$(document).ready(function() { var self = this; self.hospitalTemplate = _.template('\ \ \ \ \ \


\ \ \ \
Name<%= properties["name"] %>
Emergency<%= properties["emergency"] %>

Catchment Area

\ \ \ \ \ \ \
Surface Area
Number of villages
Furthest Village from health structure
Average distance of all villages from health structure
'); self.catchmentTemplate = _.template('\ \ <% _.each(properties, function(val, key) { %> \ <% if (/\:/.exec(key)) { %> \ \ \ \ \ <% } else {%> \ \ \ \ \ <% } %> \ <% }); %> \
<%= key.split(":")[1] %> <%= val %>
<%= key %> <%= val %>
'); var hospitalIcon = L.icon({ iconUrl: 'resources/img/hospital.png', iconSize: [18, 18], // size of the icon iconAnchor: [9, 9], // point of the icon which will correspond to marker's location popupAnchor: [2, -9] // point from which the popup should open relative to the iconAnchor }); self.tileLayer = L.tileLayer('http://{s}.www.toolserver.org/tiles/osm-no-labels/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', { maxZoom: 18, attribution: 'Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors' }); var map = L.map( 'map', { zoom: 12, layers: [self.tileLayer], }).setView([12.4822, -11.9463], 11); // TODO: Not sure why the above call to setView is needed GlobalMap = map; self.amenities = ["hospital", "doctors", "dentist"]; // This contains the layers for each of the above amenities self.amenityLayers = {}; self.layersControl = L.control.layers().addTo(map); L.control.locate().addTo(map); function createQueryData(bbox) { return "data=[out:json];(" + "(node[amenity=hospital]("+ bbox +");way[amenity=hospital]("+ bbox +");node(w););" + "(node[amenity=doctors]("+ bbox +");way[amenity=doctors]("+ bbox +");node(w););" + "(node[amenity=dentist]("+ bbox +");way[amenity=dentist]("+ bbox +");node(w););" + "(node(" + bbox + ");relation[type=boundary][boundary=catchment_area];way(r);node(w););" + ");out;"; } var legend = L.control({position: 'bottomright'}); legend.onAdd = function (map) { var div = L.DomUtil.create('div', 'info legend'); div.innerHTML += ' Hospital
'; return div; }; legend.addTo(map); map.on('moveend', function(e) { var zoom = map.getZoom(); if (zoom < 10) { return; } var bounds = map.getBounds(); var sw = bounds.getSouthWest(); var ne = bounds.getNorthEast(); bbox = [sw.lat, sw.lng, ne.lat, ne.lng].join(','); var data = createQueryData(bbox); converter = new op2geojson(); converter.fetch("http://overpass-api.de/api/interpreter", data, zoom, function(data) { if (jQuery.isEmptyObject(self.amenityLayers)) { var markers = {}; _.each(self.amenities, function(amenity, i) { self.amenityLayers[amenity] = L.geoJson(data, { style: function(feature) { return {color: 'red', fillColor: 'red', fillOpacity: 0.2, weight: 10}; }, onEachFeature: function(feature, layer) { var center; if (feature.geometry.type === "Point") { layer.options.icon = hospitalIcon; center = feature.geometry.coordinates; } else { center = feature.geometry.coordinates[0]; } layer.bindPopup(self.hospitalTemplate({ properties: feature.properties, coordinate: center })); markers[feature.id] = layer; }, filter: function(feature, layer) { return _.contains(_.values(feature.properties), amenity); } }); map.addLayer(self.amenityLayers[amenity]); self.layersControl.addOverlay(self.amenityLayers[amenity], self.amenities[i].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + self.amenities[i].slice(1)); }); // Now deal with the catchment areas self.catchmentAreaLayer = L.geoJson(data, { style: function(feature) { return {fillColor: 'green', weight: 2, opacity: 1, color: 'black', dashArray: '3', fillOpacity: 0.1}; }, onEachFeature: function(feature, layer) { var marker_layer = markers[feature.properties.subject]; var popup = markers[feature.properties.subject].openPopup; layer.on({ mouseover: highlightFeature, mouseout: resetHighlight, click: function() { markers[feature.properties.subject].openPopup(); } }); }, filter: function(feature, layer) { return _.contains(_.values(feature.properties), "catchment_area"); } }); map.addLayer(self.catchmentAreaLayer); self.layersControl.addOverlay(self.catchmentAreaLayer, "Catchment Areas"); } else { self.catchmentAreaLayer.clearLayers(); self.catchmentAreaLayer.addData(data); _.each(self.amenities, function(amenity, i) { // Update the data for each amenity layer self.amenityLayers[amenity].clearLayers(); self.amenityLayers[amenity].addData(data); }); } }); }) function highlightFeature(e) { var layer = e.target; layer.setStyle({ weight: 5, color: '#666', dashArray: '', fillOpacity: 0.1 }); if (!L.Browser.ie && !L.Browser.opera) { layer.bringToFront(); } } function resetHighlight(e) { var geojsonLayer = self.catchmentAreaLayer; self.catchmentAreaLayer.resetStyle(e.target); } function onLocationFound(e) { self.currentLocation = e.latlng; var radius = e.accuracy / 2; L.marker(e.latlng).addTo(map) .bindPopup("You are within " + radius + " meters from this point").openPopup(); } function onLocationError(e) { alert(e.message); } function polygonArea(X, Y, numPoints) { area = 0; // Accumulates area in the loop j = numPoints-1; // The last vertex is the 'previous' one to the first for (i=0; i