;;; Guix Data Service -- Information about Guix over time ;;; Copyright © 2019 Christopher Baines ;;; ;;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or ;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License ;;; as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of ;;; the License, or (at your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;;; Affero General Public License for more details. ;;; ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public ;;; License along with this program. If not, see ;;; . (define-module (guix-data-service web repository html) #:use-module (srfi srfi-1) #:use-module (srfi srfi-19) #:use-module (ice-9 match) #:use-module (guix-data-service web html-utils) #:use-module (guix-data-service web view html) #:export (view-git-repositories view-git-repository view-branches view-branch view-branch-package view-branch-package-derivations view-branch-package-outputs view-branch-system-test-history view-no-latest-revision)) (define* (view-git-repositories git-repositories) (define page-header "Git repositories") (layout #:title page-header #:body `(,(header) (div (@ (class "container")) (div (@ (class "row")) (div (@ (class "col-md-12")) (h1 ,page-header))) ,@(map (match-lambda ((id label url cgit-base-url) `(div (@ (class "row")) (div (@ (class "col-md-12")) (h3 ,url) (a (@ (href ,(string-append "/repository/" (number->string id)))) "View repository") (dl (@ (class "dl-horizontal")) (dt "Label") (dd ,label) (dt "URL") (dd ,url) (dt "cgit base URL") (dd ,cgit-base-url)))))) git-repositories))))) (define* (view-git-repository git-repository-id label url cgit-url-base branches-with-most-recent-commits) (define page-header (string-append "Repository " (string-drop url 8))) (layout #:title page-header #:body `(,(header) (div (@ (class "container")) (div (@ (class "row")) (div (@ (class "col-md-12")) (h1 ,url))) (div (@ (class "row")) (div (@ (class "col-md-12")) (h3 "Branches") ,(table/branches-with-most-recent-commits git-repository-id branches-with-most-recent-commits))))))) (define (view-branch git-repository-id branch-name query-parameters branch-commits) (define page-header (string-append branch-name " branch")) (layout #:title page-header #:body `(,(header) (div (@ (class "container")) (div (@ (class "row")) (div (@ (class "col-md-12")) (a (@ (href ,(string-append "/repository/" git-repository-id))) (h3 "Repository")) (h1 (@ (style "white-space: nowrap;")) (samp ,branch-name) " branch"))) (div (@ (class "row")) (div (@ (class "col-md-12")) (div (@ (class "well")) (form (@ (method "get") (action "") (class "form-horizontal")) ,(form-horizontal-control "After date" query-parameters #:help-text "Only show the branch history after this date.") ,(form-horizontal-control "Before date" query-parameters #:help-text "Only show the branch history before this date.") ,(form-horizontal-control "Limit results" query-parameters #:help-text "The maximum number of results to return.") (div (@ (class "form-group form-group-lg")) (div (@ (class "col-sm-offset-2 col-sm-10")) (button (@ (type "submit") (class "btn btn-lg btn-primary")) "Update results"))))))) (div (@ (class "row")) (div (@ (class "col-sm-12")) (a (@ (class "btn btn-default btn-lg pull-right") (href ,(string-append "/repository/" git-repository-id "/branch/" branch-name "/latest-processed-revision"))) "Latest processed revision"))) (div (@ (class "row")) (div (@ (class "col-md-12")) (table (@ (class "table") (style "table-layout: fixed;")) (thead (tr (th (@ (class "col-sm-3")) "Date") (th (@ (class "col-sm-7")) "Commit") (th (@ (class "col-sm-1"))))) (tbody ,@(map (match-lambda* (((commit date revision-exists? job-events) (previous-commit previous-revision-exists?)) `(tr (td ,date) (td ,@(if (string=? commit "") '((samp "branch deleted")) `((a (@ (href ,(string-append "/revision/" commit))) (samp ,commit)) " " ,(cond (revision-exists? '(span (@ (class "label label-success")) "✓")) ((member "failure" job-events) '(span (@ (class "label label-danger")) "Failed to import data")) (else '(span (@ (class "label label-default")) "No information yet")))))) ,@(if (and previous-commit revision-exists? previous-revision-exists?) `((td (@ (style "vertical-align: middle;") (rowspan "2")) (div (@ (class "btn-group") (role "group")) (a (@ (class "btn btn-sm btn-default") (title "Compare") (href ,(string-append "/compare" "?base_commit=" previous-commit "&target_commit=" commit))) "⇕ Compare")))) '())))) branch-commits (append (map (match-lambda ((commit date revision-exists? job-events) (list commit revision-exists?))) (cdr branch-commits)) '((#f #f)))))))))))) (define (view-branch-package git-repository-id branch-name package-name versions-by-revision-range) (define page-header (string-append package-name " on " branch-name)) (layout #:title page-header #:body `(,(header) (div (@ (class "container-fluid")) (div (@ (class "row")) (div (@ (class "col-md-12")) (a (@ (href ,(string-append "/repository/" git-repository-id))) (h3 "Repository")) (a (@ (href ,(string-append "/repository/" git-repository-id "/branch/" branch-name))) (h3 ,(string-append branch-name " branch"))) (a (@ (class "btn btn-default btn-lg pull-right") (style "margin-left: 0.5em;") (href ,(string-append "/repository/" git-repository-id "/branch/" branch-name "/package/" package-name ".json"))) "View JSON") (div (@ (class "btn-group pull-right") (role "group")) (a (@ (class "btn btn-default btn-lg disabled") (href ,(string-append "/repository/" git-repository-id "/branch/" branch-name "/package/" package-name))) "Versions only") (a (@ (class "btn btn-default btn-lg") (href ,(string-append "/repository/" git-repository-id "/branch/" branch-name "/package/" package-name "/derivation-history"))) "Include derivations") (a (@ (class "btn btn-default btn-lg") (href ,(string-append "/repository/" git-repository-id "/branch/" branch-name "/package/" package-name "/output-history"))) "Include outputs")) (h1 (@ (style "white-space: nowrap;")) (samp ,package-name)))) (div (@ (class "row")) (div (@ (class "col-md-12")) (table (@ (class "table") (style "table-layout: fixed;")) (thead (tr (th (@ (class "col-sm-4")) "Version") (th (@ (class "col-sm-4")) "From") (th (@ (class "col-sm-4")) "To"))) (tbody ,@(let* ((times-in-seconds (map (lambda (d) (time-second (date->time-monotonic (string->date d "~Y-~m-~d ~H:~M:~S")))) (append (map third versions-by-revision-range) (map fifth versions-by-revision-range)))) (earliest-date-seconds (apply min times-in-seconds)) (latest-date-seconds (apply max times-in-seconds)) (min-to-max-seconds (- latest-date-seconds earliest-date-seconds))) (map (match-lambda ((package-version first-guix-revision-commit first-datetime last-guix-revision-commit last-datetime) `((tr (@ (style "border-bottom: 0;")) (td ,package-version) (td (a (@ (href ,(string-append "/revision/" first-guix-revision-commit)) (title ,(simple-format #f "~A\n (Revision created at ~A)" first-guix-revision-commit first-datetime))) (samp (@ (class "visible-xs visible-sm")) ,(string-take first-guix-revision-commit 8) "…") (samp (@ (class "visible-md visible-lg")) ,first-guix-revision-commit)) (small (@ (style "display: block;") (title ,(simple-format #f "Revision created at ~A" first-datetime))) ,first-datetime) (a (@ (href ,(string-append "/revision/" first-guix-revision-commit "/package/" package-name "/" package-version))) "(Package information)")) (td (a (@ (href ,(string-append "/revision/" last-guix-revision-commit)) (title ,(simple-format #f "~A\n (Revision created at ~A)" last-guix-revision-commit last-datetime))) (samp (@ (class "visible-xs visible-sm")) ,(string-take last-guix-revision-commit 8) "…") (samp (@ (class "visible-md visible-lg")) ,last-guix-revision-commit)) (small (@ (style "display: block;") (title ,(simple-format #f "Revision created at ~A" last-datetime))) ,last-datetime) (a (@ (href ,(string-append "/revision/" last-guix-revision-commit "/package/" package-name "/" package-version))) "(Package information)"))) (tr (td (@ (colspan 3) (style "border-top: 0; padding-top: 0;")) (div (@ (style ,(let* ((start-seconds (time-second (date->time-monotonic (string->date first-datetime "~Y-~m-~d ~H:~M:~S")))) (end-seconds (time-second (date->time-monotonic (string->date last-datetime "~Y-~m-~d ~H:~M:~S")))) (margin-left (min (* (/ (- start-seconds earliest-date-seconds) min-to-max-seconds) 100) 98)) (width (max (- (* (/ (- end-seconds earliest-date-seconds) min-to-max-seconds) 100) margin-left) 2))) (simple-format #f "margin-left: ~A%; width: ~A%; height: 10px; background: #BEBEBE;" (rationalize margin-left 1) (rationalize width 1))))))))))) versions-by-revision-range)))))))))) (define (view-branch-package-derivations query-parameters git-repository-id branch-name package-name valid-systems valid-targets build-server-urls derivations-by-revision-range) (define versions-list (pair-fold (match-lambda* (((last) (count result ...)) (cons (cons last count) result)) (((a b rst ...) (count result ...)) (if (string=? a b) (cons (+ 1 count) (cons #f result)) (cons 1 (cons (cons a count) result))))) '(1) (reverse (map first derivations-by-revision-range)))) (layout #:title (string-append package-name " package derivations") #:body `(,(header) (div (@ (class "container-fluid")) (div (@ (class "row")) (div (@ (class "col-md-12")) (a (@ (href ,(string-append "/repository/" git-repository-id))) (h3 "Repository")) (a (@ (href ,(string-append "/repository/" git-repository-id "/branch/" branch-name))) (h3 ,(string-append branch-name " branch"))) (a (@ (class "btn btn-default btn-lg pull-right") (style "margin-left: 0.5em;") (href ,(string-append "/repository/" git-repository-id "/branch/" branch-name "/package/" package-name "/derivation-history.json"))) "View JSON") (div (@ (class "btn-group pull-right") (role "group")) (a (@ (class "btn btn-default btn-lg") (href ,(string-append "/repository/" git-repository-id "/branch/" branch-name "/package/" package-name))) "Versions only") (a (@ (class "btn btn-default btn-lg disabled") (href ,(string-append "/repository/" git-repository-id "/branch/" branch-name "/package/" package-name "/derivation-history"))) "Include derivations") (a (@ (class "btn btn-default btn-lg") (href ,(string-append "/repository/" git-repository-id "/branch/" branch-name "/package/" package-name "/output-history"))) "Include outputs")) (h1 (@ (style "white-space: nowrap;")) (samp ,package-name)))) (div (@ (class "col-md-12")) (div (@ (class "well")) (form (@ (method "get") (action "") (class "form-horizontal")) ,(form-horizontal-control "System" query-parameters #:options valid-systems #:allow-selecting-multiple-options #f #:help-text "Show derivations with this system.") ,(form-horizontal-control "Target" query-parameters #:options valid-targets #:allow-selecting-multiple-options #f #:help-text "Show derivations with this target.") (div (@ (class "form-group form-group-lg")) (div (@ (class "col-sm-offset-2 col-sm-10")) (button (@ (type "submit") (class "btn btn-lg btn-primary")) "Update results")))))) (div (@ (class "row")) (div (@ (class "col-md-12")) (table (@ (class "table") (style "table-layout: fixed;")) (thead (tr (th (@ (class "col-sm-1")) "Version") (th (@ (class "col-sm-6")) "Derivation") (th (@ (class "col-sm-2")) "Builds") (th (@ (class "col-sm-1")) "From") (th (@ (class "col-sm-1")) "To") (th (@ (class "col-sm-1")) "") (th (@ (class "col-sm-1")) ""))) (tbody ,@(let* ((times-in-seconds (map (lambda (d) (time-second (date->time-monotonic (string->date d "~Y-~m-~d ~H:~M:~S")))) (append (map fourth derivations-by-revision-range) (map sixth derivations-by-revision-range)))) (earliest-date-seconds (apply min times-in-seconds)) (latest-date-seconds (apply max times-in-seconds)) (min-to-max-seconds (- latest-date-seconds earliest-date-seconds))) (map (match-lambda* ((version-column-entry (package-version derivation-file-name first-guix-revision-commit first-datetime last-guix-revision-commit last-datetime builds) next-derivation-file-name) `((tr (@ (style "border-bottom: 0;")) ,@(match version-column-entry (#f '()) ((package-version . rowspan) `((td (@ (rowspan ,(* 2 ; To account for the extra rows rowspan))) ,package-version)))) (td (a (@ (href ,derivation-file-name)) ,(display-store-item derivation-file-name))) (td (dl ,@(append-map (lambda (build) (let ((build-server-id (assoc-ref build "build_server_id"))) `((dt (@ (style "font-weight: unset;")) (a (@ (href ,(assq-ref build-server-urls build-server-id))) ,(assq-ref build-server-urls build-server-id))) (dd (a (@ (href ,(build-url build-server-id (assoc-ref build "build_server_build_id") derivation-file-name))) ,(build-status-alist->build-icon build)))))) builds))) (td (a (@ (href ,(string-append "/revision/" first-guix-revision-commit)) (title ,(simple-format #f "~A\n (Revision created at ~A)" first-guix-revision-commit first-datetime))) (samp ,(string-take first-guix-revision-commit 8) "…")) (small (@ (style "display: block;") (title ,(simple-format #f "Revision created at ~A" first-datetime))) ,first-datetime)) (td (a (@ (href ,(string-append "/revision/" last-guix-revision-commit)) (title ,(simple-format #f "~A\n (Revision created at ~A)" last-guix-revision-commit last-datetime))) (samp ,(string-take last-guix-revision-commit 8) "…")) (small (@ (style "display: block;") (title ,(simple-format #f "Revision created at ~A" last-datetime))) ,last-datetime)) (td (@ (rowspan 4) (style "vertical-align: middle;")) ,@(if next-derivation-file-name `((a (@ (class "btn btn-sm btn-default") (title "Compare") (href ,(string-append "/compare/derivation" "?base_derivation=" next-derivation-file-name "&target_derivation=" derivation-file-name))) "⇕ Compare")) '()))) (tr (td (@ (colspan 4) (style "border-top: 0; padding-top: 0;")) (div (@ (style ,(let* ((start-seconds (time-second (date->time-monotonic (string->date first-datetime "~Y-~m-~d ~H:~M:~S")))) (end-seconds (time-second (date->time-monotonic (string->date last-datetime "~Y-~m-~d ~H:~M:~S")))) (margin-left (min (* (/ (- start-seconds earliest-date-seconds) min-to-max-seconds) 100) 98)) (width (max (- (* (/ (- end-seconds earliest-date-seconds) min-to-max-seconds) 100) margin-left) 2))) (simple-format #f "margin-left: ~A%; width: ~A%; height: 10px; background: #BEBEBE;" (rationalize margin-left 1) (rationalize width 1))))))))))) versions-list derivations-by-revision-range (append (map second (cdr derivations-by-revision-range)) '(#f)))))))))))) (define (view-branch-package-outputs query-parameters git-repository-id branch-name package-name output-name valid-systems valid-targets build-server-urls outputs-by-revision-range) (define versions-list (pair-fold (match-lambda* (((last) (count result ...)) (cons (cons last count) result)) (((a b rst ...) (count result ...)) (if (string=? a b) (cons (+ 1 count) (cons #f result)) (cons 1 (cons (cons a count) result))))) '(1) (reverse (map first outputs-by-revision-range)))) (layout #:title (string-append package-name " package outputs") #:body `(,(header) (div (@ (class "container-fluid")) (div (@ (class "row")) (div (@ (class "col-md-12")) (a (@ (href ,(string-append "/repository/" git-repository-id))) (h3 "Repository")) (a (@ (href ,(string-append "/repository/" git-repository-id "/branch/" branch-name))) (h3 ,(string-append branch-name " branch"))) (a (@ (class "btn btn-default btn-lg pull-right") (style "margin-left: 0.5em;") (href ,(string-append "/repository/" git-repository-id "/branch/" branch-name "/package/" package-name "/output-history.json"))) "View JSON") (div (@ (class "btn-group pull-right") (role "group")) (a (@ (class "btn btn-default btn-lg") (href ,(string-append "/repository/" git-repository-id "/branch/" branch-name "/package/" package-name))) "Versions only") (a (@ (class "btn btn-default btn-lg") (href ,(string-append "/repository/" git-repository-id "/branch/" branch-name "/package/" package-name "/derivation-history"))) "Include derivations") (a (@ (class "btn btn-default btn-lg disabled") (href ,(string-append "/repository/" git-repository-id "/branch/" branch-name "/package/" package-name "/output-history"))) "Include outputs")) (h1 (@ (style "white-space: nowrap;")) (samp ,package-name)))) (div (@ (class "col-md-12")) (div (@ (class "well")) (form (@ (method "get") (action "") (class "form-horizontal")) ,(form-horizontal-control "Output" query-parameters #:help-text "Show this output for the package.") ,(form-horizontal-control "System" query-parameters #:options valid-systems #:allow-selecting-multiple-options #f #:help-text "Show derivations with this system.") ,(form-horizontal-control "Target" query-parameters #:options valid-targets #:allow-selecting-multiple-options #f #:help-text "Show derivations with this target.") (div (@ (class "form-group form-group-lg")) (div (@ (class "col-sm-offset-2 col-sm-10")) (button (@ (type "submit") (class "btn btn-lg btn-primary")) "Update results")))))) (div (@ (class "row")) (div (@ (class "col-md-12")) (table (@ (class "table") (style "table-layout: fixed;")) (thead (tr (th (@ (class "col-sm-1")) "Version") (th (@ (class "col-sm-6")) "Output") (th (@ (class "col-sm-2")) "Builds") (th (@ (class "col-sm-2")) "From") (th (@ (class "col-sm-2")) "To"))) (tbody ,@(let* ((times-in-seconds (map (lambda (d) (time-second (date->time-monotonic (string->date d "~Y-~m-~d ~H:~M:~S")))) (append (map fourth outputs-by-revision-range) (map sixth outputs-by-revision-range)))) (earliest-date-seconds (apply min times-in-seconds)) (latest-date-seconds (apply max times-in-seconds)) (min-to-max-seconds (- latest-date-seconds earliest-date-seconds))) (map (match-lambda* ((version-column-entry (package-version output-path first-guix-revision-commit first-datetime last-guix-revision-commit last-datetime builds)) `((tr (@ (style "border-bottom: 0;")) ,@(match version-column-entry (#f '()) ((package-version . rowspan) `((td (@ (rowspan ,(* 2 ; To account for the extra rows rowspan))) ,package-version)))) (td (a (@ (href ,output-path)) ,(display-store-item output-path))) (td (dl ,@(append-map (lambda (build) (let ((build-server-id (assoc-ref build "build_server_id"))) `((dt (@ (style "font-weight: unset;")) (a (@ (href ,(assq-ref build-server-urls build-server-id))) ,(assq-ref build-server-urls build-server-id))) (dd (a (@ (href ,(build-url build-server-id (assoc-ref build "build_server_build_id") (assoc-ref build "derivation_file_name")))) ,(build-status-alist->build-icon build)))))) builds))) (td (a (@ (href ,(string-append "/revision/" first-guix-revision-commit)) (title ,(simple-format #f "~A\n (Revision created at ~A)" first-guix-revision-commit first-datetime))) (samp ,(string-take first-guix-revision-commit 8) "…")) (small (@ (style "display: block;") (title ,(simple-format #f "Revision created at ~A" first-datetime))) ,first-datetime)) (td (a (@ (href ,(string-append "/revision/" last-guix-revision-commit)) (title ,(simple-format #f "~A\n (Revision created at ~A)" last-guix-revision-commit last-datetime))) (samp ,(string-take last-guix-revision-commit 8) "…")) (small (@ (style "display: block;") (title ,(simple-format #f "Revision created at ~A" last-datetime))) ,last-datetime))) (tr (td (@ (colspan 4) (style "border-top: 0; padding-top: 0;")) (div (@ (style ,(let* ((start-seconds (time-second (date->time-monotonic (string->date first-datetime "~Y-~m-~d ~H:~M:~S")))) (end-seconds (time-second (date->time-monotonic (string->date last-datetime "~Y-~m-~d ~H:~M:~S")))) (margin-left (min (* (/ (- start-seconds earliest-date-seconds) min-to-max-seconds) 100) 98)) (width (max (- (* (/ (- end-seconds earliest-date-seconds) min-to-max-seconds) 100) margin-left) 2))) (simple-format #f "margin-left: ~A%; width: ~A%; height: 10px; background: #BEBEBE;" (rationalize margin-left 1) (rationalize width 1))))))))))) versions-list outputs-by-revision-range)))))))))) (define (view-branch-system-test-history query-parameters git-repository-id branch-name system-test-name valid-systems system-test-history) (layout #:title (string-append system-test-name " history") #:body `(,(header) (div (@ (class "container-fluid")) (div (@ (class "row")) (div (@ (class "col-md-12")) (a (@ (href ,(string-append "/repository/" git-repository-id))) (h3 "Repository")) (a (@ (href ,(string-append "/repository/" git-repository-id "/branch/" branch-name))) (h3 ,(string-append branch-name " branch"))) (a (@ (class "btn btn-default btn-lg pull-right") (style "margin-left: 0.5em;") (href ,(string-append "/repository/" git-repository-id "/branch/" branch-name "/system-test/" system-test-name ".json"))) "View JSON") (h1 (@ (style "white-space: nowrap;")) (samp ,system-test-name)))) (div (@ (class "col-md-12")) (div (@ (class "well")) (form (@ (method "get") (action "") (class "form-horizontal")) ,(form-horizontal-control "System" query-parameters #:options valid-systems #:allow-selecting-multiple-options #f #:help-text "Show derivations with this system.") (div (@ (class "form-group form-group-lg")) (div (@ (class "col-sm-offset-2 col-sm-10")) (button (@ (type "submit") (class "btn btn-lg btn-primary")) "Update results")))))) (div (@ (class "row")) (div (@ (class "col-md-12")) (table (@ (class "table") (style "table-layout: fixed;")) (thead (tr (th (@ (class "col-sm-6")) "Derivation") (th (@ (class "col-sm-2")) "From") (th (@ (class "col-sm-2")) "To") (th (@ (class "col-sm-1")) "") (th (@ (class "col-sm-1")) ""))) (tbody ,@(let* ((times-in-seconds (map (lambda (d) (time-second (date->time-monotonic (string->date d "~Y-~m-~d ~H:~M:~S")))) (append (map third system-test-history) (map fifth system-test-history)))) (earliest-date-seconds (apply min times-in-seconds)) (latest-date-seconds (apply max times-in-seconds)) (min-to-max-seconds (- latest-date-seconds earliest-date-seconds))) (map (match-lambda* (((derivation-file-name first-guix-revision-commit first-datetime last-guix-revision-commit last-datetime builds) next-derivation-file-name) `((tr (@ (style "border-bottom: 0;")) (td (a (@ (href ,derivation-file-name)) ,(display-store-item derivation-file-name) ,@(build-statuses->build-status-labels builds))) (td (a (@ (href ,(string-append "/revision/" first-guix-revision-commit)) (title ,(simple-format #f "~A\n (Revision created at ~A)" first-guix-revision-commit first-datetime))) (samp ,(string-take first-guix-revision-commit 8) "…")) (small (@ (style "display: block;") (title ,(simple-format #f "Revision created at ~A" first-datetime))) ,first-datetime)) (td (a (@ (href ,(string-append "/revision/" last-guix-revision-commit)) (title ,(simple-format #f "~A\n (Revision created at ~A)" last-guix-revision-commit last-datetime))) (samp ,(string-take last-guix-revision-commit 8) "…")) (small (@ (style "display: block;") (title ,(simple-format #f "Revision created at ~A" last-datetime))) ,last-datetime)) (td (@ (rowspan 4) (style "vertical-align: middle;")) ,@(if next-derivation-file-name `((a (@ (class "btn btn-sm btn-default") (title "Compare") (href ,(string-append "/compare/derivation" "?base_derivation=" next-derivation-file-name "&target_derivation=" derivation-file-name))) "⇕ Compare")) '()))) (tr (td (@ (colspan 4) (style "border-top: 0; padding-top: 0;")) (div (@ (style ,(let* ((start-seconds (time-second (date->time-monotonic (string->date first-datetime "~Y-~m-~d ~H:~M:~S")))) (end-seconds (time-second (date->time-monotonic (string->date last-datetime "~Y-~m-~d ~H:~M:~S")))) (margin-left (min (* (/ (- start-seconds earliest-date-seconds) min-to-max-seconds) 100) 98)) (width (max (- (* (/ (- end-seconds earliest-date-seconds) min-to-max-seconds) 100) margin-left) 2))) (simple-format #f "margin-left: ~A%; width: ~A%; height: 10px; background: #BEBEBE;" (rationalize margin-left 1) (rationalize width 1))))))))))) system-test-history (append (map first (cdr system-test-history)) '(#f)))))))))))) (define (view-no-latest-revision branch-name) (define page-header "No latest revision") (layout #:title (string-append page-header " for " branch-name) #:body `(,(header) (div (@ (class "container")) (h1 ,page-header) (p "No latest revision for " (strong (samp ,branch-name)) " branch")))))