path: root/website/www.scm
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'website/www.scm')
1 files changed, 279 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/website/www.scm b/website/www.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c283ccd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/website/www.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+(define-module (www)
+ #:export (main-page))
+(define main-page
+ '(html (@ (lange "en"))
+ (head (meta (@ (charset "utf-8")))
+ (meta (@ (name "author")
+ (content "GuixSD Contributors")))
+ (meta (@ (name "description")
+ (content
+ "GuixSD is GNU's advanced system
+distribution. GNU is an operating system which respects the freedom of
+computer users. You are free to run the system for any purpose, study
+how it works, improve it, and share it with the whole world.")))
+ (meta (@ (name "keywords")
+ (content
+ "GNU, FSF, Free Software Foundation, Linux,
+Emacs, GCC, Unix, Free Software, Libre Software, Operating System, GNU
+Kernel, GNU Hurd, GUix Package Manager, Guile Scheme, Functional
+package management")))
+ (meta (@ (name "viewport")
+ (content "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0")))
+ (link (@ (type "text/css")
+ (rel "stylesheet")
+ (href "/software/guix/static/base/css/base.css")))
+ (link (@ (type "text/css")
+ (rel "stylesheet")
+ (href "/software/guix/static/base/css/index.css")))
+ (link (@ (type "image/png")
+ (rel "icon")
+ (href "/software/guix/static/base/img/favicon.png")))
+ (link (@ (rel "license") (href "Pending...")))
+ (title "Home - GuixSD"))
+ (body (div (@ (class "message-box msg-info"))
+ (span (@ (class "msg-label")) "Note")
+ "The Guix System Distribution (GuixSD) is alpha
+software. This means it is not production-ready. It may contain bugs
+and lack important features. But more than a disclaimer, this is an
+invitation to join us in improving it. See "
+ (a (@ (href "/software/guix/contribute/"))
+ "Contributing")
+ ", for more information. We hope you can soon
+switch to GuixSD without fear. ")
+ (div (@ (id "header-box"))
+ (a (@ (id "logo") (href "/software/guix/"))
+ (img (@ (src "/software/guix/static/base/img/GuixSD-logo.png")
+ (alt "GuixSD"))))
+ (ul (@ (id "site-nav"))
+ (li (a (@ (href "/software/guix/download/"))
+ "Download"))
+ (li (a (@ (href "/software/guix/package-list.html"))
+ "Packages"))
+ (li (a (@ (href "/software/guix/help/")) "Help"))
+ (li (a (@ (href "/software/guix/contribute/"))
+ "Contribute"))
+ (li (a (@ (href "/software/guix/donate/"))
+ "Donate"))
+ (li (a (@ (href "/software/guix/about/"))
+ "About"))))
+ (div (@ (id "content-box"))
+ (div (@ (id "featured-box"))
+ (div (@ (class "featured-content"))
+ (h1 (@ (class "featured-heading"))
+ "The Guix System Distribution")
+ (ul (li (b "Liberating.")
+ " GuixSD is an advanced distribution of the "
+ (a (@ (href "")
+ (class "hlink-yellow"))
+ "GNU Operating System")
+ " developed by the "
+ (a (@ (href "")
+ (class "hlink-yellow"))
+ "GNU Project ")
+ "—which respects the "
+ (a (@ (href "")
+ (class "hlink-yellow"))
+ "freedom of computer users")
+ ". ")
+ (li (b "Dependable.")
+ " The "
+ (a (@ (href "/software/guix/manual/")
+ (class "hlink-yellow"))
+ "GNU Guix")
+ " Package Manager, in addition
+to standard package management features, supports transactional
+upgrades and roll-backs, unprivileged package management, per-user
+profiles, and garbage collection.")
+ (li (b "Hackable.")
+ " It provides "
+ (a (@ (href "")
+ (class "hlink-yellow"))
+ "Guile Scheme")
+ " APIs, including high-level
+embedded domain-specific languages (EDSLs), to describe how packages
+are built and composed."))
+ (div (@ (class "featured-actions"))
+ (a (@ (href "/software/guix/download/")
+ (class "action download"))
+ "TEST v0.8.2 (alpha)")
+ (a (@ (href "/software/guix/contribute/")
+ (class "action contribute"))
+ (div (@ (id "discovery-box"))
+ (h2 "Discover GuixSD")
+ (div (@ (class "info-box text-center"))
+ (video (@ (src "")
+ (poster
+ "/software/guix/static/base/img/the-emacs-of-distros.png")
+ (controls "controls")
+ (class "video-preview")))
+ (p "January 2015, The Emacs of
+Distros (48 minutes)")
+ (p (a (@ (href "/software/guix/help/#talks")
+ (class "hlink-more-light"))
+ "Check all talks")))
+ (div (@ (class "info-box text-left"))
+ (p (a (@ (href "/software/guix/manual/")
+ (class "hlink-yellow"))
+ "GNU Guix Documentation")
+ (br)
+ "You may also find more information
+about GNU Guix by running info guix.")
+ (p (a (@ (href "")
+ (class "hlink-yellow"))
+ " Functional Package Management with Guix")
+ (br)
+ "A paper presented at the 2013
+European Lisp Symposium (ELS), describes the rationale, design, and
+implementation of Guix's packaging API. ")
+ (p (a (@ (href "")
+ (class "hlink-yellow"))
+ "GNU Manuals Online")
+ (br)
+ "Primary documentation for official
+GNU packages.")
+ (p (a (@ (href "/software/guix/help/")
+ (class "hlink-more-light"))
+ "Find more documentation")))
+ (img (@ (src "/software/guix/static/base/img/h-separator-darker.png")
+ (class "h-separator")
+ (alt "")))
+ (div (@ (id "screens-box"))
+ (a (@ (href "/software/guix/screenshots/0.8.2/grub-menu.png"))
+ (img (@ (src "/software/guix/static/base/img/screenshots/grub-menu-thumb.png")
+ (class "screenshot-thumb")
+ (alt "GRUB menu"))))
+ (a (@ (href "/software/guix/screenshots/0.8.2/slim.png"))
+ (img (@ (src "/software/guix/static/base/img/screenshots/slim-thumb.png")
+ (class "screenshot-thumb")
+ (alt "Slim login manager"))))
+ (a (@ (href "/software/guix/screenshots/0.8.2/windowmaker+icecat+inkscape.png"))
+ (img (@ (src "/software/guix/static/base/img/screenshots/windowmaker+icecat+inkscape-thumb.png")
+ (class "screenshot-thumb")
+ (alt "Windowmaker, Icecat, and Inkscape"))))
+ (a (@ (href "/software/guix/screenshots/0.8.2/user-interfaces.png"))
+ (img (@ (src "/software/guix/static/base/img/screenshots/user-interfaces-thumb.png")
+ (class "screenshot-thumb")
+ (alt "mplayer and xterm"))))
+ (a (@ (href "/software/guix/screenshots/0.8.2/emacs-ui-packages.png"))
+ (img (@ (src "/software/guix/static/base/img/screenshots/emacs-ui-packages-thumb.png")
+ (class "screenshot-thumb")
+ (alt "Emacs user interface to the package manager."))))
+ (a (@ (href "/software/guix/screenshots/0.8.2/emacs-ui-generations.png"))
+ (img (@ (src "/software/guix/static/base/img/screenshots/emacs-ui-generations-thumb.png")
+ (class "screenshot-thumb")
+ (alt "Emacs user interface generations.")))))
+ (p (a (@ (href "/software/guix/contribute/")
+ (class "hlink-yellow-boxed"))
+ "Help us package more software →")))
+ (div (@ (id "news-box"))
+ (h2 "News")
+ (a (@ (href "")
+ (class "news-entry"))
+ (h4 "FSF adds Guix System Distribution to
+list of endorsed distributions")
+ (p (@ (class "news-date")) "February 3, 2015")
+ (p (@ (class "news-summary"))
+ "The Guix System Distribution is a new
+and growing distro that currently ships with just over 1000 packages,
+already including almost all of the programs available from the GNU
+ (a (@ (href "")
+ (class "news-entry"))
+ (h4 "GNU Guix 0.8.1 Released")
+ (p (@ (class "news-date")) "January 29, 2015")
+ (p (@ (class "news-summary"))
+ "We are pleased to announce the next
+alpha release of GNU Guix, version 0.8.1. The release comes both with
+a source tarball, which allows you to install it on top of a running
+GNU/Linux system, and a USB installation image to install the
+standalone Guix System..."))
+ (a (@ (href "")
+ (class "news-entry"))
+ (h4 "GNU Guix at FOSDEM")
+ (p (@ (class "news-date")) "January 27, 2015")
+ (p (@ (class "news-summary"))
+ "Guix will be present at FOSDEM in
+Brussels, Belgium, with a talk entitled \"The Emacs of Distros\" this
+Saturday, at 3PM, in room H.1302. The talk will give an update on
+developments in Guix and the Guix System Distribution since last
+ (p (a (@ (href "")
+ (class "hlink-more-dark"))
+ "More news")))
+ (div (@ (id "contact-box"))
+ (h2 "Contact")
+ (div (@ (class "info-box text-justify"))
+ (h3 "IRC Channel")
+ (p "Some Guix users and developers hang
+out on the #guix channel of the Freenode IRC network. "
+ (small "(See "
+ (a (@ (href ""))
+ "channel logs")
+ ")")
+ ".")
+ (p (@ (class "text-right"))
+ (a (@ (href "")
+ (class "button btn-blue"))
+ "Connect"))
+ (h3 "Report Bugs")
+ (p "Use the bugs mailing list to report
+bugs. Please check whether the bug is already in the "
+ (a (@ (href ""))
+ "bug database")
+ ".")
+ (p (@ (class "text-right"))
+ (a (@ (href "")
+ (class "button btn-red"))
+ "Report")))
+ (div (@ (class "info-box text-left"))
+ (h3 "Mailing Lists")
+ (p (a (@ (href ""))
+ (b "guix-devel"))
+ (small " ("
+ (a (@ (href ""))
+ "archive")
+ ")")
+ (br)
+ "Discussion about the development of
+GNU Guix and the Guix System Distribution (GuixSD).")
+ (p (a (@ (href ""))
+ (b "bug-guix"))
+ (small " ("
+ (a (@ (href ""))
+ "archive")
+ ")")
+ (br)
+ "Bug reports for GNU Guix and the
+Guix System Distribution.")
+ (p (a (@ (href ""))
+ (b "gnu-system-discuss"))
+ (small " ( "
+ (a (@ (href ""))
+ "archive")
+ ")")
+ (br)
+ "Discussion about the development of
+the broader GNU system.")
+ (p (a (@ (href ""))
+ (b "gnu-linux-libre"))
+ (small " ("
+ (a (@ (href ""))
+ "archive")
+ ")")
+ (br)
+ "Workgroup for fully free GNU/Linux
+ (p (a (@ (href "")
+ (class "hlink-more-dark"))
+ "Find all the available
+ (div (@ (id "footer-box"))
+ "copyleft 2015 GuixSD"
+ (a (@ (href "/software/guix/contribute/")
+ (class "hlink-yellow"))
+ " Contributors")
+ ". Made with "
+ (span (@ (class "metta")) "♥")
+ " by humans."))))