;;; Guix Data Service -- Information about Guix over time ;;; Copyright © 2019 Christopher Baines ;;; ;;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or ;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License ;;; as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of ;;; the License, or (at your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;;; Affero General Public License for more details. ;;; ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public ;;; License along with this program. If not, see ;;; . (define-module (guix-data-service web revision html) #:use-module (srfi srfi-1) #:use-module (ice-9 match) #:use-module (ice-9 format) #:use-module (texinfo) #:use-module (texinfo html) #:use-module (json) #:use-module (guix-data-service database) #:use-module (guix-data-service model utils) #:use-module (guix-data-service web util) #:use-module (guix-data-service web html-utils) #:use-module (guix-data-service web query-parameters) #:use-module (guix-data-service web view html) #:export (view-revision-news view-revision-package view-revision-package-substitute-availability view-revision-package-reproducibility view-revision-package-and-version view-revision view-revision-packages view-revision-packages-translation-availability view-revision-package-derivations view-revision-fixed-output-package-derivations view-revision-package-derivation-outputs view-revision-system-tests view-revision-channel-instances view-revision-builds view-revision-blocking-builds view-revision-lint-warnings unknown-revision unprocessed-revision)) (define* (view-revision-news commit-hash query-parameters news-entries) (layout #:title (string-append "Channel News Entries - Revision " (string-take commit-hash 7)) #:body `(,(header) (div (@ (class "container")) (div (@ (class "row")) (div (@ (class "col-sm-12")) (h3 (a (@ (style "white-space: nowrap;") (href ,(string-append "/revision/" commit-hash))) "Revision " (samp ,commit-hash))))) (div (@ (class "row")) (div (@ (class "col-sm-12")) (h1 "Channel News Entries") ,@(map (match-lambda ((commit tag title-text body-text) `(div (h4 ,@(if (null? commit) '() `(("Commit: " (samp ,commit)))) ,@(if (null? tag) '() `(("Tag: " ,tag)))) (table (@ (class "table")) (thead (tr (th (@ (class "col-sm-1")) "Language") (th (@ (class "col-sm-3")) "Title") (th (@ (class "col-sm-8")) "Body")) (tbody ,@(map (lambda (lang) `(tr (td ,lang) (td ,(stexi->shtml (texi-fragment->stexi (assoc-ref title-text lang)))) (td , (stexi->shtml (texi-fragment->stexi (assoc-ref body-text lang)))))) (sort (delete-duplicates (append (map car title-text) (map car body-text))) stringstring query-parameters))) (string-append header-link "/package/" name "/" version ".json" (if (string-null? query-params) "" (string-append "?" query-params)))))) "View JSON"))) (div (@ (class "row")) (div (@ (class "col-sm-12")) ,@(if version-history-link `((a (@ (class "btn btn-lg btn-default pull-right") (href ,version-history-link) (role "button")) "Version history")) '()) (h1 "Package: " ,name " @ " ,version))) (div (@ (class "row")) (div (@ (class "col-sm-12")) ,(match package-metadata (((synopsis synopsis-locale description description-locale home-page file line column-number licenses)) `(dl (@ (class "dl-horizontal")) (dt "Synopsis") (dd ,(stexi->shtml (texi-fragment->stexi synopsis))) (dt "Description") (dd ,(stexi->shtml (texi-fragment->stexi description))) (dt "Home page") (dd (a (@ (href ,home-page)) ,home-page)) ,@(if (and file (not (string-null? file)) (not (null? git-repositories))) `((dt "Location") (dd ,@(map (match-lambda ((id label url cgit-url-base) (if (and cgit-url-base (not (string-null? cgit-url-base))) `(a (@ (href ,(string-append cgit-url-base "tree/" file "?id=" revision-commit-hash "#n" line))) ,file " (line: " ,line ", column: " ,column-number ")") '()))) git-repositories))) '()) ,@(if (> (vector-length licenses) 0) `((dt ,(if (eq? (vector-length licenses) 1) "License" "Licenses")) (dd (ul (@ (class "list-inline")) ,@(map (lambda (license) `(li (a (@ (href ,(assoc-ref license "uri"))) ,(assoc-ref license "name")))) (vector->list licenses))))) '())))))) (div (@ (class "row")) (div (@ (class "col-sm-12")) (h3 "Derivations") (table (@ (class "table")) (thead (tr (th "System") (th "Target") (th "Derivation") (th "Build status"))) (tbody ,@(map (match-lambda ((system target file-name builds outputs) `(tr (td (samp ,system)) (td (samp ,target)) (td (a (@ (href ,(uri-encode-filename file-name))) ,(display-store-item-short file-name))) (td (ul (@ (class "list-inline")) ,@(map (lambda (build) `(li (a (@ (href ,(build-url (assoc-ref build "build_server_id") (assoc-ref build "build_server_build_id") file-name))) ,(build-status-alist->build-icon build)))) builds)))))) derivations))))) (div (@ (class "row")) (div (@ (class "col-sm-12")) (h3 "Lint warnings") (table (@ (class "table")) (thead (tr (th "Linter") (th "Message") (th "Location"))) (tbody ,@(if (null? lint-warnings) `((tr (td (@ (colspan 3) (align "center")) "No lint warnings " (span (@ (class "label label-success")) "✓")))) (map (match-lambda ((id lint-checker-name lint-checker-description lint-checker-network-dependent file line-number column-number message) `(tr (td (span (@ (style "font-family: monospace; display: block;")) ,lint-checker-name) (p (@ (style "font-size: small; margin: 6px 0 0px;")) ,lint-checker-description)) (td ,message) (td ,@(if (and file (not (string-null? file))) `((ul (@ (class "list-unstyled")) ,@(map (match-lambda ((id label url cgit-url-base) (let ((output `(,file " " (span (@ (style "white-space: nowrap")) "(line: " ,line-number ", column: " ,column-number ")")))) (if (and cgit-url-base (not (string-null? cgit-url-base))) `(li (a (@ (href ,(string-append cgit-url-base "tree/" file "?id=" revision-commit-hash "#n" line-number))) ,@output)) `(li ,@output))))) git-repositories))) '()))))) lint-warnings)))))))))) (define (view-revision/git-repositories git-repositories-and-branches commit-hash) `((h3 "Git repositories") ,@(map (match-lambda (((id label url cgit-url-base) . branches) `((a (@ (href ,(string-append "/repository/" id))) (h4 ,url)) ,@(map (match-lambda ((name datetime) `(div (a (@ (href ,(string-append "/repository/" id "/branch/" name))) ,name) " at " ,datetime ,@(if (string-null? cgit-url-base) '() `(" " (a (@ (href ,(string-append cgit-url-base "commit/?id=" commit-hash))) "(View cgit)")))))) branches)))) git-repositories-and-branches))) (define (view-revision/jobs-and-events jobs-and-events) `((h3 "Jobs") (table (@ (class "table")) (thead (tr (th "Source") (th "Events") (th ""))) (tbody ,@(map (match-lambda ((id commit source git-repository-id created-at succeeded-at events log-exists?) `(tr (@ (class ,(let ((event-names (map (lambda (event) (assoc-ref event "event")) (vector->list events)))) (cond ((member "success" event-names) "success") ((member "failure" event-names) "danger") ((member "start" event-names) "info") (else "")))) (title ,(simple-format #f "Job id: ~A" id))) (td ,source) (td (dl ,@(map (lambda (event) `((dt ,(assoc-ref event "event")) (dd ,(assoc-ref event "occurred_at")))) (cons `(("event" . "created") ("occurred_at" . ,created-at)) (vector->list events))))) (td ,@(if log-exists? `((a (@ (href ,(string-append "/job/" id))) "View log")) '()))))) jobs-and-events))))) (define (view-revision/lint-warning-counts path-base lint-warning-counts) `((h3 "Lint warnings") (a (@ (href ,(string-append path-base "/lint-warnings"))) "View lint warnings") (table (@ (class "table")) (thead (tr (th "Linter") (th "Count"))) (tbody ,@(map (match-lambda ((name description network-dependent count) `(tr (td (span (@ (style "font-family: monospace; display: block;")) ,name) (p (@ (style "margin: 6px 0 0px;")) ,description)) (td ,count)))) lint-warning-counts))))) (define* (view-revision commit-hash packages-count git-repositories-and-branches derivations-count jobs-and-events lint-warning-counts #:key (path-base "/revision/") header-text) (layout #:title (string-append "Revision " (string-take commit-hash 7)) #:body `(,(header) (div (@ (class "container")) (div (@ (class "row")) (div (@ (class "col-md-12")) (h1 (@ (style "white-space: nowrap;")) ,@header-text))) (div (@ (class "row")) (div (@ (class "col-md-6")) (h2 "Packages") (strong (@ (class "text-center") (style "font-size: 2em; display: block;")) ,packages-count) (a (@ (href ,(string-append path-base "/packages"))) "View packages") ,@(if (null? git-repositories-and-branches) '() (view-revision/git-repositories git-repositories-and-branches commit-hash)) ,@(view-revision/jobs-and-events jobs-and-events) ,@(view-revision/lint-warning-counts path-base lint-warning-counts)) (div (@ (class "col-md-6")) (h3 "Package derivations") (a (@ (class "pull-right") (href ,(string-append path-base "/package-derivations"))) "View package derivations") (table (@ (class "table") (style "white-space: nowrap;")) (thead (tr (th "System") (th "Target") (th "Count"))) (tbody ,@(map (match-lambda ((system target count) (if (string=? system target) `(tr (td (@ (class "text-center") (colspan 2)) (samp ,system)) (td (samp ,count))) `(tr (td (samp ,system)) (td (samp ,target)) (td (samp ,count)))))) derivations-count))))))))) (define* (view-revision-packages revision-commit-hash query-parameters packages git-repositories show-next-page? locale-options any-translations-available? #:key path-base header-text header-link) (define fields '("Version" "Synopsis" "Description" "Home page" "Location" "Licenses")) (define field-options (map (lambda (field) (cons field (hyphenate-words (remove-brackets (string-downcase field))))) `("(no additional fields)" ,@fields))) (layout #:title (string-append "Packages - Revision " (string-take revision-commit-hash 7)) #:body `(,(header) (div (@ (class "container")) (div (@ (class "row")) (div (@ (class "col-sm-12")) (h3 (a (@ (style "white-space: nowrap;") (href ,header-link)) ,@header-text)))) (div (@ (class "row")) (div (@ (class "col-md-12")) (div (@ (class "well")) (form (@ (method "get") (action "") (style "padding-bottom: 0") (class "form-horizontal")) ,(form-horizontal-control "Locale" query-parameters #:options locale-options #:allow-selecting-multiple-options #f #:help-text (if any-translations-available? "Language." '((span (@ (class "text-danger")) "No translations available in this page.")))) ,(form-horizontal-control "Search query" query-parameters #:help-text "List packages where the name or synopsis match the query.") ,(form-horizontal-control "Fields" query-parameters #:name "field" #:options field-options #:help-text "Fields to return in the response.") ,(form-horizontal-control "After name" query-parameters #:help-text "List packages that are alphabetically after the given name.") ,(form-horizontal-control "Limit results" query-parameters #:help-text "The maximum number of packages by name to return.") ,(form-horizontal-control "All results" query-parameters #:type "checkbox" #:help-text "Return all results.") (div (@ (class "form-group form-group-lg")) (div (@ (class "col-sm-offset-2 col-sm-10")) (button (@ (type "submit") (class "btn btn-lg btn-primary")) "Update results"))))))) (div (@ (class "row")) (div (@ (class "col-sm-12")) (a (@ (class "btn btn-default btn-lg pull-right") (href ,(let ((query-parameter-string (query-parameters->string query-parameters))) (string-append path-base ".json" (if (string-null? query-parameter-string) "" (string-append "?" query-parameter-string)))))) "View JSON"))) (div (@ (class "row")) (div (@ (class "col-sm-12")) (h1 "Packages") (table (@ (class "table table-responsive")) (thead (tr (th (@ (class "col-md-3")) "Name") ,@(filter-map (lambda (field) (if (member (assoc-ref field-options field) (assq-ref query-parameters 'field)) `(th (@ (class "col-md-3")) ,field) #f)) fields) (th (@ (class "col-md-3")) ""))) (tbody ,@(let ((fields (assq-ref query-parameters 'field))) (map (match-lambda ((name version has-replacement? synopsis synopsis-locale description description-locale home-page location-file location-line location-column-number licenses) `(tr (td ,name) ,@(if (member "version" fields) `((td ,version)) '()) ,(if (member "synopsis" fields) `((td ,(stexi->shtml (texi-fragment->stexi synopsis)) ,(if (string=? synopsis-locale (assq-ref query-parameters 'locale)) "" '((span (@ (class "text-danger")) "No translation available for synopsis."))))) '()) ,(if (member "description" fields) `((td ,(stexi->shtml (texi-fragment->stexi description)) ,(if (string=? description-locale (assq-ref query-parameters 'locale)) "" '((span (@ (class "text-danger")) "No translation available for description."))))) '()) ,(if (member "home-page" fields) `((td ,home-page)) '()) ,(if (member "location" fields) `((td ,@(if (and location-file (not (string-null? location-file))) `((ul ,@(map (match-lambda ((id label url cgit-url-base) (if (and cgit-url-base (not (string-null? cgit-url-base))) `(li (a (@ (href ,(string-append cgit-url-base "tree/" location-file "?id=" revision-commit-hash "#n" location-line))) ,location-file " (line: " ,location-line ", column: " ,location-column-number ")")) `(li ,location-file " (line: " ,location-line ", column: " ,location-column-number ")")))) git-repositories))) '()))) '()) ,(if (member "licenses" fields) `((td (ul (@ (class "list-inline")) ,@(map (lambda (license) `(li (a (@ (href ,(assoc-ref license "uri"))) ,(assoc-ref license "name")))) (vector->list (json-string->scm licenses)))))) '()) (td (@ (class "text-right")) (a (@ (href ,(string-append (string-drop-right path-base 1) "/" name "/" version "?locale=" (assoc-ref query-parameters 'locale) (if (string=? has-replacement? "t") "&has_replacement=on" "")))) "More information"))))) packages)))))) ,@(if show-next-page? `((div (@ (class "row")) (a (@ (href ,(next-page-link path-base query-parameters 'after_name (car (last packages))))) "Next page"))) '()))))) (define* (view-revision-packages-translation-availability commit-hash package-synopsis-counts package-description-counts #:key path-base header-link header-text) (define total-package-synopsis (assoc-ref package-synopsis-counts "en_US.UTF-8")) (define total-package-descriptions (assoc-ref package-description-counts "en_US.UTF-8")) (assoc-remove! package-synopsis-counts "en_US.UTF-8") (assoc-remove! package-description-counts "en_US.UTF-8") (define synopsis-percentages (map (match-lambda ((locale . count) (exact->inexact (* 100 (/ (or count 0) total-package-synopsis))))) package-synopsis-counts)) (define description-percentages (map (match-lambda ((locale . count) (exact->inexact (* 100 (/ (or count 0) total-package-descriptions))))) package-description-counts)) (layout #:title (string-append "Packages translation availability - Revision " (string-take commit-hash 7)) #:body `(,(header) (div (@ (class "container")) (div (@ (class "row")) (div (@ (class "col-sm-12")) (h3 (a (@ (style "white-space: nowrap;") (href ,header-link)) ,@header-text))) (div (@ (class "col-sm-12")) (a (@ (class "btn btn-default btn-lg pull-right") (href ,(string-append path-base ".json"))) "View JSON"))) (div (@ (class "row")) (div (@ (class "col-sm-6")) (table (@ (class "table")) (thead (tr (th (@ (scope "col")) "Locale") (th (@ (scope "col")) "Translated Package Synopsis"))) (tbody ,@(map (lambda (synopsis-locale synopsis-percentage) `(tr (th (@ (scope "row")) ,synopsis-locale) (td ,(simple-format #f "~~~A%" (inexact->exact (round synopsis-percentage))) (div (@ (class "progress")) (div (@ (class "progress-bar") (role "progressbar") (aria-valuenow ,synopsis-percentage) (aria-valuemin "0") (aria-valuemax "100") (style ,(string-append "width: " (number->string synopsis-percentage) "%;")))))))) (map car package-synopsis-counts) synopsis-percentages)))) (div (@ (class "col-sm-6")) (table (@ (class "table")) (thead (tr (th (@ (scope "col")) "Locale") (th (@ (scope "col")) "Translated Package Descriptions"))) (tbody ,@(map (lambda (description-locale description-percentage) `(tr (th (@ (scope "row")) ,description-locale) (td ,(simple-format #f "~~~A%" (inexact->exact (round description-percentage))) (div (@ (class "progress")) (div (@ (class "progress-bar") (role "progressbar") (aria-valuenow ,description-percentage) (aria-valuemin "0") (aria-valuemax "100") (style ,(string-append "width: " (number->string description-percentage) "%;")))))))) (map car package-description-counts) description-percentages))))))))) (define* (view-revision-system-tests commit-hash system-tests git-repositories valid-systems query-parameters #:key (path-base "/revision/") header-text header-link) (layout #:title (string-append "System tests - Revision " (string-take commit-hash 7)) #:body `(,(header) (div (@ (class "container")) (div (@ (class "row")) (div (@ (class "col-sm-12")) (h3 (a (@ (style "white-space: nowrap;") (href ,header-link)) ,@header-text)))) (div (@ (class "row")) (div (@ (class "col-md-12")) (h1 "System tests") (div (@ (class "well")) (form (@ (method "get") (action "") (style "padding-bottom: 0") (class "form-horizontal")) ,(form-horizontal-control "System" query-parameters #:options valid-systems #:help-text "Only include system test derivations for this system." #:allow-selecting-multiple-options #f #:font-family "monospace") (div (@ (class "form-group form-group-lg")) (div (@ (class "col-sm-offset-2 col-sm-10")) (button (@ (type "submit") (class "btn btn-lg btn-primary")) "Update results"))))) (a (@ (class "btn btn-lg btn-default pull-right") (href ,(let ((query-parameter-string (query-parameters->string query-parameters))) (string-append path-base ".json" (if (string-null? query-parameter-string) "" (string-append "?" query-parameter-string))))) (role "button")) "View JSON") (table (@ (class "table")) (thead (tr (th "Name") (th "Description") (th "Location") (th "Derivation") (th "Build status"))) (tbody ,@(map (match-lambda ((name description file line column-number derivation-file-name builds) `(tr (td ,name) (td ,(stexi->shtml (texi-fragment->stexi description))) (td ,@(map (match-lambda ((id label url cgit-url-base) (if (and cgit-url-base (not (string-null? cgit-url-base))) `(a (@ (href ,(string-append cgit-url-base "tree/" file "?id=" commit-hash "#n" (number->string line)))) ,file " (line: " ,line ", column: " ,column-number ")") '()))) git-repositories)) (td (a (@ (href ,derivation-file-name)) ,(display-store-item-short derivation-file-name))) (td ,@(map (lambda (build) (let ((build-server-id (assoc-ref build "build_server_id"))) `(a (@ (href ,(build-url build-server-id (assoc-ref build "build_server_build_id") derivation-file-name))) ,(build-status-alist->build-icon build)))) builds))))) system-tests))))))))) (define* (view-revision-channel-instances commit-hash channel-instances #:key (path-base "/revision/") header-text header-link) (layout #:title (string-append "Channel instances - Revision " (string-take commit-hash 7)) #:body `(,(header) (div (@ (class "container")) (div (@ (class "row")) (div (@ (class "col-sm-12")) (h3 (a (@ (style "white-space: nowrap;") (href ,header-link)) ,@header-text)))) (div (@ (class "row")) (div (@ (class "col-md-12")) (h1 "Channel instances") (table (@ (class "table")) (thead (tr (th "System") (th "Derivation") (th "Build status"))) (tbody ,@(map (match-lambda ((system derivation-file-name builds) `(tr (td (@ (style "font-family: monospace;")) ,system) (td (a (@ (href ,derivation-file-name)) ,(display-store-item-short derivation-file-name))) (td ,@(map (lambda (build) (let ((build-server-id (assoc-ref build "build_server_id"))) `(a (@ (href ,(build-url build-server-id (assoc-ref build "build_server_build_id") derivation-file-name))) ,(build-status-alist->build-icon build)))) builds))))) channel-instances))))))))) (define* (view-revision-package-substitute-availability revision-commit-hash substitute-availability build-server-urls) (define chart-css " .chart-text { fill: #000; transform: translateY(0.25em); } .chart-number { font-size: 0.6em; line-height: 1; text-anchor: middle; transform: translateY(-0.25em); } .chart-label { font-size: 0.2em; text-anchor: middle; transform: translateY(0.7em); } figure { display: flex; justify-content: space-around; flex-direction: column; margin-left: -15px; margin-right: -15px; } @media (min-width: 768px) { figure { flex-direction: row; } } .figure-content, .figure-key { flex: 1; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; align-self: center; } .figure-content svg { height: auto; } .figure-key { min-width: calc(8 / 12); } .figure-key [class*=\"shape-\"] { margin-right: 6px; } .figure-key-list { margin: 0; padding: 0; list-style: none; } .figure-key-list li { margin: 0 0 8px; padding: 0; } .shape-circle { display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; margin-right: 0.8em; width: 32px; height: 32px; border-radius: 50%; }") (define (chart build-server-id system target data) ;; Inspired by ;; https://medium.com/@heyoka/scratch-made-svg-donut-pie-charts-in-html5-2c587e935d72 (define total (apply + (map cdr data))) (define keys '(known unknown)) (define data-percentages (map (lambda (key) (exact->inexact (* 100 (/ (or (assq-ref data key) 0) total)))) keys)) (define labels '("Known" "Unknown")) (define colours '("green" "#d2d3d4")) (define center-label "Available") `(div (@ (class "col-sm-6")) (h3 (@ (style "font-family: monospace;")) ,system ,@(if (string-null? target) '() `((*ENTITY* nbsp) (*ENTITY* rarr) (*ENTITY* nbsp) ,target))) (figure (div (@ (class "figure-content")) (svg (@ (width "100%") (height "100%") (viewBox "0 0 42 42") (class "donut") (aria-labelledby ,(string-append system "-chart-title " system "-chart-desc")) (role "img")) (title (@ (id ,(string-append system "-chart-title"))) ,(string-append "Package reproducibility for " system)) (desc (@ (id ,(string-append system "-chart-desc"))) ,(string-append "Donut chart breaking down Guix package substitute availability for " system ".")) ; TODO Describe the data on the chart (circle (@ (class "donut-hole") (cx "21") (cy "21") (r "15.91549430918954") (fill "#fff") (role "presentation"))) ,@(map (lambda (key label colour percentage offset) `(circle (@ (class "donut-segment") (cx "21") (cy "21") (r "15.91549430918954") (fill "transparent") (stroke ,colour) (stroke-width "4") (stroke-dasharray ,(simple-format #f "~A ~A" percentage (- 100 percentage))) (stroke-dashoffset ,offset) (aria-labelledby ,(simple-format #f "donut-segment-~A-title donut-segment-~A-desc" key key))) (title (@ (id ,(simple-format #f "donut-segment-~A-title" key))) ,label) (desc (@ (id ,(simple-format #f "donut-segment-~A-desc" key))) ;; TODO Improve this description by stating the ;; colour and count ,(format #f "~2,2f%" (or percentage 0))))) keys labels colours data-percentages (cons 25 (map (lambda (cumalative-percentage) (+ (- 100 cumalative-percentage) ;; Start at 25, as this will position ;; the segment at the top of the chart 25)) (reverse (fold (lambda (val result) (cons (+ val (first result)) result)) (list (first data-percentages)) (cdr data-percentages)))))) (g (@ (class "chart-text")) ,@(if (and (eq? (or (assq-ref data 'known) 0) 0) (eq? (or (assq-ref data 'unknown) 0) 0)) `((text (@ (x "50%") (y "50%") (class "chart-label")) "No data")) `((text (@ (x "50%") (y "50%") (class "chart-number")) ,(simple-format #f "~~~A%" (inexact->exact (round (car data-percentages))))) (text (@ (x "50%") (y "50%") (class "chart-label")) ,center-label)))))) (figcaption (@ (class "figure-key")) (p (@ (class "sr-only")) ,(string-append "Donut chart breaking down Guix package substitute availability for " system ".")) ; TODO Describe the data on the chart (ul (@ (class "figure-key-list") (aria-hidden "true") (role "presentation")) ,@(map (lambda (key label count percentage colour) `(li (span (@ (class "shape-circle") (style ,(string-append "background-color: " colour ";")))) (a (@ (href ,(string-append "/revision/" revision-commit-hash "/package-derivation-outputs?" (if (eq? key 'known) "substitutes_available_from=" "substitutes_not_available_from=") (number->string build-server-id) "&system=" system (if (string-null? target) "" (string-append "&target=" target))))) ,(format #f "~a (~d, ~2,2f%)" label (or count 0) (or percentage 0))))) keys labels (map (lambda (key) (assq-ref data key)) keys) data-percentages colours)))))) (layout #:title (string-append "Package substitute availability - Revision " (string-take revision-commit-hash 7)) #:body `(,(header) (style ,chart-css) (div (@ (class "container")) (div (@ (class "row")) (div (@ (class "col-sm-12")) (h3 (a (@ (style "white-space: nowrap;") (href ,(string-append "/revision/" revision-commit-hash))) "Revision " (samp ,revision-commit-hash))) (h1 "Package substitute availability"))) ,@(append-map (match-lambda ((build-server-id . data) `((div (@ (class "row")) (div (@ (class "col-md-12")) (h2 ,(assoc-ref build-server-urls build-server-id)))) (div (@ (class "row")) ,@(map (match-lambda ((system-and-target . data) (chart build-server-id (assq-ref system-and-target 'system) (assq-ref system-and-target 'target) data))) data))))) substitute-availability))))) (define* (view-revision-package-reproducibility revision-commit-hash output-consistency #:key (path-base "/revision/") header-text header-link) (layout #:title (string-append "Package reproducibility - Revision " (string-take revision-commit-hash 7)) #:body `(,(header) (style " .chart-text { fill: #000; transform: translateY(0.25em); } .chart-number { font-size: 0.6em; line-height: 1; text-anchor: middle; transform: translateY(-0.25em); } .chart-label { font-size: 0.2em; text-anchor: middle; transform: translateY(0.7em); } figure { display: flex; justify-content: space-around; flex-direction: column; margin-left: -15px; margin-right: -15px; } @media (min-width: 768px) { figure { flex-direction: row; } } .figure-content, .figure-key { flex: 1; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; align-self: center; } .figure-content svg { height: auto; } .figure-key { min-width: calc(8 / 12); } .figure-key [class*=\"shape-\"] { margin-right: 6px; } .figure-key-list { margin: 0; padding: 0; list-style: none; } .figure-key-list li { margin: 0 0 8px; padding: 0; } .shape-circle { display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; margin-right: 0.8em; width: 32px; height: 32px; border-radius: 50%; }") (div (@ (class "container")) (div (@ (class "row")) (div (@ (class "col-sm-12")) (h3 (a (@ (style "white-space: nowrap;") (href ,header-link)) ,@header-text)) (h1 "Package reproducibility"))) (div (@ (class "row")) ;; Inspired by ;; https://medium.com/@heyoka/scratch-made-svg-donut-pie-charts-in-html5-2c587e935d72 ,@(map (match-lambda ((system . output-consistency) (define total (apply + (map cdr output-consistency))) (define keys '(matching not-matching unknown)) (define output-consistency-percentages (map (lambda (key) (exact->inexact (* 100 (/ (or (assq-ref output-consistency key) 0) total)))) keys)) `(div (@ (class "col-sm-6")) (h3 (@ (style "font-family: monospace;")) ,system) (figure (div (@ (class "figure-content")) (svg (@ (width "100%") (height "100%") (viewBox "0 0 42 42") (class "donut") (aria-labelledby "beers-title beers-desc") (role "img")) (title (@ (id ,(string-append system "-chart-title"))) ,(string-append "Package reproducibility for " system)) (desc (@ (id ,(string-append system "-chart-desc"))) ,(string-append "Donut chart breaking down Guix package reproducibility for " system ".")) ; TODO Describe the data on the chart (circle (@ (class "donut-hole") (cx "21") (cy "21") (r "15.91549430918954") (fill "#fff") (role "presentation"))) ,@(map (lambda (key label colour percentage offset) `(circle (@ (class "donut-segment") (cx "21") (cy "21") (r "15.91549430918954") (fill "transparent") (stroke ,colour) (stroke-width "4") (stroke-dasharray ,(simple-format #f "~A ~A" percentage (- 100 percentage))) (stroke-dashoffset ,offset) (aria-labelledby ,(simple-format #f "donut-segment-~A-title donut-segment-~A-desc" key key))) (title (@ (id ,(simple-format #f "donut-segment-~A-title" key))) ,label) (desc (@ (id ,(simple-format #f "donut-segment-~A-desc" key))) ;; TODO Improve this description by stating the ;; colour and count ,(format #f "~2,2f%" (or percentage 0))))) '(matching not-matching unknown) '("Matching" "Not matching" "Unknown") '("green" "red" "#d2d3d4") output-consistency-percentages (cons 25 (map (lambda (cumalative-percentage) (+ (- 100 cumalative-percentage) ;; Start at 25, as this will position ;; the segment at the top of the chart 25)) (reverse (fold (lambda (val result) (cons (+ val (first result)) result)) (list (first output-consistency-percentages)) (cdr output-consistency-percentages)))))) (g (@ (class "chart-text")) ,@(if (and (eq? (or (assq-ref output-consistency 'matching) 0) 0) (eq? (or (assq-ref output-consistency 'not-matching) 0) 0)) `((text (@ (x "50%") (y "50%") (class "chart-label")) "No data")) `((text (@ (x "50%") (y "50%") (class "chart-number")) ,(simple-format #f "~~~A%" (inexact->exact (round (car output-consistency-percentages))))) (text (@ (x "50%") (y "50%") (class "chart-label")) "Matching")))))) (figcaption (@ (class "figure-key")) (p (@ (class "sr-only")) ,(string-append "Donut chart breaking down Guix package reproducibility for " system ".")) ; TODO Describe the data on the chart (ul (@ (class "figure-key-list") (aria-hidden "true") (role "presentation")) ,@(map (lambda (key label count percentage colour) `(li (span (@ (class "shape-circle") (style ,(string-append "background-color: " colour ";")))) (a (@ (href ,(string-append (string-join (drop-right (string-split path-base #\/) 1) "/") "/package-derivation-outputs?" "output_consistency=" key "&system=" system))) ,(format #f "~a (~d, ~2,2f%)" label (or count 0) (or percentage 0))))) '("matching" "not-matching" "unknown") '("Matching" "Not matching" "Unknown") (map (lambda (key) (assq-ref output-consistency key)) keys) output-consistency-percentages '("green" "red" "#d2d3d4")))))))) output-consistency)))))) (define* (view-revision-package-derivations commit-hash query-parameters valid-systems valid-targets derivations build-server-urls show-next-page? #:key (path-base "/revision/") header-text header-link) (define derivation-build-status-options '(("" . "none") ("Working" . "working") ("Failing" . "failing") ("Unknown" . "unknown"))) (define build-server-options (map (match-lambda ((id . url) (cons url id))) build-server-urls)) (define field-options (map (lambda (field) (cons field (hyphenate-words (remove-brackets (string-downcase field))))) '("(no additional fields)" "System" "Target" "Builds"))) (define fields (assq-ref query-parameters 'field)) (layout #:title (string-append "Package derivations - Revision " (string-take commit-hash 7)) #:body `(,(header) (div (@ (class "container")) (div (@ (class "row")) (div (@ (class "col-sm-12")) (h3 (a (@ (style "white-space: nowrap;") (href ,header-link)) ,@header-text)))) (div (@ (class "row")) (div (@ (class "col-md-12")) (div (@ (class "well")) (form (@ (method "get") (action "") (style "padding-bottom: 0") (class "form-horizontal")) ,(form-horizontal-control "Search query" query-parameters #:help-text "List derivations where part of the file name matches the query.") ,(form-horizontal-control "System" query-parameters #:options valid-systems #:help-text "Only include derivations for this system." #:font-family "monospace") ,(form-horizontal-control "Target" query-parameters #:options valid-targets #:help-text "Only include derivations that are build for this system." #:font-family "monospace") ,(form-horizontal-control "Minimum builds" query-parameters #:help-text "Only show derivations with a minimum number of known builds.") ,(form-horizontal-control "Maximum builds" query-parameters #:help-text "Only show derivations with a maximum number of known builds.") ,(form-horizontal-control "Build from build server" query-parameters #:options build-server-options #:help-text "" #:font-family "monospace") ,(form-horizontal-control "No build from build server" query-parameters #:options build-server-options #:help-text "" #:font-family "monospace") ,(form-horizontal-control "Build status" query-parameters #:allow-selecting-multiple-options #f #:options derivation-build-status-options #:help-text "Only show derivations with this overall build status.") ,(form-horizontal-control "Fields" query-parameters #:name "field" #:options field-options #:help-text "Fields to return in the response.") ,(form-horizontal-control "After name" query-parameters #:help-text "List derivations that are alphabetically after the given name.") ,(form-horizontal-control "Limit results" query-parameters #:help-text "The maximum number of derivations to return.") ,(form-horizontal-control "All results" query-parameters #:type "checkbox" #:help-text "Return all results.") (div (@ (class "form-group form-group-lg")) (div (@ (class "col-sm-offset-2 col-sm-10")) (button (@ (type "submit") (class "btn btn-lg btn-primary")) "Update results"))))))) (div (@ (class "row")) (div (@ (class "col-sm-12")) (a (@ (class "btn btn-default btn-lg pull-right") (href ,(let ((query-parameter-string (query-parameters->string query-parameters))) (string-append path-base ".json" (if (string-null? query-parameter-string) "" (string-append "?" query-parameter-string)))))) "View JSON"))) (div (@ (class "row")) (div (@ (class "col-md-12")) (h1 "Package derivations") (p "Showing " ,(length derivations) " results") (table (@ (class "table")) (thead (tr (th "File name") ,@(if (member "system" fields) '((th "System")) '()) ,@(if (member "target" fields) '((th "Target")) '()) ,@(if (member "builds" fields) '((th "Builds")) '()))) (tbody ,@(map (match-lambda ((file-name system target) `(tr (td (a (@ (href ,file-name)) ,(display-store-item-short file-name))) ,@(if (member "system" fields) `((td (@ (style "font-family: monospace;")) ,system)) '()) ,@(if (member "target" fields) `((td (@ (style "font-family: monospace;")) ,target)) '()))) ((file-name system target builds) `(tr (td (a (@ (href ,file-name)) ,(display-store-item-short file-name))) ,@(if (member "system" fields) `((td (@ (style "font-family: monospace;")) ,system)) '()) ,@(if (member "target" fields) `((td (@ (style "font-family: monospace;")) ,target)) '()) (td (dl (@ (style "margin-bottom: 0;")) ,@(append-map (lambda (build) (let ((build-server-id (assoc-ref build "build_server_id"))) `((dt (@ (style "font-weight: unset;")) (a (@ (href ,(assq-ref build-server-urls build-server-id))) ,(assq-ref build-server-urls build-server-id))) (dd (a (@ (href ,(build-url build-server-id (assoc-ref build "build_server_build_id") file-name))) ,(build-status-alist->build-icon build)))))) (vector->list builds))))))) derivations))) ,@(if show-next-page? `((div (@ (class "row")) (a (@ (href ,(next-page-link path-base query-parameters 'after_name (car (last derivations))))) "Next page"))) '()))))))) (define* (view-revision-fixed-output-package-derivations commit-hash query-parameters valid-systems valid-targets derivations build-server-urls show-next-page? #:key (path-base "/revision/") header-text header-link) (define build-status-options '(("" . "") ("Succeeded" . "succeeded") ("Failed" . "failed") ;;("Unknown" . "unknown") TODO )) (layout #:title (string-append "Fixed output package derivations - Revision " (string-take commit-hash 7)) #:body `(,(header) (div (@ (class "container")) (div (@ (class "row")) (div (@ (class "col-sm-12")) (h3 (a (@ (style "white-space: nowrap;") (href ,header-link)) ,@header-text)))) (div (@ (class "row")) (div (@ (class "col-md-12")) (div (@ (class "well")) (form (@ (method "get") (action "") (style "padding-bottom: 0") (class "form-horizontal")) ,(form-horizontal-control "System" query-parameters #:options valid-systems #:allow-selecting-multiple-options #f #:help-text "Only include derivations for this system." #:font-family "monospace") ,(form-horizontal-control "Target" query-parameters #:options valid-targets #:allow-selecting-multiple-options #f #:help-text "Only include derivations that are build for this system." #:font-family "monospace") ,(form-horizontal-control "Latest build status" query-parameters #:allow-selecting-multiple-options #f #:options build-status-options #:help-text "Only show derivations with this overall build status.") ,(form-horizontal-control "After name" query-parameters #:help-text "List derivations that are alphabetically after the given name.") ,(form-horizontal-control "Limit results" query-parameters #:help-text "The maximum number of derivations to return.") ,(form-horizontal-control "All results" query-parameters #:type "checkbox" #:help-text "Return all results.") (div (@ (class "form-group form-group-lg")) (div (@ (class "col-sm-offset-2 col-sm-10")) (button (@ (type "submit") (class "btn btn-lg btn-primary")) "Update results"))))))) (div (@ (class "row")) (div (@ (class "col-sm-12")) (a (@ (class "btn btn-default btn-lg pull-right") (href ,(let ((query-parameter-string (query-parameters->string query-parameters))) (string-append path-base ".json" (if (string-null? query-parameter-string) "" (string-append "?" query-parameter-string)))))) "View JSON"))) (div (@ (class "row")) (div (@ (class "col-md-12")) (h1 "Fixed output package derivations") (p "Showing " ,(length derivations) " results") (table (@ (class "table")) (thead (tr (th "File name") (th "Latest build"))) (tbody ,@(map (lambda (row) (let ((derivation-file-name (assq-ref row 'derivation_file_name)) (latest-build (assq-ref row 'latest_build))) `(tr (td (a (@ (href ,derivation-file-name)) ,(display-store-item-short derivation-file-name))) (td (dl (@ (style "margin-bottom: 0;")) ,@(if (eq? 'null latest-build) '() (let ((build-server-id (assq-ref latest-build 'build_server_id))) `((dt (@ (style "font-weight: unset;")) (a (@ (href ,(assq-ref build-server-urls build-server-id))) ,(assq-ref build-server-urls build-server-id))) (dd (a (@ (href ,(build-url build-server-id (assq-ref latest-build 'build_server_build_id) derivation-file-name))) ,(build-status-alist->build-icon latest-build))))))))))) derivations))) ,@(if show-next-page? `((div (@ (class "row")) (a (@ (href ,(next-page-link path-base query-parameters 'after_name (assq-ref (last derivations) 'derivation_file_name)))) "Next page"))) '()))))))) (define* (view-revision-package-derivation-outputs commit-hash query-parameters derivation-outputs build-server-urls valid-systems valid-targets show-next-page? #:key (path-base "/revision/") header-text header-link) (define substitute-availability-options (map (match-lambda ((id . url) (cons url id))) build-server-urls)) (define field-options (map (lambda (field) (cons field (hyphenate-words (remove-brackets (string-downcase field))))) '("(no additional fields)" "Nars"))) (layout #:title (string-append "Package derivation outputs - Revision " (string-take commit-hash 7)) #:body `(,(header) (div (@ (class "container")) (div (@ (class "row")) (div (@ (class "col-sm-12")) (h3 (a (@ (style "white-space: nowrap;") (href ,header-link)) ,@header-text)))) (div (@ (class "row")) (div (@ (class "col-md-12")) (div (@ (class "well")) (form (@ (method "get") (action "") (style "padding-bottom: 0") (class "form-horizontal")) ,(form-horizontal-control "Search query" query-parameters #:help-text "List outputs where the file name matches this query.") ,(form-horizontal-control "Substitutes available from" query-parameters #:options substitute-availability-options #:help-text "" #:font-family "monospace") ,(form-horizontal-control "Substitutes not available from" query-parameters #:options substitute-availability-options #:help-text "" #:font-family "monospace") ,(form-horizontal-control "Output consistency" query-parameters #:allow-selecting-multiple-options #f #:options '(("Any" . "any") ("Fixed output" . "fixed-output") ("Unknown" . "unknown") ("Matching" . "matching") ("Not-matching" . "not-matching")) #:help-text "Do the known hashes for this output suggest it's reproducible, or not reproducible.") ,(form-horizontal-control "System" query-parameters #:options valid-systems #:allow-selecting-multiple-options #f #:help-text "Only include outputs from derivations for this system." #:font-family "monospace") ,(form-horizontal-control "Target" query-parameters #:options valid-targets #:allow-selecting-multiple-options #f #:help-text "Only include outputs from derivations that are build for this system." #:font-family "monospace") ,(form-horizontal-control "Fields" query-parameters #:name "field" #:options field-options #:help-text "Fields to return in the response.") ,(form-horizontal-control "After path" query-parameters #:help-text "List outputs that are alphabetically after the given name.") ,(form-horizontal-control "Limit results" query-parameters #:help-text "The maximum number of outputs to return.") ,(form-horizontal-control "All results" query-parameters #:type "checkbox" #:help-text "Return all results.") (div (@ (class "form-group form-group-lg")) (div (@ (class "col-sm-offset-2 col-sm-10")) (button (@ (type "submit") (class "btn btn-lg btn-primary")) "Update results"))))))) (div (@ (class "row")) (div (@ (class "col-sm-12")) (a (@ (class "btn btn-default btn-lg pull-right") (href ,(let ((query-parameter-string (query-parameters->string query-parameters))) (string-append path-base ".json" (if (string-null? query-parameter-string) "" (string-append "?" query-parameter-string)))))) "View JSON"))) (div (@ (class "row")) (div (@ (class "col-md-12")) (h1 "Package derivation outputs") (p "Showing " ,(length derivation-outputs) " results") (table (@ (class "table")) (thead (tr (th (@ (class "col-sm-5")) "Path") ,@(if (member "nars" (assq-ref query-parameters 'field)) '((th (@ (class "col-sm-5")) "Nars") (th (@ (class "col-sm-2")) "Output consistency")) '()))) (tbody ,@(map (match-lambda ((package-name package-version path hash-algorithm hash recursive) `(tr (td (a (@ (href ,path)) ,(display-store-item-short path))))) ((package-name package-version path hash-algorithm hash recursive nars) `(tr (td (a (@ (href ,path)) ,(display-store-item-short path))) (td (dl ,@(if (NULL? hash-algorithm) (append-map (match-lambda ((hash . nars) `((dt (a (@ (style "font-family: monospace;") (href ,(string-append path "/narinfos"))) ,hash)) (dd (ul (@ (class "list-inline")) ,@(map (lambda (nar) `(li ,(assq-ref build-server-urls (assoc-ref nar "build_server_id")))) nars)))))) (group-to-alist (lambda (nar) (cons (assoc-ref nar "hash") nar)) (vector->list nars))) `(,hash)))) (td ,(let* ((hashes (delete-duplicates (map (lambda (nar) (assoc-ref nar "hash")) (vector->list nars)))) (build-servers (delete-duplicates (map (lambda (nar) (assoc-ref nar "build_server_id")) (vector->list nars)))) (hash-count (length hashes)) (build-server-count (length build-servers))) (cond ((or (eq? hash-count 0) (eq? build-server-count 1)) "Unknown") ((eq? hash-count 1) '(span (@ (class "text-success")) "Matching")) ((> hash-count 1) '(span (@ (class "text-danger")) "Not matching")))))))) derivation-outputs))) ,@(if show-next-page? `((div (@ (class "row")) (a (@ (href ,(next-page-link path-base query-parameters 'after_path (car (last derivation-outputs))))) "Next page"))) '()))))))) (define (view-revision-builds query-parameters commit-hash build-status-strings valid-systems valid-targets build-server-options stats builds) (layout #:title (string-append "Builds - Revision " (string-take commit-hash 7)) #:body `(,(header) (div (@ (class "container")) (div (@ (class "row")) (div (@ (class "col-sm-12")) (h3 (a (@ (style "white-space: nowrap;") (href ,(string-append "/revision/" commit-hash))) "Revision " (samp ,commit-hash))) (h1 "Builds") (table (@ (class "table")) (thead (tr (th (@ (class "col-md-2")) "Status") ,@(map (match-lambda ((url . id) `(th (@ (class "col-md-2")) ,url))) build-server-options))) (tbody ,@(map (match-lambda ((status counts-by-build-server-id) `(tr (td ,(build-status-span status)) ,@(map (lambda (id) `(td ,(or (assq-ref counts-by-build-server-id id) 0))) (map cdr build-server-options))))) stats))))) (div (@ (class "row")) (div (@ (class "col-md-12")) (div (@ (class "well")) (form (@ (method "get") (action "") (class "form-horizontal")) ,(form-horizontal-control "Build status" query-parameters #:options (map (lambda (build-status) (cons (build-status-value->display-string build-status) build-status)) build-status-strings) #:help-text "Return builds with these statuses.") ,(form-horizontal-control "Build server" query-parameters #:options build-server-options #:help-text "Return builds from these build servers.") ,(form-horizontal-control "System" query-parameters #:options valid-systems #:allow-selecting-multiple-options #f #:help-text "Only include derivations for this system." #:font-family "monospace") ,(form-horizontal-control "Target" query-parameters #:options valid-targets #:allow-selecting-multiple-options #f #:help-text "Only include derivations that are build for this system." #:font-family "monospace") ,(form-horizontal-control "Limit results" query-parameters #:help-text "The maximum number of results to return.") ,(form-horizontal-control "All results" query-parameters #:type "checkbox" #:help-text "Return all results") (div (@ (class "form-group form-group-lg")) (div (@ (class "col-sm-offset-2 col-sm-10")) (button (@ (type "submit") (class "btn btn-lg btn-primary")) "Update results"))))))) (div (@ (class "row")) (p "Showing " ,(length builds) " results") (div (@ (class "col-sm-12")) (table (@ (class "table")) (thead (tr (th (@ (class "col-xs-2")) "Status") (th (@ (class "col-xs-10")) "Derivation") (th (@ (class "col-xs-1")) "Timestamp") (th (@ (class "col-xs-1")) ""))) (tbody ,@(map (match-lambda ((build-id build-server-url build-server-build-id derivation-file-name timestamp status) `(tr (td (@ (class "text-center")) (a (@ (href ,(build-url (assoc-ref build-server-options build-server-url) build-server-build-id derivation-file-name))) ,(build-status-span status))) (td (a (@ (href ,derivation-file-name)) ,(display-store-item-short derivation-file-name))) (td ,timestamp) (td (a (@ (href ,(build-server-link-url build-server-url build-server-build-id derivation-file-name))) "View build on " ,build-server-url))))) builds))))))))) (define (view-revision-blocking-builds query-parameters commit-hash build-status-strings valid-systems valid-targets build-server-options blocking-builds) (layout #:title (string-append "Blocking builds - Revision " (string-take commit-hash 7)) #:body `(,(header) (div (@ (class "container")) (div (@ (class "row")) (div (@ (class "col-md-12")) (h3 (a (@ (style "white-space: nowrap;") (href ,(string-append "/revision/" commit-hash))) "Revision " (samp ,commit-hash))) (h1 "Blocking builds") (div (@ (class "well")) (form (@ (method "get") (action "") (class "form-horizontal")) ,(form-horizontal-control "Build server" query-parameters #:options build-server-options #:help-text "Return builds from these build servers.") ,(form-horizontal-control "System" query-parameters #:options valid-systems #:allow-selecting-multiple-options #f #:help-text "Only include derivations for this system." #:font-family "monospace") ,(form-horizontal-control "Target" query-parameters #:options valid-targets #:allow-selecting-multiple-options #f #:help-text "Only include derivations that are build for this system." #:font-family "monospace") ,(form-horizontal-control "Limit results" query-parameters #:help-text "The maximum number of results to return.") ,(form-horizontal-control "All results" query-parameters #:type "checkbox" #:help-text "Return all results") (div (@ (class "form-group form-group-lg")) (div (@ (class "col-sm-offset-2 col-sm-10")) (button (@ (type "submit") (class "btn btn-lg btn-primary")) "Update results"))))))) (div (@ (class "row")) (p "Showing " ,(length blocking-builds) " results") (div (@ (class "col-sm-12")) (table (@ (class "table")) (thead (tr (th (@ (class "col-xs-10")) "Derivation") (th (@ (class "col-xs-2")) "Blocked builds") (tbody ,@(map (lambda (data) (let ((derivation-file-name (assq-ref data 'derivation_file_name)) (blocked-builds-count (assq-ref data 'blocked_build_count)) (builds (assq-ref data 'builds))) `(tr (td (a (@ (href ,derivation-file-name)) ,@(build-statuses->build-status-labels (vector->list builds)) ,(display-store-item derivation-file-name))) (td ,blocked-builds-count)))) blocking-builds))))))))))) (define* (view-revision-lint-warnings revision-commit-hash query-parameters lint-warnings git-repositories lint-checker-options lint-warnings-locale-options any-translated-lint-warnings? #:key path-base header-text header-link) (define fields '("Linter" "Message" "Location")) (define field-options (map (lambda (field) (cons field (hyphenate-words (remove-brackets (string-downcase field))))) `("(no additional fields)" ,@fields))) (layout #:title (string-append "Lint warnings - Revision " (string-take revision-commit-hash 7)) #:body `(,(header) (div (@ (class "container")) (div (@ (class "row")) (div (@ (class "col-sm-12")) (h3 (a (@ (style "white-space: nowrap;") (href ,header-link)) ,@header-text)))) (div (@ (class "row")) (div (@ (class "col-md-12")) (div (@ (class "well")) (form (@ (method "get") (action "") (style "padding-bottom: 0") (class "form-horizontal")) ,(form-horizontal-control "Locale" query-parameters #:options lint-warnings-locale-options #:allow-selecting-multiple-options #f #:help-text (if any-translated-lint-warnings? "Language" '((span (@ (class "text-danger")) "No translations available in this page")))) ,(form-horizontal-control "Package query" query-parameters #:help-text "Lint warnings where the package name matches the query.") ,(form-horizontal-control "Linter" query-parameters #:options lint-checker-options #:help-text "Lint warnings for specific lint checkers.") ,(form-horizontal-control "Message query" query-parameters #:help-text "Lint warnings where the message matches the query.") ,(form-horizontal-control "Fields" query-parameters #:name "field" #:options field-options #:help-text "Fields to return in the response.") (div (@ (class "form-group form-group-lg")) (div (@ (class "col-sm-offset-2 col-sm-10")) (button (@ (type "submit") (class "btn btn-lg btn-primary")) "Update results"))))))) (div (@ (class "row")) (div (@ (class "col-sm-12")) (a (@ (class "btn btn-default btn-lg pull-right") (href ,(let ((query-parameter-string (query-parameters->string query-parameters))) (string-append path-base ".json" (if (string-null? query-parameter-string) "" (string-append "?" query-parameter-string)))))) "View JSON"))) (div (@ (class "row")) (div (@ (class "col-sm-12")) (h1 "Lint warnings") (table (@ (class "table table-responsive")) (thead (tr (th (@ (class "col-md-3")) "Package") ,@(filter-map (lambda (field) (if (member (assoc-ref field-options field) (assq-ref query-parameters 'field)) `(th (@ (class "col-md-3")) ,field) #f)) fields) (th (@ (class "col-md-3")) ""))) (tbody ,@(let ((fields (assq-ref query-parameters 'field))) (map (match-lambda ((id lint-checker-name lint-checker-description lint-checker-description-locale lint-checker-network-dependent package-name package-version file line-number column-number message message-locale) `(tr (td (a (@ (href ,(string-append (string-join (drop-right (string-split path-base #\/) 1) "/") "/package/" package-name "/" package-version "?locale=" (assq-ref query-parameters 'locale)))) ,package-name " @ " ,package-version)) ,@(if (member "linter" fields) `((td (span (@ (style "font-family: monospace; display: block;")) ,lint-checker-name) (p (@ (style "font-size: small; margin: 6px 0 0px;")) ,lint-checker-description) ,(if (string=? lint-checker-description-locale (assq-ref query-parameters 'locale)) "" '((span (@ (class "text-danger") (style "font-size: small; display: block;")) "No translation available for lint checker description."))))) '()) ,@(if (member "message" fields) `((td ,message ,(if (string=? message-locale (assq-ref query-parameters 'locale)) "" '((span (@ (class "text-danger") (style "font-size: small; display: block;")) "\nNo translation available for lint warning message."))))) '()) ,@(if (member "location" fields) `((td ,@(if (and file (not (string-null? file))) `((ul (@ (class "list-unstyled")) ,@(map (match-lambda ((id label url cgit-url-base) (let ((output `(,file " " (span (@ (style "white-space: nowrap")) "(line: " ,line-number ", column: " ,column-number ")")))) (if (and cgit-url-base (not (string-null? cgit-url-base))) `(li (a (@ (href ,(string-append cgit-url-base "tree/" file "?id=" revision-commit-hash "#n" line-number))) ,@output)) `(li ,@output))))) git-repositories))) '()))) '())))) lint-warnings)))))))))) (define (unknown-revision commit-hash job git-repositories-and-branches jobs-and-events) (define page-header "Unknown revision") (layout #:title page-header #:body `(,(header) (div (@ (class "container")) ,@(if job `((div (@ (class "row")) (div (@ (class "col-md-12")) (h1 (@ (style "white-space: nowrap;")) "Revision " (samp ,commit-hash)))) (div (@ (class "row")) (div (@ (class "col-md-6")) (h2 "Packages") (strong (@ (class "text-center") (style "font-size: 2em; display: block;")) "Unknown") ,@(if (null? git-repositories-and-branches) '() (view-revision/git-repositories git-repositories-and-branches commit-hash)) ,@(view-revision/jobs-and-events jobs-and-events)) (div (@ (class "col-md-6")) (h3 "Derivations") (strong (@ (class "text-center") (style "font-size: 2em; display: block;")) "Unknown")))) `((h1 ,page-header) (p "No known revision with commit " (strong (samp ,commit-hash))))))))) (define (unprocessed-revision commit-hash job git-repositories-and-branches jobs-and-events) (define page-header "Unknown revision") (layout #:title page-header #:body `(,(header) (div (@ (class "container")) ,@(if job `((div (@ (class "row")) (div (@ (class "col-md-12")) (h1 (@ (style "white-space: nowrap;")) "Revision " (samp ,commit-hash) (br) "not yet processed"))) (div (@ (class "row")) (div (@ (class "col-md-12")) ,@(if (null? git-repositories-and-branches) '() (view-revision/git-repositories git-repositories-and-branches commit-hash)) ,@(view-revision/jobs-and-events jobs-and-events)))) `((h1 ,page-header) (p "No known revision with commit " (strong (samp ,commit-hash)))))))))