;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
;;; Copyright © 2013 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
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;;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
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(define-module (guix pk-crypto)
  #:use-module (guix config)
  #:use-module ((guix utils)
                #:select (bytevector->base16-string
  #:use-module (system foreign)
  #:use-module (rnrs bytevectors)
  #:use-module (ice-9 match)
  #:export (canonical-sexp?

;;; Commentary:
;;; Public key cryptographic routines from GNU Libgcrypt.
;;; Libgcrypt uses "canonical s-expressions" to represent key material,
;;; parameters, and data.  We keep it as an opaque object to map them to
;;; Scheme s-expressions because (1) Libgcrypt sexps may be stored in secure
;;; memory, and (2) the read syntax is different.
;;; A 'canonical-sexp->sexp' procedure is provided nevertheless, for use in
;;; cases where it is safe to move data out of Libgcrypt---e.g., when
;;; processing ACL entries, public keys, etc.
;;; Canonical sexps were defined by Rivest et al. in the IETF draft at
;;; <http://people.csail.mit.edu/rivest/Sexp.txt> for the purposes of SPKI
;;; (see <http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2693.txt>.)
;;; Code:

;; Libgcrypt "s-expressions".
(define-wrapped-pointer-type <canonical-sexp>
  (lambda (obj port)
    ;; Don't print OBJ's external representation: we don't want key material
    ;; to leak in backtraces and such.
    (format port "#<canonical-sexp ~a | ~a>"
            (number->string (object-address obj) 16)
            (number->string (pointer-address (canonical-sexp->pointer obj))

(define libgcrypt-func
  (let ((lib (dynamic-link %libgcrypt)))
    (lambda (func)
      "Return a pointer to symbol FUNC in libgcrypt."
      (dynamic-func func lib))))

(define finalize-canonical-sexp!
  (libgcrypt-func "gcry_sexp_release"))

(define-inlinable (pointer->canonical-sexp ptr)
  "Return a <canonical-sexp> that wraps PTR."
  (let* ((sexp (naked-pointer->canonical-sexp ptr))
         (ptr* (canonical-sexp->pointer sexp)))
    ;; Did we already have a <canonical-sexp> object for PTR?
    (when (equal? ptr ptr*)
      ;; No, so we can safely add a finalizer (in Guile 2.0.9
      ;; 'set-pointer-finalizer!' *adds* a finalizer rather than replacing the
      ;; existing one.)
      (set-pointer-finalizer! ptr finalize-canonical-sexp!))

(define string->canonical-sexp
  (let* ((ptr  (libgcrypt-func "gcry_sexp_new"))
         (proc (pointer->procedure int ptr `(* * ,size_t ,int))))
    (lambda (str)
      "Parse STR and return the corresponding gcrypt s-expression."
      (let* ((sexp (bytevector->pointer (make-bytevector (sizeof '*))))
             (err  (proc sexp (string->pointer str) 0 1)))
        (if (= 0 err)
            (pointer->canonical-sexp (dereference-pointer sexp))
            (throw 'gcry-error err))))))

  (identifier-syntax 3))

(define canonical-sexp->string
  (let* ((ptr  (libgcrypt-func "gcry_sexp_sprint"))
         (proc (pointer->procedure size_t ptr `(* ,int * ,size_t))))
    (lambda (sexp)
      "Return a textual representation of SEXP."
      (let loop ((len 1024))
        (let* ((buf  (bytevector->pointer (make-bytevector len)))
               (size (proc (canonical-sexp->pointer sexp)
                           GCRYSEXP_FMT_ADVANCED buf len)))
          (if (zero? size)
              (loop (* len 2))
              (pointer->string buf size "ISO-8859-1")))))))

(define canonical-sexp-car
  (let* ((ptr  (libgcrypt-func "gcry_sexp_car"))
         (proc (pointer->procedure '* ptr '(*))))
    (lambda (lst)
      "Return the first element of LST, an sexp, if that element is a list;
return #f if LST or its first element is not a list (this is different from
the usual Lisp 'car'.)"
      (let ((result (proc (canonical-sexp->pointer lst))))
        (if (null-pointer? result)
            (pointer->canonical-sexp result))))))

(define canonical-sexp-cdr
  (let* ((ptr  (libgcrypt-func "gcry_sexp_cdr"))
         (proc (pointer->procedure '* ptr '(*))))
    (lambda (lst)
      "Return the tail of LST, an sexp, or #f if LST is not a list."
      (let ((result (proc (canonical-sexp->pointer lst))))
        (if (null-pointer? result)
            (pointer->canonical-sexp result))))))

(define canonical-sexp-nth
  (let* ((ptr  (libgcrypt-func "gcry_sexp_nth"))
         (proc (pointer->procedure '* ptr `(* ,int))))
    (lambda (lst index)
      "Return the INDEXth nested element of LST, an s-expression.  Return #f
if that element does not exist, or if it's an atom.  (Note: this is obviously
different from Scheme's 'list-ref'.)"
      (let ((result (proc (canonical-sexp->pointer lst) index)))
        (if (null-pointer? result)
            (pointer->canonical-sexp result))))))

(define (dereference-size_t p)
  "Return the size_t value pointed to by P."
  (bytevector-uint-ref (pointer->bytevector p (sizeof size_t))
                       0 (native-endianness)
                       (sizeof size_t)))

(define canonical-sexp-length
  (let* ((ptr  (libgcrypt-func "gcry_sexp_length"))
         (proc (pointer->procedure int ptr '(*))))
    (lambda (sexp)
      "Return the length of SEXP if it's a list (including the empty list);
return zero if SEXP is an atom."
      (proc (canonical-sexp->pointer sexp)))))

(define token-string?
  (let ((token-cs (char-set-union char-set:digit
                                  (char-set #\- #\. #\/ #\_
                                            #\: #\* #\+ #\=))))
    (lambda (str)
      "Return #t if STR is a token as per Section 4.3 of
      (and (not (string-null? str))
           (string-every token-cs str)
           (not (char-set-contains? char-set:digit (string-ref str 0)))))))

(define canonical-sexp-nth-data
  (let* ((ptr  (libgcrypt-func "gcry_sexp_nth_data"))
         (proc (pointer->procedure '* ptr `(* ,int *))))
    (lambda (lst index)
      "Return as a symbol (for \"sexp tokens\") or a bytevector (for any other
\"octet string\") the INDEXth data element (atom) of LST, an s-expression.
Return #f if that element does not exist, or if it's a list."
      (let* ((size*  (bytevector->pointer (make-bytevector (sizeof '*))))
             (result (proc (canonical-sexp->pointer lst) index size*)))
        (if (null-pointer? result)
            (let* ((len (dereference-size_t size*))
                   (str (pointer->string result len "ISO-8859-1")))
              ;; The sexp spec speaks of "tokens" and "octet strings".
              ;; Sometimes these octet strings are actual strings (text),
              ;; sometimes they're bytevectors, and sometimes they're
              ;; multi-precision integers (MPIs).  Only the application knows.
              ;; However, for convenience, we return a symbol when a token is
              ;; encountered since tokens are frequent (at least in the 'car'
              ;; of each sexp.)
              (if (token-string? str)
                  (string->symbol str)   ; an sexp "token"
                  (bytevector-copy       ; application data, textual or binary
                   (pointer->bytevector result len)))))))))

(define (number->canonical-sexp number)
  "Return an s-expression representing NUMBER."
  (string->canonical-sexp (string-append "#" (number->string number 16) "#")))

(define* (bytevector->hash-data bv #:optional (hash-algo "sha256"))
  "Given BV, a bytevector containing a hash, return an s-expression suitable
for use as the data for 'sign'."
   (format #f "(data (flags pkcs1) (hash \"~a\" #~a#))"
           (bytevector->base16-string bv))))

(define (hash-data->bytevector data)
  "Return two values: the hash value (a bytevector), and the hash algorithm (a
string) extracted from DATA, an sexp as returned by 'bytevector->hash-data'.
Return #f if DATA does not conform."
  (let ((hash (find-sexp-token data 'hash)))
    (if hash
        (let ((algo  (canonical-sexp-nth-data hash 1))
              (value (canonical-sexp-nth-data hash 2)))
          (values value (symbol->string algo)))
        (values #f #f))))

(define sign
  (let* ((ptr  (libgcrypt-func "gcry_pk_sign"))
         (proc (pointer->procedure int ptr '(* * *))))
    (lambda (data secret-key)
      "Sign DATA (an s-expression) with SECRET-KEY (an s-expression whose car
is 'private-key'.)"
      (let* ((sig (bytevector->pointer (make-bytevector (sizeof '*))))
             (err (proc sig (canonical-sexp->pointer data)
                        (canonical-sexp->pointer secret-key))))
        (if (= 0 err)
            (pointer->canonical-sexp (dereference-pointer sig))
            (throw 'gry-error err))))))

(define verify
  (let* ((ptr  (libgcrypt-func "gcry_pk_verify"))
         (proc (pointer->procedure int ptr '(* * *))))
    (lambda (signature data public-key)
      "Verify that SIGNATURE is a signature of DATA with PUBLIC-KEY, all of
which are gcrypt s-expressions."
      (zero? (proc (canonical-sexp->pointer signature)
                   (canonical-sexp->pointer data)
                   (canonical-sexp->pointer public-key))))))

(define generate-key
  (let* ((ptr  (libgcrypt-func "gcry_pk_genkey"))
         (proc (pointer->procedure int ptr '(* *))))
    (lambda (params)
      "Return as an s-expression a new key pair for PARAMS.  PARAMS must be an
s-expression like: (genkey (rsa (nbits 4:2048)))."
      (let* ((key (bytevector->pointer (make-bytevector (sizeof '*))))
             (err (proc key (canonical-sexp->pointer params))))
        (if (zero? err)
            (pointer->canonical-sexp (dereference-pointer key))
            (throw 'gcry-error err))))))

(define find-sexp-token
  (let* ((ptr  (libgcrypt-func "gcry_sexp_find_token"))
         (proc (pointer->procedure '* ptr `(* * ,size_t))))
    (lambda (sexp token)
      "Find in SEXP the first element whose 'car' is TOKEN and return it;
return #f if not found."
      (let* ((token (string->pointer (symbol->string token)))
             (res   (proc (canonical-sexp->pointer sexp) token 0)))
        (if (null-pointer? res)
            (pointer->canonical-sexp res))))))

(define-inlinable (canonical-sexp-null? sexp)
  "Return #t if SEXP is the empty-list sexp."
  (null-pointer? (canonical-sexp->pointer sexp)))

(define (canonical-sexp-list? sexp)
  "Return #t if SEXP is a list."
  (or (canonical-sexp-null? sexp)
      (> (canonical-sexp-length sexp) 0)))

(define (canonical-sexp-fold proc seed sexp)
  "Fold PROC (as per SRFI-1) over SEXP, a canonical sexp."
  (if (canonical-sexp-list? sexp)
      (let ((len (canonical-sexp-length sexp)))
        (let loop ((index  0)
                   (result seed))
          (if (= index len)
              (loop (+ 1 index)
                    (proc (or (canonical-sexp-nth sexp index)
                              (canonical-sexp-nth-data sexp index))
      (error "sexp is not a list" sexp)))

(define (canonical-sexp->sexp sexp)
  "Return a Scheme sexp corresponding to SEXP.  This is particularly useful to
compare sexps (since Libgcrypt does not provide an 'equal?' procedure), or to
use pattern matching."
  (if (canonical-sexp-list? sexp)
       (canonical-sexp-fold (lambda (item result)
                              (cons (if (canonical-sexp? item)
                                        (canonical-sexp->sexp item)
      (canonical-sexp->string sexp)))             ; XXX: not very useful

(define (sexp->canonical-sexp sexp)
  "Return a canonical sexp equivalent to SEXP, a Scheme sexp as returned by
  ;; XXX: This is inefficient, but the Libgcrypt API doesn't allow us to do
  ;; much better.
     (lambda (port)
       (define (write item)
         (cond ((list? item)
                (display "(" port)
                (for-each write item)
                (display ")" port))
               ((symbol? item)
                (format port " ~a" item))
               ((bytevector? item)
                (format port " #~a#"
                        (bytevector->base16-string item)))
                (error "unsupported sexp item type" item))))

       (write sexp)))))

;;; pk-crypto.scm ends here