diff options
authorMark H Weaver <>2014-03-28 03:54:01 -0400
committerMark H Weaver <>2014-04-02 15:31:46 -0400
commit12129998689648923b58c426362a1bc875da75f9 (patch)
parent8ead71b4b03a888d846c7b7c5bbc3addc8013df7 (diff)
union: Rewrite to be faster; handle symlink/directory conflicts.
* guix/build/union.scm: Rewrite; only 'file=?' remains unchanged. Remove 'tree-union' and 'delete-duplicate-leaves' exports. Merge inputs in a breadth-first fashion. Follow symlinks for purposes of making decisions about the merge. * tests/union.scm: Remove tests of 'tree-union' and 'delete-duplicate-leaves'.
2 files changed, 85 insertions, 208 deletions
diff --git a/guix/build/union.scm b/guix/build/union.scm
index 6e2b296d81..c65bea4692 100644
--- a/guix/build/union.scm
+++ b/guix/build/union.scm
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
;;; Copyright © 2012, 2013, 2014 Ludovic Courtès <>
+;;; Copyright © 2014 Mark H Weaver <>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -17,16 +18,13 @@
;;; along with GNU Guix. If not, see <>.
(define-module (guix build union)
- #:use-module (ice-9 ftw)
#:use-module (ice-9 match)
#:use-module (ice-9 format)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-26)
#:use-module (rnrs bytevectors)
#:use-module (rnrs io ports)
- #:export (tree-union
- delete-duplicate-leaves
- union-build))
+ #:export (union-build))
;;; Commentary:
@@ -35,72 +33,20 @@
;;; Code:
-(define (tree-union trees)
- "Return a tree that is the union of the trees listed in TREES. Each
-tree has the form (PARENT LEAVES ...) or just LEAF, where each leaf is
-itself a tree. "
- (let loop ((trees trees))
- (match trees
- (() ; nothing left
- '())
- (_
- (let ((dirs (filter pair? trees))
- (leaves (remove pair? trees)))
- `(,@leaves
- ,@(fold (lambda (dir result)
- (cons `(,dir
- ,@(loop
- (concatenate
- (filter-map (match-lambda
- ((head children ...)
- (and (equal? head dir)
- children)))
- dirs))))
- result))
- '()
- (delete-duplicates (map car dirs)))))))))
-(define* (delete-duplicate-leaves tree
- #:optional
- (leaf=? equal?)
- (delete-duplicates (match-lambda
- ((head _ ...) head))))
- "Delete duplicate leaves from TREE. Two leaves are considered equal
-when LEAF=? applied to them returns #t. Each collision (list of leaves
-that are LEAF=?) is passed to DELETE-DUPLICATES, which must return a
-single leaf."
- (let loop ((tree tree))
- (match tree
- ((dir children ...)
- (let ((dirs (filter pair? children))
- (leaves (remove pair? children)))
- (define collisions
- (fold (lambda (leaf result)
- (define same?
- (cut leaf=? leaf <>))
- (if (any (cut find same? <>) result)
- result
- (match (filter same? leaves)
- ((_)
- result)
- ((collision ...)
- (cons collision result)))))
- '()
- leaves))
- (define non-collisions
- (filter (lambda (leaf)
- (match (filter (cut leaf=? leaf <>) leaves)
- ((_) #t)
- ((_ _ ..1) #f)))
- leaves))
- `(,dir
- ,@non-collisions
- ,@(map delete-duplicates collisions)
- ,@(map loop dirs))))
- (leaf leaf))))
+(define (files-in-directory dirname)
+ (let ((dir (opendir dirname)))
+ (let loop ((files '()))
+ (match (readdir dir)
+ ((or "." "..")
+ (loop files))
+ ((? eof-object?)
+ (closedir dir)
+ (sort files string<?))
+ (file
+ (loop (cons file files)))))))
+(define (file-is-directory? file)
+ (eq? 'directory (stat:type (stat file))))
(define (file=? file1 file2)
"Return #t if FILE1 and FILE2 are regular files and their contents are
@@ -124,110 +70,82 @@ identical, #f otherwise."
(or (eof-object? n1)
-(define* (union-build output directories
+(define* (union-build output inputs
#:key (log-port (current-error-port)))
"Build in the OUTPUT directory a symlink tree that is the union of all
- (define (file-tree dir)
- ;; Return the contents of DIR as a tree.
- (define (others-have-it? subdir)
- ;; Return #t if other elements of DIRECTORIES have SUBDIR.
- (let ((subdir (substring subdir (string-length dir))))
- (any (lambda (other)
- (and (not (string=? other dir))
- (file-exists? (string-append other "/" subdir))))
- directories)))
- (match (file-system-fold (lambda (subdir stat result) ; enter?
- ;; No need to traverse DIR since there's
- ;; nothing to union it with. Thus, we avoid
- ;; creating a gazillon symlinks (think
- ;; share/emacs/24.3, share/texmf, etc.)
- (or (string=? subdir dir)
- (others-have-it? subdir)))
- (lambda (file stat result) ; leaf
- (match result
- (((siblings ...) rest ...)
- `((,file ,@siblings) ,@rest))))
- (lambda (dir stat result) ; down
- `(() ,@result))
- (lambda (dir stat result) ; up
- (match result
- (((leaves ...) (siblings ...) rest ...)
- `(((,(basename dir) ,@leaves) ,@siblings)
- ,@rest))))
- (lambda (dir stat result) ; skip
- ;; DIR is not available elsewhere, so treat it
- ;; as a leaf.
- (match result
- (((siblings ...) rest ...)
- `((,dir ,@siblings) ,@rest))))
- (lambda (file stat errno result)
- (format (current-error-port) "union-build: ~a: ~a~%"
- file (strerror errno)))
- '(())
- dir)
- (((tree)) tree)
- (() #f)))
- (define tree-leaves
- ;; Return the leaves of the given tree.
- (match-lambda
- (((? string?) leaves ...)
- leaves)))
- (define (leaf=? a b)
- (equal? (basename a) (basename b)))
- (define (resolve-collision leaves)
- ;; LEAVES all have the same basename, so choose one of them.
- (match (delete-duplicates leaves string=?)
- ((one-and-the-same)
- ;; LEAVES all actually point to the same file, so nothing to worry
- ;; about.
- one-and-the-same)
- ((and lst (head rest ...))
- ;; A real collision, unless those files are all identical.
- (unless (every (cut file=? head <>) rest)
- (format (current-error-port) "warning: collision encountered: ~{~a ~}~%"
- lst)
- ;; TODO: Implement smarter strategies.
- (format (current-error-port) "warning: arbitrarily choosing ~a~%"
- head))
- head)))
+the INPUTS."
+ (define (symlink* input output)
+ (format log-port "`~a' ~~> `~a'~%" input output)
+ (symlink input output))
+ (define (resolve-collisions output dirs files)
+ (cond ((null? dirs)
+ ;; The inputs are all files.
+ (format (current-error-port)
+ "warning: collision encountered: ~{~a ~}~%"
+ files)
+ (let ((file (first files)))
+ ;; TODO: Implement smarter strategies.
+ (format (current-error-port)
+ "warning: arbitrarily choosing ~a~%"
+ file)
+ (symlink* file output)))
+ (else
+ ;; The inputs are a mixture of files and directories
+ (error "union-build: collision between file and directories"
+ `((files ,files) (dirs ,dirs))))))
+ (define (union output inputs)
+ (match inputs
+ ((input)
+ ;; There's only one input, so just make a link.
+ (symlink* input output))
+ (_
+ (call-with-values (lambda () (partition file-is-directory? inputs))
+ (match-lambda*
+ ((dirs ())
+ ;; All inputs are directories. Create a new directory
+ ;; where we will merge the input directories.
+ (mkdir output)
+ ;; Build a hash table mapping each file to a list of input
+ ;; directories containing that file.
+ (let ((table (make-hash-table)))
+ (define (add-to-table! file dir)
+ (hash-set! table file (cons dir (hash-ref table file '()))))
+ ;; Populate the table.
+ (for-each (lambda (dir)
+ (for-each (cut add-to-table! <> dir)
+ (files-in-directory dir)))
+ dirs)
+ ;; Now iterate over the table and recursively
+ ;; perform a union for each entry.
+ (hash-for-each (lambda (file dirs-with-file)
+ (union (string-append output "/" file)
+ (map (cut string-append <> "/" file)
+ (reverse dirs-with-file))))
+ table)))
+ ((() (file (? (cut file=? <> file)) ...))
+ ;; There are no directories, and all files have the same contents,
+ ;; so there's no conflict.
+ (symlink* file output))
+ ((dirs files)
+ (resolve-collisions output dirs files)))))))
(setvbuf (current-output-port) _IOLBF)
(setvbuf (current-error-port) _IOLBF)
(when (file-port? log-port)
(setvbuf log-port _IOLBF))
- (mkdir output)
- (let loop ((tree (delete-duplicate-leaves
- (cons "."
- (tree-union
- (append-map (compose tree-leaves file-tree)
- (delete-duplicates directories))))
- leaf=?
- resolve-collision))
- (dir '()))
- (match tree
- ((? string?)
- ;; A leaf: create a symlink.
- (let* ((dir (string-join dir "/"))
- (target (string-append output "/" dir "/" (basename tree))))
- (format log-port "`~a' ~~> `~a'~%" tree target)
- (symlink tree target)))
- (((? string? subdir) leaves ...)
- ;; A sub-directory: create it in OUTPUT, and iterate over LEAVES.
- (unless (string=? subdir ".")
- (let ((dir (string-join dir "/")))
- (mkdir (string-append output "/" dir "/" subdir))))
- (for-each (cute loop <> `(,@dir ,subdir))
- leaves))
- ((leaves ...)
- ;; A series of leaves: iterate over them.
- (for-each (cut loop <> dir) leaves)))))
+ (union output (delete-duplicates inputs)))
;;; union.scm ends here
diff --git a/tests/union.scm b/tests/union.scm
index 3ebf483efa..f63329a511 100644
--- a/tests/union.scm
+++ b/tests/union.scm
@@ -43,47 +43,6 @@
(test-begin "union")
-(test-equal "tree-union, empty"
- '()
- (tree-union '()))
-(test-equal "tree-union, leaves only"
- '(a b c d)
- (tree-union '(a b c d)))
-(test-equal "tree-union, simple"
- '((bin ls touch make awk gawk))
- (tree-union '((bin ls touch)
- (bin make)
- (bin awk gawk))))
-(test-equal "tree-union, several levels"
- '((share (doc (make README) (coreutils README)))
- (bin ls touch make))
- (tree-union '((bin ls touch)
- (share (doc (coreutils README)))
- (bin make)
- (share (doc (make README))))))
-(test-equal "delete-duplicate-leaves, default"
- '(bin make touch ls)
- (delete-duplicate-leaves '(bin ls make touch ls)))
-(test-equal "delete-duplicate-leaves, file names"
- '("doc" ("info"
- "/binutils/"
- "/gcc/"
- "/binutils/"))
- (let ((leaf=? (lambda (a b)
- (string=? (basename a) (basename b)))))
- (delete-duplicate-leaves '("doc"
- ("info"
- "/binutils/"
- "/binutils/"
- "/gcc/"
- "/gcc/"))
- leaf=?)))
(test-skip (if (and %store
(getaddrinfo "" "80" AI_NUMERICSERV)))