BEGIN TRANSACTION; ALTER TABLE Evaluations RENAME TO tmp_Evaluations; CREATE TABLE Evaluations ( id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, specification TEXT NOT NULL, in_progress INTEGER NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (specification) REFERENCES Specifications (name) ); CREATE TABLE Checkouts ( specification TEXT NOT NULL, revision TEXT NOT NULL, evaluation INTEGER NOT NULL, input TEXT NOT NULL, directory TEXT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (specification, revision), FOREIGN KEY (evaluation) REFERENCES Evaluations (id), FOREIGN KEY (specification) REFERENCES Specifications (name), FOREIGN KEY (input) REFERENCES Inputs (name) ); INSERT INTO Evaluations (id, specification, in_progress) SELECT id, specification, false FROM tmp_Evaluations; -- Copied from INSERT OR IGNORE INTO Checkouts (specification, revision, evaluation, input, directory) WITH RECURSIVE split(id, specification, revision, rest) AS ( SELECT id, specification, '', commits || ' ' FROM tmp_Evaluations UNION ALL SELECT id, specification, substr(rest, 0, instr(rest, ' ')), substr(rest, instr(rest, ' ') + 1) FROM split WHERE rest <> '') SELECT specification, revision, id, 'unknown', 'unknown' FROM split WHERE revision <> ''; DROP TABLE tmp_Evaluations; DROP TABLE Stamps; COMMIT;