diff options
authorMark H Weaver <>2016-02-11 14:26:47 -0500
committerMark H Weaver <>2016-02-11 14:59:16 -0500
commit59d4cf1c58c2c8000e7a425ffb03be1cf51f8df3 (patch)
parent759246ad48c585621355e8c32bf3596ef9cd356f (diff)
gnu: icecat: Update bundled graphite2 to 1.3.5 for security fixes.
* gnu/packages/patches/icecat-update-graphite2.patch: New file. * (dist_patch_DATA): Add it. * gnu/packages/gnuzilla.scm (icecat)[source]: Add patch. Add TODO comment about using the system graphite2 in the future.
3 files changed, 9993 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index b69f220ed7..a6582cd0c8 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -521,6 +521,7 @@ dist_patch_DATA = \
gnu/packages/patches/hydra-automake-1.15.patch \
gnu/packages/patches/hydra-disable-darcs-test.patch \
gnu/packages/patches/icecat-avoid-bundled-includes.patch \
+ gnu/packages/patches/icecat-update-graphite2.patch \
gnu/packages/patches/icecat-re-enable-DHE-cipher-suites.patch \
gnu/packages/patches/icu4c-CVE-2014-6585.patch \
gnu/packages/patches/icu4c-CVE-2015-1270.patch \
diff --git a/gnu/packages/gnuzilla.scm b/gnu/packages/gnuzilla.scm
index 2ddad9afe2..1d3ebe8c8e 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/gnuzilla.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/gnuzilla.scm
@@ -289,7 +289,8 @@ standards.")
(patches (map search-patch
- "icecat-re-enable-DHE-cipher-suites.patch")))
+ "icecat-re-enable-DHE-cipher-suites.patch"
+ "icecat-update-graphite2.patch")))
(modules '((guix build utils)))
@@ -318,6 +319,8 @@ standards.")
;; TODO: Use system harfbuzz. Waiting for:
;; <>
+ ;; TODO: Use system graphite2.
+ ;;
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/icecat-update-graphite2.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/icecat-update-graphite2.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..af2c47bef7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/packages/patches/icecat-update-graphite2.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,9988 @@
+Copied from upstream:
+# HG changeset patch
+# User Jonathan Kew <>
+# Date 1455126706 0
+# Node ID ed4d2ce6046b20287fd13c548dd3982fe1a24875
+# Parent 78d3632feb7b6f6046025352630bd4f5365f3106
+Bug 1246093 - Update graphite2 library to latest release on esr38. r=me,a=sledru+lizzard
+diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/COPYING b/gfx/graphite2/COPYING
+new file mode 100644
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/gfx/graphite2/COPYING
+@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
++ Copyright 2010, SIL International
++ All rights reserved.
++ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
++ by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of License, or
++ (at your option) any later version.
++ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ Lesser General Public License for more details.
++ You should also have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
++ License along with this library in the file named "LICENSE".
++ If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street,
++ Suite 500, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA or visit their web page on the
++ internet at
++ Alternatively, you may use this library under the terms of the Mozilla
++ Public License ( or under the GNU General Public
++ License, as published by the Free Sofware Foundation; either version
++ 2 of the license or (at your option) any later version.
+diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/LICENSE b/gfx/graphite2/LICENSE
+new file mode 100644
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/gfx/graphite2/LICENSE
+@@ -0,0 +1,510 @@
++ Version 2.1, February 1999
++ Copyright (C) 1991, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
++ 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
++ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
++[This is the first released version of the Lesser GPL. It also counts
++ as the successor of the GNU Library Public License, version 2, hence
++ the version number 2.1.]
++ Preamble
++ The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
++freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
++Licenses are intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change
++free software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.
++ This license, the Lesser General Public License, applies to some
++specially designated software packages--typically libraries--of the
++Free Software Foundation and other authors who decide to use it. You
++can use it too, but we suggest you first think carefully about whether
++this license or the ordinary General Public License is the better
++strategy to use in any particular case, based on the explanations
++ When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom of use,
++not price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that
++you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge
++for this service if you wish); that you receive source code or can get
++it if you want it; that you can change the software and use pieces of
++it in new free programs; and that you are informed that you can do
++these things.
++ To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
++distributors to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender these
++rights. These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for
++you if you distribute copies of the library or if you modify it.
++ For example, if you distribute copies of the library, whether gratis
++or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that we gave
++you. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source
++code. If you link other code with the library, you must provide
++complete object files to the recipients, so that they can relink them
++with the library after making changes to the library and recompiling
++it. And you must show them these terms so they know their rights.
++ We protect your rights with a two-step method: (1) we copyright the
++library, and (2) we offer you this license, which gives you legal
++permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the library.
++ To protect each distributor, we want to make it very clear that
++there is no warranty for the free library. Also, if the library is
++modified by someone else and passed on, the recipients should know
++that what they have is not the original version, so that the original
++author's reputation will not be affected by problems that might be
++introduced by others.
++ Finally, software patents pose a constant threat to the existence of
++any free program. We wish to make sure that a company cannot
++effectively restrict the users of a free program by obtaining a
++restrictive license from a patent holder. Therefore, we insist that
++any patent license obtained for a version of the library must be
++consistent with the full freedom of use specified in this license.
++ Most GNU software, including some libraries, is covered by the
++ordinary GNU General Public License. This license, the GNU Lesser
++General Public License, applies to certain designated libraries, and
++is quite different from the ordinary General Public License. We use
++this license for certain libraries in order to permit linking those
++libraries into non-free programs.
++ When a program is linked with a library, whether statically or using
++a shared library, the combination of the two is legally speaking a
++combined work, a derivative of the original library. The ordinary
++General Public License therefore permits such linking only if the
++entire combination fits its criteria of freedom. The Lesser General
++Public License permits more lax criteria for linking other code with
++the library.
++ We call this license the "Lesser" General Public License because it
++does Less to protect the user's freedom than the ordinary General
++Public License. It also provides other free software developers Less
++of an advantage over competing non-free programs. These disadvantages
++are the reason we use the ordinary General Public License for many
++libraries. However, the Lesser license provides advantages in certain
++special circumstances.
++ For example, on rare occasions, there may be a special need to
++encourage the widest possible use of a certain library, so that it
++becomes a de-facto standard. To achieve this, non-free programs must
++be allowed to use the library. A more frequent case is that a free
++library does the same job as widely used non-free libraries. In this
++case, there is little to gain by limiting the free library to free
++software only, so we use the Lesser General Public License.
++ In other cases, permission to use a particular library in non-free
++programs enables a greater number of people to use a large body of
++free software. For example, permission to use the GNU C Library in
++non-free programs enables many more people to use the whole GNU
++operating system, as well as its variant, the GNU/Linux operating
++ Although the Lesser General Public License is Less protective of the
++users' freedom, it does ensure that the user of a program that is
++linked with the Library has the freedom and the wherewithal to run
++that program using a modified version of the Library.
++ The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
++modification follow. Pay close attention to the difference between a
++"work based on the library" and a "work that uses the library". The
++former contains code derived from the library, whereas the latter must
++be combined with the library in order to run.
++ 0. This License Agreement applies to any software library or other
++program which contains a notice placed by the copyright holder or
++other authorized party saying it may be distributed under the terms of
++this Lesser General Public License (also called "this License").
++Each licensee is addressed as "you".
++ A "library" means a collection of software functions and/or data
++prepared so as to be conveniently linked with application programs
++(which use some of those functions and data) to form executables.
++ The "Library", below, refers to any such software library or work
++which has been distributed under these terms. A "work based on the
++Library" means either the Library or any derivative work under
++copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the Library or a
++portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated
++straightforwardly into another language. (Hereinafter, translation is
++included without limitation in the term "modification".)
++ "Source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work for
++making modifications to it. For a library, complete source code means
++all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated
++interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control
++compilation and installation of the library.
++ Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
++covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
++running a program using the Library is not restricted, and output from
++such a program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based
++on the Library (independent of the use of the Library in a tool for
++writing it). Whether that is true depends on what the Library does
++and what the program that uses the Library does.
++ 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Library's
++complete source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that
++you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an
++appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact
++all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any
++warranty; and distribute a copy of this License along with the
++ You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy,
++and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a
++ 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Library or any portion
++of it, thus forming a work based on the Library, and copy and
++distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
++above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
++ a) The modified work must itself be a software library.
++ b) You must cause the files modified to carry prominent notices
++ stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
++ c) You must cause the whole of the work to be licensed at no
++ charge to all third parties under the terms of this License.
++ d) If a facility in the modified Library refers to a function or a
++ table of data to be supplied by an application program that uses
++ the facility, other than as an argument passed when the facility
++ is invoked, then you must make a good faith effort to ensure that,
++ in the event an application does not supply such function or
++ table, the facility still operates, and performs whatever part of
++ its purpose remains meaningful.
++ (For example, a function in a library to compute square roots has
++ a purpose that is entirely well-defined independent of the
++ application. Therefore, Subsection 2d requires that any
++ application-supplied function or table used by this function must
++ be optional: if the application does not supply it, the square
++ root function must still compute square roots.)
++These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
++identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Library,
++and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
++themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
++sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
++distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
++on the Library, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
++this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
++entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote
++Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
++your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
++exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
++collective works based on the Library.
++In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Library
++with the Library (or with a work based on the Library) on a volume of
++a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
++the scope of this License.
++ 3. You may opt to apply the terms of the ordinary GNU General Public
++License instead of this License to a given copy of the Library. To do
++this, you must alter all the notices that refer to this License, so
++that they refer to the ordinary GNU General Public License, version 2,
++instead of to this License. (If a newer version than version 2 of the
++ordinary GNU General Public License has appeared, then you can specify
++that version instead if you wish.) Do not make any other change in
++these notices.
++ Once this change is made in a given copy, it is irreversible for
++that copy, so the ordinary GNU General Public License applies to all
++subsequent copies and derivative works made from that copy.
++ This option is useful when you wish to copy part of the code of
++the Library into a program that is not a library.
++ 4. You may copy and distribute the Library (or a portion or
++derivative of it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form
++under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you accompany
++it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which
++must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a
++medium customarily used for software interchange.
++ If distribution of object code is made by offering access to copy
++from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the
++source code from the same place satisfies the requirement to
++distribute the source code, even though third parties are not
++compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
++ 5. A program that contains no derivative of any portion of the
++Library, but is designed to work with the Library by being compiled or
++linked with it, is called a "work that uses the Library". Such a
++work, in isolation, is not a derivative work of the Library, and
++therefore falls outside the scope of this License.
++ However, linking a "work that uses the Library" with the Library
++creates an executable that is a derivative of the Library (because it
++contains portions of the Library), rather than a "work that uses the
++library". The executable is therefore covered by this License.
++Section 6 states terms for distribution of such executables.
++ When a "work that uses the Library" uses material from a header file
++that is part of the Library, the object code for the work may be a
++derivative work of the Library even though the source code is not.
++Whether this is true is especially significant if the work can be
++linked without the Library, or if the work is itself a library. The
++threshold for this to be true is not precisely defined by law.
++ If such an object file uses only numerical parameters, data
++structure layouts and accessors, and small macros and small inline
++functions (ten lines or less in length), then the use of the object
++file is unrestricted, regardless of whether it is legally a derivative
++work. (Executables containing this object code plus portions of the
++Library will still fall under Section 6.)
++ Otherwise, if the work is a derivative of the Library, you may
++distribute the object code for the work under the terms of Section 6.
++Any executables containing that work also fall under Section 6,
++whether or not they are linked directly with the Library itself.
++ 6. As an exception to the Sections above, you may also combine or
++link a "work that uses the Library" with the Library to produce a
++work containing portions of the Library, and distribute that work
++under terms of your choice, provided that the terms permit
++modification of the work for the customer's own use and reverse
++engineering for debugging such modifications.
++ You must give prominent notice with each copy of the work that the
++Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by
++this License. You must supply a copy of this License. If the work
++during execution displays copyright notices, you must include the
++copyright notice for the Library among them, as well as a reference
++directing the user to the copy of this License. Also, you must do one
++of these things:
++ a) Accompany the work with the complete corresponding
++ machine-readable source code for the Library including whatever
++ changes were used in the work (which must be distributed under
++ Sections 1 and 2 above); and, if the work is an executable linked
++ with the Library, with the complete machine-readable "work that
++ uses the Library", as object code and/or source code, so that the
++ user can modify the Library and then relink to produce a modified
++ executable containing the modified Library. (It is understood
++ that the user who changes the contents of definitions files in the
++ Library will not necessarily be able to recompile the application
++ to use the modified definitions.)
++ b) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the
++ Library. A suitable mechanism is one that (1) uses at run time a
++ copy of the library already present on the user's computer system,
++ rather than copying library functions into the executable, and (2)
++ will operate properly with a modified version of the library, if
++ the user installs one, as long as the modified version is
++ interface-compatible with the version that the work was made with.
++ c) Accompany the work with a written offer, valid for at least
++ three years, to give the same user the materials specified in
++ Subsection 6a, above, for a charge no more than the cost of
++ performing this distribution.
++ d) If distribution of the work is made by offering access to copy
++ from a designated place, offer equivalent access to copy the above
++ specified materials from the same place.
++ e) Verify that the user has already received a copy of these
++ materials or that you have already sent this user a copy.
++ For an executable, the required form of the "work that uses the
++Library" must include any data and utility programs needed for
++reproducing the executable from it. However, as a special exception,
++the materials to be distributed need not include anything that is
++normally distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major
++components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on
++which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies
++the executable.
++ It may happen that this requirement contradicts the license
++restrictions of other proprietary libraries that do not normally
++accompany the operating system. Such a contradiction means you cannot
++use both them and the Library together in an executable that you
++ 7. You may place library facilities that are a work based on the
++Library side-by-side in a single library together with other library
++facilities not covered by this License, and distribute such a combined
++library, provided that the separate distribution of the work based on
++the Library and of the other library facilities is otherwise
++permitted, and provided that you do these two things:
++ a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work
++ based on the Library, uncombined with any other library
++ facilities. This must be distributed under the terms of the
++ Sections above.
++ b) Give prominent notice with the combined library of the fact
++ that part of it is a work based on the Library, and explaining
++ where to find the accompanying uncombined form of the same work.
++ 8. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute
++the Library except as expressly provided under this License. Any
++attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or
++distribute the Library is void, and will automatically terminate your
++rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies,
++or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses
++terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance.
++ 9. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
++signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
++distribute the Library or its derivative works. These actions are
++prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
++modifying or distributing the Library (or any work based on the
++Library), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
++all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
++the Library or works based on it.
++ 10. Each time you redistribute the Library (or any work based on the
++Library), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
++original licensor to copy, distribute, link with or modify the Library
++subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
++restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
++You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties with
++this License.
++ 11. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
++infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
++conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
++otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
++excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
++distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
++License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
++may not distribute the Library at all. For example, if a patent
++license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Library by
++all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
++the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
++refrain entirely from distribution of the Library.
++If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
++any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
++apply, and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
++It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
++patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
++such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
++integrity of the free software distribution system which is
++implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
++generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
++through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
++system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
++to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
++impose that choice.
++This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
++be a consequence of the rest of this License.
++ 12. If the distribution and/or use of the Library is restricted in
++certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
++original copyright holder who places the Library under this License
++may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those
++countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
++countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
++the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
++ 13. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new
++versions of the Lesser General Public License from time to time.
++Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version,
++but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns.
++Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Library
++specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and
++"any later version", you have the option of following the terms and
++conditions either of that version or of any later version published by
++the Free Software Foundation. If the Library does not specify a
++license version number, you may choose any version ever published by
++the Free Software Foundation.
++ 14. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Library into other free
++programs whose distribution conditions are incompatible with these,
++write to the author to ask for permission. For software which is
++copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free
++Software Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this. Our
++decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status
++of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing
++and reuse of software generally.
++ How to Apply These Terms to Your New Libraries
++ If you develop a new library, and you want it to be of the greatest
++possible use to the public, we recommend making it free software that
++everyone can redistribute and change. You can do so by permitting
++redistribution under these terms (or, alternatively, under the terms
++of the ordinary General Public License).
++ To apply these terms, attach the following notices to the library.
++It is safest to attach them to the start of each source file to most
++effectively convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should
++have at least the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full
++notice is found.
++ <one line to give the library's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
++ Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
++ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++ modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
++ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
++ version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
++ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ Lesser General Public License for more details.
++ You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
++ License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
++ Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
++You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or
++your school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the library,
++if necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
++ Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the
++ library `Frob' (a library for tweaking knobs) written by James
++ Random Hacker.
++ <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1990
++ Ty Coon, President of Vice
++That's all there is to it!
+diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/ b/gfx/graphite2/
+new file mode 100644
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/gfx/graphite2/
+@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
++# Graphite engine
++## What is Graphite?
++Graphite is a system that can be used to create “smart fonts” capable of displaying writing systems with various complex behaviors. A smart font contains not only letter shapes but also additional instructions indicating how to combine and position the letters in complex ways.
++Graphite was primarily developed to provide the flexibility needed for minority languages which often need to be written according to slightly different rules than well-known languages that use the same script.
++Examples of complex script behaviors Graphite can handle include:
++* contextual shaping
++* ligatures
++* reordering
++* split glyphs
++* bidirectionality
++* stacking diacritics
++* complex positioning
++* shape aware kerning
++* automatic diacritic collision avoidance
++See [examples of scripts with complex rendering](
++## Graphite system overview
++The Graphite system consists of:
++* A rule-based programming language [Graphite Description Language]( (GDL) that can be used to describe the behavior of a writing system
++* A compiler for that language
++* A rendering engine that can serve as the layout component of a text-processing application
++Graphite renders TrueType fonts that have been extended by means of compiling a GDL program.
++Further technical information is available on the [Graphite technical overview]( page.
+diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/README.mozilla b/gfx/graphite2/README.mozilla
+--- a/gfx/graphite2/README.mozilla
++++ b/gfx/graphite2/README.mozilla
+@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
+-This directory contains the Graphite2 library from
+-Current version derived from upstream changeset 1efd96aeade9
++This directory contains the Graphite2 library release 1.3.5 from
+ See gfx/graphite2/ for update procedure.
++Also includes two post-1.3.5 fixes:
+diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/include/graphite2/Font.h b/gfx/graphite2/include/graphite2/Font.h
+--- a/gfx/graphite2/include/graphite2/Font.h
++++ b/gfx/graphite2/include/graphite2/Font.h
+@@ -24,18 +24,18 @@
+ General Public License, as published by the Free Software Foundation,
+ either version 2 of the License or (at your option) any later version.
+ */
+ #pragma once
+ #include "graphite2/Types.h"
+ #define GR2_VERSION_MAJOR 1
+-#define GR2_VERSION_MINOR 2
+-#define GR2_VERSION_BUGFIX 4
++#define GR2_VERSION_MINOR 3
++#define GR2_VERSION_BUGFIX 5
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C"
+ {
+ #endif
+ typedef struct gr_face gr_face;
+ typedef struct gr_font gr_font;
+diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/include/graphite2/Segment.h b/gfx/graphite2/include/graphite2/Segment.h
+--- a/gfx/graphite2/include/graphite2/Segment.h
++++ b/gfx/graphite2/include/graphite2/Segment.h
+@@ -115,35 +115,68 @@ enum gr_attrCode {
+ gr_slatJStretch,
+ /// Amount this slot can shrink (not implemented)
+ gr_slatJShrink,
+ /// Granularity by which this slot can stretch or shrink (not implemented)
+ gr_slatJStep,
+ /// Justification weight for this glyph (not implemented)
+ gr_slatJWeight,
+ /// Amount this slot mush shrink or stretch in design units
+- gr_slatJWidth,
++ gr_slatJWidth = 29,
+ /// SubSegment split point
+ gr_slatSegSplit = gr_slatJStretch + 29,
+ /// User defined attribute, see subattr for user attr number
+ gr_slatUserDefn,
+ /// Bidi level
+- gr_slatBidiLevel,
++ gr_slatBidiLevel = 56,
++ /// Collision flags
++ gr_slatColFlags,
++ /// Collision constraint rectangle left (bl.x)
++ gr_slatColLimitblx,
++ /// Collision constraint rectangle lower (bl.y)
++ gr_slatColLimitbly,
++ /// Collision constraint rectangle right (tr.x)
++ gr_slatColLimittrx,
++ /// Collision constraint rectangle upper (tr.y)
++ gr_slatColLimittry,
++ /// Collision shift x
++ gr_slatColShiftx,
++ /// Collision shift y
++ gr_slatColShifty,
++ /// Collision margin
++ gr_slatColMargin,
++ /// Margin cost weight
++ gr_slatColMarginWt,
++ // Additional glyph that excludes movement near this one:
++ gr_slatColExclGlyph,
++ gr_slatColExclOffx,
++ gr_slatColExclOffy,
++ // Collision sequence enforcing attributes:
++ gr_slatSeqClass,
++ gr_slatSeqProxClass,
++ gr_slatSeqOrder,
++ gr_slatSeqAboveXoff,
++ gr_slatSeqAboveWt,
++ gr_slatSeqBelowXlim,
++ gr_slatSeqBelowWt,
++ gr_slatSeqValignHt,
++ gr_slatSeqValignWt,
+ /// not implemented
+ gr_slatMax,
+ /// not implemented
+ gr_slatNoEffect = gr_slatMax + 1
+ };
+ enum gr_bidirtl {
+ /// Underlying paragraph direction is RTL
+ gr_rtl = 1,
+ /// Set this to not run the bidi pass internally, even if the font asks for it.
+- /// This presumes that the segment is in a single direction.
++ /// This presumes that the segment is in a single direction. Most of the time
++ /// this bit should be set unless you know you are passing full paragraphs of text.
+ gr_nobidi = 2,
+ /// Disable auto mirroring for rtl text
+ gr_nomirror = 4
+ };
+ typedef struct gr_char_info gr_char_info;
+ typedef struct gr_segment gr_segment;
+ typedef struct gr_slot gr_slot;
+diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/include/graphite2/Types.h b/gfx/graphite2/include/graphite2/Types.h
+--- a/gfx/graphite2/include/graphite2/Types.h
++++ b/gfx/graphite2/include/graphite2/Types.h
+@@ -53,17 +53,20 @@ enum gr_encform {
+ #else
+ #if defined __GNUC__
+ #define GR2_API __attribute__((dllimport))
+ #else
+ #define GR2_API __declspec(dllimport)
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ #define GR2_LOCAL
++#elif __GNUC__ >= 4
++ #if defined GRAPHITE2_STATIC
++ #define GR2_API __attribute__ ((visibility("hidden")))
++ #else
++ #define GR2_API __attribute__ ((visibility("default")))
++ #endif
++ #define GR2_LOCAL __attribute__ ((visibility("hidden")))
+ #else
+- #if __GNUC__ >= 4
+- #define GR2_API __attribute__ ((visibility("default")))
+- #define GR2_LOCAL __attribute__ ((visibility("hidden")))
+- #else
+- #define GR2_API
+- #define GR2_LOCAL
+- #endif
++ #define GR2_API
++ #define GR2_LOCAL
+ #endif
+diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/ b/gfx/graphite2/
+--- a/gfx/graphite2/
++++ b/gfx/graphite2/
+@@ -1,35 +1,49 @@
+ #!/bin/bash
+ # Script used to update the Graphite2 library in the mozilla source tree
+ # This script lives in gfx/graphite2, along with the library source,
+ # but must be run from the top level of the mozilla-central tree.
+-# It expects to find a checkout of the graphite2 tree in a directory "graphitedev"
+-# alongside the current mozilla tree that is to be updated.
+-# Expect error messages from the copy commands if this is not found!
++# Run as
++# ./gfx/graphite2/ RELEASE
++# where RELEASE is the graphite2 release to be used, e.g. "1.3.4".
+-# copy the source and headers
+-cp -R ../graphitedev/src/* gfx/graphite2/src
+-cp ../graphitedev/include/graphite2/* gfx/graphite2/include/graphite2
+-# record the upstream changeset that was used
+-CHANGESET=$(cd ../graphitedev/ && hg log | head -n 1 | cut -d : -f 1,3 | sed -e 's/:/ /')
+-echo "This directory contains the Graphite2 library from\n" > gfx/graphite2/README.mozilla
+-echo "Current version derived from upstream" $CHANGESET >> gfx/graphite2/README.mozilla
+-echo "\nSee" $0 "for update procedure.\n" >> gfx/graphite2/README.mozilla
++if [ "x$RELEASE" == "x" ]
++ echo "Must provide the version number to be used."
++ exit 1
++foo=`basename $0`
++TMPFILE=`mktemp -t ${foo}` || exit 1
++curl -L "$TARBALL" -o "$TMPFILE"
++tar -x -z -C gfx/graphite2/ --strip-components 1 -f "$TMPFILE" || exit 1
++rm "$TMPFILE"
++echo "This directory contains the Graphite2 library release $RELEASE from" > gfx/graphite2/README.mozilla
++echo "$TARBALL" >> gfx/graphite2/README.mozilla
++echo ""
++echo "See" $0 "for update procedure." >> gfx/graphite2/README.mozilla
+ # fix up includes because of bug 721839 (cstdio) and bug 803066 (Windows.h)
+-find gfx/graphite2/ -name "*.cpp" -exec perl -p -i -e "s/<cstdio>/<stdio.h>/;s/Windows.h/windows.h/;" {} \;
+-find gfx/graphite2/ -name "*.h" -exec perl -p -i -e "s/<cstdio>/<stdio.h>/;s/Windows.h/windows.h/;" {} \;
++#find gfx/graphite2/ -name "*.cpp" -exec perl -p -i -e "s/<cstdio>/<stdio.h>/;s/Windows.h/windows.h/;" {} \;
++#find gfx/graphite2/ -name "*.h" -exec perl -p -i -e "s/<cstdio>/<stdio.h>/;s/Windows.h/windows.h/;" {} \;
+ # summarize what's been touched
+-echo Updated to $CHANGESET.
++echo Updated to $RELEASE.
+ echo Here is what changed in the gfx/graphite2 directory:
+ echo
+ hg stat gfx/graphite2
+ echo
+ echo If gfx/graphite2/src/ has changed, please make corresponding
+ echo changes to gfx/graphite2/src/
+diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/src/CMakeLists.txt b/gfx/graphite2/src/CMakeLists.txt
+--- a/gfx/graphite2/src/CMakeLists.txt
++++ b/gfx/graphite2/src/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -69,29 +69,31 @@ add_library(graphite2 SHARED
+ ${GRAPHITE2_VM_TYPE}_machine.cpp
+ gr_char_info.cpp
+ gr_features.cpp
+ gr_face.cpp
+ gr_font.cpp
+ gr_logging.cpp
+ gr_segment.cpp
+ gr_slot.cpp
+- Bidi.cpp
+ CachedFace.cpp
+ CmapCache.cpp
+ Code.cpp
++ Collider.cpp
++ Decompressor.cpp
+ Face.cpp
+ FeatureMap.cpp
+ Font.cpp
+ GlyphFace.cpp
+ GlyphCache.cpp
++ Intervals.cpp
+ Justifier.cpp
+ NameTable.cpp
+ Pass.cpp
+- Rule.cpp
++ Position.cpp
+ Segment.cpp
+ Silf.cpp
+ Slot.cpp
+ Sparse.cpp
+ TtfUtil.cpp
+ UtfCodec.cpp
+@@ -99,27 +101,28 @@ add_library(graphite2 SHARED
+ set_target_properties(graphite2 PROPERTIES PUBLIC_HEADER "${GRAPHITE_HEADERS}"
+- set(GRAPHITE_LINK_FLAGS "-fsanitize=address")
+ set_target_properties(graphite2 PROPERTIES
+ COMPILE_FLAGS "-Wall -Wextra -Wno-unknown-pragmas -Wendif-labels -Wshadow -Wctor-dtor-privacy -Wnon-virtual-dtor -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -fno-stack-protector"
+ LINK_FLAGS "-nodefaultlibs ${GRAPHITE_LINK_FLAGS}"
++ add_definitions(-Wdouble-promotion)
++ message(STATUS "Compiler ID is: ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID}")
++ add_definitions(-Wimplicit-fallthrough)
+ if (${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER} MATCHES ".*mingw.*")
+ target_link_libraries(graphite2 kernel32 msvcr90 mingw32 gcc user32)
+ else (${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER} MATCHES ".*mingw.*")
+ target_link_libraries(graphite2 c gcc_s)
+ target_link_libraries(graphite2 c gcc)
+ endif (GRAPHITE2_ASAN)
+@@ -127,17 +130,17 @@ if (${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} STREQUAL "Linu
+ nolib_test(stdc++ $<TARGET_SONAME_FILE:graphite2>)
+ endif (${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER} MATCHES ".*mingw.*")
+ CREATE_LIBTOOL_FILE(graphite2 "/lib${LIB_SUFFIX}")
+ set_target_properties(graphite2 PROPERTIES
+- COMPILE_FLAGS "-Wall -Wextra -Wno-unknown-pragmas -Wendif-labels -Wshadow -Wno-ctor-dtor-privacy -Wno-non-virtual-dtor -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -fno-stack-protector"
++ COMPILE_FLAGS "-Wall -Wextra -Wno-unknown-pragmas -Wimplicit-fallthrough -Wendif-labels -Wshadow -Wno-ctor-dtor-privacy -Wno-non-virtual-dtor -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -fno-stack-protector"
+ LINK_FLAGS "-nodefaultlibs"
+ target_link_libraries(graphite2 c)
+ include(Graphite)
+ nolib_test(stdc++ $<TARGET_SONAME_FILE:graphite2>)
+ CREATE_LIBTOOL_FILE(graphite2 "/lib${LIB_SUFFIX}")
+ endif (${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} STREQUAL "Darwin")
+diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/src/CmapCache.cpp b/gfx/graphite2/src/CmapCache.cpp
+--- a/gfx/graphite2/src/CmapCache.cpp
++++ b/gfx/graphite2/src/CmapCache.cpp
+@@ -33,31 +33,31 @@ of the License or (at your option) any l
+ using namespace graphite2;
+ const void * bmp_subtable(const Face::Table & cmap)
+ {
+ const void * stbl;
+ if (!cmap.size()) return 0;
+- if (TtfUtil::CheckCmapSubtable4(stbl = TtfUtil::FindCmapSubtable(cmap, 3, 1, cmap.size()))
+- || TtfUtil::CheckCmapSubtable4(stbl = TtfUtil::FindCmapSubtable(cmap, 0, 3, cmap.size()))
+- || TtfUtil::CheckCmapSubtable4(stbl = TtfUtil::FindCmapSubtable(cmap, 0, 2, cmap.size()))
+- || TtfUtil::CheckCmapSubtable4(stbl = TtfUtil::FindCmapSubtable(cmap, 0, 1, cmap.size()))
+- || TtfUtil::CheckCmapSubtable4(stbl = TtfUtil::FindCmapSubtable(cmap, 0, 0, cmap.size())))
++ if (TtfUtil::CheckCmapSubtable4(stbl = TtfUtil::FindCmapSubtable(cmap, 3, 1, cmap.size()), cmap.size())
++ || TtfUtil::CheckCmapSubtable4(stbl = TtfUtil::FindCmapSubtable(cmap, 0, 3, cmap.size()), cmap.size())
++ || TtfUtil::CheckCmapSubtable4(stbl = TtfUtil::FindCmapSubtable(cmap, 0, 2, cmap.size()), cmap.size())
++ || TtfUtil::CheckCmapSubtable4(stbl = TtfUtil::FindCmapSubtable(cmap, 0, 1, cmap.size()), cmap.size())
++ || TtfUtil::CheckCmapSubtable4(stbl = TtfUtil::FindCmapSubtable(cmap, 0, 0, cmap.size()), cmap.size()))
+ return stbl;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ const void * smp_subtable(const Face::Table & cmap)
+ {
+ const void * stbl;
+ if (!cmap.size()) return 0;
+- if (TtfUtil::CheckCmapSubtable12(stbl = TtfUtil::FindCmapSubtable(cmap, 3, 10, cmap.size()))
+- || TtfUtil::CheckCmapSubtable12(stbl = TtfUtil::FindCmapSubtable(cmap, 0, 4, cmap.size())))
++ if (TtfUtil::CheckCmapSubtable12(stbl = TtfUtil::FindCmapSubtable(cmap, 3, 10, cmap.size()), cmap.size())
++ || TtfUtil::CheckCmapSubtable12(stbl = TtfUtil::FindCmapSubtable(cmap, 0, 4, cmap.size()), cmap.size()))
+ return stbl;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ template <unsigned int (*NextCodePoint)(const void *, unsigned int, int *),
+ uint16 (*LookupCodePoint)(const void *, unsigned int, int)>
+ bool cache_subtable(uint16 * blocks[], const void * cst, const unsigned int limit)
+ {
+diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/src/Code.cpp b/gfx/graphite2/src/Code.cpp
+--- a/gfx/graphite2/src/Code.cpp
++++ b/gfx/graphite2/src/Code.cpp
+@@ -37,17 +37,17 @@ of the License or (at your option) any l
+ #include "inc/Code.h"
+ #include "inc/Face.h"
+ #include "inc/GlyphFace.h"
+ #include "inc/GlyphCache.h"
+ #include "inc/Machine.h"
+ #include "inc/Rule.h"
+ #include "inc/Silf.h"
+-#include <stdio.h>
++#include <cstdio>
+ #ifdef NDEBUG
+ #ifdef __GNUC__
+ #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-parameter"
+ #endif
+ #endif
+@@ -84,112 +84,119 @@ public:
+ struct limits;
+ struct analysis
+ {
+ uint8 slotref;
+ context contexts[256];
+ byte max_ref;
+ analysis() : slotref(0), max_ref(0) {};
+- void set_ref(int index) throw();
++ void set_ref(int index, bool incinsert=false) throw();
++ void set_noref(int index) throw();
+ void set_changed(int index) throw();
+ };
+- decoder(const limits & lims, Code &code) throw();
++ decoder(limits & lims, Code &code, enum passtype pt) throw();
+ bool load(const byte * bc_begin, const byte * bc_end);
+ void apply_analysis(instr * const code, instr * code_end);
+ byte max_ref() { return _analysis.max_ref; }
+ int pre_context() const { return _pre_context; }
+ private:
+ opcode fetch_opcode(const byte * bc);
+ void analyse_opcode(const opcode, const int8 * const dp) throw();
+ bool emit_opcode(opcode opc, const byte * & bc);
+ bool validate_opcode(const opcode opc, const byte * const bc);
+ bool valid_upto(const uint16 limit, const uint16 x) const throw();
++ bool test_context() const throw();
+ void failure(const status_t s) const throw() { _code.failure(s); }
+ Code & _code;
+ int _pre_context;
+ uint16 _rule_length;
+ instr * _instr;
+ byte * _data;
+- const limits & _max;
++ limits & _max;
+ analysis _analysis;
++ enum passtype _passtype;
++ int _stack_depth;
++ bool _in_ctxt_item;
+ };
+ struct Machine::Code::decoder::limits
+ {
+- const byte * const bytecode;
++ const byte * bytecode;
+ const uint8 pre_context;
+ const uint16 rule_length,
+ classes,
+ glyf_attrs,
+ features;
+ const byte attrid[gr_slatMax];
+ };
+-inline Machine::Code::decoder::decoder(const limits & lims, Code &code) throw()
++inline Machine::Code::decoder::decoder(limits & lims, Code &code, enum passtype pt) throw()
+ : _code(code),
+ _pre_context(code._constraint ? 0 : lims.pre_context),
+ _rule_length(code._constraint ? 1 : lims.rule_length),
+- _instr(code._code), _data(code._data), _max(lims)
++ _instr(code._code), _data(code._data), _max(lims), _passtype(pt),
++ _stack_depth(0),
++ _in_ctxt_item(false)
+ { }
+ Machine::Code::Code(bool is_constraint, const byte * bytecode_begin, const byte * const bytecode_end,
+- uint8 pre_context, uint16 rule_length, const Silf & silf, const Face & face)
++ uint8 pre_context, uint16 rule_length, const Silf & silf, const Face & face,
++ enum passtype pt, byte * * const _out)
+ : _code(0), _data(0), _data_size(0), _instr_count(0), _max_ref(0), _status(loaded),
+- _constraint(is_constraint), _modify(false), _delete(false), _own(true)
++ _constraint(is_constraint), _modify(false), _delete(false), _own(_out==0)
+ {
+ telemetry::category _code_cat(face.tele.code);
+ #endif
+ assert(bytecode_begin != 0);
+ if (bytecode_begin == bytecode_end)
+ {
+- ::new (this) Code();
++ // ::new (this) Code();
+ return;
+ }
+ assert(bytecode_end > bytecode_begin);
+ const opcode_t * op_to_fn = Machine::getOpcodeTable();
+- // Allocate code and dat target buffers, these sizes are a worst case
++ // Allocate code and data target buffers, these sizes are a worst case
+ // estimate. Once we know their real sizes the we'll shrink them.
+- _code = static_cast<instr *>(malloc((bytecode_end - bytecode_begin)
+- * sizeof(instr)));
+- _data = static_cast<byte *>(malloc((bytecode_end - bytecode_begin)
+- * sizeof(byte)));
++ if (_out) _code = reinterpret_cast<instr *>(*_out);
++ else _code = static_cast<instr *>(malloc(estimateCodeDataOut(bytecode_end-bytecode_begin)));
++ _data = reinterpret_cast<byte *>(_code + (bytecode_end - bytecode_begin));
+ if (!_code || !_data) {
+ failure(alloc_failed);
+ return;
+ }
+- const decoder::limits lims = {
++ decoder::limits lims = {
+ bytecode_end,
+ pre_context,
+ rule_length,
+ silf.numClasses(),
+ face.glyphs().numAttrs(),
+ face.numFeatures(),
+ {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,
+ 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,255,
+ 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,
+ 1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,
+ 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
+ 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
+ 0,0,0,0,0,0,0, silf.numUser()}
+ };
+- decoder dec(lims, *this);
++ decoder dec(lims, *this, pt);
+ if(!dec.load(bytecode_begin, bytecode_end))
+ return;
+ // Is this an empty program?
+ if (_instr_count == 0)
+ {
+ release_buffers();
+ ::new (this) Code();
+@@ -204,20 +211,25 @@ Machine::Code::Code(bool is_constraint,
+ assert((_constraint && immutable()) || !_constraint);
+ dec.apply_analysis(_code, _code + _instr_count);
+ _max_ref = dec.max_ref();
+ // Now we know exactly how much code and data the program really needs
+ // realloc the buffers to exactly the right size so we don't waste any
+ // memory.
+- assert((bytecode_end - bytecode_begin) >= std::ptrdiff_t(_instr_count));
+- assert((bytecode_end - bytecode_begin) >= std::ptrdiff_t(_data_size));
+- _code = static_cast<instr *>(realloc(_code, (_instr_count+1)*sizeof(instr)));
+- _data = static_cast<byte *>(realloc(_data, _data_size*sizeof(byte)));
++ assert((bytecode_end - bytecode_begin) >= ptrdiff_t(_instr_count));
++ assert((bytecode_end - bytecode_begin) >= ptrdiff_t(_data_size));
++ memmove(_code + (_instr_count+1), _data, _data_size*sizeof(byte));
++ size_t const total_sz = ((_instr_count+1) + (_data_size + sizeof(instr)-1)/sizeof(instr))*sizeof(instr);
++ if (_out)
++ *_out += total_sz;
++ else
++ _code = static_cast<instr *>(realloc(_code, total_sz));
++ _data = reinterpret_cast<byte *>(_code + (_instr_count+1));
+ if (!_code)
+ {
+ failure(alloc_failed);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Make this RET_ZERO, we should never reach this but just in case ...
+@@ -232,16 +244,17 @@ Machine::Code::~Code() throw ()
+ {
+ if (_own)
+ release_buffers();
+ }
+ bool Machine::Code::decoder::load(const byte * bc, const byte * bc_end)
+ {
++ _max.bytecode = bc_end;
+ while (bc < bc_end)
+ {
+ const opcode opc = fetch_opcode(bc++);
+ if (opc == vm::MAX_OPCODE)
+ return false;
+ analyse_opcode(opc, reinterpret_cast<const int8 *>(bc));
+@@ -261,141 +274,194 @@ opcode Machine::Code::decoder::fetch_opc
+ // Do some basic sanity checks based on what we know about the opcode
+ if (!validate_opcode(opc, bc)) return MAX_OPCODE;
+ // And check it's arguments as far as possible
+ switch (opc)
+ {
+ case NOP :
++ break;
+ case PUSH_BYTE :
+ case PUSH_BYTEU :
+ case PUSH_SHORT :
+ case PUSH_SHORTU :
+ case PUSH_LONG :
++ ++_stack_depth;
++ break;
+ case ADD :
+ case SUB :
+ case MUL :
+ case DIV :
+ case MIN_ :
+ case MAX_ :
+- case NEG :
+- case TRUNC8 :
+- case TRUNC16 :
+- case COND :
+ case AND :
+ case OR :
+- case NOT :
+ case EQUAL :
+ case NOT_EQ :
+ case LESS :
+ case GTR :
+ case LESS_EQ :
+ case GTR_EQ :
++ case BITOR :
++ case BITAND :
++ if (--_stack_depth <= 0)
++ failure(underfull_stack);
++ break;
++ case NEG :
++ case TRUNC8 :
++ case TRUNC16 :
++ case NOT :
++ case BITNOT :
++ case BITSET :
++ if (_stack_depth <= 0)
++ failure(underfull_stack);
++ break;
++ case COND :
++ _stack_depth -= 2;
++ if (_stack_depth <= 0)
++ failure(underfull_stack);
+ break;
+ case NEXT :
+ case NEXT_N : // runtime checked
+ case COPY_NEXT :
++ test_context();
+ ++_pre_context;
+ break;
+ valid_upto(_max.classes, bc[0]);
++ test_context();
+ break;
+ case PUT_SUBS_8BIT_OBS :
+ valid_upto(_rule_length, _pre_context + int8(bc[0]));
+ valid_upto(_max.classes, bc[1]);
+ valid_upto(_max.classes, bc[2]);
++ test_context();
+ break;
+ case PUT_COPY :
+ valid_upto(_rule_length, _pre_context + int8(bc[0]));
++ test_context();
+ break;
+ case INSERT :
+- --_pre_context;
++ if (_passtype >= PASS_TYPE_POSITIONING)
++ failure(invalid_opcode);
++ else
++ --_pre_context;
+ break;
+ case DELETE :
++ if (_passtype >= PASS_TYPE_POSITIONING)
++ failure(invalid_opcode);
++ test_context();
+ break;
+ case ASSOC :
+ for (uint8 num = bc[0]; num; --num)
+ valid_upto(_rule_length, _pre_context + int8(bc[num]));
++ test_context();
+ break;
+ case CNTXT_ITEM :
+ valid_upto(_max.rule_length, _max.pre_context + int8(bc[0]));
+- if (bc + 2 + bc[1] >= _max.bytecode) failure(jump_past_end);
+- if (_pre_context != 0) failure(nested_context_item);
++ if (bc + 2 + bc[1] >= _max.bytecode) failure(jump_past_end);
++ if (_in_ctxt_item) failure(nested_context_item);
+ break;
+ case ATTR_SET :
+ case ATTR_ADD :
+ case ATTR_SUB :
+ case ATTR_SET_SLOT :
++ if (--_stack_depth < 0)
++ failure(underfull_stack);
+ valid_upto(gr_slatMax, bc[0]);
++ test_context();
+ break;
++ if (--_stack_depth < 0)
++ failure(underfull_stack);
+ if (valid_upto(gr_slatMax, bc[0]))
+ valid_upto(_max.attrid[bc[0]], bc[1]);
++ test_context();
+ break;
++ ++_stack_depth;
+ valid_upto(gr_slatMax, bc[0]);
+ valid_upto(_rule_length, _pre_context + int8(bc[1]));
+ break;
++ ++_stack_depth;
+ valid_upto(_max.glyf_attrs, bc[0]);
+ valid_upto(_rule_length, _pre_context + int8(bc[1]));
+ break;
++ ++_stack_depth;
+ valid_upto(kgmetDescent, bc[0]);
+ valid_upto(_rule_length, _pre_context + int8(bc[1]));
+ // level: dp[2] no check necessary
+ break;
+ case PUSH_FEAT :
++ ++_stack_depth;
+ valid_upto(_max.features, bc[0]);
+ valid_upto(_rule_length, _pre_context + int8(bc[1]));
+ break;
++ ++_stack_depth;
+ valid_upto(_max.glyf_attrs, bc[0]);
+ valid_upto(_rule_length, _pre_context + int8(bc[1]));
+ break;
++ ++_stack_depth;
+ valid_upto(kgmetDescent, bc[0]);
+ valid_upto(_rule_length, _pre_context + int8(bc[1]));
+ // level: dp[2] no check necessary
+ break;
++ ++_stack_depth;
+ if (valid_upto(gr_slatMax, bc[0]))
+ {
+ valid_upto(_rule_length, _pre_context + int8(bc[1]));
+ valid_upto(_max.attrid[bc[0]], bc[2]);
+ }
+ break;
+ case PUSH_IGLYPH_ATTR :// not implemented
++ ++_stack_depth;
++ break;
+ case POP_RET :
++ if (--_stack_depth < 0)
++ failure(underfull_stack);
++ // no break
+ case RET_ZERO :
+ case RET_TRUE :
+ break;
+ case IATTR_SET :
+ case IATTR_ADD :
+ case IATTR_SUB :
++ if (--_stack_depth < 0)
++ failure(underfull_stack);
+ if (valid_upto(gr_slatMax, bc[0]))
+ valid_upto(_max.attrid[bc[0]], bc[1]);
++ test_context();
+ break;
+ case PUSH_PROC_STATE : // dummy: dp[0] no check necessary
++ ++_stack_depth;
+ break;
+ case PUT_SUBS :
+ valid_upto(_rule_length, _pre_context + int8(bc[0]));
+ valid_upto(_max.classes, uint16(bc[1]<< 8) | bc[2]);
+ valid_upto(_max.classes, uint16(bc[3]<< 8) | bc[4]);
++ test_context();
+ break;
+ case PUT_SUBS2 : // not implemented
+ case PUT_SUBS3 : // not implemented
+ break;
+ case PUT_GLYPH :
+ valid_upto(_max.classes, uint16(bc[0]<< 8) | bc[1]);
++ test_context();
+ break;
++ ++_stack_depth;
+ valid_upto(_max.glyf_attrs, uint16(bc[0]<< 8) | bc[1]);
+ valid_upto(_rule_length, _pre_context + int8(bc[2]));
+ break;
+ default:
+ failure(invalid_opcode);
+ break;
+ }
+@@ -410,62 +476,77 @@ void Machine::Code::decoder::analyse_opc
+ switch (opc)
+ {
+ case DELETE :
+ _code._delete = true;
+ break;
+ case PUT_GLYPH :
+ _code._modify = true;
+- _analysis.set_changed(_analysis.slotref);
++ _analysis.set_changed(0);
++ break;
++ case ATTR_SET :
++ case ATTR_ADD :
++ case ATTR_SET_SLOT :
++ case IATTR_SET_SLOT :
++ case IATTR_SET :
++ case IATTR_ADD :
++ case IATTR_SUB :
++ _analysis.set_noref(0);
+ break;
+ case NEXT :
+ case COPY_NEXT :
+ if (!_analysis.contexts[_analysis.slotref].flags.inserted)
+ ++_analysis.slotref;
+ _analysis.contexts[_analysis.slotref] = context(_code._instr_count+1);
+- if (_analysis.slotref > _analysis.max_ref) _analysis.max_ref = _analysis.slotref;
++ // if (_analysis.slotref > _analysis.max_ref) _analysis.max_ref = _analysis.slotref;
+ break;
+ case INSERT :
+ _analysis.contexts[_analysis.slotref].flags.inserted = true;
+ _code._modify = true;
+ break;
+ case PUT_SUBS_8BIT_OBS : // slotref on 1st parameter
+ case PUT_SUBS :
+ _code._modify = true;
+- _analysis.set_changed(_analysis.slotref);
++ _analysis.set_changed(0);
+ // no break
+ case PUT_COPY :
+ {
+- if (arg[0] != 0) { _analysis.set_changed(_analysis.slotref); _code._modify = true; }
++ if (arg[0] != 0) { _analysis.set_changed(0); _code._modify = true; }
+ if (arg[0] <= 0 && -arg[0] <= _analysis.slotref - _analysis.contexts[_analysis.slotref].flags.inserted)
+- _analysis.set_ref(_analysis.slotref + arg[0] - _analysis.contexts[_analysis.slotref].flags.inserted);
+- else if (_analysis.slotref + arg[0] > _analysis.max_ref) _analysis.max_ref = _analysis.slotref + arg[0];
++ _analysis.set_ref(arg[0], true);
++ else if (arg[0] > 0)
++ _analysis.set_ref(arg[0], true);
+ break;
+ }
+ case PUSH_ATT_TO_GATTR_OBS : // slotref on 2nd parameter
+ if (_code._constraint) return;
+ // no break
+ case PUSH_FEAT :
+ if (arg[1] <= 0 && -arg[1] <= _analysis.slotref - _analysis.contexts[_analysis.slotref].flags.inserted)
+- _analysis.set_ref(_analysis.slotref + arg[1] - _analysis.contexts[_analysis.slotref].flags.inserted);
+- else if (_analysis.slotref + arg[1] > _analysis.max_ref) _analysis.max_ref = _analysis.slotref + arg[1];
++ _analysis.set_ref(arg[1], true);
++ else if (arg[1] > 0)
++ _analysis.set_ref(arg[1], true);
+ break;
+ if (_code._constraint) return;
+ // no break
+ if (arg[2] <= 0 && -arg[2] <= _analysis.slotref - _analysis.contexts[_analysis.slotref].flags.inserted)
+- _analysis.set_ref(_analysis.slotref + arg[2] - _analysis.contexts[_analysis.slotref].flags.inserted);
+- else if (_analysis.slotref + arg[2] > _analysis.max_ref) _analysis.max_ref = _analysis.slotref + arg[2];
++ _analysis.set_ref(arg[2], true);
++ else if (arg[2] > 0)
++ _analysis.set_ref(arg[2], true);
+ break;
+ case ASSOC : // slotrefs in varargs
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+@@ -494,32 +575,41 @@ bool Machine::Code::decoder::emit_opcode
+ _code._data_size += param_sz;
+ }
+ // recursively decode a context item so we can split the skip into
+ // instruction and data portions.
+ if (opc == CNTXT_ITEM)
+ {
+ assert(_pre_context == 0);
++ _in_ctxt_item = true;
+ _pre_context = _max.pre_context + int8(_data[-2]);
+ _rule_length = _max.rule_length;
+ const size_t ctxt_start = _code._instr_count;
+ byte & instr_skip = _data[-1];
+ byte & data_skip = *_data++;
+ ++_code._data_size;
++ const byte *curr_end = _max.bytecode;
+ if (load(bc, bc + instr_skip))
+ {
+ bc += instr_skip;
+ data_skip = instr_skip - (_code._instr_count - ctxt_start);
+ instr_skip = _code._instr_count - ctxt_start;
++ _max.bytecode = curr_end;
+ _rule_length = 1;
+ _pre_context = 0;
++ _in_ctxt_item = false;
++ }
++ else
++ {
++ _pre_context = 0;
++ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return bool(_code);
+ }
+ void Machine::Code::decoder::apply_analysis(instr * const code, instr * code_end)
+@@ -533,87 +623,115 @@ void Machine::Code::decoder::apply_analy
+ {
+ if (!c->flags.referenced || !c->flags.changed) continue;
+ instr * const tip = code + c->codeRef + tempcount;
+ memmove(tip+1, tip, (code_end - tip) * sizeof(instr));
+ *tip = temp_copy;
+ ++code_end;
+ ++tempcount;
++ _code._delete = true;
+ }
+ _code._instr_count = code_end - code;
+ }
+ inline
+ bool Machine::Code::decoder::validate_opcode(const opcode opc, const byte * const bc)
+ {
+ if (opc >= MAX_OPCODE)
+ {
+ failure(invalid_opcode);
+ return false;
+ }
+ const opcode_t & op = Machine::getOpcodeTable()[opc];
++ if (op.param_sz == VARARGS && bc >= _max.bytecode)
++ {
++ failure(arguments_exhausted);
++ return false;
++ }
+ const size_t param_sz = op.param_sz == VARARGS ? bc[0] + 1 : op.param_sz;
+- if (bc + param_sz > _max.bytecode)
++ if (bc - 1 + param_sz >= _max.bytecode)
+ {
+ failure(arguments_exhausted);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool Machine::Code::decoder::valid_upto(const uint16 limit, const uint16 x) const throw()
+ {
+ const bool t = x < limit;
+ if (!t) failure(out_of_range_data);
+ return t;
+ }
++bool Machine::Code::decoder::test_context() const throw()
++ if (_pre_context >= _rule_length)
++ {
++ failure(out_of_range_data);
++ return false;
++ }
++ return true;
+ inline
+ void Machine::Code::failure(const status_t s) throw() {
+ release_buffers();
+ _status = s;
+ }
+ inline
+-void Machine::Code::decoder::analysis::set_ref(const int index) throw() {
+- contexts[index].flags.referenced = true;
+- if (index > max_ref) max_ref = index;
++void Machine::Code::decoder::analysis::set_ref(int index, bool incinsert) throw() {
++ if (incinsert && contexts[slotref].flags.inserted) --index;
++ if (index + slotref < 0) return;
++ contexts[index + slotref].flags.referenced = true;
++ if ((index > 0 || !contexts[index + slotref].flags.inserted) && index + slotref > max_ref) max_ref = index + slotref;
+ }
+ inline
+-void Machine::Code::decoder::analysis::set_changed(const int index) throw() {
+- contexts[index].flags.changed = true;
+- if (index > max_ref) max_ref = index;
++void Machine::Code::decoder::analysis::set_noref(int index) throw() {
++ if (contexts[slotref].flags.inserted) --index;
++ if (index + slotref < 0) return;
++ if ((index > 0 || !contexts[index + slotref].flags.inserted) && index + slotref > max_ref) max_ref = index + slotref;
++void Machine::Code::decoder::analysis::set_changed(int index) throw() {
++ if (contexts[slotref].flags.inserted) --index;
++ if (index + slotref < 0) return;
++ contexts[index + slotref].flags.changed = true;
++ if ((index > 0 || !contexts[index + slotref].flags.inserted) && index + slotref > max_ref) max_ref = index + slotref;
+ }
+ void Machine::Code::release_buffers() throw()
+ {
+- free(_code);
+- free(_data);
++ if (_own)
++ free(_code);
+ _code = 0;
+ _data = 0;
+ _own = false;
+ }
+ int32 Machine::Code::run(Machine & m, slotref * & map) const
+ {
+- assert(_own);
++// assert(_own);
+ assert(*this); // Check we are actually runnable
+- if (m.slotMap().size() <= size_t(_max_ref + m.slotMap().context()))
++ if (m.slotMap().size() <= size_t(_max_ref + m.slotMap().context())
++ || m.slotMap()[_max_ref + m.slotMap().context()] == 0)
+ {
+ m._status = Machine::slot_offset_out_bounds;
+-// return (m.slotMap().end() - map);
+ return 1;
++// return, _data, map);
+ }
+ return, _data, map);
+ }
+diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/src/Collider.cpp b/gfx/graphite2/src/Collider.cpp
+new file mode 100644
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/gfx/graphite2/src/Collider.cpp
+@@ -0,0 +1,1088 @@
++ Copyright 2010, SIL International
++ All rights reserved.
++ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
++ by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of License, or
++ (at your option) any later version.
++ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ Lesser General Public License for more details.
++ You should also have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
++ License along with this library in the file named "LICENSE".
++ If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street,
++ Suite 500, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA or visit their web page on the
++ internet at
++Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the
++Mozilla Public License ( or the GNU General Public
++License, as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2
++of the License or (at your option) any later version.
++#include <algorithm>
++#include <limits>
++#include <math.h>
++#include <string>
++#include <functional>
++#include "inc/Collider.h"
++#include "inc/Segment.h"
++#include "inc/Slot.h"
++#include "inc/GlyphCache.h"
++#include "inc/Sparse.h"
++#define ISQRT2 0.707106781f
++// Possible rounding error for subbox boundaries: 0.016 = 1/64 = 1/256 * 4
++// (values in font range from 0..256)
++// #define SUBBOX_RND_ERR 0.016
++using namespace graphite2;
++//// SHIFT-COLLIDER ////
++// Initialize the Collider to hold the basic movement limits for the
++// target slot, the one we are focusing on fixing.
++bool ShiftCollider::initSlot(Segment *seg, Slot *aSlot, const Rect &limit, float margin, float marginWeight,
++ const Position &currShift, const Position &currOffset, int dir, GR_MAYBE_UNUSED json * const dbgout)
++ int i;
++ float mx, mn;
++ float a, shift;
++ const GlyphCache &gc = seg->getFace()->glyphs();
++ unsigned short gid = aSlot->gid();
++ if (!gc.check(gid))
++ return false;
++ const BBox &bb = gc.getBoundingBBox(gid);
++ const SlantBox &sb = gc.getBoundingSlantBox(gid);
++ //float sx = aSlot->origin().x + currShift.x;
++ //float sy = aSlot->origin().y + currShift.y;
++ if (currOffset.x != 0.f || currOffset.y != 0.f)
++ _limit = Rect( - currOffset, - currOffset);
++ else
++ _limit = limit;
++ // For a ShiftCollider, these indices indicate which vector we are moving by:
++ // each _ranges represents absolute space with respect to the origin of the slot. Thus take into account true origins but subtract the vmin for the slot
++ for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
++ {
++ switch (i) {
++ case 0 : // x direction
++ mn = + currOffset.x;
++ mx = + currOffset.x;
++ _len[i] = bb.xa - bb.xi;
++ a = currOffset.y + currShift.y;
++ _ranges[i].initialise<XY>(mn, mx, margin, marginWeight, a);
++ break;
++ case 1 : // y direction
++ mn = + currOffset.y;
++ mx = + currOffset.y;
++ _len[i] = bb.ya - bb.yi;
++ a = currOffset.x + currShift.x;
++ _ranges[i].initialise<XY>(mn, mx, margin, marginWeight, a);
++ break;
++ case 2 : // sum (negatively sloped diagonal boundaries)
++ // pick closest x,y limit boundaries in s direction
++ shift = currOffset.x + currOffset.y + currShift.x + currShift.y;
++ mn = -2 * min(currShift.x -, currShift.y - + shift;
++ mx = 2 * min( - currShift.x, - currShift.y) + shift;
++ _len[i] = -;
++ a = currOffset.x - currOffset.y + currShift.x - currShift.y;
++ _ranges[i].initialise<SD>(mn, mx, margin / ISQRT2, marginWeight, a);
++ break;
++ case 3 : // diff (positively sloped diagonal boundaries)
++ // pick closest x,y limit boundaries in d direction
++ shift = currOffset.x - currOffset.y + currShift.x - currShift.y;
++ mn = -2 * min(currShift.x -, - currShift.y) + shift;
++ mx = 2 * min( - currShift.x, currShift.y - + shift;
++ _len[i] = sb.da - sb.di;
++ a = currOffset.x + currOffset.y + currShift.x + currShift.y;
++ _ranges[i].initialise<SD>(mn, mx, margin / ISQRT2, marginWeight, a);
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ _target = aSlot;
++ if ((dir & 1) == 0)
++ {
++ // For LTR, switch and negate x limits.
++ = -1 *;
++ // = -1 *;
++ }
++ _currOffset = currOffset;
++ _currShift = currShift;
++ _origin = aSlot->origin() - currOffset; // the original anchor position of the glyph
++ _margin = margin;
++ _marginWt = marginWeight;
++ SlotCollision *c = seg->collisionInfo(aSlot);
++ _seqClass = c->seqClass();
++ _seqProxClass = c->seqProxClass();
++ _seqOrder = c->seqOrder();
++ return true;
++template <class O>
++float sdm(float vi, float va, float mx, float my, O op)
++ float res = 2 * mx - vi;
++ if (op(res, vi + 2 * my))
++ {
++ res = va + 2 * my;
++ if (op(res, 2 * mx - va))
++ res = mx + my;
++ }
++ return res;
++// Mark an area with a cost that can vary along the x or y axis. The region is expressed in terms of the centre of the target glyph in each axis
++void ShiftCollider::addBox_slope(bool isx, const Rect &box, const BBox &bb, const SlantBox &sb, const Position &org, float weight, float m, bool minright, int axis)
++ float a, c;
++ switch (axis) {
++ case 0 :
++ if ( < org.y + bb.ya && > org.y + bb.yi && box.width() > 0)
++ {
++ a = org.y + 0.5f * (bb.yi + bb.ya);
++ c = 0.5f * (bb.xi + bb.xa);
++ if (isx)
++ _ranges[axis].weighted<XY>( - c, - c, weight, a, m,
++ (minright ? : - c, a, 0, false);
++ else
++ _ranges[axis].weighted<XY>( - c, - c, weight, a, 0, 0, org.y,
++ m * (a * a + sqr((minright ? : - 0.5f * (bb.yi + bb.ya))), false);
++ }
++ break;
++ case 1 :
++ if ( < org.x + bb.xa && > org.x + bb.xi && box.height() > 0)
++ {
++ a = org.x + 0.5f * (bb.xi + bb.xa);
++ c = 0.5f * (bb.yi + bb.ya);
++ if (isx)
++ _ranges[axis].weighted<XY>( - c, - c, weight, a, 0, 0, org.x,
++ m * (a * a + sqr((minright ? : - 0.5f * (bb.xi + bb.xa))), false);
++ else
++ _ranges[axis].weighted<XY>( - c, - c, weight, a, m,
++ (minright ? : - c, a, 0, false);
++ }
++ break;
++ case 2 :
++ if ( - < org.x - org.y + sb.da && - > org.x - org.y + sb.di)
++ {
++ float d = org.x - org.y + 0.5f * (sb.di + sb.da);
++ c = 0.5f * ( +;
++ float smax = min(2 * - d, 2 * + d);
++ float smin = max(2 * - d, 2 * + d);
++ if (smin > smax) return;
++ float si;
++ a = d;
++ if (isx)
++ si = 2 * (minright ? : - a;
++ else
++ si = 2 * (minright ? : + a;
++ _ranges[axis].weighted<SD>(smin - c, smax - c, weight / 2, a, m / 2, si, 0, 0, isx);
++ }
++ break;
++ case 3 :
++ if ( + < org.x + org.y + && + > org.x + org.y +
++ {
++ float s = org.x + org.y + 0.5f * ( +;
++ c = 0.5f * (sb.di + sb.da);
++ float dmax = min(2 * - s, s - 2 *;
++ float dmin = max(2 * - s, s - 2 *;
++ if (dmin > dmax) return;
++ float di;
++ a = s;
++ if (isx)
++ di = 2 * (minright ? : - a;
++ else
++ di = 2 * (minright ? : + a;
++ _ranges[axis].weighted<SD>(dmin - c, dmax - c, weight / 2, a, m / 2, di, 0, 0, !isx);
++ }
++ break;
++ default :
++ break;
++ }
++ return;
++// Mark an area with an absolute cost, making it completely inaccessible.
++inline void ShiftCollider::removeBox(const Rect &box, const BBox &bb, const SlantBox &sb, const Position &org, int axis)
++ float c;
++ switch (axis) {
++ case 0 :
++ if ( < org.y + bb.ya && > org.y + bb.yi && box.width() > 0)
++ {
++ c = 0.5f * (bb.xi + bb.xa);
++ _ranges[axis].exclude( - c, - c);
++ }
++ break;
++ case 1 :
++ if ( < org.x + bb.xa && > org.x + bb.xi && box.height() > 0)
++ {
++ c = 0.5f * (bb.yi + bb.ya);
++ _ranges[axis].exclude( - c, - c);
++ }
++ break;
++ case 2 :
++ if ( - < org.x - org.y + sb.da && - > org.x - org.y + sb.di
++ && box.width() > 0 && box.height() > 0)
++ {
++ float di = org.x - org.y + sb.di;
++ float da = org.x - org.y + sb.da;
++ float smax = sdm(di, da,,, std::greater<float>());
++ float smin = sdm(da, di,,, std::less<float>());
++ c = 0.5f * ( +;
++ _ranges[axis].exclude(smin - c, smax - c);
++ }
++ break;
++ case 3 :
++ if ( + < org.x + org.y + && + > org.x + org.y +
++ && box.width() > 0 && box.height() > 0)
++ {
++ float si = org.x + org.y +;
++ float sa = org.x + org.y +;
++ float dmax = sdm(si, sa,,, std::greater<float>());
++ float dmin = sdm(sa, si,,, std::less<float>());
++ c = 0.5f * (sb.di + sb.da);
++ _ranges[axis].exclude(dmin - c, dmax - c);
++ }
++ break;
++ default :
++ break;
++ }
++ return;
++// Adjust the movement limits for the target to avoid having it collide
++// with the given neighbor slot. Also determine if there is in fact a collision
++// between the target and the given slot.
++bool ShiftCollider::mergeSlot(Segment *seg, Slot *slot, const Position &currShift,
++ bool isAfter, // slot is logically after _target
++ bool sameCluster, bool &hasCol, bool isExclusion,
++ GR_MAYBE_UNUSED json * const dbgout )
++ bool isCol = false;
++ const float sx = slot->origin().x - _origin.x + currShift.x;
++ const float sy = slot->origin().y - _origin.y + currShift.y;
++ const float sd = sx - sy;
++ const float ss = sx + sy;
++ float vmin, vmax;
++ float omin, omax, otmin, otmax;
++ float cmin, cmax; // target limits
++ float torg;
++ const GlyphCache &gc = seg->getFace()->glyphs();
++ const unsigned short gid = slot->gid();
++ if (!gc.check(gid))
++ return false;
++ const BBox &bb = gc.getBoundingBBox(gid);
++ SlotCollision * cslot = seg->collisionInfo(slot);
++ int orderFlags = 0;
++ bool sameClass = _seqProxClass == 0 && cslot->seqClass() == _seqClass;
++ if (sameCluster && _seqClass
++ && (sameClass || (_seqProxClass != 0 && cslot->seqClass() == _seqProxClass)))
++ // Force the target glyph to be in the specified direction from the slot we're testing.
++ orderFlags = _seqOrder;
++ // short circuit if only interested in direct collision and we are out of range
++ if (orderFlags || (sx + bb.xa + _margin >= && sx + bb.xi - _margin <=
++ || (sy + bb.ya + _margin >= && sy + bb.yi - _margin <=
++ {
++ const float tx = _currOffset.x + _currShift.x;
++ const float ty = _currOffset.y + _currShift.y;
++ const float td = tx - ty;
++ const float ts = tx + ty;
++ const SlantBox &sb = gc.getBoundingSlantBox(gid);
++ const unsigned short tgid = _target->gid();
++ const BBox &tbb = gc.getBoundingBBox(tgid);
++ const SlantBox &tsb = gc.getBoundingSlantBox(tgid);
++ float seq_above_wt = cslot->seqAboveWt();
++ float seq_below_wt = cslot->seqBelowWt();
++ float seq_valign_wt = cslot->seqValignWt();
++ // if isAfter, invert orderFlags for diagonal orders.
++ if (isAfter)
++ {
++ // invert appropriate bits
++ orderFlags ^= (sameClass ? 0x3F : 0x3);
++ // consider 2 bits at a time, non overlapping. If both bits set, clear them
++ orderFlags = orderFlags ^ ((((orderFlags >> 1) & orderFlags) & 0x15) * 3);
++ }
++#if !defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING
++ if (dbgout)
++ dbgout->setenv(0, slot);
++ // Process main bounding octabox.
++ for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
++ {
++ switch (i) {
++ case 0 : // x direction
++ vmin = max(max(bb.xi - tbb.xa + sx, sb.di - tsb.da + ty + sd), - - ty + ss);
++ vmax = min(min(bb.xa - tbb.xi + sx, sb.da - tsb.di + ty + sd), - - ty + ss);
++ otmin = tbb.yi + ty;
++ otmax = tbb.ya + ty;
++ omin = bb.yi + sy;
++ omax = bb.ya + sy;
++ torg = _currOffset.x;
++ cmin = + torg;
++ cmax = - tbb.xi + tbb.xa + torg;
++ break;
++ case 1 : // y direction
++ vmin = max(max(bb.yi - tbb.ya + sy, tsb.di - sb.da + tx - sd), - - tx + ss);
++ vmax = min(min(bb.ya - tbb.yi + sy, tsb.da - sb.di + tx - sd), - - tx + ss);
++ otmin = tbb.xi + tx;
++ otmax = tbb.xa + tx;
++ omin = bb.xi + sx;
++ omax = bb.xa + sx;
++ torg = _currOffset.y;
++ cmin = + torg;
++ cmax = - tbb.yi + tbb.ya + torg;
++ break;
++ case 2 : // sum - moving along the positively-sloped vector, so the boundaries are the
++ // negatively-sloped boundaries.
++ vmin = max(max( - + ss, 2 * (bb.yi - tbb.ya + sy) + td), 2 * (bb.xi - tbb.xa + sx) - td);
++ vmax = min(min( - + ss, 2 * (bb.ya - tbb.yi + sy) + td), 2 * (bb.xa - tbb.xi + sx) - td);
++ otmin = tsb.di + td;
++ otmax = tsb.da + td;
++ omin = sb.di + sd;
++ omax = sb.da + sd;
++ torg = _currOffset.x + _currOffset.y;
++ cmin = + + torg;
++ cmax = + - + + torg;
++ break;
++ case 3 : // diff - moving along the negatively-sloped vector, so the boundaries are the
++ // positively-sloped boundaries.
++ vmin = max(max(sb.di - tsb.da + sd, 2 * (bb.xi - tbb.xa + sx) - ts), -2 * (bb.ya - tbb.yi + sy) + ts);
++ vmax = min(min(sb.da - tsb.di + sd, 2 * (bb.xa - tbb.xi + sx) - ts), -2 * (bb.yi - tbb.ya + sy) + ts);
++ otmin = + ts;
++ otmax = + ts;
++ omin = + ss;
++ omax = + ss;
++ torg = _currOffset.x - _currOffset.y;
++ cmin = - + torg;
++ cmax = - - tsb.di + tsb.da + torg;
++ break;
++ default :
++ continue;
++ }
++#if !defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING
++ if (dbgout)
++ dbgout->setenv(1, reinterpret_cast<void *>(-1));
++#define DBGTAG(x) if (dbgout) dbgout->setenv(1, reinterpret_cast<void *>(-x));
++#define DBGTAG(x)
++ if (orderFlags)
++ {
++ Position org(tx, ty);
++ float xminf = + _currOffset.x + tbb.xi;
++ float xpinf = + _currOffset.x + tbb.xa;
++ float ypinf = + _currOffset.y + tbb.ya;
++ float yminf = + _currOffset.y + tbb.yi;
++ switch (orderFlags) {
++ case SlotCollision::SEQ_ORDER_RIGHTUP :
++ {
++ float r1Xedge = cslot->seqAboveXoff() + 0.5f * (bb.xi + bb.xa) + sx;
++ float r3Xedge = cslot->seqBelowXlim() + bb.xa + sx + 0.5f * (tbb.xa - tbb.xi);
++ float r2Yedge = 0.5f * (bb.yi + bb.ya) + sy;
++ // DBGTAG(1x) means the regions are up and right
++ // region 1
++ DBGTAG(11)
++ addBox_slope(true, Rect(Position(xminf, r2Yedge), Position(r1Xedge, ypinf)),
++ tbb, tsb, org, 0, seq_above_wt, true, i);
++ // region 2
++ DBGTAG(12)
++ removeBox(Rect(Position(xminf, yminf), Position(r3Xedge, r2Yedge)), tbb, tsb, org, i);
++ // region 3, which end is zero is irrelevant since m weight is 0
++ DBGTAG(13)
++ addBox_slope(true, Rect(Position(r3Xedge, yminf), Position(xpinf, r2Yedge - cslot->seqValignHt())),
++ tbb, tsb, org, seq_below_wt, 0, true, i);
++ // region 4
++ DBGTAG(14)
++ addBox_slope(false, Rect(Position(sx + bb.xi, r2Yedge), Position(xpinf, r2Yedge + cslot->seqValignHt())),
++ tbb, tsb, org, 0, seq_valign_wt, true, i);
++ // region 5
++ DBGTAG(15)
++ addBox_slope(false, Rect(Position(sx + bb.xi, r2Yedge - cslot->seqValignHt()), Position(xpinf, r2Yedge)),
++ tbb, tsb, org, seq_below_wt, seq_valign_wt, false, i);
++ break;
++ }
++ case SlotCollision::SEQ_ORDER_LEFTDOWN :
++ {
++ float r1Xedge = 0.5f * (bb.xi + bb.xa) + cslot->seqAboveXoff() + sx;
++ float r3Xedge = bb.xi - cslot->seqBelowXlim() + sx - 0.5f * (tbb.xa - tbb.xi);
++ float r2Yedge = 0.5f * (bb.yi + bb.ya) + sy;
++ // DBGTAG(2x) means the regions are up and right
++ // region 1
++ DBGTAG(21)
++ addBox_slope(true, Rect(Position(r1Xedge, yminf), Position(xpinf, r2Yedge)),
++ tbb, tsb, org, 0, seq_above_wt, false, i);
++ // region 2
++ DBGTAG(22)
++ removeBox(Rect(Position(r3Xedge, r2Yedge), Position(xpinf, ypinf)), tbb, tsb, org, i);
++ // region 3
++ DBGTAG(23)
++ addBox_slope(true, Rect(Position(xminf, r2Yedge - cslot->seqValignHt()), Position(r3Xedge, ypinf)),
++ tbb, tsb, org, seq_below_wt, 0, false, i);
++ // region 4
++ DBGTAG(24)
++ addBox_slope(false, Rect(Position(xminf, r2Yedge), Position(sx + bb.xa, r2Yedge + cslot->seqValignHt())),
++ tbb, tsb, org, 0, seq_valign_wt, true, i);
++ // region 5
++ DBGTAG(25)
++ addBox_slope(false, Rect(Position(xminf, r2Yedge - cslot->seqValignHt()),
++ Position(sx + bb.xa, r2Yedge)), tbb, tsb, org, seq_below_wt, seq_valign_wt, false, i);
++ break;
++ }
++ case SlotCollision::SEQ_ORDER_NOABOVE : // enforce neighboring glyph being above
++ DBGTAG(31);
++ removeBox(Rect(Position(bb.xi - tbb.xa + sx, sy + bb.ya),
++ Position(bb.xa - tbb.xi + sx, ypinf)), tbb, tsb, org, i);
++ break;
++ case SlotCollision::SEQ_ORDER_NOBELOW : // enforce neighboring glyph being below
++ DBGTAG(32);
++ removeBox(Rect(Position(bb.xi - tbb.xa + sx, yminf),
++ Position(bb.xa - tbb.xi + sx, sy + bb.yi)), tbb, tsb, org, i);
++ break;
++ case SlotCollision::SEQ_ORDER_NOLEFT : // enforce neighboring glyph being to the left
++ DBGTAG(33)
++ removeBox(Rect(Position(xminf, bb.yi - tbb.ya + sy),
++ Position(bb.xi - tbb.xa + sx, bb.ya - tbb.yi + sy)), tbb, tsb, org, i);
++ break;
++ case SlotCollision::SEQ_ORDER_NORIGHT : // enforce neighboring glyph being to the right
++ DBGTAG(34)
++ removeBox(Rect(Position(bb.xa - tbb.xi + sx, bb.yi - tbb.ya + sy),
++ Position(xpinf, bb.ya - tbb.yi + sy)), tbb, tsb, org, i);
++ break;
++ default :
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ if (vmax < cmin - _margin || vmin > cmax + _margin || omax < otmin - _margin || omin > otmax + _margin)
++ continue;
++ // Process sub-boxes that are defined for this glyph.
++ // We only need to do this if there was in fact a collision with the main octabox.
++ uint8 numsub = gc.numSubBounds(gid);
++ if (numsub > 0)
++ {
++ bool anyhits = false;
++ for (int j = 0; j < numsub; ++j)
++ {
++ const BBox &sbb = gc.getSubBoundingBBox(gid, j);
++ const SlantBox &ssb = gc.getSubBoundingSlantBox(gid, j);
++ switch (i) {
++ case 0 : // x
++ vmin = max(max(sbb.xi-tbb.xa+sx, ssb.di-tsb.da+sd+ty),;
++ vmax = min(min(sbb.xa-tbb.xi+sx, ssb.da-tsb.di+sd+ty),;
++ omin = sbb.yi + sy;
++ omax = sbb.ya + sy;
++ break;
++ case 1 : // y
++ vmin = max(max(sbb.yi-tbb.ya+sy, tsb.di-ssb.da-sd+tx),;
++ vmax = min(min(sbb.ya-tbb.yi+sy, tsb.da-ssb.di-sd+tx),;
++ omin = sbb.xi + sx;
++ omax = sbb.xa + sx;
++ break;
++ case 2 : // sum
++ vmin = max(max(, 2*(sbb.yi-tbb.ya+sy)+td), 2*(sbb.xi-tbb.xa+sx)-td);
++ vmax = min(min(, 2*(sbb.ya-tbb.yi+sy)+td), 2*(sbb.xa-tbb.xi+sx)-td);
++ omin = ssb.di + sd;
++ omax = ssb.da + sd;
++ break;
++ case 3 : // diff
++ vmin = max(max(ssb.di-tsb.da+sd, 2*(sbb.xi-tbb.xa+sx)-ts), -2*(sbb.ya-tbb.yi+sy)+ts);
++ vmax = min(min(ssb.da-tsb.di+sd, 2*(sbb.xa-tbb.xi+sx)-ts), -2*(sbb.yi-tbb.ya+sy)+ts);
++ omin = + ss;
++ omax = + ss;
++ break;
++ }
++ if (vmax < cmin - _margin || vmin > cmax + _margin || omax < otmin - _margin || omin > otmax + _margin)
++ continue;
++#if !defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING
++ if (dbgout)
++ dbgout->setenv(1, reinterpret_cast<void *>(j));
++ if (omin > otmax)
++ _ranges[i].weightedAxis(i, vmin - _margin, vmax + _margin, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
++ sqr(_margin - omin + otmax) * _marginWt, false);
++ else if (omax < otmin)
++ _ranges[i].weightedAxis(i, vmin - _margin, vmax + _margin, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
++ sqr(_margin - otmin + omax) * _marginWt, false);
++ else
++ _ranges[i].exclude_with_margins(vmin, vmax, i);
++ anyhits = true;
++ }
++ if (anyhits)
++ isCol = true;
++ }
++ else // no sub-boxes
++ {
++#if !defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING
++ if (dbgout)
++ dbgout->setenv(1, reinterpret_cast<void *>(-1));
++ isCol = true;
++ if (omin > otmax)
++ _ranges[i].weightedAxis(i, vmin - _margin, vmax + _margin, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
++ sqr(_margin - omin + otmax) * _marginWt, false);
++ else if (omax < otmin)
++ _ranges[i].weightedAxis(i, vmin - _margin, vmax + _margin, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
++ sqr(_margin - otmin + omax) * _marginWt, false);
++ else
++ _ranges[i].exclude_with_margins(vmin, vmax, i);
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ bool res = true;
++ if (cslot->exclGlyph() > 0 && gc.check(cslot->exclGlyph()) && !isExclusion)
++ {
++ // Set up the bogus slot representing the exclusion glyph.
++ Slot *exclSlot = seg->newSlot();
++ exclSlot->setGlyph(seg, cslot->exclGlyph());
++ Position exclOrigin(slot->origin() + cslot->exclOffset());
++ exclSlot->origin(exclOrigin);
++ res &= mergeSlot(seg, exclSlot, currShift, isAfter, sameCluster, isCol, true, dbgout );
++ seg->freeSlot(exclSlot);
++ }
++ hasCol |= isCol;
++ return res;
++} // end of ShiftCollider::mergeSlot
++// Figure out where to move the target glyph to, and return the amount to shift by.
++Position ShiftCollider::resolve(GR_MAYBE_UNUSED Segment *seg, bool &isCol, GR_MAYBE_UNUSED json * const dbgout)
++ float tbase;
++ float totalCost = (float)(std::numeric_limits<float>::max() / 2);
++ Position resultPos = Position(0, 0);
++#if !defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING
++ int bestAxis = -1;
++ if (dbgout)
++ {
++ outputJsonDbgStartSlot(dbgout, seg);
++ *dbgout << "vectors" << json::array;
++ }
++ isCol = true;
++ for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
++ {
++ float bestCost = -1;
++ float bestPos;
++ // Calculate the margin depending on whether we are moving diagonally or not:
++ switch (i) {
++ case 0 : // x direction
++ tbase = _currOffset.x;
++ break;
++ case 1 : // y direction
++ tbase = _currOffset.y;
++ break;
++ case 2 : // sum (negatively-sloped diagonals)
++ tbase = _currOffset.x + _currOffset.y;
++ break;
++ case 3 : // diff (positively-sloped diagonals)
++ tbase = _currOffset.x - _currOffset.y;
++ break;
++ }
++ Position testp;
++ bestPos = _ranges[i].closest(0, bestCost) - tbase; // Get the best relative position
++#if !defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING
++ if (dbgout)
++ outputJsonDbgOneVector(dbgout, seg, i, tbase, bestCost, bestPos) ;
++ if (bestCost >= 0.0f)
++ {
++ isCol = false;
++ switch (i) {
++ case 0 : testp = Position(bestPos, _currShift.y); break;
++ case 1 : testp = Position(_currShift.x, bestPos); break;
++ case 2 : testp = Position(0.5f * (_currShift.x - _currShift.y + bestPos), 0.5f * (_currShift.y - _currShift.x + bestPos)); break;
++ case 3 : testp = Position(0.5f * (_currShift.x + _currShift.y + bestPos), 0.5f * (_currShift.x + _currShift.y - bestPos)); break;
++ }
++ if (bestCost < totalCost - 0.01f)
++ {
++ totalCost = bestCost;
++ resultPos = testp;
++#if !defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING
++ bestAxis = i;
++ }
++ }
++ } // end of loop over 4 directions
++#if !defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING
++ if (dbgout)
++ outputJsonDbgEndSlot(dbgout, resultPos, bestAxis, isCol);
++ return resultPos;
++} // end of ShiftCollider::resolve
++#if !defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING
++void ShiftCollider::outputJsonDbg(json * const dbgout, Segment *seg, int axis)
++ int axisMax = axis;
++ if (axis < 0) // output all axes
++ {
++ *dbgout << "gid" << _target->gid()
++ << "limit" << _limit
++ << "target" << json::object
++ << "origin" << _target->origin()
++ << "margin" << _margin
++ << "bbox" << seg->theGlyphBBoxTemporary(_target->gid())
++ << "slantbox" << seg->getFace()->glyphs().slant(_target->gid())
++ << json::close; // target object
++ *dbgout << "ranges" << json::array;
++ axis = 0;
++ axisMax = 3;
++ }
++ for (int iAxis = axis; iAxis <= axisMax; ++iAxis)
++ {
++ *dbgout << json::flat << json::array << _ranges[iAxis].position();
++ for (Zones::const_iterator s = _ranges[iAxis].begin(), e = _ranges[iAxis].end(); s != e; ++s)
++ *dbgout << json::flat << json::array
++ << Position(s->x, s->xm) << s->sm << s->smx << s->c
++ << json::close;
++ *dbgout << json::close;
++ }
++ if (axis < axisMax) // looped through the _ranges array for all axes
++ *dbgout << json::close; // ranges array
++void ShiftCollider::outputJsonDbgStartSlot(json * const dbgout, Segment *seg)
++ *dbgout << json::object // slot - not closed till the end of the caller method
++ << "slot" << objectid(dslot(seg, _target))
++ << "gid" << _target->gid()
++ << "limit" << _limit
++ << "target" << json::object
++ << "origin" << _origin
++ << "currShift" << _currShift
++ << "currOffset" << seg->collisionInfo(_target)->offset()
++ << "bbox" << seg->theGlyphBBoxTemporary(_target->gid())
++ << "slantBox" << seg->getFace()->glyphs().slant(_target->gid())
++ << "fix" << "shift";
++ *dbgout << json::close; // target object
++void ShiftCollider::outputJsonDbgEndSlot(GR_MAYBE_UNUSED json * const dbgout,
++ Position resultPos, int bestAxis, bool isCol)
++ *dbgout << json::close // vectors array
++ << "result" << resultPos
++ //<< "scraping" << _scraping[bestAxis]
++ << "bestAxis" << bestAxis
++ << "stillBad" << isCol
++ << json::close; // slot object
++void ShiftCollider::outputJsonDbgOneVector(json * const dbgout, Segment *seg, int axis,
++ float tleft, float bestCost, float bestVal)
++ const char * label;
++ switch (axis)
++ {
++ case 0: label = "x"; break;
++ case 1: label = "y"; break;
++ case 2: label = "sum (NE-SW)"; break;
++ case 3: label = "diff (NW-SE)"; break;
++ default: label = "???"; break;
++ }
++ *dbgout << json::object // vector
++ << "direction" << label
++ << "targetMin" << tleft;
++ outputJsonDbgRemovals(dbgout, axis, seg);
++ *dbgout << "ranges";
++ outputJsonDbg(dbgout, seg, axis);
++ *dbgout << "bestCost" << bestCost
++ << "bestVal" << bestVal + tleft
++ << json::close; // vectors object
++void ShiftCollider::outputJsonDbgRemovals(json * const dbgout, int axis, Segment *seg)
++ *dbgout << "removals" << json::array;
++ _ranges[axis].jsonDbgOut(seg);
++ *dbgout << json::close; // removals array
++#endif // !defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING
++//// KERN-COLLIDER ////
++static float localmax (float al, float au, float bl, float bu, float x)
++ if (al < bl)
++ { if (au < bu) return au < x ? au : x; }
++ else if (au > bu) return bl < x ? bl : x;
++ return x;
++static float localmin(float al, float au, float bl, float bu, float x)
++ if (bl > al)
++ { if (bu > au) return bl > x ? bl : x; }
++ else if (au > bu) return al > x ? al : x;
++ return x;
++// Return the given edge of the glyph at height y, taking any slant box into account.
++static float get_edge(Segment *seg, const Slot *s, const Position &shift, float y, float width, bool isRight)
++ const GlyphCache &gc = seg->getFace()->glyphs();
++ unsigned short gid = s->gid();
++ float sx = s->origin().x + shift.x;
++ float sy = s->origin().y + shift.y;
++ uint8 numsub = gc.numSubBounds(gid);
++ float res = isRight ? (float)-1e38 : (float)1e38;
++ if (numsub > 0)
++ {
++ for (int i = 0; i < numsub; ++i)
++ {
++ const BBox &sbb = gc.getSubBoundingBBox(gid, i);
++ const SlantBox &ssb = gc.getSubBoundingSlantBox(gid, i);
++ if (sy + sbb.yi > y + width / 2 || sy + sbb.ya < y - width / 2)
++ continue;
++ if (isRight)
++ {
++ float x = sx + sbb.xa;
++ if (x > res)
++ {
++ float td = sx - sy + ssb.da + y;
++ float ts = sx + sy + - y;
++ x = localmax(td - width / 2, td + width / 2, ts - width / 2, ts + width / 2, x);
++ if (x > res)
++ res = x;
++ }
++ }
++ else
++ {
++ float x = sx + sbb.xi;
++ if (x < res)
++ {
++ float td = sx - sy + ssb.di + y;
++ float ts = sx + sy + - y;
++ x = localmin(td - width / 2, td + width / 2, ts - width / 2, ts + width / 2, x);
++ if (x < res)
++ res = x;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ else
++ {
++ const BBox &bb = gc.getBoundingBBox(gid);
++ const SlantBox &sb = gc.getBoundingSlantBox(gid);
++ float td = sx - sy + y;
++ float ts = sx + sy - y;
++ if (isRight)
++ res = localmax(td + sb.da - width / 2, td + sb.da + width / 2, ts + - width / 2, ts + + width / 2, sx + bb.xa);
++ else
++ res = localmin(td + sb.di - width / 2, td + sb.di + width / 2, ts + - width / 2, ts + + width / 2, sx + bb.xi);
++ }
++ return res;
++bool KernCollider::initSlot(Segment *seg, Slot *aSlot, const Rect &limit, float margin,
++ const Position &currShift, const Position &offsetPrev, int dir,
++ float ymin, float ymax, GR_MAYBE_UNUSED json * const dbgout)
++ const GlyphCache &gc = seg->getFace()->glyphs();
++ const Slot *base = aSlot;
++ // const Slot *last = aSlot;
++ const Slot *s;
++ int numSlices;
++ while (base->attachedTo())
++ base = base->attachedTo();
++ if (margin < 10) margin = 10;
++ _limit = limit;
++ _offsetPrev = offsetPrev; // kern from a previous pass
++ // Calculate the height of the glyph and how many horizontal slices to use.
++ if (_maxy >= 1e37f)
++ {
++ _maxy = ymax;
++ _miny = ymin;
++ _sliceWidth = margin / 1.5f;
++ numSlices = int((_maxy - _miny + 2) / (_sliceWidth / 1.5f) + 1.f); // +2 helps with rounding errors
++ _edges.clear();
++ _edges.insert(_edges.begin(), numSlices, (dir & 1) ? 1e38f : -1e38f);
++ _xbound = (dir & 1) ? (float)1e38f : (float)-1e38f;
++ }
++ else if (_maxy != ymax || _miny != ymin)
++ {
++ if (_miny != ymin)
++ {
++ numSlices = int((ymin - _miny) / _sliceWidth - 1);
++ _miny += numSlices * _sliceWidth;
++ if (numSlices < 0)
++ _edges.insert(_edges.begin(), -numSlices, (dir & 1) ? 1e38f : -1e38f);
++ else if ((unsigned)numSlices < _edges.size()) // this shouldn't fire since we always grow the range
++ {
++ Vector<float>::iterator e = _edges.begin();
++ while (numSlices--)
++ ++e;
++ _edges.erase(_edges.begin(), e);
++ }
++ }
++ if (_maxy != ymax)
++ {
++ numSlices = int((ymax - _miny) / _sliceWidth + 1);
++ _maxy = numSlices * _sliceWidth + _miny;
++ if (numSlices > (int)_edges.size())
++ _edges.insert(_edges.end(), numSlices - _edges.size(), (dir & 1) ? 1e38f : -1e38f);
++ else if (numSlices < (int)_edges.size()) // this shouldn't fire since we always grow the range
++ {
++ while ((int)_edges.size() > numSlices)
++ _edges.pop_back();
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ numSlices = _edges.size();
++#if !defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING
++ // Debugging
++ _seg = seg;
++ _slotNear.clear();
++ _slotNear.insert(_slotNear.begin(), numSlices, NULL);
++ _nearEdges.clear();
++ _nearEdges.insert(_nearEdges.begin(), numSlices, (dir & 1) ? -1e38f : +1e38f);
++ // Determine the trailing edge of each slice (ie, left edge for a RTL glyph).
++ for (s = base; s; s = s->nextInCluster(s))
++ {
++ SlotCollision *c = seg->collisionInfo(s);
++ if (!gc.check(s->gid()))
++ return false;
++ const BBox &bs = gc.getBoundingBBox(s->gid());
++ float x = s->origin().x + c->shift().x + ((dir & 1) ? bs.xi : bs.xa);
++ // Loop over slices.
++ // Note smin might not be zero if glyph s is not at the bottom of the cluster; similarly for smax.
++ float toffset = c->shift().y - _miny + 1 + s->origin().y;
++ int smin = max(0, int((bs.yi + toffset) / _sliceWidth));
++ int smax = min(numSlices - 1, int((bs.ya + toffset) / _sliceWidth + 1));
++ for (int i = smin; i <= smax; ++i)
++ {
++ float t;
++ float y = _miny - 1 + (i + .5f) * _sliceWidth; // vertical center of slice
++ if ((dir & 1) && x < _edges[i])
++ {
++ t = get_edge(seg, s, c->shift(), y, _sliceWidth, false);
++ if (t < _edges[i])
++ {
++ _edges[i] = t;
++ if (t < _xbound)
++ _xbound = t;
++ }
++ }
++ else if (!(dir & 1) && x > _edges[i])
++ {
++ t = get_edge(seg, s, c->shift(), y, _sliceWidth, true);
++ if (t > _edges[i])
++ {
++ _edges[i] = t;
++ if (t > _xbound)
++ _xbound = t;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ _mingap = (float)1e38;
++ _target = aSlot;
++ _margin = margin;
++ _currShift = currShift;
++ return true;
++} // end of KernCollider::initSlot
++// Determine how much the target slot needs to kern away from the given slot.
++// In other words, merge information from given slot's position with what the target slot knows
++// about how it can kern.
++// Return false if we know there is no collision, true if we think there might be one.
++bool KernCollider::mergeSlot(Segment *seg, Slot *slot, const Position &currShift, float currSpace, int dir, GR_MAYBE_UNUSED json * const dbgout)
++ int rtl = (dir & 1) * 2 - 1;
++ if (!seg->getFace()->glyphs().check(slot->gid()))
++ return false;
++ const Rect &bb = seg->theGlyphBBoxTemporary(slot->gid());
++ const float sx = slot->origin().x + currShift.x;
++ float x = sx + (rtl > 0 ? :;
++ // this isn't going to reduce _mingap so skip
++ if ((rtl > 0 && x < _xbound - _mingap - currSpace) || (rtl <= 0 && x > _xbound + _mingap + currSpace))
++ return false;
++ const float sy = slot->origin().y + currShift.y;
++ int smin = max(0, int(( + (1 - _miny + sy)) / _sliceWidth + 1));
++ int smax = min((int)_edges.size() - 1, int(( + (1 - _miny + sy)) / _sliceWidth + 1));
++ bool collides = false;
++ for (int i = smin; i <= smax; ++i)
++ {
++ float t;
++ float y = (float)(_miny - 1 + (i + .5f) * _sliceWidth); // vertical center of slice
++ if (x * rtl > _edges[i] * rtl - _mingap - currSpace)
++ {
++ // 2 * currSpace to account for the space that is already separating them and the space we want to add
++ float m = get_edge(seg, slot, currShift, y, _sliceWidth, rtl > 0) + 2 * rtl * currSpace;
++ t = rtl * (_edges[i] - m);
++ // Check slices above and below (if any).
++ if (i < (int)_edges.size() - 1) t = min(t, rtl * (_edges[i+1] - m));
++ if (i > 0) t = min(t, rtl * (_edges[i-1] - m));
++ // _mingap is positive to shrink
++ if (t < _mingap)
++ {
++ _mingap = t;
++ collides = true;
++ }
++#if !defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING
++ // Debugging - remember the closest neighboring edge for this slice.
++ if (rtl * m > rtl * _nearEdges[i])
++ {
++ _slotNear[i] = slot;
++ _nearEdges[i] = m;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ return collides; // note that true is not a necessarily reliable value
++} // end of KernCollider::mergeSlot
++// Return the amount to kern by.
++Position KernCollider::resolve(GR_MAYBE_UNUSED Segment *seg, GR_MAYBE_UNUSED Slot *slot,
++ int dir, float margin, GR_MAYBE_UNUSED json * const dbgout)
++ float resultNeeded = (1 - 2 * (dir & 1)) * (_mingap - margin);
++ float result = min( - _offsetPrev.x, max(resultNeeded, - _offsetPrev.x));
++#if !defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING
++ if (dbgout)
++ {
++ *dbgout << json::object // slot
++ << "slot" << objectid(dslot(seg, _target))
++ << "gid" << _target->gid()
++ << "margin" << _margin
++ << "limit" << _limit
++ << "miny" << _miny
++ << "maxy" << _maxy
++ << "slicewidth" << _sliceWidth
++ << "target" << json::object
++ << "origin" << _target->origin()
++ //<< "currShift" << _currShift
++ << "offsetPrev" << _offsetPrev
++ << "bbox" << seg->theGlyphBBoxTemporary(_target->gid())
++ << "slantBox" << seg->getFace()->glyphs().slant(_target->gid())
++ << "fix" << "kern"
++ << json::close; // target object
++ *dbgout << "slices" << json::array;
++ for (int is = 0; is < (int)_edges.size(); is++)
++ {
++ *dbgout << json::flat << json::object
++ << "i" << is
++ << "targetEdge" << _edges[is]
++ << "neighbor" << objectid(dslot(seg, _slotNear[is]))
++ << "nearEdge" << _nearEdges[is]
++ << json::close;
++ }
++ *dbgout << json::close; // slices array
++ *dbgout
++ << "xbound" << _xbound
++ << "minGap" << _mingap
++ << "needed" << resultNeeded
++ << "result" << result
++ << "stillBad" << (result != resultNeeded)
++ << json::close; // slot object
++ }
++ return Position(result, 0.);
++} // end of KernCollider::resolve
++void KernCollider::shift(const Position &mv, int dir)
++ for (Vector<float>::iterator e = _edges.begin(); e != _edges.end(); ++e)
++ *e += mv.x;
++ _xbound += (1 - 2 * (dir & 1)) * mv.x;
++//// SLOT-COLLISION ////
++// Initialize the collision attributes for the given slot.
++SlotCollision::SlotCollision(Segment *seg, Slot *slot)
++ initFromSlot(seg, slot);
++void SlotCollision::initFromSlot(Segment *seg, Slot *slot)
++ // Initialize slot attributes from glyph attributes.
++ // The order here must match the order in the grcompiler code,
++ // GrcSymbolTable::AssignInternalGlyphAttrIDs.
++ uint16 gid = slot->gid();
++ uint16 aCol = seg->silf()->aCollision(); // flags attr ID
++ const GlyphFace * glyphFace = seg->getFace()->glyphs().glyphSafe(gid);
++ if (!glyphFace)
++ return;
++ const sparse &p = glyphFace->attrs();
++ _flags = p[aCol];
++ _limit = Rect(Position(p[aCol+1], p[aCol+2]),
++ Position(p[aCol+3], p[aCol+4]));
++ _margin = p[aCol+5];
++ _marginWt = p[aCol+6];
++ _seqClass = p[aCol+7];
++ _seqProxClass = p[aCol+8];
++ _seqOrder = p[aCol+9];
++ _seqAboveXoff = p[aCol+10];
++ _seqAboveWt = p[aCol+11];
++ _seqBelowXlim = p[aCol+12];
++ _seqBelowWt = p[aCol+13];
++ _seqValignHt = p[aCol+14];
++ _seqValignWt = p[aCol+15];
++ // These attributes do not have corresponding glyph attribute:
++ _exclGlyph = 0;
++ _exclOffset = Position(0, 0);
++float SlotCollision::getKern(int dir) const
++ if ((_flags & SlotCollision::COLL_KERN) != 0)
++ return float(_shift.x * ((dir & 1) ? -1 : 1));
++ else
++ return 0;
+diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/src/Decompressor.cpp b/gfx/graphite2/src/Decompressor.cpp
+new file mode 100644
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/gfx/graphite2/src/Decompressor.cpp
+@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
++ Copyright 2015, SIL International
++ All rights reserved.
++ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
++ by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of License, or
++ (at your option) any later version.
++ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ Lesser General Public License for more details.
++ You should also have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
++ License along with this library in the file named "LICENSE".
++ If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street,
++ Suite 500, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA or visit their web page on the
++ internet at
++Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the
++Mozilla Public License ( or the GNU General Public
++License, as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2
++of the License or (at your option) any later version.
++#include <cassert>
++#include "inc/Decompressor.h"
++#include "inc/Compression.h"
++using namespace lz4;
++namespace {
++u32 read_literal(u8 const * &s, u8 const * const e, u32 l) {
++ if (l == 15 && s != e)
++ {
++ u8 b = 0;
++ do { l += b = *s++; } while(b==0xff && s != e);
++ }
++ return l;
++bool read_sequence(u8 const * &src, u8 const * const end, u8 const * &literal, u32 & literal_len, u32 & match_len, u32 & match_dist)
++ u8 const token = *src++;
++ literal_len = read_literal(src, end, token >> 4);
++ literal = src;
++ src += literal_len;
++ if (src > end - 2)
++ return false;
++ match_dist = *src++;
++ match_dist |= *src++ << 8;
++ match_len = read_literal(src, end, token & 0xf);
++ return src <= end-5;
++int lz4::decompress(void const *in, size_t in_size, void *out, size_t out_size)
++ if (out_size <= in_size || in_size < sizeof(unsigned long)+1)
++ return -1;
++ u8 const * src = static_cast<u8 const *>(in),
++ * literal = 0,
++ * const src_end = src + in_size;
++ u8 * dst = static_cast<u8*>(out),
++ * const dst_end = dst + out_size;
++ u32 literal_len = 0,
++ match_len = 0,
++ match_dist = 0;
++ while (read_sequence(src, src_end, literal, literal_len, match_len, match_dist))
++ {
++ if (literal_len != 0)
++ {
++ // Copy in literal. At this point the last full sequence must be at
++ // least MINMATCH + 5 from the end of the output buffer.
++ if (dst + align(literal_len) > dst_end - (MINMATCH+5))
++ return -1;
++ dst = overrun_copy(dst, literal, literal_len);
++ }
++ // Copy, possibly repeating, match from earlier in the
++ // decoded output.
++ u8 const * const pcpy = dst - match_dist;
++ if (pcpy < static_cast<u8*>(out)
++ || dst + match_len + MINMATCH > dst_end - 5)
++ return -1;
++ if (dst > pcpy+sizeof(unsigned long)
++ && dst + align(match_len + MINMATCH) <= dst_end)
++ dst = overrun_copy(dst, pcpy, match_len + MINMATCH);
++ else
++ dst = safe_copy(dst, pcpy, match_len + MINMATCH);
++ }
++ if (literal + literal_len > src_end
++ || dst + literal_len > dst_end)
++ return -1;
++ dst = fast_copy(dst, literal, literal_len);
++ return dst - (u8*)out;
+diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/src/Face.cpp b/gfx/graphite2/src/Face.cpp
+--- a/gfx/graphite2/src/Face.cpp
++++ b/gfx/graphite2/src/Face.cpp
+@@ -23,28 +23,39 @@ Alternatively, the contents of this file
+ Mozilla Public License ( or the GNU General Public
+ License, as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2
+ of the License or (at your option) any later version.
+ */
+ #include <cstring>
+ #include "graphite2/Segment.h"
+ #include "inc/CmapCache.h"
+ #include "inc/debug.h"
++#include "inc/Decompressor.h"
+ #include "inc/Endian.h"
+ #include "inc/Face.h"
+ #include "inc/FileFace.h"
+ #include "inc/GlyphFace.h"
+ #include "inc/json.h"
+ #include "inc/SegCacheStore.h"
+ #include "inc/Segment.h"
+ #include "inc/NameTable.h"
+ #include "inc/Error.h"
+ using namespace graphite2;
++enum compression
++ NONE,
++ LZ4
+ Face::Face(const void* appFaceHandle/*non-NULL*/, const gr_face_ops & ops)
+ : m_appFaceHandle(appFaceHandle),
+ m_pFileFace(NULL),
+ m_pGlyphFaceCache(NULL),
+ m_cmap(NULL),
+ m_pNames(NULL),
+ m_logger(NULL),
+ m_error(0), m_errcntxt(0),
+@@ -79,55 +90,59 @@ float Face::default_glyph_advance(const
+ bool Face::readGlyphs(uint32 faceOptions)
+ {
+ Error e;
+ telemetry::category _glyph_cat(tele.glyph);
+ #endif
+ error_context(EC_READGLYPHS);
++ m_pGlyphFaceCache = new GlyphCache(*this, faceOptions);
++ if (e.test(!m_pGlyphFaceCache, E_OUTOFMEM)
++ || e.test(m_pGlyphFaceCache->numGlyphs() == 0, E_NOGLYPHS)
++ || e.test(m_pGlyphFaceCache->unitsPerEm() == 0, E_BADUPEM))
++ {
++ return error(e);
++ }
+ if (faceOptions & gr_face_cacheCmap)
+ m_cmap = new CachedCmap(*this);
+ else
+ m_cmap = new DirectCmap(*this);
+- m_pGlyphFaceCache = new GlyphCache(*this, faceOptions);
+- if (e.test(!m_pGlyphFaceCache, E_OUTOFMEM)
+- || e.test(m_pGlyphFaceCache->numGlyphs() == 0, E_NOGLYPHS)
+- || e.test(m_pGlyphFaceCache->unitsPerEm() == 0, E_BADUPEM)
+- || e.test(!m_cmap, E_OUTOFMEM) || e.test(!*m_cmap, E_BADCMAP))
+- {
++ if (e.test(!m_cmap, E_OUTOFMEM) || e.test(!*m_cmap, E_BADCMAP))
+ return error(e);
+- }
+ if (faceOptions & gr_face_preloadGlyphs)
+ nameTable(); // preload the name table along with the glyphs.
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool Face::readGraphite(const Table & silf)
+ {
+ telemetry::category _silf_cat(tele.silf);
+ #endif
+ Error e;
+ error_context(EC_READSILF);
+ const byte * p = silf;
+- if (e.test(!p, E_NOSILF)) return error(e);
++ if (e.test(!p, E_NOSILF) || e.test(silf.size() < 20, E_BADSIZE)) return error(e);
+ const uint32 version = be::read<uint32>(p);
+ if (e.test(version < 0x00020000, E_TOOOLD)) return error(e);
+ if (version >= 0x00030000)
+ be::skip<uint32>(p); // compilerVersion
+ m_numSilf = be::read<uint16>(p);
+ be::skip<uint16>(p); // reserved
+ bool havePasses = false;
+ m_silfs = new Silf[m_numSilf];
++ if (e.test(!m_silfs, E_OUTOFMEM)) return error(e);
+ for (int i = 0; i < m_numSilf; i++)
+ {
+ error_context(EC_ASILF + (i << 8));
+ const uint32 offset = be::read<uint32>(p),
+ next = i == m_numSilf - 1 ? silf.size() : be::peek<uint32>(p);
+ if (e.test(next > silf.size() || offset >= next, E_BADSIZE))
+ return error(e);
+@@ -153,29 +168,38 @@ bool Face::runGraphite(Segment *seg, con
+ if (dbgout)
+ {
+ *dbgout << json::object
+ << "id" << objectid(seg)
+ << "passes" << json::array;
+ }
+ #endif
+- bool res = aSilf->runGraphite(seg, 0, aSilf->justificationPass(), true);
++// if ((seg->dir() & 1) != aSilf->dir())
++// seg->reverseSlots();
++ if ((seg->dir() & 3) == 3 && aSilf->bidiPass() == 0xFF)
++ seg->doMirror(aSilf->aMirror());
++ bool res = aSilf->runGraphite(seg, 0, aSilf->positionPass(), true);
+ if (res)
+- res = aSilf->runGraphite(seg, aSilf->positionPass(), aSilf->numPasses(), false);
++ {
++ seg->associateChars(0, seg->charInfoCount());
++ if (aSilf->flags() & 0x20)
++ res &= seg->initCollisions();
++ res &= aSilf->runGraphite(seg, aSilf->positionPass(), aSilf->numPasses(), false);
++ }
+ #if !defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING
+ if (dbgout)
+ {
++ seg->positionSlots(0, 0, 0, aSilf->dir());
+ *dbgout << json::item
+ << json::close // Close up the passes array
+ << "output" << json::array;
+ for(Slot * s = seg->first(); s; s = s->next())
+ *dbgout << dslot(seg, s);
+- seg->finalise(0); // Call this here to fix up charinfo back indexes.
+ *dbgout << json::close
+ << "advance" << seg->advance()
+ << "chars" << json::array;
+ for(size_t i = 0, n = seg->charInfoCount(); i != n; ++i)
+ *dbgout << json::flat << *seg->charinfo(i);
+ *dbgout << json::close // Close up the chars array
+ << json::close; // Close up the segment object
+ }
+@@ -208,17 +232,19 @@ uint16 Face::findPseudo(uint32 uid) cons
+ }
+ uint16 Face::getGlyphMetric(uint16 gid, uint8 metric) const
+ {
+ switch (metrics(metric))
+ {
+ case kgmetAscent : return m_ascent;
+ case kgmetDescent : return m_descent;
+- default: return glyphs().glyph(gid)->getMetric(metric);
++ default:
++ if (gid >= glyphs().numGlyphs()) return 0;
++ return glyphs().glyph(gid)->getMetric(metric);
+ }
+ }
+ void Face::takeFileFace(FileFace* pFileFace GR_MAYBE_UNUSED/*takes ownership*/)
+ {
+ if (m_pFileFace==pFileFace)
+ return;
+@@ -240,30 +266,100 @@ NameTable * Face::nameTable() const
+ uint16 Face::languageForLocale(const char * locale) const
+ {
+ nameTable();
+ if (m_pNames)
+ return m_pNames->getLanguageId(locale);
+ return 0;
+ }
+-Face::Table::Table(const Face & face, const Tag n) throw()
+-: _f(&face)
++Face::Table::Table(const Face & face, const Tag n, uint32 version) throw()
++: _f(&face), _compressed(false)
+ {
+ size_t sz = 0;
+- _p = reinterpret_cast<const byte *>((*_f->m_ops.get_table)(_f->m_appFaceHandle, n, &sz));
++ _p = static_cast<const byte *>((*_f->m_ops.get_table)(_f->m_appFaceHandle, n, &sz));
+ _sz = uint32(sz);
+ if (!TtfUtil::CheckTable(n, _p, _sz))
+ {
+ this->~Table(); // Make sure we release the table buffer even if the table filed it's checks
+- _p = 0; _sz = 0;
++ return;
+ }
++ if (be::peek<uint32>(_p) >= version)
++ decompress();
++void Face::Table::releaseBuffers()
++ if (_compressed)
++ free(const_cast<byte *>(_p));
++ else if (_p && _f->m_ops.release_table)
++ (*_f->m_ops.release_table)(_f->m_appFaceHandle, _p);
++ _p = 0; _sz = 0;
+ }
+ Face::Table & Face::Table::operator = (const Table & rhs) throw()
+ {
+ if (_p == rhs._p) return *this;
+ this->~Table();
+ new (this) Table(rhs);
+ return *this;
+ }
++Error Face::Table::decompress()
++ Error e;
++ if (e.test(_sz < 5 * sizeof(uint32), E_BADSIZE))
++ return e;
++ byte * uncompressed_table = 0;
++ size_t uncompressed_size = 0;
++ const byte * p = _p;
++ const uint32 version = be::read<uint32>(p); // Table version number.
++ // The scheme is in the top 5 bits of the 1st uint32.
++ const uint32 hdr = be::read<uint32>(p);
++ switch(compression(hdr >> 27))
++ {
++ case NONE: return e;
++ case LZ4:
++ {
++ uncompressed_size = hdr & 0x07ffffff;
++ uncompressed_table = gralloc<byte>(uncompressed_size);
++ if (!e.test(!uncompressed_table, E_OUTOFMEM))
++ // coverity[forward_null : FALSE] - uncompressed_table has been checked so can't be null
++ // coverity[checked_return : FALSE] - we test e later
++ e.test(lz4::decompress(p, _sz - 2*sizeof(uint32), uncompressed_table, uncompressed_size) != signed(uncompressed_size), E_SHRINKERFAILED);
++ break;
++ }
++ default:
++ e.error(E_BADSCHEME);
++ };
++ // Check the uncompressed version number against the original.
++ if (!e)
++ // coverity[forward_null : FALSE] - uncompressed_table has already been tested so can't be null
++ // coverity[checked_return : FALSE] - we test e later
++ e.test(be::peek<uint32>(uncompressed_table) != version, E_SHRINKERFAILED);
++ // Tell the provider to release the compressed form since were replacing
++ // it anyway.
++ releaseBuffers();
++ if (e)
++ {
++ free(uncompressed_table);
++ uncompressed_table = 0;
++ uncompressed_size = 0;
++ }
++ _p = uncompressed_table;
++ _sz = uncompressed_size;
++ _compressed = true;
++ return e;
+diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/src/FeatureMap.cpp b/gfx/graphite2/src/FeatureMap.cpp
+--- a/gfx/graphite2/src/FeatureMap.cpp
++++ b/gfx/graphite2/src/FeatureMap.cpp
+@@ -126,60 +126,61 @@ bool FeatureMap::readFeats(const Face &
+ unsigned short bits = 0; //to cause overflow on first Feature
+ for (int i = 0, ie = m_numFeats; i != ie; i++)
+ {
+ const uint32 label = version < 0x00020000 ? be::read<uint16>(p) : be::read<uint32>(p);
+ const uint16 num_settings = be::read<uint16>(p);
+ if (version >= 0x00020000)
+ be::skip<uint16>(p);
+- const byte * const feat_setts = feat_start + be::read<uint32>(p);
++ const uint32 settings_offset = be::read<uint32>(p);
+ const uint16 flags = be::read<uint16>(p),
+ uiName = be::read<uint16>(p);
+- if (feat_setts + num_settings * FEATURE_SETTING_SIZE > feat_end)
++ if (settings_offset > size_t(feat_end - feat_start)
++ || settings_offset + num_settings * FEATURE_SETTING_SIZE > size_t(feat_end - feat_start))
+ {
+ free(defVals);
+ return false;
+ }
+ FeatureSetting *uiSet;
+ uint32 maxVal;
+ if (num_settings != 0)
+ {
+ uiSet = gralloc<FeatureSetting>(num_settings);
+ if (!uiSet)
+ {
+ free(defVals);
+ return false;
+ }
+- maxVal = readFeatureSettings(feat_setts, uiSet, num_settings);
++ maxVal = readFeatureSettings(feat_start + settings_offset, uiSet, num_settings);
+ defVals[i] = uiSet[0].value();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ uiSet = 0;
+ maxVal = 0xffffffff;
+ defVals[i] = 0;
+ }
+ ::new (m_feats + i) FeatureRef (face, bits, maxVal,
+ label, uiName, flags,
+ uiSet, num_settings);
+ }
+- m_defaultFeatures = new Features(bits/(sizeof(uint32)*8) + 1, *this);
++ new (&m_defaultFeatures) Features(bits/(sizeof(uint32)*8) + 1, *this);
+ m_pNamedFeats = new NameAndFeatureRef[m_numFeats];
+- if (!m_defaultFeatures || !m_pNamedFeats)
++ if (!m_pNamedFeats)
+ {
+ free(defVals);
+ return false;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < m_numFeats; ++i)
+ {
+- m_feats[i].applyValToFeature(defVals[i], *m_defaultFeatures);
++ m_feats[i].applyValToFeature(defVals[i], m_defaultFeatures);
+ m_pNamedFeats[i] = m_feats+i;
+ }
+ free(defVals);
+ qsort(m_pNamedFeats, m_numFeats, sizeof(NameAndFeatureRef), &cmpNameAndFeatures);
+ return true;
+@@ -209,17 +210,17 @@ bool SillMap::readSill(const Face & face
+ if (sill.size() < m_numLanguages * 8U + 12) return false;
+ for (int i = 0; i < m_numLanguages; i++)
+ {
+ uint32 langid = be::read<uint32>(p);
+ uint16 numSettings = be::read<uint16>(p);
+ uint16 offset = be::read<uint16>(p);
+ if (offset + 8U * numSettings > sill.size() && numSettings > 0) return false;
+- Features* feats = new Features(*m_FeatureMap.m_defaultFeatures);
++ Features* feats = new Features(m_FeatureMap.m_defaultFeatures);
+ if (!feats) return false;
+ const byte *pLSet = sill + offset;
+ // Apply langauge specific settings
+ for (int j = 0; j < numSettings; j++)
+ {
+ uint32 name = be::read<uint32>(pLSet);
+ uint16 val = be::read<uint16>(pLSet);
+@@ -245,17 +246,17 @@ Features* SillMap::cloneFeatures(uint32
+ // the number of languages in a font is usually small e.g. 8 in Doulos
+ // so this loop is not very expensive
+ for (uint16 i = 0; i < m_numLanguages; i++)
+ {
+ if (m_langFeats[i].m_lang == langname)
+ return new Features(*m_langFeats[i].m_pFeatures);
+ }
+ }
+- return new Features (*m_FeatureMap.m_defaultFeatures);
++ return new Features (m_FeatureMap.m_defaultFeatures);
+ }
+ const FeatureRef *FeatureMap::findFeatureRef(uint32 name) const
+ {
+ NameAndFeatureRef *it;
+diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/src/FileFace.cpp b/gfx/graphite2/src/FileFace.cpp
+--- a/gfx/graphite2/src/FileFace.cpp
++++ b/gfx/graphite2/src/FileFace.cpp
+@@ -55,18 +55,22 @@ FileFace::FileFace(const char *filename)
+ if (fread(_header_tbl, 1, tbl_len, _file) != tbl_len) return;
+ if (!TtfUtil::CheckHeader(_header_tbl)) return;
+ }
+ // Get the table directory
+ if (!TtfUtil::GetTableDirInfo(_header_tbl, tbl_offset, tbl_len)) return;
+ _table_dir = (TtfUtil::Sfnt::OffsetSubTable::Entry*)gralloc<char>(tbl_len);
+ if (fseek(_file, tbl_offset, SEEK_SET)) return;
+- if (_table_dir)
+- if (fread(_table_dir, 1, tbl_len, _file) != tbl_len) return;
++ if (_table_dir && fread(_table_dir, 1, tbl_len, _file) != tbl_len)
++ {
++ free(_table_dir);
++ _table_dir = NULL;
++ }
++ return;
+ }
+ FileFace::~FileFace()
+ {
+ free(_table_dir);
+ free(_header_tbl);
+ if (_file)
+ fclose(_file);
+@@ -78,17 +82,17 @@ const void *FileFace::get_table_fn(const
+ if (appFaceHandle == 0) return 0;
+ const FileFace & file_face = *static_cast<const FileFace *>(appFaceHandle);
+ void *tbl;
+ size_t tbl_offset, tbl_len;
+ if (!TtfUtil::GetTableInfo(name, file_face._header_tbl, file_face._table_dir, tbl_offset, tbl_len))
+ return 0;
+- if (tbl_offset + tbl_len > file_face._file_len
++ if (tbl_offset > file_face._file_len || tbl_len > file_face._file_len - tbl_offset
+ || fseek(file_face._file, tbl_offset, SEEK_SET) != 0)
+ return 0;
+ tbl = malloc(tbl_len);
+ if (fread(tbl, 1, tbl_len, file_face._file) != tbl_len)
+ {
+ free(tbl);
+ return 0;
+diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/src/GlyphCache.cpp b/gfx/graphite2/src/GlyphCache.cpp
+--- a/gfx/graphite2/src/GlyphCache.cpp
++++ b/gfx/graphite2/src/GlyphCache.cpp
+@@ -26,16 +26,17 @@ of the License or (at your option) any l
+ */
+ #include "graphite2/Font.h"
+ #include "inc/Main.h"
+ #include "inc/Face.h" //for the tags
+ #include "inc/GlyphCache.h"
+ #include "inc/GlyphFace.h"
+ #include "inc/Endian.h"
++#include "inc/bits.h"
+ using namespace graphite2;
+ namespace
+ {
+ // Iterator over version 1 or 2 glat entries which consist of a series of
+ // +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ // v1 |k|n|v1 |v2 |...|vN | or v2 | k | n |v1 |v2 |...|vN |
+@@ -56,99 +57,127 @@ namespace
+ if (_n == run()) advance_entry();
+ return *this;
+ }
+ _glat_iterator<W> operator ++ (int) { _glat_iterator<W> tmp(*this); operator++(); return tmp; }
+ // This is strictly a >= operator. A true == operator could be
+ // implemented that test for overlap but it would be more expensive a
+ // test.
+- bool operator == (const _glat_iterator<W> & rhs) { return _v >= rhs._e; }
++ bool operator == (const _glat_iterator<W> & rhs) { return _v >= rhs._e - 1; }
+ bool operator != (const _glat_iterator<W> & rhs) { return !operator==(rhs); }
+ value_type operator * () const {
+ return value_type(key(), be::peek<uint16>(_v));
+ }
+ protected:
+ const byte * _e, * _v;
+- ptrdiff_t _n;
++ size_t _n;
+ };
+ typedef _glat_iterator<uint8> glat_iterator;
+ typedef _glat_iterator<uint16> glat2_iterator;
+ }
++const SlantBox SlantBox::empty = {0,0,0,0};
+ class GlyphCache::Loader
+ {
+ public:
+ Loader(const Face & face, const bool dumb_font); //return result indicates success. Do not use if failed.
+ operator bool () const throw();
+ unsigned short int units_per_em() const throw();
+ unsigned short int num_glyphs() const throw();
+ unsigned short int num_attrs() const throw();
++ bool has_boxes() const throw();
+- const GlyphFace * read_glyph(unsigned short gid, GlyphFace &) const throw();
++ const GlyphFace * read_glyph(unsigned short gid, GlyphFace &, int *numsubs) const throw();
++ GlyphBox * read_box(uint16 gid, GlyphBox *curr, const GlyphFace & face) const throw();
+ private:
+ Face::Table _head,
+ _hhea,
+ _hmtx,
+ _glyf,
+ _loca,
+ m_pGlat,
+ m_pGloc;
+ bool _long_fmt;
++ bool _has_boxes;
+ unsigned short _num_glyphs_graphics, //i.e. boundary box and advance
+ _num_glyphs_attributes,
+ _num_attrs; // number of glyph attributes per glyph
+ };
+ GlyphCache::GlyphCache(const Face & face, const uint32 face_options)
+ : _glyph_loader(new Loader(face, bool(face_options & gr_face_dumbRendering))),
+ _glyphs(_glyph_loader && *_glyph_loader ? grzeroalloc<const GlyphFace *>(_glyph_loader->num_glyphs()) : 0),
++ _boxes(_glyph_loader && _glyph_loader->has_boxes() ? grzeroalloc<GlyphBox *>(_glyph_loader->num_glyphs()) : 0),
+ _num_glyphs(_glyphs ? _glyph_loader->num_glyphs() : 0),
+ _num_attrs(_glyphs ? _glyph_loader->num_attrs() : 0),
+ _upem(_glyphs ? _glyph_loader->units_per_em() : 0)
+ {
+ if ((face_options & gr_face_preloadGlyphs) && _glyph_loader && _glyphs)
+ {
++ int numsubs = 0;
+ GlyphFace * const glyphs = new GlyphFace [_num_glyphs];
+ if (!glyphs)
+ return;
+ // The 0 glyph is definately required.
+- _glyphs[0] = _glyph_loader->read_glyph(0, glyphs[0]);
++ _glyphs[0] = _glyph_loader->read_glyph(0, glyphs[0], &numsubs);
+ // glyphs[0] has the same address as the glyphs array just allocated,
+ // thus assigning the &glyphs[0] to _glyphs[0] means _glyphs[0] points
+ // to the entire array.
+ const GlyphFace * loaded = _glyphs[0];
+ for (uint16 gid = 1; loaded && gid != _num_glyphs; ++gid)
+- _glyphs[gid] = loaded = _glyph_loader->read_glyph(gid, glyphs[gid]);
++ _glyphs[gid] = loaded = _glyph_loader->read_glyph(gid, glyphs[gid], &numsubs);
+ if (!loaded)
+ {
+ _glyphs[0] = 0;
+ delete [] glyphs;
+ }
++ else if (numsubs > 0)
++ {
++ GlyphBox * boxes = (GlyphBox *)gralloc<char>(_num_glyphs * sizeof(GlyphBox) + numsubs * 8 * sizeof(float));
++ GlyphBox * currbox = boxes;
++ for (uint16 gid = 0; currbox && gid != _num_glyphs; ++gid)
++ {
++ _boxes[gid] = currbox;
++ currbox = _glyph_loader->read_box(gid, currbox, *_glyphs[gid]);
++ }
++ if (!currbox)
++ {
++ free(boxes);
++ _boxes[0] = 0;
++ }
++ }
+ delete _glyph_loader;
+ _glyph_loader = 0;
+ }
+ if (_glyphs && glyph(0) == 0)
+ {
+ free(_glyphs);
+ _glyphs = 0;
++ if (_boxes)
++ {
++ free(_boxes);
++ _boxes = 0;
++ }
+ _num_glyphs = _num_attrs = _upem = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ GlyphCache::~GlyphCache()
+ {
+ if (_glyphs)
+@@ -158,91 +187,130 @@ GlyphCache::~GlyphCache()
+ const GlyphFace * * g = _glyphs;
+ for(unsigned short n = _num_glyphs; n; --n, ++g)
+ delete *g;
+ }
+ else
+ delete [] _glyphs[0];
+ free(_glyphs);
+ }
++ if (_boxes)
++ {
++ if (_glyph_loader)
++ {
++ GlyphBox * * g = _boxes;
++ for (uint16 n = _num_glyphs; n; --n, ++g)
++ free(*g);
++ }
++ else
++ free(_boxes[0]);
++ free(_boxes);
++ }
+ delete _glyph_loader;
+ }
+ const GlyphFace *GlyphCache::glyph(unsigned short glyphid) const //result may be changed by subsequent call with a different glyphid
+ {
+ const GlyphFace * & p = _glyphs[glyphid];
+ if (p == 0 && _glyph_loader)
+ {
++ int numsubs = 0;
+ GlyphFace * g = new GlyphFace();
+- if (g) p = _glyph_loader->read_glyph(glyphid, *g);
++ if (g) p = _glyph_loader->read_glyph(glyphid, *g, &numsubs);
+ if (!p)
+ {
+ delete g;
+ return *_glyphs;
+ }
++ if (_boxes)
++ {
++ _boxes[glyphid] = (GlyphBox *)gralloc<char>(sizeof(GlyphBox) + 8 * numsubs * sizeof(float));
++ if (!_glyph_loader->read_box(glyphid, _boxes[glyphid], *_glyphs[glyphid]))
++ {
++ free(_boxes[glyphid]);
++ _boxes[glyphid] = 0;
++ }
++ }
+ }
+ return p;
+ }
+ GlyphCache::Loader::Loader(const Face & face, const bool dumb_font)
+ : _head(face, Tag::head),
+ _hhea(face, Tag::hhea),
+ _hmtx(face, Tag::hmtx),
+ _glyf(face, Tag::glyf),
+ _loca(face, Tag::loca),
+ _long_fmt(false),
++ _has_boxes(false),
+ _num_glyphs_graphics(0),
+ _num_glyphs_attributes(0),
+ _num_attrs(0)
+ {
+ if (!operator bool())
+ return;
+ const Face::Table maxp = Face::Table(face, Tag::maxp);
+ if (!maxp) { _head = Face::Table(); return; }
+ _num_glyphs_graphics = TtfUtil::GlyphCount(maxp);
+ // This will fail if the number of glyphs is wildly out of range.
+- if (_glyf && TtfUtil::LocaLookup(_num_glyphs_graphics-1, _loca, _loca.size(), _head) == size_t(-1))
++ if (_glyf && TtfUtil::LocaLookup(_num_glyphs_graphics-1, _loca, _loca.size(), _head) == size_t(-2))
+ {
+ _head = Face::Table();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!dumb_font)
+ {
+- if ((m_pGlat = Face::Table(face, Tag::Glat)) == NULL
++ if ((m_pGlat = Face::Table(face, Tag::Glat, 0x00030000)) == NULL
+ || (m_pGloc = Face::Table(face, Tag::Gloc)) == NULL
+ || m_pGloc.size() < 6)
+ {
+ _head = Face::Table();
+ return;
+ }
+ const byte * p = m_pGloc;
+- const int version = be::read<uint32>(p);
++ int version = be::read<uint32>(p);
+ const uint16 flags = be::read<uint16>(p);
+ _num_attrs = be::read<uint16>(p);
+ // We can accurately calculate the number of attributed glyphs by
+ // subtracting the length of the attribids array (numAttribs long if present)
+ // and dividing by either 2 or 4 depending on shor or lonf format
+ _long_fmt = flags & 1;
+- _num_glyphs_attributes = (m_pGloc.size()
++ int tmpnumgattrs = (m_pGloc.size()
+ - (p - m_pGloc)
+ - sizeof(uint16)*(flags & 0x2 ? _num_attrs : 0))
+ / (_long_fmt ? sizeof(uint32) : sizeof(uint16)) - 1;
+- if (version != 0x00010000
++ if (version >= 0x00020000 || tmpnumgattrs < 0 || tmpnumgattrs > 65535
+ || _num_attrs == 0 || _num_attrs > 0x3000 // is this hard limit appropriate?
+- || _num_glyphs_graphics > _num_glyphs_attributes)
++ || _num_glyphs_graphics > tmpnumgattrs)
+ {
+ _head = Face::Table();
+ return;
+ }
++ _num_glyphs_attributes = static_cast<unsigned short>(tmpnumgattrs);
++ p = m_pGlat;
++ version = be::read<uint32>(p);
++ if (version >= 0x00040000) // reject Glat tables that are too new
++ {
++ _head = Face::Table();
++ return;
++ }
++ else if (version >= 0x00030000)
++ {
++ unsigned int glatflags = be::read<uint32>(p);
++ _has_boxes = glatflags & 1;
++ // delete this once the compiler is fixed
++ _has_boxes = true;
++ }
+ }
+ }
+ inline
+ GlyphCache::Loader::operator bool () const throw()
+ {
+ return _head && _hhea && _hmtx && !(bool(_glyf) != bool(_loca));
+ }
+@@ -260,34 +328,44 @@ unsigned short int GlyphCache::Loader::n
+ }
+ inline
+ unsigned short int GlyphCache::Loader::num_attrs() const throw()
+ {
+ return _num_attrs;
+ }
+-const GlyphFace * GlyphCache::Loader::read_glyph(unsigned short glyphid, GlyphFace & glyph) const throw()
++bool GlyphCache::Loader::has_boxes () const throw()
++ return _has_boxes;
++const GlyphFace * GlyphCache::Loader::read_glyph(unsigned short glyphid, GlyphFace & glyph, int *numsubs) const throw()
+ {
+ Rect bbox;
+ Position advance;
+ if (glyphid < _num_glyphs_graphics)
+ {
+ int nLsb;
+ unsigned int nAdvWid;
+ if (_glyf)
+ {
+ int xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax;
+ size_t locidx = TtfUtil::LocaLookup(glyphid, _loca, _loca.size(), _head);
+ void *pGlyph = TtfUtil::GlyfLookup(_glyf, locidx, _glyf.size());
+ if (pGlyph && TtfUtil::GlyfBox(pGlyph, xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax))
++ {
++ if ((xMin > xMax) || (yMin > yMax))
++ return 0;
+ bbox = Rect(Position(static_cast<float>(xMin), static_cast<float>(yMin)),
+ Position(static_cast<float>(xMax), static_cast<float>(yMax)));
++ }
+ }
+ if (TtfUtil::HorMetrics(glyphid, _hmtx, _hmtx.size(), _hhea, nLsb, nAdvWid))
+ advance = Position(static_cast<float>(nAdvWid), 0);
+ }
+ if (glyphid < _num_glyphs_attributes)
+ {
+ const byte * gloc = m_pGloc;
+@@ -307,35 +385,95 @@ const GlyphFace * GlyphCache::Loader::re
+ glocs = be::read<uint16>(gloc);
+ gloce = be::peek<uint16>(gloc);
+ }
+ if (glocs >= m_pGlat.size() || gloce > m_pGlat.size())
+ return 0;
+ const uint32 glat_version = be::peek<uint32>(m_pGlat);
++ if (glat_version == 0x00030000)
++ {
++ const byte * p = m_pGlat + glocs;
++ uint16 bmap = be::read<uint16>(p);
++ int num = bit_set_count((uint32)bmap);
++ if (numsubs) *numsubs += num;
++ glocs += 6 + 8 * num;
++ if (glocs > gloce)
++ return 0;
++ }
+ if (glat_version < 0x00020000)
+ {
+ if (gloce - glocs < 2*sizeof(byte)+sizeof(uint16)
+ || gloce - glocs > _num_attrs*(2*sizeof(byte)+sizeof(uint16)))
+- {
+- return 0;
+- }
++ return 0;
+ new (&glyph) GlyphFace(bbox, advance, glat_iterator(m_pGlat + glocs), glat_iterator(m_pGlat + gloce));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+- if (gloce - glocs < 3*sizeof(uint16)
+- || gloce - glocs > _num_attrs*3*sizeof(uint16))
+- {
+- return 0;
+- }
++ if (gloce - glocs < 3*sizeof(uint16) // can a glyph have no attributes? why not?
++ || gloce - glocs > _num_attrs*3*sizeof(uint16)
++ || glocs > m_pGlat.size() - 2*sizeof(uint16))
++ return 0;
+ new (&glyph) GlyphFace(bbox, advance, glat2_iterator(m_pGlat + glocs), glat2_iterator(m_pGlat + gloce));
+ }
+ if (!glyph.attrs() || glyph.attrs().capacity() > _num_attrs)
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return &glyph;
+ }
++inline float scale_to(uint8 t, float zmin, float zmax)
++ return (zmin + t * (zmax - zmin) / 255);
++Rect readbox(Rect &b, uint8 zxmin, uint8 zymin, uint8 zxmax, uint8 zymax)
++ return Rect(Position(scale_to(zxmin,,, scale_to(zymin,,,
++ Position(scale_to(zxmax,,, scale_to(zymax,,;
++GlyphBox * GlyphCache::Loader::read_box(uint16 gid, GlyphBox *curr, const GlyphFace & glyph) const throw()
++ if (gid >= _num_glyphs_attributes) return 0;
++ const byte * gloc = m_pGloc;
++ size_t glocs = 0, gloce = 0;
++ be::skip<uint32>(gloc);
++ be::skip<uint16>(gloc,2);
++ if (_long_fmt)
++ {
++ be::skip<uint32>(gloc, gid);
++ glocs = be::read<uint32>(gloc);
++ gloce = be::peek<uint32>(gloc);
++ }
++ else
++ {
++ be::skip<uint16>(gloc, gid);
++ glocs = be::read<uint16>(gloc);
++ gloce = be::peek<uint16>(gloc);
++ }
++ if (glocs >= m_pGlat.size() || gloce > m_pGlat.size())
++ return 0;
++ const byte * p = m_pGlat + glocs;
++ uint16 bmap = be::read<uint16>(p);
++ int num = bit_set_count((uint32)bmap);
++ Rect bbox = glyph.theBBox();
++ Rect diamax(Position( +, -,
++ Position( +, -;
++ Rect diabound = readbox(diamax, p[0], p[2], p[1], p[3]);
++ ::new (curr) GlyphBox(num, bmap, &diabound);
++ be::skip<uint8>(p, 4);
++ for (int i = 0; i < num * 2; ++i)
++ {
++ Rect box = readbox((i & 1) ? diamax : bbox, p[0], p[2], p[1], p[3]);
++ curr->addSubBox(i >> 1, i & 1, &box);
++ be::skip<uint8>(p, 4);
++ }
++ return (GlyphBox *)((char *)(curr) + sizeof(GlyphBox) + 2 * num * sizeof(Rect));
+diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/src/Intervals.cpp b/gfx/graphite2/src/Intervals.cpp
+new file mode 100644
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/gfx/graphite2/src/Intervals.cpp
+@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
++ Copyright 2010, SIL International
++ All rights reserved.
++ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
++ by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of License, or
++ (at your option) any later version.
++ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ Lesser General Public License for more details.
++ You should also have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
++ License along with this library in the file named "LICENSE".
++ If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street,
++ Suite 500, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA or visit their web page on the
++ internet at
++Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the
++Mozilla Public License ( or the GNU General Public
++License, as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2
++of the License or (at your option) any later version.
++#include <algorithm>
++#include <cmath>
++#include <limits>
++#include "inc/Intervals.h"
++#include "inc/Segment.h"
++#include "inc/Slot.h"
++#include "inc/debug.h"
++#include "inc/bits.h"
++using namespace graphite2;
++#include <cmath>
++Zones::Exclusion Zones::Exclusion::split_at(float p) {
++ Exclusion r(*this);
++ r.xm = x = p;
++ return r;
++void Zones::Exclusion::left_trim(float p) {
++ x = p;
++Zones::Exclusion & Zones::Exclusion::operator += (Exclusion const & rhs) {
++ c += rhs.c; sm +=; smx += rhs.smx; open = false;
++ return *this;
++uint8 Zones::Exclusion::outcode(float val) const {
++ float p = val;
++ return ((p >= xm) << 1) | (p < x);
++void Zones::exclude_with_margins(float xmin, float xmax, int axis) {
++ remove(xmin, xmax);
++ weightedAxis(axis, xmin-_margin_len, xmin, 0, 0, _margin_weight, xmin-_margin_len, 0, 0, false);
++ weightedAxis(axis, xmax, xmax+_margin_len, 0, 0, _margin_weight, xmax+_margin_len, 0, 0, false);
++bool separated(float a, float b) {
++ return a != b;
++ //return std::fabs(a-b) > std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon(); // std::epsilon may not work. but 0.5 fails exising 64 bit tests
++ //return std::fabs(a-b) > 0.5f;
++void Zones::insert(Exclusion e)
++#if !defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING
++ addDebug(&e);
++ e.x = max(e.x, _pos);
++ e.xm = min(e.xm, _posm);
++ if (e.x >= e.xm) return;
++ for (iterator i = _exclusions.begin(), ie = _exclusions.end(); i != ie && e.x < e.xm; ++i)
++ {
++ const uint8 oca = e.outcode(i->x),
++ ocb = e.outcode(i->xm);
++ if ((oca & ocb) != 0) continue;
++ switch (oca ^ ocb) // What kind of overlap?
++ {
++ case 0: // e completely covers i
++ // split e at i.x into e1,e2
++ // split e2 at into e2,e3
++ // drop e1 ,i+e2, e=e3
++ *i += e;
++ e.left_trim(i->xm);
++ break;
++ case 1: // e overlaps on the rhs of i
++ // split i at e->x into i1,i2
++ // split e at into e1,e2
++ // trim i1, insert i2+e1, e=e2
++ if (!separated(i->xm, e.x)) break;
++ if (separated(i->x,e.x)) { i = _exclusions.insert(i,i->split_at(e.x)); ++i; }
++ *i += e;
++ e.left_trim(i->xm);
++ break;
++ case 2: // e overlaps on the lhs of i
++ // split e at i->x into e1,e2
++ // split i at into i1,i2
++ // drop e1, insert e2+i1, trim i2
++ if (!separated(e.xm, i->x)) return;
++ if (separated(e.xm, i->xm)) i = _exclusions.insert(i,i->split_at(e.xm));
++ *i += e;
++ return;
++ case 3: // i completely covers e
++ // split i at e.x into i1,i2
++ // split i2 at into i2,i3
++ // insert i1, insert e+i2
++ if (separated(e.xm, i->xm)) i = _exclusions.insert(i,i->split_at(e.xm));
++ i = _exclusions.insert(i, i->split_at(e.x));
++ *++i += e;
++ return;
++ }
++ ie = _exclusions.end();
++ }
++void Zones::remove(float x, float xm)
++#if !defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING
++ removeDebug(x, xm);
++ x = max(x, _pos);
++ xm = min(xm, _posm);
++ if (x >= xm) return;
++ for (iterator i = _exclusions.begin(), ie = _exclusions.end(); i != ie; ++i)
++ {
++ const uint8 oca = i->outcode(x),
++ ocb = i->outcode(xm);
++ if ((oca & ocb) != 0) continue;
++ switch (oca ^ ocb) // What kind of overlap?
++ {
++ case 0: // i completely covers e
++ if (separated(i->x, x)) { i = _exclusions.insert(i,i->split_at(x)); ++i; }
++ // no break
++ case 1: // i overlaps on the rhs of e
++ i->left_trim(xm);
++ return;
++ case 2: // i overlaps on the lhs of e
++ i->xm = x;
++ if (separated(i->x, i->xm)) break;
++ // no break
++ case 3: // e completely covers i
++ i = _exclusions.erase(i);
++ --i;
++ break;
++ }
++ ie = _exclusions.end();
++ }
++Zones::const_iterator Zones::find_exclusion_under(float x) const
++ int l = 0, h = _exclusions.size();
++ while (l < h)
++ {
++ int const p = (l+h) >> 1;
++ switch (_exclusions[p].outcode(x))
++ {
++ case 0 : return _exclusions.begin()+p;
++ case 1 : h = p; break;
++ case 2 :
++ case 3 : l = p+1; break;
++ }
++ }
++ return _exclusions.begin()+l;
++float Zones::closest(float origin, float & cost) const
++ float best_c = std::numeric_limits<float>::max(),
++ best_x = 0;
++ const const_iterator start = find_exclusion_under(origin);
++ // Forward scan looking for lowest cost
++ for (const_iterator i = start, ie = _exclusions.end(); i != ie; ++i)
++ if (i->track_cost(best_c, best_x, origin)) break;
++ // Backward scan looking for lowest cost
++ // We start from the exclusion to the immediate left of start since we've
++ // already tested start with the right most scan above.
++ for (const_iterator i = start-1, ie = _exclusions.begin()-1; i != ie; --i)
++ if (i->track_cost(best_c, best_x, origin)) break;
++ cost = (best_c == std::numeric_limits<float>::max() ? -1 : best_c);
++ return best_x;
++// Cost and test position functions
++bool Zones::Exclusion::track_cost(float & best_cost, float & best_pos, float origin) const {
++ const float p = test_position(origin),
++ localc = cost(p - origin);
++ if (open && localc > best_cost) return true;
++ if (localc < best_cost)
++ {
++ best_cost = localc;
++ best_pos = p;
++ }
++ return false;
++float Zones::Exclusion::cost(float p) const {
++ return (sm * p - 2 * smx) * p + c;
++float Zones::Exclusion::test_position(float origin) const {
++ if (sm < 0)
++ {
++ // sigh, test both ends and perhaps the middle too!
++ float res = x;
++ float cl = cost(x);
++ if (x < origin && xm > origin)
++ {
++ float co = cost(origin);
++ if (co < cl)
++ {
++ cl = co;
++ res = origin;
++ }
++ }
++ float cr = cost(xm);
++ return cl > cr ? xm : res;
++ }
++ else
++ {
++ float zerox = smx / sm + origin;
++ if (zerox < x) return x;
++ else if (zerox > xm) return xm;
++ else return zerox;
++ }
++#if !defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING
++void Zones::jsonDbgOut(Segment *seg) const {
++ if (_dbg)
++ {
++ for (Zones::idebugs s = dbgs_begin(), e = dbgs_end(); s != e; ++s)
++ {
++ *_dbg << json::flat << json::array
++ << objectid(dslot(seg, (Slot *)(s->_env[0])))
++ << reinterpret_cast<ptrdiff_t>(s->_env[1]);
++ if (s->_isdel)
++ *_dbg << "remove" << Position(s->_excl.x, s->_excl.xm);
++ else
++ *_dbg << "exclude" << json::flat << json::array
++ << s->_excl.x << s->_excl.xm
++ << s-> << s->_excl.smx << s->_excl.c
++ << json::close;
++ *_dbg << json::close;
++ }
++ }
+diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/src/Justifier.cpp b/gfx/graphite2/src/Justifier.cpp
+--- a/gfx/graphite2/src/Justifier.cpp
++++ b/gfx/graphite2/src/Justifier.cpp
+@@ -26,17 +26,17 @@ of the License or (at your option) any l
+ */
+ #include "inc/Segment.h"
+ #include "graphite2/Font.h"
+ #include "inc/debug.h"
+ #include "inc/CharInfo.h"
+ #include "inc/Slot.h"
+ #include "inc/Main.h"
+-#include <math.h>
++#include <cmath>
+ using namespace graphite2;
+ class JustifyTotal {
+ public:
+ JustifyTotal() : m_numGlyphs(0), m_tStretch(0), m_tShrink(0), m_tStep(0), m_tWeight(0) {}
+ void accumulate(Slot *s, Segment *seg, int level);
+ int weight() const { return m_tWeight; }
+@@ -55,37 +55,44 @@ void JustifyTotal::accumulate(Slot *s, S
+ {
+ ++m_numGlyphs;
+ m_tStretch += s->getJustify(seg, level, 0);
+ m_tShrink += s->getJustify(seg, level, 1);
+ m_tStep += s->getJustify(seg, level, 2);
+ m_tWeight += s->getJustify(seg, level, 3);
+ }
+-float Segment::justify(Slot *pSlot, const Font *font, float width, GR_MAYBE_UNUSED justFlags flags, Slot *pFirst, Slot *pLast)
++float Segment::justify(Slot *pSlot, const Font *font, float width, GR_MAYBE_UNUSED justFlags jflags, Slot *pFirst, Slot *pLast)
+ {
+ Slot *s, *end;
+ float currWidth = 0.0;
+ const float scale = font ? font->scale() : 1.0f;
+ Position res;
+ if (width < 0 && !(silf()->flags()))
+ return width;
++ if ((m_dir & 1) != m_silf->dir() && m_silf->bidiPass() != m_silf->numPasses())
++ {
++ reverseSlots();
++ s = pFirst;
++ pFirst = pLast;
++ pLast = s;
++ }
+ if (!pFirst) pFirst = pSlot;
+ while (!pFirst->isBase()) pFirst = pFirst->attachedTo();
+ if (!pLast) pLast = last();
+ while (!pLast->isBase()) pLast = pLast->attachedTo();
+ const float base = pFirst->origin().x / scale;
+ width = width / scale;
+- if ((flags & gr_justEndInline) == 0)
++ if ((jflags & gr_justEndInline) == 0)
+ {
+ do {
+ Rect bbox = theGlyphBBoxTemporary(pLast->glyph());
+- if ( != 0. || != 0. || != 0. || == 0.)
++ if ( != 0.f || != 0.f || != 0.f || == 0.f)
+ break;
+ pLast = pLast->prev();
+ } while (pLast != pFirst);
+ }
+ end = pLast->nextSibling();
+ pFirst = pFirst->nextSibling();
+@@ -111,28 +118,27 @@ float Segment::justify(Slot *pSlot, cons
+ s->setJustify(this, 0, 3, 1);
+ s->setJustify(this, 0, 2, 1);
+ s->setJustify(this, 0, 0, -1);
+ }
+ }
+ ++numLevels;
+ }
+- JustifyTotal *stats = new JustifyTotal[numLevels];
+- if (!stats) return -1.0;
++ Vector<JustifyTotal> stats(numLevels);
+ for (s = pFirst; s != end; s = s->nextSibling())
+ {
+ float w = s->origin().x / scale + s->advance() - base;
+ if (w > currWidth) currWidth = w;
+ for (int j = 0; j < numLevels; ++j)
+ stats[j].accumulate(s, this, j);
+ s->just(0);
+ }
+- for (int i = (width < 0.0) ? -1 : numLevels - 1; i >= 0; --i)
++ for (int i = (width < 0.0f) ? -1 : numLevels - 1; i >= 0; --i)
+ {
+ float diff;
+ float error = 0.;
+ float diffpw;
+ int tWeight = stats[i].weight();
+ do {
+ error = 0.;
+@@ -154,29 +160,29 @@ float Segment::justify(Slot *pSlot, cons
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ float max = uint16(s->getJustify(this, i, 1));
+ if (i == 0) max += s->just();
+ if (-pref > max) pref = -max;
+ else tWeight += w;
+ }
+- int actual = step ? int(pref / step) * step : int(pref);
++ int actual = int(pref / step) * step;
+ if (actual)
+ {
+ error += diffpw * w - actual;
+ if (i == 0)
+ s->just(s->just() + actual);
+ else
+ s->setJustify(this, i, 4, actual);
+ }
+ }
+ currWidth += diff - error;
+- } while (i == 0 && int(abs(error)) > 0 && tWeight);
++ } while (i == 0 && int(std::abs(error)) > 0 && tWeight);
+ }
+ Slot *oldFirst = m_first;
+ Slot *oldLast = m_last;
+ if (silf()->flags() & 1)
+ {
+ m_first = pSlot = addLineEnd(pSlot);
+ m_last = pLast = addLineEnd(end);
+@@ -192,41 +198,44 @@ float Segment::justify(Slot *pSlot, cons
+ #if !defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING
+ json * const dbgout = m_face->logger();
+ if (dbgout)
+ *dbgout << json::object
+ << "justifies" << objectid(this)
+ << "passes" << json::array;
+ #endif
+- if (m_silf->justificationPass() != m_silf->positionPass() && (width >= 0. || (silf()->flags() & 1)))
++ if (m_silf->justificationPass() != m_silf->positionPass() && (width >= 0.f || (silf()->flags() & 1)))
+ m_silf->runGraphite(this, m_silf->justificationPass(), m_silf->positionPass());
+ #if !defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING
+ if (dbgout)
+ {
+ *dbgout << json::item << json::close; // Close up the passes array
+- positionSlots(NULL, pSlot, pLast);
++ positionSlots(NULL, pSlot, pLast, m_dir);
+ Slot *lEnd = pLast->nextSibling();
+ *dbgout << "output" << json::array;
+ for(Slot * t = pSlot; t != lEnd; t = t->next())
+ *dbgout << dslot(this, t);
+ *dbgout << json::close << json::close;
+ }
+ #endif
+- res = positionSlots(font, pSlot, pLast);
++ res = positionSlots(font, pSlot, pLast, m_dir);
+ if (silf()->flags() & 1)
+ {
+ delLineEnd(m_first);
+ delLineEnd(m_last);
+ }
+ m_first = oldFirst;
+ m_last = oldLast;
++ if ((m_dir & 1) != m_silf->dir() && m_silf->bidiPass() != m_silf->numPasses())
++ reverseSlots();
+ return res.x;
+ }
+ Slot *Segment::addLineEnd(Slot *nSlot)
+ {
+ Slot *eSlot = newSlot();
+ if (!eSlot) return NULL;
+ const uint16 gid = silf()->endLineGlyphid();
+diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/src/Pass.cpp b/gfx/graphite2/src/Pass.cpp
+--- a/gfx/graphite2/src/Pass.cpp
++++ b/gfx/graphite2/src/Pass.cpp
+@@ -26,91 +26,120 @@ of the License or (at your option) any l
+ */
+ #include "inc/Main.h"
+ #include "inc/debug.h"
+ #include "inc/Endian.h"
+ #include "inc/Pass.h"
+ #include <cstring>
+ #include <cstdlib>
+ #include <cassert>
++#include <cmath>
+ #include "inc/Segment.h"
+ #include "inc/Code.h"
+ #include "inc/Rule.h"
+ #include "inc/Error.h"
++#include "inc/Collider.h"
+ using namespace graphite2;
+ using vm::Machine;
+ typedef Machine::Code Code;
++enum KernCollison
++ None = 0,
++ CrossSpace = 1,
++ InWord = 2,
++ reserved = 3
+ Pass::Pass()
+ : m_silf(0),
+ m_cols(0),
+ m_rules(0),
+ m_ruleMap(0),
+ m_startStates(0),
+ m_transitions(0),
+ m_states(0),
+- m_flags(0),
++ m_codes(0),
++ m_progs(0),
++ m_numCollRuns(0),
++ m_kernColls(0),
+ m_iMaxLoop(0),
+ m_numGlyphs(0),
+ m_numRules(0),
+ m_numStates(0),
+ m_numTransition(0),
+ m_numSuccess(0),
++ m_successStart(0),
+ m_numColumns(0),
+ m_minPreCtxt(0),
+- m_maxPreCtxt(0)
++ m_maxPreCtxt(0),
++ m_colThreshold(0),
++ m_isReverseDir(false)
+ {
+ }
+ Pass::~Pass()
+ {
+ free(m_cols);
+ free(m_startStates);
+ free(m_transitions);
+ free(m_states);
+ free(m_ruleMap);
+- delete [] m_rules;
++ if (m_rules) delete [] m_rules;
++ if (m_codes) delete [] m_codes;
++ free(m_progs);
+ }
+-bool Pass::readPass(const byte * const pass_start, size_t pass_length, size_t subtable_base, GR_MAYBE_UNUSED Face & face, Error &e)
++bool Pass::readPass(const byte * const pass_start, size_t pass_length, size_t subtable_base,
++ GR_MAYBE_UNUSED Face & face, passtype pt, GR_MAYBE_UNUSED uint32 version, Error &e)
+ {
+- const byte * p = pass_start,
+- * const pass_end = p + pass_length;
++ const byte * p = pass_start,
++ * const pass_end = p + pass_length;
+ size_t numRanges;
+ if (e.test(pass_length < 40, E_BADPASSLENGTH)) return face.error(e);
+ // Read in basic values
+- m_flags = be::read<byte>(p);
++ const byte flags = be::read<byte>(p);
++ if (e.test((flags & 0x1f) &&
++ (pt < PASS_TYPE_POSITIONING || !m_silf->aCollision() || !face.glyphs().hasBoxes()),
++ return face.error(e);
++ m_numCollRuns = flags & 0x7;
++ m_kernColls = (flags >> 3) & 0x3;
++ m_isReverseDir = (flags >> 5) & 0x1;
+ m_iMaxLoop = be::read<byte>(p);
++ if (m_iMaxLoop < 1) m_iMaxLoop = 1;
+ be::skip<byte>(p,2); // skip maxContext & maxBackup
+ m_numRules = be::read<uint16>(p);
++ if (e.test(!m_numRules && m_numCollRuns == 0, E_BADEMPTYPASS)) return face.error(e);
+ be::skip<uint16>(p); // fsmOffset - not sure why we would want this
+ const byte * const pcCode = pass_start + be::read<uint32>(p) - subtable_base,
+ * const rcCode = pass_start + be::read<uint32>(p) - subtable_base,
+ * const aCode = pass_start + be::read<uint32>(p) - subtable_base;
+ be::skip<uint32>(p);
+ m_numStates = be::read<uint16>(p);
+ m_numTransition = be::read<uint16>(p);
+ m_numSuccess = be::read<uint16>(p);
+ m_numColumns = be::read<uint16>(p);
+ numRanges = be::read<uint16>(p);
+ be::skip<uint16>(p, 3); // skip searchRange, entrySelector & rangeShift.
+ assert(p - pass_start == 40);
+ // Perform some sanity checks.
+ if ( e.test(m_numTransition > m_numStates, E_BADNUMTRANS)
+ || e.test(m_numSuccess > m_numStates, E_BADNUMSUCCESS)
+ || e.test(m_numSuccess + m_numTransition < m_numStates, E_BADNUMSTATES)
+- || e.test(numRanges == 0, E_NORANGES))
++ || e.test(m_numRules && numRanges == 0, E_NORANGES)
++ || e.test(m_numColumns > 0x7FFF, E_BADNUMCOLUMNS))
+ return face.error(e);
+ m_successStart = m_numStates - m_numSuccess;
+- if (e.test(p + numRanges * 6 - 4 > pass_end, E_BADPASSLENGTH)) return face.error(e);
++ // test for beyond end - 1 to account for reading uint16
++ if (e.test(p + numRanges * 6 - 2 > pass_end, E_BADPASSLENGTH)) return face.error(e);
+ m_numGlyphs = be::peek<uint16>(p + numRanges * 6 - 4) + 1;
+ // Calculate the start of various arrays.
+ const byte * const ranges = p;
+ be::skip<uint16>(p, numRanges*3);
+ const byte * const o_rule_map = p;
+ be::skip<uint16>(p, m_numSuccess + 1);
+ // More sanity checks
+@@ -126,108 +155,141 @@ bool Pass::readPass(const byte * const p
+ m_maxPreCtxt = be::read<uint8>(p);
+ if (e.test(m_minPreCtxt > m_maxPreCtxt, E_BADCTXTLENBOUNDS)) return face.error(e);
+ const byte * const start_states = p;
+ be::skip<int16>(p, m_maxPreCtxt - m_minPreCtxt + 1);
+ const uint16 * const sort_keys = reinterpret_cast<const uint16 *>(p);
+ be::skip<uint16>(p, m_numRules);
+ const byte * const precontext = p;
+ be::skip<byte>(p, m_numRules);
+- be::skip<byte>(p); // skip reserved byte
+- if (e.test(p + sizeof(uint16) > pass_end, E_BADCTXTLENS)) return face.error(e);
++ if (e.test(p + sizeof(uint16) + sizeof(uint8) > pass_end, E_BADCTXTLENS)) return face.error(e);
++ m_colThreshold = be::read<uint8>(p);
++ if (m_colThreshold == 0) m_colThreshold = 10; // A default
+ const size_t pass_constraint_len = be::read<uint16>(p);
+ const uint16 * const o_constraint = reinterpret_cast<const uint16 *>(p);
+ be::skip<uint16>(p, m_numRules + 1);
+ const uint16 * const o_actions = reinterpret_cast<const uint16 *>(p);
+ be::skip<uint16>(p, m_numRules + 1);
+ const byte * const states = p;
++ if (e.test(p + 2u*m_numTransition*m_numColumns >= pass_end, E_BADPASSLENGTH)) return face.error(e);
+ be::skip<int16>(p, m_numTransition*m_numColumns);
+- be::skip<byte>(p); // skip reserved byte
+- if (e.test(p != pcCode, E_BADPASSCCODEPTR) || e.test(p >= pass_end, E_BADPASSLENGTH)) return face.error(e);
++ be::skip<uint8>(p);
++ if (e.test(p != pcCode, E_BADPASSCCODEPTR)) return face.error(e);
+ be::skip<byte>(p, pass_constraint_len);
+- if (e.test(p != rcCode, E_BADRULECCODEPTR) || e.test(p >= pass_end, E_BADPASSLENGTH)
++ if (e.test(p != rcCode, E_BADRULECCODEPTR)
+ || e.test(size_t(rcCode - pcCode) != pass_constraint_len, E_BADCCODELEN)) return face.error(e);
+ be::skip<byte>(p, be::peek<uint16>(o_constraint + m_numRules));
+- if (e.test(p != aCode, E_BADACTIONCODEPTR) || e.test(p >= pass_end, E_BADPASSLENGTH)) return face.error(e);
++ if (e.test(p != aCode, E_BADACTIONCODEPTR)) return face.error(e);
+ be::skip<byte>(p, be::peek<uint16>(o_actions + m_numRules));
+ // We should be at the end or within the pass
+ if (e.test(p > pass_end, E_BADPASSLENGTH)) return face.error(e);
+ // Load the pass constraint if there is one.
+ if (pass_constraint_len)
+ {
+ face.error_context(face.error_context() + 1);
+ m_cPConstraint = vm::Machine::Code(true, pcCode, pcCode + pass_constraint_len,
+- precontext[0], be::peek<uint16>(sort_keys), *m_silf, face);
++ precontext[0], be::peek<uint16>(sort_keys), *m_silf, face, PASS_TYPE_UNKNOWN);
+ if (e.test(!m_cPConstraint, E_OUTOFMEM)
+- || e.test(m_cPConstraint.status(), m_cPConstraint.status() + E_CODEFAILURE))
++ || e.test(!m_cPConstraint, m_cPConstraint.status() + E_CODEFAILURE))
+ return face.error(e);
+ face.error_context(face.error_context() - 1);
+ }
+- if (!readRanges(ranges, numRanges, e)) return face.error(e);
+- if (!readRules(rule_map, numEntries, precontext, sort_keys,
+- o_constraint, rcCode, o_actions, aCode, face, e)) return false;
++ if (m_numRules)
++ {
++ if (!readRanges(ranges, numRanges, e)) return face.error(e);
++ if (!readRules(rule_map, numEntries, precontext, sort_keys,
++ o_constraint, rcCode, o_actions, aCode, face, pt, e)) return false;
++ }
+ telemetry::category _states_cat(face.tele.states);
+ #endif
+- return readStates(start_states, states, o_rule_map, face, e);
++ return m_numRules ? readStates(start_states, states, o_rule_map, face, e) : true;
+ }
+ bool Pass::readRules(const byte * rule_map, const size_t num_entries,
+ const byte *precontext, const uint16 * sort_key,
+ const uint16 * o_constraint, const byte *rc_data,
+ const uint16 * o_action, const byte * ac_data,
+- Face & face, Error &e)
++ Face & face, passtype pt, Error &e)
+ {
+ const byte * const ac_data_end = ac_data + be::peek<uint16>(o_action + m_numRules);
+ const byte * const rc_data_end = rc_data + be::peek<uint16>(o_constraint + m_numRules);
+- if (e.test(!(m_rules = new Rule [m_numRules]), E_OUTOFMEM)) return face.error(e);
+ precontext += m_numRules;
+ sort_key += m_numRules;
+ o_constraint += m_numRules;
+ o_action += m_numRules;
+ // Load rules.
+ const byte * ac_begin = 0, * rc_begin = 0,
+ * ac_end = ac_data + be::peek<uint16>(o_action),
+ * rc_end = rc_data + be::peek<uint16>(o_constraint);
++ // Allocate pools
++ m_rules = new Rule [m_numRules];
++ m_codes = new Code [m_numRules*2];
++ const size_t prog_pool_sz = vm::Machine::Code::estimateCodeDataOut(ac_end - ac_data + rc_end - rc_data);
++ m_progs = gralloc<byte>(prog_pool_sz);
++ byte * prog_pool_free = m_progs,
++ * prog_pool_end = m_progs + prog_pool_sz;
++ if (e.test(!(m_rules && m_codes && m_progs), E_OUTOFMEM)) return face.error(e);
+ Rule * r = m_rules + m_numRules - 1;
+ for (size_t n = m_numRules; n; --n, --r, ac_end = ac_begin, rc_end = rc_begin)
+ {
+ face.error_context((face.error_context() & 0xFFFF00) + EC_ARULE + ((n - 1) << 24));
+ r->preContext = *--precontext;
+ r->sort = be::peek<uint16>(--sort_key);
+ #ifndef NDEBUG
+ r->rule_idx = n - 1;
+ #endif
+ if (r->sort > 63 || r->preContext >= r->sort || r->preContext > m_maxPreCtxt || r->preContext < m_minPreCtxt)
+ return false;
+ ac_begin = ac_data + be::peek<uint16>(--o_action);
+ --o_constraint;
+ rc_begin = be::peek<uint16>(o_constraint) ? rc_data + be::peek<uint16>(o_constraint) : rc_end;
+ if (ac_begin > ac_end || ac_begin > ac_data_end || ac_end > ac_data_end
+- || rc_begin > rc_end || rc_begin > rc_data_end || rc_end > rc_data_end)
++ || rc_begin > rc_end || rc_begin > rc_data_end || rc_end > rc_data_end
++ || vm::Machine::Code::estimateCodeDataOut(ac_end - ac_begin + rc_end - rc_begin) > size_t(prog_pool_end - prog_pool_free))
+ return false;
+- r->action = new vm::Machine::Code(false, ac_begin, ac_end, r->preContext, r->sort, *m_silf, face);
+- r->constraint = new vm::Machine::Code(true, rc_begin, rc_end, r->preContext, r->sort, *m_silf, face);
++ r->action = new (m_codes+n*2-2) vm::Machine::Code(false, ac_begin, ac_end, r->preContext, r->sort, *m_silf, face, pt, &prog_pool_free);
++ r->constraint = new (m_codes+n*2-1) vm::Machine::Code(true, rc_begin, rc_end, r->preContext, r->sort, *m_silf, face, pt, &prog_pool_free);
+ if (e.test(!r->action || !r->constraint, E_OUTOFMEM)
+ || e.test(r->action->status() != Code::loaded, r->action->status() + E_CODEFAILURE)
+ || e.test(r->constraint->status() != Code::loaded, r->constraint->status() + E_CODEFAILURE)
+ || e.test(!r->constraint->immutable(), E_MUTABLECCODE))
+ return face.error(e);
+ }
++ byte * moved_progs = static_cast<byte *>(realloc(m_progs, prog_pool_free - m_progs));
++ if (e.test(!moved_progs, E_OUTOFMEM))
++ {
++ if (prog_pool_free - m_progs == 0) m_progs = 0;
++ return face.error(e);
++ }
++ if (moved_progs != m_progs)
++ {
++ for (Code * c = m_codes, * const ce = c + m_numRules*2; c != ce; ++c)
++ {
++ c->externalProgramMoved(moved_progs - m_progs);
++ }
++ m_progs = moved_progs;
++ }
+ // Load the rule entries map
+ face.error_context((face.error_context() & 0xFFFF00) + EC_APASS);
++ //TODO: Coverty: 1315804: FORWARD_NULL
+ RuleEntry * re = m_ruleMap = gralloc<RuleEntry>(num_entries);
+ if (e.test(!re, E_OUTOFMEM)) return face.error(e);
+ for (size_t n = num_entries; n; --n, ++re)
+ {
+ const ptrdiff_t rn = be::read<uint16>(rule_map);
+ if (e.test(rn >= m_numRules, E_BADRULENUM)) return face.error(e);
+ re->rule = m_rules + rn;
+ }
+@@ -320,43 +382,69 @@ bool Pass::readRanges(const byte * range
+ if (e.test(ci != ci_end, E_BADRANGE))
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+-void Pass::runGraphite(Machine & m, FiniteStateMachine & fsm) const
++bool Pass::runGraphite(vm::Machine & m, FiniteStateMachine & fsm, bool reverse) const
+ {
+ Slot *s = m.slotMap().segment.first();
+- if (!s || !testPassConstraint(m)) return;
+- Slot *currHigh = s->next();
++ if (!s || !testPassConstraint(m)) return true;
++ if (reverse)
++ {
++ m.slotMap().segment.reverseSlots();
++ s = m.slotMap().segment.first();
++ }
++ if (m_numRules)
++ {
++ Slot *currHigh = s->next();
+ #if !defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING
+- if (fsm.dbgout) *fsm.dbgout << "rules" << json::array;
+- json::closer rules_array_closer(fsm.dbgout);
++ if (fsm.dbgout) *fsm.dbgout << "rules" << json::array;
++ json::closer rules_array_closer(fsm.dbgout);
+ #endif
+- m.slotMap().highwater(currHigh);
+- int lc = m_iMaxLoop;
+- do
++ m.slotMap().highwater(currHigh);
++ int lc = m_iMaxLoop;
++ do
++ {
++ findNDoRule(s, m, fsm);
++ if (s && (s == m.slotMap().highwater() || m.slotMap().highpassed() || --lc == 0)) {
++ if (!lc)
++ s = m.slotMap().highwater();
++ lc = m_iMaxLoop;
++ if (s)
++ m.slotMap().highwater(s->next());
++ }
++ } while (s);
++ }
++ //TODO: Use enums for flags
++ const bool collisions = m_numCollRuns || m_kernColls;
++ if (!collisions || !m.slotMap().segment.hasCollisionInfo())
++ return true;
++ if (m_numCollRuns)
+ {
+- findNDoRule(s, m, fsm);
+- if (s && (m.slotMap().highpassed() || s == m.slotMap().highwater() || --lc == 0)) {
+- if (!lc)
+- {
+-// if (dbgout) *dbgout << json::item << json::flat << rule_event(-1, s, 1);
+- s = m.slotMap().highwater();
+- }
+- lc = m_iMaxLoop;
+- if (s)
+- m.slotMap().highwater(s->next());
++ if (!(m.slotMap().segment.flags() & Segment::SEG_INITCOLLISIONS))
++ {
++ m.slotMap().segment.positionSlots(0, 0, 0, m.slotMap().dir(), true);
++// m.slotMap().segment.flags(m.slotMap().segment.flags() | Segment::SEG_INITCOLLISIONS);
+ }
+- } while (s);
++ if (!collisionShift(&m.slotMap().segment, m.slotMap().dir(), fsm.dbgout))
++ return false;
++ }
++ if ((m_kernColls) && !collisionKern(&m.slotMap().segment, m.slotMap().dir(), fsm.dbgout))
++ return false;
++ if (collisions && !collisionFinish(&m.slotMap().segment, fsm.dbgout))
++ return false;
++ return true;
+ }
+ bool Pass::runFSM(FiniteStateMachine& fsm, Slot * slot) const
+ {
+ fsm.reset(slot, m_maxPreCtxt);
+ if (fsm.slots.context() < m_minPreCtxt)
+ return false;
+@@ -419,18 +507,18 @@ void Pass::findNDoRule(Slot * & slot, Ma
+ {
+ if (fsm.rules.size() != 0)
+ {
+ *fsm.dbgout << json::item << json::object;
+ dumpRuleEventConsidered(fsm, *r);
+ if (r != re)
+ {
+ const int adv = doAction(r->rule->action, slot, m);
+- dumpRuleEventOutput(fsm, *r->rule, slot);
+- if (r->rule->action->deletes()) fsm.slots.collectGarbage();
++ dumpRuleEventOutput(fsm, m, *r->rule, slot);
++ if (r->rule->action->deletes()) fsm.slots.collectGarbage(slot);
+ adjustSlot(adv, slot, fsm.slots);
+ *fsm.dbgout << "cursor" << objectid(dslot(&fsm.slots.segment, slot))
+ << json::close; // Close RuelEvent object
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+@@ -442,47 +530,49 @@ void Pass::findNDoRule(Slot * & slot, Ma
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ #endif
+ {
+ if (r != re)
+ {
+ const int adv = doAction(r->rule->action, slot, m);
+- if (r->rule->action->deletes()) fsm.slots.collectGarbage();
++ if (r->rule->action->deletes()) fsm.slots.collectGarbage(slot);
+ adjustSlot(adv, slot, fsm.slots);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ slot = slot->next();
++ return;
+ }
+ #if !defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING
+ void Pass::dumpRuleEventConsidered(const FiniteStateMachine & fsm, const RuleEntry & re) const
+ {
+ *fsm.dbgout << "considered" << json::array;
+ for (const RuleEntry *r = fsm.rules.begin(); r != &re; ++r)
+ {
+- if (r->rule->preContext > fsm.slots.context()) continue;
+- *fsm.dbgout << json::flat << json::object
+- << "id" << r->rule - m_rules
++ if (r->rule->preContext > fsm.slots.context())
++ continue;
++ *fsm.dbgout << json::flat << json::object
++ << "id" << r->rule - m_rules
+ << "failed" << true
+ << "input" << json::flat << json::object
+ << "start" << objectid(dslot(&fsm.slots.segment, input_slot(fsm.slots, -r->rule->preContext)))
+ << "length" << r->rule->sort
+ << json::close // close "input"
+ << json::close; // close Rule object
+ }
+ }
+-void Pass::dumpRuleEventOutput(const FiniteStateMachine & fsm, const Rule & r, Slot * const last_slot) const
++void Pass::dumpRuleEventOutput(const FiniteStateMachine & fsm, Machine & m, const Rule & r, Slot * const last_slot) const
+ {
+ *fsm.dbgout << json::item << json::flat << json::object
+ << "id" << &r - m_rules
+ << "failed" << false
+ << "input" << json::flat << json::object
+ << "start" << objectid(dslot(&fsm.slots.segment, input_slot(fsm.slots, 0)))
+ << "length" << r.sort - r.preContext
+ << json::close // close "input"
+@@ -490,17 +580,17 @@ void Pass::dumpRuleEventOutput(const Fin
+ << json::close // close considered array
+ << "output" << json::object
+ << "range" << json::flat << json::object
+ << "start" << objectid(dslot(&fsm.slots.segment, input_slot(fsm.slots, 0)))
+ << "end" << objectid(dslot(&fsm.slots.segment, last_slot))
+ << json::close // close "input"
+ << "slots" << json::array;
+ const Position rsb_prepos = last_slot ? last_slot->origin() : fsm.slots.segment.advance();
+- fsm.slots.segment.positionSlots(0);
++ fsm.slots.segment.positionSlots(0, 0, 0, m.slotMap().dir());
+ for(Slot * slot = output_slot(fsm.slots, 0); slot != last_slot; slot = slot->next())
+ *fsm.dbgout << dslot(&fsm.slots.segment, slot);
+ *fsm.dbgout << json::close // close "slots"
+ << "postshift" << (last_slot ? last_slot->origin() : fsm.slots.segment.advance()) - rsb_prepos
+ << json::close; // close "output" object
+ }
+@@ -546,22 +636,26 @@ bool Pass::testConstraint(const Rule & r
+ if (!ret || m.status() != Machine::finished)
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+-void SlotMap::collectGarbage()
++void SlotMap::collectGarbage(Slot * &aSlot)
+ {
+ for(Slot **s = begin(), *const *const se = end() - 1; s != se; ++s) {
+ Slot *& slot = *s;
+ if(slot->isDeleted() || slot->isCopied())
++ {
++ if (slot == aSlot)
++ aSlot = slot->prev() ? slot->prev() : slot->next();
+ segment.freeSlot(slot);
++ }
+ }
+ }
+ int Pass::doAction(const Code *codeptr, Slot * & slot_out, vm::Machine & m) const
+ {
+ assert(codeptr);
+@@ -581,40 +675,412 @@ int Pass::doAction(const Code *codeptr,
+ slot_out = *map;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ void Pass::adjustSlot(int delta, Slot * & slot_out, SlotMap & smap) const
+ {
+- if (delta < 0)
++ if (!slot_out)
+ {
+- if (!slot_out)
++ if (smap.highpassed() || slot_out == smap.highwater())
+ {
+ slot_out = smap.segment.last();
+ ++delta;
+- if (smap.highpassed() && !smap.highwater())
++ if (!smap.highwater())
+ smap.highpassed(false);
+ }
++ else
++ {
++ slot_out = smap.segment.first();
++ --delta;
++ }
++ }
++ if (delta < 0)
++ {
+ while (++delta <= 0 && slot_out)
+ {
+ if (smap.highpassed() && smap.highwater() == slot_out)
+ smap.highpassed(false);
+ slot_out = slot_out->prev();
+ }
+ }
+ else if (delta > 0)
+ {
+- if (!slot_out)
+- {
+- slot_out = smap.segment.first();
+- --delta;
+- }
+ while (--delta >= 0 && slot_out)
+ {
+ slot_out = slot_out->next();
+ if (slot_out == smap.highwater() && slot_out)
+ smap.highpassed(true);
+ }
+ }
+ }
++bool Pass::collisionShift(Segment *seg, int dir, json * const dbgout) const
++ ShiftCollider shiftcoll(dbgout);
++ // bool isfirst = true;
++ bool hasCollisions = false;
++ Slot *start = seg->first(); // turn on collision fixing for the first slot
++ Slot *end = NULL;
++ bool moved = false;
++#if !defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING
++ if (dbgout)
++ *dbgout << "collisions" << json::array
++ << json::flat << json::object << "num-loops" << m_numCollRuns << json::close;
++ while (start)
++ {
++#if !defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING
++ if (dbgout) *dbgout << json::object << "phase" << "1" << "moves" << json::array;
++ hasCollisions = false;
++ end = NULL;
++ // phase 1 : position shiftable glyphs, ignoring kernable glyphs
++ for (Slot *s = start; s; s = s->next())
++ {
++ const SlotCollision * c = seg->collisionInfo(s);
++ if (start && (c->flags() & (SlotCollision::COLL_FIX | SlotCollision::COLL_KERN)) == SlotCollision::COLL_FIX
++ && !resolveCollisions(seg, s, start, shiftcoll, false, dir, moved, hasCollisions, dbgout))
++ return false;
++ if (s != start && (c->flags() & SlotCollision::COLL_END))
++ {
++ end = s->next();
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++#if !defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING
++ if (dbgout)
++ *dbgout << json::close << json::close; // phase-1
++ // phase 2 : loop until happy.
++ for (int i = 0; i < m_numCollRuns - 1; ++i)
++ {
++ if (hasCollisions || moved)
++ {
++#if !defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING
++ if (dbgout)
++ *dbgout << json::object << "phase" << "2a" << "loop" << i << "moves" << json::array;
++ // phase 2a : if any shiftable glyphs are in collision, iterate backwards,
++ // fixing them and ignoring other non-collided glyphs. Note that this handles ONLY
++ // glyphs that are actually in collision from phases 1 or 2b, and working backwards
++ // has the intended effect of breaking logjams.
++ if (hasCollisions)
++ {
++ hasCollisions = false;
++ #if 0
++ moved = true;
++ for (Slot *s = start; s != end; s = s->next())
++ {
++ SlotCollision * c = seg->collisionInfo(s);
++ c->setShift(Position(0, 0));
++ }
++ #endif
++ Slot *lend = end ? end->prev() : seg->last();
++ Slot *lstart = start->prev();
++ for (Slot *s = lend; s != lstart; s = s->prev())
++ {
++ SlotCollision * c = seg->collisionInfo(s);
++ if (start && (c->flags() & (SlotCollision::COLL_FIX | SlotCollision::COLL_KERN | SlotCollision::COLL_ISCOL))
++ == (SlotCollision::COLL_FIX | SlotCollision::COLL_ISCOL)) // ONLY if this glyph is still colliding
++ {
++ if (!resolveCollisions(seg, s, lend, shiftcoll, true, dir, moved, hasCollisions, dbgout))
++ return false;
++ c->setFlags(c->flags() | SlotCollision::COLL_TEMPLOCK);
++ }
++ }
++ }
++#if !defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING
++ if (dbgout)
++ *dbgout << json::close << json::close // phase 2a
++ << json::object << "phase" << "2b" << "loop" << i << "moves" << json::array;
++ // phase 2b : redo basic diacritic positioning pass for ALL glyphs. Each successive loop adjusts
++ // glyphs from their current adjusted position, which has the effect of gradually minimizing the
++ // resulting adjustment; ie, the final result will be gradually closer to the original location.
++ // Also it allows more flexibility in the final adjustment, since it is moving along the
++ // possible 8 vectors from successively different starting locations.
++ if (moved)
++ {
++ moved = false;
++ for (Slot *s = start; s != end; s = s->next())
++ {
++ SlotCollision * c = seg->collisionInfo(s);
++ if (start && (c->flags() & (SlotCollision::COLL_FIX | SlotCollision::COLL_TEMPLOCK
++ | SlotCollision::COLL_KERN)) == SlotCollision::COLL_FIX
++ && !resolveCollisions(seg, s, start, shiftcoll, false, dir, moved, hasCollisions, dbgout))
++ return false;
++ else if (c->flags() & SlotCollision::COLL_TEMPLOCK)
++ c->setFlags(c->flags() & ~SlotCollision::COLL_TEMPLOCK);
++ }
++ }
++ // if (!hasCollisions) // no, don't leave yet because phase 2b will continue to improve things
++ // break;
++#if !defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING
++ if (dbgout)
++ *dbgout << json::close << json::close; // phase 2
++ }
++ }
++ if (!end)
++ break;
++ start = NULL;
++ for (Slot *s = end->prev(); s; s = s->next())
++ {
++ if (seg->collisionInfo(s)->flags() & SlotCollision::COLL_START)
++ {
++ start = s;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ return true;
++bool Pass::collisionKern(Segment *seg, int dir, json * const dbgout) const
++ KernCollider kerncoll(dbgout);
++ Slot *start = seg->first();
++ float ymin = 1e38f;
++ float ymax = -1e38f;
++ const GlyphCache &gc = seg->getFace()->glyphs();
++ // phase 3 : handle kerning of clusters
++#if !defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING
++ if (dbgout)
++ *dbgout << json::object << "phase" << "3" << "moves" << json::array;
++ for (Slot *s = seg->first(); s; s = s->next())
++ {
++ if (!gc.check(s->gid()))
++ return false;
++ const SlotCollision * c = seg->collisionInfo(s);
++ const Rect &bbox = seg->theGlyphBBoxTemporary(s->gid());
++ float y = s->origin().y + c->shift().y;
++ ymax = max(y +, ymax);
++ ymin = min(y +, ymin);
++ if (start && (c->flags() & (SlotCollision::COLL_KERN | SlotCollision::COLL_FIX))
++ == (SlotCollision::COLL_KERN | SlotCollision::COLL_FIX))
++ resolveKern(seg, s, start, kerncoll, dir, ymin, ymax, dbgout);
++ if (c->flags() & SlotCollision::COLL_END)
++ start = NULL;
++ if (c->flags() & SlotCollision::COLL_START)
++ start = s;
++ }
++#if !defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING
++ if (dbgout)
++ *dbgout << json::close << json::close; // phase 3
++ return true;
++bool Pass::collisionFinish(Segment *seg, GR_MAYBE_UNUSED json * const dbgout) const
++ for (Slot *s = seg->first(); s; s = s->next())
++ {
++ SlotCollision *c = seg->collisionInfo(s);
++ if (c->shift().x != 0 || c->shift().y != 0)
++ {
++ const Position newOffset = c->shift();
++ const Position nullPosition(0, 0);
++ c->setOffset(newOffset + c->offset());
++ c->setShift(nullPosition);
++ }
++ }
++// seg->positionSlots();
++#if !defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING
++ if (dbgout)
++ *dbgout << json::close;
++ return true;
++// Can slot s be kerned, or is it attached to something that can be kerned?
++static bool inKernCluster(Segment *seg, Slot *s)
++ SlotCollision *c = seg->collisionInfo(s);
++ if (c->flags() & SlotCollision::COLL_KERN /** && c->flags() & SlotCollision::COLL_FIX **/ )
++ return true;
++ while (s->attachedTo())
++ {
++ s = s->attachedTo();
++ c = seg->collisionInfo(s);
++ if (c->flags() & SlotCollision::COLL_KERN /** && c->flags() & SlotCollision::COLL_FIX **/ )
++ return true;
++ }
++ return false;
++// Fix collisions for the given slot.
++// Return true if everything was fixed, false if there are still collisions remaining.
++// isRev means be we are processing backwards.
++bool Pass::resolveCollisions(Segment *seg, Slot *slotFix, Slot *start,
++ ShiftCollider &coll, GR_MAYBE_UNUSED bool isRev, int dir, bool &moved, bool &hasCol,
++ json * const dbgout) const
++ Slot * nbor; // neighboring slot
++ SlotCollision *cFix = seg->collisionInfo(slotFix);
++ if (!coll.initSlot(seg, slotFix, cFix->limit(), cFix->margin(), cFix->marginWt(),
++ cFix->shift(), cFix->offset(), dir, dbgout))
++ return false;
++ bool collides = false;
++ // When we're processing forward, ignore kernable glyphs that preceed the target glyph.
++ // When processing backward, don't ignore these until we pass slotFix.
++ bool ignoreForKern = !isRev;
++ bool rtl = dir & 1;
++ Slot *base = slotFix;
++ while (base->attachedTo())
++ base = base->attachedTo();
++ Position zero(0., 0.);
++ // Look for collisions with the neighboring glyphs.
++ for (nbor = start; nbor; nbor = isRev ? nbor->prev() : nbor->next())
++ {
++ SlotCollision *cNbor = seg->collisionInfo(nbor);
++ bool sameCluster = nbor->isChildOf(base);
++ if (nbor != slotFix // don't process if this is the slot of interest
++ && !(cNbor->flags() & SlotCollision::COLL_IGNORE) // don't process if ignoring
++ && (nbor == base || sameCluster // process if in the same cluster as slotFix
++ || !inKernCluster(seg, nbor) // or this cluster is not to be kerned
++ || (rtl ^ ignoreForKern)) // or it comes before(ltr) or after(rtl)
++ && (!isRev // if processing forwards then good to merge otherwise only:
++ || !(cNbor->flags() & SlotCollision::COLL_FIX) // merge in immovable stuff
++ || ((cNbor->flags() & SlotCollision::COLL_KERN) && !sameCluster) // ignore other kernable clusters
++ || (cNbor->flags() & SlotCollision::COLL_ISCOL)) // test against other collided glyphs
++ && !coll.mergeSlot(seg, nbor, cNbor->shift(), !ignoreForKern, sameCluster, collides, false, dbgout))
++ return false;
++ else if (nbor == slotFix)
++ // Switching sides of this glyph - if we were ignoring kernable stuff before, don't anymore.
++ ignoreForKern = !ignoreForKern;
++ if (nbor != start && (cNbor->flags() & (isRev ? SlotCollision::COLL_START : SlotCollision::COLL_END)))
++ break;
++ }
++ bool isCol = false;
++ if (collides || cFix->shift().x != 0.f || cFix->shift().y != 0.f)
++ {
++ Position shift = coll.resolve(seg, isCol, dbgout);
++ // isCol has been set to true if a collision remains.
++ if (std::fabs(shift.x) < 1e38f && std::fabs(shift.y) < 1e38f)
++ {
++ if (sqr(shift.x-cFix->shift().x) + sqr(shift.y-cFix->shift().y) >= m_colThreshold * m_colThreshold)
++ moved = true;
++ cFix->setShift(shift);
++ if (slotFix->firstChild())
++ {
++ Rect bbox;
++ Position here = slotFix->origin() + shift;
++ float clusterMin = here.x;
++ slotFix->firstChild()->finalise(seg, NULL, here, bbox, 0, clusterMin, rtl, false);
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ else
++ {
++ // This glyph is not colliding with anything.
++#if !defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING
++ if (dbgout)
++ {
++ *dbgout << json::object
++ << "missed" << objectid(dslot(seg, slotFix));
++ coll.outputJsonDbg(dbgout, seg, -1);
++ *dbgout << json::close;
++ }
++ }
++ // Set the is-collision flag bit.
++ if (isCol)
++ { cFix->setFlags(cFix->flags() | SlotCollision::COLL_ISCOL | SlotCollision::COLL_KNOWN); }
++ else
++ { cFix->setFlags((cFix->flags() & ~SlotCollision::COLL_ISCOL) | SlotCollision::COLL_KNOWN); }
++ hasCol |= isCol;
++ return true;
++float Pass::resolveKern(Segment *seg, Slot *slotFix, GR_MAYBE_UNUSED Slot *start, KernCollider &coll, int dir,
++ float &ymin, float &ymax, json *const dbgout) const
++ Slot *nbor; // neighboring slot
++ float currSpace = 0.;
++ bool collides = false;
++ unsigned int space_count = 0;
++ Slot *base = slotFix;
++ while (base->attachedTo())
++ base = base->attachedTo();
++ SlotCollision *cFix = seg->collisionInfo(base);
++ const GlyphCache &gc = seg->getFace()->glyphs();
++ if (base != slotFix)
++ {
++ cFix->setFlags(cFix->flags() | SlotCollision::COLL_KERN | SlotCollision::COLL_FIX);
++ return 0;
++ }
++ bool seenEnd = (cFix->flags() & SlotCollision::COLL_END) != 0;
++ bool isInit = false;
++ for (nbor = slotFix->next(); nbor; nbor = nbor->next())
++ {
++ if (nbor->isChildOf(base))
++ continue;
++ if (!gc.check(nbor->gid()))
++ return 0.;
++ const Rect &bb = seg->theGlyphBBoxTemporary(nbor->gid());
++ SlotCollision *cNbor = seg->collisionInfo(nbor);
++ if ( == 0.f && == 0.f)
++ {
++ if (m_kernColls == InWord)
++ break;
++ // Add space for a space glyph.
++ currSpace += nbor->advance();
++ ++space_count;
++ }
++ else
++ {
++ space_count = 0;
++ float y = nbor->origin().y + cNbor->shift().y;
++ ymax = max(y +, ymax);
++ ymin = min(y +, ymin);
++ if (nbor != slotFix && !(cNbor->flags() & SlotCollision::COLL_IGNORE))
++ {
++ seenEnd = true;
++ if (!isInit)
++ {
++ if (!coll.initSlot(seg, slotFix, cFix->limit(), cFix->margin(),
++ cFix->shift(), cFix->offset(), dir, ymin, ymax, dbgout))
++ return 0.;
++ isInit = true;
++ }
++ collides |= coll.mergeSlot(seg, nbor, cNbor->shift(), currSpace, dir, dbgout);
++ }
++ }
++ if (cNbor->flags() & SlotCollision::COLL_END)
++ {
++ if (seenEnd && space_count < 2)
++ break;
++ else
++ seenEnd = true;
++ }
++ }
++ if (collides)
++ {
++ Position mv = coll.resolve(seg, slotFix, dir, cFix->margin(), dbgout);
++ coll.shift(mv, dir);
++ Position delta = slotFix->advancePos() + mv - cFix->shift();
++ slotFix->advance(delta);
++ cFix->setShift(mv);
++ return mv.x;
++ }
++ return 0.;
+diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/src/Position.cpp b/gfx/graphite2/src/Position.cpp
+new file mode 100644
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/gfx/graphite2/src/Position.cpp
+@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
++ Copyright 2010, SIL International
++ All rights reserved.
++ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
++ by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of License, or
++ (at your option) any later version.
++ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ Lesser General Public License for more details.
++ You should also have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
++ License along with this library in the file named "LICENSE".
++ If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street,
++ Suite 500, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA or visit their web page on the
++ internet at
++Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the
++Mozilla Public License ( or the GNU General Public
++License, as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2
++of the License or (at your option) any later version.
++#include "inc/Position.h"
++#include <cmath>
++using namespace graphite2;
++bool Rect::hitTest(Rect &other)
++ if (bl.x > return false;
++ if (tr.x < return false;
++ if (bl.y > return false;
++ if (tr.y < return false;
++ return true;
++Position Rect::overlap(Position &offset, Rect &other, Position &othero)
++ float ax = (bl.x + offset.x) - ( + othero.x);
++ float ay = (bl.y + offset.y) - ( + othero.y);
++ float bx = ( + othero.x) - (tr.x + offset.x);
++ float by = ( + othero.y) - (tr.y + offset.y);
++ return Position((ax > bx ? ax : bx), (ay > by ? ay : by));
++float boundmin(float move, float lim1, float lim2, float &error)
++ // error is always positive for easy comparison
++ if (move < lim1 && move < lim2)
++ { error = 0.; return move; }
++ else if (lim1 < lim2)
++ { error = std::fabs(move - lim1); return lim1; }
++ else
++ { error = std::fabs(move - lim2); return lim2; }
++#if 0
++Position Rect::constrainedAvoid(Position &offset, Rect &box, Rect &sdbox, Position &other, Rect &obox, Rect &osdbox)
++ // a = max, i = min, s = sum, d = diff
++ float eax, eay, eix, eiy, eas, eis, ead, eid;
++ float beste = INF;
++ Position res;
++ // calculate the movements in each direction and the error (amount of remaining overlap)
++ // first param is movement, second and third are movement over the constraining box
++ float ax = boundmin( + other.x - - offset.x + 1, tr.x - offset.x, INF, &eax);
++ float ay = boundmin( + other.y - - offset.y + 1, tr.y - offset.y, INF, &eay);
++ float ix = boundmin( + other.x - - offset.x + 1, bl.x - offset.x, INF, &eix);
++ float iy = boundmin( + other.y - - offset.y + 1, bl.y - offset.y, INF, &eiy);
++ float as = boundmin(ISQRT2 * ( + other.x + other.y - - offset.x - offset.y) + 1, tr.x - offset.x, tr.y - offset.y, &eas);
++ float is = boundmin(ISQRT2 * ( + other.x + other.y - - offset.x - offset.y) + 1, bl.x - offset.x, bl.y - offset.y, &eis);
++ float ad = boundmin(ISQRT2 * ( + other.x - other.y - - offset.x + offset.y) + 1, tr.y - offset.y, tr.x - offset.x, &ead);
++ float id = boundmin(ISQRT2 * ( + other.x - other.y - - offset.x + offset.y) + 1, bl.y - offset.y, bl.x - offset.x, &eid);
++ if (eax < beste)
++ { res = Position(ax, 0); beste = eax; }
++ if (eay < beste)
++ { res = Position(0, ay); beste = eay; }
++ if (eix < beste)
++ { res = Position(ix, 0); beste = eix; }
++ if (eiy < beste)
++ { res = Position(0, iy); beste = eiy; }
++ if (SQRT2 * (eas) < beste)
++ { res = Position(as, ad); beste = SQRT2 * (eas); }
++ if (SQRT2 * (eis) < beste)
++ { res = Position(is, is); beste = SQRT2 * (eis); }
++ if (SQRT2 * (ead) < beste)
++ { res = Position(ad, ad); beste = SQRT2 * (ead); }
++ if (SQRT2 * (eid) < beste)
++ { res = Position(id, id); beste = SQRT2 * (eid); }
++ return res;
+diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/src/SegCache.cpp b/gfx/graphite2/src/SegCache.cpp
+--- a/gfx/graphite2/src/SegCache.cpp
++++ b/gfx/graphite2/src/SegCache.cpp
+@@ -35,17 +35,17 @@ of the License or (at your option) any l
+ using namespace graphite2;
+ SegCache::SegCache(const SegCacheStore * store, const Features & feats)
+ : m_prefixLength(ePrefixLength),
+- m_maxCachedSegLength(eMaxSpliceSize),
++// m_maxCachedSegLength(eMaxSpliceSize),
+ m_segmentCount(0),
+ m_features(feats),
+ m_totalAccessCount(0l), m_totalMisses(0l),
+ m_purgeFactor(1.0f / (ePurgeFactor * store->maxSegmentCount()))
+ {
+ m_prefixes.raw = grzeroalloc<void*>(store->maxCmapGid() + 2);
+@@ -79,17 +79,17 @@ SegCache::~SegCache()
+ {
+ assert(m_prefixes.raw == NULL);
+ }
+ SegCacheEntry* SegCache::cache(SegCacheStore * store, const uint16* cmapGlyphs, size_t length, Segment * seg, size_t charOffset)
+ {
+ uint16 pos = 0;
+ if (!length) return NULL;
+- assert(length < m_maxCachedSegLength);
++// assert(length < m_maxCachedSegLength);
+ SegCachePrefixArray pArray = m_prefixes;
+ while (pos + 1 < m_prefixLength)
+ {
+ uint16 gid = (pos < length)? cmapGlyphs[pos] : 0;
+ if (!pArray.array[gid].raw)
+ {
+ pArray.array[gid].raw = grzeroalloc<void*>(store->maxCmapGid() + 2);
+ if (!pArray.array[gid].raw)
+diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/src/Segment.cpp b/gfx/graphite2/src/Segment.cpp
+--- a/gfx/graphite2/src/Segment.cpp
++++ b/gfx/graphite2/src/Segment.cpp
+@@ -31,48 +31,53 @@ of the License or (at your option) any l
+ #include "inc/bits.h"
+ #include "inc/Segment.h"
+ #include "graphite2/Font.h"
+ #include "inc/CharInfo.h"
+ #include "inc/debug.h"
+ #include "inc/Slot.h"
+ #include "inc/Main.h"
+ #include "inc/CmapCache.h"
+-#include "inc/Bidi.h"
++#include "inc/Collider.h"
+ #include "graphite2/Segment.h"
+ using namespace graphite2;
+ Segment::Segment(unsigned int numchars, const Face* face, uint32 script, int textDir)
+ : m_freeSlots(NULL),
+ m_freeJustifies(NULL),
+ m_charinfo(new CharInfo[numchars]),
++ m_collisions(NULL),
+ m_face(face),
+ m_silf(face->chooseSilf(script)),
+ m_first(NULL),
+ m_last(NULL),
+ m_bufSize(numchars + 10),
+ m_numGlyphs(numchars),
+ m_numCharinfo(numchars),
+ m_passBits(m_silf->aPassBits() ? -1 : 0),
+ m_defaultOriginal(0),
+- m_dir(textDir)
++ m_dir(textDir),
++ m_flags(((m_silf->flags() & 0x20) != 0) << 1)
+ {
+ freeSlot(newSlot());
+ m_bufSize = log_binary(numchars)+1;
+ }
+ Segment::~Segment()
+ {
+ for (SlotRope::iterator i = m_slots.begin(); i != m_slots.end(); ++i)
+ free(*i);
+- for (AttributeRope::iterator j = m_userAttrs.begin(); j != m_userAttrs.end(); ++j)
+- free(*j);
++ for (AttributeRope::iterator i = m_userAttrs.begin(); i != m_userAttrs.end(); ++i)
++ free(*i);
++ for (JustifyRope::iterator i = m_justifies.begin(); i != m_justifies.end(); ++i)
++ free(*i);
+ delete[] m_charinfo;
++ free(m_collisions);
+ }
+ SegmentScopeState Segment::setScope(Slot * firstSlot, Slot * lastSlot, size_t subLength)
+ {
+ SegmentScopeState state;
+ state.numGlyphsOutsideScope = m_numGlyphs - subLength;
+ state.realFirstSlot = m_first;
+@@ -159,28 +164,35 @@ void Segment::appendSlot(int id, int cid
+ m_passBits &= theGlyph->attrs()[m_silf->aPassBits()]
+ | (m_silf->numPasses() > 16 ? (theGlyph->attrs()[m_silf->aPassBits() + 1] << 16) : 0);
+ }
+ Slot *Segment::newSlot()
+ {
+ if (!m_freeSlots)
+ {
++ // check that the segment doesn't grow indefinintely
++ if (m_numGlyphs > m_numCharinfo * MAX_SEG_GROWTH_FACTOR)
++ return NULL;
+ int numUser = m_silf->numUser();
+ #if !defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING
+ if (m_face->logger()) ++numUser;
+ #endif
+ Slot *newSlots = grzeroalloc<Slot>(m_bufSize);
+- int16 *newAttrs = grzeroalloc<int16>(numUser * m_bufSize);
+- if (!newSlots || !newAttrs) return NULL;
++ int16 *newAttrs = grzeroalloc<int16>(m_bufSize * numUser);
++ if (!newSlots || !newAttrs)
++ {
++ free(newSlots);
++ free(newAttrs);
++ return NULL;
++ }
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < m_bufSize; i++)
+ {
++ ::new (newSlots + i) Slot(newAttrs + i * numUser);
+ newSlots[i].next(newSlots + i + 1);
+- newSlots[i].userAttrs(newAttrs + i * numUser);
+- newSlots[i].setBidiClass(-1);
+ }
+ newSlots[m_bufSize - 1].next(NULL);
+ newSlots[0].next(NULL);
+ m_slots.push_back(newSlots);
+ m_userAttrs.push_back(newAttrs);
+ m_freeSlots = (m_bufSize > 1)? newSlots + 1 : NULL;
+ return newSlots;
+ }
+@@ -197,17 +209,17 @@ void Segment::freeSlot(Slot *aSlot)
+ if (aSlot->attachedTo())
+ aSlot->attachedTo()->removeChild(aSlot);
+ while (aSlot->firstChild())
+ {
+ aSlot->firstChild()->attachTo(NULL);
+ aSlot->removeChild(aSlot->firstChild());
+ }
+ // reset the slot incase it is reused
+- ::new (aSlot) Slot;
++ ::new (aSlot) Slot(aSlot->userAttrs());
+ memset(aSlot->userAttrs(), 0, m_silf->numUser() * sizeof(int16));
+ // Update generation counter for debug
+ #if !defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING
+ if (m_face->logger())
+ ++aSlot->userAttrs()[m_silf->numUser()];
+ #endif
+ // update next pointer
+ if (!m_freeSlots)
+@@ -301,16 +313,71 @@ void Segment::splice(size_t offset, size
+ slot->set(*srcSlot, offset, m_silf->numUser(), m_silf->numJustLevels(), numChars);
+ if (srcSlot->attachedTo()) slot->attachTo(indexmap[srcSlot->attachedTo()->index()]);
+ if (srcSlot->nextSibling()) slot->m_sibling = indexmap[srcSlot->nextSibling()->index()];
+ if (srcSlot->firstChild()) slot->m_child = indexmap[srcSlot->firstChild()->index()];
+ }
+ }
++// reverse the slots but keep diacritics in their same position after their bases
++void Segment::reverseSlots()
++ m_dir = m_dir ^ 64; // invert the reverse flag
++ if (m_first == m_last) return; // skip 0 or 1 glyph runs
++ Slot *t = 0;
++ Slot *curr = m_first;
++ Slot *tlast;
++ Slot *tfirst;
++ Slot *out = 0;
++ while (curr && getSlotBidiClass(curr) == 16)
++ curr = curr->next();
++ if (!curr) return;
++ tfirst = curr->prev();
++ tlast = curr;
++ while (curr)
++ {
++ if (getSlotBidiClass(curr) == 16)
++ {
++ Slot *d = curr->next();
++ while (d && getSlotBidiClass(d) == 16)
++ d = d->next();
++ d = d ? d->prev() : m_last;
++ Slot *p = out->next(); // one after the diacritics. out can't be null
++ if (p)
++ p->prev(d);
++ else
++ tlast = d;
++ t = d->next();
++ d->next(p);
++ curr->prev(out);
++ out->next(curr);
++ }
++ else // will always fire first time round the loop
++ {
++ if (out)
++ out->prev(curr);
++ t = curr->next();
++ curr->next(out);
++ out = curr;
++ }
++ curr = t;
++ }
++ out->prev(tfirst);
++ if (tfirst)
++ tfirst->next(out);
++ else
++ m_first = out;
++ m_last = tlast;
+ void Segment::linkClusters(Slot *s, Slot * end)
+ {
+ end = end->next();
+ for (; s != end && !s->isBase(); s = s->next());
+ Slot * ls = s;
+ if (m_dir & 1)
+@@ -330,39 +397,47 @@ void Segment::linkClusters(Slot *s, Slot
+ if (!s->isBase()) continue;
+ ls->sibling(s);
+ ls = s;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+-Position Segment::positionSlots(const Font *font, Slot * iStart, Slot * iEnd)
++Position Segment::positionSlots(const Font *font, Slot * iStart, Slot * iEnd, bool isRtl, bool isFinal)
+ {
+ Position currpos(0., 0.);
+ float clusterMin = 0.;
+ Rect bbox;
++ if (currdir() != isRtl)
++ {
++ Slot *temp;
++ reverseSlots();
++ temp = iStart;
++ iStart = iEnd;
++ iEnd = temp;
++ }
+ if (!iStart) iStart = m_first;
+ if (!iEnd) iEnd = m_last;
+- if (m_dir & 1)
++ if (isRtl)
+ {
+ for (Slot * s = iEnd, * const end = iStart->prev(); s && s != end; s = s->prev())
+ {
+ if (s->isBase())
+- currpos = s->finalise(this, font, currpos, bbox, 0, clusterMin = currpos.x);
++ currpos = s->finalise(this, font, currpos, bbox, 0, clusterMin = currpos.x, isRtl, isFinal);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (Slot * s = iStart, * const end = iEnd->next(); s && s != end; s = s->next())
+ {
+ if (s->isBase())
+- currpos = s->finalise(this, font, currpos, bbox, 0, clusterMin = currpos.x);
++ currpos = s->finalise(this, font, currpos, bbox, 0, clusterMin = currpos.x, isRtl, isFinal);
+ }
+ }
+ return currpos;
+ }
+ void Segment::associateChars(int offset, int numChars)
+ {
+@@ -429,66 +504,28 @@ bool Segment::read_text(const Face *face
+ {
+ case gr_utf8: process_utf_data(*this, *face, addFeatures(*pFeats), utf8::const_iterator(pStart), nChars); break;
+ case gr_utf16: process_utf_data(*this, *face, addFeatures(*pFeats), utf16::const_iterator(pStart), nChars); break;
+ case gr_utf32: process_utf_data(*this, *face, addFeatures(*pFeats), utf32::const_iterator(pStart), nChars); break;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+-void Segment::prepare_pos(const Font * /*font*/)
++void Segment::doMirror(uint16 aMirror)
+ {
+- // copy key changeable metrics into slot (if any);
+-Slot *process_bidi(Slot *start, int level, int prelevel, int &nextLevel, int dirover, int isol, int &cisol, int &isolerr, int &embederr, int init, Segment *seg, uint8 aMirror, BracketPairStack &stack);
+-void resolveImplicit(Slot *s, Segment *seg, uint8 aMirror);
+-void resolveWhitespace(int baseLevel, Slot *s);
+-Slot *resolveOrder(Slot * & s, const bool reordered, const int level = 0);
+-void Segment::bidiPass(uint8 aBidi, int paradir, uint8 aMirror)
+- if (slotCount() == 0)
+- return;
+- Slot *s;
+- int baseLevel = paradir ? 1 : 0;
+- unsigned int bmask = 0;
+- unsigned int ssize = 0;
+- for (s = first(); s; s = s->next())
++ Slot * s;
++ for (s = m_first; s; s = s->next())
+ {
+- if (s->getBidiClass() == -1)
+- {
+- unsigned int bAttr = glyphAttr(s->gid(), aBidi);
+- s->setBidiClass((bAttr <= 22) * bAttr);
+- }
+- bmask |= (1 << s->getBidiClass());
+- s->setBidiLevel(baseLevel);
+- if (glyphAttr(s->gid(), aMirror) && s->getBidiClass() == 21)
+- ++ssize;
+- }
+- BracketPairStack bstack(ssize);
+- if (bmask & (paradir ? 0x2E7892 : 0x2E789C))
+- {
+- // O(8N) algorithm, with no working data beyond what is needed for processParens
+- int nextLevel = paradir;
+- int e, i, c;
+- process_bidi(first(), baseLevel, paradir, nextLevel, 0, 0, c = 0, i = 0, e = 0, 1, this, aMirror, bstack);
+- resolveImplicit(first(), this, aMirror);
+- resolveWhitespace(baseLevel, last());
+- s = resolveOrder(s = first(), baseLevel != 0);
+- if (s)
+- {
+- first(s); last(s->prev());
+- s->prev()->next(0); s->prev(0);
+- }
+- }
+- else if (!(dir() & 4) && baseLevel && aMirror)
+- {
+- for (s = first(); s; s = s->next())
+- {
+- unsigned short g = glyphAttr(s->gid(), aMirror);
+- if (g) s->setGlyph(this, g);
+- }
++ unsigned short g = glyphAttr(s->gid(), aMirror);
++ if (g && (!(dir() & 4) || !glyphAttr(s->gid(), aMirror + 1)))
++ s->setGlyph(this, g);
+ }
+ }
++bool Segment::initCollisions()
++ m_collisions = grzeroalloc<SlotCollision>(slotCount());
++ if (!m_collisions) return false;
++ for (Slot *p = m_first; p; p = p->next())
++ ::new (collisionInfo(p)) SlotCollision(this, p);
++ return true;
+diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/src/Silf.cpp b/gfx/graphite2/src/Silf.cpp
+--- a/gfx/graphite2/src/Silf.cpp
++++ b/gfx/graphite2/src/Silf.cpp
+@@ -46,23 +46,25 @@ Silf::Silf() throw()
+ m_justs(0),
+ m_numPasses(0),
+ m_numJusts(0),
+ m_sPass(0),
+ m_pPass(0),
+ m_jPass(0),
+ m_bPass(0),
+ m_flags(0),
++ m_dir(0),
+ m_aPseudo(0),
+ m_aBreak(0),
+ m_aUser(0),
+ m_aBidi(0),
+ m_aMirror(0),
+ m_aPassBits(0),
+ m_iMaxComp(0),
++ m_aCollision(0),
+ m_aLig(0),
+ m_numPseudo(0),
+ m_nClass(0),
+ m_nLinear(0),
+ m_gEndLine(0)
+ {
+ memset(&m_silfinfo, 0, sizeof m_silfinfo);
+ }
+@@ -88,16 +90,20 @@ void Silf::releaseBuffers() throw()
+ bool Silf::readGraphite(const byte * const silf_start, size_t lSilf, Face& face, uint32 version)
+ {
+ const byte * p = silf_start,
+ * const silf_end = p + lSilf;
+ Error e;
++ if (e.test(version >= 0x00060000, E_BADSILFVERSION))
++ {
++ releaseBuffers(); return face.error(e);
++ }
+ if (version >= 0x00030000)
+ {
+ if (e.test(lSilf < 28, E_BADSIZE)) { releaseBuffers(); return face.error(e); }
+ be::skip<int32>(p); // ruleVersion
+ be::skip<uint16>(p,2); // passOffset & pseudosOffset
+ }
+ else if (e.test(lSilf < 20, E_BADSIZE)) { releaseBuffers(); return face.error(e); }
+ const uint16 maxGlyph = be::read<uint16>(p);
+@@ -132,73 +138,88 @@ bool Silf::readGraphite(const byte * con
+ for (uint8 i = 0; i < m_numJusts; i++)
+ {
+ ::new(m_justs + i) Justinfo(p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3]);
+ be::skip<byte>(p,8);
+ }
+ }
+ if (e.test(p + sizeof(uint16) + sizeof(uint8)*8 >= silf_end, E_BADENDJUSTS)) { releaseBuffers(); return face.error(e); }
+- m_aLig = be::read<uint16>(p);
+- m_aUser = be::read<uint8>(p);
+- m_iMaxComp = be::read<uint8>(p);
+- be::skip<byte>(p,5); // direction and 4 reserved bytes
++ m_aLig = be::read<uint16>(p);
++ m_aUser = be::read<uint8>(p);
++ m_iMaxComp = be::read<uint8>(p);
++ m_dir = be::read<uint8>(p) - 1;
++ m_aCollision = be::read<uint8>(p);
++ be::skip<byte>(p,3);
+ be::skip<uint16>(p, be::read<uint8>(p)); // don't need critical features yet
+ be::skip<byte>(p); // reserved
+ if (e.test(p >= silf_end, E_BADCRITFEATURES)) { releaseBuffers(); return face.error(e); }
+ be::skip<uint32>(p, be::read<uint8>(p)); // don't use scriptTag array.
+ if (e.test(p + sizeof(uint16) + sizeof(uint32) >= silf_end, E_BADSCRIPTTAGS)) { releaseBuffers(); return face.error(e); }
+ m_gEndLine = be::read<uint16>(p); // lbGID
+ const byte * o_passes = p,
+ * const passes_start = silf_start + be::read<uint32>(p);
+ const size_t num_attrs = face.glyphs().numAttrs();
+ if (e.test(m_aPseudo >= num_attrs, E_BADAPSEUDO)
+ || e.test(m_aBreak >= num_attrs, E_BADABREAK)
+ || e.test(m_aBidi >= num_attrs, E_BADABIDI)
+ || e.test(m_aMirror>= num_attrs, E_BADAMIRROR)
++ || e.test(m_aCollision && m_aCollision >= num_attrs - 5, E_BADACOLLISION)
+ || e.test(m_numPasses > 128, E_BADNUMPASSES) || e.test(passes_start >= silf_end, E_BADPASSESSTART)
+ || e.test(m_pPass < m_sPass, E_BADPASSBOUND) || e.test(m_pPass > m_numPasses, E_BADPPASS) || e.test(m_sPass > m_numPasses, E_BADSPASS)
+ || e.test(m_jPass < m_pPass, E_BADJPASSBOUND) || e.test(m_jPass > m_numPasses, E_BADJPASS)
+ || e.test((m_bPass != 0xFF && (m_bPass < m_jPass || m_bPass > m_numPasses)), E_BADBPASS)
+ || e.test(m_aLig > 127, E_BADALIG))
+ {
+ releaseBuffers();
+ return face.error(e);
+ }
+ be::skip<uint32>(p, m_numPasses);
+ if (e.test(p + sizeof(uint16) >= passes_start, E_BADPASSESSTART)) { releaseBuffers(); return face.error(e); }
+ m_numPseudo = be::read<uint16>(p);
+ be::skip<uint16>(p, 3); // searchPseudo, pseudoSelector, pseudoShift
+- if (e.test(p + m_numPseudo*(sizeof(uint32) + sizeof(uint16)) >= passes_start, E_BADNUMPSEUDO))
++ m_pseudos = new Pseudo[m_numPseudo];
++ if (e.test(p + m_numPseudo*(sizeof(uint32) + sizeof(uint16)) >= passes_start, E_BADNUMPSEUDO)
++ || e.test(!m_pseudos, E_OUTOFMEM))
+ {
+ releaseBuffers(); return face.error(e);
+ }
+- m_pseudos = new Pseudo[m_numPseudo];
+ for (int i = 0; i < m_numPseudo; i++)
+ {
+ m_pseudos[i].uid = be::read<uint32>(p);
+ m_pseudos[i].gid = be::read<uint16>(p);
+ }
+ const size_t clen = readClassMap(p, passes_start - p, version, e);
+- if (e || e.test(p + clen > passes_start, E_BADPASSESSTART)) { releaseBuffers(); return face.error(e); }
++ m_passes = new Pass[m_numPasses];
++ if (e || e.test(p + clen > passes_start, E_BADPASSESSTART)
++ || e.test(!m_passes, E_OUTOFMEM))
++ { releaseBuffers(); return face.error(e); }
+- m_passes = new Pass[m_numPasses];
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < m_numPasses; ++i)
+ {
+ const byte * const pass_start = silf_start + be::read<uint32>(o_passes),
+ * const pass_end = silf_start + be::peek<uint32>(o_passes);
+ face.error_context((face.error_context() & 0xFF00) + EC_ASILF + (i << 16));
+- if (e.test(pass_start > pass_end, E_BADPASSSTART) || e.test(pass_end > silf_end, E_BADPASSEND)) {
++ if (e.test(pass_start > pass_end, E_BADPASSSTART)
++ || e.test(pass_start < passes_start, E_BADPASSSTART)
++ || e.test(pass_end > silf_end, E_BADPASSEND)) {
+ releaseBuffers(); return face.error(e);
+ }
++ enum passtype pt = PASS_TYPE_UNKNOWN;
++ if (i >= m_jPass) pt = PASS_TYPE_JUSTIFICATION;
++ else if (i >= m_pPass) pt = PASS_TYPE_POSITIONING;
++ else if (i >= m_sPass) pt = PASS_TYPE_SUBSTITUTE;
+ m_passes[i].init(this);
+- if (!m_passes[i].readPass(pass_start, pass_end - pass_start, pass_start - silf_start, face, e))
++ if (!m_passes[i].readPass(pass_start, pass_end - pass_start, pass_start - silf_start, face, pt,
++ version, e))
+ {
+ releaseBuffers();
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // fill in gr_faceinfo
+ m_silfinfo.upem = face.glyphs().unitsPerEm();
+@@ -246,35 +267,38 @@ size_t Silf::readClassMap(const byte *p,
+ uint32 max_off;
+ if (version >= 0x00040000)
+ max_off = readClassOffsets<uint32>(p, data_len, e);
+ else
+ max_off = readClassOffsets<uint16>(p, data_len, e);
+ if (max_off == ERROROFFSET) return ERROROFFSET;
++ if (e.test((int)max_off < m_nLinear + (m_nClass - m_nLinear) * 6, E_CLASSESTOOBIG))
++ return ERROROFFSET;
+ // Check the linear offsets are sane, these must be monotonically increasing.
+ for (const uint32 *o = m_classOffsets, * const o_end = o + m_nLinear; o != o_end; ++o)
+ if (e.test(o[0] > o[1], E_BADCLASSOFFSET))
+ // Fortunately the class data is all uint16s so we can decode these now
+ m_classData = gralloc<uint16>(max_off);
+ if (e.test(!m_classData, E_OUTOFMEM)) return ERROROFFSET;
+ for (uint16 *d = m_classData, * const d_end = d + max_off; d != d_end; ++d)
+ *d = be::read<uint16>(p);
+ // Check the lookup class invariants for each non-linear class
+ for (const uint32 *o = m_classOffsets + m_nLinear, * const o_end = m_classOffsets + m_nClass; o != o_end; ++o)
+ {
+ const uint16 * lookup = m_classData + *o;
+- if (e.test(*o > max_off - 4, E_HIGHCLASSOFFSET) // LookupClass doesn't stretch over max_off
++ if (e.test(*o + 4 > max_off, E_HIGHCLASSOFFSET) // LookupClass doesn't stretch over max_off
+ || e.test(lookup[0] == 0 // A LookupClass with no looks is a suspicious thing ...
+- || lookup[0] > (max_off - *o - 4)/2 // numIDs lookup pairs fits within (start of LookupClass' lookups array, max_off]
+- || lookup[3] != lookup[0] - lookup[1], E_BADCLASSLOOKUPINFO)) // rangeShift: numIDs - searchRange
++ || lookup[0] * 2 + *o + 4 > max_off // numIDs lookup pairs fits within (start of LookupClass' lookups array, max_off]
++ || lookup[3] + lookup[1] != lookup[0], E_BADCLASSLOOKUPINFO)) // rangeShift: numIDs - searchRange
+ }
+ return max_off;
+ }
+ uint16 Silf::findPseudo(uint32 uid) const
+ {
+@@ -285,17 +309,17 @@ uint16 Silf::findPseudo(uint32 uid) cons
+ uint16 Silf::findClassIndex(uint16 cid, uint16 gid) const
+ {
+ if (cid > m_nClass) return -1;
+ const uint16 * cls = m_classData + m_classOffsets[cid];
+ if (cid < m_nLinear) // output class being used for input, shouldn't happen
+ {
+- for (unsigned int i = 0, n = m_classOffsets[cid + 1]; i < n; ++i, ++cls)
++ for (unsigned int i = 0, n = m_classOffsets[cid + 1] - m_classOffsets[cid]; i < n; ++i, ++cls)
+ if (*cls == gid) return i;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const uint16 * min = cls + 4, // lookups array
+ * max = min + cls[0]*2; // lookups aray is numIDs (cls[0]) uint16 pairs long
+ do
+@@ -326,90 +350,82 @@ uint16 Silf::getClassGlyph(uint16 cid, u
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ bool Silf::runGraphite(Segment *seg, uint8 firstPass, uint8 lastPass, int dobidi) const
+ {
+ assert(seg != 0);
+- SlotMap map(*seg);
++ SlotMap map(*seg, m_dir);
+ FiniteStateMachine fsm(map, seg->getFace()->logger());
+ vm::Machine m(map);
+ unsigned int initSize = seg->slotCount();
+ uint8 lbidi = m_bPass;
+ #if !defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING
+ json * const dbgout = seg->getFace()->logger();
+ #endif
+ if (lastPass == 0)
+ {
+ if (firstPass == lastPass && lbidi == 0xFF)
+ return true;
+ lastPass = m_numPasses;
+ }
+- if (firstPass <= lbidi && lastPass >= lbidi && dobidi)
++ if ((firstPass < lbidi || (dobidi && firstPass == lbidi)) && (lastPass >= lbidi || (dobidi && lastPass + 1 == lbidi)))
+ lastPass++;
+ else
+ lbidi = 0xFF;
+ for (size_t i = firstPass; i < lastPass; ++i)
+ {
+ // bidi and mirroring
+ if (i == lbidi)
+ {
+ #if !defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING
+ if (dbgout)
+ {
+ *dbgout << json::item << json::object
+ << "id" << -1
+ << "slots" << json::array;
+- seg->positionSlots(0);
++ seg->positionSlots(0, 0, 0, m_dir);
+ for(Slot * s = seg->first(); s; s = s->next())
+ *dbgout << dslot(seg, s);
+ *dbgout << json::close
+ << "rules" << json::array << json::close
+ << json::close;
+ }
+ #endif
+- if (!(seg->dir() & 2))
+- seg->bidiPass(m_aBidi, seg->dir() & 1, m_aMirror);
+- else if (m_aMirror)
+- {
+- Slot * s;
+- for (s = seg->first(); s; s = s->next())
+- {
+- unsigned short g = seg->glyphAttr(s->gid(), m_aMirror);
+- if (g && (!(seg->dir() & 4) || !seg->glyphAttr(s->gid(), m_aMirror + 1)))
+- s->setGlyph(seg, g);
+- }
+- }
++ if (seg->currdir() != (m_dir & 1))
++ seg->reverseSlots();
++ if (m_aMirror && (seg->dir() & 3) == 3)
++ seg->doMirror(m_aMirror);
+ --i;
++ lbidi = lastPass;
+ --lastPass;
+- lbidi = 0xFF;
+ continue;
+ }
+ #if !defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING
+ if (dbgout)
+ {
+ *dbgout << json::item << json::object
+ << "id" << i+1
+ << "slots" << json::array;
+- seg->positionSlots(0);
++ seg->positionSlots(0, 0, 0, m_dir);
+ for(Slot * s = seg->first(); s; s = s->next())
+ *dbgout << dslot(seg, s);
+ *dbgout << json::close;
+ }
+ #endif
+ // test whether to reorder, prepare for positioning
+- if (i >= 32 || (seg->passBits() & (1 << i)) == 0)
+- m_passes[i].runGraphite(m, fsm);
++ bool reverse = (lbidi == 0xFF) && (seg->currdir() != ((m_dir & 1) ^ m_passes[i].reverseDir()));
++ if ((i >= 32 || (seg->passBits() & (1 << i)) == 0 || m_passes[i].collisionLoops())
++ && !m_passes[i].runGraphite(m, fsm, reverse))
++ return false;
+ // only subsitution passes can change segment length, cached subsegments are short for their text
+ if (m.status() != vm::Machine::finished
+- || (i < m_pPass && (seg->slotCount() > initSize * MAX_SEG_GROWTH_FACTOR
+- || (seg->slotCount() && seg->slotCount() * MAX_SEG_GROWTH_FACTOR < initSize))))
++ || (seg->slotCount() && seg->slotCount() * MAX_SEG_GROWTH_FACTOR < initSize))
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/src/Slot.cpp b/gfx/graphite2/src/Slot.cpp
+--- a/gfx/graphite2/src/Slot.cpp
++++ b/gfx/graphite2/src/Slot.cpp
+@@ -24,34 +24,34 @@ Mozilla Public License (http://mozilla.o
+ License, as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2
+ of the License or (at your option) any later version.
+ */
+ #include "inc/Segment.h"
+ #include "inc/Slot.h"
+ #include "inc/Silf.h"
+ #include "inc/CharInfo.h"
+ #include "inc/Rule.h"
++#include "inc/Collider.h"
+ using namespace graphite2;
+-Slot::Slot() :
++Slot::Slot(int16 *user_attrs) :
+ m_next(NULL), m_prev(NULL),
+ m_glyphid(0), m_realglyphid(0), m_original(0), m_before(0), m_after(0),
+ m_index(0), m_parent(NULL), m_child(NULL), m_sibling(NULL),
+ m_position(0, 0), m_shift(0, 0), m_advance(0, 0),
+ m_attach(0, 0), m_with(0, 0), m_just(0.),
+- m_flags(0), m_attLevel(0), m_bidiCls(-1), m_bidiLevel(0), m_justs(NULL)
+- // Do not set m_userAttr since it is set *before* new is called since this
+- // is used as a positional new to reset the GrSlot
++ m_flags(0), m_attLevel(0), m_bidiCls(-1), m_bidiLevel(0),
++ m_userAttr(user_attrs), m_justs(NULL)
+ {
+ }
+ // take care, this does not copy any of the GrSlot pointer fields
+-void Slot::set(const Slot & orig, int charOffset, size_t numUserAttr, size_t justLevels, size_t numChars)
++void Slot::set(const Slot & orig, int charOffset, size_t sizeAttr, size_t justLevels, size_t numChars)
+ {
+ // leave m_next and m_prev unchanged
+ m_glyphid = orig.m_glyphid;
+ m_realglyphid = orig.m_realglyphid;
+ m_original = orig.m_original + charOffset;
+ if (charOffset + int(orig.m_before) < 0)
+ m_before = 0;
+ else
+@@ -68,95 +68,104 @@ void Slot::set(const Slot & orig, int ch
+ m_advance = orig.m_advance;
+ m_attach = orig.m_attach;
+ m_with = orig.m_with;
+ m_flags = orig.m_flags;
+ m_attLevel = orig.m_attLevel;
+ m_bidiCls = orig.m_bidiCls;
+ m_bidiLevel = orig.m_bidiLevel;
+ if (m_userAttr && orig.m_userAttr)
+- memcpy(m_userAttr, orig.m_userAttr, numUserAttr * sizeof(*m_userAttr));
++ memcpy(m_userAttr, orig.m_userAttr, sizeAttr * sizeof(*m_userAttr));
+ if (m_justs && orig.m_justs)
+ memcpy(m_justs, orig.m_justs, SlotJustify::size_of(justLevels));
+ }
+ void Slot::update(int /*numGrSlots*/, int numCharInfo, Position &relpos)
+ {
+ m_before += numCharInfo;
+ m_after += numCharInfo;
+ m_position = m_position + relpos;
+ }
+-Position Slot::finalise(const Segment *seg, const Font *font, Position & base, Rect & bbox, uint8 attrLevel, float & clusterMin)
++Position Slot::finalise(const Segment *seg, const Font *font, Position & base, Rect & bbox, uint8 attrLevel, float & clusterMin, bool rtl, bool isFinal)
+ {
++ SlotCollision *coll = NULL;
+ if (attrLevel && m_attLevel > attrLevel) return Position(0, 0);
+- float scale = 1.0;
+- Position shift(m_shift.x * ((seg->dir() & 1) * -2 + 1) + m_just, m_shift.y);
++ float scale = font ? font->scale() : 1.0f;
++ Position shift(m_shift.x * (rtl * -2 + 1) + m_just, m_shift.y);
+ float tAdvance = m_advance.x + m_just;
++ if (isFinal && (coll = seg->collisionInfo(this)))
++ {
++ const Position &collshift = coll->offset();
++ if (!(coll->flags() & SlotCollision::COLL_KERN) || rtl)
++ shift = shift + collshift;
++ }
+ const GlyphFace * glyphFace = seg->getFace()->glyphs().glyphSafe(glyph());
+ if (font)
+ {
+ scale = font->scale();
+ shift *= scale;
+ if (font->isHinted() && glyphFace)
+- tAdvance = (m_advance.x - glyphFace->theAdvance().x + m_just) * scale + font->advance(m_glyphid);
++ tAdvance = (m_advance.x - glyphFace->theAdvance().x + m_just) * scale + font->advance(glyph());
+ else
+ tAdvance *= scale;
+ }
+ Position res;
+ m_position = base + shift;
+ if (!m_parent)
+ {
+ res = base + Position(tAdvance, m_advance.y * scale);
+- clusterMin = base.x;
++ clusterMin = m_position.x;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ float tAdv;
+ m_position += (m_attach - m_with) * scale;
+- tAdv = m_advance.x >= 0.5 ? m_position.x + tAdvance - shift.x : 0.f;
++ tAdv = m_advance.x >= 0.5f ? m_position.x + tAdvance - shift.x : 0.f;
+ res = Position(tAdv, 0);
+- if ((m_advance.x >= 0.5 || m_position.x < 0) && m_position.x < clusterMin) clusterMin = m_position.x;
++ if ((m_advance.x >= 0.5f || m_position.x < 0) && m_position.x < clusterMin) clusterMin = m_position.x;
+ }
+ if (glyphFace)
+ {
+ Rect ourBbox = glyphFace->theBBox() * scale + m_position;
+ bbox = bbox.widen(ourBbox);
+ }
+ if (m_child && m_child != this && m_child->attachedTo() == this)
+ {
+- Position tRes = m_child->finalise(seg, font, m_position, bbox, attrLevel, clusterMin);
+- if ((!m_parent || m_advance.x >= 0.5) && tRes.x > res.x) res = tRes;
++ Position tRes = m_child->finalise(seg, font, m_position, bbox, attrLevel, clusterMin, rtl, isFinal);
++ if ((!m_parent || m_advance.x >= 0.5f) && tRes.x > res.x) res = tRes;
+ }
+ if (m_parent && m_sibling && m_sibling != this && m_sibling->attachedTo() == m_parent)
+ {
+- Position tRes = m_sibling->finalise(seg, font, base, bbox, attrLevel, clusterMin);
++ Position tRes = m_sibling->finalise(seg, font, base, bbox, attrLevel, clusterMin, rtl, isFinal);
+ if (tRes.x > res.x) res = tRes;
+ }
+ if (!m_parent && clusterMin < base.x)
+ {
+- Position adj = Position(base.x - clusterMin, 0.);
++ Position adj = Position(m_position.x - clusterMin, 0.);
+ res += adj;
+ m_position += adj;
+ if (m_child) m_child->floodShift(adj);
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+-int32 Slot::clusterMetric(const Segment *seg, uint8 metric, uint8 attrLevel)
++int32 Slot::clusterMetric(const Segment *seg, uint8 metric, uint8 attrLevel, bool rtl)
+ {
+ Position base;
++ if (glyph() >= seg->getFace()->glyphs().numGlyphs())
++ return 0;
+ Rect bbox = seg->theGlyphBBoxTemporary(glyph());
+ float clusterMin = 0.;
+- Position res = finalise(seg, NULL, base, bbox, attrLevel, clusterMin);
++ Position res = finalise(seg, NULL, base, bbox, attrLevel, clusterMin, rtl, false);
+ switch (metrics(metric))
+ {
+ case kgmetLsb :
+ return static_cast<uint32>(;
+ case kgmetRsb :
+ return static_cast<uint32>(res.x -;
+ case kgmetBbTop :
+@@ -175,19 +184,20 @@ int32 Slot::clusterMetric(const Segment
+ return static_cast<uint32>(res.x);
+ case kgmetAdvHeight :
+ return static_cast<uint32>(res.y);
+ default :
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
++#define SLOTGETCOLATTR(x) { SlotCollision *c = seg->collisionInfo(this); return c ? int(c-> x) : 0; }
+ int Slot::getAttr(const Segment *seg, attrCode ind, uint8 subindex) const
+ {
+- if (!this) return 0;
+ if (ind == gr_slatUserDefnV1)
+ {
+ ind = gr_slatUserDefn;
+ subindex = 0;
+ }
+ else if (ind >= gr_slatJStretch && ind < gr_slatJStretch + 20 && ind != gr_slatJWidth)
+ {
+ int indx = ind - gr_slatJStretch;
+@@ -205,37 +215,66 @@ int Slot::getAttr(const Segment *seg, at
+ case gr_slatAttYOff : return 0;
+ case gr_slatAttWithX : return int(m_with.x);
+ case gr_slatAttWithY : return int(m_with.y);
+ case gr_slatAttWithXOff:
+ case gr_slatAttWithYOff:return 0;
+ case gr_slatAttLevel : return m_attLevel;
+ case gr_slatBreak : return seg->charinfo(m_original)->breakWeight();
+ case gr_slatCompRef : return 0;
+- case gr_slatDir : if (m_bidiCls == -1)
+- const_cast<Slot *>(this)->setBidiClass(seg->glyphAttr(gid(), seg->silf()->aBidi()));
+- return m_bidiCls;
++ case gr_slatDir : return seg->dir() & 1;
+ case gr_slatInsert : return isInsertBefore();
+ case gr_slatPosX : return int(m_position.x); // but need to calculate it
+ case gr_slatPosY : return int(m_position.y);
+ case gr_slatShiftX : return int(m_shift.x);
+ case gr_slatShiftY : return int(m_shift.y);
+ case gr_slatMeasureSol: return -1; // err what's this?
+ case gr_slatMeasureEol: return -1;
+ case gr_slatJWidth: return int(m_just);
+ case gr_slatUserDefn : return m_userAttr[subindex];
+ case gr_slatSegSplit : return seg->charinfo(m_original)->flags() & 3;
+ case gr_slatBidiLevel: return m_bidiLevel;
+- default : return 0;
++ case gr_slatColFlags : { SlotCollision *c = seg->collisionInfo(this); return c ? c->flags() : 0; }
++ case gr_slatColLimitblx : SLOTGETCOLATTR(limit().bl.x)
++ case gr_slatColLimitbly : SLOTGETCOLATTR(limit().bl.y)
++ case gr_slatColLimittrx : SLOTGETCOLATTR(limit().tr.x)
++ case gr_slatColLimittry : SLOTGETCOLATTR(limit().tr.y)
++ case gr_slatColShiftx : SLOTGETCOLATTR(offset().x)
++ case gr_slatColShifty : SLOTGETCOLATTR(offset().y)
++ case gr_slatColMargin : SLOTGETCOLATTR(margin())
++ case gr_slatColMarginWt : SLOTGETCOLATTR(marginWt())
++ case gr_slatColExclGlyph : SLOTGETCOLATTR(exclGlyph())
++ case gr_slatColExclOffx : SLOTGETCOLATTR(exclOffset().x)
++ case gr_slatColExclOffy : SLOTGETCOLATTR(exclOffset().y)
++ case gr_slatSeqClass : SLOTGETCOLATTR(seqClass())
++ case gr_slatSeqProxClass : SLOTGETCOLATTR(seqProxClass())
++ case gr_slatSeqOrder : SLOTGETCOLATTR(seqOrder())
++ case gr_slatSeqAboveXoff : SLOTGETCOLATTR(seqAboveXoff())
++ case gr_slatSeqAboveWt : SLOTGETCOLATTR(seqAboveWt())
++ case gr_slatSeqBelowXlim : SLOTGETCOLATTR(seqBelowXlim())
++ case gr_slatSeqBelowWt : SLOTGETCOLATTR(seqBelowWt())
++ case gr_slatSeqValignHt : SLOTGETCOLATTR(seqValignHt())
++ case gr_slatSeqValignWt : SLOTGETCOLATTR(seqValignWt())
++ default : return 0;
+ }
+ }
++#define SLOTCOLSETATTR(x) { \
++ SlotCollision *c = seg->collisionInfo(this); \
++ if (c) { c-> x ; c->setFlags(c->flags() & ~SlotCollision::COLL_KNOWN); } \
++ break; }
++#define SLOTCOLSETCOMPLEXATTR(t, y, x) { \
++ SlotCollision *c = seg->collisionInfo(this); \
++ if (c) { \
++ const t &s = c-> y; \
++ c-> x ; c->setFlags(c->flags() & ~SlotCollision::COLL_KNOWN); } \
++ break; }
+ void Slot::setAttr(Segment *seg, attrCode ind, uint8 subindex, int16 value, const SlotMap & map)
+ {
+- if (!this) return;
+ if (ind == gr_slatUserDefnV1)
+ {
+ ind = gr_slatUserDefn;
+ subindex = 0;
+ }
+ else if (ind >= gr_slatJStretch && ind < gr_slatJStretch + 20 && ind != gr_slatJWidth)
+ {
+ int indx = ind - gr_slatJStretch;
+@@ -247,22 +286,22 @@ void Slot::setAttr(Segment *seg, attrCod
+ case gr_slatAdvX : m_advance.x = value; break;
+ case gr_slatAdvY : m_advance.y = value; break;
+ case gr_slatAttTo :
+ {
+ const uint16 idx = uint16(value);
+ if (idx < map.size() && map[idx])
+ {
+ Slot *other = map[idx];
+- if (other == this) break;
++ if (other == this || other == m_parent) break;
+ if (m_parent) m_parent->removeChild(this);
+- if (other->child(this))
++ if (!other->isChildOf(this) && other->child(this))
+ {
+ attachTo(other);
+- if (((seg->dir() & 1) != 0) ^ (idx > subindex))
++ if ((map.dir() != 0) ^ (idx > subindex))
+ m_with = Position(advance(), 0);
+ else // normal match to previous root
+ m_attach = Position(other->advance(), 0);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case gr_slatAttX : m_attach.x = value; break;
+@@ -275,29 +314,52 @@ void Slot::setAttr(Segment *seg, attrCod
+ case gr_slatAttWithYOff : break;
+ case gr_slatAttLevel :
+ m_attLevel = byte(value);
+ break;
+ case gr_slatBreak :
+ seg->charinfo(m_original)->breakWeight(value);
+ break;
+ case gr_slatCompRef : break; // not sure what to do here
+- case gr_slatDir : m_bidiCls = value; break;
++ case gr_slatDir : break;
+ case gr_slatInsert :
+ markInsertBefore(value? true : false);
+ break;
+ case gr_slatPosX : break; // can't set these here
+ case gr_slatPosY : break;
+ case gr_slatShiftX : m_shift.x = value; break;
+ case gr_slatShiftY : m_shift.y = value; break;
+ case gr_slatMeasureSol : break;
+ case gr_slatMeasureEol : break;
+ case gr_slatJWidth : just(value); break;
+ case gr_slatSegSplit : seg->charinfo(m_original)->addflags(value & 3); break;
+ case gr_slatUserDefn : m_userAttr[subindex] = value; break;
++ case gr_slatColFlags : {
++ SlotCollision *c = seg->collisionInfo(this);
++ if (c)
++ c->setFlags(value);
++ break; }
++ case gr_slatColLimitblx : SLOTCOLSETCOMPLEXATTR(Rect, limit(), setLimit(Rect(Position(value,,
++ case gr_slatColLimitbly : SLOTCOLSETCOMPLEXATTR(Rect, limit(), setLimit(Rect(Position(, value),
++ case gr_slatColLimittrx : SLOTCOLSETCOMPLEXATTR(Rect, limit(), setLimit(Rect(, Position(value,
++ case gr_slatColLimittry : SLOTCOLSETCOMPLEXATTR(Rect, limit(), setLimit(Rect(, Position(, value))))
++ case gr_slatColMargin : SLOTCOLSETATTR(setMargin(value))
++ case gr_slatColMarginWt : SLOTCOLSETATTR(setMarginWt(value))
++ case gr_slatColExclGlyph : SLOTCOLSETATTR(setExclGlyph(value))
++ case gr_slatColExclOffx : SLOTCOLSETCOMPLEXATTR(Position, exclOffset(), setExclOffset(Position(value, s.y)))
++ case gr_slatColExclOffy : SLOTCOLSETCOMPLEXATTR(Position, exclOffset(), setExclOffset(Position(s.x, value)))
++ case gr_slatSeqClass : SLOTCOLSETATTR(setSeqClass(value))
++ case gr_slatSeqProxClass : SLOTCOLSETATTR(setSeqProxClass(value))
++ case gr_slatSeqOrder : SLOTCOLSETATTR(setSeqOrder(value))
++ case gr_slatSeqAboveXoff : SLOTCOLSETATTR(setSeqAboveXoff(value))
++ case gr_slatSeqAboveWt : SLOTCOLSETATTR(setSeqAboveWt(value))
++ case gr_slatSeqBelowXlim : SLOTCOLSETATTR(setSeqBelowXlim(value))
++ case gr_slatSeqBelowWt : SLOTCOLSETATTR(setSeqBelowWt(value))
++ case gr_slatSeqValignHt : SLOTCOLSETATTR(setSeqValignHt(value))
++ case gr_slatSeqValignWt : SLOTCOLSETATTR(setSeqValignWt(value))
+ default :
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ int Slot::getJustify(const Segment *seg, uint8 level, uint8 subindex) const
+ {
+ if (level && level >= seg->silf()->numJustLevels()) return 0;
+@@ -369,46 +431,54 @@ bool Slot::removeChild(Slot *ap)
+ }
+ bool Slot::removeSibling(Slot *ap)
+ {
+ if (this == ap || !m_sibling) return false;
+ else if (ap == m_sibling)
+ {
+ m_sibling = m_sibling->nextSibling();
++ ap->sibling(NULL);
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ return m_sibling->removeSibling(ap);
+ return true;
+ }
+ void Slot::setGlyph(Segment *seg, uint16 glyphid, const GlyphFace * theGlyph)
+ {
+ m_glyphid = glyphid;
++ m_bidiCls = -1;
+ if (!theGlyph)
+ {
+ theGlyph = seg->getFace()->glyphs().glyphSafe(glyphid);
+ if (!theGlyph)
+ {
+ m_realglyphid = 0;
+ m_advance = Position(0.,0.);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ m_realglyphid = theGlyph->attrs()[seg->silf()->aPseudo()];
++ if (m_realglyphid > seg->getFace()->glyphs().numGlyphs())
++ m_realglyphid = 0;
+ const GlyphFace *aGlyph = theGlyph;
+ if (m_realglyphid)
+ {
+ aGlyph = seg->getFace()->glyphs().glyphSafe(m_realglyphid);
+ if (!aGlyph) aGlyph = theGlyph;
+ }
+ m_advance = Position(aGlyph->theAdvance().x, 0.);
+ if (seg->silf()->aPassBits())
++ {
+ seg->mergePassBits(theGlyph->attrs()[seg->silf()->aPassBits()]);
++ if (seg->silf()->numPasses() > 16)
++ seg->mergePassBits(theGlyph->attrs()[seg->silf()->aPassBits()+1] << 16);
++ }
+ }
+ void Slot::floodShift(Position adj)
+ {
+ m_position += adj;
+ if (m_child) m_child->floodShift(adj);
+ if (m_sibling) m_sibling->floodShift(adj);
+ }
+@@ -420,8 +490,35 @@ void SlotJustify::LoadSlot(const Slot *s
+ Justinfo *justs = seg->silf()->justAttrs() + i;
+ int16 *v = values + i * NUMJUSTPARAMS;
+ v[0] = seg->glyphAttr(s->gid(), justs->attrStretch());
+ v[1] = seg->glyphAttr(s->gid(), justs->attrShrink());
+ v[2] = seg->glyphAttr(s->gid(), justs->attrStep());
+ v[3] = seg->glyphAttr(s->gid(), justs->attrWeight());
+ }
+ }
++Slot * Slot::nextInCluster(const Slot *s) const
++ Slot *base;
++ if (s->firstChild())
++ return s->firstChild();
++ else if (s->nextSibling())
++ return s->nextSibling();
++ while ((base = s->attachedTo()))
++ {
++ // if (base->firstChild() == s && base->nextSibling())
++ if (base->nextSibling())
++ return base->nextSibling();
++ s = base;
++ }
++ return NULL;
++bool Slot::isChildOf(const Slot *base) const
++ if (m_parent == base)
++ return true;
++ else if (!m_parent)
++ return false;
++ else
++ return m_parent->isChildOf(base);
+diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/src/Sparse.cpp b/gfx/graphite2/src/Sparse.cpp
+--- a/gfx/graphite2/src/Sparse.cpp
++++ b/gfx/graphite2/src/Sparse.cpp
+@@ -25,17 +25,17 @@ License, as published by the Free Softwa
+ of the License or (at your option) any later version.
+ */
+ #include <cassert>
+ #include "inc/Sparse.h"
+ #include "inc/bits.h"
+ using namespace graphite2;
+-sparse::chunk sparse::empty_chunk = {0,0};
++const sparse::chunk sparse::empty_chunk = {0,0};
+ sparse::~sparse() throw()
+ {
+ if ( == &empty_chunk) return;
+ free(m_array.values);
+ }
+diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/src/TtfUtil.cpp b/gfx/graphite2/src/TtfUtil.cpp
+--- a/gfx/graphite2/src/TtfUtil.cpp
++++ b/gfx/graphite2/src/TtfUtil.cpp
+@@ -57,18 +57,20 @@ Description
+ Forward declarations
+ ***********************************************************************************************/
+ /***********************************************************************************************
+ Local Constants and static variables
+ ***********************************************************************************************/
+ namespace
+ {
+ // max number of components allowed in composite glyphs
+ const int kMaxGlyphComponents = 8;
+ template <int R, typename T>
+ inline float fixed_to_float(const T f) {
+ return float(f)/float(2^R);
+ }
+ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Table of standard Postscript glyph names. From Martin Hosken. Disagress with ttfdump.exe
+@@ -222,69 +224,79 @@ bool GetTableInfo(const Tag TableTag, co
+ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Check the specified table. Tests depend on the table type.
+ Return true if successful, false otherwise.
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ bool CheckTable(const Tag TableId, const void * pTable, size_t lTableSize)
+ {
+ using namespace Sfnt;
+- if (pTable == 0) return false;
++ if (pTable == 0 || lTableSize < 4) return false;
+ switch(TableId)
+ {
+ case Tag::cmap: // cmap
+ {
+ const Sfnt::CharacterCodeMap * const pCmap
+ = reinterpret_cast<const Sfnt::CharacterCodeMap *>(pTable);
++ if (lTableSize < sizeof(Sfnt::CharacterCodeMap))
++ return false;
+ return be::swap(pCmap->version) == 0;
+ }
+ case Tag::head: // head
+ {
+ const Sfnt::FontHeader * const pHead
+ = reinterpret_cast<const Sfnt::FontHeader *>(pTable);
++ if (lTableSize < sizeof(Sfnt::FontHeader))
++ return false;
+ bool r = be::swap(pHead->version) == OneFix
+ && be::swap(pHead->magic_number) == FontHeader::MagicNumber
+ && be::swap(pHead->glyph_data_format)
+ == FontHeader::GlypDataFormat
+ && (be::swap(pHead->index_to_loc_format)
+ == FontHeader::ShortIndexLocFormat
+ || be::swap(pHead->index_to_loc_format)
+ == FontHeader::LongIndexLocFormat)
+ && sizeof(FontHeader) <= lTableSize;
+ return r;
+ }
+ case Tag::post: // post
+ {
+ const Sfnt::PostScriptGlyphName * const pPost
+ = reinterpret_cast<const Sfnt::PostScriptGlyphName *>(pTable);
++ if (lTableSize < sizeof(Sfnt::PostScriptGlyphName))
++ return false;
+ const fixed format = be::swap(pPost->format);
+ bool r = format == PostScriptGlyphName::Format1
+ || format == PostScriptGlyphName::Format2
+ || format == PostScriptGlyphName::Format3
+ || format == PostScriptGlyphName::Format25;
+ return r;
+ }
+ case Tag::hhea: // hhea
+ {
+ const Sfnt::HorizontalHeader * pHhea =
+ reinterpret_cast<const Sfnt::HorizontalHeader *>(pTable);
++ if (lTableSize < sizeof(Sfnt::HorizontalHeader))
++ return false;
+ bool r = be::swap(pHhea->version) == OneFix
+ && be::swap(pHhea->metric_data_format) == 0
+ && sizeof (Sfnt::HorizontalHeader) <= lTableSize;
+ return r;
+ }
+ case Tag::maxp: // maxp
+ {
+ const Sfnt::MaximumProfile * pMaxp =
+ reinterpret_cast<const Sfnt::MaximumProfile *>(pTable);
++ if (lTableSize < sizeof(Sfnt::MaximumProfile))
++ return false;
+ bool r = be::swap(pMaxp->version) == OneFix
+ && sizeof(Sfnt::MaximumProfile) <= lTableSize;
+ return r;
+ }
+ case Tag::OS_2: // OS/2
+ {
+ const Sfnt::Compatibility * pOs2
+@@ -319,16 +331,18 @@ bool CheckTable(const Tag TableId, const
+ return false;
+ break;
+ }
+ case Tag::name:
+ {
+ const Sfnt::FontNames * pName
+ = reinterpret_cast<const Sfnt::FontNames *>(pTable);
++ if (lTableSize < sizeof(Sfnt::FontNames))
++ return false;
+ return be::swap(pName->format) == 0;
+ }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return true;
+@@ -791,27 +805,27 @@ bool HorMetrics(gid16 nGlyphId, const vo
+ reinterpret_cast<const Sfnt::HorizontalMetric *>(pHmtx);
+ const Sfnt::HorizontalHeader * phhea =
+ reinterpret_cast<const Sfnt::HorizontalHeader *>(pHhea);
+ size_t cLongHorMetrics = be::swap(phhea->num_long_hor_metrics);
+ if (nGlyphId < cLongHorMetrics)
+ { // glyph id is acceptable
+- if (nGlyphId * sizeof(Sfnt::HorizontalMetric) >= lHmtxSize) return false;
++ if ((nGlyphId + 1) * sizeof(Sfnt::HorizontalMetric) > lHmtxSize) return false;
+ nAdvWid = be::swap(phmtx[nGlyphId].advance_width);
+ nLsb = be::swap(phmtx[nGlyphId].left_side_bearing);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // guard against bad glyph id
+ size_t lLsbOffset = sizeof(Sfnt::HorizontalMetric) * cLongHorMetrics +
+ sizeof(int16) * (nGlyphId - cLongHorMetrics); // offset in bytes
+ // We test like this as LsbOffset is an offset not a length.
+- if (lLsbOffset > lHmtxSize - sizeof(int16))
++ if (lLsbOffset >= lHmtxSize - sizeof(int16) || cLongHorMetrics == 0)
+ {
+ nLsb = 0;
+ return false;
+ }
+ nAdvWid = be::swap(phmtx[cLongHorMetrics - 1].advance_width);
+ nLsb = be::peek<int16>(reinterpret_cast<const byte *>(phmtx) + lLsbOffset);
+ }
+@@ -833,31 +847,33 @@ const void * FindCmapSubtable(const void
+ {
+ if (be::swap(pTable->encoding[i].platform_id) == nPlatformId &&
+ (nEncodingId == -1 || be::swap(pTable->encoding[i].platform_specific_id) == nEncodingId))
+ {
+ uint32 offset = be::swap(pTable->encoding[i].offset);
+ const uint8 * pRtn = reinterpret_cast<const uint8 *>(pCmap) + offset;
+ if (length)
+ {
+- if (offset > length) return NULL;
++ if (offset > length - 2) return NULL;
+ uint16 format = be::read<uint16>(pRtn);
+ if (format == 4)
+ {
++ if (offset > length - 4) return NULL;
+ uint16 subTableLength = be::peek<uint16>(pRtn);
+ if (i + 1 == csuPlatforms)
+ {
+ if (subTableLength > length - offset)
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ else if (subTableLength > be::swap(pTable->encoding[i+1].offset))
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (format == 12)
+ {
++ if (offset > length - 6) return NULL;
+ uint32 subTableLength = be::peek<uint32>(pRtn);
+ if (i + 1 == csuPlatforms)
+ {
+ if (subTableLength > length - offset)
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ else if (subTableLength > be::swap(pTable->encoding[i+1].offset))
+ return NULL;
+@@ -868,48 +884,80 @@ const void * FindCmapSubtable(const void
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Check the Microsoft Unicode subtable for expected values
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+-bool CheckCmapSubtable4(const void * pCmapSubtable4)
++bool CheckCmapSubtable4(const void * pCmapSubtable4, size_t table_len /*, unsigned int maxgid*/)
+ {
+ if (!pCmapSubtable4) return false;
+ const Sfnt::CmapSubTable * pTable = reinterpret_cast<const Sfnt::CmapSubTable *>(pCmapSubtable4);
+- // Bob H says ome freeware TT fonts have version 1 (eg, CALIGULA.TTF)
++ // Bob H say some freeware TT fonts have version 1 (eg, CALIGULA.TTF)
+ // so don't check subtable version. 21 Mar 2002 spec changes version to language.
+ if (be::swap(pTable->format) != 4) return false;
+ const Sfnt::CmapSubTableFormat4 * pTable4 = reinterpret_cast<const Sfnt::CmapSubTableFormat4 *>(pCmapSubtable4);
+ uint16 length = be::swap(pTable4->length);
++ if (length > table_len)
++ return false;
+ if (length < sizeof(Sfnt::CmapSubTableFormat4))
+ return false;
+ uint16 nRanges = be::swap(pTable4->seg_count_x2) >> 1;
+ if (length < sizeof(Sfnt::CmapSubTableFormat4) + 4 * nRanges * sizeof(uint16))
+ return false;
+ // check last range is properly terminated
+ uint16 chEnd = be::peek<uint16>(pTable4->end_code + nRanges - 1);
+- return (chEnd == 0xFFFF);
++ if (chEnd != 0xFFFF)
++ return false;
++#if 0
++ int lastend = -1;
++ for (int i = 0; i < nRanges; ++i)
++ {
++ uint16 end = be::peek<uint16>(pTable4->end_code + i);
++ uint16 start = be::peek<uint16>(pTable4->end_code + nRanges + 1 + i);
++ int16 delta = be::peek<int16>(pTable4->end_code + 2*nRanges + 1 + i);
++ uint16 offset = be::peek<uint16>(pTable4->end_code + 3*nRanges + 1 + i);
++ if (lastend >= end || lastend >= start)
++ return false;
++ if (offset)
++ {
++ const uint16 *gstart = pTable4->end_code + 3*nRanges + 1 + i + (offset >> 1);
++ const uint16 *gend = gstart + end - start;
++ if ((char *)gend >= (char *)pCmapSubtable4 + length)
++ return false;
++ while (gstart <= gend)
++ {
++ uint16 g = be::peek<uint16>(gstart++);
++ if (g && ((g + delta) & 0xFFFF) > maxgid)
++ return false;
++ }
++ }
++ else if (((delta + end) & 0xFFFF) > maxgid)
++ return false;
++ lastend = end;
++ }
++ return true;
+ }
+ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Return the Glyph ID for the given Unicode ID in the Microsoft Unicode subtable.
+ (Actually this code only depends on subtable being format 4.)
+ Return 0 if the Unicode ID is not in the subtable.
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ gid16 CmapSubtable4Lookup(const void * pCmapSubtabel4, unsigned int nUnicodeId, int rangeKey)
+ {
+ const Sfnt::CmapSubTableFormat4 * pTable = reinterpret_cast<const Sfnt::CmapSubTableFormat4 *>(pCmapSubtabel4);
+ uint16 nSeg = be::swap(pTable->seg_count_x2) >> 1;
+ uint16 n;
+- const uint16 * pLeft, * pMid;
++ const uint16 * pLeft, * pMid;
+ uint16 cMid, chStart, chEnd;
+ if (rangeKey)
+ {
+ pMid = &(pTable->end_code[rangeKey]);
+ chEnd = be::peek<uint16>(pMid);
+ }
+ else
+@@ -1027,29 +1075,41 @@ unsigned int CmapSubtable4NextCodepoint(
+ if (pRangeKey)
+ *pRangeKey = iRange + 1;
+ return be::peek<uint16>(pStartCode + iRange + 1);
+ }
+ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Check the Microsoft UCS-4 subtable for expected values.
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+-bool CheckCmapSubtable12(const void *pCmapSubtable12)
++bool CheckCmapSubtable12(const void *pCmapSubtable12, size_t table_len /*, unsigned int maxgid*/)
+ {
+ if (!pCmapSubtable12) return false;
+ const Sfnt::CmapSubTable * pTable = reinterpret_cast<const Sfnt::CmapSubTable *>(pCmapSubtable12);
+ if (be::swap(pTable->format) != 12)
+ return false;
+ const Sfnt::CmapSubTableFormat12 * pTable12 = reinterpret_cast<const Sfnt::CmapSubTableFormat12 *>(pCmapSubtable12);
+ uint32 length = be::swap(pTable12->length);
++ if (length > table_len)
++ return false;
+ if (length < sizeof(Sfnt::CmapSubTableFormat12))
+ return false;
+- return (length == (sizeof(Sfnt::CmapSubTableFormat12) + (be::swap(pTable12->num_groups) - 1)
+- * sizeof(uint32) * 3));
++ uint32 num_groups = be::swap(pTable12->num_groups);
++ if (length != (sizeof(Sfnt::CmapSubTableFormat12) + (num_groups - 1) * sizeof(uint32) * 3))
++ return false;
++#if 0
++ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_groups; ++i)
++ {
++ if (be::swap(pTable12->group[i].end_char_code) - be::swap(pTable12->group[i].start_char_code) + be::swap(pTable12->group[i].start_glyph_id) > maxgid)
++ return false;
++ if (i > 0 && be::swap(pTable12->group[i].start_char_code) <= be::swap(pTable12->group[i-1].end_char_code))
++ return false;
++ }
++ return true;
+ }
+ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Return the Glyph ID for the given Unicode ID in the Microsoft UCS-4 subtable.
+ (Actually this code only depends on subtable being format 12.)
+ Return 0 if the Unicode ID is not in the subtable.
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ gid16 CmapSubtable12Lookup(const void * pCmap310, unsigned int uUnicodeId, int rangeKey)
+@@ -1140,49 +1200,53 @@ unsigned int CmapSubtable12NextCodepoint
+ Technically this method should return an unsigned long but it is unlikely the offset will
+ exceed 2^31.
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ size_t LocaLookup(gid16 nGlyphId,
+ const void * pLoca, size_t lLocaSize,
+ const void * pHead) // throw (std::out_of_range)
+ {
+ const Sfnt::FontHeader * pTable = reinterpret_cast<const Sfnt::FontHeader *>(pHead);
++ size_t res = -2;
+ // CheckTable verifies the index_to_loc_format is valid
+ if (be::swap(pTable->index_to_loc_format) == Sfnt::FontHeader::ShortIndexLocFormat)
+ { // loca entries are two bytes and have been divided by two
+- if (nGlyphId < (lLocaSize >> 1) - 1) // allow sentinel value to be accessed
++ if (lLocaSize > 1 && nGlyphId + 1u < lLocaSize >> 1) // allow sentinel value to be accessed
+ {
+ const uint16 * pShortTable = reinterpret_cast<const uint16 *>(pLoca);
+- return (be::peek<uint16>(pShortTable + nGlyphId) << 1);
++ res = be::peek<uint16>(pShortTable + nGlyphId) << 1;
++ if (res == static_cast<size_t>(be::peek<uint16>(pShortTable + nGlyphId + 1) << 1))
++ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+- if (be::swap(pTable->index_to_loc_format) == Sfnt::FontHeader::LongIndexLocFormat)
++ else if (be::swap(pTable->index_to_loc_format) == Sfnt::FontHeader::LongIndexLocFormat)
+ { // loca entries are four bytes
+- if (nGlyphId < (lLocaSize >> 2) - 1)
++ if (lLocaSize > 3 && nGlyphId + 1u < lLocaSize >> 2)
+ {
+ const uint32 * pLongTable = reinterpret_cast<const uint32 *>(pLoca);
+- return be::peek<uint32>(pLongTable + nGlyphId);
++ res = be::peek<uint32>(pLongTable + nGlyphId);
++ if (res == static_cast<size_t>(be::peek<uint32>(pLongTable + nGlyphId + 1)))
++ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ // only get here if glyph id was bad
+- return -1;
++ return res;
+ //throw std::out_of_range("glyph id out of range for font");
+ }
+ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Return a pointer into the glyf table based on the given offset (from LocaLookup).
+ Return NULL on error.
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ void * GlyfLookup(const void * pGlyf, size_t nGlyfOffset, size_t nTableLen)
+ {
+ const uint8 * pByte = reinterpret_cast<const uint8 *>(pGlyf);
+- if (nGlyfOffset == size_t(-1) || nGlyfOffset >= nTableLen)
++ if (nGlyfOffset + pByte < pByte || nGlyfOffset + sizeof(Sfnt::Glyph) >= nTableLen)
+ return NULL;
+ return const_cast<uint8 *>(pByte + nGlyfOffset);
+ }
+ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Get the bounding box coordinates for a simple glyf entry (non-composite).
+ Return true if successful, false otherwise.
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+@@ -1784,17 +1848,16 @@ bool GlyfContourEndPoints(gid16 nGlyphId
+ cnPoints - count of points from largest end point obtained from GlyfContourEndPoints
+ prgnX & prgnY - should point to buffers large enough to hold cnPoints integers
+ The ranges are parallel so that coordinates for point(n) are found at offset n in
+ both ranges. These points are in absolute coordinates.
+ prgfOnCurve - should point to a buffer a large enough to hold cnPoints bytes (bool)
+ This range is parallel to the prgnX & prgnY
+ Return true if successful, false otherwise. On false, all points may be INT_MIN
+ False may indicate a white space glyph, a multi-level composite, or a corrupt font
+- // TODO: doesn't support composite glyphs whose components are themselves components
+ It's not clear from the TTF spec when the transforms should be applied. Should the
+ transform be done before or after attachment point calcs? (current code - before)
+ Should the transform be applied to other offsets? (currently - no; however commented
+ out code is in place so that if CompoundGlyph::UnscaledOffset on the MS rasterizer is
+ clear (typical) then yes, and if CompoundGlyph::ScaledOffset on the Apple rasterizer is
+ clear (typical?) then no). See GetComponentTransform.
+ It's also unclear where point numbering with attachment poinst starts
+ (currently - first point number is relative to whole glyph, second point number is
+diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/src/call_machine.cpp b/gfx/graphite2/src/call_machine.cpp
+--- a/gfx/graphite2/src/call_machine.cpp
++++ b/gfx/graphite2/src/call_machine.cpp
+@@ -65,57 +65,60 @@ using namespace graphite2;
+ using namespace vm;
+ struct regbank {
+ slotref is;
+ slotref * map;
+ SlotMap & smap;
+ slotref * const map_base;
+ const instr * & ip;
++ uint8 direction;
+ int8 flags;
+ };
+ typedef bool (* ip_t)(registers);
+ // Pull in the opcode definitions
+ // We pull these into a private namespace so these otherwise common names dont
+ // pollute the toplevel namespace.
+ namespace {
+ #define smap reg.smap
+ #define seg smap.segment
+ #define is
+ #define ip reg.ip
+ #define map
+ #define mapb reg.map_base
+ #define flags reg.flags
++#define dir reg.direction
+ #include "inc/opcodes.h"
+ #undef smap
+ #undef seg
+ #undef is
+ #undef ip
+ #undef map
+ #undef mapb
+ #undef flags
++#undef dir
+ }
+ Machine::stack_t Machine::run(const instr * program,
+ const byte * data,
+ slotref * & map)
+ {
+ assert(program != 0);
+ // Declare virtual machine registers
+ const instr * ip = program-1;
+ const byte * dp = data;
+ stack_t * sp = _stack + Machine::STACK_GUARD,
+ * const sb = sp;
+- regbank reg = {*map, map, _map, _map.begin()+_map.context(), ip, 0};
++ regbank reg = {*map, map, _map, _map.begin()+_map.context(), ip, _map.dir(), 0};
+ // Run the program
+ while ((reinterpret_cast<ip_t>(*++ip))(dp, sp, sb, reg)) {}
+ const stack_t ret = sp == _stack+STACK_GUARD+1 ? *sp-- : 0;
+ check_final_stack(sp);
+ map =;
+ *map =;
+diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/src/direct_machine.cpp b/gfx/graphite2/src/direct_machine.cpp
+--- a/gfx/graphite2/src/direct_machine.cpp
++++ b/gfx/graphite2/src/direct_machine.cpp
+@@ -56,16 +56,17 @@ using namespace vm;
+ namespace {
+ const void * direct_run(const bool get_table_mode,
+ const instr * program,
+ const byte * data,
+ Machine::stack_t * stack,
+ slotref * & __map,
++ uint8 _dir,
+ SlotMap * __smap=0)
+ {
+ // We need to define and return to opcode table from within this function
+ // other inorder to take the addresses of the instruction bodies.
+ #include "inc/opcode_table.h"
+ if (get_table_mode)
+ return opcode_table;
+@@ -74,16 +75,17 @@ const void * direct_run(const bool
+ const byte * dp = data;
+ Machine::stack_t * sp = stack + Machine::STACK_GUARD,
+ * const sb = sp;
+ SlotMap & smap = *__smap;
+ Segment & seg = smap.segment;
+ slotref is = *__map,
+ * map = __map,
+ * const mapb = smap.begin()+smap.context();
++ uint8 dir = _dir;
+ int8 flags = 0;
+ // start the program
+ goto **ip;
+ // Pull in the opcode definitions
+ #include "inc/opcodes.h"
+@@ -104,14 +106,14 @@ const opcode_t * Machine::getOpcodeTable
+ Machine::stack_t Machine::run(const instr * program,
+ const byte * data,
+ slotref * & is)
+ {
+ assert(program != 0);
+ const stack_t *sp = static_cast<const stack_t *>(
+- direct_run(false, program, data, _stack, is, &_map));
++ direct_run(false, program, data, _stack, is, _map.dir(), &_map));
+ const stack_t ret = sp == _stack+STACK_GUARD+1 ? *sp-- : 0;
+ check_final_stack(sp);
+ return ret;
+ }
+diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/src/ b/gfx/graphite2/src/
+--- a/gfx/graphite2/src/
++++ b/gfx/graphite2/src/
+@@ -42,29 +42,32 @@
+ $($(_NS)_BASE)/src/gr_char_info.cpp \
+ $($(_NS)_BASE)/src/gr_face.cpp \
+ $($(_NS)_BASE)/src/gr_features.cpp \
+ $($(_NS)_BASE)/src/gr_font.cpp \
+ $($(_NS)_BASE)/src/gr_logging.cpp \
+ $($(_NS)_BASE)/src/gr_segment.cpp \
+ $($(_NS)_BASE)/src/gr_slot.cpp \
+ $($(_NS)_BASE)/src/json.cpp \
+- $($(_NS)_BASE)/src/Bidi.cpp \
+ $($(_NS)_BASE)/src/CachedFace.cpp \
+ $($(_NS)_BASE)/src/CmapCache.cpp \
+ $($(_NS)_BASE)/src/Code.cpp \
++ $($(_NS)_BASE)/src/Collider.cpp \
++ $($(_NS)_BASE)/src/Decompressor.cpp \
+ $($(_NS)_BASE)/src/Face.cpp \
+ $($(_NS)_BASE)/src/FeatureMap.cpp \
+ $($(_NS)_BASE)/src/FileFace.cpp \
+ $($(_NS)_BASE)/src/Font.cpp \
+ $($(_NS)_BASE)/src/GlyphCache.cpp \
+ $($(_NS)_BASE)/src/GlyphFace.cpp \
++ $($(_NS)_BASE)/src/Intervals.cpp \
+ $($(_NS)_BASE)/src/Justifier.cpp \
+ $($(_NS)_BASE)/src/NameTable.cpp \
+ $($(_NS)_BASE)/src/Pass.cpp \
++ $($(_NS)_BASE)/src/Position.cpp \
+ $($(_NS)_BASE)/src/SegCache.cpp \
+ $($(_NS)_BASE)/src/SegCacheEntry.cpp \
+ $($(_NS)_BASE)/src/SegCacheStore.cpp \
+ $($(_NS)_BASE)/src/Segment.cpp \
+ $($(_NS)_BASE)/src/Silf.cpp \
+ $($(_NS)_BASE)/src/Slot.cpp \
+ $($(_NS)_BASE)/src/Sparse.cpp \
+ $($(_NS)_BASE)/src/TtfUtil.cpp \
+@@ -73,25 +76,29 @@
+ $($(_NS)_BASE)/src/inc/bits.h \
+ $($(_NS)_BASE)/src/inc/debug.h \
+ $($(_NS)_BASE)/src/inc/json.h \
+ $($(_NS)_BASE)/src/inc/CachedFace.h \
+ $($(_NS)_BASE)/src/inc/CharInfo.h \
+ $($(_NS)_BASE)/src/inc/CmapCache.h \
+ $($(_NS)_BASE)/src/inc/Code.h \
++ $($(_NS)_BASE)/src/inc/Collider.h \
++ $($(_NS)_BASE)/src/inc/Compression.h \
++ $($(_NS)_BASE)/src/inc/Decompressor.h \
+ $($(_NS)_BASE)/src/inc/Endian.h \
+ $($(_NS)_BASE)/src/inc/Error.h \
+ $($(_NS)_BASE)/src/inc/Face.h \
+ $($(_NS)_BASE)/src/inc/FeatureMap.h \
+ $($(_NS)_BASE)/src/inc/FeatureVal.h \
+ $($(_NS)_BASE)/src/inc/FileFace.h \
+ $($(_NS)_BASE)/src/inc/Font.h \
+ $($(_NS)_BASE)/src/inc/GlyphCache.h \
+ $($(_NS)_BASE)/src/inc/GlyphFace.h \
++ $($(_NS)_BASE)/src/inc/Intervals.h \
+ $($(_NS)_BASE)/src/inc/List.h \
+ $($(_NS)_BASE)/src/inc/locale2lcid.h \
+ $($(_NS)_BASE)/src/inc/Machine.h \
+ $($(_NS)_BASE)/src/inc/Main.h \
+ $($(_NS)_BASE)/src/inc/NameTable.h \
+ $($(_NS)_BASE)/src/inc/opcode_table.h \
+ $($(_NS)_BASE)/src/inc/opcodes.h \
+ $($(_NS)_BASE)/src/inc/Pass.h \
+diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/src/gr_face.cpp b/gfx/graphite2/src/gr_face.cpp
+--- a/gfx/graphite2/src/gr_face.cpp
++++ b/gfx/graphite2/src/gr_face.cpp
+@@ -41,17 +41,17 @@ extern json *global_log;
+ namespace
+ {
+ bool load_face(Face & face, unsigned int options)
+ {
+ telemetry::category _misc_cat(face.tele.misc);
+ #endif
+- Face::Table silf(face, Tag::Silf);
++ Face::Table silf(face, Tag::Silf, 0x00050000);
+ if (silf) options &= ~gr_face_dumbRendering;
+ else if (!(options & gr_face_dumbRendering))
+ return false;
+ if (!face.readGlyphs(options))
+ return false;
+ if (silf)
+diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/src/gr_logging.cpp b/gfx/graphite2/src/gr_logging.cpp
+--- a/gfx/graphite2/src/gr_logging.cpp
++++ b/gfx/graphite2/src/gr_logging.cpp
+@@ -19,24 +19,25 @@
+ Suite 500, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA or visit their web page on the
+ internet at
+ Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the
+ Mozilla Public License ( or the GNU General Public
+ License, as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2
+ of the License or (at your option) any later version.
+ */
+-#include <stdio.h>
++#include <cstdio>
+ #include "graphite2/Log.h"
+ #include "inc/debug.h"
+ #include "inc/CharInfo.h"
+ #include "inc/Slot.h"
+ #include "inc/Segment.h"
+ #include "inc/json.h"
++#include "inc/Collider.h"
+ #if defined _WIN32
+ #include "windows.h"
+ #endif
+ using namespace graphite2;
+ #if !defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING
+@@ -179,16 +180,17 @@ json & graphite2::operator << (json & j,
+ json & graphite2::operator << (json & j, const dslot & ds) throw()
+ {
+ assert(ds.first);
+ assert(ds.second);
+ const Segment & seg = *ds.first;
+ const Slot & s = *ds.second;
++ const SlotCollision *cslot = seg.collisionInfo(ds.second);
+ j << json::object
+ << "id" << objectid(ds)
+ << "gid" << s.gid()
+ << "charinfo" << json::flat << json::object
+ << "original" << s.original()
+ << "before" << s.before()
+ << "after" << s.after()
+@@ -215,16 +217,38 @@ json & graphite2::operator << (json & j,
+ j << json::close;
+ if (s.firstChild())
+ {
+ j << "children" << json::flat << json::array;
+ for (const Slot *c = s.firstChild(); c; c = c->nextSibling())
+ j << objectid(dslot(&seg, c));
+ j << json::close;
+ }
++ if (cslot)
++ {
++ // Note: the reason for using Positions to lump together related attributes is to make the
++ // JSON output slightly more compact.
++ j << "collision" << json::flat << json::object
++// << "shift" << cslot->shift() -- not used pass level, only within the collision routine itself
++ << "offset" << cslot->offset()
++ << "limit" << cslot->limit()
++ << "flags" << cslot->flags()
++ << "margin" << Position(cslot->margin(), cslot->marginWt())
++ << "exclude" << cslot->exclGlyph()
++ << "excludeoffset" << cslot->exclOffset();
++ if (cslot->seqOrder() != 0)
++ {
++ j << "seqclass" << Position(cslot->seqClass(), cslot->seqProxClass())
++ << "seqorder" << cslot->seqOrder()
++ << "seqabove" << Position(cslot->seqAboveXoff(), cslot->seqAboveWt())
++ << "seqbelow" << Position(cslot->seqBelowXlim(), cslot->seqBelowWt())
++ << "seqvalign" << Position(cslot->seqValignHt(), cslot->seqValignWt());
++ }
++ j << json::close;
++ }
+ return j << json::close;
+ }
+ graphite2::objectid::objectid(const dslot & ds) throw()
+ {
+ const Slot * const p = ds.second;
+ uint32 s = reinterpret_cast<size_t>(p);
+diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/src/gr_segment.cpp b/gfx/graphite2/src/gr_segment.cpp
+--- a/gfx/graphite2/src/gr_segment.cpp
++++ b/gfx/graphite2/src/gr_segment.cpp
+@@ -43,21 +43,17 @@ namespace
+ Segment* pRes=new Segment(nChars, face, script, dir);
+ if (!pRes->read_text(face, pFeats, enc, pStart, nChars) || !pRes->runGraphite())
+ {
+ delete pRes;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+- // run the line break passes
+- // run the substitution passes
+- pRes->prepare_pos(font);
+- // run the positioning passes
+- pRes->finalise(font);
++ pRes->finalise(font, true);
+ return static_cast<gr_segment*>(pRes);
+ }
+ }
+diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/src/gr_slot.cpp b/gfx/graphite2/src/gr_slot.cpp
+--- a/gfx/graphite2/src/gr_slot.cpp
++++ b/gfx/graphite2/src/gr_slot.cpp
+@@ -98,21 +98,21 @@ float gr_slot_advance_X(const gr_slot* p
+ if (face && font->isHinted())
+ res = (res - face->glyphs().glyph(p->gid())->theAdvance().x) * scale + font->advance(p->gid());
+ else
+ res = res * scale;
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+-float gr_slot_advance_Y(const gr_slot *p/*not NULL*/, const gr_face *face, const gr_font *font)
++float gr_slot_advance_Y(const gr_slot *p/*not NULL*/, GR_MAYBE_UNUSED const gr_face *face, const gr_font *font)
+ {
+ assert(p);
+ float res = p->advancePos().y;
+- if (font && (face || !face))
++ if (font)
+ return res * font->scale();
+ else
+ return res;
+ }
+ int gr_slot_before(const gr_slot* p/*not NULL*/)
+ {
+ assert(p);
+diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/Code.h b/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/Code.h
+--- a/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/Code.h
++++ b/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/Code.h
+@@ -36,32 +36,41 @@ of the License or (at your option) any l
+ #include "inc/Main.h"
+ #include "inc/Machine.h"
+ namespace graphite2 {
+ class Silf;
+ class Face;
++enum passtype {
+ namespace vm {
+ class Machine::Code
+ {
+ public:
+ enum status_t
+ {
+ loaded,
+ alloc_failed,
+ invalid_opcode,
+ unimplemented_opcode_used,
+ out_of_range_data,
+ jump_past_end,
+ arguments_exhausted,
+ missing_return,
+- nested_context_item
++ nested_context_item,
++ underfull_stack
+ };
+ private:
+ class decoder;
+ instr * _code;
+ byte * _data;
+ size_t _data_size,
+@@ -72,40 +81,51 @@ private:
+ _modify,
+ _delete;
+ mutable bool _own;
+ void release_buffers() throw ();
+ void failure(const status_t) throw();
+ public:
++ static size_t estimateCodeDataOut(size_t num_bytecodes);
+ Code() throw();
+ Code(bool is_constraint, const byte * bytecode_begin, const byte * const bytecode_end,
+- uint8 pre_context, uint16 rule_length, const Silf &, const Face &);
++ uint8 pre_context, uint16 rule_length, const Silf &, const Face &,
++ enum passtype pt, byte * * const _out = 0);
+ Code(const Machine::Code &) throw();
+ ~Code() throw();
+ Code & operator=(const Code &rhs) throw();
+- operator bool () const throw();
+- status_t status() const throw();
+- bool constraint() const throw();
+- size_t dataSize() const throw();
+- size_t instructionCount() const throw();
+- bool immutable() const throw();
+- bool deletes() const throw();
+- size_t maxRef() const throw();
++ operator bool () const throw() { return _code && status() == loaded; }
++ status_t status() const throw() { return _status; }
++ bool constraint() const throw() { return _constraint; }
++ size_t dataSize() const throw() { return _data_size; }
++ size_t instructionCount() const throw() { return _instr_count; }
++ bool immutable() const throw() { return !(_delete || _modify); }
++ bool deletes() const throw() { return _delete; }
++ size_t maxRef() const throw() { return _max_ref; }
++ void externalProgramMoved(ptrdiff_t) throw();
+ int32 run(Machine &m, slotref * & map) const;
+ };
++size_t Machine::Code::estimateCodeDataOut(size_t n_bc)
++ return n_bc * (sizeof(instr)+sizeof(byte));
+ inline Machine::Code::Code() throw()
+ : _code(0), _data(0), _data_size(0), _instr_count(0), _max_ref(0),
+- _status(loaded), _constraint(false), _modify(false),_delete(false),
++ _status(loaded), _constraint(false), _modify(false), _delete(false),
+ _own(false)
+ {
+ }
+ inline Machine::Code::Code(const Machine::Code &obj) throw ()
+ : _code(obj._code),
+ _data(obj._data),
+ _data_size(obj._data_size),
+@@ -131,45 +151,19 @@ inline Machine::Code & Machine::Code::op
+ _constraint = rhs._constraint;
+ _modify = rhs._modify;
+ _delete = rhs._delete;
+ _own = rhs._own;
+ rhs._own = false;
+ return *this;
+ }
+-inline Machine::Code::operator bool () const throw () {
+- return _code && status() == loaded;
+-inline Machine::Code::status_t Machine::Code::status() const throw() {
+- return _status;
+-inline bool Machine::Code::constraint() const throw() {
+- return _constraint;
+-inline size_t Machine::Code::dataSize() const throw() {
+- return _data_size;
+-inline size_t Machine::Code::instructionCount() const throw() {
+- return _instr_count;
+-inline bool Machine::Code::immutable() const throw()
++inline void Machine::Code::externalProgramMoved(ptrdiff_t dist) throw()
+ {
+- return !(_delete || _modify);
+-inline bool Machine::Code::deletes() const throw()
+- return _delete;
+-inline size_t Machine::Code::maxRef() const throw()
+- return _max_ref;
++ if (_code && !_own)
++ {
++ _code += dist / sizeof(instr);
++ _data += dist;
++ }
+ }
+ } // namespace vm
+ } // namespace graphite2
+diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/Collider.h b/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/Collider.h
+new file mode 100644
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/Collider.h
+@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
++ Copyright 2010, SIL International
++ All rights reserved.
++ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
++ by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of License, or
++ (at your option) any later version.
++ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ Lesser General Public License for more details.
++ You should also have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
++ License along with this library in the file named "LICENSE".
++ If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street,
++ Suite 500, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA or visit their web page on the
++ internet at
++Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the
++Mozilla Public License ( or the GNU General Public
++License, as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2
++of the License or (at your option) any later version.
++#pragma once
++#include "inc/List.h"
++#include "inc/Position.h"
++#include "inc/Intervals.h"
++#include "inc/debug.h"
++namespace graphite2 {
++class json;
++class Slot;
++class Segment;
++#define SLOTCOLSETUINTPROP(x, y) uint16 x() const { return _ ##x; } void y (uint16 v) { _ ##x = v; }
++#define SLOTCOLSETINTPROP(x, y) int16 x() const { return _ ##x; } void y (int16 v) { _ ##x = v; }
++#define SLOTCOLSETPOSITIONPROP(x, y) const Position &x() const { return _ ##x; } void y (const Position &v) { _ ##x = v; }
++// Slot attributes related to collision-fixing
++class SlotCollision
++ enum {
++ // COLL_TESTONLY = 0, // default - test other glyphs for collision with this one, but don't move this one
++ COLL_FIX = 1, // fix collisions involving this glyph
++ COLL_IGNORE = 2, // ignore this glyph altogether
++ COLL_START = 4, // start of range of possible collisions
++ COLL_END = 8, // end of range of possible collisions
++ COLL_KERN = 16, // collisions with this glyph are fixed by adding kerning space after it
++ COLL_ISCOL = 32, // this glyph has a collision
++ COLL_KNOWN = 64, // we've figured out what's happening with this glyph
++ COLL_TEMPLOCK = 128, // Lock glyphs that have been given priority positioning
++ ////COLL_JUMPABLE = 128, // moving glyphs may jump this stationary glyph in any direction - DELETE
++ ////COLL_OVERLAP = 256, // use maxoverlap to restrict - DELETE
++ };
++ // Behavior for the collision.order attribute. To GDL this is an enum, to us it's a bitfield, with only 1 bit set
++ // Allows for easier inversion.
++ enum {
++ };
++ SlotCollision(Segment *seg, Slot *slot);
++ void initFromSlot(Segment *seg, Slot *slot);
++ const Rect &limit() const { return _limit; }
++ void setLimit(const Rect &r) { _limit = r; }
++ SLOTCOLSETPOSITIONPROP(exclOffset, setExclOffset)
++ SLOTCOLSETUINTPROP(margin, setMargin)
++ SLOTCOLSETUINTPROP(marginWt, setMarginWt)
++ SLOTCOLSETUINTPROP(flags, setFlags)
++ SLOTCOLSETUINTPROP(exclGlyph, setExclGlyph)
++ SLOTCOLSETUINTPROP(seqClass, setSeqClass)
++ SLOTCOLSETUINTPROP(seqProxClass, setSeqProxClass)
++ SLOTCOLSETUINTPROP(seqOrder, setSeqOrder)
++ SLOTCOLSETINTPROP(seqAboveXoff, setSeqAboveXoff)
++ SLOTCOLSETUINTPROP(seqAboveWt, setSeqAboveWt)
++ SLOTCOLSETINTPROP(seqBelowXlim, setSeqBelowXlim)
++ SLOTCOLSETUINTPROP(seqBelowWt, setSeqBelowWt)
++ SLOTCOLSETUINTPROP(seqValignHt, setSeqValignHt)
++ SLOTCOLSETUINTPROP(seqValignWt, setSeqValignWt)
++ float getKern(int dir) const;
++ Rect _limit;
++ Position _shift; // adjustment within the given pass
++ Position _offset; // total adjustment for collisions
++ Position _exclOffset;
++ uint16 _margin;
++ uint16 _marginWt;
++ uint16 _flags;
++ uint16 _exclGlyph;
++ uint16 _seqClass;
++ uint16 _seqProxClass;
++ uint16 _seqOrder;
++ int16 _seqAboveXoff;
++ uint16 _seqAboveWt;
++ int16 _seqBelowXlim;
++ uint16 _seqBelowWt;
++ uint16 _seqValignHt;
++ uint16 _seqValignWt;
++}; // end of class SlotColllision
++struct BBox;
++struct SlantBox;
++class ShiftCollider
++ typedef std::pair<float, float> fpair;
++ typedef Vector<fpair> vfpairs;
++ typedef vfpairs::iterator ivfpairs;
++ ShiftCollider(json *dbgout);
++ ~ShiftCollider() throw() { };
++ bool initSlot(Segment *seg, Slot *aSlot, const Rect &constraint,
++ float margin, float marginMin, const Position &currShift,
++ const Position &currOffset, int dir, GR_MAYBE_UNUSED json * const dbgout);
++ bool mergeSlot(Segment *seg, Slot *slot, const Position &currShift, bool isAfter,
++ bool sameCluster, bool &hasCol, bool isExclusion, GR_MAYBE_UNUSED json * const dbgout);
++ Position resolve(Segment *seg, bool &isCol, GR_MAYBE_UNUSED json * const dbgout);
++ void addBox_slope(bool isx, const Rect &box, const BBox &bb, const SlantBox &sb, const Position &org, float weight, float m, bool minright, int mode);
++ void removeBox(const Rect &box, const BBox &bb, const SlantBox &sb, const Position &org, int mode);
++ const Position &origin() const { return _origin; }
++#if !defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING
++ void outputJsonDbg(json * const dbgout, Segment *seg, int axis);
++ void outputJsonDbgStartSlot(json * const dbgout, Segment *seg);
++ void outputJsonDbgEndSlot(json * const dbgout, Position resultPos, int bestAxis, bool isCol);
++ void outputJsonDbgOneVector(json * const dbgout, Segment *seg, int axis, float tleft, float bestCost, float bestVal);
++ void outputJsonDbgRawRanges(json * const dbgout, int axis);
++ void outputJsonDbgRemovals(json * const dbgout, int axis, Segment *seg);
++ Zones _ranges[4]; // possible movements in 4 directions (horizontally, vertically, diagonally);
++ Slot * _target; // the glyph to fix
++ Rect _limit;
++ Position _currShift;
++ Position _currOffset;
++ Position _origin; // Base for all relative calculations
++ float _margin;
++ float _marginWt;
++ float _len[4];
++ uint16 _seqClass;
++ uint16 _seqProxClass;
++ uint16 _seqOrder;
++ //bool _scraping[4];
++}; // end of class ShiftCollider
++ShiftCollider::ShiftCollider(GR_MAYBE_UNUSED json *dbgout)
++: _target(0),
++ _margin(0.0),
++ _marginWt(0.0),
++ _seqClass(0),
++ _seqProxClass(0),
++ _seqOrder(0)
++#if !defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING
++ for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
++ _ranges[i].setdebug(dbgout);
++class KernCollider
++ KernCollider(json *dbg);
++ ~KernCollider() throw() { };
++ bool initSlot(Segment *seg, Slot *aSlot, const Rect &constraint, float margin,
++ const Position &currShift, const Position &offsetPrev, int dir,
++ float ymin, float ymax, json * const dbgout);
++ bool mergeSlot(Segment *seg, Slot *slot, const Position &currShift, float currSpace, int dir, json * const dbgout);
++ Position resolve(Segment *seg, Slot *slot, int dir, float margin, json * const dbgout);
++ void shift(const Position &mv, int dir);
++ Slot * _target; // the glyph to fix
++ Rect _limit;
++ float _margin;
++ Position _offsetPrev; // kern from a previous pass
++ Position _currShift; // NOT USED??
++ float _miny; // y-coordinates offset by global slot position
++ float _maxy;
++ Vector<float> _edges; // edges of horizontal slices
++ float _sliceWidth; // width of each slice
++ float _mingap;
++ float _xbound; // max or min edge
++#if !defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING
++ // Debugging
++ Segment * _seg;
++ Vector<float> _nearEdges; // closest potential collision in each slice
++ Vector<Slot*> _slotNear;
++}; // end of class KernCollider
++float sqr(float x) {
++ return x * x;
++KernCollider::KernCollider(GR_MAYBE_UNUSED json *dbg)
++: _target(0),
++ _margin(0.0f),
++ _miny(-1e38f),
++ _maxy(1e38f),
++ _sliceWidth(0.0f),
++ _mingap(0.0f),
++ _xbound(0.0)
++#if !defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING
++ _seg = 0;
++}; // end of namespace graphite2
+diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/Compression.h b/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/Compression.h
+new file mode 100644
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/Compression.h
+@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
++ Copyright 2015, SIL International
++ All rights reserved.
++ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
++ by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of License, or
++ (at your option) any later version.
++ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ Lesser General Public License for more details.
++ You should also have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
++ License along with this library in the file named "LICENSE".
++ If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street,
++ Suite 500, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA or visit their web page on the
++ internet at
++Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the
++Mozilla Public License ( or the GNU General Public
++License, as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2
++of the License or (at your option) any later version.
++#pragma once
++#include <cassert>
++#include <cstddef>
++#include <cstring>
++#if defined(_MSC_VER)
++typedef unsigned __int8 u8;
++typedef unsigned __int16 u16;
++typedef unsigned __int32 u32;
++typedef unsigned __int64 u64;
++#include <stdint.h>
++typedef uint8_t u8;
++typedef uint16_t u16;
++typedef uint32_t u32;
++typedef uint64_t u64;
++ptrdiff_t const MINMATCH = 4;
++template<int S>
++void unaligned_copy(void * d, void const * s) {
++ ::memcpy(d, s, S);
++size_t align(size_t p) {
++ return (p + sizeof(unsigned long)-1) & ~(sizeof(unsigned long)-1);
++u8 * safe_copy(u8 * d, u8 const * s, size_t n) {
++ while (n--) *d++ = *s++;
++ return d;
++u8 * overrun_copy(u8 * d, u8 const * s, size_t n) {
++ size_t const WS = sizeof(unsigned long);
++ u8 const * e = s + n;
++ do
++ {
++ unaligned_copy<WS>(d, s);
++ d += WS;
++ s += WS;
++ }
++ while (s < e);
++ d-=(s-e);
++ return d;
++u8 * fast_copy(u8 * d, u8 const * s, size_t n) {
++ size_t const WS = sizeof(unsigned long);
++ size_t wn = n/WS;
++ while (wn--)
++ {
++ unaligned_copy<WS>(d, s);
++ d += WS;
++ s += WS;
++ }
++ n &= WS-1;
++ return safe_copy(d, s, n);
++} // end of anonymous namespace
+diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/Decompressor.h b/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/Decompressor.h
+new file mode 100644
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/Decompressor.h
+@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
++ Copyright 2015, SIL International
++ All rights reserved.
++ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
++ by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of License, or
++ (at your option) any later version.
++ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ Lesser General Public License for more details.
++ You should also have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
++ License along with this library in the file named "LICENSE".
++ If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street,
++ Suite 500, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA or visit their web page on the
++ internet at
++Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the
++Mozilla Public License ( or the GNU General Public
++License, as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2
++of the License or (at your option) any later version.
++#pragma once
++#include <cstddef>
++namespace lz4
++// decompress an LZ4 block
++// Parameters:
++// @in - Input buffer containing an LZ4 block.
++// @in_size - Size of the input LZ4 block in bytes.
++// @out - Output buffer to hold decompressed results.
++// @out_size - The size of the buffer pointed to by @out.
++// Invariants:
++// @in - This buffer must be at least 1 machine word in length,
++// regardless of the actual LZ4 block size.
++// @in_size - This must be at least 4 and must also be <= to the
++// allocated buffer @in.
++// @out - This must be bigger than the input buffer and at least
++// 13 bytes.
++// @out_size - Must always be big enough to hold the expected size.
++// Return:
++// -1 - Decompression failed.
++// size - Actual number of bytes decompressed.
++int decompress(void const *in, size_t in_size, void *out, size_t out_size);
++} // end of namespace shrinker
+diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/Error.h b/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/Error.h
+--- a/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/Error.h
++++ b/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/Error.h
+@@ -106,22 +106,30 @@ enum errors {
+ E_BADRULECCODEPTR = 45, // The rule constraint code position does not align with where the forward reference says it should be
+ E_BADCCODELEN = 46, // Bad rule/pass constraint code length
+ E_BADACTIONCODEPTR = 47, // The action code position does not align with where the forward reference says it should be
+ E_MUTABLECCODE = 48, // Constraint code edits slots. It shouldn't.
+ E_BADSTATE = 49, // Bad state transition referencing an illegal state
+ E_BADRULEMAPPING = 50, // The structure of the rule mapping is bad
+ E_BADRANGE = 51, // Bad column range structure including a glyph in more than one column
+ E_BADRULENUM = 52, // A reference to a rule is out of range (too high)
++ E_BADACOLLISION = 53, // Bad Silf table collision attribute number (too high)
++ E_BADEMPTYPASS = 54, // Can't have empty passes (no rules) except for collision passes
++ E_BADSILFVERSION = 55, // The Silf table has a bad version (probably too high)
++ E_BADCOLLISIONPASS = 56, // Collision flags set on a non positioning pass
++ E_BADNUMCOLUMNS = 57, // Arbitrarily limit number of columns in fsm
+ // Code errors
+ E_CODEFAILURE = 60, // Base code error. The following subcodes must align with Machine::Code::status_t in Code.h
+- E_CODEALLOC = 61, // Out of memory
+- E_INVALIDOPCODE = 62, // Invalid op code
+- E_UNIMPOPCODE = 63, // Unimplemented op code encountered
+- E_OUTOFRANGECODE = 64, // Code argument out of range
+- E_BADJUMPCODE = 65, // Code jumps past end of op codes
+- E_CODEBADARGS = 66, // Code arguments exhausted
+- E_CODENORETURN = 67, // Missing return type op code at end of code
+- E_CODENESTEDCTXT = 68 // Nested context encountered in code
++ E_CODEALLOC = 61, // Out of memory
++ E_INVALIDOPCODE = 62, // Invalid op code
++ E_UNIMPOPCODE = 63, // Unimplemented op code encountered
++ E_OUTOFRANGECODE = 64, // Code argument out of range
++ E_BADJUMPCODE = 65, // Code jumps past end of op codes
++ E_CODEBADARGS = 66, // Code arguments exhausted
++ E_CODENORETURN = 67, // Missing return type op code at end of code
++ E_CODENESTEDCTXT = 68, // Nested context encountered in code
++// Compression errors
++ E_BADSCHEME = 69,
+ };
+ }
+diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/Face.h b/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/Face.h
+--- a/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/Face.h
++++ b/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/Face.h
+@@ -21,33 +21,34 @@
+ Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the
+ Mozilla Public License ( or the GNU General Public
+ License, as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2
+ of the License or (at your option) any later version.
+ */
+ #pragma once
+-#include <stdio.h>
++#include <cstdio>
+ #include "graphite2/Font.h"
+ #include "inc/Main.h"
+ #include "inc/FeatureMap.h"
+ #include "inc/TtfUtil.h"
+ #include "inc/Silf.h"
+ #include "inc/Error.h"
+ namespace graphite2 {
+ class Cmap;
+ class FileFace;
+ class GlyphCache;
+ class NameTable;
+ class json;
++class Font;
+ using TtfUtil::Tag;
+ // These are the actual tags, as distinct from the consecutive IDs in TtfUtil.h
+ class Face
+ {
+@@ -165,47 +166,51 @@ json * Face::logger() const throw()
+ class Face::Table
+ {
+ const Face * _f;
+ mutable const byte * _p;
+ uint32 _sz;
++ bool _compressed;
++ Error decompress();
++ void releaseBuffers();
+ public:
+ Table() throw();
+- Table(const Face & face, const Tag n) throw();
++ Table(const Face & face, const Tag n, uint32 version=0xffffffff) throw();
+ Table(const Table & rhs) throw();
+ ~Table() throw();
+ operator const byte * () const throw();
+ Table & operator = (const Table & rhs) throw();
+ size_t size() const throw();
+ };
+ inline
+ Face::Table::Table() throw()
+-: _f(0), _p(0), _sz(0)
++: _f(0), _p(0), _sz(0), _compressed(false)
+ {
+ }
+ inline
+ Face::Table::Table(const Table & rhs) throw()
+-: _f(rhs._f), _p(rhs._p), _sz(rhs._sz)
++: _f(rhs._f), _p(rhs._p), _sz(rhs._sz), _compressed(rhs._compressed)
+ {
+ rhs._p = 0;
+ }
+ inline
+ Face::Table::~Table() throw()
+ {
+- if (_p && _f->m_ops.release_table)
+- (*_f->m_ops.release_table)(_f->m_appFaceHandle, _p);
++ releaseBuffers();
+ }
+ inline
+ Face::Table::operator const byte * () const throw()
+ {
+ return _p;
+ }
+diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/FeatureMap.h b/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/FeatureMap.h
+--- a/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/FeatureMap.h
++++ b/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/FeatureMap.h
+@@ -51,17 +51,17 @@ private:
+ };
+ class FeatureRef
+ {
+ typedef uint32 chunk_t;
+ static const uint8 SIZEOF_CHUNK = sizeof(chunk_t)*8;
+ public:
+- FeatureRef() : m_nameValues(0) {}
++ FeatureRef();
+ FeatureRef(const Face & face, unsigned short & bits_offset, uint32 max_val,
+ uint32 name, uint16 uiName, uint16 flags,
+ FeatureSetting *settings, uint16 num_set) throw();
+ ~FeatureRef() throw();
+ bool applyValToFeature(uint32 val, Features& pDest) const; //defined in GrFaceImp.h
+ void maskFeature(Features & pDest) const {
+ if (m_index < pDest.size()) //defensive
+@@ -94,16 +94,26 @@ private:
+ byte m_bits, // how many bits to shift the value into place
+ m_index; // index into the array to find the ulong to mask
+ private: //unimplemented
+ FeatureRef& operator=(const FeatureRef&);
+ };
++: m_pFace(0), m_nameValues(0),
++ m_mask(0), m_max(0), m_id(0),
++ m_nameid(0), m_flags(0), m_numSet(0),
++ m_bits(0), m_index(0)
+ class NameAndFeatureRef
+ {
+ public:
+ NameAndFeatureRef(uint32 name = 0) : m_name(name) , m_pFRef(NULL){}
+ NameAndFeatureRef(const FeatureRef* p/*not NULL*/) : m_name(p->getId()), m_pFRef(p) {}
+ bool operator<(const NameAndFeatureRef& rhs) const //orders by m_name
+ { return m_name<rhs.m_name; }
+@@ -112,35 +122,34 @@ class NameAndFeatureRef
+ uint32 m_name;
+ const FeatureRef* m_pFRef;
+ };
+ class FeatureMap
+ {
+ public:
+- FeatureMap() : m_numFeats(0), m_feats(NULL), m_pNamedFeats(NULL),
+- m_defaultFeatures(NULL) {}
+- ~FeatureMap() { delete [] m_feats; delete[] m_pNamedFeats; delete m_defaultFeatures; }
++ FeatureMap() : m_numFeats(0), m_feats(NULL), m_pNamedFeats(NULL) {}
++ ~FeatureMap() { delete [] m_feats; delete[] m_pNamedFeats; }
+ bool readFeats(const Face & face);
+ const FeatureRef *findFeatureRef(uint32 name) const;
+ FeatureRef *feature(uint16 index) const { return m_feats + index; }
+ //GrFeatureRef *featureRef(byte index) { return index < m_numFeats ? m_feats + index : NULL; }
+ const FeatureRef *featureRef(byte index) const { return index < m_numFeats ? m_feats + index : NULL; }
+ FeatureVal* cloneFeatures(uint32 langname/*0 means default*/) const; //call destroy_Features when done.
+ uint16 numFeats() const { return m_numFeats; };
+ private:
+ friend class SillMap;
+ uint16 m_numFeats;
+ FeatureRef *m_feats;
+ NameAndFeatureRef* m_pNamedFeats; //owned
+- FeatureVal* m_defaultFeatures; //owned
++ FeatureVal m_defaultFeatures; //owned
+ private: //defensive on m_feats, m_pNamedFeats, and m_defaultFeatures
+ FeatureMap(const FeatureMap&);
+ FeatureMap& operator=(const FeatureMap&);
+ };
+ class SillMap
+diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/FileFace.h b/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/FileFace.h
+--- a/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/FileFace.h
++++ b/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/FileFace.h
+@@ -27,17 +27,17 @@ of the License or (at your option) any l
+ #pragma once
+ //#include "inc/FeatureMap.h"
+ //#include "inc/GlyphsCache.h"
+ //#include "inc/Silf.h"
+-#include <stdio.h>
++#include <cstdio>
+ #include <cassert>
+ #include "graphite2/Font.h"
+ #include "inc/Main.h"
+ #include "inc/TtfTypes.h"
+ #include "inc/TtfUtil.h"
+diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/GlyphCache.h b/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/GlyphCache.h
+--- a/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/GlyphCache.h
++++ b/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/GlyphCache.h
+@@ -24,24 +24,73 @@ Mozilla Public License (http://mozilla.o
+ License, as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2
+ of the License or (at your option) any later version.
+ */
+ #pragma once
+ #include "graphite2/Font.h"
+ #include "inc/Main.h"
++#include "inc/Position.h"
++#include "inc/GlyphFace.h"
+ namespace graphite2 {
+ class Face;
+ class FeatureVal;
+-class GlyphFace;
+ class Segment;
++struct SlantBox
++ static const SlantBox empty;
++// SlantBox(float psi = 0., float pdi = 0., float psa = 0., float pda = 0.) : si(psi), di(pdi), sa(psa), da(pda) {};
++ float width() const { return sa - si; }
++ float height() const { return da - di; }
++ float si; // min
++ float di; // min
++ float sa; // max
++ float da; // max
++struct BBox
++ BBox(float pxi = 0, float pyi = 0., float pxa = 0., float pya = 0.) : xi(pxi), yi(pyi), xa(pxa), ya(pya) {};
++ float width() const { return xa - xi; }
++ float height() const { return ya - yi; }
++ float xi; // min
++ float yi; // min
++ float xa; // max
++ float ya; // max
++class GlyphBox
++ GlyphBox(const GlyphBox &);
++ GlyphBox & operator = (const GlyphBox &);
++ GlyphBox(uint8 numsubs, unsigned short bitmap, Rect *slanted) : _num(numsubs), _bitmap(bitmap), _slant(*slanted) {};
++ void addSubBox(int subindex, int boundary, Rect *val) { _subs[subindex * 2 + boundary] = *val; }
++ Rect &subVal(int subindex, int boundary) { return _subs[subindex * 2 + boundary]; }
++ const Rect &slant() const { return _slant; }
++ uint8 num() const { return _num; }
++ const Rect *subs() const { return _subs; }
++ uint8 _num;
++ unsigned short _bitmap;
++ Rect _slant;
++ Rect _subs[1];
+ class GlyphCache
+ {
+ class Loader;
+ GlyphCache(const GlyphCache&);
+ GlyphCache& operator=(const GlyphCache&);
+ public:
+@@ -49,22 +98,34 @@ public:
+ ~GlyphCache();
+ unsigned short numGlyphs() const throw();
+ unsigned short numAttrs() const throw();
+ unsigned short unitsPerEm() const throw();
+ const GlyphFace *glyph(unsigned short glyphid) const; //result may be changed by subsequent call with a different glyphid
+ const GlyphFace *glyphSafe(unsigned short glyphid) const;
++ float getBoundingMetric(unsigned short glyphid, uint8 metric) const;
++ uint8 numSubBounds(unsigned short glyphid) const;
++ float getSubBoundingMetric(unsigned short glyphid, uint8 subindex, uint8 metric) const;
++ const Rect & slant(unsigned short glyphid) const { return _boxes[glyphid] ? _boxes[glyphid]->slant() : _empty_slant_box; }
++ const SlantBox & getBoundingSlantBox(unsigned short glyphid) const;
++ const BBox & getBoundingBBox(unsigned short glyphid) const;
++ const SlantBox & getSubBoundingSlantBox(unsigned short glyphid, uint8 subindex) const;
++ const BBox & getSubBoundingBBox(unsigned short glyphid, uint8 subindex) const;
++ bool check(unsigned short glyphid) const;
++ bool hasBoxes() const { return _boxes != 0; }
+ private:
++ const Rect _empty_slant_box;
+ const Loader * _glyph_loader;
+ const GlyphFace * * _glyphs;
++ GlyphBox * * _boxes;
+ unsigned short _num_glyphs,
+ _num_attrs,
+ _upem;
+ };
+ inline
+ unsigned short GlyphCache::numGlyphs() const throw()
+ {
+@@ -79,14 +140,84 @@ unsigned short GlyphCache::numAttrs() co
+ inline
+ unsigned short GlyphCache::unitsPerEm() const throw()
+ {
+ return _upem;
+ }
+ inline
++bool GlyphCache::check(unsigned short glyphid) const
++ return _boxes && glyphid < _num_glyphs;
+ const GlyphFace *GlyphCache::glyphSafe(unsigned short glyphid) const
+ {
+ return glyphid < _num_glyphs ? glyph(glyphid) : NULL;
+ }
++float GlyphCache::getBoundingMetric(unsigned short glyphid, uint8 metric) const
++ if (glyphid >= _num_glyphs) return 0.;
++ switch (metric) {
++ case 0: return (float)(glyph(glyphid)->theBBox().bl.x); // x_min
++ case 1: return (float)(glyph(glyphid)->theBBox().bl.y); // y_min
++ case 2: return (float)(glyph(glyphid)->theBBox().tr.x); // x_max
++ case 3: return (float)(glyph(glyphid)->theBBox().tr.y); // y_max
++ case 4: return (float)(_boxes[glyphid] ? _boxes[glyphid]->slant().bl.x : 0.f); // sum_min
++ case 5: return (float)(_boxes[glyphid] ? _boxes[glyphid]->slant().bl.y : 0.f); // diff_min
++ case 6: return (float)(_boxes[glyphid] ? _boxes[glyphid]->slant().tr.x : 0.f); // sum_max
++ case 7: return (float)(_boxes[glyphid] ? _boxes[glyphid]->slant().tr.y : 0.f); // diff_max
++ default: return 0.;
++ }
++inline const SlantBox &GlyphCache::getBoundingSlantBox(unsigned short glyphid) const
++ return _boxes[glyphid] ? *(SlantBox *)(&(_boxes[glyphid]->slant())) : SlantBox::empty;
++inline const BBox &GlyphCache::getBoundingBBox(unsigned short glyphid) const
++ return *(BBox *)(&(glyph(glyphid)->theBBox()));
++float GlyphCache::getSubBoundingMetric(unsigned short glyphid, uint8 subindex, uint8 metric) const
++ GlyphBox *b = _boxes[glyphid];
++ if (b == NULL || subindex >= b->num()) return 0;
++ switch (metric) {
++ case 0: return b->subVal(subindex, 0).bl.x;
++ case 1: return b->subVal(subindex, 0).bl.y;
++ case 2: return b->subVal(subindex, 0).tr.x;
++ case 3: return b->subVal(subindex, 0).tr.y;
++ case 4: return b->subVal(subindex, 1).bl.x;
++ case 5: return b->subVal(subindex, 1).bl.y;
++ case 6: return b->subVal(subindex, 1).tr.x;
++ case 7: return b->subVal(subindex, 1).tr.y;
++ default: return 0.;
++ }
++inline const SlantBox &GlyphCache::getSubBoundingSlantBox(unsigned short glyphid, uint8 subindex) const
++ GlyphBox *b = _boxes[glyphid];
++ return *(SlantBox *)(b->subs() + 2 * subindex + 1);
++inline const BBox &GlyphCache::getSubBoundingBBox(unsigned short glyphid, uint8 subindex) const
++ GlyphBox *b = _boxes[glyphid];
++ return *(BBox *)(b->subs() + 2 * subindex);
++uint8 GlyphCache::numSubBounds(unsigned short glyphid) const
++ return _boxes[glyphid] ? _boxes[glyphid]->num() : 0;
+ } // namespace graphite2
+diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/Intervals.h b/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/Intervals.h
+new file mode 100644
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/Intervals.h
+@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
++ Copyright 2010, SIL International
++ All rights reserved.
++ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
++ by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of License, or
++ (at your option) any later version.
++ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ Lesser General Public License for more details.
++ You should also have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
++ License along with this library in the file named "LICENSE".
++ If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street,
++ Suite 500, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA or visit their web page on the
++ internet at
++Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the
++Mozilla Public License ( or the GNU General Public
++License, as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2
++of the License or (at your option) any later version.
++#pragma once
++#include <utility>
++#include "inc/Main.h"
++#include "inc/List.h"
++#include "inc/json.h"
++#include "inc/Position.h"
++// An IntervalSet represents the possible movement of a given glyph in a given direction
++// (horizontally, vertically, or diagonally).
++// A vector is needed to represent disjoint ranges, eg, -300..-150, 20..200, 500..750.
++// Each pair represents the min/max of a sub-range.
++namespace graphite2 {
++class Segment;
++enum zones_t {SD, XY};
++class Zones
++ struct Exclusion
++ {
++ template<zones_t O>
++ static Exclusion weighted(float xmin, float xmax, float f, float a0,
++ float m, float xi, float ai, float c, bool nega);
++ float x, // x position
++ xm, // xmax position
++ c, // constant + sum(MiXi^2)
++ sm, // sum(Mi)
++ smx; // sum(MiXi)
++ bool open;
++ Exclusion(float x, float w, float smi, float smxi, float c);
++ Exclusion & operator += (Exclusion const & rhs);
++ uint8 outcode(float p) const;
++ Exclusion split_at(float p);
++ void left_trim(float p);
++ bool track_cost(float & cost, float & x, float origin) const;
++ private:
++ float test_position(float origin) const;
++ float cost(float x) const;
++ };
++ typedef Vector<Exclusion> exclusions;
++ typedef exclusions::iterator iterator;
++ typedef Exclusion * pointer;
++ typedef Exclusion & reference;
++ typedef std::reverse_iterator<iterator> reverse_iterator;
++ typedef exclusions::const_iterator const_iterator;
++ typedef Exclusion const * const_pointer;
++ typedef Exclusion const & const_reference;
++ typedef std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator> const_reverse_iterator;
++#if !defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING
++ struct Debug
++ {
++ Exclusion _excl;
++ bool _isdel;
++ Vector<void *> _env;
++ Debug(Exclusion *e, bool isdel, json *dbg) : _excl(*e), _isdel(isdel), _env(dbg->getenvs()) { };
++ };
++ typedef Vector<Debug> debugs;
++ typedef debugs::const_iterator idebugs;
++ void addDebug(Exclusion *e);
++ void removeDebug(float pos, float posm);
++ void setdebug(json *dbgout) { _dbg = dbgout; }
++ idebugs dbgs_begin() const { return _dbgs.begin(); }
++ idebugs dbgs_end() const { return _dbgs.end(); }
++ void jsonDbgOut(Segment *seg) const;
++ Position position() const { return Position(_pos, _posm); }
++ Zones();
++ template<zones_t O>
++ void initialise(float xmin, float xmax, float margin_len, float margin_weight, float ao);
++ void exclude(float xmin, float xmax);
++ void exclude_with_margins(float xmin, float xmax, int axis);
++ template<zones_t O>
++ void weighted(float xmin, float xmax, float f, float a0, float mi, float xi, float ai, float c, bool nega);
++ void weightedAxis(int axis, float xmin, float xmax, float f, float a0, float mi, float xi, float ai, float c, bool nega);
++ float closest( float origin, float &cost) const;
++ const_iterator begin() const { return _exclusions.begin(); }
++ const_iterator end() const { return _exclusions.end(); }
++ exclusions _exclusions;
++#if !defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING
++ json * _dbg;
++ debugs _dbgs;
++ float _margin_len,
++ _margin_weight,
++ _pos,
++ _posm;
++ void insert(Exclusion e);
++ void remove(float x, float xm);
++ const_iterator find_exclusion_under(float x) const;
++: _margin_len(0), _margin_weight(0), _pos(0), _posm(0)
++#if !defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING
++ _dbg = 0;
++ _exclusions.reserve(8);
++Zones::Exclusion::Exclusion(float x_, float xm_, float smi, float smxi, float c_)
++: x(x_), xm(xm_), c(c_), sm(smi), smx(smxi), open(false)
++{ }
++template<zones_t O>
++void Zones::initialise(float xmin, float xmax, float margin_len,
++ float margin_weight, float a0)
++ _margin_len = margin_len;
++ _margin_weight = margin_weight;
++ _pos = xmin;
++ _posm = xmax;
++ _exclusions.clear();
++ _exclusions.push_back(Exclusion::weighted<O>(xmin, xmax, 1, a0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false));
++ _exclusions.front().open = true;
++#if !defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING
++ _dbgs.clear();
++void Zones::exclude(float xmin, float xmax) {
++ remove(xmin, xmax);
++template<zones_t O>
++void Zones::weighted(float xmin, float xmax, float f, float a0,
++ float m, float xi, float ai, float c, bool nega) {
++ insert(Exclusion::weighted<O>(xmin, xmax, f, a0, m, xi, ai, c, nega));
++void Zones::weightedAxis(int axis, float xmin, float xmax, float f, float a0,
++ float m, float xi, float ai, float c, bool nega) {
++ if (axis < 2)
++ weighted<XY>(xmin, xmax, f, a0, m, xi, ai, c, nega);
++ else
++ weighted<SD>(xmin, xmax, f, a0, m, xi, ai, c, nega);
++#if !defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING
++void Zones::addDebug(Exclusion *e) {
++ if (_dbg)
++ _dbgs.push_back(Debug(e, false, _dbg));
++void Zones::removeDebug(float pos, float posm) {
++ if (_dbg)
++ {
++ Exclusion e(pos, posm, 0, 0, 0);
++ _dbgs.push_back(Debug(&e, true, _dbg));
++ }
++Zones::Exclusion Zones::Exclusion::weighted<XY>(float xmin, float xmax, float f, float a0,
++ float m, float xi, GR_MAYBE_UNUSED float ai, float c, GR_MAYBE_UNUSED bool nega) {
++ return Exclusion(xmin, xmax,
++ m + f,
++ m * xi,
++ m * xi * xi + f * a0 * a0 + c);
++Zones::Exclusion Zones::Exclusion::weighted<SD>(float xmin, float xmax, float f, float a0,
++ float m, float xi, float ai,float c, bool nega) {
++ float xia = nega ? xi - ai : xi + ai;
++ return Exclusion(xmin, xmax,
++ 0.25f * (m + 2.f * f),
++ 0.25f * m * xia,
++ 0.25f * (m * xia * xia + 2.f * f * a0 * a0) + c);
++} // end of namespace graphite2
+diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/List.h b/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/List.h
+--- a/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/List.h
++++ b/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/List.h
+@@ -65,29 +65,30 @@ public:
+ iterator end() { return m_last; }
+ const_iterator end() const { return m_last; }
+ bool empty() const { return m_first == m_last; }
+ size_t size() const { return m_last - m_first; }
+ size_t capacity() const{ return m_end - m_first; }
+ void reserve(size_t n);
++ void resize(size_t n, const T & v = T());
+ reference front() { assert(size() > 0); return *begin(); }
+ const_reference front() const { assert(size() > 0); return *begin(); }
+ reference back() { assert(size() > 0); return *(end()-1); }
+ const_reference back() const { assert(size() > 0); return *(end()-1); }
+ Vector<T> & operator = (const Vector<T> & rhs) { assign(rhs.begin(), rhs.end()); return *this; }
+ reference operator [] (size_t n) { assert(size() > n); return m_first[n]; }
+ const_reference operator [] (size_t n) const { assert(size() > n); return m_first[n]; }
+ void assign(size_t n, const T& u) { clear(); insert(begin(), n, u); }
+ void assign(const_iterator first, const_iterator last) { clear(); insert(begin(), first, last); }
+- iterator insert(iterator p, const T & x) { p = _insert_default(p, 1); *p = x; return p; }
++ iterator insert(iterator p, const T & x) { p = _insert_default(p, 1); new (p) T(x); return p; }
+ void insert(iterator p, size_t n, const T & x);
+ void insert(iterator p, const_iterator first, const_iterator last);
+ void pop_back() { assert(size() > 0); --m_last; }
+ void push_back(const T &v) { if (m_last == m_end) reserve(size()+1); new (m_last++) T(v); }
+ void clear() { erase(begin(), end()); }
+ iterator erase(iterator p) { return erase(p, p+1); }
+ iterator erase(iterator first, iterator last);
+@@ -99,28 +100,37 @@ private:
+ template <typename T>
+ inline
+ void Vector<T>::reserve(size_t n)
+ {
+ if (n > capacity())
+ {
+ const ptrdiff_t sz = size();
+ m_first = static_cast<T*>(realloc(m_first, n*sizeof(T)));
++ if (!m_first) std::abort();
+ m_last = m_first + sz;
+ m_end = m_first + n;
+ }
+ }
++template <typename T>
++void Vector<T>::resize(size_t n, const T & v) {
++ const ptrdiff_t d = n-size();
++ if (d < 0) erase(end()+d, end());
++ else if (d > 0) insert(end(), d, v);
+ template<typename T>
+ inline
+ typename Vector<T>::iterator Vector<T>::_insert_default(iterator p, size_t n)
+ {
+ assert(begin() <= p && p <= end());
+ const ptrdiff_t i = p - begin();
+- reserve((size() + n + 7) >> 3 << 3);
++ reserve(((size() + n + 7) >> 3) << 3);
+ p = begin() + i;
+ // Move tail if there is one
+ if (p != end()) memmove(p + n, p, distance(p,end())*sizeof(T));
+ m_last += n;
+ return p;
+ }
+ template<typename T>
+diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/Machine.h b/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/Machine.h
+--- a/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/Machine.h
++++ b/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/Machine.h
+@@ -105,17 +105,19 @@ enum opcode {
+ PUSH_IGLYPH_ATTR, // not implemented
+ // private opcodes for internal use only, comes after all other on disk opcodes
+ };
+ struct opcode_t
+ {
+ instr impl[2];
+ uint8 param_sz;
+@@ -143,17 +145,17 @@ public:
+ Machine(SlotMap &) throw();
+ static const opcode_t * getOpcodeTable() throw();
+ SlotMap & slotMap() const throw();
+ status_t status() const throw();
+- operator bool () const throw();
++// operator bool () const throw();
+ private:
+ void check_final_stack(const stack_t * const sp);
+ stack_t run(const instr * program, const byte * data,
+ slotref * & map) HOT;
+ SlotMap & _map;
+ stack_t _stack[STACK_MAX + 2*STACK_GUARD];
+diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/Main.h b/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/Main.h
+--- a/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/Main.h
++++ b/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/Main.h
+@@ -80,25 +80,25 @@ struct telemetry {};
+ // typesafe wrapper around malloc for simple types
+ // use free(pointer) to deallocate
+ template <typename T> T * gralloc(size_t n)
+ {
+ telemetry::count_bytes(sizeof(T) * n);
+ #endif
+- return reinterpret_cast<T*>(malloc(sizeof(T) * n));
++ return static_cast<T*>(malloc(sizeof(T) * n));
+ }
+ template <typename T> T * grzeroalloc(size_t n)
+ {
+ telemetry::count_bytes(sizeof(T) * n);
+ #endif
+- return reinterpret_cast<T*>(calloc(n, sizeof(T)));
++ return static_cast<T*>(calloc(n, sizeof(T)));
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ inline T min(const T a, const T b)
+ {
+ return a < b ? a : b;
+ }
+@@ -115,13 +115,32 @@ inline T max(const T a, const T b)
+ void * operator new (size_t, void * p) throw() { return p; } \
+ void * operator new[] (size_t size) {return gralloc<byte>(size);} \
+ void * operator new[] (size_t, void * p) throw() { return p; } \
+ void operator delete (void * p) throw() { free(p);} \
+ void operator delete (void *, void *) throw() {} \
+ void operator delete[] (void * p)throw() { free(p); } \
+ void operator delete[] (void *, void *) throw() {}
+-#ifdef __GNUC__
++#if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__)
+ #define GR_MAYBE_UNUSED __attribute__((unused))
+ #else
+ #endif
++#if defined(__clang__) && __cplusplus >= 201103L
++ /* clang's fallthrough annotations are only available starting in C++11. */
++ #define GR_FALLTHROUGH [[clang::fallthrough]]
++#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
++ /*
++ * MSVC's __fallthrough annotations are checked by /analyze (Code Analysis):
++ *
++ */
++ #include <sal.h>
++ #define GR_FALLTHROUGH __fallthrough
++ #define GR_FALLTHROUGH /* fallthrough */
++#ifdef _MSC_VER
++#pragma warning(disable: 4800)
++#pragma warning(disable: 4355)
+diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/Pass.h b/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/Pass.h
+--- a/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/Pass.h
++++ b/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/Pass.h
+@@ -34,65 +34,85 @@ namespace graphite2 {
+ class Segment;
+ class Face;
+ class Silf;
+ struct Rule;
+ struct RuleEntry;
+ struct State;
+ class FiniteStateMachine;
+ class Error;
++class ShiftCollider;
++class KernCollider;
++class json;
++enum passtype;
+ class Pass
+ {
+ public:
+ Pass();
+ ~Pass();
+- bool readPass(const byte * pPass, size_t pass_length, size_t subtable_base, Face & face, Error &e);
+- void runGraphite(vm::Machine & m, FiniteStateMachine & fsm) const;
++ bool readPass(const byte * pPass, size_t pass_length, size_t subtable_base, Face & face,
++ enum passtype pt, uint32 version, Error &e);
++ bool runGraphite(vm::Machine & m, FiniteStateMachine & fsm, bool reverse) const;
+ void init(Silf *silf) { m_silf = silf; }
+- byte spaceContextuals() const { return (m_flags & 0x0E) >> 1; }
++ byte collisionLoops() const { return m_numCollRuns; }
++ bool reverseDir() const { return m_isReverseDir; }
+ private:
+ void findNDoRule(Slot* & iSlot, vm::Machine &, FiniteStateMachine& fsm) const;
+ int doAction(const vm::Machine::Code* codeptr, Slot * & slot_out, vm::Machine &) const;
+ bool testPassConstraint(vm::Machine & m) const;
+ bool testConstraint(const Rule & r, vm::Machine &) const;
+ bool readRules(const byte * rule_map, const size_t num_entries,
+ const byte *precontext, const uint16 * sort_key,
+ const uint16 * o_constraint, const byte *constraint_data,
+ const uint16 * o_action, const byte * action_data,
+- Face &, Error &e);
++ Face &, enum passtype pt, Error &e);
+ bool readStates(const byte * starts, const byte * states, const byte * o_rule_map, Face &, Error &e);
+ bool readRanges(const byte * ranges, size_t num_ranges, Error &e);
+ uint16 glyphToCol(const uint16 gid) const;
+ bool runFSM(FiniteStateMachine & fsm, Slot * slot) const;
+ void dumpRuleEventConsidered(const FiniteStateMachine & fsm, const RuleEntry & re) const;
+- void dumpRuleEventOutput(const FiniteStateMachine & fsm, const Rule & r, Slot * os) const;
++ void dumpRuleEventOutput(const FiniteStateMachine & fsm, vm::Machine & m, const Rule & r, Slot * os) const;
+ void adjustSlot(int delta, Slot * & slot_out, SlotMap &) const;
+- const Silf* m_silf;
+- uint16 * m_cols;
+- Rule * m_rules; // rules
+- RuleEntry * m_ruleMap;
+- uint16 * m_startStates; // prectxt length
+- uint16 * m_transitions;
+- State * m_states;
+- byte m_flags;
++ bool collisionShift(Segment *seg, int dir, json * const dbgout) const;
++ bool collisionKern(Segment *seg, int dir, json * const dbgout) const;
++ bool collisionFinish(Segment *seg, GR_MAYBE_UNUSED json * const dbgout) const;
++ bool resolveCollisions(Segment *seg, Slot *slot, Slot *start, ShiftCollider &coll, bool isRev,
++ int dir, bool &moved, bool &hasCol, json * const dbgout) const;
++ float resolveKern(Segment *seg, Slot *slot, Slot *start, KernCollider &coll, int dir,
++ float &ymin, float &ymax, json *const dbgout) const;
++ const Silf * m_silf;
++ uint16 * m_cols;
++ Rule * m_rules; // rules
++ RuleEntry * m_ruleMap;
++ uint16 * m_startStates; // prectxt length
++ uint16 * m_transitions;
++ State * m_states;
++ vm::Machine::Code * m_codes;
++ byte * m_progs;
++ byte m_numCollRuns;
++ byte m_kernColls;
+ byte m_iMaxLoop;
+ uint16 m_numGlyphs;
+ uint16 m_numRules;
+ uint16 m_numStates;
+ uint16 m_numTransition;
+ uint16 m_numSuccess;
+ uint16 m_successStart;
+ uint16 m_numColumns;
+ byte m_minPreCtxt;
+ byte m_maxPreCtxt;
++ byte m_colThreshold;
++ bool m_isReverseDir;
+ vm::Machine::Code m_cPConstraint;
+ private: //defensive
+ Pass(const Pass&);
+ Pass& operator=(const Pass&);
+ };
+ } // namespace graphite2
+diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/Position.h b/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/Position.h
+--- a/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/Position.h
++++ b/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/Position.h
+@@ -45,15 +45,24 @@ public:
+ class Rect
+ {
+ public :
+ Rect() {}
+ Rect(const Position& botLeft, const Position& topRight): bl(botLeft), tr(topRight) {}
+ Rect widen(const Rect& other) { return Rect(Position(bl.x > ? : bl.x, bl.y > ? : bl.y), Position(tr.x > ? tr.x :, tr.y > ? tr.y :; }
+ Rect operator + (const Position &a) const { return Rect(Position(bl.x + a.x, bl.y + a.y), Position(tr.x + a.x, tr.y + a.y)); }
++ Rect operator - (const Position &a) const { return Rect(Position(bl.x - a.x, bl.y - a.y), Position(tr.x - a.x, tr.y - a.y)); }
+ Rect operator * (float m) const { return Rect(Position(bl.x, bl.y) * m, Position(tr.x, tr.y) * m); }
++ float width() const { return tr.x - bl.x; }
++ float height() const { return tr.y - bl.y; }
++ bool hitTest(Rect &other);
++ // returns Position(overlapx, overlapy) where overlap<0 if overlapping else positive)
++ Position overlap(Position &offset, Rect &other, Position &otherOffset);
++ //Position constrainedAvoid(Position &offset, Rect &box, Rect &sdbox, Position &other, Rect &obox, Rect &osdbox);
+ Position bl;
+ Position tr;
+ };
+ } // namespace graphite2
+diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/Rule.h b/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/Rule.h
+--- a/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/Rule.h
++++ b/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/Rule.h
+@@ -36,30 +36,36 @@ struct Rule {
+ const vm::Machine::Code * constraint,
+ * action;
+ unsigned short sort;
+ byte preContext;
+ #ifndef NDEBUG
+ uint16 rule_idx;
+ #endif
+- Rule() : constraint(0), action(0), sort(0), preContext(0) {}
+- ~Rule();
++ Rule();
++ ~Rule() {}
+ private:
+ Rule(const Rule &);
+ Rule & operator = (const Rule &);
+ };
+-inline Rule::~Rule()
++: constraint(0),
++ action(0),
++ sort(0),
++ preContext(0)
+ {
+- delete constraint;
+- delete action;
++#ifndef NDEBUG
++ rule_idx = 0;
+ }
+ struct RuleEntry
+ {
+ const Rule * rule;
+ inline
+@@ -91,40 +97,43 @@ bool State::empty() const
+ return rules_end == rules;
+ }
+ class SlotMap
+ {
+ public:
+ enum {MAX_SLOTS=64};
+- SlotMap(Segment & seg);
++ SlotMap(Segment & seg, uint8 direction);
+ Slot * * begin();
+ Slot * * end();
+ size_t size() const;
+ unsigned short context() const;
+ void reset(Slot &, unsigned short);
+ Slot * const & operator[](int n) const;
+ Slot * & operator [] (int);
+ void pushSlot(Slot * const slot);
+- void collectGarbage();
++ void collectGarbage(Slot *& aSlot);
+ Slot * highwater() { return m_highwater; }
+ void highwater(Slot *s) { m_highwater = s; m_highpassed = false; }
+ bool highpassed() const { return m_highpassed; }
+ void highpassed(bool v) { m_highpassed = v; }
++ uint8 dir() const { return m_dir; }
+ Segment & segment;
+ private:
+ Slot * m_slot_map[MAX_SLOTS+1];
+ unsigned short m_size;
+ unsigned short m_precontext;
+ Slot * m_highwater;
++ uint8 m_dir;
+ bool m_highpassed;
+ };
+ class FiniteStateMachine
+ {
+ public:
+ enum {MAX_RULES=128};
+@@ -228,18 +237,18 @@ void FiniteStateMachine::Rules::accumula
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ while (rre != rrend && out != lrend) { *out++ = *rre++; }
+ m_end = out;
+ }
+ inline
+-SlotMap::SlotMap(Segment & seg)
+-: segment(seg), m_size(0), m_precontext(0), m_highwater(0), m_highpassed(false)
++SlotMap::SlotMap(Segment & seg, uint8 direction)
++: segment(seg), m_size(0), m_precontext(0), m_highwater(0), m_dir(direction), m_highpassed(false)
+ {
+ m_slot_map[0] = 0;
+ }
+ inline
+ Slot * * SlotMap::begin()
+ {
+ return &m_slot_map[1]; // allow map to go 1 before slot_map when inserting
+diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/SegCache.h b/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/SegCache.h
+--- a/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/SegCache.h
++++ b/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/SegCache.h
+@@ -258,17 +258,17 @@ public:
+ private:
+ void freeLevel(SegCacheStore * store, SegCachePrefixArray prefixes, size_t level);
+ void purgeLevel(SegCacheStore * store, SegCachePrefixArray prefixes, size_t level,
+ unsigned long long minAccessCount, unsigned long long oldAccessTime);
+ uint16 m_prefixLength;
+- uint16 m_maxCachedSegLength;
++// uint16 m_maxCachedSegLength;
+ size_t m_segmentCount;
+ SegCachePrefixArray m_prefixes;
+ Features m_features;
+ mutable unsigned long long m_totalAccessCount;
+ mutable unsigned long long m_totalMisses;
+ float m_purgeFactor;
+ };
+diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/Segment.h b/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/Segment.h
+--- a/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/Segment.h
++++ b/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/Segment.h
+@@ -30,29 +30,28 @@ of the License or (at your option) any l
+ #include <cassert>
+ #include "inc/CharInfo.h"
+ #include "inc/Face.h"
+ #include "inc/FeatureVal.h"
+ #include "inc/GlyphCache.h"
+ #include "inc/GlyphFace.h"
+-//#include "inc/Silf.h"
+ #include "inc/Slot.h"
+ #include "inc/Position.h"
+ #include "inc/List.h"
+-#include "inc/Bidi.h"
++#include "inc/Collider.h"
+ namespace graphite2 {
+ typedef Vector<Features> FeatureList;
+ typedef Vector<Slot *> SlotRope;
+-typedef Vector<int16 *> AttributeRope;
++typedef Vector<int16 *> AttributeRope;
+ typedef Vector<SlotJustify *> JustifyRope;
+ class SegmentScopeState;
+ #endif
+ class Font;
+ class Segment;
+ class Silf;
+@@ -81,119 +80,151 @@ private:
+ class Segment
+ {
+ // Prevent copying of any kind.
+ Segment(const Segment&);
+ Segment& operator=(const Segment&);
+ public:
++ enum {
++ };
+ unsigned int slotCount() const { return m_numGlyphs; } //one slot per glyph
+ void extendLength(int num) { m_numGlyphs += num; }
+ Position advance() const { return m_advance; }
+ bool runGraphite() { if (m_silf) return m_face->runGraphite(this, m_silf); else return true;};
+ void chooseSilf(uint32 script) { m_silf = m_face->chooseSilf(script); }
+ const Silf *silf() const { return m_silf; }
+ unsigned int charInfoCount() const { return m_numCharinfo; }
+ const CharInfo *charinfo(unsigned int index) const { return index < m_numCharinfo ? m_charinfo + index : NULL; }
+ CharInfo *charinfo(unsigned int index) { return index < m_numCharinfo ? m_charinfo + index : NULL; }
+- int8 dir() const { return m_dir; }
+ Segment(unsigned int numchars, const Face* face, uint32 script, int dir);
+ ~Segment();
+ SegmentScopeState setScope(Slot * firstSlot, Slot * lastSlot, size_t subLength);
+ void removeScope(SegmentScopeState & state);
+ void append(const Segment &other);
+ void splice(size_t offset, size_t length, Slot * const startSlot,
+ Slot * endSlot, const Slot * srcSlot,
+ const size_t numGlyphs);
+ #endif
++ uint8 flags() const { return m_flags; }
++ void flags(uint8 f) { m_flags = f; }
+ Slot *first() { return m_first; }
+ void first(Slot *p) { m_first = p; }
+ Slot *last() { return m_last; }
+ void last(Slot *p) { m_last = p; }
+ void appendSlot(int i, int cid, int gid, int fid, size_t coffset);
+ Slot *newSlot();
+ void freeSlot(Slot *);
+ SlotJustify *newJustify();
+ void freeJustify(SlotJustify *aJustify);
+- Position positionSlots(const Font *font, Slot *first=0, Slot *last=0);
++ Position positionSlots(const Font *font=0, Slot *first=0, Slot *last=0, bool isRtl = false, bool isFinal = true);
+ void associateChars(int offset, int num);
+ void linkClusters(Slot *first, Slot *last);
+ uint16 getClassGlyph(uint16 cid, uint16 offset) const { return m_silf->getClassGlyph(cid, offset); }
+ uint16 findClassIndex(uint16 cid, uint16 gid) const { return m_silf->findClassIndex(cid, gid); }
+ int addFeatures(const Features& feats) { m_feats.push_back(feats); return m_feats.size() - 1; }
+ uint32 getFeature(int index, uint8 findex) const { const FeatureRef* pFR=m_face->theSill().theFeatureMap().featureRef(findex); if (!pFR) return 0; else return pFR->getFeatureVal(m_feats[index]); }
++ void setFeature(int index, uint8 findex, uint32 val) {
++ const FeatureRef* pFR=m_face->theSill().theFeatureMap().featureRef(findex);
++ if (pFR)
++ {
++ if (val > pFR->maxVal()) val = pFR->maxVal();
++ pFR->applyValToFeature(val, m_feats[index]);
++ } }
++ int8 dir() const { return m_dir; }
+ void dir(int8 val) { m_dir = val; }
++ bool currdir() const { return ((m_dir >> 6) ^ m_dir) & 1; }
+ unsigned int passBits() const { return m_passBits; }
+ void mergePassBits(const unsigned int val) { m_passBits &= val; }
+ int16 glyphAttr(uint16 gid, uint16 gattr) const { const GlyphFace * p = m_face->glyphs().glyphSafe(gid); return p ? p->attrs()[gattr] : 0; }
+- int32 getGlyphMetric(Slot *iSlot, uint8 metric, uint8 attrLevel) const;
++ int32 getGlyphMetric(Slot *iSlot, uint8 metric, uint8 attrLevel, bool rtl) const;
+ float glyphAdvance(uint16 gid) const { return m_face->glyphs().glyph(gid)->theAdvance().x; }
+ const Rect &theGlyphBBoxTemporary(uint16 gid) const { return m_face->glyphs().glyph(gid)->theBBox(); } //warning value may become invalid when another glyph is accessed
+ Slot *findRoot(Slot *is) const { return is->attachedTo() ? findRoot(is->attachedTo()) : is; }
+ int numAttrs() const { return m_silf->numUser(); }
+ int defaultOriginal() const { return m_defaultOriginal; }
+ const Face * getFace() const { return m_face; }
+ const Features & getFeatures(unsigned int /*charIndex*/) { assert(m_feats.size() == 1); return m_feats[0]; }
+- void bidiPass(uint8 aBidi, int paradir, uint8 aMirror);
++ void bidiPass(int paradir, uint8 aMirror);
++ int8 getSlotBidiClass(Slot *s) const;
++ void doMirror(uint16 aMirror);
+ Slot *addLineEnd(Slot *nSlot);
+ void delLineEnd(Slot *s);
+ bool hasJustification() const { return m_justifies.size() != 0; }
++ void reverseSlots();
+ bool isWhitespace(const int cid) const;
++ bool hasCollisionInfo() const { return (m_flags & SEG_HASCOLLISIONS); }
++ SlotCollision *collisionInfo(const Slot *s) const { return m_collisions ? m_collisions + s->index() : 0; }
+ public: //only used by: GrSegment* makeAndInitialize(const GrFont *font, const GrFace *face, uint32 script, const FeaturesHandle& pFeats/*must not be IsNull*/, encform enc, const void* pStart, size_t nChars, int dir);
+ bool read_text(const Face *face, const Features* pFeats/*must not be NULL*/, gr_encform enc, const void*pStart, size_t nChars);
+- void prepare_pos(const Font *font);
+- void finalise(const Font *font);
++ void finalise(const Font *font, bool reverse=false);
+ float justify(Slot *pSlot, const Font *font, float width, enum justFlags flags, Slot *pFirst, Slot *pLast);
++ bool initCollisions();
+ private:
+ Position m_advance; // whole segment advance
+ SlotRope m_slots; // Vector of slot buffers
+ AttributeRope m_userAttrs; // Vector of userAttrs buffers
+ JustifyRope m_justifies; // Slot justification info buffers
+ FeatureList m_feats; // feature settings referenced by charinfos in this segment
+ Slot * m_freeSlots; // linked list of free slots
+ SlotJustify * m_freeJustifies; // Slot justification blocks free list
+ CharInfo * m_charinfo; // character info, one per input character
++ SlotCollision * m_collisions;
+ const Face * m_face; // GrFace
+ const Silf * m_silf;
+ Slot * m_first; // first slot in segment
+ Slot * m_last; // last slot in segment
+ unsigned int m_bufSize, // how big a buffer to create when need more slots
+ m_numGlyphs,
+ m_numCharinfo, // size of the array and number of input characters
+ m_passBits; // if bit set then skip pass
+ int m_defaultOriginal; // number of whitespace chars in the string
+ int8 m_dir;
++ uint8 m_flags; // General purpose flags
+ };
++int8 Segment::getSlotBidiClass(Slot *s) const
++ int8 res = s->getBidiClass();
++ if (res != -1) return res;
++ res = int8(glyphAttr(s->gid(), m_silf->aBidi()));
++ s->setBidiClass(res);
++ return res;
+ inline
+-void Segment::finalise(const Font *font)
++void Segment::finalise(const Font *font, bool reverse)
+ {
+ if (!m_first) return;
+- m_advance = positionSlots(font);
+- associateChars(0, m_numCharinfo);
++ m_advance = positionSlots(font, m_first, m_last, m_silf->dir(), true);
++ //associateChars(0, m_numCharinfo);
++ if (reverse && currdir() != (m_dir & 1))
++ reverseSlots();
+ linkClusters(m_first, m_last);
+ }
+ inline
+-int32 Segment::getGlyphMetric(Slot *iSlot, uint8 metric, uint8 attrLevel) const {
++int32 Segment::getGlyphMetric(Slot *iSlot, uint8 metric, uint8 attrLevel, bool rtl) const {
+ if (attrLevel > 0)
+ {
+ Slot *is = findRoot(iSlot);
+- return is->clusterMetric(this, metric, attrLevel);
++ return is->clusterMetric(this, metric, attrLevel, rtl);
+ }
+ else
+ return m_face->getGlyphMetric(iSlot->gid(), metric);
+ }
+ inline
+ bool Segment::isWhitespace(const int cid) const
+ {
+@@ -206,68 +237,12 @@ bool Segment::isWhitespace(const int cid
+ + (cid >= 0x2000) * (cid <= 0x200A)
+ + (cid == 0x2028)
+ + (cid == 0x2029)
+ + (cid == 0x202F)
+ + (cid == 0x205F)
+ + (cid == 0x3000)) != 0;
+ }
+-//bool Segment::isWhitespace(const int cid) const
+-// switch (cid >> 8)
+-// {
+-// case 0x00:
+-// switch (cid)
+-// {
+-// case 0x09:
+-// case 0x0A:
+-// case 0x0B:
+-// case 0x0C:
+-// case 0x0D:
+-// case 0x20:
+-// return true;
+-// default:
+-// break;
+-// }
+-// break;
+-// case 0x16:
+-// return cid == 0x1680;
+-// break;
+-// case 0x18:
+-// return cid == 0x180E;
+-// break;
+-// case 0x20:
+-// switch (cid)
+-// {
+-// case 0x00:
+-// case 0x01:
+-// case 0x02:
+-// case 0x03:
+-// case 0x04:
+-// case 0x05:
+-// case 0x06:
+-// case 0x07:
+-// case 0x08:
+-// case 0x09:
+-// case 0x0A:
+-// case 0x28:
+-// case 0x29:
+-// case 0x2F:
+-// case 0x5F:
+-// return true
+-// default:
+-// break;
+-// }
+-// break;
+-// case 0x30:
+-// return cid == 0x3000;
+-// break;
+-// }
+-// return false;
+ } // namespace graphite2
+ struct gr_segment : public graphite2::Segment {};
+diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/Silf.h b/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/Silf.h
+--- a/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/Silf.h
++++ b/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/Silf.h
+@@ -80,24 +80,26 @@ public:
+ uint16 getClassGlyph(uint16 cid, unsigned int index) const;
+ uint16 findPseudo(uint32 uid) const;
+ uint8 numUser() const { return m_aUser; }
+ uint8 aPseudo() const { return m_aPseudo; }
+ uint8 aBreak() const { return m_aBreak; }
+ uint8 aMirror() const {return m_aMirror; }
+ uint8 aPassBits() const { return m_aPassBits; }
+ uint8 aBidi() const { return m_aBidi; }
++ uint8 aCollision() const { return m_aCollision; }
+ uint8 substitutionPass() const { return m_sPass; }
+ uint8 positionPass() const { return m_pPass; }
+ uint8 justificationPass() const { return m_jPass; }
+ uint8 bidiPass() const { return m_bPass; }
+ uint8 numPasses() const { return m_numPasses; }
+ uint8 maxCompPerLig() const { return m_iMaxComp; }
+ uint16 numClasses() const { return m_nClass; }
+ byte flags() const { return m_flags; }
++ byte dir() const { return m_dir; }
+ uint8 numJustLevels() const { return m_numJusts; }
+ Justinfo *justAttrs() const { return m_justs; }
+ uint16 endLineGlyphid() const { return m_gEndLine; }
+ const gr_faceinfo *silfInfo() const { return &m_silfinfo; }
+ private:
+@@ -107,23 +109,20 @@ private:
+ Pass * m_passes;
+ Pseudo * m_pseudos;
+ uint32 * m_classOffsets;
+ uint16 * m_classData;
+ Justinfo * m_justs;
+ uint8 m_numPasses;
+ uint8 m_numJusts;
+ uint8 m_sPass, m_pPass, m_jPass, m_bPass,
+- m_flags;
++ m_flags, m_dir;
+- uint8 m_aPseudo, m_aBreak, m_aUser, m_aBidi, m_aMirror, m_aPassBits,
+- m_iMaxComp;
+- uint16 m_aLig,
+- m_numPseudo,
+- m_nClass,
+- m_nLinear,
+- m_gEndLine;
++ uint8 m_aPseudo, m_aBreak, m_aUser, m_aBidi, m_aMirror, m_aPassBits,
++ m_iMaxComp, m_aCollision;
++ uint16 m_aLig, m_numPseudo, m_nClass, m_nLinear,
++ m_gEndLine;
+ gr_faceinfo m_silfinfo;
+ void releaseBuffers() throw();
+ };
+ } // namespace graphite2
+diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/Slot.h b/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/Slot.h
+--- a/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/Slot.h
++++ b/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/Slot.h
+@@ -27,25 +27,23 @@ of the License or (at your option) any l
+ #pragma once
+ #include "graphite2/Types.h"
+ #include "graphite2/Segment.h"
+ #include "inc/Main.h"
+ #include "inc/Font.h"
+ #include "inc/Position.h"
+ namespace graphite2 {
+ typedef gr_attrCode attrCode;
+ class GlyphFace;
++class SegCacheEntry;
+ class Segment;
+-class SegCacheEntry;
+ struct SlotJustify
+ {
+ static const int NUMJUSTPARAMS = 5;
+ SlotJustify(const SlotJustify &);
+ SlotJustify & operator = (const SlotJustify &);
+@@ -70,73 +68,79 @@ class Slot
+ };
+ public:
+ struct iterator;
+ unsigned short gid() const { return m_glyphid; }
+ Position origin() const { return m_position; }
+ float advance() const { return m_advance.x; }
++ void advance(Position &val) { m_advance = val; }
+ Position advancePos() const { return m_advance; }
+ int before() const { return m_before; }
+ int after() const { return m_after; }
+ uint32 index() const { return m_index; }
+ void index(uint32 val) { m_index = val; }
+- Slot();
++ Slot(int16 *m_userAttr = NULL);
+ void set(const Slot & slot, int charOffset, size_t numUserAttr, size_t justLevels, size_t numChars);
+ Slot *next() const { return m_next; }
+ void next(Slot *s) { m_next = s; }
+ Slot *prev() const { return m_prev; }
+ void prev(Slot *s) { m_prev = s; }
+ uint16 glyph() const { return m_realglyphid ? m_realglyphid : m_glyphid; }
+ void setGlyph(Segment *seg, uint16 glyphid, const GlyphFace * theGlyph = NULL);
+ void setRealGid(uint16 realGid) { m_realglyphid = realGid; }
+ void adjKern(const Position &pos) { m_shift = m_shift + pos; m_advance = m_advance + pos; }
+ void origin(const Position &pos) { m_position = pos + m_shift; }
+ void originate(int ind) { m_original = ind; }
+ int original() const { return m_original; }
+ void before(int ind) { m_before = ind; }
+ void after(int ind) { m_after = ind; }
+ bool isBase() const { return (!m_parent); }
+ void update(int numSlots, int numCharInfo, Position &relpos);
+- Position finalise(const Segment* seg, const Font* font, Position & base, Rect & bbox, uint8 attrLevel, float & clusterMin);
++ Position finalise(const Segment* seg, const Font* font, Position & base, Rect & bbox, uint8 attrLevel, float & clusterMin, bool rtl, bool isFinal);
+ bool isDeleted() const { return (m_flags & DELETED) ? true : false; }
+ void markDeleted(bool state) { if (state) m_flags |= DELETED; else m_flags &= ~DELETED; }
+ bool isCopied() const { return (m_flags & COPIED) ? true : false; }
+ void markCopied(bool state) { if (state) m_flags |= COPIED; else m_flags &= ~COPIED; }
+ bool isPositioned() const { return (m_flags & POSITIONED) ? true : false; }
+ void markPositioned(bool state) { if (state) m_flags |= POSITIONED; else m_flags &= ~POSITIONED; }
+ bool isInsertBefore() const { return !(m_flags & INSERTED); }
+ uint8 getBidiLevel() const { return m_bidiLevel; }
+ void setBidiLevel(uint8 level) { m_bidiLevel = level; }
++ int8 getBidiClass(const Segment *seg);
+ int8 getBidiClass() const { return m_bidiCls; }
+ void setBidiClass(int8 cls) { m_bidiCls = cls; }
+ int16 *userAttrs() const { return m_userAttr; }
+ void userAttrs(int16 *p) { m_userAttr = p; }
+ void markInsertBefore(bool state) { if (!state) m_flags |= INSERTED; else m_flags &= ~INSERTED; }
+ void setAttr(Segment* seg, attrCode ind, uint8 subindex, int16 val, const SlotMap & map);
+ int getAttr(const Segment *seg, attrCode ind, uint8 subindex) const;
+ int getJustify(const Segment *seg, uint8 level, uint8 subindex) const;
+ void setJustify(Segment *seg, uint8 level, uint8 subindex, int16 value);
+ bool isLocalJustify() const { return m_justs != NULL; };
+ void attachTo(Slot *ap) { m_parent = ap; }
+ Slot *attachedTo() const { return m_parent; }
+ Position attachOffset() const { return m_attach - m_with; }
+ Slot* firstChild() const { return m_child; }
++ void firstChild(Slot *ap) { m_child = ap; }
+ bool child(Slot *ap);
+ Slot* nextSibling() const { return m_sibling; }
++ void nextSibling(Slot *ap) { m_sibling = ap; }
+ bool sibling(Slot *ap);
+ bool removeChild(Slot *ap);
+ bool removeSibling(Slot *ap);
+- int32 clusterMetric(const Segment* seg, uint8 metric, uint8 attrLevel);
++ int32 clusterMetric(const Segment* seg, uint8 metric, uint8 attrLevel, bool rtl);
+ void positionShift(Position a) { m_position += a; }
+ void floodShift(Position adj);
+ float just() const { return m_just; }
+ void just(float j) { m_just = j; }
++ Slot *nextInCluster(const Slot *s) const;
++ bool isChildOf(const Slot *base) const;
+ private:
+ Slot *m_next; // linked list of slots
+ Slot *m_prev;
+ unsigned short m_glyphid; // glyph id
+ uint16 m_realglyphid;
+diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/Sparse.h b/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/Sparse.h
+--- a/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/Sparse.h
++++ b/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/Sparse.h
+@@ -51,17 +51,17 @@ private:
+ static const unsigned char SIZEOF_CHUNK = (sizeof(mask_t) - sizeof(key_type))*8;
+ struct chunk
+ {
+ mask_t mask:SIZEOF_CHUNK;
+ key_type offset;
+ };
+- static chunk empty_chunk;
++ static const chunk empty_chunk;
+ sparse(const sparse &);
+ sparse & operator = (const sparse &);
+ public:
+ template<typename I>
+ sparse(I first, const I last);
+ sparse() throw();
+ ~sparse() throw();
+@@ -83,17 +83,17 @@ private:
+ } m_array;
+ key_type m_nchunks;
+ };
+ inline
+ sparse::sparse() throw() : m_nchunks(0)
+ {
+- = &empty_chunk;
++ = const_cast<graphite2::sparse::chunk *>(&empty_chunk);
+ }
+ template <typename I>
+ sparse::sparse(I attr, const I last)
+ : m_nchunks(0)
+ {
+ = 0;
+@@ -108,30 +108,31 @@ sparse::sparse(I attr, const I last)
+ if (v.first <= lastkey) { m_nchunks = 0; return; }
+ lastkey = v.first;
+ const key_type k = v.first / SIZEOF_CHUNK;
+ if (k >= m_nchunks) m_nchunks = k+1;
+ }
+ if (m_nchunks == 0)
+ {
++<graphite2::sparse::chunk *>(&empty_chunk);
+ return;
+ }
+ m_array.values = grzeroalloc<mapped_type>((m_nchunks*sizeof(chunk) + sizeof(mapped_type)-1)
+ / sizeof(mapped_type)
+ + n_values);
+ if (m_array.values == 0)
+ {
+ free(m_array.values);;
+ return;
+ }
++ // coverity[forward_null : FALSE] Since m_array is union and m_array.values is not NULL
+ chunk * ci =;
+ ci->offset = (m_nchunks*sizeof(chunk) + sizeof(mapped_type)-1)/sizeof(mapped_type);
+ mapped_type * vi = m_array.values + ci->offset;
+ for (; attr != last; ++attr, ++vi)
+ {
+ const typename std::iterator_traits<I>::value_type v = *attr;
+ if (v.second == 0) { --vi; continue; }
+diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/TtfUtil.h b/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/TtfUtil.h
+--- a/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/TtfUtil.h
++++ b/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/TtfUtil.h
+@@ -132,21 +132,21 @@ public:
+ int GetLangsForNames(const void * pName, int nPlatformId, int nEncodingId,
+ int *nameIdList, int cNameIds, short *langIdList);
+ void SwapWString(void * pWStr, size_t nSize = 0); // throw (std::invalid_argument);
+ #endif
+ ////////////////////////////////// cmap lookup tools
+ const void * FindCmapSubtable(const void * pCmap, int nPlatformId = 3,
+ int nEncodingId = 1, size_t length = 0);
+- bool CheckCmapSubtable4(const void * pCmap31);
++ bool CheckCmapSubtable4(const void * pCmap31, size_t table_len /*, unsigned int maxgid*/);
+ gid16 CmapSubtable4Lookup(const void * pCmapSubtabel4, unsigned int nUnicodeId, int rangeKey = 0);
+ unsigned int CmapSubtable4NextCodepoint(const void *pCmap31, unsigned int nUnicodeId,
+ int * pRangeKey = 0);
+- bool CheckCmapSubtable12(const void *pCmap310);
++ bool CheckCmapSubtable12(const void *pCmap310, size_t table_len /*, unsigned int maxgid*/);
+ gid16 CmapSubtable12Lookup(const void * pCmap310, unsigned int uUnicodeId, int rangeKey = 0);
+ unsigned int CmapSubtable12NextCodepoint(const void *pCmap310, unsigned int nUnicodeId,
+ int * pRangeKey = 0);
+ ///////////////////////////////// horizontal metric data for a glyph
+ bool HorMetrics(gid16 nGlyphId, const void * pHmtx, size_t lHmtxSize,
+ const void * pHhea, int & nLsb, unsigned int & nAdvWid);
+diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/UtfCodec.h b/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/UtfCodec.h
+--- a/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/UtfCodec.h
++++ b/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/UtfCodec.h
+@@ -126,19 +126,22 @@ public:
+ static uchar_t get(const codeunit_t * cp, int8 & l) throw()
+ {
+ const int8 seq_sz = sz_lut[*cp >> 4];
+ uchar_t u = *cp & mask_lut[seq_sz];
+ l = 1;
+ bool toolong = false;
+ switch(seq_sz) {
+- case 4: u <<= 6; u |= *++cp & 0x3F; if (*cp >> 6 != 2) break; ++l; toolong = (u < 0x10); // no break
+- case 3: u <<= 6; u |= *++cp & 0x3F; if (*cp >> 6 != 2) break; ++l; toolong |= (u < 0x20); // no break
+- case 2: u <<= 6; u |= *++cp & 0x3F; if (*cp >> 6 != 2) break; ++l; toolong |= (u < 0x80); // no break
++ case 4: u <<= 6; u |= *++cp & 0x3F; if (*cp >> 6 != 2) break; ++l; toolong = (u < 0x10); GR_FALLTHROUGH;
++ // no break
++ case 3: u <<= 6; u |= *++cp & 0x3F; if (*cp >> 6 != 2) break; ++l; toolong |= (u < 0x20); GR_FALLTHROUGH;
++ // no break
++ case 2: u <<= 6; u |= *++cp & 0x3F; if (*cp >> 6 != 2) break; ++l; toolong |= (u < 0x80); GR_FALLTHROUGH;
++ // no break
+ case 1: break;
+ case 0: l = -1; return 0xFFFD;
+ }
+ if (l != seq_sz || toolong)
+ {
+ l = -l;
+ return 0xFFFD;
+diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/bits.h b/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/bits.h
+--- a/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/bits.h
++++ b/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/bits.h
+@@ -24,25 +24,73 @@ Mozilla Public License (http://mozilla.o
+ License, as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2
+ of the License or (at your option) any later version.
+ */
+ #pragma once
+ namespace graphite2
+ {
++#if defined GRAPHITE2_BUILTINS && (defined __GNUC__ || defined __clang__)
+ template<typename T>
+ inline unsigned int bit_set_count(T v)
+ {
+- v = v - ((v >> 1) & T(~T(0)/3)); // temp
+- v = (v & T(~T(0)/15*3)) + ((v >> 2) & T(~T(0)/15*3)); // temp
+- v = (v + (v >> 4)) & T(~T(0)/255*15); // temp
+- return (T)(v * T(~T(0)/255)) >> (sizeof(T)-1)*8; // count
++ return __builtin_popcount(v);
+ }
++inline unsigned int bit_set_count(int16 v)
++ return __builtin_popcount(static_cast<uint16>(v));
++inline unsigned int bit_set_count(int8 v)
++ return __builtin_popcount(static_cast<uint8>(v));
++inline unsigned int bit_set_count(unsigned long v)
++ return __builtin_popcountl(v);
++inline unsigned int bit_set_count(signed long v)
++ return __builtin_popcountl(v);
++inline unsigned int bit_set_count(unsigned long long v)
++ return __builtin_popcountll(v);
++inline unsigned int bit_set_count(signed long long v)
++ return __builtin_popcountll(v);
++template<typename T>
++inline unsigned int bit_set_count(T v)
++ v = v - ((v >> 1) & T(~(0UL)/3)); // temp
++ v = (v & T(~(0UL)/15*3)) + ((v >> 2) & T(~(0UL)/15*3)); // temp
++ v = (v + (v >> 4)) & T(~(0UL)/255*15); // temp
++ return (T)(v * T(~(0UL)/255)) >> (sizeof(T)-1)*8; // count
+ template<int S>
+ inline unsigned long _mask_over_val(unsigned long v)
+ {
+ v = _mask_over_val<S/2>(v);
+ v |= v >> S*4;
+ return v;
+ }
+@@ -82,9 +130,17 @@ inline T has_zero(const T x)
+ template<typename T>
+ inline T zero_bytes(const T x, unsigned char n)
+ {
+ const T t = T(~T(0)/255*n);
+ return T((has_zero(x^t) >> 7)*n);
+ }
++#if 0
++inline float float_round(float x, uint32 m)
++ *reinterpret_cast<unsigned int *>(&x) &= m;
++ return *reinterpret_cast<float *>(&x);
+ }
+diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/debug.h b/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/debug.h
+--- a/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/debug.h
++++ b/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/debug.h
+@@ -49,31 +49,39 @@ struct objectid
+ {
+ char name[16];
+ objectid(const dslot &) throw();
+ objectid(const Segment * const p) throw();
+ };
+ json & operator << (json & j, const Position &) throw();
++json & operator << (json & j, const Rect &) throw();
+ json & operator << (json & j, const CharInfo &) throw();
+ json & operator << (json & j, const dslot &) throw();
+ json & operator << (json & j, const objectid &) throw();
+ json & operator << (json & j, const telemetry &) throw();
+ inline
+ json & operator << (json & j, const Position & p) throw()
+ {
+ return j << json::flat << json::array << p.x << p.y << json::close;
+ }
+ inline
++json & operator << (json & j, const Rect & p) throw()
++ return j << json::flat << json::array << << << << << json::close;
+ json & operator << (json & j, const objectid & sid) throw()
+ {
+ return j <<;
+ }
+ } // namespace graphite2
+diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/json.h b/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/json.h
+--- a/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/json.h
++++ b/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/json.h
+@@ -24,19 +24,21 @@ Mozilla Public License (http://mozilla.o
+ License, as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2
+ of the License or (at your option) any later version.
+ */
+ // JSON pretty printer for graphite font debug output logging.
+ // Created on: 15 Dec 2011
+ // Author: Tim Eves
+ #pragma once
+ #include "inc/Main.h"
+ #include <cassert>
+-#include <stdio.h>
++#include <cstdio>
++#include "inc/List.h"
+ namespace graphite2 {
+ class json
+ {
+ // Prevent copying
+ json(const json &);
+ json & operator = (const json &);
+@@ -44,31 +46,36 @@ class json
+ typedef void (*_context_t)(json &);
+ class _null_t {};
+ FILE * const _stream;
+ char _contexts[128], // context stack
+ * _context, // current context (top of stack)
+ * _flatten; // if !0 points to context above which
+ // pretty printed output should occur.
++ Vector<void *> _env;
+ void context(const char current) throw();
+ void indent(const int d=0) throw();
+ void push_context(const char, const char) throw();
+ void pop_context() throw();
+ public:
+ class closer;
+ typedef const char * string;
+ typedef double number;
+ typedef long signed int integer;
+ typedef bool boolean;
+ static const _null_t null;
++ void setenv(unsigned int index, void *val) { _env.reserve(index + 1); if (index >= _env.size()) _env.insert(_env.end(), _env.size() - index + 1, 0); _env[index] = val; }
++ void *getenv(unsigned int index) const { return _env[index]; }
++ const Vector<void *> &getenvs() const { return _env; }
+ static void flat(json &) throw();
+ static void close(json &) throw();
+ static void object(json &) throw();
+ static void array(json &) throw();
+ static void item(json &) throw();
+ json(FILE * stream) throw();
+ ~json() throw ();
+diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/opcode_table.h b/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/opcode_table.h
+--- a/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/opcode_table.h
++++ b/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/opcode_table.h
+@@ -38,17 +38,17 @@ of the License or (at your option) any l
+ // sattrnum - 0 .. 29 (gr_slatJWidth) , 55 (gr_slatUserDefn)
+ // attrid - 0 .. silf.numUser() where sattrnum == 55; 0..silf.m_iMaxComp where sattrnum == 15 otherwise 0
+ // gattrnum - 0 .. face->getGlyphFaceCache->numAttrs()
+ // gmetric - 0 .. 11 (kgmetDescent)
+ // featidx - 0 .. face.numFeatures()
+ // level - any byte
+ static const opcode_t opcode_table[] =
+ {
+- {{do2(nop)}, 0, "NOP"},
++ {{do2(nop)}, 0, "NOP"},
+ {{do2(push_byte)}, 1, "PUSH_BYTE"}, // number
+ {{do2(push_byte_u)}, 1, "PUSH_BYTE_U"}, // number
+ {{do2(push_short)}, 2, "PUSH_SHORT"}, // number number
+ {{do2(push_short_u)}, 2, "PUSH_SHORT_U"}, // number number
+ {{do2(push_long)}, 4, "PUSH_LONG"}, // number number number number
+ {{do2(add)}, 0, "ADD"},
+@@ -109,12 +109,17 @@ static const opcode_t opcode_table[] =
+ {{do2(push_proc_state)}, 1, "PUSH_PROC_STATE"}, // dummy
+ {{do2(push_version)}, 0, "PUSH_VERSION"},
+ {{do_(put_subs), NILOP}, 5, "PUT_SUBS"}, // slot input_class input_class output_class output_class
+ {{NILOP,NILOP}, 0, "PUT_SUBS2"},
+ {{NILOP,NILOP}, 0, "PUT_SUBS3"},
+ {{do_(put_glyph), NILOP}, 2, "PUT_GLYPH"}, // output_class output_class
+ {{do2(push_glyph_attr)}, 3, "PUSH_GLYPH_ATTR"}, // gattrnum gattrnum slot
+ {{do2(push_att_to_glyph_attr)}, 3, "PUSH_ATT_TO_GLYPH_ATTR"}, // gattrnum gattrnum slot
++ {{do2(bor)}, 0, "BITOR"},
++ {{do2(band)}, 0, "BITAND"},
++ {{do2(bnot)}, 0, "BITNOT"}, // 0x40
++ {{do2(setbits)}, 4, "BITSET"},
++ {{do2(set_feat)}, 2, "SET_FEAT"},
+ // private opcodes for internal use only, comes after all other on disk opcodes.
+ {{do_(temp_copy), NILOP}, 0, "TEMP_COPY"}
+ };
+diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/opcodes.h b/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/opcodes.h
+--- a/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/opcodes.h
++++ b/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/opcodes.h
+@@ -56,16 +56,17 @@ of the License or (at your option) any l
+ // pushed.
+ // seg = A reference to the Segment this code is running over.
+ // is = The current slot index
+ // isb = The original base slot index at the start of this rule
+ // isf = The first positioned slot
+ // isl = The last positioned slot
+ // ip = The current instruction pointer
+ // endPos = Position of advance of last cluster
++// dir = writing system directionality of the font
+ // #define NOT_IMPLEMENTED assert(false)
+ #define binop(op) const int32 a = pop(); *sp = int32(*sp) op a
+ #define use_params(n) dp += n
+@@ -236,30 +237,34 @@ STARTOP(put_subs_8bit_obs)
+ index = seg.findClassIndex(input_class, slot->gid());
+ is->setGlyph(&seg, seg.getClassGlyph(output_class, index));
+ }
+ STARTOP(put_copy)
+ declare_params(1);
+ const int slot_ref = int8(*param);
+- if (is && (slot_ref ||is != *map))
++ if (is)
+ {
+- int16 *tempUserAttrs = is->userAttrs();
+ slotref ref = slotat(slot_ref);
+- if (ref)
++ if (ref && ref != is)
+ {
+- memcpy(tempUserAttrs, ref->userAttrs(), seg.numAttrs() * sizeof(uint16));
++ int16 *tempUserAttrs = is->userAttrs();
++ if (is->attachedTo() || is->firstChild()) DIE
+ Slot *prev = is->prev();
+ Slot *next = is->next();
+- memcpy(is, slotat(slot_ref), sizeof(Slot));
++ memcpy(tempUserAttrs, ref->userAttrs(), seg.numAttrs() * sizeof(uint16));
++ memcpy(is, ref, sizeof(Slot));
++ is->firstChild(NULL);
++ is->nextSibling(NULL);
+ is->userAttrs(tempUserAttrs);
+ is->next(next);
+ is->prev(prev);
+- is->sibling(NULL);
++ if (is->attachedTo())
++ is->attachedTo()->child(is);
+ }
+ is->markCopied(false);
+ is->markDeleted(false);
+ }
+ STARTOP(insert)
+ Slot *newSlot = seg.newSlot();
+@@ -304,24 +309,26 @@ STARTOP(insert)
+ {
+ newSlot->originate(newSlot->prev()->original());
+ newSlot->after(newSlot->prev()->after());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ newSlot->originate(seg.defaultOriginal());
+ }
++ if (is == smap.highwater())
++ smap.highpassed(false);
+ is = newSlot;
+ seg.extendLength(1);
+ if (map != &smap[-1])
+ --map;
+ STARTOP(delete_)
+- if (!is) DIE
++ if (!is || is->isDeleted()) DIE
+ is->markDeleted(true);
+ if (is->prev())
+ is->prev()->next(is->next());
+ else
+ seg.first(is->next());
+ if (is->next())
+ is->next()->prev(is->prev());
+@@ -380,30 +387,30 @@ STARTOP(attr_set)
+ STARTOP(attr_add)
+ declare_params(1);
+ const attrCode slat = attrCode(uint8(*param));
+ const int val = int(pop());
+ if ((slat == gr_slatPosX || slat == gr_slatPosY) && (flags & POSITIONED) == 0)
+ {
+- seg.positionSlots(0, *smap.begin(), *(smap.end()-1));
++ seg.positionSlots(0, *smap.begin(), *(smap.end()-1), dir);
+ flags |= POSITIONED;
+ }
+ int res = is->getAttr(&seg, slat, 0);
+ is->setAttr(&seg, slat, 0, val + res, smap);
+ STARTOP(attr_sub)
+ declare_params(1);
+ const attrCode slat = attrCode(uint8(*param));
+ const int val = int(pop());
+ if ((slat == gr_slatPosX || slat == gr_slatPosY) && (flags & POSITIONED) == 0)
+ {
+- seg.positionSlots(0, *smap.begin(), *(smap.end()-1));
++ seg.positionSlots(0, *smap.begin(), *(smap.end()-1), dir);
+ flags |= POSITIONED;
+ }
+ int res = is->getAttr(&seg, slat, 0);
+ is->setAttr(&seg, slat, 0, res - val, smap);
+ STARTOP(attr_set_slot)
+ declare_params(1);
+@@ -422,17 +429,17 @@ STARTOP(iattr_set_slot)
+ STARTOP(push_slot_attr)
+ declare_params(2);
+ const attrCode slat = attrCode(uint8(param[0]));
+ const int slot_ref = int8(param[1]);
+ if ((slat == gr_slatPosX || slat == gr_slatPosY) && (flags & POSITIONED) == 0)
+ {
+- seg.positionSlots(0, *smap.begin(), *(smap.end()-1));
++ seg.positionSlots(0, *smap.begin(), *(smap.end()-1), dir);
+ flags |= POSITIONED;
+ }
+ slotref slot = slotat(slot_ref);
+ if (slot)
+ {
+ int res = slot->getAttr(&seg, slat, 0);
+ push(res);
+ }
+@@ -449,17 +456,17 @@ ENDOP
+ STARTOP(push_glyph_metric)
+ declare_params(3);
+ const unsigned int glyph_attr = uint8(param[0]);
+ const int slot_ref = int8(param[1]);
+ const signed int attr_level = uint8(param[2]);
+ slotref slot = slotat(slot_ref);
+ if (slot)
+- push(seg.getGlyphMetric(slot, glyph_attr, attr_level));
++ push(seg.getGlyphMetric(slot, glyph_attr, attr_level, dir));
+ STARTOP(push_feat)
+ declare_params(2);
+ const unsigned int feat = uint8(param[0]);
+ const int slot_ref = int8(param[1]);
+ slotref slot = slotat(slot_ref);
+ if (slot)
+@@ -487,28 +494,28 @@ STARTOP(push_att_to_glyph_metric)
+ const unsigned int glyph_attr = uint8(param[0]);
+ const int slot_ref = int8(param[1]);
+ const signed int attr_level = uint8(param[2]);
+ slotref slot = slotat(slot_ref);
+ if (slot)
+ {
+ slotref att = slot->attachedTo();
+ if (att) slot = att;
+- push(int32(seg.getGlyphMetric(slot, glyph_attr, attr_level)));
++ push(int32(seg.getGlyphMetric(slot, glyph_attr, attr_level, dir)));
+ }
+ STARTOP(push_islot_attr)
+ declare_params(3);
+ const attrCode slat = attrCode(uint8(param[0]));
+ const int slot_ref = int8(param[1]),
+ idx = uint8(param[2]);
+ if ((slat == gr_slatPosX || slat == gr_slatPosY) && (flags & POSITIONED) == 0)
+ {
+- seg.positionSlots(0, *smap.begin(), *(smap.end()-1));
++ seg.positionSlots(0, *smap.begin(), *(smap.end()-1), dir);
+ flags |= POSITIONED;
+ }
+ slotref slot = slotat(slot_ref);
+ if (slot)
+ {
+ int res = slot->getAttr(&seg, slat, idx);
+ push(res);
+ }
+@@ -543,31 +550,31 @@ ENDOP
+ STARTOP(iattr_add)
+ declare_params(2);
+ const attrCode slat = attrCode(uint8(param[0]));
+ const size_t idx = uint8(param[1]);
+ const int val = int(pop());
+ if ((slat == gr_slatPosX || slat == gr_slatPosY) && (flags & POSITIONED) == 0)
+ {
+- seg.positionSlots(0, *smap.begin(), *(smap.end()-1));
++ seg.positionSlots(0, *smap.begin(), *(smap.end()-1), dir);
+ flags |= POSITIONED;
+ }
+ int res = is->getAttr(&seg, slat, idx);
+ is->setAttr(&seg, slat, idx, val + res, smap);
+ STARTOP(iattr_sub)
+ declare_params(2);
+ const attrCode slat = attrCode(uint8(param[0]));
+ const size_t idx = uint8(param[1]);
+ const int val = int(pop());
+ if ((slat == gr_slatPosX || slat == gr_slatPosY) && (flags & POSITIONED) == 0)
+ {
+- seg.positionSlots(0, *smap.begin(), *(smap.end()-1));
++ seg.positionSlots(0, *smap.begin(), *(smap.end()-1), dir);
+ flags |= POSITIONED;
+ }
+ int res = is->getAttr(&seg, slat, idx);
+ is->setAttr(&seg, slat, idx, res - val, smap);
+ STARTOP(push_proc_state)
+ use_params(1);
+@@ -631,16 +638,50 @@ STARTOP(push_att_to_glyph_attr)
+ slotref att = slot->attachedTo();
+ if (att) slot = att;
+ push(int32(seg.glyphAttr(slot->gid(), glyph_attr)));
+ }
+ STARTOP(temp_copy)
+ slotref newSlot = seg.newSlot();
+- if (!newSlot) DIE;
++ if (!newSlot || !is) DIE;
+ int16 *tempUserAttrs = newSlot->userAttrs();
+ memcpy(newSlot, is, sizeof(Slot));
+ memcpy(tempUserAttrs, is->userAttrs(), seg.numAttrs() * sizeof(uint16));
+ newSlot->userAttrs(tempUserAttrs);
+ newSlot->markCopied(true);
+ *map = newSlot;
++ binop(&);
++ binop(|);
++ *sp = ~*sp;
++ declare_params(4);
++ const uint16 m = uint16(param[0]) << 8
++ | uint8(param[1]);
++ const uint16 v = uint16(param[2]) << 8
++ | uint8(param[3]);
++ *sp = ((*sp) & ~m) | v;
++ declare_params(2);
++ const unsigned int feat = uint8(param[0]);
++ const int slot_ref = int8(param[1]);
++ slotref slot = slotat(slot_ref);
++ if (slot)
++ {
++ uint8 fid = seg.charinfo(slot->original())->fid();
++ seg.setFeature(fid, feat, pop());
++ }
+diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/src/json.cpp b/gfx/graphite2/src/json.cpp
+--- a/gfx/graphite2/src/json.cpp
++++ b/gfx/graphite2/src/json.cpp
+@@ -24,17 +24,18 @@ Mozilla Public License (http://mozilla.o
+ License, as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2
+ of the License or (at your option) any later version.
+ */
+ // JSON debug logging
+ // Author: Tim Eves
+ #if !defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING
+-#include <stdio.h>
++#include <cstdio>
++#include <limits>
+ #include "inc/json.h"
+ using namespace graphite2;
+ namespace
+ {
+ enum
+ {
+@@ -111,16 +112,29 @@ json & json::operator << (json::string s
+ const char ctxt = _context[-1] == obj ? *_context == member ? seq : member : seq;
+ context(ctxt);
+ fprintf(_stream, "\"%s\"", s);
+ if (ctxt == member) fputc(' ', _stream);
+ return *this;
+ }
+-json & json::operator << (json::number f) throw() { context(seq); fprintf(_stream, "%g", f); return *this; }
++json & json::operator << (json::number f) throw()
++ context(seq);
++ if (std::numeric_limits<json::number>::infinity() == f)
++ fputs("Infinity", _stream);
++ else if (-std::numeric_limits<json::number>::infinity() == f)
++ fputs("-Infinity", _stream);
++ else if (std::numeric_limits<json::number>::quiet_NaN() == f ||
++ std::numeric_limits<json::number>::signaling_NaN() == f)
++ fputs("NaN", _stream);
++ else
++ fprintf(_stream, "%g", f);
++ return *this;
+ json & json::operator << (json::integer d) throw() { context(seq); fprintf(_stream, "%ld", d); return *this; }
+ json & json::operator << (long unsigned d) throw() { context(seq); fprintf(_stream, "%ld", d); return *this; }
+ json & json::operator << (json::boolean b) throw() { context(seq); fputs(b ? "true" : "false", _stream); return *this; }
+ json & json::operator << (json::_null_t) throw() { context(seq); fputs("null",_stream); return *this; }
+ #endif
+diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/src/ b/gfx/graphite2/src/
+--- a/gfx/graphite2/src/
++++ b/gfx/graphite2/src/
+@@ -18,37 +18,40 @@ if CONFIG['GNU_CC']:
+ ]
+ else:
+ 'call_machine.cpp'
+ ]
+ # This should contain all of the _SOURCES from, except *_machine.cpp
+- 'Bidi.cpp',
+ 'CachedFace.cpp',
+ 'CmapCache.cpp',
+ 'Code.cpp',
++ 'Collider.cpp',
++ 'Decompressor.cpp',
+ 'Face.cpp',
+ 'FeatureMap.cpp',
+ 'FileFace.cpp',
+ 'Font.cpp',
+ 'GlyphCache.cpp',
+ 'GlyphFace.cpp',
+ 'gr_char_info.cpp',
+ 'gr_face.cpp',
+ 'gr_features.cpp',
+ 'gr_font.cpp',
+ 'gr_logging.cpp',
+ 'gr_segment.cpp',
+ 'gr_slot.cpp',
++ 'Intervals.cpp',
+ 'json.cpp',
+ 'Justifier.cpp',
+ 'NameTable.cpp',
+ 'Pass.cpp',
++ 'Position.cpp',
+ 'SegCache.cpp',
+ 'SegCacheEntry.cpp',
+ 'SegCacheStore.cpp',
+ 'Segment.cpp',
+ 'Silf.cpp',
+ 'Slot.cpp',
+ 'Sparse.cpp',
+ 'TtfUtil.cpp',