This patch adds bindings to Linux syscalls for which glibc has symbols.

Using the FFI would have been nice, but that's not an option when using
a statically-linked Guile in an initrd that doesn't have around.

diff --git a/libguile/posix.c b/libguile/posix.c
index 324f21b..cbee94d 100644
--- a/libguile/posix.c
+++ b/libguile/posix.c
@@ -2286,6 +2286,266 @@ scm_init_popen (void)
+/* Linux! */
+#include <sys/mount.h>
+#include "libguile/foreign.h"
+#include "libguile/bytevectors.h"
+SCM_DEFINE (scm_mount, "mount", 3, 2, 0,
+	    (SCM source, SCM target, SCM type, SCM flags, SCM data),
+	    "Mount file system of @var{type} specified by @var{source} "
+	    "on @var{target}.")
+#define FUNC_NAME s_scm_mount
+  int err;
+  char *c_source, *c_target, *c_type;
+  unsigned long c_flags;
+  void *c_data;
+  c_source = scm_to_locale_string (source);
+  c_target = scm_to_locale_string (target);
+  c_type = scm_to_locale_string (type);
+  c_flags = SCM_UNBNDP (flags) ? 0 : scm_to_ulong (flags);
+  c_data = SCM_UNBNDP (data) ? NULL : scm_to_pointer (data);
+  err = mount (c_source, c_target, c_type, c_flags, c_data);
+  if (err != 0)
+    err = errno;
+  free (c_source);
+  free (c_target);
+  free (c_type);
+  if (err != 0)
+    {
+      errno = err;
+    }
+#undef FUNC_NAME
+/* Linux's module installation syscall.  See `kernel/module.c' in Linux;
+   the function itself is part of the GNU libc.
+   Load the LEN bytes at MODULE as a kernel module, with arguments from
+   ARGS, a space-separated list of options.  */
+extern long init_module (void *module, unsigned long len, const char *args);
+SCM_DEFINE (scm_load_linux_module, "load-linux-module", 1, 1, 0,
+	    (SCM data, SCM options),
+	    "Load the Linux kernel module whose contents are in bytevector "
+	    "DATA (the contents of a @code{.ko} file), with the arguments "
+	    "from the OPTIONS string.")
+#define FUNC_NAME s_scm_load_linux_module
+  long err;
+  void *c_data;
+  unsigned long c_len;
+  char *c_options;
+  c_data = SCM_BYTEVECTOR_CONTENTS (data);
+  c_len = SCM_BYTEVECTOR_LENGTH (data);
+  c_options =
+    scm_to_locale_string (SCM_UNBNDP (options) ? scm_nullstr : options);
+  err = init_module (c_data, c_len, c_options);
+  free (c_options);
+  if (err != 0)
+    {
+      /* XXX: `insmod' actually provides better translation of some of
+	 the error codes.  */
+      errno = err;
+    }
+#undef FUNC_NAME
+/* Rebooting, halting, and all that.  */
+#include <sys/reboot.h>
+		   scm_from_int (RB_AUTOBOOT));
+		   scm_from_int (RB_HALT_SYSTEM));
+		   scm_from_int (RB_ENABLE_CAD));
+		   scm_from_int (RB_DISABLE_CAD));
+		   scm_from_int (RB_POWER_OFF));
+		   scm_from_int (RB_SW_SUSPEND));
+		   scm_from_int (RB_KEXEC));
+SCM_DEFINE (scm_reboot, "reboot", 0, 1, 0,
+	    (SCM command),
+	    "Reboot the system.  @var{command} must be one of the @code{RB_} "
+	    "constants; if omitted, @var{RB_AUTOBOOT} is used, thus "
+	    "performing a hard reset.")
+#define FUNC_NAME s_scm_reboot
+  int c_command;
+  if (SCM_UNBNDP (command))
+    c_command = RB_AUTOBOOT;
+  else
+    c_command = scm_to_int (command);
+  reboot (c_command);
+  return SCM_UNSPECIFIED;			  /* likely unreached */
+#undef FUNC_NAME
+/* Linux network interfaces.  See <linux/if.h>.  */
+#include <linux/if.h>
+#include <linux/sockios.h>
+#include "libguile/socket.h"
+		   scm_from_int (IFF_UP));
+		   scm_from_int (IFF_BROADCAST));
+		   scm_from_int (IFF_DEBUG));
+		   scm_from_int (IFF_LOOPBACK));
+		   scm_from_int (IFF_POINTOPOINT));
+		   scm_from_int (IFF_NOTRAILERS));
+		   scm_from_int (IFF_RUNNING));
+		   scm_from_int (IFF_NOARP));
+		   scm_from_int (IFF_PROMISC));
+		   scm_from_int (IFF_ALLMULTI));
+SCM_DEFINE (scm_set_network_interface_address, "set-network-interface-address",
+	    3, 0, 0,
+	    (SCM socket, SCM name, SCM address),
+	    "Configure network interface @var{name}.")
+#define FUNC_NAME s_scm_set_network_interface_address
+  char *c_name;
+  struct ifreq ifr;
+  struct sockaddr *c_address;
+  size_t sa_len;
+  int fd, err;
+  socket = SCM_COERCE_OUTPORT (socket);
+  SCM_VALIDATE_OPFPORT (1, socket);
+  fd = SCM_FPORT_FDES (socket);
+  memset (&ifr, 0, sizeof ifr);
+  c_name = scm_to_locale_string (name);
+  c_address = scm_to_sockaddr (address, &sa_len);
+  strncpy (ifr.ifr_name, c_name, sizeof ifr.ifr_name - 1);
+  memcpy (&ifr.ifr_addr, c_address, sa_len);
+  err = ioctl (fd, SIOCSIFADDR, &ifr);
+  if (err != 0)
+    err = errno;
+  free (c_name);
+  free (c_address);
+  if (err != 0)
+    {
+      errno = err;
+    }
+#undef FUNC_NAME
+SCM_DEFINE (scm_set_network_interface_flags, "set-network-interface-flags",
+	    3, 0, 0,
+	    (SCM socket, SCM name, SCM flags),
+	    "Change the flags of network interface @var{name} to "
+	    "@var{flags}.")
+#define FUNC_NAME s_scm_set_network_interface_flags
+  struct ifreq ifr;
+  char *c_name;
+  int fd, err;
+  socket = SCM_COERCE_OUTPORT (socket);
+  SCM_VALIDATE_OPFPORT (1, socket);
+  fd = SCM_FPORT_FDES (socket);
+  memset (&ifr, 0, sizeof ifr);
+  c_name = scm_to_locale_string (name);
+  strncpy (ifr.ifr_name, c_name, sizeof ifr.ifr_name - 1);
+  ifr.ifr_flags = scm_to_short (flags);
+  err = ioctl (fd, SIOCSIFFLAGS, &ifr);
+  if (err != 0)
+    err = errno;
+  free (c_name);
+  if (err != 0)
+    {
+      errno = err;
+    }
+#undef FUNC_NAME
+SCM_DEFINE (scm_network_interface_flags, "network-interface-flags",
+	    2, 0, 0,
+	    (SCM socket, SCM name),
+	    "Return the flags of network interface @var{name}.")
+#define FUNC_NAME s_scm_network_interface_flags
+  struct ifreq ifr;
+  char *c_name;
+  int fd, err;
+  socket = SCM_COERCE_OUTPORT (socket);
+  SCM_VALIDATE_OPFPORT (1, socket);
+  fd = SCM_FPORT_FDES (socket);
+  memset (&ifr, 0, sizeof ifr);
+  c_name = scm_to_locale_string (name);
+  strncpy (ifr.ifr_name, c_name, sizeof ifr.ifr_name - 1);
+  err = ioctl (fd, SIOCGIFFLAGS, &ifr);
+  if (err != 0)
+    err = errno;
+  free (c_name);
+  if (err != 0)
+    {
+      errno = err;
+    }
+  return scm_from_short (ifr.ifr_flags);
+#undef FUNC_NAME
 scm_init_posix ()