[[!meta title="Freenode #live" ]]
The first [Freenode #live](https://freenode.live/) conference happened
on the weekend just passed (28th and 29th of October), and it was
awesome but exhausting.
I met up with many people, some who I'd met at previous events like
the recent GNU Hackers Meeting and others who I'd not met before.
The speaker events, both the cheese and open bar in a pub on the
Friday, and the formal dinner on the Saturday were very enjoyable with
lots of interesting conversation.
I gave a talk on Guix, ([view the
slides](/projects/guix/freenode-live-2017/presentation/)). As always,
while I submitted the proposal a while in advance, I was editing the
notes right up until Sunday morning.
Source for the slides
The freenode staff did an awesome job organising the event, and what
they pulled off was incredible given the ticket costs. I'm guessing
this was due to the generous sponsorship.
All in all, I'm hoping to attend next year!