Welcome to Factory Boy's documentation! ======================================= factory_boy provides easy replacement for fixtures, based on thouthbot's `factory_girl `_. It allows for an easy definition of factories, various build factories, factory inheritance, ... Example ------- Defining a factory """""""""""""""""" Simply subclass the :py:class:`~factory.Factory` class, adding various class attributes which will be used as defaults:: import factory class MyUserFactory(factory.Factory): FACTORY_FOR = MyUser # Define the related object # A simple attribute first_name = 'Foo' # A 'sequential' attribute: each instance of the factory will have a different 'n' last_name = factory.Sequence(lambda n: 'Bar' + n) # A 'lazy' attribute: computed from the values of other attributes email = factory.LazyAttribute(lambda o: '%s.%s@example.org' % (o.first_name.lower(), o.last_name.lower())) Using a factory """"""""""""""" Once defined, a factory can be instantiated through different methods:: # Calls MyUser(first_name='Foo', last_name='Bar0', email='foo.bar0@example.org') >>> user = MyUserFactory.build() # Calls MyUser.objects.create(first_name='Foo', last_name='Bar1', email='foo.bar1@example.org') >>> user = MyUserFactory.create() # Values can be overridden >>> user = MyUserFactory.build(first_name='Baz') >>> user.email 'baz.bar2@example.org' # Additional values can be specified >>> user = MyUserFactory.build(some_other_var=42) >>> user.some_other_var 42 Contents: :doc:`SubFactory ` .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 subfactory Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`