[[!meta title="Mapping Real Treasure - Maptime Southampton June"]] [[!img poster.jpg size="x500" align="right"]] My last event in Southampton last week was the [[!taglink Maptime]] Southampton June meetup. This was a joint event organised by Charlie (who regularly organises Maptime Southampton) and Rebecca Kinge who I believe runs [[Dangerous Ideas Southampton|http://www.dangerousideassouthampton.org.uk/]]. The event, [[Mapping Real Treasure|http://www.dangerousideassouthampton.org.uk/blog/10-june-15-mapping/]] featured some introductions from Charlie and Rebecca, and then several small talks from various interesting people, and myself. Other talks included a map of [[fruit trees|https://fallingfruit.org/]], [[Placebook|http://theplacebook.org.uk/]], some work by the University of Southampton and SUSU relating to students and local businesses from [[Julia Kendal|http://www.southampton.ac.uk/engineering/about/staff/jh1f11.page]], Chris Gutteridge's recent [[Minecraft/OpenStreetMap/Open Data project|https://twitter.com/cgutteridge/status/607686009191571456]], and some very cool OpenStreetMap jigsaw pieces from Rebecca's husband (whose name I cannot remember/find). The [[slides|projects/osm/osm-intro/osm-intro/index.html]] ([[git repository|http://git.cbaines.net/osm-intro/]]) for my talk are available. The aim was to give a brief introduction to what [[!taglink OpenStreetMap]] is, particularly mentioning interesting things like the [[Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team|http://hotosm.org/]]. I was not quite expecting to be presenting to such a large (~50 people!) varied audience (age and gender). In hindsight, I should have probably done a better _sell_ of OSM, rather than the talk I gave, which was more technical in nature. I ended up talking more on the nature of OSM being a digital map, consisting of data, and skipping over the slides I had on editing OSM, I did however demo using iD at the end of the presentation (although I should have perhaps had this as a bigger part). Towards the end of the presentation, I discussed the legal side of OSM, in terms of the copyright of the data, and the licensing. Although, again I am unsure if I approached this issue correctly, I think I should have probably given examples of what you can do with OSM, and then related this back to the license and copyright. I should probably also mention the Maptime May meetup, where I ran a smaller workshop on OpenStreetMap and the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team. For this I wrote two presentations, one for [[OSM|projects/osm/osm-introductory-workshop/]] and the other specifically for [[HOT|projects/osm/hot-introductory-workshop/]]. The shorter presentation I gave recently was adapted from these two presentations.