- Have ability to override default parameter values. Search order for configuration values: - command line - network configuration file - dotfile - defaults - Get smarter about naming and numbering nodes if their number changes - Get smarter about when we need to kill the network and when we need to restart nodes - Avoid regenerating so many authority keys: it's okay to recycle for testing. - Right now we assume that we're acting like a fooctl startup/shutdown script series. Instead we could run in a managed mode. - Pipe stdout to a file, not to nowhere with "quiet" - Log stuff. - Split TorNode into a class that *just* holds the nodes configuration, and implements some methods that create other classes for the stuff we really need (node configurer, rc.d-like launcher, etc) - Have launcher check for configuration - Resolve XXXX comments - Document everything - Start writing passive "tests" like "did it bootstrap?" or "any warnings in the logs?", etc