path: root/guix/build/lisp-utils.scm
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Diffstat (limited to 'guix/build/lisp-utils.scm')
1 files changed, 327 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/guix/build/lisp-utils.scm b/guix/build/lisp-utils.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..55a07c7207
--- /dev/null
+++ b/guix/build/lisp-utils.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
+;;; Copyright © 2016 Andy Patterson <ajpatter@uwaterloo.ca>
+;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
+;;; GNU Guix is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
+;;; your option) any later version.
+;;; GNU Guix is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;;; along with GNU Guix. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+(define-module (guix build lisp-utils)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 format)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 match)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 regex)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-26)
+ #:use-module (guix build utils)
+ #:export (%lisp
+ %install-prefix
+ lisp-eval-program
+ compile-system
+ test-system
+ replace-escaped-macros
+ generate-executable-wrapper-system
+ generate-executable-entry-point
+ generate-executable-for-system
+ patch-asd-file
+ bundle-install-prefix
+ lisp-dependencies
+ bundle-asd-file
+ remove-lisp-from-name
+ wrap-output-translations
+ prepend-to-source-registry
+ build-program
+ build-image))
+;;; Commentary:
+;;; Tools to evaluate lisp programs within a lisp session, generate wrapper
+;;; systems for executables. Compile, test, and produce images for systems and
+;;; programs, and link them with their dependencies.
+;;; Code:
+(define %lisp
+ ;; File name of the Lisp compiler.
+ (make-parameter "lisp"))
+(define %install-prefix "/share/common-lisp")
+(define (bundle-install-prefix lisp)
+ (string-append %install-prefix "/" lisp "-bundle-systems"))
+(define (remove-lisp-from-name name lisp)
+ (string-drop name (1+ (string-length lisp))))
+(define (wrap-output-translations translations)
+ `(:output-translations
+ ,@translations
+ :inherit-configuration))
+(define (lisp-eval-program lisp program)
+ "Evaluate PROGRAM with a given LISP implementation."
+ (unless (zero? (apply system*
+ (lisp-invoke lisp (format #f "~S" program))))
+ (error "lisp-eval-program failed!" lisp program)))
+(define (lisp-invoke lisp program)
+ "Return a list of arguments for system* determining how to invoke LISP
+with PROGRAM."
+ (match lisp
+ ("sbcl" `(,(%lisp) "--non-interactive" "--eval" ,program))
+ ("ecl" `(,(%lisp) "-eval" ,program "-eval" "(quit)"))))
+(define (asdf-load-all systems)
+ (map (lambda (system)
+ `(funcall
+ (find-symbol
+ (symbol-name :load-system)
+ (symbol-name :asdf))
+ ,system))
+ systems))
+(define (compile-system system lisp asd-file)
+ "Use a lisp implementation to compile SYSTEM using asdf. Load ASD-FILE
+first if SYSTEM is defined there."
+ (lisp-eval-program lisp
+ `(progn
+ (require :asdf)
+ (in-package :asdf)
+ ,@(if asd-file
+ `((load ,asd-file))
+ '())
+ (in-package :cl-user)
+ (funcall (find-symbol
+ (symbol-name :operate)
+ (symbol-name :asdf))
+ (find-symbol
+ (symbol-name :compile-bundle-op)
+ (symbol-name :asdf))
+ ,system)
+ (funcall (find-symbol
+ (symbol-name :operate)
+ (symbol-name :asdf))
+ (find-symbol
+ (symbol-name :deliver-asd-op)
+ (symbol-name :asdf))
+ ,system))))
+(define (test-system system lisp asd-file)
+ "Use a lisp implementation to test SYSTEM using asdf. Load ASD-FILE first
+if SYSTEM is defined there."
+ (lisp-eval-program lisp
+ `(progn
+ (require :asdf)
+ (in-package :asdf)
+ ,@(if asd-file
+ `((load ,asd-file))
+ '())
+ (in-package :cl-user)
+ (funcall (find-symbol
+ (symbol-name :test-system)
+ (symbol-name :asdf))
+ ,system))))
+(define (string->lisp-keyword . strings)
+ "Return a lisp keyword for the concatenation of STRINGS."
+ (string->symbol (apply string-append ":" strings)))
+(define (generate-executable-for-system type system lisp)
+ "Use LISP to generate an executable, whose TYPE can be \"image\" or
+\"program\". The latter will always be standalone. Depends on having created
+a \"SYSTEM-exec\" system which contains the entry program."
+ (lisp-eval-program
+ lisp
+ `(progn
+ (require :asdf)
+ (funcall (find-symbol
+ (symbol-name :operate)
+ (symbol-name :asdf))
+ (find-symbol
+ (symbol-name ,(string->lisp-keyword type "-op"))
+ (symbol-name :asdf))
+ ,(string-append system "-exec")))))
+(define (generate-executable-wrapper-system system dependencies)
+ "Generates a system which can be used by asdf to produce an image or program
+inside the current directory. The image or program will contain
+ (with-output-to-file (string-append system "-exec.asd")
+ (lambda _
+ (format #t "~y~%"
+ `(defsystem ,(string->lisp-keyword system "-exec")
+ :entry-point ,(string-append system "-exec:main")
+ :depends-on (:uiop
+ ,@(map string->lisp-keyword
+ dependencies))
+ :components ((:file ,(string-append system "-exec"))))))))
+(define (generate-executable-entry-point system entry-program)
+ "Generates an entry point program from the list of lisp statements
+ENTRY-PROGRAM for SYSTEM within the current directory."
+ (with-output-to-file (string-append system "-exec.lisp")
+ (lambda _
+ (let ((system (string->lisp-keyword system "-exec")))
+ (format #t "~{~y~%~%~}"
+ `((defpackage ,system
+ (:use :cl)
+ (:export :main))
+ (in-package ,system)
+ (defun main ()
+ (let ((arguments uiop:*command-line-arguments*))
+ (declare (ignorable arguments))
+ ,@entry-program))))))))
+(define (wrap-perform-method lisp registry dependencies file-name)
+ "Creates a wrapper method which allows the system to locate its dependent
+systems from REGISTRY, an alist of the same form as %outputs, which contains
+lisp systems which the systems is dependent on. All DEPENDENCIES which the
+system depends on will the be loaded before this system."
+ (let* ((system (string-drop-right (basename file-name) 4))
+ (system-symbol (string->lisp-keyword system)))
+ `(defmethod asdf:perform :before
+ (op (c (eql (asdf:find-system ,system-symbol))))
+ (asdf/source-registry:ensure-source-registry)
+ ,@(map (match-lambda
+ ((name . path)
+ (let ((asd-file (string-append path
+ (bundle-install-prefix lisp)
+ "/" name ".asd")))
+ `(setf
+ (gethash ,name
+ asdf/source-registry:*source-registry*)
+ ,(string->symbol "#p")
+ ,(bundle-asd-file path asd-file lisp)))))
+ registry)
+ ,@(map (lambda (system)
+ `(asdf:load-system ,(string->lisp-keyword system)))
+ dependencies))))
+(define (patch-asd-file asd-file registry lisp dependencies)
+ "Patches ASD-FILE with a perform method as described in WRAP-PERFORM-METHOD."
+ (chmod asd-file #o644)
+ (let ((port (open-file asd-file "a")))
+ (dynamic-wind
+ (lambda _ #t)
+ (lambda _
+ (display
+ (replace-escaped-macros
+ (format #f "~%~y~%"
+ (wrap-perform-method lisp registry
+ dependencies asd-file)))
+ port))
+ (lambda _ (close-port port))))
+ (chmod asd-file #o444))
+(define (lisp-dependencies lisp inputs)
+ "Determine which inputs are lisp system dependencies, by using the convention
+that a lisp system dependency will resemble \"system-LISP\"."
+ (filter-map (match-lambda
+ ((name . value)
+ (and (string-prefix? lisp name)
+ (string<> lisp name)
+ `(,(remove-lisp-from-name name lisp)
+ . ,value))))
+ inputs))
+(define (bundle-asd-file output-path original-asd-file lisp)
+ "Find the symlinked bundle file for ORIGINAL-ASD-FILE by looking in
+OUTPUT-PATH/share/common-lisp/LISP-bundle-systems/<system>.asd. Returns two
+values: the asd file itself and the directory in which it resides."
+ (let ((bundle-asd-path (string-append output-path
+ (bundle-install-prefix lisp))))
+ (values (string-append bundle-asd-path "/" (basename original-asd-file))
+ bundle-asd-path)))
+(define (replace-escaped-macros string)
+ "Replace simple lisp forms that the guile writer escapes, for example by
+replacing #{#p}# with #p. Should only be used to replace truly simple forms
+which are not nested."
+ (regexp-substitute/global #f "(#\\{)(\\S*)(\\}#)" string
+ 'pre 2 'post))
+(define (prepend-to-source-registry path)
+ (string-append path ":" (or (getenv "CL_SOURCE_REGISTRY") ""))))
+(define* (build-program lisp program #:key inputs
+ (dependencies (list (basename program)))
+ entry-program
+ #:allow-other-keys)
+ "Generate an executable program containing all DEPENDENCIES, and which will
+execute ENTRY-PROGRAM. The result is placed in PROGRAM. When executed, it
+will run ENTRY-PROGRAM, a list of Common Lisp expressions in which `arguments'
+has been bound to the command-line arguments which were passed."
+ (generate-executable lisp program
+ #:inputs inputs
+ #:dependencies dependencies
+ #:entry-program entry-program
+ #:type "program")
+ (let* ((name (basename program))
+ (bin-directory (dirname program)))
+ (with-directory-excursion bin-directory
+ (rename-file (string-append name "-exec")
+ name)))
+ #t)
+(define* (build-image lisp image #:key inputs
+ (dependencies (list (basename image)))
+ #:allow-other-keys)
+ "Generate an image, possibly standalone, which contains all DEPENDENCIES,
+placing the result in IMAGE.image."
+ (generate-executable lisp image
+ #:inputs inputs
+ #:dependencies dependencies
+ #:entry-program '(nil)
+ #:type "image")
+ (let* ((name (basename image))
+ (bin-directory (dirname image)))
+ (with-directory-excursion bin-directory
+ (rename-file (string-append name "-exec--all-systems.image")
+ (string-append name ".image"))))
+ #t)
+(define* (generate-executable lisp out-file #:key inputs
+ dependencies
+ entry-program
+ type
+ #:allow-other-keys)
+ "Generate an executable by using asdf's TYPE-op, containing whithin the
+image all DEPENDENCIES, and running ENTRY-PROGRAM in the case of an
+ (let* ((bin-directory (dirname out-file))
+ (name (basename out-file)))
+ (mkdir-p bin-directory)
+ (with-directory-excursion bin-directory
+ (generate-executable-wrapper-system name dependencies)
+ (generate-executable-entry-point name entry-program))
+ (prepend-to-source-registry
+ (string-append bin-directory "/"))
+ (replace-escaped-macros
+ (format
+ #f "~S"
+ (wrap-output-translations
+ `(((,bin-directory :**/ :*.*.*)
+ (,bin-directory :**/ :*.*.*)))))))
+ (parameterize ((%lisp (string-append
+ (assoc-ref inputs lisp) "/bin/" lisp)))
+ (generate-executable-for-system type name lisp))
+ (delete-file (string-append bin-directory "/" name "-exec.asd"))
+ (delete-file (string-append bin-directory "/" name "-exec.lisp"))))