path: root/debian/changelog
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* Fixed gbp.confdebian/2.4.1-4Thomas Goirand2015-06-01
* Added Suggests: python-factory-boy-doc (Closes: #787282).Thomas Goirand2015-06-01
* Standards-Version is now 3.9.6 (no change).debian/2.4.1-3Thomas Goirand2014-10-12
* * Add a patch to call django.setup() if using Django 1.7 in the unit tests.Thomas Goirand2014-10-12
* Disabled broken a test (Closes: #759914).debian/2.4.1-2Thomas Goirand2014-08-31
* changelog closes #753558Thomas Goirand2014-07-03
* Added Python3 support and sphinx doc.Thomas Goirand2014-07-03
* Fixed debian/copyright with authorsThomas Goirand2014-07-03
* Now packaging upstream release 2.4.1Thomas Goirand2014-07-03
* Now running unit tests at build time.Thomas Goirand2014-05-04
* Standards-Version: 3.9.5Thomas Goirand2014-05-04
* Now packaging upstream release 2.3.1Thomas Goirand2014-05-03
* Revert "Updated VCS fields."Thomas Goirand2014-05-03
* updates debian/changelogThomas Goirand2013-11-20
* using distutils as build system due to the Makefile in the root folder.debian/2.0.2-1Thomas Goirand2013-05-12
* * Switched to debhelper / compat level 9.Thomas Goirand2013-05-12
* * Uploading to unstable.Thomas Goirand2013-05-12
* Edited debian/changelog.1.1.5-1Thomas Goirand2012-12-17
* Switching to openstack-pkg-tools packaging.Thomas Goirand2012-12-17
* * New upstream release.Thomas Goirand2012-10-14
* New upstream releasedebian/1.1.3-1Ghe Rivero2012-03-10
* New upstream releasedebian/1.1.2-1Ghe Rivero2012-03-05
* Initial debian packagingdebian/1.0.4-1Ghe Rivero2012-02-14