;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU ;;; Copyright © 2017, 2018 Ludovic Courtès ;;; ;;; This file is part of GNU Guix. ;;; ;;; GNU Guix is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ;;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at ;;; your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; GNU Guix is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;;; ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;;; along with GNU Guix. If not, see . (define-module (guix man-db) #:use-module (guix zlib) #:use-module ((guix build utils) #:select (find-files)) #:use-module (gdbm) ;gdbm-ffi #:use-module (srfi srfi-9) #:use-module (srfi srfi-26) #:use-module (ice-9 match) #:use-module (ice-9 rdelim) #:use-module (ice-9 regex) #:export (mandb-entry? mandb-entry-file-name mandb-entry-name mandb-entry-section mandb-entry-synopsis mandb-entry-kind mandb-entries write-mandb-database)) ;;; Comment: ;;; ;;; Scan gzipped man pages and create a man-db database. The database is ;;; meant to be used by 'man -k KEYWORD'. ;;; ;;; The implementation here aims to be simpler than that of 'man-db', and to ;;; produce deterministic output. See . ;;; ;;; Code: (define-record-type (mandb-entry file-name name section synopsis kind) mandb-entry? (file-name mandb-entry-file-name) ;e.g., "../abiword.1.gz" (name mandb-entry-name) ;e.g., "ABIWORD" (section mandb-entry-section) ;number (synopsis mandb-entry-synopsis) ;string (kind mandb-entry-kind)) ;'ultimate | 'link (define (mandb-entry file1 name1 section1) (match entry2 (($ file2 name2 section2) (or (< section1 section2) (stringstring entry) "Return the wire format for ENTRY as a string." (match entry (($ file name section synopsis kind) ;; See db_store.c:make_content in man-db for the format. (string-append (abbreviate-file-name file) "\t" (number->string section) "\t" (number->string section) ;; Timestamp that we always set to the epoch. "\t0\t0" ;; See "db_storage.h" in man-db for the different kinds. "\t" (case kind ((ultimate) "A") ;ultimate man page ((link) "B") ;".so" link to other man page (else "A")) ;something that doesn't matter much "\t-\t-\t" (if (string-suffix? ".gz" file) "gz" "") "\t" synopsis "\x00")))) ;; The man-db schema version we're compatible with. (define %version-key "$version$\x00") (define %version-value "2.5.0\x00") (define (write-mandb-database file entries) "Write ENTRIES to FILE as a man-db database. FILE is usually \".../index.db\", and is a GDBM database." (let ((db (gdbm-open file GDBM_WRCREAT))) (gdbm-set! db %version-key %version-value) ;; Write ENTRIES in sorted order so we get deterministic output. (for-each (lambda (entry) (gdbm-set! db (string-append (mandb-entry-file-name entry) "\x00") (entry->string entry))) (sort entries mandb-entryentry file #:optional (resolve identity)) "Parse FILE, a gzipped man page, and return a for it." (define (string->number* str) (if (and (string-prefix? "\"" str) (> (string-length str) 1) (string-suffix? "\"" str)) (string->number (string-drop (string-drop-right str 1) 1)) (string->number str))) ;; Note: This works for both gzipped and uncompressed files. (call-with-gzip-input-port (open-file file "r0") (lambda (port) (let loop ((name #f) (section #f) (synopsis #f) (kind 'ultimate)) (if (and name section synopsis) (mandb-entry file name section synopsis kind) (let ((line (read-line port))) (if (eof-object? line) (mandb-entry file name (or section 0) (or synopsis "") kind) (match (string-tokenize line) ((".TH" name (= string->number* section) _ ...) (loop name section synopsis kind)) ((".SH" (or "NAME" "\"NAME\"")) (loop name section (read-synopsis port) kind)) ((".so" link) (match (and=> (resolve link) (cut man-page->entry <> resolve)) (#f (loop name section synopsis 'link)) (alias (mandb-entry file (mandb-entry-name alias) (mandb-entry-section alias) (mandb-entry-synopsis alias) 'link)))) (_ (loop name section synopsis kind)))))))))) (define (man-files directory) "Return the list of man pages found under DIRECTORY, recursively." ;; Filter the list to ensure that broken symlinks are excluded. (filter file-exists? (find-files directory "\\.[0-9][a-z]?(\\.gz)?$"))) (define (mandb-entries directory) "Return mandb entries for the man pages found under DIRECTORY, recursively." (map (lambda (file) (man-page->entry file (lambda (link) (let ((file (string-append directory "/" link ".gz"))) (and (file-exists? file) file))))) (man-files directory)))