;;; Guix Data Service -- Information about Guix over time ;;; Copyright © 2019 Christopher Baines ;;; ;;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or ;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License ;;; as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of ;;; the License, or (at your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;;; Affero General Public License for more details. ;;; ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public ;;; License along with this program. If not, see ;;; . (define-module (guix-data-service jobs) #:use-module (ice-9 match) #:use-module (ice-9 format) #:use-module (ice-9 threads) #:use-module (guix-data-service jobs load-new-guix-revision) #:export (process-jobs default-max-processes)) (define* (process-jobs conn #:key max-processes latest-branch-revision-max-processes) (define (fetch-new-jobs) (fetch-unlocked-jobs conn)) (define (process-job job-id) (execlp "guix-data-service-process-job" "guix-data-service-process-job" job-id)) (define (handle-job-failure job-id) (record-job-event conn job-id "failure") (display (simple-format #f "recording failure for job ~A\n" job-id) (current-error-port)) (when (> (count-log-parts conn job-id) 0) (combine-log-parts! conn job-id))) (process-jobs-concurrently fetch-new-jobs process-job handle-job-failure #:max-processes max-processes #:priority-max-processes latest-branch-revision-max-processes)) (define default-max-processes (max (round (/ (current-processor-count) 4)) 1)) (define default-timeout (* (* 60 60) ;; 1 hour in seconds 24)) (define* (process-jobs-concurrently fetch-new-jobs process-job handle-job-failure #:key (max-processes default-max-processes) (priority-max-processes (* 2 max-processes)) (timeout default-timeout)) (define processes (make-hash-table)) (define (display-status) (display (string-append "\n\n" (let ((running-jobs (hash-count (const #t) processes))) (cond ((eq? running-jobs 0) "status: 0 running jobs") ((eq? running-jobs 1) "status: 1 running job") (else (simple-format #f "status: ~A running jobs" running-jobs)))) "\n" (string-concatenate (hash-map->list (match-lambda* ((pid (start-time job-args)) (format #f " pid: ~5d job args: ~a\n" pid job-args))) processes)) "\n"))) (define (wait-on-processes) (catch #t (lambda () (match (waitpid WAIT_ANY WNOHANG) ((0 . status) ;; No process to wait for #f) ((pid . status) (hashv-remove! processes pid) (simple-format (current-error-port) "pid ~A failed with status ~A\n" pid status) ;; Recurse, to check for other finished processes. (wait-on-processes)))) (lambda (key . args) (simple-format #t "key ~A args ~A\n" key args)))) (define (kill-long-running-processes) (hash-map->list (match-lambda* ((pid (start-time job-args)) (let ((running-for (- (current-time) start-time))) (when (> running-for timeout) (display (simple-format #f "sending SIGTERM to pid ~A started at ~A, now running for ~A\n" pid start-time running-for) (current-error-port)) (kill pid SIGTERM) (match job-args ((id) (handle-job-failure id))))))) processes)) (define (fork-and-process-job job-args) (match (primitive-fork) (0 (dynamic-wind (const #t) (lambda () (apply process-job job-args)) (lambda () (primitive-exit 127)))) (pid (hashv-set! processes pid (list (current-time) job-args)) #t))) (while #t (kill-long-running-processes) (wait-on-processes) (display-status) (match (fetch-new-jobs) (() ;; Nothing to do #f) ((jobs ...) (for-each (match-lambda ((job-id priority?) (let ((current-processes (hash-count (const #t) processes))) (when (< current-processes (if priority? priority-max-processes max-processes)) (fork-and-process-job (list job-id)))))) jobs))) (unless (eq? 0 (sleep 15)) (exit 0))))