path: root/src/cuirass/templates.scm
diff options
authorTSholokhova <>2018-07-21 15:39:10 +0200
committerClément Lassieur <>2018-07-29 23:47:00 +0200
commit675cd04a8530fdc16f68758a410b91ce10d46b18 (patch)
treec830df43214e766a4f12b68fdf2a4501c173c6de /src/cuirass/templates.scm
parente0cd000dfe961202e7a1fd27b1659693214a2b95 (diff)
Add a web interface.
* (dist_sql_DATA): Add static files. * src/cuirass/database.scm (assqx-ref): Export it. (db-get-builds): Add 'evaluation' filter and filters for pagination. (db-get-evaluations-build-summary, db-get-evaluations-id-min, db-get-evaluations-id-max, db-get-builds-min, db-get-builds-max): New exported procedures. * src/cuirass/http.scm (%static-directory): New parameter. (%page-size, %file-mime-types, %file-white-list): New variables. (handle-build-request, handle-builds-request): Move the WITH-CRITICAL-SECTION call out. (url-handler): Add RESPOND-HTML, RESPOND-STATIC-FILE and RESPOND-NOT-FOUND procedures. Call WITH-CRITICAL-SECTION sooner for the '/build', '/api/latestbuilds' and '/api/queue' routes. Add '/', '/jobset/<name>', '/eval/<id>', '/static/<path>' routes. Use RESPOND-NOT-FOUND when the route isn't found. * src/cuirass/templates.scm: New file. (html-page, specifications-table, evaluation-info-table, build-eval-table): New exported procedures. (pagination): New procedure. Signed-off-by: Clément Lassieur <>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/cuirass/templates.scm')
1 files changed, 222 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/cuirass/templates.scm b/src/cuirass/templates.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ba3a06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cuirass/templates.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+;;; templates.scm -- HTTP API
+;;; Copyright © 2018 Tatiana Sholokhova <>
+;;; This file is part of Cuirass.
+;;; Cuirass is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;;; (at your option) any later version.
+;;; Cuirass is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;;; along with Cuirass. If not, see <>.
+(define-module (cuirass templates)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 format)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 match)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-26)
+ #:export (html-page
+ specifications-table
+ evaluation-info-table
+ build-eval-table))
+(define (html-page title body)
+ "Return HTML page with given TITLE and BODY."
+ `(html (@ (xmlns "")
+ (xml:lang "en")
+ (lang "en"))
+ (head
+ (meta (@ (charset "utf-8")))
+ (meta (@ (name "viewport")
+ (content ,(string-join '("width=device-width"
+ "initial-scale=1"
+ "shrink-to-fit=no")
+ ", "))))
+ (link (@ (rel "stylesheet")
+ (href "/static/css/bootstrap.css")))
+ (link (@ (rel "stylesheet")
+ (href "/static/css/open-iconic-bootstrap.css")))
+ (title ,title))
+ (body
+ (nav (@ (class "navbar navbar-expand-lg navbar-light bg-light"))
+ (a (@ (class "navbar-brand") (href "/"))
+ (img (@ (src "/static/images/logo.png")
+ (alt "logo")
+ (height "25")))))
+ (main (@ (role "main") (class "container pt-4 px-1"))
+ ,body
+ (hr)))))
+(define (specifications-table specs)
+ "Return HTML for the SPECS table."
+ `((p (@ (class "lead")) "Specifications")
+ (table
+ (@ (class "table table-sm table-hover"))
+ ,@(if (null? specs)
+ `((th (@ (scope "col")) "No elements here."))
+ `((thead (tr (th (@ (scope "col")) Name)
+ (th (@ (scope "col")) Inputs)))
+ (tbody
+ ,@(map
+ (lambda (spec)
+ `(tr (td (a (@ (href "/jobset/" ,(assq-ref spec #:name)))
+ ,(assq-ref spec #:name)))
+ (td ,(string-join
+ (map (lambda (input)
+ (format #f "~a (on ~a)"
+ (assq-ref input #:name)
+ (assq-ref input #:branch)))
+ (assq-ref spec #:inputs)) ", "))))
+ specs)))))))
+(define (pagination first-link prev-link next-link last-link)
+ "Return html page navigation buttons with LINKS."
+ `(div (@ (class row))
+ (nav
+ (@ (class "mx-auto") (aria-label "Page navigation"))
+ (ul (@ (class "pagination"))
+ (li (@ (class "page-item"))
+ (a (@ (class "page-link")
+ (href ,first-link))
+ "<< First"))
+ (li (@ (class "page-item"
+ ,(if (string-null? prev-link) " disabled")))
+ (a (@ (class "page-link")
+ (href ,prev-link))
+ "< Previous"))
+ (li (@ (class "page-item"
+ ,(if (string-null? next-link) " disabled")))
+ (a (@ (class "page-link")
+ (href ,next-link))
+ "Next >"))
+ (li (@ (class "page-item"))
+ (a (@ (class "page-link")
+ (href ,last-link))
+ "Last >>"))))))
+(define (evaluation-info-table name evaluations id-min id-max)
+ "Return HTML for the EVALUATION table NAME. ID-MIN and ID-MAX are
+ global minimal and maximal id."
+ `((p (@ (class "lead")) "Evaluations of " ,name)
+ (table
+ (@ (class "table table-sm table-hover table-striped"))
+ ,@(if (null? evaluations)
+ `((th (@ (scope "col")) "No elements here."))
+ `((thead
+ (tr
+ (th (@ (scope "col")) "#")
+ (th (@ (scope "col")) Commits)
+ (th (@ (scope "col")) Success)))
+ (tbody
+ ,@(map
+ (lambda (row)
+ `(tr (th (@ (scope "row"))
+ (a (@ (href "/eval/" ,(assq-ref row #:id)))
+ ,(assq-ref row #:id)))
+ (td ,(string-join
+ (map (cut substring <> 0 7)
+ (string-tokenize (assq-ref row #:commits)))
+ ", "))
+ (td (a (@ (href "#") (class "badge badge-success"))
+ ,(assq-ref row #:succeeded))
+ (a (@ (href "#") (class "badge badge-danger"))
+ ,(assq-ref row #:failed))
+ (a (@ (href "#") (class "badge badge-secondary"))
+ ,(assq-ref row #:scheduled)))))
+ evaluations)))))
+ ,(if (null? evaluations)
+ (pagination "" "" "" "")
+ (let* ((eval-ids (map (cut assq-ref <> #:id) evaluations))
+ (page-id-min (last eval-ids))
+ (page-id-max (first eval-ids)))
+ (pagination
+ (format #f "?border-high=~d" (1+ id-max))
+ (if (= page-id-max id-max)
+ ""
+ (format #f "?border-low=~d" page-id-max))
+ (if (= page-id-min id-min)
+ ""
+ (format #f "?border-high=~d" page-id-min))
+ (format #f "?border-low=~d" (1- id-min)))))))
+(define (build-eval-table builds build-min build-max)
+ "Return HTML for the BUILDS table NAME. BUILD-MIN and BUILD-MAX are
+ global minimal and maximal (stoptime, id) pairs."
+ (define (table-header)
+ `(thead
+ (tr
+ (th (@ (scope "col")) '())
+ (th (@ (scope "col")) ID)
+ (th (@ (scope "col")) Specification)
+ (th (@ (scope "col")) "Finished at")
+ (th (@ (scope "col")) Job)
+ (th (@ (scope "col")) Nixname)
+ (th (@ (scope "col")) System))))
+ (define (table-row build)
+ `(tr
+ (td ,(case (assq-ref build #:buildstatus)
+ ((0) `(span (@ (class "oi oi-check text-success")
+ (title "Succeeded")
+ (aria-hidden "true"))
+ ""))
+ ((1 2 3 4) `(span (@ (class "oi oi-x text-danger")
+ (title "Failed")
+ (aria-hidden "true"))
+ ""))
+ (else `(span (@ (class "oi oi-clock text-warning")
+ (title "Scheduled")
+ (aria-hidden "true"))
+ ""))))
+ (th (@ (scope "row")),(assq-ref build #:id))
+ (td ,(assq-ref build #:jobset))
+ (td ,(strftime "%c" (localtime (assq-ref build #:stoptime))))
+ (td ,(assq-ref build #:job))
+ (td ,(assq-ref build #:nixname))
+ (td ,(assq-ref build #:system))))
+ (define (build-id build)
+ (match build
+ ((stoptime id) id)))
+ (define (build-stoptime build)
+ (match build
+ ((stoptime id) stoptime)))
+ `((table
+ (@ (class "table table-sm table-hover table-striped"))
+ ,@(if (null? builds)
+ `((th (@ (scope "col")) "No elements here."))
+ `(,(table-header)
+ (tbody ,@(map table-row builds)))))
+ ,(if (null? builds)
+ (pagination "" "" "" "")
+ (let* ((build-time-ids (map (lambda (row)
+ (list (assq-ref row #:stoptime)
+ (assq-ref row #:id)))
+ builds))
+ (page-build-min (last build-time-ids))
+ (page-build-max (first build-time-ids)))
+ (pagination
+ (format #f "?border-high-time=~d&border-high-id=~d"
+ (build-stoptime build-max)
+ (1+ (build-id build-max)))
+ (if (equal? page-build-max build-max)
+ ""
+ (format #f "?border-low-time=~d&border-low-id=~d"
+ (build-stoptime page-build-max)
+ (build-id page-build-max)))
+ (if (equal? page-build-min build-min)
+ ""
+ (format #f "?border-high-time=~d&border-high-id=~d"
+ (build-stoptime page-build-min)
+ (build-id page-build-min)))
+ (format #f "?border-low-time=~d&border-low-id=~d"
+ (build-stoptime build-min)
+ (1- (build-id build-min))))))))