Using factory_boy with ORMs =========================== .. currentmodule:: factory factory_boy provides custom :class:`Factory` subclasses for various ORMs, adding dedicated features. Django ------ .. currentmodule:: factory.django The first versions of factory_boy were designed specifically for Django, but the library has now evolved to be framework-independant. Most features should thus feel quite familiar to Django users. The :class:`DjangoModelFactory` subclass """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" All factories for a Django :class:`~django.db.models.Model` should use the :class:`DjangoModelFactory` base class. .. class:: DjangoModelFactory(factory.Factory) Dedicated class for Django :class:`~django.db.models.Model` factories. This class provides the following features: * :func:`~factory.Factory.create()` uses :meth:`Model.objects.create() ` * :func:`~factory.Factory._setup_next_sequence()` selects the next unused primary key value * When using :class:`~factory.RelatedFactory` or :class:`~factory.PostGeneration` attributes, the base object will be :meth:`saved ` once all post-generation hooks have run. .. attribute:: FACTORY_DJANGO_GET_OR_CREATE Fields whose name are passed in this list will be used to perform a :meth:`Model.objects.get_or_create() ` instead of the usual :meth:`Model.objects.create() `: .. code-block:: python class UserFactory(factory.django.DjangoModelFactory): FACTORY_FOR = models.User FACTORY_DJANGO_GET_OR_CREATE = ('username',) username = 'john' .. code-block:: pycon >>> User.objects.all() [] >>> UserFactory() # Creates a new user >>> User.objects.all() [] >>> UserFactory() # Fetches the existing user >>> User.objects.all() # No new user! [] >>> UserFactory(username='jack') # Creates another user >>> User.objects.all() [, ] .. class:: FileField Custom declarations for :class:`django.db.models.FileField` .. method:: __init__(self, from_path='', from_file='', data=b'', filename='example.dat') :param str from_path: Use data from the file located at ``from_path``, and keep its filename :param file from_file: Use the contents of the provided file object; use its filename if available :param bytes data: Use the provided bytes as file contents :param str filename: The filename for the FileField .. note:: If the value ``None`` was passed for the :class:`FileField` field, this will disable field generation: .. code-block:: python class MyFactory(factory.django.DjangoModelFactory): FACTORY_FOR = models.MyModel the_file = factory.django.FileField(filename='the_file.dat') .. code-block:: pycon >>> MyFactory(the_file__data=b'uhuh') b'uhuh' >>> MyFactory(the_file=None).the_file None .. class:: ImageField Custom declarations for :class:`django.db.models.ImageField` .. method:: __init__(self, from_path='', from_file='', filename='example.jpg', width=100, height=100, color='green', format='JPEG') :param str from_path: Use data from the file located at ``from_path``, and keep its filename :param file from_file: Use the contents of the provided file object; use its filename if available :param str filename: The filename for the ImageField :param int width: The width of the generated image (default: ``100``) :param int height: The height of the generated image (default: ``100``) :param str color: The color of the generated image (default: ``'green'``) :param str format: The image format (as supported by PIL) (default: ``'JPEG'``) .. note:: If the value ``None`` was passed for the :class:`FileField` field, this will disable field generation: .. note:: Just as Django's :class:`django.db.models.ImageField` requires the Python Imaging Library, this :class:`ImageField` requires it too. .. code-block:: python class MyFactory(factory.django.DjangoModelFactory): FACTORY_FOR = models.MyModel the_image = factory.django.ImageField(color='blue') .. code-block:: pycon >>> MyFactory(the_image__width=42).the_image.width 42 >>> MyFactory(the_image=None).the_image None Mogo ---- .. currentmodule:: factory.mogo factory_boy supports `Mogo`_-style models, through the :class:`MogoFactory` class. `Mogo`_ is a wrapper around the ``pymongo`` library for MongoDB. .. _Mogo: .. class:: MogoFactory(factory.Factory) Dedicated class for `Mogo`_ models. This class provides the following features: * :func:`` calls a model's ``new()`` method * :func:`~factory.Factory.create()` builds an instance through ``new()`` then saves it. SQLAlchemy ---------- .. currentmodule:: factory.alchemy Factoy_boy also supports `SQLAlchemy`_ models through the :class:`SQLAlchemyModelFactory` class. To work, this class needs an `SQLAlchemy`_ session object affected to "FACTORY_SESSION" class attribute. .. _SQLAlchemy: .. class:: SQLAlchemyModelFactory(factory.Factory) Dedicated class for `SQLAlchemy`_ models. This class provides the following features: * :func:`~factory.Factory.create()` uses :meth:`sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session.add` * :func:`~factory.Factory._setup_next_sequence()` selects the next unused primary key value .. attribute:: FACTORY_SESSION Fields whose SQLAlchemy session object are passed will be used to communicate with the database A (very) simple exemple: .. code-block:: python from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, Unicode, create_engine from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base from sqlalchemy.orm import scoped_session, sessionmaker session = scoped_session(sessionmaker()) engine = create_engine('sqlite://') session.configure(bind=engine) Base = declarative_base() class User(Base): """ A SQLAlchemy simple model class who represents a user """ __tablename__ = 'UserTable' id = Column(Integer(), primary_key=True) name = Column(Unicode(20)) Base.metadata.create_all(engine) class UserFactory(SQLAlchemyModelFactory): FACTORY_FOR = User FACTORY_SESSION = session # the SQLAlchemy session object id = factory.Sequence(lambda n: n) name = factory.Sequence(lambda n: u'User %d' % n) .. code-block:: pycon >>> session.query(User).all() [] >>> UserFactory() >>> session.query(User).all() []