path: root/bin
diff options
authorClément Lassieur <>2018-06-26 11:18:23 +0200
committerClément Lassieur <>2018-07-16 21:33:14 +0200
commit7b2f9e0de1ad2d320973b7aea132a8afcad8bece (patch)
tree6143d4bf334b645001ebde583247125123a8c853 /bin
parentbe713f8a30788861806a74865b07403aa6774117 (diff)
Add support for multiple inputs.
* (dist_sql_DATA): Add src/sql/upgrade-1.sql. * bin/ (show-help, %options, main): Remove the LOAD-PATH option that was used afterwards as %GUIX-PACKAGE-PATH. * bin/ (absolutize, input-checkout, spec-source, spec-load-path, spec-package-path, format-checkouts): New procedures. (%not-colon): Remove variable. (main): Take the load path, package path and PROC from the checkouts that result from the inputs. Format the checkouts before sending them to the procedure. Remove the LOAD-PATH argument. * doc/cuirass.texi (Overview, Database schema): Document the changes. * examples/{guix-jobs.scm, hello-git.scm, hello-singleton.scm, hello-subset.scm, random.scm}: Adapt to the new specification format. * examples/guix-track-git.scm (package->spec): Rename to PACKAGE->INPUT. (package->git-tracked): Replace FETCH-REPOSITORY with FETCH-INPUT and handle the new format of its return value. * examples/random-jobs.scm (make-random-jobs): Rename RANDOM to CHECKOUT. Rename the checkout from 'random (which is a specification) to 'cuirass (which is a checkout resulting from an input). * src/cuirass/base.scm (fetch-repository): Rename to fetch-input. Rename SPEC to INPUT. Return a checkout object instead of returning two values. (evaluate): Take a list of CHECKOUTS and COMMITS as arguments, instead of SOURCE. Remove TOKENIZE and LOAD-PATH. Pass the CHECKOUTS instead of the SOURCE to "evaluate". Remove %GUIX-PACKAGE-PATH. Build the EVAL object instead of getting it from "evaluate". (compile?, fetch-inputs, compile-checkouts): New procedures. (process-specs): Fetch all inputs instead of only fetching one repository. The result of that fetching operation is a list of CHECKOUTS whose COMMITS are used as a STAMP. (%guix-package-path, set-guix-package-path): Remove them. * src/cuirass/database.scm (db-add-input, db-get-inputs): New procedures. (db-add-specification, db-get-specifications): Adapt to the new specification format. Add/get all inputs as well. (db-add-evaluation): Rename REVISION to COMMITS. Store COMMITS as space separated commit hashes. (db-get-builds): Rename REPO_NAME to NAME. (db-get-stamp): Rename COMMIT to STAMP. Return #f when there is no STAMP. (db-add-stamp): Rename COMMIT to STAMP. Deal with DB-GET-STAMP's new return value. (db-get-evaluations): Rename REVISION to COMMITS. Tokenize COMMITS. * src/cuirass/utils.scm (%non-blocking): Export it. * src/schema.sql (Inputs): New table that refers to the Specifications table. (Specifications): Move input related fields to the Inputs table. Rename REPO_NAME to NAME. Rename ARGUMENTS to PROC_ARGS. Rename FILE to PROC_FILE. Add LOAD_PATH_INPUTS, PACKAGE_PATH_INPUTS and PROC_INPUT fields that refer to the Inputs table. (Stamps): Rename REPO_NAME to NAME. (Evaluations): Rename REPO_NAME to NAME. Rename REVISION to COMMITS. (Specifications_index): Replace with Inputs_index. * src/sql/upgrade-1.sql: New file. * tests/database.scm (example-spec, make-dummy-eval, sqlite-exec): Adapt to the new specifications format. Rename REVISION to COMMITS. * tests/http.scm (evaluations-query-result, fill-db): Idem.
Diffstat (limited to 'bin')
2 files changed, 88 insertions, 37 deletions
diff --git a/bin/ b/bin/
index b7c9144..11eb975 100644
--- a/bin/
+++ b/bin/
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ exec ${GUILE:-@GUILE@} --no-auto-compile -e main -s "$0" "$@"
;;; Copyright © 2016 Mathieu Lirzin <>
;;; Copyright © 2017 Mathieu Othacehe <>
;;; Copyright © 2018 Ludovic Courtès <>
+;;; Copyright © 2018 Clément Lassieur <>
;;; This file is part of Cuirass.
@@ -42,7 +43,6 @@ exec ${GUILE:-@GUILE@} --no-auto-compile -e main -s "$0" "$@"
--one-shot Evaluate and build jobs only once
--cache-directory=DIR Use DIR for storing repository data
--fallback Fall back to building when the substituter fails.
- -L --load-path=DIR Prepend DIR to Guix package module search path.
-S --specifications=SPECFILE
Add specifications from SPECFILE to database.
-D --database=DB Use DB to store build results.
@@ -59,7 +59,6 @@ exec ${GUILE:-@GUILE@} --no-auto-compile -e main -s "$0" "$@"
(define %options
'((one-shot (value #f))
(cache-directory (value #t))
- (load-path (single-char #\L) (value #t))
(specifications (single-char #\S) (value #t))
(database (single-char #\D) (value #t))
(port (single-char #\p) (value #t))
@@ -88,8 +87,6 @@ exec ${GUILE:-@GUILE@} --no-auto-compile -e main -s "$0" "$@"
(%package-database (option-ref opts 'database (%package-database)))
(option-ref opts 'cache-directory (%package-cachedir)))
- (%guix-package-path
- (option-ref opts 'load-path (%guix-package-path)))
(%use-substitutes? (option-ref opts 'use-substitutes #f))
(%fallback? (option-ref opts 'fallback #f)))
diff --git a/bin/ b/bin/
index 86d0e83..3f08b92 100644
--- a/bin/
+++ b/bin/
@@ -27,32 +27,96 @@ exec ${GUILE:-@GUILE@} --no-auto-compile -e main -s "$0" "$@"
;; Note: Do not use any Guix modules (see below).
(use-modules (ice-9 match)
- (ice-9 pretty-print))
+ (ice-9 pretty-print)
+ (srfi srfi-1)
+ (srfi srfi-26))
(define (ref module name)
"Dynamically link variable NAME under MODULE and return it."
(let ((m (resolve-interface module)))
(module-ref m name)))
-(define %not-colon
- (char-set-complement (char-set #\:)))
+(define (absolutize directory load-path)
+ (if (string-prefix? "/" load-path)
+ load-path
+ (string-append directory "/" load-path)))
+(define (input-checkout checkouts input-name)
+ "Find in CHECKOUTS the CHECKOUT corresponding to INPUT-NAME, and return it."
+ (find (lambda (checkout)
+ (string=? (assq-ref checkout #:name)
+ input-name))
+ checkouts))
+(define (spec-source spec checkouts)
+ "Find in CHECKOUTS the directory where the #:PROC-INPUT repository of SPEC
+has been checked out, and return it."
+ (let* ((input-name (assq-ref spec #:proc-input))
+ (checkout (input-checkout checkouts input-name)))
+ (assq-ref checkout #:directory)))
+(define (spec-load-path spec checkouts)
+ "Find in CHECKOUTS the load paths of each SPEC's #:LOAD-PATH-INPUTS and
+return them as a list."
+ (map (lambda (input-name)
+ (let* ((checkout (input-checkout checkouts input-name))
+ (directory (assq-ref checkout #:directory))
+ (load-path (assq-ref checkout #:load-path)))
+ (absolutize directory load-path)))
+ (assq-ref spec #:load-path-inputs)))
+(define (spec-package-path spec checkouts)
+ "Find in CHECKOUTS the package paths of each SPEC's #:PACKAGE-PATH-INPUTS
+and return them as a colon separated string."
+ (let* ((input-names (assq-ref spec #:package-path-inputs))
+ (checkouts (map (cut input-checkout checkouts <>) input-names)))
+ (string-join
+ (map
+ (lambda (checkout)
+ (let ((directory (assq-ref checkout #:directory))
+ (load-path (assq-ref checkout #:load-path)))
+ (absolutize directory load-path)))
+ checkouts)
+ ":")))
+(define (format-checkouts checkouts)
+ "Format checkouts the way Hydra does: #:NAME becomes the key as a symbol,
+#:DIRECTORY becomes FILE-NAME and #:COMMIT becomes REVISION. The other
+entries are added because they could be useful during the evaluation."
+ (map
+ (lambda (checkout)
+ (let loop ((in checkout)
+ (out '())
+ (name #f))
+ (match in
+ (()
+ (cons name out))
+ (((#:name . val) . rest)
+ (loop rest out (string->symbol val)))
+ (((#:directory . val) . rest)
+ (loop rest (cons `(file-name . ,val) out) name))
+ (((#:commit . val) . rest)
+ (loop rest (cons `(revision . ,val) out) name))
+ (((keyword . val) . rest)
+ (loop rest (cons `(,(keyword->symbol keyword) . ,val) out) name)))))
+ checkouts))
(define* (main #:optional (args (command-line)))
(match args
- ((command load-path guix-package-path source specstr)
+ ((command spec-str checkouts-str)
;; Load FILE, a Scheme file that defines Hydra jobs.
- ;; Until FILE is loaded, we must *not* load any Guix module because
- ;; SOURCE may be providing its own, which could differ from ours--this is
- ;; the case when SOURCE is a Guix checkout. The 'ref' procedure helps us
- ;; achieve this.
- (let ((%user-module (make-fresh-user-module))
- (spec (with-input-from-string specstr read))
- (stdout (current-output-port))
- (stderr (current-error-port))
- (load-path (string-tokenize load-path %not-colon)))
- (unless (string-null? guix-package-path)
- (setenv "GUIX_PACKAGE_PATH" guix-package-path))
+ ;; Until FILE is loaded, we must *not* load any Guix module because the
+ ;; user may be providing its own with #:LOAD-PATH-INPUTS, which could
+ ;; differ from ours. The 'ref' procedure helps us achieve this.
+ (let* ((%user-module (make-fresh-user-module))
+ (spec (with-input-from-string spec-str read))
+ (checkouts (with-input-from-string checkouts-str read))
+ (source (spec-source spec checkouts))
+ (file (assq-ref spec #:proc-file))
+ (stdout (current-output-port))
+ (stderr (current-error-port)))
+ (setenv "GUIX_PACKAGE_PATH" (spec-package-path spec checkouts))
;; Since we have relative file name canonicalization by default, better
;; change to SOURCE to make sure things like 'include' with relative
@@ -60,13 +124,13 @@ exec ${GUILE:-@GUILE@} --no-auto-compile -e main -s "$0" "$@"
(chdir source)
;; Change '%load-path' once and for all. We need it to be effective
- ;; both when we load SPEC's #:file and when we later call the thunks.
- (set! %load-path (append load-path %load-path))
+ ;; both when we load FILE and when we later call the thunks.
+ (set! %load-path (append (spec-load-path spec checkouts) %load-path))
(lambda ()
(set-current-module %user-module)
- (primitive-load (assq-ref spec #:file))))
+ (primitive-load file)))
;; From there on we can access Guix modules.
@@ -93,22 +157,12 @@ building things during evaluation~%")
(apply real-build-things store args))))
;; Call the entry point of FILE and print the resulting job sexp.
- ;; Among the arguments, always pass 'file-name' and 'revision' like
- ;; Hydra does.
- (let* ((proc-name (assq-ref spec #:proc))
- (proc (module-ref %user-module proc-name))
- (commit (assq-ref spec #:current-commit))
- (name (assq-ref spec #:name))
- (args `((guix
- (revision . ,commit)
- (file-name . ,source))
- ,@(or (assq-ref spec #:arguments) '())))
- (thunks (proc store args))
- (eval `((#:specification . ,name)
- (#:revision . ,commit))))
+ (let* ((proc (module-ref %user-module (assq-ref spec #:proc)))
+ (args `(,@(format-checkouts checkouts)
+ ,@(or (assq-ref spec #:proc-args) '())))
+ (thunks (proc store args)))
- `(evaluation ,eval
- ,(map (lambda (thunk) (thunk))
+ `(evaluation ,(map (lambda (thunk) (thunk))
((command _ ...)