added to this list in their own .conf files. Defaults to
+etc.@: are added to this list in their own .conf files. Defaults to
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} non-negative-integer mail-cache-min-mail-count
-The minimum number of mails in a mailbox before updates are done to cache
-file. This allows optimizing Dovecot's behavior to do less disk writes at
-the cost of more disk reads. Defaults to @samp{0}.
+Le nombre minimal de courriels dans une boîte aux lettres avant de mettre à
+jour le fichier de cache. Cela permet d'optimiser le comportement de
+Dovecot pour qu'il fasse moins d'écriture disque contre plus de lecture
+disque. La valeur par défaut est @samp{0}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} string mailbox-idle-check-interval
-When IDLE command is running, mailbox is checked once in a while to see if
-there are any new mails or other changes. This setting defines the minimum
-time to wait between those checks. Dovecot can also use dnotify, inotify
-and kqueue to find out immediately when changes occur. Defaults to
-@samp{"30 secs"}.
+Lorsque la commande IDLE est lancée, la boîte aux lettres est vérifiée de
+temps en temps pour voir s'il y a de nouveaux messages ou d'autres
+changements. Ce paramètre défini le temps d'attente minimum entre deux
+vérifications. Dovecot peut aussi utilise dnotify, inotify et kqueue pour
+trouver immédiatement les changements. La valeur par défaut est @samp{"30
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} boolean mail-save-crlf?
-Save mails with CR+LF instead of plain LF. This makes sending those mails
-take less CPU, especially with sendfile() syscall with Linux and FreeBSD.
-But it also creates a bit more disk I/O which may just make it slower. Also
-note that if other software reads the mboxes/maildirs, they may handle the
-extra CRs wrong and cause problems. Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+Sauvegarder les courriels avec CR+LF plutôt que seulement LF. Cela permet
+de consommer moins de CPU en envoyant ces courriels, surtout avec l'appel
+système sendfile() de Linux et FreeBSD. Mais cela crée un peu plus
+d'utilisation du disque, ce qui peut aussi le ralentir. Remarquez aussi que
+si d'autres logiciels lisent les mbox/maildirs, ils peuvent se tromper dans
+leur traitement de ces CR supplémentaires et causer des problèmes. La
+valeur par défaut est @samp{#f}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} boolean maildir-stat-dirs?
-By default LIST command returns all entries in maildir beginning with a
-dot. Enabling this option makes Dovecot return only entries which are
-directories. This is done by stat()ing each entry, so it causes more disk
-I/O. (For systems setting struct @samp{dirent->d_type} this check is free
-and it's done always regardless of this setting). Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+Par défaut la commande LIST renvoie toutes les entrées du maildir qui
+commencent par un point. Activer cette option permet à Dovecot de renvoyer
+uniquement les entrées qui sont des répertoires. Cela se fait avec stat()
+sur chaque entrée, ce qui cause plus d'utilisation du disque. For systems
+setting struct @samp{dirent->d_type} this check is free and it's done always
+regardless of this setting). La valeur par défaut est @samp{#f}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} boolean maildir-copy-with-hardlinks?
-When copying a message, do it with hard links whenever possible. This makes
-the performance much better, and it's unlikely to have any side effects.
-Defaults to @samp{#t}.
+Lors de la copie d'un message, le faire avec des liens en dur si possible.
+Cela améliore un peu la performance et n'a que peu de chance d'avoir des
+effets secondaires.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} boolean maildir-very-dirty-syncs?
-Assume Dovecot is the only MUA accessing Maildir: Scan cur/ directory only
-when its mtime changes unexpectedly or when we can't find the mail
-otherwise. Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+Suppose que Dovecot est le seul MUA qui accède à Maildir : scanne le
+répertoire cur/ seulement lorsque son mtime change de manière inattendue ou
+lorsqu'il ne peut pas trouver le courriel autrement. La valeur par défaut
+est @samp{#f}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} space-separated-string-list mbox-read-locks
-Which locking methods to use for locking mbox. There are four available:
+La méthode de verrouillage à utiliser pour verrouiller le boîtes aux lettres
+mbox. Il y en a quatre :
@table @code
@item dotlock
-Create <mailbox>.lock file. This is the oldest and most NFS-safe solution.
-If you want to use /var/mail/ like directory, the users will need write
-access to that directory.
+Crée un fichier <mailbox>.lock. C'est la solution la plus ancienne et la
+plus sûr pour NFS. Si vous voulez utiliser /var/mail/, les utilisateurs
+auront besoin de l'accès en écriture à ce répertoire.
@item dotlock-try
-Same as dotlock, but if it fails because of permissions or because there
-isn't enough disk space, just skip it.
+Comme pour dotlock, mais si elle échoue à cause d'un problème de permission
+ou parce qu'il n'y a pas assez d'espace disque, l'ignore.
@item fcntl
-Use this if possible. Works with NFS too if lockd is used.
+Utilisez cette méthode si possible. Elle fonctionne aussi avec NFS si vous
+utilisez lockd.
@item flock
-May not exist in all systems. Doesn't work with NFS.
+Peut ne pas exister sur tous les systèmes. Ne fonctionne pas avec NFS.
@item lockf
-May not exist in all systems. Doesn't work with NFS.
+Peut ne pas exister sur tous les systèmes. Ne fonctionne pas avec NFS.
@end table
-You can use multiple locking methods; if you do the order they're declared
-in is important to avoid deadlocks if other MTAs/MUAs are using multiple
-locking methods as well. Some operating systems don't allow using some of
-them simultaneously.
+Vous pouvez utiliser plusieurs méthodes de verrouillage ; dans ce cas
+l'ordre dans lequel elles sont déclarées est important pour éviter des
+interblocages si d'autres MTA/MUA utilisent aussi plusieurs méthodes.
+Certains systèmes d'exploitation ne permettent pas d'utiliser certaines
+méthodes en même temps.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} space-separated-string-list mbox-write-locks
@@ -14857,88 +15763,100 @@ them simultaneously.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} string mbox-lock-timeout
-Maximum time to wait for lock (all of them) before aborting. Defaults to
-@samp{"5 mins"}.
+Temps d'attente maximal pour un verrou (tous les verrous) avant
+d'abandonner. La valeur par défaut est @samp{"5 mins"}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} string mbox-dotlock-change-timeout
-If dotlock exists but the mailbox isn't modified in any way, override the
-lock file after this much time. Defaults to @samp{"2 mins"}.
+Si le fichier dotlock existe mais que la boîte aux lettres n'est pas
+modifiée, remplacer le fichier de verrouillage après ce temps d'attente. La
+valeur par défaut est @samp{"2 mins"}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} boolean mbox-dirty-syncs?
-When mbox changes unexpectedly we have to fully read it to find out what
-changed. If the mbox is large this can take a long time. Since the change
-is usually just a newly appended mail, it'd be faster to simply read the new
-mails. If this setting is enabled, Dovecot does this but still safely
-fallbacks to re-reading the whole mbox file whenever something in mbox isn't
-how it's expected to be. The only real downside to this setting is that if
-some other MUA changes message flags, Dovecot doesn't notice it
-immediately. Note that a full sync is done with SELECT, EXAMINE, EXPUNGE
-and CHECK commands. Defaults to @samp{#t}.
+Lorsqu'un mbox change ne manière inattendue, il faut le lire en entier pour
+savoir ce qui a changé. Si le mbox est assez grand cela peut prendre
+beaucoup de temps. Comme le changement est habituellement un simple
+courriel supplémentaire, il serait plus rapide de lire le nouveaux
+courriels. Si ce paramètre est activé, Dovecot fait cela mais revient
+toujours à relire le fichier mbox complet si le fichier n'est pas comme
+attendu. Le seul réel inconvénient à ce paramètre est que certains MUA
+changent les drapeaux des messages, et dans ce cas Dovecot ne s'en rend pas
+immédiatement compte. Remarquez qu'une synchronisation complète est
+effectuée avec les commandes SELECT, EXAMINE, EXPUNGE et CHECK. La valeur
+par défaut est @samp{#t}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} boolean mbox-very-dirty-syncs?
-Like @samp{mbox-dirty-syncs}, but don't do full syncs even with SELECT,
-EXAMINE, EXPUNGE or CHECK commands. If this is set, @samp{mbox-dirty-syncs}
-is ignored. Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+Comme @samp{mbox-dirty-syncs}, mais ne synchronise pas complètement même
+avec les commandes SELECT, EXAMINE, EXPUNGE ou CHECK. Si l'option n'est pas
+actifée, @samp{mbox-dirty-syncs} est ignorée. La valeur par défaut est
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} boolean mbox-lazy-writes?
-Delay writing mbox headers until doing a full write sync (EXPUNGE and CHECK
-commands and when closing the mailbox). This is especially useful for POP3
-where clients often delete all mails. The downside is that our changes
-aren't immediately visible to other MUAs. Defaults to @samp{#t}.
+Attendre avant d'écrire les en-têtes mbox jusqu'à la prochaine
+synchronisation des écritures (les commandes EXPUNGE et CHECK et quand on
+ferme la boîte aux lettres). C'est surtout utile pour POP3 où les clients
+suppriment souvent tous les courriels. L'inconvénient c'est que vos
+changements ne sont pas immédiatement visibles pour les autres MUA. La
+valeur par défaut est @samp{#t}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} non-negative-integer mbox-min-index-size
-If mbox size is smaller than this (e.g. 100k), don't write index files. If
-an index file already exists it's still read, just not updated. Defaults to
+If mbox size is smaller than this (e.g.@: 100k), don't write index files.
+If an index file already exists it's still read, just not updated. Defaults
+to @samp{0}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} non-negative-integer mdbox-rotate-size
-Maximum dbox file size until it's rotated. Defaults to @samp{10000000}.
+Taille du fichier dbox maximale avant rotation. La valeur par défaut est
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} string mdbox-rotate-interval
-Maximum dbox file age until it's rotated. Typically in days. Day begins
-from midnight, so 1d = today, 2d = yesterday, etc. 0 = check disabled.
-Defaults to @samp{"1d"}.
+Âge maximum du fichier dbox avant rotation. Typiquement en jours. Les
+jours commencent à minuit, donc 1d signifie aujourd'hui, 2d pour hier, etc.
+0 pour désactiver la vérification. La valeur par défaut est @samp{"1d"}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} boolean mdbox-preallocate-space?
-When creating new mdbox files, immediately preallocate their size to
-@samp{mdbox-rotate-size}. This setting currently works only in Linux with
-some file systems (ext4, xfs). Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+Lors de la création des fichiers mdbox, préallouer immédiatement leur taille
+à @samp{mdbox-rotate-size}. Ce paramètre ne fonctionne actuellement que
+dans Linux avec certains systèmes de fichiers (ext4, xfs). La valeur par
+défaut est @samp{#f}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} string mail-attachment-dir
-sdbox and mdbox support saving mail attachments to external files, which
-also allows single instance storage for them. Other backends don't support
-this for now.
+Les formats sdbox et mdbox supportent la sauvegarde des pièces-jointes dans
+des fichiers externes, ce qui permet de les stocker une seule fois. Les
+autres moteurs ne le supportent pas pour le moment.
-WARNING: This feature hasn't been tested much yet. Use at your own risk.
+ATTENTION : Cette fonctionnalité n'a pas été beaucoup testée. Utilisez-la à
+vos risques et périls.
-Directory root where to store mail attachments. Disabled, if empty.
-Defaults to @samp{""}.
+Racine du répertoire où stocker les pièces-jointes. Désactivé si vide. La
+valeur par défaut est @samp{""}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} non-negative-integer mail-attachment-min-size
-Attachments smaller than this aren't saved externally. It's also possible
-to write a plugin to disable saving specific attachments externally.
-Defaults to @samp{128000}.
+Les pièces-jointes plus petites que cela ne sont pas enregistrées à part.
+Il est aussi possible d'écrire un greffon pour désactiver l'enregistrement
+externe de certaines pièces-jointes spécifiques. La valeur par défaut est
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} string mail-attachment-fs
-File system backend to use for saving attachments:
+Moteur du système de fichier à utiliser pour sauvegarder les pièces-jointes
@table @code
@item posix
-No SiS done by Dovecot (but this might help FS's own deduplication)
+Pas de SiS (single instance storage) par Dovecot (mais cela peut aider la
+déduplication du système de fichier)
@item sis posix
-SiS with immediate byte-by-byte comparison during saving
+SiS avec comparaison bit-à-bit immédiate pendant la sauvegarde
@item sis-queue posix
-SiS with delayed comparison and deduplication.
+SiS avec déduplication et comparaison différées
@end table
La valeur par défaut est @samp{"sis posix"}.
@end deftypevr
@@ -14947,8 +15865,8 @@ La valeur par défaut est @samp{"sis posix"}.
Hash format to use in attachment filenames. You can add any text and
variables: @code{%@{md4@}}, @code{%@{md5@}}, @code{%@{sha1@}},
@code{%@{sha256@}}, @code{%@{sha512@}}, @code{%@{size@}}. Variables can be
-truncated, e.g. @code{%@{sha256:80@}} returns only first 80 bits. Defaults
-to @samp{"%@{sha1@}"}.
+truncated, e.g.@: @code{%@{sha256:80@}} returns only first 80 bits.
+Defaults to @samp{"%@{sha1@}"}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} non-negative-integer default-process-limit
@@ -14962,216 +15880,226 @@ La valeur par défaut est @samp{1000}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} non-negative-integer default-vsz-limit
-Default VSZ (virtual memory size) limit for service processes. This is
-mainly intended to catch and kill processes that leak memory before they eat
-up everything. Defaults to @samp{256000000}.
+Limite VSZ (taille mémoire virtuelle) par défaut pour les processus de
+service. C'est surtout pour attraper et tuer les processus qui font fuiter
+la mémoire avant qu'ils ne l'utilisent en entier. La valeur par défaut est
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} string default-login-user
-Login user is internally used by login processes. This is the most
-untrusted user in Dovecot system. It shouldn't have access to anything at
-all. Defaults to @samp{"dovenull"}.
+Utilisateur de connexion utilisé en interne par les processus de connexion.
+C'est l'utilisateur avec la confiance minimale pour Dovecot. Il ne devrait
+avoir accès à rien du tout. La valeur par défaut est @samp{"dovenull"}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} string default-internal-user
-Internal user is used by unprivileged processes. It should be separate from
-login user, so that login processes can't disturb other processes. Defaults
-to @samp{"dovecot"}.
+Utilisateur utilisé en interne par les processus non privilégiés. Il
+devrait être différent de l'utilisateur de connexion, pour que les processus
+de connexion ne puissent pas perturber les autres processus. La valeur par
+défaut est @samp{"dovecot"}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} string ssl?
-SSL/TLS support: yes, no, required. <doc/wiki/SSL.txt>. Defaults to
+Support SSL/TLS : yes, no, required. <doc/wiki/SSL.txt>. La valeur par
+défaut est @samp{"required"}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} string ssl-cert
-PEM encoded X.509 SSL/TLS certificate (public key). Defaults to
+Certificat SSL/TLS X.509 encodé en PEM (clef publique). La valeur par
+défaut est @samp{"</etc/dovecot/default.pem"}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} string ssl-key
-PEM encoded SSL/TLS private key. The key is opened before dropping root
-privileges, so keep the key file unreadable by anyone but root. Defaults to
+Clef privée SSL/TLS encodée en PEM. La clef est ouverte avant l'abandon des
+privilèges root, donc laissez-la non-lisible pour les utilisateurs. La
+valeur par défaut est @samp{"</etc/dovecot/private/default.pem"}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} string ssl-key-password
-If key file is password protected, give the password here. Alternatively
-give it when starting dovecot with -p parameter. Since this file is often
-world-readable, you may want to place this setting instead to a different.
-Defaults to @samp{""}.
+Si le fichier de clef est protégé par un mot de passe, donnez-le ici.
+Autrement, donnez-le en démarrant dovecot avec le paramètre -p. Comme ce
+fichier est souvent lisible pour tout le monde, vous pourriez vouloir placer
+ce paramètre dans un autre fichier. La valeur par défaut est @samp{""}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} string ssl-ca
PEM encoded trusted certificate authority. Set this only if you intend to
use @samp{ssl-verify-client-cert? #t}. The file should contain the CA
-certificate(s) followed by the matching CRL(s). (e.g. @samp{ssl-ca
+certificate(s) followed by the matching CRL(s). (e.g.@: @samp{ssl-ca
</etc/ssl/certs/ca.pem}). Defaults to @samp{""}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} boolean ssl-require-crl?
-Require that CRL check succeeds for client certificates. Defaults to
+Indique si les certificats clients doivent réussir la vérification du CRL.
+La valeur par défaut est @samp{#t}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} boolean ssl-verify-client-cert?
-Request client to send a certificate. If you also want to require it, set
-@samp{auth-ssl-require-client-cert? #t} in auth section. Defaults to
+Demande aux clients d'envoyer un certificat. Si vous voulez aussi le
+requérir, indiquez @samp{auth-ssl-require-client-cert? #t} dans la section
+auth. La valeur par défaut est @samp{#f}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} string ssl-cert-username-field
-Which field from certificate to use for username. commonName and
-x500UniqueIdentifier are the usual choices. You'll also need to set
-@samp{auth-ssl-username-from-cert? #t}. Defaults to @samp{"commonName"}.
+Le champ du certificat à utiliser pour le nom d'utilisateur. Les choix
+habituels sont commonName et X500UniqueIdentifier. Vous devrez aussi
+indiquer @samp{auth-ssl-username-from-cert? #t}. La valeur par défaut est
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} string ssl-min-protocol
-Minimum SSL protocol version to accept. Defaults to @samp{"TLSv1"}.
+Version minimale de SSL à accepter. La valeur par défaut est
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} string ssl-cipher-list
-SSL ciphers to use. Defaults to
+Méthodes de chiffrement à utiliser. La valeur par défaut est
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} string ssl-crypto-device
-SSL crypto device to use, for valid values run "openssl engine". Defaults
-to @samp{""}.
+Moteur cryptographique SSL à utiliser. Pour les valeur valides, lancez «
+openssl engine ». La valeur par défaut est @samp{""}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} string postmaster-address
-Address to use when sending rejection mails. %d expands to recipient
-domain. Defaults to @samp{"postmaster@@%d"}.
+Adresse à utiliser pour envoyer les courriels de rejet. %d correspond au
+domaine du destinataire. La valeur par défaut est @samp{"postmaster@@%d"}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} string hostname
-Hostname to use in various parts of sent mails (e.g. in Message-Id) and in
-LMTP replies. Default is the system's real hostname@@domain. Defaults to
+Hostname to use in various parts of sent mails (e.g.@: in Message-Id) and
+in LMTP replies. Default is the system's real hostname@@domain. Defaults
+to @samp{""}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} boolean quota-full-tempfail?
-If user is over quota, return with temporary failure instead of bouncing the
-mail. Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+Si l'utilisateur dépasse le quota, renvoie un échec temporaire au lieu de
+rejeter le courriel. La valeur par défaut est @samp{#f}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} file-name sendmail-path
-Binary to use for sending mails. Defaults to @samp{"/usr/sbin/sendmail"}.
+Binaire à utiliser pour envoyer des courriels. La valeur par défaut est
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} string submission-host
-If non-empty, send mails via this SMTP host[:port] instead of sendmail.
-Defaults to @samp{""}.
+Si la valeur est non vide, envoyer les courriels à ce serveur SMTP
+hôte[:port] au lieu de sendmail. La valeur par défaut est @samp{""}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} string rejection-subject
-Subject: header to use for rejection mails. You can use the same variables
-as for @samp{rejection-reason} below. Defaults to @samp{"Rejected: %s"}.
+En-tête d'objet à utiliser pour les courriels de rejet. Vous pouvez
+utiliser les mêmes variables que pour @samp{rejection-reason} ci-dessous.
+La valeur par défaut est @samp{"Rejected: %s"}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} string rejection-reason
-Human readable error message for rejection mails. You can use variables:
+Message d'erreur pour les humains dans les courriels de rejet. Vous pouvez
+utiliser ces variables :
@table @code
@item %n
@item %r
@item %s
-original subject
+objet du courriel de départ
@item %t
@end table
La valeur par défaut est @samp{"Your message to <%t> was automatically
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} string recipient-delimiter
-Delimiter character between local-part and detail in email address.
-Defaults to @samp{"+"}.
+Caractère de délimitation entre la partie locale et le détail des adresses
+de courriel. La valeur par défaut est @samp{"+"}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} string lda-original-recipient-header
-Header where the original recipient address (SMTP's RCPT TO: address) is
-taken from if not available elsewhere. With dovecot-lda -a parameter
-overrides this. A commonly used header for this is X-Original-To. Defaults
-to @samp{""}.
+En-tête où l'adresse du destinataire d'origine (l'adresse RCPT TO de SMTP)
+est récupérée si elle n'est pas disponible ailleurs. Le paramètre -a de
+dovecot-lda le remplace. L'en-tête couramment utilisée pour cela est
+X-Original-To. La valeur par défaut est @samp{""}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} boolean lda-mailbox-autocreate?
-Should saving a mail to a nonexistent mailbox automatically create it?.
-Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+Sauvegarder un courriel dans un fichier qui n'existe pas devrait-il le créer
+? La valeur par défaut est @samp{#f}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} boolean lda-mailbox-autosubscribe?
-Should automatically created mailboxes be also automatically subscribed?.
-Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+Devrait-on aussi se souscrire aux boîtes aux lettres nouvellement créées ?
+La valeur par défaut est @samp{#f}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} non-negative-integer imap-max-line-length
-Maximum IMAP command line length. Some clients generate very long command
-lines with huge mailboxes, so you may need to raise this if you get "Too
-long argument" or "IMAP command line too large" errors often. Defaults to
+Longueur maximale de la ligne de commande IMAP. Certains clients génèrent
+des lignes de commandes très longues avec des boîtes aux lettres énormes,
+donc vous pourriez avoir besoin d'augmenter cette limite si vous obtenez les
+erreurs « Too long argument » ou « IMAP command line too large ». La valeur
+par défaut est @samp{64000}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} string imap-logout-format
-IMAP logout format string:
+Format de la chaîne de déconnexion IMAP :
@table @code
@item %i
-total number of bytes read from client
+nombre d'octets lus par le client
@item %o
-total number of bytes sent to client.
+nombre total d'octets envoyés au client.
@end table
-See @file{doc/wiki/Variables.txt} for a list of all the variables you can
-use. Defaults to @samp{"in=%i out=%o deleted=%@{deleted@}
-expunged=%@{expunged@} trashed=%@{trashed@} hdr_count=%@{fetch_hdr_count@}
-hdr_bytes=%@{fetch_hdr_bytes@} body_count=%@{fetch_body_count@}
+Voir @file{doc/wiki/Variables.txt} pour une liste de toutes les variables
+utilisables. La valeur par défaut est @samp{"in=%i out=%o
+deleted=%@{deleted@} expunged=%@{expunged@} trashed=%@{trashed@}
+hdr_count=%@{fetch_hdr_count@} hdr_bytes=%@{fetch_hdr_bytes@}
+body_count=%@{fetch_body_count@} body_bytes=%@{fetch_body_bytes@}"}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} string imap-capability
Override the IMAP CAPABILITY response. If the value begins with '+', add
-the given capabilities on top of the defaults (e.g. +XFOO XBAR). Defaults
+the given capabilities on top of the defaults (e.g.@: +XFOO XBAR). Defaults
to @samp{""}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} string imap-idle-notify-interval
-How long to wait between "OK Still here" notifications when client is
-IDLEing. Defaults to @samp{"2 mins"}.
+Temps d'attente entre les notifications « OK Still here » lorsque le client
+est en IDLE. La valeur par défaut est @samp{"2 mins"}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} string imap-id-send
-ID field names and values to send to clients. Using * as the value makes
-Dovecot use the default value. The following fields have default values
-currently: name, version, os, os-version, support-url, support-email.
-Defaults to @samp{""}.
+Noms des champs ID et de leur valeur à envoyer aux clients. « * » signifie
+la valeur par défaut. Les champs suivants ont actuellement des valeurs par
+défaut : name, version, os, os-version, support-url, support-email. La
+valeur par défaut est @samp{""}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} string imap-id-log
-ID fields sent by client to log. * means everything. Defaults to
+Champs ID envoyés par le client à enregistrer. « * » signifie tout. La
+valeur par défaut est @samp{""}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} space-separated-string-list imap-client-workarounds
-Workarounds for various client bugs:
+Contournements pour divers bogues de certains client :
@table @code
@item delay-newmail
-Send EXISTS/RECENT new mail notifications only when replying to NOOP and
-CHECK commands. Some clients ignore them otherwise, for example OSX Mail
-(<v2.1). Outlook Express breaks more badly though, without this it may show
-user "Message no longer in server" errors. Note that OE6 still breaks even
-with this workaround if synchronization is set to "Headers Only".
+Envoie des notifications de nouveau message EXISTS/RECENT seulement en
+réponse aux commandes NOOP et CHECK. Certains clients les ignorent
+autrement, par exemple OSX Mail (< v2.1). Outlook Express est encore plus
+cassé, sans cela il peut montrer des erreurs de type « Le message n'est plus
+sur le serveur ». Remarquez que OE6 est toujours cassé même avec ce
+contournement si la synchronisation est à « En-têtes seulement ».
@item tb-extra-mailbox-sep
-Thunderbird gets somehow confused with LAYOUT=fs (mbox and dbox) and adds
-extra @samp{/} suffixes to mailbox names. This option causes Dovecot to
-ignore the extra @samp{/} instead of treating it as invalid mailbox name.
+Thunderbird se mélange les pinceaux avec LAYOUT=fs (mbox et dbox) et ajoute
+un suffixe @samp{/} supplémentaire sur les noms des boîtes aux lettres.
+Cette option fait que dovecot ignore le @samp{/} supplémentaire au lieu de
+le traiter comme un nom de boîte aux lettres invalide.
@item tb-lsub-flags
-Show \Noselect flags for LSUB replies with LAYOUT=fs (e.g. mbox). This
+Show \Noselect flags for LSUB replies with LAYOUT=fs (e.g.@: mbox). This
makes Thunderbird realize they aren't selectable and show them greyed out,
instead of only later giving "not selectable" popup error.
@end table
@@ -15179,22 +16107,22 @@ La valeur par défaut est @samp{()}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{dovecot-configuration}} string imap-urlauth-host
-Host allowed in URLAUTH URLs sent by client. "*" allows all. Defaults to
+Hôte autorisé dans les URL URLAUTH envoyés par les clients. « * » les
+autorise tous. La valeur par défaut est @samp{""}.
@end deftypevr
-Whew! Lots of configuration options. The nice thing about it though is that
-GuixSD has a complete interface to Dovecot's configuration language. This
-allows not only a nice way to declare configurations, but also offers
-reflective capabilities as well: users can write code to inspect and
-transform configurations from within Scheme.
+Ouf ! Tant d'options de configuration. La bonne nouvelle, c'est que GuixSD
+a une interface complète avec le langage de configuration de Dovecot. Cela
+permet non seulement de déclarer la configuration de manière agréable, mais
+aussi d'offrir des capacités de réflexion : les utilisateurs peuvent écrire
+du code pour inspecter et transformer les configuration depuis Scheme.
-However, it could be that you just want to get a @code{dovecot.conf} up and
-running. In that case, you can pass an @code{opaque-dovecot-configuration}
-as the @code{#:config} parameter to @code{dovecot-service}. As its name
-indicates, an opaque configuration does not have easy reflective
+Cependant, vous pourriez avoir un fichier @code{dovecot.conf} déjà tout
+prêt. Dans ce cas, vous pouvez passer un objet
+@code{opaque-dovecot-configuration} comme paramètre @code{#:config} à
+@code{dovecot-service}. Comme son nom l'indique, une configuration opaque
+n'a pas les capacités de réflexions.
Les champs de @code{opaque-dovecot-configuration} disponibles sont :
@@ -15203,11 +16131,11 @@ Le paquet dovecot
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{opaque-dovecot-configuration}} string string
-The contents of the @code{dovecot.conf}, as a string.
+Le contenu de @code{dovecot.conf}, en tant que chaîne de caractères.
@end deftypevr
-For example, if your @code{dovecot.conf} is just the empty string, you could
-instantiate a dovecot service like this:
+Par exemple, si votre @code{dovecot.conf} est simplement la chaîne vide,
+vous pouvez instancier un service dovecot comme cela :
(dovecot-service #:config
@@ -15215,12 +16143,12 @@ instantiate a dovecot service like this:
(string "")))
@end example
-@subsubheading OpenSMTPD Service
+@subsubheading Service OpenSMTPD
@deffn {Variable Scheme} opensmtpd-service-type
-This is the type of the @uref{https://www.opensmtpd.org, OpenSMTPD} service,
-whose value should be an @code{opensmtpd-configuration} object as in this
+C'est le type de service de @uref{https://www.opensmtpd.org, OpenSMTPD},
+dont la valeur devrait être un objet @code{opensmtpd-configuration} comme
+dans cet exemple :
(service opensmtpd-service-type
@@ -15230,31 +16158,32 @@ example:
@end deffn
@deftp {Type de données} opensmtpd-configuration
-Data type representing the configuration of opensmtpd.
+Type de données représentant la configuration de opensmtpd.
@table @asis
@item @code{package} (par défaut : @var{opensmtpd})
-Package object of the OpenSMTPD SMTP server.
+Objet de paquet du serveur SMTP OpenSMTPD.
@item @code{config-file} (par défaut : @var{%default-opensmtpd-file})
-File-like object of the OpenSMTPD configuration file to use. By default it
-listens on the loopback network interface, and allows for mail from users
-and daemons on the local machine, as well as permitting email to remote
-servers. Run @command{man smtpd.conf} for more information.
+Objet simili-fichier du fichier de configuration de OpenSMTPD à utiliser.
+Par défaut il écoute sur l'interface de boucle locale et accepte les
+courriels des utilisateurs et des démons de la machine locale, et autorise
+l'envoie de courriels à des serveurs distants. Lancez @command{man
+smtpd.conf} pour plus d'information.
@end table
@end deftp
-@subsubheading Exim Service
+@subsubheading Service Exim
-@cindex mail transfer agent (MTA)
-@cindex MTA (mail transfer agent)
+@cindex agent de transfert de courriel (MTA)
+@cindex MTA (agent de transfert de courriel)
@cindex SMTP
@deffn {Variable Scheme} exim-service-type
-This is the type of the @uref{https://exim.org, Exim} mail transfer agent
-(MTA), whose value should be an @code{exim-configuration} object as in this
+C'est le type de l'agent de transfert de courriel (MTA)
+@uref{https://exim.org, Exim}, dont la valeur devrait être un objet
+@code{exim-configuration} comme dans cet exemple :
(service exim-service-type
@@ -15263,34 +16192,35 @@ example:
@end example
@end deffn
-In order to use an @code{exim-service-type} service you must also have a
-@code{mail-aliases-service-type} service present in your
-@code{operating-system} (even if it has no aliases).
+Pour utilise le service @code{exim-service-type} vous devez aussi avoir un
+service @code{mail-aliases-service-type} dans votre @code{operating-system}
+(même sans alias).
@deftp {Type de données} exim-configuration
-Data type representing the configuration of exim.
+Type de données représentant la configuration d'exim.
@table @asis
@item @code{package} (par défaut : @var{exim})
-Package object of the Exim server.
+Objet de paquet du serveur Exim.
@item @code{config-file} (par défaut : @code{#f})
-File-like object of the Exim configuration file to use. If its value is
-@code{#f} then use the default configuration file from the package provided
-in @code{package}. The resulting configuration file is loaded after setting
-the @code{exim_user} and @code{exim_group} configuration variables.
+Objet simili-fichier du fichier de configuration d'Exim à utiliser. Si sa
+valeur est @code{#f} alors le service utilisera la configuration par défaut
+du paquet fournit dans @code{package}. Le fichier de configuration qui en
+résulte est chargé après avoir mis en place les variables de configuration
+@code{exim_user} et @code{exim_group}.
@end table
@end deftp
-@subsubheading Mail Aliases Service
+@subsubheading Service d'alias de courriel
-@cindex email aliases
-@cindex aliases, for email addresses
+@cindex alias de courriel
+@cindex alias, pour les adresses de courriel
@deffn {Variable Scheme} mail-aliases-service-type
-This is the type of the service which provides @code{/etc/aliases},
-specifying how to deliver mail to users on this system.
+C'est le type de service qui fournit @code{/etc/aliases} et qui spécifie
+comment délivrer les courriels aux utilisateurs du système.
(service mail-aliases-service-type
@@ -15299,33 +16229,35 @@ specifying how to deliver mail to users on this system.
@end example
@end deffn
-The configuration for a @code{mail-aliases-service-type} service is an
-association list denoting how to deliver mail that comes to this
-system. Each entry is of the form @code{(alias addresses ...)}, with
-@code{alias} specifying the local alias and @code{addresses} specifying
-where to deliver this user's mail.
+La configuration pour un service @code{mail-aliases-service-type} est une
+liste associative qui dénote comment délivrer les courriels qui arrivent au
+système. Chaque entrée est de la forme @code{(alias adresses ...)} avec
+@code{alias} qui spécifie l'alias local et @code{adresses} qui spécifie où
+délivrer les courriels de cet utilisateur.
-The aliases aren't required to exist as users on the local system. In the
-above example, there doesn't need to be a @code{postmaster} entry in the
-@code{operating-system}'s @code{user-accounts} in order to deliver the
-@code{postmaster} mail to @code{bob} (which subsequently would deliver mail
-to @code{bob@@example.com} and @code{bob@@example2.com}).
+Les alias n'ont pas besoin de correspondre à des utilisateurs locaux du
+système. Dans l'exemple au-dessus, il n'y a pas besoin d'une entrée
+@code{postmaster} dans la liste @code{user-accounts} du
+@code{operating-system} pour délivrer les courriels à destination de
+@code{postmaster} à @code{bob} (qui ensuite délivrerait le courriel à
+@code{bob@@example.com} et @code{bob@@example2.com}).
@node Services de messagerie
@subsubsection Services de messagerie
-@cindex messaging
+@cindex messagerie intantanée
@cindex jabber
@cindex XMPP
-The @code{(gnu services messaging)} module provides Guix service definitions
-for messaging services: currently only Prosody is supported.
+Le module @code{(gnu services messaging)} fournit des définitions de
+services Guix pour les services de messageries instantanées : actuellement
+seul Prosody est supporté.
-@subsubheading Prosody Service
+@subsubheading Service Prosody
@deffn {Variable Scheme} prosody-service-type
-This is the type for the @uref{https://prosody.im, Prosody XMPP
-communication server}. Its value must be a @code{prosody-configuration}
-record as in this example:
+C'est le type pour le @uref{https://prosody.im, le serveur de communication
+XMPP Prosody}. Sa valeur doit être un enregistrement
+@code{prosody-configuration} comme dans cet exemple :
(service prosody-service-type
@@ -15343,20 +16275,20 @@ record as in this example:
(domain "example.net"))))))
@end example
-See below for details about @code{prosody-configuration}.
+Voir plus bas pour des détails sur @code{prosody-configuration}.
@end deffn
-By default, Prosody does not need much configuration. Only one
-@code{virtualhosts} field is needed: it specifies the domain you wish
-Prosody to serve.
+Par défaut, Prosody n'a pas besoin de beaucoup de configuration. Seul un
+champ @code{virtualhosts} est requis : il spécifie le domaine que vous
+voulez voir Prosody servir.
-You can perform various sanity checks on the generated configuration with
-the @code{prosodyctl check} command.
+Vous pouvez effectuer plusieurs vérifications de la configuration générée
+avec la commande @code{prosodyctl check}.
-Prosodyctl will also help you to import certificates from the
-@code{letsencrypt} directory so that the @code{prosody} user can access
-them. See @url{https://prosody.im/doc/letsencrypt}.
+Prosodyctl vous aidera aussi à importer des certificats du répertoire
+@code{letsencrypt} pour que l'utilisateur @code{prosody} puisse y accéder.
+Voir @url{https://prosody.im/doc/letsencrypt}.
prosodyctl --root cert import /etc/letsencrypt/live
@@ -15369,12 +16301,12 @@ spécifié comme une liste de chaînes de caractères. Les types précédés de
@code{maybe-} signifient que le paramètre n'apparaîtra pas dans
@code{prosody.cfg.lua} lorsque sa valeur est @code{'disabled}.
-There is also a way to specify the configuration as a string, if you have an
-old @code{prosody.cfg.lua} file that you want to port over from some other
-system; see the end for more details.
+Il y a aussi une manière de spécifier la configuration en tant que chaîne de
+caractères si vous avez un vieux fichier @code{prosody.cfg.lua} que vous
+voulez porter depuis un autre système ; voir la fin pour plus de détails.
-The @code{file-object} type designates either a file-like object
-(@pxref{G-Expressions, file-like objects}) or a file name.
+Le type @code{file-object} désigne soit un objet simili-fichier
+(@pxref{G-Expressions, file-like objects}), soit un nom de fichier.
@c The following documentation was initially generated by
@c (generate-documentation) in (gnu services messaging). Manually maintained
@@ -15387,299 +16319,320 @@ The @code{file-object} type designates either a file-like object
Les champs de @code{prosody-configuration} disponibles sont :
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{prosody-configuration}} package prosody
-The Prosody package.
+Le paquet Prosody.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{prosody-configuration}} file-name data-path
-Location of the Prosody data storage directory. See
-@url{https://prosody.im/doc/configure}. Defaults to
+Emplacement du répertoire de stockage des données de Prosody. Voir
+@url{https://prosody.im/doc/configure}. La valeur par défaut est
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{prosody-configuration}} file-object-list plugin-paths
-Additional plugin directories. They are searched in all the specified paths
-in order. See @url{https://prosody.im/doc/plugins_directory}. Defaults to
+Répertoires de greffons supplémentaires. Ils sont analysés dans l'ordre
+spécifié. Voir @url{https://prosody.im/doc/plugins_directory}. La valeur
+par défaut est @samp{()}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{prosody-configuration}} file-name certificates
-Every virtual host and component needs a certificate so that clients and
-servers can securely verify its identity. Prosody will automatically load
-certificates/keys from the directory specified here. Defaults to
+Chaque hôte virtuel et composant a besoin d'un certificat pour que les
+clients et les serveurs puissent vérifier son identité. Prosody chargera
+automatiquement les clefs et les certificats dans le répertoire spécifié
+ici. La valeur par défaut est @samp{"/etc/prosody/certs"}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{prosody-configuration}} string-list admins
-This is a list of accounts that are admins for the server. Note that you
-must create the accounts separately. See
-@url{https://prosody.im/doc/admins} and
-@url{https://prosody.im/doc/creating_accounts}. Example: @code{(admins
-'("user1@@example.com" "user2@@example.net"))} Defaults to @samp{()}.
+C'est une liste des comptes administrateurs de ce serveur. Remarquez que
+vous devez créer les comptes séparément. Voir
+@url{https://prosody.im/doc/admins} et
+@url{https://prosody.im/doc/creating_accounts}. Par exemple : @code{(admins
+'("user1@@example.com" "user2@@example.net"))}. La valeur par défaut est
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{prosody-configuration}} boolean use-libevent?
-Enable use of libevent for better performance under high load. See
-@url{https://prosody.im/doc/libevent}. Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+Active l'utilisation de libevent pour de meilleures performances sous une
+forte charge. Voir @url{https://prosody.im/doc/libevent}. La valeur par
+défaut est @samp{#f}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{prosody-configuration}} module-list modules-enabled
-This is the list of modules Prosody will load on startup. It looks for
-@code{mod_modulename.lua} in the plugins folder, so make sure that exists
-too. Documentation on modules can be found at:
-@url{https://prosody.im/doc/modules}. Defaults to @samp{("roster"
-"saslauth" "tls" "dialback" "disco" "carbons" "private" "blocklist" "vcard"
-"version" "uptime" "time" "ping" "pep" "register" "admin_adhoc")}.
+C'est la liste des modules que Prosody chargera au démarrage. Il cherchera
+@code{mod_modulename.lua} dans le répertoire des greffons, donc assurez-vous
+qu'il existe aussi. La documentation des modules se trouve sur
+@url{https://prosody.im/doc/modules}. La valeur par défaut est
+@samp{("roster" "saslauth" "tls" "dialback" "disco" "carbons" "private"
+"blocklist" "vcard" "version" "uptime" "time" "ping" "pep" "register"
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{prosody-configuration}} string-list modules-disabled
-@samp{"offline"}, @samp{"c2s"} and @samp{"s2s"} are auto-loaded, but should
-you want to disable them then add them to this list. Defaults to @samp{()}.
+@samp{"offline"},@samp{"c2s"} et @samp{"s2s"} sont chargés automatiquement,
+mais si vous voulez les désactiver, ajoutez-les à cette liste. La valeur
+par défaut est @samp{()}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{prosody-configuration}} file-object groups-file
-Path to a text file where the shared groups are defined. If this path is
-empty then @samp{mod_groups} does nothing. See
-@url{https://prosody.im/doc/modules/mod_groups}. Defaults to
+Chemin vers un fichier texte où les groupes partagés sont définis. Si ce
+chemin est vide alors @samp{mod_groups} ne fait rien. Voir
+@url{https://prosody.im/doc/modules/mod_groups}. La valeur par défaut est
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{prosody-configuration}} boolean allow-registration?
-Disable account creation by default, for security. See
-@url{https://prosody.im/doc/creating_accounts}. Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+Désactive la création de compte par défaut, pour la sécurité. Voir
+@url{https://prosody.im/doc/creating_accounts}. La valeur par défaut est
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{prosody-configuration}} maybe-ssl-configuration ssl
-These are the SSL/TLS-related settings. Most of them are disabled so to use
-Prosody's defaults. If you do not completely understand these options, do
-not add them to your config, it is easy to lower the security of your server
-using them. See @url{https://prosody.im/doc/advanced_ssl_config}.
+Ce sont les paramètres liés à SSL/TLS. La plupart sont désactivés pour
+pouvoir utiliser les paramètres par défaut de Prosody. Si vous ne comprenez
+pas complètement ces options, ne les ajoutez pas à votre configuration, il
+est aisé de diminuer la sécurité de votre serveur en les modifiant. Voir
Les champs de @code{ssl-configuration} disponibles sont :
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{ssl-configuration}} maybe-string protocol
-This determines what handshake to use.
+Cela détermine la poignée de main à utiliser.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{ssl-configuration}} maybe-file-name key
-Path to your private key file.
+Chemin vers votre fichier de clef privée.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{ssl-configuration}} maybe-file-name certificate
-Path to your certificate file.
+Chemin vers votre fichier de certificat.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{ssl-configuration}} file-object capath
-Path to directory containing root certificates that you wish Prosody to
-trust when verifying the certificates of remote servers. Defaults to
+Chemin vers le répertoire contenant les certificats racines que vous voulez
+voir Prosody utiliser lors de la vérification des certificats des serveurs
+distants. La valeur par défaut est @samp{"/etc/ssl/certs"}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{ssl-configuration}} maybe-file-object cafile
-Path to a file containing root certificates that you wish Prosody to trust.
-Similar to @code{capath} but with all certificates concatenated together.
+Chemin vers un fichier contenant les certificats racines auxquels Prosody
+devra faire confiance. Comme @code{capath} mais avec les certificats
+concaténés ensemble.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{ssl-configuration}} maybe-string-list verify
-A list of verification options (these mostly map to OpenSSL's
-@code{set_verify()} flags).
+Une liste d'options de vérification (qui correspondent globalement aux
+drapeaux @code{set_verify()} d'OpenSSL).
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{ssl-configuration}} maybe-string-list options
-A list of general options relating to SSL/TLS. These map to OpenSSL's
-@code{set_options()}. For a full list of options available in LuaSec, see
-the LuaSec source.
+Une liste d'options générales liées à SSL/TLS. Elles correspondent
+globalement à @code{set_options()} d'OpenSSL. Pour une liste complète des
+options disponibles dans LuaSec, voir les sources de LuaSec.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{ssl-configuration}} maybe-non-negative-integer depth
-How long a chain of certificate authorities to check when looking for a
-trusted root certificate.
+Longueur maximale d'une chaîne d'autorités de certifications avant la
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{ssl-configuration}} maybe-string ciphers
-An OpenSSL cipher string. This selects what ciphers Prosody will offer to
-clients, and in what order.
+Une chaîne de méthodes de chiffrement OpenSSL. Cela choisi les méthodes de
+chiffrement que Prosody offrira aux clients, et dans quel ordre de
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{ssl-configuration}} maybe-file-name dhparam
-A path to a file containing parameters for Diffie-Hellman key exchange. You
-can create such a file with: @code{openssl dhparam -out
-/etc/prosody/certs/dh-2048.pem 2048}
+Un chemin vers un fichier contenant les paramètres pour l'échange de clef
+Diffie-Hellman. Vous pouvez créer un tel fichier avec : @code{openssl
+dhparam -out /etc/prosody/certs/dh-2048.pem 2048}
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{ssl-configuration}} maybe-string curve
-Curve for Elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman. Prosody's default is
+Courbe pour Diffie-Hellman sur courbe elliptique. La valeur par défaut de
+Prosody est @samp{"secp384r1"}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{ssl-configuration}} maybe-string-list verifyext
-A list of "extra" verification options.
+Une liste d'options de vérification « supplémentaires ».
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{ssl-configuration}} maybe-string password
-Password for encrypted private keys.
+Mot de passe pour les clefs privées chiffrées.
@end deftypevr
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{prosody-configuration}} boolean c2s-require-encryption?
-Whether to force all client-to-server connections to be encrypted or not.
-See @url{https://prosody.im/doc/modules/mod_tls}. Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+S'il faut forcer toutes les connexions client-serveur à être chiffrées ou
+non. Voir @url{https://prosody.im/doc/modules/mod_tls}. La valeur par
+défaut est @samp{#f}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{prosody-configuration}} string-list disable-sasl-mechanisms
-Set of mechanisms that will never be offered. See
-@url{https://prosody.im/doc/modules/mod_saslauth}. Defaults to
+Ensemble de mécanismes qui ne seront jamais offerts. Voir
+@url{https://prosody.im/doc/modules/mod_saslauth}. La valeur par défaut est
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{prosody-configuration}} boolean s2s-require-encryption?
-Whether to force all server-to-server connections to be encrypted or not.
-See @url{https://prosody.im/doc/modules/mod_tls}. Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+S'il faut forcer toutes les connexion serveur-serveur à être chiffrées ou
+non. Voir @url{https://prosody.im/doc/modules/mod_tls}. La valeur par
+défaut est @samp{#f}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{prosody-configuration}} boolean s2s-secure-auth?
-Whether to require encryption and certificate authentication. This provides
-ideal security, but requires servers you communicate with to support
-encryption AND present valid, trusted certificates. See
-@url{https://prosody.im/doc/s2s#security}. Defaults to @samp{#f}.
+S'il faut requérir le chiffrement et l'authentification du certificat. Cela
+fournit une sécurité idéale, mais demande que les serveurs avec lesquels
+vous communiquez supportent le chiffrement ET présentent un certificat
+valide et de confiance. Voir @url{https://prosody.im/doc/s2s#security}. La
+valeur par défaut est @samp{#f}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{prosody-configuration}} string-list s2s-insecure-domains
-Many servers don't support encryption or have invalid or self-signed
-certificates. You can list domains here that will not be required to
-authenticate using certificates. They will be authenticated using DNS. See
-@url{https://prosody.im/doc/s2s#security}. Defaults to @samp{()}.
+Beaucoup de serveurs ne supportent pas le chiffrement ou ont un certificat
+invalide ou auto-signé. Vous pouvez lister les domaines ici qui n'ont pas
+besoin de s'authentifier avec des certificats. Ils seront authentifiés par
+DNS. Voir @url{https://prosody.im/doc/s2s#security}. La valeur par défaut
+est @samp{()}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{prosody-configuration}} string-list s2s-secure-domains
-Even if you leave @code{s2s-secure-auth?} disabled, you can still require
-valid certificates for some domains by specifying a list here. See
-@url{https://prosody.im/doc/s2s#security}. Defaults to @samp{()}.
+Même si vous laissez @code{s2s-secure-auth?} désactivé, vous pouvez toujours
+demander un certificat valide pour certains domaine en spécifiant la liste
+ici. Voir @url{https://prosody.im/doc/s2s#security}. La valeur par défaut
+est @samp{()}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{prosody-configuration}} string authentication
-Select the authentication backend to use. The default provider stores
-passwords in plaintext and uses Prosody's configured data storage to store
-the authentication data. If you do not trust your server please see
-@url{https://prosody.im/doc/modules/mod_auth_internal_hashed} for
-information about using the hashed backend. See also
-@url{https://prosody.im/doc/authentication} Defaults to
+Choisi le moteur d'authentification à utiliser. Le moteur par défaut stocke
+les mots de passes en texte clair et utilise la configuration de stockage
+des données de Prosody pour stocker les données authentifiées. Si vous
+n'avez pas confiance dans le serveur, lisez
+@url{https://prosody.im/doc/modules/mod_auth_internal_hashed} pour plus
+d'information sur l'utilisation du moteur hashed. Voir aussi
+@url{https://prosody.im/doc/authentication}. La valeur par défaut est
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{prosody-configuration}} maybe-string log
-Set logging options. Advanced logging configuration is not yet supported by
-the GuixSD Prosody Service. See @url{https://prosody.im/doc/logging}.
-Defaults to @samp{"*syslog"}.
+Indique les options de journalisation. La configuration avancée des
+journaux n'est pas encore supportée par le service Prosody dans GuixSD.
+Voir @url{https://prosody.im/doc/logging}. La valeur par défaut est
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{prosody-configuration}} file-name pidfile
-File to write pid in. See @url{https://prosody.im/doc/modules/mod_posix}.
-Defaults to @samp{"/var/run/prosody/prosody.pid"}.
+Fichier où écrire le PID. Voir
+@url{https://prosody.im/doc/modules/mod_posix}. La valeur par défaut est
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{prosody-configuration}} maybe-non-negative-integer http-max-content-size
-Maximum allowed size of the HTTP body (in bytes).
+Taille maximum autorisée pour le corps HTTP (en octets).
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{prosody-configuration}} maybe-string http-external-url
-Some modules expose their own URL in various ways. This URL is built from
-the protocol, host and port used. If Prosody sits behind a proxy, the
-public URL will be @code{http-external-url} instead. See
+Certains modules exposent leur propre URL de diverses manières. Cette URL
+est construite à partir du protocole, de l'hôte et du port utilisé. Si
+Prosody se trouve derrière un proxy, l'URL publique sera
+@code{http-external-url} à la place. Voir
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{prosody-configuration}} virtualhost-configuration-list virtualhosts
-A host in Prosody is a domain on which user accounts can be created. For
-example if you want your users to have addresses like
-@samp{"john.smith@@example.com"} then you need to add a host
-@samp{"example.com"}. All options in this list will apply only to this
+Un hôte dans Prosody est un domaine sur lequel les comptes utilisateurs sont
+créés. Par exemple si vous voulez que vos utilisateurs aient une adresse
+comme @samp{"john.smith@@example.com"} vous devrez ajouter un hôte
+@samp{"example.com"}. Toutes les options de cette liste seront appliquées
+uniquement à cet hôte.
-Note: the name "virtual" host is used in configuration to avoid confusion
-with the actual physical host that Prosody is installed on. A single
-Prosody instance can serve many domains, each one defined as a VirtualHost
-entry in Prosody's configuration. Conversely a server that hosts a single
-domain would have just one VirtualHost entry.
+Remarque : le nom d'hôte « virtuel » est utilisé dans la configuration pour
+éviter de le confondre avec le nom d'hôte physique réel de la machine qui
+héberge Prosody. Une seule instance de Prosody peut servir plusieurs
+domaines, chacun défini comme une entrée VirtualHost dans la configuration
+de Prosody. Ainsi, un serveur qui n'héberge qu'un seul domaine n'aura
+qu'une entrée VirtualHost.
-See @url{https://prosody.im/doc/configure#virtual_host_settings}.
+Voir @url{https://prosody.im/doc/configure#virtual_host_settings}.
Les champs de @code{virtualhost-configuration} disponibles sont :
-all these @code{prosody-configuration} fields: @code{admins},
+tous ces champs de @code{prosody-configuration} : @code{admins},
@code{use-libevent?}, @code{modules-enabled}, @code{modules-disabled},
@code{groups-file}, @code{allow-registration?}, @code{ssl},
@code{c2s-require-encryption?}, @code{disable-sasl-mechanisms},
@code{s2s-require-encryption?}, @code{s2s-secure-auth?},
@code{s2s-insecure-domains}, @code{s2s-secure-domains},
@code{authentication}, @code{log}, @code{http-max-content-size},
-@code{http-external-url}, @code{raw-content}, plus:
+@code{http-external-url}, @code{raw-content}, plus :
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{virtualhost-configuration}} string domain
-Domain you wish Prosody to serve.
+Domaine que vous souhaitez que Prosody serve.
@end deftypevr
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{prosody-configuration}} int-component-configuration-list int-components
-Components are extra services on a server which are available to clients,
-usually on a subdomain of the main server (such as
-@samp{"mycomponent.example.com"}). Example components might be chatroom
-servers, user directories, or gateways to other protocols.
-Internal components are implemented with Prosody-specific plugins. To add
-an internal component, you simply fill the hostname field, and the plugin
-you wish to use for the component.
-See @url{https://prosody.im/doc/components}. Defaults to @samp{()}.
+Les composant sont des services supplémentaires qui sont disponibles pour
+les clients, habituellement sur un sous-domaine du serveur principal (comme
+@samp{"mycomponent.example.com"}). Des exemples de composants sont des
+serveurs de chatroom, des répertoires utilisateurs ou des passerelles vers
+d'autres protocoles.
+Les composants internes sont implémentés dans des greffons spécifiques à
+Prosody. Pour ajouter un composant interne, vous n'avez qu'à remplir le
+champ de nom d'hôte et le greffon que vous voulez utiliser pour le
+Voir @url{https://prosody.im/doc/components}. La valeur par défaut est
Les champs de @code{int-component-configuration} disponibles sont :
-all these @code{prosody-configuration} fields: @code{admins},
+tous ces champs de @code{prosody-configuration} : @code{admins},
@code{use-libevent?}, @code{modules-enabled}, @code{modules-disabled},
@code{groups-file}, @code{allow-registration?}, @code{ssl},
@code{c2s-require-encryption?}, @code{disable-sasl-mechanisms},
@code{s2s-require-encryption?}, @code{s2s-secure-auth?},
@code{s2s-insecure-domains}, @code{s2s-secure-domains},
@code{authentication}, @code{log}, @code{http-max-content-size},
-@code{http-external-url}, @code{raw-content}, plus:
+@code{http-external-url}, @code{raw-content}, plus :
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{int-component-configuration}} string hostname
-Hostname of the component.
+Nom d'hôte du composant.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{int-component-configuration}} string plugin
-Plugin you wish to use for the component.
+Greffon que vous voulez utiliser pour ce composant.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{int-component-configuration}} maybe-mod-muc-configuration mod-muc
-Multi-user chat (MUC) is Prosody's module for allowing you to create hosted
-chatrooms/conferences for XMPP users.
+Le chat multi-utilisateur (MUC) est le modules de Prosody qui vous permet de
+créer des chatrooms/conférences pour les utilisateurs XMPP.
-General information on setting up and using multi-user chatrooms can be
-found in the "Chatrooms" documentation
-(@url{https://prosody.im/doc/chatrooms}), which you should read if you are
-new to XMPP chatrooms.
+Des informations générales sur la configuration des chatrooms
+multi-utilisateurs se trouvent dans la documentation sur les chatrooms
+(@url{https://prosody.im/doc/chatrooms}), que vous devriez lire si vous les
-See also @url{https://prosody.im/doc/modules/mod_muc}.
+Voir aussi @url{https://prosody.im/doc/modules/mod_muc}.
Les champs de @code{mod-muc-configuration} disponibles sont :
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{mod-muc-configuration}} string name
-The name to return in service discovery responses. Defaults to
-@samp{"Prosody Chatrooms"}.
+Le nom à renvoyer dans les réponses de découverte de services. La valeur
+par défaut est @samp{"Prosody Chatrooms"}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{mod-muc-configuration}} string-or-boolean restrict-room-creation
If @samp{#t}, this will only allow admins to create new chatrooms.
Otherwise anyone can create a room. The value @samp{"local"} restricts room
-creation to users on the service's parent domain.
-E.g. @samp{user@@example.com} can create rooms on @samp{rooms.example.com}.
-The value @samp{"admin"} restricts to service administrators only. Defaults
-to @samp{#f}.
+creation to users on the service's parent domain. E.g.@:
+@samp{user@@example.com} can create rooms on @samp{rooms.example.com}. The
+value @samp{"admin"} restricts to service administrators only. Defaults to
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{mod-muc-configuration}} non-negative-integer max-history-messages
-Maximum number of history messages that will be sent to the member that has
-just joined the room. Defaults to @samp{20}.
+Nombre maximum de messages d'historique qui seront envoyés aux membres qui
+viennent de rejoindre le salon. La valeur par défaut est @samp{20}.
@end deftypevr
@end deftypevr
@@ -15687,60 +16640,62 @@ just joined the room. Defaults to @samp{20}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{prosody-configuration}} ext-component-configuration-list ext-components
-External components use XEP-0114, which most standalone components support.
-To add an external component, you simply fill the hostname field. See
-@url{https://prosody.im/doc/components}. Defaults to @samp{()}.
+Les composants externes utilisent XEP-0114, que la plupart des composants
+supportent. Pour ajouter un composant externe, vous remplissez simplement
+le champ de nom d'hôte. Voir @url{https://prosody.im/doc/components}. La
+valeur par défaut est @samp{()}.
Les champs de @code{ext-component-configuration} disponibles sont :
-all these @code{prosody-configuration} fields: @code{admins},
+tous ces champs de @code{prosody-configuration} : @code{admins},
@code{use-libevent?}, @code{modules-enabled}, @code{modules-disabled},
@code{groups-file}, @code{allow-registration?}, @code{ssl},
@code{c2s-require-encryption?}, @code{disable-sasl-mechanisms},
@code{s2s-require-encryption?}, @code{s2s-secure-auth?},
@code{s2s-insecure-domains}, @code{s2s-secure-domains},
@code{authentication}, @code{log}, @code{http-max-content-size},
-@code{http-external-url}, @code{raw-content}, plus:
+@code{http-external-url}, @code{raw-content}, plus :
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{ext-component-configuration}} string component-secret
-Password which the component will use to log in.
+Mot de passe que le composant utilisera pour s'authentifier.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{ext-component-configuration}} string hostname
-Hostname of the component.
+Nom d'hôte du composant.
@end deftypevr
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{prosody-configuration}} non-negative-integer-list component-ports
-Port(s) Prosody listens on for component connections. Defaults to
+Ports sur lesquels Prosody écoutera les connexions des composants. La
+valeur par défaut est @samp{(5347)}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{prosody-configuration}} string component-interface
-Interface Prosody listens on for component connections. Defaults to
+Interface sur laquelle Prosody écoutera les connexions des composants. La
+valeur par défaut est @samp{""}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{prosody-configuration}} maybe-raw-content raw-content
-Raw content that will be added to the configuration file.
+Contenu brut qui sera ajouté au fichier de configuration.
@end deftypevr
-It could be that you just want to get a @code{prosody.cfg.lua} up and
-running. In that case, you can pass an @code{opaque-prosody-configuration}
-record as the value of @code{prosody-service-type}. As its name indicates,
-an opaque configuration does not have easy reflective capabilities.
-Available @code{opaque-prosody-configuration} fields are:
+Il se peut que vous ayez juste envie de lancer un fichier
+@code{prosody.cfg.lua} directement. Dans ce cas, vous pouvez passer un
+enregistrement @code{opaque-prosody-configuration} comme valeur à
+@code{prosody-service-type}. Comme son nom l'indique, une configuration
+opaque n'a pas de capacités de réflexion simples. Les champs disponibles de
+@code{opaque-prosody-configuration} sont :
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{opaque-prosody-configuration}} package prosody
-The prosody package.
+Le paquet prosody.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{opaque-prosody-configuration}} string prosody.cfg.lua
-The contents of the @code{prosody.cfg.lua} to use.
+Le contenu de @code{prosody.cfg.lua} à utiliser.
@end deftypevr
-For example, if your @code{prosody.cfg.lua} is just the empty string, you
-could instantiate a prosody service like this:
+Par exemple, si votre @code{prosody.cfg.lua} est juste la chaîne vide, vous
+pouvez instancier un service prosody comme ceci :
(service prosody-service-type
@@ -15750,19 +16705,21 @@ could instantiate a prosody service like this:
@c end of Prosody auto-generated documentation
-@subsubheading BitlBee Service
+@subsubheading Service BitlBee
@cindex IRC (Internet Relay Chat)
-@cindex IRC gateway
-@url{http://bitlbee.org,BitlBee} is a gateway that provides an IRC interface
-to a variety of messaging protocols such as XMPP.
+@cindex passerelle IRC
+@url{http://bitlbee.org,BitlBee} est une passerelle qui fournit une
+interface IRC vers une variété de protocoles de messagerie instantanée comme
@defvr {Variable Scheme} bitlbee-service-type
-This is the service type for the @url{http://bitlbee.org,BitlBee} IRC
-gateway daemon. Its value is a @code{bitlbee-configuration} (see below).
+C'est le type de service pour le démon de passerelle IRC
+@url{http://bitlbee.org,BitlBee}. Sa valeur est un
+@code{bitlbee-configuration} (voir plus bas).
-To have BitlBee listen on port 6667 on localhost, add this line to your
+Pour que BitlBee écoute sur le pourt 6667 sur localhost, ajoutez cette ligne
+à vos services :
(service bitlbee-service-type)
@@ -15770,26 +16727,28 @@ services:
@end defvr
@deftp {Type de données} bitlbee-configuration
-This is the configuration for BitlBee, with the following fields:
+C'est la configuration de BitlBee, avec les champs suivants :
@table @asis
@item @code{interface} (par défaut : @code{""})
@itemx @code{port} (par défaut : @code{6667})
-Listen on the network interface corresponding to the IP address specified in
-@var{interface}, on @var{port}.
+Écoute sur l'interface réseau correspondant à l'adresse IP dans
+@var{interface}, sur @var{port}.
-When @var{interface} is @code{}, only local clients can connect;
-when it is @code{}, connections can come from any networking
+Lorsque @var{interface} vaut @code{}, seuls les clients locaux
+peuvent se connecter ; lorsqu'elle vaut @code{}, les connexions
+peuvent venir de n'importe quelle interface réseau.
@item @code{package} (par défaut : @code{bitlbee})
Le paquet BitlBee à utiliser.
@item @code{plugins} (par défaut : @code{'()})
-List of plugin packages to use---e.g., @code{bitlbee-discord}.
+Liste des paquets de greffons à utiliser — p.@: ex.@:
@item @code{extra-settings} (par défaut : @code{""})
-Configuration snippet added as-is to the BitlBee configuration file.
+Partie de configuration ajoutée telle-quelle au fichier de configuration de
@end table
@end deftp
@@ -15797,14 +16756,15 @@ Configuration snippet added as-is to the BitlBee configuration file.
@node Services de téléphonie
@subsubsection Services de téléphonie
-@cindex Murmur (VoIP server)
-@cindex VoIP server
-This section describes how to set up and run a Murmur server. Murmur is the
-server of the @uref{https://mumble.info, Mumble} voice-over-IP (VoIP) suite.
+@cindex Murmur (serveur VoIP)
+@cindex serveur VoIP
+Cette section décrit comment configurer et lancer un serveur Murmur. Murmur
+est le serveur de la suite de voix-sur-IP (VoIP) @uref{https://mumble.info,
@deftp {Type de données} murmur-configuration
-The service type for the Murmur server. An example configuration can look
-like this:
+Le type de service pour le serveur Murmur. Voici un exemple de
+configuration :
(service murmur-service-type
@@ -15816,188 +16776,202 @@ like this:
(ssl-key "/etc/letsencrypt/live/mumble.example.com/privkey.pem")))
@end example
-After reconfiguring your system, you can manually set the murmur
-@code{SuperUser} password with the command that is printed during the
-activation phase.
+Après avoir reconfiguré votre système, vous pouvez manuellement indiquer le
+mot de passe @code{SuperUser} de murmur avac la commande qui s'affiche
+pendant la phase d'activation.
-It is recommended to register a normal Mumble user account and grant it
-admin or moderator rights. You can use the @code{mumble} client to login as
-new normal user, register yourself, and log out. For the next step login
-with the name @code{SuperUser} use the @code{SuperUser} password that you
-set previously, and grant your newly registered mumble user administrator or
-moderator rights and create some channels.
+Il est recommandé d'enregistrer un compte utilisateur Mumble normal et de
+lui donner les droits admin ou modérateur. Vous pouvez utiliser le client
+@code{mumble} pour vous connecter en tant que nouvel utilisateur normal,
+vous enregistrer et vous déconnecter. Pour l'étape suivante, connectez-vous
+avec le nom @code{SuperUser} en utilisant le mot de passe @code{SuperUser}
+que vous avez indiqué précédemment et accordez les droits administrateur ou
+modérateur à vous utilisateur mumble nouvellement enregistré et créez
+quelques salons.
Les champs de @code{murmur-configuration} disponibles sont :
@table @asis
@item @code{package} (par défaut : @code{mumble})
-Package that contains @code{bin/murmurd}.
+Paquet qui contient @code{bin/murmurd}.
@item @code{user} (par défaut : @code{"murmur"})
-User who will run the Murmur server.
+Utilisateur qui lancera le serveur Murmur.
@item @code{group} (par défaut : @code{"murmur"})
-Group of the user who will run the murmur server.
+Groupe de l'utilisateur qui lancera le serveur Murmur.
@item @code{port} (par défaut : @code{64738})
-Port on which the server will listen.
+Port sur lequel le serveur écoutera.
@item @code{welcome-text} (par défaut : @code{""})
-Welcome text sent to clients when they connect.
+Texte de bienvenue envoyé aux clients lors de leur connexion.
@item @code{server-password} (par défaut : @code{""})
-Password the clients have to enter in order to connect.
+Mot de passe que les clients devront entrer pour se connecter.
@item @code{max-users} (par défaut : @code{100})
-Maximum of users that can be connected to the server at once.
+Nombre maximum d'utilisateurs qui peuvent se connecter à ce serveur en même
@item @code{max-user-bandwidth} (par défaut : @code{#f})
-Maximum voice traffic a user can send per second.
+Trafic de voix maximum qu'un utilisateur peut envoyer par seconde.
@item @code{database-file} (par défaut : @code{"/var/lib/murmur/db.sqlite"})
-File name of the sqlite database. The service's user will become the owner
-of the directory.
+Nom de fichier de la base de données sqlite. L'utilisateur du service
+deviendra propriétaire du répertoire.
@item @code{log-file} (par défaut : @code{"/var/log/murmur/murmur.log"})
-File name of the log file. The service's user will become the owner of the
+Nom du fichier de journal. L'utilisateur du service deviendra propriétaire
+du répertoire.
@item @code{autoban-attempts} (par défaut : @code{10})
-Maximum number of logins a user can make in @code{autoban-timeframe} without
-getting auto banned for @code{autoban-time}.
+Nombre maximum de connexions qu'un utilisateur peut faire pendant
+@code{autoban-timeframe} sans être banni automatiquement pour
@item @code{autoban-timeframe} (par défaut : @code{120})
-Timeframe for autoban in seconds.
+Durée du temps pendant lequel le nombre de connexions est compté.
@item @code{autoban-time} (par défaut : @code{300})
-Amount of time in seconds for which a client gets banned when violating the
-autoban limits.
+Durée du bannissement automatique en secondes.
@item @code{opus-threshold} (par défaut : @code{100})
-Percentage of clients that need to support opus before switching over to
-opus audio codec.
+Pourcentage des clients qui doivent supporter opus avant de passer sur le
+codec audio opus.
@item @code{channel-nesting-limit} (par défaut : @code{10})
-How deep channels can be nested at maximum.
+Profondeur maximum des canaux.
@item @code{channelname-regex} (par défaut : @code{#f})
-A string in from of a Qt regular expression that channel names must conform
+Une chaîne de la forme d'une expression régulière Qt que les noms de canaux
+doivent respecter.
@item @code{username-regex} (par défaut : @code{#f})
-A string in from of a Qt regular expression that user names must conform to.
+Une chaîne de la forme d'une expression régulière Qt que les noms
+d'utilisateurs doivent respecter.
@item @code{text-message-length} (par défaut : @code{5000})
-Maximum size in bytes that a user can send in one text chat message.
+Taille maximum en octets qu'un utilisateur peut envoyer en un seul message
@item @code{image-message-length} (par défaut : @code{(* 128 1024)})
-Maximum size in bytes that a user can send in one image message.
+Taille maximum en octets qu'un utilisateur peut envoyer en une seule image.
@item @code{cert-required?} (par défaut : @code{#f})
-If it is set to @code{#t} clients that use weak password authentification
-will not be accepted. Users must have completed the certificate wizard to
+Si la valeur est @code{#t} les clients utilisant une authentification par
+mot de passe faible ne seront pas acceptés. Les utilisateurs doivent
+compléter l'assistant de configuration des certificats pour rejoindre le
-@item @code{remember-channel?} (defualt @code{#f})
-Should murmur remember the last channel each user was in when they
-disconnected and put them into the remembered channel when they rejoin.
+@item @code{remember-channel?} (paramètre de : @code{#f})
+Indique si murmur devrait se rappeler du dernier canal dans lequel étaient
+les utilisateurs au moment de leur déconnexion et les y remettre lorsqu'ils
+se reconnectent.
@item @code{allow-html?} (par défaut : @code{#f})
-Should html be allowed in text messages, user comments, and channel
+Indique si le html est autorisé dans les messages textuels, les commentaires
+utilisateurs et les descriptions des canaux.
@item @code{allow-ping?} (par défaut : @code{#f})
-Setting to true exposes the current user count, the maximum user count, and
-the server's maximum bandwidth per client to unauthenticated users. In the
-Mumble client, this information is shown in the Connect dialog.
+Mettre à vrai expose le nombre d'utilisateurs, le nombre d'utilisateurs
+maximum et la bande passante maximale du serveur par client aux utilisateurs
+non connectés. Dans le client Mumble, cette information est affichée dans
+la boîte de dialogue de connexion.
-Disabling this setting will prevent public listing of the server.
+Désactiver ce paramètre empêchera le serveur d'être publiquement listé.
@item @code{bonjour?} (par défaut : @code{#f})
-Should the server advertise itself in the local network through the bonjour
+Indique si le serveur se présente sur le réseau local à travers le protocole
@item @code{send-version?} (par défaut : @code{#f})
-Should the murmur server version be exposed in ping requests.
+Indique si la version du serveur murmur doit être exposée dans les requêtes
@item @code{log-days} (par défaut : @code{31})
-Murmur also stores logs in the database, which are accessible via RPC. The
-default is 31 days of months, but you can set this setting to 0 to keep logs
-forever, or -1 to disable logging to the database.
+Murmur stocke aussi les journaux en base de données, qui sont accessible via
+RPC. La valeur par défaut est 31 jours, mais vous pouvez le mettre à 0 pour
+les garder pour toujours ou à -1 pour désactiver la journalisation dans la
+base de données.
@item @code{obfuscate-ips?} (par défaut : @code{#t})
-Should logged ips be obfuscated to protect the privacy of users.
+Indique si les IP enregistrées doivent être cachées pour protéger la vie
+privée des utilisateurs.
@item @code{ssl-cert} (par défaut : @code{#f})
-File name of the SSL/TLS certificate used for encrypted connections.
+Nom de fichier du certificat SSL/TLS utilisé pour les connexions chiffrées.
(ssl-cert "/etc/letsencrypt/live/example.com/fullchain.pem")
@end example
@item @code{ssl-key} (par défaut : @code{#f})
-Filepath to the ssl private key used for encrypted connections.
+Chemin de fichier vers la clef privée ssl pour les connexions chiffrées.
(ssl-key "/etc/letsencrypt/live/example.com/privkey.pem")
@end example
@item @code{ssl-dh-params} (par défaut : @code{#f})
-File name of a PEM-encoded file with Diffie-Hellman parameters for the
-SSL/TLS encryption. Alternatively you set it to @code{"@@ffdhe2048"},
-@code{"@@ffdhe3072"}, @code{"@@ffdhe4096"}, @code{"@@ffdhe6144"} or
-@code{"@@ffdhe8192"} to use bundled parameters from RFC 7919.
+Nom de fichier d'un fichier encodé en PEM avec les paramètres Diffie-Hellman
+pour le chiffrement SSL/TLS. Autrement vous pouvez indiquer
+@code{"@@ffdhe2048"}, @code{"@@ffdhe3072"}, @code{"@@ffdhe4096"},
+@code{"@@ffdhe6144"} ou @code{"@@ffdhe8192"} pour utiliser les paramètres
+inclus de la RFC 7919.
@item @code{ssl-ciphers} (par défaut : @code{#f})
-The @code{ssl-ciphers} option chooses the cipher suites to make available
-for use in SSL/TLS.
+L'option @code{ssl-ciphers} permet de choisir les suites de chiffrement
+disponibles pour SSL/TLS.
-This option is specified using
-OpenSSL cipher list notation}.
+Cette option est spécifiée en utilisant
+OpenSSL cipher list notation}
-It is recommended that you try your cipher string using 'openssl ciphers
-<string>' before setting it here, to get a feel for which cipher suites you
-will get. After setting this option, it is recommend that you inspect your
-Murmur log to ensure that Murmur is using the cipher suites that you
-expected it to.
+Nous vous recommandons d'essayer votre chaîne de suites de chiffrements avec
+« openssl ciphers <chaîne> » avant de l'indiquer ici, pour avoir une idée
+des suites de chiffrement que vous aurez. Après avoir indiqué cette option,
+nous vous recommandons d'inspecter les journaux de Murmur pour vous assurer
+que Murmur utilise les suites de chiffrements auxquelles vous vous attendez.
-Note: Changing this option may impact the backwards compatibility of your
-Murmur server, and can remove the ability for older Mumble clients to be
-able to connect to it.
+Remarque : modifier cette option peut impacter la rétrocompatibilité de
+votre serveur Murmur, et peut empêcher que des clients Mumble anciens se
@item @code{public-registration} (par défaut : @code{#f})
-Must be a @code{<murmur-public-registration-configuration>} record or
+Doit être un enregistrement
+@code{<murmur-public-registration-configuration>} ou @code{#f}.
-You can optionally register your server in the public server list that the
-@code{mumble} client shows on startup. You cannot register your server if
-you have set a @code{server-password}, or set @code{allow-ping} to
+Vous pouvez aussi enregistrer votre serveur dans la liste des serveurs
+publiques que le client @code{mumble} affiche au démarrage. Vous ne pouvez
+pas enregistrer votre serveur si vous avez un @code{server-password} ou
+@code{allow-ping} à @code{#f}.
-It might take a few hours until it shows up in the public list.
+Cela peut prendre quelques heures avant d'arriver sur la liste publique.
@item @code{file} (par défaut : @code{#f})
-Optional alternative override for this configuration.
+Version alternative de cette configuration : si vous indiquez quelque chose,
+le reste est ignoré.
@end table
@end deftp
@deftp {Type de données} murmur-public-registration-configuration
-Configuration for public registration of a murmur service.
+Configuration pour l'enregistrement public du service murmur.
@table @asis
@item @code{name}
-This is a display name for your server. Not to be confused with the
+C'est le nom d'affichage de votre serveur. Ne pas le confondre avec le nom
@item @code{password}
-A password to identify your registration. Subsequent updates will need the
-same password. Don't lose your password.
+Un mot de passe pour identifier votre enregistrement. Les mises à jours
+suivantes devront utiliser le même mot de passe. Ne le perdez pas.
@item @code{url}
-This should be a @code{http://} or @code{https://} link to your web site.
+Cela devrait être le lien @code{http://} ou @code{https://} vers votre site
@item @code{hostname} (par défaut : @code{#f})
-By default your server will be listed by its IP address. If it is set your
-server will be linked by this host name instead.
+Par défaut votre serveur sera listé par son adresse IP. Si cette option est
+indiquée votre serveur sera listé par son nom d'hôte.
@end table
@end deftp
@@ -16006,20 +16980,21 @@ server will be linked by this host name instead.
@node Services de surveillance
@subsubsection Services de surveillance
-@subsubheading Tailon Service
+@subsubheading Service Tailon
-@uref{https://tailon.readthedocs.io/, Tailon} is a web application for
-viewing and searching log files.
+@uref{https://tailon.readthedocs.io/, Tailon} est une application web pour
+visualiser et chercher des fichiers de journaux.
-The following example will configure the service with default values. By
-default, Tailon can be accessed on port 8080 (@code{http://localhost:8080}).
+L'exemple suivant configurera le service avec les valeurs par défaut. Par
+défaut, on peut accéder à Tailon sur le pour 8080
(service tailon-service-type)
@end example
-The following example customises more of the Tailon configuration, adding
-@command{sed} to the list of allowed commands.
+L'exemple suivant personnalise un peu plus la configuration de Tailon, en
+ajoutant @command{sed} à la liste des commandes autorisées.
(service tailon-service-type
@@ -16031,17 +17006,17 @@ The following example customises more of the Tailon configuration, adding
@deftp {Type de données} tailon-configuration
-Data type representing the configuration of Tailon. This type has the
-following parameters:
+Type de données représentant la configuration de Tailon. Ce type a les
+paramètres suivants :
@table @asis
@item @code{config-file} (par défaut : @code{(tailon-configuration-file)})
-The configuration file to use for Tailon. This can be set to a
-@dfn{tailon-configuration-file} record value, or any gexp
+Le fichier de configuration à utiliser pour Tailon. Ce champ peut contenir
+un enregistrement @dfn{tailon-configuration-file} ou n'importe quelle gexp
-For example, to instead use a local file, the @code{local-file} function can
-be used:
+Par exemple, pour utiliser un fichier local à la place, on peut utiliser la
+fonction @code{local-file} :
(service tailon-service-type
@@ -16056,50 +17031,53 @@ Le paquet tailon à utiliser.
@end deftp
@deftp {Type de données} tailon-configuration-file
-Data type representing the configuration options for Tailon. This type has
-the following parameters:
+Type de données représentant les options de configuration de Tailon. Ce
+type a les paramètres suivants :
@table @asis
@item @code{files} (par défaut : @code{(list "/var/log")})
-List of files to display. The list can include strings for a single file or
-directory, or a list, where the first item is the name of a subsection, and
-the remaining items are the files or directories in that subsection.
+Liste des fichiers à afficher. La liste peut inclure des chaînes pour des
+fichiers simple ou des répertoires, ou une liste, où le premier élément est
+le nom d'un sous-section et le reste des fichiers ou des répertoires de
+cette sous-section.
@item @code{bind} (par défaut : @code{"localhost:8080"})
-Address and port to which Tailon should bind on.
+Adresse et port sur lesquels Tailon écoute.
@item @code{relative-root} (par défaut : @code{#f})
-URL path to use for Tailon, set to @code{#f} to not use a path.
+Chemin de l'URL à utiliser pour Tailon, ou @code{#f} pour ne pas utiliser de
@item @code{allow-transfers?} (par défaut : @code{#t})
-Allow downloading the log files in the web interface.
+Permet de télécharger les journaux dans l'interface web.
@item @code{follow-names?} (par défaut : @code{#t})
-Allow tailing of not-yet existent files.
+Permet de surveiller des fichiers qui n'existent pas encore.
@item @code{tail-lines} (par défaut : @code{200})
-Number of lines to read initially from each file.
+Nombre de lignes à lire initialement dans chaque fichier.
@item @code{allowed-commands} (par défaut : @code{(list "tail" "grep" "awk")})
-Commands to allow running. By default, @code{sed} is disabled.
+Commandes autorisées. Par défaut, @code{sed} est désactivé.
@item @code{debug?} (par défaut : @code{#f})
-Set @code{debug?} to @code{#t} to show debug messages.
+Configurez @code{debug?} à @code{#t} pour montrer les messages de débogage.
@item @code{wrap-lines} (par défaut : @code{#t})
-Initial line wrapping state in the web interface. Set to @code{#t} to
-initially wrap lines (the default), or to @code{#f} to initially not wrap
+État initial du retour à la ligne dans l'interface web. Configurez l'option
+à @code{#t} pour retourner à la ligne (par défaut) ou à @code{#f} pour ne
+pas retourner à la ligne au début.
@item @code{http-auth} (par défaut : @code{#f})
-HTTP authentication type to use. Set to @code{#f} to disable authentication
-(the default). Supported values are @code{"digest"} or @code{"basic"}.
+Type d'authentification HTTP à utiliser. Indiquez @code{#f} pour désactiver
+l'authentification (par défaut). Les valeur supportées sont @code{"digest"}
+et @code{"basic"}.
@item @code{users} (par défaut : @code{#f})
-If HTTP authentication is enabled (see @code{http-auth}), access will be
-restricted to the credentials provided here. To configure users, use a list
-of pairs, where the first element of the pair is the username, and the 2nd
-element of the pair is the password.
+Si l'authentification HTTP est activée (voir @code{http-auth}), l'accès sera
+restreint aux identifiants fournis ici. Pour configurer des utilisateurs,
+utilisez une liste de paires, où le premier élément de la paire est le nom
+d'utilisateur et le second élément est le mot de passe.
@@ -16112,15 +17090,15 @@ element of the pair is the password.
@end deftp
-@subsubheading Darkstat Service
+@subsubheading Service Darkstat
@cindex darkstat
-Darkstat is a packet sniffer that captures network traffic, calculates
-statistics about usage, and serves reports over HTTP.
+Darkstat est un « renifleur de paquets » qui capture le trafic réseau,
+calcul des statistiques sur l'utilisation et sert des rapport sur HTTP.
@defvar {Variable Scheme} darkstat-service-type
-This is the service type for the @uref{https://unix4lyfe.org/darkstat/,
-darkstat} service, its value must be a @code{darkstat-configuration} record
-as in this example:
+C'est le type de service pour le service
+@uref{https://unix4lyfe.org/darkstat/, darkstat}, sa valeur doit être un
+enregistrement @code{darkstat-configuration} comme dans cet exemple :
(service darkstat-service-type
@@ -16130,41 +17108,42 @@ as in this example:
@end defvar
@deftp {Type de données} darkstat-configuration
-Data type representing the configuration of @command{darkstat}.
+Type de données représentant la configuration de @command{darkstat}.
@table @asis
@item @code{package} (par défaut : @code{darkstat})
Le paquet darkstat à utiliser.
@item @code{interface}
-Capture traffic on the specified network interface.
+Capture le trafic sur l'interface réseau spécifiée.
@item @code{port} (par défaut : @code{"667"})
-Bind the web interface to the specified port.
+Lie l'interface web sur le port spécifié.
@item @code{bind-address} (par défaut : @code{""})
-Bind the web interface to the specified address.
+Lie l'interface web sur l'adresse spécifiée.
@item @code{base} (par défaut : @code{"/"})
-Specify the path of the base URL. This can be useful if @command{darkstat}
-is accessed via a reverse proxy.
+Spécifie le chemin de base des URL. C'est utile si on accède à
+@command{darkstat} à travers un proxy inverse.
@end table
@end deftp
-@subsubheading Prometheus Node Exporter Service
+@subsubheading Service d'export de nœud de Prometheus
@cindex prometheus-node-exporter
-The Prometheus ``node exporter'' makes hardware and operating system
-statistics provided by the Linux kernel available for the Prometheus
-monitoring system. This service should be deployed on all physical nodes
-and virtual machines, where monitoring these statistics is desirable.
+L'exportateur de nœuds de Prometheus rend disponible les statistiques sur le
+matériel et le système d'exploitation fournies par le noyau Linux pour le
+système de surveillance Prometheus. Ce service devrait être déployé sur
+tous les nœuds physiques et les machines virtuelles, où vous voulez
+surveiller ces statistiques.
-@defvar {Scheme variable} prometheus-node-exporter-service-type
-This is the service type for the
+@defvar {Variable Scheme} prometheus-node-exporter-service-type
+C'est le type de service pour le service
-prometheus-node-exporter} service, its value must be a
-@code{prometheus-node-exporter-configuration} record as in this example:
+prometheus-node-exporter}, sa valeur doit être un enregistrement
+@code{prometheus-node-exporter-configuration} comme dans cet exemple :
(service prometheus-node-exporter-service-type
@@ -16173,15 +17152,15 @@ prometheus-node-exporter} service, its value must be a
@end example
@end defvar
-@deftp {Data Type} prometheus-node-exporter-configuration
-Data type representing the configuration of @command{node_exporter}.
+@deftp {Type de données} prometheus-node-exporter-configuration
+Type de données représentant la configuration de @command{node_exporter}
@table @asis
-@item @code{package} (default: @code{go-github-com-prometheus-node-exporter})
-The prometheus-node-exporter package to use.
+@item @code{package} (par défaut : @code{go-github-com-prometheus-node-exporter})
+Le paquet prometheus-node-exporter à utiliser.
-@item @code{web-listen-address} (default: @code{":9100"})
-Bind the web interface to the specified address.
+@item @code{web-listen-address} (par défaut : @code{":9100"})
+Lie l'interface web sur l'adresse spécifiée.
@end table
@end deftp
@@ -16190,26 +17169,27 @@ Bind the web interface to the specified address.
@subsubsection Services Kerberos
@cindex Kerberos
-The @code{(gnu services kerberos)} module provides services relating to the
-authentication protocol @dfn{Kerberos}.
+Le module @code{(gnu services kerberos)} fournit des services liés au
+protocole d'authentification @dfn{Kerberos}.
-@subsubheading Krb5 Service
+@subsubheading Service Krb5
-Programs using a Kerberos client library normally expect a configuration
-file in @file{/etc/krb5.conf}. This service generates such a file from a
-definition provided in the operating system declaration. It does not cause
-any daemon to be started.
+Les programmes qui utilisent une bibliothèque cliente Kerberos s'attendent à
+trouver un fichier de configuration dans @file{/etc/krb5.conf}. Ce service
+génère un tel fichier à partir d'une définition fournie par la déclaration
+de système d'exploitation. Il ne démarre aucun démon.
-No ``keytab'' files are provided by this service---you must explicitly
-create them. This service is known to work with the MIT client library,
-@code{mit-krb5}. Other implementations have not been tested.
+Aucun fichier « keytab » n'est fourni par ce service — vous devez les créer
+explicitement. Ce service est connu pour fonctionner avec la bibliothèque
+cliente MIT, @code{mit-krb5}. Les autres implémentations n'ont pas été
@defvr {Variable Scheme} krb5-service-type
-A service type for Kerberos 5 clients.
+Un type de service pour les clients Kerberos 5.
@end defvr
-Here is an example of its use:
+Voici un exemple d'utilisation :
(service krb5-service-type
@@ -16227,37 +17207,37 @@ Here is an example of its use:
@end lisp
-This example provides a Kerberos@tie{}5 client configuration which:
+Cet exemple fournit une configuration cliente Kerberos@tie{}5 qui :
-@item Recognizes two realms, @i{viz:} ``EXAMPLE.COM'' and ``ARGRX.EDU'', both
-of which have distinct administration servers and key distribution centers;
-@item Will default to the realm ``EXAMPLE.COM'' if the realm is not explicitly
-specified by clients;
-@item Accepts services which only support encryption types known to be weak.
+@item Reconnais deux domaines : « EXAMPLE.COM » et « ARGREX.EDU », tous deux
+aillant des serveurs d'administration et des centres de distribution de
+clefs distincts ;
+@item Utilisera le domaine « EXAMPLE.COM » pr défaut si le domaine n'est pas spécifié
+explicitement par les clients ;
+@item Acceptera les services qui ne supportent que des types de chiffrements connus pour être faibles.
@end itemize
-The @code{krb5-realm} and @code{krb5-configuration} types have many fields.
-Only the most commonly used ones are described here. For a full list, and
-more detailed explanation of each, see the MIT
+Les types @code{krb5-realm} et @code{krb5-configuration} ont de nombreux
+champs. Seuls les plus communs sont décrits ici. Pour une liste complète,
+et plus de détails sur chacun d'entre eux, voir la documentation de MIT
@deftp {Type de données} krb5-realm
-@cindex realm, kerberos
+@cindex domaine, kerberos
@table @asis
@item @code{name}
-This field is a string identifying the name of the realm. A common
-convention is to use the fully qualified DNS name of your organization,
-converted to upper case.
+Ce champ est une chaîne identifiant le nom d'un domaine. Une convention
+courante est d'utiliser le nom pleinement qualifié de votre organisation,
+converti en majuscule.
@item @code{admin-server}
-This field is a string identifying the host where the administration server
-is running.
+Ce champ est une chaîne identifiant l'hôte où le serveur d'administration
@item @code{kdc}
-This field is a string identifying the key distribution center for the
+Ce champ est une chaîne identifiant le centre de distribution de clefs pour
+ce domaine.
@end table
@end deftp
@@ -16265,45 +17245,47 @@ realm.
@table @asis
@item @code{allow-weak-crypto?} (par défaut : @code{#f})
-If this flag is @code{#t} then services which only offer encryption
-algorithms known to be weak will be accepted.
+Si ce drapeau est @code{#t} les services qui n'offrent que des algorithmes
+de chiffrement faibles seront acceptés.
@item @code{default-realm} (par défaut : @code{#f})
-This field should be a string identifying the default Kerberos realm for the
-client. You should set this field to the name of your Kerberos realm. If
-this value is @code{#f} then a realm must be specified with every Kerberos
-principal when invoking programs such as @command{kinit}.
+Ce champ devrait être une chaîne identifiant le domaine Kerberos par défaut
+pour le client. Vous devriez mettre le nom de votre domaine Kerberos dans
+ce champ. Si cette valeur est @code{#f} alors un domaine doit être spécifié
+pour chaque principal Kerberos à l'invocation des programmes comme
@item @code{realms}
-This should be a non-empty list of @code{krb5-realm} objects, which clients
-may access. Normally, one of them will have a @code{name} field matching
-the @code{default-realm} field.
+Cela doit être une liste non-vide d'objets @code{krb5-realm}, auxquels les
+clients peuvent accéder. Normalement, l'un d'entre eux aura un champ
+@code{name} qui correspond au champ @code{default-realm}.
@end table
@end deftp
-@subsubheading PAM krb5 Service
+@subsubheading Service PAM krb5
@cindex pam-krb5
-The @code{pam-krb5} service allows for login authentication and password
-management via Kerberos. You will need this service if you want PAM enabled
-applications to authenticate users using Kerberos.
+Le service @code{pam-krb5} permet la connexion et la gestion des mots de
+passe par Kerberos. Vous aurez besoin de ce service si vous voulez que les
+applications qui utilisent PAM puissent authentifier automatiquement les
+utilisateurs avec Kerberos.
@defvr {Variable Scheme} pam-krb5-service-type
-A service type for the Kerberos 5 PAM module.
+Un type de service pour le module PAM Kerberos 5.
@end defvr
@deftp {Type de données} pam-krb5-configuration
-Data type representing the configuration of the Kerberos 5 PAM module This
-type has the following parameters:
+Type de données représentant la configuration du module PAM Kerberos 5. Ce
+type a les paramètres suivants :
@table @asis
@item @code{pam-krb5} (par défaut : @code{pam-krb5})
Le paquet pam-krb5 à utiliser.
@item @code{minimum-uid} (par défaut : @code{1000})
-The smallest user ID for which Kerberos authentications should be
-attempted. Local accounts with lower values will silently fail to
+Le plus petite ID utilisateur pour lequel les authentifications Kerberos
+devraient être tentées. Les comptes locaux avec une valeur plus petite
+échoueront silencieusement leur authentification Kerberos.
@end table
@end deftp
@@ -16314,17 +17296,17 @@ authenticate.
@cindex web
@cindex www
@cindex HTTP
-The @code{(gnu services web)} module provides the Apache HTTP Server, the
-nginx web server, and also a fastcgi wrapper daemon.
+Le module @code{(gnu services web)} fournit le serveur Apache HTTP, le
+serveur web nginx et aussi un démon fastcgi.
-@subsubheading Apache HTTP Server
+@subsubheading Serveur Apache HTTP
@deffn {Variable Scheme} httpd-service-type
-Service type for the @uref{https://httpd.apache.org/,Apache HTTP} server
-(@dfn{httpd}). The value for this service type is a
-@code{https-configuration} record.
+Type de service pour le serveur @uref{https://httpd.apache.org/,Apache HTTP}
+(@dfn{httpd}). La valeur de ce type de service est un enregistrement
-A simple example configuration is given below.
+Un exemple de configuration simple est donné ci-dessous.
(service httpd-service-type
@@ -16335,8 +17317,8 @@ A simple example configuration is given below.
(document-root "/srv/http/www.example.com")))))
@end example
-Other services can also extend the @code{httpd-service-type} to add to the
+D'autres services peuvent aussi étendre @code{httpd-service-type} pour être
+ajouté à la configuration.
(simple-service 'my-extra-server httpd-service-type
@@ -16349,100 +17331,137 @@ configuration.
@end example
@end deffn
-The details for the @code{httpd-configuration}, @code{httpd-module},
-@code{httpd-config-file} and @code{httpd-virtualhost} record types are given
+Les détails des types d'enregistrement @code{httpd-configuration},
+@code{httpd-module}, @code{httpd-config-file} et @code{httpd-virtualhost}
+sont donnés plus bas.
@deffn {Type de données} httpd-configuration
-This data type represents the configuration for the httpd service.
+Ce type de données représente la configuration du service httpd.
@table @asis
@item @code{package} (par défaut : @code{httpd})
Le paquet httpd à utiliser.
@item @code{pid-file} (par défaut : @code{"/var/run/httpd"})
-The pid file used by the shepherd-service.
+Le fichier de pid utilisé par le service shepherd.
@item @code{config} (par défaut : @code{(httpd-config-file)})
-The configuration file to use with the httpd service. The default value is a
-@code{httpd-config-file} record, but this can also be a different
-G-expression that generates a file, for example a @code{plain-file}. A file
-outside of the store can also be specified through a string.
+Le fichier de configuration à utiliser avec le service httpd. La valeur par
+défaut est un enregistrement @code{httpd-config-file} mais cela peut aussi
+être un G-expression qui génère un fichier, par exemple un
+@code{plain-file}. Un fichier en dehors du dépôt peut aussi être spécifié
+avec une chaîne de caractères.
@end table
@end deffn
@deffn {Type de données} httpd-module
-This data type represents a module for the httpd service.
+Ce type de données représente un module pour le service httpd.
@table @asis
@item @code{name}
-The name of the module.
+Le nom du module.
@item @code{file}
-The file for the module. This can be relative to the httpd package being
-used, the absolute location of a file, or a G-expression for a file within
-the store, for example @code{(file-append mod-wsgi "/modules/mod_wsgi.so")}.
+Le fichier pour le module. Cela peut être relatif au paquet httpd utilisé,
+l'emplacement absolu d'un fichier ou une G-expression pour un fichier dans
+le dépôt, par exemple @code{(file-append mod-wsgi "/modules/mod_wsgi.so")}.
@end table
@end deffn
+@defvr {Variable Scheme} %default-httpd-modules
+Une liste par défaut des objets @code{httpd-module}.
+@end defvr
@deffn {Type de données} httpd-config-file
-This data type represents a configuration file for the httpd service.
+Ce type de données représente un fichier de configuration pour le service
@table @asis
@item @code{modules} (par défaut : @code{%default-httpd-modules})
-The modules to load. Additional modules can be added here, or loaded by
-additional configuration.
+Les modules à charger. Les modules supplémentaires peuvent être ajoutés ici
+ou chargés par des configuration supplémentaires.
+Par exemple, pour gérer les requêtes pour des fichiers PHP, vous pouvez
+utiliser le module @code{mod_proxy_fcgi} d'Apache avec
+@code{php-fpm-service-type} :
+(service httpd-service-type
+ (httpd-configuration
+ (config
+ (httpd-config-file
+ (modules (cons*
+ (httpd-module
+ (name "proxy_module")
+ (file "modules/mod_proxy.so"))
+ (httpd-module
+ (name "proxy_fcgi_module")
+ (file "modules/mod_proxy_fcgi.so"))
+ %default-httpd-modules))
+ (extra-config (list "\
+<FilesMatch \\.php$>
+ SetHandler \"proxy:unix:/var/run/php-fpm.sock|fcgi://localhost/\"
+(service php-fpm-service-type
+ (php-fpm-configuration
+ (socket "/var/run/php-fpm.sock")
+ (socket-group "httpd")))
+@end example
@item @code{server-root} (par défaut : @code{httpd})
-The @code{ServerRoot} in the configuration file, defaults to the httpd
-package. Directives including @code{Include} and @code{LoadModule} are taken
-as relative to the server root.
+Le @code{ServerRoot} dans le fichier de configuration, par défaut le paquet
+httpd. Les directives comme @code{Include} et @code{LoadModule} sont prises
+relativement à la racine du serveur.
@item @code{server-name} (par défaut : @code{#f})
-The @code{ServerName} in the configuration file, used to specify the request
-scheme, hostname and port that the server uses to identify itself.
+Le @code{ServerName} dans le fichier de configuration, utilisé pour
+spécifier le schéma de requête, le nom d'hôte et le port que le serveur
+utilise pour s'identifier.
-This doesn't need to be set in the server config, and can be specifyed in
-virtual hosts. The default is @code{#f} to not specify a @code{ServerName}.
+Cela n'a pas besoin d'être dans la configuration du serveur, et peut être
+spécifié dans les hôtes virtuels. La valeur par défaut est @code{#f} pour
+ne pas spécifier de @code{ServerName}.
@item @code{document-root} (par défaut : @code{"/srv/http"})
-The @code{DocumentRoot} from which files will be served.
+Le @code{DocumentRoot} depuis lequel les fichiers seront servis.
@item @code{listen} (par défaut : @code{'("80")})
-The list of values for the @code{Listen} directives in the config file. The
-value should be a list of strings, when each string can specify the port
-number to listen on, and optionally the IP address and protocol to use.
+La liste des valeurs pour les directives @code{Listen} dans le fichier de
+configuration. La valeur devrait être une liste de chaînes, où chacune
+spécifie le port sur lequel écouter et éventuellement une adresse IP et un
+protocole à utiliser.
@item @code{pid-file} (par défaut : @code{"/var/run/httpd"})
-The @code{PidFile} to use. This should match the @code{pid-file} set in the
-@code{httpd-configuration} so that the Shepherd service is configured
+Le @code{PidFile} à utiliser. Cela devrait correspondre à @code{pid-file}
+indiqué dans @code{httpd-configuration} pour que le service Shepherd soit
+correctement configuré.
@item @code{error-log} (par défaut : @code{"/var/log/httpd/error_log"})
-The @code{ErrorLog} to which the server will log errors.
+Le @code{ErrorLog} où le serveur écrit les journaux d'erreurs.
@item @code{user} (par défaut : @code{"httpd"})
-The @code{User} which the server will answer requests as.
+Le @code{User} en tant que lequel le serveur répondra aux requêtes.
@item @code{group} (par défaut : @code{"httpd"})
-The @code{Group} which the server will answer requests as.
+Le @code{Group} que le serveur utilisera pour répondre aux requêtes.
@item @code{extra-config} (par défaut : @code{(list "TypesConfig etc/httpd/mime.types")})
-A flat list of strings and G-expressions which will be added to the end of
-the configuration file.
+Une liste plate de chaînes et de G-expressions qui seront ajoutées à la fin
+du fichier de configuration.
-Any values which the service is extended with will be appended to this list.
+N'importe quelle valeur avec laquelle le service est étendu sera ajouté à
+cette liste.
@end table
@end deffn
@deffn {Type de données} httpd-virtualhost
-This data type represents a virtualhost configuration block for the httpd
+Ce type de données représente la configuration d'un hôte virtuel pour le
+service httpd.
-These should be added to the extra-config for the httpd-service.
+Ils devraient être ajoutés à extra-config dans httpd-service.
(simple-service 'my-extra-server httpd-service-type
@@ -16456,11 +17475,11 @@ These should be added to the extra-config for the httpd-service.
@table @asis
@item @code{addresses-and-ports}
-The addresses and ports for the @code{VirtualHost} directive.
+L'adresse et le port pour la directive @code{VirtualHost}.
@item @code{contents}
-The contents of the @code{VirtualHost} directive, this should be a list of
-strings and G-expressions.
+Le contenu de la directive @code{VirtualHost}, cela devrait être une liste
+de chaîne et de G-expressions.
@end table
@end deffn
@@ -16468,10 +17487,10 @@ strings and G-expressions.
@subsubheading NGINX
@deffn {Variable Scheme} nginx-service-type
-Service type for the @uref{https://nginx.org/,NGinx} web server. The value
-for this service type is a @code{<nginx-configuration>} record.
+Type de service pour le serveur web @uref{https://nginx.org/,NGinx}. La
+valeur de ce service est un enregistrement @code{<nginx-configuration>}.
-A simple example configuration is given below.
+Un exemple de configuration simple est donné ci-dessous.
(service nginx-service-type
@@ -16482,9 +17501,9 @@ A simple example configuration is given below.
(root "/srv/http/www.example.com"))))))
@end example
-In addition to adding server blocks to the service configuration directly,
-this service can be extended by other services to add server blocks, as in
-this example:
+En plus d'ajouter des blocs de serveurs dans la configuration du service
+directement, ce service peut être étendu par d'autres services pour ajouter
+des blocs de serveurs, comme dans cet exemple :
(simple-service 'my-extra-server nginx-service-type
@@ -16494,37 +17513,39 @@ this example:
@end example
@end deffn
-At startup, @command{nginx} has not yet read its configuration file, so it
-uses a default file to log error messages. If it fails to load its
-configuration file, that is where error messages are logged. After the
-configuration file is loaded, the default error log file changes as per
-configuration. In our case, startup error messages can be found in
-@file{/var/run/nginx/logs/error.log}, and after configuration in
-@file{/var/log/nginx/error.log}. The second location can be changed with
-the @var{log-directory} configuration option.
+Au démarrage, @command{nginx} n'a pas encore lu son fichier de
+configuration, donc il utilise les fichiers par défaut pour les messages
+d'erreur. S'il échoue à charger sa configuration, c'est là où les messages
+seront enregistrés. Après la lecture du fichier de configuration, le
+fichier de journal d'erreur par défaut change en fonction de celle-ci. Dans
+notre cas, les messages d'erreur au démarage se trouvent dans
+@file{/var/run/nginx/logs/error.log} et après la configuration dans
+@file{/var/log/nginx/error.log}. Ce second emplacement peut être modifié
+avec l'option de configuration @var{log-directory}.
@deffn {Type de données} nginx-configuration
-This data type represents the configuration for NGinx. Some configuration
-can be done through this and the other provided record types, or
-alternatively, a config file can be provided.
+Ce type de données représente la configuration de NGinx. Certaines
+configurations peuvent se faire ici et d'autres fournissent des types
+d'enregistrement ou éventuellement, on peut fournir un fichier de
@table @asis
@item @code{nginx} (par défaut : @code{nginx})
Le paquet nginx à utiliser.
@item @code{log-directory} (par défaut : @code{"/var/log/nginx"})
-The directory to which NGinx will write log files.
+Le répertoire dans lequel NGinx écrira ses fichiers journaux.
@item @code{run-directory} (par défaut : @code{"/var/run/nginx"})
-The directory in which NGinx will create a pid file, and write temporary
+Le répertoire dans lequel NGinx créera un fichier de pid et écrira des
+fichiers temporaires.
@item @code{server-blocks} (par défaut : @code{'()})
-A list of @dfn{server blocks} to create in the generated configuration file,
-the elements should be of type @code{<nginx-server-configuration>}.
+Une liste de @dfn{blocs serveur} à créer dans le fichier de configuration
+généré, dont les éléments sont de type @code{<nginx-server-configuration>}.
-The following example would setup NGinx to serve @code{www.example.com} from
-the @code{/srv/http/www.example.com} directory, without using HTTPS.
+L'exemple suivant paramètre NGinx pour servir @code{www.example.com} depuis
+le répertoire @code{/srv/http/www.example.com} sans utiliser HTTPS.
(service nginx-service-type
@@ -16535,14 +17556,16 @@ the @code{/srv/http/www.example.com} directory, without using HTTPS.
@end example
@item @code{upstream-blocks} (par défaut : @code{'()})
-A list of @dfn{upstream blocks} to create in the generated configuration
-file, the elements should be of type @code{<nginx-upstream-configuration>}.
+Une liste de @dfn{blocs amont} à créer dans le fichier de configuration
+généré, dont les éléments sont de type
-Configuring upstreams through the @code{upstream-blocks} can be useful when
-combined with @code{locations} in the @code{<nginx-server-configuration>}
-records. The following example creates a server configuration with one
-location configuration, that will proxy requests to a upstream
-configuration, which will handle requests with two servers.
+Configurer les serveurs amont à travers les @code{upstream-blocks} peut être
+utile en combinaison avec @code{locations} dans les enregistrements
+@code{<nginx-server-configuration>}. L'exemple suivant crée une
+configuration de serveur avec une configuration « location » qui sera
+mandataire pour une configuration amont, qui gérera les requêtes avec deux
@@ -16565,308 +17588,410 @@ configuration, which will handle requests with two servers.
@end example
@item @code{file} (par défaut : @code{#f})
-If a configuration @var{file} is provided, this will be used, rather than
-generating a configuration file from the provided @code{log-directory},
-@code{run-directory}, @code{server-blocks} and @code{upstream-blocks}. For
-proper operation, these arguments should match what is in @var{file} to
-ensure that the directories are created when the service is activated.
+Si un fichier de configuration @var{file} est fourni, il sera utilisé au
+lieu de générer un fichier de configuration à partir des
+@code{log-directory}, @code{run-directory}, @code{server-blocks} et
+@code{upstream-blocks} fournis. Pour un bon fonctionnement, ces arguments
+devraient correspondre à ce qui se trouve dans @var{file} pour s'assurer que
+les répertoires sont créé lorsque le service est activé.
-This can be useful if you have an existing configuration file, or it's not
-possible to do what is required through the other parts of the
-nginx-configuration record.
+Cela peut être utile si vous avez déjà un fichier de configuration existant
+ou s'il n'est pas possible de faire ce dont vous avez besoin avec les autres
+parties de l'enregistrement nginx-configuration.
@item @code{server-names-hash-bucket-size} (par défaut : @code{#f})
-Bucket size for the server names hash tables, defaults to @code{#f} to use
-the size of the processors cache line.
+Taille du seau pour les tables de hashage des noms de serveurs, par dauft
+@code{#f} pour utilise la taille des lignes de cache du processeur.
@item @code{server-names-hash-bucket-max-size} (par défaut : @code{#f})
-Maximum bucket size for the server names hash tables.
+Taille maximum des seaux pour les tables de hashage des serveurs de noms.
@item @code{extra-content} (par défaut : @code{""})
-Extra content for the @code{http} block. Should be string or a string
-valued G-expression.
+Contenu supplémentaire du bloc @code{http}. Cela devrait être une chaîne ou
+un G-expression.
@end table
@end deffn
@deftp {Type de données} nginx-server-configuration
-Data type representing the configuration of an nginx server block. This
-type has the following parameters:
+Type de données représentant la configuration d'un bloc serveur de nginx.
+Ce type a les paramètres suivants :
@table @asis
@item @code{listen} (par défaut : @code{'("80" "443 ssl")})
-Each @code{listen} directive sets the address and port for IP, or the path
-for a UNIX-domain socket on which the server will accept requests. Both
-address and port, or only address or only port can be specified. An address
-may also be a hostname, for example:
+Chaque directive @code{listen} indique l'adresse et le port pour le
+protocole IP ou le chemin d'un socket UNIX-domain sur lequel le serveur
+acceptera les connexions. On peut spécifier l'adresse et le port, ou juste
+l'adresse ou juste le port. Une adresse peut aussi être un nom d'hôte, par
+exemple :
'("" "" "8000" "*:8000" "localhost:8000")
@end example
@item @code{server-name} (par défaut : @code{(list 'default)})
-A list of server names this server represents. @code{'default} represents
-the default server for connections matching no other server.
+Une liste de noms de serveurs que ce serveur représente. @code{'default}
+représente le serveur par défaut pour les connexions qui ne correspondent à
+aucun autre serveur.
@item @code{root} (par défaut : @code{"/srv/http"})
-Root of the website nginx will serve.
+Racine du site web que sert nginx.
@item @code{locations} (par défaut : @code{'()})
-A list of @dfn{nginx-location-configuration} or
-@dfn{nginx-named-location-configuration} records to use within this server
+Une liste d'enregistrements @dfn{nginx-location-configuration} ou
+@dfn{nginx-named-location-configuration} à utiliser dans ce bloc serveur.
@item @code{index} (par défaut : @code{(list "index.html")})
-Index files to look for when clients ask for a directory. If it cannot be
-found, Nginx will send the list of files in the directory.
+Fichiers d'index à chercher lorsque les clients demandent un répertoire.
+S'il ne peut pas être trouvé, Nginx enverra la liste des fichiers dans le
@item @code{try-files} (par défaut : @code{'()})
-A list of files whose existence is checked in the specified order.
-@code{nginx} will use the first file it finds to process the request.
+Une liste de fichiers dont l'existence doit être vérifiée dans l'ordre
+spécifié. @code{nginx} utilisera le premier fichier trouvé pour satisfaire
+la requête.
@item @code{ssl-certificate} (par défaut : @code{#f})
-Where to find the certificate for secure connections. Set it to @code{#f}
-if you don't have a certificate or you don't want to use HTTPS.
+Où trouver les certificats pour les connexions sécurisées. Indiquez
+@code{#f} si vous n'avez pas de certificats et que vous ne voulez pas
+utiliser HTTPS.
@item @code{ssl-certificate-key} (par défaut : @code{#f})
-Where to find the private key for secure connections. Set it to @code{#f}
-if you don't have a key or you don't want to use HTTPS.
+Où trouver la clef privée pour les connexions sécurisées. Indiquez
+@code{#f} si vous n'avez pas de clef et que vous ne voulez pas utiliser
@item @code{server-tokens?} (par défaut : @code{#f})
-Whether the server should add its configuration to response.
+Indique si le serveur devrait ajouter sa configuration dans les réponses.
@item @code{raw-content} (par défaut : @code{'()})
-A list of raw lines added to the server block.
+Une liste de lignes brutes à ajouter dans le bloc serveur.
@end table
@end deftp
@deftp {Type de données} nginx-upstream-configuration
-Data type representing the configuration of an nginx @code{upstream} block.
-This type has the following parameters:
+Type de données représentant la configuration d'un bloc @code{upstream}
+nginx. Ce type a les paramètres suivants :
@table @asis
@item @code{name}
-Name for this group of servers.
+Nome de ces groupe de serveurs.
-@item @code{servers}
+@item @code{serveurs}
Specify the addresses of the servers in the group. The address can be
-specified as a IP address (e.g. @samp{}), domain name
-(e.g. @samp{backend1.example.com}) or a path to a UNIX socket using the
-prefix @samp{unix:}. For addresses using an IP address or domain name, the
-default port is 80, and a different port can be specified explicitly.
+specified as a IP address (e.g.@: @samp{}), domain name (e.g.@:
+@samp{backend1.example.com}) or a path to a UNIX socket using the prefix
+@samp{unix:}. For addresses using an IP address or domain name, the default
+port is 80, and a different port can be specified explicitly.
@end table
@end deftp
@deftp {Type de données} nginx-location-configuration
-Data type representing the configuration of an nginx @code{location} block.
-This type has the following parameters:
+Type de données représentant la configuration d'un bloc @code{location}
+nginx. Ce type a les paramètres suivants :
@table @asis
@item @code{uri}
-URI which this location block matches.
+URI qui correspond à ce bloc.
@anchor{nginx-location-configuration body}
@item @code{body}
-Body of the location block, specified as a list of strings. This can contain
-many configuration directives. For example, to pass requests to a upstream
-server group defined using an @code{nginx-upstream-configuration} block, the
-following directive would be specified in the body @samp{(list "proxy_pass
+Corps du block location, spécifié comme une liste de chaînes de caractères.
+Cela peut contenir de nombreuses directives de configuration. PAr exemple,
+pour passer des requêtes à un groupe de serveurs amont définis dans un bloc
+@code{nginx-upstream-configuration}, la directive suivante peut être
+spécifiée dans le corps : @samp{(list "proxy_pass http://upstream-name;")}.
@end table
@end deftp
@deftp {Type de données} nginx-named-location-configuration
-Data type representing the configuration of an nginx named location block.
-Named location blocks are used for request redirection, and not used for
-regular request processing. This type has the following parameters:
+Type de données représentant la configuration d'un bloc location nginx
+nommé. Les blocs location nommés sont utilisé les redirections de requêtes
+et pas pour le traitement des requêtes normales. Ce type a les paramètres
+suivants :
@table @asis
@item @code{name}
-Name to identify this location block.
+Nom pour identifier ce bloc location.
@item @code{body}
-@xref{nginx-location-configuration body}, as the body for named location
-blocks can be used in a similar way to the
-@code{nginx-location-configuration body}. One restriction is that the body
-of a named location block cannot contain location blocks.
+@xref{nginx-location-configuration body}, comme le corps d'un bloc location
+nommé peut être utilisé de la même manière que
+@code{nginx-location-configuration body}. Une restriction est que le corps
+d'un bloc location nommé ne peut pas contenir de bloc location.
@end table
@end deftp
+@subsubheading Cache Varnish
+@cindex Varnish
+Varnish est un serveur de cache rapide qui se trouve entre les applications
+web et les utilisateurs. Il sert de serveur mandataire pour les requêtes
+des clients et met les URL accédées en cache pour que plusieurs requêtes à
+la même ressource ne crée qu'une requête au moteur.
+@defvr {Variable Scheme} varnish-service-type
+Type de service pour le démon Varnish.
+@end defvr
+@deftp {Type de données} varnish-configuration
+Type de données représentant la configuration du service @code{varnish}. Ce
+type a les paramètres suivants :
+@table @asis
+@item @code{package} (par défaut : @code{varnish})
+Le paquet Varnish à utiliser.
+@item @code{name} (par défaut : @code{"default"})
+Un nom pour cet instance de Varnish. Varnish va créer un répertoire dans
+@file{/var/varnish/} avec ce nom et gardera des fichiers temporaires à cet
+endroit. Si le nom commence par une barre oblique, il est interprété comme
+un nom de répertoire absolu.
+Pass the @code{-n} argument to other Varnish programs to connect to the
+named instance, e.g.@: @command{varnishncsa -n default}.
+@item @code{backend} (par défaut : @code{"localhost:8080"})
+Le moteur à utiliser. Cette option n'a pas d'effet si @code{vcl} est vrai.
+@item @code{vcl} (par défaut : #f)
+Le programme @dfn{VCL} (Varnish Configuration Language) à lancer. Si la
+valeur est @code{#f}, Varnsh servira de mandataire pour @code{backend} avec
+la configuration par défaut. Sinon, ce doit être un objet simili-fichier
+avec une syntaxe VCL valide.
+@c Varnish does not support HTTPS, so keep this URL to avoid confusion.
+Par exemple, pour créer un miroir de @url{http://www.gnu.org,www.gnu.org}
+avec VCL vous pouvez faire quelque chose comme cela :
+(define %gnu-mirror
+ (plain-file
+ "gnu.vcl"
+ "vcl 4.1;
+backend gnu @{ .host = "www.gnu.org"; @}"))
+ ...
+ (services (cons (service varnish-service-type
+ (varnish-configuration
+ (listen '(":80"))
+ (vcl %gnu-mirror)))
+ %base-services)))
+@end example
+On peut inspecter la configuration d'une instance Varnish actuellement
+lancée en utilisant le programme @command{varnishadm}.
+Consultez le @url{https://varnish-cache.org/docs/,guide utilisateur de
+varnish} et le @url{https://book.varnish-software.com/4.0/,livre varnish}
+pour une documentation complète sur Varnish et son langage de configuration.
+@item @code{listen} (par défaut : @code{'("localhost:80")})
+Liste des adresses sur lesquelles écoute Varnish.
+@item @code{storage} (par défaut : @code{'("malloc,128m")})
+Liste de moteurs de stockage qui seront disponibles en VCL.
+@item @code{parameters} (par défaut : @code{'()})
+Liste des paramètres à l'exécution de la forme @code{'(("parameter"
+. "value"))}.
+@item @code{extra-options} (par défaut : @code{'()})
+Arguments supplémentaires à passer au processus @command{varnishd}.
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@subsubheading FastCGI
@cindex fastcgi
@cindex fcgiwrap
-FastCGI is an interface between the front-end and the back-end of a web
-service. It is a somewhat legacy facility; new web services should
-generally just talk HTTP between the front-end and the back-end. However
-there are a number of back-end services such as PHP or the optimized HTTP
-Git repository access that use FastCGI, so we have support for it in Guix.
-To use FastCGI, you configure the front-end web server (e.g., nginx) to
-dispatch some subset of its requests to the fastcgi backend, which listens
-on a local TCP or UNIX socket. There is an intermediary @code{fcgiwrap}
-program that sits between the actual backend process and the web server.
-The front-end indicates which backend program to run, passing that
-information to the @code{fcgiwrap} process.
+FastCGI est une interface entre le frontal et le moteur d'un service web.
+C'est un dispositif quelque peu désué ; les nouveaux services devraient
+généralement juste parler HTTP entre le frontal et le moteur. Cependant il
+y a un certain nombre de services de moteurs comme PHP ou l'accès aux dépôts
+Git optimisé en HTTP qui utilisent FastCGI, donc nous le supportons dans
+Pour utiliser FastCGI, vous configurez le serveur web frontal (p.@: ex.@:
+nginx) pour envoyer un sous-ensemble de ses requêtes au moteur fastcgi, qui
+écoute sur un socket UNIX ou TCP local. Il y a un programme @code{fcgiwrap}
+intermédiaire qui se trouve entre le processus du moteur et le serveur web.
+Le frontal indique quel moteur lancer, en passant cette information au
+processus @code{fcgiwrap}.
@defvr {Variable Scheme} fcgiwrap-service-type
-A service type for the @code{fcgiwrap} FastCGI proxy.
+Un type de service pour le mandataire FastCGI @code{fcgiwrap}.
@end defvr
@deftp {Type de données} fcgiwrap-configuration
-Data type representing the configuration of the @code{fcgiwrap} serice.
-This type has the following parameters:
+Type de données représentant la configuration d'un service @code{fcgiwrap}.
+Ce type a les paramètres suivants :
@table @asis
@item @code{package} (par défaut : @code{fcgiwrap})
Le paquet fcgiwrap à utiliser.
@item @code{socket} (par défaut : @code{tcp:})
-The socket on which the @code{fcgiwrap} process should listen, as a string.
-Valid @var{socket} values include @code{unix:@var{/path/to/unix/socket}},
-@code{tcp:@var{dot.ted.qu.ad}:@var{port}} and
+Le socket sur lequel le processus @code{fcgiwrap} écoute, en tant que chaîne
+de caractères. Les valeurs valides de @var{socket} sont
+@code{tcp:@var{dot.ted.qu.ad}:@var{port}} et
@item @code{user} (par défaut : @code{fcgiwrap})
@itemx @code{group} (par défaut : @code{fcgiwrap})
-The user and group names, as strings, under which to run the @code{fcgiwrap}
-process. The @code{fastcgi} service will ensure that if the user asks for
-the specific user or group names @code{fcgiwrap} that the corresponding user
-and/or group is present on the system.
-It is possible to configure a FastCGI-backed web service to pass HTTP
-authentication information from the front-end to the back-end, and to allow
-@code{fcgiwrap} to run the back-end process as a corresponding local user.
-To enable this capability on the back-end., run @code{fcgiwrap} as the
-@code{root} user and group. Note that this capability also has to be
-configured on the front-end as well.
+Les noms de l'utilisateur et du groupe, en tant que chaînes de caractères,
+sous lesquels lancer le processus @code{fcgiwrap}. Le service
+@code{fastcgi} s'assurera que si l'utilisateur demande les noms
+d'utilisateurs et de groupes @code{fcgiwrap} l'utilisateur et le groupe
+correspondant seront présents sur le système.
+Il est possible de configurer un service web soutenu par FastCGI pour passer
+les informations d'authentification HTTP depuis le frontal jusqu'au moteur,
+et de permettre à @code{fcgiwrap} dans lancer le processus de moteur avec
+l'utilisateur correspondant. Pour activer cette fonctionnalité sur le
+moteur, lancez @code{fcgiwrap} en tant qu'utilisateur et groupe
+@code{root}. Remarquez que cette fonctionnalité doit aussi être configurée
+sur le frontal.
@end table
@end deftp
@cindex php-fpm
-PHP-FPM (FastCGI Process Manager) is an alternative PHP FastCGI
-implementation with some additional features useful for sites of any size.
+PHP-FPM (FastCGI Process Manager) est une implémentation FastCGI de PHP
+alternative avec quelques fonctionnalités supplémentaires utiles pour les
+sites de toutes tailles.
-These features include:
+Ces fonctionnalités comprennent :
@itemize @bullet
-@item Adaptive process spawning
-@item Basic statistics (similar to Apache's mod_status)
-@item Advanced process management with graceful stop/start
-@item Ability to start workers with different uid/gid/chroot/environment
-and different php.ini (replaces safe_mode)
-@item Stdout & stderr logging
-@item Emergency restart in case of accidental opcode cache destruction
-@item Accelerated upload support
-@item Support for a "slowlog"
-@item Enhancements to FastCGI, such as fastcgi_finish_request() -
-a special function to finish request & flush all data while continuing to do
-something time-consuming (video converting, stats processing, etc.)
+@item La création de processus adaptative
+@item Des statistiques de base (comme le mod_status d'Apache)
+@item La gestion des processus avancée avec arrêt et démarrage sans heurts
+@item La possibilité de démarrer des processus de travail avec différents uid/gid/chroot/environnement
+et différents php.ini (à la place de safe_mode)
+@item L'enregistrement des journaux sur stdout et stderr
+@item Le redémarrage d'urgence dans le cas de la destruction accidentelle du cache des opcodes
+@item Le support des téléversements accélérés
+@item Le support de « showlog »
+@item Des améliorations à FastCGI, comme fastcgi_finish_request() -
+une fonction spéciale pour terminer la requête et nettoyer toutes les
+données tout en continuant à faire d'autres choses qui prennent du temps
+(conversion vidéo, gestion des stats, etc…).
@end itemize
-... and much more.
+...@: and much more.
@defvr {Variable Scheme} php-fpm-service-type
-A Service type for @code{php-fpm}.
+Un type de service pour @code{php-fpm}.
@end defvr
@deftp {Type de données} php-fpm-configuration
-Data Type for php-fpm service configuration.
+Type de données pour la configuration du service php-fpm.
@table @asis
@item @code{php} (par défaut : @code{php})
Le paquet php à utiliser.
@item @code{socket} (par défaut : @code{(string-append "/var/run/php" (version-major (package-version php)) "-fpm.sock")})
-The address on which to accept FastCGI requests. Valid syntaxes are:
+L'adresse sur laquelle accepter les requêts FastCGI. Les syntaxes valides
+sont :
@table @asis
@item @code{"ip.add.re.ss:port"}
-Listen on a TCP socket to a specific address on a specific port.
+Écoute sur un socket TCP sur l'adresse spécifiée sur un port spécifié.
@item @code{"port"}
-Listen on a TCP socket to all addresses on a specific port.
+Écoute sur un socket TCP sur toutes les adresse sur un port spécifique.
@item @code{"/path/to/unix/socket"}
-Listen on a unix socket.
+Écoute sur un socket unix.
@end table
@item @code{user} (par défaut : @code{php-fpm})
-User who will own the php worker processes.
+Utilisateur à qui appartiendra le processus de travail de php.
@item @code{group} (par défaut : @code{php-fpm})
-Group of the worker processes.
+Groupe du processus de travail.
@item @code{socket-user} (par défaut : @code{php-fpm})
-User who can speak to the php-fpm socket.
+Utilisateur qui peut parler au socket php-fpm.
@item @code{socket-group} (par défaut : @code{php-fpm})
-Group that can speak to the php-fpm socket.
+Groupe qui peut parler au socket php-fpm.
@item @code{pid-file} (par défaut : @code{(string-append "/var/run/php" (version-major (package-version php)) "-fpm.pid")})
-The process id of the php-fpm process is written to this file once the
-service has started.
+Le pid de php-fpm est écrit dans ce fichier une fois que le service a
@item @code{log-file} (par défaut : @code{(string-append "/var/log/php" (version-major (package-version php)) "-fpm.log")})
-Log for the php-fpm master process.
+Fichier de journal pour le processus maître de php-fpm.
@item @code{process-manager} (par défaut : @code{(php-fpm-dynamic-process-manager-configuration)})
-Detailed settings for the php-fpm process manager. Must be either:
+Configuration détaillée pour le gestionnaire de processus de php-fpm. Il
+doit s'agir soit de :
@table @asis
-@item @code{<php-fpm-dynamic-process-manager-configuration>}
-@item @code{<php-fpm-static-process-manager-configuration>}
+@item @code{<php-fpm-dynamic-process-manager-configuration>,}
+@item @code{<php-fpm-static-process-manager-configuration> ou}
@item @code{<php-fpm-on-demand-process-manager-configuration>}
@end table
@item @code{display-errors} (par défaut : @code{#f})
-Determines whether php errors and warning should be sent to clients and
-displayed in their browsers. This is useful for local php development, but
-a security risk for public sites, as error messages can reveal passwords and
-personal data.
+Détermine si les erreurs et les avertissements php doivent être envoyés aux
+clients et affichés dans leur navigateur. Cela est utile pour un
+développement php local, mais un risque pour la sécurité pour les sites
+publics, comme les messages d'erreur peuvent révéler des mots de passes et
+des données personnelles.
@item @code{workers-logfile} (par défaut : @code{(string-append "/var/log/php" (version-major (package-version php)) "-fpm.www.log")})
-This file will log the @code{stderr} outputs of php worker processes. Can
-be set to @code{#f} to disable logging.
+Ce fichier enregistrera la sortie @code{stderr} des processus de travail de
+php. On peut indiquer @code{#f} pour désactiver la journalisation.
@item @code{file} (par défaut : @code{#f})
-An optional override of the whole configuration. You can use the
-@code{mixed-text-file} function or an absolute filepath for it.
+Une version alternative de la configuration complète. Vous pouvez utiliser
+la fonction @code{mixed-text-file} ou un chemin de fichier absolu.
@end table
@end deftp
-@deftp {Data type} php-fpm-dynamic-process-manager-configuration
-Data Type for the @code{dynamic} php-fpm process manager. With the
-@code{dynamic} process manager, spare worker processes are kept around based
-on it's configured limits.
+@deftp {Type de données} php-fpm-dynamic-process-manager-configuration
+Type de données pour le gestionnaire de processus @code{dynamic} de
+php-fpm. Avec le gestionnaire de processus @code{dynamic}, des processus de
+travail de secours sont gardés en fonction des limites configurées.
@table @asis
@item @code{max-children} (par défaut : @code{5})
-Maximum of worker processes.
+Nombre maximum de processus de travail.
@item @code{start-servers} (par défaut : @code{2})
-How many worker processes should be started on start-up.
+Nombre de processus de travail au démarrage.
@item @code{min-spare-servers} (par défaut : @code{1})
-How many spare worker processes should be kept around at minimum.
+Nombre de processus de travail de secours minimum qui doivent rester à
@item @code{max-spare-servers} (par défaut : @code{3})
-How many spare worker processes should be kept around at maximum.
+Nombre maximum de processus de travail de secours qui peuvent rester à
@end table
@end deftp
-@deftp {Data type} php-fpm-static-process-manager-configuration
-Data Type for the @code{static} php-fpm process manager. With the
-@code{static} process manager, an unchanging number of worker processes are
+@deftp {Type de données} php-fpm-static-process-manager-configuration
+Type de données pour le gestionnaire de processus @code{static} de php-fpm.
+Avec le gestionnaire de processus @code{static}, un nombre constant de
+processus de travail est créé.
@table @asis
@item @code{max-children} (par défaut : @code{5})
-Maximum of worker processes.
+Nombre maximum de processus de travail.
@end table
@end deftp
-@deftp {Data type} php-fpm-on-demand-process-manager-configuration
-Data Type for the @code{on-demand} php-fpm process manager. With the
-@code{on-demand} process manager, worker processes are only created as
-requests arrive.
+@deftp {Type de données} php-fpm-on-demand-process-manager-configuration
+Type de données pour le gestionnaire de processus @code{on-demand} de
+php-fpm. Avec le gestionnaire de processus @code{on-demand}, les processus
+de travail ne sont créés que lorsque les requêtes arrivent.
@table @asis
@item @code{max-children} (par défaut : @code{5})
-Maximum of worker processes.
+Nombre maximum de processus de travail.
@item @code{process-idle-timeout} (par défaut : @code{10})
-The time in seconds after which a process with no requests is killed.
+La durée en secondes après laquelle un processus sans requête sera tué.
@end table
@end deftp
@deffn {Procédure Scheme} nginx-php-fpm-location @
- [#:nginx-package nginx] @ [socket (string-append "/var/run/php" @
-(version-major (package-version php)) @ "-fpm.sock")] A helper function to
-quickly add php to an @code{nginx-server-configuration}.
+ [#:nginx-package nginx] @
+[socket (string-append "/var/run/php" @
+(version-major (package-version php)) @
+Une fonction d'aide pour ajouter rapidement php à un
@end deffn
-A simple services setup for nginx with php can look like this:
+Une configuration simple de services pour php ressemble à ceci :
-(services (cons* (dhcp-client-service)
+(services (cons* (service dhcp-client-service-type)
(service php-fpm-service-type)
(service nginx-service-type
@@ -16881,21 +18006,23 @@ A simple services setup for nginx with php can look like this:
@end example
@cindex cat-avatar-generator
-The cat avatar generator is a simple service to demonstrate the use of
-php-fpm in @code{Nginx}. It is used to generate cat avatar from a seed, for
-instance the hash of a user's email address.
+Le générateur d'avatar de chat est un simple service pour démontrer
+l'utilisation de php-fpm dans @code{Nginx}. Il permet de générer des
+avatars de chats à partir d'une graine, par exemple le hash de l'adresse de
+courriel d'un utilisateur.
@deffn {Procédure Scheme} cat-avatar-generator-serice @
- [#:cache-dir "/var/cache/cat-avatar-generator"] @ [#:package
-cat-avatar-generator] @ [#:configuration (nginx-server-configuration)]
-Returns an nginx-server-configuration that inherits @code{configuration}.
-It extends the nginx configuration to add a server block that serves
-@code{package}, a version of cat-avatar-generator. During execution,
-cat-avatar-generator will be able to use @code{cache-dir} as its cache
+ [#:cache-dir "/var/cache/cat-avatar-generator"] @
+[#:package cat-avatar-generator] @
+[#:configuration (nginx-server-configuration)]
+Renvoie un nginx-server-configuration qui hérite de @code{configuration}.
+Il étend la configuration nginx pour ajouter un bloc de serveur qui sert
+@code{package}, une version de cat-avatar-generator. Pendant l'exécution,
+cat-avatar-generator pourra utiliser @code{cache-dir} comme répertoire de
@end deffn
-A simple setup for cat-avatar-generator can look like this:
+Une configuration simple de cat-avatar-generator ressemble à ceci :
(services (cons* (cat-avatar-generator-service
@@ -16908,21 +18035,22 @@ A simple setup for cat-avatar-generator can look like this:
@subsubheading Hpcguix-web
@cindex hpcguix-web
-The @uref{hpcguix-web, https://github.com/UMCUGenetics/hpcguix-web/} program
-is a customizable web interface to browse Guix packages, initially designed
-for users of high-performance computing (HPC) clusters.
+Le programme @uref{hpcguix-web,
+https://github.com/UMCUGenetics/hpcguix-web/} est une interface web
+personnalisable pour naviguer dans les paquets Guix, initialement conçue
+pour les utilisateurs des grappes de calcul de haute performance (HPC).
@defvr {Variable Scheme} hpcguix-web-service-type
-The service type for @code{hpcguix-web}.
+Le type de service pour @code{hpcguix-web}.
@end defvr
@deftp {Type de données} hpcguix-web-configuration
-Data type for the hpcguix-web service configuration.
+Type de données pour la configuration du service hpcguix-web.
@table @asis
@item @code{specs}
-A gexp (@pxref{G-Expressions}) specifying the hpcguix-web service
-configuration. The main items available in this spec are:
+Une gexp (@pxref{G-Expressions}) spécifiant la configuration du service
+hpcguix-web. Les éléments principaux disponibles dans cette spec sont :
@table @asis
@item @code{title-prefix} (par défaut : @code{"hpcguix | "})
@@ -16935,22 +18063,30 @@ La commande @command{guix}
Une procédure qui spécifie comment filtrer les paquets qui seront affichés.
@item @code{package-page-extension-proc} (par défaut : @code{(const '())})
-Extension package for @code{hpcguix-web}.
+Paquet d'extensions pour @code{hpcguix-web}.
@item @code{menu} (par défaut : @code{'()})
-Additional entry in page @code{menu}.
+Entrée supplémentaire dans la page @code{menu}.
+@item @code{channels} (par défaut : @code{%default-channels})
+Liste des canaux depuis lesquels la liste des paquets est construite
+@item @code{package-list-expiration} (par défaut : @code{(* 12 3600)})
+Le temps d'expiration, en secondes, après lequel la liste des paquets est
+reconstruite depuis les dernières instance des canaux donnés.
@end table
-See the hpcguix-web repository for a
+Voir le dépôt hpcguix-web pour un
-complete example}.
+exemple complet}
@item @code{package} (par défaut : @code{hpcguix-web})
Le paquet hpcguix-web à utiliser.
@end table
@end deftp
-A typical hpcguix-web service declaration looks like this:
+Une déclaration de service hpcguix-web typique ressemble à cela :
(service hpcguix-web-service-type
@@ -16962,47 +18098,62 @@ A typical hpcguix-web service declaration looks like this:
(menu '(("/about" "ABOUT"))))))))
@end example
+@quotation Remarque
+Le service hpcguix-web met régulièrement à jour la liste des paquets qu'il
+publie en récupérant les canaux depuis Git. Pour cela, il doit accéder aux
+certificats X.509 pour qu'il puisse authentifier les serveurs Git quand il
+communique en HTTPS, et il suppose que @file{/etc/ssl/certs} contient ces
+Ainsi, assurez-vous d'ajouter @code{nss-certs} ou un autre paquet de
+certificats dans le champ @code{packages} de votre configuration.
+@ref{Certificats X.509} pour plus d'informations sur les certificats X.509.
+@end quotation
@node Services de certificats
@subsubsection Services de certificats
@cindex Web
@cindex HTTP, HTTPS
@cindex Let's Encrypt
-@cindex TLS certificates
-The @code{(gnu services certbot)} module provides a service to automatically
-obtain a valid TLS certificate from the Let's Encrypt certificate
-authority. These certificates can then be used to serve content securely
-over HTTPS or other TLS-based protocols, with the knowledge that the client
-will be able to verify the server's authenticity.
-@url{https://letsencrypt.org/, Let's Encrypt} provides the @code{certbot}
-tool to automate the certification process. This tool first securely
-generates a key on the server. It then makes a request to the Let's Encrypt
-certificate authority (CA) to sign the key. The CA checks that the request
-originates from the host in question by using a challenge-response protocol,
-requiring the server to provide its response over HTTP. If that protocol
-completes successfully, the CA signs the key, resulting in a certificate.
-That certificate is valid for a limited period of time, and therefore to
-continue to provide TLS services, the server needs to periodically ask the
-CA to renew its signature.
+@cindex certificats TLS
+Le module @code{(gnu services certbot)} fournit un service qui récupère
+automatiquement un certificat TLS valide de l'autorité de certification
+Let's Encrypt. Ces certificats peuvent ensuite être utilisés pour servir du
+contenu de manière sécurisée sur HTTPS et d'autres protocoles basés sur TLS,
+en sachant que le client sera capable de vérifier l'authenticité du serveur.
+@url{https://letsencrypt.org/, Let's Encrypt} fournit l'outil @code{certbot}
+pour automatiser le processus de certification. Cet outil génère d'abord un
+clef sur le serveur de manière sécurisée. Ensuite il demande à l'autorité
+de certification Let's Encrypt de signer la clef. La CA vérifie que la
+requête provient de l'hôte en question en utilisant un protocole de
+défi-réponse, ce qui requiert que le serveur fournisse sa réponse par HTTP.
+Si ce protocole se passe sans encombre, la CA signe la clef et on obtient un
+certificat. Ce certificat est valide pour une durée limitée et donc, pour
+continuer à fournir des services en TLS, le serveur doit régulièrement
+demander à la CA de renouveler sa signature.
The certbot service automates this process: the initial key generation, the
initial certification request to the Let's Encrypt service, the web server
challenge/response integration, writing the certificate to disk, the
automated periodic renewals, and the deployment tasks associated with the
-renewal (e.g. reloading services, copying keys with different permissions).
+renewal (e.g.@: reloading services, copying keys with different
-Certbot is run twice a day, at a random minute within the hour. It won't do
-anything until your certificates are due for renewal or revoked, but running
-it regularly would give your service a chance of staying online in case a
-Let's Encrypt-initiated revocation happened for some reason.
+Certbot est lancé deux fois par jour, à une minute aléatoire dans l'heure.
+Il ne fera rien sauf si vos certificats doivent être renouvelés ou sont
+révoqués, mais le lancer régulièrement permettra à vos services de rester en
+ligne si Let's Encrypt décide de révoquer votre certificat.
-By using this service, you agree to the ACME Subscriber Agreement, which can
-be found there: @url{https://acme-v01.api.letsencrypt.org/directory}.
+En utilisant ce service, vous acceptez le document « ACME Subscriber
+Agreement », qu'on peut trouver ici :
@defvr {Variable Scheme} certbot-service-type
-A service type for the @code{certbot} Let's Encrypt client. Its value must
-be a @code{certbot-configuration} record as in this example:
+Un type de service pour le client Let's Encrypt @code{certbot}. Sa valeur
+doit être un enregistrement @code{certbot-configuration} comme dans cet
+exemple :
(define %nginx-deploy-hook
@@ -17023,99 +18174,102 @@ be a @code{certbot-configuration} record as in this example:
(domains '("bar.example.net")))))))
@end example
-See below for details about @code{certbot-configuration}.
+Voir plus bas pour des détails sur @code{certbot-configuration}.
@end defvr
@deftp {Type de données} certbot-configuration
-Data type representing the configuration of the @code{certbot} service.
-This type has the following parameters:
+Type données représentant la configuration du service @code{certbot}. Ce
+type a les paramètres suivants :
@table @asis
@item @code{package} (par défaut : @code{certbot})
Le paquet certbot à utiliser.
@item @code{webroot} (par défaut : @code{/var/www})
-The directory from which to serve the Let's Encrypt challenge/response
+Le répertoire depuis lequel servir les fichiers du défi/réponse de Let's
@item @code{certificates} (par défaut : @code{()})
-A list of @code{certificates-configuration}s for which to generate
-certificates and request signatures. Each certificate has a @code{name} and
-several @code{domains}.
+Une liste de @code{certificates-configuration} pour lesquels générer des
+certificats et demander des signatures. Chaque certificat a un @code{name}
+et plusieurs @code{domains}.
@item @code{email}
-Mandatory email used for registration, recovery contact, and important
-account notifications.
+Courriel obligatoire utilisé pour la création de compte, le contact en cas
+de problème et des notifications importantes sur le compte.
@item @code{rsa-key-size} (par défaut : @code{2048})
-Size of the RSA key.
+Taille de la clef RSA.
-@item @code{default-location} (default: @i{see below})
-The default @code{nginx-location-configuration}. Because @code{certbot}
-needs to be able to serve challenges and responses, it needs to be able to
-run a web server. It does so by extending the @code{nginx} web service with
-an @code{nginx-server-configuration} listening on the @var{domains} on port
-80, and which has a @code{nginx-location-configuration} for the
-@code{/.well-known/} URI path subspace used by Let's Encrypt. @xref{Services web}, for more on these nginx configuration data types.
+@item @code{default-location} (par défaut : @i{voir plus bas})
+Le @code{nginx-location-configuration} par défaut. Come @code{certbot} doit
+pouvoir servir les défis et les réponses, il doit être capable de lancer un
+serveur web. Cela se fait en étendant le service web @code{nginx} avec un
+@code{nginx-server-configuration} qui écoute sur les @var{domains} sur le
+port 80 et qui a un @code{nginx-location-configuration} pour le chemin
+@code{/.well-known/} utilisé par Let's Encrypt. @xref{Services web} pour
+plus d'information sur les types de données de la configuration de nginx.
-Requests to other URL paths will be matched by the @code{default-location},
-which if present is added to all @code{nginx-server-configuration}s.
+Les requêtes vers d'autres URL correspondra à @code{default-location}, qui,
+s'il est présent, sera ajout é à tous les @code{nginx-server-configuration}.
-By default, the @code{default-location} will issue a redirect from
-@code{http://@var{domain}/...} to @code{https://@var{domain}/...}, leaving
-you to define what to serve on your site via @code{https}.
+Par défaut, le @code{default-location} sera une redirection de
+@code{http://@var{domain}/…} vers @code{https://@var{domain}/…}, en vous
+laissant définir ce que vous voulez servir sur votre site en @code{https}.
-Pass @code{#f} to not issue a default location.
+Passez @code{#f} pour ne pas utiliser de location par défaut.
@end table
@end deftp
@deftp {Type de données} certificate-configuration
-Data type representing the configuration of a certificate. This type has
-the following parameters:
+Type de données représentant la configuration d'un certificat. Ce type a
+les paramètres suivants :
@table @asis
-@item @code{name} (default: @i{see below})
-This name is used by Certbot for housekeeping and in file paths; it doesn't
-affect the content of the certificate itself. To see certificate names, run
-@code{certbot certificates}.
+@item @code{name} (par défaut : @i{voir plus bas})
+Ce nom est utilisé par Certbot pour ses tâches quotidiennes et dans les
+chemins de fichiers ; il n'affecte pas le contenu des certificats
+eux-mêmes. Pour voir les noms des certificats, lancez @code{certbot
-Its default is the first provided domain.
+Sa valeur par défaut est le premier domaine spécifié.
@item @code{domains} (par défaut : @code{()})
-The first domain provided will be the subject CN of the certificate, and all
-domains will be Subject Alternative Names on the certificate.
+Le premier domaine spécifié sera le CN du sujet du certificat, et tous les
+domaines seront les noms alternatifs du sujet dans le certificat.
@item @code{deploy-hook} (par défaut : @code{#f})
-Command to be run in a shell once for each successfully issued certificate.
-For this command, the shell variable @code{$RENEWED_LINEAGE} will point to
-the config live subdirectory (for example,
-@samp{"/etc/letsencrypt/live/example.com"}) containing the new certificates
-and keys; the shell variable @code{$RENEWED_DOMAINS} will contain a
-space-delimited list of renewed certificate domains (for example,
-@samp{"example.com www.example.com"}.
+Commande à lancer dans un shell une fois par certificat récupéré avec
+succès. Pour cette commande, la variable @code{$RENEWED_LINEAGE} pointera
+sur le sous-répertoire live (par exemple,
+@samp{"/etc/letsencrypt/live/example.com"}) contenant le nouveau certificat
+et la clef ; la variable @code{$RENEWED_DOMAINS} contiendra les noms de
+domaines séparés par des espaces (par exemple @samp{"example.com
@end table
@end deftp
-For each @code{certificate-configuration}, the certificate is saved to
-@code{/etc/letsencrypt/live/@var{name}/fullchain.pem} and the key is saved
-to @code{/etc/letsencrypt/live/@var{name}/privkey.pem}.
+Pour chaque @code{certificate-configuration}, le certificat est sauvegardé
+dans @code{/etc/letsencrypt/live/@var{name}/fullchain.pem} et la clef est
+sauvegardée dans @code{/etc/letsencrypt/live/@var{name}/privkey.pem}.
@node Services DNS
@subsubsection Services DNS
@cindex DNS (domain name system)
@cindex domain name system (DNS)
-The @code{(gnu services dns)} module provides services related to the
-@dfn{domain name system} (DNS). It provides a server service for hosting an
-@emph{authoritative} DNS server for multiple zones, slave or master. This
-service uses @uref{https://www.knot-dns.cz/, Knot DNS}. And also a caching
-and forwarding DNS server for the LAN, which uses
-@uref{http://www.thekelleys.org.uk/dnsmasq/doc.html, dnsmasq}.
+Le module @code{(gnu services dns)} fournit des services liés au
+@dfn{système de noms de domaines} (DNS). Il fournit un service de serveur
+pour héberger un serveur DNS @emph{faisant autorité} pour plusieurs zones,
+en esclave ou en maître. Ce service utilise @uref{https://www.knot-dns.cz/,
+Knot DNS}. Il fournit aussi un service de cache et de renvoie DNS pour le
+LAN, qui utilise @uref{http://www.thekelleys.org.uk/dnsmasq/doc.html,
@subsubheading Service Knot
-An example configuration of an authoritative server for two zones, one
-master and one slave, is:
+Voici un exemple de configuration pour un serveur faisant autorité sur deux
+zone, un maître et un esclave :
(define-zone-entries example.org.zone
@@ -17153,359 +18307,387 @@ master and one slave, is:
@end lisp
@deffn {Variable Scheme} knot-service-type
-This is the type for the Knot DNS server.
-Knot DNS is an authoritative DNS server, meaning that it can serve multiple
-zones, that is to say domain names you would buy from a registrar. This
-server is not a resolver, meaning that it can only resolve names for which
-it is authoritative. This server can be configured to serve zones as a
-master server or a slave server as a per-zone basis. Slave zones will get
-their data from masters, and will serve it as an authoritative server. From
-the point of view of a resolver, there is no difference between master and
-The following data types are used to configure the Knot DNS server:
+C'est le type pour le serveur DNS Knot.
+Knot DNS est un serveur DNS faisant autorité, ce qui signifie qu'il peut
+servir plusieurs zones, c'est-à-dire des noms de domaines que vous achetez à
+un registrar. Ce serveur n'est pas un résolveur, ce qui signifie qu'il ne
+peut pas résoudre les noms pour lesquels il ne fait pas autorité. Ce
+serveur peut être configuré pour servir des zones comme un serveur maître ou
+comme un serveur esclave, en fonction des zones. Les zones esclaves
+récupèrent leurs données des maîtres, et seront servies comme faisant
+autorité. Du point de vue d'un résolveur, il n'y a pas de différence entre
+un maître et un esclave@footnote{NdT : Voir la conférence en Français de
+Stéphane Bortzmeyer pour en apprendre plus sur le DNS :
+Les types de données suivants sont utilisés pour configurer le serveur DNS
+Knot :
@end deffn
@deftp {Type de données} knot-key-configuration
-Data type representing a key. This type has the following parameters:
+Type de données représentant une clef. Ce type a les paramètres suivants :
@table @asis
@item @code{id} (par défaut : @code{""})
-An identifier for other configuration fields to refer to this key. IDs must
-be unique and must not be empty.
+Un identifiant pour d'autres champs de configuration qui se réfèrent à cette
+clef. Les ID doivent être uniques et non vides.
@item @code{algorithm} (par défaut : @code{#f})
-The algorithm to use. Choose between @code{#f}, @code{'hmac-md5},
+L'algorithme à utiliser. Choisissez entre @code{#f}, @code{'hmac-md5},
@code{'hmac-sha1}, @code{'hmac-sha224}, @code{'hmac-sha256},
-@code{'hmac-sha384} and @code{'hmac-sha512}.
+@code{'hmac-sha384} et @code{'hmac-sha512}.
@item @code{secret} (par défaut : @code{""})
-The secret key itself.
+La clef secrète elle-même.
@end table
@end deftp
@deftp {Type de données} knot-acl-configuration
-Data type representing an Access Control List (ACL) configuration. This
-type has the following parameters:
+Type de données représentant une configuration de liste de contrôle d'accès
+(ACL). Ce type a les paramètres suivants :
@table @asis
@item @code{id} (par défaut : @code{""})
-An identifier for ether configuration fields to refer to this key. IDs must
-be unique and must not be empty.
+Un identifiant pour d'autres champs de configuration qui se réfèrent à cette
+clef. Les ID doivent être uniques et non vides.
@item @code{address} (par défaut : @code{'()})
-An ordered list of IP addresses, network subnets, or network ranges
-represented with strings. The query must match one of them. Empty value
-means that address match is not required.
+Une liste ordonnée d'adresses IP, de sous-réseaux ou d'intervalles de
+réseaux représentés par des chaînes de caractères. La requête doit
+correspondre à l'une d'entre elles. La valeur vide signifie que l'adresse
+n'a pas besoin de correspondre.
@item @code{key} (par défaut : @code{'()})
-An ordered list of references to keys represented with strings. The string
-must match a key ID defined in a @code{knot-key-configuration}. No key
-means that a key is not require to match that ACL.
+Une liste ordonnées de références à des clefs représentés par des chaînes.
+La chaîne doit correspondre à un ID définie dans un
+@code{knot-key-configuration}. Aucune clef signifie qu'une clef n'est pas
+nécessaire pour correspondre à l'ACL.
@item @code{action} (par défaut : @code{'()})
-An ordered list of actions that are permitted or forbidden by this ACL.
-Possible values are lists of zero or more elements from @code{'transfer},
-@code{'notify} and @code{'update}.
+Une liste ordonnée d'actions permises ou interdites par cet ACL. Les
+valeurs possibles sont une liste de zéro ou plus d'éléments entre
+@code{'transfer}, @code{'notify} et @code{'update}.
@item @code{deny?} (par défaut : @code{#f})
-When true, the ACL defines restrictions. Listed actions are forbidden.
-When false, listed actions are allowed.
+Lorsque la valeur est vraie, l'ACL définie des restrictions. Les actions
+listées sont interdites. Lorsque la valeur est fausse, les actions listées
+sont autorisées.
@end table
@end deftp
@deftp {Type de données} zone-entry
-Data type represnting a record entry in a zone file. This type has the
-following parameters:
+Type de données représentant une entrée dans un fichier de zone. Ce type a
+les paramètres suivants :
@table @asis
@item @code{name} (par défaut : @code{"@@"})
-The name of the record. @code{"@@"} refers to the origin of the zone.
-Names are relative to the origin of the zone. For example, in the
-@code{example.org} zone, @code{"ns.example.org"} actually refers to
-@code{ns.example.org.example.org}. Names ending with a dot are absolute,
-which means that @code{"ns.example.org."} refers to @code{ns.example.org}.
+Le nom de l'enregistrement. @code{"@@"} se réfère à l'origine de la zone.
+Les noms sont relatifs à l'origine de la zone. Par exemple, dans la zone
+@code{example.org}, @code{"ns.example.org"} se réfère en fait à
+@code{ns.example.org.example.org}. Les noms qui finissent par un point sont
+absolus, ce qui signifie que @code{"ns.example.org."} se réfère bien à
@item @code{ttl} (par défaut : @code{""})
-The Time-To-Live (TTL) of this record. If not set, the default TTL is used.
+La durée de vie (TTL) de cet enregistrement. S'il n'est pas indiqué, le TTL
+par défaut est utilisé.
@item @code{class} (par défaut : @code{"IN"})
-The class of the record. Knot currently supports only @code{"IN"} and
-partially @code{"CH"}.
+La classe de l'enregistrement. Knot ne supporte actuellement que
+@code{"IN"} et partiellement @code{"CH"}.
@item @code{type} (par défaut : @code{"A"})
-The type of the record. Common types include A (IPv4 address), AAAA (IPv6
-address), NS (Name Server) and MX (Mail eXchange). Many other types are
+Le type d'enregistrement. Les types usuels sont A (une adresse IPv4), NS
+(serveur de nom) et MX (serveur de courriel). Bien d'autres types sont
@item @code{data} (par défaut : @code{""})
-The data contained in the record. For instance an IP address associated
-with an A record, or a domain name associated with an NS record. Remember
-that domain names are relative to the origin unless they end with a dot.
+Les données contenues dans l'enregistrement. Par exemple une adresse IP
+associée à un enregistrement A, ou un nom de domaine associé à un
+enregistrement NS. Rappelez-vous que les noms de domaines sont relatifs à
+l'origine à moins qu'ils ne finissent par un point.
@end table
@end deftp
@deftp {Type de données} zone-file
-Data type representing the content of a zone file. This type has the
-following parameters:
+Type données représentant le contenu d'un fichier de zone. Ce type a les
+paramètres suivants :
@table @asis
@item @code{entries} (par défaut : @code{'()})
-The list of entries. The SOA record is taken care of, so you don't need to
-put it in the list of entries. This list should probably contain an entry
-for your primary authoritative DNS server. Other than using a list of
-entries directly, you can use @code{define-zone-entries} to define a object
-containing the list of entries more easily, that you can later pass to the
-@code{entries} field of the @code{zone-file}.
+La liste des entrées. On s'occupe de l'enregistrement SOA, donc vous n'avez
+pas besoin de l'ajouter dans la liste des entrées. Cette liste devrait
+contenir une entrée pour votre serveur DNS primaire faisant autorité. En
+plus d'utiliser une liste des entrées directement, vous pouvez utiliser
+@code{define-zone-entries} pour définir un objet contenant la liste des
+entrées plus facilement, que vous pouvez ensuite passer au champ
+@code{entries} de @code{zone-file}.
@item @code{origin} (par défaut : @code{""})
-The name of your zone. This parameter cannot be empty.
+Le nom de votre zone. Ce paramètre ne peut pas être vide.
@item @code{ns} (par défaut : @code{"ns"})
-The domain of your primary authoritative DNS server. The name is relative
-to the origin, unless it ends with a dot. It is mandatory that this primary
-DNS server corresponds to an NS record in the zone and that it is associated
-to an IP address in the list of entries.
+Le domaine de votre serveur DNS primaire faisant autorité. Le nom est
+relatif à l'origine, à moins qu'il finisse par un point. Il est nécessaire
+que ce serveur DNS primaire corresponde à un enregistrement NS dans la zone
+et qu'il soit associé à une adresse IP dans la liste des entrées.
@item @code{mail} (par défaut : @code{"hostmaster"})
-An email address people can contact you at, as the owner of the zone. This
-is translated as @code{<mail>@@<origin>}.
+Une adresse de courriel pour vous contacter en tant que propriétaire de la
+zone. Cela se transforme en @code{<mail>@@<origin>}.
@item @code{serial} (par défaut : @code{1})
-The serial number of the zone. As this is used to keep track of changes by
-both slaves and resolvers, it is mandatory that it @emph{never} decreases.
-Always increment it when you make a change in your zone.
+Le numéro de série de la zone. Comme c'est utilisé pour vérifier les
+changements à la fois par les esclaves et par les résolveurs, il est
+nécessaire qu'il ne décroisse @emph{jamais}. Incrémentez-le toujours quand
+vous faites un changement sur votre zone.
@item @code{refresh} (par défaut : @code{(* 2 24 3600)})
-The frequency at which slaves will do a zone transfer. This value is a
-number of seconds. It can be computed by multiplications or with
+La fréquence à laquelle les esclaves demanderont un transfert de zone.
+Cette valeur est un nombre de secondes. On peut le calculer avec des
+multiplications ou avec @code{(string->duration)}.
@item @code{retry} (par défaut : @code{(* 15 60)})
-The period after which a slave will retry to contact its master when it
-fails to do so a first time.
+La période après laquelle un esclave essaiera de contacter son maître
+lorsqu'il échoue à le faire la première fois.
@item @code{expiry} (par défaut : @code{(* 14 24 3600)})
-Default TTL of records. Existing records are considered correct for at most
-this amount of time. After this period, resolvers will invalidate their
-cache and check again that it still exists.
+TTL par défaut des enregistrements. Les enregistrements existants sont
+considérés corrects pour au moins cette durée. Après cette période, les
+résolveurs invalideront leur cache et vérifieront de nouveau qu'ils existent
@item @code{nx} (par défaut : @code{3600})
-Default TTL of inexistant records. This delay is usually short because you
-want your new domains to reach everyone quickly.
+TTL par défaut des enregistrement inexistants. Ce TTL est habituellement
+court parce que vous voulez que vous nouveaux domaines soient disponibles
+pour tout le monde le plus rapidement possible.
@end table
@end deftp
@deftp {Type de données} knot-remote-configuration
-Data type representing a remote configuration. This type has the following
+Type de données représentant une configuration de serveurs distants. Ce
+type a les paramètres suivants :
@table @asis
@item @code{id} (par défaut : @code{""})
-An identifier for other configuration fields to refer to this remote. IDs
-must be unique and must not be empty.
+Un identifiant pour que les autres champs de configuration se réfèrent à ce
+serveur distant. les ID doivent être uniques et non vides.
@item @code{address} (par défaut : @code{'()})
-An ordered list of destination IP addresses. Addresses are tried in
-sequence. An optional port can be given with the @@ separator. For
-instance: @code{(list "" "")}. Default port is 53.
+Une liste ordonnée d'adresses IP de destination. Ces adresses sont essayées
+en séquence. Un port facultatif peut être donné avec le séparateur @@. Par
+exemple @code{(list "" "")}. Le port par défaut est le
@item @code{via} (par défaut : @code{'()})
-An ordered list of source IP addresses. An empty list will have Knot choose
-an appropriate source IP. An optional port can be given with the @@
-separator. The default is to choose at random.
+Une liste ordonnée d'adresses IP sources. Une liste vide fera choisir une
+IP source appropriée à Knot. Un port facultatif peut être donné avec le
+séparateur @@. La valeur par défaut est de choisir aléatoirement.
@item @code{key} (par défaut : @code{#f})
-A reference to a key, that is a string containing the identifier of a key
-defined in a @code{knot-key-configuration} field.
+Une référence à une clef, c'est-à-dire une chaîne contenant l'identifiant
+d'une clef définie dans un champ @code{knot-key-configuration}.
@end table
@end deftp
@deftp {Type de données} knot-keystore-configuration
-Data type representing a keystore to hold dnssec keys. This type has the
-following parameters:
+Type de données représentant une base de clefs pour garder les clefs
+dnssec. Ce type a les paramètres suivants :
@table @asis
@item @code{id} (par défaut : @code{""})
-The id of the keystore. It must not be empty.
+L'id de cette base de clefs. Il ne doit pas être vide.
@item @code{backend} (par défaut : @code{'pem})
-The backend to store the keys in. Can be @code{'pem} or @code{'pkcs11}.
+Le moteur de stockage des clefs. Cela peut être @code{'pem} ou
@item @code{config} (par défaut : @code{"/var/lib/knot/keys/keys"})
-The configuration string of the backend. An example for the PKCS#11 is:
+La chaîne de configuration pour le moteur. Voici un exemple pour PKCS#11 :
-/gnu/store/.../lib/pkcs11/libsofthsm2.so"}. For the pem backend, the string
-reprensents a path in the file system.
+/gnu/store/.../lib/pkcs11/libsofthsm2.so"}. Pour le moteur pem, la chaîne
+représente un chemin dans le système de fichiers.
@end table
@end deftp
@deftp {Type de données} knot-policy-configuration
-Data type representing a dnssec policy. Knot DNS is able to automatically
-sign your zones. It can either generate and manage your keys automatically
-or use keys that you generate.
-Dnssec is usually implemented using two keys: a Key Signing Key (KSK) that
-is used to sign the second, and a Zone Signing Key (ZSK) that is used to
-sign the zone. In order to be trusted, the KSK needs to be present in the
-parent zone (usually a top-level domain). If your registrar supports
-dnssec, you will have to send them your KSK's hash so they can add a DS
-record in their zone. This is not automated and need to be done each time
-you change your KSK.
-The policy also defines the lifetime of keys. Usually, ZSK can be changed
-easily and use weaker cryptographic functions (they use lower parameters) in
-order to sign records quickly, so they are changed often. The KSK however
-requires manual interaction with the registrar, so they are changed less
-often and use stronger parameters because they sign only one record.
-This type has the following parameters:
+Type de données représentant une politique dnssec. Knot DNS est capable de
+signer automatiquement vos zones. Il peut soit générer et gérer vos clefs
+automatiquement ou utiliser des clefs que vous générez.
+Dnssec est habituellement implémenté avec deux clefs : une KSK (key signing
+key) qui est utilisé pour signer une seconde, la ZSK (zone signing key) qui
+est utilisée pour signer la zone. Pour pouvoir être de confiance, la KSK
+doit être présente dans la zone parente (normalement un domaine de haut
+niveau). Si votre registrar supporte dnssec, vous devrez leur envoyer le
+hash de votre KSK pour qu'il puisse ajouter un enregistrement DS dans la
+zone parente. Ce n'est pas automatique et vous devrez le faire à chaque
+fois que vous changerez votre KSK.
+La politique définie aussi la durée de vie des clefs. Habituellement, la
+ZSK peut être changée facilement et utilise des fonctions cryptographiques
+plus faibles (avec un paramètre plus faible) pour signer les enregistrements
+rapidement, donc elles sont changées très régulièrement. La KSK en revanche
+requiert une interaction manuelle avec le registrar, donc elle change moins
+souvent et utilise des paramètres plus robustes puisqu'elle ne signe qu'un
+seul enregistrement.
+Ce type a les paramètres suivants :
@table @asis
@item @code{id} (par défaut : @code{""})
-The id of the policy. It must not be empty.
+L'id de la politique. Il ne doit pas être vide.
@item @code{keystore} (par défaut : @code{"default"})
-A reference to a keystore, that is a string containing the identifier of a
-keystore defined in a @code{knot-keystore-configuration} field. The
-@code{"default"} identifier means the default keystore (a kasp database that
-was setup by this service).
+Une référence à une base de clefs, c'est-à-dire une chaîne contenant
+l'identifiant d'une base de clefs définie dans un champ
+@code{knot-keystore-configuration}. L'identifiant @code{"default"} signifie
+la base par défaut (une base de données kasp initialisée par ce service).
@item @code{manual?} (par défaut : @code{#f})
-Whether the key management is manual or automatic.
+Indique si la clef est gérée manuellement ou automatiquement.
@item @code{single-type-signing?} (par défaut : @code{#f})
-When @code{#t}, use the Single-Type Signing Scheme.
+Lorsque la valeur est @code{#t}, utilise le schéma de signature Single-Type
@item @code{algorithm} (par défaut : @code{"ecdsap256sha256"})
-An algorithm of signing keys and issued signatures.
+Un algorithme de clef de signature et de signatures.
@item @code{ksk-size} (par défaut : @code{256})
-The length of the KSK. Note that this value is correct for the default
-algorithm, but would be unsecure for other algorithms.
+La longueur de la KSK. Remarquez que cette valeur est correcte pour
+l'algorithme par défaut, mais ne serait pas sécurisée pour d'autres
@item @code{zsk-size} (par défaut : @code{256})
-The length of the ZSK. Note that this value is correct for the default
-algorithm, but would be unsecure for other algorithms.
+La longueur de la ZSK. Remarquez que cette valeur est correcte pour
+l'algorithme par défaut, mais ne serait pas sécurisée pour d'autres
@item @code{dnskey-ttl} (par défaut : @code{'default})
-The TTL value for DNSKEY records added into zone apex. The special
-@code{'default} value means same as the zone SOA TTL.
+La valeur du TTL pour les enregistrements DNSKEY ajoutés au sommet de la
+zone. La valeur spéciale @code{'default} signifie la même valeur que le TTL
+du SOA de la zone.
@item @code{zsk-lifetime} (par défaut : @code{(* 30 24 3600)})
-The period between ZSK publication and the next rollover initiation.
+La période entre la publication d'une ZSK et l'initialisation d'un nouveau
@item @code{propagation-delay} (par défaut : @code{(* 24 3600)})
-An extra delay added for each key rollover step. This value should be high
-enough to cover propagation of data from the master server to all slaves.
+Un délai supplémentaire pour chaque étape du changement. Cette valeur
+devrait être assez grande pour couvrir le temps de propagation des données
+entre le serveur primaire et tous les secondaires.
@item @code{rrsig-lifetime} (par défaut : @code{(* 14 24 3600)})
-A validity period of newly issued signatures.
+Une période de validité des nouvelles signatures.
@item @code{rrsig-refresh} (par défaut : @code{(* 7 24 3600)})
-A period how long before a signature expiration the signature will be
+Une période qui indique combien de temps avant l'expiration d'une signature
+elle sera rafraîchie.
@item @code{nsec3?} (par défaut : @code{#f})
-When @code{#t}, NSEC3 will be used instead of NSEC.
+Lorsque la valeur est @code{#t}, on utilisera NSEC3 au lien de NSEC.
@item @code{nsec3-iterations} (par défaut : @code{5})
-The number of additional times the hashing is performed.
+Le nombre de fois supplémentaires que le hash est effectué.
@item @code{nsec3-salt-length} (par défaut : @code{8})
-The length of a salt field in octets, which is appended to the original
-owner name before hashing.
+La longueur du champ de sel en octets, ajouté au nom du propriétaire avant
+de hasher.
@item @code{nsec3-salt-lifetime} (par défaut : @code{(* 30 24 3600)})
-The validity period of newly issued salt field.
+La période de validité des nouveaux champs sel.
@end table
@end deftp
@deftp {Type de données} knot-zone-configuration
-Data type representing a zone served by Knot. This type has the following
+Type de données représentant la zone servie par Knot. ce type a les
+paramètres suivants :
@table @asis
@item @code{domain} (par défaut : @code{""})
-The domain served by this configuration. It must not be empty.
+Le domaine servi par cette configuration. Il ne doit pas être vide.
@item @code{file} (par défaut : @code{""})
-The file where this zone is saved. This parameter is ignored by master
-zones. Empty means default location that depends on the domain name.
+Le fichier où la zone est sauvegardée. Ce paramètre est ignoré pour les
+zones maîtres. La valeur vide signifie l'emplacement par défaut qui dépend
+du nom de domaine.
@item @code{zone} (par défaut : @code{(zone-file)})
-The content of the zone file. This parameter is ignored by slave zones. It
-must contain a zone-file record.
+Le contenu du fichier de zone. Ce paramètre est ignoré par les zones
+esclaves. Il doit contenir un enregistrement zone-file.
@item @code{master} (par défaut : @code{'()})
-A list of master remotes. When empty, this zone is a master. When set,
-this zone is a slave. This is a list of remotes identifiers.
+Une liste des serveurs distants maîtres. Lorsque la liste est vide, cette
+zone est un maître. Lorsque la valeur est indiquée, cette zone est un
+esclave. C'est al liste des identifiants des serveurs distants.
@item @code{ddns-master} (par défaut : @code{#f})
-The main master. When empty, it defaults to the first master in the list of
+Le maître principal. Lorsque la valeur est vide, la valeur par défaut est
+le premier maître de la liste des maîtres.
@item @code{notify} (par défaut : @code{'()})
-A list of slave remote identifiers.
+Une liste d'identifiants de groupe de serveurs esclaves.
@item @code{acl} (par défaut : @code{'()})
-A list of acl identifiers.
+Une liste d'identifiants d'ACL.
@item @code{semantic-checks?} (par défaut : @code{#f})
-When set, this adds more semantic checks to the zone.
+Lorsque la valeur est indiquée, cela ajoute plus de vérifications
+sémantiques à la zone.
@item @code{disable-any?} (par défaut : @code{#f})
-When set, this forbids queries of the ANY type.
+Lorsque la valeur est vraie, cela interdit les requêtes de type ANY.
@item @code{zonefile-sync} (par défaut : @code{0})
-The delay between a modification in memory and on disk. 0 means immediate
+Le délai entre une modification en mémoire et sur le disque. 0 signifie une
+synchronisation immédiate.
@item @code{serial-policy} (par défaut : @code{'increment})
-A policy between @code{'increment} and @code{'unixtime}.
+Une politique entre @code{'increment} et @code{'unixtime}.
@end table
@end deftp
@deftp {Type de données} knot-configuration
-Data type representing the Knot configuration. This type has the following
+Type de donées représentant la configuration de Knot. Ce type a les
+paramètres suivants :
@table @asis
@item @code{knot} (par défaut : @code{knot})
-The Knot package.
+Le paquet Knot.
@item @code{run-directory} (par défaut : @code{"/var/run/knot"})
-The run directory. This directory will be used for pid file and sockets.
+Le répertoire de travail. Ce répertoire sera utilisé pour le fichier pid et
+les sockets.
@item @code{listen-v4} (par défaut : @code{""})
-An ip address on which to listen.
+Une adresse IP sur laquelle écouter.
@item @code{listen-v6} (par défaut : @code{"::"})
-An ip address on which to listen.
+Une adresse IP sur laquelle écouter.
@item @code{listen-port} (par défaut : @code{53})
-A port on which to listen.
+Un port sur lequel écouter.
@item @code{keys} (par défaut : @code{'()})
-The list of knot-key-configuration used by this configuration.
+La liste des knot-key-configuration utilisés par cette configuration.
@item @code{acls} (par défaut : @code{'()})
-The list of knot-acl-configuration used by this configuration.
+La liste des knot-acl-configuration utilisés par cette configuration.
@item @code{remotes} (par défaut : @code{'()})
-The list of knot-remote-configuration used by this configuration.
+La liste des knot-remote-configuration utilisés par cette configuration.
@item @code{zones} (par défaut : @code{'()})
-The list of knot-zone-configuration used by this configuration.
+La liste des knot-zone-configuration utilisés par cette configuration.
@end table
@end deftp
@@ -17513,8 +18695,8 @@ The list of knot-zone-configuration used by this configuration.
@subsubheading Services Dnsmasq
@deffn {Variable Scheme} dnsmasq-service-type
-This is the type of the dnsmasq service, whose value should be an
-@code{dnsmasq-configuration} object as in this example:
+C'est le type du service dnsmasq, dont la valeur devrait être un objet
+@code{dnsmasq-configuration} comme dans cet exemple :
(service dnsmasq-service-type
@@ -17529,64 +18711,176 @@ Type de données qui représente la configuration de dnsmasq.
@table @asis
@item @code{package} (par défaut : @var{dnsmasq})
-Package object of the dnsmasq server.
+L'objet de paquet du serveur dnsmasq.
@item @code{no-hosts?} (par défaut : @code{#f})
-When true, don't read the hostnames in /etc/hosts.
+Lorsque la valeur est vraie, ne pas lire les noms d'hôte dans /etc/hosts.
@item @code{port} (par défaut : @code{53})
-The port to listen on. Setting this to zero completely disables DNS
-funtion, leaving only DHCP and/or TFTP.
+Le port sur lequel écouter. Le mettre à zéro désactive complètement les
+réponses DNS, ce qui ne laisse que les fonctions DHCP et TFTP.
@item @code{local-service?} (par défaut : @code{#t})
-Accept DNS queries only from hosts whose address is on a local subnet, ie a
-subnet for which an interface exists on the server.
+Accepte les requêtes DNS seulement des hôtes dont les adresses sont sur le
+sous-réseau local, c.-à-d.@: sur un sous-réseau pour lequel une interface
+existe sur le serveur.
@item @code{listen-addresses} (par défaut : @code{'()})
-Listen on the given IP addresses.
+Écoute sur le adresses IP données.
@item @code{resolv-file} (par défaut : @code{"/etc/resolv.conf"})
-The file to read the IP address of the upstream nameservers from.
+Le fichier où lire l'adresse IP des serveurs de noms en amont.
@item @code{no-resolv?} (par défaut : @code{#f})
-When true, don't read @var{resolv-file}.
+Lorsque la valeur est vraie, ne pas lire @var{resolv-file}.
@item @code{servers} (par défaut : @code{'()})
-Specify IP address of upstream servers directly.
+Spécifiez l'adresse IP des serveurs en amont directement.
@item @code{cache-size} (par défaut : @code{150})
-Set the size of dnsmasq's cache. Setting the cache size to zero disables
+Indique la taille du cache de dnsmasq. Indiquer 0 désactive le cache.
@item @code{negative-cache?} (par défaut : @code{#t})
-When false, disable negative caching.
+Lorsque la valeur est fausse, désactive le cache des réponses négatives.
@end table
@end deftp
+@subsubheading Service ddclient
+@cindex ddclient
+Le srevice ddclient décrit plus bas lance le démon ddclient, qui prend en
+charge la mise à jour automatique des entrées DNS pour les fournisseurs de
+service comme @uref{https://dyn.com/dns/, Dyn}.
+L'exemple suivant montre comment instantier le service avec sa configuration
+par défaut :
+(service ddclient-service-type)
+@end example
+Remarquez que ddclient a besoin d'accéder à des identifiants stockés dans un
+@dfn{fichier de secrets}, par défaut @file{/etc/ddclient/secrets} (voir
+@code{secret-file} plus bas). On s'attend à ce que vous créiez ce fichier
+manuellement, de manière externe à guix (vous @emph{pourriez} ajouter ce
+fichier dans une partie de votre configuration, par exemple avec
+@code{plain-file}, mais il serait lisible pour tout le monde via
+@file{/gnu/store}). Vois les exemples dans le répertoire
+@file{share/ddclient} du paquet @code{ddclient}.
+@c %start of fragment
+Les champs de @code{ddclient-configuration} disponibles sont :
+@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{ddclient-configuration}} package ddclient
+Le paquet ddclient.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{ddclient-configuration}} integer daemon
+La période après laquelle ddclient réessaiera de vérifier l'IP et le nom de
+La valeur par défaut est @samp{300}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{ddclient-configuration}} boolean syslog
+Utiliser syslog pour la sortie.
+La valeur par défaut est @samp{#t}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{ddclient-configuration}} string mail
+Courriel de l'utilisateur.
+La valeur par défaut est @samp{"root"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{ddclient-configuration}} string mail-failure
+Courriel de l'utilisateur pour les échecs.
+La valeur par défaut est @samp{"root"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{ddclient-configuration}} string pid
+Le fichier de PID de ddclient.
+La valeur par défaut est @samp{"/var/run/ddclient/ddclient.pid"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{ddclient-configuration}} boolean ssl
+Activer le support de SSL.
+La valeur par défaut est @samp{#t}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{ddclient-configuration}} string user
+Spécifie le nm d'utilisateur ou l'ID qui est utilisé pour lancer le
+programme ddclient.
+La valeur par défaut est @samp{"ddclient"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{ddclient-configuration}} string group
+Groupe de l'utilisateur qui lancera le programme ddclient.
+La valeur par défaut est @samp{"ddclient"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{ddclient-configuration}} string secret-file
+Fichier de secrets qui sera ajouté au fichier @file{ddclient.conf}. Ce
+fichier contient les paramètres d'authentification utilisés par ddclient.
+On s'attend à ce que vous le créiez manuellement.
+La valeur par défaut est @samp{"/etc/ddclient/secrets.conf"}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{ddclient-configuration}} list extra-options
+Options supplémentaires qui seront ajoutées au fichier @file{ddclient.conf}.
+La valeur par défaut est @samp{()}.
+@end deftypevr
+@c %end of fragment
@node Services VPN
@subsubsection Services VPN
-@cindex VPN (virtual private network)
-@cindex virtual private network (VPN)
+@cindex VPN (réseau privé virtuel)
+@cindex réseau privé virtuel (VPN)
-The @code{(gnu services vpn)} module provides services related to
-@dfn{virtual private networks} (VPNs). It provides a @emph{client} service
-for your machine to connect to a VPN, and a @emph{servire} service for your
-machine to host a VPN. Both services use @uref{https://openvpn.net/,
+Le module @code{(gnu services vpn)} fournit des services liés aux
+@dfn{réseaux privés virtuels} (VPN). Il fournit un srevice @emph{client}
+pour que votre machine se connecte à un VPN et un service @emph{serveur}
+pour que votre machine héberge un VPN. Les deux services utilisent
+@uref{https://openvpn.net/, OpenVPN}.
@deffn {Procédure Scheme} openvpn-client-service @
[#:config (openvpn-client-configuration)]
-Return a service that runs @command{openvpn}, a VPN daemon, as a client.
+Renvoie un service qui lance @command{openvpn}, un démon VPN, en tant que
@end deffn
@deffn {Procédure Scheme} openvpn-server-service @
[#:config (openvpn-server-configuration)]
-Return a service that runs @command{openvpn}, a VPN daemon, as a server.
+Renvoie un service qui lance @command{openvpn}, un démon VPN, en tant que
-Both can be run simultaneously.
+Les deux services peuvent être lancés en même temps.
@end deffn
@c %automatically generated documentation
@@ -17594,129 +18888,130 @@ Both can be run simultaneously.
Les champs de @code{openvpn-client-configuration} disponibles sont :
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{openvpn-client-configuration}} package openvpn
-The OpenVPN package.
+Le paquet OpenVPN.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{openvpn-client-configuration}} string pid-file
-The OpenVPN pid file.
+Le fichier de PID d'OpenVPN.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{"/var/run/openvpn/openvpn.pid"}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{openvpn-client-configuration}} proto proto
-The protocol (UDP or TCP) used to open a channel between clients and
+Le protocole (UDP ou TCP) utilisé pour ouvrir un canal entre les clients et
+les serveurs.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{udp}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{openvpn-client-configuration}} dev dev
-The device type used to represent the VPN connection.
+Le périphérique utilisé pour représenter la connexion VPN.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{tun}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{openvpn-client-configuration}} string ca
-The certificate authority to check connections against.
+L'autorité de certification qui sert à vérifier les connexions.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{"/etc/openvpn/ca.crt"}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{openvpn-client-configuration}} string cert
-The certificate of the machine the daemon is running on. It should be
-signed by the authority given in @code{ca}.
+Le certificat de la machine sur laquelle tourne le démon. Il devrait être
+signé par l'autorité indiquée dans @code{ca}.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{"/etc/openvpn/client.crt"}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{openvpn-client-configuration}} string key
-The key of the machine the daemon is running on. It must be the key whose
-certificate is @code{cert}.
+La clef de la machine sur laquelle tourne le démon. Elle doit être la clef
+dont le certificat est donné dans @code{cert}.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{"/etc/openvpn/client.key"}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{openvpn-client-configuration}} boolean comp-lzo?
-Whether to use the lzo compression algorithm.
+Indique s'il faut utiliser l'algorithme de compression lzo.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{#t}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{openvpn-client-configuration}} boolean persist-key?
-Don't re-read key files across SIGUSR1 or --ping-restart.
+Ne pas relire les fichiers de clefs entre les SIGUSR1 et les --ping-restart.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{#t}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{openvpn-client-configuration}} boolean persist-tun?
-Don't close and reopen TUN/TAP device or run up/down scripts across SIGUSR1
-or --ping-restart restarts.
+Ne pas fermer et rouvrir les périphériques TUN/TAP ou lancer de scripts de
+démarrage/d'arrêt entre les SIGUSR1 et les --ping-restart.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{#t}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{openvpn-client-configuration}} number verbosity
-Verbosity level.
+Niveau de verbosité.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{3}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{openvpn-client-configuration}} tls-auth-client tls-auth
-Add an additional layer of HMAC authentication on top of the TLS control
-channel to protect against DoS attacks.
+Ajoute une couche d'authentification HMAC supplémentaire au dessus du canal
+de contrôle TLS pour se protéger contre les attaques DoS.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{#f}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{openvpn-client-configuration}} key-usage verify-key-usage?
-Whether to check the server certificate has server usage extension.
+Indique s'il faut vérifier que le certificat du serveur a l'extension
La valeur par défaut est @samp{#t}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{openvpn-client-configuration}} bind bind?
-Bind to a specific local port number.
+Se lier à un port spécifique.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{#f}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{openvpn-client-configuration}} resolv-retry resolv-retry?
-Retry resolving server address.
+Réessayer de résoudre l'adresse du serveur.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{#t}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{openvpn-client-configuration}} openvpn-remote-list remote
-A list of remote servers to connect to.
+Une liste de serveurs distants sur lesquels se connecter.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{()}.
Les champs de @code{openvpn-remote-configuration} disponibles sont :
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{openvpn-remote-configuration}} string name
-Server name.
+Nom du serveur.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{"my-server"}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{openvpn-remote-configuration}} number port
-Port number the server listens to.
+Numéro de port sur lequel écoute le serveur.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{1194}.
@@ -17730,187 +19025,191 @@ La valeur par défaut est @samp{1194}.
Les champs de @code{openvpn-server-configuration} disponibles sont :
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{openvpn-server-configuration}} package openvpn
-The OpenVPN package.
+Le paquet OpenVPN.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{openvpn-server-configuration}} string pid-file
-The OpenVPN pid file.
+Le fichier de PID d'OpenVPN.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{"/var/run/openvpn/openvpn.pid"}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{openvpn-server-configuration}} proto proto
-The protocol (UDP or TCP) used to open a channel between clients and
+Le protocole (UDP ou TCP) utilisé pour ouvrir un canal entre les clients et
+les serveurs.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{udp}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{openvpn-server-configuration}} dev dev
-The device type used to represent the VPN connection.
+Le périphérique utilisé pour représenter la connexion VPN.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{tun}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{openvpn-server-configuration}} string ca
-The certificate authority to check connections against.
+L'autorité de certification qui sert à vérifier les connexions.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{"/etc/openvpn/ca.crt"}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{openvpn-server-configuration}} string cert
-The certificate of the machine the daemon is running on. It should be
-signed by the authority given in @code{ca}.
+Le certificat de la machine sur laquelle tourne le démon. Il devrait être
+signé par l'autorité indiquée dans @code{ca}.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{"/etc/openvpn/client.crt"}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{openvpn-server-configuration}} string key
-The key of the machine the daemon is running on. It must be the key whose
-certificate is @code{cert}.
+La clef de la machine sur laquelle tourne le démon. Elle doit être la clef
+dont le certificat est donné dans @code{cert}.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{"/etc/openvpn/client.key"}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{openvpn-server-configuration}} boolean comp-lzo?
-Whether to use the lzo compression algorithm.
+Indique s'il faut utiliser l'algorithme de compression lzo.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{#t}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{openvpn-server-configuration}} boolean persist-key?
-Don't re-read key files across SIGUSR1 or --ping-restart.
+Ne pas relire les fichiers de clefs entre les SIGUSR1 et les --ping-restart.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{#t}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{openvpn-server-configuration}} boolean persist-tun?
-Don't close and reopen TUN/TAP device or run up/down scripts across SIGUSR1
-or --ping-restart restarts.
+Ne pas fermer et rouvrir les périphériques TUN/TAP ou lancer de scripts de
+démarrage/d'arrêt entre les SIGUSR1 et les --ping-restart.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{#t}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{openvpn-server-configuration}} number verbosity
-Verbosity level.
+Niveau de verbosité.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{3}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{openvpn-server-configuration}} tls-auth-server tls-auth
-Add an additional layer of HMAC authentication on top of the TLS control
-channel to protect against DoS attacks.
+Ajoute une couche d'authentification HMAC supplémentaire au dessus du canal
+de contrôle TLS pour se protéger contre les attaques DoS.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{#f}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{openvpn-server-configuration}} number port
-Specifies the port number on which the server listens.
+Spécifie le numéro de port sur lequel les serveurs écoutent.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{1194}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{openvpn-server-configuration}} ip-mask server
-An ip and mask specifying the subnet inside the virtual network.
+Une ip et un masque de sous-réseau spécifiant le sous-réseau dans le réseau
La valeur par défaut est @samp{""}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{openvpn-server-configuration}} cidr6 server-ipv6
-A CIDR notation specifying the IPv6 subnet inside the virtual network.
+Une notation CIDR pour spécifier le sous-réseau IPv6 dans le réseau virtuel.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{#f}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{openvpn-server-configuration}} string dh
-The Diffie-Hellman parameters file.
+Le fichier de paramètres Diffie-Hellman.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{"/etc/openvpn/dh2048.pem"}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{openvpn-server-configuration}} string ifconfig-pool-persist
-The file that records client IPs.
+Le fichier qui enregistre les IP des clients.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{"/etc/openvpn/ipp.txt"}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{openvpn-server-configuration}} gateway redirect-gateway?
-When true, the server will act as a gateway for its clients.
+Lorsque la valeur est vraie, le serveur agira comme une passerelle pour ses
La valeur par défaut est @samp{#f}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{openvpn-server-configuration}} boolean client-to-client?
-When true, clients are allowed to talk to each other inside the VPN.
+Lorsque la valeur est vraie, les clients sont autorisés à se parler entre
+eux dans le VPN.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{#f}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{openvpn-server-configuration}} keepalive keepalive
-Causes ping-like messages to be sent back and forth over the link so that
-each side knows when the other side has gone down. @code{keepalive}
-requires a pair. The first element is the period of the ping sending, and
-the second element is the timeout before considering the other side down.
+Fait que des messages de ping sont envoyés régulièrement dans les deux sens
+pour que chaque côté sache quand l'autre n'est plus disponible.
+@code{keepalive} a besoin d'une paire. Le premier élément est la période
+d'envoie du ping, et le second élément est le délai d'attente avant de
+considéré que l'autre côté n'est plus disponible.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{openvpn-server-configuration}} number max-clients
-The maximum number of clients.
+Le nombre maximum de clients.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{100}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{openvpn-server-configuration}} string status
-The status file. This file shows a small report on current connection. It
-is truncated and rewritten every minute.
+Le fichier de statut. Ce fichier montre un court rapport sur les connexions
+actuelles. Il est tronqué et réécrit toutes les minutes.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{"/var/run/openvpn/status"}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{openvpn-server-configuration}} openvpn-ccd-list client-config-dir
-The list of configuration for some clients.
+La liste des configuration pour certains clients.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{()}.
Les champs de @code{openvpn-ccd-configuration} disponibles sont :
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{openvpn-ccd-configuration}} string name
-Client name.
+Nom du client.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{"client"}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{openvpn-ccd-configuration}} ip-mask iroute
-Client own network
+Le réseau du client.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{#f}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{openvpn-ccd-configuration}} ip-mask ifconfig-push
-Client VPN IP.
+IP du client sur le VPN.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{#f}.
@@ -17926,110 +19225,114 @@ La valeur par défaut est @samp{#f}.
@subsubsection Système de fichiers en réseau
@cindex NFS
-The @code{(gnu services nfs)} module provides the following services, which
-are most commonly used in relation to mounting or exporting directory trees
-as @dfn{network file systems} (NFS).
+Le module @code{(gnu services nfs)} fournit les services suivants, qui sont
+tous utilisés pour monter et exporter des arborescences de répertoires en
+@dfn{network file systems} (NFS).
-@subsubheading RPC Bind Service
+@subsubheading Service RPC Bind
@cindex rpcbind
-The RPC Bind service provides a facility to map program numbers into
-universal addresses. Many NFS related services use this facility. Hence it
-is automatically started when a dependent service starts.
+Le service RPC Bind fournit un dispositif pour faire correspondre les
+numéros de programmes à des adresses universelles. De nombreux services
+liés à NFS utilisent ce dispositif. Donc il est automatiquement démarré
+lorsqu'un service qui en dépend est démarré.
@defvr {Variable Scheme} rpcbind-service-type
-A service type for the RPC portmapper daemon.
+Un type de service pour le démon RPC portmapper.
@end defvr
@deftp {Type de données} rpcbind-configuration
-Data type representing the configuration of the RPC Bind Service. This type
-has the following parameters:
+Type données représentant la configuration du service RPC Bind. Ce type a
+les paramètres suivants :
@table @asis
@item @code{rpcbind} (par défaut : @code{rpcbind})
Le paquet rpcbind à utiliser.
@item @code{warm-start?} (par défaut : @code{#t})
-If this parameter is @code{#t}, then the daemon will read a state file on
-startup thus reloading state information saved by a previous instance.
+Si ce paramètre est @code{#t}, alors le démon lira un fichier d'état au
+démarrage ce qui lui fait recharger les informations d'états sauvegardés par
+une instance précédente.
@end table
@end deftp
-@subsubheading Pipefs Pseudo File System
+@subsubheading Pseudo-système de fichiers Pipefs
@cindex pipefs
@cindex rpc_pipefs
-The pipefs file system is used to transfer NFS related data between the
-kernel and user space programs.
+Le système de fichiers pipefs est utilisé pour transférer des données liées
+à NFS entre le noyau et les programmes en espace utilisateur.
@defvr {Variable Scheme} pipefs-service-type
-A service type for the pipefs pseudo file system.
+Un type de service pour le pseudo-système de fichiers pipefs.
@end defvr
@deftp {Type de données} pipefs-configuration
-Data type representing the configuration of the pipefs pseudo file system
-service. This type has the following parameters:
+Type de données représentant la configuration du service du pseudo-système
+de fichiers pipefs. Ce type a les paramètres suivants :
@table @asis
@item @code{mount-point} (par défaut : @code{"/var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs"})
-The directory to which the file system is to be attached.
+Le répertoire dans lequel le système de fichiers est attaché.
@end table
@end deftp
-@subsubheading GSS Daemon Service
+@subsubheading Service de démon GSS
@cindex GSSD
@cindex GSS
-@cindex global security system
+@cindex système de sécurité global
-The @dfn{global security system} (GSS) daemon provides strong security for
-RPC based protocols. Before exchanging RPC requests an RPC client must
-establish a security context. Typically this is done using the Kerberos
-command @command{kinit} or automatically at login time using PAM services
-(@pxref{Services Kerberos}).
+Le démon du @dfn{système de sécurité global} (GSS) fournit une sécurité
+forte pour les protocoles basés sur des RPC. Avant d'échanger des requêtes
+RPC, un client RPC doit établir un contexte sécurisé. Typiquement cela se
+fait avec la commande Kerberos @command{kinit} ou automatiquement à la
+connexion avec les services PAM (@pxref{Services Kerberos}).
@defvr {Variable Scheme} gss-service-type
-A service type for the Global Security System (GSS) daemon.
+Un type de service pour le démon du système de sécurité global (GSS).
@end defvr
@deftp {Type de données} gss-configuration
-Data type representing the configuration of the GSS daemon service. This
-type has the following parameters:
+Type de données représentant la configuration du service du démon GSS. Ce
+type a les paramètres suivants :
@table @asis
@item @code{nfs-utils} (par défaut : @code{nfs-utils})
-The package in which the @command{rpc.gssd} command is to be found.
+Le paquet dans lequel la commande @command{rpc.gssd} se trouve.
@item @code{pipefs-directory} (par défaut : @code{"/var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs"})
-The directory where the pipefs file system is mounted.
+Le répertoire où le système de fichier pipefs doit être monté.
@end table
@end deftp
-@subsubheading IDMAP Daemon Service
+@subsubheading Service de démon IDMAP
@cindex idmapd
-@cindex name mapper
+@cindex correspondance de nom
-The idmap daemon service provides mapping between user IDs and user names.
-Typically it is required in order to access file systems mounted via NFSv4.
+Le service du démon idmap fournit une correspondance entre les ID
+utilisateur et les noms d'utilisateurs. Typiquement, cela est requis pour
+accéder aux systèmes de fichiers montés via NFSv4.
@defvr {Variable Scheme} idmap-service-type
-A service type for the Identity Mapper (IDMAP) daemon.
+Un type de service pour le démon de correspondance d'identité (IDMAP).
@end defvr
@deftp {Type de données} idmap-configuration
-Data type representing the configuration of the IDMAP daemon service. This
-type has the following parameters:
+Type de données représentant la configuration du service du démon IDMAP. Ce
+type a les paramètres suivants :
@table @asis
@item @code{nfs-utils} (par défaut : @code{nfs-utils})
-The package in which the @command{rpc.idmapd} command is to be found.
+Le paquet dans lequel se trouve la commande @command{rpc.idmapd}.
@item @code{pipefs-directory} (par défaut : @code{"/var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs"})
-The directory where the pipefs file system is mounted.
+Le répertoire où le système de fichier pipefs doit être monté.
@item @code{domain} (par défaut : @code{#f})
-The local NFSv4 domain name. This must be a string or @code{#f}. If it is
-@code{#f} then the daemon will use the host's fully qualified domain name.
+Le nom de domaine NFSv4 local. Il faut que ce soit une chaîne de caractères
+ou @code{#f}. Si la valeur est @code{#f} le démon utilisera le nom de
+domaine pleinement qualifié de l'hôte.
@end table
@end deftp
@@ -18037,125 +19340,157 @@ The local NFSv4 domain name. This must be a string or @code{#f}. If it is
@node Intégration continue
@subsubsection Intégration continue
-@cindex continuous integration
-@uref{https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/guix/guix-cuirass.git, Cuirass} is a
-continuous integration tool for Guix. It can be used both for development
-and for providing substitutes to others (@pxref{Substituts}).
+@cindex intégration continue
+@uref{https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/guix/guix-cuirass.git, Cuirass} est
+un outil d'intégration continue pour Guix. On peut l'utiliser aussi bien
+pour le développement que pour fournir des substituts à d'autres
-The @code{(gnu services cuirass)} module provides the following service.
+Le module @code{(gnu services cuirass)} fournit le service suivant.
@defvr {Procédure Scheme} cuirass-service-type
-The type of the Cuirass service. Its value must be a
-@code{cuirass-configuration} object, as described below.
+Le type du service Cuirass. Sa valeur doit être un objet
+@code{cuirass-configuration}, décrit ci-dessous.
@end defvr
-To add build jobs, you have to set the @code{specifications} field of the
-configuration. Here is an example of a service defining a build job based
-on a specification that can be found in Cuirass source tree. This service
-polls the Guix repository and builds a subset of the Guix packages, as
-prescribed in the @file{gnu-system.scm} example spec:
-(let ((spec #~((#:name . "guix")
- (#:url . "git://git.savannah.gnu.org/guix.git")
- (#:load-path . ".")
- (#:file . "build-aux/cuirass/gnu-system.scm")
- (#:proc . cuirass-jobs)
- (#:arguments (subset . "hello"))
- (#:branch . "master"))))
- (service cuirass-service-type
- (cuirass-configuration
- (specifications #~(list '#$spec)))))
-@end example
-While information related to build jobs is located directly in the
-specifications, global settings for the @command{cuirass} process are
-accessible in other @code{cuirass-configuration} fields.
+Pour ajouter des travaux de construction, vous devez indiquer le champ
+@code{specifications} de la configuration. Voici un exemple de service qui
+récupère le dépôt Guix et construit les paquets depuis un manifeste.
+Certains des paquets sont définis dans l'entrée @code{"custom-packages"},
+qui est l'équivalent de @code{GUIX_PACKAGE_PATH}.
+(define %cuirass-specs
+ #~(list
+ '((#:name . "my-manifest")
+ (#:load-path-inputs . ("guix"))
+ (#:package-path-inputs . ("custom-packages"))
+ (#:proc-input . "guix")
+ (#:proc-file . "build-aux/cuirass/gnu-system.scm")
+ (#:proc . cuirass-jobs)
+ (#:proc-args . ((subset . "manifests")
+ (systems . ("x86_64-linux"))
+ (manifests . (("config" . "guix/manifest.scm")))))
+ (#:inputs . (((#:name . "guix")
+ (#:url . "git://git.savannah.gnu.org/guix.git")
+ (#:load-path . ".")
+ (#:branch . "master")
+ (#:no-compile? . #t))
+ ((#:name . "config")
+ (#:url . "git://git.example.org/config.git")
+ (#:load-path . ".")
+ (#:branch . "master")
+ (#:no-compile? . #t))
+ ((#:name . "custom-packages")
+ (#:url . "git://git.example.org/custom-packages.git")
+ (#:load-path . ".")
+ (#:branch . "master")
+ (#:no-compile? . #t)))))))
+(service cuirass-service-type
+ (cuirass-configuration
+ (specifications %cuirass-specs)))
+@end example
+Tandis que les informations liés aux travaux de construction sont
+directement dans les spécifications, les paramètres globaux pour le
+processus @command{cuirass} sont accessibles dans les autres champs de
@deftp {Type de données} cuirass-configuration
-Data type representing the configuration of Cuirass.
+Type de données représentant la configuration de Cuirass.
@table @asis
@item @code{log-file} (par défaut : @code{"/var/log/cuirass.log"})
-Location of the log file.
+Emplacement du fichier de journal.
@item @code{cache-directory} (par défaut : @code{"/var/cache/cuirass"})
-Location of the repository cache.
+Emplacement du cache du dépôt.
@item @code{user} (par défaut : @code{"cuirass"})
-Owner of the @code{cuirass} process.
+Propriétaire du processus @code{cuirass}.
@item @code{group} (par défaut : @code{"cuirass"})
-Owner's group of the @code{cuirass} process.
+Groupe du propriétaire du processus @code{cuirass}.
@item @code{interval} (par défaut : @code{60})
-Number of seconds between the poll of the repositories followed by the
-Cuirass jobs.
+Nombre de secondes entre les mises à jour du dépôt suivis des travaux de
-@item @code{database} (par défaut : @code{"/var/run/cuirass/cuirass.db"})
-Location of sqlite database which contains the build results and previously
-added specifications.
+@item @code{database} (par défaut : @code{"/var/lib/cuirass/cuirass.db"})
+Emplacement de la base de données sqlite qui contient les résultats de
+construction et les spécifications précédemment ajoutées.
+@item @code{ttl} (par défaut : @code{(* 30 24 3600)})
+Spécifie la durée de vie (TTL) en seconde des racines du ramasse-miette qui
+sont enregistrés comme des résultats de construction. Cela signifie que les
+résultats de construction ne seront pas glanés pendant au moins @var{ttl}
@item @code{port} (par défaut : @code{8081})
-Port number used by the HTTP server.
+Numéro de port utilisé pour le serveur HTTP.
@item --listen=@var{hôte}
-Listen on the network interface for @var{host}. The default is to accept
-connections from localhost.
+Écoute sur l'interface réseau de @var{host}. La valeur par défaut est
+d'accepter les connexions depuis localhost.
@item @code{specifications} (par défaut : @code{#~'()})
-A gexp (@pxref{G-Expressions}) that evaluates to a list of specifications,
-where a specification is an association list (@pxref{Associations Lists,,,
-guile, GNU Guile Reference Manual}) whose keys are keywords
-(@code{#:keyword-example}) as shown in the example above.
+Une gexp (@pxref{G-Expressions}) qui s'évalue en une liste de
+spécifications, où une spécification est une liste d'association
+(@pxref{Associations Lists,,, guile, GNU Guile Reference Manual}) dont les
+clefs sont des mots-clefs (@code{#:exemple-de-mot-clef}) comme dans
+l'exemple plus haut.
@item @code{use-substitutes?} (par défaut : @code{#f})
-This allows using substitutes to avoid building every dependencies of a job
-from source.
+Cela permet d'utiliser des substituts pour éviter de construire toutes les
+dépendance d'un travail depuis les sources.
@item @code{one-shot?} (par défaut : @code{#f})
-Only evaluate specifications and build derivations once.
+N'évaluer les spécification et construire les dérivations qu'une seule fois.
@item @code{fallback?} (par défaut : @code{#f})
-When substituting a pre-built binary fails, fall back to building packages
+Lorsque la substitution d'un binaire pré-construit échoue, revenir à la
+construction locale du paquet.
@item @code{cuirass} (par défaut : @code{cuirass})
Le paquet Cuirass à utiliser.
@end table
@end deftp
-@node Power Management Services
-@subsubsection Power Management Services
+@node Services de gestion de l'énergie
+@subsubsection Services de gestion de l'énergie
@cindex tlp
-@cindex power management with TLP
-@subsubheading TLP daemon
+@cindex gestion de l'énergie avec TLP
+@subsubheading démon TLP
-The @code{(gnu services pm)} module provides a Guix service definition for
-the Linux power management tool TLP.
+Le module @code{(gnu services pm)} fournit une définition de service Guix
+pour l'outil de gestion d'énergie Linux TLP.
-TLP enables various powersaving modes in userspace and kernel. Contrary to
-@code{upower-service}, it is not a passive, monitoring tool, as it will
-apply custom settings each time a new power source is detected. More
-information can be found at @uref{http://linrunner.de/en/tlp/tlp.html, TLP
-home page}.
+TLP active plusieurs modes un espace utilisateur et dans le noyau.
+Contrairement à @code{upower-service}, ce n'est pas un outil passif de
+surveillance, puisqu'il applique des paramètres personnalisés à chaque fois
+qu'il détecte une nouvelle source d'énergie. Vous pouvez trouver plus
+d'informations sur @uref{http://linrunner.de/en/tlp/tlp.html, la page
+d'accueil de TLP}.
@deffn {Variable Scheme} tlp-service-type
-The service type for the TLP tool. Its value should be a valid TLP
-configuration (see below). To use the default settings, simply write:
+Le type de service pour l'outil TLP. Sa valeur devrait être une
+configuration valide de TLP (voir plus bas). Pour utiliser les paramètres
+par défaut, écrivez simplement :
(service tlp-service-type)
@end example
@end deffn
-By default TLP does not need much configuration but most TLP parameters can
-be tweaked using @code{tlp-configuration}.
+Par défaut TLP n'a pas besoin de beaucoup de configuration mais la plupart
+des paramètres de TLP peuvent être modifiés avec @code{tlp-configuration}.
-Each parameter definition is preceded by its type; for example,
-@samp{boolean foo} indicates that the @code{foo} parameter should be
-specified as a boolean. Types starting with @code{maybe-} denote parameters
-that won't show up in TLP config file when their value is @code{'disabled}.
+Chaque définition de paramètre est précédée par son type ; par exemple,
+@samp{boolean foo} indique que le paramètre @code{foo} doit être spécifié
+comme un booléen. Les types qui commencent par @code{maybe-} dénotent des
+paramètres qui n'apparaîtront pas dans la configuration de TLP lorsque leur
+valeur est @code{'disabled}.
@c The following documentation was initially generated by
@c (generate-tlp-documentation) in (gnu services pm). Manually maintained
@@ -18168,488 +19503,501 @@ that won't show up in TLP config file when their value is @code{'disabled}.
Les champs de @code{tlp-configuration} disponibles sont :
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{tlp-configuration}} package tlp
-The TLP package.
+Le paquet TLP.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{tlp-configuration}} boolean tlp-enable?
-Set to true if you wish to enable TLP.
+Indiquez vrai si vous souhaitez activer TLP.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{#t}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{tlp-configuration}} string tlp-default-mode
-Default mode when no power supply can be detected. Alternatives are AC and
+Mode par défaut lorsqu'aucune source d'énergie ne peut être détectée. Les
+possibilités sont AC et BAT.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{"AC"}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{tlp-configuration}} non-negative-integer disk-idle-secs-on-ac
-Number of seconds Linux kernel has to wait after the disk goes idle, before
-syncing on AC.
+Nombre de secondes que le noyau Linux doit attendre après que les disques
+s'arrêtent pour se synchroniser quand il est sur secteur.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{0}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{tlp-configuration}} non-negative-integer disk-idle-secs-on-bat
-Same as @code{disk-idle-ac} but on BAT mode.
+Comme @code{disk-idle-ac} mais en mode batterie.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{2}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{tlp-configuration}} non-negative-integer max-lost-work-secs-on-ac
-Dirty pages flushing periodicity, expressed in seconds.
+Périodicité du nettoyage des pages invalidées, en secondes.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{15}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{tlp-configuration}} non-negative-integer max-lost-work-secs-on-bat
-Same as @code{max-lost-work-secs-on-ac} but on BAT mode.
+Comme @code{max-lost-work-secs-on-ac} mais en mode batterie.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{60}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{tlp-configuration}} maybe-space-separated-string-list cpu-scaling-governor-on-ac
-CPU frequency scaling governor on AC mode. With intel_pstate driver,
-alternatives are powersave and performance. With acpi-cpufreq driver,
-alternatives are ondemand, powersave, performance and conservative.
+Gouverneur de fréquence d'horloge sur secteur. Avec le pilote intel_pstate,
+les possibilités sont powersave et performance. Avec le pilote
+acpi-cpufreq, les possibilités sont ondemand, powersave, performance et
La valeur par défaut est @samp{disabled}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{tlp-configuration}} maybe-space-separated-string-list cpu-scaling-governor-on-bat
-Same as @code{cpu-scaling-governor-on-ac} but on BAT mode.
+Comme @code{cpu-scaling-governor-on-ac} mais en mode batterie.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{disabled}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{tlp-configuration}} maybe-non-negative-integer cpu-scaling-min-freq-on-ac
-Set the min available frequency for the scaling governor on AC.
+Indique la fréquence d'horloge minimale pour le gouverneur sur secteur.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{disabled}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{tlp-configuration}} maybe-non-negative-integer cpu-scaling-max-freq-on-ac
-Set the max available frequency for the scaling governor on AC.
+Indique la fréquence d'horloge maximale pour le gouverneur sur secteur.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{disabled}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{tlp-configuration}} maybe-non-negative-integer cpu-scaling-min-freq-on-bat
-Set the min available frequency for the scaling governor on BAT.
+Indique la fréquence d'horloge minimale pour le gouverneur sur batterie.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{disabled}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{tlp-configuration}} maybe-non-negative-integer cpu-scaling-max-freq-on-bat
-Set the max available frequency for the scaling governor on BAT.
+Indique la fréquence d'horloge maximale pour le gouverneur sur batterie.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{disabled}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{tlp-configuration}} maybe-non-negative-integer cpu-min-perf-on-ac
-Limit the min P-state to control the power dissipation of the CPU, in AC
-mode. Values are stated as a percentage of the available performance.
+Limite le P-état minimum pour contrôler la dissipation de puissance dans le
+CPU, sur secteur. Les valeurs sont indiqués comme un pourcentage des
+performances disponibles.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{disabled}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{tlp-configuration}} maybe-non-negative-integer cpu-max-perf-on-ac
-Limit the max P-state to control the power dissipation of the CPU, in AC
-mode. Values are stated as a percentage of the available performance.
+Limite le P-état maximum pour contrôler la dissipation de puissance dans le
+CPU, sur secteur. Les valeurs sont indiqués comme un pourcentage des
+performances disponibles.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{disabled}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{tlp-configuration}} maybe-non-negative-integer cpu-min-perf-on-bat
-Same as @code{cpu-min-perf-on-ac} on BAT mode.
+Comme @code{cpu-min-perf-on-ac} mais en mode batterie.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{disabled}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{tlp-configuration}} maybe-non-negative-integer cpu-max-perf-on-bat
-Same as @code{cpu-max-perf-on-ac} on BAT mode.
+Comme @code{cpu-max-perf-on-ac} mais en mode batterie.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{disabled}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{tlp-configuration}} maybe-boolean cpu-boost-on-ac?
-Enable CPU turbo boost feature on AC mode.
+Active la fonctionnalité turbo boost du CPU sur secteur.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{disabled}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{tlp-configuration}} maybe-boolean cpu-boost-on-bat?
-Same as @code{cpu-boost-on-ac?} on BAT mode.
+Comme @code{cpu-boost-on-ac?} mais en mode batterie.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{disabled}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{tlp-configuration}} boolean sched-powersave-on-ac?
-Allow Linux kernel to minimize the number of CPU cores/hyper-threads used
-under light load conditions.
+Permet au noyau Linux de minimiser le nombre de cœurs/hyper-threads CPU
+utilisés lorsque la charge est faible.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{#f}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{tlp-configuration}} boolean sched-powersave-on-bat?
-Same as @code{sched-powersave-on-ac?} but on BAT mode.
+Comme @code{sched-powersave-on-ac?} mais en mode batterie.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{#t}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{tlp-configuration}} boolean nmi-watchdog?
-Enable Linux kernel NMI watchdog.
+Active le chien de garde NMI du noyau Linux.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{#f}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{tlp-configuration}} maybe-string phc-controls
-For Linux kernels with PHC patch applied, change CPU voltages. An example
-value would be @samp{"F:V F:V F:V F:V"}.
+Pour les noyaux Linux avec le correctif PHC, change le voltage du CPU. Une
+valeur serait par exemple @samp{"F:V F:V F:V F:V"}.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{disabled}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{tlp-configuration}} string energy-perf-policy-on-ac
-Set CPU performance versus energy saving policy on AC. Alternatives are
-performance, normal, powersave.
+Indique le niveau de performance du CPU par rapport à la politique de
+gestion de l'énergie sur secteur. Les possibilités sont performance, normal
+et powersave.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{"performance"}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{tlp-configuration}} string energy-perf-policy-on-bat
-Same as @code{energy-perf-policy-ac} but on BAT mode.
+Comme @code{energy-perf-policy-ac} mais en mode batterie.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{"powersave"}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{tlp-configuration}} space-separated-string-list disks-devices
-Hard disk devices.
+Périphériques de disque dur.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{tlp-configuration}} space-separated-string-list disk-apm-level-on-ac
-Hard disk advanced power management level.
+Niveau de gestion de l'énergie avancé des disques durs.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{tlp-configuration}} space-separated-string-list disk-apm-level-on-bat
-Same as @code{disk-apm-bat} but on BAT mode.
+Comme @code{disk-apm-bat} mais en mode batterie.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{tlp-configuration}} maybe-space-separated-string-list disk-spindown-timeout-on-ac
-Hard disk spin down timeout. One value has to be specified for each
-declared hard disk.
+Délai d'attente pour arrêter de faire tourner les disques. Une valeur doit
+être spécifiée pour chaque disque dur déclaré.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{disabled}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{tlp-configuration}} maybe-space-separated-string-list disk-spindown-timeout-on-bat
-Same as @code{disk-spindown-timeout-on-ac} but on BAT mode.
+Comme @code{disk-spindown-timeout-on-ac} mais en mode batterie.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{disabled}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{tlp-configuration}} maybe-space-separated-string-list disk-iosched
-Select IO scheduler for disk devices. One value has to be specified for
-each declared hard disk. Example alternatives are cfq, deadline and noop.
+Sélectionne l'ordonnanceur d'entrées-sorties pour le disque. Une valeur
+doit être spécifiée pour chaque disque déclaré. Les possibilités sont par
+exemple cfq, deadline et noop.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{disabled}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{tlp-configuration}} string sata-linkpwr-on-ac
-SATA aggressive link power management (ALPM) level. Alternatives are
-min_power, medium_power, max_performance.
+Niveau de gestion de l'énergie des lien SATA aggressive (ALPM). Les
+possibilités sont min_power, medium_power et max_performance.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{"max_performance"}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{tlp-configuration}} string sata-linkpwr-on-bat
-Same as @code{sata-linkpwr-ac} but on BAT mode.
+Comme @code{sata-linkpwr-ac} mais en mode batterie.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{"min_power"}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{tlp-configuration}} maybe-string sata-linkpwr-blacklist
-Exclude specified SATA host devices for link power management.
+Exclu les périphériques SATA spécifiés de la gestion de l'énergie des liens.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{disabled}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{tlp-configuration}} maybe-on-off-boolean ahci-runtime-pm-on-ac?
-Enable Runtime Power Management for AHCI controller and disks on AC mode.
+Active la gestion de l'énergie à l'exécution pour les contrôleurs AHCI et
+les disques, sur secteur
La valeur par défaut est @samp{disabled}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{tlp-configuration}} maybe-on-off-boolean ahci-runtime-pm-on-bat?
-Same as @code{ahci-runtime-pm-on-ac} on BAT mode.
+Comme @code{ahci-runtime-pm-on-ac} mais en mode batterie.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{disabled}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{tlp-configuration}} non-negative-integer ahci-runtime-pm-timeout
-Seconds of inactivity before disk is suspended.
+Secondes d'inactivités avant de suspendre les disques.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{15}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{tlp-configuration}} string pcie-aspm-on-ac
-PCI Express Active State Power Management level. Alternatives are default,
-performance, powersave.
+Niveau de gestion de l'énergie des états actifs de PCI Express. Les
+possibilités sont default, performance et powersave.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{"performance"}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{tlp-configuration}} string pcie-aspm-on-bat
-Same as @code{pcie-aspm-ac} but on BAT mode.
+Comme @code{pcie-aspm-ac} mais en mode batterie.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{"powersave"}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{tlp-configuration}} string radeon-power-profile-on-ac
-Radeon graphics clock speed level. Alternatives are low, mid, high, auto,
+Niveau de vitesse de l'horloge des cartes graphiques Radeon. Les
+possibilités sont low, mid, high, auto et default.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{"high"}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{tlp-configuration}} string radeon-power-profile-on-bat
-Same as @code{radeon-power-ac} but on BAT mode.
+Comme @code{radeon-power-ac} mais en mode batterie.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{"low"}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{tlp-configuration}} string radeon-dpm-state-on-ac
-Radeon dynamic power management method (DPM). Alternatives are battery,
+Méthode de gestion de l'énergie dynamique de Radeon (DPM). Les possibilités
+sont battery et performance.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{"performance"}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{tlp-configuration}} string radeon-dpm-state-on-bat
-Same as @code{radeon-dpm-state-ac} but on BAT mode.
+Comme @code{radeon-dpm-state-ac} mais en mode batterie.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{"battery"}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{tlp-configuration}} string radeon-dpm-perf-level-on-ac
-Radeon DPM performance level. Alternatives are auto, low, high.
+Niveau de performance de DPM. Les possibilités sont auto, low et high.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{"auto"}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{tlp-configuration}} string radeon-dpm-perf-level-on-bat
-Same as @code{radeon-dpm-perf-ac} but on BAT mode.
+Comme @code{radeon-dpm-perf-ac} mais en mode batterie.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{"auto"}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{tlp-configuration}} on-off-boolean wifi-pwr-on-ac?
-Wifi power saving mode.
+Mode de gestion de l'énergie wifi.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{#f}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{tlp-configuration}} on-off-boolean wifi-pwr-on-bat?
-Same as @code{wifi-power-ac?} but on BAT mode.
+Comme @code{wifi-power-ac?} mais en mode batterie.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{#t}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{tlp-configuration}} y-n-boolean wol-disable?
-Disable wake on LAN.
+Désactive wake on LAN.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{#t}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{tlp-configuration}} non-negative-integer sound-power-save-on-ac
-Timeout duration in seconds before activating audio power saving on Intel
-HDA and AC97 devices. A value of 0 disables power saving.
+Durée d'attente en secondes avant d'activer la gestion de l'énergie audio
+sur les périphériques Intel HDA et AC97. La valeur 0 désactive la gestion
+de l'énergie.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{0}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{tlp-configuration}} non-negative-integer sound-power-save-on-bat
-Same as @code{sound-powersave-ac} but on BAT mode.
+Comme @code{sound-powersave-ac} mais en mode batterie.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{1}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{tlp-configuration}} y-n-boolean sound-power-save-controller?
-Disable controller in powersaving mode on Intel HDA devices.
+Désactive le contrôleur en mode de gestion de l'énergie sur les
+périphériques Intel HDA.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{#t}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{tlp-configuration}} boolean bay-poweroff-on-bat?
-Enable optical drive in UltraBay/MediaBay on BAT mode. Drive can be powered
-on again by releasing (and reinserting) the eject lever or by pressing the
-disc eject button on newer models.
+Active le périphérique optique AltraBay/MediaBay en mode batterie. Le
+périphérique peut être de nouveau alimenté en lâchant (et en réinsérant) le
+levier d'éjection ou en appuyant sur le bouton d'éjection sur les modèles
+plus récents.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{#f}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{tlp-configuration}} string bay-device
-Name of the optical drive device to power off.
+Nom du périphérique optique à éteindre.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{"sr0"}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{tlp-configuration}} string runtime-pm-on-ac
-Runtime Power Management for PCI(e) bus devices. Alternatives are on and
+Gestion de l'énergie à l'exécution sur les bus PCI(e). Les possibilités
+sont on et auto.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{"on"}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{tlp-configuration}} string runtime-pm-on-bat
-Same as @code{runtime-pm-ac} but on BAT mode.
+Comme @code{runtime-pm-ac} mais en mode batterie.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{"auto"}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{tlp-configuration}} boolean runtime-pm-all?
-Runtime Power Management for all PCI(e) bus devices, except blacklisted
+Gestion de l'énergie à l'exécution pour tous les bus PCI(e), sauf ceux en
+liste noire.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{#t}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{tlp-configuration}} maybe-space-separated-string-list runtime-pm-blacklist
-Exclude specified PCI(e) device addresses from Runtime Power Management.
+Exclue les adresses des périphériques PCI(e) spécifiés de la gestion de
+l'énergie à l'exécution.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{disabled}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{tlp-configuration}} space-separated-string-list runtime-pm-driver-blacklist
-Exclude PCI(e) devices assigned to the specified drivers from Runtime Power
+Exclue les périphériques PCI(e) assignés aux pilotes spécifiés de la gestion
+de l'énergie à l'exécution.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{tlp-configuration}} boolean usb-autosuspend?
-Enable USB autosuspend feature.
+Active la fonctionnalité de mise en veille automatique de l'USB.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{#t}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{tlp-configuration}} maybe-string usb-blacklist
-Exclude specified devices from USB autosuspend.
+Exclue les périphériques spécifiés de la mise en veille automatique de
La valeur par défaut est @samp{disabled}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{tlp-configuration}} boolean usb-blacklist-wwan?
-Exclude WWAN devices from USB autosuspend.
+Exclue les périphériques WWAN de la mise en veille automatique de l'USB.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{#t}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{tlp-configuration}} maybe-string usb-whitelist
-Include specified devices into USB autosuspend, even if they are already
-excluded by the driver or via @code{usb-blacklist-wwan?}.
+Inclue les périphériques spécifiés dans la mise en veille automatique de
+l'USB, même s'ils sont déjà exclus par le pilote ou via
La valeur par défaut est @samp{disabled}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{tlp-configuration}} maybe-boolean usb-autosuspend-disable-on-shutdown?
-Enable USB autosuspend before shutdown.
+Active la mise en veille de l'USB avant l'arrêt.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{disabled}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{tlp-configuration}} boolean restore-device-state-on-startup?
-Restore radio device state (bluetooth, wifi, wwan) from previous shutdown on
-system startup.
+Restaure l'état des périphériques radio (bluetooth, wifi, wwan) du dernier
+arrêt au démarrage du système.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{#f}.
@end deftypevr
@cindex thermald
-@cindex CPU frequency scaling with thermald
-@subsubheading Thermald daemon
+@cindex gestion de la fréquence du CPU avec thermald
+@subsubheading démon Thermald
-The @code{(gnu services pm)} module provides an interface to thermald, a CPU
-frequency scaling service which helps prevent overheating.
+Le module @code{(gnu services pm)} fournit une interface pour thermald, un
+service de gestion de l'horloge CPU qui aide à éviter la surchauffe.
@defvr {Variable Scheme} thermald-service-type
-This is the service type for @uref{https://01.org/linux-thermal-daemon/,
-thermald}, the Linux Thermal Daemon, which is responsible for controlling
-the thermal state of processors and preventing overheating.
+C'est le type de service pour @uref{https://01.org/linux-thermal-daemon/,
+thermald}, le démon de température de Linux, responsable du contrôle de
+l'état thermique des processeurs et d'éviter la surchauffe.
@end defvr
@deftp {Type de données} thermald-configuration
-Data type representing the configuration of @code{thermald-service-type}.
+Type de données représentant la configuration de
@table @asis
@item @code{ignore-cpuid-check?} (par défaut : @code{#f})
-Ignore cpuid check for supported CPU models.
+Ignore la vérification des modèles CPU supportés avec cpuid.
@item @code{thermald} (par défaut : @var{thermald})
-Package object of thermald.
+Objet du paquet de thermald.
@end table
@end deftp
@@ -18657,18 +20005,19 @@ Package object of thermald.
@node Services audio
@subsubsection Services audio
-The @code{(gnu services audio)} module provides a service to start MPD (the
-Music Player Daemon).
+Le module @code{(gnu services audio)} fournit un service qui lance MPD (le
+démon de lecture de musique).
@cindex mpd
@subsubheading Music Player Daemon
-The Music Player Daemon (MPD) is a service that can play music while being
-controlled from the local machine or over the network by a variety of
+Le démon de lecture de musique (MPD) est un service qui joue de la musique
+tout en étant contrôlé depuis la machine locale ou à travers le réseau par
+divers clients.
-The following example shows how one might run @code{mpd} as user
-@code{"bob"} on port @code{6666}. It uses pulseaudio for output.
+L'exemple suivant montre comment on peut lancer @code{mpd} en tant
+qu'utilisateur @code{"bob"} sur le port @code{6666}. Il utilise pulseaudio
+pour la sortie audio.
(service mpd-service-type
@@ -18678,47 +20027,47 @@ The following example shows how one might run @code{mpd} as user
@end example
@defvr {Variable Scheme} mpd-service-type
-The service type for @command{mpd}
+Le type de service pour @command{mpd}.
@end defvr
@deftp {Type de données} mpd-configuration
-Data type representing the configuration of @command{mpd}.
+Type de données représentant la configuration de @command{mpd}.
@table @asis
@item @code{user} (par défaut : @code{"mpd"})
-The user to run mpd as.
+L'utilisateur qui lance mpd.
@item @code{music-dir} (par défaut : @code{"~/Music"})
-The directory to scan for music files.
+Le répertoire à scanner pour trouver les fichiers de musique.
@item @code{playlist-dir} (par défaut : @code{"~/.mpd/playlists"})
-The directory to store playlists.
+Le répertoire où stocker les playlists.
@item @code{port} (par défaut : @code{"6600"})
-The port to run mpd on.
+Le port sur lequel lancer mpd.
@item @code{address} (par défaut : @code{"any"})
-The address that mpd will bind to. To use a Unix domain socket, an absolute
-path can be specified here.
+L'adresse sur laquelle se lie mpd. Pour utiliser un socket Unix domain, un
+chemin absolu peut être spécifié ici.
@end table
@end deftp
@node Services de virtualisation
-@subsubsection Virtualization services
+@subsubsection services de virtualisation
-The @code{(gnu services virtualization)} module provides services for the
-libvirt and virtlog daemons, as well as other virtualization-related
+Le module @code{(gnu services virtualization)} fournit des services pour les
+démons libvirt et virtlog, ainsi que d'autres services liés à la
-@subsubheading Libvirt daemon
-@code{libvirtd} is the server side daemon component of the libvirt
-virtualization management system. This daemon runs on host servers and
-performs required management tasks for virtualized guests.
+@subsubheading démon libvirt
+@code{libvirtd} est le démon côté serveur du système de gestion de
+virtualisation libvirt. Ce démon tourne sur des serveurs hôtes et effectue
+les taches de gestion requises pour les clients virtualisés.
@deffn {Variable Scheme} libvirt-service-type
-This is the type of the @uref{https://libvirt.org, libvirt daemon}. Its
-value must be a @code{libvirt-configuration}.
+C'est le type du @uref{https://libvirt.org, démon libvirt}. Sa valeur doit
+être un @code{libvirt-configuration}.
(service libvirt-service-type
@@ -18732,293 +20081,296 @@ value must be a @code{libvirt-configuration}.
Les champs de @code{libvirt-configuration} disponibles sont :
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{libvirt-configuration}} package libvirt
-Libvirt package.
+Paquet libvirt.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{libvirt-configuration}} boolean listen-tls?
-Flag listening for secure TLS connections on the public TCP/IP port. must
-set @code{listen} for this to have any effect.
+Indique s'il faut écouter des connexions TLS sécurisées sur le port TCP/IP
+public. Vous devez remplir le champ @code{listen} pour que cela ait un
-It is necessary to setup a CA and issue server certificates before using
-this capability.
+Il est nécessaire de mettre en place une CA et de créer un certificat
+serveur avant d'utiliser cette fonctionnalité.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{#t}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{libvirt-configuration}} boolean listen-tcp?
-Listen for unencrypted TCP connections on the public TCP/IP port. must set
-@code{listen} for this to have any effect.
+Écoute des connexions non-chiffrées sur le port TCP/IP public. Vous devez
+remplir le champ @code{listen} pour que cela ait un effet.
-Using the TCP socket requires SASL authentication by default. Only SASL
-mechanisms which support data encryption are allowed. This is DIGEST_MD5
-and GSSAPI (Kerberos5)
+L'utilisation des sockets TCP requiert une authentification SASL par
+défaut. Seuls les mécanismes SASL qui supportent le chiffrement des données
+sont permis. Il s'agit de DIGEST_MD5 et GSSAPI (Kerberos5).
La valeur par défaut est @samp{#f}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{libvirt-configuration}} string tls-port
-Port for accepting secure TLS connections This can be a port number, or
-service name
+Pour pour accepter les connexions TLS sécurisées. Il peut s'agir d'un
+numéro de port ou d'un nom de service.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{"16514"}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{libvirt-configuration}} string tcp-port
-Port for accepting insecure TCP connections This can be a port number, or
-service name
+Pour sur lequel accepter les connexions TCP non sécurisées. Cela peut être
+un numéro de port ou un nom de service.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{"16509"}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{libvirt-configuration}} string listen-addr
-IP address or hostname used for client connections.
+Adresse IP ou nom d'hôte utilisé pour les connexions des clients.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{""}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{libvirt-configuration}} boolean mdns-adv?
-Flag toggling mDNS advertisement of the libvirt service.
+Indique s'il faut publier le service libvirt en mDNS.
-Alternatively can disable for all services on a host by stopping the Avahi
+Autrement, vous pouvez désactiver cela pour tous les services en stoppant le
+démon Avahi.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{#f}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{libvirt-configuration}} string mdns-name
-Default mDNS advertisement name. This must be unique on the immediate
-broadcast network.
+Nom publié par défaut sur mDNS. Cela doit être unique sur le réseau local.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{"Virtualization Host <hostname>"}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{libvirt-configuration}} string unix-sock-group
-UNIX domain socket group ownership. This can be used to allow a 'trusted'
-set of users access to management capabilities without becoming root.
+Groupe propriétaire du socket Unix domain. Cela peut être utilisé pour
+permettre à un ensemble d'utilisateurs « de confiance » de gérer les
+fonctionnalités sans devenir root.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{"root"}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{libvirt-configuration}} string unix-sock-ro-perms
-UNIX socket permissions for the R/O socket. This is used for monitoring VM
-status only.
+Permission Unix pour le socket en lecture seule. Il est utilisé pour
+surveiller le statut des VM uniquement.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{"0777"}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{libvirt-configuration}} string unix-sock-rw-perms
-UNIX socket permissions for the R/W socket. Default allows only root. If
-PolicyKit is enabled on the socket, the default will change to allow
-everyone (eg, 0777)
+Permission Unix pour le socket en lecture-écriture. La valeur par défaut
+n'autorise que root. Si PolicyKit est activé sur le socket, la valeur par
+défaut change et permet tout le monde (c.-à-d.@: 0777).
La valeur par défaut est @samp{"0770"}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{libvirt-configuration}} string unix-sock-admin-perms
-UNIX socket permissions for the admin socket. Default allows only owner
-(root), do not change it unless you are sure to whom you are exposing the
-access to.
+permissions Unix pour le socket d'administration. La valeur par défaut ne
+permet que le propriétaire (root), ne la changez pas à moins que vous ne
+soyez sûr de savoir à qui vous exposez cet accès.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{"0777"}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{libvirt-configuration}} string unix-sock-dir
-The directory in which sockets will be found/created.
+Le répertoire dans lequel les sockets sont créés.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{"/var/run/libvirt"}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{libvirt-configuration}} string auth-unix-ro
-Authentication scheme for UNIX read-only sockets. By default socket
-permissions allow anyone to connect
+Schéma d'authentification pour les socket Unix en lecture-seule. Par défaut
+les permissions des socket permettent à n'importe qui de se connecter.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{"polkit"}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{libvirt-configuration}} string auth-unix-rw
-Authentication scheme for UNIX read-write sockets. By default socket
-permissions only allow root. If PolicyKit support was compiled into
-libvirt, the default will be to use 'polkit' auth.
+Schéma d'authentification pour les socket UNIX en lecture-écriture. Par
+défaut les permissions du socket ne permettent que root. Si le support de
+PolicyKit a été compilé dans libvirt, la valeur par défaut utilise
+l'authentification « polkit ».
La valeur par défaut est @samp{"polkit"}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{libvirt-configuration}} string auth-tcp
-Authentication scheme for TCP sockets. If you don't enable SASL, then all
-TCP traffic is cleartext. Don't do this outside of a dev/test scenario.
+Schéma d'authentification pour les sockets TCP. Si vous n'avez pas activé
+SASL, alors tout le trafic TCP est en clair. Ne le faites pas en dehors de
+scénario de développement ou de test.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{"sasl"}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{libvirt-configuration}} string auth-tls
-Authentication scheme for TLS sockets. TLS sockets already have encryption
-provided by the TLS layer, and limited authentication is done by
+Schéma d'authentification pour les sockets TLS. Les sockets TLS sont déjà
+chiffrés par la couche TLS, et une authentification limitée est effectuée
+avec les certificats.
-It is possible to make use of any SASL authentication mechanism as well, by
-using 'sasl' for this option
+Il est possible d'utiliser de n'importe quel mécanisme d'authentification
+SASL en utilisant « sasl » pour cette option.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{"none"}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{libvirt-configuration}} optional-list access-drivers
-API access control scheme.
+Schéma de contrôle d'accès à l'API.
-By default an authenticated user is allowed access to all APIs. Access
-drivers can place restrictions on this.
+Par défaut un utilisateur authentifié peut accéder à toutes les API. Les
+pilotes d'accès peuvent placer des restrictions là-dessus.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{()}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{libvirt-configuration}} string key-file
-Server key file path. If set to an empty string, then no private key is
+Chemin de fichier de la clef du serveur. Si la valeur est une chaîne vide,
+aucune clef privée n'est chargée.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{""}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{libvirt-configuration}} string cert-file
-Server key file path. If set to an empty string, then no certificate is
+Chemin de fichier de la clef du serveur. Si la chaîne est vide, aucun
+certificat n'est chargé.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{""}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{libvirt-configuration}} string ca-file
-Server key file path. If set to an empty string, then no CA certificate is
+Chemin de fichier de la clef du serveur. Si la chaîne est vide, aucun
+certificat de CA n'est chargé.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{""}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{libvirt-configuration}} string crl-file
-Certificate revocation list path. If set to an empty string, then no CRL is
+Chemin de la liste de révocation des certificats. Si la chaîne est vide,
+aucun CRL n'est chargé.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{""}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{libvirt-configuration}} boolean tls-no-sanity-cert
-Disable verification of our own server certificates.
+Désactive la vérification de nos propres certificats serveurs.
-When libvirtd starts it performs some sanity checks against its own
+Lorsque libvirtd démarre il effectue des vérifications de routine sur ses
+propres certificats.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{#f}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{libvirt-configuration}} boolean tls-no-verify-cert
-Disable verification of client certificates.
+Désactive la vérification des certificats clients.
-Client certificate verification is the primary authentication mechanism.
-Any client which does not present a certificate signed by the CA will be
+La vérification des certificats clients est le mécanisme d'authentification
+principal. Tout client qui ne présent pas de certificat signé par la CA
+sera rejeté.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{#f}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{libvirt-configuration}} optional-list tls-allowed-dn-list
-Whitelist of allowed x509 Distinguished Name.
+Liste blanche des Distinguished Name x509 autorisés.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{()}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{libvirt-configuration}} optional-list sasl-allowed-usernames
-Whitelist of allowed SASL usernames. The format for username depends on the
-SASL authentication mechanism.
+Liste blanche des noms d'utilisateur SASL permis. Le format des noms
+d'utilisateurs dépend du mécanisme d'authentification SASL.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{()}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{libvirt-configuration}} string tls-priority
-Override the compile time default TLS priority string. The default is
-usually "NORMAL" unless overridden at build time. Only set this is it is
-desired for libvirt to deviate from the global default settings.
+Modifie la chaîne de priorité TLS par défaut fixée à la compilation. La
+valeur par défaut est typiquement « NORMAL » à moins qu'elle n'ait été
+modifiée à la compilation. Ne l'indiquez que si vous voulez que libvirt
+agisse différemment des paramètres par défaut globaux.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{"NORMAL"}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{libvirt-configuration}} integer max-clients
-Maximum number of concurrent client connections to allow over all sockets
+Nombre maximum de connexions clientes en même temps sur tous les sockets.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{5000}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{libvirt-configuration}} integer max-queued-clients
-Maximum length of queue of connections waiting to be accepted by the
-daemon. Note, that some protocols supporting retransmission may obey this
-so that a later reattempt at connection succeeds.
+Longueur maximum de la queue de connexions en attente d'acceptation du
+démon. Remarquez que certains protocoles supportant la retransmission
+peuvent obéir à ce paramètre pour qu'une connexion ultérieure réussisse.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{1000}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{libvirt-configuration}} integer max-anonymous-clients
-Maximum length of queue of accepted but not yet authenticated clients. Set
-this to zero to turn this feature off
+Longueur maximum de la queue des clients acceptés mais pas authentifiés.
+Indiquez zéro pour désactiver ce paramètre.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{20}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{libvirt-configuration}} integer min-workers
-Number of workers to start up initially.
+Nombre de processus de travail démarrés initialement.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{5}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{libvirt-configuration}} integer max-workers
-Maximum number of worker threads.
+Nombre maximum de threads de travail.
-If the number of active clients exceeds @code{min-workers}, then more
-threads are spawned, up to max_workers limit. Typically you'd want
-max_workers to equal maximum number of clients allowed.
+Si le nombre de clients actifs dépasse @code{min-workers}, plus de threads
+seront démarrés, jusqu'à la limite de max_workers. Typiquement vous voulez
+que max_workers soit égal au nombre maximum de clients permis.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{20}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{libvirt-configuration}} integer prio-workers
-Number of priority workers. If all workers from above pool are stuck, some
-calls marked as high priority (notably domainDestroy) can be executed in
-this pool.
+Nombre de travailleurs prioritaires. Si tous les threads de travail du
+groupe ci-dessus sont bloqués, certains appels marqués comme prioritaires
+(notamment domainDestroy) peuvent être exécutés par ce groupe.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{5}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{libvirt-configuration}} integer max-requests
-Total global limit on concurrent RPC calls.
+Limite globale totale sur les appels RPC concurrents.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{20}.
@@ -19083,10 +20435,10 @@ logs The format for a filter is one of:
@itemize @bullet
@end itemize
@@ -19268,7 +20620,7 @@ La valeur par défaut est @samp{5}.
@c %end of autogenerated docs
-@subsubheading Virtlog daemon
+@subsubheading démon Virrlog
The virtlogd service is a server side daemon component of libvirt that is
used to manage logs from virtual machine consoles.
@@ -19305,10 +20657,10 @@ logs The format for a filter is one of:
@itemize @bullet
@end itemize
@@ -19387,8 +20739,7 @@ La valeur par défaut est @samp{"3:stderr"}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{virtlog-configuration}} integer max-clients
-Maximum number of concurrent client connections to allow over all sockets
+Nombre maximum de connexions clientes en même temps sur tous les sockets.
La valeur par défaut est @samp{1024}.
@@ -19397,20 +20748,20 @@ La valeur par défaut est @samp{1024}.
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{virtlog-configuration}} integer max-size
Maximum file size before rolling over.
-Defaults to @samp{2MB}
+La valeur par défaut est @samp{2MB}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{virtlog-configuration}} integer max-backups
Maximum number of backup files to keep.
-Defaults to @samp{3}
+La valeur par défaut est @samp{3}.
@end deftypevr
-@subsubheading Transparent Emulation with QEMU
+@subsubheading Émulation transparente avec QEMU
-@cindex emulation
+@cindex émulation
@cindex @code{binfmt_misc}
@code{qemu-binfmt-service-type} provides support for transparent emulation
of program binaries built for different architectures---e.g., it allows you
@@ -19460,7 +20811,7 @@ service:
(guix-support? #t)))
@end example
-You can run:
+Vous pouvez lancer :
guix build -s armhf-linux inkscape
@@ -19525,7 +20876,7 @@ Package object of the Git distributed version control system.
Whether to allow access for all Git repositories, even if they do not have
the @file{git-daemon-export-ok} file.
-@item @code{base-path} (default: @file{/srv/git})
+@item @code{base-path} (par défaut : @file{/srv/git})
Whether to remap all the path requests as relative to the given path. If
you run git daemon with @var{(base-path "/srv/git")} on example.com, then if
you later try to pull @code{git://example.com/hello.git}, git daemon will
@@ -19575,14 +20926,14 @@ Data type representing the configuration for @code{git-http-service}.
@item @code{package} (par défaut : @var{git})
Package object of the Git distributed version control system.
-@item @code{git-root} (default: @file{/srv/git})
+@item @code{git-root} (par défaut : @file{/srv/git})
Directory containing the Git repositories to expose to the world.
@item @code{export-all?} (par défaut : @var{#f})
Whether to expose access for all Git repositories in @var{git-root}, even if
they do not have the @file{git-daemon-export-ok} file.
-@item @code{uri-path} (default: @file{/git/})
+@item @code{uri-path} (par défaut : @file{/git/})
Path prefix for Git access. With the default @code{/git/} prefix, this will
map @code{http://@var{server}/git/@var{repo}.git} to
@code{/srv/git/@var{repo}.git}. Requests whose URI paths do not begin with
@@ -19628,12 +20979,12 @@ You will also need to add an @code{fcgiwrap} proxy to your system services.
@xref{Services web}.
@end deffn
-@subsubheading Cgit Service
+@subsubheading Service Cgit
-@cindex Cgit service
-@cindex Git, web interface
-@uref{https://git.zx2c4.com/cgit/, Cgit} is a web frontend for Git
-repositories written in C.
+@cindex service cgit
+@cindex git, interface web
+@uref{https://git.zx2c4.com/cgit/, Cgit} est une interface web pour des
+dépôts Git écrite en C.
The following example will configure the service with default values. By
default, Cgit can be accessed on port 80 (@code{http://localhost:80}).
@@ -19650,12 +21001,12 @@ The @code{file-object} type designates either a file-like object
Les champs de @code{cgit-configuration} disponibles sont :
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{cgit-configuration}} package package
-The CGIT package.
+Le paquet cgit.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{cgit-configuration}} nginx-server-configuration-list nginx
-NGINX configuration.
+Configuration Nginx.
@end deftypevr
@@ -19937,8 +21288,8 @@ La valeur par défaut est @samp{"/favicon.ico"}.
@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{cgit-configuration}} string footer
The content of the file specified with this option will be included verbatim
-at the bottom of all pages (i.e. it replaces the standard "generated by..."
+at the bottom of all pages (i.e.@: it replaces the standard "generated
+by..."@: message).
La valeur par défaut est @samp{""}.
@@ -20382,7 +21733,7 @@ La valeur par défaut est @samp{""}.
@end deftypevr
-@deftypevr {@code{repository-cgit-configuration} parameter} maybe-repo-boolean enable-commit-graph?
+@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{repository-cgit-configuration}} maybe-repo-boolean enable-commit-graph?
A flag which can be used to disable the global setting
@@ -20390,7 +21741,7 @@ La valeur par défaut est @samp{disabled}.
@end deftypevr
-@deftypevr {@code{repository-cgit-configuration} parameter} maybe-repo-boolean enable-log-filecount?
+@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{repository-cgit-configuration}} maybe-repo-boolean enable-log-filecount?
A flag which can be used to disable the global setting
@@ -20398,7 +21749,7 @@ La valeur par défaut est @samp{disabled}.
@end deftypevr
-@deftypevr {@code{repository-cgit-configuration} parameter} maybe-repo-boolean enable-log-linecount?
+@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{repository-cgit-configuration}} maybe-repo-boolean enable-log-linecount?
A flag which can be used to disable the global setting
@@ -20406,7 +21757,7 @@ La valeur par défaut est @samp{disabled}.
@end deftypevr
-@deftypevr {@code{repository-cgit-configuration} parameter} maybe-repo-boolean enable-remote-branches?
+@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{repository-cgit-configuration}} maybe-repo-boolean enable-remote-branches?
Flag which, when set to @code{#t}, will make cgit display remote branches in
the summary and refs views.
@@ -20414,7 +21765,7 @@ La valeur par défaut est @samp{disabled}.
@end deftypevr
-@deftypevr {@code{repository-cgit-configuration} parameter} maybe-repo-boolean enable-subject-links?
+@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{repository-cgit-configuration}} maybe-repo-boolean enable-subject-links?
A flag which can be used to override the global setting
@@ -20422,7 +21773,7 @@ La valeur par défaut est @samp{disabled}.
@end deftypevr
-@deftypevr {@code{repository-cgit-configuration} parameter} maybe-repo-boolean enable-html-serving?
+@deftypevr {paramètre de @code{repository-cgit-configuration}} maybe-repo-boolean enable-html-serving?
A flag which can be used to override the global setting
@@ -20571,6 +21922,101 @@ instantiate a cgit service like this:
(cgitrc "")))
@end example
+@subsubheading Service Gitolite
+@cindex service Gitolite
+@cindex Git, hébergement
+@uref{http://gitolite.com/gitolite/, Gitolite} is a tool for hosting Git
+repositories on a central server.
+Gitolite can handle multiple repositories and users, and supports flexible
+configuration of the permissions for the users on the repositories.
+The following example will configure Gitolite using the default @code{git}
+user, and the provided SSH public key.
+(service gitolite-service-type
+ (gitolite-configuration
+ (admin-pubkey (plain-file
+ "yourname.pub"
+ "ssh-rsa AAAA... guix@@example.com"))))
+@end example
+Gitolite is configured through a special admin repository which you can
+clone, for example, if you setup Gitolite on @code{example.com}, you would
+run the following command to clone the admin repository.
+git clone git@@example.com:gitolite-admin
+@end example
+When the Gitolite service is activated, the provided @code{admin-pubkey}
+will be inserted in to the @file{keydir} directory in the gitolite-admin
+repository. If this results in a change in the repository, it will be
+committed using the message ``gitolite setup by GNU Guix''.
+@deftp {Type de données} gitolite-configuration
+Type de données représentant la configuration de
+@table @asis
+@item @code{package} (par défaut : @var{gitolite})
+Le paquet Gitolite à utiliser.
+@item @code{user} (par défaut : @var{git})
+User to use for Gitolite. This will be user that you use when accessing
+Gitolite over SSH.
+@item @code{group} (par défaut : @var{git})
+Groupe à utiliser pour Gitolite.
+@item @code{home-directory} (par défaut : @var{"/var/lib/gitolite"})
+Répertoire dans lequel stocker la configuration et les dépôts de Gitolite.
+@item @code{rc-file} (par défaut : @var{(gitolite-rc-file)})
+Un objet « simili-fichier » (@pxref{G-Expressions, file-like objects})
+représentant la configuration de Gitolite.
+@item @code{admin-pubkey} (par défaut : @var{#f})
+Un objet « simili-fichier » (@pxref{G-Expressions, file-like objects})
+utilisé pour paramétrer Gitolite. Il sera inséré dans le répertoire
+@file{keydir} dans le dépôt gitolite-admin.
+To specify the SSH key as a string, use the @code{plain-file} function.
+(plain-file "yourname.pub" "ssh-rsa AAAA... guix@@example.com")
+@end example
+@end table
+@end deftp
+@deftp {Type de données} gitolite-rc-file
+Type de données représentant le fichier RC de Gitolite.
+@table @asis
+@item @code{umask} (par défaut : @code{#o0077})
+This controls the permissions Gitolite sets on the repositories and their
+A value like @code{#o0027} will give read access to the group used by
+Gitolite (by default: @code{git}). This is necessary when using Gitolite
+with software like cgit or gitweb.
+@item @code{git-config-keys} (par défaut : @code{""})
+Gitolite allows you to set git config values using the "config"
+keyword. This setting allows control over the config keys to accept.
+@item @code{roles} (par défaut : @code{'(("READERS" . 1) ("WRITERS" . ))})
+Set the role names allowed to be used by users running the perms command.
+@item @code{enable} (par défaut : @code{'("help" "desc" "info" "perms" "writable" "ssh-authkeys" "git-config" "daemon" "gitweb")})
+This setting controls the commands and features to enable within Gitolite.
+@end table
+@end deftp
@node Services de jeu
@subsubsection Services de jeu
@@ -20607,12 +22053,12 @@ The port to bind the server to.
@subsubsection Services divers
@cindex fingerprint
-@subsubheading Fingerprint Service
+@subsubheading Service d'empreintes digitales
-The @code{(gnu services fingerprint)} module provides a DBus service to read
-and identify fingerprints via a fingerprint sensor.
+Le module @code{(gnu services fingerprint)} fournit un service DBus pour
+lire et identifier les empreintes digitales via un lecteur d'empreinte.
-@defvr {Scheme Variable} fprintd-service-type
+@defvr {Variable Scheme} fprintd-service-type
The service type for @command{fprintd}, which provides the fingerprint
reading capability.
@@ -20661,23 +22107,23 @@ framework. It is a resource manager that coordinates communications with
smart card readers, smart cards and cryptographic tokens that are connected
to the system.
-@defvr {Scheme Variable} pcscd-service-type
-Service type for the @command{pcscd} service. Its value must be a
-@code{pcscd-configuration} object. To run pcscd in the default
-configuration, instantiate it as:
+@defvr {Variable Scheme} pcscd-service-type
+Le type de service pour le service @command{pcscd}. Sa valeur doit être un
+objet @code{pcscd-configuration}. Pour lancer pcscd dans sa configuration
+par défaut, instantiez-le avec :
(service pcscd-service-type)
@end example
@end defvr
-@deftp {Data Type} pcscd-configuration
-The data type representing the configuration of @command{pcscd}.
+@deftp {Type de données} pcscd-configuration
+Type de données représentant la configuration de @command{pcscd}.
@table @asis
-@item @code{pcsc-lite} (default: @code{pcsc-lite})
-The pcsc-lite package that provides pcscd.
-@item @code{usb-drivers} (default: @code{(list ccid)})
+@item @code{pcsc-lite} (par défaut : @code{pcsc-lite})
+Le paquet pcsc-lite qui fournit pcscd.
+@item @code{usb-drivers} (par défaut : @code{(list ccid)})
List of packages that provide USB drivers to pcscd. Drivers are expected to
be under @file{pcsc/drivers} in the store directory of the package.
@end table
@@ -21155,11 +22601,11 @@ customize it further.
@cindex initrd
@cindex disque de RAM initial
-@deffn {Monadic Procedure} raw-initrd @var{file-systems} @
+@deffn {Procédure Scheme} raw-initrd @var{file-systems} @
[#:linux-modules '()] [#:mapped-devices '()] @ [#:helper-packages '()]
-[#:qemu-networking? #f] [#:volatile-root? #f] Return a monadic derivation
-that builds a raw initrd. @var{file-systems} is a list of file systems to
-be mounted by the initrd, possibly in addition to the root file system
+[#:qemu-networking? #f] [#:volatile-root? #f] Return a derivation that
+builds a raw initrd. @var{file-systems} is a list of file systems to be
+mounted by the initrd, possibly in addition to the root file system
specified on the kernel command line via @code{--root}. @var{linux-modules}
is a list of kernel modules to be loaded at boot time. @var{mapped-devices}
is a list of device mappings to realize before @var{file-systems} are
@@ -21176,14 +22622,14 @@ When @var{volatile-root?} is true, the root file system is writable but any
changes to it are lost.
@end deffn
-@deffn {Monadic Procedure} base-initrd @var{file-systems} @
+@deffn {Procédure Scheme} base-initrd @var{file-systems} @
[#:mapped-devices '()] [#:qemu-networking? #f] [#:volatile-root? #f]@
-[#:linux-modules '()] Return a monadic derivation that builds a generic
-initrd, with kernel modules taken from @var{linux}. @var{file-systems} is a
-list of file-systems to be mounted by the initrd, possibly in addition to
-the root file system specified on the kernel command line via
-@code{--root}. @var{mapped-devices} is a list of device mappings to realize
-before @var{file-systems} are mounted.
+[#:linux-modules '()] Return as a file-like object a generic initrd, with
+kernel modules taken from @var{linux}. @var{file-systems} is a list of
+file-systems to be mounted by the initrd, possibly in addition to the root
+file system specified on the kernel command line via @code{--root}.
+@var{mapped-devices} is a list of device mappings to realize before
+@var{file-systems} are mounted.
@var{qemu-networking?} and @var{volatile-root?} behaves as in
@@ -21199,11 +22645,12 @@ Guile, and the initialization program is a Guile program. That gives a lot
of flexibility. The @code{expression->initrd} procedure builds such an
initrd, given the program to run in that initrd.
-@deffn {Monadic Procedure} expression->initrd @var{exp} @
- [#:guile %guile-static-stripped] [#:name "guile-initrd"] Return a derivation
-that builds a Linux initrd (a gzipped cpio archive) containing @var{guile}
-and that evaluates @var{exp}, a G-expression, upon booting. All the
-derivations referenced by @var{exp} are automatically copied to the initrd.
+@deffn {Procédure Scheme} expression->initrd @var{exp} @
+ [#:guile %guile-static-stripped] [#:name "guile-initrd"] Return as a
+file-like object a Linux initrd (a gzipped cpio archive) containing
+@var{guile} and that evaluates @var{exp}, a G-expression, upon booting. All
+the derivations referenced by @var{exp} are automatically copied to the
@end deffn
@node Configuration du chargeur d'amorçage
@@ -21245,8 +22692,8 @@ when you boot it on your system.
@code{grub-bootloader} allows you to boot in particular Intel-based machines
in ``legacy'' BIOS mode.
-@cindex ARM, bootloaders
-@cindex AArch64, bootloaders
+@cindex ARM, chargeurs d'amorçage
+@cindex AArch64, chargeurs d'amorçage
Available bootloaders are described in @code{(gnu bootloader @dots{})}
modules. In particular, @code{(gnu bootloader u-boot)} contains definitions
of bootloaders for a wide range of ARM and AArch64 systems, using the
@@ -21445,8 +22892,9 @@ and @code{roll-back}) are usable only on systems already running GuixSD.}.
This effects all the configuration specified in @var{file}: user accounts,
system services, global package list, setuid programs, etc. The command
starts system services specified in @var{file} that are not currently
-running; if a service is currently running, it does not attempt to upgrade
-it since this would not be possible without stopping it first.
+running; if a service is currently running this command will arrange for it
+to be upgraded the next time it is stopped (e.g.@: by @code{herd stop X} or
+@code{herd restart X}).
This command creates a new generation whose number is one greater than the
current generation (as reported by @command{guix system list-generations}).
@@ -22206,7 +23654,7 @@ when simply looking for ways to customize your @code{operating-system}
@deftp {Type de données} service-type
-@cindex service type
+@cindex type de service
This is the representation of a @dfn{service type} (@pxref{Types service et services}).
@table @asis
@@ -22325,7 +23773,7 @@ extend it by passing it lists of packages to add to the system profile.
@node Services Shepherd
@subsubsection Services Shepherd
-@cindex shepherd services
+@cindex services shepherd
@cindex PID 1
@cindex init system
The @code{(gnu services shepherd)} module provides a way to define services
@@ -22374,8 +23822,8 @@ to start and stop processes (@pxref{Service De- and Constructors,,,
shepherd, The GNU Shepherd Manual}). They are given as G-expressions that
get expanded in the Shepherd configuration file (@pxref{G-Expressions}).
-@item @code{actions} (default: @code{'()})
-@cindex actions, of Shepherd services
+@item @code{actions} (par défaut : @code{'()})
+@cindex action, des services Shepherd
This is a list of @code{shepherd-action} objects (see below) defining
@dfn{actions} supported by the service, in addition to the standard
@code{start} and @code{stop} actions. Actions listed here become available
@@ -22402,13 +23850,13 @@ This is the list of modules that must be in scope when @code{start} and
@end table
@end deftp
-@deftp {Data Type} shepherd-action
+@deftp {Type de données} shepherd-action
This is the data type that defines additional actions implemented by a
Shepherd service (see above).
@table @code
@item name
-Symbol naming the action.
+Symbole nommant l'action
@item documentation
This is a documentation string for the action. It can be viewed by running:
@@ -22739,14 +24187,24 @@ must match. For instance, the @code{(my-packages emacs)} module must be
stored in a @file{my-packages/emacs.scm} file relative to the load path
specified with @option{--load-path} or @code{GUIX_PACKAGE_PATH}.
@xref{Modules and the File System,,, guile, GNU Guile Reference Manual}, for
-details.}. These package definitions will not be visible by default. Users
-can invoke commands such as @command{guix package} and @command{guix build}
-with the @code{-e} option so that they know where to find the package.
-Better yet, they can use the @code{-L} option of these commands to make
-those modules visible (@pxref{Invoquer guix build, @code{--load-path}}), or
-define the @code{GUIX_PACKAGE_PATH} environment variable. This environment
-variable makes it easy to extend or customize the distribution and is
-honored by all the user interfaces.
+details.}. There are two ways to make these package definitions visible to
+the user interfaces:
+By adding the directory containing your package modules to the search path
+with the @code{-L} flag of @command{guix package} and other commands
+(@pxref{Options de construction communes}), or by setting the @code{GUIX_PACKAGE_PATH}
+environment variable described below.
+By defining a @dfn{channel} and configuring @command{guix pull} so that it
+pulls from it. A channel is essentially a Git repository containing package
+modules. @xref{Canaux}, for more information on how to define and use
+@end enumerate
+@code{GUIX_PACKAGE_PATH} works similarly to other search path variables:
@defvr {Environment Variable} GUIX_PACKAGE_PATH
This is a colon-separated list of directories to search for additional
@@ -23071,7 +24529,7 @@ packages with the corresponding names.
If a project already contains the word @code{python}, we drop this; for
instance, the module python-dateutil is packaged under the names
@code{python-dateutil} and @code{python2-dateutil}. If the project name
-starts with @code{py} (e.g. @code{pytz}), we keep it and prefix it as
+starts with @code{py} (e.g.@: @code{pytz}), we keep it and prefix it as
described above.
@subsubsection Specifying Dependencies
@@ -23404,7 +24862,7 @@ updated to refer to these binaries on the target platform. That is, the
hashes and URLs of the bootstrap tarballs for the new platform must be added
alongside those of the currently supported platforms. The bootstrap Guile
tarball is treated specially: it is expected to be available locally, and
-@file{gnu/local.mk} has rules do download it for the supported
+@file{gnu/local.mk} has rules to download it for the supported
architectures; a rule for the new platform must be added as well.
In practice, there may be some complications. First, it may be that the
diff --git a/doc/guix.texi b/doc/guix.texi
index a957930d37..2376cedc68 100644
--- a/doc/guix.texi
+++ b/doc/guix.texi
@@ -11,6 +11,10 @@
@c Identifier of the OpenPGP key used to sign tarballs and such.
+@set KEY-SERVER pool.sks-keyservers.net
+@c The official substitute server used by default.
+@set SUBSTITUTE-SERVER ci.guix.info
Copyright @copyright{} 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 Ludovic Courtès@*
@@ -31,7 +35,7 @@ Copyright @copyright{} 2016, 2017, 2018 Jan Nieuwenhuizen@*
Copyright @copyright{} 2016 Julien Lepiller@*
Copyright @copyright{} 2016 Alex ter Weele@*
Copyright @copyright{} 2017, 2018 Clément Lassieur@*
-Copyright @copyright{} 2017 Mathieu Othacehe@*
+Copyright @copyright{} 2017, 2018 Mathieu Othacehe@*
Copyright @copyright{} 2017 Federico Beffa@*
Copyright @copyright{} 2017, 2018 Carlo Zancanaro@*
Copyright @copyright{} 2017 Thomas Danckaert@*
@@ -50,6 +54,9 @@ Copyright @copyright{} 2018 Oleg Pykhalov@*
Copyright @copyright{} 2018 Mike Gerwitz@*
Copyright @copyright{} 2018 Pierre-Antoine Rouby@*
Copyright @copyright{} 2018 Gábor Boskovits@*
+Copyright @copyright{} 2018 Florian Pelz@*
+Copyright @copyright{} 2018 Laura Lazzati@*
+Copyright @copyright{} 2018 Alex Vong@*
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or
@@ -101,8 +108,9 @@ package management tool written for the GNU system.
@c how to join your own translation team and how to report issues with the
@c translation.
This manual is also available in French (@pxref{Top,,, guix.fr, Manuel de
-référence de GNU Guix}). If you would like to translate it in your native
-language, consider joining the
+référence de GNU Guix}) and German (@pxref{Top,,, guix.de, Referenzhandbuch
+zu GNU Guix}). If you would like to translate it in your native language,
+consider joining the
@uref{https://translationproject.org/domain/guix-manual.html, Translation
@@ -193,6 +201,7 @@ Utilities
* Invoking guix copy:: Copying to and from a remote store.
* Invoking guix container:: Process isolation.
* Invoking guix weather:: Assessing substitute availability.
+* Invoking guix processes:: Listing client processes.
Invoking @command{guix build}
@@ -351,6 +360,7 @@ configuration in a transactional, reproducible, and stateless fashion
(@pxref{System Configuration}).
@cindex functional package management
+@cindex isolation
Under the hood, Guix implements the @dfn{functional package management}
discipline pioneered by Nix (@pxref{Acknowledgments}).
In Guix, the package build and installation process is seen
@@ -384,6 +394,7 @@ garbage collection of packages (@pxref{Features}).
@chapter Installation
@cindex installing Guix
+@cindex official website
GNU Guix is available for download from its website at
@url{http://www.gnu.org/software/guix/}. This section describes the
software requirements of Guix, as well as how to install it and get
@@ -395,6 +406,8 @@ instead, you want to install the complete GNU operating system,
@pxref{System Installation}.
@cindex foreign distro
+@cindex directories related to foreign distro
When installed on a running GNU/Linux system---thereafter called a
@dfn{foreign distro}---GNU@tie{}Guix complements the available tools
without interference. Its data lives exclusively in two directories,
@@ -417,6 +430,7 @@ Once installed, Guix can be updated by running @command{guix pull}
@section Binary Installation
@cindex installing Guix from binaries
+@cindex installer script
This section describes how to install Guix on an arbitrary system from a
self-contained tarball providing binaries for Guix and for all its
dependencies. This is often quicker than installing from source, which
@@ -451,7 +465,8 @@ If that command fails because you do not have the required public key,
then run this command to import it:
-$ gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-keys @value{OPENPGP-SIGNING-KEY-ID}
+$ gpg --keyserver @value{KEY-SERVER} \
+ --recv-keys @value{OPENPGP-SIGNING-KEY-ID}
@end example
@@ -487,18 +502,20 @@ archive content is independent of its creation time, thus making it
-Make @code{root}'s profile available under @file{~root/.guix-profile}:
+Make the profile available under @file{~root/.config/guix/current}, which is
+where @command{guix pull} will install updates (@pxref{Invoking guix pull}):
-# ln -sf /var/guix/profiles/per-user/root/guix-profile \
- ~root/.guix-profile
+# mkdir -p ~root/.config/guix
+# ln -sf /var/guix/profiles/per-user/root/current-guix \
+ ~root/.config/guix/current
@end example
Source @file{etc/profile} to augment @code{PATH} and other relevant
environment variables:
-# GUIX_PROFILE="`echo ~root`/.guix-profile" ; \
+# GUIX_PROFILE="`echo ~root`/.config/guix/current" ; \
source $GUIX_PROFILE/etc/profile
@end example
@@ -520,8 +537,8 @@ with these commands:
@c http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/guix-devel/2017-01/msg01199.html
-# cp ~root/.guix-profile/lib/systemd/system/guix-daemon.service \
- /etc/systemd/system/
+# cp ~root/.config/guix/current/lib/systemd/system/guix-daemon.service \
+ /etc/systemd/system/
# systemctl start guix-daemon && systemctl enable guix-daemon
@end example
@@ -529,14 +546,16 @@ If your host distro uses the Upstart init system:
# initctl reload-configuration
-# cp ~root/.guix-profile/lib/upstart/system/guix-daemon.conf /etc/init/
+# cp ~root/.config/guix/current/lib/upstart/system/guix-daemon.conf \
+ /etc/init/
# start guix-daemon
@end example
Otherwise, you can still start the daemon manually with:
-# ~root/.guix-profile/bin/guix-daemon --build-users-group=guixbuild
+# ~root/.config/guix/current/bin/guix-daemon \
+ --build-users-group=guixbuild
@end example
@@ -546,7 +565,7 @@ for instance with:
# mkdir -p /usr/local/bin
# cd /usr/local/bin
-# ln -s /var/guix/profiles/per-user/root/guix-profile/bin/guix
+# ln -s /var/guix/profiles/per-user/root/current-guix/bin/guix
@end example
It is also a good idea to make the Info version of this manual available
@@ -555,7 +574,7 @@ there:
# mkdir -p /usr/local/share/info
# cd /usr/local/share/info
-# for i in /var/guix/profiles/per-user/root/guix-profile/share/info/* ;
+# for i in /var/guix/profiles/per-user/root/current-guix/share/info/* ;
do ln -s $i ; done
@end example
@@ -570,7 +589,8 @@ To use substitutes from @code{hydra.gnu.org} or one of its mirrors
(@pxref{Substitutes}), authorize them:
-# guix archive --authorize < ~root/.guix-profile/share/guix/hydra.gnu.org.pub
+# guix archive --authorize < \
+ ~root/.config/guix/current/share/guix/hydra.gnu.org.pub
@end example
@@ -601,10 +621,11 @@ make guix-binary.@var{system}.tar.xz
@end example
-... which, in turn, runs:
+...@: which, in turn, runs:
-guix pack -s @var{system} --localstatedir guix
+guix pack -s @var{system} --localstatedir \
+ --profile-name=current-guix guix
@end example
@xref{Invoking guix pack}, for more info on this handy tool.
@@ -629,12 +650,13 @@ later, including 2.2.x;
(@pxref{Guile Preparations, how to install the GnuTLS bindings for
Guile,, gnutls-guile, GnuTLS-Guile});
-@uref{https://notabug.org/civodul/guile-sqlite3, Guile-SQLite3}, version 0.1.0
+@uref{https://notabug.org/guile-sqlite3/guile-sqlite3, Guile-SQLite3}, version 0.1.0
or later;
@c FIXME: Specify a version number once a release has been made.
@uref{https://gitlab.com/guile-git/guile-git, Guile-Git}, from August
2017 or later;
+@item @uref{https://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/guile-json/, Guile-JSON};
@item @url{http://zlib.net, zlib};
@item @url{http://www.gnu.org/software/make/, GNU Make}.
@end itemize
@@ -643,13 +665,6 @@ The following dependencies are optional:
-@url{http://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/guile-json/, Guile-JSON} will
-allow you to use the @command{guix import pypi} command (@pxref{Invoking
-guix import}). It is of
-interest primarily for developers and not for casual users.
@c Note: We need at least 0.10.2 for 'channel-send-eof'.
Support for build offloading (@pxref{Daemon Offload Setup}) and
@command{guix copy} (@pxref{Invoking guix copy}) depends on
@@ -1227,17 +1242,20 @@ etc. This helps achieve reproducible builds (@pxref{Features}).
When the daemon performs a build on behalf of the user, it creates a
build directory under @file{/tmp} or under the directory specified by
-its @code{TMPDIR} environment variable; this directory is shared with
-the container for the duration of the build. Be aware that using a
-directory other than @file{/tmp} can affect build results---for example,
-with a longer directory name, a build process that uses Unix-domain
-sockets might hit the name length limitation for @code{sun_path}, which
-it would otherwise not hit.
+its @code{TMPDIR} environment variable. This directory is shared with
+the container for the duration of the build, though within the container,
+the build tree is always called @file{/tmp/guix-build-@var{name}.drv-0}.
The build directory is automatically deleted upon completion, unless the
build failed and the client specified @option{--keep-failed}
(@pxref{Invoking guix build, @option{--keep-failed}}).
+The daemon listens for connections and spawns one sub-process for each session
+started by a client (one of the @command{guix} sub-commands.) The
+@command{guix processes} command allows you to get an overview of the activity
+on your system by viewing each of the active sessions and clients.
+@xref{Invoking guix processes}, for more information.
The following command-line options are supported:
@table @code
@@ -1259,8 +1277,7 @@ remote procedure call (@pxref{The Store}).
Consider @var{urls} the default whitespace-separated list of substitute
source URLs. When this option is omitted,
-@indicateurl{https://mirror.hydra.gnu.org https://hydra.gnu.org} is used
-(@code{mirror.hydra.gnu.org} is a mirror of @code{hydra.gnu.org}).
+@indicateurl{https://@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER}} is used.
This means that substitutes may be downloaded from @var{urls}, as long
as they are signed by a trusted signature (@pxref{Substitutes}).
@@ -2306,7 +2323,7 @@ also result from derivation builds, can be available as substitutes.
@cindex hydra
@cindex build farm
-The @code{mirror.hydra.gnu.org} server is a front-end to an official build farm
+The @code{@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER}} server is a front-end to an official build farm
that builds packages from Guix continuously for some
architectures, and makes them available as substitutes. This is the
default source of substitutes; it can be overridden by passing the
@@ -2338,33 +2355,28 @@ other substitute server.
@cindex substitutes, authorization thereof
@cindex access control list (ACL), for substitutes
@cindex ACL (access control list), for substitutes
-To allow Guix to download substitutes from @code{hydra.gnu.org} or a
+To allow Guix to download substitutes from @code{@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER}} or a
mirror thereof, you
must add its public key to the access control list (ACL) of archive
imports, using the @command{guix archive} command (@pxref{Invoking guix
-archive}). Doing so implies that you trust @code{hydra.gnu.org} to not
+archive}). Doing so implies that you trust @code{@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER}} to not
be compromised and to serve genuine substitutes.
-The public key for @code{hydra.gnu.org} is installed along with Guix, in
-@code{@var{prefix}/share/guix/hydra.gnu.org.pub}, where @var{prefix} is
+The public key for @code{@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER}} is installed along with Guix, in
+@code{@var{prefix}/share/guix/@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER}.pub}, where @var{prefix} is
the installation prefix of Guix. If you installed Guix from source,
make sure you checked the GPG signature of
@file{guix-@value{VERSION}.tar.gz}, which contains this public key file.
Then, you can run something like this:
-# guix archive --authorize < @var{prefix}/share/guix/hydra.gnu.org.pub
+# guix archive --authorize < @var{prefix}/share/guix/@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER}.pub
@end example
@quotation Note
-Similarly, the @file{berlin.guixsd.org.pub} file contains the public key
-for the project's new build farm, reachable at
-As of this writing @code{berlin.guixsd.org} is being upgraded so it can
-better scale up, but you might want to give it a try. It is backed by
-20 x86_64/i686 build nodes and may be able to provide substitutes more
-quickly than @code{mirror.hydra.gnu.org}.
+Similarly, the @file{hydra.gnu.org.pub} file contains the public key
+of an independent build farm also run by the project, reachable at
@end quotation
Once this is in place, the output of a command like @code{guix build}
@@ -2394,7 +2406,7 @@ $ guix build emacs --dry-run
@end example
-This indicates that substitutes from @code{hydra.gnu.org} are usable and
+This indicates that substitutes from @code{@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER}} are usable and
will be downloaded, when possible, for future builds.
@cindex substitutes, how to disable
@@ -2486,9 +2498,9 @@ by a server.
Today, each individual's control over their own computing is at the
mercy of institutions, corporations, and groups with enough power and
determination to subvert the computing infrastructure and exploit its
-weaknesses. While using @code{hydra.gnu.org} substitutes can be
+weaknesses. While using @code{@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER}} substitutes can be
convenient, we encourage users to also build on their own, or even run
-their own build farm, such that @code{hydra.gnu.org} is less of an
+their own build farm, such that @code{@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER}} is less of an
interesting target. One way to help is by publishing the software you
build using @command{guix publish} so that others have one more choice
of server to download substitutes from (@pxref{Invoking guix publish}).
@@ -2838,9 +2850,6 @@ The @command{guix pull} command is usually invoked with no arguments,
but it supports the following options:
@table @code
-@item --verbose
-Produce verbose output, writing build logs to the standard error output.
@item --url=@var{url}
@itemx --commit=@var{commit}
@itemx --branch=@var{branch}
@@ -2874,6 +2883,14 @@ current generation only.
@itemx -p @var{profile}
Use @var{profile} instead of @file{~/.config/guix/current}.
+@item --dry-run
+@itemx -n
+Show which channel commit(s) would be used and what would be built or
+substituted but do not actually do it.
+@item --verbose
+Produce verbose output, writing build logs to the standard error output.
@item --bootstrap
Use the bootstrap Guile to build the latest Guix. This option is only
useful to Guix developers.
@@ -2989,7 +3006,7 @@ channel(s):
@end lisp
-Note that the snippet above is (as always!) Scheme code; we use @code{cons} to
+Note that the snippet above is (as always!)@: Scheme code; we use @code{cons} to
add a channel the list of channels that the variable @code{%default-channels}
is bound to (@pxref{Pairs, @code{cons} and lists,, guile, GNU Guile Reference
Manual}). With this file in place, @command{guix pull} builds not only Guix
@@ -3020,6 +3037,39 @@ the new and upgraded packages that are listed, some like @code{my-gimp} and
@code{my-emacs-with-cool-features} might come from
@code{my-personal-packages}, while others come from the Guix default channel.
+@cindex dependencies, channels
+@cindex meta-data, channels
+@subsection Declaring Channel Dependencies
+Channel authors may decide to augment a package collection provided by other
+channels. They can declare their channel to be dependent on other channels in
+a meta-data file @file{.guix-channel}, which is to be placed in the root of
+the channel repository.
+The meta-data file should contain a simple S-expression like this:
+ (version 0)
+ (dependencies
+ (channel
+ (name 'some-collection)
+ (url "https://example.org/first-collection.git"))
+ (channel
+ (name 'some-other-collection)
+ (url "https://example.org/second-collection.git")
+ (branch "testing"))))
+@end lisp
+In the above example this channel is declared to depend on two other channels,
+which will both be fetched automatically. The modules provided by the channel
+will be compiled in an environment where the modules of all these declared
+channels are available.
+For the sake of reliability and maintainability, you should avoid dependencies
+on channels that you don't control, and you should aim to keep the number of
+dependencies to a minimum.
@subsection Replicating Guix
@cindex pinning, channels
@@ -3253,8 +3303,17 @@ produce human-readable output;
@item channels
produce a list of channel specifications that can be passed to @command{guix
pull -C} or installed as @file{~/.config/guix/channels.scm} (@pxref{Invoking
-guix pull}).
+guix pull});
+@item json
+@cindex JSON
+produce a list of channel specifications in JSON format;
+@item recutils
+produce a list of channel specifications in Recutils format.
@end table
+@item --profile=@var{profile}
+@itemx -p @var{profile}
+Display information about @var{profile}.
@end table
@node Invoking guix pack
@@ -3387,7 +3446,7 @@ guix pack -R -S /mybin=bin bash
@end example
-... you can copy that pack to a machine that lacks Guix, and from your
+...@: you can copy that pack to a machine that lacks Guix, and from your
home directory as a normal user, run:
@@ -3459,8 +3518,11 @@ For instance, @code{-S /opt/gnu/bin=bin} creates a @file{/opt/gnu/bin}
symlink pointing to the @file{bin} sub-directory of the profile.
@item --localstatedir
-Include the ``local state directory'', @file{/var/guix}, in the
-resulting pack.
+@itemx --profile-name=@var{name}
+Include the ``local state directory'', @file{/var/guix}, in the resulting
+pack, and notably the @file{/var/guix/profiles/per-user/root/@var{name}}
+profile---by default @var{name} is @code{guix-profile}, which corresponds to
@file{/var/guix} contains the store database (@pxref{The Store}) as well
as garbage-collector roots (@pxref{Invoking guix gc}). Providing it in
@@ -3626,11 +3688,11 @@ Read a single-item archive as served by substitute servers
low-level operation needed in only very narrow use cases; see below.
For example, the following command extracts the substitute for Emacs
-served by @code{hydra.gnu.org} to @file{/tmp/emacs}:
+served by @code{@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER}} to @file{/tmp/emacs}:
$ wget -O - \
- https://hydra.gnu.org/nar/@dots{}-emacs-24.5 \
+ https://@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER}/nar/@dots{}-emacs-24.5 \
| bunzip2 | guix archive -x /tmp/emacs
@end example
@@ -4376,6 +4438,63 @@ The @code{install} phase installs the binaries, and it also installs the
source code and @file{Cargo.toml} file.
@end defvr
+@cindex Clojure (programming language)
+@cindex simple Clojure build system
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} clojure-build-system
+This variable is exported by @code{(guix build-system clojure)}. It implements
+a simple build procedure for @uref{https://clojure.org/, Clojure} packages
+using plain old @code{compile} in Clojure. Cross-compilation is not supported
+It adds @code{clojure}, @code{icedtea} and @code{zip} to the set of inputs.
+Different packages can be specified with the @code{#:clojure}, @code{#:jdk} and
+@code{#:zip} parameters, respectively.
+A list of source directories, test directories and jar names can be specified
+with the @code{#:source-dirs}, @code{#:test-dirs} and @code{#:jar-names}
+parameters, respectively. Compile directory and main class can be specified
+with the @code{#:compile-dir} and @code{#:main-class} parameters, respectively.
+Other parameters are documented below.
+This build system is an extension of @var{ant-build-system}, but with the
+following phases changed:
+@table @code
+@item build
+This phase calls @code{compile} in Clojure to compile source files and runs
+@command{jar} to create jars from both source files and compiled files
+according to the include list and exclude list specified in
+@code{#:aot-include} and @code{#:aot-exclude}, respectively. The exclude list
+has priority over the include list. These lists consist of symbols
+representing Clojure libraries or the special keyword @code{#:all} representing
+all Clojure libraries found under the source directories. The parameter
+@code{#:omit-source?} decides if source should be included into the jars.
+@item check
+This phase runs tests according to the include list and exclude list specified
+in @code{#:test-include} and @code{#:test-exclude}, respectively. Their
+meanings are analogous to that of @code{#:aot-include} and
+@code{#:aot-exclude}, except that the special keyword @code{#:all} now
+stands for all Clojure libraries found under the test directories. The
+parameter @code{#:tests?} decides if tests should be run.
+@item install
+This phase installs all jars built previously.
+@end table
+Apart from the above, this build system also contains an additional phase:
+@table @code
+@item install-doc
+This phase installs all top-level files with base name matching
+@var{%doc-regex}. A different regex can be specified with the
+@code{#:doc-regex} parameter. All files (recursively) inside the documentation
+directories specified in @code{#:doc-dirs} are installed as well.
+@end table
+@end defvr
@defvr {Scheme Variable} cmake-build-system
This variable is exported by @code{(guix build-system cmake)}. It
implements the build procedure for packages using the
@@ -4684,7 +4803,7 @@ package is installed in its own directory under
@defvr {Scheme Variable} font-build-system
This variable is exported by @code{(guix build-system font)}. It
implements an installation procedure for font packages where upstream
-provides pre-compiled TrueType, OpenType, etc. font files that merely
+provides pre-compiled TrueType, OpenType, etc.@: font files that merely
need to be copied into place. It copies font files to standard
locations in the output directory.
@end defvr
@@ -4965,7 +5084,7 @@ a derivation is the @code{derivation} procedure:
[#:system (%current-system)] [#:references-graphs #f] @
[#:allowed-references #f] [#:disallowed-references #f] @
[#:leaked-env-vars #f] [#:local-build? #f] @
- [#:substitutable? #t]
+ [#:substitutable? #t] [#:properties '()]
Build a derivation with the given arguments, and return the resulting
@code{<derivation>} object.
@@ -5002,6 +5121,9 @@ When @var{substitutable?} is false, declare that substitutes of the
derivation's output should not be used (@pxref{Substitutes}). This is
useful, for instance, when building packages that capture details of the
host CPU instruction set.
+@var{properties} must be an association list describing ``properties'' of the
+derivation. It is kept as-is, uninterpreted, in the derivation.
@end deffn
@@ -5695,7 +5817,8 @@ information about monads.)
[#:leaked-env-vars #f] @
[#:script-name (string-append @var{name} "-builder")] @
[#:deprecation-warnings #f] @
- [#:local-build? #f] [#:substitutable? #t] [#:guile-for-build #f]
+ [#:local-build? #f] [#:substitutable? #t] @
+ [#:properties '()] [#:guile-for-build #f]
Return a derivation @var{name} that runs @var{exp} (a gexp) with
@var{guile-for-build} (a derivation) on @var{system}; @var{exp} is
stored in a file called @var{script-name}. When @var{target} is true,
@@ -6051,6 +6174,7 @@ the Scheme programming interface of Guix in a convenient way.
* Invoking guix copy:: Copying to and from a remote store.
* Invoking guix container:: Process isolation.
* Invoking guix weather:: Assessing substitute availability.
+* Invoking guix processes:: Listing client processes.
@end menu
@node Invoking guix build
@@ -6133,6 +6257,10 @@ the end of the build log. This is useful when debugging build issues.
@xref{Debugging Build Failures}, for tips and tricks on how to debug
build issues.
+This option has no effect when connecting to a remote daemon with a
+@code{guix://} URI (@pxref{The Store, the @code{GUIX_DAEMON_SOCKET}
@item --keep-going
@itemx -k
Keep going when some of the derivations fail to build; return only once
@@ -6347,6 +6475,38 @@ must be compatible. If @var{replacement} is somehow incompatible with
@var{package}, then the resulting package may be unusable. Use with
+@item --with-branch=@var{package}=@var{branch}
+@cindex Git, using the latest commit
+@cindex latest commit, building
+Build @var{package} from the latest commit of @var{branch}. The @code{source}
+field of @var{package} must be an origin with the @code{git-fetch} method
+(@pxref{origin Reference}) or a @code{git-checkout} object; the repository URL
+is taken from that @code{source}.
+For instance, the following command builds @code{guile-sqlite3} from the
+latest commit of its @code{master} branch, and then builds @code{guix} (which
+depends on it) and @code{cuirass} (which depends on @code{guix}) against this
+specific @code{guile-sqlite3} build:
+guix build --with-branch=guile-sqlite3=master cuirass
+@end example
+@cindex continuous integration
+Obviously, since it uses the latest commit of the given branch, the result of
+such a command varies over time. Nevertheless it is a convenient way to
+rebuild entire software stacks against the latest commit of one or more
+packages. This is particularly useful in the context of continuous
+integration (CI).
+Checkouts are kept in a cache under @file{~/.cache/guix/checkouts} to speed up
+consecutive accesses to the same repository. You may want to clean it up once
+in a while to save disk space.
+@item --with-commit=@var{package}=@var{commit}
+This is similar to @code{--with-branch}, except that it builds from
+@var{commit} rather than the tip of a branch. @var{commit} must be a valid
+Git commit SHA1 identifier.
@end table
@node Additional Build Options
@@ -6430,7 +6590,7 @@ The following derivations will be built:
@item transitive
Build the source derivations of all packages, as well of all transitive
-inputs to the packages. This can be used e.g. to
+inputs to the packages. This can be used e.g.@: to
prefetch package source for later offline building.
@@ -6553,7 +6713,7 @@ but you are actually on an @code{x86_64} machine:
$ guix build --log-file gdb -s mips64el-linux
@end example
You can freely access a huge library of build logs!
@@ -6833,12 +6993,11 @@ refresh, @code{--key-download}}.
@item pypi
@cindex pypi
Import metadata from the @uref{https://pypi.python.org/, Python Package
-Index}@footnote{This functionality requires Guile-JSON to be installed.
-@xref{Requirements}.}. Information is taken from the JSON-formatted
-description available at @code{pypi.python.org} and usually includes all
-the relevant information, including package dependencies. For maximum
-efficiency, it is recommended to install the @command{unzip} utility, so
-that the importer can unzip Python wheels and gather data from them.
+Index}. Information is taken from the JSON-formatted description
+available at @code{pypi.python.org} and usually includes all the relevant
+information, including package dependencies. For maximum efficiency, it
+is recommended to install the @command{unzip} utility, so that the
+importer can unzip Python wheels and gather data from them.
The command below imports metadata for the @code{itsdangerous} Python
@@ -6857,16 +7016,14 @@ in Guix.
@item gem
@cindex gem
-Import metadata from @uref{https://rubygems.org/,
-RubyGems}@footnote{This functionality requires Guile-JSON to be
-installed. @xref{Requirements}.}. Information is taken from the
-JSON-formatted description available at @code{rubygems.org} and includes
-most relevant information, including runtime dependencies. There are
-some caveats, however. The metadata doesn't distinguish between
-synopses and descriptions, so the same string is used for both fields.
-Additionally, the details of non-Ruby dependencies required to build
-native extensions is unavailable and left as an exercise to the
+Import metadata from @uref{https://rubygems.org/, RubyGems}. Information
+is taken from the JSON-formatted description available at
+@code{rubygems.org} and includes most relevant information, including
+runtime dependencies. There are some caveats, however. The metadata
+doesn't distinguish between synopses and descriptions, so the same string
+is used for both fields. Additionally, the details of non-Ruby
+dependencies required to build native extensions is unavailable and left
+as an exercise to the packager.
The command below imports metadata for the @code{rails} Ruby package:
@@ -6884,9 +7041,7 @@ in Guix.
@item cpan
@cindex CPAN
-Import metadata from @uref{https://www.metacpan.org/, MetaCPAN}@footnote{This
-functionality requires Guile-JSON to be installed.
+Import metadata from @uref{https://www.metacpan.org/, MetaCPAN}.
Information is taken from the JSON-formatted metadata provided through
@uref{https://fastapi.metacpan.org/, MetaCPAN's API} and includes most
relevant information, such as module dependencies. License information
@@ -6970,10 +7125,8 @@ guix import texlive --archive=generic ifxetex
@item json
@cindex JSON, import
-Import package metadata from a local JSON file@footnote{This
-functionality requires Guile-JSON to be installed.
-@xref{Requirements}.}. Consider the following example package
-definition in JSON format:
+Import package metadata from a local JSON file. Consider the following
+example package definition in JSON format:
@@ -7452,7 +7605,7 @@ Use @var{host} as the OpenPGP key server when importing a public key.
The @code{github} updater uses the
@uref{https://developer.github.com/v3/, GitHub API} to query for new
-releases. When used repeatedly e.g. when refreshing all packages,
+releases. When used repeatedly e.g.@: when refreshing all packages,
GitHub will eventually refuse to answer any further API requests. By
default 60 API requests per hour are allowed, and a full refresh on all
GitHub packages in Guix requires more than this. Authentication with
@@ -7488,7 +7641,7 @@ Identify inputs that should most likely be native inputs.
@itemx source-file-name
Probe @code{home-page} and @code{source} URLs and report those that are
invalid. Suggest a @code{mirror://} URL when applicable. Check that
-the source file name is meaningful, e.g. is not
+the source file name is meaningful, e.g.@: is not
just a version number or ``git-checkout'', without a declared
@code{file-name} (@pxref{origin Reference}).
@@ -7751,7 +7904,7 @@ This shows the @emph{reverse} DAG of packages. For example:
guix graph --type=reverse-package ocaml
@end example
-... yields the graph of packages that depend on OCaml.
+...@: yields the graph of packages that depend on OCaml.
Note that for core packages this can yield huge graphs. If all you want
is to know the number of packages that depend on a given package, use
@@ -7767,7 +7920,7 @@ For instance, the following command:
guix graph --type=bag-emerged coreutils | dot -Tpdf > dag.pdf
@end example
-... yields this bigger graph:
+...@: yields this bigger graph:
@image{images/coreutils-bag-graph,,5in,Detailed dependency graph of the GNU Coreutils}
@@ -7938,7 +8091,7 @@ fi
@end example
-... or to browse the profile:
+...@: or to browse the profile:
@@ -8212,7 +8365,7 @@ When @command{guix publish} runs, it spawns an HTTP server which allows
anyone with network access to obtain substitutes from it. This means
that any machine running Guix can also act as if it were a build farm,
since the HTTP interface is compatible with Hydra, the software behind
-the @code{hydra.gnu.org} build farm.
+the @code{@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER}} build farm.
For security, each substitute is signed, allowing recipients to check
their authenticity and integrity (@pxref{Substitutes}). Because
@@ -8449,20 +8602,20 @@ any given store item.
The command output looks like this:
-$ guix challenge --substitute-urls="https://hydra.gnu.org https://guix.example.org"
-updating list of substitutes from 'https://hydra.gnu.org'... 100.0%
+$ guix challenge --substitute-urls="https://@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER} https://guix.example.org"
+updating list of substitutes from 'https://@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER}'... 100.0%
updating list of substitutes from 'https://guix.example.org'... 100.0%
/gnu/store/@dots{}-openssl-1.0.2d contents differ:
local hash: 0725l22r5jnzazaacncwsvp9kgf42266ayyp814v7djxs7nk963q
- https://hydra.gnu.org/nar/@dots{}-openssl-1.0.2d: 0725l22r5jnzazaacncwsvp9kgf42266ayyp814v7djxs7nk963q
+ https://@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER}/nar/@dots{}-openssl-1.0.2d: 0725l22r5jnzazaacncwsvp9kgf42266ayyp814v7djxs7nk963q
https://guix.example.org/nar/@dots{}-openssl-1.0.2d: 1zy4fmaaqcnjrzzajkdn3f5gmjk754b43qkq47llbyak9z0qjyim
/gnu/store/@dots{}-git-2.5.0 contents differ:
local hash: 00p3bmryhjxrhpn2gxs2fy0a15lnip05l97205pgbk5ra395hyha
- https://hydra.gnu.org/nar/@dots{}-git-2.5.0: 069nb85bv4d4a6slrwjdy8v1cn4cwspm3kdbmyb81d6zckj3nq9f
+ https://@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER}/nar/@dots{}-git-2.5.0: 069nb85bv4d4a6slrwjdy8v1cn4cwspm3kdbmyb81d6zckj3nq9f
https://guix.example.org/nar/@dots{}-git-2.5.0: 0mdqa9w1p6cmli6976v4wi0sw9r4p5prkj7lzfd1877wk11c9c73
/gnu/store/@dots{}-pius-2.1.1 contents differ:
local hash: 0k4v3m9z1zp8xzzizb7d8kjj72f9172xv078sq4wl73vnq9ig3ax
- https://hydra.gnu.org/nar/@dots{}-pius-2.1.1: 0k4v3m9z1zp8xzzizb7d8kjj72f9172xv078sq4wl73vnq9ig3ax
+ https://@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER}/nar/@dots{}-pius-2.1.1: 0k4v3m9z1zp8xzzizb7d8kjj72f9172xv078sq4wl73vnq9ig3ax
https://guix.example.org/nar/@dots{}-pius-2.1.1: 1cy25x1a4fzq5rk0pmvc8xhwyffnqz95h2bpvqsz2mpvlbccy0gs
@@ -8482,7 +8635,7 @@ the servers obtained a result different from the local build.
@cindex non-determinism, in package builds
As an example, @code{guix.example.org} always gets a different answer.
-Conversely, @code{hydra.gnu.org} agrees with local builds, except in the
+Conversely, @code{@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER}} agrees with local builds, except in the
case of Git. This might indicate that the build process of Git is
non-deterministic, meaning that its output varies as a function of
various things that Guix does not fully control, in spite of building
@@ -8496,14 +8649,14 @@ To find out what is wrong with this Git binary, we can do something along
these lines (@pxref{Invoking guix archive}):
-$ wget -q -O - https://hydra.gnu.org/nar/@dots{}-git-2.5.0 \
+$ wget -q -O - https://@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER}/nar/@dots{}-git-2.5.0 \
| guix archive -x /tmp/git
$ diff -ur --no-dereference /gnu/store/@dots{}-git.2.5.0 /tmp/git
@end example
This command shows the difference between the files resulting from the
local build, and the files resulting from the build on
-@code{hydra.gnu.org} (@pxref{Overview, Comparing and Merging Files,,
+@code{@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER}} (@pxref{Overview, Comparing and Merging Files,,
diffutils, Comparing and Merging Files}). The @command{diff} command
works great for text files. When binary files differ, a better option
is @uref{https://diffoscope.org/, Diffoscope}, a tool that helps
@@ -8518,7 +8671,7 @@ In the meantime, @command{guix challenge} is one tool to help address
the problem.
If you are writing packages for Guix, you are encouraged to check
-whether @code{hydra.gnu.org} and other substitute servers obtain the
+whether @code{@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER}} and other substitute servers obtain the
same build result as you did with:
@@ -8751,6 +8904,61 @@ with the @code{-m} option of @command{guix package} (@pxref{Invoking
guix package}).
@end table
+@node Invoking guix processes
+@section Invoking @command{guix processes}
+The @command{guix processes} command can be useful to developers and system
+administrators, especially on multi-user machines and on build farms: it lists
+the current sessions (connections to the daemon), as well as information about
+the processes involved@footnote{Remote sessions, when @command{guix-daemon} is
+started with @option{--listen} specifying a TCP endpoint, are @emph{not}
+listed.}. Here's an example of the information it returns:
+$ sudo guix processes
+SessionPID: 19002
+ClientPID: 19090
+ClientCommand: guix environment --ad-hoc python
+SessionPID: 19402
+ClientPID: 19367
+ClientCommand: guix publish -u guix-publish -p 3000 -C 9 @dots{}
+SessionPID: 19444
+ClientPID: 19419
+ClientCommand: cuirass --cache-directory /var/cache/cuirass @dots{}
+LockHeld: /gnu/store/@dots{}-perl-ipc-cmd-0.96.lock
+LockHeld: /gnu/store/@dots{}-python-six-bootstrap-1.11.0.lock
+LockHeld: /gnu/store/@dots{}-libjpeg-turbo-2.0.0.lock
+ChildProcess: 20495: guix offload x86_64-linux 7200 1 28800
+ChildProcess: 27733: guix offload x86_64-linux 7200 1 28800
+ChildProcess: 27793: guix offload x86_64-linux 7200 1 28800
+@end example
+In this example we see that @command{guix-daemon} has three clients:
+@command{guix environment}, @command{guix publish}, and the Cuirass continuous
+integration tool; their process identifier (PID) is given by the
+@code{ClientPID} field. The @code{SessionPID} field gives the PID of the
+@command{guix-daemon} sub-process of this particular session.
+The @code{LockHeld} fields show which store items are currently locked by this
+session, which corresponds to store items being built or substituted (the
+@code{LockHeld} field is not displayed when @command{guix processes} is not
+running as root.) Last, by looking at the @code{ChildProcess} field, we
+understand that these three builds are being offloaded (@pxref{Daemon Offload
+The output is in Recutils format so we can use the handy @command{recsel}
+command to select sessions of interest (@pxref{Selection Expressions,,,
+recutils, GNU recutils manual}). As an example, the command shows the command
+line and PID of the client that triggered the build of a Perl package:
+$ sudo guix processes | \
+ recsel -p ClientPID,ClientCommand -e 'LockHeld ~ "perl"'
+ClientPID: 19419
+ClientCommand: cuirass --cache-directory /var/cache/cuirass @dots{}
+@end example
@c *********************************************************************
@node GNU Distribution
@@ -8894,7 +9102,7 @@ More and more system services are provided (@pxref{Services}), but some
may be missing.
-More than 7,500 packages are available, but you might
+More than 8,500 packages are available, but you might
occasionally find that a useful package is missing.
@@ -8972,7 +9180,8 @@ If that command fails because you do not have the required public key,
then run this command to import it:
-$ gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-keys @value{OPENPGP-SIGNING-KEY-ID}
+$ gpg --keyserver @value{KEY-SERVER} \
+ --recv-keys @value{OPENPGP-SIGNING-KEY-ID}
@end example
@@ -9000,7 +9209,7 @@ its device name. Assuming that the USB stick is known as @file{/dev/sdX},
copy the image with:
-dd if=guixsd-install-@value{VERSION}.x86_64-linux.iso of=/dev/sdX
+dd if=guixsd-install-@value{VERSION}.@var{system}.iso of=/dev/sdX
@end example
@@ -9025,7 +9234,7 @@ its device name. Assuming that the DVD drive is known as @file{/dev/srX},
copy the image with:
-growisofs -dvd-compat -Z /dev/srX=guixsd-install-@value{VERSION}.x86_64.iso
+growisofs -dvd-compat -Z /dev/srX=guixsd-install-@value{VERSION}.@var{system}.iso
@end example
Access to @file{/dev/srX} usually requires root privileges.
@@ -9385,7 +9594,7 @@ system}). We recommend doing that regularly so that your system
includes the latest security updates (@pxref{Security Updates}).
Join us on @code{#guix} on the Freenode IRC network or on
-@file{guix-devel@@gnu.org} to share your experience---good or not so
+@email{guix-devel@@gnu.org} to share your experience---good or not so
@node Installing GuixSD in a VM
@@ -9571,9 +9780,9 @@ environment variable---in addition to the per-user profiles
provides all the tools one would expect for basic user and administrator
tasks---including the GNU Core Utilities, the GNU Networking Utilities,
the GNU Zile lightweight text editor, @command{find}, @command{grep},
-etc. The example above adds GNU@tie{}Screen and OpenSSH to those,
-taken from the @code{(gnu packages screen)} and @code{(gnu packages ssh)}
-modules (@pxref{Package Modules}). The
+etc. The example above adds GNU@tie{}Screen to those,
+taken from the @code{(gnu packages screen)}
+module (@pxref{Package Modules}). The
@code{(list package output)} syntax can be used to add a specific output
of a package:
@@ -9784,7 +9993,7 @@ The list of Linux kernel modules that need to be available in the
initial RAM disk. @xref{Initial RAM Disk}.
@item @code{initrd} (default: @code{base-initrd})
-A monadic procedure that returns an initial RAM disk for the Linux
+A procedure that returns an initial RAM disk for the Linux
kernel. This field is provided to support low-level customization and
should rarely be needed for casual use. @xref{Initial RAM Disk}.
@@ -10490,11 +10699,14 @@ Start,,, shepherd, The GNU Shepherd Manual}). For example:
The above command, run as @code{root}, lists the currently defined
services. The @command{herd doc} command shows a synopsis of the given
+service and its associated actions:
# herd doc nscd
Run libc's name service cache daemon (nscd).
+# herd doc nscd action invalidate
+invalidate: Invalidate the given cache--e.g., 'hosts' for host name lookups.
@end example
The @command{start}, @command{stop}, and @command{restart} sub-commands
@@ -10698,7 +10910,7 @@ the Linux command line, agetty will extract the device name of the
serial port from it and use that.
In both cases, agetty will leave the other serial device settings
-(baud rate etc.) alone---in the hope that Linux pinned them to the
+(baud rate etc.)@: alone---in the hope that Linux pinned them to the
correct values.
@item @code{baud-rate} (default: @code{#f})
@@ -10872,6 +11084,10 @@ A gexp denoting the name of the log-in program. The default log-in program is
@item @code{login-arguments} (default: @code{'("-p")})
A list of arguments to pass to @command{login}.
+@item @code{auto-login} (default: @code{#f})
+When passed a login name, as a string, the specified user will be logged
+in automatically without prompting for their login name or password.
@item @code{hardware-acceleration?} (default: #f)
Whether to use hardware acceleration.
@@ -10888,6 +11104,27 @@ The Kmscon package to use.
Return a service that runs the libc name service cache daemon (nscd) with the
given @var{config}---an @code{<nscd-configuration>} object. @xref{Name
Service Switch}, for an example.
+For convenience, the Shepherd service for nscd provides the following actions:
+@table @code
+@item invalidate
+@cindex cache invalidation, nscd
+@cindex nscd, cache invalidation
+This invalidate the given cache. For instance, running:
+herd invalidate nscd hosts
+@end example
+invalidates the host name lookup cache of nscd.
+@item statistics
+Running @command{herd statistics nscd} displays information about nscd usage
+and caches.
+@end table
@end deffn
@defvr {Scheme Variable} %nscd-default-configuration
@@ -11024,14 +11261,14 @@ Number of build user accounts to create.
@item @code{authorize-key?} (default: @code{#t})
@cindex substitutes, authorization thereof
Whether to authorize the substitute keys listed in
-@code{authorized-keys}---by default that of @code{hydra.gnu.org}
+@code{authorized-keys}---by default that of @code{@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER}}
@vindex %default-authorized-guix-keys
@item @code{authorized-keys} (default: @var{%default-authorized-guix-keys})
The list of authorized key files for archive imports, as a list of
string-valued gexps (@pxref{Invoking guix archive}). By default, it
-contains that of @code{hydra.gnu.org} (@pxref{Substitutes}).
+contains that of @code{@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER}} (@pxref{Substitutes}).
@item @code{use-substitutes?} (default: @code{#t})
Whether to use substitutes.
@@ -11731,7 +11968,7 @@ Data Type representing the configuration of connman.
The connman package to use.
@item @code{disable-vpn?} (default: @code{#f})
-When true, enable connman's vpn plugin.
+When true, disable connman's vpn plugin.
@end table
@end deftp
@@ -11771,7 +12008,7 @@ List of additional command-line arguments to pass to the daemon.
@cindex iptables
@defvr {Scheme Variable} iptables-service-type
-This is the service type to set up an iptables configuration. iptables is a
+This is the service type to set up an iptables configuration. iptables is a
packet filtering framework supported by the Linux kernel. This service
supports configuring iptables for both IPv4 and IPv6. A simple example
configuration rejecting all incoming connections except those to the ssh port
@@ -11820,7 +12057,7 @@ objects}).
@cindex NTP (Network Time Protocol), service
@cindex real time clock
@defvr {Scheme Variable} ntp-service-type
-This is the type of the service running the the @uref{http://www.ntp.org,
+This is the type of the service running the @uref{http://www.ntp.org,
Network Time Protocol (NTP)} daemon, @command{ntpd}. The daemon will keep the
system clock synchronized with that of the specified NTP servers.
@@ -11980,14 +12217,14 @@ listening to new service requests.
@item @code{user}
A string containing the user (and, optionally, group) name of the user
as whom the server should run. The group name can be specified in a
-suffix, separated by a colon or period, i.e. @code{"user"},
+suffix, separated by a colon or period, i.e.@: @code{"user"},
@code{"user:group"} or @code{"user.group"}.
@item @code{program} (default: @code{"internal"})
The server program which will serve the requests, or @code{"internal"}
if @command{inetd} should use a built-in service.
@item @code{arguments} (default: @code{'()})
A list strings or file-like objects, which are the server program's
-arguments, starting with the zeroth argument, i.e. the name of the
+arguments, starting with the zeroth argument, i.e.@: the name of the
program itself. For @command{inetd}'s internal services, this entry
must be @code{'()} or @code{'("internal")}.
@end table
@@ -12253,7 +12490,7 @@ Whether to allow TCP forwarding.
Whether to allow gateway ports.
@item @code{challenge-response-authentication?} (default: @code{#f})
-Specifies whether challenge response authentication is allowed (e.g. via
+Specifies whether challenge response authentication is allowed (e.g.@: via
@item @code{use-pam?} (default: @code{#t})
@@ -12273,7 +12510,7 @@ Specifies whether @command{sshd} should print the date and time of the
last user login when a user logs in interactively.
@item @code{subsystems} (default: @code{'(("sftp" "internal-sftp"))})
-Configures external subsystems (e.g. file transfer daemon).
+Configures external subsystems (e.g.@: file transfer daemon).
This is a list of two-element lists, each of which containing the
subsystem name and a command (with optional arguments) to execute upon
@@ -13895,7 +14132,7 @@ Users need to be in the @code{lp} group to access the D-Bus service.
@cindex PulseAudio, sound support
The @code{(gnu services sound)} module provides a service to configure the
-Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) system, which making PulseAudio the
+Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) system, which makes PulseAudio the
preferred ALSA output driver.
@deffn {Scheme Variable} alsa-service-type
@@ -14272,11 +14509,30 @@ Defaults to @samp{#t}.
@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{service-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer client-limit
+Maximum number of simultaneous client connections per process. Once
+this number of connections is received, the next incoming connection
+will prompt Dovecot to spawn another process. If set to 0,
+@code{default-client-limit} is used instead.
+Defaults to @samp{0}.
+@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {@code{service-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer service-count
Number of connections to handle before starting a new process.
Typically the only useful values are 0 (unlimited) or 1. 1 is more
secure, but 0 is faster. <doc/wiki/LoginProcess.txt>.
Defaults to @samp{1}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{service-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer process-limit
+Maximum number of processes that can exist for this service. If set to
+0, @code{default-process-limit} is used instead.
+Defaults to @samp{0}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {@code{service-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer process-min-avail
@@ -14467,14 +14723,14 @@ Defaults to @samp{()}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} space-separated-string-list login-access-sockets
-List of login access check sockets (e.g. tcpwrap).
+List of login access check sockets (e.g.@: tcpwrap).
Defaults to @samp{()}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} boolean verbose-proctitle?
Show more verbose process titles (in ps). Currently shows user name
and IP address. Useful for seeing who is actually using the IMAP
-processes (e.g. shared mailboxes or if the same uid is used for multiple
+processes (e.g.@: shared mailboxes or if the same uid is used for multiple
Defaults to @samp{#f}.
@end deftypevr
@@ -14483,7 +14739,7 @@ Defaults to @samp{#f}.
Should all processes be killed when Dovecot master process shuts down.
Setting this to @code{#f} means that Dovecot can be upgraded without
forcing existing client connections to close (although that could also
-be a problem if the upgrade is e.g. due to a security fix).
+be a problem if the upgrade is e.g.@: due to a security fix).
Defaults to @samp{#t}.
@end deftypevr
@@ -14507,14 +14763,14 @@ key=value pairs to always set specific settings.
@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} boolean disable-plaintext-auth?
Disable LOGIN command and all other plaintext authentications unless
SSL/TLS is used (LOGINDISABLED capability). Note that if the remote IP
-matches the local IP (i.e. you're connecting from the same computer),
+matches the local IP (i.e.@: you're connecting from the same computer),
the connection is considered secure and plaintext authentication is
allowed. See also ssl=required setting.
Defaults to @samp{#t}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer auth-cache-size
-Authentication cache size (e.g. @samp{#e10e6}). 0 means it's disabled.
+Authentication cache size (e.g.@: @samp{#e10e6}). 0 means it's disabled.
Note that bsdauth, PAM and vpopmail require @samp{cache-key} to be set
for caching to be used.
Defaults to @samp{0}.
@@ -14570,7 +14826,7 @@ Defaults to @samp{""}.
@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string auth-username-format
Username formatting before it's looked up from databases. You can
-use the standard variables here, e.g. %Lu would lowercase the username,
+use the standard variables here, e.g.@: %Lu would lowercase the username,
%n would drop away the domain if it was given, or @samp{%n-AT-%d} would
change the @samp{@@} into @samp{-AT-}. This translation is done after
@samp{auth-username-translation} changes.
@@ -14579,7 +14835,7 @@ Defaults to @samp{"%Lu"}.
@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string auth-master-user-separator
If you want to allow master users to log in by specifying the master
-username within the normal username string (i.e. not using SASL
+username within the normal username string (i.e.@: not using SASL
mechanism's support for it), you can specify the separator character
here. The format is then <username><separator><master username>.
UW-IMAP uses @samp{*} as the separator, so that could be a good
@@ -14595,7 +14851,7 @@ Defaults to @samp{"anonymous"}.
@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer auth-worker-max-count
Maximum number of dovecot-auth worker processes. They're used to
-execute blocking passdb and userdb queries (e.g. MySQL and PAM).
+execute blocking passdb and userdb queries (e.g.@: MySQL and PAM).
They're automatically created and destroyed as needed.
Defaults to @samp{30}.
@end deftypevr
@@ -14715,7 +14971,7 @@ In case of password mismatches, log the attempted password. Valid
values are no, plain and sha1. sha1 can be useful for detecting brute
force password attempts vs. user simply trying the same password over
and over again. You can also truncate the value to n chars by appending
-":n" (e.g. sha1:6).
+":n" (e.g.@: sha1:6).
Defaults to @samp{#f}.
@end deftypevr
@@ -14771,7 +15027,7 @@ Defaults to @samp{"\"%s(%u)<%@{pid@}><%@{session@}>: \""}.
Format to use for logging mail deliveries. You can use variables:
@table @code
@item %$
-Delivery status message (e.g. @samp{saved to INBOX})
+Delivery status message (e.g.@: @samp{saved to INBOX})
@item %m
@item %s
@@ -14793,7 +15049,7 @@ if the user doesn't yet have any mail, so you should explicitly tell
Dovecot the full location.
If you're using mbox, giving a path to the INBOX
-file (e.g. /var/mail/%u) isn't enough. You'll also need to tell Dovecot
+file (e.g.@: /var/mail/%u) isn't enough. You'll also need to tell Dovecot
where the other mailboxes are kept. This is called the "root mail
directory", and it must be the first path given in the
@samp{mail-location} setting.
@@ -14844,7 +15100,7 @@ Defaults to @samp{""}.
Grant access to these supplementary groups for mail processes.
Typically these are used to set up access to shared mailboxes. Note
that it may be dangerous to set these if users can create
-symlinks (e.g. if "mail" group is set here, ln -s /var/mail ~/mail/var
+symlinks (e.g.@: if "mail" group is set here, ln -s /var/mail ~/mail/var
could allow a user to delete others' mailboxes, or ln -s
/secret/shared/box ~/mail/mybox would allow reading it).
Defaults to @samp{""}.
@@ -14854,7 +15110,7 @@ Defaults to @samp{""}.
Allow full file system access to clients. There's no access checks
other than what the operating system does for the active UID/GID. It
works with both maildir and mboxes, allowing you to prefix mailboxes
-names with e.g. /path/ or ~user/.
+names with e.g.@: /path/ or ~user/.
Defaults to @samp{#f}.
@end deftypevr
@@ -14877,7 +15133,7 @@ When to use fsync() or fdatasync() calls:
@item optimized
Whenever necessary to avoid losing important data
@item always
-Useful with e.g. NFS when write()s are delayed
+Useful with e.g.@: NFS when write()s are delayed
@item never
Never use it (best performance, but crashes can lose data).
@end table
@@ -14944,7 +15200,7 @@ Defaults to @samp{50}.
@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} colon-separated-file-name-list valid-chroot-dirs
List of directories under which chrooting is allowed for mail
-processes (i.e. /var/mail will allow chrooting to /var/mail/foo/bar
+processes (i.e.@: /var/mail will allow chrooting to /var/mail/foo/bar
too). This setting doesn't affect @samp{login-chroot}
@samp{mail-chroot} or auth chroot settings. If this setting is empty,
"/./" in home dirs are ignored. WARNING: Never add directories here
@@ -14957,10 +15213,10 @@ Defaults to @samp{()}.
@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string mail-chroot
Default chroot directory for mail processes. This can be overridden
for specific users in user database by giving /./ in user's home
-directory (e.g. /home/./user chroots into /home). Note that usually
+directory (e.g.@: /home/./user chroots into /home). Note that usually
there is no real need to do chrooting, Dovecot doesn't allow users to
access files outside their mail directory anyway. If your home
-directories are prefixed with the chroot directory, append "/." to
+directories are prefixed with the chroot directory, append "/."@: to
@samp{mail-chroot}. <doc/wiki/Chrooting.txt>.
Defaults to @samp{""}.
@end deftypevr
@@ -14978,7 +15234,7 @@ Defaults to @samp{"/usr/lib/dovecot"}.
@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} space-separated-string-list mail-plugins
List of plugins to load for all services. Plugins specific to IMAP,
-LDA, etc. are added to this list in their own .conf files.
+LDA, etc.@: are added to this list in their own .conf files.
Defaults to @samp{()}.
@end deftypevr
@@ -15101,7 +15357,7 @@ Defaults to @samp{#t}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer mbox-min-index-size
-If mbox size is smaller than this (e.g. 100k), don't write index
+If mbox size is smaller than this (e.g.@: 100k), don't write index
files. If an index file already exists it's still read, just not
Defaults to @samp{0}.
@@ -15161,7 +15417,7 @@ Defaults to @samp{"sis posix"}.
Hash format to use in attachment filenames. You can add any text and
variables: @code{%@{md4@}}, @code{%@{md5@}}, @code{%@{sha1@}},
@code{%@{sha256@}}, @code{%@{sha512@}}, @code{%@{size@}}. Variables can be
-truncated, e.g. @code{%@{sha256:80@}} returns only first 80 bits.
+truncated, e.g.@: @code{%@{sha256:80@}} returns only first 80 bits.
Defaults to @samp{"%@{sha1@}"}.
@end deftypevr
@@ -15225,7 +15481,7 @@ Defaults to @samp{""}.
PEM encoded trusted certificate authority. Set this only if you
intend to use @samp{ssl-verify-client-cert? #t}. The file should
contain the CA certificate(s) followed by the matching
-CRL(s). (e.g. @samp{ssl-ca </etc/ssl/certs/ca.pem}).
+CRL(s). (e.g.@: @samp{ssl-ca </etc/ssl/certs/ca.pem}).
Defaults to @samp{""}.
@end deftypevr
@@ -15269,7 +15525,7 @@ Defaults to @samp{"postmaster@@%d"}.
@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string hostname
-Hostname to use in various parts of sent mails (e.g. in Message-Id)
+Hostname to use in various parts of sent mails (e.g.@: in Message-Id)
and in LMTP replies. Default is the system's real hostname@@domain.
Defaults to @samp{""}.
@end deftypevr
@@ -15362,7 +15618,7 @@ Defaults to @samp{"in=%i out=%o deleted=%@{deleted@} expunged=%@{expunged@} tras
@deftypevr {@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string imap-capability
Override the IMAP CAPABILITY response. If the value begins with '+',
-add the given capabilities on top of the defaults (e.g. +XFOO XBAR).
+add the given capabilities on top of the defaults (e.g.@: +XFOO XBAR).
Defaults to @samp{""}.
@end deftypevr
@@ -15403,7 +15659,7 @@ adds extra @samp{/} suffixes to mailbox names. This option causes Dovecot to
ignore the extra @samp{/} instead of treating it as invalid mailbox name.
@item tb-lsub-flags
-Show \Noselect flags for LSUB replies with LAYOUT=fs (e.g. mbox).
+Show \Noselect flags for LSUB replies with LAYOUT=fs (e.g.@: mbox).
This makes Thunderbird realize they aren't selectable and show them
greyed out, instead of only later giving "not selectable" popup error.
@end table
@@ -15895,7 +16151,7 @@ Defaults to @samp{"Prosody Chatrooms"}.
@deftypevr {@code{mod-muc-configuration} parameter} string-or-boolean restrict-room-creation
If @samp{#t}, this will only allow admins to create new chatrooms.
Otherwise anyone can create a room. The value @samp{"local"} restricts room
-creation to users on the service's parent domain. E.g. @samp{user@@example.com}
+creation to users on the service's parent domain. E.g.@: @samp{user@@example.com}
can create rooms on @samp{rooms.example.com}. The value @samp{"admin"}
restricts to service administrators only.
Defaults to @samp{#f}.
@@ -16104,10 +16360,10 @@ before switching over to opus audio codec.
How deep channels can be nested at maximum.
@item @code{channelname-regex} (default: @code{#f})
-A string in from of a Qt regular expression that channel names must conform to.
+A string in form of a Qt regular expression that channel names must conform to.
@item @code{username-regex} (default: @code{#f})
-A string in from of a Qt regular expression that user names must conform to.
+A string in form of a Qt regular expression that user names must conform to.
@item @code{text-message-length} (default: @code{5000})
Maximum size in bytes that a user can send in one text chat message.
@@ -16119,7 +16375,7 @@ Maximum size in bytes that a user can send in one image message.
If it is set to @code{#t} clients that use weak password authentification
will not be accepted. Users must have completed the certificate wizard to join.
-@item @code{remember-channel?} (defualt @code{#f})
+@item @code{remember-channel?} (default: @code{#f})
Should murmur remember the last channel each user was in when they disconnected
and put them into the remembered channel when they rejoin.
@@ -16144,7 +16400,7 @@ Murmur also stores logs in the database, which are accessible via RPC.
The default is 31 days of months, but you can set this setting to 0 to keep logs forever,
or -1 to disable logging to the database.
-@item @code{obfuscate-ips?} (default @code{#t})
+@item @code{obfuscate-ips?} (default: @code{#t})
Should logged ips be obfuscated to protect the privacy of users.
@item @code{ssl-cert} (default: @code{#f})
@@ -16546,7 +16802,7 @@ the nginx web server, and also a fastcgi wrapper daemon.
@deffn {Scheme Variable} httpd-service-type
Service type for the @uref{https://httpd.apache.org/,Apache HTTP} server
(@dfn{httpd}). The value for this service type is a
-@code{https-configuration} record.
+@code{httpd-configuration} record.
A simple example configuration is given below.
@@ -16612,6 +16868,10 @@ within the store, for example @code{(file-append mod-wsgi
@end table
@end deffn
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} %default-httpd-modules
+A default list of @code{httpd-module} objects.
+@end defvr
@deffn {Data Type} httpd-config-file
This data type represents a configuration file for the httpd service.
@@ -16620,6 +16880,32 @@ This data type represents a configuration file for the httpd service.
The modules to load. Additional modules can be added here, or loaded by
additional configuration.
+For example, in order to handle requests for PHP files, you can use Apache’s
+@code{mod_proxy_fcgi} module along with @code{php-fpm-service-type}:
+(service httpd-service-type
+ (httpd-configuration
+ (config
+ (httpd-config-file
+ (modules (cons*
+ (httpd-module
+ (name "proxy_module")
+ (file "modules/mod_proxy.so"))
+ (httpd-module
+ (name "proxy_fcgi_module")
+ (file "modules/mod_proxy_fcgi.so"))
+ %default-httpd-modules))
+ (extra-config (list "\
+<FilesMatch \\.php$>
+ SetHandler \"proxy:unix:/var/run/php-fpm.sock|fcgi://localhost/\"
+(service php-fpm-service-type
+ (php-fpm-configuration
+ (socket "/var/run/php-fpm.sock")
+ (socket-group "httpd")))
+@end example
@item @code{server-root} (default: @code{httpd})
The @code{ServerRoot} in the configuration file, defaults to the httpd
package. Directives including @code{Include} and @code{LoadModule} are
@@ -16883,8 +17169,8 @@ Name for this group of servers.
@item @code{servers}
Specify the addresses of the servers in the group. The address can be
-specified as a IP address (e.g. @samp{}), domain name
-(e.g. @samp{backend1.example.com}) or a path to a UNIX socket using the
+specified as a IP address (e.g.@: @samp{}), domain name
+(e.g.@: @samp{backend1.example.com}) or a path to a UNIX socket using the
prefix @samp{unix:}. For addresses using an IP address or domain name,
the default port is 80, and a different port can be specified
@@ -16957,7 +17243,7 @@ the name starts with a forward slash, it is interpreted as an absolute
directory name.
Pass the @code{-n} argument to other Varnish programs to connect to the
-named instance, e.g. @command{varnishncsa -n default}.
+named instance, e.g.@: @command{varnishncsa -n default}.
@item @code{backend} (default: @code{"localhost:8080"})
The backend to use. This option has no effect if @code{vcl} is set.
@@ -17080,7 +17366,7 @@ and different php.ini (replaces safe_mode)
a special function to finish request & flush all data while continuing to do
something time-consuming (video converting, stats processing, etc.)
@end itemize
-... and much more.
+...@: and much more.
@defvr {Scheme Variable} php-fpm-service-type
A Service type for @code{php-fpm}.
@@ -17331,7 +17617,7 @@ The certbot service automates this process: the initial key
generation, the initial certification request to the Let's Encrypt
service, the web server challenge/response integration, writing the
certificate to disk, the automated periodic renewals, and the deployment
-tasks associated with the renewal (e.g. reloading services, copying keys
+tasks associated with the renewal (e.g.@: reloading services, copying keys
with different permissions).
Certbot is run twice a day, at a random minute within the hour. It
@@ -18571,6 +18857,11 @@ Cuirass jobs.
Location of sqlite database which contains the build results and previously
added specifications.
+@item @code{ttl} (default: @code{(* 30 24 3600)})
+Specifies the time-to-live (TTL) in seconds of garbage collector roots that
+are registered for build results. This means that build results are protected
+from garbage collection for at least @var{ttl} seconds.
@item @code{port} (default: @code{8081})
Port number used by the HTTP server.
@@ -20432,8 +20723,8 @@ Defaults to @samp{"/favicon.ico"}.
@deftypevr {@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} string footer
The content of the file specified with this option will be included
-verbatim at the bottom of all pages (i.e. it replaces the standard
-"generated by..." message).
+verbatim at the bottom of all pages (i.e.@: it replaces the standard
+"generated by..."@: message).
Defaults to @samp{""}.
@@ -21759,10 +22050,10 @@ here is how to use it and customize it further.
@cindex initrd
@cindex initial RAM disk
-@deffn {Monadic Procedure} raw-initrd @var{file-systems} @
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} raw-initrd @var{file-systems} @
[#:linux-modules '()] [#:mapped-devices '()] @
[#:helper-packages '()] [#:qemu-networking? #f] [#:volatile-root? #f]
-Return a monadic derivation that builds a raw initrd. @var{file-systems} is
+Return a derivation that builds a raw initrd. @var{file-systems} is
a list of file systems to be mounted by the initrd, possibly in addition to
the root file system specified on the kernel command line via @code{--root}.
@var{linux-modules} is a list of kernel modules to be loaded at boot time.
@@ -21780,10 +22071,10 @@ When @var{volatile-root?} is true, the root file system is writable but any chan
to it are lost.
@end deffn
-@deffn {Monadic Procedure} base-initrd @var{file-systems} @
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} base-initrd @var{file-systems} @
[#:mapped-devices '()] [#:qemu-networking? #f] [#:volatile-root? #f]@
[#:linux-modules '()]
-Return a monadic derivation that builds a generic initrd, with kernel
+Return as a file-like object a generic initrd, with kernel
modules taken from @var{linux}. @var{file-systems} is a list of file-systems to be
mounted by the initrd, possibly in addition to the root file system specified
on the kernel command line via @code{--root}. @var{mapped-devices} is a list of device
@@ -21803,9 +22094,9 @@ program. That gives a lot of flexibility. The
@code{expression->initrd} procedure builds such an initrd, given the
program to run in that initrd.
-@deffn {Monadic Procedure} expression->initrd @var{exp} @
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} expression->initrd @var{exp} @
[#:guile %guile-static-stripped] [#:name "guile-initrd"]
-Return a derivation that builds a Linux initrd (a gzipped cpio archive)
+Return as a file-like object a Linux initrd (a gzipped cpio archive)
containing @var{guile} and that evaluates @var{exp}, a G-expression,
upon booting. All the derivations referenced by @var{exp} are
automatically copied to the initrd.
@@ -22058,7 +22349,7 @@ This effects all the configuration specified in @var{file}: user
accounts, system services, global package list, setuid programs, etc.
The command starts system services specified in @var{file} that are not
currently running; if a service is currently running this command will
-arrange for it to be upgraded the next time it is stopped (eg. by
+arrange for it to be upgraded the next time it is stopped (e.g.@: by
@code{herd stop X} or @code{herd restart X}).
This command creates a new generation whose number is one greater than
@@ -23479,7 +23770,7 @@ system}.
@cindex substituter
Users can obtain the new package definition simply by running
@command{guix pull} (@pxref{Invoking guix pull}). When
-@code{hydra.gnu.org} is done building the package, installing the
+@code{@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER}} is done building the package, installing the
package automatically downloads binaries from there
(@pxref{Substitutes}). The only place where human intervention is
needed is to review and apply the patch.
@@ -23739,7 +24030,7 @@ packages with the corresponding names.
If a project already contains the word @code{python}, we drop this;
for instance, the module python-dateutil is packaged under the names
@code{python-dateutil} and @code{python2-dateutil}. If the project name
-starts with @code{py} (e.g. @code{pytz}), we keep it and prefix it as
+starts with @code{py} (e.g.@: @code{pytz}), we keep it and prefix it as
described above.
@subsubsection Specifying Dependencies
@@ -24179,7 +24470,7 @@ to be updated to refer to these binaries on the target platform. That
is, the hashes and URLs of the bootstrap tarballs for the new platform
must be added alongside those of the currently supported platforms. The
bootstrap Guile tarball is treated specially: it is expected to be
-available locally, and @file{gnu/local.mk} has rules do download it for
+available locally, and @file{gnu/local.mk} has rules to download it for
the supported architectures; a rule for the new platform must be added
as well.
diff --git a/doc/local.mk b/doc/local.mk
index f6129708c3..525772019c 100644
--- a/doc/local.mk
+++ b/doc/local.mk
@@ -22,7 +22,8 @@
# along with GNU Guix. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
info_TEXINFOS = %D%/guix.texi \
- %D%/guix.fr.texi
+ %D%/guix.fr.texi \
+ %D%/guix.de.texi
%C%_guix_TEXINFOS = \
%D%/contributing.texi \
@@ -55,7 +56,9 @@ OS_CONFIG_EXAMPLES_TEXI = \
+ %D%/guix.de.texi \
%D%/guix.fr.texi \
+ %D%/contributing.de.texi \
# Bundle this file so that makeinfo finds it in out-of-source-tree builds.