# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2010 Mark Sandstrom # Copyright (c) 2011-2013 Raphaƫl Barrois # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. import collections import itertools import warnings from factory import utils class OrderedDeclaration(object): """A factory declaration. Ordered declarations mark an attribute as needing lazy evaluation. This allows them to refer to attributes defined by other OrderedDeclarations in the same factory. """ def evaluate(self, sequence, obj, containers=()): """Evaluate this declaration. Args: sequence (int): the current sequence counter to use when filling the current instance obj (containers.LazyStub): The object holding currently computed attributes containers (list of containers.LazyStub): The chain of SubFactory which led to building this object. """ raise NotImplementedError('This is an abstract method') class LazyAttribute(OrderedDeclaration): """Specific OrderedDeclaration computed using a lambda. Attributes: function (function): a function, expecting the current LazyStub and returning the computed value. """ def __init__(self, function, *args, **kwargs): super(LazyAttribute, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.function = function def evaluate(self, sequence, obj, containers=()): return self.function(obj) class _UNSPECIFIED(object): pass def deepgetattr(obj, name, default=_UNSPECIFIED): """Try to retrieve the given attribute of an object, digging on '.'. This is an extended getattr, digging deeper if '.' is found. Args: obj (object): the object of which an attribute should be read name (str): the name of an attribute to look up. default (object): the default value to use if the attribute wasn't found Returns: the attribute pointed to by 'name', splitting on '.'. Raises: AttributeError: if obj has no 'name' attribute. """ try: if '.' in name: attr, subname = name.split('.', 1) return deepgetattr(getattr(obj, attr), subname, default) else: return getattr(obj, name) except AttributeError: if default is _UNSPECIFIED: raise else: return default class SelfAttribute(OrderedDeclaration): """Specific OrderedDeclaration copying values from other fields. If the field name starts with two dots or more, the lookup will be anchored in the related 'parent'. Attributes: depth (int): the number of steps to go up in the containers chain attribute_name (str): the name of the attribute to copy. default (object): the default value to use if the attribute doesn't exist. """ def __init__(self, attribute_name, default=_UNSPECIFIED, *args, **kwargs): super(SelfAttribute, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) depth = len(attribute_name) - len(attribute_name.lstrip('.')) attribute_name = attribute_name[depth:] self.depth = depth self.attribute_name = attribute_name self.default = default def evaluate(self, sequence, obj, containers=()): if self.depth > 1: # Fetching from a parent target = containers[self.depth - 2] else: target = obj return deepgetattr(target, self.attribute_name, self.default) class Iterator(OrderedDeclaration): """Fill this value using the values returned by an iterator. Warning: the iterator should not end ! Attributes: iterator (iterable): the iterator whose value should be used. getter (callable or None): a function to parse returned values """ def __init__(self, iterator, cycle=True, getter=None): super(Iterator, self).__init__() self.getter = getter if cycle: self.iterator = itertools.cycle(iterator) else: self.iterator = iter(iterator) def evaluate(self, sequence, obj, containers=()): value = next(self.iterator) if self.getter is None: return value return self.getter(value) class InfiniteIterator(Iterator): """Same as Iterator, but make the iterator infinite by cycling at the end. Attributes: iterator (iterable): the iterator, once made infinite. """ def __init__(self, iterator): warnings.warn( "factory.InfiniteIterator is deprecated, and will be removed in the " "future. Please use factory.Iterator instead.", PendingDeprecationWarning, 2) return super(InfiniteIterator, self).__init__(iterator, cycle=True) class Sequence(OrderedDeclaration): """Specific OrderedDeclaration to use for 'sequenced' fields. These fields are typically used to generate increasing unique values. Attributes: function (function): A function, expecting the current sequence counter and returning the computed value. type (function): A function converting an integer into the expected kind of counter for the 'function' attribute. """ def __init__(self, function, type=str): super(Sequence, self).__init__() self.function = function self.type = type def evaluate(self, sequence, obj, containers=()): return self.function(self.type(sequence)) class LazyAttributeSequence(Sequence): """Composite of a LazyAttribute and a Sequence. Attributes: function (function): A function, expecting the current LazyStub and the current sequence counter. type (function): A function converting an integer into the expected kind of counter for the 'function' attribute. """ def evaluate(self, sequence, obj, containers=()): return self.function(obj, self.type(sequence)) class ContainerAttribute(OrderedDeclaration): """Variant of LazyAttribute, also receives the containers of the object. Attributes: function (function): A function, expecting the current LazyStub and the (optional) object having a subfactory containing this attribute. strict (bool): Whether evaluating should fail when the containers are not passed in (i.e used outside a SubFactory). """ def __init__(self, function, strict=True, *args, **kwargs): super(ContainerAttribute, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.function = function self.strict = strict def evaluate(self, sequence, obj, containers=()): """Evaluate the current ContainerAttribute. Args: obj (LazyStub): a lazy stub of the object being constructed, if needed. containers (list of LazyStub): a list of lazy stubs of factories being evaluated in a chain, each item being a future field of next one. """ if self.strict and not containers: raise TypeError( "A ContainerAttribute in 'strict' mode can only be used " "within a SubFactory.") return self.function(obj, containers) class ParameteredAttribute(OrderedDeclaration): """Base class for attributes expecting parameters. Attributes: defaults (dict): Default values for the paramters. May be overridden by call-time parameters. Class attributes: CONTAINERS_FIELD (str): name of the field, if any, where container information (e.g for SubFactory) should be stored. If empty, containers data isn't merged into generate() parameters. """ CONTAINERS_FIELD = '__containers' def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(ParameteredAttribute, self).__init__() self.defaults = kwargs def evaluate(self, create, extra, containers): """Evaluate the current definition and fill its attributes. Uses attributes definition in the following order: - values defined when defining the ParameteredAttribute - additional values defined when instantiating the containing factory Args: create (bool): whether the parent factory is being 'built' or 'created' extra (containers.DeclarationDict): extra values that should override the defaults containers (list of LazyStub): List of LazyStub for the chain of factories being evaluated, the calling stub being first. """ defaults = dict(self.defaults) if extra: defaults.update(extra) if self.CONTAINERS_FIELD: defaults[self.CONTAINERS_FIELD] = containers return self.generate(create, defaults) def generate(self, create, params): # pragma: no cover """Actually generate the related attribute. Args: create (bool): whether the calling factory was in 'create' or 'build' mode params (dict): parameters inherited from init and evaluation-time overrides. Returns: Computed value for the current declaration. """ raise NotImplementedError() class SubFactory(ParameteredAttribute): """Base class for attributes based upon a sub-factory. Attributes: defaults (dict): Overrides to the defaults defined in the wrapped factory factory (base.Factory): the wrapped factory """ def __init__(self, factory, **kwargs): super(SubFactory, self).__init__(**kwargs) if isinstance(factory, type): self.factory = factory self.factory_module = self.factory_name = '' else: # Must be a string if not isinstance(factory, basestring) or '.' not in factory: raise ValueError( "The argument of a SubFactory must be either a class " "or the fully qualified path to a Factory class; got " "%r instead." % factory) self.factory = None self.factory_module, self.factory_name = factory.rsplit('.', 1) def get_factory(self): """Retrieve the wrapped factory.Factory subclass.""" if self.factory is None: # Must be a module path self.factory = utils.import_object(self.factory_module, self.factory_name) return self.factory def generate(self, create, params): """Evaluate the current definition and fill its attributes. Args: create (bool): whether the subfactory should call 'build' or 'create' params (containers.DeclarationDict): extra values that should override the wrapped factory's defaults """ subfactory = self.get_factory() if create: return subfactory.create(**params) else: return subfactory.build(**params) class CircularSubFactory(SubFactory): """Use to solve circular dependencies issues.""" def __init__(self, module_name, factory_name, **kwargs): factory = '%s.%s' % (module_name, factory_name) warnings.warn( "factory.CircularSubFactory is deprecated and will be removed in " "the future. " "Please replace factory.CircularSubFactory('module', 'symbol') " "with factory.SubFactory('module.symbol').", PendingDeprecationWarning, 2) super(CircularSubFactory, self).__init__(factory, **kwargs) class PostGenerationDeclaration(object): """Declarations to be called once the target object has been generated. Attributes: extract_prefix (str): prefix to use when extracting attributes from the factory's declaration for this declaration. If empty, uses the attribute name of the PostGenerationDeclaration. """ def __init__(self, extract_prefix=None): if extract_prefix: warnings.warn( "The extract_prefix argument to PostGeneration declarations " "is deprecated and will be removed in the future.", PendingDeprecationWarning, 3) self.extract_prefix = extract_prefix def extract(self, name, attrs): """Extract relevant attributes from a dict. Args: name (str): the name at which this PostGenerationDeclaration was defined in the declarations attrs (dict): the attribute dict from which values should be extracted Returns: (object, dict): a tuple containing the attribute at 'name' (if provided) and a dict of extracted attributes """ if self.extract_prefix: extract_prefix = self.extract_prefix else: extract_prefix = name extracted = attrs.pop(extract_prefix, None) kwargs = utils.extract_dict(extract_prefix, attrs) return extracted, kwargs def call(self, obj, create, extracted=None, **kwargs): # pragma: no cover """Call this hook; no return value is expected. Args: obj (object): the newly generated object create (bool): whether the object was 'built' or 'created' extracted (object): the value given for in the object definition, or None if not provided. kwargs (dict): declarations extracted from the object definition for this hook """ raise NotImplementedError() class PostGeneration(PostGenerationDeclaration): """Calls a given function once the object has been generated.""" def __init__(self, function, extract_prefix=None): super(PostGeneration, self).__init__(extract_prefix) self.function = function def call(self, obj, create, extracted=None, **kwargs): return self.function(obj, create, extracted, **kwargs) def post_generation(*args, **kwargs): assert len(args) + len(kwargs) <= 1, "post_generation takes at most one argument." if args and callable(args[0]): # Called as @post_generation applied to a function return PostGeneration(args[0]) else: warnings.warn( "The @post_generation should now be applied directly to the " "function, without parameters. The @post_generation() and " "@post_generation(extract_prefix='xxx') syntaxes are deprecated " "and will be removed in the future; use @post_generation instead.", PendingDeprecationWarning, 2) extract_prefix = kwargs.get('extract_prefix') def decorator(fun): return PostGeneration(fun, extract_prefix=extract_prefix) return decorator class RelatedFactory(PostGenerationDeclaration): """Calls a factory once the object has been generated. Attributes: factory (Factory): the factory to call defaults (dict): extra declarations for calling the related factory name (str): the name to use to refer to the generated object when calling the related factory """ def __init__(self, factory, name='', **defaults): super(RelatedFactory, self).__init__(extract_prefix=None) self.name = name self.defaults = defaults if isinstance(factory, type): self.factory = factory self.factory_module = self.factory_name = '' else: # Must be a string if not isinstance(factory, basestring) or '.' not in factory: raise ValueError( "The argument of a SubFactory must be either a class " "or the fully qualified path to a Factory class; got " "%r instead." % factory) self.factory = None self.factory_module, self.factory_name = factory.rsplit('.', 1) def get_factory(self): """Retrieve the wrapped factory.Factory subclass.""" if self.factory is None: # Must be a module path self.factory = utils.import_object(self.factory_module, self.factory_name) return self.factory def call(self, obj, create, extracted=None, **kwargs): passed_kwargs = dict(self.defaults) passed_kwargs.update(kwargs) if self.name: passed_kwargs[self.name] = obj factory = self.get_factory() factory.simple_generate(create, **passed_kwargs) class PostGenerationMethodCall(PostGenerationDeclaration): """Calls a method of the generated object. Attributes: method_name (str): the method to call method_args (list): arguments to pass to the method method_kwargs (dict): keyword arguments to pass to the method Example: class UserFactory(factory.Factory): ... password = factory.PostGenerationMethodCall('set_password', password='') """ def __init__(self, method_name, *args, **kwargs): extract_prefix = kwargs.pop('extract_prefix', None) super(PostGenerationMethodCall, self).__init__(extract_prefix) self.method_name = method_name self.method_args = args self.method_kwargs = kwargs def call(self, obj, create, extracted=None, **kwargs): if extracted is None: passed_args = self.method_args elif len(self.method_args) <= 1: # Max one argument expected passed_args = (extracted,) else: passed_args = tuple(extracted) passed_kwargs = dict(self.method_kwargs) passed_kwargs.update(kwargs) method = getattr(obj, self.method_name) method(*passed_args, **passed_kwargs) # Decorators... in case lambdas don't cut it def lazy_attribute(func): return LazyAttribute(func) def iterator(func): """Turn a generator function into an iterator attribute.""" return Iterator(func()) def infinite_iterator(func): """Turn a generator function into an infinite iterator attribute.""" warnings.warn( "@factory.infinite_iterator is deprecated and will be removed in the " "future. Please use @factory.iterator instead.", PendingDeprecationWarning, 2) return InfiniteIterator(func()) def sequence(func): return Sequence(func) def lazy_attribute_sequence(func): return LazyAttributeSequence(func) def container_attribute(func): return ContainerAttribute(func, strict=False)