SubFactory ========== Some objects may use other complex objects as parameters; in order to simplify this setup, factory_boy provides the :py:class:`factory.SubFactory` class. This should be used when defining a :py:class:`~factory.Factory` attribute that will hold the other complex object:: import factory # A standard factory class UserFactory(factory.Factory): FACTORY_FOR = User # Various fields first_name = 'John' last_name = factory.Sequence(lambda n: 'D%se' % ('o' * n)) # De, Doe, Dooe, Doooe, ... email = factory.LazyAttribute(lambda o: '' % (o.first_name.lower(), o.last_name.lower())) # A factory for an object with a 'User' field class CompanyFactory(factory.Factory): FACTORY_FOR = Company name = factory.Sequence(lambda n: 'FactoryBoyz' + z * n) # Let's use our UserFactory to create that user, and override its first name. owner = factory.SubFactory(UserFactory, first_name='Jack') Instantiating the external factory will in turn instantiate an object of the internal factory:: >>> c = CompanyFactory() >>> c # Notice that the first_name was overridden >>> c.owner >>> Fields of the SubFactory can also be overridden when instantiating the external factory:: >>> c = CompanyFactory(owner__first_name='Henry') >>> c.owner # Notice that the updated first_name was propagated to the email LazyAttribute. >>> # It is also possible to override other fields of the SubFactory >>> c = CompanyFactory(owner__last_name='Jones') >>> c.owner >>> Circular dependencies --------------------- In order to solve circular dependency issues, Factory Boy provides the :class:`~factory.CircularSubFactory` class. This class expects a module name and a factory name to import from that module; the given module will be imported (as an absolute import) when the factory is first accessed:: # foo/ import factory from bar import factories class FooFactory(factory.Factory): bar = factory.SubFactory(factories.BarFactory) # bar/ import factory class BarFactory(factory.Factory): # Avoid circular import foo = factory.CircularSubFactory('foo.factories', 'FooFactory', bar=None)