Package paramiko :: Module sftp_handle
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Source Code for Module paramiko.sftp_handle

  1  # Copyright (C) 2003-2007  Robey Pointer <> 
  2  # 
  3  # This file is part of paramiko. 
  4  # 
  5  # Paramiko is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the 
  6  # terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free 
  7  # Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) 
  8  # any later version. 
  9  # 
 10  # Paramiko is distrubuted in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY 
 11  # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR 
 12  # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more 
 13  # details. 
 14  # 
 15  # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License 
 16  # along with Paramiko; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 
 17  # 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA. 
 19  """ 
 20  Abstraction of an SFTP file handle (for server mode). 
 21  """ 
 23  import os 
 25  from paramiko.common import * 
 26  from paramiko.sftp import * 
29 -class SFTPHandle (object):
30 """ 31 Abstract object representing a handle to an open file (or folder) in an 32 SFTP server implementation. Each handle has a string representation used 33 by the client to refer to the underlying file. 34 35 Server implementations can (and should) subclass SFTPHandle to implement 36 features of a file handle, like L{stat} or L{chattr}. 37 """
38 - def __init__(self, flags=0):
39 """ 40 Create a new file handle representing a local file being served over 41 SFTP. If C{flags} is passed in, it's used to determine if the file 42 is open in append mode. 43 44 @param flags: optional flags as passed to L{} 45 @type flags: int 46 """ 47 self.__flags = flags 48 self.__name = None 49 # only for handles to folders: 50 self.__files = { } 51 self.__tell = None
53 - def close(self):
54 """ 55 When a client closes a file, this method is called on the handle. 56 Normally you would use this method to close the underlying OS level 57 file object(s). 58 59 The default implementation checks for attributes on C{self} named 60 C{readfile} and/or C{writefile}, and if either or both are present, 61 their C{close()} methods are called. This means that if you are 62 using the default implementations of L{read} and L{write}, this 63 method's default implementation should be fine also. 64 """ 65 readfile = getattr(self, 'readfile', None) 66 if readfile is not None: 67 readfile.close() 68 writefile = getattr(self, 'writefile', None) 69 if writefile is not None: 70 writefile.close()
72 - def read(self, offset, length):
73 """ 74 Read up to C{length} bytes from this file, starting at position 75 C{offset}. The offset may be a python long, since SFTP allows it 76 to be 64 bits. 77 78 If the end of the file has been reached, this method may return an 79 empty string to signify EOF, or it may also return L{SFTP_EOF}. 80 81 The default implementation checks for an attribute on C{self} named 82 C{readfile}, and if present, performs the read operation on the python 83 file-like object found there. (This is meant as a time saver for the 84 common case where you are wrapping a python file object.) 85 86 @param offset: position in the file to start reading from. 87 @type offset: int or long 88 @param length: number of bytes to attempt to read. 89 @type length: int 90 @return: data read from the file, or an SFTP error code. 91 @rtype: str 92 """ 93 readfile = getattr(self, 'readfile', None) 94 if readfile is None: 95 return SFTP_OP_UNSUPPORTED 96 try: 97 if self.__tell is None: 98 self.__tell = readfile.tell() 99 if offset != self.__tell: 100 101 self.__tell = offset 102 data = 103 except IOError, e: 104 self.__tell = None 105 return SFTPServer.convert_errno(e.errno) 106 self.__tell += len(data) 107 return data
109 - def write(self, offset, data):
110 """ 111 Write C{data} into this file at position C{offset}. Extending the 112 file past its original end is expected. Unlike python's normal 113 C{write()} methods, this method cannot do a partial write: it must 114 write all of C{data} or else return an error. 115 116 The default implementation checks for an attribute on C{self} named 117 C{writefile}, and if present, performs the write operation on the 118 python file-like object found there. The attribute is named 119 differently from C{readfile} to make it easy to implement read-only 120 (or write-only) files, but if both attributes are present, they should 121 refer to the same file. 122 123 @param offset: position in the file to start reading from. 124 @type offset: int or long 125 @param data: data to write into the file. 126 @type data: str 127 @return: an SFTP error code like L{SFTP_OK}. 128 """ 129 writefile = getattr(self, 'writefile', None) 130 if writefile is None: 131 return SFTP_OP_UNSUPPORTED 132 try: 133 # in append mode, don't care about seeking 134 if (self.__flags & os.O_APPEND) == 0: 135 if self.__tell is None: 136 self.__tell = writefile.tell() 137 if offset != self.__tell: 138 139 self.__tell = offset 140 writefile.write(data) 141 writefile.flush() 142 except IOError, e: 143 self.__tell = None 144 return SFTPServer.convert_errno(e.errno) 145 if self.__tell is not None: 146 self.__tell += len(data) 147 return SFTP_OK
149 - def stat(self):
150 """ 151 Return an L{SFTPAttributes} object referring to this open file, or an 152 error code. This is equivalent to L{SFTPServerInterface.stat}, except 153 it's called on an open file instead of a path. 154 155 @return: an attributes object for the given file, or an SFTP error 156 code (like L{SFTP_PERMISSION_DENIED}). 157 @rtype: L{SFTPAttributes} I{or error code} 158 """ 159 return SFTP_OP_UNSUPPORTED
161 - def chattr(self, attr):
162 """ 163 Change the attributes of this file. The C{attr} object will contain 164 only those fields provided by the client in its request, so you should 165 check for the presence of fields before using them. 166 167 @param attr: the attributes to change on this file. 168 @type attr: L{SFTPAttributes} 169 @return: an error code like L{SFTP_OK}. 170 @rtype: int 171 """ 172 return SFTP_OP_UNSUPPORTED
173 174 175 ### internals... 176 177
178 - def _set_files(self, files):
179 """ 180 Used by the SFTP server code to cache a directory listing. (In 181 the SFTP protocol, listing a directory is a multi-stage process 182 requiring a temporary handle.) 183 """ 184 self.__files = files
186 - def _get_next_files(self):
187 """ 188 Used by the SFTP server code to retreive a cached directory 189 listing. 190 """ 191 fnlist = self.__files[:16] 192 self.__files = self.__files[16:] 193 return fnlist
195 - def _get_name(self):
196 return self.__name
198 - def _set_name(self, name):
199 self.__name = name
200 201 202 from paramiko.sftp_server import SFTPServer 203