diff options
1 files changed, 50 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/README.org b/README.org
index 6b27836..615ff1f 100644
--- a/README.org
+++ b/README.org
@@ -47,3 +47,53 @@ in the PostgreSQL databae. The queues are where Terraform is run.
*** Terraform configuration
The Terraform configuration is split up by provider (libvirt or AWS).
+** Dependencies
+The GOV.UK Mini Environment Admin has a number of dependencies.
+*** Core Dependencies
+The web application is written in [[https://www.ruby-lang.org/][Ruby]] using the [[http://rubyonrails.org/][Ruby on Rails]]
+framework. A number of additional Ruby gems are also required:
+- pg
+- terraform
+- que
+- git
+The backends for AWS and libvirt use Terraform.
+*** Useful additions
+**** Rubocop and Coala
+For static analysis and code linting.
+**** rerun
+Useful to run =que= with, e.g. =rerun -d app que
+** Development Environment
+The repository includes a minimal =.envrc= file for use with
+[[https://direnv.net/][direnv]]. User specific customisation can be done through the
+=.local.envrc= file.
+Unless you've already setup a sufficient development environment, you
+might want to use direnv to set this up. The following code for
+=.local.envrc= will setup the envionment to use a checkout of GNU Guix
+located at =../gnu-guix= and a checkout of =govuk-guix= located at
+#+BEGIN_SRC shell
+# To avoid $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/guix/latest from being used
+export GUIX_UNINSTALLED="true"
+GOVUK_GUIX_PATH="$(readlink -f "$PWD/../govuk-guix/.guix-package-path")"
+GNU_GUIX_PATH="$(readlink -f "$PWD/../gnu-guix")"