BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
channel-news-entriesWIPChristopher Baines4 years
guile3WIPChristopher Baines4 years
masterInstrument the resource pool checkout timeoutsChristopher Baines9 days
wip-derivation-comparisonWIPChristopher Baines4 years
wip-derivation-historyWIPChristopher Baines4 years
wip-fix-foreignWIPChristopher Baines4 years
wip-narinfoQuery build servers for narinfo filesChristopher Baines4 years
wip-rb6-summitWIP Add page to show derivation outputs for a revisionChristopher Baines4 years
wip-reproducibility-pie-chartWIPChristopher Baines4 years
wip-temp-table-insertionWIPChristopher Baines4 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
9 daysInstrument the resource pool checkout timeoutsHEADmasterChristopher Baines
9 daysAdd support for tracking resource pool checkout timeoutsChristopher Baines
9 daysClose store connections earlierChristopher Baines
2024-04-02Add error handling for startup failuresChristopher Baines
2024-04-02Guard against logging failingChristopher Baines
2024-04-02Move sleep to start of spawn-port-monitoring-fiberChristopher Baines
2024-04-02Switch to spawn for running sqitchChristopher Baines
2024-04-01Close unused PostgreSQL connectionsChristopher Baines
2024-04-01Remove the per-thread PostgreSQL connection codeChristopher Baines
2024-04-01Move backfilling in to the server module and use the connection poolChristopher Baines