Fuzzy attributes ================ .. module:: factory.fuzzy Some tests may be interested in testing with fuzzy, random values. This is handled by the :mod:`factory.fuzzy` module, which provides a few random declarations. FuzzyAttribute -------------- .. class:: FuzzyAttribute The :class:`FuzzyAttribute` uses an arbitrary callable as fuzzer. It is expected that successive calls of that function return various values. .. attribute:: fuzzer The callable that generates random values FuzzyText --------- .. class:: FuzzyText(length=12, chars=string.ascii_letters, prefix='') The :class:`FuzzyText` fuzzer yields random strings beginning with the given :attr:`prefix`, followed by :attr:`length` charactes chosen from the :attr:`chars` character set, and ending with the given :attr:`suffix`. .. attribute:: length int, the length of the random part .. attribute:: prefix text, an optional prefix to prepend to the random part .. attribute:: suffix text, an optional suffix to append to the random part .. attribute:: chars char iterable, the chars to choose from; defaults to the list of ascii letters and numbers. FuzzyChoice ----------- .. class:: FuzzyChoice(choices) The :class:`FuzzyChoice` fuzzer yields random choices from the given iterable. .. note:: The passed in :attr:`choices` will be converted into a list upon first use, not at declaration time. This allows passing in, for instance, a Django queryset that will only hit the database during the database, not at import time. .. attribute:: choices The list of choices to select randomly FuzzyInteger ------------ .. class:: FuzzyInteger(low[, high[, step]]) The :class:`FuzzyInteger` fuzzer generates random integers within a given inclusive range. The :attr:`low` bound may be omitted, in which case it defaults to 0: .. code-block:: pycon >>> fi = FuzzyInteger(0, 42) >>> fi.low, fi.high 0, 42 >>> fi = FuzzyInteger(42) >>> fi.low, fi.high 0, 42 .. attribute:: low int, the inclusive lower bound of generated integers .. attribute:: high int, the inclusive higher bound of generated integers .. attribute:: step int, the step between values in the range; for instance, a ``FuzzyInteger(0, 42, step=3)`` might only yield values from ``[0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42]``. FuzzyDecimal ------------ .. class:: FuzzyDecimal(low[, high[, precision=2]]) The :class:`FuzzyDecimal` fuzzer generates random :class:`decimals ` within a given inclusive range. The :attr:`low` bound may be omitted, in which case it defaults to 0: .. code-block:: pycon >>> FuzzyDecimal(0.5, 42.7) >>> fi.low, fi.high 0.5, 42.7 >>> fi = FuzzyDecimal(42.7) >>> fi.low, fi.high 0.0, 42.7 >>> fi = FuzzyDecimal(0.5, 42.7, 3) >>> fi.low, fi.high, fi.precision 0.5, 42.7, 3 .. attribute:: low decimal, the inclusive lower bound of generated decimals .. attribute:: high decimal, the inclusive higher bound of generated decimals .. attribute:: precision int, the number of digits to generate after the dot. The default is 2 digits. FuzzyFloat ---------- .. class:: FuzzyFloat(low[, high]) The :class:`FuzzyFloat` fuzzer provides random :class:`float` objects within a given inclusive range. .. code-block:: pycon >>> FuzzyFloat(0.5, 42.7) >>> fi.low, fi.high 0.5, 42.7 >>> fi = FuzzyFloat(42.7) >>> fi.low, fi.high 0.0, 42.7 .. attribute:: low decimal, the inclusive lower bound of generated floats .. attribute:: high decimal, the inclusive higher bound of generated floats FuzzyDate --------- .. class:: FuzzyDate(start_date[, end_date]) The :class:`FuzzyDate` fuzzer generates random dates within a given inclusive range. The :attr:`end_date` bound may be omitted, in which case it defaults to the current date: .. code-block:: pycon >>> fd = FuzzyDate(datetime.date(2008, 1, 1)) >>> fd.start_date, fd.end_date datetime.date(2008, 1, 1), datetime.date(2013, 4, 16) .. attribute:: start_date :class:`datetime.date`, the inclusive lower bound of generated dates .. attribute:: end_date :class:`datetime.date`, the inclusive higher bound of generated dates FuzzyDateTime ------------- .. class:: FuzzyDateTime(start_dt[, end_dt], tz=UTC, force_year=None, force_month=None, force_day=None, force_hour=None, force_minute=None, force_second=None, force_microsecond=None) The :class:`FuzzyDateTime` fuzzer generates random timezone-aware datetime within a given inclusive range. The :attr:`end_dt` bound may be omitted, in which case it defaults to ``datetime.datetime.now()`` localized into the UTC timezone. .. code-block:: pycon >>> fdt = FuzzyDateTime(datetime.datetime(2008, 1, 1, tzinfo=UTC)) >>> fdt.start_dt, fdt.end_dt datetime.datetime(2008, 1, 1, tzinfo=UTC), datetime.datetime(2013, 4, 21, 19, 13, 32, 458487, tzinfo=UTC) The ``force_XXX`` keyword arguments force the related value of generated datetimes: .. code-block:: pycon >>> fdt = FuzzyDateTime(datetime.datetime(2008, 1, 1, tzinfo=UTC), datetime.datetime(2009, 1, 1, tzinfo=UTC), ... force_day=3, force_second=42) >>> fdt.evaluate(2, None, False) # Actual code used by ``SomeFactory.build()`` datetime.datetime(2008, 5, 3, 12, 13, 42, 124848, tzinfo=UTC) .. attribute:: start_dt :class:`datetime.datetime`, the inclusive lower bound of generated datetimes .. attribute:: end_dt :class:`datetime.datetime`, the inclusive upper bound of generated datetimes .. attribute:: force_year int or None; if set, forces the :attr:`~datetime.datetime.year` of generated datetime. .. attribute:: force_month int or None; if set, forces the :attr:`~datetime.datetime.month` of generated datetime. .. attribute:: force_day int or None; if set, forces the :attr:`~datetime.datetime.day` of generated datetime. .. attribute:: force_hour int or None; if set, forces the :attr:`~datetime.datetime.hour` of generated datetime. .. attribute:: force_minute int or None; if set, forces the :attr:`~datetime.datetime.minute` of generated datetime. .. attribute:: force_second int or None; if set, forces the :attr:`~datetime.datetime.second` of generated datetime. .. attribute:: force_microsecond int or None; if set, forces the :attr:`~datetime.datetime.microsecond` of generated datetime. FuzzyNaiveDateTime ------------------ .. class:: FuzzyNaiveDateTime(start_dt[, end_dt], force_year=None, force_month=None, force_day=None, force_hour=None, force_minute=None, force_second=None, force_microsecond=None) The :class:`FuzzyNaiveDateTime` fuzzer generates random naive datetime within a given inclusive range. The :attr:`end_dt` bound may be omitted, in which case it defaults to ``datetime.datetime.now()``: .. code-block:: pycon >>> fdt = FuzzyNaiveDateTime(datetime.datetime(2008, 1, 1)) >>> fdt.start_dt, fdt.end_dt datetime.datetime(2008, 1, 1), datetime.datetime(2013, 4, 21, 19, 13, 32, 458487) The ``force_XXX`` keyword arguments force the related value of generated datetimes: .. code-block:: pycon >>> fdt = FuzzyNaiveDateTime(datetime.datetime(2008, 1, 1), datetime.datetime(2009, 1, 1), ... force_day=3, force_second=42) >>> fdt.evaluate(2, None, False) # Actual code used by ``SomeFactory.build()`` datetime.datetime(2008, 5, 3, 12, 13, 42, 124848) .. attribute:: start_dt :class:`datetime.datetime`, the inclusive lower bound of generated datetimes .. attribute:: end_dt :class:`datetime.datetime`, the inclusive upper bound of generated datetimes .. attribute:: force_year int or None; if set, forces the :attr:`~datetime.datetime.year` of generated datetime. .. attribute:: force_month int or None; if set, forces the :attr:`~datetime.datetime.month` of generated datetime. .. attribute:: force_day int or None; if set, forces the :attr:`~datetime.datetime.day` of generated datetime. .. attribute:: force_hour int or None; if set, forces the :attr:`~datetime.datetime.hour` of generated datetime. .. attribute:: force_minute int or None; if set, forces the :attr:`~datetime.datetime.minute` of generated datetime. .. attribute:: force_second int or None; if set, forces the :attr:`~datetime.datetime.second` of generated datetime. .. attribute:: force_microsecond int or None; if set, forces the :attr:`~datetime.datetime.microsecond` of generated datetime. Custom fuzzy fields ------------------- Alternate fuzzy fields may be defined. They should inherit from the :class:`BaseFuzzyAttribute` class, and override its :meth:`~BaseFuzzyAttribute.fuzz` method. .. class:: BaseFuzzyAttribute Base class for all fuzzy attributes. .. method:: fuzz(self) The method responsible for generating random values. *Must* be overridden in subclasses. Managing randomness ------------------- Using :mod:`random` in factories allows to "fuzz" a program efficiently. However, it's sometimes required to *reproduce* a failing test. :mod:`factory.fuzzy` uses a separate instance of :class:`random.Random`, and provides a few helpers for this: .. method:: get_random_state() Call :meth:`get_random_state` to retrieve the random generator's current state. .. method:: set_random_state(state) Use :meth:`set_random_state` to set a custom state into the random generator (fetched from :meth:`get_random_state` in a previous run, for instance) .. method:: reseed_random(seed) The :meth:`reseed_random` function allows to load a chosen seed into the random generator. Custom :class:`BaseFuzzyAttribute` subclasses **SHOULD** use :obj:`factory.fuzzy._random` as a randomness source; this ensures that data they generate can be regenerated using the simple state from :meth:`get_random_state`.